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UK Coal Resource for New

Exploitation Technologies
Final Report
Sustainable Energy & Geophysical Surveys Programme
Commissioned Report CR/04/015N

Commissioned Report CR/04/015N

UK Coal Resource for New

Exploitation Technologies
Final Report
*Jones N S, *Holloway S, +Creedy D P, +Garner K, *Smith N J P, *Browne,
M.A.E. & #Durucan S. 2004.

*British Geological Survey

+Wardell Armstrong
# Imperial College, London

The National Grid and other

Ordnance Survey data are used
with the permission of the
Controller of Her Majesty’s
Stationery Office.
Ordnance Survey licence number
GD 272191/1999

Key words

Coal resources, UK, maps,

undergound mining, opencast
mining, coal mine methane,
abandoned mine methane,
coalbed methane, underground
coal gasification, carbon dioxide

Front cover

Cleat in coal

Bibliographical reference

Jones N S, Holloway S, Creedy D

P, Garner K, Smith N J P, Browne,
M.A.E. & Durucan S. 2004. UK
Coal Resource for New
Exploitation Technologies. Final
Report. British Geological
Survey Commissioned Report

© NERC 2004 Keyworth, Nottingham British Geological Survey 2004

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................14

1 FOREWORD ..............................................................................................................................17

2 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................17
2.1 AIMS OF THE PROJECT ...........................................................................................................18
2.2 METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................19
3 RANKING AND RISKING OF COAL RESOURCES...........................................................19
3.1 RANKING CRITERIA...............................................................................................................19
3.1.1 Opencast Coal Mining ..................................................................................................19
3.1.2 Underground Coal Mining ...........................................................................................20
3.1.3 Coal Mine Methane (CMM)..........................................................................................20
3.1.4 Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM) ...............................................................................20
3.1.5 Coalbed Methane from Virgin Seams (VCBM).............................................................22
3.1.6 Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) .......................................................................23
3.1.7 Carbon Dioxide Sequestration......................................................................................24
3.2 RISK AND UNCERTAINTY ......................................................................................................25
3.2.1 Risks ..............................................................................................................................25
3.2.2 Key uncertainties ..........................................................................................................26
4 DATASETS USED IN THE STUDY ........................................................................................28
4.1 BOREHOLE DATABASE ..........................................................................................................28
4.2 MINE PLAN DATA .................................................................................................................28
4.4 OTHER DATASETS..................................................................................................................29
4.4.1 Petroleum licence areas................................................................................................29
5 MAP PRODUCTION .................................................................................................................30
5.1 MINING TECHNOLOGIES MAP ...............................................................................................30
5.2 NEW TECHNOLOGIES MAP ....................................................................................................32
5.3 MONTAGE MAP .....................................................................................................................33
6 OPENCAST COAL MINING ...................................................................................................33

7 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING .........................................................................................34

8 COAL MINE METHANE (FROM WORKING MINES) ......................................................34

9 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ...........................................................................................35

9.1 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE ...................................................................................................35
9.1.1 Principle of AMM production .......................................................................................35
9.1.2 Criteria for successful AMM projects...........................................................................36
9.2 AMM RESOURCES IN THE UK ..............................................................................................36
9.2.1 Resource area mapping ................................................................................................36
9.2.2 AMM resource exploitation in the UK..........................................................................37
10 COALBED METHANE .........................................................................................................38
10.1 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE ...................................................................................................38
10.1.1 Internal structure of coal ..............................................................................................38

10.1.2 Virgin coalbed methane production..............................................................................39
10.2 PROSPECTS FOR VCBM IN THE UK ......................................................................................39
10.2.1 Resource base ...............................................................................................................40
10.2.2 Exploration and production in the UK .........................................................................41
10.2.3 Economic rates of gas production in the UK................................................................41
10.2.4 Permeability of UK coal seams.....................................................................................41
10.2.5 Gas flow rates from UK coal seams .............................................................................41
10.2.6 Gas saturation in UK coal seams .................................................................................42
10.2.7 Gas pressure within UK coal seams .............................................................................42
10.2.8 Potential economies of scale.........................................................................................42
11 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION .......................................................................42
11.1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................42
11.1.1 History of UCG .............................................................................................................44
11.1.2 UCG resource calculation ............................................................................................45
12 CO2 SEQUESTRATION IN ASSOCIATION WITH COAL.............................................46
12.1 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE ...................................................................................................46
12.1.1 Principles ......................................................................................................................46
12.2.1 Immaturity of ECBM technology ..................................................................................47
12.2.2 Coal and geological criteria for successful CO2 sequestration in coal seams and CO2-
enhanced coalbed methane recovery projects ..............................................................................48
12.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION IN ASSOCIATION WITH UCG .........................................48
12.3.1 Criteria adopted to identify areas with potential for CO2 sequestration......................49
MAP DETAILS...................................................................................................................................50

13 MINING MAP 1A (BOVEY TRACEY) ...............................................................................50

13.1 REVIEW OF LIGNITE IN THE AREA .........................................................................................50
13.2 OPENCAST MINING ...............................................................................................................50
13.3 UNDERGROUND MINING .......................................................................................................50
13.4 COAL MINE METHANE ..........................................................................................................51
13.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ..............................................................................................51
14 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 1B (BOVEY TRACEY) .......................................................51
14.1 COALBED METHANE .............................................................................................................51
14.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ..................................................................................51
14.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ......................................................................................51
15 MINING MAP 2A (KENT)....................................................................................................51
15.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA .............................................................................................51
15.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING .....................................................................................................52
15.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING .............................................................................................52
15.4 COAL MINE METHANE ..........................................................................................................52
15.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ..............................................................................................52
16 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 2B (KENT) ............................................................................53
16.1 COALBED METHANE .............................................................................................................53
16.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ..................................................................................53
16.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ......................................................................................53
17 MINING MAP 3A (WESTERN SOUTH WALES AREA) ................................................53
17.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA .............................................................................................53

17.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING .....................................................................................................54
17.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING .............................................................................................54
17.4 COAL MINE METHANE ..........................................................................................................54
17.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ..............................................................................................54
18 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 3B (WESTERN SOUTH WALES AREA) .........................55
18.1 COALBED METHANE .............................................................................................................55
18.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ..................................................................................55
18.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ......................................................................................55
19 MINING MAP 4A (SOUTH WALES)..................................................................................55
19.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA .............................................................................................55
19.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING .....................................................................................................56
19.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING .............................................................................................57
19.4 COAL MINE METHANE ..........................................................................................................57
19.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ..............................................................................................57
20 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 4B (SOUTH WALES) ..........................................................58
20.1 COALBED METHANE .............................................................................................................58
20.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ..................................................................................58
20.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ......................................................................................58
21.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA .............................................................................................59
21.1.1 Forest of Dean Coalfield ..............................................................................................59
21.1.2 Newent Coalfield...........................................................................................................60
21.1.3 Bristol-Somerset Coalfield............................................................................................60
21.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING .....................................................................................................61
21.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING .............................................................................................61
21.4 COAL MINE METHANE ..........................................................................................................62
21.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ..............................................................................................62
SOMERSET AREA)...........................................................................................................................62
22.1 COALBED METHANE .............................................................................................................62
22.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ..................................................................................63
22.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ......................................................................................63
23 MINING MAP 6A (OXFORDSHIRE & BERKSHIRE) ....................................................64
23.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA .............................................................................................64
23.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING .....................................................................................................64
23.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING .............................................................................................64
23.4 COAL MINE METHANE ..........................................................................................................65
23.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ..............................................................................................65
24 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 6B (OXFORDSHIRE & BERKSHIRE).............................65
24.1 COALBED METHANE .............................................................................................................65
24.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ..................................................................................65
24.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ......................................................................................65
LEICESTERSHIRE, SOUTH DERBYSHIRE & SHROPSHIRE) ...............................................66
25.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA .............................................................................................66
25.1.1 Shrewsbury Coalfields (Hanwood, Leebotwood and Dryton) ......................................66

25.1.2 Coalbrookdale Coalfield...............................................................................................66
25.1.3 Clee Hills Coalfield.......................................................................................................67
25.1.4 Wyre Forest Coalfield...................................................................................................67
25.1.5 West Staffordshire.........................................................................................................67
25.1.6 South Staffordshire Coalfield........................................................................................68
25.1.7 East Staffordshire .........................................................................................................68
25.1.8 Warwickshire Coalfield ................................................................................................69
25.1.9 South Derbyshire Coalfield...........................................................................................70
25.1.10 Leicestershire Coalfield ............................................................................................70
25.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING .....................................................................................................71
25.2.1 Shrewsbury Coalfields (Hanwood, Leebotwood and Dryton) ......................................71
25.2.2 Coalbrookdale Coalfield...............................................................................................71
25.2.3 Clee Hills Coalfield.......................................................................................................71
25.2.4 Wyre Forest Coalfield...................................................................................................72
25.2.5 West Staffordshire.........................................................................................................72
25.2.6 South Staffordshire Coalfield........................................................................................72
25.2.7 East Staffordshire .........................................................................................................72
25.2.8 Warwickshire Coalfield ................................................................................................72
25.2.9 South Derbyshire Coalfield...........................................................................................72
25.2.10 Leicestershire Coalfield ............................................................................................72
25.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING .............................................................................................73
25.3.1 Shrewsbury Coalfields (Hanwood, Leebotwood and Dryton) ......................................73
25.3.2 Coalbrookdale Coalfield...............................................................................................73
25.3.3 Clee Hills Coalfield.......................................................................................................73
25.3.4 Wyre Forest Coalfield...................................................................................................73
25.3.5 West Staffordshire.........................................................................................................73
25.3.6 South Staffordshire Coalfield........................................................................................74
25.3.7 East Staffordshire .........................................................................................................74
25.3.8 Warwickshire Coalfield ................................................................................................74
25.3.9 South Derbyshire Coalfield...........................................................................................75
25.3.10 Leicestershire Coalfield ............................................................................................75
25.4 COAL MINE METHANE ..........................................................................................................75
25.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ..............................................................................................76
25.5.1 Shrewsbury Coalfields (Hanwood, Leebotwood and Dryton) ......................................76
25.5.2 Coalbrookdale Coalfield...............................................................................................76
25.5.3 Clee Hills Coalfield.......................................................................................................76
25.5.4 Wyre Forest Coalfield...................................................................................................76
25.5.5 West Staffordshire.........................................................................................................76
25.5.6 South Staffordshire Coalfield........................................................................................76
25.5.7 East Staffordshire .........................................................................................................77
25.5.8 Warwickshire Coalfield ................................................................................................77
25.5.9 South Derbyshire Coalfield...........................................................................................77
25.5.10 Leicestershire Coalfield ............................................................................................77
LEICESTERSHIRE, SOUTH DERBYSHIRE & SHROPSHIRE) ...............................................77
26.1 COALBED METHANE .............................................................................................................77
26.1.1 Shrewsbury Coalfields (Hanwood, Leebotwood and Dryton) ......................................77
26.1.2 Coalbrookdale Coalfield...............................................................................................77
26.1.3 Clee Hills Coalfield.......................................................................................................78
26.1.4 Wyre Forest Coalfield...................................................................................................78
26.1.5 West Staffordshire.........................................................................................................78
26.1.6 South Staffordshire Coalfield........................................................................................78
26.1.7 East Staffordshire .........................................................................................................78
26.1.8 Warwickshire Coalfield ................................................................................................79

26.1.9 South Derbyshire Coalfield...........................................................................................79
26.1.10 Leicestershire Coalfield ............................................................................................79
26.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ..................................................................................79
26.2.1 West Staffordshire.........................................................................................................79
26.2.2 East Staffordshire .........................................................................................................80
26.2.3 Warwickshire Coalfield ................................................................................................80
26.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ......................................................................................80
27 MINING MAP 8A (ANGLESEY) .........................................................................................81
27.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA .............................................................................................81
27.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING .....................................................................................................81
27.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING .............................................................................................81
27.4 COAL MINE METHANE ..........................................................................................................81
27.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ..............................................................................................82
28 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 8B (ANGLESEY)..................................................................82
28.1 COALBED METHANE .............................................................................................................82
28.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ..................................................................................82
28.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ......................................................................................82
29 MINING MAP 9A (NORTH WALES) .................................................................................82
29.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA .............................................................................................82
29.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING .....................................................................................................83
29.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING .............................................................................................83
29.4 COAL MINE METHANE ..........................................................................................................84
29.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ..............................................................................................84
30 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 9B (NORTH WALES) .........................................................85
30.1 COALBED METHANE .............................................................................................................85
30.1.1 Vale of Clwyd................................................................................................................85
30.1.2 Flintshire Coalfield.......................................................................................................85
30.1.3 Denbighshire and Oswestry coalfields .........................................................................85
30.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ..................................................................................86
30.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ......................................................................................86
BURNLEY AREA) .............................................................................................................................87
31.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA .............................................................................................87
31.1.1 Burnley Coalfield ..........................................................................................................87
31.1.2 South Lancashire Coalfield...........................................................................................87
31.1.3 Cheshire Basin ..............................................................................................................87
31.1.4 North Staffordshire Coalfield .......................................................................................88
31.1.5 Cheadle Coalfield .........................................................................................................89
31.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING .....................................................................................................89
31.2.1 Burnley Coalfield ..........................................................................................................89
31.2.2 South Lancashire Coalfield...........................................................................................89
31.2.3 Cheshire Basin ..............................................................................................................89
31.2.4 North Staffordshire Coalfield .......................................................................................89
31.2.5 Cheadle Coalfield .........................................................................................................90
31.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING .............................................................................................90
31.3.1 Burnley Coalfield ..........................................................................................................90
31.3.2 South Lancashire Coalfield...........................................................................................90
31.3.3 Cheshire Basin ..............................................................................................................90
31.3.4 North Staffordshire Coalfield .......................................................................................90
31.3.5 Cheadle Coalfield .........................................................................................................91

31.4 COAL MINE METHANE ..........................................................................................................91
31.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ..............................................................................................91
31.5.1 Burnley Coalfield ..........................................................................................................91
31.5.2 South Lancashire Coalfield...........................................................................................91
31.5.3 Cheshire Basin ..............................................................................................................91
31.5.4 North Staffordshire Coalfield .......................................................................................91
31.5.5 Cheadle Coalfield .........................................................................................................92
LANCASHIRE & BURNLEY AREA) .............................................................................................92
32.1 COALBED METHANE .............................................................................................................92
32.1.1 Burnley Coalfield ..........................................................................................................92
32.1.2 South Lancashire Coalfield...........................................................................................92
32.1.3 Cheshire Basin ..............................................................................................................93
32.1.4 North Staffordshire Coalfield .......................................................................................93
32.1.5 Cheadle Coalfield .........................................................................................................93
32.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ..................................................................................93
32.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ......................................................................................94
33 MINING MAP 11A (NOTTINGHAMSHIRE) ....................................................................94
33.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA .............................................................................................94
33.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING .....................................................................................................95
33.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING .............................................................................................95
33.4 COAL MINE METHANE ..........................................................................................................95
33.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ..............................................................................................95
34 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 11B (NOTTINGHAMSHIRE).............................................96
34.1 COALBED METHANE .............................................................................................................96
34.1.1 N E Leicestershire.........................................................................................................96
34.1.2 Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire/South Yorkshire/South Lincolnshire...............................96
34.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ..................................................................................96
34.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ......................................................................................97
35 MINING MAP 12A (SOUTH YORKSHIRE)......................................................................97
35.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA .............................................................................................97
35.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING .....................................................................................................98
35.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING .............................................................................................98
35.4 COAL MINE METHANE ..........................................................................................................98
35.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ..............................................................................................98
36 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 12B (SOUTH YORKSHIRE) ..............................................99
36.1 COALBED METHANE .............................................................................................................99
36.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ..................................................................................99
36.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ......................................................................................99
37 MINING MAP 13A (INGLETON)......................................................................................100
37.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA ...........................................................................................100
37.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING ...................................................................................................100
37.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING ...........................................................................................100
37.4 COAL MINE METHANE ........................................................................................................100
37.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ............................................................................................100
38 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 13B (INGLETON) ..............................................................101
38.1 COALBED METHANE ...........................................................................................................101
38.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ................................................................................101

38.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ....................................................................................101
39 MINING MAP 14A (CUMBRIA-CANONBIE AREA) ....................................................101
39.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA ...........................................................................................101
39.1.1 West Cumbrian Coalfield............................................................................................101
39.1.2 Canonbie Coalfield .....................................................................................................102
39.1.3 Midgeholme Coalfield.................................................................................................103
39.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING ...................................................................................................103
39.2.1 West Cumbrian Coalfield............................................................................................103
39.2.2 Canonbie Coalfield .....................................................................................................103
39.2.3 Midgeholme Coalfield.................................................................................................103
39.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING ...........................................................................................104
39.3.1 West Cumbrian Coalfield............................................................................................104
39.3.2 Canonbie Coalfield .....................................................................................................104
39.3.3 Midgeholme Coalfield.................................................................................................104
39.4 COAL MINE METHANE ........................................................................................................104
39.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ............................................................................................104
40 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 14B (CUMBRIA-CANONBIE AREA) .............................105
40.1 COALBED METHANE ...........................................................................................................105
40.1.1 West Cumbrian Coalfield............................................................................................105
40.1.2 Canonbie Coalfield .....................................................................................................105
40.1.3 Midgeholme Coalfield.................................................................................................105
40.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ................................................................................105
40.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ....................................................................................106
41 MINING MAP 15A (NORTH EAST ENGLAND (SOUTH)) ..........................................106
41.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA ...........................................................................................106
41.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING ...................................................................................................106
41.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING ...........................................................................................107
41.4 COAL MINE METHANE ........................................................................................................107
41.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ............................................................................................107
42 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 15B (NORTH EAST ENGLAND (SOUTH)) ...................107
42.1 COALBED METHANE ...........................................................................................................107
42.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ................................................................................107
42.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ....................................................................................107
43 MINING MAP 16A (NORTH EAST ENGLAND (NORTH))..........................................108
43.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA ...........................................................................................108
43.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING ...................................................................................................108
43.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING ...........................................................................................108
43.4 COAL MINE METHANE ........................................................................................................108
43.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ............................................................................................108
44 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 16B (NORTH EAST ENGLAND (NORTH)) ..................108
44.1 COALBED METHANE ...........................................................................................................108
44.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ................................................................................109
44.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ....................................................................................109
45 MINING MAP 17A (MACHRIHANISH) ..........................................................................109
45.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA ...........................................................................................109
45.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING ...................................................................................................110
45.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING ...........................................................................................110
45.4 COAL MINE METHANE ........................................................................................................110

45.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ............................................................................................110
46 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 17B (MACHRIHANISH)...................................................110
46.1 COALBED METHANE ...........................................................................................................110
46.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ................................................................................110
46.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ....................................................................................110
47 MINING MAP 18A (WEST SCOTLAND) ........................................................................111
47.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA ...........................................................................................111
47.1.1 Ayrshire Coalfield.......................................................................................................111
47.1.2 Douglas Coalfield .......................................................................................................111
47.1.3 Sanquhar Coalfield .....................................................................................................112
47.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING ...................................................................................................113
47.2.1 Ayrshire Coalfield.......................................................................................................113
47.2.2 Douglas Coalfield .......................................................................................................113
47.2.3 Sanquhar Coalfield .....................................................................................................113
47.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING ...........................................................................................113
47.3.1 Ayrshire Coalfield.......................................................................................................113
47.3.2 Douglas Coalfield .......................................................................................................114
47.3.3 Sanquhar Coalfield .....................................................................................................114
47.4 COAL MINE METHANE ........................................................................................................114
47.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ............................................................................................114
47.5.1 Ayrshire Coalfield.......................................................................................................114
47.5.2 Douglas Coalfield .......................................................................................................114
47.5.3 Sanquhar Coalfield .....................................................................................................114
48 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 18B (WEST SCOTLAND).................................................115
48.1 COALBED METHANE ...........................................................................................................115
48.1.1 Ayrshire Coalfield.......................................................................................................115
48.1.2 Douglas Coalfield .......................................................................................................115
48.1.3 Sanquhar Coalfield .....................................................................................................116
48.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ................................................................................116
48.2.1 Ayrshire Coalfield.......................................................................................................116
48.2.2 Douglas Coalfield .......................................................................................................116
48.2.3 Sanquhar Coalfield .....................................................................................................116
48.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ....................................................................................116
48.3.1 Ayrshire and Douglas Coalfields................................................................................116
48.3.2 Sanquhar Coalfield .....................................................................................................117
49 MINING MAP 19A (EAST AND CENTRAL SCOTLAND) ...........................................117
49.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA ...........................................................................................117
49.1.1 Central Coalfield ........................................................................................................117
49.1.2 Clackmannan and North East Stirlingshire Coalfields...............................................117
49.1.3 Fife Coalfield ..............................................................................................................118
49.1.4 Lothian Coalfield ........................................................................................................119
49.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING ...................................................................................................119
49.2.1 Central Coalfield ........................................................................................................119
49.2.2 Clackmannan Coalfield ..............................................................................................120
49.2.3 Fife Coalfield ..............................................................................................................120
49.2.4 Lothian Coalfield ........................................................................................................120
49.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING ...........................................................................................120
49.3.1 Central and Clackmannan Coalfields.........................................................................120
49.3.2 Fife Coalfield ..............................................................................................................121
49.3.3 Lothian Coalfield ........................................................................................................121
49.4 COAL MINE METHANE ........................................................................................................121

49.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ............................................................................................121
49.5.1 Central Coalfield ........................................................................................................121
49.5.2 Clackmannan Coalfield ..............................................................................................121
49.5.3 Fife Coalfield ..............................................................................................................122
49.5.4 Lothian Coalfield ........................................................................................................122
50.1 COALBED METHANE ...........................................................................................................122
50.1.1 Central Coalfield ........................................................................................................122
50.1.2 Clackmannan Coalfield ..............................................................................................122
50.1.3 Fife Coalfield ..............................................................................................................123
50.1.4 Lothian Coalfield ........................................................................................................123
50.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ................................................................................123
50.2.1 Central and Clackmannan Coalfields.........................................................................123
50.2.2 Fife Coalfield ..............................................................................................................123
50.2.3 Lothian Coalfield ........................................................................................................123
50.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ....................................................................................124
50.3.1 Clackmannan Coalfield ..............................................................................................124
50.3.2 Fife Coalfield ..............................................................................................................124
50.3.3 Lothian Coalfield ........................................................................................................124
50.3.4 Leven Syncline ............................................................................................................124
51 MINING MAP 20A (BRORA).............................................................................................124
51.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA ...........................................................................................124
51.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING ...................................................................................................125
51.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING ...........................................................................................125
51.4 COAL MINE METHANE ........................................................................................................125
51.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ............................................................................................125
52 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 20B (BRORA) .....................................................................125
52.1 COALBED METHANE ...........................................................................................................125
52.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ................................................................................125
52.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ....................................................................................126
53 MINING MAP 21A (NORTHERN IRELAND).................................................................126
53.1 REVIEW OF COAL IN THE AREA ...........................................................................................126
53.1.1 Ballycastle Coalfield...................................................................................................126
53.1.2 Dungannon-Coalisland Coalfield...............................................................................126
53.1.3 Annaghone Coalfield ..................................................................................................127
53.1.4 Lough Neagh Lignite Field .........................................................................................127
53.1.5 Ballymoney Lignite Field............................................................................................128
53.2 OPENCAST COAL MINING ...................................................................................................128
53.3 UNDERGROUND COAL MINING ...........................................................................................128
53.4 COAL MINE METHANE ........................................................................................................128
53.5 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ............................................................................................128
54 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 21B (NORTHERN IRELAND) .........................................129
54.1 COALBED METHANE ...........................................................................................................129
54.2 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ................................................................................129
54.3 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ....................................................................................129
RESOURCE EXPLOITATION MAPS..........................................................................................129

56 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................132

56.1 ABANDONED MINE METHANE ............................................................................................132
56.2 COALBED METHANE ............................................................................................................132
56.3 UNDERGROUND COAL GASIFICATION ................................................................................133
56.4 CARBON DIOXIDE SEQUESTRATION ....................................................................................133
57 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................134

58 REFERENCES......................................................................................................................135

59 APPENDIX 1: PDF DOCUMENT .....................................................................................170



Table 1. Underground coal mines in the UK, June 2003....................................................................143

Table 2. Current CMM capture and utilisation in the UK (as of June 2003)......................................143
Table 3. Areas of AMM potential within the UK coalfields. .............................................................144
Table 4. CBM resources and resource density in the UK calculated from resource polygons on the
New Technologies maps. Map and area numbers refer specifically to the New Technologies maps
that accompany this report...........................................................................................................145
Table 5. Areas with mean seam gas content >7 m3/tonne and resource density >1 x 106m3 ha-1. ......146
Table 6. Coalbed methane exploration wells in the UK .....................................................................146
Table 7. UCG resources calculated for the areas in the UK that are considered suitable...................147
Table 8. Seam gas content measurements for the Central Coalfield, Midland Valley of Scotland (data
from Creedy 1986).......................................................................................................................148


Figure 1. Generalised Carboniferous stratigraphy for the North East England and Scotland (Midland
Valley) areas. ...............................................................................................................................149
Figure 2. Map of the UK to show the location of the main coal and lignite fields studied. ...............150
Figure 3. Diagrammatic representation of coal resources and reserves..............................................151
Figure 4. Block diagram of a dipping coal-bearing succession to show how the criteria for UCG and
CO2 sequestration are applied......................................................................................................152
Figure 5. Map to show locations of the 1:100,000 scale mining and new technology maps produced
by this study.................................................................................................................................153
Figure 6. Cleat in coal. The surface facing the viewer is the face cleat. The horizontal fractures are
bedding planes. The vertical fractures are the butt cleat..............................................................154
Figure 7. Cross section through part of the Bovey Tracey Formation to illustrate the thickness and
distribution of the main lignite-bearing unit (redrawn with modifications from Selwood et al.
1984). Lignite beds are drawn as thicker black lines...................................................................155

Figure 8. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Kent Coalfield. Main
seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band.
Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names...........................................................156
Figure 9. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Pembrokeshire
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................157
Figure 10. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the South Wales
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................157
Figure 11. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Forest of Dean and
Newent coalfields. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine
band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.....................157
Figure 12. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Bristol-Somerset
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................157
Figure 13. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Oxfordshire-Berkshire
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................158
Figure 14. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Shrewsbury Coalfield.
Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. .................................................159
Figure 15. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Coalbrookdale
Coalfield and West Staffordshire area. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are
labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band
names. ..........................................................................................................................................160
Figure 16. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Clee Hills Coalfield.
Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. .................................................161
Figure 17. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Wyre Forest and
Mamble coalfields. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine
band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.....................162
Figure 18. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the South Staffordshire
Coalfield and Park Prospect area. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled.
m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. ..162
Figure 19. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the East Staffordshire
area. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria
band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. ................................................162
Figure 20. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Warwickshire area.
Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band.
Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names...........................................................162
Figure 21. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the South Derbyshire
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................162
Figure 22. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Leicestershire
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................163
Figure 23. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Anglesey Coalfield.
Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. .................................................164

Figure 24. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the North Wales
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................165
Figure 25. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Burnley Coalfield.
Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band.
Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names...........................................................165
Figure 26. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the South Lancashire
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................165
Figure 27. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the North Staffordshire
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................165
Figure 28. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Cheadle Coalfield.
Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band.
Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names...........................................................165
Figure 29. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Nottinghamshire
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................165
Figure 30. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the South Yorkshire
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................165
Figure 31. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Ingleton Coalfield.
Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band.
Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names...........................................................165
Figure 32. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the West Cumbrian
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................165
Figure 33. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Canonbie Coalfield.
Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band.
Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names...........................................................165
Figure 35. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Midgeholme
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine ( .....................................................................165
Figure 35. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Northumberland-
Durham Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine
band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.....................165
Figure 36. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Scremerston
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................165
Figure 37. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Machrihanish
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................166
Figure 38. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic successions in the Midland Valley of
Scotland. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................166
Figure 39. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Brora Coalfield. Main
seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled............................................................166

Figure 40. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Ballycastle Coalfield,
Northern Ireland. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................167
Figure 41. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Coalisland Coalfield,
Northern Ireland. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names. .............................167
Figure 42. Typical successions within the Oligocene Lough Neagh Clays, Lough Neagh area,
Northern Ireland (redrawn from Legg 1992)...............................................................................167


This focus of this report are the UK coal resources available for exploitation by the new technologies
of Underground Coal Gasification, Coalbed Methane production and Carbon Dioxide Sequestration.
It also briefly considers the potential for further underground and opencast mining and the extraction
of methane from working and closed mines. The potential for mining was mainly considered because
it has a bearing on the scope for the new exploitation technologies rather than to identify resources or
potential mine development areas. The report covers the UK landward area and nearshore areas,
although information on the extent of underground mining was not available for the nearshore areas.

This work was carried out by the British Geological Survey, with the assistance of Wardell
Armstrong and Imperial College, London. It represents a summary of the results of the Study of the
UK Coal Resource for New Exploitation Technologies Project, carried out for the DTI Cleaner Coal
Technology Programme (Contract No. C/01/00301/00/00) under the management of Future Energy
Solutions (Agreement No. C/01/00301/00/00).

Coalbed methane production can be subdivided into three categories:

Methane drained from working mines, known as Coal Mine Methane (CMM), has been exploited in
the UK since at least the 1950s. Currently all working mines except Daw Mill and Ellington drain
methane. It is used to generate electricity at Harworth, Tower and Thoresby collieries and in boilers at
Welbeck, Kellingley and Ricall/Whitemoor collieries. There is potential to increase the exploitation
of CMM in the UK but this is mainly a question of economics. There is also an environmental case
for further utilisation, as methane is an important greenhouse gas, 23 times more powerful than
carbon dioxide on a mass basis.

Methane drained from abandoned mines, known as Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM), is a methane-
rich gas that is obtained from abandoned mines by applying suction to the workings. The fuel gas
component consists primarily of methane desorbed from seams surrounding the mined seam(s). These
unmined seams have been de-stressed and fractured by the collapse of overlying and underlying strata
into the void left by the extracted seam(s). Currently AMM is being exploited at sites in North
Staffordshire (Silverdale Colliery), the East Midlands (Bentinck, Shirebrook and Markham collieries)
and Yorkshire (Hickleton, Monk Bretton and Wheldale collieries). The methane-rich gas is used for
electricity generation or supplied to local industry for use in boilers and kilns. Over the last few years,
the fledgling UK AMM industry has started to ascend a learning curve. However, it has suffered a
major setback since the wholesale price of electricity fell under the New Electricity Trading
Arrangements and AMM does not currently qualify as renewable energy in the UK.

Coalbed methane produced via boreholes from virgin coal seams, known as Virgin Coalbed Methane
(VCBM), has been the subject of significant exploration effort in Lancashire, North Wales, South
Wales and Scotland. The best production of gas and water from a single well is understood to be from
the project at Airth, north of Falkirk in Scotland. However, this is not economic at present. The main
reason for the slow development of VCBM in the UK is perceived to be the widespread low
permeability of UK coal seams, although little work has been carried out in the UK on coal
permeability, or to truly identify the reasons for the lack of success. This must be overcome before the
otherwise significant resource bases in the Clackmannan Syncline, Canonbie, Cumbria, South

Lancashire, North Wales, North Staffordshire and South Wales coalfields can be exploited. A
technological breakthrough is required to overcome the likely widespread low permeability in the UK
Carboniferous coal seams. Otherwise, at best, production will probably be limited to niche
opportunities in areas where high seam permeability exists. The criteria used to define and map the
location of VCBM resources are as follows:

• Coal seams greater than 0.4 m in thickness at depths >200 m

• Seam gas content >1m3/tonne
• 500 metres or more horizontal separation from underground coal workings
• Vertical separation of 150m above and 40 m below a previously worked seam
• Vertical separation of >100 m from major aquifers, and
• Vertical separation of >100 m from major unconformities

Areas with a CMM resource (current underground coal mining licences) were excluded. Note that the
presence of a CBM resource does not imply permeability in the coal seams or that the resource can be
recovered economically now or at any time in the future. Using these criteria resource areas were
defined and represented on the maps. The total VCBM resource of these areas is thought to be about
2,900 x 109 m3 (about 29 years of UK natural gas consumption).

Underground coal gasification (UCG) is the process whereby the injection of oxygen and steam/water
via a borehole results in the partial in-situ combustion of coal to produce a combustible gas mixture
consisting of CO2, CH4, H2 and CO, the proportions depending on temperature, pressure conditions
and the reactant gases injected. This product gas is then extracted via a producing well for use as an
energy source. All previous trials of this technology in the UK took place in the 1950’s or before, e.g.
Durham (1912), Newman Spinney (1949-1956) and Bayton (c.1955), although this country is well
placed for UCG, with large reserves of indigenous coal both onshore and offshore. The main criteria
used for the delineation and mapping of resource areas with potential for UCG were:

• Seams of 2 m thickness or greater

• Seams at depths between 600 and 1200 m from the surface
• 500 m or more horizontal and vertical separation from underground coal workings and current
coal mining licences, and
• Greater than 100 m from major aquifers

While seams outside these depth and thicknesses criteria are known to support UCG, the criteria were
chosen for this generic study on economic and environmental grounds as described later in this report.
The establishment of these criteria do not rule out UCG projects in shallower or thinner seams, if
local site specific factors support it.

Mapping of the potential UCG resource has identified large areas suitable for UCG, particularly in
Eastern England, Midland Valley of Scotland, North Wales, Cheshire Basin, South Lancashire,
Canonbie, the Midlands and Warwickshire. Potential also exists in other coalfields but on a smaller
scale; this is often limited by the extent of former underground coal mining activities. The total area
where coals are suitable for gasification is approximately 2.8 x 109m2. Where the criteria for UCG are

met, the minimum volume of coal available for gasification, calculated assuming only one 2 m thick
seam meets the criteria across each area, is approximately 5,698 x 106m3 (~7 Btonnes). Using an
average of the total thickness of coals that meet the criteria across each area gives a more realistic
resource figure of 12,911 x 106m3 (~17 Btonnes).

Carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration onto coal is a technology that has been proposed as a greenhouse
gas mitigation option. Carbon dioxide has an affinity to be adsorbed onto coal and this affinity is
greater than that of methane. Thus it has been proposed that CO2 could be used to enhance coalbed
methane production by displacing the methane from sorption sites on coal. Furthermore, nitrogen has
the potential to enhance coalbed methane production, by lowering the partial pressure of methane in
the cleat and causing methane to desorb faster from the sorption sites as well as sweeping the gases
from the natural coal fracture system. Thus it may be possible to enhance coalbed methane production
using flue gas (essentially a mixture of nitrogen and CO2) and thus bypass the expensive step of
separating the CO2 from flue gases. If the main objective, however, is CO2 sequestration rather than
methane production then separation of the flue gases may be worthwhile.

This technology is at a very early stage of development. A trial has been conducted in the San Juan
Basin, USA, but the results were inconclusive as, from a research perspective, the trial was brought to
an end prematurely. Further research programmes are under way, but conclusive results are not yet
available. However, any CO2 sequestration project that relies on injecting CO2 into coal seams will
require significant coal seam permeability and this appears to be a major issue in the UK (see VCBM
above). Furthermore, if there was a requirement for permanent sequestration of CO2 on coal seams,
this would render them unminable and ungasifiable (because the CO2 would be released). Any future
mining of such coals would require re-capture and sequestration of the stored CO2.

Because of the major uncertainties surrounding this technology, no areas specifically suitable for it
have been identified. Instead, a general assumption has been made that where coal seam are at depths
below 1,200 m they are unlikely to be mined or gasified and therefore may have some theoretical
potential for CO2 sequestration, providing that other issues, such as low seam permeability, can be
overcome. Large areas where coal is below 1,200 m occur in the UK, particularly in the Cheshire
Basin and Eastern England.

In summary:
• The UK has vast resources of onshore coal suitable for underground gasification and VCBM
• CMM could be utilised at certain mines where it is currently drained, but vented to the
• The UK has a fledgling AMM industry, but its future growth will depend on factors such as
electricity price and its renewable status.
• The total is about 29 years of UK gas production, but the intrinsic permeability of typical UK
coal seams is currently a major impediment to its exploitation.
• The estimated onshore resource for UCG is 17 Btonnes with large areas in Eastern England,
Scotland and the Midlands suitable.
• CO2 sequestration technology is immature at present and its potential application in the UK
cannot be assessed. However, there are vast areas of coal at depths below 1,200 m that are
possibly too deep for mining and in situ gasification.


The principal aim of this project was to assess the potential of the UK onshore coal resources for both
exploitation by conventional (mining) and new technologies and to represent this on a series of maps
that would identify prospective areas. The mining technologies include underground and opencast
mining, coal mine methane (CMM) and abandoned mine methane (AMM) and the new technologies
include underground coal gasification (UCG), virgin coalbed methane (VCBM) and coal seam-related
carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration.

This report represents a summary of the results of the Study of the UK Coal Resource for New
Exploitation Technologies Project, carried out for the DTI under the management of Future Energy
Solutions (Agreement No. C/01/00301/00/00). This work was undertaken by the British Geological
Survey, with the assistance of Wardell Armstrong and contributions from Imperial College, London.
The work was initiated on 15 April 2002 and completed in October 2003.

The scope of the work encompassed the following topics:

• Compilation of existing datasets

• Establishing the criteria for mapping the conventional and new technologies
• Databasing of key coal boreholes
• Production of maps to identify the potential for extracting coal and methane using
conventional and new technologies
• External consultations, discussions and meetings
• Proposals for future studies to improve and extend the resource exploitation maps
• Reporting
The deliverables of this study are as follows:

• A series of 1:100,000 scale paper maps showing the conventional and new
technologiesMontage paper map of the UK at 1:1,750,000 scale, with 1:600,000 inset maps,
summarising the main features of these smaller scale maps
• Digital version of the above maps as an Adobe pdf fileA final reportA public domain reportA
project summary
• Presentation of the results of the study at a workshop at the DTI in October 2003
As part of this work consultations were held with Alkane Energy and the Coal Authority at which
example maps were presented for their comments and approval, which was given.


The UK contains extensive resources of coal, both at surface and in the subsurface. It is estimated that
onshore these surface and subsurface deposits cover an area of approximately 40,000 km2. The major

coalfields of the UK are of Carboniferous age. The exceptions to this are small accumulations of
Tertiary lignites in Devon and Northern Ireland and a Mesozoic (Jurassic) bituminous coal deposit in
Brora, northeast Scotland. In England and Wales the majority of the coalfields are of Westphalian age
(Upper Carboniferous) and belong to a stratigraphical unit known as the Pennine and Scottish Coal
Measures Groups, divisible into lower, middle and upper units known as formations (Figure 1). In
Scotland and north east England there are coalfields of Westphalian age, but there are also important
coal-bearing strata in the earlier Carboniferous (Namurian and Dinantian) rocks (Figure 1). The term
Coal Measures Group and Lower, Middle and Upper Coal Measures are formally defined
lithostratigraphical names with specific ages so, in this report, they are generally replaced by the
generic term ‘coal-bearing strata’ to include all the coal-bearing units regardless of age.

The main coalfields of the UK are located on the eastern, southern and western flanks of the
Pennines; the Nottinghamshire-Yorkshire, South Lancashire, Warwickshire, North and South
Staffordshire coalfields are some of the largest (Figure 2). Other important coalfields include South
Wales, Kent and those in the Midland Valley of Scotland. The coalfield names generally refer to the
surface or outcrop distribution of the coal-bearing strata and much is known about the coal seam
distribution, thickness and overall properties in these areas as a result of extensive former mining and
geological mapping. They still represent areas of interest for the conventional, mining technologies.
However, there are also significant subsurface (concealed) extensions to the coalfields, where coals
are buried beneath younger strata. In these areas mining is in many cases more limited and tends to be
restricted to the less deeply buried parts. The only data available from the unmined areas tends to be
from boreholes and seismic reflection surveys; hence less is known about the geology. It is these areas
that are likely to be of major interest for the new technologies.


The principal aim of the study was to define areas suitable for the exploitation of UK coal resources.
The focus of the study was directed mainly towards the new technologies, although the mining
technologies were also considered.

This study required the definition of a set of criteria that describe the presence of a coal resource
suitable for exploitation by each technology, followed by a review of the geological data to determine,
by coalfield and region, which areas of coal are suitable for the exploitation by each technology.
Maps were then produced identifying which exploitation technologies are best suited to extracting
coal and/or methane at various horizons and localities.

The project covers all onshore coalfields in the UK, including Northern Ireland. It includes coal under
estuaries and near-shore areas that can practically be reached by land-based directional drilling. No
data more than 5 km offshore were considered. The study takes the form of a general evaluation
rather than a detailed examination of individual coal seams. Planning and hydrogeological issues were
not considered in this study. This report also proposes how such a review might be further developed
and extended to the offshore UK waters.

In this report the term 'Mining Technologies' refers not only to opencast and underground mining, but
also coal mine methane (CMM) and abandoned mine methane (AMM) which require active and
former mining respectively. The term 'New Technologies' refers to underground coal gasification
(UCG), virgin coalbed methane (VCBM) and coal-related CO2 sequestration.

The following methodology was applied:

• Establish the criteria that define the presence of a suitable coal resource for exploitation by
each of the mining and new technologies
• Identify and compile suitable datasets
• Establish areas of past and present activity for mining and the current licensed areas for all
fossil fuel extraction (coal, oil and gas)
• Compile a borehole database identifying gross thickness and depth of coal seams
• Establish a database of the UK coal resource and identify and map areas where resources
• Apply the resource criteria to the UK coal-bearing strata
• Assess the potential for future utilisation of the resource by the various exploitation
• Propose future studies to improve and extend the resource exploitation maps

These are discussed in more detail in the following sections.


A coal resource is defined here as: "That amount of coal present in such form and quantity that there
may be prospects for its eventual extraction". Such a resource can be either identified or undiscovered
(Figure 3). An identified coal resource can be reported in terms of Inferred, Indicated and Measured
categories (Figure 3). A coal reserve is defined here as: "A resource that can be economically
recovered now using present-day technologies". Thus resources and reserves are very different - in
essence a resource defines what is in the ground, whereas a reserve defines what is presently
economically recoverable with current technology (Figure 3).


In order that the coal resources of the UK could be mapped, it was necessary to define a set of criteria
that could be used to rank the resources suitable for exploitation by each of the various technologies.
These criteria are described in the following section. All seam thicknesses quoted below are gross
thicknesses, i.e. including any beds of siliciclastic sedimentary rock (dirt). Where two coal beds are
separated by >0.3 m of dirt they have been treated as 2 separate seams.

3.1.1 Opencast Coal Mining

The area with technical potential for opencast working is defined as an area of coal- or lignite-bearing
strata containing seams with <50 m non-coal-bearing overburden. It extends to depths of 200 m below
the ground surface, the normal limit of opencast workings in the UK. It excludes a small area of non-
coal bearing strata at the base of the Coal Measures. These areas are independent of the current land
use. In most instances these coincide with the area of outcrop of coal-bearing strata, although there

will not necessarily be an exact match, e.g. areas with a thick coverage of superficial deposits such as
drift will be discounted. In reality, areas with potential for opencast mining must satisfy a very wide-
ranging set of geological, engineering and planning constraints that cannot be described or discussed
within the scope of this report. The remaining resources potentially suitable for opencast coal mining
have not been calculated as part of this study, but resource areas have been defined and mapped.

3.1.2 Underground Coal Mining

Areas with the technical potential for underground coal mining are defined here as unmined areas
where coal seams >1.5 m thick are present between depths of 200 and 1200 m. However, in reality,
areas with potential for underground mining must satisfy a very wide-ranging set of geological and
engineering constraints that cannot be described or discussed within the scope of this report.
Consequently, only the major underground mining prospects identified by British Coal in their Plan
2000 exploration phase have been identified on the maps (Moses 1981). Some of these are identified
in the DTI Review of Prospects for Coal Production in England, Scotland and Wales carried out by
International Mining Consultants (IMC) in March 1999. There is no implication that these areas are
suitable for underground mining. The remaining resources potentially suitable for underground coal
mining have not been calculated as part of this study, but resource areas have been defined and
mapped. In terms of existing mines, a good summary of the remaining reserves is available in the DTI
Reports ‘Review of the Selby Complex’ (IMC 2002a) and ‘A Review of the Remaining Reserves at
Deep Mines for the Department of Trade and Industry’ (IMC 2002b).

3.1.3 Coal Mine Methane (CMM)

Methane trapped in coal and surrounding strata can be released as a result of mining; this gas is
known as Coal Mine Methane (CMM). The resource is the volume of gas in coal and surrounding
strata (gas-in-place) that will be released by longwall extraction over the remaining life of the mine
(Creedy et al 2001a). This gas is released not only from the mined seam, but also from seams in the
collapsed and fractured, and thus de-stressed, strata surrounding the mined seam. Longwall mining
may de-stress strata from 160-200 m above and 40-70 m below the worked seam (Creedy et al
2001a). This methane is an underground safety hazard so the control of this methane, by dilution with
air, has been carried out for hundreds of years, but it is only recently that the methane has been
systematically captured and utilised. When mining ceases, the residual gas contained in these strata
forms an abandoned mine methane (AMM) resource.

A CMM resource area is defined as the mining licence around a working mine with methane
drainage. CMM resources have not been calculated as part of this study, but resource areas have been
defined and mapped. CMM sites are identified by a shaft location for the working mine and the
potential area of CMM extraction is represented by the mine licence.

3.1.4 Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM)

Abandoned Mine Methane (AMM) consists of the fuel gas (mainly methane) fraction of the free gas
trapped within abandoned coal mines, plus any methane that can be desorbed from the coal seams in
the strata surrounding the mined seam by applying suction to the mine workings (Creedy et al 2001a).
There are approximately 1,000 abandoned coal mines in this country. Mines which worked coal
seams that initially contained <1m3/tonne coalbed gas commonly emit mixtures of carbon dioxide and
de-oxygenated air referred to as blackdamp. These mines are unsuitable for AMM production.

A resource area is best defined as the extent of underground longwall or other 'total extraction'
workings not submerged by recovering or recovered mine water levels. However, it is beyond the
scope of this project to accurately distinguish total extraction workings from other workings.
Furthermore, the volume of workings not submerged by recovered or recovering mine water is only
poorly known. For the purposes of the project, the resource areas are defined as consisting of those
workings outside the area of opencast potential in which mine water levels are recovering rather than
recovered. This intentionally excludes the shallowest workings, which are least likely to have been
worked by longwall methods.

In this report, criteria used to identify an AMM resource are as follows:

• Recovering rather than recovered groundwater levels in abandoned mine workings
• Initial seam gas content known or considered likely to be >1m3/tonne of coal, although seams
with less than about 3 m3/tonne methane are not likely to be significant AMM prospects
• Shallow workings, i.e. those in the zone of potential for opencast mining, excluded (to reduce
major air ingress)
• Seams <150 m above the mined seam(s) and <40 m below the mined seam(s) comprise the
resource base
Clearly, there is a window of opportunity for AMM exploitation that will close when groundwater
levels in abandoned mines have fully recovered.

AMM resources have not been calculated, but resource areas have been defined and mapped. Four
areas are marked on the maps, namely:

• Good prospects for abandoned mine methane (AMM) (Mine workings not recovered). In
these areas methane values are known to be >1m3/tonne and the mine waters in these
workings are thought to have not recovered. This is due either to mine water control by
pumping or to the recent closure of a mine. Mine water recovery reports produced for the
Coal Authority were kindly made available for inspection by this study. Notes taken from
these and other reports and publications were used to construct areas where mine water levels
are thought to be mainly recovered, recovering or unverifiable. Note that the areas
constructed on the maps are an interpretation made by the authors of this report and do not
necessarily bear any relation whatsoever to the views of the Coal Authority or its agents or
subcontractors. Furthermore the mine water recovery will change through time.
• Variable AMM prospects (Mine water recovering or conditions not known). In these areas
methane values are known to be >1m3/tonne and the mine waters in these workings are
thought to be in a state of recovery. Variable prospects also occur where the state of the mine
water recovery is unknown, but the mines were abandoned fairly recently.
• Poor AMM prospects (Mine waters probably fully recovered or initial seam gas content
<1m3/tonne. In these areas methane values are known to be either <1m3/tonne, or the mine
waters in these workings are thought to be fully recovered. These areas tend to be
characterised by old workings that were abandoned 40 years or more ago.
• AMM prospects unverifiable. In these areas there is no information to substantiate the level of
the mine water recovery.

When using the maps it should be borne in mind that the levels of mine water in underground
workings are poorly known or unknown in significant areas within the UK coalfields and so these
areas are far from definitive. Resources may occur outside the area of recovering mine waters and

conversely there are likely to be flooded workings within the area of recovering mine waters.
Furthermore, the recovered areas will increase in size with time at the expense of the recovering

3.1.5 Coalbed Methane from Virgin Seams (VCBM)

Coalbed methane is the methane-rich gas found naturally within coal seams. Typically it consists of
80-95% methane, 0-8% ethane, 0-4% propane and higher hydrocarbons, 2-8% nitrogen and 0.2-6%
carbon dioxide, together with traces of argon, helium and hydrogen (Creedy 1991). In mines it can be
explosive when mixed with air. It is known as firedamp in the mining industry.

Coalbed methane originates from the coalification of organic matter during its burial. Organic matter
accumulates at the ground surface as peat. As it becomes progressively more deeply buried beneath
other sediments, it gets progressively hotter and is subject to greater pressure. It is compressed and
heated and transformed first into lignite and then bituminous coal and finally, if coalification proceeds
far enough, into anthracite. During this transformation volatile matter is driven off. However, a
proportion of the methane is retained in the coal. This process occurs extremely slowly, over
geological timescales, often taking millions of years. Coalification may stop at any stage of the
process if the progressive heating and compression of the coal (usually by progressive burial) stops.

The criteria used to define and map the location of VCBM resources are as follows:

• Coal seams greater than 0.4 m in thickness at depths >200 m

• Maximum depth of 1200 m
• Seam gas content >1m3/tonne
• 500 metres or more horizontal separation from underground coal workings
• Vertical separation of 150m above and 40 m below a previously worked seam
• Vertical separation of >100 m from major aquifers, and
• Vertical separation of >100 m from major unconformities
• Areas with a CMM resource (current underground coal mining licences) were excluded.

Note that the presence of a CBM resource does not imply permeability in the coal seams or that the
resource can be recovered economically now or at any time in the future.

Following application of the criteria as established above, regions with potential for CBM were
derived. In order to refine these CBM regions and produce a more accurate resource calculation these
regions were divided into smaller areas across which the methane values are believed to be fairly
consistent. These areas were defined using methane point and contoured data, available in Creedy
(1986, 1988, 1991) and Wardell Armstrong (2002). These areas were then marked on the maps and
labelled consecutively as CBM Areas 1, 2, 3 etc. The resource density, which represents the CBM
resource as a function of its area, was used to rank the CBM areas, with CBM area 1 on each map
representing the area with the highest resource density.

3.1.6 Underground Coal Gasification (UCG)
Underground coal gasification (UCG) describes the process by which various combinations of air,
oxygen, hydrogen and steam are injected into one or more in-situ coal seams to initiate partial
combustion. The process generally involves the drilling of at least 2 boreholes, one to act as the
gasifier and one to collect the product gases. The injectant reacts with the coal, which produces heat
and drives off gases (hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methane), which are subsequently recovered
through a production well. The basic chemical processes and the calorific value (CV) of the gas
produced are similar to conventional industrial gasification processes, although the final gas
composition is somewhat different. Compared to CBM, UCG generally produces a gas of medium
CV with a heating value of about 30% that of CBM. If air, rather than oxygen, is used as a partial
oxidant then a lower CV product gas is produced with a heating value of about 10% that of CBM. The
other difference is that with UCG typically 75% of the energy value of the affected coal is produced
as useful energy at surface, whereas with CBM it much lower.

The main criteria used for the delineation and mapping of resource areas with potential for UCG

• Seams of 2 m thickness or greater

• Seams at depths between 600 and 1200 m from the surface
• 500 m or more horizontal and vertical separation from underground coal workings and current
coal mining licences
• Greater than 100 m vertical separation from major aquifers, and
• Greater than 100 m vertical separation from major overlying unconformities

Underground coal gasification can take place either under shallow, low pressure conditions or at
depth, under high pressure. The latest UCG projects all try to work close to the hydrostatic pressure to
minimise pollution spread, and so shallow schemes (100-200m) like Chinchilla operate closer to
atmospheric pressure (~10 bar) than those at greater depth such as the European trial (~60 bar).
Shallow operations have lower drilling costs but the disadvantage is the potential for environmental
pollution and a lower CV gas. High pressure encourages methane production and cavity growth.

For this generic study, a minimum depth of 600m has been assumed to lessen the environmental
impact at surface, in terms of hydrogeology, subsidence and gas escape. This does not rule out
shallow UCG for specific sites in the UK, where the local strata and hydrogeological conditions
can support operations in seams closer to the surface than 600m. The 1200m depth represents the
normal limit for mining in the UK, and the same figure was used for UCG on the basis of drilling
costs and working pressure at surface. More work might establish that UCG can go deeper, and there
are advantages in terms of energy produced in doing so.

A seam thickness of 2m or greater has been chosen for economic reasons – greater thickness means
more coal for gasification. It has also been suggested in the European studies that UCG reactions in
thin seams are not generally sustainable, although the Soviets have reported that seams down to 1m in
thickness can be gasified.

Other factors that are important in any UCG scheme, but were not used in the mapping process were:

• Impermeable layers of strata surrounding the target coal seam
• Seam bedding dip between 5° and 30°
• Absence of any major faults in the area
• Low values for sulphur content, ash content and swelling index
• Environmental and hydrogeological conditions
• Proximity to users
• Licence conditions that might be imposed by Regulatory and Planning Authorities

To define UCG areas the borehole database was interrogated to identify boreholes which contained
coals in excess of 2 m in thickness at depths between 600 and 1200 m from surface. The 600 and
1200 m lines, drawn on each map, mark the lower and upper limits of each UCG resource area. It can
be seen from Figure 4 that the maximum possible resource area is defined where the 600m line
intersects the top of the coal-bearing strata and the 1200 m line intersects the base of the coal-bearing
strata. Coal seams that met these criteria, but were less than 100 m below the base of the Permian,
were excluded. Boreholes that met the criteria were plotted on a base map together with the extent of
underground workings and existing mining licences. The resource area could then be defined. Three
resource subdivisions could be identified: good, unverifiable and poor. These are represented on the
maps as different colours zones. Good areas meet the criteria as defined above. Unverifiable areas
represent regions where the UCG potential is unknown. This may be related either to the absence of
borehole data, or to the lack of deep penetrating boreholes (i.e. >600m) within an area. Poor zones
represent areas where coals are present at the required depths, but do not meet the thickness criteria.

3.1.7 Carbon Dioxide Sequestration

Because carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration requires that CO2 remains in place for very long time
periods, areas of coal suitable for mining or underground gasification are not suitable for CO2
sequestration. Areas considered to contain coal resources potentially suitable for CO2 sequestration by
adsorption onto coal fall into two categories:

• Areas of unminable coal seams (defined on the maps by areas where coal seams are at depths
>1200 m and >500 m from mine workings), and
• Areas where coal seams are at depths of <1200 m, but CO2 sequestration might take place in
association with underground coal gasification or coalbed methane production

The former are regarded as primary areas for CO2 sequestration and are identified on the maps. The
latter are regarded as secondary opportunities and are not marked on the maps. Because this is an
immature technology, no implication as to the methodology for CO2 sequestration is made. Figure 4
indicates that this area is at a maximum if it is defined at the position where the 1200 m line cuts the
base of the coal-bearing strata. This also creates an overlap zone between the area suitable for UCG
and that of the potential CO2 sequestration area. Hence the position where the 1200 m line intersects
the base of the coal-bearing strata is marked on the maps.

The main area that might prove suitable for CO2 sequestration are those areas of unminable coal
seams at depths >1200 m (on the base of the Coal Measures). Contours on the base of the Coal
Measures were taken from the 1999 BGS/CA Coal Resources Map of Britain. These contours are
relative to ordnance datum (OD) and hence needed to be corrected so that they were relative to
ground level. Ground level data from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) Digital Terrain
Model (DTM) were used to correct the OD based contours and the derived dataset was recontoured
using a 500 m grid spacing, with 100m contour interval. The 1200 m contour line was then extracted
and shown on the new technologies maps.


There are a number of geological factors that are important for the coal technologies and can have an
impact on the exploitation of the resources; these can be viewed as risks. Many of these are described
by Creedy et al. (2001). There are also areas of uncertainty regarding the accuracy of the resource
assessment and mapping process. These are detailed in the following sections.

3.2.1 Risks
The main geological risks for the non-mining technologies are summarised below: Coal Mine Methane

• Mine closes prematurely, although the methane then becomes an AMM resource
• Methane contents are low and methane is not routinely or efficiently captured by the working
• Variable supply and quality of methane due to mining and geological reasons Abandoned Mine Methane

• Inadequate methane quality and quantity
• The level and rate of groundwater recovery reducing the accessible volume of connected mine
• Air ingress into workings associated with inadequate sealing of mine entries
• Difficulties establishing a good connection between unflooded mine workings and the surface via
boreholes/shafts/drifts Virgin Coalbed Methane

• Heavy faulting
• Low seam permeability
• Variable or low gas content

• Unpredictable gas pressure/saturationWater disposal at surface Underground Coal Gasification

• Heavy faulting
• Overburden composition and potential leakage of produced gases/by-products into aquifers
• Groundwater quenching the reaction
• Subsidence
• Seam thickness variability
• Coal conditions inductive to lateral cavity growth
• Fugitive emissions or migration of potentially harmful combustion products Carbon Dioxide Sequestration

• Poorly defined concept
• Low seam permeability
• Seam matrix swelling as a result of CO2 injection
• Fugitive methane emissions
• Fugitive CO2 emissions
• Heavy faulting
• Future attempts to recover energy value from coal
• Mobilisation of potentially harmful chemical species due to Ph shift cause by CO2 dissolution in

3.2.2 Key uncertainties

There are areas of uncertainty regarding both the resource delineation and the mapping process. Some
of the major areas of uncertainty relate to such factors as data availability, data reliability, project
resourcing, the presence of faulting and hydrogeology.

Data availability is a major factor when it comes to defining the resource area and for calculating total
coal thickness that meet the criteria for a particular technology. Data availability can relate to the
presence or absence of a borehole in an area of interest, or to the depth of penetration (=total depth or
TD) of a particular borehole. The BGS digital database of borehole locations (see the BGS
Geoscience Data Index on lists approximately 8238
boreholes >200 m and 2760 boreholes >600 m that lie on the coalfields, or their subsurface
extensions. Approximately 1504 boreholes were analysed and databased for this project (see Section
4.1). This represents a small fraction of the total number of boreholes available, but databasing of
boreholes was limited by the size of the project budget and the project timescale. It is clear that more
data is available that could contribute to further detailed studies.

Data reliability is another area of uncertainty and is difficult to assess. The main problem will lie with
boreholes; features such as sidewall caving and faulting are key issues. Old boreholes are less reliable
in terms of accurate depths, quality of core descriptions and core recovery. Drilling technology has
improved considerably in the last few decades and hence are more likely to be reliable. For these
reasons this study selected the most recent boreholes where available.

The presence or absence of faults is an important issue and can have an impact on the development of
the new resources. For UCG in particular identification of a suitably sized, unfaulted block is a pre-
requisite. However, the identification of all faults that affect the UK Coal Measures is a significant
study in itself and is beyond the scope of this project. Major faults are shown on the new technologies
maps, but the more numerous small scale faults have not been identified. BGS maps show the
positions of faults at surface, however, faults present in coal-bearing strata in the subsurface,
especially where buried below younger strata would need to be identified and mapped using seismic
reflection data. This is a major undertaking that would need to form the focus of a separate study.

Within the Coal Measures there are numerous minor aquifers (Jones et al. 2000) and the overlying
Permo-Triassic sandstones form important major aquifers (Allen et al. 1997). The major aquifers have
been taken into account whilst carrying out this project, with a vertical stand-off distance of 100 m
applied to the definition of UCG and CBM resources. However, minor aquifers are known to occur
within the coal-bearing successions studied, interbedded with coals, and might have an impact on
resource exploitation, e.g. water rich sandstones could quench a UCG reaction. Site specific borehole
studies will be able to identify such minor aquifers.

Some of the resource specific areas of uncertainty are discussed below. Coal Mine Methane

The key limitation on the definition of the CMM resource area is the assumption that the mining
licence defines the resource area. This assumes that all seams will be extracted across this area, which
is generally not the case. A more accurate assessment could be derived from using the data made
available by IMC (2002a & b), which provide sufficient details on the planned extent of workings for
each seam. Abandoned Mine Methane

There is significant uncertainty associated with the definition of AMM resource areas due to the lack
of detailed knowledge regarding the state of mine water recovery in the coalfields. Mapped areas need
to be treated with caution and detailed studies undertaken to prove the presence of a resource. Virgin Coalbed Methane

The main uncertainties relating to the mapping of VCBM resources are the limited amount of seam
gas content data and the borehole availability.

27 Underground Coal Gasification
As discussed above (Section 3.2.2) it is clear that borehole availability plays a major factor in the
determination of UCG resources and uncertainty exists as to whether all resources have been
identified. In order to minimise this risk, boreholes were selected at regularly spaced intervals where
possible. Where resources were identified further boreholes were selected to try and produce the best
possible definition of the resource area. In the deeper parts of coalfield this was not always possible
due to restrictions on borehole availability. Uncertainty also exists regarding continuity of seams
between boreholes related to, for example, faulting. Only detailed site specific studies can address
these issues. Carbon Dioxide Sequestration

This area has been defined using the 1200 m contour (on the base of the Coal Measures), taken from
the 1999 BGS/CA Coal Resources Map of Britain. As described in Section 3.1.7, the OD based
contour line was corrected so that it was relative to ground level. The main uncertainties involved
here include the possibility that the contour was not accurately defined initially, together with the
inherent way in which the new contour was derived.



In order to determine whether coal seams meet the criteria for the new technologies a digital database
of coal seam data was compiled. Borehole information from the BGS National Geosciences Data
Centre was used for this study. This incorporates the former British Coal records collection, which
was also used. Most boreholes were drilled as coal exploration boreholes by British Coal and its
predecessors. However, many of these do not penetrate to depths in excess of 600 m or so, restricting
the resource evaluation at greater depths. Deeper boreholes are typically hydrocarbon exploration
wells and coal seam presence and thickness have to be interpreted from geophysical logs and drill

Borehole information was available in the form of written and graphic logs. A digital dataset was
created by entering the information into an Excel spreadsheet. Approximately 1500 boreholes were
analysed and databased (see Appendix - Table A1). Data recorded included the borehole name, grid
reference, surface elevation and drilled total depth (TD), unique borehole reference indicator, depth to
the top and base of every coal seam, thickness, coal seam name, together with any other relevant
feature mentioned in the borehole logs, such as base of the Permian, base of Coal Measures and
position of main marine bands. These data are not reproduced in this report, but the basic metadata
related to each borehole is given in Appendix Table A1. Depths were entered in metres as downhole
values relative to surface elevation. It should be stressed that the compiled borehole dataset used does
not represent a complete set of all boreholes available for each coalfield. The selection of boreholes
was subjective, although where possible a regular spacing of the deepest boreholes was chosen, to
ensure a good spacing of data points. Given the project constraints, it is believed that this database
represents a good sample of the available boreholes.

Digital mine plan data was used to identify areas of past and present underground and opencast
mining and the location of existing mining licences, i.e. the areas within which permission has been
granted to extract coal. In England, Scotland and Wales these data were supplied by The Coal
Authority (CA). This includes data up until May 2002, when the data was supplied. Additional
mining subsequent to this date is not shown on the maps. Data were available for all the onshore and
nearshore area, up to approximately 1 km from the coast. Areas further offshore were not available
and hence are not represented on the maps provided by this study.

