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Municipality of Naic

S.Y. 2018-2019

Learning No. of Percent No. of Item

Competencies Days % Items Placement

-Expresses one value as a fraction

of another given their ratio and
M6NS-IIa-129 2 4% 2 1-2
-Finds how many times one value is
as large as another given their ratio
and vice-versa.
M6NS-IIa-130 3 6% 3 3-5
- Defines and illustrates the meaning
of ratio and proportion using
concrete or pictorial models.
M6NS-IIb-131 1 2% 1 6
- Sets up proportions for groups of
objects or numbers and for given
M6NS-IIb-132 1 2% 1 7
- Finds a missing term in a
proportion (direct, inverse, partitive)
M6NS-IIb-133 3 6% 3 8-10
- Solves problems involving direct
proportion, partitive proportion and
inverse proportion in different
contexts such as distance rate, and
time using appropriate strategies
and tools.
M6NS-IIc-134 3 6% 3 11-13
- Creates problems involving ratio
and proportion, with reasonable
M6NS-IIc-135 3 6% 3 14-16
- Finds the percentage or rate or
percent in a given problem.
M6NS-IId-142 2 4% 2 17-18
- Solves routine and non-routine
problems involving finding the
percentage, rate and base using
appropriate strategies and tools.
M6NS-IId-143 3 6% 3 19-21
- Solves percent problems such as
percent of increase / decrease
(discount, sale price, marked up
price) commission, sales tax, and
simple interest.
M6NS-IIe-144 4 8% 4 22-25
- Creates problems involving
percent, with reasonable answers.
M6NS-IIe-145 2 4% 2 26-27
- Describes the exponent and the
base in a number expressed in
exponential notation.
M6NS-IIf-146 1 2% 1 28
- Gives the value of numbers
expressed in exponential notation.
M6NS-IIf-147 1 2% 1 29
- Interprets and explains the
Grouping, Exponent, Multiplication,
Division, Addition, Subtraction
(GEMDAS) rule.
M6NS-IIf-148 2 4% 2 30-31
- Performs two or more different
operations on whole numbers with
or without exponents and grouping
M6NS-IIf-149 3 6% 3 32-34
- Identifies real-life situations that
make use of integers.
M6NS-IIg-150 1 2% 1 35
- Describes the set of integers.
M6NS-IIg-151 1 2% 1 36
- Compares integers with other
numbers such as whole numbers,
fractions, and decimals.
M6NS-IIg-152 2 4% 2 37-38
- Represents integers on the number
M6NS-IIh-153 1 2% 1 39
- Compares and arranges integers.
M6NS-IIh-154 2 4% 2 40-41
- Describes and interprets the basic
operations on integers using
materials such as algebra, tiles,
counters, chips, and cards.
M6NS-IIh-155 3 6% 3 42-44
- Performs the basic operations on
M6NS-IIi-156 3 6% 3 45-47
- Solves routine and non-routine
problems involving basic operations
of integers using appropriate
strategies and tools.
M6NS-IIj-157 3 6% 3 48-50
50 100% 50 100

Prepared by:

Master Teacher 1


Key Administrators in Mathematics


NAME:__________________________________ DATE:________________
GRADE / SECTION:_____________________________________________


_____1. What is the ratio of roosters to hens if there are 4 roosters and 32 hens?
A. 4:4
B. 4:32
C. 32:4
D. 32:32

_____2. What is the simple ratio of the number of families with proper garbage disposal
to those without for every 10 families in our barangay there are 6 who have garbage
A. 3:2
B. 5:3
C. 6:4
D. 10:6

_____3. What is the lowest terms of 8 red balls to 12 blue balls?

A. 2:3
B. 3:4
C. 4:5
D. 12:8

_____4. If the ratio of 8 minutes to 2 hours is 8/120, find its lowest terms?
A. 1:15
B. 1:25
C. 2:40
D. 4:13

_____5. What is the ratio of Tina’s height to Ana’s height if Ana’s height is 90cm and
Tina’s height is 75cm?
A. 6:5
B. 8:4
C. 9:7
D. 18:11

_____6. What do you called the inner terms in proportion?

For example:
3:7 = 24:56

A. Extreme
B. Means
C. Proportion
D. Ratio

_____7. What is the ratio of triangles to squares?

A. 8:10
B. 10:8
C. 8:18
D. 18:8
_____8. What is the missing term if they have 14 girls to 5 boys, how many boys to 28
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10

_____9. There are 2 boys and 4 girls in the library, if there are 18 girls, how many are
A. 9 boys
B. 10 boys
C. 11 boys
D. 12 boys

_____10. What is the second number if the three numbers are in the ratio of 1:4:7 and
their sum is 276?
A. 23
B. 46
C. 92
D. 161

_____11. How many adults are there in a party if there are 3 adults for every 7 children
and there are 28 children?
A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. 15

_____12. What would be the length of each ribbon if Mildred divide her 18 meter ribbon
in the ratio of 2:3:4?
A. 2:4:6
B. 4:6:8
C. 3:6:9
D. 4:12:16

_____13. How many boys will be required to finish their project is 16 days if 8 boys can
finish their project in 12 days?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

_____14. What ratio will form a proportion with 5:2?

A. 2:5
B. 3:1
C. 16:4
D. 25:10

_____15. What is the equal ratio of students to books in each class if they have 2 books
in every 6 students?
A. 4:5
B. 4:12
C. 5:6
D. 7:2

_____16. How many wheels are there if each car has 4 wheels and there are 21 cars?
What is the true proportion?
A. 1:21 = 4:84
B. 1:84 = 4:21
C. 1:4 = 84:21
D. 1:4 = 21:84
_____17. Which is the rate if two of the 50 pieces of tomatoes in the basket are rotten.
This is 4% of all the tomatoes in the basket.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 48
D. 50

