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The document provides an overview of the Baali clan including their embrace process, factions, cults and some example rituals.

The four factions described are The Destroyer, The Celestial, The Swarm, and The Mystery.

The ritual 'Sharing the Queens Blood' is a ritual performed once a year by the Baali Swarm faction where they share blood for six hours, renewing their loyalty to the swarm. It creates a powerful bond between all members of the swarm.

Baali Genre Packet

This Packet is not intended to replace WW canon material regarding the Baali Bloodline. Instead, this
packet is intended as an addition to and elaboration upon that material. The Baali are mentioned in
several source books including but not limited to “Clanbook: Baali”, “Faith and Fire” and “MET Vampire
Storytellers Guide”.

Some of the material in this book is modified from the original source material so as to better fit into a
MET based game and to be compatible with One World by Night. No material presented in this packet is
intended to challenge White Wolf or CCP intellectual property rights.

Part One: The Embrace

Baali pick their childer carefully. They watch, guide and test them for months and sometimes years
before they finally approach them. A Baali will never embrace a person who is not a member of their
cult. While they may have done this in the past, it is something that as a whole they have left behind.
Having been inducted into the Baali’s cult, the prospective childe is usually given blood first as a ghoul
and taught the intricacies of worship by his Sire. After a period that could last for years the Sire will
eventually embrace the childe if they pass all of his tests.

The Childe to be is cut and then bled into a ritual container and the Sire’s blood is fed directly into its
heart. It is given its own mortal blood as its first meal and then buried. This is no normal grave;
instead it is a mass grave with rotting corpses pressing in on every side. After spending three days in
this situation to meditate upon its demon master and its place in the cult it is released to be trained as a

Some Baali, take this a step further. They revive traditions many have forgotten and they force the
potential childe to fight for the blood in a manner that is truly horrific. One such tradition will be
discussed in the cults section of this packet. There are many others.

Part Two: Factions

There are factions and there are cults. Factions are essentially those Baali who agree thorugh action that
there are certain ways to do things. The four factions of Baali are detailed here. Cults, as they relate to
the factions, will be described in the next section.
Each of these factions follow the example of Aspects of Ba’al.

The Destroyer: The Baali who follow Ba’al the Destroyer are militant disciples of ultimate destruction.
They not only seek, but work for an end to things. When the world has been destroyed, their Masters
are then able to enter the world and begin it anew. They venerate the things beyond.

The Celestial: Those who follow Ba’al the Celestial study Angelic and Demonic lore. They are most
concerned with the many lifetimes that they have to acquire knowledge. Knowledge is power, and
power is everything.

The Swarm: The Baali who follow Ba’al the Swarm are the most tolerant faction. They recognize that all
of the ideas found within the Baali help to add to the whole and that while they may not agree with or
understand their fellows that they are all working for the same goal.
The Mystery: Ba’al the Mystery teaches his followers to study. Where the Celestials study lore,
academics, the Mystery study existence. Whether science or occult studies, they strive to understand
the great why.

Each of these factions serves the bloodline. They do so in different and sometimes seemingly
incompatible ways. They sometimes fight amongst themselves. There are also those who do not fall
into one of those groups. There are those who serve in a more general, or personal manner. They are
called The Multitude.

For more information on the Factions see page 33 of the Baali Clanbook.

Part Three: Cults

We cannot present every possible cult for this bloodline. Instead we are going to present you with four
Sample cults. These are essentially outlines of the type of cult that would belong to each Faction. We
will also provide a list of Demon names that could conceivably be Patron to the sample cults provided
We encourage you to read Infernalism: the Path of Screams pages 118-125 for a more complete listing
of potential demons. That book presents some demons with the stats of Umbrood. Storytellers should
disregard those stats and instead refer to the Infernalism Packet 2011 for guidelines on how to create a

Sample Cult: The Destroyers

Servitors of the Void
"For while they sit contriving, shall the rest, Millions that stand in Arms, and longing wait the Signal to
ascend, sit lingering here Heaven's fugitives, and for their dwelling place accept this dark opprobrious
Den of Shame, the Prison of his Tyranny who Reigns by our delay? No, let us rather choose armed with
Hell flames and fury all at once over Heaven's high Towers to force resistless way, turning our Tortures
into horrid Arms against the Torturer; when to meet the noise of his Almighty Engine he shall hear
Infernal Thunder, and for lightning see black fire and horror shot with equal rage..."
-- John Milton (Paradise Lost)

Behind the tales and rumors of deviltry and demonic worship are, for the most part, militant
zealots who follow Ba’al-called-Destroyer and call themselves “Servitors of the Void”. Following this,
the Servitors are the most violently inclined of the Cults of the Baali. Violence, however, is not without
purpose. The Servitors gather strength (in all forms, martial and otherwise) in the belief that the world is
a flawed, broken thing... and must be destroyed so that it can be made anew. They do not thirst for the
blood of innocents but chaos to bring about an oblivion of the current world. To the Servitors, the more
that is destroyed, the more that is sacrificed to the Destroyer.