Mine plan data for Northern Ireland were supplied by the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland, a
branch of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (Northern Ireland)

A number of the mapped features are derived from the 1999 BGS/CA Coal Resources Map of Britain,
including both the 'at surface' and 'concealed' areas of lignite and coal-bearing strata, the area with
theoretical potential for opencast workings and the main faults that cut the base of the coal-bearing


Other datasets that were used in this study include:

• BGS 1:50,000 digital geological map data (DigMap 50K)

• Digital dataset of onshore petroleum exploration (PEDL and EXL) licences, supplied by the
DTI Oil and Gas Directorate
• Seam gas content data originally obtained by British Coal and provided by Wardell
• Locations of shafts or abandoned mine and working mine locations compiled as part of this

4.4.1 Petroleum licence areas

The Petroleum licences shown on each new technologies map were supplied by the DTI. The DTI
website ( gives definitions of the different
types of petroleum licences. Prior to 1996, DTI issued a sequence of separate licences for each stage
of an onshore field's life: an Exploration Licence (EXL or XL), an Appraisal Licence (AL), a
Development Licence (DL) and a Production Licence (PL). Petroleum Exploration and Development
Licences (PEDLs) were introduced at the Eighth Licensing Round to reduce the bureaucracy
associated with issuing this series of Licences. Hence DTI no longer issues these older licences, but a
number of them are still in force. When one of the few remaining EXLs reaches its expiry date it can
be converted to PEDL terms.

A further type of licence is the Methane Drainage Licence (MDL), which can be granted to a mine to
permit the capture of methane given off during working at a coal mine. Technically, capturing the
drained methane requires a Licence under the Petroleum Act 1998, but mines can be granted an MDL
to improve underground safety. MDLs generally cover much smaller areas than PEDLs (usually the
size of the mine), and can overlap geographically with one or more PEDLs.


The main product of this study is a series of maps that illustrate the resource areas for conventional
and new technologies. Maps were drawn using ESRI®ArcMapTM (v.8.3) GIS software. Due to the
complexity of the information to be displayed, it was decided to produce two types of maps for each
area of the country, one illustrating the mining technologies and the other type illustrating the new
technologies. In total 21 of each type of map were produced, at 1:100,000 scale. The areas covered by
these maps are illustrated in Figure 5. These are available in both paper format and as a Adobe
Acrobat pdf file supplied with this report. In addition to this, a montage or summary map was
produced. This comprises two main maps at 1:1,750,000 scale and inset maps, at 1:600,000 scale,
showing more detail.


This aim of the mining technologies map is to illustrate the potential resource areas for the
conventional mining based technologies, including CMM and AMM, as well as the areas that have
previously undergone opencast and underground mining.

Each map, at 1:100,000 scale, comprises a header text box displaying the title of the map. Another
text box immediately below contains general project details and a copyright and liability statement.
On each map there is a minimum of 2 further text boxes, one with generic text describing the
technologies covered by the map and one or more map specific text boxes, describing the features of
the mining technologies unique to the map. Each map illustrates the following features:

• Urban areas. Most, but not all of these urban areas are named. The source of these data is the
digital chart of the World (DCW), Edition 1, July 1992.
• Coastline.
• Borehole locations selected for current study. These represent the positions of the boreholes
which were databased as part of this study. As discussed previously, this is not necessarily a
complete set of boreholes that are available.
• Large working coal mines. This is represented as a single point, marking the position of one
of the shafts of each of the main large working coal mines.
• Shafts of abandoned coal mines. A database of abandoned coal mines was created and
marked on the maps. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but most of the mines that
were in existence post nationalisation (1947) are shown. For each mine, only the position of
one shaft is marked on the map.
• Lignite at surface. The extent of outcrop of the main lignite-bearing stratigraphic units is
marked on the maps.

• Coal-bearing strata at surface. This represents the area where coal-bearing strata could be
expected to be present at the surface. In most instances the coal-bearing strata will be buried
below a thin covering of more recent superficial deposits such as drift or alluvium. There is
no differentiation between the different ages of the coal-bearing strata on these maps.
• Concealed coal-bearing strata <1200 m from surface datum. This represents the area where
coal-bearing strata are present in the subsurface at depths less than 1200 m, buried below
younger strata. The downdip limit is the 1200 m line, drawn on the top of the coal-bearing
unit (Figure 4). This area has potential for further underground mines, as long as suitable
geology is present. In most instances the cover rocks immediately overlying the coal-bearing
strata are Permo-Triassic in age, although in Kent the Permo-Triassic is absent and the Coal
Measures are overlain by younger Mesozoic strata. In South Wales, the majority of the Coal
Measures are not concealed below younger strata, so the presence of coal-bearing strata is
represented by the ‘Coal-bearing strata at surface’ pattern. It should be borne in mind that
coal-bearing strata in this coalfield do continue to depths in excess of 1200 m, but they are
not concealed.
• Concealed coal-bearing strata >1200 m from surface datum. This represents the area where
coal-bearing strata are present in the subsurface at depths in excess of 1200 m, buried below
younger strata. The updip limit is the 1200 m line, drawn on the top of the coal-bearing unit
(Figure 4). The downdip limit is the known extent of coal-bearing strata.
• Present Opencast Licences. This represents the bounding area within which a licence has
been granted to work coal using opencast techniques. This was supplied as a digital dataset by
the Coal Authority in May 2002. Any subsequent changes to this date are not shown on these
• Past opencast workings. This represents the site boundary of former opencast workings, as
represented by the licence area. It does not mark the actual position of the working areas
within a site. The Coal Authority supplied this as a digital dataset in May 2002. Any
subsequent changes to this date are not shown on these maps.
• Area with theoretical potential for opencast workings. The source of this dataset is the Coal
Resource Map of Great Britain (BGS/Coal Authority 1999). The potential areas suitable for
opencast mining may not exactly match the area of outcrop of coal-bearing strata in a number
of coalfields, i.e. the area suitable for opencast mining may be smaller. This may be due to a
number of geological factors. Firstly it may be known that there are no seams in a particular
area, secondly seams may be too thin and discontinuous to be worked and thirdly the
thickness of superficial deposits (e.g. drift) may be too great. In places drift thickness can
exceed 50 m, which limits the potential for opencast mining. This is particularly the case in
parts of the Burnley, Cheadle, Shrewsbury and South Lancashire coalfields.
• Underground mining licences. This represents the bounding area within which a licence has
been granted to work coal underground. The Coal Authority supplied this as a digital dataset
in May 2002. Any licence changes subsequent to this date are not shown on these maps.
• Extent of underground workings with 500 m buffer zone. The extent of former underground
mine workings was supplied as a digital dataset by the Coal Authority. The data were
supplied as comma separated variable (CSV) format files (ASCII xyz data), with each file
representing the workings of one named seam. This was loaded into the ESRI®ArcMapTM
(v.8.3) GIS software and a 500 m buffer zone was added to this dataset. The buffer zone
represents a stand-off distance recommended to mitigate against the possible interaction of
former mine workings with the other technologies. Permission to publish these data in this
format was kindly granted by the Coal Authority.
• Underground mining exploration prospects. During the 1970’s and 80’s exploration by the
former British Coal-National Coal Board identified a number of underground mining

exploration prospects which were considered to represent the most promising areas for future
underground mines. These are represented as generalised areas on the maps.
• Extraction sites for coal mine methane (CMM) from licenced working mines. These represent
the known locations where CMM is currently being utilised. They are identified by a shaft
location for the working mine.
• Resource area for CMM. As defined in section 3.1.3, the CMM resource area is defined as
the mining licence around a working mine with methane drainage. Hence they were derived
from the Coal Authority digital licence dataset, supplied in May 2002. Any licence changes
subsequent to this date are not shown on these maps.
• Good prospects for abandoned mine methane (AMM) (Mine workings not recovered). In
these areas methane values are known to be >1m3/tonne and the mine waters in these
workings are thought to have not recovered.
• Variable AMM prospects (Mine water recovering or conditions not known). In these areas
methane values are known to be >1m3/tonne and the mine waters in these workings are
thought to be in a state of recovery. Variable prospects also occur where the state of the mine
water recovery is unknown but the mines were abandoned fairly recently.
• Poor AMM prospects (Mine waters probably fully recovered or initial seam gas content
<1m3/tonne. In these areas methane values are known to be either <1m3/tonne or the mine
waters in these workings are thought to be fully recovered. These areas tend to be
characterised by old workings that were abandoned 40 years or more ago.
• AMM prospects unverifiable. In these areas there is no information to substantiate the level of
the mine water recovery.

In terms of the AMM lines, it should be stressed that the good, variable, poor and unverifiable areas
are all generalised as it is not possible to accurately define these areas. In a number of areas, e.g. on
maps 2 and 14, where it is known that the workings have fully recovered, single lines are drawn
around all the workings, rather than individual lines around every small set of isolated underground


The new technologies maps give the potential resource areas for the new technologies of UCG and
VCBM. They also identify any areas where coal is present below 1200 m for possible CO2
sequestration in un-minable coal seams. Each map, at 1:100,000 scale, comprises a header text box
displaying the title of the map. Another text box immediately below contains general project details
and a copyright and liability statement. On each map there is a minimum of 2 further text boxes, one
with generic text describing the technologies covered by the map and one or more map specific text
boxes, describing the features of the new technologies unique to the map. The areas covered by these
maps are illustrated in Figure 5. Each map illustrates the following features:

• Urban areas. Most, but not all of these urban areas are named.
• Coastline.
• Borehole locations selected for current study.
• Fault at base of coal-bearing strata. This dataset is derived from the 1999 Coal Resources
Map of Great Britain and marks the positions where faults cut the base of any coal-bearing

• Petroleum licences. This was supplied by the DTI in May 2002. Any changes to the licences
subsequent to this data are not shown.
• Underground mining licences. The Coal Authority supplied this as a digital dataset in May
2002. Any licence changes subsequent to this date are not shown on these maps. These are
important to mark on the new technologies map, as the potential for UCG and VCBM is
restricted to areas outside the existing mining licences.
• Lignite at surface. This is described in Section 5.1.
• Coal bearing strata at surface. This is described in Section 5.1.
• Concealed coal-bearing strata <1200 m from surface datum. This is generally only shown on
the maps in areas of concealed coal-bearing strata down to depths of 600 m. Areas between
600 – 1200 m are represented as UCG areas. The exceptions are where existing mining
licences occur; here the UCG potential is not shown.
• Concealed coal-bearing strata >1200 m from surface datum. This is described in Section 5.1.
• Area with good UCG potential. This represents an area that meets all the criteria for UCG, as
outlined in section 3.1.5.
• Area with poor UCG potential. This represents an area that does not meet all the criteria for
UCG, specifically seams are present at suitable depths, but do no meet the required thickness
of >2 m.
• Area with unverifiable UCG potential. This represents an area in which coal is believed to be
present at suitable depths, but borehole information is lacking. Hence the potential cannot be
verified. Unverifiable areas require further investigation to determine their resource potential.
• CBM boreholes. The positions of known CBM boreholes as of May 2002 are marked on the
maps. These data are supplied from the DTI (see the Basic Onshore Well Data Excel file at
• CBM resource areas. The criteria used to define CBM resource areas are given in section
3.1.6. Definition of the resources is described in section 10.3.1.
• Areas greater than 1200m from surface datum with potential for CO2 sequestration. Areas
where coal is present below 1200 m have been distinguished on the maps as coal resource
areas which may have theoretical potential for CO2 sequestration. Areas where CO2
sequestration might be considered in conjunction with UCG or VCBM are not shown on the


The montage map is a summary of all the mining and new technologies. This comprises two main
maps of the UK at 1:1,750,000 scale and inset maps at 1:600,000 scale showing more detail of
selected coalfield areas. The mining montage map and insets show the past and present exploitation,
and potential, of the UK coal resources for opencast and underground mining, abandoned mine
methane (AMM) and coal mine methane (CMM). The new technologies montage map and insets
show the potential UK coal resources for the new exploitation technologies of underground coal
gasification, coalbed methane and CO2 storage. Descriptions of these technologies are given in
separate inset boxes.


It is beyond the scope of this report to give a detailed account of opencast coal mining. An opencast
mine, as opposed to an underground mine, works coal from open pits directly analogous to quarries.
Overburden rocks and unconsolidated superficial deposits are removed from above a coal seam and
the coal seam itself is then removed. Shallow underground workings are commonly encountered in
UK opencast coal pits. The maximum depth of UK opencast coal pits is approximately 200 m and up
to 50 m of overburden may be removed from above the first seam.

There are numerous advantages of opencast mining, particularly the low cost, the temporary nature of
the workings, improvements in the land following site restoration and the flexibility of the mining
operations. For example this allows thin seams (>0.15 m) and old pillar and stall workings to be
mined, as well as coping with faulted ground. There are environmental issues associated with
opencast coal mining, mainly relating to noise, dust, visual impact and transport of the coal.
Consequently opencast coal mining is severely constrained by planning requirements in and around
urban and amenity areas.

As at April 2002 there were 56 opencast sites in production (source DTI web site: dukes2_10.pdf). Production from opencast mines in
2001-02 was 14.47 million tonnes (source: Coal Authority Annual Report 2002). It is not possible to
provide a generalised statement on which coalfields are more favourable than others as the viability of
an opencast mine is extremely site specific, requiring detailed drilling across the area of interest.
However, it is clear that some coalfields, e.g. Forest of Dean, Pembrokeshire, are least suited because
much of these coalfields lie within National and Royal Parks. The larger coalfields offer more scope
to find areas suitable for opencast sites.


It is also beyond the scope of this report to give a detailed account of underground coal mining but
detailed information on all working mines is provided by IMC (2002). Currently there are 13 large
underground coal mines in the UK and 1 smaller anthracite mine (Table 1). The large deep mines all
use longwall mining techniques, with retreat faces common, although Ellington also has some pillar
and stall workings (IMC 2002). One advantage of retreat mining is that the geology is proven in the
gate roadways prior to setting out the face. UK deep mined coal is generally produced at considerable
depths and has to compete with opencast coal or cheaper underground mined coal available on world
markets. There has been a rapid and drastic decline in the number of deep underground mines. In
2001, total UK production was 32.1 million tonnes, with 17.3 million tonnes from deep-mined
production. This study has shown that there are large areas still remaining that would be geologically
suitable for underground mining. Analysis of the data indicates that of the c.40,000 km of onshore
coal-bearing strata, approx 10,700 km lies at depths >1200 m so will not be suitable for underground
mining. Subtracting all areas where previous mining has taken place (approximately 12,900 km )
leaves an area of approximately 16,400 km2, which represents the area with theoretical potential for
future underground mining. This is a general calculation and does not assume that coals of sufficient
thickness for mining will be present across this area. COAL MINE METHANE (FROM

The US EPA (1998) recognise three types of CMM:

• Fumigant or ventilation air methane (VAM), which represents a dilute mixture of methane
(typically < 1% of volume) in air that is vented to the surface as part of the mine ventilation
• High grade CMM obtained by draining in advance of mining (not practised or feasible in the
UK) that may be suitable for injection into natural gas pipelines (After treatment to remove
water and excess carbon dioxide), and
• Goaf gas, which represents the mixture of methane and air in the goaf. This is usually less
than 85% methane (typically 35-75% in the UK) so is not suitable for direct pipeline injection
but can be used for power generation (or direct use).

The latter two can be used as a fuel source. Even ventilation air methane CMM can make a
contribution; for example the CMM power station at Appin Colliery in New South Wales
incorporated the feeding of a proportion of the methane-bearing vented mine air to the gas engine
intakes (Creedy et al. 2001a).

There has been a long history of mine gas utilisation in the UK (Young et al. 1994). Current CMM
drainage, capture and utilisation technologies are described by Creedy et al. (2001a) and the mines in
which there is current CMM capture and utilisation are summarised in Table 2. The Selby mines
(Riccall/Whitemoor and Stillingfleet/N Selby) have been identified for closure.

Thus all major working mines except Daw Mill and Ellington already drain methane, so there is little
scope for increasing the amount of methane drained. However, Creedy et al. (2001a) indicated that
utilisation of CMM is potentially feasible at all deep mines with methane drainage, so there may be
scope for increasing utilisation of the resource. There may also be scope for increasing the proportion
of gas captured and used at mines with existing gas drainage systems. There is also an environmental
case for utilisation, as methane is an important greenhouse gas, with a Global Warming Potential
(GWP) 23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide on a mass basis over a 100 year timespan
(Ramaswamy et al. 2001).

The total UK CMM resource was calculated by Creedy et al. (2001a) to be 1,620 x 106 m3.



9.1.1 Principle of AMM production

The principle of AMM production is that total extraction methods of coal mining (e.g. longwall
mining) lead to the collapse of overlying and underlying strata into the void from which the coal seam
is extracted. This reduces the stress regime of the seams in a zone up to about 150-200 m above and
40-70 m below the mined seam, fractures the intervening strata and increases the permeability of the
coal (Creedy et al 2001a). Whilst the reduction in pressure associated with exhausting mine
ventilation results in some of the methane desorbing from these seams and mixing with the mine air,
some is retained. A further reduction in pressure, caused by applying suction to the workings, causes
more methane to desorb from the surrounding seams into the workings.

Gas cannot be extracted from flooded workings, so the state of mine water recovery is critical to the
success of projects (Creedy et al 2001a).

9.1.2 Criteria for successful AMM projects

Creedy et al (2001a) point out that the main requirements for a successful AMM project are:
• An extensive area of interconnected workings
• A large de-stressed coal volume
• Significant residual methane in the de-stressed unmined seams
• Unfilled shaft or drift from which the gas can be extracted
• No connections to shallow outcrop workings so no air ingress
• Local market for gas


9.2.1 Resource area mapping

It has been estimated that anything between 20,000 (Coal Authority) and 300,000 (Association of
Coal Mine Methane Operators) tonnes of methane is seeping from abandoned mines every year.
Theoretically, much of this methane could be captured by AMM projects and utilised. Creedy et al.
(2001) suggest an AMM resource of 213 x 109 m3, of which 107 x 109 m3 is potentially recoverable.

In order to obtain an accurate AMM resource figure would require a detailed analysis of the mine plan
dataset and boreholes. Factors that would need to be considered include the volume of coal removed
by mining (=coal reservoir volume), the volume of coal in which the permeability has been enhanced
by mining, the seam gas content, as well as a detailed understanding of the mine water recovery per
mine. This is beyond the scope of this project. Hence AMM resources have not been calculated but
resource areas have been defined and mapped. As defined in Section 3.1.4, four areas are marked on
the maps, namely:

• Good prospects for abandoned mine methane (AMM) (Mine workings not recovered)
• Variable AMM prospects (Mine water recovering or conditions not known)
• Poor AMM prospects (Mine waters probably fully recovered or initial seam gas content
• AMM prospects unverifiable

The areas represented on the mining maps that have good, variable and unverifiable AMM prospects
are listed in Table 3. Reference needs to be made to the mining technologies maps in order to identify
the areas indicated in the table. All coalfields, or parts of coalfields, not mentioned in the table can be
considered as having poor AMM prospects; their areas were not calculated. In these coalfields, the
mines are known to have closed many years ago, pumping has ceased and mine waters are largely

thought to have fully recovered. The good, variable and unverifiable areas represent highly
generalised, broad regions across which there may be AMM potential and it should be emphasised
that detailed studies need to be carried out even within potentially good AMM areas in order to
clearly identify AMM prospects. The reasons for this are that these area were largely defined with
respect to the likely state of the groundwater recovery and take no account of other important factors
such as the mining method employed, the depth of mining, age of mining, and potential closure of
mine roadways.

9.2.2 AMM resource exploitation in the UK

AMM exploitation is not a new concept; there has been a long history of AMM production in
Belgium, France and Germany (Smith 1992). In the UK AMM extraction has been recorded onwards
from at least 1954, when the National Coal Board collected methane for electricity generation from
the closed Old Boston colliery (Sage 2001). Between 1957 and 1967 gas was recovered at a rate of
187.2 m3/hr (52 l/s) before increasing up to 1,080 m3/hr (300 l/s) (Sage 2001). More recently several
companies have launched projects in the UK, with varying long term success:

Octagon Energy recently developed a 5.5 MWe (five 1.35 MWe) electricity production plant using
AMM from Hickleton colliery, near Barnsley in South Yorkshire. Gas is extracted from the shaft.

Octagon Gas, a 50% subsidiary of Octagon Energy, uses AMM from Silverdale colliery to supply a
local industrial customer and a 10 MWe power station. Here gas with a calorific value of 98%
methane equivalent is being recovered at rates up to 1,400 m3/hr, representing approximately 8,000
tonnes of methane per year (Sage 2001). The gas is utilised for burner tip use and electrical

Alkane Energy developed a series of Green Energy Parks based on AMM. They hold acreage in the
UK covering 5,590 km2, which include over 300 abandoned coal mines. Former and active AMM
sites include:

• Shirebrook, 5 miles north of Mansfield. AMM extracted from the former colliery drift
fuels a 9 MWe (five 1.8 MWe) on-site power station used for electricity generation. Gas
production to June 2000 totalled approximately 9 million m3 with a production rate of
about 3,500 m3/hr, and a methane concentration of 70 % (Sage 2001). However, recent
problems such as water and air leaking into the gas extraction pipe means that production
is running at about 50 % of its original output (Alkane Energy 2003).

• Markham, east of Chesterfield. AMM is produced from one of the former colliery shafts
and supplies gas for industrial heat applications at Coalite Chemicals and Coal Smokeless
Fuels plant. Production during 2000 was reported as running at an annual rate of 6,500
m3, with a methane concentration of 45% (Sage 2001). However, recently, operational
difficulties have been reported, although remediation has resulted in an increase in gas
quality (Alkane Energy 2003).

• Steetley. AMM from Steetley Colliery workings fed a 3 MWe power station just west of
Workshop, Nottinghamshire. The Steetley site drew gas for 4.5 days per week at rates of
up to 1,250 m3 per hour (Sage 2001). Gas production to June 2000 totalled 6.5 million m3
(Sage 2002). Due to operational difficulties and poor economics this site ceased
production in December 2002 (Alkane Energy 2003).

• Wheldale, near Castleford, Yorkshire. Gas is supplied to Scottish & Southern Energy. In
2002 output was at 80% of total capacity and was below expectations (Alkane Energy

• Barnsley (Monk Bretton), West Yorkshire. CMM is sold to Rexam Glass for process
heat. Restricted flows have been reported and a new borehole is required to rectify this
problem (Alkane Energy 2003).

• Pipework is currently being installed in the drift of the former Prince of Wales Colliery in
order to extract the AMM. It is planned to use the methane to generate electricity, which
will be fed into the national network.

However, Alkane have recently suspended development of further AMM sites in the UK because
falling electricity prices and the failure of AMM to qualify as Renewable Energy have meant that
their electricity generating operations are no longer financially viable.

In January 2002 StrataGas completed the commissioning of the Bentinck AMM gas plant from the
closed drift of the old Annesley Bentinck mine complex near Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire.
The plant is designed to be able to pump up to 3,300 m3 per hour of gas and is used for electricity
generation in three 3.5 MWe spark-ignition engines, owned by Warwick Energy Limited. Warwick
Energy are contracted to take up to 38 million therms of gas from StrataGas over the next five to
seven years.



10.1.1 Internal structure of coal

Coal contains a natural network of vertical or subvertical fractures known as the cleat. The dominant
set of fractures (the face cleat) crosscuts the subordinate set (the butt or back cleat). When combined
with the natural bedding planes in coal, they divide the coal seam in 3 planes and, where well
developed, allow it to break up into small 'bricks' (Figure 6).

The cleat generally imparts some permeability to the coal (in bituminous coals commonly
1 millidarcy or less but rarely up to about 30 millidarcies). However, this is not always the case;
sometimes the cleat can be filled with any of a variety of mineral cements. Where permeability is high
enough, gases and water can penetrate the cleat and the gases can diffuse out from the solid coal into
the cleat. Because the face cleat is longer than butt cleat permeability is commonly anisotropic and is
greater in the face cleat direction. Cleat intensity, defined as the number of fractures per unit distance
perpendicular to the cleat, is therefore an important factor in determining permeability (MacCarthy et
al. 1996).

Coal is a highly porous substance. However, the porosity consists to all intents and purposes entirely
of micropores that are too small for fluids to flow into. The exchange of gases between the cleat

system and the microporosity in the solid coal is thought to occur by diffusion. The total internal
surface area of the micropores is about 20-200 m2 g-1 coal (Patching 1970). Therefore, the retention of
large amounts of gas molecules in a small volume of coal is possible. Methane molecules are
adsorbed on the internal surfaces of microfractures and pores as a monomolecular layer. They also
occur as free gas molecules in the cleat and any other cracks and fissures. The proportion of the free
gas in the total gas content of coal is about 5-10%. Normally, the free gas and the adsorbed gas phases
are in equilibrium in a coal pore and there is a constant and equal exchange of molecules between
them. The adsorbed gas is held in place by electrostatic forces. Reducing the pressure on the coal or
increasing its temperature can overcome these forces.

10.1.2 Virgin coalbed methane production

In coalbed methane production, a well is drilled into the coal seam and pumped to lower the pressure
in the seam. This allows methane to desorb from the internal surfaces of the coal and diffuse into the
cleat, where it is able to flow, either as free gas or dissolved in water, towards the production well.
Vertical wells are commonly used. However, CDX Gas LLC is currently conducting a horizontal
drilling project at the Pinnacle Mine in West Virginia, USA. where they have drained anywhere from
640 acres to 1100 acres from one drill site. This patented technology costs approximately twice that of
traditional vertical drilling technology. However, there may be savings from draining more gas from
less well heads and therefore spending far less on infrastructure. It is claimed this technology works
most efficiently in areas of low permeability and actually increases underground pressures enabling
up to 85% recovery of gas in place (compared to anywhere from 15% to 65% recovery rates that are
reported by vertical drillers).

Permeability (imparted mainly by the cleat) is necessary to achieve virgin coalbed methane
production. The permeability of coal seams is low, so coalbed methane wells are normally stimulated
to improve connectivity between the borehole and the cleat system. The coal seams may be
hydrofractured, or they may be cavitated. Hydrofracturing is the method of well stimulation used to
date in the UK (for details of the well completion and stimulation as carried out at the Airth coalbed
methane project, Scotland, see Bacon, 1995). Cavitation, the process of excavating a part of the seam
around the borehole, improves connectivity to the cleat system and also allows the coal to expand
slightly into the cavity, locally improving the permeability of the coal. Cavitation has not been tried in
the UK.

Also important is the orientation and magnitude of the in situ stress, and laboratory studies show that
coal permeability decreases with increasing stress (Durucan & Edwards 1986). In the UK the
horizontal stress is not unusually high (Evans 1987), so it is likely that increasing effective (or
overburden) stress with depth will the most important control on the decrease in permeability
(MacCarthy et al. 1996).


Previous studies of the coalbed methane potential of the UK coalfields include Ayers et al. (1993),
Glover et al. (1993a, 1993b), MacCarthy et al. (1996), Creedy (1999) and Creedy et al. (2001a).

10.2.1 Resource base
A sound resource base, ideally consisting of a few thick permeable coal seams with high gas content
(>7 m3/tonne) is required for successful VCBM development. In the mainland UK, the potential
resource commonly consists of seams mostly 1-2 m thick and seldom exceeding 3 m in thickness. In
this respect it is similar to that found in the CBM-productive Black Warrior Basin in the USA
(Hewitt, 1984), where a typical well in the Cedar Cove development is a multi-seam completion with
a total of 7.6 m of medium to low volatile bituminous coal (Hobbs et al., 1993). Kuuskraa and Boyer
(1993) indicate that most successful production in the Black Warrior Basin comes from coals with
methane content >7 m3/tonne and resource densities >1 million m3/ha.

The gas content of UK seams has been measured in the major coalfields (Creedy 1983, 1986, 1988,
1991) and the average thickness of coal in seams >0.4 m thick and resource density have been
calculated. Table 4 shows the results of CBM resource density estimates for the CBM areas
considered in this report. The ash content of coals is an important factor in CBM, because high ash
contents effectively reduce the storage capacity of coal seams (MacCarthy et al. 1996). The measured
mean methane content in many Scottish coalfields is based on samples from Westphalian or Upper
Limestone Formation coals whereas the principal target for CBM is the Limestone Coal Formation.
Furthermore, many of the measurements in Scottish coalfields are from coalface samples and in some
cases there may have been greater degassing prior to analysis than estimated. Thus the published
mean methane content analyses may not be representative of the virgin CBM values in the Limestone
Coal Formation coals in certain Scottish coalfields. This is supported by analysis of the mean methane
content the Limestone Coal Formation in the Airth boreholes in the Clackmannan coalfield where
seam gas content is reported to be in the range 8-10 m3/tonne (Creedy 1999).

The CBM resources and resource densities were calculated for the areas that meet the criteria using
the following equations:

CBM Resource (106m3) = Area (m2) x *Clean coal thickness (m) x Average methane value
(m3/tonne) x Average coal density (g/cm3)

*clean coal thickness = total thickness of coal meeting the criteria minus 15% ash & dirt allowance

CBM Resource Density (106m3ha-1) = (CBM resource (106m3) / Area (m2)) / 100

The total CBM resource in the UK is calculated to be 2,900 x 109 m3. This compares well with a
previous estimate of 2,450 x 109 m3 (Creedy 1999). Given annual UK natural gas consumption of
approximately 100 x 109 m3/year, it corresponds to about 29 years consumption.

The part of this resource that realistically could be exploited in the near future is very much smaller.
The resource base in coalfields where the resource density exceeds 1 x 106 m3 ha-1 and mean seam gas
content is >7.0 m3/tonne is a little less than 1 x 1012 m3 (Table 5). It is highly unlikely that more than
3% of this could be recovered, because of perceived widespread low seam permeability, planning
constraints, etc. Therefore it seems unlikely that the recoverable part of the resource will exceed 30 x
109 m3, equivalent to four months UK gas supply.

10.2.2 Exploration and production in the UK
To date there has been a relatively low level of virgin coalbed methane exploration drilling in the UK.
Table 6 shows the wells drilled:

There has been some gas production at Airth (see: Gas
production was initially high, although this has reduced and is now not thought to occur at
commercial rates. Methane dissolved in the formation waters is known to occur in the Midland Valley
of Scotland and it is a possibility that this might have been the case at Airth, with the initial high rates
representing production that included methane from saturated groundwaters. Further study is required
to investigate this possibility.

10.2.3 Economic rates of gas production in the UK

3 3
In the USA a small producing well may produce 1,400 m /day (50,000 ft /day) and a large producer
3 3
over 142,000 m /day (5 million ft /day). A theoretical analysis of UK market conditions indicated that
for a 30 well field average well flows of 5,600 – 7,000 m3/day may be needed for commercial
viability (Creedy 1999). To date there is little evidence that such flows can be produced from UK
coals because of their apparently low permeability.

10.2.4 Permeability of UK coal seams

The permeability of the Great Row seam in North Staffordshire was estimated to be of the order of
0.1-0.5 millidarcies (Creedy 1999). This is the only published permeability estimate for unfractured
UK coal seams. Hughes & Logan (1990) indicate that the minimum permeability needed to recover
methane is generally >1 mD.

Too little in situ testing has been undertaken in the UK to provide firm representative permeability
data (Creedy 1999). Indirect evidence gathered from many years of mining operations strongly
suggests that permeability in the Carboniferous coal seams of the UK is generally low. For example,
most coal seams in deep underground mines in the UK are dry and do not transmit water. Significant
flows of gas have not been reported from any coalbed methane exploration wells in the UK apart from
those in the Namurian Limestone Coal Formation at Airth, Scotland. There, permeabilities measured
after fracturing and cleanup of the coal seams were reportedly up to 25 mD (Creedy 1999). Because
these permeabilities were measured after fracturing and cleanup, there is always the possibility that
the fractures may penetrate overlying and underlying (permeable) strata, as has been reported from
the USA (Steidl 1993).

For comparison, significant production has been established from Carboniferous coal seams in the
Black Warrior Basin (Alabama, USA) where permeability is 2-30 mD.

10.2.5 Gas flow rates from UK coal seams

Methane flow rates measured in in-seam boreholes in UK coal mines are generally around 0.1 m3 per
day per metre of borehole length. Flows of up to 30 m3/day per metre have been recorded in
Staffordshire, but these are thought to be associated with seams de-stressed by adjacent workings.
However, borehole flows as high as 62 m3/day per metre length have been encountered in virgin
conditions in the former Point of Ayr Colliery, North Wales (Creedy 1999). Significant gas flow rates

have also been measured in boreholes associated with mining operations at the former Solway
Colliery, Cumbria (Dunmore 1969). Suction was applied to these boreholes.

With the exception of these two collieries, methane flows from virgin seams in UK coal mines appear
to be typically one or two orders of magnitude lower than those encountered in the mines of Alabama,
where coalbed methane production has been established in the Black Warrior Basin (Creedy, 1999).

10.2.6 Gas saturation in UK coal seams

Coal in situ normally contains enough methane to saturate its microporosity (the surplus having been
driven off during coalification). In saturated coals, the amounts of methane found are dependent on
temperature, pressure, rank (degree of coalification) and to some extent on the composition of the coal
(Creedy 1991). However, if the coal has been uplifted and subsequently reburied it may be
undersaturated with respect to coalbed methane. In many parts of the UK, the major coal seams are
undersaturated with methane with respect to their present depth (Creedy 1988, 1991). The principal
effect of undersaturation is that the pressure in the seam has to be reduced to below the level where
the seam is saturated with gas before gas will desorb from the seam.

10.2.7 Gas pressure within UK coal seams

Gas pressure in UK coals commonly ranges from negligible to 1.5 MPa (Creedy 1991). The gas
pressure in UK coal seams is commonly less than one fifth of the hydrostatic pressure that would be
expected at the relevant depth, the one notable exception being in Point of Ayr colliery, North Wales,
where pressures approaching hydrostatic were encountered (Creedy 1991). Therefore the coal seams,
or the surrounding strata that enclose them, must have very low permeability because they are not
connected to the hydrostatic pressure regime found in overlying strata.

10.2.8 Potential economies of scale

Costs and revenues differ, but experience from the USA suggests that centralised water and gas
treatment facilities serving 30 wells or more can lead to savings of one order of magnitude over costs
at individual wells. The critical size for a near-market operation (where central facilities and
infrastructure can be shared) is 100 wells or 1.5 million m /day of gas (Kuuskraa & Boyer 1993).
These kinds of economies of scale may be difficult to achieve in the UK.



As described earlier, UCG is the process by which steam and air or oxygen is injected into a coal
seam via a surface injector well. These injected gases react with the coal to produce a combustible gas
that is collected at the surface via a producing well (Creedy et al. 2001). Methane is a product of
pyrolysis and gasification and its formation is favoured under high pressures. As part of the
gasification process a cavity develops as the coal burns. Wilks (1983) predicted that the cavity that
develops around the injection well would be pear-shaped, assuming that the reaction processes were

uniformly distributed around the reactor and that the roof collapses immediately into the cavity
formed by gasification (Creedy et al 2001). If the roof does not collapse the cavity will grow in size
and some of the fluid reactant will by-pass the coal and the reactor efficiency will decline. This results
in an O2 rich product gas or a rise in the product temperature (Creedy et al. 2001). Hence in the UK,
the UCG process is aided at depths greater than 500m by the high in situ stresses that characterise the
UK Coal Measures which should ensure caving and thus reduce the possibility of by-passing (Creedy
et al 2001).

There are three main forms of UCG. The first involves drilling a series of vertical boreholes,
gasifying the coals and relying on a combination of high pressure air fracing (pulses of air to open the
cleats in the coal) and the natural permeability of the coals to extract the gas. This type of UCG
generally takes place at shallow depths. An example of this is the Chinchilla project in Australia
(Walker et al. 2001; Blinderman & Jones 2002). The low permeability of most UK coal is thought to
preclude this method, although there may be exceptions in some coal structures. The second type of
UCG takes place in existing or abandoned coal mines (eg Liuzhuang Mine, China). In this process
mined galleries are sealed off, air is injected into these galleries, the surrounding coal is gasififed and
the gaseous products piped up a shaft or borehole to the surface. The European and later US trials
have involved the gasification of coals in which the production and injection wells are connected by
in-seam drilling techniques. UCG is a cost effective means of extracting energy from coal because it
avoids the high costs associated with mining and constructing a surface gasifier (typically hundreds of
million pounds) and leaves ash and dirt underground. The recent technological achievements in UCG
have been addressed by Creedy et al. (2001b) and reference should be made to this report for details.

There are some significant environmental issues of the UCG process, including the potential for
subsidence, atmospheric emissions, the possible interactions of the UCG cavities with aquifers and
the potential for pollutants to migrate away from the cavity (Creedy et al. 2001b). Careful site
selection and process control are required to control the dispersal of gas and liquid by-products from
the gasification cavity, and the configuration must be designed and assesses to minimise ground
subsidence. Abatement equipment at surface is used to maintain air emissions (acid gases, particulates
and heavy metals) within the Regulatory requirements.

Interest in UCG in the UK has developed as a result of the DTI Energy Paper 67 (1999), which
identified UCG as one of the potential future technologies to develop the UK coal resource. Energy
Paper 67 produced a number of technical and economic goals for UCG including:

• Improve the accuracy of in-seam drilling to achieve a 400 m run in a 2 m seam, on a consistent
• Examine the implications of burning the gas produced in the Spanish UGE trial in a gas turbine
• Produce an estimate of the landward reserves of coal, which could be technically suitable for
UCG. In the first instance, this could be coal seams at least 2 m thick and at a depth not exceeding
1200 m
• Identify a site for a semi-commercial trial of UCG. This would require a block of coal about
600 m by 600 m, and a seam thickness of at least 2 m
• Identify the parameters that UCG would have to meet if it were to be competitive with current
North Sea gas production costs
• Carry out a pre-feasibility study for the exploitation of UCG offshore in the southern North Sea

An initial pre-feasibility study was commissioned by the DTI and further studies have followed, such
as a geological and site evaluation study (IMC 2001), drilling and a review of the technological
advancements (Creedy et al. 2001b). Economic and public perception studies are currently being
carried out.

11.1.1 History of UCG

There have probably been over fifty or so different UCG trials and larger schemes operated during the
past 50 years or so. Early UCG trials usually took place at shallow depths (<200m); for example the
Newman Spinney trial in the UK in 1959 was drilled to the Fox Earth Coal at a depth of 75m (Gibb &
Partners 1964). These trials were generally of short time periods (1-2 months). The exception to this
were the large-scale, air-blown schemes in Russia and Uzbekistan and a test at Chinchilla in
Queensland, Australia, which was initiated by Linc Energy in December 1999 and was mothballed in
2003. The Russian and Australian schemes used simple technology and produced a low calorific
value gas. China has considerable experience of UCG, with 16 trials completed since 1990.
Feasibility studies have also been carried out in Canada, India, Pakistan, Russia, Slovenia and
Ukraine, and a small burn was conducted in New Zealand in the early 1990’s.

Underground coal gasification has been carried out in Kuzbass, Siberia, at the Yuzhno-Abinskaya
gasification plant since 1955. This involves the gasification of bituminous coal, 1.3 - 3.9m thick,
producing a low calorific value gas used for heating (Walker 1999). The reprocessing volume
achieved 2 million tons that constituted about 4 billion m3 of gas.

The Angren Coalfield is the largest coal deposit in Uzbekistan, containing about 1.8 billion tons of
mostly brown coal (lignite) that is used as fuel for Uzbekistan's power generation. The Angren mine
also has underground coal gasification technology in place since 1955 to produce gas for the Angren
power station. The lignite seam varies in thickness from 4-20m and lies at depths of between 130-
350m. The output in 1963 was believed to be about 860 x108m3, but present production is about half
of the 1963 figure (Walker 1999).

There was much research carried out in the 1970s, and a number of trials went ahead. The Thulin
scheme, in Belgium ran from 1978 to 1986 and gasified a thin seam at a depth of 1000m. In the US,
UCG research has focused on relatively shallow (100m deep) coal seams and tests were focused on
the development of the process itself. However, the Rocky Mountain 1 (RM1) UGC test at Hanna,
Wyoming, involved extensive site characterization, instrumentation and monitoring in order to gain a
detailed understanding of the environmental and hydrogeological variables (Boysen et al. 1990;
Creedy et al. 2001). Commercial projects were evaluated (eg at Rawlins, Wyoming), but the low cost
of gas in the early 1990's prevented these projects from being viable.

The El Tremedal European trial in Spain (1993-1998) confirmed the technical feasibility of UCG at
depths between 500-700 m and has shown that improved deviated drilling techniques in deep seams
can provide interconnected channels suitable for use in underground coal gasification (Green 1999).
In this trial a controlled retraction injection point (CRIP) system was used to control the gasification
procedure (Green 1999).

The IGCC project in Chinchilla, Australia began development in 1999, and was the first project to
propose the use of UCG syngas directly in gas turbines (Blinderman & Jones 2002). The project
involved construction of an underground gasifier and demonstration of the technology (Walker et al.
2001; Blinderman & Jones 2002). Approximately 32,000 tonnes of coal have been gasified,
producing a low calorific value gas of about 5MJ/m3 at a pressure of 10barg (145psig) and

temperature of 300°c (Blinderman & Jones 2002). Nine process wells have been producing gas from a
10m thick seam at a depth of about 140m (Blinderman & Jones 2002). Ground water monitoring has
also been taking place in association with this trial and has revealed no contamination (Blinderman &
Jones 2002). This is probably related to keeping the gasifier pressure less than the hydrostatic
pressure of fluid in the coal seam and surrounding strata (Blinderman & Jones 2002).

UCG has been under review in the UK more or less since the early Newman Spinney trials in the
1950’s. British Coal undertook major studies in the 1970’s and 1980’s and trial sites were identified
in Nottinghamshire area towards the end of the 1980’s as possible locations for the European trial – in
the end the trial was located in Spain, as discussed above. The current UK programme was activated
in 1999.

11.1.2 UCG resource calculation

The UCG resource was calculated using the areas that have been mapped as having good UCG
potential, as defined in Section 3.1.5. Two volume calculations were performed. Firstly the minimum
volume of coal available for gasification was calculated, using the equation below:

Min. vol. of coal suitable

for gasification (106m3) = ‘good’ area (m2) x 2 (m)

This calculation was made assuming that the only minimum thickness of coal (i.e. a 2 m thick seam)
was available for gasification across the area.

The second calculation involved taking an average of the total thickness of coal per borehole in the
areas with good UCG potential and multiplying this average figure by the area of the good polygon.

Ave. vol. of coal = ‘good’ x average of the total

suitable for area (m2) thickness of coal per borehole
6 3
gasification (10 m ) that meet the criteria (m)

It is difficult to determine accurate resource figures due to the limitations of the borehole dataset,
particularly the fact that boreholes do not generally penetrate through the entire thickness of coal-
bearing strata. In these instances it is not known whether there are coals present at greater depths that
may meet the criteria. Although not truly accurate, this second calculation probably gives us a more
typical idea of the volume of coal available for gasification than by applying a minimum value. The
figures derived from these two calculations are given in Table 7.

The minimum total volume of coal suitable for UCG in the UK is nearly 5,700 x 106m3 (~7 Btonnes),
whereas the total volume of coal figure derived using the average coal thickness meeting the criteria
per area is nearly 12,911 x 106m3 (~17 Btonnes) (Table 7). This represents a resource of 289 years
based on the current UK coal consumption of 58 Mtonnes per year.



12.1.1 Principles
Coal is a potentially attractive target for CO2 sequestration, not only because of its ability to store
CO2, but also because the affinity of CO2 to be adsorbed and retained onto coal is greater than that of
methane (CH4), so it can displace CH4 from the sorption sites on coal. Injecting CO2 into coal seams
can enhance coalbed methane production. If so, some revenue might accrue that could help offset the
costs of CO2 sequestration.

Studies by Wolf et al. (1999) indicate that coal can hold approximately twice the volume of CO2 as
methane, although recent US studies have shown that some low rank coals (lignite and sub-
bituminous) may adsorb from 6 to 18 times as much CO2 as methane (Gluskoter et al. 2002).
However, this varies with temperature and pressure and rank, amongst other factors. Once CO2 is
adsorbed onto coal it is not likely to migrate freely through the subsurface as if it were free CO2 in a
gaseous or supercritical phase. Thus there may be an intrinsic advantage in storing CO2 in coal seams
as opposed to in the pore spaces of conventional reservoir rocks. The adsorption of CO2 sorption onto
coal is a strongly exothermic (and thus possibly chemical) reaction that may be partly irreversible
(Starzewski & Grillet 1989). Ongoing work is in progress at Strathclyde University (funded by
BCURA) to further examine this exothermic reaction.



Enhanced Coal Bed Methane (ECBM) production coupled with CO2 sequestration has been trialled at
the Allison CBM unit in the San Juan Basin, USA by Burlington Resources (Stevens et al. 1998). The
unit consisted of four injection wells, 16 producers, and one pressure observation well. During the
project, which started in 1995, Burlington Resources injected over 57 million m3 CO2 into the [high
permeability] Fruitland coal seams in the San Juan Basin with only limited CO2 breakthrough. The
objective was to stimulate coalbed methane production and recovery. For various operational reasons
the trial could be considered to have been promising, but inconclusive in terms of enhancing CBM
production. However, it is thought that it yielded 4.5 x104 m3 (1.6 Bcf) of enhanced gas recovery.

Nitrogen (N2) can also be used to enhance CBM production. Injecting nitrogen into coal seams
reduces the partial pressure of methane in the cleat and thus increases the rate of diffusion of methane
from the coal into the cleat system, as well as flushing the gases from the cleat. This raises the
possibility that flue gas could be used as an injectant for ECBM. If so, CO2 separation at source might
not be necessary and this would avoid the high costs associated with separating the CO2. The Alberta
Research Council (ARC) is leading a group of provincial, national and international organisations in a
seven year project that started in 1997 and is researching the potential to enhance coalbed methane
recovery factors and production rates by means of flue gas injection using a mixture of nitrogen and
CO2 (DTI 2001). The project aims to develop a multi-well pilot at a selected site in Alberta, Canada.
It is commercially sensitive and only a few selected members of the consortium are taking part (DTI
2001). A further trial, the EU-funded Recopol project, started in November 2001 (Pagnier & Van
Bergen 2002). It will represent the first European field demonstration of CO2 sequestration in
subsurface coal seams.

The Tiffany Unit in the San Juan Basin, operated by BP America, has been under intermittent
nitrogen injection since 1997. It consists of 12 injection wells and 34 producers. Prior to injection gas
production was 67.2-136.8 x 103 m3/hr (100 to 200 thousand cubic feet per day (Mcfd) and this has
increased to 6.8 x 105 m3/hr (1000 Mcfd per day) during nitrogen injection.

12.2.1 Immaturity of ECBM technology

There are a number of reasons why ECBM is not yet a mature technology from the CO2 sequestration

• CO2 injection has not yet been demonstrated unequivocally to result in enhanced coalbed methane

• The methane held within coal accounts for only about >1 % of the total energy value of the coal.
If the coal were subsequently mined or gasified in situ, any sequestered CO2 would be released.
As the CO2 would probably have to be stored for hundreds of years before release, this would
effectively sterilise the energy value of the solid coal for very long time periods, unless the carbon
credit was repaid or the CO2 was recaptured and stored elsewhere.

• CH4 is a much more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2. Hence it is extremely important to fully
capture all fugitive methane emissions to ensure the process resulted in a net reduction in
greenhouse warming potential.

• Swelling of the coal matrix as a result of CO2 sorption could be an issue. It could reduce the
permeability of the coal around the injection well such that injection could only proceed at
uneconomic rates. Generally accepted principles dictate that adsorption/desorption of gas
swells/shrinks the coal matrix; because permeability is directly proportional to the cube of the
cleat width, a small increase/decrease in cleat width may significantly increase/decrease
permeability (IEA 2002).

• When coal is hydrofractured to stimulate the production of coalbed methane, the hydrofracture
commonly extends above of the seam as well as across the seam itself (Steidl 1993). If CO2 were
to be injected into fractured wells it is possible that it could leak into the strata surrounding the
target coal seam. Alternatively it might become adsorbed onto surrounding seams, or it could find
an alternative migration path and reach the ground surface or interact with the groundwater. The
abundance of abandoned mines and boreholes in the coal-bearing strata in many areas of the UK
suggests that there is a high potential for leakage of CO2 or CH4 from these strata in, or near, to
abandoned mine workings. Consequently it is recommended that ECBM projects keep away from
mine workings. Under high permeability conditions hydrofracturing of injection wells may not be
necessary. In the Allison ECBM pilot project, CO2 injection wells were not stimulated precisely
in order to reduce the risk of CO2 leakage outside the target coals (Stevens et al. 1998).

• Horizontal drilling technology as applied to ECBM is in its infancy

12.2.2 Coal and geological criteria for successful CO2 sequestration in coal seams and CO2-
enhanced coalbed methane recovery projects
Stevens et al. (1998) suggest that the following geological and coal criteria are needed for a successful
ECBM project:
• Homogeneous reservoir. The coal seams should be laterally continuous and vertically isolated
from surrounding strata, ensuring efficient lateral sweep and containment of CO2.
• Simple structure. The reservoir should be minimally folded and faulted. Closely spaced faults can
compartmentalise the reservoir into isolated blocks or act as pathways for CO2 leakage
• Adequate permeability. At least 1 to 5 millidarcies permeability is needed, primarily to allow flow
of water through the reservoir. Given that most coal seams are much less permeable, finding
adequate permeability will be a key exploration challenge.
• Gas saturation. Coal reservoirs that are saturated with respect to methane are economically
preferred, although undersaturated coals can still be effective storage targets.
• Depth. Economic ECBM is likely to be limited to depths of roughly 300 to 1500 m, although
sequestration may also be possible in somewhat deeper or shallower settings.
• Coal geometry. For engineering and well completion reasons, stratigraphically concentrated coal
deposits (few thick seams) are preferred over dispersed settings (multiple thin seams).


In certain circumstances the combination of UCG and CO2 sequestration might be feasible and is an
area of growing research interest. This is an attractive proposition because the process of UCG
produces large quantities of CO2 and there are major synergies between the two processes, e.g.
advanced drilling, impermeable overlying strata, and the benefits of high pressure for CO2 capture and
injection. The process of gasification would result in the generation of large, highly porous cavities,
which could be accessed by directional drilling or through the existing production boreholes. Carbon
dioxide could then be injected at high pressure for storage and retention in the cavities. As the
majority of the gas processing is carried out under high pressures anyway, there is little need for
further recompression (Beath et al. 2000). Two different scenarios can be envisaged in which CO2
might be sequestered:

• Injection of CO2 into the cavity created by the UCG burn, and
• Injection of CO2 into overlying coal seams destressed by the collapse of the roof of a UCG burn
cavity. Clearly there will be scope for CO2 to adsorb onto coal, however, little is known about the
quantities of CO2 that might be adsorbed onto coal at elevated temperatures and pressure such as
might occur after a UCG burn, although due to the low thermal conductivity of coal this effect
may not extend a significant distance into the seam.

If CO2 were to be injected soon after the burn the high temperatures still present in the burn cavity
would likely result in the CO2 taking the form of a dense supercritical fluid. Supercritical CO2 is
highly reactive and an excellent solvent for hydrocarbons and other organic molecules and could
dissolve various organics such as phenols and dioxins. At lower temperatures, following cooling, CO2
could be stored as a free gas but, above 70 bar (~700 m), the gas would be in the dense phase.

An important issue associated with all forms of CO2 sequestration is the degree of permanence of the
process. Factors such as depth and stratal conditions, interaction with groundwater and induced
discontinuities would form important considerations in this process and would require further

12.3.1 Criteria adopted to identify areas with potential for CO2 sequestration
The most important criterion was considered to be the need not to sterilise areas of coal as a potential
future energy resource. As resources for both mining and UCG are limited to areas above 1200 m
depth, the entire coal-bearing area >1200 m below ground level is considered to have potential,
providing the necessary coal resources are present. These areas are identified on the New
Technologies maps. The major areas are in the centre of the Cheshire Basin (Map 10) and a large area
of Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, bounded to the east by the coast roughly between Skegness and
Bridlington (Maps 11 and 12).

Additionally, unminable or ungasifiable coal seams at depths of less than 1200 m may have potential
to sequester CO2 without sterilising a potential energy resource. Sequestration could occur either in
CO2-ECBM projects, or in association with UCG, or in some cases where there are very low methane
saturation levels within the coal, without methane displacement and capture. Areas where such
sequestration could take place have not been marked on the maps because not enough is known about
the potential technology to identify them.


The following sections discuss the resource maps that form the main deliverables of this project. The
commentary should be read in conjunction with the maps, which are available in both paper and pdf

13 MINING MAP 1a (Bovey Tracey)


The Bovey Formation is a succession of kaolinitic clays, sandy and silty clays, silts, sand and lignites
of Cainozoic age, covering an area of approximately 31 km2 (Map 1A). These strata occupy a
partially fault-bounded trough termed the Bovey Basin, which extends for 11 km north-westwards
from Newton Abbot (Selwood et al. 1984). It lies on the Sticklepath-Lustleigh Fault Zone and owes
its origins to subsidence along this fault zone (Selwood et al. 1984). Estimates of the maximum
thickness of the succession vary from 1066 to 1245 m, although only the upper 300 m have been
proved (Selwood et al. 1984). The Formation is divisible into lower, middle and upper units, which
are further divisible into a number of members. The major occurrence of lignite occurs in the
Southacre Clay-and-Lignite Member (Middle Bovey Formation), which crops out between Newton
Abbot and New Bridge (Selwood et al. 1984) (Figure 7). This member varies in thickness from 30 to
67 m. The lignite beds occur interstratified with brown clays and some silty clays and sands.
Denistone borehole [8604 7422] proved 11.7 m of lignite, with some interbedded sediment, occurring
between the depths of 20.4 and 32.9m (Selwood et al. 1984). The Heathfield Borehole proved 79.6 m
of clay and lignite beneath 59.4m of upper Bovey Formation sands and clays; lignite beds up to 10.5
m thick were recorded (Selwood et al. 1984). The Bovey Tracey No. 4 Borehole proved lignite and
clay between 22.2 and 60.6 m, with lignite forming 43% (16.4 m) of the succession, in beds from 0.2
– 2.3 m thick. The use of lignite as a fuel began in the early 18th century. Blue Waters Mine closed
prior to 1875. There are also records of workings pre First World War, although mining ceased
between 1914 and 1945. The calorific value of the lignite varied from 18.4 MJ/kg (7907 Btu/lb) and
26.4 MJ/kg (11,340 Btu/lb) (Ussher et al. 1913).


There has been quite extensive surface extraction of the Bovey Tracey lignite deposits, and a number
of abandoned quarries are known in the area. The main commercial extraction was at the Blue Waters
Mine, 1 km south of Bovey Tracey (Selwood et al. 1984). However, as far the authors know, it does
not appear that there is a systematic surveying record of these and hence areas of lignite extraction are
not shown on the map. There will be limited potential for further workings of these lignites.


Lignites have not previously been worked underground in this area. The limited depths to which these
lignites occur (typically <100m), together with the unconsolidated nature of the surrounding strata
make these lignite deposits an unlikely target for underground mining.

These lignites have not been worked underground and hence do not form a coal mine methane


There are no underground mines in this field and so no AMM resources are present.

14 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 1b (Bovey Tracey)


There are no seam gas content measurements for the Bovey Tracey lignite field but it is assumed that
methane contents are very low because of the low rank. It is highly unlikely that the Bovey Tracey
lignite field has any VCBM potential.


Beds of lignite up to 11 m thick occur in the Bovey Tracey area but they occur at depths up to about
70 m, i.e. above the minimum depth of 600 m required as part of the criteria. Hence none of the
Bovey Tracey lignite deposits meet the requirements for UCG so there is no resource available.


The limited depths to which the Bovey Tracey lignites occur in the subsurface means it is highly
unlikely that they would be suitable for carbon dioxide sequestration.

15 MINING MAP 2a (Kent)


The Kent Coalfield is the most southerly coalfield in the UK. Coals were first discovered at the foot
of Shakespeare Cliff, Dover in 1882, following trial borings for a possible Channel Tunnel. In 1896,
the Shakespeare Colliery was opened but problems, including flooding, meant that it closed in 1914
without producing coal. Collieries which actually produced coal included Snowdown, (opened 1912,
closed 1986), Tilmanstone (opened 1913, closed 1985), Chislet (opened 1918, closed 1969),
Stonehall, which started to produce until the workings flooded in 1914 and Betteshanger (opened
1927, closed 1989).

The coalfield comprises coal-bearing strata of Langsettian to Westphalian D age, although the main
target coals occur in the Langsettian and Duckmantian (Lower and Middle Coal Measures). The Coal
Measures are concealed beneath a cover of Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks and rest unconformably on
Carboniferous Limestone. They are in excess of 750 m in thickness and 14 main seams have been
recognised, with the youngest named Kent No.1 and the oldest, at the base, named Kent No.14
(Figure 8). The main worked coals were the Kent No.6 and 7, with the No.1 and 8 worked to a lesser
extent. Coals generally occur at depths between 600 and 1500 m. The shallowest coals recorded in
this study occur in the north (in the Littlebourne Borehole) where they are at depths in excess of
334 m. The deepest are in the Meggot Farm borehole, 6 km west of Dover, where they occur down to
depths of 1315 m. The thickest coal recorded (?Kent No.14) is 2.95 m in the Swanton Court borehole,
although there is at least 0.55 m of dirt associated with this seam. Coals are medium to high rank
(Dines 1933; National Coal Board 1959). Seams in excess of 2 m include Kent No.8, 9 and 14, with
No.4, 6, 9 and 11 in excess of 1.5 m in places. Measured methane contents in this coalfield are quite
low with values of 2.3 m3/tonne measured for the Kent No.6 Coal (Creedy 1986, 1988). Coal rank
varies from very strongly caking (401) to non caking (201) and shows an overall decrease in an ESE

The main structure within the coalfield is a south-easterly plunging syncline. The former Tilmanstone
and Snowdown collieries lie along the axis of this structure, with the axis marking the thickest
preservation of the Coal Measures. Hence, the north-eastern and south-western parts of the coalfield
occur on the flanks of this structure and are more deeply eroded beneath the Mesozoic strata that
unconformably overlie the Coal Measures. Faults typically trend north-west to south-east, with less
common north-south faults. These are generally steeply inclined normal faults.


The Coal Measures are present at depths generally in excess of 500 m, below a thick succession of
Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks. Hence there is no opencast potential.


In this coalfield there were a number of shafts constructed, although coal was only worked in 4
collieries (Chislet, Betteshanger, Snowdown and Tilmanstone). There are now no working deep mines
in the Kent Coalfield; the last mine, Betteshanger, closed in 1989. Large areas of this coalfield remain
unmined and potential exists for future underground coal mining, particularly between Chislet and
Betteshanger and also to the south of the old workings at Tilmanstone, where boreholes indicate thick
coals are present (e.g. Kent No. 8, 2.23m in Swanton Court borehole), although they are typically at
depths in excess of 900 m.


As there are no working mines in this coalfield there is no coal mine methane resource.


The underground workings in this coalfield associated with each mine are not connected and form
distinct blocks. The last working mine in this coalfield, Betteshanger, closed in 1989, when pumping

also ceased. It can be assumed that the mines have now flooded and have recovered to their natural
level in the Chalk (Wardell Armstrong 2000a). Hence there are no AMM prospects.



The criteria for VCBM are met across almost the entire coalfield, the exception being a narrow strip
around its margins, where coals incrop against the Mesozoic and hence are not included in the
resource. The average total thickness of coal suitable for VCBM is 11.6 m, although a greater
thickness of coal is preserved in the centre of the main syncline. The coals are of low volatile
bituminous rank and are friable, with closely spaced cleat and recurrent fusain bands. However, the
low average measured seam gas content from coalface samples in the Kent No. 6 seam at Tilmanstone
colliery (2.3 m3/tonne; Creedy 1986, 1988) indicates that VCBM prospects are likely to be poor.


Conditions suitable for UCG are only met in a narrow (10 x 6 km) north-east trending belt to the
south-west of the former Tilmanstone Colliery workings. The volume of coal suitable for gasification
is indicated in Table 7. Coals are present at the required depths in the northern and eastern parts of the
coalfield, however, they are never more than 2 m in thickness and hence do not meet the criteria. The
presence of a resource in the large areas that do not have borehole coverage could not be verified.


Coal-bearing strata are present at depths in excess of 1200 m over a large area (c.183 km2) of the
southern part of this coalfield, between Tilmanstone Colliery and Dover, and this continues offshore.
This forms an area potentially suitable for CO2 sequestration. The low VCBM prospects of this
coalfield make it an unattractive proposition for an enhanced CBM scheme associated with CO2
sequestration. The region between the Westcourt Farm and Swanton Court boreholes forms an
overlap zone between an area with good UCG prospects and the CO2 sequestration area. This may
have potential for a combined scheme involving CO2 sequestration.

17 MINING MAP 3a (Western South Wales area)


The Pembrokeshire Coalfield, in western South Wales, covers an area of 130 km2, stretching from
Amroth in Carmarthen Bay in the east to Newgale, at the northern end of St Brides Bay, in the west. It
actually comprises two small coalfields; the Little Haven to Amroth Coalfield, which trends roughly
east-west and represents an extension to the main South Wales Coalfield to the east, and the smaller
Nolton-Newgale Coalfield in the north-west.

Coal has been worked in this area for centuries, the earliest reference to coal mining being in 1324 in
the neighbourhood of Saundersfoot. However, the seams are heavily faulted and folded, which made

large scale mining difficult. Hence only a few mines were developed into large collieries. The last
large mine (Hook) closed in 1948, with a small private working outlasting it by only a few years.

The Coal Measures succession in Pembrokeshire is thinner than, but generally similar to, that of the
main South Wales Coalfield. However, it is very heavily faulted and folded. The main structures
within the area are a series of WSW-ESE trending thrusts and faults, with associated folds (Glover et
al. 1993).

The coals are all of anthracite grade and there is no seam methane content data available. The main
coals are in the Lower and Middle Coal Measures. Eleven named seams are present, of which the
most important are the Rock (of the Timber Vein group), the Timber and the Kilgetty (Figure 9).
There is believed to be some Upper Coal Measures locally preserved in the Newgale and Picton Point
areas, 6 km to the south east of Haverfordwest [200282 211766], but these contain only thin coals
(Jenkins 1962). Coals are probably restricted to fairly shallow depths in this coalfield. Glover et al
(1993) suggested that coals might reach a depth of up to 1000 m. However, there are no boreholes in
excess of 310 m to support this statement.

Because of its structural complexity, the coalfield is poorly suited to UCG, CBM production and CO2


It is believed that coal has not been previously opencasted in this area, although areas technically
amenable to opencast coal mining are present along the outcrop of the Coal Measures between
Saundersfoot and Broad Haven and also at Newgale. However, a large part of the outcropping Coal
Measures falls within the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park.


Coal was formerly worked underground in this area e.g. at Hook and Grove collieries, although the
extent of coal workings is unknown and there are no workings shown on the mining map. The
thickest seam is the Timber Vein, which, in Kilgetty borehole, is 1.8m in thickness, and at a depth of
45 m. The prospects for future mining are low, as the coalfield is structurally complex and the shallow
seams are likely to have been worked.


There are no CMM resources in this area.


There are only minor shallow mine workings in the Pembrokeshire Coalfield. These are fairly old and
likely to be flooded (Wardell Armstrong 2000b). AMM prospects are therefore considered to be poor.

18 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 3b (Western South Wales area)


The Pembrokeshire Coalfield is strongly tectonically deformed and its detailed structure is poorly
known. The coals are of anthracite rank but their gas content is not known. From the limited
information available only one seam, the Kilgetty Vein, locally exceeds 0.4 m in thickness and is
present at the required depths (i.e. >200 m). Thus there are no realistic CBM prospects and no
resources have been calculated.


Coals generally occur at shallow depths in the Pembrokeshire Coalfield and the deepest borehole
reaches a depth of only 310 m below surface. Hence any UCG potential is unverifiable.


There are no areas in this coalfield where coals are present at depths greater than 1200 m and this,
combined with the very poor CBM and UCG prospects, indicates that the potential for CO2
sequestration in this area is low.

