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IntSights Dark Web Glossary FNL nnncd5

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The Complete Dark Web Black Markets

Whether you’ve visited the Dark Web or not, you’re likely aware that
it’s comprised of various anonymous forums and black markets.
Many of these Dark Web black markets are used for illegal activities,
like buying and selling drugs, weapons, confidential documents
and illegal services. While you may not be in the market for any of
these items, it’s important to understand how the Dark Web and its
black markets work so that you can better protect yourself and your

To help you better understand the Dark Web, we have created the
complete glossary of terms, slang and basic concepts that you would
likely encounter while browsing the different categories of goods.

We hope you find these key terms helpful and be sure to stay safe if
you choose to visit any of these forums.

T hreat I ntell i g e n ce R e alize d .

T hre a t I n t e l l i g e n ce R e a l i z ed .

The Glossary
A Administrator: The person who is responsible for
all the market’s operation, including hosting, daily
enforcement officers conducting surveillance to allow
illicit drug purchases to go forward in order to secure
server and website maintenance, collecting services evidence against the organizers of the illicit drug
and goods, accepting new vendors to the market, trafficking.
and making sure that the vendors continue to supply
goods. Cirrus: A Silk Road forum moderator.

Altcoin: Any digital cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin. Cipherspace: Tor hidden services, i2p, freenet, or any
other anonymity network.
Astrid: Creator and Moderator of various Dark Web
markets. They are considered very promiscuous, Cold Storage: A secure offline wallet for your Bitcoins
having had relations with all Moderators there, and also or other cryptocurrencies.
is the CSS guru!
CP: When mentioned in the context of the Dark
Avengers: A group of individuals who are well known Web markets, it usually means child pornography,
for ordering LSD from various vendors back in the something you should know and avoid at all costs
days of Silk Road 1.0. This group would reagent test it, when browsing around.
consume it, and write reviews about the quality of the
LSD products. D Defcon: The alias of the Silk Road 2.0 Admin. A
person named Blake Benthall was arrested During

B Backopy: The Administrator of Black Market Reloaded

(BMR). See below for BMR definition.
Operation Onymous and is alleged to be Defcon.

Dispute: This term is usually used to describe a

Bitcoin: An open source, peer-to-peer payment disagreement between a buyer and a seller on the
network and anonymous digital currency being used markets.
for almost all transactions on the darknet.
Digitalink: AKA Jacob Theodore George IV, according
Black Market Reloaded (BMR): The oldest Dark to Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). Digitalink
Web market (since the Silk Road was shut down). was the first vendor on Silk Road selling illegal drugs to
BMR is currently offline with plans to relaunch with a be arrested.
newer version.
Domestic: A term that refers to making an order from
Buyers: Marketplace users that are not vendors. a vendor that resides in the same country as the buyer.

C Carding: The practice of stealing and selling credit

card information.
Donations: You will encounter many requests for them
on the darknet markets, which will usually list a Bitcoin
address to send a donation.
CD (Controlled Delivery): A technique used by law
T hre a t I n t e l l i g e n ce R e a l i z ed .

Dread Pirate Roberts: The pseudonym used by

the administrator of the original Silk Road market. It
F FE (Finalize Early): This is the release of escrow
funds before the seller knows that the conditions of
has been speculated that more than one person may the contract have been met. This is used to reduce
have been using this pseudonym, but “Ross William seller risk from BTC price fluctuation, and against
Ulbricht” was identified by the FBI as being the only market shut down. This is also used to scam buyers
owner. because after the escrow has been released, there is
no recourse for the buyer if the seller does not deliver
Dream Market: The most popular black market in the on their promises.
last 2 years (2017-2018). There you can find drugs,
prescription drugs from all the known vendors, digital Feedback: A message left from a seller to the vendor,
goods, credit cards, accounts for sale (e.g. email, or vice versa, about how well a transaction went. It is
bank, PayPal), all kinds of fraud methods and many considered good form to not reveal any information
more. about the methods the seller used to ship the order nor
the vendor’s or seller’s location or details. This is made
E Emergency BTC Address: An address to be held
on record to send all funds to in case of a market shut
publicly available to allow users of a site to determine if
they should trust the vendor or seller.
down. This would ideally be a cold storage address
with no information that could be used to connect Flush (Curtis Green): An individual the FBI accused
the owner to their identity. This address would only Dread Pirate Roberts of ordering to be murdered. This
be checked after a market was shut down in order to person is also accused of being ‘Chronicpain’ from the
recover outstanding funds. Silk Road Forums, and an employee of Silk Road.

