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ADPlaylist3 software operating instructions

1、 Software Description
ADPlaylist is a program for editing software. Its main function is to edit the program and
arrange the terminal schedule after making the program, it needs to make card. It also including
access to the terminal through the USB, control the broadcast of the terminal program including
the design of avoiding the conflicting of playing time, bringing users a great convenience.
ADPlaylist , designed to meet the needs of large customers ,is mainly used in stand-alone
digital signage system . It can help you arrange the broadcast the program effectively, complete
the preparation of the program, scheduling, card, set the terminal easily, etc.

This software program has reached an intelligent management, you can set the "play time
interval" on the picture. It also has a function for schedule management, convenient for users to
different programs in the specified date, time, and can add different scrolling marquee
information for each schedule. And it is equipped with a perfect business card printing function,
all media programs packed into the U-disk at one-time without the need to manually copy.
Note: The use of ADPlayist needs the support of the NET environment. If the system is not installed NET Framework3.5
software, it can use the Dontetfx.exe installation program inside the software package.
The win7 system comes with NET Framework3.5 software, please restart NET Framework3.5 from the control panel to
add or remove programs, without the need to reinstall.
For a preview function, please install the Final Codec software package within software packages and the installation
methods are the default installation.
2、 Software Installation
Software installation consists of three steps:
 Install Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5
 Install Final Codecs
 Install ADPlaylist
2.1 Start Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 under windows 7 system.
1.Click [Start] menu and choose to enger control panel.
2.Click to add or remove program.

3:Click to add/remove windows components.

4:Select Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5.1. option.

5:Click Ok to fun Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5.1

2.2 Install Final Codecs

Double-click the "FinalCode.exe". Then according to prompts to complete the installation.
2.3 Install ADPlaylist
Double-click the "setup.exe". Then according to prompts, complete the operation. During
the installation, you can select the installation path of the program.
3、 Software Interface

After completing the software installation, double-click the icon on your desktop and

you can enter the system interface.

① menu bar area: The menu bar provides entrance to all functions.

② Material selection area: Display computer files, and show the current folder available
material below, including the following:
Video: avi ,
③ Toolbar area Providing the entrance for the main function modules.
④ Program name area Show the current name of the program. Initial state display "No
Active GPL".

⑤ Schedule area Arrange a program broadcast schedule (start time and end time). Select
the screen mode (full screen or split screen).

⑥ Material additional area Add material to be played in the program, such as video,
images, subtitles, etc.

4、menu bar introduction

File: New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Exit.

Tools: Options, Password settings, Terminal password update, CARDS, Language.

 Options: Picture time interval and custom settings of transitions

Click on the "Tools -> Options", and you can default set the picture interval and transition
 Password Setting: the encryption mode is used to set the terminal program to
import password, the default password is 12345678. The password must be eight
digits for Arabic numerals (The password must be consistent with the terminal password in order to
make a good encryption program into the terminal, otherwise the terminal prompt: no effective program).

 Terminal password update: through the software, it will generate encrypted files and
fabrication to a removable disk and through the removable disk, it will copy to terminal
advertising machine. You need to update the password of the terminal advertising
machine and terminal factory default password is 12345678. The password length
must be eight digits for Arabic numerals

(SYSTEM folder is automatically generated within the U disk, and ADPKeyRenew.BIN files iin is generated this folder

below. In the boot state, placed the ad in the U disk, then complete the terminal advertising password change according

the prompts.)
 Terminal Setting: this function is used to set the playback screen, play time, program
import mode of broadcast at the terminal. These settings can be imported through
the terminal card function.

Note: To set the terminal import into terminal, and check "Terminal Settings" in the card.

Click 【terminal Settings】, then pop-up Config System interface.

 Screen display language: Set terminal interface languages. You can choose English, Chinese
or Japanese language.
 Clock display: Set the clock display mode. The default display is normally open(always
 Roll titles display: Set the titles of whether to display the roll or not. The default is off.
 Play Logs: Set whether to record broadcast logs or not. The default is disabled.
 Import Mode: Set the import mode program.
 Synchronous mode: Set the download updates way.
 Brightness/contrast/saturation: Adjust the terminal display screen.
 Timer Mode: select the mode of control terminal system switch machine, general models or
 Control mode: Terminal system mode of switch machine, often closed, normally open or
timer switch.
 Control mode: switch machine mode of terminal system, often closed, normally open or
timer switch.
 Card: The main role of Card is to make a copy of the program information to a
removable disk, in order to import terminal for broadcast.
 Select the terminal type: X86 (computer display box) or SW110(Embedded Touch Screen
 Insert removable disk and check the card with removable disks;
 Choose whether to encrypt or set the terminal;
 Check the "Encrypt" to activate the button [Password Setting], then you can modify the
program password. This password is required to be consistent with the terminal
password, so that the program can import the terminal.
Click [Tools / password setting], you can also set a password in the menu bar program. Terminal password set in the
"tools/terminal password update".
At the initial state, the program default password and terminal password are 12345678.
 Check the "Terminal settings" to activate button [Set up], then you can set the
broadcast terminals, also can set the import terminal through the card function.
 Click [OK] to complete the card.
Note: If the material is large, it may take longer time to make card, please be patient.

