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1.Sex :1. Male2. Female2.Civil Status :
1. Single2. Married3. Widow/widower4. Separated/Divorce 3. Age bracket where
you belong :1. 18-24 years old2. 25-31 years old3. 32-28 years old2. 39-45 years
old5. More than 45 years old4. Highest educational attainment:1. College
graduate2. Diploma/Certificate3. With Master’s Units4. Master’s Degree5. With
Ph.D. Units/Degree5. Year of last attendance in school :1. Before 19852. 1986-
19903. 1991-19954. 1996-20005. After 20006. What honours did you receive
when you graduated from college?1. Summa Cum laude2. Magna Cum laude3.
Cum laude4. Other academic award5. None/not applicable7. Present
employment:1. Government2. Private3. Self-employed8. Type of present
job:1.Professional/Technical/Scientific2.General Clerical3.Trades and crafts (jobs
requiring manual dexterity of application ofmanual/mechanical/artistic
skills)4.Others5.Not applicableThe 20 times that follow are information about you.
Please supply the information asHONESTLY and ACCURATELY as you can.The
data that will be obtained from these items shall be held strictly confidential.Each
item is followed by several possible answer. On your sheet, shade completely the
boxthat corresponds to the number of the answer that specifically pertains to you.
9. Length of experience in present job:1.Less than one year2.One to two
years3.Three to four years4.More than four years5.Unemployed10. Do you have
any of the following first level eligibilities:Second Grade, Municipal/Provincial
Clerk, General Clerical, Career Service Sub-Professional(Local Government),
Career Service Sub-professional1. Yes2. No11. For what reason are you taking
this examination?1.Entrance to government service2.Change of appointment
status3.Promotion4.Others12. How many times have you taken the Career
Service Professional? Examination excluding this one?1. Once2. Twice3.
Thrice4. More than thrice5. Never13. Which of the following activities did you
undertake in preparing for this examination?1.Enrolled in review
centers2.Studied career service examination reviewers sold at
bookstore3.Engage in other activities4.Used a combination of 1 and 2.5.No
preparation done at all14. Category of government office where
employed:1.National government2.Local government
(province/city/municipal)3.Government-owned or controlled
corporation4.Constitutional office5.State college or university15. Status of
present appointment in government service:1. Permanent2. Temporary3.
Casual/Emergency4. Contractual5. Substitute16. Years of experience in
government service:1. Less than 5 years2. 5-9 years3. 10-14 years4. 15-19
years5. More than 19 yearsItems 14 to 16 (For Government Employees Only):
1 23on controversial issues.NO ERROR4 544. We were discussing about
political issuesso her remarks12about clothes and fashionwere completely
beside the point.NO ERROR34 545. The best consultants are those who can
suggest 1or apply an array of methods aim at helping their clients2understand a
situation, diagnose it, and 3act accordingly under a given situation.4 NO ERROR
546. We were touchby his generositywhen he obviously could ill afford 123to be
so generous.NO ERROR4547. This is just one approachto a selection
systemand there are many1 2 3from whom to chooseNO ERROR4548. Maaaring
umabot sa sandaang taonang buhay ng isang tao 1 2 kung gugustuhin at
susundan lamangang mga positibong saloobin.NO ERROR3 4 549. I useto take
a short siestaevery afternoonafter lunch.NO ERROR 1 2 3 4 550. The success of
a leader laysnot only on the leader’s ability to influence people,1 2but also in the
sincerity of the purposethat he desires to achieve.NO ERROR3 4
5DIRECTIONS: Read each of the following sentences carefully, then choose
which among theseveral choices in each group is expressed most satisfactorily in
terms of grammar and correctusage. On your sheet, shade completely the box
that corresponds to your answer.51. 1.Plumbers who work efficiently from the
point of view of a homemaker are worthy of their wages.
2. Plumbers are worthy of their wages who work efficiently from the point of view
off ahomemaker.3. Plumbers, from the point of view of a homemaker, who work
efficiently, are worthy oftheir wages.4. From the point of view of a homemaker,
plumbers who work efficiently are worthy oftheir wages.5. Worthy of their wages
are plumbers who work efficiently from the point of view of a homemaker.52. 1.
The time for most people has come to change their attitudes and lifestyles. 2.
The time has come when people must change their attitudes and lifestyles. 3.
The time when the attitudes and lifestyles of the people has come to change. 4.