Dictated by bloodlust more than fervent devotion, followers of the Destroyer are only loosely
organized, perhaps moreso than any other cult of the Baali. Young, violent Baali (as well as Baali
apostates drawn in by promises of power) are oft drawn to this loose cult. In-fighting does occur but
while it is seen as meaningless bloodshed outside of the cult, it is in fact a matter of establishing rights of
honor and supremacy in the cult and are held as tests between members for rank. As such, there does
exist a “rank and file” of the cult. The names of the ranks have changed with the passage of time but,
following the time of the first Crusades, the cult ranks have remained as a sort of perversion of Chivalric
orders, even going so far as to don amulets of double-headed axes (the Labrys) much like Templars
would wear crucifixes in battle. Though the Servitors often do not speak of any sort of organization
(especially outside of the cult), the ranks are composed as follows:

“Servitors” - The general term that all members of the Servitors of the Void call themselves, it is also the
“base rank” of the cult. Those recently initiated to the cult take on this role and are treated as students.
These “students” study flesh and violence, often being taken under senior members of the cult to learn
how to best serve the cult.

“Knight Servitor” - Knight Servitors, are those Baali of the cult who have been tested and tried enough
by their superiors to no longer need supervision. Fully fledged to enter the battle against all that exists,
the Knight Servitors often work in groups of two or three.

“Knight Templar” - The leaders of the Knight Servitors are thus the Knight Templars. Leaders of
warfare, Knight Templars are seasoned Knight Servitors and often have risked their lives in suicidal
tasks for the cult in the name of Ba’al the Destroyer. Often, Knight Templars are in charge of missions
of “misdirection,” deploy apostates of the cult into Infernal packs and unleashing them upon areas
where they may cause the most destruction, as well as campaigns of corruption amongst immortal and
mortal alike. Baali apostates are almost never given the right to be Knight Templars of the cult.

“Master of Orders” - While Knight Templars are martial leaders, the Master of Orders are spiritual
leaders of the cult, priests of violent chaos. It is to be noted, however, that the term “Master of Orders”
is intended as ironic... Priests of the cult do not spout wisdom through order. Rather, they mean to
promote the very opposite in all of the world. A Master of Order often leads “battalions” of Knight
Servitors with the assistance of one or two Knight Templars, depending on how many of the cult are in a
given region. They are also almost always formerly Knight Templars. Baali apostates are never given the
right to be Master of Orders of the cult.

“Grand Master” - The highest rank of the order is also a sole position; the Grand Master of the Servitors
of the Void is the leader, spiritual and martial, of the cult. He (or she) acts as the guiding hand, often
directing the bloodlust of the cult as a whole through the Masters of Orders in ways that only the Grand
Master seems to understand. Indeed, the Grand Master is almost always formerly a priest and Master of
Orders of the cult. The Grand Master thus holds a “unlife-long” position. When he (or she) dies, Masters
of Orders compete to fulfill his position often in bloody games of superiority. Baali apostates are never,
ever allowed to become Grand Master in the Servitors of the Void.

Baali outside the Servitors, by and large, see them as disorganized and violent extremists
with no other purpose than to cause mayhem. Some even see the Servitors as the cause for the clan’s
downfall and current status in modern nights. Inside the cult, however, is another story. The Servitors
see themselves as the arm of the Baali and feel no need to explain this to those outside of the cult.
However, if one were to speak to one of the Servitors, they might express their views as such:
The Celestials - “Elitist, they have lost sight of our true purpose and are lost to their bookkeeping.
They are idolaters and, well, lazy bastards.”
The Mystery - “Their way is blasphemy. How can we understand something so much more than
the world we exist in? Better to fight than try to understand the unfathomable.”
The Swarm - “The Hive is a tool that we have yet to understand. They have gotten part of it right.
However, not everyone is worthy of our gifts.”
The Multitude - “Useless. That’s what they are. Useless beings who can’t make a decision. There
is only one reason to deal with them: conversion.”

Behind chaos, there is always a sort of truth. As darkness cannot exist without light, so cannot
chaos exist without order. The truth of the Servitors of the Void is thus: there is an order to their
madness. Their thirst for destruction is a devotion to chaos and their faith in chaos is believed to serve
Ba’al-the-Destroyer, not to bring their master about... but to flush out their master’s true enemies. In
truth, the Servitors of the Void believe they serve what the Baali call “the Children.” The Masters of
Orders indeed promote Infernalism amongst Baali apostates and the Knight Templars revel in creating
those “bedtime” stories of demonic worship that the Baali are so rumored for. Never, though, do the
Servitors turn against one another with the intent to kill. Though they may sacrifice younger and often
weaker members of their cult in plans of self-sacrifice or to pacts with demons, the Servitors of the Void
reserve their hatred and lust for destruction for the rest of the world. Oblivion, they believe, is the key
to both a rebirth of the world and the awakening of the Children.