 Language: system default including three languages: ENGLISH, Simplified

Chinese, Japanese.
5、 Programming
5.1 New screen
To create a new program, we must first choose the appropriate screen. Click [File / New] in
the menu bar or click [New] in the toolbar, then pop-up dialog box as following. According to
the screen mode to select, horizontal screen is16:9 and vertical screen is 9:16.

Select the appropriate terminal screen ratio, the corresponding proportion of the screen
will appear to the right of the schedule area. The default are full-screen mode.

Click "edit" button in the left of preview screen, and you can choose screen templates
according to your needs. Here are divided into system template and user template.

System template: you can choose a full-screen mode and two split-screen modes.

User template: user-defined template (see the attachment of “custom template”).

System template

User template
5.2 Arrange the schedule
By arranging the schedule, we can arrange different programs for different time periods.
 Add: click the button "add" to bring up the "edit the schedule" dialog box, and you can
increase the new schedule.
 Delete: Click the button [Delete] to delete the selected schedule.
 Edit: Click button [Edit] to bring up the "Edit schedule" dialog box, and you can edit the
selected schedule.
To arrange a new broadcast schedule, you need click the button [Add] to bring up the "Edit
schedule" dialog box.

Check the "date" and "time", and you can set the start and end time the schedule. It can also
change the screen mode of the schedule.
Click [OK] to return, then click [Add] button, you can arrange the schedule for other time
periods. You can arrange a schedule at the same time, otherwise there will be conflicts.
If you do not specify a date or time in arranging the schedule, it will play the specified date
and time at priority. For example:
In that way, it repeats the first program in split-screen and background mode on November 17,
2012, 9 am to 9 pm. Other dates and times will be repeated on the second program in full-
screen mode.
Under each schedule it can add different media files and subtitles.
Schedule specific rules:
1) The check box is not checked in the schedule: according to order automatically add media files to play.
2) The check box is checked in the schedule: date or the corresponding period, the broadcast media; Repeat blank media when
there is no corresponding period date / time;
3) The schedule item can reach up to 100 and the material in each region schedule can add up to 100 media files.
4) When you add the schedule: Date does not allow cross contains. Time period does not allow cross-section contains at the
same date. When something goes wrong, edit window will be prompted a red exclamation mark;
5) If there is a corresponding date or corresponding period of time, it broadcast the corresponding media. If there is no
corresponding date/time, it broadcast blank time media in the loop.

5.3 Add material

At material additional area, we can arrange show playlist for each schedule.

According to the template, you can add material in the corresponding block. And you can
be carried out on the material document to edit, delete, move up/ move down to adjust play
 Add: Click the button [Add] to pop up the "Edit Playlist Project" dialog box, and you can
add a new item to a region of a broadcast schedule.
 Edit: Click the button [Edit] to pop up the "Edit Playlist Project" dialog box, and you
can edit the contents of playlist project.
 Delete: Click the button [Delete] to delete the selected item.
 Move up/ move down: If you added more than one material in the same area, you can
use button [up] and [down] to adjust the material order.
For example: Click the button [Add] in the VID column of a schedule to pop up the "Edit
Playlist Project" dialog box.
Under the VID column of a schedule, click the [Add] to pop up the "Edit Playlist Project"
dialog box.

Click the button [Browse] and select a media file, you can add videos, pictures and audio
materials. If you choose a picture material, you can activate the following “play time” and
“transition mode” column.
Note: In the PIC、BOT、TOP column, you can only add images. VID and PIC area can add more material that up to
100. You can only add one material in the TOP and BOT area.
 playing time:
Playing time refers to the length of broadcast time. Every image can be set
separately playing time.
When setting the time, you can enter the time in the time box. It also can directly
drag the time bar, for up to 2 hours.
 Transition Mode
Transition mode means two adjacent picture transition modes (effect). Each image
can be set transition mode individually.
Note: In the "options" menu on the toolbar, you can also uniform the playing time and
transitions of all picture.
 Scroll titles
You should check the "scroll titles" at the bottom of material additional area to add or edit
scrolling titles, and set the word size, color, rolling speed, the background color, and

Browse addition: click the "browse" and choose the rolling subtitles, and edited subtitles
content will be displayed in the text box. You can only add the text of txt format.
Manually edit: you can directly input the subtitle content in the text box. Some versions of
the software may not support this function.
Note: if the text material is not Chinese character coding, but generated in other language system, we should choose "encoding"
to convert. Otherwise there will be a mistake after making card.