The people must change their attitudes and lifestyles and the time had come to
change. 5. People must change their attitudes and lifestyles, and it is because
the time has come to change.53. 1. Her brother, whom I met in the party, is more
richer than you think. 2. Her brother, I met him in the party, is very much richer
than you think. 3. Her brother, whom I had met in the party, is richer than you
think. 4. Her brother, whom I met in the party, is much richer than you think. 5. I
met her brother in the party and he is richer than you think.54. 1. The fisher folks
decided to go to the nearby hut finally drenched with rain. 2. The fisher folks
finally decided to go to the nearby hut drenched with rain. 3. Drenched with rain,
the fisher folks finally decided to go the nearby hut. 4. Finally drenched with rain,
the fisher folks decided to go the nearby hut. 5. Finally deciding to go to the
nearby hut, the fisher folks were drenched with rain.55. 1. The Filipino people
have regained their respect and trust in their government. 2. The Filipino people
have regained their respect and trust for their government. 3. The Filipino people
have regained their respect for their government and even their trust in it. 4. The
Filipino people have regained their respect for and trust in their government. 5.
The Filipino people have regained, for their government their respect and trust in
it.56. 1. The education of his children is most paramount in his plans. 2. The
education of his children is more paramount in his plans. 3. The education of his
children is paramount in his plans. 4. The most paramount of all his plans is how
to educate his children. 5. Paramount in his plans more than any other things is
the education of his children.57. 1. As soon as the tabulation of the figures have
been completed, someone should check the accuracy. 2. As soon as tabulated,
someone should check on the accuracy of those figures. 3. As soon as the
tabulation is finished, someone was to check its accuracy. 4. Once the tabulation
was completed, the accuracy of the figures should be checked. 5. Someone had
ought to check the accuracy of those figures when they have been tabulated.58.
1. Sa pamamagitan ng kasaysayan ay natutunghayan muli ang makukulay na
lumipas ng magigiting na tao. 2. Sa pamamagitan ng kasaysayan, ang lumipas
na makukulay ng magigiting na tao ay muling natutunghayan.
3. Ang makukulay na lumipas ay natutunghayan muli ng magigiting na tao sa
pamamagitan ng kasaysayan. 4. Muli ang makukulay na lumipas ng mga taong
magigiting ay natutunghayan sa pamamagitan ng kasaysayan. 5. Natutunhayan
muli ang lumipas ng magigiting na tao na makukulay sa pamamagitan ng
kasaysayan.59. 1. One has to be either 65 or blind to claim an extra personal
exemption. 2. One has either to be 65 or blind to claim an extra personal
exemption. 3. One either has to be 65 or blind to claim an extra personal
exemption. 4. Either one has to be 65 or blind to claim an extra personal
exemption. 5. To claim an extra personal exemption, one either has to be 65 or
blind.60. 1. I will never, unless he apologizes first, work with him again. 2. I will
never, unless he apologized first, work with him again. 3. I will never work with
him again, unless he asks for an apology. 4. I will never work with him again,
unless he apologizes first. 5. Unless he asks for an apology, I will never work
with him again.67. For a society to develop, its attitude towards life must not be a
fatalistic one; rather, it must have strong faith in its capacity to improve. The
sentence best supports the statement that _________.1.the attitude of a society
towards life is indicative of its socio-economic development2.success in life starts
from one’s dissatisfaction with the existing state of affairs3.a society cannot
progress unless it is actively committed to the pursuit of a better life4.a person
develops a healthy attitude towards life through constant efforts to
improvedoneself.5.a person with an optimistic outlook in life is confident of his
capacity for advancement68. Freedom and human rights without food are like
freeing a prisoner and then not giving the prisoner the key to get out of the cell.
The 450 million people who today live in the shadow of hunger and death from
malnutrition can never be free men and women, however en trenched their
freedom may be. These freedoms are only prospects held out and not realized.