_____18. Which is the base if seven of the 35 boys in the class wear eyeglasses, 20%
of the boys wear eyeglasses?
A. 7
B. 20
C. 35
D. 40

_____19. How many pupils were present if there were 50 pupils in Grade VI and 28% of
it are absent?
A. 14
B. 28
C. 30
D. 36

_____20. What percent of the Grade 6 pupils graduated in a school of 680 pupils if 646
are graduated?
A. 65%
B. 75%
C. 85%
D. 95%

_____21. What was the class enrolment of grade six went on a field trip if only 98% of
49 pupils joined the activity?
A. 50
B. 55
C. 60
D. 65

_____22. What was the original price if Lina bought an RTW dress for Php 575.00 at
20% discount?
A. Php 680.00
B. Php 690.00
C. Php 700.00
D. Php 710.00

_____23. How much will be the commission of a salesman sells a car for Php 860,000.
If he receives a commission of 20%?
A. Php 152,000
B. Php 162,000
C. Php 172,000
D. Php 182,000

_____24. What is the total cost of the refrigerator with a marked up price of Php 15,000
and a tax of 4% is added?
A. Php 15,450.00
B. Php 15,500.00
C. Php 15,550.00
D. Php 15,600.00

_____25. How much Sam paid back the Credit Union if he borrowed Php 21,000 and
given 10% interest in 4 years?
A. Php 29,400.00
B. Php 30,400.00
C. Php 34,900.00
D. Php 39,400.00

Jomar purchased a calculator worth Php 1,500.00. It has a tax of 3%. How much
is the tax?
_____26. What is asked in the problem?
A. Jomar purchased
B. the total amount of tax
C. a calculator worth Php 1,500.00
D. has a tax of 3%

_____27. What is the answer in problem number 26?

A. P30.00
B. P35.00
C. P40.00
D. P45.00

_____28. It tells the number of times the base is used as a factor.

A. Equation
B. Exponent
C. Base
D. Variable

_____29. What is 45 if 23 is equal to 8?

A. 1004
B. 1014
C. 1024
D. 1034

_____30. What isthe meaning of GEMDAS rule?

A. Grouping, Equation, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
B. Grouping, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
C. Grouping, Multiplication, Division, Exponent, Addition, Subtraction
D. Grouping, Multiplication, Division, Equation, Addition, Subtraction

_____31. What will you do first in solving GEMDAS rule?

A. Perform the operations in grouping
B. Solve the number with exponents
C. Multiply and Divide
D. Add and Subtract

_____32. Solve for the correct answer (35-6x3)

A. 15
B. 16
C. 17
D. 18

_____33. What is the correct answer in 6+(2x7+52 )?

A. 204
B. 214
C. 224
D. 234

_____34. Evaluate the numerical expressions with 2 or more operations in 4x15+8-

B. 19
C. 20
D. 21

Write positive or negative in the situation.

_____35. Call one pupil on the front and instruct them to do 5 steps forward

_____36. What do you called a positive or negative number with no fractional parts.
A. Ratio
B. Proportion
C. Integers
D. Exponent
Write < or > to make each statement true.

_____37. 0 -10

_____38. 1500 ft below the ground 1500 ft above the ground

_____39. What is a good way to picture a set of integers?

A. show different picture
B. draw a numberline
C. use a real object
D. use a measurement

_____40. Arrange the following integers from least to greatest -5,10,-12,7,15,-25,0

A. 0,-5,7,10,-12,15,-25
B. 5,7,10,0,-12,15,-25
C. 0,-5,-12,-15,7,10,15
D. -25,-12,-5,0,7,10,15

_____41. Arrange the following integers from greatest to least 29,-8,16,-14,0,18,-18

A. 0,-8,-18,18,16,14,29
B. 29,18,16,0,-18,-14,-18
C. 28,18,-18,16,14,8,0
D. 29,-18,18,0,16,14,8

_____42. Add the following tiles to get the answer using Integers

+ =
+2 + +4
A. 6
B. -6
C. +6
D. 8

_____43. What is the difference between these temperatures in Baguio City was 14°c
in the morning. It dropped to 8°c in the evening?
A. 6°c
B. -6°c
C. +6°c
D. 22°c

_____44. What is the product if you multiply (+3)x(+4)?

A. +7
B. -7
C. -12
D. 12

Perform the indicated operations

_____45. (+34)
+ (9)

_____46. (-45)

_____47. (+2)

_____48. How much money to Jose if he deposited Php 650.00 in the bank, then he
withdrew Php 300.00?
A. Php250.00
B. Php350.00
C. Php400.00
D. Php450.00
_____49. What was the temperature at the end of the day if the sunrise temperature is
1°c below zero, and by lunch time, the temperature rose by 17°c and then fell by 40°
by night?
A. 12°
B. 13°
C. 14°
D. 15°

_____50. What is the new balance of Mrs. Bautista if she has a bank balance of -
Php42,000 at the start of the month. After she deposits Php6,000?
A. -Php16,000
B. -Php26,000
C. -Php36,000
D. -Php48,000
Second Periodic Test in Math 6
Key to Correction

1. B 26. B
2. D 27. D
3. A 28. B
4. A 29. C
5. A 30. B
6. B 31. A
7. B 32. C
8. D 33. D
9. A 34. A
10. C 35. P
11. A 36. C
12. B 37. >
13. C 38. <
14. A 39. B
15. B 40. D
16. D 41. B
17. B 42. C
18. C 43. A
19. D 44. D
20. D 45. +43
21. A 46. -67
22. B 47. -6
23. C 48. B
24. D 49. A
25. A 50. C

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