19 MINING MAP 4a (South Wales)


The onshore South Wales Coalfield covers an area of approximately 2000 km2. It is approximately
90 km in length along its east-west long axis and 27 km in width. A small (unmined) part of the
coalfield lies in the near offshore, in Swansea Bay and Carmarthen Bay. In the latter the main
coalfield joins up with the Pembrokeshire Coalfield. The central part of the coalfield forms a plateau
up to 600 m above sea level that is criss-crossed by numerous north-east and south-east trending deep
valleys. These are separated by upland moors and hills.

The coalfield has been extensively worked, particularly over the last two hundred years. Peak
production, of approximately 57 million tons, was in 1913. Currently there are only 3 working mines
in the South Wales Coalfield: Tower, Betws and Aberpergwm.

The geology of the coalfield has been summarised by Woodland & Evans (1964), Thomas (1974),
Barclay (1989) and Glover et al. (1993). The Coal Measures are folded into a syncline such that the
productive Lower and Middle Coal Measures crop out around the margins of the coalfield and the
younger Upper Coal Measures crop out in the centre. The complete Coal Measures succession is up to

about 2500 m in thickness. It is thickest in the western and south-western parts of the coalfield and is
attenuated in the east (Ramsbottom et al. 1978).

The Coal Measures are divided into the Lower, Middle and Upper Coal Measures, of Langsettian
(Westphalian A) to Westphalian D age. The succession of coal seams in the South Wales Coalfield is
shown in Figure 10. The majority of the economically important seams occur within the Lower and
Middle Coal Measures.

The Lower and Middle Coal Measures consist mainly of claystones and siltstones, with subordinate
sandstones. These strata occur in units generally from 5-30 m in thickness, separated by coals that
vary in thickness from traces to 4 m or more locally. In the Upper Coal Measures Pennant Sandstone
Formation, sandstone becomes the dominant lithology, and only a few coals and mudstones are

Coal rank varies from high volatile bituminous in the south and east margins to anthracite in the
north-west part of the coalfield (e.g. White 1991).

The coalfield is structurally complex. The major east-west trending syncline is asymmetric, with the
southern limb being considerably steeper than the northern. Superimposed on this are several minor,
broadly parallel east-west folds arranged en echelon, including the Pontypridd-Maesteg anticline, and
the Llantwit-Caerphilly, Pengham, Gowerton and Llanelli synclines. Thrust faults, which normally
strike NE-SW, are common (Gayer et al. 1991). Overviews of the structure of the coalfield are given
by Owen and Weaver (1983) and Jones (1991).

The Coal Measures are deformed by both normal (extensional) faults and thrust (reverse) faults. The
normal faults typically trend NNW-SSE whereas the thrust faults trend NE-SW and east-west. The
Lower and Middle Coal Measures are known to be have suffered greater compressional deformation
than the overlying Pennant Formation and coal seams are frequently duplicated by thrust repetition.

The Coal Measures rest conformably on Namurian Millstone Grit. They are at outcrop throughout the
entire coalfield, except in a small area around Bridgend in the south where Triassic rocks locally
overlie the Coal Measures.


The South Wales Coalfield forms a broad east-west trending syncline, with the thickest coals, from
the Lower and Middle Coal Measures, outcropping on the northern and southern sides of the syncline.
Hence previous opencast sites have concentrated on the northern and southern sides of this syncline,
although coals are present at shallow depth (i.e. <50 m) across the entire coalfield. Hence there are
significant areas technically amenable to opencast coal mining still available in South Wales, the most
favourable areas being on the northern and southern flanks. As of April 2002 there were 11 working
opencast sites in this coalfield (source: DTI web site).

Currently underground mining is limited to one large mine (Tower) and two small drift mines (Betws
and Aberpergwm). Most of the central and eastern parts of the coalfield have been extensively mined
and there are probably only limited resources in these areas. The area with the largest potential lies in
the north-west, north of Pontarddulais and Llanelli, where relatively untouched coal is present across
an area of approximately 70 km2. Here a number of thick anthracite rank coals occur at depths up to
900 m. In the south the Margam prospect near Port Talbot has been extensively investigated and
significant resources (27 million tonnes of coal) are believed to be present. A licence is in existence
for this area, although mining has yet to take place.


Methane has traditionally been a problem at Tower Colliery and prior to 1999 was vented to the
atmosphere. However, in 1999 the colliery began to utilise the methane captured via the methane
drainage system that was already installed. The methane is removed from the coal face by means of
30 m long boreholes drilled every 2-3 m at angles of 60° into the roof of the worked seam. The
boreholes are then connected to an array of 12 pumps at the surface via a series of steel pipes. This
yields about 1000 l/s (approximately 13m3 of methane released per tonne of coal mined). The gas
purity ranges from <35% to 60-70% (DTI 2000). This first passes through a gas treatment plant
before being used in an uncompressed form to generate electricity via five 1.35 MWe reciprocal spark
ignition engines. A total output of 6.5 MWe was produced, at a generating efficiency of 95%. The
electricity produced is then sold to the National Grid and the colliery purchases back its own
electricity requirements at Pool prices (DTI 2000). The scheme has since been extended to 8 MWe by
adding a further engine and generation set.

The other two working mines in South Wales, Betws and Aberpergwm, do not operate CMM schemes
and mine methane is vented to the surface as part of standard ventilation systems.


The potential for abandoned mine methane is linked to the state of mine water recovery which, in
South Wales, is complex (see Mining Technologies Map 4), and in large areas unknown (Wardell
Armstrong 2000b). This is related to a number of factors including the extent of workings, degree of
interconnectivity of workings, date of mine closure and whether there is active pumping in the area.
There is significant uncertainty about the extent of mine water recovery in South Wales, but there
should be good AMM prospects if dry deep workings can be identified, as initial seam gas contents
are high, especially in the anthracite belt (Creedy 1983, 1986, 1988, 1991). An area around the Tower
Colliery has been identified that should have potential for AMM, as it would appear that mine water
has not recovered in this area (Wardell Armstrong 2000b). East of this, between Aberdare and
Abertillery, it would appear that mine water is beginning to recover (Wardell Armstrong 2000b), but
this may still hold potential for AMM. In the north-west of the coalfield, excluding the working mine
Betws, mine water is believed to have largely recovered and hence AMM prospects are probably
quite poor. Elsewhere there is uncertainty about the state of mine water recovery and hence the
prospects for AMM are unknown.

20 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 4b (South Wales)


In the South Wales Coalfield there is a significant total thickness of coal meeting the criteria, resulting
in an excellent resource base across most of the coalfield. In addition, the coalfield has the highest
measured seam gas contents in the UK. The mean methane content is 13.3 m3/tonne, based on 173
samples from 24 boreholes taken at an average depth of 702 m (Creedy 1991). Average values
derived from 18 samples from 3 boreholes in the anthracite belt were 18.3 m3/tonne at an average
depth of 692 m (Creedy 1986). Values decrease from the anthracite belt towards the coalfield
margins. The area with the highest resource base for CBM occurs in the north west of the coalfield,
just north of Pontarddulais (see CBM areas 1 and 2 on Map 4b).

Although there is an encouraging CBM resource base, there has only been one well drilled in South
Wales; the Margam Forest 1 VCBM exploration well, drilled by Enron in 1996. No details are
available but the well was abandoned.


The potential for UCG in the South Wales Coalfield is restricted by the extent of former underground
mining that has taken place. However, potential does exist in areas away from mining, particularly in
the north-west, around Llanelli and north of Pontarddulais. Between these two good areas there may
be further potential but boreholes are lacking, hence the area is marked as unverifiable. This area is
also marked by the presence of anthracite rank coals, which may not be optimal for gasification.
Other smaller areas with good UCG potential have been identified to the south-west and south-east of
Pontypridd. Elsewhere there is uncertainty and areas are marked as unverifiable. In the west, seams
that meet the criteria for UCG include Big Vein and the Lower Nine Feet and in the south-east the
Upper Seven Feet and the Six Feet. Other coals that reach the required thickness but occur in worked
areas include the Six Feet, the combined Amman Rider-Yard-Seven Feet and the Hwch. The volume
of coal suitable for gasification is indicated in Table 7.


Coals are present below 1200 m in large areas of the coalfield, particularly in the west, between
Llanelli and Port Talbot. This forms the primary resource area for CO2 sequestration. There is also
overlap between areas with high CBM resources and good UCG potential in this region, and hence
there may be potential for a combined scheme. There may be potential for this technology in the
nearshore areas that link Llanelli with Pembrokeshire and Port Talbot with the Gower Peninsula,
although not much is known about the detailed geology in these areas.

21 MINING MAP 5a (Forest of Dean, Newent & Bristol-Somerset area)


21.1.1 Forest of Dean Coalfield

The Forest of Dean is one of the smaller coalfields in the British Isles. It covers an area of about
90 km2, most of which forms part of a National Forest Park and hence the remaining coal resource is
unlikely to be further exploited.

The first record of coal mining is from 1282. At that time the right of the local inhabitants, termed
Free Miners, to dig for coal and iron was already recognised. On the approval of the Gaveller (the
King's representative) they had the right to work Gales (defined areas of Crown land). Major
exploitation of coal began in the early 1800s and, from the 1830s onwards, a number of larger
collieries developed for the extraction of house coal. These were mainly in the Cinderford area. In
1904, the numerous small gales were amalgamated into seven large gales, which were exploited by
large, more modern collieries. These began to work coal at greater depth, concentrating on exploiting
reserves in the Coleford High Delf seam. Two of these collieries survived until 1965 when the last
deep mine in the Forest of Dean closed. The main seams have been widely extracted and can be
considered to be exhausted.

The coalfield consists of a broad north-south trending syncline. This is divided into two subsidiary
synclines, the Main Basin to the east and the Worcester Syncline to the west, by the Cannop Fault
Belt (Trotter 1942). Minor faulting along north-south and east-west trends also occurs.

The succession in the coalfield consists entirely of Upper Coal Measures. These are divided into 3
Groups: the Trenchard Group at the base, overlain by the Pennant Group and the Supra-Pennant
Group (Coones 1991) (Figure 11). There are 19 coal seams within a Westphalian succession that is
approximately 610 m in thickness. Coals occur in 3 main groups. The upper group comprises four
thin seams of coal called the Woorgreen Delfs, none of which are of sufficient thickness to be
worked. The main seams from the middle group are the Smith (or Twenty Inches), Parkend High Delf
(or Lowery), Starkey, Rockey, Churchway High Delf and the Brazilly (Figure 11). They have been
extensively worked in the Cinderford area. The most important seams in the lower group are the
Yorkley, Whittington, Coleford High Delf and the Trenchard. More recent workings were
concentrated in this lower group, with the Coleford High Delf and the Trenchard seams forming the
main seams of interest. These occur at depths of around 400 and 450 m.

The Coleford High Delf is a high volatile, non-caking coal (Trotter 1942, Appendix II). There is no
data available on methane content but mines were known not to be gassy and there was a tradition of
working the mines with naked flames, hence it can be assumed that methane contents were low. The
mines were known to be very wet.

21.1.2 Newent Coalfield
The Newent Coalfield is mostly concealed beneath Permo-Triassic strata but the coalfield is believed
to form a small (19 km2) narrow strip of Upper Coal Measures, Westphalian D age strata that lies on
the western edge of the Worcester Basin.

The Newent Coalfield saw limited underground coal mining operations, mainly between 1760 and
1810 and the coals were known to be of inferior quality, being particularly rich in sulphur (Worssam
et al. 1989).

The structure of the coalfield is complex but is thought to consist of a narrow NNE-SSW trending
syncline (Glover et al. 1993). The western limb dips at 30°. The succession is known in most detail
from two adjacent BGS boreholes (Lower House 1 and 2) which proved a Westphalian succession at
least 208 m in thickness, with 19 coal seams proven, 7 of which are greater than 0.4 m thick
(Worssam et al. 1989). A generalised stratigraphy for this coalfield is shown in Figure 11.

21.1.3 Bristol-Somerset Coalfield

The Bristol-Somerset Coalfield covers a broadly triangular area of approximately 1000 km2,
stretching from Cromhall in Gloucestershire in the north to Frome in Somerset in the south, and
Nailsea in the west (Map 5).

Structurally the coalfield is separated into distinct basins by a complex series of major folds cut by
thrust faults. These divide it into four distinct, but essentially contiguous coalfield areas:

• The Bristol Coalfield (mainly comprising the Coalpit Heath Syncline)

• The Somerset Coalfield (mainly comprising the Radstock Syncline and Pensford Syncline
which are separated by the Farmborough Fault)
• The Nailsea Coalfield and Gordano outlier
• The Severn or Avonmouth Coalfield

The Westphalian succession is best known from the Radstock Syncline area of the Somerset Coalfield
where Lower, Middle and Upper Coal Measures have been proven, containing 20 extensively worked
seams, 0.3 to 2.0 m thick (Glover et al. 1993; Barton et al. 2002) (Figure 12). The Lower Coal
Measures, approximately 150 m in thickness, rests unconformably on Devonian and Dinantian rocks
(Kellaway & Welch 1993). The Ashton Little (0.6 m) and the Ashton Great (0.9 m) are the two main
worked seams in the Lower Coal Measures (Figure 12). The Middle Coal Measures is typically about
375 m thick with the main seams being the Kingswood Little (0.5-0.7 m), the Kingswood Great (1.1-
3.4 m) and the Lower Five Coals. The Upper Coal Measures is thought to be up to 1000 m in
thickness and comprises the Pennant Sandstone and the Supra-Pennant formations. In the Upper Coal
Measures a number of good coking coals have been worked, including the Parrot (0.3 – 3.0 m), Buff
(0.3 – 2.7 m), Rag (0.3 – 4.0 m) and Millgrit (0.3 – 3.0 m) (Barton et al. 2002). At the top of the Coal
Measures are eleven Bromley coals, eight of which are greater than 0.5 m in thickness, and eight
Pensford coals, two of which have been extensively worked (Barton et al. 2002). Thick sandstones are
present in the Upper Coal Measures.

The Bristol Coalfield is separated from the Somerset Coalfield by the Speedwell thrust fault-
Kingswood Anticline structure. Within the coalfield the main structure is a NNE-WSW trending
syncline, termed the Coalpit Heath syncline. Here coals have been proved down to a depth of at least
1056 m (unbottomed). Mainly the Lower and Middle Coal Measures are present, with only a thin
development of the lower part of the Upper Coal Measures preserved. The most important coals occur
within a 500 m thick Lower and Middle Coal Measures interval. The main coals of interest are the
Ashton Great (1.2m), Yate Hard (2.3 m), Yate Soft (2.9 m), Lower Five Coal (1.27m) and the Upper
Five Coal (1.23m) (Figure 12).

The succession in the Nailsea Coalfield comprises approximately 270 m of Lower and Middle Coal
Measures strata with 12 coals known (Barton et al. 2002). Only the White’s Top (1.1 – 1.4 m) and the
Dog (0.4 - 0.9 m) coals have been extensively worked (Barton et al. 2002). Approximately 170 m
above the White’s Top seam is the Grace’s Coal, which forms part of the Pennant Sandstone
Formation (Figure 12).

The Avonmouth Coalfield is almost completely concealed beneath Mesozoic strata. Two seams have
been proven here, the Avonmouth No.1 and 2 (Barton et al. 2002), which are thought to occur within
the Farrington Member at the base of the Supra-Pennant Formation. The Avonmouth No.1 seam is
locally up to 2.26m in thickness and the No.2 is up to 1.5 m in thickness (Figure 12), although both
occur at shallow depths (typically less than 110 m) and are only present over an area of less than
5 km2 (Kellaway & Welch 1993).

Coals are generally bituminous in rank with strong coking properties (Glover et al. 1993). There are
no methane measurements available but the coal mines were known to be worked using naked flames,
indicating very low methane contents (Glover et al. 1993), the exception being in the lower seams of
the Lower and Middle Coal Measures in the extreme south of the Somerset Coalfield, where firedamp
was recorded. Most of the coals are at fairly shallow depth, although in the deeper parts of the
Radstock Basin of the Somerset Coalfield they occur at depths in excess of 1200 m (Map 5).


In the Forest of Dean Coalfield, surface and near surface coal that has potential for opencast mining
occurs within an area of 90 km2. However, this area forms part of a National Forest Park and hence
the resource is unlikely to be exploited. The Newent Coalfield is much smaller (at 19 km2) and hence
the potential for opencast workings is low. Much of the Bristol-Somerset Coalfield is concealed by
younger, Mesozoic strata, although areas where coals are present close to surface that are suitable for
opencast mining do exist, particularly in the Bristol Coalfield, to the east and north east of Bristol and
in the Pensford Syncline further south. Much of these districts are urban which will reduce the area
that can be exploited.


There are no large working deep mines presently active in the Forest of Dean, Newent and the
Bristol-Somerset coalfields. In the Forest of Dean, post-1904 mining concentrated on 5 major coal
mining areas exploiting reserves in the Coleford High Delf seam. Extensive underground mining of
this seam continued until the 1960 when mining ceased. Small scale underground mining operations
have continued after that. Map 5a shows that the area covered by former underground workings is
quite extensive, severely limiting the potential in this coalfield.

No data on the extent of underground workings in the Newent Coalfield was available to this study.
However, it is known that limited underground coal mining operations did take place in this coalfield
up to the late 19th century. The small size of this coalfield, the unknown extent of former workings
and the poor coal quality means that prospects for future underground mining operations are very

The Bristol-Somerset Coalfield has a history of underground coal mining that dates back to at least
1223. The Nailsea Coalfield was abandoned in the 19th century and mining ceased in the Bristol
Coalfield north of the River Avon in 1949, with the closure of the Coalpit Heath Colliery. The last pit
in Somerset was Writhlington/Kilmersdon, which closed in 1973. Map 5a shows that former
underground workings are not extensive and are mainly confined to the central parts of the Radstock,
Pensford, Nailsea and Coalpit Heath synclines. On the flanks of these structures the Coal Measures
are typically buried beneath Mesozoic strata and there are few deep boreholes. Hence there may be
potential for further mining in these areas but data is limited.


There is no coal mine methane resource in this area.


In the Forest of Dean, mine water pumping operations ceased after closure of the mines in the 1960s
(Wardell Armstrong 2001a). There is relatively good interconnection between all the workings. As
the mines were located on hills, drainage of mine water could occur under the influence of gravity.
Water was channelled away by the construction of drainage adits known as soughs. It is known that
all workings are flooded up to the level of the soughs and, in places, water is emerging from the
soughs (Aldous et al. 1986). Thus there are no AMM prospects in this area.

In the Newent Coalfield mining ceased in the late nineteenth century and hence all the mines are
thought to be flooded. Thus there are no AMM prospects in the Newent Coalfield.

In the Bristol and Somerset coalfields groundwater recovery is thought to have taken place and is
probably complete. Historically, firedamp was not a problem in this coalfield and coals were worked
with naked lamps. Hence AMM prospects are very poor because of the combination of mine water
recovery and likely very low initial methane content of coals in these mines.

22 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 5b (Forest of Dean, Newent & Bristol-Somerset area)


The Forest of Dean Coalfield has low potential for VCBM production. The total coal thickness in the
southern area was up to 9.75 m and in the northern area up to 7.6 m. However, the coalfield has been
worked since Roman times and the major seams have been almost totally extracted. The seam gas

content has not been measured but circumstantial historical evidence (naked lamp working, almost
total absence of firedamp in the mines) suggests it is very low.

The Newent Coalfield is a narrow strip of Upper Coal Measures of Westphalian D age. One borehole
(Lower House 2) proves 3 seams that meet the criteria for CBM although, by analogy with the
Westphalian D coals of the Forest of Dean Coalfield, coal rank and methane contents is likely to be
very low. Furthermore, the resource area is of limited size. Hence CBM potential is thought to be very

In the Bristol and Somerset coalfields the Priston borehole proves 2 seams that meet the criteria for
CBM. There are no published measurements of seam gas content in either coalfield. However, there
was an almost complete absence of firedamp in the mines, the exception being in the Lower and
Middle Coal Measures seams which come to surface on the extreme southern edge of the Somerset
coalfield. Hence these coalfields are considered to have very limited potential for VCBM production
because they probably contain low volumes of coalbed methane, at least at shallower depths.


In the Forest of Dean Coalfield there are no deep boreholes (i.e. in excess of 350 m). However, data
from shallow boreholes did not prove any coals in excess of 2 m in this coalfield, suggesting that
UCG potential is extremely low.

In the Newent Coalfield there are no deep boreholes >262 m deep, so no UCG resource is verifiable.
Only one seam in the Lower House 1 borehole meets the thickness criteria. This unnamed coal, 2.8 m
in thickness, is present at a depth of 103 m below surface hence does not reach the required depth for
UCG. A further unnamed seam present in Lower House 2 borehole is 1.99 m in thickness and occurs
at a depth of 181 m.

Boreholes examined during this study indicate that there is no UCG potential in the Bristol-Somerset
coalfields. However, three seams, the Middle Coal Measures Yate Hard (2.3 m) and Kingswood Great
(1.1-3.4 m) and the Upper Coal Measures Parrot Seam (0.3 – 3.0 m), meet the thickness criteria for
UCG locally and it is possible that these or other thick coals may be present in the deeper parts of the
coalfield (e.g. in the Coalpit Heath and Radstock synclines).


There are no coals present at depths greater than 1200 m in either the Forest of Dean or the Newent
coalfields. This, combined with the low potential for CBM and UCG, makes these unfavourable
coalfields for CO2 sequestration. Coals are present at depths >1200m in the Radstock Syncline in the
Bristol-Somerset Coalfield and hence this area could have potential for carbon dioxide sequestration.
The poor CBM, and lack of UCG resources, means that prospects for carbon dioxide sequestration in
association with these two technologies is highly unlikely.

23 MINING MAP 6a (Oxfordshire & Berkshire)


Boreholes drilled in the 1970-80s proved a southerly concealed extension to the Warwickshire
Coalfield under Oxfordshire and Berkshire, covering an area of approximately 3600 km2 stretching as
far south as Reading (Foster et al. 1989). This area has never been mined. The coal-bearing strata, of
Westphalian age, lie beneath Tertiary to Triassic cover rocks at depths of 400-1500 m. Immediately
overlying the Coal Measures is a thin sequence of Sherwood Sandstone Group (Triassic) sandstones.
This is in turn overlain by Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks, and Cainozoic strata in the south.

Lower and Middle Coal Measures strata are known locally in the south (e.g. in the Aston Tirrold
borehole), but these successions are thin, lack thick coals and occur interbedded with igneous rocks
(Foster et al. 1989). The main coals occur in the Upper Coal Measures and rest unconformably on
older strata (Foster et al. 1989). The best seams are located within the Arenaceous Coal, Witney Coal
and Burford Coal members of the Pennant Sandstone Formation (Warwickshire Group) (Figure 13).
In the Apley Barn Borehole coal forms 1.23, 6.97 and 3.76 % respectively of these members. They
occur at depths from 400-1500 m.

The Arenaceous Coal Member is approximately 278 m in thickness and is dominated by sandstones;
with up to 11 seams totalling 5.6 m of coal, forming up to 1.23% of the member. The thickest coals
(AB39-41), up to 1.9 m thick, occur at the base of the member (Figure 13). The overlying Witney
Coal Member is restricted to the north of the area and thins northwards. It is 83 m in thickness in the
Apley Barn Borehole and contains up to 10 seams (AB21-30) totalling 7 m in Apley Barn Borehole.
The thickest coal is AB/27 at 1.6 m. The Crawley Member is 204 m in thickness in the Apley Barn
Borehole, with 5 seams totally 1.2 m of coal. The thickest coal, AB/17, is 0.56 m thick. The Burford
Coal Member is 137 m in thickness in the Apley Barn Borehole, comprising 12 seams totalling 7.2 m
of coal. Coals AB/8 and AB/12 are 1.44 m and 1.63 m in thickness respectively. The youngest unit,
the Windrush Member, is 195 m in thickness in the Apley Barn Borehole, comprising 3 seams
totalling 0.55 m of coal.

The mean methane content of the coals in the Oxfordshire-Berkshire Coalfield, derived from 57
samples from 6 boreholes, is 0.4 m3/tonne (Creedy 1991). Seams are of low rank and comprise high
volatile bituminous coals.

The main structures within this coalfield are two north-westerly trending folds, the Oxfordshire and
the Berkshire synclines (Foster et al. 1989). These are separated by a structural ‘high’ that runs just
north of the Harwell HW3 borehole (Glover et al. 1993).


No part of this coalfield occurs at depths suitable for opencast mining.


There has been no mining within this coalfield. The most southerly mining that has taken place is
associated with the workings at Daw Mill and the former Coventry Colliery in the Warwickshire

Coalfield. Within the Oxfordshire-Berkshire Coalfield, individual boreholes prove the presence of
thick coals in the Upper Coal Measures that occur at depths suitable for mining (e.g. the Milton seam
is 2.4m thick in the Ufton borehole, at a depth of 906 m). However, boreholes tend to occur in
isolation and no area has yet been proven suitable for deep mining. The best known area is the
Hawkhurst Moor prospect in the Warwickshire Coalfield.


The Oxfordshire-Berkshire Coalfield has never been mined so there is no CMM potential.


There are no AMM prospects in this area.

24 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 6b (Oxfordshire & Berkshire)


The Oxfordshire-Berkshire Coalfield comprises a large area with numerous coals that meet the
criteria for CBM. However, the coalfield has an average measured seam methane content of 0.4
m3/tonne, at a mean depth of 702 m (Creedy 1991). This low methane value results in a low resource
density (6) and indicates that the prospects for CBM in this area are very poor.


Three main areas in the Warwickshire and Oxfordshire-Berkshire coalfields meet the criteria for
UCG. The most promising is in the north, forming an area of 336 km2 to the south and south-east of
the Daw Mill Colliery workings. Part of this area is also shown on Map 7. The main coal that has
UCG potential in this area is the Thick Coal, although both the (Upper Coal Measures) Broughton and
Milton seams are locally in excess of 2 m. Areas with UCG potential occur further south, in the
districts south of Banbury and east of Witney. Coals suitable for gasification in these areas are in the
Upper Coal Measures and include the Top Broughton, Low Milton, Eynsham and Apley seams. The
volume of coal suitable for gasification in these three areas is indicated in Table 7. Large areas of this
map have unverifiable potential, due to the lack of deep boreholes. These could have potential and
merit further investigation. Other areas, e.g. west of Oxford and north of Newbury, are known to have
poor UCG potential.


A large north-south trending area between Coventry and Oxford, where Coal Measures occur at
depths greater than 1200 m, could be suitable for carbon dioxide sequestration. A further area where
coals are at a suitable depth occurs north of Newbury. Carbon dioxide sequestration may also be
feasible across all areas where CBM and UCG can take place. The best location for such a scheme
would occur where there are good prospects for UCG as methane contents are low in this coalfield.

25 MINING MAP 7a (South Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Leicestershire, South
Derbyshire & Shropshire)


25.1.1 Shrewsbury Coalfields (Hanwood, Leebotwood and Dryton)

The Hanwood, Leebotwood and Dryton coalfields form small subdivisions within the larger
Shrewsbury Coalfield. The total area of the coalfield is approximately 200 km2. The coal-bearing
strata comprise the Halesowen and Salop formations, part of the Warwickshire Group, of Westphalian
D age (Figure 14). They onlap onto Precambrian and Lower Palaeozoic strata to the south-west and
south and are overlain by Permo-Triassic strata to the north-east (Pocock et al. 1938). The Halesowen
Formation is generally not very deeply buried (<200m) in this area. The main structures within the
coalfield are a series of large north-east to south-west trending faults, together with a number of
smaller north-south and east-west faults.

Mining has taken place in this area for many centuries and in the 19th century there were nine
reasonably sized collieries and many smaller ones. By 1921, these had all closed except for Hanwood
Colliery, which continued until its closure in 1941. One notable feature of the Hanwood Colliery was
the exceptionally low gas content of the coal, which allowed the use of naked flames underground.
Records exist of workings in five seams including the Half Yard, Yard, Main, Thin and Best
(Figure 14). The Half Yard, worked at depths of about 140 m at the Hanwood Colliery, was known to
produce a very high grade of coal, with a calorific value of approximately 15,826 kJ. At the
Cruckmede Shaft the Half Yard is 0.46 m in thickness and the Main is 1.22 m, at a depth of 130 m.

25.1.2 Coalbrookdale Coalfield

The Coalbrookdale Coalfield, covering an area of approximately 80 km2, is centred on the town of
Telford. The main part of this coalfield stretches from Lilleshall in the north down to Broseley. A thin
(2 km) strip of outcropping Coal Measures links the coalfield with the Wyre Forest Coalfield, 13 km
to the south. At its broadest it has a width of 6 km. The main structures within the coalfield are a
series of north-east to south-west trending folds that have been cut by numerous north-east to south-
west trending faults. The coalfield is fault-bounded to the north by the north-east to south-west
trending Boundary Fault; older (Lower Palaeozoic) strata are present to the west and south-west and
to the east the coalfield dips below later Carboniferous successions (Etruria and Halesowen
formations) and Permian and Triassic sandstones. The coalfield forms the western edge of the
Stafford Basin and links up with the South Staffordshire Coalfield in the subsurface.

Carboniferous strata range in age from Langsettian to possibly Stephanian. Most of the coals are
present in the Langsettian and Duckmantian (Lower and Middle Coal Measures), although workable
coals do occur in the Upper Coal Measures (Halesowen Formation). The Lower Coal Measures are
thickest in the north-east, reaching about 100 m (Bridge & Hough 2002). The greatest thickness of
Middle Coal Measures is 1545.2 m in the Childpit Lane Borehole (Bridge & Hough 2002). The
worked seams include Fungous, Top Coal, Threequarters, Double, Yard, Big Flint, New Mine,
Clunch, Two Foot, Best, Randle, Clod and Little Flint (Figure 15). Coals are ranked as high volatile,
very weakly caking to weakly caking (Bridge & Hough 2002). The Threequarters and the Double are

the thickest seams in the coalfield (Hamblin & Coppack 1995). Coals are of unusually low sulphur
content and of low rank (Hamblin et al. 1989).

There are no methane measurements for the Coalbrookdale Coalfield, although it is known that the
methane drainage system from Granville Colliery was connected to the Wellington Gas Works
(Bridge & Hough 2002). In 1973 approximately 6900 m3/hr of methane was derived from boreholes
driven upwards from the Double Coal (Hamblin et al. 1989).

25.1.3 Clee Hills Coalfield

This forms part of a prominent outlier at Titterstone Clee and Brown Clee. Coal mining started here in
medieval times. The Clee Hill Coalfield was the highest coalfield in England and the coal was
accessed via adits and bell pits. Coals are believed to be Duckmantian (Middle Coal Measures) in age
(Glover et al. 1993). Five coal seams are known to have been worked in the area, down to depths of
approximately 120 m: the Great, Three Quarters, Smith, Clunch, Four Feet and the Yard, with five of
the major seams present in a 30 m interval (Figure 16). The thickest coal is the Great, which is up to
2.13 m in thickness. The deepest borehole penetrates down to 200 m. The coalfield is bounded to the
north and south by large north-east to south-west trending faults.

25.1.4 Wyre Forest Coalfield

The Wyre Forest Coalfield and its southern extension, the Mamble Coalfield, is approximately 30 km
long and up to 12 km wide and is connected via a narrow strip of outcropping Coal Measures to the
Coalbrookdale Coalfield to the north. In this basin, both Middle and Upper Coal Measures are
present, with the worked seams occurring towards the top of the Middle Coal Measures, close to the
Aegiranum Marine Band. The main seams are the Brooch, Half Yard, Four Foot and Two Foot Seams
(Whitehead & Pocock 1947) and, in the main part of the Wyre Forest Coalfield, the Brooch, and New
Mine seams have been worked (Figure 17). Coal was worked down to depths of about 300 m.

In the Mamble area the worked seams include the Hard Mine and the upper leaf of the Main, known
as the Three Quarters (Mitchell et al. 1962). Both coals attain a thickness of about 2 m, including
bands of partings. Coals improve in thickness and quality in the central part of the Mamble Coalfield,
across an east-west belt.

The main structure in the area is a series of main north-south and north-east to south-west trending
faults and ENE-WSW trending cross-faults.

25.1.5 West Staffordshire

This is an area of concealed Coal Measures that lies beneath the Permo-Triassic strata of the Stafford
Basin. It represents the subsurface extensions to the North and South Staffordshire coalfields and
links westwards with the Shrewsbury Coalfield. The towns of Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stafford,
Wolverhampton, Bridgnorth, Kidderminster and Telford line its perimeter. The Coal Measures are
deeply buried in the central part of the Stafford Basin, at depths of around 1000-1200 m (Glover et al.
1993). Around the margins the Coal Measures come to crop and form the coalfields that fringe the
basin. The succession thins towards the south, where it is less than 150 m in thickness. Associated
with this, coals become thinner and less persistent. In the north numerous coals are present in an
interval of Lower and Middle Coal Measures from 250-300 m in thickness. Overlying the Coal

Measures in the Stafford Basin is a thick succession of red Upper Coal Measures and Permo-Triassic
strata, including the important Bridgnorth Sandstone aquifer.

The stratigraphy of the coals is not well known and coal seam nomenclature varies, with both the
Coalbrookdale and South Staffordshire seam names used (Figure 15). Coals are likely to be of high
volatile, very weakly caking to weakly caking rank (Bridge & Hough 2002). There are no direct
measurements of methane content in this area. The nearest are from the South Staffordshire Coalfield
(Littleton area), where Creedy (1991) records a mean methane content of 3.3 m3/tonne.

The structure of the area is poorly known but is likely to be similar to the adjacent coalfield areas.
These are dominated by north-east to south-west and some north-south trending fault systems.

25.1.6 South Staffordshire Coalfield

The exposed coalfield, covering an area of 400 km2, is elliptical in shape, extending from Rugeley in
the north to Halesowen in the south. It is bounded to the west by the Western Boundary Fault and to
the east by the Eastern Boundary Fault. To the north, the Coal Measures extend and dip northwards
beneath Triassic cover to the Swynnerton Fault. The coalfield can be divided into two main parts,
Cannock Chase in the north and the Black Country area in the south, separated by the east-west
trending Bentley Fault in the Walsall area.

The thickest coals are in the Lower and Middle Coal Measures. To the north and west, away from
outcrop, the Coal Measures are overlain by reddened Upper Coal Measures that are mainly barren of
workable coal seams. These consist, in ascending order, of the Etruria Formation, Halesowen
Formation, Salop Formation and Clent Formation (Powell et al. 2000). Above this the Carboniferous
is unconformably overlain by Triassic strata, consisting of the Sherwood Sandstone Group in the east,
west and north and the Mercia Mudstone Group in the south. The main structures within the coalfield
are a series of NE to SW, NW-SE and east-west trending normal faults.

The thickest seams in the Black Country area are the Brooch, Flying Reed, Thick, Heathen, Stinking,
New Mine, Fireclay and Bottom (Figure 18). The Thick Coal is typically 4-5 m in thickness, although
it can be up to 10 m in places (e.g. Timbertree Colliery) south-east of Dudley. In the Cannock
Coalfield the Thick Coal splits into a number of component seams, including the Benches, Eight Feet
and Park. This is associated with a gradual increase in the thickness of the intervening strata, such
that, at Littleton Colliery, near Cannock, the thickness of strata represented by the Thick Coal is 52 m.
The main coal seams in the Cannock Chase area are the Top and Bottom Robins, Benches, Eight Feet
(Wyrley Bottom), (Old) Park, Heathen, Stinking, Yard, Bass, Cinder, Shallow, Deep and Mealy Grey
(Figure 18).

The measured methane content of seams in the Cannock Coalfield is low, with a mean methane level
of 3.3 m3/tonne in seams in Littleton Colliery quoted by Creedy (1991), based on 119 samples from a
mean depth of 775 m. There are no data on coal rank or methane content in the Black Country area.

25.1.7 East Staffordshire

This is a concealed area of Coal Measures linking the South Staffordshire, Warwickshire and South
Derbyshire coalfields. Lichfield and Tamworth lie at the centre and southeast of the area respectively.
Its eastern limit is the Netherseal Fault, beyond which it is contiguous with the South Derbyshire
Coalfield. The southern margin is marked by the Western Boundary Fault of the Warwickshire
Coalfield, the north-east to south-west trending Birmingham Fault and the eastern margin of the South

Staffordshire Coalfield. The western boundary is taken at the Stafford Fault just to the west of the
Park Prospect and, to the north, the succession becomes progressively older, until the margin of coal-
bearing strata can be defined by the subcrop of Namurian rocks against the Permo-Triassic. Only
limited underground mining has taken place in this area, predominantly along the eastern margins of
the South Staffordshire Coalfield (e.g. at Lea Hall, Littleton, Brereton and Hamstead collieries) where
the Bottom Robins, Park, Eight Feet, Benches, Yard, Deep, and Shallow were worked in the north
and the Thick Coal was worked in the south.

The generalised sequence of coal seams likely to be encountered in a complete succession is shown in
Figure 19. The stratigraphy is similar to that of the South Staffordshire Coalfield. The main coals lie
in the Lower and Middle Coal Measures. In the north the thickest coals are the Top and Bottom
Robins, Park, New Mine, Shallow and Deep which are greater than 2 m in thickness, although at least
a further 14 seams occur in the succession that are greater than 0.4 m in thickness in places (Figure
19). The average seam thickness is 1.1 m. In the south the Benches, Eight Feet and Park combine to
form the Staffordshire Thick Coal, which is locally up 5 m in thickness. The target sequence for these
coals is likely to lie in the depth range between 500-1100 m.

The structure of this area is complex. In the north the main structure is an anticline, with the axis
trending roughly north-south. In the main part of the basin, around Lichfield, the succession dips to
the south-east.

Data from the Whittington Heath borehole show that the rank of the coal seams is high volatile
bituminous, with rank codes in the range 602 to 902 (Glover et al. 1993). The mean methane content
of coals derived from 201 samples in 21 boreholes is 1.5 m3/tonne (Creedy 1991). Given the low
rank, and its position adjacent to the South Derbyshire Coalfield, which also has very low seam gas
contents, it is unlikely that the area has significant coalbed methane potential.

25.1.8 Warwickshire Coalfield

The Warwickshire Coalfield is an elongate north-south trending coalfield, 45 km in length and 13 km
in width, lying beneath the towns of Warwick, Royal Leamington Spa and Kenilworth. The main
structure within the coalfield is a broad, open, southwards-plunging syncline. The Warwickshire
Coalfield passes southwards without interruption into the Oxfordshire-Berkshire Coalfield and the
boundary between the two is generally taken where coal-bearing Upper Coal Measures incrop against
younger strata. The coalfield is fault-bounded to the west and east by the Maxstoke-Western
Boundary and Eastern Boundary or Polesworth faults respectively. Triassic strata occur on all sides of
the coalfield. The other important structure is the Fillongley Anticline, which is a major NE-SW
trending faulted anticline that runs through the southern part of the Daw Mill Colliery licence area.

The main coals are in the Lower and Middle Coal Measures. They are generally high-volatile, low-
rank, bituminous coals (British Coal Rank 902) (Glover et al. 1993). In the north-western part of the
coalfield the Coal Measures are about 260 m thick and contain the following main coal seams: Four
Feet, Thin Rider, Two Yard, Bare, Ryder, Ell, Slate, High Main, Smithy, Seven Foot, Deep Rider,
Deep, Top Bench and Bench (Figure 19).

In the south of the coalfield the main seam of interest is the Warwickshire Thick Coal, which
averages 6 m in thickness (Figure 20). The leaves of the Thick Coal have average sulphur contents of
less than 4% by weight and average ash contents of less than 9% by weight (air-dried basis) (Fulton
1987). The seam has a calorific value of 28,000 kJ/kg (Drake 1982). Coal quality, calorific value and

rank decrease and ash and chlorine increase towards the south-east (National Coal Board 1957).
Methane content has been measured at 2.5 m3/tonne in the Thick Coal at Daw Mill (Creedy 1986),
although Creedy (1991) quotes an average figure of 1.7 m3/tonne for the coalfield as a whole. The
prime area for the Thick Coal lies between Daw Mill and the former Coventry Colliery (Cope &
Jones 1970; Bridge et al.1998). To the north and south of this area the seam splits into a number of
separate seams collectively known as the Thick Coal Group. This includes the Thin Ryder, Two Yard,
Bare, Ryder, Ell, Nine Feet and High Main.

To the east of the main coalfield is the Bulkington prospect. This area, 7.5 km2 in size, comprises a
westwards dipping sequence of Coal Measures concealed by a thin cover of Triassic strata (Bridge et
al. 1998). The BGS Well Green Farm borehole proved 107 m of Lower and Middle Coal Measures,
including 11 coals, resting on Cambrian rocks (Bridge et al. 1998).

25.1.9 South Derbyshire Coalfield

The South Derbyshire Coalfield is a north-west to south-east trending coalfield located to the south-
east of Burton-on-Trent. It covers an area of approximately 36 km2, and is contiguous to the west,
beyond the Netherseal Fault, with the East Staffordshire area of concealed Coal Measures. It is
connected to the adjacent Leicestershire Coalfield to the east by the north-west trending Ashby

Coals are known from the Lower, Middle and Upper Coal Measures. The main seams are the Upper
Kilburn, Block, Little, Little Kilburn, (Over & Nether) Main, Little Woodfield, Lower Main,
Woodfield, Stockings, Eureka, Stanhope, Kilburn, Fireclay and Yard (Figure 21). The succession is
approximately 760 m thick (Carney et al. 2001). The Lower Coal Measures is about 330 m thick
(Fulton & Williams 1988) and the Middle and Upper Coal Measures combined are from 350 to 400 m
(Carney et al. 2001). Above the Upper Kilburn seam the nomenclature changes to the ‘P’ series,
devised by Jago (in Worssam et al. 1971). These are characterised by numerous thin seams with thin
intercalations of siliciclastic sedimentary rocks (Carney et al. 2001). This represents a highly
condensed succession compared with North Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire (Frost & Smart 1979;
Carney et al. 2001).

The mean methane content of the seams is 1.3 m3/tonne (36 samples from 5 boreholes) (Creedy
1991). The seams in the South Derbyshire Coalfield are mainly high volatile and non-caking (Coal
Rank Code 802). There is very little variation in rank across the coalfield (Glover et al. 1993). Seams
in the South Derbyshire Coalfield are fairly shallow, typically less than 450 m in the deepest parts of
the coalfield (Glover et al. 1993).

Structurally, the coalfield is bounded to the east by the NNW-SSE trending Boothorpe Fault. The
coalfield forms a broad synclinal structure, with the axis trending parallel to the Boothorpe Fault. The
coalfield is affected by numerous small faults trending NNE-SSW, ENE-WSW, NNW-SSE, and N-S.
A number of folds also occur, trending NNE-SSW and ENE-WSW.

25.1.10 Leicestershire Coalfield

The Leicestershire Coalfield is located just to the east of the South Derbyshire Coalfield. The exposed
coalfield covers an area of approximately 52 km2. Seams in the Leicestershire Coalfield are restricted

to the Lower and Middle Coal Measures and are fairly shallow, typically less than 350 m in the
deepest parts of the coalfield.

The Lower and Middle Coal Measures are approximately 340 and 140 m in thickness respectively
(Carney et al. 2001). The Lower Coal Measures contain some 12 named seams and the Middle Coal
Measures have 9. The thickest seams are the Excelsior, Minge, Five Feet, New Main, Upper & High
Main, Middle Lount, Nether Lount and Lower Main (Figure 22). Coals are mainly high volatile and
non-caking (Coal Rank Code 802). There is very little variation in rank across the coalfield (Glover et
al. 1993). The mean methane content of the seams in this coalfield is 0.5 m3/tonne, derived from 68
samples in 13 boreholes (Creedy 1991).

The main structure within the coalfield is a syncline, bounded to the east by the NW-SE trending
Thringstone Fault. The coalfield is separated from the adjacent South Derbyshire Coalfield by the
NW-SE trending Ashby Anticline. Most of the coalfield has low dips, typically 4 degrees to the east
(Fox-Strangways 1907; Glover et al. 1993).


25.2.1 Shrewsbury Coalfields (Hanwood, Leebotwood and Dryton)

There are no known opencast sites in the Shrewsbury coalfields and prospects are thought to be
limited by the thick covering of superficial drift deposits in the area, which can be up to 50 m thick in

25.2.2 Coalbrookdale Coalfield

There have been a large number of opencast sites in this coalfield, particularly along the western
fringe, where coals are at outcrop. Opencast operations were common during the Second World War
and there has been an almost unbroken succession of sites to the present day (Hamblin et al., 1989).
Large areas were opencasted for coal around the south-western side of Telford, the restoration of
which was associated with the development of Telford New Town in the 1970s. Opencast activity is
now confined to the area south-west of Telford and south of the River Severn, where seams of the
Lower Coal Measures (Little Flint to New Mine) crop out (Bridge & Hough 2002). Accessible
resources are now thought to be largely depleted and the potential for future developments is limited
(Bridge & Hough 2002).

25.2.3 Clee Hills Coalfield

Coals are present at outcrop in the Clee Hills Coalfield and technically would be suitable for opencast

25.2.4 Wyre Forest Coalfield
This coalfield has limited opencast potential because the highest coals in the succession tend to the
thin (i.e. <0.2 m in thickness) and occur at depths in excess of 50 m. There may be instances locally
where there are good prospects.

25.2.5 West Staffordshire

This area refers to the subsurface extension that links the South Staffordshire with the Coalbrookdale
Coalfield. Hence there is no opencast potential.

25.2.6 South Staffordshire Coalfield

Most of the past sites are situated in the north of the coalfield, in the Cannock area and potential still
exists there. Further south much of the coalfield lies beneath the Wolverhampton-Dudley-
Birmingham conurbation. This restricts the areas suitable for opencast mining somewhat, although
there may be potential for mining at brown field sites.

25.2.7 East Staffordshire

This area refers to the subsurface extension that links the South Staffordshire with the South
Derbyshire Coalfield. Hence there is no opencast potential.

25.2.8 Warwickshire Coalfield

Past opencast sites were situated on the outcrop of the Coal Measures along the western and, more
commonly, the eastern sides of the coalfield. Many of these data back to the immediate post-war
period (Bridge et al. 1998). Prospects for further opencast coal mining still exist but are limited by the
relatively narrow width of this belt of outcrop.

25.2.9 South Derbyshire Coalfield

Areas technically amenable to opencast coal mining occur in the South Derbyshire Coalfield, and
there have been numerous previous opencast mines within this area. However, the coalfield is of
limited size and the main constraints will be finding areas that are not urbanised and have not been
previously opencasted.

25.2.10 Leicestershire Coalfield

Areas suitable for opencast coal mining occur in the Leicestershire Coalfield, and there have been
numerous previous opencast mines within this area. However, as with the South Derbyshire Coalfield,
the coalfield is of small scale and the same constraints will apply. As of April 2002 there were 2
working opencast sites in this coalfield (Source DTI web site: dukes2_10.pdf).


25.3.1 Shrewsbury Coalfields (Hanwood, Leebotwood and Dryton)

Mining has taken place in this area for many centuries and in the 19th century there were nine
reasonably sized collieries and many smaller ones. By 1921, these had all closed except for Hanwood
Colliery, which continued until its closure in 1941. Coals are generally thin and hence there is limited
potential for future large scale underground mining operations in the outcropping part of the coalfield,
although there may be prospects to the north-east, where the coal-bearing strata are concealed beneath
the Permo-Triassic. The subsurface geology of this area is not well known.

25.3.2 Coalbrookdale Coalfield

The first known record of coal working in Coalbrookdale comes from 1250, although it is possible
that coal was worked in this coalfield during Roman times. Coal production reached a peak in 1871,
when over 1 million tonnes was produced. At nationalisation, there were 3 principal deep mines
remaining open – Granville, Grange and Kemberton collieries. With the closure of Granville Colliery
in 1979 through heavy faulting, underground coal mining ended in Coalbrookdale. The main part of
the coalfield can be considered as exhausted, but the Coal Measures are in continuity with the South
Staffordshire Coalfield beneath the Stafford Basin, and this is where the greatest potential for further
underground mining is present. The Coal Measures are believed to reach a maximum depth of about
1000 m below OD (Bridge & Hough, 2002). Hence potential prospects exist in the eastern part of the
coalfield. The Madeley Wood 1 borehole, for example, proves the Deep Coal, 2.07 m in thickness, at
a depth of 375 m and the Double Coal, 2.13 m thick, at a depth of 406 m.

25.3.3 Clee Hills Coalfield

The last colliery to operate in the area was Barn Pit (alternatively known as Cornbrook Colliery),
which closed in 1927. There was a brief revival during the Second World War for local use but all
workings had ceased by 1945. The small scale of the coalfield limits the potential for future workings.

25.3.4 Wyre Forest Coalfield

The area has seen mining from at least the 17th Century and the last pit in the area (Bayton Nos.10
and 11, or Hunthouse) opened in 1954, and finally closed in 1972. There may be potential to the south
and east of the main Wyre Forest Coalfield workings, although good quality deep boreholes are
largely absent from this area thus making it difficult to assess the thickness and quality of seams.

25.3.5 West Staffordshire

The West Staffordshire area has significant prospects for the underground mining of coal. In
particular the Park Prospect, just east of Stafford, was explored by the NCB in the 1970s. Here the
Benches, Eight Feet and Park are all in excess of 2 m in thickness at depths suitable for mining.
Locally the Bottom Robins, Bass and Shallow also achieve this thickness. It was intended to sink a
colliery at Hopton, north-east of Stafford, in the 1980s but the project was abandoned because of the
high chlorine content of the coals. There are believed to be reserves of 300 million tonnes, 100
million of which could be extracted from 10 workable seams. Further south, just west of
Wolverhampton, the Thick Coal is important, varying in thickness from 2.1-5.2 m. On the opposite

side of the basin, at Lilleshall, the Double seam is up to 2.9 m in thickness. In the centre of the
prospect, the geology is not well known but, in the Ranton 1 borehole, it would appear that there is a
coal 2.3 m in thickness at a depth of 1028 m.

25.3.6 South Staffordshire Coalfield

Currently there are no deep mines in operation in this area and, historically, the South Staffordshire
Coalfield has been extensively mined. Most modern mining has been concentrated along the northern
side of the coalfield, at Cannock Chase. Here, coals were first worked from 1298 onwards in the form
of bell pits and by the sinking of shallow shafts. From the mid-19th century onwards, deeper and
more productive mines were sunk. More recent workings were concentrated in the north and west,
accessing coal from deeper shafts, e.g. the Littleton Colliery, which opened in 1905. The last mine to
be opened in the area was Lea Hall, which closed in 1991 due to problems with heavy faulting. The
coal from Littleton and Lea Hall had a high chlorine content which required blending with low
chlorine coals from opencast sites for it to be acceptable to power stations. The last pit to be closed in
Cannock Chase was Littleton, in 1993.

Further south, in the Black Country area, the Thick Coal has been principally worked. With
exhaustion of shallow reserves, production declined rapidly in the 19th and 20th centuries. The last
major mine to be sunk was Baggeridge, Dudley, in 1912. Deeper lying reserves were exploited using
the pillar and stall method, and the Thick Coal, Brooch, Heathen and New Mine seams were worked.
Its closure in 1968 marked the end of deep mined coal production in the Black Country area of the
South Staffordshire Coalfield.

There is remaining potential for future underground mining potential in this coalfield, particularly on
the north side of the coalfield, e.g. in the Park prospect, discussed above. It would also appear that
there is potential on the western and eastern flanks of both the Cannock Chase and the Black Country
areas. Just west of Wolverhampton, for example, the Thick Coal is important, varying in thickness
from 2.1-5.2 m. In the Brownhills area the Bottom Robins, Wyrley Yard and Eight Feet are thick (i.e.
>1.5 m), and further south, at Hamstead 1 Great Barr borehole, the Thick Coal is up to 5 m in
thickness. Hence prospects are present.

25.3.7 East Staffordshire

Workings in this area belong to the Lea Hall Colliery on the west side and the Cadley Hill Colliery on
the east side, parts of the South Staffordshire and South Derbyshire coalfields respectively. In the
main part of the East Staffordshire area, between the Bourne Brook and Hungry Lane boreholes, there
are a number of coals in excess of 2 m in thickness, and locally the Shallow and the Yard are in
excess of 3 m. Hence there remains good prospectively for future underground coal workings in this

25.3.8 Warwickshire Coalfield

The Warwickshire Coalfield has been extensively worked from as far back as Roman times.
However, deep mining and exploitation of the concealed part of the coalfield did not begin until about
the second half of the 19th century, with thirteen seams being deep mined on a significant scale
(Worssam & Old 1988; Bridge et al. 1998). Many new mines were opened in the 20th century e.g.
Arley, Binley, Newdigate and Coventry collieries, working the Warwickshire Thick Coal. The last
colliery in the coalfield, Daw Mill, opened in 1964 and is now the only operational mine. The mine

exclusively works the Warwickshire Thick Coal and annual production runs at about 2 million tonnes
of coal. The seam varies in thickness from 6.6 to 7.5 m and has an average sulphur content of 1.8%
(IMC 2002). Reserves at this mine are estimated at c.26 million tonnes (IMC 2002). The more recent
workings are in the south of the licence area, at distances of up to 8 km away from the shafts.

In terms of future underground mining the Hawkhurst Moor prospect, just to the south of Daw Mill
workings has considerable potential, and reserves of over 40 million tonnes have been estimated
(IMC 2002). Whilst it would be possible to access these from the current Daw Mill workings, the
prospect is between 8 and 14 km south of the existing shafts. Hence the sinking of a satellite shaft
would be necessary to provide ventilation, and man and material access (IMC 2002).

Coals up to 2 m in thickness are present at depths above 260 m in the Bulkington area, to the east of
the presently worked coalfield and may form a prospect. In addition a prospect has been postulated to
the north-west of Stratford-upon-Avon, between Stratford and Redditch, although no boreholes have
proved coal in this area.

25.3.9 South Derbyshire Coalfield

The earliest records for coal mining in South Derbyshire date back to the 13th century, although coal
may have been mined in prehistoric times. Underground mining operations began in an intensive way
during the 18th century, and 12 seams have been worked on a significant scale (Worssam & Old
1988). The last pit in the area, Cadley Hill, closed in 1988. The outcropping part of the coalfield can
be viewed as largely exhausted, leaving potential only in the west, where it joins up with the East
Staffordshire prospect. In boreholes such as Walton Wood and Lady Leys, immediately west of the
former mine workings, the Main seam varies from 2.8-3.5 m in thickness at depths of about 600 m.

25.3.10 Leicestershire Coalfield

This coalfield can be considered as exhausted, with little or no potential for further large scale deep
mines. Study of Map 7a suggests that there is an area of outcropping Coal Measures in the north-west
in which there are no old workings marked. However, this is not the case and it is known that the
earliest workings, from medieval times until the end of the 18th century, were concentrated in this area
(Worssam & Old 1988). Hence it is concluded that no accurate record of these workings exists or was
available to this study. It is also known that the lowest part of the Lower Coal Measures comes to
crop across this area and this part of the succession contains few thick coals. Later workings in the
coalfield worked the area to the south. Bagworth Colliery was the last coal mine in Leicestershire and
closed in February 1991, after 166 years of production.


All of the coalfields shown on this map, with the exception of Warwickshire, have no working mines.
Hence there is no CMM potential in these areas. Theoretically the workings of Daw Mill Colliery
provide a CMM resource, although the low methane content of the Thick Coal (typically about 1.7
m3/tonne) reduces the resource potential. During normal operations the methane content is known to
be low, and the ventilation system keeps the methane percentages below 1% (Drake 1982). Hence
there is little potential for CMM.


25.5.1 Shrewsbury Coalfields (Hanwood, Leebotwood and Dryton)

It is considered that this coalfield has a very poor potential for AMM. In this coalfield the last mine
closed in 1941, and it can be assumed that mine water has now fully recovered. Even if that were not
the case the coalfield was traditionally worked with naked flames, indicating low methane contents.

25.5.2 Coalbrookdale Coalfield

Underground mining in this coalfield ceased with the closure of Granville Colliery in 1979. Prior to
this the colliery extracted methane for use at the Wellington Gas Works, 8 km to the west. In 1973,
approximately 115 m3/minute of methane was being obtained from boreholes driven upwards from
the Double seam. This methane was used commercially until replaced by North Sea Gas. Historically
though, mine water was a problem in this coalfield and levels are now thought to be fully recovered.
This severely limits the potential for AMM.

25.5.3 Clee Hills Coalfield

All underground mining operations had ceased in this coalfield by 1945 and there have been surface
emissions of mine water from the Titterstone Clee mine in the Clee Hills Coalfield. This indicates that
mine water levels have fully recovered and so this coalfield has very low AMM potential.

25.5.4 Wyre Forest Coalfield

The last mine in this area closed in 1972 and it is thought that the groundwater conditions in the area
have fully recovered, severely limiting the potential for AMM.

25.5.5 West Staffordshire

There are no mines in this area, thus there is no AMM potential.

25.5.6 South Staffordshire Coalfield

The status of mine water recovery in the Black Country is uncertain, but 11 surface emissions of mine
water are known in shallow workings, showing at least partial recovery. The last colliery in the Black
Country was Baggeridge, which closed in 1968. Abandoned mine methane prospects are uncertain but
likely to be poor. In the Cannock Chase area, the last colliery, Littleton, closed in late 1993 and
recovery of mine water to the base of the overlying Triassic succession is anticipated at Littleton
before 2007 (Coal Authority 2000). At the former Lea Hall Colliery to the north-east, mine water is
known to be recovering and water levels in the Mid Cannock area, 4 km to the south east of Littleton,
are at least partially being controlled by pumping. Hence the area may have potential for AMM,
although it is likely to be variable.

25.5.7 East Staffordshire
There are no mines in this area, thus there is no AMM potential.

25.5.8 Warwickshire Coalfield

Pumping controls mine water levels in the Daw Mill Colliery and surrounding areas. Ongoing
investigations by the Coal Authority indicate that elsewhere mine water recovery is well advanced or
complete in all areas except around Daw Mill Colliery. This, combined with the low mean methane
content of the seams (1.7 m3/tonne), suggests that AMM prospects are generally likely to be poor.

25.5.9 South Derbyshire Coalfield

The South Derbyshire Coalfield was generally relatively dry when worked and can be considered as a
single basin with connected collieries in which there is a general rise in water levels. Mine water
levels in the coalfield are recovering. In 1989, the total make of water was recorded as 1000 gallons
per minute, evenly split from north to south. The remaining voids are extensive and will take many
years to flood at this rate of inflow. Methane has been detected at vents at the Donisthorpe, Rawdon
and Marquis shafts (>20% methane is not uncommon at Donisthorpe and Rawdon shafts). Oakthorpe
and Church Gresley vent carbon dioxide. Measured seam methane contents average only 1.3 cubic
metres per tonne of coal and so AMM prospects are very poor.

25.5.10 Leicestershire Coalfield

Ongoing investigations by the Coal Authority into water levels in mine workings indicate possible
total recovery but it is not known if the water is static or still rising. There are known surface
emissions of water at Lount and Staunton Harold. This suggests that there are not likely to be any
AMM prospects in this coalfield.

26 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 7b (South Staffordshire, Warwickshire,

Leicestershire, South Derbyshire & Shropshire)


26.1.1 Shrewsbury Coalfields (Hanwood, Leebotwood and Dryton)

The shallow depth and low gas content of the coals suggest that the coalfield has little potential for
CBM exploitation.

26.1.2 Coalbrookdale Coalfield

Seam gas contents are not known in the Coalbrookdale Coalfield, but may be slightly higher than the
Shrewsbury coalfields as the seams here are from the Lower and Middle Coal Measures. The
outcropping and shallow subsurface Coal Measures have been mined for centuries and are unlikely to
form a good CBM resource. In addition heavy faulting and folding have severely disrupted the

coalfield and are likely to have compartmentalised any CBM prospects (Glover et al. 1993). However,
there may be some potential to the east where the coals become more deeply buried.

26.1.3 Clee Hills Coalfield

The CBM potential of this coalfield is unknown. There are at least 6 seams that are greater than 0.4 m
in thickness (Figure 16). However, there are no boreholes that penetrate to depths >200 m to prove the
theoretical potential for a CBM prospect.

26.1.4 Wyre Forest Coalfield

The Wyre Forest and Mamble coalfields contain fewer coals and more sandstone beds than the
adjacent South Staffordshire Coalfield. There are no measurements of seam gas content in either
coalfield. VCBM prospects are considered to be very poor but it might be expected that they will
gradually improve northwards beneath the Stafford Basin.

26.1.5 West Staffordshire

CBM prospects are anticipated throughout the West Staffordshire-Stafford Basin area. In the centre of
the Stafford Basin (CBM Area 4 of Map 7b), the Coal Measures are deeply buried below non coal-
bearing Upper Coal Measures and Permo-Triassic strata. Boreholes (Ranton 1 and Stretton) prove that
the target CBM succession lies at depths in excess of 900 m, with approximately 12 m of coal
meeting the criteria. There are no published measurements of the seam methane content for this area,
but an average value of 5 m3/tonne was estimated for CBM Area 4 between Wolverhampton and
Stafford. Further north, data supplied by Wardell Armstrong (2002) suggest an increase of methane
content to about 9 m3/tonne is likely (CBM Area 3).

The Park Prospect spans both CBM areas 5 and 2, with data from Wardell Armstrong (2002)
indicating that seam methane levels increase from about 3 to 7 m3/tonne towards the north-west.
Hence CBM Area 2 is likely to contain a suitable resource base for CBM. However, this is
speculative and nothing is known about the permeability of the coals in this area.

26.1.6 South Staffordshire Coalfield

The extensive former underground coal workings preclude this area from being a CBM prospect. In
addition the measured methane content of seams in the Cannock Coalfield is probably too low to be
of commercial interest for the foreseeable future. A mean methane level of 3.3 m3/tonne in seams in
Littleton Colliery was quoted by Creedy (1991), based on 119 samples from a mean depth of 775m.

26.1.7 East Staffordshire

The East Staffordshire area includes CBM areas 5, 6 and 8 on Map 7B. The average seam thickness is
approximately 1.1 m and there are up to 18 seams that can meet the criteria (Glover et al. 1993).
However, seam methane contents are thought to be low (from less than 1 up to 4 m3/tonne) and hence
methane in this area is considered to be too low to form a CBM prospect. It is likely that both rank
and methane content will increase with depths but there are no data to substantiate this (Glover et al.

26.1.8 Warwickshire Coalfield
The Warwickshire Coalfield has a low average seam methane content of 1.7m3/tonne at a mean depth
of 883 m, based on 43 samples from 8 boreholes (Creedy 1991). Values in the Thick Coal at Daw
Mill Colliery are 2.5 m3/tonne (Creedy 1983). These values are considered to be too low to form a
viable CBM prospect.

26.1.9 South Derbyshire Coalfield

The South Derbyshire Coalfield has very low average seam methane values of 1.3 m3/tonne at an
average depth of 638 m, based on 36 samples from 5 boreholes (Creedy 1991). They are too low to be
of interest as a CBM prospect.

26.1.10 Leicestershire Coalfield

There are no measurements of seam gas content published for the Leicestershire Coalfield. However,
judging from adjacent coalfields and historical information, the values are likely to be very low. The
coalfield has also been very heavily worked over the centuries. CBM prospects are considered to be
very poor.


Map 7b covers the area between the North Staffordshire Coalfield in the north, to the Shrewsbury
coalfields in the west, to Leicestershire Coalfield in the east and the Warwickshire Coalfield in the
south. On this map the outcropping coalfield areas do not form a UCG resource due to the extensive
nature of former underground and the need to stand off from these workings, both vertically and
horizontally. However, there is UCG potential in a number of areas on the map, particularly in the
East and West Staffordshire areas and Warwickshire.