If you want to delete the scrolling subtitle, uncheck "scroll titles" in front of the check box.
Scroll titles are displayed at the bottom of the screen in full-screen mode, and split-screen
mode is generally displayed in the BOT area.
Note: At first, you need select a material on the left side of material selection area. Then, click the button or drag directly to
the material additional area. Finally, you can complete the addition of a variety of material.

So far, the program is completed. You can import terminal through card after preview and

5.4 making the card

Click the "making card" on the toolbar to pop up the following dialog box.
Select the removable disk and click button [OK] to start making the system card.
Note: if the material is larger, fabrication time may be longer, please be patient.

5.5 Update program

If you use U disk to make the card, you should insert the U disk directly to the USB
slot in the terminal. The system will automatically load media files and playlists of the U
disk to the memory card of terminal. After the completion of the loading system, it will show
the import file number, skip the file number, overwritten file number, and prompt the user to
remove the USB device. The system can be broadcast immediately.
Note: If you choose to play U disk in the terminal control memory, you have to insert U disk with the program. Programs

can play directly without having to import.

Attachment 1、custom templates

1、 Create a template

Click the on the toolbar to pop up window as following:

New-Users can create multiple templates.

Step one: New –there are only 1920 * 1080 and 1080 * 1920 two options here. According to your own needs for

horizontal and vertical screen selection, you can give the template name.
Step two: select Video area in the following figure box, use the mouse to pull directly to the size of the region or the value of

the resolution on the right that can be used to divide accurately. The following figure is 1068*1026.Tips: Video area of each

template allows only build one!

Step three: According to the following picture, you can use the mouse to pull the desired size of the area to divide images

area or the value of the resolution on the right can be used to divide accurately. The following figure is 852*1026.Tips: Image

area of each template allows up to four!

Step four: according to the following picture, divide the text area. You can use the mouse to pull the desired size of the area

or the value of the resolution on the right can be used to divide accurately. The following figure is 852*1026.Tips: The text area

can be overlapped on the video, pictures!

Step five: Use the mouse to move up the way, and you can add a LOGO, date, time on the template. According to the system,

you can't use a mouse to pull so far.

Save - Click here to save, and have the new personalized templates stored in the software's user templates.

Open – as the following figure: open the template which has been saved in the user template. After opening you can also
change the template according to the new demand and then saved.

2、 Export templates

Click the on the toolbar to pop up window as following:

Step one:Selection order is the ratio of the screen - User Template - Select the template that you want to export saved –

Export, as the following shown:

Step two: Give the export templates choice to store the absolute path to the local computer, and give its name.

3、 Import templates
Step one: Click the on the toolbar to pop up window as following:

Step two: Browse to the local computer store in the absolute position of the template, and select; as following:

Step three: It will appear as following after opening, and then click Import both, then the template will appear in the user

template column.
Attachment 2、Music slides

Click the on the toolbar to open the main window as following:

There are three picture music play modes: digital posters media packs, single synchronized
slides, background music slides.

1、 digital posters media pack:It appoints background music for every picture, and
the play time of single image up to 2 hours.

Step one: click on the "new", activate the "add" button.

Step two: Click the "add" to add images and voice files, and select a picture mode transitions.

Click "OK" to complete the added material.

If you need more pictures, please repeat the second step operation. At the same time having
additional file for editing, deleting, moving the playback order and other operations.

When you're finished, you can click the "Preview" to check the effect; Click "Save" to
save the file to imp.
(You must specify the background music for each picture)

Step three: Back to the ADPlyayListEditor3 main interface to create a new schedule and make
imp file import into it.
Step Four: complete the programming through the "card".

2、 single synchronized slides:Appoint a specific image to play for every minute of the
background music.

Step one: Click the "New" to open the edit window.

Step Two: Choose background music.

Step three: Click "add" to add pictures.

Point in time: as the picture shows above: it means that this picture will start to play in the
first 10 seconds, it lasts when the next picture begins playing.

001jpg play2 in 2 seconds, 005.jpg play in 10 seconds, 006.jpg in 20 seconds to play...

Select the pictures that you can edit, delete, move up, move down to adjust the play order
and other operations.

When you finish, you can click the "Preview" to view the play effect; Click "Save" to save
the fileasiss.

Step four: go back to the ADPlyayListEditor3 main interface to create a new schedule. Import
the iss file into it.
Step five: through the "card" to complete the programming.

3、 background music slides:Multiple images, multiple background music loops.

Step one: Click "New" to enter the edit window.

Step Two: Click "Add" to select multiple background music.

Click "Open" to complete the background music added.

Click "add" to select pictures, play time and transition mode.

Click "OK" to complete the added material.

Select pictures and music that you can edit, delete, move up, move down to adjust the
playback order operations.
When you are finished, you can click the "Preview" to view playback; click "Save" to save
the file as iss.

Step three: go back to the ADPlyayListEditor3 main interface to create a new schedule and import
the imp file into it.
Step four: complete the programming through the "card" .

Note: all the three modes can add scroll titles and can be played with other schedules.

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