Escrow: The use of a neutral third party to ensure Freenet: A peer-to-peer platform for censorship-
that a transaction payment will be made to a seller on resistant communication.
completion of items sent to a buyer. Generally after a
purchase is made, the funds are held ‘in escrow’ to G Grams: Cross marketplace search engine for the
be released when the buyer states the seller has met Dark Web.
the terms of the purchase. Generally the third party will
also offer arbitration in case of a dispute between the H Hidden Service: A term for a .onion domain name.
two parties. It can only be accessed through the Tor network, and
cannot be seized by a government or law enforcement
Electrum Plugin: Used on The Marketplace to create agency.
multi-signature transactions with the click of a button.
Honeypot: A type of hidden service or other website
Exit Scam: A term used to describe a situation where setup by law enforcement in attempt to attract and
a market administrator or a vendor wants to retire, and trap people who participate in illegal activities.
is doing so while taking as much money as possible
from their buyers.
T hre a t I n t e l l i g e n ce R e a l i z ed .

Hushmail: An email provider used by many Dark hashcash-SHA256^2 as the ‘proof of work’, Litecoin
Web users that focuses on privacy and uses industry uses hashcash-Scrypt, which is designed to use more
standard protocols PGP and 256-bit AES encryption. memory and be less subject to custom hardware
It claims to be secure to the extent that not even designed to solve the problem quickly.
company employees can read the contents your
emails. Hushmail is known to cooperate with law LocalBitcoins: A site designed to allow over-the-
enforcement by handing over encrypted emails. counter trading of Bitcoins. Famed for its anonymous
nature, people who sell on the site have been under
Hidden Wiki: A “hidden service” website on the Tor constant pressure to avoid being prosecuted as
anonymous network that allows for open editing of unlicensed money traders. This extra risk and the extra
subjects related to hidden services and activity in them. work generally cause a significant price difference
between the site and a more open (and regulated)
Hub Forums: An Onion-based platform for cross exchange.
marketplace discussion, like the Dream Market
forum or sub reddit, these forums are usually fully Love Letter: An official confiscation notice from the
anonymous. postal service sent to the recipient letting him know
that his parcel was seized. In some cases, vendors
I International Delivery: Dark Web purchased goods
that are delivered outside of one’s own country. Some
send fake love letters to create the false impression of
a seized package and scam the buyer.
avoid international transactions because customs
adds time and risk to an order. Some countries (such Lucyskyhigher: A Reddit community (moderated by
as Australia) are known for having customs that are sexiest biotch) that features an informative and largely
extremely hard to get an order past. humorous gathering place for all dark web markets.