Sample Cult: The Celestials

The Athenaeum

"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its
contents... some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of
reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from
the light into the peace and safety of a new Dark Age."
— H.P. Lovecraft (The Call of Cthulhu)

True to the original purposes of the Baali, The Athenaeum stands alone and unrivaled in its
knowledge of the Children of the Darkness. Unfortunately, this also tells them how desperate their
situation is; the Children stir in their waking dreams, ever closer to waking and devouring the world.
Each new turn in the mortal world, each new innovation born of the perversions of the Names threatens
to rouse the Childen and the Athenaeum try to stem the tide. Their organization of Chroniclers and
Seekers attempts to gather as much information as they can on the diluted forms of the Names that the
world at large has access to and catalogs them in its vast libraries. They also take great pains to either
corrupt the knowledge others have or eliminate it if they can.

The Cult has a very simple organization, but it is rigidly adhered to. The Baali in this cult work in
two-man groups called Research teams. This works to maintain focus on their purpose and secrecy. Each
team has one Chronicler and one Seeker.
”Chroniclers” - These members of the Athenaeum are tasked with collecting, storing,
cataloging, and monitoring knowledge of or leading to the Names of the Children. This can include
demonic summoning rituals, historical accounts, or even studies into the various paradigms of magic; if
it can possibly contain information on those who were venerated by the First Tribe, the Chroniclers must
collect it to be studied. But, with all of their duties revolving around collecting, analyzing and cataloging,
they have little time to acquire the items and tomes they need to study; this is when the Seekers go to
work. Any significant discoveries are hand copied and sent to the Librarian.
”Seekers” - If Chroniclers are the brains of the Athenauem, Seekers are the hands. They are the
agents of the Chroniclers, venturing out from secret Baali storehouses to assess and obtain items for
study. Those embraced without the Organ Pits and Baali Apostates are accepted within the Seekers, as
diverse skill sets service the needs of the cult more than the connection to the true goals of the Baali.
The Seekers answer first to their Chronicler, then to The Grand Collector, and then to the Librarian.
”The Librarian” - This member of the Athenaeum is the head of The Athenaeum, elected
every to preside over the cult and receive the collections for that century. There is no central library for
the cult; a single location is vulnerable to discovery and assault. The donations for that century are sent
to the Librarian, who puts them into his own library and studies them, and when a new Librarian is
elected the process repeats itself. This ensures that only the most respected Baali in the cult have access
to the greater secrets, but none have a dangerous amount over others, as well as providing a layer of
security. Seekers may never become Librarians.
”The Grand Collector” - He or she is the Seeker of the current Librarian. They are tasked with
gathering the donations coming to the Librarian. Their job is critical, as this information is too dangerous
to travel except by the most trusted couriers. The Grand Collector has authority over all other Seekers,
but must still answer to any Chronicler they are in the presence of; Chroniclers are cautioned against
abusing this authority, however, as The Grand Collector does still ultimately answer to the head of the

The Baali Clan at large tends to consider The Athenaeum lazy elitists that cower in their
solitude, but the Athenaeum care little for the opinions of others. Amongst themselves, nearly all power
struggles are done by Chroniclers vying for the next election through the time honored practice of one-
upmanship in their latest discoveries and contributions. They see themselves aligned with the Celestial
Baali Camp, putting their quest for knowledge above all else. Talk among the Chroniclers about their
Baali compatriots sounds something like this:
The Destroyer- “Those dedicated to Ba’al-called-Destroyer allow their sadistic tendencies to run
rampant, without focus. They detract from our true purpose with their unhinged behavior.”
The Mystery- “Our brethren obsessed with the eternal questions are those closest to
understanding us, but they are too concerned with their existential questing to the point of ignoring
obvious dangers.”
The Swarm- “There may be knowledge to be gained from the Hive, but one risks losing
themselves to the choir.”
The Multitude- “Unorganized, but not entirely useless…competent Seekers can be found
amongst the disparate.”
On the outside of the Baali clan, the Athenaeum take any and all pains to remain undiscovered
and unannounced in their work to the point of pretending to be from one of the other Baali camps
should they be discovered. Strive for zero visibility; if that isn’t possible, blame someone else.

The Truth It looks to outsiders as if this cult is very democratic and fair. It’s not. There is a
singular power behind every Librarian that has ever existed. This member of the Baali line is a direct
servant to Ba’al the Celestial. He gathers knowledge and names so that he can one day bring forth an
Army to serve Ba’al’s goals.

Sample Cult: The Swarm

The Swarm
"The Hive is Mother. The Hive is Father. The Hive is Sister, Brother, Son, and Daughter. We are united
in purpose and loyalty. We have found Ba'al in the countless faces the Swarm. He is Ba'al-Zebub, Lord of
Flies. He is Ba'al-Zebwal, Lord of Princes. He is Ba'al-At, Ba'al-Berith, Ba'al-Hazor, Ba'al-Shalisha, Ba'al-
Zaphon, and more names than can be said by one man in all the years of his life. The Swarm is one with
our Blood, and It gives us strength to sing to the Children in their restless sleep. Join with the Hive, and
you too shall learn the song of millions of wings, beating in a soporific drone...."
-- Hive Mother T'chal

