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Project Proposal

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The key takeaways are that the project aims to design an IoT-based greenhouse control and monitoring system to optimize environmental parameters like temperature, humidity, light and moisture for maximum crop yield.

The problem being addressed is how to control the environmental conditions in a greenhouse to get maximum crop yield, as excessively low or high temperatures, light, humidity and moisture can negatively impact plant growth.

The objectives of the project are to design an easy to install, user-friendly system to monitor and optimize environmental parameters for maximum crop yield, and to replace direct human supervision.

IOT Based Greenhouse control and monitoring system

group members
name ID number
2.Tesfamichael Aragie ATR/5401/07

Advisor name
Table of content

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Statement of the Problem ............................................................................................................................ 4
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
General Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 5
Specific Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 5
Motivation..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction and Background ....................................................................................................................... 7
Resources Required ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Cost Breakdown: ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Thesis/project Plan [Time Schedule] .......................................................................................................... 11
References .................................................................................................................................................. 12
A greenhouse is a structure that is built of walls and a transparent roof. It designed to use
for cultivation of plants, fruits, and vegetables which require a particular environmental.
This project intended to maintained the most important environmental factors influencing
the crops in the greenhouse. These factors, level of sunlight, temperature, humidity and
soil moisture have a significant role in cultivation process. basically, it is a system in
which various sensors are used for controlling and monitoring these parameters inside it.
The data which collect from sensors are sent to the Wi-Fi module. This module sent the
data to the web page at regular intervals. The owner replied what should perform after
seen the value of each parameter on the web page. The command sent to actuator, fan,
light take action in the greenhouse. The purpose of this project is to design an easy, easy
to install, user-friendly to monitor and trace the values of parameters with an aim to
optimize them for getting maximum possible yield. It also replaces the direct supervision
of the human.
Statement of the Problem
As we know that the green house contains the environmental parameters such as
humidity, temperature, moisture, light. How can control this whether condition in order to
get maximum possible yield?

Excessively low or high temperatures cause: plant stress, inhibit growth, or promote a
spindly appearance and foliage damage or drop.

The rate of growth and length of time a plant remains active is dependent on the amount
of light it receives. Light energy is used in photosynthesis, the plant’s most basic
metabolic process. When determining the effect of light on plant growth there are three
areas to consider: intensity, duration and quality.

Excessive light is as harmful as too little... When a plant gets too much direct light, the
leaves become pale, sometimes burn, turn brown and die. Therefore, protect plants from
too much direct sunlight during summer months.

When relative humidity levels are too high or there is a lack of air circulation, a plant
cannot make water evaporate (part of the transpiration process) or draw nutrients from
the soil. When this occurs for a prolonged period, a plant eventually rots. When
surrounded by warm temperatures in low relative humidity levels, transpiration rates in a
plant increase, reducing the need for a grower to fertilize it.

When humidity levels drop too low, the plants transpire at a rate much quicker than that
of nutrient uptake. The nutrients or minerals do not transpire thru the plant, only the
water does. So, this leaves behind a concentrated level of nutrients in the plant that will
actually cause a nutrient burn. Most people don’t realize in situations like these that the
humidity could be responsible; usually thinking that it is too many nutrients in the
reservoir. Just as a lack of CO2 can cause a plant to go dormant, low humidity can cause
a plant to have nutrient problems, resulting from the transpiration rate being much too
high in low humidity level environments.

If a plant’s soil has too much water, the roots can rot, and the plant can’t get enough
oxygen from the soil.
If there is not enough water for a plant, the nutrients it needs cannot travel through the
plant. A plant cannot grow if it doesn’t have healthy roots, so the proper balance of water
is key when growing plants. The project can control this parameter and our farmers will
able to maximize yield with saving the time and number of servants in the greenhouse.
General Objectives

 To design and realize IOT based technology for monitoring and controlling
greenhouse parameters

Specific Objectives

 To monitor and control the temperature, light, humidity and moisture of the
greenhouse environment, which gives necessary things for crops to grow.
 To maximize the production rate by monitoring and controlling of the green house
 To reduce the cost and man power involvement by installing this system on some
specific area.
According to a recent study published by the University of Aalto, Ethiopia is one of the
countries with an insufficient and insecure supply of food. The extreme drought in the
country, due to the weather conditions, and the unsuccessful strategy for the supply of
food products are the main causes for this. How can we eliminate the continual drought in
Ethiopia based on our field of study? That is why we are focus on controlling these
environmental conditions. Each individual who have a little piece of land couldn’t get
their vegetable from backyard due to the lack of time to preserve the plants. So we plant
to use IOT to eliminate this project.
Introduction and Background
Due to the lack of knowledge among farmers, they are not able to perform their activities
with accuracy. They usually perform such activities on the basis of their own observation
from the past and with their gut feeling which may lead to unexpected results most of the
times. So, in an order to cover it up and get more proper and accurate results for what
activities a farmer should perform in different environmental condition this system is
used. And the green house system helps in boosting the efficiency.