26.2.1 West Staffordshire

There is UCG potential in a number of areas covered by the map. In the southern part of the North
Staffordshire Coalfield potential exists as a fringe around the southern extent of workings in the Stone
area. In this area the Cockshead, Ten Feet, Yard, Hams, Ragman and Rowhurst meet the criteria for
UCG, but not all these seams are continuously greater than 2m across the entire area. This area of
good UCG potential may link with the Park Prospect to the south-east, although borehole information
is lacking.

In the Park Prospect around Stafford a number of seams fulfill the thickness and depth criteria,
including the Shallow, Wyrley Bottom, Park, Stinking, Benches, Eight Feet and Bass. Potential also
exists to the south-west of Wolverhampton in the Staffordshire Thick Coal and the Fireclay. In other
areas only localised UCG potential exists, centred on individual boreholes. An example of this is are
the Lilleshall boreholes, north east of the Coalbrookdale Coalfield, where the Top and Double coals
are in excess of 2 m locally. Ranton 1 borehole in the centre of the basin penetrates to 1.8 km and
proves one coal with UCG potential.

Areas of unverifiable potential usually surround these good UCG zones. In this case they are marked
as unverifiable due either to the absence of borehole information or to the lack of deep boreholes. It is
known that there are deeply buried coals present in the central parts of the Stafford Basin and hence
there may be further potential as yet unproven in this part of the basin.

Between the Codsall 1 and Bangley boreholes (west of Stafford) and the area south-west of
Newcastle-under-Lyme the UCG resource is classified as poor. Here coals are present at depths
suitable for UCG but they do not meet the thickness criteria (i.e. all are < 2m in thickness).

26.2.2 East Staffordshire

Conditions suitable for UCG are also present in the East Staffordshire prospect area. Two main areas
exist, with a smaller third area also mapped. The main area, between Lichfield and Burton-on-Trent,
is 84 km2 in size and seams that meet the criteria include the Yard, Stockings, (Over & Nether) Main,
Bottom Robins, Wyrley Bottom, Bass, Shallow, Deep and the Park. However, it should be stressed
that not all seams meet the criteria across the entire area and the average thickness of coal per
borehole meeting the criteria is 6.8 m.

In the area to the south east of Rugeley (25 km2), between the Handsacre and Farewell boreholes,
there is an average of 5.1 m of coal that meets the criteria, of which the more important seams are the
Shallow, Bottom Robins and Yard. The third smaller area (c.29 km2) is located on the north-east side
of Birmingham, and coal has been proved in one borehole, Hamstead 1 Great Barr. There is up to
10 m of coal present in this borehole suitable for UCG in two seams, the Thick and the Benches coals.

26.2.3 Warwickshire Coalfield

The final area of interest on this map is in the Warwickshire Coalfield, south of the Daw Mill
workings. Good UCG prospects occur in the Thick Coal in this area, where the seam varies from 3 to
6 m in thickness. This is also covered by Map 6.


The most preferential area for CO2 sequestration occurs at depths in excess of 1200 m. Coals are
present at these depths across the West Staffordshire area (Stafford Basin), from Newcastle-under-
Lyme to Stafford, covering an approximate area of 350 km2. This area is in continuity with a suitable
zone in the Cheshire Basin to the north-west. CO2 sequestration may also be feasible as part of joint
schemes in association with CBM and/or UCG. Areas of overlap between these latter two
technologies occur to the south east of Newcastle-under-Lyme, where a good UCG zone intersects
with CBM Area 1. This forms an area of approximately 43 km2, which has the highest resource
density of 292 m3/m2. On the west side of the Park Prospect there is another zone of overlap between
a good UCG area and CBM Area 2, covering an approximate area of 30 km2 with a resource density
of 258 m3/m2. The other main overlap zone in the West Staffordshire area is associated with the
Ranton 1 borehole and CBM Area 3 (15 km2).

In the East Staffordshire area three good UCG areas have been mapped, although coals in this area
have low methane contents (< 4 m3/tonne) and hence these are not so attractive as CBM targets.
North-east of Lichfield the overlap zone with CBM Area 5 covers an area of approximate 23 km2 and

the area to the south east of Lichfield overlapping with CBM Area 5 covers an area of approximately
57 km2. The final area of good UCG, around the Hamstead 1 Great Barr borehole to the south,
overlaps with CBM Area 6, and covers an area of 2.9 km2.

27 MINING MAP 8a (Anglesey)


The Anglesey Coalfield comprises a narrow strip of Lower and Middle Coal Measures on the south
west side of the island, The exposed coalfield covers an area of approximately 25 km2, mostly under
the wetlands of the Malltraeth Marsh. The Coal Measures are thought to be about 500 m in thickness
(Glover et al. 1993), although boreholes only prove coal down to 358 m. There is thought to be about
200 m of Upper Carboniferous red mudstones and sandstones above the coal-bearing interval.

The Coal Measures rest unconformably on Dinantian limestone. The main structure within the
coalfield is an asymmetrical, southwest-plunging syncline. A few faults are known but none are
thought to have throws in excess of 30 m.

In the Anglesey Coalfield there are at least 8 proven seams (Figure 23). The borehole information
indicates that only 3 seams are greater than 0.4 m in thickness. There is no information available on
coal rank or methane content of these seams.


In this coalfield borehole records are old and of poor quality but appear to show the first significant
seam (i.e. >0.1 m in thickness) occurs at a depth of 70 m. This would indicate that the potential for
opencast mining is this area is low. In addition to this, the area of outcropping Coal Measure mainly
coincides with Malltraeth Marsh, which has wet meadow environments that are protected as Sites of
Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and an RSPB reserve.


There are no working deep mines presently active in the Anglesey Coalfield. Mining is thought to
have ceased in about 1875, with workings in the Yard seam known. The thickest seam proved is 0.7m
in thickness (at a depth of c.270m). There is little potential for future large scale underground mining,
as this would be limited by the size of the coalfield and the low thickness of coal.


There is no coal mine methane resource in this area.

The majority of the mine workings are below sea level and keeping the mines dry during coal
production was known to be difficult. The coalfield has not been worked since the late nineteenth
century and mine water recovery is assumed to be complete. Therefore there are no AMM prospects.

28 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 8b (Anglesey)


There is a limited amount of coal in the Anglesey Coalfield suitable for CBM extraction, with only
one seam meeting the criteria. The seam methane content has not been measured but because the
coalfield is relatively shallow, this is likely to be low. Taken together with the small size of the
coalfield, this means that the potential for VCBM is extremely low.


Boreholes in the Anglesey Coalfield do not penetrate deep enough to prove whether or not there is a
UCG resource, with the deepest penetrating down to approximately 400 m. Hence the coalfield UCG
resource is classified as unverifiable. However, it is considered unlikely that conditions suitable for
UCG will be met in this area.


Information is lacking about the presence of coals at depth so the potential for carbon dioxide
sequestration is unknown. The potential for carbon dioxide sequestration in association with CBM or
UCG is likely to be very poor, restricted by the likely very limited CBM potential and the unverifiable
UCG potential in this coalfield.

29 MINING MAP 9a (North Wales)


The North Wales Coalfield forms a narrow belt of outcropping Coal Measures running from Point of
Ayr in the north to Oswestry in the south, a distance of 61 km. The coalfield can be divided into:

• The Flintshire Coalfield in the north (approximately 125 km2 in area), located between Point of
Ayr and Caergwrle in the south,
• Denbighshire Coalfield (55 km2 in area), separated from the Flintshire Coalfield by a narrow
outcrop of Dinantian and Namurian strata, and
• The Oswestry Coalfield (30 km2 in area), which is essentially a continuation of the Denbighshire

In addition to this, there is a concealed area of Coal Measures thought to be present in the Vale of
Clwyd. However, not much is known about the subsurface geology of the Vale of Clwyd due to the
lack of deep boreholes. The exposed Flintshire, Denbighshire and Oswestry coalfields comprise an
area of approximately 400 km2, with the Vale of Clwyd comprising a further c.200 km2.

To the west of the North Wales Coalfield are rocks of Dinantian and Namurian age, whereas to the
east the Coal Measures dip gently eastwards beneath younger Upper Coal Measures and Permian and
Mesozoic strata. Upper Coal Measures are present at outcrop in the Denbighshire Coalfield, but to the
north Permo-Triassic strata progressively unconformably overstep onto older Coal Measures such that
Upper Coal Measures do not outcrop (Figure 24). At the Sealand 1 borehole, the Powell Coal
(Figure 24) is present at a downhole depth of 57 m, indicating erosion of the Upper Coal Measures.

The main coal seams in this area occur within the Lower and Middle Coal Measures. The succession
as a whole thickens northwards towards Point of Ayr and eastwards into the Cheshire Basin. This is
associated with an increase in the thickness of coals towards the north and north-east. The coal rank is
mainly medium-volatile coking coal. The rank increases towards the east under the Permo-Triassic
cover rocks. The mean seam methane values for coals in the North Wales Coalfield are 7.1 m3/tonne
(Creedy 1991). The main seams of interest in the Flintshire Coalfield are the Five Yard or Main
(2.75 m), Three Yard (3.58 m), Two Yard (3.04 m), Durbog (3.65 m), Stone (4.5 m), Hard
Fivequarters (4.6 m) and the Bychton Two Yard (2.17 m) (Figure 24). In Denbighshire the thickest
seams are the Upper Stinking (1.53 m), Powell (2.87 m), Two Yard & Crank (2 m), Quaker (1.9 m),
Main (4 m), Nant & Lower Yard (2.71m) (Figure 24).

The coalfield is intensely faulted, with north-south trending faults dominant, although faults can often
be slightly sinuous, with NW and NE trending elements. There is also an important set of WNW- ESE
faults in this area, e.g. the Bala (Llanelidan) Fault System which divides the Flintshire from the
Denbighshire Coalfield.

The Vale of Clwyd is a NW-SE trending half graben, with a major fault on its eastern side. NNW-
SSE trending faults cut across it. Little is known about the coal-bearing strata, except that the
Rhuddlan 1 CBM exploration borehole at the northern end of the Vale of Clwyd encountered
approximately 4 m of coal in up to 4 seams >0.4 m thick.


There are opportunities for opencast mining in the North Wales Coalfield. In the north, the Flintshire
Coalfield forms a fringe of Coal Measures that flanks the coastline There is potential for opencast
mining here, although the outcrop area locally forms steep slopes down to the coast and hence parts
may not be suitable. Further south, the area between Mold and Connah’s Quay is much larger and
there would theoretically be better opportunities for opencast sites. In the Denbighshire and Oswestry
coalfields there is probably more potential for opencast mining because the area is more rural. There
are no opportunities for opencast mining in the Vale of Clwyd.


Coal was first worked in the North Wales Coalfield in the 16th century and, by the mid 17th century
coal was exported to Ireland from Flintshire. In the coalfield's heyday, there were 38 collieries

employing over 12,000 men and the coalfield reached peak production of 3.5 million tons in 1913. In
the 20th century the Shotton steelworks used coal from Bersham Colliery. However, Bersham
suffered from problems, including faulting, thin seams and ingress of mine water. This was the last
working colliery in the Denbighshire Coalfield, closing in 1986.

The Point of Ayr Colliery, near Prestatyn in Clwyd, was the last working coal mine in North Wales.
Situated on a reclaimed headland near the mouth of the river Dee estuary, the mine was originally
sunk in the 1880's and most of the workings extended out under the estuary of the River Dee.
Traditional pillar & stall methods were used until 1960 when the first longwall face was introduced,
pillar & stall being finally phased out in 1967. The mine worked the Five Yard (Main), Three Yard,
Two Yard, Durbog (Upper Red), Stone, Hard Fivequarters and the Bychton Two Yard. It closed in

The North and South Dee prospects were investigated as part of the NCB Plan 2000 phase of
exploration and potential exists in these areas for new deep mines. In the North Dee prospect Blacon
borehole, there are 6 coals >1 m in thickness, the most important being the Two Yard (2.86 m), Main
(3.11 m) and Nant (2.07 m). In the South Dee prospect, Trevalyn borehole, there are 9 seams >1 m in
thickness, the most important being the Lower Stinking (3.44 m at 1089 m), Main (2.72 m at 1224 m)
and the Nant (1.89 m at 1309 m). Further south, in the Dudleston borehole, the Quaker and Main
combine to form one seam 4.14 m in thickness at 726 m depth. Hence there is good potential for
underground mining along the north-south length of the North Wales Coalfield in areas downdip of
former workings.


All the mines in this area are now closed so there is no potential for CMM.


The Flintshire Coalfield was worked for many centuries before the closure of the last colliery, Point
of Ayr, in 1996. This was known as a gassy pit and a methane drainage scheme was in operation
during the life of the colliery (Lane 1987). Lane (1987) records that some seams were more gassy
than others, with the Three Yard characterised by particularly high rates of methane seapage.
However, a plan was developed to flood the offshore workings of Point of Ayr Colliery (Younger
1996) and this has been carried out (P. Younger, pers. comm., 2003). Elsewhere in the coalfield mine
water pumping has long ceased and a number of emissions have been reported. Hence mine water
recovery in the remainder of the Flintshire Coalfield is thought to be well advanced or complete.

In the Denbighshire Coalfield numerous shallow mine workings and mine entries are present and
these are likely to form many discrete blocks of connected workings in which mine water pumping
has long since ceased. During the working life of Bersham Colliery, a methane drainage system was
in place, using five vacuum pumps at surface to extract methane from the workings. Up until 1978,
the methane was released into the atmosphere but then it was sold to a local brickworks to fire their
tile kilns. This was supplied via a 2 mile underground pipeline. Up to 31.7 x 1010 kJ (3 million
therms) of gas per year were supplied, equal to around 13,000 tonnes of coal (see In theory then Bersham Colliery should form an
AMM prospect and a well, Bersham 1 has been drilled by Evergreen. However, the colliery was
known to have problems with mine water and pumped some 70 million gallons per year.

Surface emissions of water have been reported to the west of Gresford Colliery. In view of the date of
closure of the mines in this area, the quantities of water pumped, and the known surface emissions, it
is thought that mine water recovery is complete in the west and well advanced in the east.

Further south, Ifton Colliery, which closed in 1968, was reported to be connected to the Black Park
and Brynkinallt workings. Water recovery at Black Park is thought to be complete, which suggests
that water levels in all these collieries are recovered. No information is available on water levels in
the mines in the Oswestry Coalfield. However, the last mine, New Trefonen, closed in 1891, so water
levels in the mine workings are assumed to be fully recovered.

Thus, despite the high initial seam gas contents known from this coalfield, AMM prospects are
considered to be poor throughout the North Wales Coalfield.

30 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 9b (North Wales)


30.1.1 Vale of Clwyd

The Rhuddlan 1 CBM exploration borehole in the Vale of Clwyd encountered approximately 4 m of
coal in up to 4 seams >0.4 m thick. However, the borehole did not produce commercial gas flows,
severely downgrading the prospectivity of the Vale of Clwyd.

30.1.2 Flintshire Coalfield

The Point of Ayr Colliery (closed 1996) was one of the very few places in the UK where significant
gas flows were established from boreholes (Dunmore 1969, Creedy 1994). The mine is in CBM Area
1 of Map 9B, which is thought to have the best CBM prospectivity in this area. Potential is probably
mainly in the offshore area and would obviously have to be away from the former mine workings,
which have now flooded.

The down dip continuation of the Flintshire Coalfield (CBM areas 2 and 4) has a good resource base
for coalbed methane production. Average values of 8.25 m3/tonne methane plus ethane are found in
the North Dee prospect (Creedy 1983).

30.1.3 Denbighshire and Oswestry coalfields

The down dip continuation of the Denbighshire and Oswestry coalfields (CBM Area 3) has
significant seam methane content where measured in the north of the Denbighshire Coalfield, and a
good resource base for CBM production. The Oswestry area probably has less CBM potential than the
Denbighshire Coalfield because it has fewer thick seams. There are no seam gas content
measurements from the Oswestry Coalfield.

Since 1993, nine CBM wells have been drilled in this area by US company Evergreen Resources.
These are: Erbistock 2 & 3, Kemira 1, Rhuddlan 1 and Sealand 1-5. No results have been made
available although none of the wells went into production so it is assumed that they were not
successful. These wells were drilled into areas with some of the best resource bases for CBM in the
country. It is known that some of the wells were stimulated by fraccing to try and improve flow rates.
One possible explanation for the lack of success is that coal seam permeability is low.


Large areas exist on this map that are suitable for UCG. This is particularly the case in the deeper
parts of the Denbighshire and Flintshire coalfields, east of the area of former underground mining
activities. The main area with good UCG potential can be traced from north of Oswestry (South Dee),
forming a NNE belt that runs for 62 km to Widnes in the southern part of the South Lancashire
Coalfield. This area continues north-eastwards onto Map 10 and covers an area of approximately 397
km2. The average thickness of coal that meets the requirement for UCG in this area is 8.2 m (Table 7).
In the South Dee area the Quaker & Main, Two Yard, Crank and Ruabon Yard are suitable coals for
gasification. It must be stressed though that not all these seams meet the criteria in all boreholes. A
separate area, 63 km2 in size, occurs just west of Chester (North Dee area). In the North Dee area the
Wall & Bench seam meets the criteria for UCG and the average thickness of coal that meets the
requirement is 3.3 m (Table 7).

Between these two good UCG areas the Coal Measures lie at depths greater than 1200 m and hence
are too deep to be considered as a resource. In other areas information, in the form of borehole data,
tends to be lacking and hence the resource is mapped as unverifiable. In the Vale of Clwyd the
resource potential is not known, except in the Rhuddlan borehole at the northern end of the Vale,
where there are no seams greater than 2 m thick. Resources may be present in the near offshore area,
although deep borehole information is lacking. The Hoyle Bank Borehole, in the Dee Estuary, proves
6 seams greater than 2 m in thickness, but these occur at depths above 600 m. However, there may be
potential further offshore where the Coal Measures are known to be more deeply buried. Large areas
of the Wirral may have potential as an extension to the known area of UCG potential in South
Lancashire but again there are no boreholes so information is lacking. Around the city of Chester,
coals are deeply buried (>1200m) and hence are not considered as a UCG resource.


The Coal Measures along the eastern edge of Map 9b occur at depths in excess of 1200 m and hence
would meet the main criteria for CO2 sequestration. On this map this zone covers an area of
approximately 885 km2, although it continues eastwards into the Cheshire Basin and in total covers an
area of about 2600 km2. Carbon dioxide sequestration may also be feasible in areas where there are
zones of overlap between the technologies and a combined scheme may be possible in such areas.
There is clear overlap between a good UCG area and the zone suitable for CO2 sequestration along
the western margins of the 1200 m line (south east of Ellesmere Port). In addition, CBM areas 3 and 4
also overlap with good UCG areas. Thus there may also be good prospects for a combined UCG-
CBM scheme in association with CO2 sequestration across large areas of this map.

31 MINING MAP 10a (North Staffordshire, South Lancashire & Burnley area)


31.1.1 Burnley Coalfield

The Burnley Coalfield forms an area of 300 km2 of outcropping Coal Measures centred on the town
of Burnley. The main coal-bearing interval is the Lower Coal Measures, which is up to 650 m thick.
The lower part of the Middle Coal Measures is also thought to be present. Much of the coalfield is
overlain by thick superficial drift deposits and there is much urban development. The coalfield has
been extensively worked for coal over a long period of time.

The more important seams in terms of mining are the Burnley Four Foot (Trencherbone), Arley, and
Lower and Upper Mountain seams (Figure 25). Coals are medium to low volatile and there are no
published seam methane data.

The Burnley Coalfield is situated in the core of a north-east trending syncline. It has steep dips on its
north-western side and more gentle ones of its south-eastern side. This main structure is cut by a
series of normal faults trending NW-SE. To the north of the main syncline is the Pendle Anticline and
to the south is the NE-SW trending Rossendale Anticline, along which older Namurian strata outcrop.

31.1.2 South Lancashire Coalfield

The South Lancashire Coalfield crops out across an area of approximately 970 km2, stretching from
Rochdale in the east to St Helens in the west. A spur runs southwards from Rochdale to just south of
Stockport. In the east and north older Namurian strata are present at outcrop and to the west and south
the Coal Measures are unconformably overlain by Permo-Triassic strata. To the west, the Coal
Measures continue below Liverpool and the Wirral to join up with the North Wales Coalfield. To the
south, the coalfield deepens significantly beneath Permo-Triassic strata and passes into the Cheshire
Basin. A substantial portion of the coalfield is covered by urban development.

Coals are mainly present within the Lower and Middle Coal Measures, with a few additional coals in
the lower part of the Upper Coal Measures (Figure 26). The main coal-bearing interval typically
varies from about 590 m in the west to 880 m in the east. The lower part of the Lower Coal Measures,
below the Arley seam, typically contains coals that are thin and of variable quality. The rest of the
Lower Coal Measures and Middle Coal Measures form the most important coal-bearing interval, with
a number of coals in excess of 2 m in thickness, including the Park Yard, Crombouke, Roger, Earth
Delf, Rams (Ince Six Foot), Higher Florida, Doe, Wigan Five Feet, Wigan Four Feet, Trencherbone,
Plodder and King & Queen (Figure 26). Coals from the Upper Coal Measures are generally thin, the
exception being the Worsley Four Foot, which can be up to 1.6 m in thickness. Methane contents for
the coalfield are high; Creedy (1991) records an average adsorbed methane value of 8.2 m3/tonne.
Coal rank ranges from high to medium volatile.

31.1.3 Cheshire Basin

The Cheshire Basin is one the largest British onshore post-Variscan rift basins and is over 100 km
long, has a width of about 55 km and covers an area of 3500 km2 (Plant et al. 1999). Coal-bearing
Carboniferous strata are present in the basin, deeply buried below Permo-Triassic rocks. For the
purposes of this study, the Cheshire Basin area is defined as the area across which Coal Measures are
present at depths in excess of 1200 m from the surface. To the west, north and east the North Wales,
South Lancashire, North Staffordshire and Shrewsbury coalfields surround it. Consequently it is

likely that Coal Measures are present beneath almost the entire basin. However, only two boreholes
have actually proved Carboniferous strata. The Prees Borehole [5572 3344] proved reddened
Carboniferous at c.3610 m with Lower Palaeozoic rocks at c. 3850 m below Kelly Bushing (KB). In
the Knutsford No.1 borehole [7027 7785], 45 km to the NNE, Westphalian aged rocks, including
coals, were proved at a depth of below c. 2820 m KB to the total depth at 3045.7 m KB (Plant et al.
1999). In the centre of the basin, just east of Crewe, seismically derived contours put the base of the
Permo-Triassic at depths of between 3500-4500 m (Plant et al. 1999, Fig 36).

The eastern and south-eastern margins of the basin are defined by the NE-SW trending Wem-
Bridgemere-Red Rock fault system. The main structures within the basin are faults. In the south-east
and south-west, faults trend NE-SW parallel to the main basin bounding faults. On the north-western
flanks of the basin faults trend north-south and in the north and north-east, faults trend N-S and NW-
SE (Plant et al. 1999).

There are no coal seam methane measurements in the main part of the Cheshire Basin and gas content
has been estimated from values in the adjacent North Wales, South Lancashire and North
Staffordshire coalfields.

31.1.4 North Staffordshire Coalfield

The exposed part of the North Staffordshire Coalfield covers an area of approximately 250 km2 and
forms a triangular shaped outcrop centred on the town of Stoke-on-Trent. The southern edge of the
exposed coalfield is irregular in shape and the Coal Measures form a syncline (the Potteries Syncline),
which plunges southwest beneath Permo-Triassic strata. The Swynnerton Fault is conventionally
taken as the boundary between the North Staffordshire Coalfield and the East and West Staffordshire
areas. To the west, the coalfield is bounded by the Red Rock Fault against the Triassic, while the
eastern flank is formed by the outcrop of the underlying Namurian along the axis of the Werrington
Anticline. In the south and along the axis of the Potteries Syncline red beds of the Etruria Formation
overlie the Coal Measures. This contact is diachronous, such that in the exposed coalfield it occurs
about 15 m above the uppermost widely worked seam in the Upper Coal Measures, the Blackband
Coal, and further south it occurs towards the top of the Middle Coal Measures.

There is evidence for thickness changes in the Coal Measures in this coalfield, attributable to tectonic
control on the deposition and, in some case, erosion of the succession (MacCarthy et al. 1996). The
thickest Coal Measures occur in the Potteries Syncline, which is located just west of Newcastle-
under-Lyme (MacCarthy et al. 1996). To the north-west, on the axis of the Western Anticline, the
Upper and Middle Coal Measures have been removed by erosion (MacCarthy et al. 1996). Corfield
(1991) has demonstrated that coals amalgamate and thicken over the Western Anticline, indicating
that folding was contemporaneous with sedimentation, linked to NW-SE compression.

Coals are present throughout the Lower to Upper Coal Measures (Wilson et al. 1992). Over 40 seams
have been worked in a 2,000 m thick Coal Measures sequence, with the Great Row, New Mine,
Banbury, Cockshead, Two Row, Ten Feet and Rowhurst being over 2 m in thickness (Figure 27). The
coal rank increases into the axis of the Potteries Syncline. In the high rank area the Moss seam has a
volatile content of less than 37% (high-volatile A bituminous) increasing to more than 40% (high-
volatile B bituminous) on the flanks of the syncline (MacCarthy et al. 1996). Rank has also been
shown to increase with depth.

MacCarthy et al. (1996) have calculated the net coal thickness and total number of coals in part of the
North Staffordshire Coalfield. Thickness contours have a NW-SE trend and clearly thicken into the

Potteries Syncline up to a maximum of 40 m. The maximum number of coals (c.35) occurs, the
largest proportion of these are from the Middle Coal Measures.

31.1.5 Cheadle Coalfield

To the east of the North Staffordshire Coalfield is the Cheadle Coalfield, 45 km2 in area. This
includes the Shaffalong Coalfield, on the north-west flank of the Cheadle Coalfield; this is a small,
north-south oriented coalfield, 6 x 1 km in size. These coalfields have been preserved in the Cheadle
and Shaffalong synclines, on either side of the Overmoor Anticline (Chisholm et al. 1988). Coal
Measures continue to the south of the Cheadle Coalfield, concealed under Permo-Triassic rocks.
There is only a very thin covering of superficial drift in this coalfield (Chisholm et al. 1988).

Coals belonging to the Lower Coal Measures and basal part of the Middle Coal Measures are present
(Chisholm et al. 1988). The main seams are the Two Yard, Yard, Four Foot, Dilhorne, Alecs, and
Woodhead, all of which are greater than 1 m in thickness (Figure 28). There are no coals greater than
2 m in thickness.

The main structure within the Cheadle Coalfield is the Cheadle Syncline, whose axis runs
approximately NNE-SSW. This is cross cut by a series of normal faults, trending east-west, NNW-
SSE and NNE-SSW (Chisholm et al. 1988).


31.2.1 Burnley Coalfield

There are thick drift deposits in this coalfield, particularly in the west, so this reduces the
opportunities for opencast sites. There is some potential in the east of the coalfield though, and
previous sites are known in this area.

31.2.2 South Lancashire Coalfield

As of April 2002, there was one opencast site in this coalfield (source: DTI web site), although there
is potential for further opencast mining over large parts of this coalfield. However, this is reduced by
a number of factors. Firstly the basal part of the Lower Coal Measures does not contain many thick
seams. Hence areas on the northern and north-western flank of the coalfield are probably not
economically viable. Secondly there are thick drift deposits (up to 50 m in places) across the coalfield
and, thirdly, much of the area is urban or industrialised. All of the above factors will reduce the
opportunities for opencast mining and hence site specific studies will be required to identify suitable

31.2.3 Cheshire Basin

The is no potential for opencast mining in the Cheshire Basin as all the Coal Measures are buried
beneath Permo-Triassic cover at depths in excess of 1200 m.

31.2.4 North Staffordshire Coalfield

Opportunities for opencast mining occur in the North Staffordshire Coalfield, but are restricted to the
western, northern and eastern flanks of the coalfield, where the Lower and Middle Coal Measures

come to crop on the flanks of the Potteries Syncline. In the core of the syncline are reddened Upper
Coal Measures that lack coals. The North Staffordshire Coalfield only has a thin drift covering so this
would not restrict opportunities. However, much of the coalfield is urban or industrialised and this has
an impact on the potential for opencast mining.

31.2.5 Cheadle Coalfield

Opencast mining has taken place in this coalfield, and was common in the immediate post-war years
(Chisholm et al. 1998). There is still some remaining potential but this might be affected by the
presence of extensive shallow coal workings in this area.


31.3.1 Burnley Coalfield

The Burnley Coalfield has been extensively worked; the last deep mine, Hapton Valley Colliery,
closed in 1981. The extensive mining and the lack of good, thick seams mean that there is no potential
for major underground mining in this coalfield.

31.3.2 South Lancashire Coalfield

Currently there are no deep mines in operation in this area, with the last mine in the South Lancashire
Coalfield, Parkside, closing in 1993. A large area of coal (approximately 240 km2 in size) suitable for
deep mining (i.e. <1200m depth) forms a fringe of unworked Coal Measures that lie to the south of
old workings, between Widnes, Warrington and Salford. In this area the Crombouke, Rams, St Helens
Yard, Higher Florida, Doe, Wigan Five Foot, Wigan Four Foot, Wigan Two Foot, Trencherbone,
Plodder and London Delf seams are all, in places, greater than 2 m in thickness.

31.3.3 Cheshire Basin

The is no potential for deep mining in the Cheshire Basin as all the Coal Measures are buried beneath
Permo-Triassic cover at depths in excess of 1200 m.

31.3.4 North Staffordshire Coalfield

There are early references to underground mining in this coalfield from the 11th century onwards (e.g.
at Tunstall, Shelton and Keele). These early workings were shallow operations from bell pits and
shallow shafts. By the beginning of the 20th century, mine shafts down to depths of 823 m were being
sunk (e.g. Stafford Colliery) to work coal. The last two pits in the North Staffordshire Coalfield, the
Hem Heath-Trentham complex and Silverdale, closed in 1996 and 1998 respectively. Between them,
these mines worked the Bassey Mine, Great Row, Cannel Row, Winghay, Burnwood, Moss,
Yard/Ragman, Bowling Alley and Holly Lane seams.

Prospects for future underground mining operations exist to the south of the former workings, e.g. the
Park Prospect, between the North and South Staffordshire coalfields (see above, Section 25.3.5).
Another suitable area occurs to the south west of former Hem Heath-Trentham workings. Boreholes
prove that the Burnwood, Rowhurst, Ragman, and Ten Feet seams are in excess of 2 m in thickness in
this area. Further south, borehole data is lacking. To the south west of the former Silverdale workings
the potential appears quite limited because coals tend to be quite thin.

31.3.5 Cheadle Coalfield

Underground mining in the Cheadle Coalfield has taken place over many centuries, but due to the size
of the coalfield, and the thinner and fewer seams compared to the North Staffordshire Coalfield, it
never reached the same level of importance. Production reached 200,000 tons per year in 1875 but
deep coal mining in the area ended with the closure of Foxfield Colliery in 1965.
Chisholm et al. (1988) speculate that there may be potential for future underground mining to the
south-west of the former workings, in the area south of the Callowhill Fault. Unfortunately good
borehole information is lacking from that area.


All the mines in the area covered by Map 10 have now closed so there is no potential for CMM.


31.5.1 Burnley Coalfield

Mine water levels in the Burnley Coalfield are thought to be substantially recovered. Thus AMM
prospects may be poor unless dry mine workings can be identified. Initial seam gas contents have not
been published.

31.5.2 South Lancashire Coalfield

Lancashire has a complex mine water recovery history. Initial average seam gas contents are high, at
8.2 m3/tonne methane plus 1.28 m3/tonne ethane at an average depth of 1098 m (Creedy 1991). Hence
if dry workings can be identified, they should be productive and there is excellent AMM potential.
Ongoing investigations by the Coal Authority indicate that 48 mine water surface emissions have
been recorded in this coalfield. Mine water recovery is thought to be complete or well advanced over
most of the coalfield, the exceptions being mainly in the south-western, deeper, recently worked
areas, where significant AMM opportunities may occur. Formerly, Parkside Colliery collected
methane via a methane drainage scheme and sold it to a Warrington factory (Plant et al. 1999, p.224).
This represents an area with potential for AMM. Other potential areas to the north-east and south-
west of Parkside Colliery are also worthy of further investigation.

31.5.3 Cheshire Basin

There are no AMM prospects in the Cheshire Basin.

31.5.4 North Staffordshire Coalfield

The coalfield is likely to have variable AMM prospects, depending on the state of mine water
recovery. Whilst the former Wolstanton Colliery was open, methane from the mine was collected via
a methane drainage scheme and sold to local pottery manufacturers (Plant et al. 1999, p.224). In
theory, this should make a good AMM prospect. However, it is known that mine water in the north-
east, north-west and along the western fringes (including the Wolstanton, Chatterley Whitfield and
Victoria collieries) is probably largely recovered and hence this area is likely to have only limited
AMM resources. Mine water recovery is also well advanced in the Berry Hill area, although methane
emissions have been recorded at Bentilee [SJ910 460], indicating that the area has not fully recovered
(Wardell Armstrong 2000d).

The more modern workings to the south (including the Silverdale, Trentham-Hem Heath and Florence
mines) are still recovering and would form better AMM prospects. The only exception to this is the
deeper workings associated with Holditch Colliery, which have probably recovered. The former Hem
Heath and Florence mines were connected as part of the Trentham complex and, on abandonment,
connections were left open (Wardell Armstrong 2000d). Underground connections previously existed
between Stafford and Hem Heath and between Parkhall and Florence; dams were constructed to
isolate Florence and Hem Heath from the older workings to the north (Wardell Armstrong 2000d). No
significant water was recorded entering the 2 collieries prior to abandonment in 1992 and 1996,
suggesting these dams were effective. A mine water and gas monitoring facility currently exists at
Hem Heath shaft (Wardell Armstrong 2000d). Hence it is likely that there is a large reservoir for
recovery in this area and AMM prospects are good.

At the former Silverdale Colliery pumping has continued from Shaft 17 since closure in 1998 and
mine water recovery in being controlled by this pumping (Wardell Armstrong 2000c). In 1999, water
levels in the shaft were maintained at about 35 m below OD, with a pumping rate of approximately
1,300 m3/day (Wardell Armstrong 2000d). Hence it is likely that this area is largely unrecovered.
Mine gas emissions have been recorded at the Parkside housing estate near to the colliery and
monitoring is now in place. In January 1999, PermaGas, a subsidiary of StrataGas, began to extract
methane from the one of the drifts of Silverdale Colliery, which it now supplies to Octagon Energy’s
North Staffs Gas Grid. StrataGas has supplied more than 63.3 x 1010 kJ (6 million therms) of gas to
Octagon who have delivered this gas to local industry (

31.5.5 Cheadle Coalfield

The most recent mine in the Cheadle Coalfield (Foxfield Colliery) closed in the 1960s indicating that
mine water in this area is likely to have recovered and hence AMM prospects are low.

32 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 10b (North Staffordshire, South Lancashire &

Burnley area)


32.1.1 Burnley Coalfield

The limited thickness of coal seams in the Burnley Coalfield, plus the fact that they are generally not
deeply buried, means that this coalfield has poor CBM prospects.

32.1.2 South Lancashire Coalfield

The South Lancashire Coalfield has a good resource base for CBM production. The average seam
methane content was 8.2 m3/tonne, based on 327 samples from 22 boreholes at an average depth of
1098 m (Creedy 1991). The area on the southern fringe of the coalfield, down to the 1200 m line, is
ranked as the best potential area for CBM on this map (CBM Area 1). Two VCBM exploration wells
have been drilled in his area; Fouroak 1 and Kemira 1. Neither of these wells has gone into
commercial production, indicating that the CBM prospectivity is not as high as would be anticipated.

32.1.3 Cheshire Basin
The coals in this area are all below 1200 m depth and may reach depths of 4 km in the basin centre.
There are no boreholes that penetrate the productive Coal Measures succession in this area. Thus the
seam methane content and total thickness of coal are not known. However, by analogy with
surrounding areas they are likely to be high. Thus the area may well have a fair resource base
although any permeability in the seams is likely to be very limited at these depths.

32.1.4 North Staffordshire Coalfield

This study shows that the North Staffordshire Coalfield has good potential for CBM production. The
average seam methane content is 7.1 m3/tonne, based on 466 samples from 17 boreholes (Creedy
1991). Values in the Hobgoblin borehole range up to 10.34 m3/tonne (Creedy 1986). The in situ
permeability of the Great Row seam was estimated as 0.1-0.5 millidarcies, suggesting that if the other
seams have similar permeabilities, it will prove difficult to establish commercial CBM production.
High gas contents and total thickness of coal meeting the criteria indicate an excellent CBM resource
base over much of the area (CBM areas 2 and 3), although to the south-west (CBM areas 7 and 9)
methane contents decrease, resulting in a reduction in the resource density.

The CBM potential of part of the North Staffordshire Coalfield has also been described by MacCarthy
et al. (1996). They estimate that there is 5.6 x 1010 m3 of gas in place, across their study area of
600 km2. This was calculated for coals greater than 0.3 m in thickness, present at depths less than
1500 m with over 200 m of Carboniferous overburden (MacCarthy et al. 1996). Gas content and
initial gas-in-place are highest in the north, coincident with the occurrence of thick, high rank coals
(MacCarthy et al. 1996).

Although there have been no CBM wells drilled in the area, there have been proposals put forward.
For example, the Coal Authority applied to carry out a UCG-CBM pilot study at Silverdale site
(Wardell Armstrong 2000c). Part of this proposal included a plan to carry out enhanced CBM and
CO2 sequestration trials. The seams of interest were the Ten Foot (2.6 m), Banbury (2.1 m),
Cockshead (1.8 m) and the Bullhurst (3.0 m). However, planning permission for this trial was not

Stratagas recently applied for planning permission carry out the Swallowcroft coalbed methane pilot
project near Seabridge, Newcastle-Under-Lyme. This is was to be a four well CBM Pilot project,
located on PEDL 056, and was intended to last approximately two years. Its purpose was to assess the
potential for commercial production of CBM from coal seams. However, planning permission was not
granted and Stratagas have decided not to appeal against this decision.

32.1.5 Cheadle Coalfield

Coals in the Cheadle Coalfield tend to be thin and they are generally not deeply buried. Hence this
coalfield has poor CBM prospects.


This map shows that the good UCG prospect identified from North Wales (Map 9) extends into the
South Lancashire Coalfield. The area with coals suitable for UCG in South Lancashire covers an area
of 105 km2 fringing the western and northern margins of the Cheshire Basin. In the South Lancashire
Coalfield the northern limit to this area of good UCG potential is the extent of former underground
coal workings; the southern limit is the 1200 m line on the top of the Coal Measures. In South

Lancashire the London Delf, Crombouke, Rams, Higher Florida, Lower Florida, Doe, Wigan Four
Foot, Trencherbone and Plodder all locally meet the criteria for UCG. The average thickness of coal
suitable for gasification is 8.2 m per borehole, although exceptionally up to 18 m of coal is present in
the Birchwood Borehole.

Between Manchester and Stockport it is thought that coals occur at suitable depths for UCG but deep
borehole coverage is generally lacking, hence the presence of a resource could not be verified. In the
area immediately to the north west of the North Staffordshire Coalfield coal-bearing strata are present
but are too deep to form a UCG prospect; these are deeply buried in the Cheshire Basin. Coals are
present between 600-1200 m in the area to the south west of Newcastle-under-Lyme but they do not
meet the required thickness to be suitable for UCG. Good UCG prospects also occur along the
southern fringe of the North Staffordshire Coalfield, as described for Map 7.

There are no areas where the Coal Measures are deep enough to be suitable for UCG in either the
Burnley or the Cheadle coalfields.


Coal Measures occur at depths greater than 1200 m across a wide area of the southern end of the
South Lancashire Coalfield and across most of the Cheshire Basin area. Hence there is theoretical
potential for carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration across a large area of this map. This area of deeply
buried Coal Measures continues just to the south of the exposed North Staffordshire Coalfield in a
belt that persists to Stafford. Carbon dioxide sequestration may also be feasible across all areas where
CBM and UCG can take place. The best location for such a scheme would occur where there are good
prospects for UCG and a correspondingly high methane content. Such areas are present along the
southern edge of both the South Lancashire and the North Staffordshire coalfields.

33 MINING MAP 11a (Nottinghamshire)


The area covered by this map is the southern half of the vast coalfield that lies beneath much of
eastern England, east of the Pennines. From its outcrop, which runs roughly from Nottingham to
Bradford and Leeds via Chesterfield, Sheffield and Barnsley, it dips eastwards beneath younger rocks,
forming a thick and continuous sheet of concealed Coal Measures that reaches the coast between
Bridlington in the north and Skegness in the south. From there it continues eastwards beneath the
southern North Sea.

The best coal seams occur in the Lower and Middle Coal Measures. The most valuable and widely
extracted seam is the Top Hard (= Barnsley) coal (Figure 29). Cumulative coal thickness in seams
>0.4 m is commonly between 19 and 22 m and there are commonly several seams >2 m in thickness
in most areas away from the coalfield margins. East of the N. E. Leicestershire, Till and Witham
mining prospects, detailed information on coal seam thickness is not available because there are no
continuously cored boreholes. However, information from oil and gas exploration wells suggests that

the vast coal resources formerly present in the mined areas, and found in the mining prospects,
continue all the way to the coast.


There has been extensive opencast mining in the past, as shown by the density of abandoned sites. As
of April 2002 there were 5 working opencast sites in this coalfield (Source: DTI web site). Active
licences are particularly dense east of Chesterfield. There is still considerable potential in this
coalfield. Such activities might be considered attractive where the presence of opencast sites would
result in reclaiming former colliery land.


This coalfield has been extensively and intensively exploited for hundreds of years, particularly since
the industrial revolution. Over the centuries mining has gradually advanced to the east. At its
maximum, the Nottinghamshire Coalfield produced in excess of 25 million tons of coal in a year and
more than half of the county's pits produced more than 1 million tons a year. Although mining has
declined from its peak, three of the UK's largest mines occur in this area. From north to south these
are: Harworth, Welbeck and Thoresby. All the mines south of Thoresby, near Edwinstowe, are now

Three major underground mining prospects explored by British Coal occur in the area covered by the
map: the Till, Witham and North East Leicestershire prospects. The North East Leicestershire
prospect was partially developed as the Asfordby mine until this was forced to close due to adverse
geological conditions.


All the active mines in this area drain methane. Electricity is generated from CMM at Harworth in a
14 MWe combined cycle system, at Thoresby (2.8 MWe power generation), Maltby (4.2 MWe) and
Welbeck (2.8 MWe).


Most of the mines in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire are connected underground. Mine water
recovery is controlled to some extent by pumping to protect the remaining working mines in North
Nottinghamshire. Mine water recovery has started to the south of the working mines of Thoresby and
Welbeck and recovery is probably complete in the older, shallower workings along the western side
of the coalfield. However, the former Bevercotes Colliery, the most southerly pits in Nottinghamshire
(Cotgrave, Clifton and Gedling) and Asfordby in the Vale of Belvoir, are not connected to the main
area of mining in Nottinghamshire and their mine water recovery status is unknown, although
predictions could be made using water inflow data gathered during mining.

AMM projects have been initiated at Bentinck, Markham, Shirebrook and Steetley collieries,
indicating excellent potential. However, the Steetley site has now ceased operation due to operational
difficulties and poor economics, and Shirebrook production is running at about 50 % of its original
output (see section 8.1.3 for further details). Other AMM prospects may also be present in this

coalfield. For example the New Hucknall Colliery at Huthwaite south west of Mansfield [447270
358370] was known to be a gassy mine and, in 1983, up to 100 million litres of pure methane were
drawn off each week (

It should be noted that Alkane Energy have recently suspended development of further AMM sites in
the UK because falling electricity prices and the failure of AMM to qualify as Renewable Energy
have meant that their electricity generating operations are not financially viable.

Due to the complexity of mining in this coalfield the AMM prospects are extremely variable. Along
the western flank, mine water recovery is likely to be complete in the old, shallow workings; thus
AMM prospects are likely to be poor. In the east, where the workings are more modern and
groundwater is being controlled by pumping, prospects for AMM are likely to be good. In the
combined Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire coalfields (Maps 11 and 12) this good AMM region covers
an approximate area of 666 km2. Inbetween these two areas the AMM prospects have been mapped as
variable and potential may exist but further exploratory work will be required on a site specific basis.
In the combined Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire coalfields (Maps 11 and 12) this variable zone
covers an approximate area of 1508 km2.

34 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 11b (Nottinghamshire)


34.1.1 N E Leicestershire
The north-east Leicestershire area comprises the Vale of Belvoir Coalfield and surrounding areas. The
very low seam methane measurements (average of 68 samples from 13 boreholes is 0.5 m3/tonne,
Creedy 1991) indicate that this area has no potential for VCBM production.

34.1.2 Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire/South Yorkshire/South Lincolnshire

The CBM prospects of the Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire area of the East Pennine Coalfield are poor
because of relatively low seam gas contents and uncertainty over the permeability of the coals. This is
reflected in the complete absence of VCBM exploration boreholes. Average seam gas content
measurements are 4.6 m3/tonne in North Nottinghamshire based on 915 samples from 70 boreholes,
4.6 m3/tonne in the Till prospect based on 222 samples from 13 boreholes, 1.6 m3/tonne in South
Nottinghamshire based on 116 samples from 14 boreholes and 1.5 m3/tonne in the Witham prospect,
based on 407 samples from 50 boreholes (Creedy 1991). East of the Witham and Till prospects, there
are no seam gas content measurements and an estimated average seam methane content of 5 m3/tonne
has been used for the resource calculation.


There are large areas on this map that meet the criteria for UCG. The best areas occur mainly between
Newark and East Retford and extend to the north west of Gainsborough onto Map 12. Further south,
i.e. north-east and south-east of Nottingham, good potential also exists but tends to be patchy and
isolated, surrounded by areas of poor potential. In the Nottinghamshire area, there are 13 seams that
meet the criteria locally, including the High Main, Wales, Top Bright, High Hazles, Top

Hard/Barnsley/Coombe, Dunsil/First Waterloo, Swallow Wood, Deep Soft, Deep Main, Joan/Brown
Rake, Parkgate/Tupton, Yard and Blackshale/Ashgate.

There are also large areas where the UCG potential is unverifiable, particularly in the south-east, e.g.
between Newark, Sleaford and Lincoln. In this area boreholes are present but do not penetrate down
to 1200 m; those examined do not prove coals in excess of 2 m in thickness. Usually only the Lower
Coal Measures are present in this area, the lower parts of which are interbedded with igneous rocks
(Burgess 1982). Certain seams (e.g. the Parkgate/Tupton/Threequarters and the Dunsil-Waterloo
group) are known to combine towards the south and may be thick enough locally to form a resource.
Hence UCG resources may be present in this area and warrant further investigation.

North-westwards from Grantham is a mapped area where there are thought to be no UCG resources
present (coloured light blue on Map 11). This forms a linear belt that extends for approximately
33 km. In this area the Coal Measures are at depths above 600 m, as they lie along an axis of late
Carboniferous uplift (Variscan inversion) along the Eakring structure. Another area where there are
no UCG resources occurs in a belt to the north of Boston. Coals are present in this area, although they
are deeply buried and only a few occur above 1200 m. Ordinarily such an area would probably
contain coals suitable for UCG, however, boreholes in this area (e.g. Apley 1, Beckering 1 and
Stixwould 1) prove the base Permian unconformity to be at a depth of approximately 1100 m. The
criteria used to determine the presence of a UCG resource discounts all coals within 100 m of the
Permian unconformity, hence only coals greater than 1200 m could be considered in this area and
these do not qualify as a UCG resource.


On the eastern side of the map there is a very large area of Coal Measures at depths >1200 m. This
may have potential for carbon dioxide sequestration if there is sufficient permeability in the coal
seams to allow injection at significant rates.

35 MINING MAP 12a (South Yorkshire)


The area covered by this map is the northern half of the vast coalfield that lies beneath much of
eastern England, east of the Pennines. The part of the outcrop shown on this map runs roughly from
Sheffield via Barnsley, to Leeds and Bradford. The Coal Measures dip eastward beneath younger
rocks, forming a thick and continuous sheet that reaches the coast between Bridlington in the north
and Theddlethorpe in the south. From there it continues eastwards beneath the southern North Sea.

The best coal seams occur in the Lower and Middle Coal Measures. The most valuable and widely
extracted seam is the Barnsley coal. Cumulative coal thickness in seams >0.4 m is typically between
14 and 29 m and in the southern half of the area there are commonly several seams >2 m in thickness.
In the Selby Coalfield the only seam extracted is the Barnsley coal, which is up to 3 m thick (Figure
30). East of the current mining licences and the North Ouse mining prospect, detailed information on
coal seam thickness is not available because there are no continuously cored boreholes. However,
information from oil and gas exploration wells suggests that the vast coal resources formerly present
in the mined areas, and found in the mining prospects, continue all the way to the coast.


As of April 2002 there were 6 working opencast sites in this coalfield (source: DTI web site). Further
potential still exists although large urban areas are present on this map, including Leeds, Wakefield
and Barnsley.


The southern part of the vast coalfield shown on this map has been extensively and intensively
exploited. Mining has gradually advanced eastwards from the outcrop. Although mining has declined
drastically from its peak, the Hatfield and Kellingley mines are still open in the southern area, and the
Thorne mine is on care and maintenance. Further north, the Selby Coalfield has been developed from
the Ricall/Whitemoor, Stillingfleet and Wistow mines. Only the Top Hard (= Barnsley) coal, which is
up to 3 m thick, is extracted in this coalfield. The Selby Coalfield is slated for closure in April 2004.

Further north still is the North Ouse underground mining prospect, previously explored by British


All the mines in this area drain methane and methane is used in boilers at Ricall/Whitemoor and for
power generation at Kellingley (2.8 MWe).


AMM prospects are extremely variable in this coalfield. Along the western flank, in a NNW-SSE
trending belt approximately 12 km in width, AMM prospects are thought to be poor. In this area mine
workings are largely old and shallow, and mine water is likely to have recovered. In the east, where
the workings are more modern and groundwater is being controlled by pumping, prospects for AMM
are likely to be good. In the combined Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire coalfields (Maps 11 and 12)
this good AMM region covers an approximate area of 666 km2. Inbetween these two areas the AMM
prospects have been mapped as variable and potential may exist but further exploratory work will be
required on a site specific basis. In the combined Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire coalfields (Maps 11
and 12) this variable zone covers an approximate area of 1508 km2. AMM sites are in operation at
Monks Bretton, Hickleton and Wheldale collieries, indicating excellent resource potential locally.

36 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 12b (South Yorkshire)


Like those of the Nottinghamshire/Derbyshire/South Yorkshire area, the CBM prospects of this area
are poor because of relatively low seam gas contents and uncertainty over the permeability of the
coals. This is reflected in the absence of CBM exploration boreholes. The highest average seam gas
contents are around Barnsley (5.2 m3/tonne) with lower values in the North Ouse prospect (3.2
m3/tonne), the Selby Coalfield (4.7 m3/tonne) and North Yorkshire (3.6 m3/tonne).


There are large areas in the centre of this map that meet the criteria for UCG. In the west the Coal
Measures are too shallow and there are a large number of former and present mine workings and in
the east the Coal Measures are too deep (>1200 m). The best area for UCG occurs between
Gainsborough and Hatfield. This extends southwards onto Map 11 as far south as Newark and forms
an area of 983 km2 that is suitable for UCG. Other areas with good UCG potential include to the north
and south of the Selby mining licence, and north and north east of York. There are 12 seams that meet
the >2 m criterion locally (Sharlston Top = High Main, Sharlston Muck, Sharlston Yard, Winter,
Kents Thick, Barnsley/Dunsil, Swallow Wood, Lidgett, Flockton Thick, Middleton Little, Middleton
Main, Beeston), however, the coals vary considerably in thickness and hence no individual seam
meets the thickness cut-off across the entire area. It is considered that the prospects in the unverifiable
areas are probably quite good but there is a lack of boreholes >600 m deep.

In most of the map area coals from the Lower and Middle Coal Measures form the thickest seams.
North of York erosion at the base Permian unconformity has removed most of the Middle Coal
Measures and the UCG potential is restricted to coals from the Lower Coal Measures.

In the east the 1200 m line, drawn on the top of the Coal Measures, marks the eastern limit of UCG
resources. However, close to the line only the highest Upper Coal Measures coals actually occur
above 1200 m. The thickest coals typically come from the Lower and Middle Coal Measures hence,
as the 1200 m line is approached, prospects for UCG diminish because the best coals are too deeply
buried. This is marked on the map as a north-south trending fringe of poor UCG resources.


There is a large area in the east of the map where the coal seams lie at depths greater than 1200 m and
therefore may be suitable for CO2 sequestration.

37 MINING MAP 13a (Ingleton)


The Ingleton Coalfield forms a small outlier of Coal Measures to the north-west of the town of
Ingleton. The exposed coalfield covers an area of approximately 34 km2. Coals occur in the Lower
and probably Middle Coal Measures, with up to 5 coals greater than 0.4 m in thickness and two (Ten
Foot and Nine Foot) in excess of 2 m in thickness (Ford 1954). These occur from outcrop down to
depths of about 300 m or so.

Currently there are no deep mines in operation in the Ingleton Coalfield with the last mine, New
Ingleton Pit, closing in 1940. Records of coal workings are mainly from the south of the coalfield and
those coal seams known to have been worked include, in descending order, the Ten Foot, Nine Foot,
Four Foot (or Main), Yard, Crow and Six Foot (Figure 31). Optimistically up to 3 m of coal may be
present in two seams at about 300 m depth in an area of about 2.6 km2 in the north of the coalfield but
they are unproven. There is no information available regarding coal rank or methane contents of these

The main structure within the area is an east-west trending syncline that plunges to north-east towards
the South Craven Fault (Glover et al. 1993). The Coal Measures are cross-cut by a number of NNW-
SSE and ENE-WSW trending faults. The Coal Measures are unconformably overlain by younger,
reddened Coal Measures and Permian breccias (Ford 1954).


There is no opencast potential because the remaining unworked coal seams lie mainly at depths of
around 300 m.


There is no prospect of underground mining as there is only a very small area in the north of the
coalfield where two seams of unworked coal may be present and this is not proven.


As there are no working mines there can be no CMM resources.


The Ingleton Coalfield is considered to have very little if any AMM potential because of the low in-
situ coal reserves. Furthermore mine water levels are expected to be completely recovered.

38 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 13b (Ingleton)


This small coalfield has very poor VCBM prospects because of the coal reserves. There are no
published seam gas content measurements.


A number of coals (e.g. Ten Feet, Nine Feet and Six Feet seams) meet the thickness criteria for UCG
in this coalfield but they have mainly been extracted and do not occur at the depths required to be
considered for UCG. Hence there is no UCG resource in this coalfield.


There is no coal at the depths necessary for CO2 sequestration and no prospect of CO2 sequestration in
association with UCG or VCBM production.

39 MINING MAP 14a (Cumbria-Canonbie area)


39.1.1 West Cumbrian Coalfield

Most of the West Cumbrian Coalfield is exposed at the surface. The area of outcropping Coal
Measures is approximately 250 km2 in size. Along the eastern and south-eastern flanks of the
coalfield the Coal Measures rest conformably on older Carboniferous (Namurian and Dinantian)
rocks. To the south-west there is a small concealed extension below Permo-Triassic strata; this
continues to about the St Bees area. The coalfield also continues offshore for at least 14 km. The
northern margin of the exposed coalfield is taken at the Maryport Fault, a major ENE-WSW trending
normal fault that downthrows to the north-west. However, the coalfield is thought to continue to the
north of the Maryport Fault beneath Permo-Triassic cover and it may be connected to the Canonbie
Coalfield to the north along the Solway Syncline (Chadwick et al. 1995), although this has not yet
been confirmed by drilling.

Currently there are no deep mines in operation in the West Cumbrian Coalfield. Production in the last
British Coal mine (Haig) ceased in 1986 and in the last privately owned mine (Mainband Colliery) in
c.1993. The coalfield has been extensively worked and more recent mining activities were
concentrated in offshore areas.

Coal seams predominantly occur within the Lower and Middle Coal Measures. A few thin seams are
known from the lower part of the Upper Coal Measures and the Namurian (Pendleian Stage), but
these tend to be of limited significance. The Lower Coal Measures succession tends to be about
130 m in thickness, and the Middle Coal Measures is 200 m thick. Above this there is an unknown
thickness of Upper Coal Measures, perhaps 50 to 100 m or so in the exposed coalfield.

In the Lower Coal Measures the thickest seams are the Harrington, Albrighton, Upper Threequarters,
Sixquarters and Little Main (Figure 32). The thickest coals occur in the Middle Coal Measures, from
the Yard up to the White Metal seams, and these coals can total up to 8 m in a 100 m succession.
Coals tend to be thicker in the south and spilt northwards. This is also associated with an increase in
the total thickness of the sedimentary succession. Locally around St Bees, the Main, Tenquarters and
Bannock-Rattler form about 5 m of coal in a 30 m succession at a depth of about 400 m. Seams are
persistent across most of the coalfield but they show a deterioration to the north-east, with only the
Yard and, locally, the Tenquarters present (Eastwood et al. 1968).

The main structural trends are a series of NNW-SSE trending normal faults. There is also a subsidiary
east-west to ENE-WSW series of normal faults. The coalfield is known to be heavily faulted.

Seams are high volatile, bituminous coals with strong caking properties (Ministry of Fuel and Power
1945). The average methane content of three samples from the Main seam at Haig near Whitehaven is
7.5 m3/tonne (Creedy 1986). Underground mines in this coalfield were known to be methane rich
(Wood 1988).

39.1.2 Canonbie Coalfield

The Canonbie Coalfield is situated at the northern margin of the Solway Syncline. This NNE-SSW
trending structure links this coalfield with that of the West Cumbrian Coalfield to the south-west
across the Solway Firth (Chadwick et al. 1995). It is likely that the coal seams of Cumbria and
Canonbie persist across this structure although this is not proven due to lack of deep boreholes. The
north-eastern margin of the coalfield is taken at the east-west trending Rowanburn Fault. The north-
western margin is taken at the ENE-WSW trending Gilnockie Fault.

In the Canonbie Coalfield only a limited area (c.18 km2) of Coal Measures is exposed at or close to
the surface, thus limiting the resource area for opencast coal mining. Only limited mining has taken
place along the outcrop and considerable potential exists in the concealed coalfield to the south
(Picken 1988). Coals are bituminous and have a British Coal Rank of 500-600 and average methane
content for coals is 6.3 m3/tonne (Creedy 1991), with values reaching as high as 7.2 m3/tonne (Creedy

The Lower Coal Measures succession is about 120 m in thickness, the Middle Coal Measures is about
230 m and Upper Coal Measures is about 700 m thick. Coals are present in the Lower Coal Measures
but are commonly unnamed and are difficult to correlate. Borehole information indicates that they are
generally less than 0.8 m in thickness. The main seams are from the Middle Coal Measures, of
Duckmantian age, and comprise the Archerbeck, Six Foot, Nine Foot, Three Foot, Five Foot, Black
Top and Seven Foot (Figure 33). In the Becklees Borehole coals in this interval total 8.44 m in 94 m
of strata compared with 13 m of coal in 99 m of strata in the Rowanburnfoot Borehole. There are only
a few thin coals present in the Upper Coal Measures, most of them being located close to the base.
The exception is the High Coal, which occurs about 170 m above the base of the Upper Coal

39.1.3 Midgeholme Coalfield
The term Midgeholme Coalfield is used here sensu lato to include all of a series of small ENE
trending outliers of Coal Measures marked on Map 14 as the Midgeholme, Plenmeller, Stublick and
Hexham coalfields. These coalfields total about 32 km2 in size. The string of outliers is preserved on
the downthrown side of the Stublick Fault. The Westphalian succession is exposed at the surface in all
the outliers and dips to the south, towards the Stublick Fault. A generalised stratigraphy is given in
Figure 34.

The Midgeholme Coalfield has been worked since the 17th century and was heavily exploited from
collieries at Midgeholme, Lambley, Herdley Bank, Featherstone and East Coanwood in the 19th
century. An average of 7.6 m of workable coal was present in the Midgeholme outlier. There are 7
seams in the Middle Coal Measures and 4 seams in the Lower Coal Measures. A further seam, the
Little Limestone Coal, occurs in the underlying Namurian strata. This occurs in up to 3 leaves, at least
two of which commonly come together to form a seam which varies from 0.3 to 1.56 m thick. Judging
from outcrop sections it may just be below 600 m depth in the deepest part of the coalfield.

The Plenmellar outlier consists of about 100 m of Lower Coal Measures containing nine seams. Four
of these have been worked; the Cannel (0.9 m), the Seven Quarters (1.4 m) the Coom Roof (1.1 m)
and the Five Quarters (1.1 m). The Stublick outlier consists of just over 100 m of Lower Coal
Measures. Eight seams are present, the best of which is the Main coal (1.1 m).

The coals are mainly of high volatile bituminous rank, but they may be anthracitic adjacent to
intrusions. No seam methane measurements are available.


39.2.1 West Cumbrian Coalfield

Opencast mining began in this coalfield in 1958 (Wood 1988) and there have been numerous previous
opencast mines in this coalfield since then, although there are currently no working sites. There is
scope for further opencast activity, particularly in areas away from the coast where there is much rural
and moor land available. Numerous thick coal seams occur at shallow depths across this coalfield,
although structural complexity is a common feature of opencast sites in this coalfield.

39.2.2 Canonbie Coalfield

The very small size of the coalfield limits the potential for opencast mining.

39.2.3 Midgeholme Coalfield

Shallow coal is present in these coalfields, thus opportunities exist for opencast sites in this area,
although the small size of these coalfields limits this potential.


39.3.1 West Cumbrian Coalfield

This coalfield has had a long history of coal extraction, with coking and steam raising coal mined
from the mid-sixteenth century onwards (Wood 1988; Boland & Young 1992). A comprehensive
history of coal mining in this coalfield is given by Wood (1988). There is limited potential for further
deep mining. The St Bees-Powbeck area in the south-west was explored by drilling in the 1970s, and
a number of thick coals were identified at depths of less than 400 m. However, underground mines in
this coalfield have always suffered from severe geological problems, particularly faulting, and the
high methane content of the seams is known to be a problem.

39.3.2 Canonbie Coalfield

There are currently no underground mining activities in the Canonbie Coalfield. Previous mining
activities were of limited extent and ceased during the early part of the 20th century. Geological
investigations during the 1950s and 1980s have proved an area of approximately 70 km2 where coals
are present at depths and thicknesses suitable for underground mining (Picken 1988).

39.3.3 Midgeholme Coalfield

Extensive working in the Midgeholme outlier and the small size of the other coalfields precludes
further large scale underground working.


As there are no working mines in the coalfields marked on this map there is no CMM potential.


The Wardell Armstrong report for the Coal Authority (2001b) identifies 9 mining blocks in West
Cumbria and suggests that mine water recovery is expected to be complete in 7 of these blocks
(Cleator Moor, Whitehaven, Oatlands, Workington, Great Clifton, Maryport and Aspatria), with
recovery presumed to be complete in the remaining 2 (Welton & Inglewood in the north-east of the
coalfield). Hence the prospects for AMM in this coalfield are believed to be poor.

The age of the coal workings in the Canonbie Coalfield would make it likely that mine water levels
are fully recovered. This indicates that AMM prospects are poor.

The Midgeholme coalfields are very small and shallow. AMM prospects are therefore thought to be
very poor.

40 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 14b (Cumbria-Canonbie area)


40.1.1 West Cumbrian Coalfield

The West Cumbrian Coalfield has relatively high seam methane content. Three samples from the
Main seam in the 328s district of Haig colliery had an average methane content of 7.5 m3/tonne
(Creedy 1986). Significant gas flows were obtained from boreholes in the Solway Colliery (Dunmore
1969). However, the onshore parts of the coalfield are present at shallow depths and have been
extensively mined, meaning that there are possibly only small isolated pockets of CBM potential.
There may be potential in the south, in the St Bees area. However, the high density of faulting may
compartmentalise any CBM prospect.