IRC (Internet Relay Chat): A communication system

allowing the easy transfer of text-based messages. It
M Marco Polo Task Force: A multi-law enforcement
agency task force based in Baltimore that was put
is intended for group discussions in sessions called together to investigate the Silk Road. This task force
channels. IRC channels are often used by black eventually included investigators from the FBI, DEA,
markets vendors to provide an update on an arrival of DHS, IRS, U.S. Postal Inspection, U.S. Secret Service,
new goods or important massages. and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
J JB: Also known as hard candy, which is a term for
child pornography. Marketplaces: Catch-all term for websites set up to
allow trade between vendors and buyers. When used
L LE / LEO’s / LEA’s: Law Enforcement / Law
Enforcement Officers / Law Enforcement Agents
in the context of selling illegal goods, these usually
provide anonymity to the buyer and seller, a method of
escrow to ensure reduced risk from new vendors and
Libertas: Pseudonym used by one of the original Silk sellers, and a method of advertising goods to be sold
Road forum administrators, and also used by one at a price so that a purchase may be initiated and paid
of the administrators of Silk Road 2.0. Libertas was for without involvement from the seller. Most markets
arrested by the “Garda Siochana” (Irish police). are also set up as ‘hidden services’ under anonymity
networks like Tor, i2p, or Freenet, although there
Litecoin: An alternative cryptocurrency, similar to
do exist some ‘clearnet’ markets that operate over
Bitcoin. The key difference is that while Bitcoin uses
standard HTTP/HTTPS.
T hre a t I n t e l l i g e n ce R e a l i z ed .

Molly: Refers to a substance packed into a gelcap. Optimus Crime: The Admin of HackBB.
In theory, this is supposed to be MDMA in the gelcap,
but more commonly you get something like methylone, P PGP (Pretty Good Privacy): Introduced in 1991
BZP, a benzofuran, talc, or something potentially toxic and formalized with RFC 2440 and RFC 4880, PGP
like PMA. uses a combination of public-key and symmetric-
key cryptography to ensure that messages can be
Monero: A newer, more privacy-focused delivered without a third party gaining access to the
cryptocurrency that’s being accepted by some Dark contents of the message. It also allows for a message
Web black markets. to be signed so that the author of the message is
indisputable. Many different algorithms can be used for
Multi Signature Escrow: Where an address is signed the encryption, but the most commonly used methods
by both the buyer and the seller with their private keys. are RSA for the public key crypto, and AES for the
The buyer will send funds to the address and the seller symmetric cipher. It is extremely important that the
ships the product. If both parties are happy, they sign public key of any party be fully verified in order to know
off on the address and release the funds in escrow. that the message is being delivered to the correct
recipient or is from the correct sender.
N NDD: Next day delivery.
P2P Escrow: Most commonly used to refer
O Onion Browser: A web browser like the Tor Browser
Bundle (TBB). This web browser is designed to work
transactions using ‘P2SH’ addresses as defined by BIP
016. A public key is provided by a seller, market, and
with the Tor network to browse hidden services and vendor, and used to create an address which requires
normal websites anonymously, without leaking user two of the three parties to sign in order to redeem. The
information. While easier to use properly without buyer then pays to this address. The ‘redeemScript’ is
leaking information, bugs in a browser can cause extremely important because it details the information
serious problems, such as the javascript bug that was needed to redeem funds sent to the address, which is
used in part to shut down Freedom Hosting. a hash of the redeemScript. The goal of this method
is that no one party has enough information to take
Onionland: A general term to describe Tor hidden
funds from these P2SH addresses. Even if the market
is hacked or taken down, the funds cannot be seized,
and a buyer and seller can, with the redeemscript,
Onion Patch: A saying for using the dnms on drugs.
finalize a transaction outside of the market’s
OpDarknet: A campaign launched by Anonymous a involvement if they choose to.
couple years ago that targeted child porn sites and
PIN Code: Personal Identification Number Code.
black markets, attempting to take down these sites
Used as a secondary validation method to protect
and expose the moderators.
against loss of funds if the username and password
Operation Onymous: A global crackdown on the are discovered. Generally it is only asked for during the
darknet markets during November 2014, in which transfer of funds outside the market or to confirm and
many sites were seized and several people arrested. finalize orders.
T hre a t I n t e l l i g e n ce R e a l i z ed .

