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Guidelines For Technical and Financial Support For Establishment of State Data Centre (SDC)

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Technical and Financial Support
Establishment of State Data Centre (SDC)

Department of Information Technology,

Govt. of India, Electronics Niketan,
New Delhi – 110 003.
1.0 Preamble

1.1 State Data Centre (SDC) has been identified as one of the important
element of the core infrastructure for supporting e-Governance initiatives of
NeGP. Under NeGP, it is proposed to create State Data Centres for the States to
consolidate services, applications and infrastructure to provide efficient electronic
delivery of G2G, G2C and G2B services. These services can be rendered by the
States through common delivery platform seamlessly supported by core
Connectivity Infrastructure such as State Wide Area Network (SWAN) and
Common Service Centre (CSC) connectivity extended up to village level. State
Data Centre would provide many functionalities and some of the key
functionalities are Central Repository of the State, Secure Data Storage, Online
Delivery of Services, Citizen Information/Services Portal, State Intranet Portal,
Disaster Recovery, Remote Management and Service Integration.

2.0 Background

2.1 The State Data Centre is a key-supporting element of e-Government

Initiatives & businesses for delivering services to the citizens with greater
reliability, availability and serviceability. SDC provides better operations &
management control and minimizes overall cost of Data Management, IT
Management, Deployment and other costs.

2.2 State Data Centre acts as a mediator and convergence point between
open unsecured public domain and sensitive government environment. It enables
various State departments to host their services/applications on a common
infrastructure leading to ease of integration and efficient management, ensuring
that computing resources and the support connectivity infrastructure
(SWAN/NICNET) is adequately and optimally used.

2.3 The design of Data Centre represents many challenges and is a complex
task as it involves many stakeholders (state departments having varying

requirements, access mechanism and delivery channels to the citizens). The
extent to which the SDC must remain operational even when some of its
resources are impaired or unavailable will greatly influence how the design
objectives of Reliability, Availability, Scalability, Serviceability and also Backup,
Redundancy, Survivability and Disaster Management are met.

The SDC will be equipped to host / co-locate systems (e.g. Web Servers,
Application Servers, Database Servers, SAN, and NAS etc.) to host applications
at the SDC to use the centralized computing power. The centralized
computers/Servers will be used to host multiple applications. SDC will have high
availability, centralized authenticating system to authenticate the users to access
their respective systems depending on the authentication matrix.

2.4 Department of Information Technology (DIT) has taken note of the broad
requirements for a typical data centre which include infrastructure facilities
(physical, electrical, air conditioning etc.,) installation and integration of IT
infrastructure (servers, telecom equipment, integrated portal/ departmental
information system, Enterprise and network management system, security,
firewalls/IDS, networking components etc.), software and databases. Establishing
a State Data Centre is a complex task and requires substantial investment and
efficient Operations and Management. Therefore it may be prudent to utilize the
services of existing IDC players in the country with due and adequate security and
policy measures/considerations. The paramount consideration in any
arrangement is the security of the data and the preservation of the ownership and
control of government data, both de jure and de facto.

3.0 In view of the above, DIT has formulated the Guidelines to provide
Technical and Financial assistance to the States for setting up State Data Centre.
These Guidelines also include the norms for outsourcing of the SDC to a private/
public sector service provider including some of the technical and administrative

norms to be followed by the States, depending on the implementation option
adopted by the State to establish the SDC.

3.1 While formulating the Guidelines, DIT has noted that some State
Governments would have different approach to State Data Centre while hosting
applications at the SDC. In case States are using repository of Servers at the
District level, the SDC in such case may act as a central repository for
consolidation of the disaggregated resources.

3.2 Department of IT has also taken note of the proliferation/size of

applications to be hosted at the SDC and has built-in provisions to ensure future
scalability of the SDC while determining its initial sizing.

3.3 For the purpose of the sizing of the State Data Centre, the States have
been put in three categories of Large, Medium and Small based on the
population/ number of districts in each State.

4.0 Implementation Options

4.1 State would need to establish the SDC using any one of the two options
indicated below:

Option I: State/UT and NIC together form a composite team for the State
Data Centre. While sovereign control of the data/ applications shall be with the
State (both de- jure and de-facto); NIC through its dedicated core team (6-7
domain experts /professionals) which may be specially created for each State,
shall provide complete handholding for infrastructure up-keep, operations &
management including issues related to business continuity. NIC Data Centre
team would further be supported by domain specialists and support staff that
would to be recruited by the Centre/State for the State Data Centre. The Facility
Management services for physical infrastructure may be outsourced, if required.