40.1.2 Canonbie Coalfield

The Canonbie Coalfield itself is very small, shallow and essentially exhausted. Its concealed
extension (Picken 1988a, b) has an average seam gas content of 6.3 m3/tonne based on 40 samples
from 3 boreholes at an average depth of 876 m (Creedy 1991). However, average seam methane
content of one of these boreholes was 7.2 m3/tonne, with 2.3 m3/tonne ethane, at an average sample
depth of 1143 m (Creedy 1983). It also has the second highest 'gassiness index' amongst the UK
coalfields (Creedy 1999) indicating that potentially, flow of gas from boreholes may be above
average. It has fair coalbed methane prospects. However, little is known about seam permeability.

40.1.3 Midgeholme Coalfield

The Midgeholme outlier is shallow and has a long history of working. It is unlikely to have VCBM
potential. The other two coal-bearing outliers are too shallow to conform to the VCBM criteria.


Conditions suitable for UCG are met in parts of the subsurface extension of the Canonbie Coalfield,
with the boreholes Becklees and Broadmeadows showing potential. In these boreholes the Nine Foot
and an unnamed seam just below the Edmondia Marine Band form the main resource. A further two
coals greater than 2 m in thickness occur in the Becklees borehole but at depths greater than 1200 m.
Boreholes between these areas indicate that the Nine Foot reduces in thickness (1.74 m in
Glenzierfoot, 1.51 m in Staffler and faulted out in Woodhouselees). Hence most of the Canonbie area
is thought to have a poor resource potential. To the south, in the Solway Syncline, the potential is
unverifiable due to lack of any deep boreholes in this area. Chadwick et al. (1995), using seismic data,
suggest that coals are present at suitable depths in the Solway Syncline, overlain by a thick Upper
Coal Measures red-bed succession that lacks coals. Hence there may be UCG potential along the
eastern and western flanks of the syncline. In West Cumbria, coals are generally present at too
shallow depths to form a UCG resource except in the Brayton Domain Colliery 3 borehole on the
northern edge of the coalfield, where coals are present at the required depth but do not meet the
thickness criteria.

There is no potential in the Midgeholme Coalfield, except possibly in the Little Limestone Coal in the
centre of the Midgeholme outlier.

Coal is likely to occur at depths >1200 m in the Solway Syncline. However, this remains unproven, as
there are no boreholes in this area. Therefore any potential is speculative. There is no potential in the
Midgeholme Coalfield or the exposed West Cumbrian and Canonbie coalfields.

41 MINING MAP 15a (North East England (south))


The western boundary of the Northumberland-Durham (North East) Coalfield extends from Amble on
the Northumberland coast south-westwards to near Barnard Castle. The Coal Measures in general dip
gently to the east and continue beneath the North Sea. A maximum of about 900 m of Coal Measures
are present. The major industrial conurbation of Tyne and Wear lies in the centre of the coalfield and
the Teeside conurbation lies immediately to the south.

The coalfield has a working history dating back to Roman times. At present however, there is only
one working mine remaining, Ellington in Northumberland. Opencast working is very active, with the
Butterwell site having been the largest in Britain. The best seams have been exhausted over the entire
coalfield and recent working has been mainly offshore beneath the North Sea. A generalised
stratigraphy is illustrated in Figure 35.

Workable coal seams up to about 3 m thick and averaging about 0.5 m thick are present in the Lower
and Middle Coal Measures, which are up to 725 m thick (Jones 1980). Whilst there are variations in
the thickness and quality of almost every seam, the overall thickness of coal is remarkably constant.
The total coal thickness between the Brockwell and High Main seams ranges from about 6 to 15.5 m
and is generally between 9 and 14 m.

The Lower Coal Measures are about 200 m thick and contain 13 workable seams evenly distributed
through the sequence. The best group of seams is in the lowest 150 m or so of the Middle Coal
Measures, between the Harvey and High Main Marine Bands. Both the Harvey and High Main coals
are over 1.8 m thick in places.

A further 550 m or so of Middle and Upper Coal Measures are present above the High Main Marine
Band. This sequence contains numerous thin coals, most of which are too thin to have been worked
(<0.3 m), the exceptions being the Usworth and Hebburn Fell coals.

The mean methane content of coals in the Northumberland - Durham Coalfield is 1.3 m3/tonne
(Creedy, 1991). This is based on 82 samples.


There is good potential for opencast mining. As of April 2002, there were 7 opencast sites in this area.

There is little potential for further underground coal mining as there has been very extensive and
intensive mining onshore for many centuries, and recent mining has focused on the offshore area.


Coal mine methane is not drained from the Ellington mine and given the low average seam gas
content for the coalfield as a whole it appears unlikely that it would form a good CMM prospect.


Much of the North East Coalfield has low initial seam gas contents. Mine water levels have fully
recovered in the western fringes of the coalfield. In other parts mine water levels are still recovering
or are controlled by pumping. AMM prospects are probably poor over much of the northern and
western parts of the coalfield, but limited prospects may be present in the southeast if initial seam gas
contents were high enough.

42 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 15b (North East England (south))


The Northeast Coalfield has very low average seam methane contents; average 1.3 m3/tonne at an
average depth of 426 m, based on 82 samples from 18 boreholes (Creedy 1991). However, individual
measurements may be somewhat higher (2.8 m3/tonne in the Low Main seam in Easington, 2.5
m3/tonne in the Harvey seam in Fishburn Colliery, County Durham). However, these values are not
high enough to be of any interest as a VCBM prospect.


Conditions suitable for UCG are generally not met or are unverifiable in this area due to the extensive
nature of former underground coal workings. Potential only exists in one small area offshore, in the
Harvey Seam. However, the full extent of underground mining in this offshore area was not
considered as part of this study and there may well be workings in the area regarded as having good
potential. Areas with former workings are not considered suitable as a UCG resource.


The shallow depths to which the Coal Measures are buried and the lack of UCG and CBM prospects
means that there is no CO2 sequestration potential.

43 MINING MAP 16a (North East England (North))


In this areas coals of Lower Carboniferous, Dinantian age are present, belonging to the Scremerston
Coal Member of the Tyne Limestone Formation (Figure 1 & 36). The member is about 305 m thick.
There are about 8 - 10 workable seams with an aggregate thickness of 7 m within the member. The
best seam is the Scremerston Main Coal, which is about 1.2 m thick on average (Fowler 1926).


The presence of shallow coals at outcrop indicates that there is potential for opencast mining in this


There were several pits in the Scremerston area and mining dates back to at least 1764. However, all
mines are now closed and potential for further mines is very limited.


There are no working mines in this area and so there is no CMM potential.


There have been only relatively minor underground workings in the Scremerston Coalfield. Some of
these are known to be drained by soughs. Others are flooded and there are thought to be no AMM

44 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 16b (North East England (North))


The coal seams from the Scremerston Coal Member are generally thin and shallow. No seam gas
content measurements have been taken and there is generally insufficient information to define the
VCBM prospectivity.

Coals in this area do not occur in the depth range 600-1200 m. Furthermore, there are no records of
coals in excess of 2 m in thickness occurring in this area. Hence it is likely that there is no UCG


Because there are no realistic CBM or UCG prospects and coals do not occur at depths >1200 m,
there is no CO2 sequestration potential.

45 MINING MAP 17a (Machrihanish)


The Machrihanish Coalfield covers an area of approximately 27 km2 on the Mull of Kintyre. Both the
Namurian Limestone Coal Formation and the Lower and Middle Coal Measures are present in this
coalfield (Figure 37). They form outcrops that trend north-west to south-east, dipping towards the
north-east. Upper Coal Measures are also thought to be present but lack coals (Stephenson & Gould

The Namurian Limestone Coal Formation has been mined in the outcrop area in the SW of the
coalfield. Here small faults are common and most of the seams are apparently missing by
disconformity towards the east. At least 160 m of Limestone Coal Formation is present. It contains 4
named seams: the Cannel (or Gas), Kilkivan, Main and Underfoot (Figure 37). The Kilkivan and
Main have been worked extensively at shallow depths, and the Underfoot has been worked locally.
The Main was worked at Argyll Colliery, which closed in 1925, and the Machrihanish Colliery,
which closed in 1967. There is a thick sandstone immediately above the Main seam. The Kilkivan
Coal occurs some 35 m above the Main Coal.

The Westphalian Coal Measures (Figure 3) have never been worked but up to 460 m of Lower and
Middle Coal Measures are believed to be present (Stephenson & Gould 1995). The Vanderbeckei
Marine Band has been proved. Coals are uncommon, and vary in thickness and extent, but at least 9
seams are known, with one up to 2 m in thickness. The quantity and quality of coal is controlled
mainly by the reddening and oxidation associated with the Permian unconformity.

The northern margin of the coalfield is fault-bounded. Main faults within the coalfield trend NW-SE
and ENE-WSW.

There are no seam methane measurements from the coalfield. The coal rank code main class 900,
high volatile non-caking, has been recorded for seams worked in the Machrihanish Coalfield.

There is no known opencast potential in the Machrihanish Coalfield.


The small size of the coalfield and previous working indicates that there is no underground mining


There are no working mines and hence no CMM potential.


Mining ceased with the closure of Argyll Colliery in 1927. Mine water recovery is assumed to be
complete and therefore there are thought to be no AMM prospects.

46 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 17b (Machrihanish)


The Westphalian Coal Measures are too shallow to be of interest for VCBM, although they contain 4
seams >0.4 m thick. A small area of the Limestone Coal Formation adjacent to the Kilkenzie Fault
that defines the northern margin of the coalfield may contain around 5.9 m of coal in 3 seams > 0.4 m
thick at depths of approximately 300 - 400 m. VCBM prospects are not known and considered likely
to be very poor.


In the Machrihanish Coalfield both the Kilkivan and Main coals form seams in excess of 2 m in
thickness. Coals dip towards the north-east, so the deepest coals are likely to occur in the extreme
north-east of the coalfield. However, there UCG potential is unverifiable due to the lack of any deep
boreholes (none are >225 m in depth).


There is no potential for CO2 sequestration as there are no coals at depths >1200 m and no realistic
UCG or CBM prospects.

47 MINING MAP 18a (West Scotland)


47.1.1 Ayrshire Coalfield

The Ayrshire Coalfield (which is commonly divided into four parts; North, Central and South
Ayrshire and Dailly) covers an area of nearly 1000 km2. It is situated in a mixed rural and urban area
that includes major towns such as Ayr, Irvine and Kilmarnock, and smaller burghs like Cumnock and

Coal seams are generally confined to the Westphalian Coal Measures Group, although a few coals are
known from the lower Namurian Limestone Coal Formation (Figure 38).

The Limestone Coal Formation is generally thin in the Ayrshire Coalfield, ranging in thickness from
zero (e.g. in Central Ayrshire) to >200 m (e.g. in North Ayrshire) and is generally less than 50 m in
thickness. The total thickness of coal is small, from less than 1.5 m to a maximum locally of 17 m
near Cumnock (South Ayrshire). In general, the total thickness of coal is less than 8 m. At Cumnock,
there may be up to 13 seams greater than 0.3 m in thickness, with up to 4 over 1 m in thickness. Based
on the sequences at Patna and Sorn on the east and west flanks, and on the Cumnock type
development of thick coal to the south, a significant amount of coal might be present under at least
part of the deeper basin.

The Dailly Coalfield has a relatively thin Limestone Coal Formation succession but with significant
quantities of coal, exceptionally >18 m. The strata tend to be quite steeply dipping. The Westphalian
Coal Measures are absent in the Dailly Coalfield.

The Lower Coal Measures are rather poorly known but are up to 236 m thick with 10.2 m of coal in
12 seams from 0.4 to 2.2 m thick; coals form 2-4% of the succession. The Middle Coal Measures are
between 154 m and 174 m thick and between 3 and 7 seams exceed 0.4 m, up to a maximum of
2.23 m thick. The Upper Coal Measures are commonly devoid of coals due to Permian oxidation,
although locally there may be as many as 8 seams present between 0.4 m and 1.12 m in thickness.

The coal rank codes fall in the main classes 700-800, high volatile caking to non-caking. Locally
coking coal occurs where basic igneous intrusions have thermally metamorphosed the coals. The
methane content of the Ayr Hard and Main seams in the Coal Measures at Killoch Colliery were 2.8
and 2.0 m3/tonne respectively (Creedy 1985).

47.1.2 Douglas Coalfield

The small Douglas Coalfield is located in a low-lying, predominantly rural area. Mining in the
coalfield ceased some years ago. Although mining of the shallower seams has been extensive, the
deeper reserves in the centre of the coalfield are largely untouched.

Geologically, the coalfield lies in a small, deep, NE/SW elongated synclinal basin. The Carboniferous
succession thins rapidly in all directions from the basin centre. To the northwest and southeast the
thinning is controlled by major NE-trending faults; the Carmacoup and Kennox Faults respectively.

These two structures appear to have exercised control on sedimentation from late Dinantian times
onwards. They effectively form the northern and southern margins of a relatively small prospective
area where coal seams are buried to depths of 800 m to more than 1200 m.

The axis of the major fold in the Douglas Coalfield trends northeast with dips on its flanks ranging
from <10° to >60°. Faulting observed both in the exhausted Coal Measures mine workings and deep
drilling by British Coal is significant and may be closely spaced. Closely spaced faulting is likely to
adversely affect ECBM projects and UCG prospects.

Potentially useful seams occur within the Westphalian Coal Measures, and the Passage, Upper
Limestone and Limestone Coal formations (Figure 38). The more important intervals are parts of the
Lower and Middle Coal Measures and the Limestone Coal Formation. Because of the steep dips, the
thickness of coal seams quoted below may be somewhat exaggerated as many borehole records do not
correct for this dip.

In the Westphalian, the Upper Coal Measures are about 340 m thick and contain a few thin coals, of
which one in the upper part is over 1 m thick. The Middle Coal Measures are about 315 m thick and
contain around 19 m of coal. Records show >9 to 16 seams over 0.3 m thick and 5-6 seams over
1.3 m. The Lower Coal Measures are about 345 m thick and contain around 20 m of coal. Records
show >9-17 seams over 0.3 m thick and >3-9 seams over 1.3 m.

In the Namurian, the Passage and Upper Limestone Formations are rather variable in development,
with the former markedly affected by internal unconformities. They are usually thin except in the
middle of the syncline. They contain locally developed seams including the Manson Coal in the
Passage Formation that varies from 0 – 4 m and is exceptionally 15 m thick (uncorrected for 55o dip).
Within the Upper Limestone Formation, there are 6 seams of some interest (1 - 4m thick) including
the Gill, Orchard and Ellenora in the interval between the Calmy Limestone and the Index Limestone.
In total, 4-17 m of coal is found within 103-230 m of sequence.

The Limestone Coal Formation varies in thickness from less than 70 m to 254 m in the axis of the
basin. The higher value is uncorrected for dip of 30o-60o. In the upper part of the formation (above the
Black Metals Marine Band), 3-19 m of coal is present in 35-125 m of succession. There are 4-11
seams over 0.3 m thick and 1-6 of these are more than 1.0 m thick. In the generally less coaly lower
part, 1.5-10 m of coal is present in 62-125 m of strata. Up to 5 seams are over 0.3 m and 2 over 1 m

Most of the coals in this area fall into the British Coal's Coal Rank Code main classes 700 and 800.
They are high volatile caking to non-caking bituminous coals. Their methane content is not known.

47.1.3 Sanquhar Coalfield

Isolated in the Southern Uplands, south of the Midland Valley, the NW-SE elongated Sanquhar
Coalfield contains Westphalian Lower and Middle Coal Measures, about 300 m thick. These strata
are overlain by about 360 m of Upper Coal Measures. The Coal Measures are underlain by a very thin
succession (50-80 m) of Namurian and Dinantian sedimentary rocks totally devoid of coal. The
Limestone Coal Formation is not present, restricting prospectivity to the Coal Measures.

The position of the coalfield is controlled by a major NW-trending fault on its north-east side. The
main structure within the coalfield is a NNE trending faulted syncline. Some of the coal seams in the
Coal Measures of Sanquhar have been extensively worked especially those in the Middle Coal
Measures. The coal rank code main classes recognised are 600-800, high volatile caking to non-
caking. No methane data has been published.


47.2.1 Ayrshire Coalfield

Significant areas technically amenable to opencast coal mining occur in the Ayrshire Coalfield. The
main prospects are the Lower and Middle Coal Measures and also the Limestone Coal Formation
(with some seams in the overlying Upper Limestone Formation). Quaternary deposits are usually less
than 40 m thick and do not generally restrict the areas available to opencasting. The coal seams are
generally low sulphur but certain seams reach 8-12 % sulphur. East Ayrshire is currently the hub of
opencast mining. Among the 12 active sites are House of Water, Powharnal, Spireslack and Burnfoot
Moor Open Cast Coal Site (OCCS). The first two are currently working in Coal Measures and the
second two in the Limestone Coal Formation.

47.2.2 Douglas Coalfield

Significant areas technically amenable to opencast coal mining occur in this small coalfield. The main
targets are the Lower and Middle Coal Measures and the Limestone Coal Formation. A few coals in
the Upper Limestone Formation have augmented the available reserve in sites working the Limestone
Coal Formation. However, it must be underlined that as a key area in the current supply of opencast
coal in Scotland the number of major sites still to be found is diminishing. Largely unconsolidated
Quaternary deposits cover the Carboniferous rocks to depths usually around 6-20 m but locally over
40 m. They do not generally restrict the areas available to opencasting. The coal seams are generally
low sulphur. Among the active opencast sites in this area are Glentaggart OCCS that works Coal
Measures and Broken Cross OCCS in the Limestone Coal Formation.

47.2.3 Sanquhar Coalfield

There is minor potential for opencast coal production in this coalfield.


47.3.1 Ayrshire Coalfield

Killoch, Barony and Highhouse collieries in East Ayrshire were the last active deep mines to close in
the early 1980s. These worked Coal Measures strata. The worked seams were troubled by both
igneous intrusions with metamorphism of the coal and by transformation of coal to limestone in
response to oxidation related to the base Permian unconformity. The Middle Coal Measures were the
focus of the more recent mining but few seams exceed 2 m thick (Tourha and Ayr Hard). In the
Lower Coal Measures the Knockshinnoch Main exceeds 2 m but other seams are usually less than
1.5 m thick. However, it is possible that there are extensive remaining reserves under the Mauchline

There are still extensive areas of deep coal in the Limestone Coal Formation, possibly limited by the
local development of seams over 1.5 m thick in a generally thin succession. However, the Common
No 1/80 Borehole (NS52SE) reached this formation at a depth of 563 m. The unit was 97 m thick

with four coals thicker than 0.4 m, but dolerite intrusions ruined the thickest two seams namely the
Main Gasswater (5.44 m) and the Lower Gasswater (2.92 m). The other two seams were 0.9 m and
1.59 m (McDonald) thick.

47.3.2 Douglas Coalfield

The last deep mines closed in this part of central Scotland at least two decades ago. The Coal
Measures are essentially exhausted at shallow to moderate depths but reserves of coal exist at depth
and in the underlying Limestone Coal and Lower Limestone formations. The Gallow Knowe,
Eggerton, Bloodmyre and other boreholes drilled in the late 1970s were designed to explore the
continuing deep mine potential of this coalfield. Complex faulting, folding, seam thickness variation
and steep dip make this prospect less attractive.

47.3.3 Sanquhar Coalfield

There is no potential for underground mining in the Sanquhar Coalfield.


There are no working mines and therefore no CMM prospects in any of the coalfields on this map.


47.5.1 Ayrshire Coalfield

It would be expected that water levels have recovered over most of North Ayrshire. Mining ceased in
the late 1960s. Gravitational water outflows occur in the west of the area. Thus there are probably
only very limited AMM prospects, even if initial seam gas contents were high enough for AMM

Mining in Central Ayrshire ceased in 1989 with the closure of Barony Colliery. It is likely that mine
water is fully recovered in most of central Ayrshire, except possibly around Ochiltree and
Auchinleck. Thus there may be limited AMM prospects in this area if initial seam gas contents were
high enough for AMM production.

In south Ayrshire, surface outflows of mine water indicate that mine waters have generally recovered.
Thus there are probably only very limited, if any, AMM prospects even if initial seam gas contents
were high enough for AMM production.

47.5.2 Douglas Coalfield

It is likely that in general the mine water levels in the Douglas Coalfield are recovered. The last mine
closed at least two decades ago. Thus AMM prospects are probably poor, even if initial seam gas
contents in the mines were high enough for AMM production.

47.5.3 Sanquhar Coalfield

Mine water levels in this coalfield are still recovering. Thus there may be very limited AMM
prospects if initial seam gas contents were high enough.

48 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 18b (West Scotland)


48.1.1 Ayrshire Coalfield

The Westphalian Coal Measures are heavily worked, except beneath the centre of the Mauchline
Basin in Central Ayrshire. Measured seam gas contents are low (2.8 and 2.0 m3/tonne in the Ayr Hard
and Main seams respectively at Killoch Colliery). VCBM prospects in these strata are considered to
be poor.

The total thickness of coal in the Limestone Coal Formation is generally low, ranging from less than
1.5 m in 50 m to a maximum locally of 17 m in 127 m of strata near Cumnock (South Ayrshire). The
strata are steeply dipping and the true thickness may be rather less. From 0-13 seams may be over
0.3 m thick, with 0-4 over 1 m thick. In the Ayrshire Coalfield in general, the total thickness of coal in
the Limestone Coal Formation is commonly (much) less than 8 m.

The Dailly Coalfield is a relatively small and shallow structure. The Westphalian Coal Measures are
absent. It has a relatively thin Limestone Coal Formation succession with significant quantities of
coal; exceptionally >18 m in 45 m. Because it is shallow, seam gas contents may be relatively low
and the VCBM prospectivity may thus be lower than in the deeper parts of the main Ayrshire

The gas content of the Limestone Coal Formation coals is not known in any of the Ayrshire

Given that there are only 4 seams >1 m thick in the Limestone Coal Formation in the best part of the
Ayrshire Coalfield, and in general the total thickness of coal is much less than 8 m, it is unlikely to be
an early target for CBM exploration. The Ayrshire Coalfield is intensively faulted, further
downgrading its prospectivity.

48.1.2 Douglas Coalfield

The Douglas Coalfield contains significant thicknesses of coal in the Westphalian Coal Measures, the
Limestone Coal Formation and intervening strata, especially in the deep central part of the coalfield,
between the Carmacoup and Kennox faults. This makes it potentially an interesting area for VCBM

There are no measurements of seam gas content available for this coalfield. By analogy with
published measurements from the other Scottish coalfields (Creedy 1991), it is assumed that the
seams above the Limestone Coal Formation will have low seam gas contents insufficient to establish
VCBM production. The potential of the Limestone Coal Formation is not known.

48.1.3 Sanquhar Coalfield
In its deepest part, the Sanquhar Coalfield consists of Westphalian Lower and Middle Coal Measures
about 165 and 300 m thick respectively, overlain by about 360 m of Upper Coal Measures. It contains
about 7 m of coal in 9 seams. Of these, three (the Creepie, the Calmstone and the Kirkconnel Splint)
are persistently thick. The coals are of high volatile rank and no seam methane content measurements
have been published. However, by analogy with other Scottish coalfields, and bearing in mind their
relatively shallow depth over much of the coalfield, seam methane values are considered likely to be
very low. VCBM prospects are thus considered to be very poor.


48.2.1 Ayrshire Coalfield

Conditions suitable for UCG are generally limited in this area due to the extensive nature of previous
underground mining activity. However, areas with good potential for UCG have been identified. The
largest area in the Ayrshire Coalfield is between Mauchline and Ochiltree. Seams proved to exceed
2 m thick at the correct depths in areas not associated with old mine workings are restricted to two
boreholes: Kingencleuch No 1 (Hurlford Main 2.52 m at 937 m) and Drumfork Farm Bore (Lugar
Main 2 m at 717 m). These two coals are from the Middle Coal Measures. A large area of unverifiable
UCG potential exists to the west of the area of good potential. Boreholes are present in this area but
typically do not penetrate to depths much in excess of 600 m and no thick coals have been recorded.
Hence this is an area that may have potential.

48.2.2 Douglas Coalfield

In the Douglas Coalfield only the Callow Knowe, Douglas Bh.76 Diamond and Eggerton boreholes
proved coals suitable for UCG. In the latter borehole the Manson Coal in the Passage Formation was
about 8.12 m thick, corrected to 4.66 m for a dip of 55o at a depth of only 260 m. However, this is in a
mined area so has been discounted. In the Callow Knowe Borehole this seam was 2 m thick at a depth
of 871 m. In the Douglas Bh.76 Diamond the Ponfeigh Gas (2.41 m, at 623 m), from the Upper
Limestone Formation, and the Wee Drum (5.54 m at 781 m) and the Skaterigg coals (3.28 m at
792 m) from the Limestone Coal Formation are all considered suitable for UCG.

48.2.3 Sanquhar Coalfield

There is no potential for UCG in the Sanquhar Coalfield.


48.3.1 Ayrshire and Douglas Coalfields

There are only small areas on this map where coal-bearing strata occur at depths greater than 1200 m
and hence would be suitable for carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration. These occur in the Douglas
Coalfield and also in the Ayrshire Coalfield between Tarbolton and Ochiltree. In addition to this CO2
sequestration may also be feasible across all areas where CBM and UCG can take place. The best
location for such a scheme would occur where there are good prospects for UCG and a
correspondingly high methane content. Such a situation occurs in area in the Ayrshire Coalfield
between Mauchline and Ochiltree.

48.3.2 Sanquhar Coalfield
There is no potential for CO2 sequestration in the Sanquhar Coalfield.

49 MINING MAP 19a (East and Central Scotland)


49.1.1 Central Coalfield

The Central Coalfield covers an area of 1100 km2. The (Westphalian) Coal Measures coalfield
centred on Glasgow, Airdrie, Carluke and East Kilbride is essentially exhausted after intensive mining
since the industrial revolution. The main resources are in the Limestone Coal Formation but they are
limited by the general lack of seams over 1.5 m thick. A generalised stratigraphy for this area is
shown in Figure 38.

Currently there are no deep mines in operation in this area. Cardowan Colliery, in the western part of
the coalfield, was the last deep mine to close. Cardowan Colliery was noted as a particularly gassy pit.
Indeed methane was systematically collected and sold commercially to a local whisky plant. Gassy
pits extended eastwards to Herbertshire near Falkirk. The Chryston area of north-east Glasgow is
blighted by the escape of methane gas from the Carboniferous bedrock to the surface.

49.1.2 Clackmannan and North East Stirlingshire Coalfields

The Clackmannan and North East Stirlingshire coalfields cover an area of 540 km2 and are centred on
the towns of Alloa and Falkirk, north and south of the Forth respectively.

There has been widespread exploitation of coal resources in this area within the largely exhausted
productive Coal Measures, the Upper Limestone Formation and the Limestone Coal Formation. A
generalised stratigraphy for this area is shown in Figure 38. The Longannet Mine Complex, the last
deep mine in Scotland, was forced to close by flooding in 2002. The Coal Measures are essentially
exhausted. However, in the overlying Upper Limestone Formation, the Plean No1 Coal is up to 2 m
thick and the Upper Hirst seam up to 3.7 m thick. Both seams are known to diminish substantially in
thickness on a regional basis. The Upper Hirst Coal was extensively mined at the Longannet Mine
complex. However, there are still considerable areas within which both seams are intact and more
than 500-800 m below ground.

There are still extensive areas of deep coal in the Limestone Coal Formation, although their resource
potential is limited by the general lack of thick seams. However, over 25 seams may be more than
0.3 m thick in the best areas, producing a total cumulative thickness of 8 to 24 m of coal. However,
the number of seams diminishes both to the west and south to 6 or less. The seams that reach 3 m
thick such as the Bannockburn Main Coal complex (Stirling) and the west Fife Jersey complex
(=Wester Main of Bo’ness) are rather variable and are characterised by common seam splitting.

Many of the coals in this area fall into the British Coal's Coal Rank Code main classes 500, 600, 700,
800 and 900. These are high volatile very strongly caking to non-caking bituminous coals. There is a

distinct increase in coal rank from east to west across the coalfield such that small quantities of class
100 (anthracite) and 300 (coking) coals were once mined in the Stirling area.

The Airth coalbed methane project, near Kincardine Bridge, is in the coalfield. This has produced
flows of coalbed methane and water from the Limestone Coal Formation (Bacon 1995).

Geologically, the coalfield comprises is a synclinal fold, known as the Clackmannan Syncline. Its axis
trends broadly north-south and the inclination of the strata on its flanks is between 3-14 degrees. In
general, faulting is neither severe nor closely-spaced. The general trend of the faulting is east-west,
the main faults being the Ochil, Abbey Craig, Alloa, Clackmannan, and Kincardine Ferry faults. They
all throw down to the south, the maximum values being in the range of 120-240 m, with the exception
of the West Ochil Fault. This forms the northern margin of the coalfield and is a more fundamental
structure with a throw of as much as 1300 m. Other important faults trend NW-SE, e.g. the Sheardale
and Arndean faults. These have large downthrows to the south-west.

49.1.3 Fife Coalfield

The Fife Coalfield covers an area of approximately 450 km2. The towns of Dunfermline, Glenrothes
and Kirkcaldy lie in the area with smaller burghs like Leven on the coast. A generalised stratigraphy
for this area is shown in Figure 38.

There has been widespread exploration for coal resources in this area principally within the largely
exhausted Coal Measures. A little deep mining has taken place in the Limestone Coal Formation on-
and offshore at the former Rothes and Seafield collieries. Rothes closed because of a variety of
problems including water, thin coals, burning of seams by a major quartz-dolerite intrusive sill and
volcanic necks affecting seam quality. At Seafield, steep dips limited the interest in the Limestone
Coal Formation as thicker and often less steeply dipping seams were available in the Coal Measures.

To the south the Fife Coalfield forms part of a major fold structure, the Leven Syncline, which
continues southwards beneath the Firth of Forth and emerges on the south side of the Firth as the
Lothian Coalfield. Much of the deeper prospects lie beneath the Leven Syncline and the smaller
Thornton-Balgonie and Lundin Coalfield synclines to the west and east respectively. The
Carboniferous succession in the Leven Basin thins westwards and eastwards over the Burntisland
Anticline and the Earlsferry Anticline. These structures appear to have exercised control on
sedimentation from late Dinantian times onwards.

The axes of the folds trend broadly north-south and the inclination of the strata usually is between 10-
18 degrees. In general, faulting as observed in the exhausted Coal Measures mine workings is neither
severe nor closely spaced. However, the Limestone Coal Formation is more affected by folding and

Most of the coals in this area fall into the British Coal's Coal Rank Code main classes 700, 800 and
900. These are high volatile caking to non-caking bituminous coals.

The Carboniferous sedimentary rocks have been intruded by igneous sills of quartz- and olivine
(teschenitic)-dolerite, commonly 60-160 m thick. The occurrence of agglomerate-filled vents and

pipes of basaltic intrusions also show that igneous activity will have a locally important influence on
coal rank and the presence or loss of methane.

49.1.4 Lothian Coalfield

The Lothian Coalfield covers an area of about 270 km2. The city of Edinburgh lies immediately west
of the Lothian Coalfield. The area is generally low-lying, with the Pentland Hills to the west and the
Lammermuir Hills to the east. Away from the coast and south of Edinburgh much of the coalfield is
rural. A generalised stratigraphy for this area is shown in Figure 38.

The Westphalian Coal Measures have been very heavily worked and are essentially exhausted. Deep
mining ended with the closure of Monktonhall Colliery in 1994. Most of the remaining resources lie
the Limestone Coal Formation.

The thickest and deepest part of the coalfield lies beneath the Midlothian Syncline. This plunges to
the north such that the Limestone Coal Formation seams are buried to depths of 800 m under the
coastal strip at Musselburgh.

The Midlothian Syncline continues northwards beneath the Firth of Forth and emerges on the north
side in the Fife Coalfield. Offshore it is referred to as the Leven Syncline. In general, faulting
observed in the exhausted Coal Measures mine workings is not severe but may be closely spaced.

The Carboniferous sedimentary rocks have been intruded by igneous dykes of quartz-dolerite but
these are known mainly in the offshore area. They will have had little influence on seam rank (i.e.
coking, anthracitising or decarbonising) or chemistry. Only detailed investigation would reveal the
effect of the intrusions on methane occurrence, production and loss.

In the Lothian Coalfield as a whole, up to 15 seams in the Limestone Coal Formation exceed 1 m in
thickness. The total cumulative thickness of coal between the Index Limestone and North Coal is 3-
28 m. Most of the coals are high volatile caking to non-caking bituminous coals.

The mean methane content of the Stairhead Seam in the Limestone Coal Formation is 0.8 m3/tonne
(Creedy 1981). If this measurement is representative of the virgin gas content in the Limestone Coal
Formation, it is far too low for the coalfield to be considered as a coalbed methane prospect and
ECBM would not be viable.

In parts of the area, there is some possibility of supplementing the potential resource base in the
Limestone Coal Formation. Additional coal seams about 1 m thick occur in the overlying Upper
Limestone and underlying Lower Limestone formations.


49.2.1 Central Coalfield

Significant areas technically amenable to opencast coal mining occur in this area. The main targets
are the Middle and Lower Coal Measures and to a lesser extent the Limestone Coal Formation. Apart

from parts of the Kelvin and Clyde valleys, largely unconsolidated Quaternary deposits cover the
Carboniferous rocks to depths usually around 6-20 m but locally over 40-90 m in the above valleys’
bedrock depressions. They do not generally restrict the areas available to opencasting. The coal seams
are generally low sulphur. The Damside OCCS, Drumshangie OCCS and Watsonhead OCCS in
North Lanarkshire are three of the currently active sites in the Coal Measures.

49.2.2 Clackmannan Coalfield

Significant areas technically amenable to opencast coal mining occur in this area. Main prospects are
the Lower and Middle Coal Measures and the Limestone Coal Formation. Thick Quaternary deposits
(50 to>90 m) in the Carron, Forth and Devon valleys restrict the areas available to opencasting. The
coal seams are generally low sulphur. Meadowhill OCCS in Clackmannanshire is currently active,
extracting coals from the Lower Coal Measures.

49.2.3 Fife Coalfield

Significant areas technically amenable to opencast coal mining occur in the Fife Coalfield. The main
coals occur in the Lower and Middle Coal Measures and the Limestone Coal Formation.
Exceptionally, as thick coal is not normally a feature of this unit, there are reserves remaining in the
Passage Formation in the Lochore Basin at Westfield OCCS. Apart from the coast, where bedrock is
seen on parts of the shore, largely unconsolidated Quaternary deposits cover the Carboniferous rocks
to depths usually around 6-10 m but locally over 30 m. They do not generally restrict the areas
available to opencasting. Although offshore, the SeaLab No 2 Borehole provides a reference for the
amount of coal present the Lower and Middle Coal Measures. The relevant part of the Middle Coal
Measures contains 6-8 seams thicker than 0.4 m amounting to a cumulative thickness of about 10.3 m
of coal (5%) in 198 m of strata. The Lower Coal Measures contain a similar number of coals but up to
3.3 m thick, with a cumulative coal thickness of 11.68 m of coal (4%) in 289 m of strata. The coal
seams are generally low sulphur. Randolph OCCS and Woodbank Remediation OCCS are currently
active in Lower Coal Measures. The Begg Farm OCCS, Colton Extension OCCS and Greenbank
Extension OCCS are currently extracting the Limestone Coal Formation.

49.2.4 Lothian Coalfield

Significant areas technically amenable to opencast coal mining occur in the Lothian Coalfield. The
main prospects are the Lower and Middle Coal Measures and the Limestone Coal Formation.
Exceptionally, there are potential reserves in the Passage Formation, e.g. the Eskmouth Extra Coal in
the Musselburgh area but these are largely in built-up areas. Apart from parts of the North and South
Esk valleys, largely unconsolidated Quaternary deposits cover the Carboniferous rocks to depths
usually around 6-20 m but locally over 40 m. However they do not generally restrict the areas
available to opencasting. The coal seams are generally low sulphur. The Mentieth Houses OCCS and
Oxenfoord West OCCS are currently active sites in the Limestone Coal Formation.


49.3.1 Central and Clackmannan Coalfields

There has been intensive and extensive coal mining in this area since the industrial revolution.
However, the closure of Longannet Mine in 2002 ended deep mining in the area. There are still
extensive reserves, e.g. in the Hirst coal and the Limestone Coal Formation but those in the Limestone
Coal formation are limited by the general lack of seams over 1.5 m thick.

49.3.2 Fife Coalfield
Seafield and Frances collieries were the last of the deep mines to close in Fife, in the 1980s. The Coal
Measures are essentially exhausted onshore but extensive reserves of coal exist under the Firth of
Forth in the former take of the Michael, Frances and Seafield collieries. In the Michael Colliery, the
Lower Coal Measures contain about 18 m of coal in 9 seams over 0.4 m thick. To this total in the
general area including Frances and Randolph collieries can be added from 1 m to 3 m for the
Lethemwell Coal in the top of the Passage Formation. The key seams are the Barncraig, Coxtool,
Chemiss, Bowhouse, Branxton, Dysart Main, Coronation and Lower Dysart. All but the Branxton are
normally 2 m thick or more. There are still extensive areas of deep coal in the Limestone Coal
Formation but their resource potential is limited by the general lack of seams over 1.5 m thick. The
clearest but largely unproven prospect lies to the east of the former Rothes Colliery and extends
across the coastal plain under the Firth of Forth. The Windygates, Cameron Bridge and Wellsgreen
boreholes give some indication of the potential. In these there are between 16 and 21 seams thicker
than 0.4 m, of which 3 to 7 are thicker than 1 m and 0 to 2 more than 2 m. The seams exceeding two
metres are the Little Splint, Cowdenbeath Five Foot and Largoward Thick but they do not necessarily
exceed 2 m in the same boreholes. In the Windygates Borehole there are 22 m (6%) of coal in 341 m
of strata.

49.3.3 Lothian Coalfield

Monktonhall Colliery was the last of the deep mines to close in this part of central Scotland and was
working coals in the Limestone Coal and Lower Limestone formations. The Coal Measures are
essentially exhausted and the resource potential of the reserves of coal that exist in the Limestone
Coal and Lower Limestone formations are limited by the general lack of seams over 1.5 m thick.
Under Musselburgh and offshore under the Firth of Forth all the coal-bearing formations have good
potential. The most recent drilling focussed on the Coal Measures (Briarthorn Nos 1-6 boreholes).
Thick coals near the base of the Lower Coal Measures and top of the Passage Formation are of
particular interest.


As there are no working mines in the area covered by the map, no coal mine methane is now


49.5.1 Central Coalfield

A general assessment of mine water recovery in this area is difficult. There are few mine water
outflows in the western part of the coalfield and those in the east are pumped from Polkemmet
Colliery. There may be AMM prospects in limited areas if initial seam gas contents were high

49.5.2 Clackmannan Coalfield

It is probable that mine water levels have recovered in this coalfield. The last mine, Longannet, was
closed due to flooding in 2002. Methane levels in the Westphalian Coal Measures are likely to be low
in most mines, whereas in the Limestone Coal Formation they may be significant. However, AMM
prospects are poor because of the likely mine water recovery.

49.5.3 Fife Coalfield
Mine waters in the Limestone Coal Formation in this coalfield have recovered and a number of
surface water discharges exist. The Westphalian Coal Measures workings are interconnected - apart
from those at Seafield Colliery. They are believed to be recovering as a single unit. However initial
seam gas contents in the Westphalian Coal Measures are probably too low for AMM production. The
mean methane content of the Bowhouse and Dysart Main seams in the Lower Coal Measures is 0.6-
1.2 m3/tonne (Creedy 1991).

49.5.4 Lothian Coalfield

Mine waters in the relatively shallow East Lothian Coalfield and shallow workings in the Midlothian
Coalfield are probably recovered. Mine waters in the deep Midlothian Coalfield are probably
recovering. In the western part of the Midlothian Coalfield, mine waters are pumped from the former
Moncktonhall Colliery.

50 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 19b (East and Central Scotland)


50.1.1 Central Coalfield

The Central Coalfield has been heavily worked since the industrial revolution. The Westphalian Coal
Measures are largely exhausted and probably contain few viable VCBM prospects.

The total thickness of coal in the Limestone Coal Formation in seams >0.4 m thick varies between
approximately 1.8 and 12 m, with the highest values confined to the Kilsyth Trough and the southern
extension of the Clackmannan Basin beneath the Falkirk-Stane Syncline. Further seams are present in
Dinantian strata beneath the Limestone Coal Formation. Seam gas content measurements (Creedy
1986) are given in Table 8.

Cardowan Colliery, in the east of the area, adjacent to the Clackmannan Syncline, was known to be a
gassy colliery. VCBM prospects in the Limestone Coal Formation probably increase to the east
towards the Clackmannan Syncline.

50.1.2 Clackmannan Coalfield

The Clackmannan Coalfield may be the most prospective of the Scottish Midland Valley coalfields.
Seam methane contents are 8-10 m3/tonne in the Limestone Coal Formation at Airth. Significant gas
and water production has been established from VCBM wells in the Limestone Coal Formation
(Bacon 1995). There are ten seams in the Limestone Coal Formation at Airth. Permeability measured
after hydrofracturing of the seams is reported as up to 25 mD (Creedy 1999). Nonetheless, economic
gas production has not been established.

50.1.3 Fife Coalfield
The mean methane content of the Bowhouse and Dysart Main seams in the Lower Coal Measures is
0.6-1.2 m3/tonne (Creedy 1981). This demonstrates that the Westphalian Coal Measures have no
potential as a coalbed methane prospect. There has been no CBM exploration to date in the Fife

Between 2 and 8 seams in the Limestone Coal Formation are >1 m thick. No seam gas content
measurements have been made in the Limestone Coal Formation coals. The seams are at their deepest
beneath the coast of the Firth of Forth and offshore between the Fife and Lothian coalfields. The
VCBM prospectivity is uncertain.

50.1.4 Lothian Coalfield

The mean methane content of the Stairhead Seam in the Limestone Coal Formation is 0.8 m3/tonne
(Creedy 1981). If this measurement is representative of the virgin gas content in the Limestone Coal
Formation, it is far too low for the coalfield to be considered as a VCBM prospect. There has been no
CBM exploration to date in the Lothian Coalfield.


50.2.1 Central and Clackmannan Coalfields

There are three areas considered suitable for UCG in the Clackmannan and Central coalfields. These
are to the north-west of Falkirk, and two areas along the Firth of Forth. Coals that meet the criteria are
the Upper Hirst (Upper Limestone Formation), Bannockburn, Wester Main, Kelty Main and No.1 and
2 Jersey coals, Glassee and Mynheer from the Limestone Coal Formation. Good prospects occur
northwards from Grangemouth to the area of the former Longannet Colliery and north and west of
Stenhousemuir. It is possible that the good areas extend further to the south-west, into the area
between Falkirk and Cumbernauld. However, there are few deep boreholes hence this area is marked
as unverifiable.

50.2.2 Fife Coalfield

In Fife there are two small areas that meet the criteria for UCG, one onshore and one offshore. The
onshore area occurs between Glenrothes and Methil, whereas the offshore area lies along the western
flank of the Leven Syncline. Coals meeting the criteria include the Upper Limestone Formation Craig
Coal, and the Upper Cardenden Smithy, Lochgelly Splint, Cowdenbeath Jewel and Cowdenbeath Five
Foot from the Limestone Coal Formation. To the north and east of this good UCG prospect is a large
area of unverifiable UCG. Here there are no boreholes greater than 600 m in depth.

50.2.3 Lothian Coalfield

In Lothian the coal-bearing strata are limited to a narrow synclinal area between Musselburgh and
Penicuik. The extensive former underground coal mining restricts the areas available for UCG
exploitation. However, small areas with potential exist immediately offshore from Musselburgh and
to the south-east of Edinburgh. Seams that meet the criteria include the Lower Coal Measures

Musselburgh Fifteen Foot and Seven Foot and, from the Limestone Coal Formation, the Great,
Gillespie and Blackchapel.


50.3.1 Clackmannan Coalfield

There is a small area where the Limestone Coal Formation is at depths >1200 m in the extreme north
of the Clackmannan Syncline. This may have theoretical potential for CO2 sequestration in unminable
coal. There is a possibility that CO2 sequestration could take place as part of an ECBM project if
commercial CBM production can be established. There are areas of good UCG potential in the
Central and Clackmannan coalfields where there may be potential to combine UCG and CO2

50.3.2 Fife Coalfield

There is a small area where the Limestone Coal Formation is at depths >1200 m near the Fife coast.
This may have theoretical potential for CO2 sequestration in unminable coal. There are small areas of
good UCG potential in the Fife Coalfield (onshore and offshore) where there may be potential to
combine UCG and CO2 sequestration.

50.3.3 Lothian Coalfield

There are two small areas of good UCG potential in the Lothian Coalfield (one offshore and one
onshore) where there may be potential to combine UCG and CO2 sequestration.

50.3.4 Leven Syncline

The only areas where the Westphalian Coal Measures reach depths >1200 m and therefore have
potential for CO2 sequestration in unminable coals, is in the centre of the Leven Syncline beneath the
Firth of Forth. Further potential may exist in the Limestone Coal Formation in the Leven Syncline.

51 MINING MAP 20a (Brora)


The Brora Coalfield forms a small area (approximately 2 km2) of exposed coal-bearing strata in the
north-east of Scotland. A concealed extension of the coalfield continues for an unknown distance
under the sea. The Brora Coalfield comprises rocks of the Brora Shale Formation, a Middle Jurassic
(Bathonian to Callovian) succession (Figure 39). There has been extensive mining in the Brora
Coalfield since the 16th Century, from the outcrop down to about 225 m below surface. The last mine
in the area closed in 1968. The principal worked seam, the Main or Brora Coal, is up to 1 m in
thickness in places but is rich in pyrite and has a high ash content and it has been noted that mine
waters associated with working this coal were particularly acidic. The coal showed a tendency to
spontaneously combust. The only other seam of interest is the Parrot, which can sometimes be up to
1.83 m in thickness, but it is typically shaly and of inferior quality.

There is very little opencast potential in this coalfield however, due to its limited size (<2 km2), the
presence of extensive shallow workings, the urban area of Brora and its overall low-lying position
both flanking a river and close to the shoreline. It thus forms a poor prospect.


There has been extensive mining of the Main Coal at Brora, from the outcrop down to about 225 m
below surface. The limited size of the coalfield, lack of high quality coals and extent of old workings
means there are no prospects for the further large scale underground extraction of coal in this


Due to the absence of working mines, there are no CMM prospects in the Brora Coalfield.


The Brora Coalfield, based on one or at most 2 seams, was worked intermittently from the sixteenth
to nineteenth centuries. Mine workings are shallow and there are thought to be no AMM prospects.



The VCBM prospects of this coalfield are considered likely to be extremely poor as it is shallow and
the seams do not provide a thick coal resource base. The seam gas content is unknown and little is
known about the permeability of the seams.


The thickest coals in this coalfield are the Main (c. 1 m thick) and the Parrot (c. 1.83 m thick).
Boreholes tend to be quite shallow (i.e. none greater than 105 m), but mine workings extend down to
depths of about 225 m below surface with the deeper workings in the ESE. There may be a deeper
extension to the coalfield to the south-east under the sea but it is doubtful whether coal will be present
at depths in excess of 600 m and this, combined with the lack of thick coals, indicates that conditions
suitable for UCG are probably not met in this area.

There is no potential for CO2 sequestration because the coal seams are deep enough and there is no
potential for sequestration in combination with UCG or CBM production.

53 MINING MAP 21a (Northern Ireland)


53.1.1 Ballycastle Coalfield

Coal has been worked since at least 1733 in this area but there are no mining operations active at the
present day. Most of the coal-bearing strata in this coalfield are of Lower Carboniferous, Brigantian
age, although the upper part is thought to be of Namurian (?Pendleian-Arnsbergian) age (Sevastopulo
2001) (Figure 40). The succession is about 580 m in thickness, locally up to 700 m. The first (oldest)
prominent development is the Murlough Bay Coal Group, which is present in the Cross Borehole
where the total succession is 46 m thick. These coals were worked on a small scale at the Ballyvoy
Colliery, where they are known as the Ballyvoy Coals. However, they are relatively thin and of poor
quality. The Ballyvoy Coals were proved by drilling inland and are probably the same as those
worked on the east side of Fair Head (the Murlough Bay Coal Group). The next coal (White Mine or
Coal A) is separated from the Ballyvoy coals by approximately 120 m of siliciclastic sedimentary
rocks. Above this is the Sronbane Coal, which lies just above the Carrickmore Marine Band. The
succession above the marine band, up to the Main Coal is known as the Main Limestone Group. This
contains the Main Limestone, the Limestone Coal, the Middle Till coal (0.6 m in Craigfad No.2 Bh)
and the Wee Coal (0.25 m in Craigfad No.2 Bh).

The Main Coal is the most important coal in the coalfield, comprising from 1 to 1.4 m of good quality
coal and has been extensively worked. The base of the Upper Carboniferous (Namurian) is taken at
the position of the Main Coal. Most of the mines worked the Main Coal. From an old composite mine
plan (c.1890) it looks like nearly all the Main Coal has been worked out between the cliffs and the
Great Gaw - a major E-W fault that is intruded by a basaltic dyke - except for the area nearest the
fault which is affected by water. At Salt Pans and Bath Lodge the Main Coal is below sea-level and is
unworked in a small area only. To the east, towards Fair Head, the Main Coal occupies a small area
that has been partly worked at Craigfad.

The Main Coal is separated from the next coal development, the Upper Coal Group, by the
McGildowney’s Marine Band. These highest coals include the Hawk’s Nest Coal, the Splint Coal and
the Bath Lodge Coal. The Hawk’s Nest coal varies from 0.91 m in the western part of the coalfield to
1.22 m at Pollard Colliery. It is a low grade coal with high ash content. The Hawk’s Nest seam has
been worked to the west at Salt Pans and Bath Lodge. The Splint Coal, rarely worth working, is about
0.76 m in thickness. Further details can be obtained from the BGS Ballycastle Memoir (Wilson &
Robbie 1966). The rank of these coals is 902 and Calorific value varies from 12.98 to 29.31 MJ/kg
(5570 to 12579 Btu/lb), with average values of 18.64 MJ/kg (8000 Btu/lb).

53.1.2 Dungannon-Coalisland Coalfield

This coalfield covers an area of approximately 13 km2 and comprises an area of Lower Coal Measures
in the north-east, less than 2 km2 in size, and an older, coal-bearing Namurian succession to the south-

west. The coalfield is bounded to the north by the Congo Fault and the east by the Drumkee Fault
(Fowler & Robbie 1961). To the north-east and south-east the Coal Measures pass unconformably
below Triassic strata. Coals were worked from numerous shallow shafts and much of the coalfield
down to depths of 180 m was exhausted by 1872. The main Coal Measures coals are the Derry (at
base), Monkey, Beltiboy, Gortnaskea, Brackaville, Bone, Annagher, Crow and Kelly (top) (Figure
41). The most important seams for working are the Derry, Brackaville and Annagher coals. Where
shallow nearly all these seams have been extensively worked in the Coalisland district. Generalised
coal thicknesses are shown in Figure 41. In the Namurian succession the most important seam is the
Main which has been worked at outcrop and at shallow depths at the Congo, Lewin, Dungannon
(Emerald Pit) and Drumglass collieries (Fowler & Robbie 1961).

To the south-east of Coalisland, the Yard coal (1.22-1.37 m) was worked at Creenagh Colliery - it is
unworked in the area of Triassic outcrop between this colliery and the Drumkee Fault where it
deepens. To the north of the main Coalisland Colliery and again beneath the Triassic the coals have
not been worked extensively; here the Bartley pits did not last long.

53.1.3 Annaghone Coalfield

This forms a very small faulted block 6.5 km to the north of the Coalisland Coalfield. It comprises a
narrow, east-west trending strip 1.6 km long and 330 m wide and is bounded on all sides by faults
(Fowler & Robbie 1961). The coalfield comprises a Lower Coal Measures succession and probably
contains the upper part of the Coalisland succession (Ramsbottom et al. 1978). The coalfield has been
worked out and mining had ceased before 1871. Between 1933 and 1936 some coal was worked from
the Cratley Shaft. Four coals have been proved from this coalfield: The Crow, Main (=Annagher of
Coalisland), Shining (=bone coal of Coalisland) and an unnamed coal. None of these coals reaches
>0.3 m in thickness.

Coal Measures may well be present to the north and east of the Dungannon- Coalisland district, at
considerable depths below younger sediments (D. Reay pers comm. 2003). If present south-east of the
Bellmount - Drumkee Faults they will be at depths >1 km. Borehole Dernagh No. 2 shows a
condensed Coal Measures-Namurian (Millstone Grit) sequence, although it is likely that some of the
section has been cut out by a fault (D. Reay pers comm. 2003). Seismic lines west of Lough Neagh
show a package of high amplitude reflectors possibly indicating Coal Measures in places (D. Reay
pers comm. 2003). Differential Variscan inversion of individual fault blocks probably means that the
Coal Measures have been completely eroded from some but preserved on others.

53.1.4 Lough Neagh Lignite Field

The Lough Neagh lignites occur within the Lough Neagh Group. The Lough Neagh Group occurs
across an area of 500 km2, of which some 300 km2 is below Lough Neagh (Griffith et al. 1987). It has
an arcuate outcrop around the western (Coagh), southern (Portadown) and eastern (Crumlin) shores of
Lough Neagh (Legg 1992). It is thought to be up to 400 m in thickness and consists of interbedded
sands, clays and lignites of Oligocene age (Legg 1992) resting on the Antrim Lava Group (Figure 42).
The best borehole through the entire succession was drilled at Washing Bay in 1919. This proved
350 m of strata. Wright (1924) divided these into 3 units (the Upper Clays and Sands (245 m), the
Middle Shales (38m) and the Lower Clays and Sands (58 m). The thickest beds of lignite (up to 2 m)
were found in the lower unit. However, much thicker lignites occur in other areas.

Crumlin area: In this area three lignite seam groups occur – an upper lignite (10-43 m thick), a lower
lignite (11-63 m thick) and a basal lignite (1-19 m thick). The lower lignite is the most important
seam. Using the known thicknesses for the units in the group, the maximum depth of the basal lignite
below surface would be 341 m. Wilkinson et al. (1980) suggest that the lignites in this area are up to
22 m in thickness. A few kilometres to the south of Crumlin (at Ballinderry-Aghalee) lignites are thin
and seams are typically less than 2 m in thickness, with 5 seams known (Wilkinson et al. 1980).

East Tyrone (Coagh): Boreholes here show one seam of lignite, up to a maximum of 45 m in
thickness. The maximum thickness of Lough Neagh Group sediments in East Tyrone is 283 m
(unbottomed) (Legg 1992).

53.1.5 Ballymoney Lignite Field

Lignites of the Lough Neagh Group also occur in the Ballymoney area, north of the Tow Valley Fault.
By 1989 a total of 92 exploration boreholes had been drilled around this area, with an estimated 620
Mt of lignite delineated. Six correlatable seams occur, over an area of 12.5 km2 (Legg 1992). At
Greenville, near Ballymoney, approximately 70 m of lignite was recorded. The maximum depth of
this lignite is about 280 m (Legg 1992).


The area of outcrop of the lignite deposits is quite extensive, thus there is potential for opencast
mining of the lignites in Northern Ireland.


There is no realistic potential for underground mining of the lignites in Northern Ireland and no
potential for mining the hard coals, which are essentially exhausted.


There are no working underground mines in Northern Ireland and so there is no CMM potential.


Due to the small size and age of the abandoned coalfields it is considered highly unlikely that there
are any AMM prospects.

54 NEW TECHNOLOGY MAP 21b (Northern Ireland)


The Coalisland and Ballycastle coalfields are small and heavily worked. The gas content of the seams
is not known. The VCBM prospects are probably very poor because of the heavy working.


Although thick seams of lignite well in excess of the 2 m cut-off are present in the area around Lough
Neagh, it would appear that none of the published records indicates the lignite is present at depths in
excess of 600 m. Therefore it is unlikely that the Lough Neagh lignites form a UCG resource as
defined in this report. In terms of the Carboniferous aged coals, boreholes indicate that only the
Annagher Coal, in the Coalisland Coalfield, forms a seam in excess of 2 m in thickness. However,
none of the Westphalian and Namurian aged coalfields contain coals that occur at suitable depths for


There is no potential for CO2 sequestration in any of the coalfields as there is no coal recorded below
1200 m depth and no realistic CBM or UCG prospects.



The following topics are suggested for further study:

1. This study is being undertaken in parallel with other studies on the environmental issues of UCG
and its public perception. It is becoming clear that these issues will determine the location and
development of UCG trial operations in the UK. For instance, brown field sites, estuarine and near
offshore locations will obviously be preferable to rural or populated areas. Separation between the
coal resource and the processing plant will also have to be considered. The way forward for the
onshore coal resources is to look closely at the more promising areas for UCG (both good and
possibly unverifiable areas), as identified in this report, and the apply the lessons and advice that are
being developed in these other projects. This exercise will further reduce the potential areas for UCG,
but those that remain are more likely to be high value prospects. It is then suggested that the coal
geology is revisited for these target area, with a view to identifying a new short list of sites for trial
and semi-commercial UCG projects in the UK.

2. Because of the importance of the nearshore areas, a more detailed study of areas where coal-
bearing strata occur, including estuaries, should be made. It is recommended that this study extends to
a distance of 10 km from the shore (on the basis that the longest deviated wells drilled from onshore

into the nearshore zone are about 8 km long, at the Wytch Farm oilfield, Dorset). The underground
mining data used in this project did not extend more than about 1 km offshore and these areas may be
some of the most promising for the new exploitation technologies.

3. The study should be extended selectively to the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS). A study of coal
resources on the UKCS has been made (see Knight et al. 1994) but this is a non-exclusive report that
is not in the public domain and is not available to BGS, so no comment can be made on it here. There
are extensive coal resources on the UKCS, in Carboniferous and younger strata. Whilst it is unlikely
that they will be exploited more than a few kilometres from shore by any of the new technologies in
the near future, it would be useful to have the resource information. Each coal-bearing formation
needs to be mapped and depth and isopach maps constructed. It is recommended that the number and
continuity of their contained coals be databased and an estimate of the total coal resource in each
formation calculated. Other additional data such as coal quality and rank can also be gathered at this
stage. A similar approach to that used here should be adopted, consisting of:

i) Creation of an offshore well database detailing the number and thickness of coal seams and
the formations in which they are found. The thickness of coal seams is not known precisely in
offshore wells because the only information commonly available is drill cuttings and
geophysical logs. In particular there is evidence that thin seams may be under-represented on
oil industry geophysical logs (Knight et al. 1996). Any information on coal quality and rank
could be databased at the same time.
ii) For offshore areas, subject to copyright approval from the UK Offshore Operators
Association, maps showing the locations of coal-bearing formations in the 'Lithostratigraphic
Nomenclature of the UK North Sea', Lithostratigraphic Nomenclature of the UK North West
Margin' and 'Lithostratigraphic Nomenclature of the East Irish Sea Basin' could be digitised.
Type wells could be used to illustrate the geology and characteristics of these coal-bearing
iii) Released offshore oil and gas wells could be used to make depth and isopach maps of the
relevant formations. Maps should be plotted showing the cumulative thickness of coal and
number of seams in each relevant formation and thus estimate the total UK offshore coal
resource, its distribution and approximate depth. Sets of maps could be created using different
geophysical log cutoffs for seam thickness.
iv) Other information such as water depth, licence areas, the location of offshore installations and
areas where there may be potential conflicts of interest could be added to the maps.
v) A search for coal-bearing formations outside these areas of the Continental Shelf, where there
are vastly fewer wells (e.g. in the English Channel), could then be conducted more
economically and the data added to the database.

4. This study has identified areas with good potential for the new exploitation technologies. It is
proposed that these areas be studied in more detail to properly evaluate their resource potential. This
should include a detailed review of all data available in an area. In particular, a full analysis of all
boreholes, rather than the selected ones used in this study should be made, and seismic datasets
should be interpreted to provide information on seam dips, seam continuity and presence of faulting.

It is recommended that detailed studies should be made of the following VCBM prospects:

• The Clackmannan Syncline (Map 19b: CBM areas 1 & 2)

• The concealed extension to the Canonbie Coalfield (Map 14b)

• North Staffordshire (Map 10b: CBM areas 2 & 3)
• The Douglas Coalfield (Map 18b: CBM Area 1)
• South Lancashire (Map 10b: CBM Area 1)
• North Wales (Map 9b: CBM Areas 1-5)
• South Wales (Map 4b: all CBM areas)

All these areas apart from the Douglas Coalfield are known to have good VCBM resources. It is
recommended that detailed studies should be made of the following UCG prospects:

• The Clackmannan Syncline, particularly the Firth of Forth area (Map 19b)
• The Leven Syncline, offshore from Musselburgh, East Lothian (Map 19b)
• The concealed extension to the Canonbie Coalfield (Map 14b)
• South Lancashire (Map 10b)
• North Wales (Map 9b)
• Nottinghamshire-Yorkshire (Maps 11b & 12b)
• Park prospect, North Staffordshire (Map 7b)
• East Staffordshire (Map 7b)
• Warwickshire (Maps 6b & 7b)
• Oxfordshire-Berkshire (Map 6b)
• South Wales (Map 4b)
• Kent (Map 2b)

5. Whilst a number of VCBM wells have been drilled in the UK, the general opinion is that they were
not successful, although little factual data has emerged to substantiate this. Detailed study is required
to identify and quantify the critical success factors required for VCBM in the UK. One control
thought to be important is low seam permeability, although little quantitative data exists on the
permeability of UK coal seams. Other controlling factors could include a low methane content, lack
of understanding of UK coal seam reservoirs, lack of incentive for investment in field technology and
differences in drilling and completion techniques. It is clear that further study is required to fully
understand the controls, particularly the limiting factors, on the success of VCBM in the UK.

6. New exploratory drilling, including coring, should also be considered to provide data on rock
properties, cleat orientation, methane content, coal permeability, hydrogeological conditions, sorption
isotherms for single gases and gas mixtures (CO2, CH4, N2) and well testing. This could be combined
with a guided drilling trial, in line with the UK’s Cleaner Coal Technology Programme technology
target for UCG (Energy Paper 67, Summary, April 1999). This would then confirm the applicability
of such a technique to UK conditions.

7. Currently, the distribution of AMM resources in this country is poorly understood, mainly because
a detailed understanding of the state of mine water recovery is lacking. There are a significant number
of abandoned mines and the area across which mine water is recovering or is unrecovered is fairly
large, suggesting a good resource base. Hence future research should be focussed on developing a
clearer picture of mine water, as well as a better understanding of the characteristics of an abandoned
mine gas as a gas reservoir and developing methods for enhancing gas production in order to ensure
optimum exploitation of this potentially significant resource.

8. At present the CMM resource limits have been taken as the area represented by the mining licence.
However, this is only an approximation, and over estimates the resource because it assumes that coal
will be extracted over the entire area of the mining licence, which is not the case. For a more detailed

calculation of the remaining CMM resources it is necessary to consider which coal seams have
already been extracted, the area covered by these extractions and any proposed exploitation of
remaining reserves. This would allow a more precise measure of the areas of mine workings which
could then be used for a more accurate CMM resource assessment.



The set-up of several AMM projects in the UK in the last few years suggests that there is considerable
scope for AMM development in the UK. The critical issue for abandoned mine methane projects in
the UK is profitability. The industry has started to ascend a learning curve, but low electricity prices
and an unfavourable fiscal regime compared to that in Germany have resulted in poor profitability.
Thus there is no longer an incentive to develop further projects.


The total VCBM resource in the UK is thought to be about 2.9 x 1012 m3 (see section 9.3 above). This
is a significant resource: Given annual UK natural gas consumption of approximately 100 x 109
m3/year, it corresponds to about 29 years consumption.