PM / DM: Personal message / Direct message. Samples: In the context of a market, a free or low-cost
item sent to a well-known buyer in order to establish
Processing Time: Time required by a market or legitimacy. This proves that at least the seller has
vendor in order to complete a transaction. Generally access to a product and is capable of delivering it in
this involves waiting for sufficient confirmations on the as secure way. The receiving party is expected to leave
blockchain to ensure a deposit has been met, or to public feedback regarding the quality of the products
run funds through a Bitcoin mixer on the market. Also and how well it’s been packaged.
used for the time required by a vendor once getting a
transaction to put the goods and send it via the mail Scammer: One who would attempt to defraud
services. either a vendor or seller. For a vendor, this can simply
mean not sending products, sending poor quality or
Project Black Flag: A market set up shortly after the misrepresented products, or ‘selective scamming’.
fall of the original Silk Road. Widely suspected to be a
scam, this was confirmed to be the case after a short Selective Scamming: A scam technique where
period of time. known individuals are sent products, but large
transactions or those from unknowns are not sent out.

R Resolution: Used when there is a dispute between a

buyer and seller. This usually involves whatever market
For a buyer, this will mean that they claim to have not
received goods that were delivered or that the goods
was used to serve as an arbitrator to determine how were of poor quality/misrepresented.
funds are to be released from escrow.
Sheep: A second, big online market to fail. Vendors
Reviews: The corpus of feedback left on a site, along flocked to the site, citing it’s well-polished vending
with more information gained by outside channels. design, and users followed. This site disappeared
Used by buyers to determine if they should take a without a trace, taking all funds in escrow with it.
vendor or buyer as legitimate. Despite the manhunt that followed, it remains unclear if
it was a deliberate scam, a result of being hacked, or a
Ross Ulbricht: Accused by the FBI of being the sole combination of the two.
owner of the pseudonym ‘Dread Pirate Roberts’ and
the creator of the Silk Road. He was an Eagle Scout Shipping: Process of a vendor packaging and
and a known libertarian. The original Silk Road website sending goods. This is extremely difficult for vendors,
went down after his arrest. and how many have been caught. The most effective
methods will appear to be individual packages and
RTS: Return to sender. correspondence from legitimate businesses. It is
considered poor form to disclose any specifics of a
S SSBD (Same Same But Different): Pseudonym for
Peter Phillip Nash, who was arrested and accused in
shipment made, as it could be used to target a vendor.

Australia for being one of the Silk Road moderators.

T hre a t I n t e l l i g e n ce R e a l i z ed .

Shilling: Creating accounts on Reddit / Forums for the Torchat: Instant Messaging service that works by
sole intention of posting positive / negative posts about having each user set up a ‘hidden service’ that can
someone or something while trying to make them look be used to contact them via Tor. Somewhat similar in
authentic. purpose to OTR, but messages do not have plausible
SIGAINT: Tor-based darknet email service that allows
you to send email without revealing your location or Tormarket: Another market to rise and fall after Silk
identity. Its name is derived from SIGINT (“Signals Road’s demise. Not as big as Sheep, but the timing
Intelligence”), which refers to intelligence-gathering by made many very cautious about the reliability of new
intercepting signals. markets.

Silk Road: “The Original Ebay of Illegal Goods”. First Tormail: Tormail was a Tor hidden service that allowed
reported to a wide audience by Gawker in June, 2011, users to send and receive email anonymously and
it flourished due to a large vendor and user base, and email addresses inside and outside the Tor network.
strict controls to weed out scammers. The site was The service was seized by the FBI as part of the
taken down after the arrest of Ross Ulbricht at the Freedom Hosting bust in August 2013.
start of October 2013. While it was not the first nor
the last market for illegal items, none have matched TS/LS/OPVA/pthc/PB/ptsc/petersburg: Anything
its popularity and trust level among both vendors and relating to a child/swirlface/r@ygold – AVOID. Child
users. Pornogphy keywords.

Silk Road 2.0: The successor of the first Silk Road. Tumble: A method to anonymize the source of your
This site was seized during Operation Onymous, and Bitcoins.
Blake Benthall, the alleged admin of the site (who went
by the alias Defcon), was arrested. Tx ID: Bitcoin transaction ID.