However, for this option a tightly coupled administrative and techno-functional
arrangement with clear roles and responsibilities of both the State IT department
and State NIC Data Centre team shall be put in place and implemented. The Data
Centre administrative responsibility shall be with State IT Secretary, the technical
and day to day operations shall be the responsibility of the designated NIC Data
Centre Project Manager. While the Project Manager shall functionally report to
State IT Secretary; for all matters related to State NIC team, he/she shall report to
In case of any issues involving higher level intervention, an Apex Committee
chaired by the Chief Secretary of the State with DG-NIC as co-chairman is
suggested. Other members of the committee shall be State IT secretary, NIC
Project Manager and a representative from DIT.

Template RFP for this option shall be made available to the States including a
consulting agency by DIT. The consultancy agency would assist the States for
project development (DPR), bid process management, supervision and overall
implementation of the State Data Centre.

Option II : The State/UT leverages the capabilities of existing commercial

Internet Data Centres (IDCs) for which different deployment models are available
i.e. Co-located services, Dedicated Services and Managed Services. Under this
option, the State may identify a suitable model (confined to either co-located
services or dedicated services only keeping in view the security implications) to
select an appropriate agency through a suitable competitive process for
outsourcing. The entire process of outsourcing, including advising on the most
appropriate model, would be managed by the consulting agency to be made
available by DIT to the State. Template RFP for this option shall be made
available to the States by DIT. Depending upon whatever outsourced model is
selected by the State, Servers will be owned and operated by State and the
management of the Data/Information shall be under the direct control of the State
both de-jure and de-facto. For this, the State would require to deploy a dedicated

team which includes Project Manager (equivalent to Data Centre Manager), DBA,
System administrator, Network Administrator, Support Staff etc as broadly
indicated at Annexure 4 of the policy guidelines. Further, the State may also
exercise the option to engage and utilize the manpower resources of NIC. States
would not be permitted to choose implementation Option- II unless one of the
following two criteria is met:

i. The Core Data Centre team is headed by a Project Manager drawn

from the NIC. For this arrangement a mutual agreement between the
State Government and NIC shall be worked out.
ii. The State Government would have to satisfy the DIT/Empowered
Committee set up by DIT, regarding their technical competence and
ability to handle the security issues involved adequately, while hosting
their Data/Applications in a commercial IDC.

For both Option I & II, the State would need to designate an appropriate
Central/ State agency to take overall responsibility for receipt of funding
support, implementation and rendering accounts/ Utilization Certificates.

Whatever options as above that may be exercised by the States, necessary

Service Level Agreement would be defined and SLAs finalized. An
implementation committee shall be constituted by the State with a
representative from DIT and State NIC as members of the committee.

4.2 Depending upon whatever option as above is adopted by the State, the
essential requirements as regards physical security, access mechanism,
data protection and security, confidentiality, privacy issues and business
continuity plan would need to be complied with, by the State in view of the
sovereignty /sensitivity of the databases and the applications hosted in the
SDC. These have been attached at Annexure -1 & 2 to the Guidelines to

help/guide the State. Further, the stipulations/standards on data security,
computing environment and storage environment have also been
elaborated at Annexure -3 for the benefit of the State.

5.0 Eligibility Conditions for States for DIT funding support.

5.1 States should have initiated action for setting up of SWAN, which shall provide
connectivity between the proposed Data Centre site, and the Secretariat ,various
Departments and at District and Block level, wherever, required.

5.2 The State would need to have undertaken implementation of at least three
major statewide e-governance projects/services/applications that require creation
of SDC of which at least one should have been completed in order to be eligible
for funding support.

6.0 Norms for Sharing of Cost between GoI and State Govts.

6.1 GoI support will cover the entire cost of establishment, operation and
maintenance of the State Data Centre for a period of five years on 100% grant-in-
aid basis. The financial assistance being provided to the States shall include
refurbishing of the physical space to the Data Centre requirements including
back-up power supply (UPS and DG sets) and Air-Conditioning requirements. The
cost of consultancy for option I and consultancy for undertaking technical
feasibility study, advising on most appropriate model, preparation of SLA, etc. in
case of Option II, will be provided as 100% grant by DIT to the agency designated
by the State to undertake the selection of the IDC service provider. The cost of
monitoring of performance under SLAs would also be covered by GoI support,
including cost of engaging a third party for such monitoring/audit of the SDC.

6.2 The cost of manpower required for domain specialist team for Data Centre
operations & management over a period of 5 years shall be provided by the GoI.

6.3 For planning purposes, the sizing of the Data Centre has been classified in
three categories: Large, Medium and Small which shall also depend upon the
number of applications and the data size. Accordingly, the funding to the States
may vary with adequate provision built-in, for upgradation/scaling of the Data
Centre during the initial period of 5 years.