Note: Unlike other Factions the Swarm is both Faction and Cult in its own right. Brood Mothers may
have slightly different agendas on a local level, but on the whole this faction is a singular entity with
multiple bodies. Please read the Opening Fiction of Clanbook Baali for a deeper understanding of this

Amongst the Baali, the Swarm is a curiously unifying presence even as it estranges others with its alien
outlook. The Avatars of the Swarm claim a pedigree that predates almost all other divisions within the
Clan, for it is said amongst some of the eldest Baali that Nergal-called-Shaitan used insights from the
Swarm to ghoul the D'habi line, turning them into a line of revenant-priests of surpassing loyalty that
persists to the present day. With the rise of Via Diabolis in the Dark Ages, the slow attrition of elders
who fell into torpor over the centuries, and the losses to the countless crusades against the Baali by
other Cainites, the Swarm has suffered horrible losses. These losses were accentuated in 1998, when
three elder Hive Mothers converged on Transylvania to attempt to lull an ancient being back into its
sleep, only to be apparently rooted out by the Tzimisce and destroyed. With their loss, however, the
tenants of Via Hydron have found fertile ground with some of the elder Fiends, and new converts have
been brought closer to the Baali fold, serving yet another aspect of Ba'al.

There are as many stories of the genesis of the Avatars of the Swarm as there are Baali, though the one
most oft-repeated speaks of the second of the three who emerged from the well of carrion: Moloch,
known as Andramelech, known as Ba'al-Hamon, the Lord of a Multitude. These tales tell of how Ba'al-
Hamon and his brood found one amongst the Children who teetered on the edge of wakefulness but
was yet weak. Realizing that this creature's knowledge could be of great use to the Baali in their work to
keep the other Children asleep, Ba'al-Hamon took some number of his most loyal followers -- some say
five, some say eight, some eleven -- and divided the wakeful mind of this Child amongst them, casting
the creature back into deepest slumber. These loyal few knew that it was only by working together that
they might master this force and bring their insights to the rest of the Clan. Thus were the Avatars of
the Swarm born and thus did they multiply. So long as the Avatars were a multitude, the Child was
divided, its insights spread throughout the Clan, but should there ever be fewer Brood Mothers than the
original loyal followers of Ba'al-Hamon, the Child would reclaim its mind and wake from its eons-long
slumber to cover the Earth in darkness eternal.

Ever since the loss of the three elder Hive Mothers in Transylvania, this story has spread even further
throughout the Baali, as every other Brood Mother felt the scrabblings of an Other in their mind, seeking


The Swarm is surprisingly egalitarian amongst Cainites, with only two real distinctions: Brood Mothers
and Drones. Even then, respect within the Swarm is fluid, as befits their collective loyalty.

“Brood Mothers” - These characters are greatly revered, for they are where the Swarm gestates.
All Avatars of the Swarm are infested with scores of insects which burrow through their flesh, gaining
sustenance off of their vitae, but Brood Mothers play host to thousands of these creatures, most of
whom are in a larval or dormant state. In addition to carrying the Swarm within them, they are also
those responsible for the ultimate conversion of a potential apostate or Baali who seeks to join this most
venerable of cults. Brood Mothers are unique amongst Cainites in being able to embrace childer using
the insects that inhabit them, and they often have oracular abilities or surprising supernatural insights.
Unfortunately, with these blessings come visible markers of the Swarm's favor; most Brood Mothers have
distended bodies which shift unnaturally with the insects that live within them, more than one is
surrounded by clouds of flies, and still others make the uninitiated nervous with their very presence.
Every Swarm nest has at least one Brood Mother, though given the communal nature of Via Hydron,
there is generally more than one.

“Drones” -They are an important component to any Hive nest, however. They are valued, as
they, unlike the Brood Mothers, very rarely have the same outward markers of the Swarm's favor, giving
them greater ability to blend in. Drones are responsible for the construction and defense of the nest,
just as they are responsible for seeking out humans for the nest's organ pits and breeding chambers,
finding potential converts amongst other Cainites, or accomplishing most any other task to which the
nest sets its collective will.

It has been known to happen that Drones eventually become Brood Mothers through accretion of
insects from others within their nest, but this is a rare occurrence. It is almost unheard of for an
apostate or convert to Via Hydron to become a Brood Mother, though it has been recorded at least once
before, in the sixteenth century during the height of the Inquisition. All Avatars of the Swarm are either
birthed through a Kiss bestowed by the Swarm itself or (if a convert) through a second Embrace where
they couple with a Brood Mother and play host to the Swarm for seven days and nights. While there are
stories of some Drones embracing childer more conventionally, no true follower of Via Hydron would
seriously consider having a childe whom the Swarm did not deem worthy....