However, it is critically important to realise that the part of this resource that realistically could be
exploited in the near future is very much smaller. Even if conditions and costs in the UK coalfields
were as good as those in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama, USA, an economic VCBM resource
base might require a resource density exceeding 1 x 106 m3 ha-1 and a mean seam gas content >7.0
m3/tonne. The UK resource with these characteristics is a little less than 1 x 1012 m3. It is highly
unlikely that much of this could actually be recovered, because all the indications are that low seam
permeability is widespread, and there would in any case be planning constraints, etc. that would lead
to less than optimal field design. Furthermore, CBM recovery is unlikely to exceed 50% even under
optimal conditions. If a more realistic 3% of the dense resource could be recovered this would amount
to 30 x 109 m3, or four months total UK gas supply.

VCBM exploration wells have been drilled in South Wales, the Vale of Clwyd, North Wales and
South Lancashire. However, significant (but not economic) gas and water production has been
established at Airth in the Clackmannan Syncline. One question that needs to be answered at Airth is:
• Does the permeability of coal seams measured after stimulation at Airth reflect the true
intrinsic permeability of the coal seams, or is it due in part to the fracturing of adjacent strata
which are more permeable than the seams themselves?

On the basis of research and experience from decades of mine working and ventilation in the UK it
seems likely that low permeability will be encountered in most, or more likely all, Carboniferous
coalfields in the UK. Thus the most important questions to answer are:
• Are there ways to identify areas of better than average seam permeability?
• Are there ways to improve the in situ seam permeability?

• Are there ways to improve coalbed methane production from low permeability seams?


The most promising areas for UCG are the Clackmannan Syncline, particularly the Firth of Forth
area, the Leven Syncline, offshore from Musselburgh, East Lothian, the concealed extension to the
Canonbie Coalfield, South Lancashire, North Wales, Nottinghamshire-Yorkshire, Park prospect,
North Staffordshire, East Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Oxfordshire-Berkshire, South Wales and Kent.
In these places coals are present at the required depths and meet the minimum thickness of 2 m.
However, additional studies are required to accurately delineate these resource areas. This could
include the need for further exploratory drilling. There are many issues still surrounding the process
of UCG, such as environmental concerns, its economic feasibility, public acceptability, as well as
technical factors such as the ability to accurately drill a deviated in-seam borehole over the required

The total area where coals are suitable for gasification is approximately 4024 km2.

Where the criteria for UCG are met, The minimum total volume of coal suitable for underground coal
gasification in the UK is nearly 5700 x 106m3 (~7 Btonnes) whereas the total volume of coal figure
derived using the average coal thickness meeting the criteria per area is 12,911 x 106m3 (~17 Btonnes)
(Table 7). This represents a resource of 289 years based on the current UK coal consumption of
58 Mtonnes per year.


Although this is a very immature technology, all concepts of carbon dioxide sequestration by sorption
onto coal rely on the presence of significant coal seam permeability to inject the CO2 into the coal at
reasonable rates. Thus in a UK setting, the crucial question mark hangs over the intrinsic seam
permeability, just as it does with VCBM. Furthermore, the potential for fugitive methane emissions
must be controlled because molecule for molecule, methane is a greenhouse gas 7.5 times more
powerful than carbon dioxide (Houghton, 1994). Other important research topics are:
• The need to have a better understanding of the theoretical basis of carbon dioxide
sequestration by sorption onto coal
• Further laboratory experiments at realistic temperature and pressure conditions
• Modelling of the experiments
• Further field trials
Current research programmes such as the partially EU-funded Recopol project may go some way to
answering the question of whether or how this technology could be realised in typical European
Carboniferous coals.


The authors acknowledge the UK Department of Trade and Industry for its financial support of this
study. In particular Michael Green and Peter Sage are thanked for the role in managing the project
and for helpful discussions during its tenure. At the British Geological Survey, a number of people
made important contributions to the project, including Sarah Arkley, Steve Dumpleton, Tony Myers,
Katy Rowlands and Karen Shaw. In particular, Tony Myers is thanked for his expertise in the
production of all the resource maps. At the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland, Derek Reay is also
thanked for providing mine plan data and information on the coalfields.


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YOUNGER, P. L. 1996. Note on the proposed flooding of Point of Ayr Colliery, North Wales, with
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Mine name Location
Ellington North East (Northumberland)
Daw Mill Warwickshire
Tower South Wales
Ricall / Whitemoor Selby (Yorkshire)
Stillingfleet / North Selby Selby (Yorkshire)
Wistow Selby (Yorkshire)
Hatfield Yorkshire
Kellingley Yorkshire
Rossington Yorkshire
Maltby Yorkshire
Thoresby Nottinghamshire
Welbeck Nottinghamshire
Harworth Nottinghamshire
Aberpergwm* South Wales
* smaller anthracite mine

Table 1. Underground coal mines in the UK, June 2003.

Mine Methane capture/utilisation plant

Harworth surface drainage plant - gas used for 14 MWe electrical power generation (2
x 2 Mwe {GT} & 10 Mwe {ST})
Kellingley surface drainage plant - gas used for 2.8 MWe electrical power generation
Maltby surface drainage plant; gas used for 4.2MWe electrical power generation
Riccall/Whitemoor surface drainage plant – some gas used in boilers
Rossington surface drainage plant
Stillingfleet/N Selby surface drainage plant
Tower surface drainage plant - gas used for 8.1 MWe electrical power generation
Thoresby surface drainage plant - gas used for 2.8 MWe electrical power generation
Welbeck surface drainage plant - gas used in boilers and for 2.8 MWe electrical power
Wistow gas drained and discharged underground
Hatfield gas drained and discharged underground

Table 2. Current CMM capture and utilisation in the UK (as of June 2003).

Area of Variable Area of good
Unknown Total area of
AMM resources AMM resources
Area Name Map No. potential AMM potential
(recovering (unrecovered 2 2
2 2 (km ) (km ) *
minewater) (km ) minewater) (km )
South Wales Coalfield 4a 531.1 16.87 900.01 547.97
Midlothian Coalfield (Scotland) 19a 132.74 0 0 132.74
Central Coalfield (Scotland) 19a 456.79 0 0 456.79
Sanquhar Coalfield (Scotland) 18a 47.76 0 0 47.76
North East Coalfield 15a 1232.37 177.95 0 1410.32
Eastern England (Nottinghamshire &
Yorkshire coalfields) 11a & 12a 1507.98 666.05 0 2174.03
Bevercotes Colliery, 12km SW of
Worksop 11a 8.5 0 0 8.5
Asfordby Colliery, 3km NW of
Melton Mowbray 11a 55.81 0 0 55.81
South Lancashire Coalfield 10a 147.41 19.18 0 166.59
North Staffordshire Coalfield 10a 37.68 50.58 0 88.26
South Staffordshire Coalfield 7a 165.84 0 303.2 165.84
Leicestershire Coalfield 7a 89.28 0 0 89.28
Warwickshire Coalfield 7a 196.11 12.79 0 208.9
TOTAL 4609.37 943.42 1203.21 5552.79
* Total AMM area = sum of variable and good AMM areas. Unknown AMM potential not included in this calculation

Table 3. Areas of AMM potential within the UK coalfields.

Area Area of CBM Average Average CBM Resource
Map on polygon Total coal Clean coal range m ethane coal resource density
2 3 6 3 6 3 -1
Area No. Map (km ) thickness thickness* (m /t) value** density 10 m 10 m ha
Kent 2 662.1 11.6 9.86 1 to 4 2.3 1.26 18919 0.29
Pembrokeshire 3 3.7 0.56 0.48 unknown 1.33 0 0.00
South W ales 4 1 58.5 20.6 17.51 19-21 20.0 1.33 27247 4.66
South W ales 4 2 16.8 15.6 13.26 21-24 22.5 1.33 6666 3.97
South W ales 4 3 127.3 13.9 11.82 16-19 17.5 1.33 35007 2.75
South W ales 4 4 244 23.8 20.23 7-10 8.5 1.33 55803 2.29
South W ales 4 5 342.4 11.5 9.78 13-16 14.5 1.33 64546 1.89
South W ales 4 6 290.2 14.5 12.33 10-13 11.5 1.33 54706 1.89
South W ales 4 7 306.6 24 20.40 4-7 5.5 1.33 45753 1.49
South W ales 4 8 451.5 14.31 12.16 unknown 12.0 1.33 87649 1.94
Bristol-Somerset 5 14 2.29 1.95 unknown 0.1 1.26 3 0.00
Newent 5 19 1.72 1.46 unknown 0.1 1.26 4 0.00
Oxfordshire 6 2610.4 12.2 10.37 0.4 0.4 1.26 13643 0.05
Midlands 7 1 136.1 30.3 25.76 7-10 9.0 1.26 39750 2.92
Midlands 7 2 163.3 40.1 34.09 4-7 6.0 1.26 42080 2.58
Midlands 7 3 187 13.2 11.22 unknown 9.0 1.26 23793 1.27
Midlands 7 4 763.7 11.8 10.03 unknown 5.0 1.26 48257 0.63
Midlands 7 5 359.7 26.9 22.87 1-4 2.0 1.26 20726 0.58
Midlands 7 6 195.4 16.3 13.86 unknown 2.0 1.26 6822 0.35
Midlands 7 8 144.8 22.7 19.30 <1 0.5 1.26 1760 0.12
W arwickshire 7 7 270.7 7.9 6.72 1.7 1.7 1.26 3894 0.14
Anglesey 8 27.9 1.4 1.19 unknown 1.0 1.26 42 0.01
Flint-W irral 9 3 820.5 23 19.55 8 8.0 1.26 161691 1.97
North Dee 9 5 246.6 19.4 16.49 8 8.0 1.26 40990 1.66
Point of Ayr 9 1 60.5 30.2 25.67 8 8.0 1.26 15655 2.59
South Dee 9 4 383.4 21.8 18.53 8 8.0 1.26 71612 1.87
Vale of Clwyd 9 2 132.5 4 3.40 7.1 7.1 1.26 4030 0.30
Cheshire Basin 10 8 2034 48 40.80 5 5.0 1.26 522819 2.57
Lancashire 10 1 517.4 41.2 35.02 8.2 8.2 1.26 187209 3.62
Notts/Yorks 11-12 1 1980.25 23 19.55 4 to 7 5.0 1.26 243897 1.23
Notts/Yorks 11-12 2 7169.18 20.74 17.63 5 5.0 1.26 796228 1.11
Notts/Yorks 11-12 3 853.48 22 18.70 1 to 4 2.0 1.26 40219 0.47
Notts/Yorks 11-12 4 862.14 19 16.15 <1 0.5 1.26 8772 0.10
Notts/Yorks 11-12 5 156.81 14.00 11.90 <1 0.5 1.26 1176 0.07
Notts/Yorks 11-12 6 567.07 29 24.65 1 to 4 2.0 1.26 35225 0.62
Canonbie 14 2 89.3 18.8 15.98 4 to 7 6.3 1.26 11328 1.27
Cumbria 14 1 283 18.7 15.90 7 to 10 8.5 1.26 48177 1.70
Northeast 15 1 406.2 15 12.75 4 to 7 5.5 1.26 35891 0.88
Northeast 15 2 650.6 20.3 17.26 1 to 4 2.0 1.26 28290 0.43
Machrihanish 17 26.7 1.12 0.95 2 2.0 1.33 68 0.03
Ayrshire 18 2 437.7 5.6 4.76 3 - 2.8 2.8 1.26 7350 0.17
Douglas 18 1 27.1 35.9 30.52 2 - 2.8 2.8 1.26 2918 1.08
C. Glasgow 19 4 27.3 5.1 4.34 2.0 4.9 1.26 731 0.27
Clackmannan 19 1 304.3 15.8 13.43 9.0 9.0 1.26 46344 1.52
Cumbernauld 19 2 137.2 11.9 10.12 9.0 5.0 1.26 8743 0.64
Dalkeith 19 5 9.8 19.2 16.32 1.2 1.2 1.26 242 0.25
Fife/Forth 19 3 259.46 37.9 32.22 1.2 1.2 1.26 12638 0.49
Kirkintilloch 19 6 30 4.5 3.83 2.0 4.9 1.26 708 0.24
Midlothian 19 7 33.31 17.4 14.79 1.2 1.2 1.26 745 0.22
W est Fife 19 8 12.1 2.78 2.36 1.2 1.2 1.26 43 0.04
** values used here may differ from published values as they refer to different geographical areas
*clean coal thickness = total seam thickness minus 15% allowance for dirt and ash content
Total 2911889

Table 4. CBM resources and resource density in the UK calculated from resource polygons on the
New Technologies maps. Map and area numbers refer specifically to the New Technologies maps that
accompany this report.

Average Average
Area Area of Total coal Clean coal CBM methane coal CBM Resource
Map on polygon thickness thickness range value density resource density
Area No. Map (km2) (m) (m)* (m3/t) (m3/t) (g/cm3) 106m3 106m3 ha-1
South Wales 4 1 58.5 20.6 17.51 19-21 20.0 1.33 27247 4.66
South Wales 4 2 16.8 15.6 13.26 21-24 22.5 1.33 6666 3.97
Lancashire 10 1 517.4 41.2 35.02 8.2 8.2 1.26 187209 3.62
North Staffs 7 1 136.1 30.3 25.76 7-10 9.0 1.26 39750 2.92
South Wales 4 3 127.3 13.9 11.82 16-19 17.5 1.33 35007 2.75
Point of Ayr 9 1 60.5 30.2 25.67 8 8.0 1.26 15655 2.59
South Wales 4 4 244 23.8 20.23 7-10 8.5 1.33 55803 2.29
Flint-Wirral 9 3 820.5 23 19.55 8 8.0 1.26 161691 1.97
South Wales 4 8 451.5 14.31 12.16 12 taken 12.0 1.33 87649 1.94
South Wales 4 5 342.4 11.5 9.78 13-16 14.5 1.33 64546 1.89
South Wales 4 6 290.2 14.5 12.33 10-13 11.5 1.33 54706 1.89
South Dee 9 4 383.4 21.8 18.53 8 8.0 1.26 71612 1.87
Cumbria 14 1 283 18.7 15.90 7 to 10 8.5 1.26 48177 1.70
North Dee 9 5 246.6 19.4 16.49 8 8.0 1.26 40990 1.66
Clackmannan 19 1 304.3 15.8 13.43 9.0 9.0 1.26 46344 1.52
North Staffs 7 3 187 13.2 11.22 (high) 9.0 1.26 23793 1.27
Canonbie 14 2 89.3 18.8 15.98 4 to 7 6.3 1.26 11328 1.27
Total 978172
*clean coal thickness = total seam thickness minus 15% allowance for dirt and ash content
** N.B. values used here refer to polygons on maps, not whole coalfields

Table 5. Areas with mean seam gas content >7 m3/tonne and resource density >1 x 106m3 ha-1.

AIRTH 1 LF/27- 2 HILLFARM EXL237 3 47 24.000W 56 2 57.500N FIFE 09 Aug 1993
AIRTH 2 LF/27- 3 CBM EXL237 3 47 12.000W 56 3 13.500N FIFE 18 Jan 1996
AIRTH 3 LF/27- 4 CBM EXL237 3 46 50.000W 56 2 57.250N FIFE 24 May 1996
AIRTH 4 LF/27- 5 CBM EXL237 3 45 49.000W 56 2 45.500N FIFE 14 Sep 1997
ARNS FARM 3 LF/27- 6 CBM EXL237 3 44 34.000W 56 5 40.000N CLACKMANN19 May 1998
KEMIRA 1 LJ/22- 2 EVERGREEN EXL203 2 47 10.000W 53 16 59.000N CHESHIRE 21 Jan 1994
MARGAM FOREST 1 L105/12- 2 ENRON EXL200 3 41 14.807W 51 34 41.044N GLAM 14 Mar 1996
SEALAND 1 LJ/21- 3 EVERGREEN EXL203 2 56 48.400W 53 12 22.900N CHESHIRE 11 Mar 1992
SEALAND 2 LJ/21- 4 EVERGREEN EXL203 2 57 02.700W 53 12 20.800N CHESHIRE 25 Apr 2000
SEALAND 3 LJ/21- 5 EVERGREEN EXL203 2 56 48.060W 53 12 22.930N CHESHIRE 08 May 2000
SEALAND 4 LJ/21- 6 EVERGREEN EXL203 2 56 55.500W 53 12 31.900N CHESHIRE 13 May 2000
SEALAND 5 LJ/21- 7 EVERGREEN EXL203 2 56 48.060W 53 12 22.930N CHESHIRE 23 May 2000
RHUDDLAN 1 SJ07NW/28 EVERGREEN 3 28 20.49 53 16 59.87 CLWYD Jan/Feb 1993

Table 6. Coalbed methane exploration wells in the UK

Minimum volume of
Average Volume of coal available
Area of coal available for
thickness of for gasification using
Area Name resource gasification (assuming
coal meeting 2 average thickness of coal
(km ) a 2m seam present) 6 3
UCG criteria (m) 6 3 across area (10 m )
(10 m )

Kent 2.56 51.4 102.8 131.6

South Wales 7.13 23.7 47.4 169.0
Warwickshire 3.06 335.9 671.8 1027.9
Banbury area 3.71 42.7 85.4 158.4
Witney area 4.9 78.2 156.4 383.2
North Staffordshire 4.46 72.1 144.2 321.6
Park Prospect 6.43 93.2 186.4 599.3
Ranton, Stafford Basin 2.27 15.1 30.2 34.3
Lilleshall, Stafford Basin 4.98 6.8 13.6 33.9
Wolverhampton 4.68 30.8 61.6 144.1
SE Rugeley 5.1 24.5 49 125.0
Lichfield 6.8 84.3 168.6 573.2
NE Birmingham
(Hamstead 1 Great Barr) 9.9 29.4 58.8 291.1
North Dee 3.3 63.2 126.4 208.6
S.Dee-S. Lancs 8.2 397.5 795 3259.5
West Manchester 9.1 22.12 44.24 201.3
South Notts 4.3 89.2 178.4 383.6
Newark-Gainsborough 2.42 983.2 1966.4 2379.3
North & South Selby 5.48 174.8 349.6 957.9
North & NE York 7.45 187.5 375 1396.9
Canonbie 3.9 3.89 7.78 15.2
Ayrshire 2.36 6 12 14.2
Douglas 7.5 1.3 2.6 9.8
Clackmannan 2.6 22.9 45.8 59.5
Fife 3.1 3.8 7.6 11.8
Lothian 3.8 5.6 11.2 21.3

TOTAL 2797.71 5698.22 12911.1

Table 7. UCG resources calculated for the areas in the UK that are considered suitable.

Colliery Seam Mean CH4 content (m3 t-1) Formation
Cardowan Cloven 3.6 Limestone Coal Fm
Cardowan Kilsyth Coking 4.9 Limestone Coal Fm
Polkemmet Wilsontown Jewel 1.5 Limestone Coal Fm

Table 8. Seam gas content measurements for the Central Coalfield, Midland Valley of Scotland (data
from Creedy 1986).




(Scremerston Coal Mbr.)





Figure 1. Generalised Carboniferous stratigraphy for the North East England and Scotland
(Midland Valley) areas.
The main coal-bearing intervals are marked in grey. The Passage, Upper Limestone and
Limestone Coal formations refer to coal-bearing stratigraphic units in the Midland Valley of
Scotland, although coals are not always persistent in these units across the entire area. In
general, coals tend to be more common in these units in the Fife and Clackmannan areas.

1 Bovey Tracey Lignite 30 Nottinghamshire Coalfield
2 Kent Coalfield 31 Yorkshire Coalfield
3 Pembrokeshire Coalfield 32 Eastern England
4 South Wales Coalfield 33 Ingleton Coalfield
5 Bristol-Somerset Coalfield 34 West Cumbrian Coalfield
6 Forest of Dean Coalfield 35 Vale of Eden
7 Newent Coalfield 36 Canonbie Coalfield
53 8 Oxfordshire-Berkshire Coalfield 37 Midgeholme Coalfield
9 Shrewsbury Coalfield 38 Northumberland-Durham Coalfield
10 Coalbrookdale Coalfield 39 Scremerston Coalfield
11 Clee Hills Coalfield 40 Machrihanish Coalfield
12 Wyre Forest Coalfield 41 Dailly Coalfield
13 West Stafford Basin 42 South Ayrshire Coalfield
14 South Staffordshire Coalfield 43 Central Ayrshire Coalfield
15 East Staffordshire 44 Sanquhar Coalfield
16 Warwickshire Coalfield 45 Douglas Coalfield
17 South Derbyshire Coalfield 46 Central Coalfield
18 Leicestershire Coalfield 47 NE Stirlingshire Coalfield
19 Anglesey Coalfield 48 Clackmannan Coalfield
20 Vale of Clwyd 49 West Fife Coalfield
21 Flintshire Coalfield 50 Central Fife Coalfield
22 Denbighshire Coalfield 51 East Fife Coalfield
23 Oswestry Coalfield 52 Midlothian Coalfield
24 Wirral 53 Brora Coalfield
25 Cheshire Basin 54 Coalisland Coalfield
48 49 50 26 North Staffordshire Coalfield 55 Annaghone Coalfield
47 51 27 Cheadle Coalfield 56 Lough Neagh Lignite
28 South Lancashire Coalfield 57 Ballymoney Lignite
29 Burnley Coalfield 58 Ballycastle Coalfield
46 52

40 45 39
58 41 36

55 35
56 34

25 30
22 26 31
21 28

17 18 32
19 24 30
23 13
20 26
15 25
10 27
14 22
9 17 18
16 10
11 12 9
11 12 14 16

6 7
3 8

Area of coal- 5
bearing strata 2

Area of lignite

Figure 2. Map of the UK to show the location of the main coal and lignite fields studied.

Geological information increases

Identified resources
Measured Indicated

Economic Reserves

Identified resources


Figure 3. Diagrammatic representation of coal resources and reserves.

sequestration MEETS UCG DEPTH
strata at outcrop
Overlap zone between
UCG and CO
sequestration areas
0m g ce
r in f a
- b ea bsur
al su
Younger strata, P Co the SE
lacking coal TO a in BA
r at 600 m contour line on
600m st
top of coal-bearing unit


1200m contour line on

1200m base of coal-bearing unit

zone Older strata,
lacking coal


Figure 4. Block diagram of a dipping coal-bearing succession to show how the criteria for UCG
and CO2 sequestration are applied.
The UCG resource is defined as the area between the 600 and 1200 m lines. However, it is clear
that in order to define the largest area suitable for UCG, the position where the 600 m line
intersects the base, rather than the top, of the coal-bearing succession should be taken. Similarly
the position where the 1200 m line intersects the top of the coal-bearing succession produces the
greatest area for UCG. The same principle applies to CO2 sequestration, in that the 1200 m line
is taken to define the edge of the resource. If this is taken where the 1200 m line intersects the
base of the coal-bearing succession then this produces a greater area suitable for CO2
sequestration. It should also be clear that this will produce an area of overlap between the two

Area of coal-bearing strata

Area of lignite deposits



17 18





9 11


Figure 5. Map to show locations of the 1:100,000 scale mining and new technology maps
produced by this study.

Figure 6. Cleat in coal. The surface facing the viewer is the face cleat. The horizontal fractures
are bedding planes. The vertical fractures are the butt cleat.



1 2 3 4
Blatchford Sand

Abbrook Clay- Southacre Clay-

2 3 4
St o


(d i



0 400m

Figure 7. Cross section through part of the Bovey Tracey Formation to illustrate the
thickness and distribution of the main lignite-bearing unit (redrawn with modifications
from Selwood et al. 1984). Lignite beds are drawn as thicker black lines.


Kent No.1 (0.1-1.41m)


Kent No.2 (0.13-0.46)

Warwickshire Group


Kent No.3 (0.38-1.48m)

Kent No.4 (0.1-1.64m)

Kent No.5 (0.31-0.5m)


Kent No.6 (0.33-1.52m)

m ?Cambriense (Upper Tilmanstone)

South Wales Middle

Coal Measures Fm.

m Aegiranum (Lower Tilmanstone)

m Haughton (Snowdown)
'G' group coals
Kent No.7 (0.91-1.86m)
Kent No.8 (0.31-2.57m)
Kent No.9 (0.26-2.44m)
Kent No.10 (0.6-1.32m)
Kent No.11 (0.5-1.93m)
Measures Fm.

Vanderbeckei (Ripple)
South Wales

Kent No.12 (0.15-0.8m)
Lower Coal

Kent No.13 (0.13-0.56m)

m Kent No.14 (2.95m with 0.55m of dirt)

or Devonian

Figure 8. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Kent Coalfield.
Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria
band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.

Pennant Sandstone Formation
Rickets Head
Black Cliff


Aegiranum (Picton Point)


Middle Coal Measures

Rock (0.6-1.37m)
50 Low (0.5m)
Timber (Nine Feet) (1.83m)


m Vanderbeckei (Amman)
Rock (0.3m)

Garland (0.38m)
Fiddler's (0.15m)
Under Garland (0.41m)
Lower Coal Measures

Lower Level (Lower Pumpquart) (0.53m)

Catshole (0.2m)

Kilgetty (Scad/Garw) (0.5m)

Lady's Frolick

m Listeri

m Subcrenatum
Tin Pits

Figure 9. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Pembrokeshire

Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.



Grovesend Grovesend
180m omitted

Westphalian D to Stephanian


Swansea 4ft (Mynyddislwyn) (0.97m)

Swansea 5ft (0.38-1.5m)
Swansea 6ft (1.75m)
Swansea 3ft (Graigola) (0.8m) Lower Welsh (0.69m)
Graigola (1.68m)



Hughes (0.4m) Cefn Glas


(Hughes) (0.4m)

Glyngwilym (0.55m)

Bolsovian (Westphalian C)
Brithdir (1.17m)

No.1 Rhondda (0.79m)
No.1 Rhondda (1.37m)
No.2 Rhondda (0.53m)

No.2 Rhondda (0.2-1.4m)

Lower Pinchin (0.5m)
No.3 Rhondda (0.38-0.5m)
South Wales
Upper CM Fm. Tormynydd (0.39m)
m Cambriense (Upper Cwmgorse) m Cambriense (Upper Cwmgorse)
Lower Welsh (0.3-0.69m) Hafod (0.41m)
m Shafton (Lower Cwmgorse)
m Shafton (Lower Cwmgorse)

E Red (0.84-1.68m) Abergorky (Albert) (0.25m)
m Edmondia (Five Roads) m Edmondia (Five Roads)
m Edmondia (Foraminifera)
m Edmondia (Foraminifera)
Pentre (0.23-0.49m)
Carway Fawr (0.4-1.07m)
E Carway Fach (0.7m) Rider Gorllwyn (1.16m)
m Aegiranum (Cefn Coed)
E m Aegiranum (Cefn Coed)
m Sutton (Trimsaran) m Sutton (Britannic)
m Haughton (Mole)
m Haughton (Hafod Heulog)
Lower Pentre (0.45m)

E Maltby (Graigog)
Graigog (0.56m)
E Soap (Upper Two Feet Nine) (0.3-0.41m) E
Penny Pieces (0.22-0.3m) E Two-Feet Nine (Elled) (0.81-1.45m)
Big (1.75-2.82m) Four Feet (0.76-0.91m)
E Big (0.91m)
EE Green (0.84m) E Six Feet (2.23-3.09m)
Ddugaled (0.79m) E
Caerau (1.73m)
E Red Vein
Hwch (0.3-?4.6m) E
No Members recognised

Stanllyd (0.89-1.22m) U
E Gras Uchaf (0.91-1.09m) M Nine Feet (Black) (2.84-3.35m)
E Braslyd Rider (0.28m) L
Braslyd (0.56-0.81m) E New (1st Ell)
Braslyd Fach (0.28m) L Bute (Peacock) (0.86-1.07m)

m Vanderbeckei (Amman) m Vanderbeckei (Amman)

Amman Rider (1.09m) Amman Rider (0.2-1.14m)
Gwendraeth (0.9m) E Yard (Meadow) (0.71m)

Stinking Rider (1.07m)

Seven Feet (1.02-1.37m)

Stinking (0.39m)

Triquart (0.6m)
Pumpquart (1.14m) Five Feet Gellideg (Gribbwr) (1.37-2.01m)
Rhasfach (0.46m) Garw (0.7m)

Little (0.56m)

m Langley (Cwm Berem)

m Amaliae (M5)
m Meadowfarm (Margam) m Meadowfarm (M4)

m Listeri (Cefn Cribbwr)

m Listeri (Wernffrwd)
m Honley (M2) m Honley (M2)
m Springwood (M1) Sun
m Springwood (M1)

Figure 10. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the South Wales
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.



Pennant Sandstone Fm.

Westphalian D
Lower House 3-6
LH 13-14
Grovesend Fm

LH 15

LH 19
Smith (0.51m)

Sandstone Fm.
Parkend High Delf (Lowery) (0.9m)

Stallion Hill
Churchway High Delf
Brazilly (0.3-1.0m)
Pennant Sandstone Fm.

Westphalian D

Nameless Delf

Yorkley (0.8m)

Whittington (<0.9m)

Coleford High
Delf (1.0-1.5m)

Trenchard (1.4m)

Langsettian (Westphalian A)

Figure 11. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Forest of
Dean and Newent coalfields. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled.
m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.


40 Yard (Pensford) (0.4-0.5m)

Withy Mills (0.25m)
Grovesend Formation

Great (0.28-0.76m) =Pensford group

Middle (0.92m) of coals
Slyving (0.61m)
Bull (0.86m)
Nine-Inch (0.36m)

Rock (0.45m)
No. 3 (0.51m)
No. 6 (0.6m) Bromley
No. 7
Warwickshire Group

No. 10

Pennant Sandstone
Top No.1 (1.52-2.26m)
Pennant Sandstone Formation

High Avonmouth

Pennant Sandstone Formation

No.2 (1.24-1.57m)

Temple Cloud (1.22m)

Newbury No. 3 (0.6m)

Newbury No. 2 (1.0m) Mangotsfield seams
Newbury No. 1 (0.46m) (0.6m & 0.91m)
Globe (0.66m)
Millgrit (0.3-3.0m) NAILSEA
Warkey Course (0.51m) Rag (0.3-4.0m)
Garden Course (1.1m) Buff (0.3-2.7m) (BRISTOL)
m Cambriense
(Winterbourne) Parrot (0.3-3.0m)

Great Course


Firestone m
m Little Course Grace's (0.9m)
Coal Measures

Aegiranum (Crofts End)

Aegiranum (Crofts End)
South Wales

Dungy Drift (1.22m) Yate Hard (2.3m) 168m of section
Lower Five Coal (1.27m)
Lower & Middle
Coal Measures

Coking (1.5m) Kingswood Great (1.1-3.4m)


White's Top (1.1-1.4m)

Kingswood Little (0.5-0.7m)
Standing Golden Valley (0.5-0.8m)
Vanderbeckei (Harry Stoke)
Main m
Backwell Little (0.55m)
Perrink Ashton Great (0.9-1.2m)
m Ashton Little (0.6m) Dog (0.4-0.9m)
m Subcrenatum m Subcrenatum (Ashton Vale) Spider Delf (0.64m)
(Ashton Vale) Crow (0.36m)

Figure 12. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Bristol-
Somerset Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine
band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.


120m omitted

Red beds
Windrush Mbr
Grovesend Formation

AB/1 (0.46m)

AB/2 (0.3m)
AB/3 (0.5m)
AB/4 (0.65m)
Burford Coal Mbr

AB/5 (0.91m)
AB/8 (1.44m)
AB/10 (0.28m)
AB/12 (1.63m)
AB/14 (0.48m)
AB/15 (0.05m)
Warwickshire Group

Crawley Mbr

AB/16 (0.2m)
AB/17 (0.56m)
AB/18 (0.09m)
AB/19 (0.11m)
AB/20 (0.22m)
AB/21 (0.79m)
Coal Mbr

AB/22 (0.97m)

AB/27 (1.65m)
AB/30 (0.15m)
Marston (0.2-0.4m)
Pennant Sandstone Formation

Arenaceous Coal Mbr

Overthorpe (0.7m)
Newington (1.57m)
Top Broughton (1.88-2.47m) = Burford Coals
Low Broughton (0.9m)

Top Milton (0.52-1.59m) = Witney coals

Low Milton (2.6m)
Eynsham (2.26-2.44m)

Aston (0.66-2.25m)
Apley (0.24-0.6m)

Langsettian- Four Feet (1.21m)

Duckmantian m Vanderbeckei
(Aston Tirrold &
Foudry Bridge Bhs)


Figure 13. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Oxfordshire-
Berkshire Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled.
m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.

Base of Salop Formation
Main Sulphur Coal (0.2m)

Halesowen Fm

Half Yard (Top) (1.4m)

Yard (0.89m)
Big Flint (1.12-1.42m)
50m Morlas Main (Big Flint) (1.12-1.42m)
Thin, Best or Deep

Figure 14. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Shrewsbury
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled.

Salop Fm

Little Sulphur

Main Sulphur

Etruria Formation

Aegiranum (Chance m

Fungous (0.1-1.3m)
Maltby m
Foot (Blackstone) (0.2-0.6m)
(Blackstone) Gur (0.7-0.8m)
Top (0.6-2.1m)

Threequarters (0.2-2.8m)

Double (0.4-2.3m)

Yard (0.6-1.4m)

Big Flint (0.3-1.8m)

Vanderbeckei m Vanderbeckei (Llay)

(Pennystone) New Mine (Stinking)
Vigar (0.79m)

Clunch (Sill) (0.3-1.4m)

Two Foot (Ganey) (0-1.2m)

Best (0.1-2.0m)
Randle (Middle) (0.1-1.2m)
Clod (0.1-1.5m)
Little Flint (0.2-1.2m)

m Amaliae (Crawstone)
Crawstone (0-0.3m)

m Listeri (Lancashire Ladies)

Lancashire Ladies (0.1-0.5m)

m Subcrenatum MB

Figure 15. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the

Coalbrookdale Coalfield and West Staffordshire area. Main seam names and thicknesses,
where known, are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent
marine (or Estheria) band names.

0 (Middle Coal Measures)

Unnamed (0.46m)


Great (2.13m)
Three Quarters (0.08-0.84m)
100m Smith (1.52m)
Clunch (1.07m)
Four Feet (1.07m)

Figure 16. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the

Clee Hills Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled.

Halesowen Fm Fm

Bats (0.99m)

Rider (0.46m)
Half Yard
Three Quarter
Main or Five Foot (1.83m)
Penny (0.04m)
Etruria Fm

Hard or Hard Mine (2.03m)

?Bolsovian (Westphalian C)
m Aegiranum
Highley Brooch (0.97m)
Half Yard
Four Foot
Two Foot

Figure 17. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the

Wyre Forest and Mamble coalfields. Main seam names and thicknesses, where
known, are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent
marine (or Estheria) band names.


Cannel (0.36m)
m Cambriense

m Shafton (Silvesters Bridge)

E Top Robins
Edmondia (Kendrick's) m Shafton (Silvesters Bridge)
Bottom Robins (1.07-1.55m)
Wyrley Yard (0.61m) Bottom Robins
m Aegiranum (Charles) m Aegiranum (Charles)

Charles (0.85m)
Little (Two Foot)
Brooch (0.99-1.13m) Brooch
m m Maltby (Sub-Brooch)
E Maltby (Sub-Brooch) Herring
Benches (1.27-2.18m) Flying Reed (1.-1.55m)

Eight Feet
(Wyrley Bottom) (0.25m) Thick (4.61m)

Park (Old Park) (1.91-2.43m)

Upper Heathen (0.41m) Upper

Heathen (0.84m)
Lower Heathen (0.33-0.42m) Lower

m Vanderbeckei (Stinking) m Vanderbeckei (Stinking)

Upper Stinking (0.3-0.42m)
Stinking (0.41m)
Lower Stinking (0.33m)

Yard (1.14-1.41m) New (1.02m)

Bass Rider (0.33m) New Mine (0.56-1.27m)

Bass (1.51-2.01m)

New Mine (Cinder) Fireclay Coal (2.11m)


Shallow (2.53m) Bottom

Little Deep (0.18m)
Deep (0.71m)

Mealy Grey (1.24m) Mealy Grey

m (West Hill) m

m Subcrenatum (Fair Oak) m

Figure 18. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the South
Staffordshire Coalfield and Park Prospect area. Main seam names and thicknesses, where
known, are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or
Estheria) band names.

(Westphalian C)
Unnamed (0.8m)

Unnamed (2.35m)
Unnamed (1.2m)
600 Unnamed (0.25m)
Top Robins (2.3m)

Bottom Robins (2.35m)

Wyrley Yard (0.85m)
m Aegiranum (Charles)
Charles (0.45, 0.4, 0.6m)
Brooch (1.0m)
Maltby (Sub-brooch)

(Westphalian B)
Benches (0.8m)
Eight Foot (1.85m)
Unnamed (0.4m)
Park (1.35m)
Unnamed (0.3m)
Heathen (0.3, 0.45m)

m Vanderbeckei (Stinking)
Stinking (0.35, 0.35m)
800 Yard (1.2m)
Bass Rider (0.75m)
Bass (1.3m)
(Westphalian A)

New Mine (1.6m)


Shallow (2.6m)
Deep (1.6m)

900 Mealy Grey (1.2m)

Figure 19. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the East
Staffordshire area. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine
band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.


Red beds
Coal (0.28m)
Coal (1.0m)

m Aegiranum (Nuneaton) m Aegiranum (Nuneaton)

Half Yard (0.9m) Half Yard (0.17m)
Four Feet (1.8m) Four Feet (0.08-0.23m)

Thin Rider

Two Yard (1.5-2.1m)

Bare (0.5-1.6m)
Ryder (11.1-1.9m) Thick Coal (7.19-8.32m)
Ell (0.46-1.5m) (Two Yard, Bare,
Ryder Ell, Nine Feet,
Nine Feet (Slate) (2.8-3.5m) High Main)
High Main (0.9-1.2m)
Smithy (Low Main) (0.6-0.9m) Smithy (0.53m)
m Vanderbeckei (Seven Feet) m Vanderbeckei (Seven Feet)
Thin (0.84m) Seven Feet (0.4m)
Seven Feet (1.83m)
Yard (0.27m)
Yard (lower leaf) (0.15m)
Yard (0.81m)
Deep Rider (0.8-1.5m) Deep Rider (0.15m)
Double (Deep) (1.3-2.7m)

Top Bench (1.0-1.8m)


Double (0.18m)
Bench Thin Bench (0.36m)
Bottom Bench (1.1m) Stumpy (0.2m)
Stumpy (0.9m)

Stanhope (0.03-0.56m) Stanhope (0.86m)

Condensed succession


m Listeri (West Hill)

m Subcrenatum (Fair Oak)

Figure 20. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Warwickshire
area. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.

P15 & 16
m Cambriense (Top)
m Shafton
m Edmondia

m Aegiranum (Overseal)
P31 (0.5m)
P39 (0.1m)
P40 (0.6m)
P41 - 44

Upper Kilburn
(Dicky Gobbler) (0.1m)
Block (1.0-1.3m)
Yard (0.1-1.4m)
Upper Cannel (0.3m)
Little (0.1-1.9m)
Little Kilburn/Cannel (0-2.0m)
m Vanderbeckei (Molyneux)
Main Rider (0.15-1.22m)
Over Main &
Nether Main (3.4-6.0m)
Little Woodfield (Toad) (0.6-2.4m)
Lower Main (Slate) (0-1.2m)
Woodfield (1.4m)
Stockings (1.4-2.6m)
Eureka (0.3-1.6m)
Stanhope (0.3-1.5m)
Well (0.1-0.6m)
Twelve Inch (0.1-0.2m)
Clod (0.0.5m)
Kilburn (0.7-1.7m)
Upper Band (0.15-0.25m)
m Amaliae (Norton)
Norton (0-0.8m)
Hard Bed (0.05-0.3m)
Alton (0-1.2m)
1st Smalley (0.76m)
Holbrook-Belperlawn (0.7-1.06m)

m Subcrenatum

Figure 21. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the South
Derbyshire Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled.
m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.


Excelsior (0.8-2.7m)

Minge (0.9-2.4m)

Five Feet (Stone Smut) (0.6-2.2m)

Splent (0.6-1.6m)
Threequarters (0.1-0.7m)
New Main Rider (0.1-0.7m)
New Main (Slate) (1.4-2.0m)
Swannington Yard (0.6-1.5m)
Cannel (0.9-1.2m)

m Vanderbeckei (Bagworth)
Ryder (0.2-0.6m)
High Main (0.9-2.0m)
Upper Main (1.2-2.3m)
Smoile (0.7-1.3m)
Upper Lount (0.2-1.4m)
Middle Lount (1.4-2.0m)
Nether Lount (0.8-1.8m)
Yard (0.6-1.0m)
Lower Main (Roaster) (0.1-0.8m)

Clod (0.1-0.8m)

Kilburn (0.2-3.8m)

Alton (0.5m)

Figure 22. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Leicestershire
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.
0 Coal (2.7m)
Coal (0.91m)

Coal (1.2m)

Coal (0.45m)
Coal (1.8m)
Coal (0.7m)

Coal (2.5m)


Coal (0.6m)

Figure 23. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the

Anglesey Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled.

King (0.2-2.54m) Coal
Bersham Yard (0.61m)
m Cambriense
Edmondia (Ty Cerrys)
Upper Stinking (0.22-1.53m)
Cefn (0.46-0.6m)
Upper Stinking (0.94m) m Aegiranum (Warras)
Warras (0.13-0.45m)
Warras (1.41m) John O'Gate (0.37m)
Smiths (0.64m) m Haughton (Lower Stinking))
Lower Stinking
Drowsell (0.47m) (Droughty) 3.44m)

Middle Coal Measures

Cannel (0.71m) Smiths (0.43-0.71m)
m Maltby (Powell) m Clown (Gardden Lodge)
Powell (0.6-1.01m) Drowsell (0.86m)
m Maltby (Powell)

Threequarters (Crank) (0.87m) Powell (1.0-2.87m)

Coal (1.69m) Two Yard (0.8-2.9m)
Five Yard (Main) (2.19-3.3m) Crank (0.4-4.0m)

Three Yard (Lower Bench) Quaker (Brassey) (0.7-1.9m)

(2.2-3.58m) Black Bed (0.5m)
Blue Cannel (0.86m)
Mostyn Little (0.44m)
Main (1.1-4.0m)
Two Yard (Crown/ Brassy (?Pin) (0.65m)
Double) (3.21m) Upper Yard (?Crown)

Red (0.52m)
m Vanderbeckei (Llay) m Vanderbeckei (Llay)
Durbog (Upper Red) Red of Llay Main (0.52m)
Half Yard, Benches
Lower Red (0.99m) & Fireclay coals (1.9-4.1m)

Stone (0.92-2.76m)
Nant (1.1-1.33m)
Hard Fivequarters Ruabon (Lower)
(Nine Feet) (1.68-4.6m) Yard (1.57-2.71m)

Badger (Nant) (1.33m)

Lower Coal Measures

Soft Fivequarters (Ruabon Wall and Bench (0.6-1.5m)

Yard) (0.91-1.57m)
Bychton Two Yard Llwyneinion Half Yard (0.97m)
Bychton Threequarter
(Llwyneinion Half Yard)


Chwerelan (0.5m)


Figure 24. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the North Wales
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.
Doghole (1.52m)
Charley (0.3m)

Kershaw (0.84m)
Shell bed coal (0.97m)

Burnley Four Foot (1.22m)

Old Yard (?Maiden) (1.54m)

Lower Yard (0.89m)

Low Bottom (0.4-1.07m)
Inferior Cannel (0.3m)
Fulledge Thin (0.4-0.86m)
King (0.6m)
Lady (0.5-1.5m)

Slaty (0.51m)
China (0.61m)

Crackers (0.3m)
Cally (Dandy) (0.7-1.52m)

Arley (0.9-1.25m)

Pasture (0.7m)

m Langley (Pasture Mine)

Amaliae (Tonges)
Cannel (0.5m)
m Meadowfarm (Cannel Mine)
Upper Mountain (0.01-1.0m)
m Parkhouse (Inch)
Inch (0.05m)
Upper Foot & Lower Mountain (0.9m)
m Honley (Lower Foot)
Lower Foot (0.3m)
Bassy (0.5m)
m Subcrenatum (Six Inch)
Six Inch
Sand Rock (0.38m

Figure 25. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Burnley
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.

Bradford Four Feet (0.8m)

(Prestwich Top)
m Shafton (Lower Sankey)

m Edmondia (Manchester)
Worsley Four Foot (0.3-1.6m)
m Aegiranum (Dukinfield)
m Sutton (Moston)
m Haughton (Bradford)

E m
Maltby (Ashclough/Park)
Park Yard (1.0-2.3m)
Long Delf (0.08m)
Fiery Delf (0.05-0.58m)
Binn (Ince Deep Yard/LondonDelf) (0.52-1.54m)
Crombouke (1.29-3.35m)
Roger (Brassey/Ince 7ft) (0.23m)
E Lowton Estheria Band

Top Furnace
Btm Furnace (Rams/Ince 6ft)) (1.66-2.15m)
Stubbs (1.12m)

Higher Florida
(Park) (0.95-2.82m)
Lower Florida (0.08-1.9m)
Top 3/4
Pigeon House (0.34-0.88m)

m Vanderbeckei (Sutton Manor)

Doe/Bottom Shuttles/
Wigan Five Feet (3.54m)
(Five quarters) (0.13m)
White Wigan Four Feet
(Victoria) (1.4-2.39m)
Black Wigan Two Feet (0.7m)

Trencherbone (Burnley
Foot Foot, Wigan Six Feet) (2.91-3.58m)
U (Cannel) (1.03m)
L (0.32m)
Plodder (Ravine) (2.46-3.44m)

Haigh Yard (0.74m)

Rushy Park (0.7-1.1m)

Arley (0.4-1.7m)

m Burton Joyce (Ditton)

m Langley (Pasture Mine)
m Amaliae (Tonges)
m Meadowfarm (Cannel Mine)
m Upper Mountain (0.01-1.0m)
Parkhouse (Inch)
m Listeri (Bullion Mine)
Honley (Lower Foot)
m Springwood (Upper Bassey)
Holbrook (Lower Bassey)
Subcrenatum (Six Inch)

Figure 26. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the South
Lancashire Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled.
m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.
Bassey Mine (0.84m)

Spencroft (0.1m)

Great Row (1.18m)

Cannel Row

m Cambriense (Bay)
Winghay (1.37m)
m Shafton (Priorsfield)
E Rowhurst Rider (0.79m)
Rowhurst (1.4-2.3m)
Burnwood (1.52m)
m Twist (0.5m)
Aegiranum (Gin Mine)
m Sutton (Clayton)
m Haughton (Doctors Mine MB)
m Clown (Longton Hall MB)
Moss (1.7m)
Maltby (Moss Cannel)
Five Feet (0.89m)
Yard (0.91-2.27m)
Ragman (1.8-2.2)
Rough Seven Feet

Bellringer (0.24m)
Ten Feet (1.02-2.7m)

Bowling Alley (1.27m)

Holly Lane (0.97m)
Hard Mine (1.27m)
New Moss (1.53m)

m Vanderbeckei (Banbury)

Flatts (0.56m)
Seven Feet Banbury (1.3m)

Cockshead (Eight
Feet Banbury) (2.59m)

Limekiln (Whitehurst)

Bullhurst (0.38-0.94m)
Winpenny (0.36m)
Brickiln (0.65m)
Diamond (0.1m)
Silver (0.46m)
Brights (Little
Cannel Row) (0.15m)

King (1.0m)

m (Knypersley)

m (Crabtree)
m (Lower Foot)

Two Foot

Figure 27. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the North
Staffordshire Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled.
m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.
Two Yard (1.68m)

Getley (0.61m)
Half Yard (0.76m)
Yard (1.07m)
Litley (0.84m)
Four Foot (1.07m)

m Vanderbeckei MB
Coal (0.4m)
Little Dilhorne (0.6m)
Dilhorne (1.4-1.82m)

Parkhall Sweet (0.74m)

Alecs (Stinking) (0.66-1.14m)

Foxfield (0.51m)

Mans (0.43m)

Cobble (0.39-0.76m)
Coal (0.33m)

0 Rider (0.46-0.69m)

Woodhead (0.84-1.0m)


Meadow Farm MB
m Split (0.28m)
m Listeri MB
Crabtree (Stinking) (0.47-0.84m)
Honley MB
Ribbon (Sweet) (0.08-0.69m)
m Springwood MB
m Holbrook MB
Two Foot (0.46m)

m Subcrenatum MB

Figure 28. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Cheadle
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.

Coal (0.32m)
m Edmondia Coal (0.51m)
High Main (0.15m)
Coal (0.26m)
m Aegiranum (Mansfield) m Cambriense (Top)

m Shafton
Maltby (Two Feet)
Brinsley/Low Bright (1.02-2.03m) E Main Estheria Band
High Hazels (0.84m)
m Edmondia
Cinderhill Main (0.94m) High Main (1.29m)
Wales (0.64m)
Main Smut (0.65m)
m Aegiranum (Mansfield)
Top Hard (1.19m)
Dunsil (0.45-1.85m) m Sutton
4th Waterloo (0.94m)
m Haughton
1st Ell (1.11m)
2nd Ell (0.59m) m Clown
E Manton Estheria Band
m Vanderbeckei (Clay Cross) Main Bright (1.19m)
Joan (0.52m) m Maltby (Two Foot)
Roof Soft Two Foot (0.56m)
Deep Soft Deep Main (2.86m) Low Bright/Brinsley/
Deep Hard Top Bright /Abdy (0.88m)
Piper (0.15m)
Parkgate (3.23m) High Hazels (0.76-1.22m)
Tupton (0.25m)
Threequarters (0.37m) Cinderhill (0.45-0.69m)
Yard (0.55-1.92m)
Blackshale/Ashgate (3.33m) Main Smut (0.09m)
Mickley 1&2 (0.84-1.05m)
Mickley 3 (0.6-0.8m) Top Hard/Coombe/Barnsley (1.18-2.52m)
Mickley 4 (0.4m) Dunsil (0.53m)
m 1st Waterloo (0.86m)
Kilburn (0.09-0.7m)
2nd Waterloo (Swallow Wood) (0.14-0.76m)
m Amaliae (Norton) 3rd Waterloo (0.42m)
Norton (0.36-1.0m) 4th Waterloo (0.39m)
Listeri (Alton) 1st Ell (0.79m)
Alton (0.38-0.9m)
m Honley (First Smalley)
m Springwood (Second Smalley) 2nd Ell (0.76m)
m Holbrook
m Belperlawn (0.12-0.51m)
m Vanderbeckei (Clay Cross)
Brown Rake (1.07m)
Top Soft
Roof Soft Deep
Deep Soft (0.86m) Main
Deep Hard (1.14m)
1st Piper (0.32m)
2nd Piper (0.01m)
Hospital (0.49m) Parkgate
Cockleshell (0.62m)
Tupton (0.77m)
Threequarters (0.51m)
Figure 29. Stratigraphy of the main coal- Yard (0.05m)
Low Estheria Band
bearing stratigraphic succession in the Blackshale (Silkstone) (1.12m)
Ashgate (0.02-0.23m)
Nottinghamshire Coalfield. Main seam Mickley 1 (0.6m)
names and thicknesses, where known, are Mickley 2 (1.57m)
Mickley 3 (0.5m)
labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Mickley 4/Morely Muck (0.2m)
Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria)
band names. m
Kilburn (0.18m)

m Burton Joyce
m Langley (Upper Band)
m Amaliae (Norton)
Norton (0.61m)
m Meadowfarm (Forty Yard)
m Parkhouse
m Listeri (Alton)
Alton (0.46m)
m Honley (First Smalley)

m Springwood (Second Smalley)

m Holbrook
Belper Lawn (0.51m)
m Subcrenatum (Pot Clay)
Cambriense (Top) m Cambriense (Top)
Coal (0.16m)

m Shafton m Shafton
Shafton (0.5m) Shafton (0.05m)
E Main Estheria Band E Main Estheria Band
m Cambriense (Top)
m Edmondia m Edmondia
Sharlston Top (0.6m) Sharlston Top (0.79m)
m Shafton Sharlston Low (0.25m) Sharlston Muck (0.25m
Shafton (0.1-0.5m) Sharlston Yard (0.4m) Sharlston Low (1.24m)
Main Estheria Band
Sharlston Yard (0.86m)
E m Aegiranum (Mansfield)
m Aegiranum (Mansfield)
m Edmondia Wheatworth (0.3-0.6m)
m Sutton Coal (0.97m)
Sharlston Top (0.4-0.8m)
Sharlston Yard (0.8-1.5m) m Haughton m Haughton
Swinton Pottery (0.3-0.5m) Swinton Pottery (0.34-0.92m)
m Aegiranum (Mansfield) Clown
Castleford Four Feet (0.7-1.6m) Newhill
Manton Estheria Band E Manton Estheria Band
m Sutton
Maltby m Meltonfield (0.3-0.87m) Maltby m Meltonfield (1.2m)
(Two Foot) Two Foot (0.5m) (Two Foot) Two Foot (0.34-0.65m)
Swinton Pottery (0.28m) Winter (0.6m) Winter (0.32m)
Stanley Main (Kilnhurst) (0.8m) Kilnhurst (0.61-1.8m)
Newhill (0.25m) Beamshaw (0.51m)
E Manton Estheria Band Kents Thin (High Hazel) (1.36m) High Hazels (0.8-1.4m)
Maltby m Meltonfield (0.51m)
(Two Foot) Two Foot (0.96m) Kents Thick (2.28m) Kents Thick (1.24-2.3m)
Winter (0.3-1.3m)
Kilnhurst (0.08m) Dull (0.24m) Dull (0.88-1.3m)
Beamshaw (0.55m)
Kents Thin (0.46-0.69m) Warren House (0.9-1.5m) Barnsley (1.75-3.1m)
Low Barnsley (2.22m)
Kents Thick (1.86m)
Dunsil (1.0-1.56m) Dunsil (0.25-0.84m)
Barnsley Rider (0.81m)
Barnsley (2.29-2.8m) Swallow Wood (2.08m) Swallow Wood (1.7-2.88m)
Haigh Moor (1.49m) Haigh Moor (0.23-1.2m)
Dunsil (1.24m)
Lidgett (0.46-0.8m) Lidgett (0.13-2.0m)

Swallow Wood (0.02-1.4m)

Top Haigh Moor (0.06-0.94m)
Low Haigh Moor (0.02-0.3m)
Lidgett (0.25-1.2m) m Vanderbeckei (Clay Cross) m Vanderbeckei (Clay Cross)
Joan (0.22-0.97m)
Flockton Thick (0.5-1.1m) Flockton Thick (1.7--1.03.36m)
Flockton Thin (0.3-1.5m) Flockton Thin (0.51m)
1st Brown Metal (1.0m)
Vanderbeckei (Clay Cross) Top Fenton (0.05-0.4m)
m 2nd Brown Metal (0.52m)
Joan (0.38m) 3rd Brown Metal (0.38m) Middleton Little (2.1m)
Flockton Thick (0.8-1.9m) Middleton Little (1.8-2.7m)
Flockton Thin (0.3-1.0m)
Sitwell Thin (0.8m) Middleton Main (0.8-1.0m)
Middleton Main (0.8-1.6m)
Fenton (0.33-1.4m) Middleton Eleven Yards (0.3-1.6m) Middleton Eleven Yards (0.4-0.67m)
Blocking (0.47m)
Parkgate (1.0-1.55m) Blocking (0.5-0.9m)
E Low Estheria Band
Coal (0.47m)
Thorncliffe (0.76-3.35m)
Beeston (0.76-2.2m) Beeston (0.98m)

E Silkstone (1.35m)
Black Band
Crow (0.3m) Crow (0.18m)
Beeston (Whinmoor) (0.9-2.1m) Black Bed (0.56-0.91m) Black Bed
Better Bed (Grenoside
Sandstone Coal) (0.13-0.41m)

Better Bed m
(Kilburn/Arley) (0.08m) Upper Band (80 Yard)

Langley (Pasture)
Upper Band (80 Yard) (0.03m)
No data

m Halifax Hard (0.2-0.28m)

Ganister (0.25-0.76m)
36 Yard (0.1m) Middle Bed (Clay) (0.25-0.46m)

Listeri Halifax Soft (0.46m)
m m
Hard Bed (Alton) (0.46-0.76m) Subcrenatum (pot Clay)
Middle Bed (Clay) (0.1-0.48m)

Soft Bed (Colink) (0.25-0.3m)
Subcrenatum (Pot Clay)

Figure 30. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the South
Yorkshire Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine
band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.


Mainly sst


Ten Feet (2.97m)

Nine Feet (2.67m)

Coal (0.98m)
Coal (0.15m)
Coal (0.3m)
Coal (0.56m)

Four Feet (1.32m)

Yard (1.75m)

Six Feet (1.68 & 0.33m)



Figure 31. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Ingleton
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.

Unnamed K (0.2m)
Cambriense Marine Band
Unnamed I (0.1-0.4m)
m Unnamed J (0.1m)
Unnamed H (0.1-0.3m) 0
Unnamed G (0.4-0.6m)
Unnamed F (0.5-1.1m)

Unnamed E (0.2-0.6m)
Brassy (0.4-1.0m)

Unnamed C (0.4m)

Aegiranum Marine Band
Black Metal (0.4-0.8m)

Haughton M.B.
Fireclay (0.2-1.2m) 100
White Metal (0.4-1.8m)
Little (0.3-0.9m)
Upper Yard (0.04-0.56m)

Slaty (0.4-1.6m)

Tenquarters (0.4-2.2m)

Rattler (0.6-0.9m)
Bannock (0.4-2.0m)

Main (0.8-3.6m) 200

Lower Metal/Yard Rider (0.05-0.2m)
Yard (0.3-1.1m)
LowerYard (0.1-0.6m)
m Vanderbeckei M.B.
Half Yard (0.1-0.4m)


Little Main (0.3-0.7m)

Eighteen Inch (0.1-0.4m)
Lickbank (0.2-0.6m)
Sixquarters (0.4-1.8m)

Upper Threequarters (0.1-0.8m) 300

Lower Threequarters (0.3-0.9m)

m Langley Marine Band
m Amaliae Marine Band
Albrighton (0.2-1.7m)
m Listeri Marine Band
Honley Marine Band 350
Harrington (0.1-1.2m)
m Subcrenatum Marine Band

Figure 32. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the West Cumbrian Coalfield. Main
seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text
represent marine (or Estheria) band names.

High Coal (0.5m)

Not all UCM

package shown

- ?m -- ?m -- ?m --
Cambriense (Riddings) M.B.

--m --m -- m --m - Shafton (Rowanburnfoot) M.B.

--m--m--m--m Edmondia (Viaduct) M.B

--m--m--m--m Aegiranum (Skelton) M.B.

--m --m -- m --m
Sutton (Knottyholm) M.B.
--m--m--m--m Knottyholm (0.86m)
Haughton (Sandwich) M.B.
100 Coal (0.41m)
Coal (0.56m)
Archerbeck (0.89m)
Estheria Band

Six Foot (2.31m)

150 Nine Foot (5.79m)

Three Foot (0.99m)

Five Foot (1.62m)

Black Top (1.47m
Seven Foot (1.57m)
200 Coal (0.58m)
Coal (0.61m)
Coal (0.45m)

-? m--? m--? m- Vanderbeckei (Queenslie) M.B.

Coal (0.63-1.1m)

Coal (0.45m)
250 Coal (0.76-2.2m)


-? m-- ? m-- ? m-
Langley (Templemans) M.B.

?Base Westphalian

Figure 33. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Canonbie
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.
Coal (0.2m)

Coal (0.15m)
Coal (0.2m)

Upper Craignook (1.12m)

Lower Craignook (1.68m)
Coal (0.15m)
Coal (0.2m)

Coal (0.81m)

Well-Syke (1.47m)

Cannel (0.36m)
0 Midgeholme (Slag) (1.52m)
?Level of Vanderbeckei
Low Main (0.25-0.76m)

Upper Kellah (0.3m)

Lower Kellah (0.3m)

50m Coal (0.1-0.3m)

Figure 34. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Midgeholme
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.


m Cambriense (Down Hill)

m Shafton (Dawdon) m Cambriense (Down Hill)
E m Shafton (Dawdon)
m Edmondia (Wearmouth) E
Top Heburn Fell (2.06m) m Edmondia (Wearmouth)
Bottom Heburn Fell (1.37m)
Usworth (0.46-0.76m) Heburn Fell
m Aegiranum (Ryhope) Usworth
Burradon (0.1m) m Aegiranum (Ryhope)
m Sutton (Hylton) m Sutton (Hylton)
m Haughton (Kirkby's) m Haughton (Kirkby's)
Ryhope Fivequarters (0.38-0.69m) Ryhope Fivequarters (0.36m)
m Clown (Little)
E Ryhope Little (0.58-0.7m)
E Moorland (0.23-0.56m) Ryhope Little (1.02m)
E m Maltby (High Main)
Maltby (High Main) Ashington (0.66m)
Ashington (0.46m)
High Main (1.19-1.68m)
High Main (Grey) (1.27-3.24m)
Top Fivequarter (Metal) (0.56-0.74m) Metal (0.76m)
Main (Btm Fivequarters) (0.56m) Fivequarter
Bentinck (Top Yard, Top Main) (1.34-1.82m) Top Main (Top Yard) (0.94-1.32m)
Yard (Main) (1.34-1.82m) Main (Yard) (1.65m)
E Blackhall Estheria Band E Blackhall
Estheria band

Maudlin (Bensham) (0.1-0.41m) Maudlin (0.51-0.7m)

Durham Low Main (1.42m)
Durham Low Main (Ellington) (1.11-1.98m)
Whitley (0.05m) Brass Thill (0.23-0.66m)
Northumberland Low Main (Brass Thill) (0.68-1.27m)
Hutton (1.06-1.82m) Hutton (1.1m)

Plessey (Top Ruler) (0.66-0.89m) Ruler (Plessey) (0.23-0.6m)

Cheeveley (Bottom Ruler) (0.31m)

m Vanderbeckei (Harvey) m Vanderbeckei (Harvey)

(Hopkins Band) (Hopkins Band)

Harvey (Beaumont) (0.76-1.15m) Harvey (1.29m)

Tilley (0.5-0.71m) Tilley (Hodge) (0.36-1.52m)

Top Busty (0.76-1.0m) Busty (1.38m)

Bottom Busty (0.76-1.21m)
E Fishburn Estheria band
Threequarter (0.4-0.71m) Threequarter (0.51-1.09m)
Brockwell (0.76-0.81m) Brockwell (0.3-0.78m)

Victoria (0.5-0.63m) Victoria (0.54m)

m ?Burton Joyce (Stobbswood)

Marshall Green (0.38-0.51m) Marshall Green (0.07m)

m Langley (Well Hill)

Ganister Clay Coal (0.05-0.62m) Ganister Clay (0.15m)
m m Amaliae (Roddy Moor)
Amaliae (Gubeon)
Gubeon (0.08m)
m Listeri (Kays Lea) m
Shilford (Fern) (0-0.53m)
m Subcrenatum (Quarterburn) m

Figure 35. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the

Northumberland-Durham Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are
labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria)
band names.
Limestone Coal Formation
Oxford Limestone

Greenses Coal (c.0.55m)

Lower Limestone

Coal (c.0.45m)

Doupster Oil Shale

Coal (c.0.45m)

Woodend Limestone

0 Dun Limestone
Mainly sst


Robie's Coal (0.46m)


Caldside/Fawcett (0.7m)


Scremerston Coal
(Tyne Limestone

Scremerston Main (1.2 m)


Bulman/Cancer (0.75-1.8m)

Threequarter (0.75m)
Cooper Eye (1.0-1.5m)

Wester (0.9 -1.5m)

Figure 36. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Scremerston
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.