Stats (Buyer): Statistics used to determine the U Utopia Marketplace: A market that had some
connection to BMR, although the nature of the
legitimacy of buyers or sellers. Common stats include
the number of successful transactions, average connection is somewhat unclear. This market had the
reviews, and dollar amounts of successful transactions advantage of being fully stocked with former BMR
in total. These are usually imprecise in order to avoid vendors at its public launch. It was rapidly taken down
anybody being profiled. by the Dutch police not long after it was unveiled to the

T Tony76: Was a trusted vendor on the original Silk

Road, then ran a massive “FE” scam. The FBI accuses V Vendors: Those who sell products on a market.
This may be of an illegal nature, semi-legal nature, or
Dread Pirate Roberts of placing a hit on the individual
using this pseudonym. He scammed a large number of completely legal nature. Because a vendor will be given
Silk Road users, but his true identity and the details of a buyer’s full information to send the product to, any
if he was killed or not are still in dispute. new vendor is under heavy scrutiny of being a scam or
a ‘honeypot’ set up by law enforcement. Because of
the difficult nature of the work, quality vendors tend to
develop a cult following.
T hre a t I n t e l l i g e n ce R e a l i z ed .

Vendors Roundtable: A vendor-only discussion forum Wall Street Market: One of the most popular black
on Silk Road 1.0 and 2.0. Used on a site to allow markets in the Dark Web. It is one of the newest
vendors to bring up issues about the market or buyers markets on the darknet and it particularly specializes
without raising alarm in the general populace. in digital goods. The Wall Street Market was built
around an idea to create a secure network complete
W Whistleblowing: The disclosure by a person (usually with a quick and attractive system of trading products
an employee in a government agency or private and payments. This marketplace carries a range of
enterprise) to the public or to those in authority, of interesting features, including a unique award system,
mismanagement, corruption, illegality, or some other a completely transparent user rating system and the
wrongdoing. convenient EXIF remover for uploading images.

Z ZULU Time: – UTC-0 Western European time zone.

# 3DD: 3 days delivery

Top Dark Web Black Markets

Here are some of the most popular black markets, based on usage and traffic.

1. Dream Market

2. Wall Street Market

3. The Majestic Garden

4. Zion Market


6. Berlusconi Market

7. Cannazon

8. RuTOR (Russian black market)

9. IDC (Italian black market)

10. MercadoNegro (Portuguese black market)

While you may not ever plan to visit the Dark Web, it’s important to
know how it’s used and what sorts of information you can glean from
it. Monitoring the Dark Web for hacker activity can help you anticipate
cyber attacks against your organization and proactively mitigate
threats. For example, wouldn’t it be nice to know if hackers were
buying and selling stolen employee credentials from your organization?
What if a hacker was trying to recruit an insider at your company to
leak information? Regularly tracking activity on the Dark Web should
be part of your cyber security strategy and methodology. We hope this
glossary provides you with good insight and reference to understand
how people interact with the Dark Web and black markets.

About the Researcher: Itay Kozuch

Itay Kozuch is the Director of Threat Research at IntSights. He is
a cybersecurity expert with over 12 years of experience managing
cybersecurity and threat research programs. Prior to IntSights, Itay
served as a Manager and Head of Cyber Technologies at KPMG IL.
He previously led cyber projects and served as a CISO for major
companies in Europe, West Africa and Central America.

T hreat I ntell i g e n ce R e alize d .

T hreat I ntell i g e n ce R e alize d .

About IntSights
IntSights is redefining cyber security with the industry’s first and only enterprise threat management platform that
transforms tailored threat intelligence into automated security operations. Our ground-breaking data-mining algorithms
and unique machine learning. Capabilities continuously monitor an enterprise’s external digital profile across the surface,
deep and Dark Web, categorize and analyze tens of thousands of threats, and automate the risk remediation lifecycle
— streamlining workflows, maximizing resources and securing business operations. This has made IntSights’ one of the
fastest growing cyber security companies in the world. IntSights has offices in Tel Aviv, Amsterdam, New York and Dallas
and is backed by Glilot Capital Partners, Blumberg Capital, Blackstone and Wipro Ventures.

To learn more, visit

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