The rest of the Baali tend to view Avatars of the Swarm as having subjugated their individual wills to that
of the greater whole in some sort of supernatural communist collective, despite the fact that individual
members of the Swarm have made great strides on behalf of the Clan in the past. Internally, most nests
act as independent cells, building consensus amongst themselves or deferring to the most accomplished
member's vision of what is best for the nest itself or the Clan at large. More often than not, the most
respected voice is that of a Drone, as the primary responsibility of the Brood Mothers is the
perpetuation of the Swarm. Consequently, some nests are devoted primarily to research, while others
are devoted to conversion, and still others have found the lairs of sleeping Children and sing to them
nightly to keep their slumber deep. Typically, Avatars of the Swarm have the following perspectives on
the other cults:

The Celestial: "Books, secrets, names, and knowledge. These librarians of the unknowable are
great assets to our Clan, yet they do not understand the power of unity in purpose and see us, in turn, as
zealots or dreamers. They are, nonetheless, our brood."

The Destroyer: "These children of Nergal's dream are wayward indeed, seeking carnage as a
method to breach the walls between worlds. They do not understand that such destruction lulls the
Children into further slumber, more often than not. They are, nonetheless, our brood."

The Mystery: "Contemplating that which seems contradictory occupies the Children of the
Enigma, when their enlightenment could be found amongst our number in our daily works and the
identity of the whole. They are, nonetheless, our brood."

The Multitude: "Just as the cockroach, the dung beetle, and the housefly all pursue different
daily aims, they may come together into a greater whole. It is a pity that these individuals have not yet
found their purpose. They are, nonetheless, our brood."

Of those outside the Baali, Avatars of the Swarm generally take a very pragmatic approach, doing the
work of the Clan as best they can. They have been hunted to the brink of extinction in the past, but
potential converts can be found in the strangest of places....

The Truth

Some of the eldest Baali fear that the Swarm has merely exchanged one corporeal body for many, and
the Avatars of the Swarm are, in fact, the collective manifest form of a fully awoken Child. As the events
in Transylvania have shown, they may not be wholly incorrect....


Brood Mothers almost always have visible marks of the Swarm's favor and, as such, are encouraged to
take one or more of such Flaws as Lord of the Flies (2), Beacon of the Unholy (2), Disfigured (2),
Permanent Wound (3), Deformity (3), Eerie Presence (2), or Monstrous (3). They are apt to see these
Flaws in a very positive light, however, even if those outside of the Swarm might not. Brood Mothers
are also sometimes gifted with prophetic abilities and supernatural senses, and to represent this, STs
may consider allowing them to purchase Oracular Ability (3) or Additional In-Clan: Auspex (5). Creation
of a new Brood Mother outside of a Swarm Embrace is almost unheard of and requires the approval of
the Demon Coordinator.

Avatars of the Swarm practice Via Hyron, as described on p. 43 of Clanbook: Baali. Path of the Hive, as
described in Chaining the Beast (pp 102-103), is largely practiced only by Transylvanian Tzimisce

All Avatars of the Swarm are able to create and maintain ghouls or form Blood Bonds by feeding the
insects that reside within them to acolytes, so long as they are part of a nest with an active Brood Mother
who may replenish the stable of insects which live within them. Such insects cannot live outside of a
host for more than an hour or two. Also, only Brood Mothers may embrace childer or create apostates
with the insects within them (see the sidebar entitled "My Kiss" in Clanbook: Baali, p. 32), as drones are
simply not favored in this fashion. The Swarm only reproduces in human hosts, so nests do require the
active and constant sacrifice of kine to the Swarm's breeding process.

Sample Cult: The Mystery

The Cabaal

Science is the truth only in matters that can be objectified; in the spiritual world, where values,
goals, authority and purpose are located, science has nothing to say. It is a poor life that is
restricted to the scientific standard of truth, where you and I are nothing but a collection of
atoms without meaning and purpose. Realizing the narrow-minded nature of science opens
the gate to an understanding of God that complements the scientific truth and gives life, love
and peace.

The Baali have long understood and valued the visceral nature of experience. There are aspects
to existence that need to be experienced to be fully understood and appreciated. The Children of the
Darkness view the why of existence as the greatest mystery and treasure. They use this to tempt and
entice the mortal world, who seem to have a desperate craving for new experience in order to give
meaning to their brief lives. Some look to faith, some look to science. No matter where they look, the
Cabaal is there to help them, to corrupt them, and to draw them closer.

This cult operates in groups of 3. There is the Seer, the Scholar, and the Scientist

“The Seer” - The Seer focuses on the faith and/or the occult. Anything that falls into the realm of
belief. They have the greatest understanding and affinity for myths, legends and other such matters.
They also have the most talent for using these things to exploit or corrupt. It is they who will interact
and create experience for their faithful. The Seer will usually find an Apsotate to act as an accolyte
offering deeper understanding of the mysteries of the universe.

“The Scientist” - The Scientist is the Seer’s counterpart in the physical realm. The Scientist has
the expertise in all things that can be measures, analyzed, and proven. They specialize in the why of the
physical existence, be that the psychological behavior of man or the physical behavior of atoms. The
Scientist uses this knowledge to understand and manipulate experience. The Scientist will recruit an
Apostate as an apprentice, promising deeper knowledge and more complex experiments.

“The Scholar” - The Scholar is the bridge between the two realms of experience. The Scholar has
the understanding to interpret the work of the Seer and the Scientist. Often a Scholar has served as an
apostate to each to fully understand the role each plays in appreciating the great Mysteries.