The paragraph best supports the statement that times people
have to work as one nation to address the problem of malnutrition2.most of the
poor countries in the world today still depend on “super” rich countries
forsupport3.the satisfaction of one’s basic needs is a prerequisite to the
enjoyment of freedom4.a country which cannot feed its people with its own
resources could never be free5.a country could not be free unless it could prove
to the world that it could stand on itsown feet69. The Einstein revolution has
produced a paradox; while vastly extending humankind’s reach, it has also
exposed the essentially finite nature of the human scale. The sentence best
supports the statement that Einstein’s discovery _________.1.proclaims only the
glory of the universe2.devalues humanity and science3.involves a real but not
obvious contradiction4.reveals a contradiction between God and his
people5.reveals people’s limitations
70. A little ignorance when launching economic development projects may be a
fruitful stimulus to ingenious new approaches. The sentence best supports the
statement that techniques insure success of development approaches bring about change and success3.ignorance sometimes
gives birth to new knowledge4.from ingenuity comes successful projects5.lack of
knowledge in economic ventures may lead to better and improved results71. If
legislation is to change social attitudes and values, it must come with adequate
enforcement and machinery, which should include efforts to educate people on
these laws. Otherwise, legal provision not only remain dead letters, but actually
promote lack of respect for the law. The paragraph best supports the statement
that __________.1.people should respect laws because laws protect them2.the
effectiveness of laws lies in adequate education of the people about them and
theirproper enforcement.3.laws lose their effectiveness if people do not respect
them4.ignorance of the law does not excuse anyone5.laws could change the
social attitudes and values of people if properly enforced72. Two person look out
through the same bars; one sees mud and the other, the stars. The sentence
best supports the statement that __________.1.some people are more blind than
others2.people see things differently depending on their own perspective
3.people have varied ways of looking at different things4.people have different
tastes and interests5.people tend to influence one another’s views of things73.
An education really suited to the rural environment can become both acceptable
andgenuinely functional only when the environment begins to offer real
opportunities and to requireskills and knowledge on a large scale. As long as
opportunities lie only in the urban economy,education will remain in servitude to
that small section of society. The paragraph best supports the statement that
__________.1.migration to the cities result from the lack of real opportunities in
the rural areas2.the rural environment has opportunities that need to be
develop3.we have a concentration of educational opportunities in the urban
areas4.rural occupational opportunities give meaning to rural education5.our
educational system caters mainly to the needs of the urban sector74. No matter
how strong and dedicated leaders may be, they must find root and strength
amongthe people. Alone, they cannot save a nation. They may guide, they may
set the tone, they maydedicate themselves and risk their lives, but ultimately
national survival lies in the people. The paragraph best supports the statement
that __________.1.dedication and the right sense of direction enable a leader to
guide the people 2.good leadership is essential to effective public is the leader who determines the fate of a nation4.the people of
a nation shape their own destiny with the guidance of a leader
5.the strength of the people comes from a dynamic and forceful leader75. Ang
pagbaba ng halaga ng piso lumikha ng krisis sa maraming industriya ng bansa.
Kasunodnito ang pagtitipid at problema sa kawalan ng mapasukang trabaho.
Lumikha rin ito ng pagtataasng presyo ng mga bilihin na labis nakaapekto sa kita
ng mga manggagawa. Ayon sa talata __________.1.ang kasalukuyang krisis ay
bunga ng mga mahal na bilihin at kawalan ng mapasukangtrabaho2.ang krisis ay
nakaapekto sa hangarin ng maraming industriya na makapagbigay
ngkaragdagang sahod sa kanilang mga manggagawa3.dumarami ang mga
walang hanapbuhay at tumataas ang halaga ng mga bilihin dahil
sakrisis4.maraming industriya ang nalulugi dahil sa krisis kaya itinataas din nila
ang presyo ngkanilang mga produkto.5.dahil sa krisis, maraming industriya ang
napilitang magsara76. The gregariousness of people is mostly due to a fear of
remaining alone. It feels safer to bewith a group, talk like a group, act like a
group. The ramparts of group solidarity give themembers security. The
paragraph best supports the statement that __________.1.people who belong to
a group react to situations in the same manner2.some people are more
gregarious than others3.people who are gregarious are afraid to be
alone4.people find safety in numbers5.gregarious people have many fears77.
Most researchers in needy countries are based on the thinking and approach of
the highlydeveloped Western world, and seldom have they been directed toward
meeting the countries;own development needs. The sentence best supports the
statement that _________.1.highly developed countries offer the best guide for
the development of needy countries2.most researchers done in needy countries
are missing their objectives3.most researchers have universal application4.needy
countries need researchers to help them reach the status of the western
world5.needy countries spend so much time for conducting researchers78. In a
modern economy, the results of long-range planning frequently depend upon the
futurevalue of money. The ability then to predict the value of money is a key to
economic progress. The paragraph best supports the statement that
_________.1.the value of money is unpredictable at times2.the unpredictability of
money is an obstacle to a nation’s prosperity3.economic progress is facilitated by
properly controlling budgetary expenses4.long-range planning is unheard of in
traditional planning is indispensable in modern economy79.
Sixty years ago I know everything ; now I know nothing ; education is a
progressivediscovery of our own ignorance. The sentence best supports the
statement that __________.

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