Middle Coal Measures

Coal (0.18m)
Coal (0.71m)

Coal (0.2m)
Coal (2.05m)
Coal (0.28m)

Coal (0.56m)

m Vanderbeckei (Queenslie)

Lower Coal Measures


Coal (0.3m)

Coal (0.23m)

150 Coal (0.08m)

Passage Formation
Upp. Limest. Fm.
Limestone Coal Formation

Coal (0.2m)
Cannel or Gas (0.51m)

Coal (0.48m)
Kilkivan (2.59-2.75m)

Main (2.18-3.5m)
Underfoot (1.04m)

Figure 37. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Machrihanish
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine band;
E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.
LITHO- Permian
STRAT lavas

central Ayrshire
?Stephanian in
Bolsvian (Westphalian C)


Planolites Band
? m Bothwell Bridge MB m Aegiranum
(Skipsey's) MB
Shafton Aegiranum
m m
(Bogton MB) (Skipsey's) MB
Glasgow Upper (0.23m)
Aegiranum Glasgow Ell Index (0.12m)
m Dunglass (2.14m) Ell (2.24m) Barncraig (1.93m)
(Skipsey's) MB
Two Foot Humph Upper Coxtool (1.25m)
Pyotshaw (1.48m) Clayknowes Coal
Ell Lower Coxtool (0.81m)
(Westphalian B)

Glasgow Main (1.21m)


Middle Seven Foot (3.03m) Den Coal

Coal Humph (0.25m) Musselburgh Splint (2.44m)
Lugar Main (1.85m) Three Foot (0.64m) Yard Coal
Measures Four Foot (2.28m) Chemiss (2.02m)
Ayr Hard (1.12m) Glasgow Splint Musselburgh
Forty Inch Coal Rough (0.62-1.22m)
(1.68m) Bush (1.44m)
Ayr Diamond m Vanderbeckei MB Virgin (0.97m) Beefie (0.46m)
Extra (1.2m) Musselburg Diamond (0.15m)
(0.22-1.17m) m Clackmannan m
Nine Foot (3.3m) Upper Five Musselburgh Jewel (1.15m)
Kennox Blackband (0.85m) Foot Coal m Vanderbeckei MB
Kennox Virtuewell (1.2m) Parrot (0.84m)
Kiltongue Earl David's Cowpits Five Foot (1.76m)
Kennox Jewel (0.55m) Mussleband (0.13m)
Vanderbeckei Kennox m Parrot (0.69m)
m Upper Drumgray Blackband Coal Bowhouse (2.4m) Quarry (0.49m)
(Queenslie) MB Musselband (0.85m) Coal Mosie Branxton (1.1m)
(Westphalian A)

(1.76m) Glass (0.16m)

Upper Drumgray (0.9m) More (0.52m)

Beoch Musselband Shotts Gas (0.07m) Alloa Cherry Coal Musselburgh Nine Foot (1.53m)
Coal (0.79m) Splint (0.44m) Sandwell (0.4-0.91m)
Lower Alloa Splint Coal
Knockshinnoch Armadale Ball (0.16m) Musselburgh
Coal Main (0.96-2.65m) Coalsnaughton Victory (1.32m) Fifteen Foot (3.0m)
Measures Main Coal Armadale Main (1.95m) Main Coal (1.53m)
Happendon (1.05m)
17 Fathom Coal Colinburn (0.6m) Dysart Main (2.1- Pinkie Four Foot (1.25m)
Douglas Mill Coal (0.25-
7 Fathom Coal m 0.68m) m 6.1m) Seven Foot MB
(1.44m) m Lowstone MB m
Pathhead Soft Coal m

Musselburgh Seven Foot (2.92m)


Passage m
Formation m Eskmouth
m Bogside Thick Extra (4.06m)
m m

m Bogside Main
m m No. 6 MB Group m m
m m
Upper m
m m m
m m Westfield Thick (2.4-4.34m) m
Limestone m m m
Formation m No. 5 MB Group m
m Westfield m
Shale Coal (4.7) m
Index Limestone m
m No. 3 MB Group
m Castlecary Limestone

Limestone Wee Drum (5.54m) m
No. 2 MB Group
m Black Metals
Formation No. 1 MB Group
No. 0 MB Group
m Calmy Limestone
Johnstone m Plean No.3 Limest. Wood (0.45m)
m Shell Bed
m Plean No.2 Limest. Craig (3.0m)
Top Hosie Orchard Limestone

Lower Limestone Plean No.1 Limest.
Limestone m m Jubilee (0.03m)
m Plean No.1 Coal
Formation (1.3m) Capledrae Parrot (0.2m) Lyoncross Limestone
Wee Drum (5.54m) m
Skaterigg (Horn) (3.28m) m
m Upper Hirst (0.54-2.4m) South Parrot (0.64m)
Stoney/Kirkroad (0.28-3.93m) m
m Back (1.68m) Lower Hirst Index Limestone
m (0.03-0.54m)
Robb (0.26m) m Geordie (0.63m)
m Coalypath (0.97m) m
m m Flex (0.79m)
Wood (0.43m) Rumbles (0.59m)
m McDonald m
Great (2.1m)
Limestone Blairhall Main/ Stairhead (0.28m)
m Cardenden Gillespie (2.16m)
Smithy/Flex Coal (1.02-2.44m) Blackchapel (2.36m)
0 m
Kittlepurse (0.6m)
Little Splint (1.57m) Peacock (Four Foot) (0.66m)
m Cowdenbeath Seven Ball (0.66m)
Foot (0.68m) Bryans (1.06m)
Hunters Cement Kelty Main (0.9-3.76m) Stony (0.74m)
Limestone Jersey coals (2.1m) m
Johnstone Shell Bed
Swallowdrum (0.74m) South (0.84m)
Cowdenbeath North (0.69m)
m Ell/Parrot/ Top Hosie Limestone
Berryhills Limestone m Lochgelly Splint (1.38-
m 2.0m)
200m Hartley Coal
m Bannockburn/ Mynheer (0.3-0.9m)
Lower Main/ Cowdenbeath Jewel (0.1-3.34m)
Jersey Coal
(0.28-2.6m) Cowdenbeath Five Foot
m Black Metals m


Figure 38. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic successions in the Midland
Valley of Scotland. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled. m=marine
band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.

Brora Shale Formation

Main/Brora (1.0m)
Parrot (1.83m)
Middle Jurassic


Figure 39. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Brora
Coalfield. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled.

Upper Carboniferous

Upper Carboniferous
Bath Lodge 'Upper

Splint (0.76m) Coal Bath Lodge 'Upper

m Hawk's Nest group' Splint (0.76m) Coal
m m Hawk's Nest group'
0 m
McGildowney's m
Marine Band (E2) 0 McGildowney's
Marine Band (E2)

Main (1.0-1.4m)
Wee (0.25m) m
Main (1.0-1.4m)
Middle Till (0.6m) Wee (0.25m)
m Middle Till (0.6m)
Main Limestone (P2)
m 'Main m
Limestone Coal Limestone
Main Limestone (P2)
Lower Carboniferous

group' Limestone Coal Limestone

Lower Carboniferous

30 Carrickmore M.B. Sronbane
White Mine 30 Carrickmore M.B.
(Coal A) White Mine
(Coal A)

Coal B (?Portnaloub Coal)

Coal C Coal B (?Portnaloub Coal)
Coal D Coal C
Coal E Murlough Bay/ Coal D
Coal F Ballyvoy Coals Coal E Murlough Bay/
Coal G 60m
Coal F Ballyvoy Coals
Coal H (?Arched Mine Coal) Coal G
Coal H (?Arched Mine Coal)

Redrawn from Wilson & Robbie (1966)

Figure 40. Stratigraphy of the main coal-bearing stratigraphic succession in the Ballycastle
Coalfield, Northern Ireland. Main seam names and thicknesses, where known, are labelled.
m=marine band; E=Estheria band. Italicised text represent marine (or Estheria) band names.



Kelly (1.14m)
Crow (0.6-1.37m)

Langsettian (Westphalian A)
Annagher (Main) (2.29-2.74m)
Bone (0.91-1.07m)

Shining (0.76-0.86m)

0 Brackaville (1.37-1.52m)
12-Inch (0.3m)
Gortnaskea (0.6-0.84m)

Beltiboy (0.91-1.07m)
Upper Wee
Upper Cracker
m Meadowfarm
Monkey (9-Inch) (0.23-0.3m)
100m m Listeri
Upper Two-Foot (Rock) (0.03-0.61m)
Derry (0.69-1.52m) Compiled from Ramsbottom et al. (1978)
Seat (0.1-0.25m) and Sevastopulo (2001)
m ?Subcrenatum (Coalisland Marine Band)
Lower Wee
Lower Cracker
Yard (0.91m)

Lower Two-Foot


Figure 41. Stratigraphy of the main coal-

bearing stratigraphic succession in the
Coalisland Coalfield, Northern Ireland. Main
seam names and thicknesses, where known,
are labelled. m=marine band; E=Estheria
band. Italicised text represent marine (or
Congo (0.56m)
Estheria) band names.
Namurian (Pendleian)


Unnamed (0.08m)

Main (Top) (0.3m)

Main (1.12m)

m m m
Boulder clay 4-37 18-36
DRIFT Boulder clay
Boulder clay
Silty clay with sand, sandy
clay, lignitic clay, lignite Sandy clay with
and thin ironstone soft sand, clay 0-75
0-43 and thin lignite
Clay with lignitic
clay, ironstone
and thin lignite Clayey lignite and lignite
0-100 with thin beds of lignitic clay Olive-green clay with
and clay occasional thin
10-43 sandstone bands

Clay, lignite clay, 25-92

lignite and
ironstone bands
Multi-seam lignite
and lignitic clay
with clay
Thick massive lignite
separating interbedded
lignite, clayey lignite
and clay

Clay, sandy clay, thin Clay, lignitic clay 2-44

lignite and lignitic clay and ironstone
and conglomerate
20-210 Lignite, clay
and lignitic clay
Clay and silt
v v
v v v
v v v BASALT
v v v
v BASALT v v
v v
v v

Figure 42. Typical successions within the Oligocene Lough Neagh Clays, Lough Neagh area,
Northern Ireland (redrawn from Legg 1992).


As part of the deliverables for this project, an Adobe Acrobat pdf document was produced. This
represents a digital version of all the 1:100,000 scale coal resource maps and the 1:1,750,000 and
1:600,000 montage map. This is a web-enabled document; the requirements needed to run this
document are MS Internet Explorer or Netscape Web Browser. The pdf files can only be viewed
using Adobe PDF Reader (v.6.0 or later is recommended), which is available as a free download from It is recommended that the file is run directly from CD-
Rom as it will automatically run when inserted into a PC.

All text within the document is searchable using the Find command. For example “Jack Tar Pit” can
be found on Maps 16a and 16b and Exploration Licence “EXL215” can be found on Map 12b.



1a. Bovey Tracey 1b. Bovey Tracey

2a. Kent 2b. Kent

3a. Western South Wales 3b. Western South Wales

4a. South Wales 4b. South Wales

5a. Forest of Dean, Newent and Bristol- 5b. Forest of Dean, Newent and
Somerset Bristol-Somerset
6a. Oxfordshire and Berkshire 6b. Oxfordshire and Berkshire
7a. South Staffordshire, 7b. South Staffordshire,
Warwickshire, Leicestershire, Warwickshire, Leicestershire,
South Derbyshire and South Derbyshire and
Shropshire Shropshire
8a. Anglesey 8b. Anglesey
9a. North Wales 9b. North Wales
10a. North Midlands 10b. North Midlands
11a. Nottinghamshire 11b. Nottinghamshire
12a. South Yorkshire 12b. South Yorkshire
13a. Ingleton 13b. Ingleton
14a. Cumbria-Canonbie 14b. Cumbria-Canonbie
15a. North East England (South) 15b. North East England (South)
16a. North East England (North) 16b. North East England (North)
17a. Machrihanish 17b. Machrihanish
18a. West Scotland 18b. West Scotland
19a. Central and East Scotland 19b. Central and East Scotland
20a. Brora 20b. Brora
21a. Northern Ireland 21b. Northern Ireland


Quarter Sheet (QS) and QS Number refer to BGS registered number for each borehole. # - Boreholes
not registered in BGS collection. * - No data).


(QS) (m) metres
A1/10 TURF NEST SJ69NE 4 368832 398234 18 548.82
A1/12 PEEL GREEN SJ79NE 29 375407 398565 20.7 878.86
A1/2 PRESTWICH SD80SW 7 380240 402850 39.3 847.55
A1/8 ASTLEY STATION SJ79NW 10 370290 397259 24.05 1054
A1/9 MANOR FARM SJ79NW 8 372121 397572 0.25 1104.42
A2/26 BLACK FIELD OFF MOSS LANE SD51SW 25 353555 410971 93.36 486
A2/31 SD51SW 10 353886 414501 64.13 660.81
A2/59 ROSE COTTAGE SJ69NE 5 367000 395818 20.36 997.19
A2/66 SD40SE 48 347922 402476 55.56 280.41
A2/68 SD40SE 65 345643 400576 41.61 376.62
A3/16 ARBURY LANE SJ69SW 32 361500 392670 * 1075
A5/5 DUDLESTON SJ33NW 334150 337840 1.07 792.48
AB KETTLEBY SK72SW 47 472628 322628 128.48 672.01
ABERAVON MARSHES (BURROWS) No.2 BH SS78NE 60 275050 189590 * 274.32
ABERDONA WOOD BORE NO1/1979 NS99NE 124 295434 695280 99.8 423
ABERDONIA MAINS BORE NS99SW 289 294356 694798 96.77 418
ABERNANT COLLIERY SOUTH SHAFT SN70NW 11 270180 208210 164.59 820.22
GWYN' SN60NE 269442 207400 292.13 1032
ABERTILLERY NEW MINE SO20NW 1 320500 205800 247.12 303.58
ACASTER AIRFIELD SURFACE BH1 SE54SE 12 458330 443125 8.79 642.09
ACASTER AIRFIELD SURFACE BH2 SE54SE 13 457120 442160 8.54 566.14
ACKLINGTON STATION NU20SW 422100 601533 40.9 563.04
ACKTON HALL COLL. SE42SW 32 442250 420470 51.82 652.98
ACKWORTH SE41NW 15 444310 416810 26.94 823.57
ACRE EDGE SK76NW 38 470818 366952 91.46 909.27
ACRESFORD 6 SK31SW 65 430960 313580 107.9 716.58
ACRESFORD 7 SK21SE 9 429600 312970 73.15 308.15
ADAMTON MAINS NO.1 BORE NS32NE 12 238160 628920 48.17 310
ADDERLEY GREEN 8 SJ94SW 7 392099 344522 190.8 399.74
ADLINGTON A2/23 SD61SW 6 360617 413918 121.8 289.56
AIRTH (1980) NS88NE 215 289357 687661 21.71 638

ALDERSEY SJ74SE 34 379528 343668 142.45 834.3
ALDWARKE MAIN No.1 SHAFT SK49NW 19 444400 395100 33.53 452.04
ALFRETON COLL. # # 441720 356330 105.46 238.84
ALKBOROUGH A SE82SE 3 488345 422644 7.27 1999.00
ALKRINGTON NEW COLLIERY 1 SD80SE 48 386805 404281 97.5 387.71
ALL HALLOWS SK73NE 12 477758 336940 31.96 659.66
ALMA COLL SK46NW 441290 366120 140.21 384.66
ALREWAS 1 SK11SE 7 418636 314067 51.51 1168.29
ALVELEY 1 SO78NE 2 378170 286080 146.61 516.94
ANN PIT WALKER NZ26SE 125 429210 564590 * *
ANNESLEY COLLIERY # # 451773 353287 142.3 583.1
ANNESLEY PARK SK55SW 17 451717 351105 124.01 425.35
ANSTRUTHER NO9 BORE NO50SE 5 356530 703500 4.11 305
APLEY 1 TF17NW 2 510147 375105 18.72 *
APLEY BARN SP31SW 3 434370 210660 * 1506
APLEYHEAD 1 SK67NE 13 465510 376310 43.99 *
APPERKNOWLE SK37NE 181 438140 378600 * *
APPROACH FARM SE63NW 31 462834 438874 5.78 811.72
ARCHERBECK NY47NW 14 341568 578152 * 1403
ARMTHORPE BH SE60SW 462051 403678 15.24 659.8
ARNS BORE NO1/77 NS99SW 293 290890 690058 1.3 684
ARRAIL GRIFFIN COLLIERY, NO.5 PIT SO20SW 7 321880 202840 188.06 324.3
ASH FARM 1 SP22SW 20 420870 224410 129.54 1313.69
ASH WOOD BH SE41NW 39 442100 417424 55.79 432.2
ASHBURNHAM. NO.4 BOREHOLE SN30SE 239060 203020 9.14 385.27
ASHERTON BH.1 NS41SW 140 243829 613882 190.3 537
ASHINGTON 20/65 NZ28NE 100 425790 589390 -34.28 271.88
ASHINGTON COLL CARL DOWNCAST NZ28NE 31 426540 588060 35.3 317.85
ASHINGTON COLLIERY SURFACE BORE NZ28NE 158 427060 589990 20.6 327.42
ASHLEY HOUSE SK21NE 58 425130 318110 63.23 622.25
ASHOW SP37SW 100 430531 271614 85.85 1244
ASHTON MOSS COLLIERY, SNIPE PIT SJ99NW 9 391937 397942 100.6 930.86
ASKERN 1 SE51NE 1 456507 415008 7.42 *
ASKERN COLL.1 SHAFT # # 455800 413800 24.38 749
ASKHAM 1 SK77SW 42 474287 374717 37.2 *
ASTLEY GREEN 1 PIT SJ79NW 1 370465 399920 * 809.85
ASTLEY NEW PIT, DUKINFIELD SJ99NW 16 393911 397184 * 631.39
ASTLEY RAYNERS SJ79NW 3 370230 398624 * 522.27
ASTON TIRROLD SU58NE 42 455790 187220 54 740.93
AUCHENTYRE BH NS98SW 178 290056 684680 6.41 626
AUCHINBAIRD BORE 1980 NS89NE 102 289642 695022 40.17 619
AUCHINBEE NO.1 BORE NS77NW 184 273225 675665 82 546
AUCHINLECK MAINS BORE NS52SW 65 250500 623044 119.7 950

AVENUE COLL. SK36NE 432940 367930 91.44 233.17
AVERHAM PARK G1 SK75NW 11 474500 356298 48 805.89
AVONMOUTH 2 (SEVERN FARM) ST58SW 2 355440 176310 6.78 112.01
AXHOLME 3 SE70SE 8 478685 404435 22.3774 *
AYLESFORD COVERT BH SK62SE 25 467553 320791 128.07 583.87
BA/23/2 SD73SE 39 378480 433930 108.2 315.16
BABWORTH SK68SE 27 468950 380270 32.3 1067.1
BACK LANE PLUNGAR SK73SE 65 476255 332789 54.4 730.66
BRASSTHILL 'K' AND STRATA IN THE 'A' PIT. NZ37SW 48 430369 571927 58.52 256.34
THILL 'K' NZ37SW 49 430376 571897 -197.82 419.25
BADSWORTH COMMON SE41NW 1 444900 415200 45.68 830.88
BAGGERIDGE 2 WOMBOURNE SJ89SE 3 387250 294060 85.34 1021.66
BAGGERIDGE 5 PENN SO89NE 6 389250 296540 132.01 776.33
BALCORMO NO1 BORE NO50SW 39 350836 704084 32.98 347
BALCORMO WOOD NO2 BORE NO40NW 57 341320 705750 297.5 309
BALFOUR MAINS 1 NT39NW 10 333072 699891 22.86 1382
BALGRUMMO NO.1 BORE NO30SE 5 337190 703170 78 235
BALGRUMMO NO.1 BORE(NORTH) NO30SE 6 337585 703800 68 331
BALGRUMMO NO.2 BORE NO30SE 4 337090 703325 94 434
BALORNOCK DIAMOND NS66NW 32 262340 668750 * 357
BANGLEY BOREHOLE SJ91SW 41 394440 313980 101.5 932.94
BANK END SK79NW 2a 470630 399717 0.81 1063.75
BANK END MARYPORT NY03NE 3 305130 538460 * 807.11
BANK TOP PIT 1 SD70NE 19 379258 409177 * 438.3
BARHAUGH NY75SW 4 371800 552500 * *
BARKESTONE WOOD SK73SE 57 479316 333078 62.8 664.07
BARKSTONE BRIDGE SK73SE 59 477316 334986 46.32 722.72
BARLBOROUGH 2 SK47NE 3 449029 377619 127 582.78
BARMULLOCH FARM NS66NW 39 262880 668130 * 292
BARN HOUSE SK47NW 142 444590 376750 55.5 282.42
BARNARD GATE SP41SW 45 441688 210205 68.08 287.12
BARNBOROUGH No.5 SHAFT SE40SE 14 447699 403200 38.34 706.68
BARNBY MOOR SK68SE 16 466304 383643 18.12 1040.92
BARNHILL BORE (1939-40) NO.3 NS41NW 133 244380 615010 156 356
BARNSDALE SE51SW 2 451720 413860 66.57 803.38
BARNSLEE 2 NO30SW 98 330790 701855 57.91 238
BARNSOLE TR25NE 122 628240 156780 18.9 836
BARONY PIT SHAFT NS52SW 4 252820 621730 130 627
BARREL HILL SK76NE 70 478437 365927 14.05 865.5
BARRINGTON COLLIERY MOLLY PIT NZ28SE 29 426500 583660 26.31 387.8
BARROW COLL. SE30SE 9 435864 402627 75.75 430.35
BARROWS GREEN SJ58NW 72 353219 387928 28.77 933.98

BARTON 1 SJ45SW 22 343573 354095 20.09 1032.07
BARTON 1 SE76SW 22 472199 464674 39.5 *
BARTON 2 SJ45SW 22 343573 354095 20.09 1032.07
BASSINGFIELD SK63NW 45 461228 337224 28.27 501.68
BASSINGHAM FEN SK95NW 16 493190 358560 7 863.6
BATES PIT NO3 NEW SHAFT NZ38SW 24 430490 582250 4.9 301.59
BATH FARM BOGSIDE NO4 BORE NS98NE 117 295275 689563 65.01 418
BATHLEY HILL SK75NE 151 476599 359877 49.94 587.19
BATLEY WEST END COLLIERY SE22NW 492 424557 425551 82 273.41
BATSFORD LOWER LEMINGTON SP23SW 3 421500 234700 115.8 518.31
BAYTON SO67SE 14 369800 273040 * 100
BEACON SJ92SW 97 394321 324771 93.88 989.61
BECKERING 1 TF18SW 13 510396 380252 32 *
BECKHALL NY37NW 2 333924 575733 89.34 420
BECKINGHAM 1 SK79SE 4 479214 390365 4.7244 *
BECKLEES NY37SE 3 335166 571578 35.25 1370
BEDLAY (MOLLINBURN) NO 2 BORE NS77SW 43 271385 670645 85 557
BEDLINGTON 'D' COLLIERY 5 NZ28SW 62 424820 580960 -68 202.1
BEDWELLTY No.1 PIT SO10NE 2 315452 206290 272.19 245
BEECHDALE ROAD SK54SW 17 453612 341130 47.95 643.13
BELLAMOUR SK02SW 1 404650 320450 72.18 386.66
BELLSDYKE NO.1/78 NS98SW 176 290953 684891 5.67 612
BELTON 1 SE70NE 4 477730 408450 4.57 *
BELVOIR 1 SK83SW 107 480924 333979 63.21 *
BENTINCK COLL. SK45SE 448770 354970 115.82 461.95
BENTLEY COLL. SHAFT No.2. # # 457000 407500 6.4 811.9
BERSHAM COLL 1 PIT SJ34NW 2 331460 348260 * 396.11
BERSHAM COLL 2 PIT SJ34NW 1 331470 348180 * 391.31
BESTWOOD COLL. # # 455669 347486 69.49 378.28
BETTERAS HILL # # 449345 429110 34.37 311
BETTESHANGER 1 DB TR35SW 1 633910 152950 -551.48 78.33
BETTESHANGER 14 DB TR35SW 10 633670 152920 -640.54 93.37
BETTESHANGER 2 & 3 UBH TR35SW 2 631980 154880 -550.16 231.22
BETWS SURFACE BH. NO.12 ('HAFOD') SN60NE 11 267873 209348 225.52 820.18
BETWS SURFACE BH. NO.13 ('HENRHYD') SN61SE 53 267863 210494 298.9 644.74
BEVERCOTES PARK SK67SE 469306 371727 27.02 870.37
BEVERCOTES VILLAGE SK77SW 37 470290 371838 40.4 *
OF MOSCOW NS44SE 52 248670 641380 141 *
BH 6 NY03SW 38 301330 530950 35.97 239.88
ARTIFICIAL SILK CO BR SE12SE 4 415056 422619 * 224.03
BH NO 2 MOSS BAY NX92NE 15 299070 527640 * 262.43

BH NO. 2 MOOR ROW NX91SE 123 299982 514230 73 428
BH NO. 3 NY02NW 4 301450 527650 16.15 236.71
BH NO.1 BRAYTON NY14SE 1 316460 544340 * 384.81
BH NO.2 BRAYTON NY14SE 2 317190 544530 * 574.55
BICKRAM NO1 BORE, OAKLEY NT09SW 294 300660 691260 93 590
BIDSTON SJ29SE 2 328340 390880 * *
BILLINGLEY LANE BH SE40NW 121 443000 405647 37.3 209.75
BILLINGSLEY SO78SW 14 371570 284280 114.91 117.96
BILSTHORPE COLLIERY No.1 SHAFT SK66SE 103 465000 361000 74.8 746.97
BINGHAM 2 SK73NW 1 471691 339557 24.16 *
BIRCH HILL SK46NE 449050 367840 152.1 407.88
BIRCH TREE FARM SP38SW 161 431016 282882 134.89 862.67
BIRCHWOOD SJ69SW 1399 364382 390996 13.035 1528
BIRDSTON NO.2 BORE NS67NE 19 265530 675810 45 524
BIRKS OPENCAST BH M/15 NY01NW 302195 515999 * *
BISCATHORPE 1 TF28SW 11 523050 383714 87.48 *
BISHOP SUTTON NEW PIT ST55NE 2 358280 159240 69.4 225.5
BISHOP WOOD 2 SE53SE 22 455445 434982 7.62 355.28
BISHOP WOOD 3 SE53SE 23 456036 433630 7.19 318.63
BISHOP WOOD 6 SE53SE 26 456355 433757 7.12 290.63
BISHOP WOOD BH (505) SE53SE 18 455179 433523 7.52 407.97
BISHOPBRIGGS NS67SW 212 260400 671000 0.5 *
BLACK BANK SHAFT BEDWORTH SP38NE 9 435756 286093 102.4 206
BLACK BROOK BRIDGE SJ34NW 44 331850 345730 * 334.67
BLACKHALL, BATTERSLEY FARM BOREHOLE NZ43NW 43 444550 536999 88.7 338.23
BLACKLAKE SJ93NW 1 393430 339300 247.45 1087.83
BLACO SK68NE 35 469160 387585 15.37 1082.02
BLACON SJ36NE 22 336825 367728 8.42 856.95
BLAIR MAINS NO 2 BORE NS98NE 4 297120 686038 30.02 908
BLAIRHALL NO1 DIAMOND BORE NT08NW 92 300875 688640 64 651
BLAIRMULLOCH FARM, BGS BORE NS52NE 21 256050 628200 171 212
BLAITHWAITE 3 NY24SW 4 322242 543964 * 295.05
BLAKELEY HALL COLLIERY NO.1 SO98NE 42 399946 289508 1.5 286.46
BLAKELEY HALL COLLIERY NO.2 SO98NE 42 399916 289521 1.5 288.5
BLAKEMORE COLL SO77SW 25 372400 272300 * 89.91
BLIDWORTH COLLIERY SK55NE 6 459457 356564 120.7 670.38
BLINKEERIE BORE NO1 NS98NE 130 296721 689360 64.81 775
BLOODMIRE BORE NS83SW 194 284060 631920 * 899
BLYTON 1 SK89NW 1 484345 395550 7.13 *
BOARDED BARN SJ59SE 51 357197 393549 25.2 973.11
BOCKENDEN WARWICKS SP27NE 50 428010 275250 90.52 1147
BOGRA NY37NW 3 332864 575529 88.4 447
BOGSIDE 1 NS66NW 217 264320 668420 * 270

BOGSIDE (BATH FARM) NO3 BORE NS99SE 117 295969 691005 39.92 428
BOLD COLLIERY SHAFT 1 SJ59SW 31 354830 393460 35.9 839.11
BOLD SH 3 SJ59SW 26 354860 393500 33.22 839.43
BOLSOVER COLL. SK47SE 446080 371030 68.58 692.59
BORE 1/78, WESTRIGG NS96NW 211 290131 666830 184.1 580
BORE AT GARTARRY TOLL NS99SW 143 293132 691256 29 1342
BORE IN NELLIE PIT LOCHGELLY NT19SE 27 318450 694740 88 202
WOOD KNOWN AS BUTTERWICK BELT NZ32NE 2 439909 529814 90.61 298.86
BORELAND BORE DYSART NT39SW 44 330394 694222 62.5 1006
BOTANY BAY SJ79NW 4 372710 398597 22.9 596.04
BOTHAMSALL 1 SK67SE 1 465860 373675 35.74 *
BOTTESFORD 3 SK73NE 2 478609 339191 28.04 *
BOURNE BROOK SK11NW 13 413477 316246 63.57 583
BOWHILL BORE NO.12 NS41SW 114 243810 612310 300.01 580
BOWHILL COLLIERY NO3 SHAFT NT29NW 332 321070 695630 90.22 818
BOWSEY WOOD SJ74NE 9 376950 346430 91.44 931.47
BOWTREES BH. NS98NW 204 291030 686078 5.22 613
BOX FARM No.1 BH SN50SE 258190 201430 7.06 115.20
BRACKLEY COLLIERY A1/15 SD70NW 87 370216 405382 * 282.63
BRADES COLL. NO7 SO98NE 210 397750 289660 178 217.17
BRANCOTEGORSE COVERT SJ92SE 6 395984 323055 89.48 879.25
BRANDFIELD FARM BH SE50SW 48 453720 403567 32.54 472.24
BRAYTON DOMAIN COLLIERY 3 NY14NE 1 317140 545280 * 887.2
BREACH FARM SK21NE 3 426640 318820 68.06 281.64
BRECK'S FARM SK66NW 20 464378 366530 50.19 762.01
BREIGHTON AIRFIELD SE73NW 8 472929 435257 5.13 1085.97
BREIGHTON SURF. BH. (LUND LANE) SE73SW 10 470560 433046 5.3 1133
BRIARTHORN NO.1 SEABORE (NCB) NT37NE 46 335426 675432 -9.9 250
BRIARTHORN NO.2 SEABORE (NCB) NT37NE 47 335870 676801 -11.4 277
BRIARTHORN NO.3 SEABORE (NCB) NT37NE 48 337403 678448 -12.8 412
BRICKKILN PLANTATION SJ71SW 6 374692 313520 141.34 478.21
BRICKLAND SJ92NW 33 393203 327023 112.97 1100.2
BRICKLAWN SJ92SE 10 397664 323606 104.85 981.46
BRIGG 1 TA00NW 122 503777 406391 8.1 1933.4
BRIGG 2 TA00NW 123 503770 406390 8.16 1990
BRIND COMMON SE73SE 2 475200 431294 4.64 993.96
BROACH ROAD BRANT BROUGHTON SK95SW 7 492920 354550 10.5 993.96
BROADMEADOWS NY37NE 15 337646 576265 80 791
BROCKET WOOD SURFACE BH SE54SE 14 456709 444088 9.39 752.64
BROCKLEHILL FARM BH. 6 NS42SW 1 240214 624362 55 231
BROCKLEY SK65SE 12 465939 354005 90.1 980.06
BRODSWORTH MAIN COLLIERY NO.1 SHAFT SE50NW 5 452590 407711 37.26 772.88
BROOKFIELD SJ34NW 52 332270 346500 * 376.91

BROOMFLEET 1 SE82NE 10 489324 427706 5.01 616.91
BROOMHILL MINE BH.88/K/1 NS41SW 9768 242886 613291 204.07 224
BROOMHILL MINE BH.88/K/5 NS41SW 9768 242540 613272 211.67 319
BROOMHILL MINE BH.88/K/6 NS41SW 9768 242407 613395 222.85 280
BROOMHILL MINE BH.88/K/7 NS41SW 9768 242689 613464 209.64 307
BROOMSTON SK79NW 32 473240 397691 6.07 1099.3
BRORA BH.C NC80SE 2 289116 903955 * 67.64
BRORA BH.F NC80SE 8 289489 904159 * 54.86
BROUGHTON B-1 SE91SW 456 494627 410760 68.2 *
BROXTOWE PIT SK54SW 37 452360 342930 80.77 234.21
BRUCEFIELD MAINS BORE NS99SW 288 294394 691652 52.94 414
BRYMBO COLL. ENGINE,BYE PIT SJ25SE 1310 329327 353494 * 211.4
BRYNKINALLT SJ23NE 10 329930 338642 121.92 222.45
BULCOTE FARM SK64SE 18 466293 344037 18.49 510.54
BULLCROFT COLL. No.1 SHAFT # # 454027 409698 10.67 626.62
BURGH LANDS, PRESTWICK BH.2 NS32NW 17 234580 626840 * 228
BURNLIP DIAMOND BORE NS76NW 140 273385 667860 97 603
BURNSIDE DIAMOND BORE NO30SE 7 336980 704150 83 331
BURNT HILL SU57SE 76 457200 173800 118.1 1172
BURRADON HOUSE BOREHOLE NZ27SE 19 427386 573127 63.61 399.06
BURTON COMMON 2 SE42NE 28 449862 427408 * *
BURTON COMMON 3 SE42NE 28 449862 427408 * *
BURTON JOYCE STATION FIELD SK64SW 21 464520 343040 19 882.7
BURTONS SH SJ25SE 6 327852 350850 * 291.08
BURTON-UPON-STATHER 1 SE81NE 2 487865 418829 64.16 *
BURTONWOOD SJ59SE 22 355770 390200 19.39 843.08
BUSKEYFIELD LANE SK57SE 15 456171 371988 57.17 802.84
BUTCHER'S BH. SN61SW 264874 210453 235.4 416.66
BUTTERWICK 1 SE80NW 1 484210 405630 5.26 1700.00
BYRAM ASH SE42NE 41 449862 427408 12.86 323.93
BYRAM PARK BH 1924 # # 448620 426830 19.51 565.71
BYREBURN NO.1 NY37NE 9 339724 578598 76 229
BYREHILL LANDS NO. 4 BORE NS24SE 52 229432 642524 12.5 238
CADDER NO 16 BORE NS67SW 1 260035 673260 31.7 613
CADDER NO 5 (AUCHENGREE) BORE NS66NE 5 265645 669730 79 456
CADLEY HILL SK21NE 14 427750 318870 76.85 541.02
CADOXTON No.1 BH SS79NE 31 275750 199000 N/A 620.34
CAIRNGILLAN BH.1 NS42NW 19 243246 625055 104 594
CAIRNY CROFT NY66NE 2 366260 567032 158.5 412.17
CALDWELL 1 SK21NE 24 426000 317340 88.09 477.27
CALDWELL 2 SK21NE 25 425680 316720 86.87 481.58
CALDWELL 3 SK21NE 23 426600 317570 99.97 448.41
CALEDONIAN FARM SK86NE 31 489513 366043 17.3 *

CALLOW 1 SK47SW 440860 370410 128 1132.95
CALLOW KNOWE BORE NS83SW 204 283885 631175 193.2 1263
CAMERON BRIDGE DISTILLERY NO2 NO30SW 118 334580 700485 24 329
CAMERON NO1 BH NT39NW 380 334566 699006 41.71 1472
CAMERON NO1 BH DIVERSION NT39NW 380 334566 699006 41.71 1255
CANNOP 2 SO61SW 13 360780 212460 88.39 187.91
CARBANK SK65NW 2 463969 355793 65.91 942.37
CARBERRY BORE DYSART NO1 NT29NE 49 328249 695574 82.3 625
CARBROOK MAINS NO1 BORE NS88NW 52 284015 686195 18.65 517
CARDOWAN COLLIERY NO.3 SHAFT NS66NE 106 266830 668230 * 658
CARDOWAN NO 1 BORE NS66NE 65 268545 668130 79 566
CARDOWAN NO 2 BORE NS66NE 66 267060 667520 82 551
CARDOWAN PIT NO2 SHAFT NS66NE 67 266680 668320 * 626
CARDYKE PLANTATION NO.1 NS67SE 119 265150 670255 63 509
CARNOCK NO 1 BOREHOLE NS88NE 2 286020 689000 15 533
CASTLE EDEN WEST PIT NZ43NW 10 443710 538132 110.34 379.08
CASTLEHILL FARM SK57NW 38 450116 378034 127.24 286.51
CASTLEHILL THORNHILL NS43NW 148 240967 635058 45 501
CASTLESTEADS FARM NO 38 BORE NT36NW 104 333860 669220 * 368
CATOR HOUSE SHAFT NZ24NE 425857 545134 105.16 221.27
CATTLEMOSS NO1/64 BORE NS99SE 127 299245 691742 84.8 528
CATTON HILL SK21NW 1 421680 315370 77.65 664.92
CAUNTON 3 SK75NW 1 473275 359779 52.43 *
CAWLEY FARM SJ69NE 26 366272 395281 23.65 1525.17
CAWOOD 1 SE53NE 6 456944 438376 8.03 822.96
CAWOOD 2 SE53NE 10 458211 436777 7.59 487.22
CAWOOD COMMON SURFACE BH SE53NE 8 456394 435496 8.26 585.52
CAWOOD HAGG FARM SURFACE BH SE53SE 19 456420 434450 6.61 352.71
CELLARDYKE HARBOUR TO THE PANS NO50SE 13 357935 703835 2 382
CELYNEN NORTH COLLIERY, NORTH SHAFT ST29NW 1 321271 197548 123.444 464.82
CHADKIRK PRINT WORKS SJ98NW 14 393940 389570 * 229.82
CHAPELBURN 2 NY66SW 8 361220 564860 156.26 325.83
CHARLESTOWN SHORE SECTION NT08SE 7 306500 683500 * 274
CHERRY WILLINGHAM 1 TF07SW 49 504165 373273 20.84 *
CHETWYND ASTON NEWPORT SJ71NE BJ 375900 318070 0.79 459.13
CHILDPIT LANE SJ71NE 6 375608 315196 132.53 594.13
CHISLET COLLIERY UGB 33 & 34 TR26SW 622760 162920 -312.72 180.82
CHISLET COLLIERY UGB 35 TR25NW 3 621780 159720 -507.53 132.28
CHISLET COLLIERY UGB 38 TR26SW 11 620990 160670 -357.87 106.68
CHURCH GRESLEY MOIRA COLLIERIES SK21NE 44 429210 318050 125.58 435.25
CHURTON SJ45NE 27 345305 358667 18 1161
CINDERHILL COLL NO.2 SK54SW 31 453313 343659 11.96 201.95
CINDERHILL COLL. No.1 # # 453320 343660 57.61 202.11

CLACKMANNAN NO1 BORE 1978 NS99SW 295 292154 691700 19.65 644
CLARA PIT GRIFFE COLLIERY SP38NW 1 434812 288959 106.68 262.22
CLARBOROUGH 1 SK78SW 30 473842 383585 67.3 *
CLAVERLEY BOREHOLE SO89SW 4 380350 291330 54.86 681.22
CLAY CROSS SK36SE 439830 364380 102.72 576.99
CLAYPOLE 1 SK84NW 3 484505 349334 17.68 *
CLAYTON SJ84SW 3 384870 343140 141 723.9
CLAYTONS HOUSE FARM SJ59SE 17 358050 393070 13.79 1102.38
CLEETHORPES 1 TA30NW 51 530237 407090 4.5 *
CLIFFORDS WOOD SJ83NW 8 384806 337449 183.55 1119.96
CLIFTON COLL. # # 456408 338140 25.42 274.76
CLIPSTON SK63SW 21 463780 333140 57.91 641.6
CLIPSTONE No.1 SHAFT SK56SE 459530 363290 88.39 600.67
CLOCKFACE SH 3 SJ59SW 5 353650 391610 49.93 752.68
CLUBS TOMB NS88NE 216 288148 687421 9.41 511
CLYDE BRIDGE BORE MOTHERWELL NS75NW 68 273795 656215 27 605
COACHGAP FARM SK73SW 4 473463 334467 33.03 691.96
COCKBANK 2 SJ34NE 3 335700 345880 54.06 1236.27
CODSALL 1 SJ80NW 69 383300 305360 * >940
CODSALL COLLIERY CRADLEY HEATH SO98NE 214 395260 285760 116 211.23
COED TALON COLL. DEEP PIT SJ25NE 18 327000 358800 * 219.66
COED TALON COLL. SOUTH LEVEL SJ25NE 19 326970 358970 * 210.87
COEDELY BH.1, HENDREFORGAN BH SS98NE 17 298690 187820 186.84 1036.47
COLDWELL FARM SK36SE 437400 364240 152.4 205.03
COLLINGE SJ47SW 23 341420 371110 14.8 1362.17
COLLINS GREEN SJ59SE 4 355550 394250 39.62 521.45
COLSTON BASSETT NORTH 1 SK73SW 2 471000 333820 34.07 *
COLSTON BASSETT SOUTH 1 SK73SW 1 470390 331370 40.11 *
COMMON 1/80 BORE NS52SE 327 257330 623210 187.3 650
COMMON FARM SK54NW 65 450873 345793 112.4 562.8
COMMONSIDE SK76NE 74 476782 366078 38.46 863.28
CONEYPARK COALFIELD NO73 NS77NE 21 277695 679400 67 223
CONEYPARK DIAMOND NS77NE 81 277540 678880 45.62 548
CONINGSBY 1 TF25SW 18 524141 353567 7.19 *
CORKSCREW LANE SJ34NW 50 331100 347160 * 279.2
CORRINGHAM 1 SK89SE 108 489310 39276 26.96 *
CORRINGHAM 7 SK89SE 113 489628 392997 22 *
CORSELET F.M. BORE NS42SE 17 248473 621764 153.44 760
CORTONWOOD COLL. No.1 SE40SW 22 440662 401429 38.1 522.27
COTES PARK SK45SW 442610 355010 138.99 269.9
COTGRAVE WOLDS HILL SK63SW 17 464892 334335 59.84 862.58
COTON PARK GRANGE FM SK21NE 70 427400 317430 76.79 226.16
COUSTON BALMUIR FARM BORE NS97SW 99 294633 671441 114 546

COWGATE MINE BORE (1912) NX91SE 120 299846 513784 * 288
CRAIGHEAD 1 NS86SW 330 282670 662120 246 914
CRAIGTON FARM NO1/77 BORE NS98NW 196 292074 689095 5 537
CRANBERRY BORE NY36NW 3 330724 569485 40.8 300
CRESWELL COLL. No.2 SHAFT # # 452290 373600 90.91 741.59
CRITCHLEY HOUSE A2/122 SJ69NW 41 362196 399343 82.1 390.39
CROCKLEY HILL SE64NW 14 463094 446461 9.4 1051.5
CROFT PIT, PRESTON HOUSE NX91NE 17 296557 515916 * 274.62
CRONTON A3/5 SJ48NE 4 348652 387425 20.53 885.19
CRONTON A3/8/1 (Windy Harbour) SJ48NE 11 346000 389301 23.89 410.41
CROOKHOLM FARM NY47NW 26 342452 576555 51.8 632
CROPWELL BISHOP 1 SK63NE 11 468778 338121 39.32 1119.53
CROPWELL BUTLER 1 SK63NE 12 468135 338695 63.65 980.55
CROPWELL BUTLER 2 SK63NE 73 467978 338234 59.13 *
CROSS HANDS No.1 BH SN51SE 1 257397 210675 90.69 227.99
CROSS HILLS SK56NW 450860 369470 124.66 784.87
CROWCROFTS SJ94SW 13 390085 340010 142.72 659.58
CROWLE 1 SE71SE 7 477334 411923 5.2 1465.78
CROWN BREWERY DERBY STREET SD70NW 29 371015 408198 * 207.42
CROXTON ABBEY SK82NW 41 482841 327188 150.32 774.47
CRUCKMEDE SHAFT HANWOOD SJ40NW BJ 342070 309230 * 274.32
CRUCKMEOLE SH & BH SJ40NW 5 342070 309230 82 274.32
CUCKNEY HOUSE SK57SE 12 456259 370805 62.74 466.34
CUERDLEY MARSH 2 SJ58NW 9 354881 385638 * 502.92
CUERDLEY MARSH 3 SJ58NE 24 355310 386160 7.62 579.12
CUILHILL BORE NS76NW 345 270127 665052 78.9 757
CULCHETH KENYON JUCNTION SJ69NE 3 365216 396805 * 978.1
CULROSS BORE NS98NE 2 296418 685958 20.62 849
CULROSS NO 2 BORE NS98NE 5 298265 685869 4.29 686
CULROSS NO.3 BORE (OFFSHORE) NS98SE 3 298441 684785 -3.41 998
CULROSS NO.4 BORE NS98NE 169 296871 685425 4.1 866
CUNIGER ROCK SECTION NO50SE 8 355200 702350 2 335
CUSWORTH BH SE50SW 2 454168 404045 51.51 258.85
CUTNOOK SJ79NW 73 371810 396285 26.79 1567.87
CUTTYFIELD NS88SE 208 288881 684326 16.03 632
CWM SURFACE BOREHOLE No. 2 ST08NE 58 307912 188120 200.16 641.69
CWMGWILI No.4 BH SN50NE 133 258426 209662 111.9 359.66
CWMTILLERY COLLIERY, NO.1 PIT SO20NW 4 321650 205860 279.2 256.11
CYNHEIDRE 2/2 SN40NE 248072 206158 259.08 796.75
CYNHEIDRE 2/6 TREFANAU UCHAF SN40SE 249969 203910 163.32 947.42
CYNHEIDRE 3/1 SN50NW 7 250173 207342 158.55 889.1
DAIRY PIT AT HAIGH SD50NE 22 359700 407690 * 206.45

DALGINCH 8 HAND DIAMOND NO30SW 84 331008 701405 54.47 221
DALHARCO NO. 1 DIAMOND BORE NS41SW 95 242671 611483 253.5 396
DALMACAW FARM NO.2 BORE NS41NW 140 243990 615140 147.07 254
DALMELLINGTON 237 NS40NE 249 248040 606150 187.79 988
DALMELLINGTON BH.211 NS41NE 52 245373 615326 -67.79 245
DALMELLINGTON BH.231 NS41NE 6 245420 618478 107.2 288
DANES SK68NE 33 467769 385781 12.9 1054.42
DANS ROAD SJ58NW 68 353451 386782 22.89 1144.83
DARDANELLES SJ74SE 30 379832 344144 172.28 740
DARFIELD MAIN COLL. No. 3 SHAFT SE40SW 47B 440100 403900 32.16 573.82
DARLTON SK77SE 475750 373225 24.38 1070.47
DARNLEY NO2 BORE NS55NW 62 252780 658750 31 304
DARRINGTON 1 SE41NE 20 446330 419380 30.48 656.06
DAW MILL ARLEY SP28NE 5 425780 289820 * 565.2
DAWDON COLLIERY D8 BOREHOLE NZ45SE 449692 552568 0 426.72
DAYWALL SH 2 & BH 1 SJ23SE 3 329490 334690 112.78 249.94
DEAF HILL BH NO 4 NZ43NW 49 440154 535331 * 317.6
DEAF HILL COLLIERY NZ43NW 35 440164 535337 136.75 317.6
DEAN 7 NY02SE 152 307090 524730 110 329.48
DEE ESTUARY 1 SJ27NW 4 323370 378460 * 208.63
DEE ESTUARY 12 SJ27SE 13 327844 374805 4.09 247.49
DEEP GILL ST BEES NX91SE 208 297655 510592 81.67 568
DEEP PIT SJ59SW 14 351270 394800 27.43 405.91
DENABY COLL. SK49NE 11 449301 399748 21.34 733.81
DERWENT BRIDGE SE73NW 11 470890 436103 4.35 1060.37
DITTON SJ48NE 7 349750 386910 25.53 899.62
DODDINGTON/HARBY STATION SK87SE 2 487595 371404 7.62 1098.51
DOGTON NO1 BORE NT29NW 344 324200 696890 81.07 234
DOLES LANE WHITWELL SK57NW 5 453594 377491 88.4 347.78
DON PEDRO SHAFT (WHITWOOD) SE42SW 57 440400 422820 38.1 428.07
DOUGLAS BH.76 DIAMOND NS83SW 94 284905 632685 * 868
DOUGLAS,HAPPENDON BH.1 NS83SE 19 285890 633530 183 *
DRAX BORE NR NEWLANDS RAWCLIFFE SE72SW 33 470110 424930 * 1001.27
DRILL COLLIERY SJ22NE 8 328000 327000 * 219.45
DRUM GRANGE BH. NRTH OF NO9 PIT NS41SE 29 245133 610679 334 319
DRUMBOWIE FARM BH.2/57 NS41NE 56 246092 615208 182.8 270
DRUMCARRO NO5 BORE NO41SE 39 345910 712900 170.08 241
DRUMJOAN NO.1 BORE (1959) NS41NE 31 246059 616741 158.01 499
DRUMLEY BH.1 NS42NW 14 240536 625248 57 312
DRUMLEY ROADEND NS42SW 3 241014 624930 65 317
DUDLESTON SJ33NW 19 334150 337840 96.66 848.79
DUDLESTON A5/5/1 SJ33NW BJ 334990 337560 96.66 848.79
DUKE PIT HOWGILL NX91NE 10 296980 518075 * 260.73

DUKE'S COTTAGE, BOREHOLE SK55SE 16 457428 350041 77.1 694.72
DULAIS VALLEY No.2 BH SN70NE 34 279670 205270 131.98 694.94
DUMBARNIE NO10 BORE NO40SW 54 344815 703230 44.74 224
DUNHOLME 1 TF07NW 21 500856 379196 31.7 *
DUNSTON 1 TF06SE 2 507398 363126 12.5 *
DYKE SJ34NW 46 332982 348843 68.16 315.47
DYKEFIELD PIT BH.2 NS42NE 11 249675 629374 135 212
EADY FARM, BOTTESFORD SK73NE 9 479582 337128 32.35 765.77
EAGLE COLLIERY ROWLEY REGIS SO98NE 22 396340 286560 140.8 210.92
EAGLE RAISING & FINISHING CO SD91SW 11 391263 414874 * 221.59
EAGLEY SD71SW 36 370050 414850 * 333.45
EAKRING 1 SK66SE 1 467738 362552 90.83 *
EAKRING VILLAGE SK66SE 123 466965 362673 90.6 *
EARDINGTON SO78NW 3 371350 289990 60.96 304.19
EARLESTOWN SJ59SE 5 359010 394790 18 760.78
EAST CARRON NS88SE 222 288678 682609 5.06 598
EAST MACHRIHANISH NO.1 NR62SE 8 165610 621350 * 224.93
GURWEN SN71SW 14 272800 212120 N/A 416.13
EASTFIELD BH.1A NT37SW 246 332647 672971 * 1028
EATON SK77NW 471030 378100 19.81 997.11
ECCLESTON SJ36SE 17 337465 364176 20.25 739.01
ECCLESTON 2 SJ49SE 14 348573 394096 64.01 450.04
EDGMOND 1 SJ72SW BJ 370160 322150 0.87 270.35
EDWALTON SK63NW 37 460450 335780 28.96 457.2
EDWALTON-MELTON ROAD SK53SE 1 459680 334270 36.98 234.65
EGGERTON BORE NS83SE 39 285041 631706 229.77 *
EGMANTON 1 SK76NE 1 475520 368430 34.34 *
EGMANTON 68 SK76NE 73 475779 368222 38.4 2162.5
ELDON COLLIERY NZ22NW 5 423922 528091 * *
ELLENBOROUGH COLL. NY03NW 56 303655 535605 * >284
ELLINGTON COLLIERY NZ39NE 27 435626 596835 176.5 212.24
ELSCAR MAIN COLL. SE30SE 12 439021 400289 54.86 486.87
ELSTON GRANGE SK74NE 2 478202 346008 15.04 842.2
EMMA MINE DOWNCAST SHAFT NZ16SW 23 414398 563896 * 171.64
ENSON SJ92NW 32 394340 328950 80.77 1017.65
ENTERKINE BH. 7 NS42SW 14 241458 623256 55 209
ERBISTOCK SJ34SW 35 334767 343213 63.39 1888.4
ESKMOUTH BORE NT37SW 31 334530 673320 * 1042
EVERTON SK79SW 22 470175 392959 5.49 2078.76
EVERTOWN NY37NE 14 336390 575938 92.8 777
EXHALL COLLIERY DOWNCAST EXHALL SP38NE 10 435720 285470 101.8 265.73
FAIRFIELDS SK21NW 10 423263 317627 62.28 753.16
FARLEY'S WOOD 4 SK77SW 40 470509 371949 37 *

FARMBOROUGH PUMPING SHAFT ST66SE 1 365760 160110 131.06 438.91
FARNDON 1 SK75SE 1 477160 353500 12.8 *
FARNSFIELD 2 SK65NW 4 464023 356375 55.96 792.48
FARNWORTH SJ58NW 26 352550 387310 33.12 914.6
FARNWORTH STATION SJ58NW 37 351100 386980 31 718.95
FELINFRAN No.1 BH SS79NW 71 270353 199600 59.26 1021.54
FERN HILL SP27SE 29 425098 270475 96.76 1083
FERNEYRIGG NY98SE 13 395790 583640 237.13 457.5
FFALDAU VICTORIA SS99SW 8 290170 191720 160.7 336.78
FFYNON WEN BH (Nantgarw 'A') ST18NW 5 311542 186794 97.93 759.26
FIDDLERS SJ92NE 8 395918 325425 124.75 913.5
FINCH FARM SJ49SW 2 341927 393177 * 546.05
FIR TREE SE73SE 3 478304 432915 4.55 1067.13
FIRBECK MAIN COLLIERY SK58NE 1 458240 385970 35.78 783.06
FIRTH OF FORTH SEALAB NO1A BORE NT38NW 31 332299 685678 -43.59 594
FIRTH OF FORTH SEALAB NO2 BORE NT38SW 1 332723 684489 -22.8 544
FIRTH OF FORTH TOWER NO1 BORE NT38NW 1 330024 687894 15.94 963
FIRTH OF FORTH TOWER NO2 BORE NT38NW 2 331563 687394 14.33 549
FIRTH OF FORTH TWR.BH3WELLESLEY NT39NE 43 339617 698271 -14.63 691
FISHERWICK SK10NE 8 417353 308449 * 961.13
FISHPOOL SK55NE 3 456939 355389 111.56 821.54
FISKERTON SK74NW 9 472939 349792 13.75 833.8
FISKERTON 1 SK74NW 10 473546 349826 18.52 *
FLAWFORTH OLD CHURCH SK53SE 15 459307 333139 46.71 309.37
FLEET TR36SW 64 630800 160050 3.05 597.71
FLINT MILL SK21NW 7 424910 319310 53.04 609.6
FLOUR MILL 3 SO60NW 8 360440 206850 100.89 178.74
FLY COLLIERY ROWLEY REGIS SO98NE 21 396160 286710 138.42 214
FOLKESTONE TR23NW 38 624030 136750 34.66 1036.47
FOREST HILL SK58SE 459880 381380 56.36 903.95
FOREST STONE SK55NE 15 455742 358073 128 891.03
FORYD SH97NE 2 299450 379990 4.9 227.53
FOSS WAY STRAGGLETHORPE SK63NE 1 466570 336190 37.62 901.98
FOSTERTON BORE,LANDS OF RAITH NT29NE 24 325642 696458 57.91 229
FOUDRY BRIDGE SU76NW 58 470630 166020 49.35 828
FOUR OAK SJ58NW 71 354586 387095 23.26 1150.28
FOXFIELD SH SJ94SE 7 397650 344650 * 229.28
FOXHUNTER SJ92SE 11 399748 320090 159.41 370.94
FRANCES COLL.1/77 D11 MAIN GATE NT39SW 90 331928 690553 -776.94 208
FRANCES COLL.2/71 BH1 MAIN GATE NT39SW 54 331785 691752 -540.72 204
FRANCES PIT NT39SW 43 332065 692415 -404 *
FRANCES PIT SEA MINE NT39SW 41 332080 692405 -280 *
BEDWORTH SP38NW 2 433460 286930 111.28 476.34

FREESMAN BH.1 NS41NE 10 245761 618333 109.6 327
FRICKLEY COLL. SE40NE 17 446480 409570 38.1 630.61
FRICKLEY COLL. UGBH 1 SE40NE 2 446480 409570 * 853.25
FRYSTON COLLIERY SE42NE 9 445644 426967 22.67 523.06
FULLARTON BH. NS32NW 2 233800 629800 14.6 283
FULLEDGE COLLIERY SD83SW 17 384562 432293 * 298.4
GAINSBOROUGH 1 SK89SW 483260 390260 30.17 1739.21
GAINSBOROUGH 2 SK89SW 2 481770 390790 31.78 *
GANABRIG LODGE SK57NW 41 454751 375055 54.68 223.28
GARTENKEIR FARM BORE NS99SW 290 292665 694860 67.83 487
GARTLOVE NO1 BORE NS99SW 226 294545 693337 70.6 457
GARTLOVE NO2 BORE NS99SW 292 294024 692670 50 404
GARTSHERRIE DIAMOND BORE NS76NW 98 271095 666900 88 571
GATEWEN COLL 1 PIT SJ35SW 9 331340 351680 * 233.32
GATRA 2 NY02SE 19 307000 520930 140 308.58
GEDLING COLL. # # 461200 343900 56.39 429.16
STEPASIDE SN10NW 214000 207000 30 415.21
GILLMOSS SJ49NW 24 340610 396130 - 691.94
GLENBERVIE 2 NS88SE 43 285515 683880 32 718
GLENBERVIE NO1 DIAMOND BORE NS88SW 204 284445 684570 30.35 635
GLENOCHIL NO1 BORE 1978 NS89NE 100 287694 696173 9.83 642
GLENTWORTH 1 SK98NW 1 493120 388059 25.78 *
GLENZIERFOOT BORE NY37SE 2 336514 574275 64.93 869
GLOUCESTER WATERWKS OXENHALL SO72NW 1/A 370920 226440 * 362.71
GLYNCORRWG COLLIERY, SOUTH PIT SN80SE 288800 200020 270.79 372.47
GOLBORNE SJ69NW 1 360484 398270 * 246.89
GOLDEN VALLEY OLD PIT ST67SE 26 369010 170800 35.1 137.2
GOOSEDALE FARM BH SK54NE 22 456380 349420 90.65 669.47
GORDON ROAD BLYTH BOREHOLE NZ38SW 11 431700 580540 4.21 362.4
GORSWOOD HALL COLLIERY, SHAFT NO.7 SD50SE 52 357677 400919 63.4 490.22
GORWYDD COLLIERY, GOWERTON SS59NE 21 259600 196010 * 235.1
GRACEFIELD LANE SK76NE 75 479547 369579 9.95 950.6
GRANBY 1 SK73NE 4 475320 336840 38.1 *
GRANGEMOUTH DOCK BORE NS98SE 13 295132 683872 4.5 1374
GRANVILLE SK31NW 1 430700 319070 * 408.71
GRANVILLE COLLIERY NO.8 SO98NE 35 396460 285710 156.66 258.85
GRASSMAINSTON BORE NO1/77 NS99SW 294 292597 693235 46.21 537
GREAT FRAMLANDS SK72SW 46 474572 322289 138.38 893.56
GREAT HECK SE52SE 4 458668 421552 13.13 824.79
GREAT PONTON 1 SK83SE 540 489395 330530 134.8 *
EMBLETON NZ42NW 1 440954 529933 87.96 312.12
GREEN LETCH BURN NETHERTON NZ28SW 72 424800 582880 36.42 277.03

GREENBRIDGE SJ48NE 26 346640 385535 11.14 757.66
GREENHOUSE FARM SJ49SE 44 348481 392304 66.66 827.99
GREENWAYS FARM MERIDEN SP28SE 139 425800 280600 * *
GRESFORD COLL SJ35SW 7 333820 353640 * 689.71
GRIFF COLLIERY 4 SHAFT SP39SW 10 434970 290550 104 212.5
GRIMETHORPE COLL. No. 2 SHAFT SE40NW 63 440945 408360 35.36 786.16
GRIMMER SK73SE 50 479077 334037 47.26 710.65
(WEST) PIT SO10SW 2 313390 200600 * 620.23
GROVE PIT SN10NW 8 213900 207120 * 191.36
GUNBY LEA 8 SK21SE 6 429120 314590 87.48 365.96
GWERSYLLT COLL 1 SJ35SW 16 331646 353714 * 237.08
HADENHILL COLLIERY ROWLEY REGIS SO98NE 34 396040 285730 137.17 224.02
HADLEYGATE SK02SE 2 407530 320300 97.54 534.9
HAFOD Y BWCH 1 SJ34NW 18 331180 346570 * 553.95
HAGGMUIR BORE NS76NW 72 274065 668770 188 528
HAIG 7 UP NX91NW 5 292470 516820 * *
HAIG COLLIERY 11 NX91NW 13 291565 519282 * *
HAIG COLLIERY 13 NX91NW 11 291750 518370 * 153.01
HAIG COLLIERY NO 15 UG BH NX91NW 15 290590 518004 * *
HALBEATH DIAMOND BORE NT19SW 519 312450 690135 152 200
HALE SJ48SE 18 347077 383134 9.79 1155.56
HALLMARK BH. NS42NW 9 243912 628929 90 686
HALLSIDE COLLIERY NS65NE 1 266960 659680 39 451
HALLSTEADS SE40NW 110 441952 409119 67.72 466.83
HALTON HOLEGATE TF46NW 18 543061 365242 15.24 *
HAMBLETON 1 SE53SW 43 454155 431264 7.52 457.2
HAMSTEAD 1 GREAT BARR SP09NE 7 407600 296250 160.03 949.05
HAMSTEAD 3 GREAT BARR SP09NE 6 407280 297780 167.64 986
HANDSACRE SK01NE 59 408837 315577 72.98 726.31
HANGE COLLIERY PIT NO.9 ROWLEY REGIS SO98NE 65 397020 289970 190.99 207.87
HANYARDS SJ92SE 12 396484 324255 107.05 846
HAPPENDON WOOD BORE NS83SE 38 285102 633828 206.59 *
HARBY EAST SK73SE 56 475549 331286 55.36 679.5
HARBY HILL SK72NE 44 476437 327055 806.85 *
HARDWICK BECK SE41NW 38 441790 418080 38.4 442
HARLEY SJ83NW 7 383676 339316 182 1103
HARRINGTON COLLIERY 10 NX92SE 6 298046 521543 53.95 205.13
UPBORE NX92SW 294852 522542 * *
HARRY STOKE B ST67NW 10 363210 178160 46 689
HARSTON ROAD SK83SE 532 485173 331944 790.74 *
HARTLEPOOLS LIGHTHOUSE POINT BH NZ53SW 50 453191 533873 * 392.28
HARTON 1 NZ36NE 80 439660 565620 20 *