“Keepers of the Secrets” - They are a council of 7 of the most adept Scholars. They are led by the
Grand Keeper who is said to be an oracle of Ba’al. Their true purpose is shrouded even to other
members of the Cabaal.

The Baali Clan at large tends to consider The Cabaal to be existential thinkers and philosophers,
yet fear what other knowledge they may hold. In contrast to the Celestial who spend their time
competing for power and position, the Cabaal turn their attention outward, cultivating the next subjects
for study. Talk among the Mystics about their Baali compatriots sounds something like this:
The Destroyer- “Those dedicated to Ba’al-called-Destroyer allow their passion for destruction to
cloud their vision to the greater depth and breadth of experience. We are disappointed by their
The Celestial- “Our scholarly breathern and counterparts. The value the facts but fail to look to
the greater meaning, depth and questions.”
The Swarm- “The Hive offers an experience like no other, but how can one contemplate with so
many voices sounding at once?”
The Multitude- “Chaotic, lacking focus, but with much potential for new understanding.”
On the outside of the Baali clan, the Mystics remain subtle and discrete. They are the
philosophers and appear to serve mainly as conduits to mortal recruits. They should not, however, be
underestimated in their ability to improvise and adapt. They can be the most cunning strategists and
formidable tacticians.

The Truth
The cult appears to be existential and concerned merely with the deeper questions. In truth,
this cult gives Ba’al insight and understanding of the changing times and darkest desires of those
that might serve Ba’al’s goals and needs. The Grand Keeper is a servant of Ba’al the Mystery and the
Cabaal is quiet and ruthless in their dispassion.

Part Four: Everything else

Daimoinon: The Baali have hidden and maintained a subtlety in regards to their continued existence
for several centuries. They do not under any circumstances teach Daimoinon to those outside of the
Bloodline. Should a non member of the Bloodline exhibit this Discipline are hunted and destroyed.
The teaching of this discipline out of clan requires the Demon Coordinator to be notified.

Additionally, should you learn this discipline out of clan your aura shows pure evil when you use this
power, anyone not intimately familiar with this discipline (ie. must have learned up to Intermediate
themselves) will mistake you for an infernalist if they view your aura within one scene or hour after you
have used any of the powers of Daimoinon. No Blood magic or other power can hide this taint except for
the investment Mask of Innocence.

Baali Lore:

● You know Baali are associated with infernalism, the worship of Demons for the purpose of
gaining personal power
● You believe there are almost no Baali in the modern nights, as they are a very rare blood line
● You know Baali can summon flames and manipulate the feelings of others
● You know that sometimes Baali congregate in groups
● You know that the groups Baali congregate in are called Hives, and that they have an internal
● You are familiar with the legend that the Baali and the Salubri are somehow connected
● You know that the Assamites have a particular dislike for the Baali, although you do not know
● You know that thousands of years ago, the Baali were much closer to Clan Brujah, but that their
alliance was shattered for some reason.
● You do not believe that the Baali are a blood line of any of the major Clans in the modern nights
● You are familiar with the Road of the Hive, although you don't know enough to attempt to
convert onto it.
● You believe that the Baali are the offspring of Saulot, the founder of the Salubri, and are familiar
with the names of the reputed Baali Methuselahs
● You know that the Baali have the Disciplines of Presence, Obfuscate, and Daimoinon, and you
are familiar with the effects of the Daimoinon powers from Basic to Advanced.
● You are familiar with the rough outline of the Baali War, and know the true reason why the
Assamites hold a particular grudge against the Baali
● Your have heard of Baali Apostates, although you do not know how the ritual works.
● You believe that Baali are not automatically infernal, but that their nature and interests often
drive them in that direction.
● You are familiar with the entirety of the Baali write-up in the V:tM Storytellers Handbook
(Revised), and know some of the history as outlined in Clanbook Baali (Dark Ages)
● You know the intricacies of the Road of the Hive, the Road of the Devil, and a bit about the Path
of Evil Revelations.
● You are familiar with the role the Baali played in Carthage
● You believe that there may an inherent infernal taint to the Discipline of Daimoinon, and the
black flames it creates.
● You think you know enough about the Baali to attempt to replicate one of their infernal rituals.
You don't.
● You know of the active Baali Methuselahs, and their supposed affiliations.
● You understand that every demon worshiped by the Baali is another face of Ba’al.

* The information suggested in this treatment of Baali Lore is just that, a suggestion. This Lore is
considered Coordinator approval for any character unless the clan of that character gives an advantage
regarding Lore. In the case of a Clan advantage regarding Lore, players (or their STs) of that Clan are
required to notify the Demon Coordinator upon learning this Lore upto the level that their clan
advantage permits. Past that level this Lore is considered Coordinator approval for them as well.

D’Habi: The Clanbook Baali lists their In-Clan Disciplines as Dominate and Presence. It says also that any
who exhibit Daimoinon are killed immediately by the Baali. Their duties are listed as assassination, grave
robbing, thievery and kidnapping.