The idea of growing plants in environmentally controlled areas has existed since Roman
times. The Roman emperor Tiberius ate a cucumber-like vegetable daily. The Roman
gardeners used artificial methods (similar to the greenhouse system) of growing to have it
available for his table every day of the year. Cucumbers were planted in wheeled carts
which were put in the sun daily, then taken inside to keep them warm at night.

The French botanist Charles Lucien Bonaparte is often credited with building the first
practical modern greenhouse in Leiden, Holland, during the 1800s to grow medicinal
tropical plants. Originally only on the estates of the rich, the growth of the science of
botany caused greenhouses to spread to the universities. The French called their first
greenhouses orangeries, since they were used to protect orange trees from freezing. As
pineapples became popular, pineries, or pineapple pits, were built.

The golden era of the greenhouse was in England during the Victorian era, where the
largest glasshouses yet conceived were constructed, as the wealthy upper class and
aspiring botanists competed to build the most elaborate buildings. A good example of this
trend is the pioneering Kew Gardens. Joseph Paxton, who had experimented with glass
and iron in the creation of large greenhouses as the head gardener at Chatsworth, in
Derbyshire, working for the Duke of Devonshire, designed and built The Crystal Palace
in London, (although the latter was constructed for both horticultural and non-
horticultural exhibition).

Greenhouse structures adapted in the 1960s when wider sheets of polyethylene

(polythene) film became widely available. Hoop houses were made by several companies
and were also frequently made by the growers themselves. Constructed of aluminum
extrusions, special galvanized steel tubing, or even just lengths of steel or PVC water
pipe, construction costs were greatly reduced. This resulted in many more greenhouses
being constructed on smaller farms and garden centers. Polyethylene film durability
increased greatly when more effective UV-inhibitors were developed and added in the
1970s; these extended the usable life of the film from one or two years up to 3 and
eventually 4 or more years.

Today’s greenhouses are far cry from the Roman cucumber carts. They are becoming
extremely automated, allowing people to save the time on everyday watering and other
chores. Greenhouses have automatic misters to control temperature and humidity,
automatic vents that open and close depending on the temperature, automatic watering
systems that provide water and fertilizers when needed, automatic fans and heaters. Many
new materials, like fiberglass, acrylic and polycarbonate panels are also used to make
greenhouses more efficient and cheaper.

Though a green house has been implemented and widely used since 1960s, Ethiopian
farmer is not aware about the benefit of this system other than Turkish investor who plant

The green house is built based on the climate where the greenhouse is installed. The
dynamic whether characteristics became the obstacle for vegetation of plants. Our goal is
to keep the temperature, light, humidity, and nutrition parameters within the ranges
preferred by the plants by using a sensor which feed the actual values of the parameter.
So, we intended to give additional order like ventilation, light on and open the roof when
the sensor data became out of the preferred value.

Most urban population can’t engage in agriculture because of time and tiresome after
their own paid work even they have a little space used for vegetation. So, in our project
we provide a mechanism to control this house from anywhere you have been by using the
internet of things.

Internet of things (IOT) is an environment for connecting the available physical objects
with internet so that they could be accessed through internet and in this each physical
object is assigned with and IP address thus making them capable enough for collecting
and transferring data over a network without any manual intervention. And internet of
things comprises of physical objects, controller, sensors, actuators and internet. In urban
area we have scarcity of land. This project help for the wise management of farming land
and the production of maximum possible crop in those available space.
Resources Required

 Temperature sensor
 Light sensor (LDR)
 Humidity sensor
 Arduino board
 Esp8266(wi-fi module)
 DC motor
 Fan
 relays
Cost Breakdown:

Resources Required Cost in birr

 Temperature and humidity sensor 150

 Moisture sensor 150

 Light sensor (LDR) 10

 Arduino board 600

 Esp8266(wi-fi module) 250

 DC motor 250

 Fan 50

 Relay 400
Thesis/project Plan [Time Schedule]
weeks Activities

Week1-2 Colleting and reading information

about our project.

Week3-4 Understanding and analyzing the

collected ideas in detail.

Week5-6 Analyze the proposed system and

design schematic diagram.

Week 7-9 Implementation of software


Week10-11 Analyze simulation and test the


Week12-13 Retest and submit final project

1.Simulation of Greenhouse Climate Monitoring and Control with Wireless Sensor
Network and Event-Based Control
Andrzej Pawlowski, Jose Luis Guzman, Francisco Rodríguez, Manuel Berenguel, José
Sánchez, and Sebastián Dormido
3. IOT Based Smart Greenhouse Automation Using Arduino
Prof. D.O.Shirsath, Punam Kamble, Rohini Mane, Ashwini Kolap, Prof.R.S.More
4. Smart Greenhouse Monitoring using Internet of Things
Aadil Imam and Deepak Gaur
5. IoT Based Greenhouse Monitoring System: Technical Review
Varsha Modani, Ravindra Patil, Pooja Puri
6. Smart Green House using IOT and Cloud Computing
Somnath D. Bhagwat, Akash I. Hulloli, Suraj B. Patil, Abulkalam A. Khan and Mr. A.S.

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