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Chemical - Set 1 - Questions PDF

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1. A hot fluid is being conveyed through a long pipe of 4 cm outer diameter

and covered with 2 cm thick insulation. It is proposed to reduce the
conduction heat loss to the surroundings to one-third of the present rate
by further covering with same insulation. Calculate the additional
thickness of insulation:
A. 11cm
B. 12cm
C. 13cm
D. 14cm

2. The value of critical radius for sphere

A. 2k/3h
B. 3k/h
C. 2k/h
D. k/h

3. Which one of the following is having the lowest value of fouling factor?
A. Lake river
B. Distilled water
C. Transformers
D. Lubricating oil

4. For turbulent flow over a flat plate, the average value of Nusselt number
is prescribed by the relation
Nu = 0.664 (Re) 0.5 (Pr) 0.33
Which of the following is then a false statement?
The average heat transfer coefficient increases as:
A. 1/5 power of plate length
B. 2/3 power of thermal conductivity
C. 1/3 power of specific heat
D. 4/5 power of a free stream velocity

5. When a bare thermocouple is covered by a protective sheath, the

response becomes:
A. faster and oscillatory
B. faster and non-oscillatory
C. slower and oscillatory
D. slower and non-oscillatory

6. During test-run, air flows at 215 m/s velocity and 25 degree Celsius
temperature past a smooth thin model airfoil which can be idealized as a
flat plate. If the chord length of the airfoil is 15 cm, find drag per unit width.
The relevant physical properties of air are
p = 1.82 kg/m3
v = 15.53 * 10 -6 m2/s:
A. 25.42 N per unit width
B. 35.42 N per unit width
C. 45.42 N per unit width
D. 55.42 N per unit width

7. The equilibrium concentrations in the gas and the liquid phases, in mole
fraction, give rise to a curve known as
A. Equilibrium distribution curve
B. Equilibrium concentration curve
C. Differential distribution curve
D. Differential concentration curve

8. In industries titanium is hardened through diffusion of carbon. The

concentration of carbon at 1mm into the surface of the titanium slab is
0.25kg/m3 and at 3mm the concentration is 0.68kg/m3. The rate at which
the carbon is entering into its surface is 1.27*10-9kg/m2.s. Calculate the
value of diffusion coefficient of carbon.
A. 5.91*10-12
B. 5.91*10-13
C. 5.91*10-11
D. 5.91*10-14

9. If the distillate has a composition of azeotrope and the residue has rich
phase of one component. Then the azeotrope mixture is a
A. Maximum-boiling mixture
B. Minimum boiling mixture
C. Constant boiling mixture
D. Differential boiling mixture

10. A certain material was dried under constant drying condition and it was
found that 2 hour are required to reduce the free moisture concentration
form 20% to 10% how much longer would be required to reduce the free
moisture to 4%? Assume that no constant rate period is encountered.
A. 2hrs
B. 2.4hrs
C. 2.8hrs
D. 3.2hrs

11. The time constant of a unity gain, first order plus time delay process is 5
min. if the phase lag at a frequency of 0.2 red/min is 60 degrees, then the
dead time is (mintes)
A. 5π/12
B. π/6
C. π/12
D. π/3
12. A control system is unstable, if the open loop frequency response
exhibits an amplitude ratio exceeding unity at the crossover frequency.
This is ______criterion
A. Bode stability
B. Nyquist
C. Routh stability
D. None of these

13. Wet natural gas contains substantial amount of –––––––––
A. ethane
B. propane
C. butane
D. all of the above

14. Steam trap is used to

A. condense the steam flowing in pipeline
B. remove water resulting from partial condensation of steam
C. stop the supply of steam
D. None of these

15. The shape of T-S diagram for a Carnot’s cycle is

A. Rectangle
B. Rhombus
C. Trapezoid
D. Circle

16. Liquid A decomposes by irreversible first-order kinetics and the half-life

period of this reaction is 12 min. The time required for 75% conversion of
A is
A. 21 min
B. 16 min
C. 24 min
D. 18 min

17. For the irreversible unimolecular-type first-order reaction

A. the fractional conversion at any time is same for constant volume
systems and variable-volume systems
B. the fraction conversion at any time is more for constant volume systems
than variable-volume systems
C. the fractional conversion at any time is less for constant-volume systems
than variable-volume systems
D. the concentration of reactant at any time is same for constant-volume
systems and variable-volume systems.

18. The catalytic activity of enzymes is due to their capacity to

A. Lower the potential energy
B. lower the kinetic energy
C. increase the activation energy
D. lower the activation energy

19. The gas phase reaction 2A + B ----->C is carried out in a PFR. The feed
is equal molar in A and B and the entering temperature is 500K and the
entering pressure is 16.4 atm. If the exit conversion is X, then the exit
concentration of B (in mol/dm3) is
A. CB = 0.4(1-X)/(1-0.5X)
B. CB = 0.4(1-X)/(1-1.5X)
C. CB = 0.2
D. CB = 0.4(1-0.5X)/(1-X)

20. Potassium carbonate is not prepared by the Solvy process because
A. potassium bicarbonate is unstable
B. potassium bicarbonate is soluble is water
C. potassium bicarbonate is soluble in ammonium chloride and potassium
chloride solutions
D. potassium bicarbonate does not decompose on heating

21. Pick out the wrong statement

A. Longer tubes are less expensive per unit heat transfer area as
compared to shorter tubes
B. A cost index is merely a number for a given year showing the cost at
that time relative to a certain base year
C. Turnover ratio of a chemical plant is the ratio of gross annual sales to
the fixed capital investment
D. Plates with butt welded joints are less expensive compared to lap
welded joints, because squaring of plates is not necessary

22. 1.5 Kg of this gas occupying a volume of 0.06 m3 at 5.6 MPa expands
isentropically until the temperature is 240 oC. if a= 0.946, b= 0.662 and k=
10-4, the work done in the expantion is
A. 104 kJ
B. 204 kJ
C. 304 kJ
D. 404 kJ

23. Pick out the wrong statement.

A. Activity co-efficient is dimensionless
B. In case of an ideal gas, the fugacity is equal to its pressure
C. In a mixture of ideal gases, the fugacity of a component is equal to the
partial pressure of the component
D. The fugacity co-efficient is zero for an ideal gas

24. Air at 600 K flows with 3 kg/s into a heat exchanger and out at 100°C. How
much (kg/s) water coming in at 100 kPa, 20°C can the air heat to the boiling
E. 0.37 kg/s
F. 0.17 kg/s
G. 0.27 kg/s
H. 0.57 kg/s

25. A hot metal piece is cooled rapidly to 25°C, removing 1000 kJ from the
metal. Calculate the change of entropy if energy is absorbed by
vaporizing liquid nitrogen at 101.3 kPa pressure.
A. 9.929 kJ/K
B. 10.929 kJ/K
C. 11.929 kJ/K
D. 12.929 kJ/K

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