They serve as do Revenants from other families, to the needs of their masters, no matter what those
needs would be. Over time some have become complacent, leading their lives for generations with no
input from the Baali. Time will tell what happens to this remnant of a bygone age.

Disciplines: Dominate, Obfuscate, Presence

Weakness: Down two traits in all mind control challenges in which they are the defender.


Unknown to all outsiders, there is a second line of Revenants, also calling themselves D’Habi. They are
a cult as well as a lineage. They worship Ba’al the Unseen. This is a face of Ba’al worshiped by no one
outside of this family.

They teach they are the true children of Ba’al, that they are the direct descendants of the worshipers
from the first tribe. They are the heart of the Baali. They guide all of the factions from the shadows,
unifying their great work.

They bring opportunities to the four factions, serving them unerringly. Whether as servants to the
Celestials in search of secret knowledge or the Destroyers and working to create mass hysteria they
serve. They do not question. They know that one night, they will serve their God more directly.

There may be truth to the stories parents tell their young. This line produces children who, once they
come into their power shown an aptitude for Daimoinon rather than Obfuscate. Additionally, should
they be embraced, they always become Baali, no matter the clan of the Sire who turned them.

Upon embrace these Baali, they move amongst the rest of the Clan, ensuring that the family is
positioned to perform their secret duties.

Were their existence known, either to the Baali or to outsiders they would be hunted to extermination.

Disciplines: Daimoinon, Dominate, Presence

Weakness: As per the Baali clan Flaw
*NOTE: This Second Baali line is a Creation of the Demon Coordinator Team. They are created in an
effort to fill some genre gaps that are in the printed material as well as to provide something a little
new to our players. Playing this new line of D’Habi will require a Binding agreement with the Demon
Coordinators office due to the secrecy in which they shroud themselves.

Revisited Merit
From the Baali Clanbook Page 44
Apostate 2 pt Merit (Coordinator Approval)
Undergoing a ritual that mystically re-embraces them, other clans can join the Baali bloodline. Their
blood is drained fully and they are given blood of their new clan in a mock embrace. Mechanically, this
means that their inclans are now Daimonion, Their choice of either Obfuscate or Presence and one
Discipline from their original clan. If they embrace, their childer will maintain their new discipline set. In
the event that they are from a clan with a Proprietary Discipline, they will require approval from both
the Demon Coordinator and the Coordinator for their Parent Clan to keep that Proprietary Discipline
in Clan. Baali with this Merit can pass for their original clan but are barred from leadership roles within
the Baali. Finally, in addition to their ancestral Clan Disadvantage, they will also acquire the Baali clan

Certain Clans have special out of character rules for what we in OWbN refer to as Perfect Infiltrators.
This merit is not a shortcut or a way to bypass the rules regarding Perfect Infiltration of those Clans.
Any character that has been in play for less than two years (active time not to include time shelved
or otherwise removed from play) will still be required to go through the normal process to be
acknowledged as a Perfect Infiltrator. Characters that have been in play for longer than that amount of
time merely need the Demon Coordinator’s Approval to play a Baali in order to purchase this Merit.

The Demon Coordinator will be responsible for Notifying the Clan Coordinator of an Apostate from a
Clan with Perfect Infiltrator Rules within 30 days of the approval of this merit.

So what is Apostasy? Simply put, it is the act of joining the Baali via a ritual of re-embrace. Now
everyone knows that once you are embraced, you are the clan that your Sire was, or if you are very
unlucky, you’re caitiff. This cannot be changed. Or can it?

With their entire cult present a Priest can exsanguinate another vampire and then pour their blood into
the exposed and cut open heart of the Apostate. The cult chants the name of Ba’al as they worship him
as the Priest speaks words so ancient that only the founders themselves remember their meaning.

As long as the Storyteller and Demon Coordinator have both approved this, all that is required is for
the player to purchase the Apostate merit for their character. If a Storyteller staff wants a mechanic for
something this significant they are free to use the optional rule below.

Because of the changes to character sheets and the methods of indoctrination, Baali Apostates who
convert in play are required to sign a Binding Agreement with the Demon Coordinator’s office.

Optional Rule for Ritual of Apostasy

Mechanically this is one of the hardest tests that a Priest character will throw. It is a difficulty of 25
traits minus one trait for each member of the cult that’s present for the ritual. This is a mental challenge
retesting with Occult. If the priest fails the challenge, the heart of the unfortunate subject immediately
bursts into flame destroying them. The Priest takes six levels of aggravated damage minus one level for
every five cultists present. Ba’al’s displeasure at the poor choice has been made known.

Simply put, no Baali, either True Blooded or Apostate, teaches Daimoinon out of the clan. There is no
reason including their own continued existence that could tempt them to betray their blood thusly.

Combination Powers
As with other lineages, the Baali have developed some combination powers of their own. Furthermore,
due to the ritual of Apostasy they have been able to acquire some few combination powers from
other lineages. Characters will keep any Combination powers that they purchased Prior to Apostasy;
appropriate Clan Coordinators will be notified of these disciplines at the time the character becomes an

To teach a combination discipline that belongs to another clan specifically requires two things;
1. The Baali must be an Apostate from that clan;
2. The Baali must retain the highest required power as an In-Clan Discipline.