7.0 Exclusions from DIT funding support

7.1 The physical space required for the Data Centre would be the responsibility
of the State. A well secured area for the SDC would be demarcated. The
demarcated area should have readily available power connection preferably from
two different sources, water connection and other civic amenities.

7.2 The Back-End computerization of the Deptts would be the responsibility of the
State and no financial support is envisaged in this regard as part of State Data

7.3 The cost of providing connectivity to the State Data Centre would be outside
the scope of the Data Centre. The State can connect the Data Centre to the State
PoPs, which is being provided by the DIT as part of SWAN scheme.

7.4 The cost of providing connectivity to the Disaster Recovery from the Primary
Data Centre Site and the Internet bandwidth required at the Primary & DR site
would be outside the scope of the Data Centre Scheme and shall be borne by the

7.5 Any incremental investment beyond 5 years period would be the responsibility
of the State.

8.0 Deployment Architecture for delivery mechanism

8.1 The architecture of a Data Centre would be such as to provide a model

environment capable of handling the typical business model of dynamic change
supporting multiple G2G, G2C, G2B, B2C activities across all channels like CSCs,
portals, kiosks etc. As e-Governance applications are expected to grow, the Data
Centre architecture shall be highly scalable and be built on a solid architectural
foundation. The power and cooling system should at least meet with Tier-I
requirements with possibility of upgrading to the next level. The State Data
Centre Architecture would be multi-layered architecture and the applications to
be hosted in the Data Centre shall support interoperability standards like XML,
SOAP etc. The State Data Centre would provide infrastructure such as firewall
service, directory service, web service, database service, portal, integration,
management, data storage services and possibly a standards based messaging
Gateway, which could be a shared infrastructure to all the applications /
departments in the State Data Centre.

9.0 Data Centre Management and Monitoring

9.1 A centralized management and monitoring system (tool) capable of doing fault
management, configuration management, security management, report
generation, alerting, monitoring the critical servers, log monitoring and Data
Centre network and security infrastructure etc. would be part of the Data Centre.
This system/tool would be scalable as well as be able to provide a hierarchical
troubleshooting. In case, the Enterprise Management and Monitoring tool is
already available for SWAN, the same would be utilized for State Data Centre
requirements as well.

10.0 Service Availability & its Monitoring

10.1 End-to-end service availability of the SDC and its independent monitoring is
the prime requirement to have reliable, seamless, smooth delivery of the services

to the citizens and other G2G & G2B applications meeting the objectives of this
core e-Governance infrastructure. It is, therefore, necessary that appropriate
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) be worked out between the States and the
Implementing Agency and that an Independent Agency would be appointed to
monitor the performance with reference to the SLA and related aspects.

11.0 Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan

11.1 The high availability is one of the critical requirements of the Data Centre. As
the systems are centralized at Data Centre, the State would be required to
establish appropriate Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan (DR and
BCP) along with appropriate data backup and recovery infrastructure. Initially,
State should plan for off-site Back-up mechanism for their DR strategy and
depending upon mission critical requirement the BCP requirement would be met
through the design architecture of the primary Data Centre itself.

The Disaster Recovery (DR) arrangement has been envisaged to be established

and provided by NIC. NIC is in the process of setting up National Data Centres at
Hyderabad and Pune of the order of 8000 sq. ft. each, apart from existing
National Data Centre at Delhi. These centres will be connected through high
speed networks to support data/application back-up facility and likely to be
operational within one year time frame. While these centres will house largely
central government data, these would have enough capacity to be used as DRs
for the SDCs on a regional basis. One more Data Centre to take care of the
Eastern region is planned to be setup by NIC at Bhubaneswar for which a budget
provision over 5 years period has been included in the SDC scheme outlay.

12.0 Data Retention Plan

12.1 The State would formulate an appropriate Data Retention policy and ensure
that the data centre architecture supports the same. The Data Retention Policy
would be guided by the following factors:

a. Data classification and risk assessment of data.
b. Data Retention Period.
c. Data Security aspects.
d. Disposal of data once the retention period is over.

13.0 Data Centre Protection

13.1 The data centre shall have the required protection and safeguard
mechanism for physical security, network security and facility infrastructure
requirements including protection against fire, natural calamity and man made

14.0 Security Audit

14.1 The State shall get the security audited by third party expert periodically
(once in six months) and as and when there is significant upgradation of systems
which include hardware, software and network resources to ensure and
guarantee security of the Data Centre. The audit shall bring out any security
lapses in the system and establish that the system is working as desired by the

15.0 Management and Administrative Control

15.1 Whatever options the State may opt, the overall management control shall
be with the State Government both de jure and de facto. The State will be
responsible for compliance with all guidelines through its designated
Department/Agency. However, appropriate agreements to give effect to this, may
be worked out between the State and the outsourced vendor wherever required.


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