Should both of these requirements be met teaching the power requires the approval of the Coordinator
responsible for the Clan to whom the power belongs.

I Am Legion
Daimoinon OOO, Obfuscate OO
See CB: Baali Page 47 for original text

This power must be used in advance of the scene in which the Baali is being questioned. He spends a
Willpower Trait and makes a Social Challenge vs a difficulty of 12 traits. This challenge can be retested
with Leadership.

If successful, the character is able to negotiate a temporary pact with a Demon. The Baali must agree
to some service on behalf of the Demon who will in turn inhabit the Baali’s body during a period of
questioning. The more important the service agreed to, the more lies the Demon will tell in the Baali’s

Examples of acceptable lies are “No, I do not worship demons” or “No, I am not a Baali”. Storytellers are
encouraged to allow creativity while the player answers questions put to him, but cautioned to not let
the players get away with murder. Remember, there is a Demon inhabiting their body answering these
Cost: 12 Points (none listed in original text)

Lesser Rite of Summoning

Daimoinon OOOOO, Presence OOO
See Devil’s Due Page 147 for original text

Taking an hour and spend five blood traits in the creation of a ritual circle. Perform a challenge of your
Mental Traits vs 15 traits plus 1 trait per level of the Demon (as listed in the MET Sabbat guide), you can
retest with Occult. If you know the True Name of your target the difficulty drops by 2 traits. You must
know either the Celestial or True Name of your target to attempt to summon them.

If you succeed, a burning vortex of hellish fury opens in the center of your circle and the Demon
appears. If you fail, you have wasted your blood and time but may try again. If you botch (see below)
you may never attempt to summon this Demon again.

The Demon will be able to resist the pull of Hell so long as it remains in the circle and sunlight does not
touch the blood the circle was made from. Should either of these things occur, the Demon feels the pull
of Hell as normal.

This ritual will not force the Demon to do your bidding, but you may bargain with it so long as it is willing
to remain. Of course, nothing stops the Demon from attacking you from within the circle.

You may also create a Reliquary for the Demon to inhabit. Doing this requires another hour long ritual,
spending another Blood Trait and a permanent Willpower trait. The difficulty is the same as summoning
the Demon who would inhabit it. This creates a permanent (until destroyed) home for the Demon.

Cost: 20 Points (35 in the original table top source material)

Sharing the Queens Blood

Baali Specific Ritual
May only be learned by Brood Mothers of the Swarm
Once per year the swarm converges on its home hive. For six hours they chant and share blood ignoring
all else unless it is a danger to the hive. At the end of the ritual, which must be presided over by a
Brood Mother, the magic takes hold. Every member of the swarm that is present feels the fire of Ba’al’s
passion burning through them as they once more are renewed in their loyalty to the Swarm as a whole.

This ritual is relatively new to the Swarm, only having appeared in the last 300 years. A pack of sabbat
were brought into Apostasy and their Priest helped to develop this ritual in conjunction with a former
Tremere and based on their shared knowledge of Sabbat and Tremere rites. Only Baali Swarm Brood
Mothers learn this ritual and the original priest who developed it gave his life to protect this secret from
spreading to the rest of the blood.
Mechanically this should be treated as if each member of the hive develops (or maintains) a full, three
trait blood bond to each other. But do not mistake it for that, it is something much more terrible. The
swarm becomes the center of their world in a way that a single person never could, even with the blood
bond. This bond is magnified exponentially as the swarm comes together. This ritual creates a loyalty
the likes of which the via Hyron only reached for before it’s creation.

A member of the Swarm found to be avoiding this ritual is immediately set up and destroyed by his

Selling your soul

This is what everyone believes to be the truth of the Baali. It’s only partially true. Yes, Baali make pacts
with Demons. Yes, they trade their souls for power. The difference between the Baali and everyone else
is that the Baali do it in service to a singular being, who uses many names.

Baali Notification: Members of the Balli may enter a Pact with a final total cost of 6 and
simply notify the Demon Coordinator of the specifics of the Pact. (Obligation, Frequency, Consequence,
Aspect of Ba’al and what the Infernalist is given in return) see the Infernalism Packet 2011 for more
information on Pacts and associated Rarities.

Some Common Questions

Are “Apostates” Baali for Rare and Unique Purposes?

Yes and they require the same OOC approval process as Embraced Baali.

Is The Alternate Identity Background Appropriate for Baali or Apostates?

Yes. Baali tend to infiltrate other clans in order to be able to work more safely in vampire held cities.

I’m an Apostate, what happens if someone uses a power to determine my Clan?

Depending on the rules your ST decides to use you will either test as “Baali” or “Unknown”. You will not
test positive as your Parent clan.

Rob Beckett
Christina Bruckner (Sample Cult Cabaal)
Joan Mergillano (Sample Cult Servitors of the Void)
Trey Navier (Sample Cult Athenaeum)
Kyle Niedzwiecki (Sample Cult The Swarm)
Sam Swanson (Editing)
Zuri Grimm (Cover Art)

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