HARWELL HW3 SU48NE 92 446801 186441 122.3 551
HARWORTH SH 1 SK69SW 3 462499 391244 33.76 883.6
HATFIELD COLL. No.1 SHAFT # # 465300 411300 5.36 805.6
HATFIELD MOORS 3 SE70NW 17 470383 406669 8.84 *
HAUGHTON SK67SE 41 466746 373088 35.36 584.45
HAUGHTON HALL SK67SE 468595 373305 25.18 898.71
HAUNCHWOOD SHAFT TUNNEL PIT SP39SW 17 431450 291700 125.88 339.7
HAWKESBURY COLLIERY EXHALL SP38NE 11 436200 285460 96 257.86
HAXEY/SOUTH CARR SK79NW 1 472419 396772 5.48 973.92
HAYFIELD FARM SJ58NW 477 354340 388490 18.4 1132
HAYHILL BORE NS41NE 39 246448 616119 167.7 205
HAYTON 1 SE84SW2 2 482597 444512 * 1164.94
HAYTON SMEATHE SK78SW 42 471440 383390 9.14 954.34
HAZEL GROVE SJ98NW 11 391820 386550 0.9 559.31
HEATH SIDE SJ58NW 476 354179 389275 22.68 912.18
HEATON PARK SD80NW 19 383540 405170 91.44 723.03
HEATON PARK GRAND LODGE SD80SW 9 382700 403290 85.2 625.43
HEBBURN COLLIERY PIT C NZ36NW 62 430700 565200 24 319.63
HEMPSHILL COLLIERY NO.3 PIT SK54SW 36 452650 344490 74.68 252.71
HEMSWELL 1 SK98NE 8 495433 389788 53.07 *
HENNYMOOR SK57SW 82 454440 374490 60.33 658.38
HENRY PIT (WILLIAM NO.2 PIT) - WCC NO.9 NX91NE 171 297300 518900 * 279
HESKETH SH SJ85SE 2 388484 353319 176.84 593.29
HESWALL SJ28SE 1 325260 381610 6.1 1018.6
HEWLET 1 SD60NW 43 363707 405377 * 427.33
HEY SPRINK SJ74SE 32 378780 343355 128.17 950.15
HIBALDSTOW 1 SE90SE 112 498943 403924 9.2 *
HICKLETON MAIN COLL. SE40NE 16 446471 405314 50.29 831.65
HIGH COGGES WITNEY SP30NE 86 436670 209218 84.6 1151
HIGH KNOCKMURRAN BH.2 NS41NW 131 244408 615496 142 357
HIGH MARNHAM 1 SK87SW 4 480920 370290 11.2014 *
HIGH MONKCASTLE NS24NE 53 228860 647810 76.2 264
HIGH WALTON NX91SE 209 298530 512696 103.88 424
HIGHHOLM NO4 BORE NT19SW 454 311725 690405 157 276
HIGHLEY SO78SW 6 374260 282920 91.44 506.88
HILLS FARM SK73SW 5 470987 332329 29.86 676.7
HOBBERGATE SJ93NW 10 391300 337400 * 498.95
HOBSLAND BORE NS32NE 1 235746 629935 29.5 306
YORKS SE22NW 17 423540 427290 * 247.23
HOLDEN DIKE SE64NW 202 461723 446080 8.81 923
HOLLAND BORE NO11 SD40SE 15 349901 402750 * 256
HOLLIES BARN OXFORDSHIRE SP43SW 25 441870 234350 134.38 1076
SJ90SE 1 395500 304370 -252.7 317

HOLLY BANK COLLY 5 SJ90SE 19 396620 303410 167.64 366.73
HOLMES HOUSE SP45NW 5 440755 256704 91.45 1016.12
HOLTS BARN SJ93NW 2 390055 336420 123.44 1219.25
HOOK 1 SM91SE 13 198990 211920 12.5 39.62
HOOK COLLIERY 2 SM91SE 14 199020 211770 21.82 102.11
HOOK COLLIERY 3 SM91SE 16 199180 211760 14.89 94.66
HOOK COLLIERY 4 SM91SE 15 199100 211820 15.25 67.16
HOOTON PAGNELL BH SE40NE 68 447382 408054 41.96 553.11
HOPTON POOL SJ92NE 2 395200 325950 116.13 1063.45
HOPYARD LANE SK75NE 152 477752 358627 12.05 608.11
HOUGH GREEN SJ48NE 25 348030 387290 17.4 400
HOUGHTON MAIN SE40NW 10 444287 406343 30.48 728.35
HOULDSWORTH PIT NS41SW 69 242433 611882 235.7 375
HOYLAND SILKSTONE COLL. SE30SE 10 436953 401468 141.73 464.9
HOYLE BANK SJ18NW 1 311482 388772 23.5 668.76
HUCKNALL 2 COLLIERY 5 SHAFT SK54NW 28 454030 349000 72.24 577.9
HUNGRY LANE BOREHOLE SK10SW 96 413754 304069 95.39 1223
HUNTERSTON NO.1/60 BORE NS42SE 16 246260 621590 110.27 754
HUNTHOUSE SH 1 SO77SW 1 370050 270570 155 81.23
HURLET NS56SW 333 251110 661230 30.31 304
HURSLEY HILL ST66NW 13 361800 165650 67.2 575.9
INCHDAIRNIE NO2 BORE NT29NE 1 325056 698930 79.25 423
INGLE HILL BOREHOLE SK10NW 90 413789 306891 104.69 1076.77
INGLEWOOD BORE (1983) NS89SE 203 288039 694293 56.9 583
INVERESK NO.75 BORE NT37SW 50 334980 671940 * 245
ISABELLA PIT COWPEN COLLIERY NZ28SE 99 429960 580690 15.17 274.21
IVY COTTAGE SJ58NE 40 357072 389621 18.42 1110.1
JACK TAR PIT SCREMERSTON NU04NW 4 401020 648470 * 206.02
JACKLEGS SJ59SE 49 357618 391651 14.4 1102.87
JAMES CHADWICK & BROS EAGLEY MILLS SD71SW 4 371682 413137 * 205.13
JARROW COLLIERY PIT E OR DEEP PIT NZ36NW 20 433130 565462 16.76 352.98
JEWEL MILL A4/8 SD83NW 8 383750 436030 98.93 344.2
JUMP COLLIERY ROWLEY REGIS SO98NE 56 396770 286120 175 265.2
KELFIELD RIDGE SE63NW 1 460825 439597 7.62 967.51
KELHAM SK75SE 8 477170 353860 12.19 798.28
KELHAM HILLS 2 SK75NE 2 476050 357220 49.68 *
KELLINGTON BH SE52SW 2 454630 424850 12.79 688.01
KELTYBRIDGE 1 NT19NW 187 313377 695450 147.98 454
KEMIRA 1 SJ47NE 347586 376421 8.99 1438.05
KENSTEY FARM BORE NS52SW 21 252646 624401 152.1 605
KERSE BH.1/79 NS41SW 211 242697 613313 210.9 416
KERSE BH.2/79 NS41SW 212 242754 613649 205 293

KIBBLESTONE SJ93NW 60 391079 336371 195.94 1162
KILCONQUAR MAINS NO1 BORE NO40SE 26 348448 703046 22.9 830
KILGETTY SN10NW 9 213500 207740 * 310.90
KILLOCH NO.1 BORE NS42SE 8 247580 620240 155 625
KILLOCH NO.1 SHAFT NS42SE 9 247890 620440 156 758
KILLOCH NO.2 SHAFT NS42SE 10 248000 620480 157 737
KILMAIN BH.1 DIAMOND NS41SE 21 245070 611327 345 220
KIMBERLEY COLL. # # 450352 344016 128.02 260.81
KINCARDINE BRIDGE BORE NS98NW 40 291660 687150 4 1209
KINETON SP35SE 19 438442 250155 * 350.21
KING PIT SJ59SW 1 350500 392120 60.96 463.19
KING PIT HOWGILL COLLIERY NX91NE 4 296660 517900 c.68 302
KINGENCLEUGH BH.1 NS52NW 12 250286 625971 120.4 1018
KINGLASSIE NT29NW 171 322970 697920 70 583
KINGSDOWN TR34NE 5 637170 149220 14.7 918.67
KINGSHAUGH HOUSE SK77SE 9 475536 373123 26.47 966.18
KINLET SO78SW 3 372710 281730 * 204
KINNEIL COLLIERY NO2 SHAFT NS98SE 55 298787 681267 5 879
KIRKBY COLLIERY PIT NO.1 SK55NW 4 450391 357000 155.54 325.89
KIRKCALDY HARBOUR BORE NT29SE 21 328426 691970 3 241
KIRKCALDY NO 1 BORE NT29SE 11 328765 692360 8 *
KIRKLINGTON SK65NE 129 468800 356020 28.9 731.65
KIRKTHORPE LANE BH SE32SE 38 435611 420454 42.34 211.16
KIRTON SK66NE 469880 369130 52.79 885.15
KNAPTHORPE G1 SK75NW 12 474287 358428 52.2 768.1
KNEESALL SK76SW 471353 364380 87.93 834.86
KNENHALL SJ93NW 86 391540 338230 171 1154.6
KNIGHTS LANE SP25SW 1 422420 254970 42.7 366.29
KNOCKGULDERON BH. NS41SE 27 248328 614248 268 383
KNOCKMURRAN BH.2 NS41NW 146 244791 615720 138.2 347
KNOCKSHINNOCH NO.12 BORE NS41SW 139 242860 613440 205 324
KNOCKSHINNOCH NO.13 BORE NS41SW 26 242400 613580 209.4 317
KNOTTYHOLM NY37NE 6 339501 577124 42.67 649
KNOWL WALL SJ83NE 1 385800 339385 128.93 644.04
LADBROOKE SP45NW 6 441639 259584 82.35 901
LADY LEYS SK21SW 4 424033 313936 84.97 754.7
SHAFT ST09SE 17 306286 194260 149.66 563.73
LADYSMITH SHAFT, CROFT PIT NX91NE 16 296550 515940 87.52 333.45
LAMBHILL NO.2 BORE NT09NW 12 300133 696201 107 895
LAMBHILL NO3 BORE NS99NE 120 299452 696279 105.69 313
LAMING GAP NO.2 (PLUMTREE) SK63SW 63 463815 331997 80.22 440.97

LANDS OF EAST SALTCOATS BORE NS98SE 4 295125 682230 3.5 974
LANDS OF SOLGIRTH DIAMOND BORE NS99SE 75 299707 694840 97 817
LANGAR 1 SK73NW 4 471995 335572 31.7 *
LANGLAND BORE NS32NE 11 238270 629699 45 275
LANGTOFT 1 SE96NE 4 499340 465156 140.67 *
LANGWITH COLL. # # 452900 370700 94.12 517.43
LARK HILL SJ69NE 22 368990 396820 22.62 1266.5
LATHALLEN DIAMOND BORE NO40NE 43 346490 705800 137 247
LAWN SPINNEY SK02SE 3 406215 320272 85.48 548.11
LAXTON SK76NW 36 471599 367119 78.05 915.83
LEDSHAM 11 SE43SE 25 446446 431534 * *
LEDSHAM 2 SE42NE 27 446567 429785 49 225.25
LEDSTON LUCK COLL. # # 442954 430790 81.67 288.9
LETHAM NO.2 BORE NO30SE 9 337930 704620 99 289
LEVEN PIT NO30SE 130 337410 700040 30 265
LIGHTMOOR DEEP SO61SW 7 364140 212110 176.17 285.29
LILLESHALL 6 SJ71SE BJ 377700 313950 1.1 854.96
LILLESHALL 7A SJ71SW 1 374000 312735 149.05 469.39
LINACRE SK37SW 432900 372600 163.07 367.34
LINBY COLL. # # 453560 350440 91.85 418.92
LINGARD LANE PIT 1 SJ99SW 9 391890 392540 89.92 369.11
LINGLEY SJ58NE 41 355604 389166 17.84 1130.33
LINKFIELD NS88NE 217 288586 686475 12.23 560
LINTON WOODS SE56SW 12 450228 463044 16.44 708.1
LITTLE BLITHE SK02SE 25 409416 321302 76.09 443.03
LITTLE HAY SK10SW 13 411706 302331 * 1186.78
LITTLE PILMUIR NO1 BORE NO40SW 53 340725 703930 36.42 371
LITTLE SPIERSTON BORE NS42SE 5 247340 622540 98 872
LITTLEBOURNE TR15NE 13 619620 157570 41.1 797.97
LITTLEMILL BH.1/60 NS41SE 59 245133 614955 168 237
LLANEDI SN60NW 1 260952 207477 26.99 1041.2
LLANTRISANT COLLIERY NO.1 PIT ST08SW 8 303320 184100 * 640.1
LLAY 2 SJ35NW 4 334060 356520 * 256.03
LLAY HALL SJ35NW 6 333040 355770 * 662.94
LLAY HALL COLL 2 SH SJ35NW 5 331530 355160 * 366.9
LLAY MAIN COLLIERY 1 SJ35NW 1 332790 356480 * 827.3
LLETTY SHENKIN, UPPER PIT SO00SW 10 302960 201270 177.53 269.62
LOCHHEAD BORE NT39NW 136 332165 696570 44 1167
LOCHHEAD PIT AND BORE NT39NW 228 331840 695865 59 *
LOCHILL BORE NS42NE 7 248000 629520 120 398
LOCHLEA FARM BORE NS42NE 1 245354 629786 108 207
LOCHSIDE NS61NW 188 260441 615030 189.4 529

LOCHTY BORE,INCHDAIRNIE NT29NW 357 324270 698300 67.36 396
LOCHTY NO2 BORE NO50NW 35 352335 707530 118 226
LOCHTYSIDE BORE NT29NE 17 329467 698733 56.39 322
LODGE PLANTATION SK76NE 72 478234 366769 20.15 875.54
LONG CLAWSON 2 SK72NW 13 472452 325658 124.9 *
LONG MEADOW WOOD SP27SE 30 427164 274146 101.18 1152.22
LONGANNET NO.1 BORE NS98NE 119 295150 687680 56.11 337
LONGFORD (PARKSIDE COLLIERY) SJ69SW 51 360330 390010 9.1 1260.65
LONGHEDGE LANE SK74SE 3 479446 340972 24.39 821.1
LONGHIRST COLLIERY 1 PIT NZ28NW 23 423830 589080 39.01 212.95
LORD BRUCE NO4 PIT, BLAIRHALL NT08NW 50 300390 688560 53 614
LOUDENSTON FARM NS42SW 107 243753 621023 87 253
LOUDUNSTON FARM BORE NS42SW 89 243465 621427 82.3 218
LOVELS HALL SJ48SE 210 347964 384935 12.8 1095.2
LOWER HOUSE SO62NE 5 369880 226290 39 262
LOWER LARGO TO LUNDIN LINKS NO40SW 56 342480 702425 2 242
LULLINGTON SK21SW2 424200 312500 * *
LUMBY SE42NE 29 448608 429990 33.35 335.58
LYE CROSS COLL SO98NE 216 396990 288900 249 236.37
LYMESIDE HOLLINWOOD SD90SW 23 391055 401980 * 495.91
MACKIES MILL FARM BORE NT39NW 16 330510 697940 47 1252
MADDLE FARM SU38SW 13 430530 182330 152 1200
MADELEY WOOD 1 SJ70NW 16 373870 308760 106.68 502.39
MADELEY WOOD 1 SJ70NW 16 373870 308760 108.51 502.39
MADELEY WOOD 5 SJ70NE 1 375000 306280 * 500.13
MAER SJ73NE 3 376030 339340 122 1269.54
MAERDY No.3 PIT SS99NE 19 296370 199870 324.31 457
MAGGIE DUNCANS HILL NO1 BORE NS99SW 227 294183 690536 77.7 534
MAINBAND COLLIERY BH WA13 NX91SE 248 298113 513682 37.15 204
MAINBAND COLLIERY BH WA2 NX91SE 235 298153 513924 57.55 205
BOREHOLE NZ32NW 2 426217 535358 91.44 335.13
MAINSHILL BORE DOUGLAS NS83SE 40 285789 632520 212.37 *
MALLDRAETH MARSH, ANGLESEY NO.1 SH46NW 1 241590 368810 2.4 74.07
MALLDRAETH MARSH, ANGLESEY NO.2 SH46NW 2 242550 368500 2.4 231.65
MALLDRAETH MARSH, ANGLESEY NO.3 SH46NW 3 243590 369130 2.74 398.98
MALTBY COLL. No.2 SHAFT # # 455083 392453 78.87 759.73
MALTHOUSE SK68NE 34 466400 387621 8.89 1037.22
MAMBLE SH 1 SO67SE 16 369400 271410 161.24 62.18
MANOR BORE 1910 NS89SW 16 282915 694955 3 421
MANOR FARM SP45NE 8 448400 256610 139.21 920
MANSFIELD COLL. No.2 SHAFT # # 457020 361450 117.61 515.07
MANTON COLL. # # 460700 378200 43.59 660.81
MANVERS MAIN No. 1 SHAFT SE40SE 15 445341 400616 25.75 257.86

MANVERS MAIN No. 4 SHAFT SE40SE 16 445357 400680 24.83 608.3
MARCHON BH NO. 18 NX91SE 199 296255 513802 56.35 211
MARCHON NORTH OF TARMFLATT HALL NX91SW 1 294990 512670 * 653.19
MARCHWIEL SJ34NE 1 335520 348730 * 776.02
MARGAM No.14 BH SS88NW 26 282314 185834 106.82 559
MARKET WEIGHTON SE83NE 7 485100 439130 * 944.96
MARKHAM MAIN COLL. # # 461700 404700 20.12 684.05
MARKHAM MOOR SK77SW 3 471469 373768 22.09 954
MARSH COLLIERY SJ27SW 383 324260 373440 * 246.87
NEWHALL SK22SE 18 428820 321070 * 482.49
MATTERSEY SK68NE 16 468630 388980 7.51 1146.66
MAUCHLINE COLLY NO1 SHAFT NS42NE 12 249678 629345 * 289
MEADOWHILL BORE NS99SE 174 296124 693820 60.24 469
MEADOWHILL BORE,FOREST MILL NS99SE 70 296165 694175 60 594
MEADOWS LANE SK73SW 7 472828 330066 41.94 653.67
MEER END SP27SW 10 424150 274700 96.76 1042.79
MEGGIE DEN BORE NO30SE 3 336155 703055 79 561
MEGGOT FARM TR24SE 10 625446 141066 139.4 1349
MEIRHAY C SJ94SW 10 391950 343680 444.09 *
MELVILLE GRANGE B/H 2 (1986) ED NT36NW 409 330574 667282 80.96 831
METHLEY MIRES BH SE42NW 14 441110 426500 13.72 260.32
MICHAEL PIT EAST WEMYSS NT39NW 330 333565 696125 10.67 254
MICHAEL PIT NO3 SHAFT NT39NW 333 333630 696240 12.5 554
MIDDLE ROAD RADFORD SP36SE 19 435124 261554 67.21 1256
MIDDLETHORPE (CAUNTON) SK75NE 102 475223 359170 29.11 645.01
MID-STRATHORE BORE NT29NE 29 328270 698274 50.6 674
MILFORD HALL SE43SE 15 449739 430922 13.34 356.69
MILL HILL BINGHAM SK73NW 48 470063 339238 53.08 621.71
MILL LANE CLIPSTON SK63SW 8 464161 333841 80.92 574.85
MILLBAULK LANE, KNEESALL SK76NW 42 470187 365327 86.27 855
MILNGAVIE BH.NO 5 NS57SE 50 257345 672845 33.55 756
MILTON 1 NS66NW 33 262000 667770 * 397
MILTON 2 NS66NW 34 262730 667790 * 474
MOCKERKIN 1 DEEP NY02SE 135 308020 523200 114.99 226
MOCKERKIN 2 DEEP NY02SE 136 308024 522873 108.26 214.88
MODDERSHALL SJ93NW 53 392394 336319 158.85 1076.89
MONKTON HOUSE BORE NO.37 NT37SW 43 333250 670440 * 993
MONKTONHALL NO. 1 SHAFT NT37SW 62 332240 670160 * 930
MONKTONHALL NO.1 BORE NT37SW 34 334100 671080 * 295
MONKTONHALL NO.2 BORE NT37SW 35 333990 671670 10.97 343
MONKTONHALL NO.2 SHAFT NT37SW 63 332200 670280 43.28 921
WORKS SD51NE 18 357662 416322 * 281.33

MOOR FARM TROWELL MOOR SK54SW 10 450620 340043 73.54 493.01
MOORFIELD PIT SHAFT SD73SE 17 375760 431320 * 242.16
MORFA'R-YNYS BH SS59NW 251880 199130 4.57 374.29
MORLEY BRIDGE SJ47SE 15 346181 371455 13.62 1217.27
MORLEY MAIN COLLIERY SE22NE 728 427108 428099 106.68 292.07
MORTON COLL / UG SK46SW 441350 360400 129.85 674.58
MOSS HAGG BH SE53SE 37 457278 433445 6.4 379
MOSS PIT 1 SD40SE 3 346354 404966 * *
MOSS WOOD BORE NT39NW 137 331085 696733 53 1029
MOSSBLOWN NS32SE 6 239687 624901 40.9 226
MOSSBOG BH.1 NS42NE 3 246574 629666 114 434
MOSSWATER NO 1 BORE NS77SW 23 274395 673570 76.6 372
MOSTON COLLIERY 1 PIT SD80SE 59 388526 402363 * 346.73
MOUNT PLEASANT FARM BEDLINGTON NZ28SE 52 428880 582720 11.89 349.3
MOUNTAIN COLLIERY No.2 BH SN50SE 258879 200362 203.81 306.27
MUIRHOUSE 4 NS32NE 5 235570 628680 24 *
MUIRSTON BH.4 NS41NE 37 246625 616469 158 262
MUIRTOWN NO1 BORE NT19SW 433 314777 692763 134 263
MURTON COLLIERY 2 NZ44NW 1 442460 546851 207.26 *
MUSSELBURGH NO.1 OFFSHORE BORE NT37NW 2 334054 676058 39.6 1388
MUSSELBURGH NO.3 OFF-SHORE BORE NT37NW 1 333409 675092 39.6 163
MUSSELBURGH STATION BORE NT37SW 254 334004 672451 * 1008
N.C.B. A1/41 BH. BRENTWOOD SJ89NW 341 380181 399442 60.36 607.16
N.C.B. ESKLEE BORE ROSLIN NT26SE 177 327280 662040 185 551
N.C.B.BROACHRIGG EAST 1 & 1A RO NT26SE 175 329209 660867 1771 645
N.C.B.ROWLEY ROAD WARKS SP37NE 398 435060 275100 92.5 1004.94
NANT PIT SJ35SW 5 330095 353316 * 252.02
NAPTON FIELDS WARWICKSHIRE SP46SE 8 445140 261540 93.52 848
NCB BLACK CAT SK96SW 17 490254 363990 23.4 *
NCB FAREWELL BH SK01SE 18 408610 311870 105.86 876.27
NESTON COLLIERY SHAFT 1 SJ27NE 1 328990 376320 * 141.37
NESTON COLLIERY SHAFT 2 SJ27NE 2 329020 376310 * 103.71
NETHERSEAL SK21NE 38 426750 315200 122.83 403.25
NETHERTON NZ28SW 60 422750 581060 48 200.1
NEW BOWSON PIT SO61NW 1 364380 215100 * 250.37
NEW FARM SJ48NE 29 347632 386017 10.59 620.57
NEW HADEN SJ94SE 20 399260 342180 183.49 317.35
NEW INGLETON PIT SD67SE 369469 472328 * *
NEW MONCKTON COLL No.6 SHAFT SE31SE 3 437496 312193 65.46 489.59
NEW STUBBIN No.2 SHAFT SK49NW 20 442720 396624 67.79 396.65
NEW YARD PIT SD61SW 8 360117 411485 * 217.17
NEWARK 1 SK85SW 48 482900 352440 22 *
NEWBIGGIN COLLIERY 26\6 NZ38NW 45 432660 587810 -189.6 274.32

NEWBIGGIN NO 2 SHAFT NZ38NW 33 430950 588600 4.59 281.02
NEWBOUNDMILL SK46SE 449470 363470 121.31 299.62
NEWLANDS HOUSE SK73SW 10 472142 333371 31.15 653.5
NO 1 BORE BALGOWNIE WOOD NS98NE 21 298315 688129 76 398
NO 1 BORE EAST GRANGE NS98NE 22 299068 688925 30 367
NO 1 DIAMOND BORE GLENCRAIG NT19NE 439 318200 695600 * 379
NO 1 DIAMOND BORE PITKINNIE NT19NE 265 319050 697180 90 532
NO 1 MARY PIT LOCHORE NT19NE 15 317190 696370 100 615
NO 1 SHAFT SEAFIELD MINE NT28NE 35 327690 689528 22.25 555
NO 1(700) DIAMOND BH CAPLEDRAE NT19NE 14 318560 696900 102.61 730
ROWLEY REGIS SO98NE 36 397130 289400 254.11 260.9
NO 11 PIT LUMPHINNANS NT19SE 3 316220 694260 112 416
NO 2 BORE BLUE DIAL NY04SE 1 307230 540660 * 711.71
NO 2 BORE WEST PARKFERGUS NR62SE 6 166680 621730 * 405
NO 2 MARY PIT LOCHORE NT19NE 16 317040 696485 105 535
NO 2 PIT & BH (431) MINTO COLL. NT29SW 17 320510 694790 75 363
NO 2 SHAFT SEAFIELD MINE NT28NE 34 327735 689379 20.12 535
NO 3 (UNION) PIT SEAHAM COLLIERY NZ44NW 9 440900 549560 123 505.36
NO 3 BORE LOW KILKIVAN NR62SE 10 165980 620890 * 221.59
NO 3 DIAMOND BORE WESTGRANGE NS98NE 28 298580 689310 33 775
NO 3(K) BORE GLENCRAIG NT19NE 425 318372 695245 75 237
NO 5 BORE MARYBURGH NT19NW 43 313021 695877 159.86 320
NO 588 BORE INCHGALL FARM NT19NE 7 318529 695803 88 467
NO 599 BORE, SPITTAL FARM NT29SW 18 320840 694210 109.3 272
NO. 1 BORE BIGRIGG NX91SE 122 299999 513974 82 404
NO. 2 PIT NY01NW 280 301015 515466 * *
NO.1 BORE BANBEATH NO30SE 125 336580 701195 23 215
NO.1 BORE BARDARROCH NS41NE 11 246533 618577 122.19 410
NO.1 BORE WEST TARELGIN NS41NE 2 245732 619414 121.31 469
NO.1 WATER BORE LESSNESSOCK NS41NE 36 248668 619407 132.21 477
NO.16 BORE LANDS OF MORTONMUIR NS52SE 136 259840 623370 190 571
COMMON NY14SE 5 316790 543490 * 210.01
NO.2 DIAMOND BORE EAST GRANGE NS98NE 89 299541 688885 29.3 572
NO.5 SMITHSTON BORE NS41SW 28 241960 612960 190 309
NO1 BORE CARDEN NT29NW 317 322580 695620 82 228
NO1 BORE MANOR NS89NW 8 282580 695145 6 270
NO1 BORE ROUGH PARK CLUNY NT29NW 386 323420 695450 91 225
NO1 CASSINGRAY NO40NE 76 348925 707270 182 235
NO1 DIAMOND BORE,BLACKGRANGE NS89SW 1 283860 694880 7 581
NO1 PARKLANDS NS99SE 5 296070 692420 76 1029
NO1 PIT FOULFORD NT19SE 364 317270 692120 123.6 278
NO1 PIT KINGLASSIE NT29NW 354 323770 698280 70.53 333

NO1 PIT, VALLEYFIELD COLLIERY NT08NW 90 300950 686410 5 398
NO1 SALINE, SALINE SHAW FARM NS99SE 56 299240 693402 88 745
NO1 SOUTH PIT WHITBURN COLLIERY NZ46SW 4 440740 563670 33 521.61
NO1 SURFACE MINE KINGLASSIE NT29NW 373 323910 697990 76.2 214
NO10 BORE STRATHRUDDIE NT29NW 224 322110 697530 89 228
NO11 BORE DUNOTTER NO40SE 18 346485 702520 23.13 300
NO1995 BORE WESTFIELD NT29NW 465 320610 698450 69.89 227
NO1997 BORE WESTFIELD NT29NW 467 320810 698640 78.36 215
NO2 BORE BOGSIDE NT29NW 62 320930 698850 88.56 267
NO2 BORE CARDEN FARM NT29NW 316 323390 696110 60.35 222
NO2 BORE HILLINGTON NS56SW 51 252295 664145 15 221
NO2 SHAFT COMRIE COLLIERY NT09SW 375 300660 690955 91.8 386
NO2 STEAM BORE LETHANS NT09SW 21 301515 693415 99 520
NO2001 BORE WESTFIELD NT29NW 470 320740 698680 86.92 207
NO2005 BORE WESTFIELD NT29NW 472 320820 698860 88.79 218
NO2013 BORE WESTFIELD NT29NW 478 321000 698920 92.8 306
NO3 PIT COWDENBEATH NT19SE 375 316660 691520 126.4 221
NO3 PIT, POLMAISE,FALLIN NS89SW 65 283870 691385 14.63 383
NO3 SALINE BORE,BANDSCOTSDRUM NT09SW 262 300530 692115 85 710
NO3006 BORE WESTFIELD NT29NW 479 320978 699030 123.33 *
NO5 SHAFT HAIG PIT NX91NE 1 296740 517600 * 365.76
NO5 SHAFT POLMAISE COLLIERY NS89SW 71 283775 691425 13.58 588
NO6 AITKEN PIT KELTY SHAFT SE NT19SE 4 315530 694790 105 372
NO679 BORE WESTFIELD NT29NW 458 320910 698790 86.5 212
NO8A BORE LANDS OF DALGINCH NO30SW 101 331445 701510 53 208
NO9A BORE LANDS OF DALGINCH NO30SW 102 331275 701560 53 226
NORLEY HALL COLLIERY SD50NE 43 355400 405550 * 464.21
NORMANBY 1 SK88SE 12 487178 383778 19.41 *
NORNAY SK68NW 12 462500 388700 12.27 1095.15
NORTH DALTON 1 SE95SW 6 493815 452770 65.84 *
NORTH DUFFIELD 1 SE63NE 16 469177 435235 6.74 994.7
NORTH DUFFIELD 2 SE63NE 17 468767 437404 7.49 1025.7
NORTH GREETWELL TF07NW 501158 373921 38.38 *
NORTH HAININGS,NO1 BORE,BO'NESS NS98SE 66 296340 680459 * 778
NORTH LEIGH SP31SE 11 438790 214100 138.6 1028
NORTH SEATON 162 NZ28NE 45 428410 586260 25.53 391.05
NORTH SEATON COLLIERY NO 57 NZ38NW 47 432580 586660 -191.41 208.35
NORTHBROOK OXFORD SP42SE 10 449940 222460 107.4 592.2
FOR BATES COLLIERY NO.B9A NZ48NW 2 440020 589969 -51.1 329.44
NORTON BOTTOMS SK85NE 18 487254 359035 19.72 801.62
NORTON DISNEY SK85NE 16 489512 359252 11.1 915.03
NORWOOD 1 SK65SE 2 469590 354970 * 929.64
NOS 1+2 PITS BOWHILL COLLIERY NT29NW 315 321150 695660 88.4 434

NOSTELL COLL. SE31NE 9 439970 317030 57.61 473.35
NUN MONKTON SE45NE 37 449975 458132 13.71 594.35
NUNEATON COLLIERY NO.3 NUNEATON SP39SW 20 433040 292110 107 237.57
NUNEATON COLLIERY NO.4 NUNEATON SP39SW 21 433050 292070 109.42 220.52
OAKHAM COLLIERY P/NO25 ROWLEY REGIS SO98NE 32 396000 289850 209 201.17
OAKLANDS SK21NW 11 422810 316207 84.4 797.66
ODD HOUSES SK63SW 73 464182 331295 80.44 429.35
OFFSHORE BOREHOLE NO.12 NZ44NE 27 449930 548958 17.28 719.79
OFFSHORE BOREHOLE NO.14 NZ37SE 2 439638 570766 -77.77 357.23
OGILVIE COLLIERY, SOUTH PIT SO10SW 9 312070 202940 272.8 502.92
CAKEMORE SO98NE 57 397600 285920 185 305.38
OLD DALBY 1 SK62SE 14 468143 323703 98.5 *
OLD LANE SK02SE 19 409733 320727 70.84 436.22
OLD LEESWOOD GREEN JONES PIT SJ25NE 324 326700 359520 * 206.25
OLD LION COLLIERY ROWLEY REGIS SO98NE 24 396090 286450 135 204.8
OLDHALL BH.1 NS33NW 172 234071 636403 9 202
OLIVEBANK NO.2 BORE NT37SW 33 333440 672750 * 279
OLLERTON SK66NE 465583 367969 41.07 694.93
OLLERTON COLLIERY No.2 SHAFT # # 466300 367500 51.82 512.04
ONSHORE BOREHOLE NO. 17 NZ53NW 2 451390 538749 28.5 536.45
ONTMAINS FARM BH. NS42NW 20 244406 625433 98.5 655
ORCHARD FARM NO4 BORE NS89SE 171 286470 692755 6 220
ORCHARDHEAD BORE (1956) F NS98SW 64 292375 684120 3.7 1230
OVERTON SE55NE 5 455817 455480 801.53 *
OVERTON BRIDGE SJ34SE 21 335423 343834 42.52 1203.46
OVERTON STEAM BORE NS99SE 78 299628 691077 100.45 723
OWTHORPE SK63SE 12 466880 333400 60.96 619.44
OXTON SK65SW 462450 351890 79.25 624.85
OXTON 1 SK65SE 1 466520 351870 95.7 *
PADDLESWORTH COURT TR14SE 3 619900 140410 160.07 1141.39
PANNY PIT DUNNIKIER COLLIERY NT29SE 12 328640 693020 46.19 219
PARK DRAIN SK79NW 31 472042 399188 5.56 1055.9
PARK GUTTER DEEP SO60NW 14 361410 206310 57.91 182.88
PARK HALL COLLIERY SJ94SE 22 399320 344440 * 351.05
PARKEND 1 SO60NW 16 362140 208180 * 343.99
PARKHILL 1 SK75SW 23 470443 352847 60.8 *
PARKHOUSE SJ92SE 9 397550 324900 93.88 909.37
PARKSIDE COLL 1 SJ59SE 36 359968 394734 30.22 810.77
PARSONAGE NO.2 PIT SD60SE 32 365076 400599 29.87 829.4
PASTURE PLANTATION PLUMTREE SK63SW 19 462806 333114 50.14 444.91
PATHHEAD TO SANDY CRAIG NO50SW 31 353835 702110 3 436
PEARSONS COLLIERY ROWLEY REGIS SO98NE 17 396160 287090 139.9 210.16
PECKFIELD COLLIERY SE43SW 4 443860 432700 64.31 263.45

PEDENS PLACE NS86SE 351 289861 662589 242 634
PEGGY WOOD BH SURFACE SE41NW 47 441770 417160 58.61 773.66
PELTON FELL LOW MAIN SHAFT NZ25SE 102 425330 551770 62.33 280.66
PEMBERTON COLLIERY SD50SE 9 356090 403615 * 574.98
PENALLTA COLLIERY No.2 SHAFT ST19NW 21 314157 195929 N/A 685.8
PENKETH SJ58NW 40 354700 388340 21.41 975.05
PENKHULL SJ84SE 16 387270 344950 137.77 464.21
PENKRIDGE BANK 10 SK01NW 11 401470 317390 131.29 248.58
PENTRE PIT, LANDORE SS69NE 130 265470 195990 59.13 451.02
PENYDARREN No.1 PIT, DOWLAIS SO00NE 57 307990 206230 334.67 225.02
PETTERIL BANK NY44SE 77 346640 542700 * 207.2
PINEAPPLE NS88NE 214 288698 688238 12.85 569
PITTEUCHAR BORE NO1 NT29NE 11 327890 699615 86.87 473
PITTEUCHER BORE NO2 NT29NE 12 328142 699590 80.77 274
PITTEUCHER BORE NO3 NT29NE 13 327880 699340 83.8 366
PLAINMELLER NY76SW 8 370560 562640 * 242.32
PLAS POWER COLL. NO 1 SHAFT SJ25SE 44 329985 351929 * 252.27
PLAS POWER COLL. NO 2 SHAFT SJ25SE 44 329961 351938 * 252.65
PLAS THOMAS A5/4 SJ33NE BJ 335090 339260 64.68 745.06
PLEASLEY COLL. # # 449800 364400 154.99 480.06
PLUMPTONS FARM SJ48NE 27 348290 386520 18.15 620.57
PLUMTREE EAST SK63SW 11 461719 332889 45.74 381.3
PLUMTREE FLAWFORTH HOUSE SK63SW 13 460072 333356 41.64 337.11
PLUMTREE HOE HILL SK63SW 10 461940 333590 39.93 655.62
PLUMTREE NORTH SK63SW 9 461105 333448 43.89 347.32
PLUNGAR 1 SK73SE 1 477200 333470 64.82 *
PLUNGAR 22 SK73SE 51 477535 332115 66.44 955.55
POLLINGTON 1 SE61NW 460500 421500 7.62 915.32
PONKEY ENGINE PIT SJ24NE 7 329650 346350 * 201.35
PONT LLIW No.1 BH SN60SW 261460 201340 47.24 275.54
POPLARS FARM, GRANBY SK73NE 10 476275 337221 36.92 764
POW BECK NO. 6 NX91SE 217 297512 513916 90.57 333
POW BECK NO. 7 NX91SE 218 297153 514088 70.88 280
POW BECK NO. 8 NX91SE 219 297441 513332 94.8 366
POWMILL NS88NE 218 286758 686315 12.16 506
POYNTON SJ98NW 12 393200 385200 * 393.06
POYNTON STATION SJ98SW 2 391048 384134 * 860.83
PRESTWICK BURGH LANDS 3 NS32SW 1 234518 624928 13.7 203
PRISTON BH ST66SE 2 369810 160630 76.78 278.05
PUMP LANE BH SE41NW 37 441354 417668 42.2 433.43
QUARRY BANKS (LINBY) BH. SK55SW 67 453711 352265 91.3 679.9
QUEENSLIE BRIDGE BORE (NO 1) NS66NE 85 266300 666030 77.62 682
QUEENSLIE NO 6 BORE NS66NE 179 268130 665235 78.47 626

QUEENSLIE NO2 BORE NS66SE 49 265895 664900 36 764
QUEENSLIE NO3 BORE NS66SE 50 267560 664900 62.53 716
QUEENSLIE NO4 BORE NS66NW 326 264640 665975 78.2 732
RADFORD COLLIERY SK54SW 26 454970 341010 35.8 262.74
RADWOOD SJ74SE 28 377532 341761 137.91 1101
RAINFORD A2/70 SJ49NE 4 347490 399680 35.71 330.09
RAINFORD POTTERIES A2/78 SJ49NE 5 349052 399345 30.89 293.52
RAITH NS32NE 20 239270 627048 54.8 383
RANSKILL 1 SK68NW 19 464234 388144 18.21 *
RANTON 1 SJ82SW 12 384410 323620 * 1859.28
RASHIEHILL (GS) BORE NS87SW 22 283860 673005 152 1176
RASHIEHILL BORE NS87SW 8 283600 673390 152 453
RAVENHEAD COLLIERY PIT 10 SJ59SW 18 351410 394340 35.17 496.65
RAVENSKNOWLE BH SE42SW 59 444474 420455 57.54 358.9
REDDING DIAMOND NS97NW 82 291575 677595 99 607
REDFORD BORE THORNTON NT29NE 40 326490 696910 54.25 403
REDMILE 1 SK83SW 61 480860 334400 60.5 *
REDMILE BRIDGE SK73NE 11 479469 335684 37.54 733.53
REDRAIG BORE NS42NE 15 247484 627726 105.76 1036
RHODES BANK COLLIERY GAS STREET SD90SW 5 393037 404825 * 363.63
RHUDDLAN 1 SJ07NW 28 301850 377300 * *
RICCALL 2 SE63NW 35 461807 438246 9.18 811.35
RICCALL NO.1 SE63NW 23 461934 437310 7.21 707
RIDGEWAY SJ85SE 14 389230 353810 182.98 559.31
RIGHEAD BORE NS98NE 42 297165 688199 90.92 911
RINGWOULD TR34NE 6 635290 148120 59.5 *
RISBY 1 TA03NW 83 501051 435774 51.36 *
RISCA COLLIERY No.1 SHAFT ST29SW 8 321360 191610 82.6 307.64
RISEHOW 19 NY03NW 19 300190 536320 * 130.79
RISEHOW COLLIERY U/G 10 UP NY03NW 5 301810 535350 * *
RISEHOW COLLIERY U/G 7 DOWN 5 UP NY03NW 3 301280 536040 * 469.88
(DOWNBANK) BOREHOLE NY03SW 302090 535070 * -300.22 m BOD
RISEHOW NO. 17 UP 17 DOWN NY03NW 6 300890 536140 * 456.62
DOWNWARD NY03NW 76&77 302300 535800 0 542.85
RISEHOW UP&DOWN 16 NY03NW 12 301386 535124 * *
RISING SUN 1 NZ26NE 27 428210 567580 * *
RISING SUN 2 NZ26NE 21 428790 568430 49.46 336.73
RISING SUN 2 SHAFT NZ26NE 25 429820 568240 * *
RNAD BANBEATH NO2 DD BORE NS89SE 9 285790 692547 4.6 201
ROACHBURN NY65SW 6 361640 559790 * 57.91
ROBROYSTON 1 NS66NW 12 263420 668900 * 230
ROBROYSTON NO.2 (NOT NO.1) NS66NW 201 262810 668050 * 362

ROBROYSTON PIT NS66NW 38 263080 668825 * *
ROCKET SK79NW 30 470421 397366 4.31 1139.06
ROCKINGHAM COLL. SE30SE 13 435274 401100 129.54 312.93
ROCKS ESTATE 1 RED MOSS SD60NW 12 364153 409557 * 326.14
ROMELEY HOUSE SK47SE 154 447370 374990 86.87 502.62
ROOKERY SJ85SW 2 381640 351740 167.64 240.21
ROSES FARM SK73SW 8 471469 330725 48.44 621.6
ROTHES COLL NO1 SHAFT THORNTON NT29NE 45 328120 697278 54.86 764
ROTHES COLL NO2 SHAFT THORNTON NT29NE 46 327962 697267 54.86 644
ROTHES COLL. THORNTON NT29NE 48 328088 697217 -432.2 437
ROTTINGTON ST BEES NX91SE 210 295974 512493 * 268
ROWANBURNFOOT BORE NY47NW 27 341031 575743 * 876
ROWLEY HALL COLL. SO98NE 50 397500 287500 207 211.66
RUDDINGS SK76NE 71 476862 369371 879.94 *
RUDDLE LANE BH SK59NW 24 452127 395315 123.61 1058.32
RUDRY BH ST18NE 1 318890 187380 99.95 486.92
RUDSTON 1 TA06NE 15 509340 466320 53.65 *
RUFFORTH AIRFIELD SE55SW 20 453079 450308 17.38 574.57
RUNDLE BECK SK73NE 13 475782 335242 33.36 748.52
BORE SK55NW 21 454868 358396 155.92 248.18
RUSHOLME GRANGE SE62NE 31 469694 426603 4.25 928.00
RUSKINGTON 1 TF04NE 1 509200 349746 10.97 *
RYDAL SK01NW 66 404920 319514 69.01 344.86
RYTON 3 SP37NE 24 436940 275310 65.4 934.49
SALISBURY BANK SJ18NE 1 315422 385325 19.28 942.1
SALSBURGH NO1A WELL NS86SW 89 281660 664869 223.4 1300
SALTFLEETBY 1 TF49SW 50 541450 390883 7.62 *
SALTGREEN NO1 BORE NS98NW 197 291955 686081 3.33 557
SALTOM PIT NX91NE 3 296432 517400 * 248.72
SANDONBANK SJ92NW 5 394716 327480 102.26 1114.65
SANDPIT SK21NE 4 426830 318950 61.34 276.45
SANDS LONGANNET BORE NO1 NS98NE 170 295064 685750 14.37 434
SANDS ROAD BORE NO 5 NT29SE 25 328185 690985 4.88 217
SANDYCROFT 2 SJ36NW 11 333330 367490 5.18 209.25
SANKEY SJ58NE 31 356635 389020 13.93 1126.41
SAUCHIE NO1/78 BORE NS89SE 181 288139 694759 43.75 447
NO.10 NZ36NW 1 430325 569472 67.67 410.87
SCAFTWORTH SK69SE 10 467610 391670 18.97 1160.15
SCALM PARK BH2 SE53SE 48 456524 432259 6.55 320
SCALM PARK BH3 SE53SE 49 456510 431530 6.67 290
SCALM PARK SURFACE BH SE53SE 13 456413 432663 5.54 532.18
SCAMPTON 2 SK97NE 498335 378178 54.63 *

SCAMPTON WEST 1 SK97NW 31 493480 378912 10.36 1800.14
SCHOOLHOUSE SJ93NW 54 393525 337800 232.98 952.84
SCOFTON SK68SW 462780 380530 27.7 950.98
SCOTIA SJ69NW 12 362900 397960 29.54 498.65
SCREVETON 1 SK74SW 1 473076 343488 25.781 *
SEA MINE,VALLEYFIELD COLLIERY NT08NW 364 300290 686050 3 261
SEAFIELD COLL 300FTHM MINE NT28NE 39 329000 688850 -548 738
SEAFIELD COLL. 170FTHM MINE NT28NE 38 328305 689105 -310 405
SEAFIELD COLLIERY 170FM MINE NT38NW 4 331463 688653 -463.67 334
SEAGRAVE BILBOROUGH SK54SW 2 451590 342557 103.5 335.58
HOUSE FARM NEAR B NZ35SE 191 438868 551647 106.09 *
SEALAND 1 SJ36NW 7 333280 368130 5.49 224.94
SEATON ROSS 1 SE73NE 4 477014 438593 * 1036.30
SEATON SLUICES B.H 87SE2 NZ37NW 10 432918 577350 7.9248 274.32
SEGHILL COLLIERY NZ27SE 20 427540 574810 * *
SERLBY 1 SK68NW 23 462974 389756 9.74 *
SHAFTON COLLIERY S7 BH NZ43NW 7 440792 538870 * 313.03
SHATTERFORD SO78SE 15 379010 281030 * 422.78
SHEEP LANE BH No.2 SE50SW 47 451752 403275 70.02 495.23
SHERDLEY COLLIERY SHAFT SJ59SW 19 351910 393990 * 355.78
SHERRICLIFFE FARM SK73SE 58 479002 330543 144.05 797.5
SHERWOOD COLL. No.1 SHAFT # # 453700 362470 109.42 419.81
SHIELDHALL CO-OP WORKS BORE NS56NW 296 253285 666145 6 263
SHILBOTTLE COLLIERY 2 NU20NW 18 420961 608946 * 289.13
SHILLINGHILL 1 SE42SE 78 448504 422686 23.68 685.29
SHILLINGHILL 2 SE42SE 85 447971 423002 19.85 519.33
SHIREBROOK No.2 SHAFT # # 453120 366820 97.54 496.73
SHIREOAKS No.3 COLL. # # 455900 380900 79.25 455.12
SHOTTON COLLIERY NO. 1 NZ43NW 7 440800 538880 89.79 313.03
SHOTWICK SJ37SW 10 333232 371908 26.55 702.19
SIDWAY MILL SJ73NE BJ 376030 339340 1.22 1269.54
SILVERBURN NO.17 BORE NO30SE 56 338925 701805 18 258
SILVERHILL COLL. SK46SE 447100 361600 164.59 395.02
SINKING BH.5 NS41SW 40 244302 614285 180 339
SKEDDOWAY BH1 STRATHORETHORNTON NT29NE 21 325704 697575 73.46 228
SKEDDOWAY BH2 NT29NE 22 325422 697430 76.05 356
SKEDDOWAY FARM BH(2) STRATHORE NT29NE 25 325895 697718 70.1 257
SKEDDOWAY FARM BORE STRATHORE NT29NE 23 325920 698280 61 257
SKIERS SPRING COLL. SK39NE 6 436400 399025 101.19 317.62
SLAGGYFORD NY65SE 367250 551700 * *
SLATEHOLE BORE NS42SE 4 249070 623430 80.68 1024
SMEATHALLS BH SE52NW 2 451380 425420 11.41 645.21
SMEEKLEY No. 3 # # 429690 376498 190.5 287.43

SMESTOW SO89SE 1 385549 292861 76.2 866.85
SMITHY SJ34NW 51 332680 346940 * 320.65
SNOPE BURN NY75SW 8 370600 554800 * *
SNOWDOWN 2 DB TR25SE 4 626000 150170 -802.23 155.45
SOLOMONS TEMPLE SP28NE 63 426101 286893 * 636
SOLSGIRTH NO1/1963 BORE NS99SE 122 297690 693133 84 414
SOLSGIRTH NO4 BORE NS99SE 124 297165 691940 63.9 213
SOLWAY 9 U/G NX92NE 22 297396 528880 345.95 71.63
SOLWAY COLLIERY U/G UP 5 NX92NE 5 297470 527527 * 76.81
SOLWAY SHAFT DOWN N1 NX92NE 12 299091 527693 8.41 254
SONTLEY SJ34NW 45 333050 346090 * 366.67
SOUTH CLIFFE 1 SE83NE 8 487911 435220 10.66 *
SOUTH FOD 1 NT18NW 335 313210 687110 102 1605
SOUTH GREENS BORE NS98NW 202 290832 687563 2.17 626
SOUTH INGS BH SE54SE 23 458884 442642 5.81 605
SOUTH LETHAM NO.1 BORE (1952) NS88NE 186 288620 685255 * 1094
SOUTH LEVERTON 1 SK78SE 1 479333 380411 8.31 *
SOUTH MILTON SK77SW 470814 372295 29.32 815.5
SOUTH MUSKHAM SK75NE 150 479348 357810 13.17 586.28
SOUTH PITKINNY FARM DIAMOND BH. NT19NE 262 319770 696340 100 619
SOUTH SCROOBY SK68NE 46 465277 389867 14.16 1102.28
SOUTH TYNE NY76SW 1 370870 564550 * *
SOUTHAM WARWICKSHIRE SP46SW 14 442000 263340 * 965.18
SOUTHGATE (CLOWNE) COLL No.5 PIT SK47NE 5 449328 375934 131.06 311.63
SOUTHWELL SURFACE BH. SK65SE 10 468495 353809 64.6 978
SPALFORD SK86NW 107 483165 369706 8.95 950.21
SPALFORD 1 SK86NW 483506 369797 9.03 *
SPANISH BATTERY TYNEMOUTH NZ36NE 103 437390 569120 16.22 217.02
SPARK HAGG BH SE53SE 27 458395 434196 6.41 416.74
SPITAL 1 SK99SE 41 496540 391150 44.81 *
SPRING FARM BINGHAM SK73NW 47 470319 338040 33.03 822.15
ST ANDREWS SHORE SECTION NO51NW 3 350660 717315 6 243
ST BEES 2A NX91SE 144 297007 513235 79 585
ST BEES 3 NX91SE 145 295984 512967 56.67 527
ST BEES 4 NX91SE 10 294980 512670 95.52 653.18
ST BEES 5 NX91SE 2 295230 512074 98.08 603
ST HELENS COLLIERY 11 NY03SW 27 300640 532240 8.99 304.8
ST HELENS COLLIERY 13 NY03SW 52 300100 531500 7.62 303.89
ST HELENS COLLIERY 16 NY03SW 55 301940 531370 * 219.68
ST HELENS COLLIERY BH NY03SW 299750 530650 * 274.3
ST HELENS DEEP COLLIERY UB SJ59SW 25 353200 393600 * 319.15
ST HELENS No 3 BOREHOLE NY03SW 300900 531900 * 213
ST MARGARETS BAY TR34NE 8 636650 145330 59.4 1199

STABHILL SJ83NW 10 384995 336655 179.9 1152.64
STAFFLER NY37SW 1 332973 572267 52.2 708
STAKEFORD BRIDGE NZ28NE 56 427490 585940 8.38 359.05
STANDHEAD MONTGOMERIE BH. NS42NW 16 243127 626445 107 655
STANHOPE BRETBY SK22SE 7 428060 322270 100.89 378.56
STANTON FARM SK21NE 2 425940 319630 66.45 347.01
STAPLE & BH IN PIT A HEBBURN NZ36NW 136 431500 565400 19.82 587.57
STAPLE IN PIT A HEBBURN COLLIERY NZ36NW 137 431420 565420 * 375.92
STAPLEFORD MOOR SK85NE 19 486904 357584 18.75 730.94
STAR 4A MARKINCH NO30SW 19 332250 703065 99 658
STATHERN LODGE SK73SW 6 474654 333262 36.88 694.21
STATHERN SOUTH SK73SE 60 477173 330555 95.12 820.58
STATION FARM SK73NW 46 474288 335922 26.02 690.44
STEAM BORE,LANDS OF CATTLE MOSS NS99SE 82 299775 691644 103.5 695
STEEPLE ASTON SP42NE 12 446870 225860 * 975
STEETLEY COLL. # # 455200 378480 66.14 556.55
STEPPINGSTONES BH SE40NW 120 444626 409425 45.69 298.87
STILLINGFLEET 1 SE54SE 17 458666 441252 10.85 867.6
STILLINGFLEET 3 SE54SE 18 459880 442243 10.38 734.8
STILLINGFLEET SH 2 SE64SW 22 460422 440547 8.02 678.79
STIXWOULD 1 TF16NE 9 518840 365309 8.23 *
STOCKWELL HEATH SK02SE 4 405610 321430 85.1 517.25
STODMARSH TR26SW 3 621110 160050 26.5 689.76
STOKE ON TERN 1 SJ62NE BJ 365130 326270 0.7 558.39
STONE SK58NE 14 455559 389917 65.52 985.55
STONEFORD SJ92SE 20 395875 321570 85.51 954.22
STONEHAUGH NY77NE 2 378990 576190 190 601.12
STONY LOW SJ74SE 33 379052 344290 124.34 817.36
STOW ON THE WOLD 2 SP22SW 5 420197 220742 249.5 469.39
STRADEY COLLIERY BH., LLANELLI SN50SW 17 250160 201310 19.812 378.1
STRAFFORD MAIN SE30SW 5 432184 404138 * 319.4
STRATA AT BLAIRENBATHIE SHAFTS NT19NW 145 311190 695278 181.66 208
STRATHORE BORE NO1 NT29NE 28 327344 698348 53.04 469
STRATHORE NO3 BORE NT29NE 43 327881 696834 51.79 514
STRELLEY SK54SW 560 450516 342956 * *
STRETTON SJ81SE 13 387560 310200 107.72 1215.38
STRETTON 1 SK31SW 66 430580 312350 73.15 294.16
STROOM DYKE SK73SW 9 471386 334546 22.08 691.4
SUTTON SK68SE 1 468171 383849 13.72 1082.6
SUTTON COLL. SK46SE 448300 360200 172.82 427.64
SUTTON MANOR COLLIERIES 1 BORE SJ59SW 8 351820 390780 60.05 764.41
SUTTON ON TRENT 1 SK76SE 2 479950 364950 25.91 *
SWAITHE COLL. SE30NE 4 437595 404068 48.77 210.31

SWANTON COURT TR24SW 2 623865 144309 144.7 1263.4
SWEENEY SJ22NE 19 328910 327440 115.82 153.57
TADMARTON 1 SP43NW 21 440660 237110 122.59 1037
TALACRE 2 SJ18NW 13 311837 385158 4.69 300.53
TALWRN 2 SJ24NE 3 328960 347710 * 296.26
TANHOUSE SJ59SE 7 357220 392590 19.54 1200.3
TANKERSLEY COLL. SK39NW 3 434150 398942 163.07 221.78
TEDDESLEY NCB 501 SJ91NW 16 394207 317011 * *
TERNHILL 1 SJ63SW BJ 363150 331320 0.69 713.53
TETNEY LOCK 1 TA30SW 5 533250 400900 5.58 2851.4
THISTLEBANK BH NS98SW 179 291274 683926 3.09 611
THORESBY COLL No.1 SHAFT SK66NW 463530 367610 69.49 580.9
THORNE COLL No.1 SHAFT # # 470665 415881 4.88 881.03
THORNEY BH SK87SE 485221 372648 9.68 1106.52
THORNHAM ESTATE ROYTON 3 SD80NE 2 389684 409178 * 322.48
THORNTON BRIDGE BORE NT29NE 69 328890 697221 51.18 968
THORNTON FARM BORE NT29NE 68 329691 697500 48.78 1154
THORNTON LE CLAY 1 SE66NE 8 467366 465119 * 1154.28
THORPE HALL SURFACE BH SE53SE 12 457771 432016 6.21 457.81
THREEPSIKES BORE NT09SW 498 302708 694381 160.12 383
TIBSHELF OLD PIT SK46SW 444300 360100 156.06 358.88
TICKHILL 1 SK59SE 2 457730 392970 28.85 *
TILE KILN WOOD SK57SE 9 455425 373129 52.66 283.46
TIMBERTREE COLLIERY ROWLEY REGIS SO98NE 33 395240 285220 126 264.61
TIMPANHECK NY37SW 2 332207 574677 83.99 558
TODDY BRIDGE BORE NO30SE 2 336065 703975 107 340
DRIFT NO.23 SE50SW 42 452930 403200 56.09 476.36
TOFT SJ84SW 84 384725 340369 152.36 1140.04
TORKSEY 1 SK87NE 2 485907 377661 7.77 *
TORKSEY 4 SK87NE 485065 379222 10.44 *
TORRANCE NO.1 BORE NS67SW 98 264195 673590 35.6 439
TORRANCE NO.2 BORE NS67SW 99 264085 673915 39 498
TORRIDON AVENUE BH.201 GLASGOW NS56SE 801 255771 663750 27.3 *
TORWOOD BORE (1960) NS88SW 206 283755 684870 68.67 641
TORWOOD NO.1 BORE NS88SW 73 283545 684335 97.05 547
TORWORTH SK68NW 2 464960 385600 24.54 1083.7
TOWTHORPE SE65NW 23 461814 459075 13.2 1198.00
TREATON 3A NO30SW 18 332630 701900 73 445
TREVALYN SJ35NE 148 337678 357238 16.17 1353.9
TRIMSARAN (No.2) BH SN40SW 17 244830 204160 104.55 245.78
TRUMFLEET 1 SE61SW 79 460520 412640 8.17 *
TULLIALLAN FOREST BORE NO1 NS98NE 116 296899 688151 81.29 203

TULLIBODY NO 1/78 BORE NS89NE 99 286008 695939 16.04 328
TULLIBODY NO2 BORE NS89SE 72 286895 693755 10.67 830
TULLYALLAN NO 1 BORE NS98NE 7 297055 687435 61 856
TULLYALLAN NO2 BORE NS98NW 46 293815 686825 9 867
TULLYBRECK FARM BORE NT39NW 35 331584 698571 48.65 853
TURFMOOR SK85NE 14 485111 358830 16.7 851
TUXFORD SK77SW 472180 370500 78.15 1294.2
UFTON SP36SE 20 438435 264246 66.64 1016.35
ULCEBY CROSS 1 TF47SW 16 541400 373850 100.58 *
ULLESKELF BH SE53NW 41 452010 439183 * 307.03
ULLOCK 2 NY02SE 138 306070 523780 126.49 359.66
ULLOCK 3 NY02SE 139 306790 523110 131.06 256.03
ULLOCK 4 NY02SE 140 305720 524220 119 245.99
UNIVERSAL COLLIERY, LANCASTER PIT ST19SW 11 311345 191211 204.22 592.84
UPTON 2 SK75SW 6 473222 352919 17.33 *
UPTON BURFORD SP21SW 1 423150 213130 113.99 1148.18
VALE FARM CLIPSTON SK63SW 18 462743 334754 34.15 519.38
VALLEYFIELD NO2 SHAFT NT08NW 288 300980 686410 3 703
VALLEYFIELD NO3 SHAFT NT08NW 281 300955 686295 6 731
VAN DYK SK57NW 42 450058 377186 139.76 404.76
OFFSHORE BOREHOLE NO. VT.9. NZ55SW 4 450019 554778 -48 639.14
VAUXHALL COLLIERY 1 SJ34NW 21 330530 345370 * 468.5
VICARAGE FARM SP41NE 40 449180 218680 76.19 605
VICARAGE LANE SK75NE 149 478335 359832 11.19 704.54
VICTORIA COLLIERY NO.2 PIT SD50NE 10 357679 409294 * 573.56
VICTORIA WORKS LIVERSEDGE YORKS SE12SE 11 418366 424061 * 287.43
WALTON WOOD # # 420890 316641 * *
WARDLEY COLLIERY NO2 SHAFT NZ36SW 4 430530 561980 53.95 513.74
WARKWORTH SP43NE 448195 239713 94.71 673.84
WARREN SK68NE 45 467654 389850 14.67 1112
WARREN HILL SK21NW 6 422960 318670 69.1 698.6
WARREN HOUSE SK49NW 21 444400 397400 99.06 399.64
WARSOP COLLIERY No.1 SHAFT # # 454700 368100 74.68 501.61
WATERGATE COLLIERY No 2 SHAFT NY03SW 2 303290 534220 * 216.1
WATH MAIN COLL. SE40SW 27 443908 401930 22.86 647.13
WATNALL COLLIERY NO.1 PIT SK54NW 37 450750 348005 115.34 312.85
WEARMOUTH COLL D PIT 4 NZ35NE 99 439190 557910 24.58 652.09
WM4A NZ55NW 1 452404 556890 -48.4 720.02
WEBHEATH 1 SP06NW 100 400980 266930 113.1 390.75
WEETSLADE 3 SHAFT NZ27SE 3 425160 570912 59 338
WEETSLADE COLLIERY NZ27SE 1 425440 570360 * *
WEETSLADE NO. 2 SHAFT NZ27SE 5 425464 571843 65.99 385.75

WEETSLADE NO. 3 SHAFT NZ27SE 6 425413 571867 65.61 399.59
WELBECK NO 2 SHAFT SK57SE 1 458116 370280 65.53 655.1
WELBECK NO.1 SHAFT SK57SE 1 458041 370274 66.57 656.89
WELFORD PARK STATION SU47SW 440650 173610 106.07 1300.16
WELLESLEY CL NO.7(UP BH)E.DOOKS NT39NE 45 338131 698761 -655 *
WELLESLEY COLL NO.6 BH NT39NE 42 339629 695877 -440 *
WELLESLEY COLL.BH NO1 NO5 LEVEL NT39NE 40 339790 696272 -395.33 343
WELLESLEY COLL.BH NO5 NT39NE 41 338355 697669 -446.23 299
WELLESLEY COLL.CROSSCUT IN MINE NT39NE 35 336819 697707 -318.41 218
WELLESLEY COLL.DENBEATH NO1 PIT NT39NE 25 336613 698778 6.8 496
WELLESLEY COLL.NO2 SHAFT NT39NE 26 336641 698792 6.71 278
WELLESLEY NO.13 DOWN BORE NT39NE 50 338865 696263 -503 *
WELLOW SK66SE 186 467540 364870 60.96 655.11
WELLPARK BREWERY NS66NW 248 260510 665320 * 260
WELLSGREEN NO 1/1979 BH NT39NW 381 333421 698330 48.63 1498
WELTON 1 TF07NW 14 503612 376807 22.3 *
WENTBRIDGE BH 3 SE41NE 25 448680 417242 19.86 777.32
WERBURGH SJ74SE 31 379790 343915 155.03 924.39
WEST BANK BH SE62SW 25 463118 423818 6.39 924.46
WEST COALTOWN BORE NT29NE 16 329210 699340 71.63 588
WEST GOGAR BORE NS89NW 17 283802 695687 9.52 541
WEST MOOR NZ27SE 11 426898 570231 50.99 509.83
WEST SLEEKBURN 72 NZ28SE 3 428480 584970 21.83 409.65
WESTCOURT FARM TR24NW 1 624550 148150 112.47 1226.4
WESTER HILLHOUSE (NCB) NS97SW 158 291494 670190 203 610
WESTER LOCHDRUM, DIAMOND BORE NS87NW 21 281565 678115 97 601
WESTER SHIRVA NO.1 BORE NS67NE 83 268650 675175 44 582
WESTERNTON COLL SOUTH PIT NZ23SW 6 423847 531647 144.48 339.27
WESTERTON(DOLLAR) NO1 BORE NS99NE 56 296830 697250 26.6 215
WESTFIELD EASTERN CLIFF NT29NW 442 321820 699030 * 231
WESTFIELD IGS BOREHOLE NT29NW 418 320660 697780 80 366
WESTMINSTER SJ35SW 12 330980 353650 155.45 309.3
WESTMINSTER COLL SJ35SW 12 330980 353650 155.45 309.3
WESTOE COLLIERY CROWN SHAFT NZ36NE 82 437500 566780 16.91 489.51
OFFSHORE BOREHOLE NO W14A NZ57SW 5 450205 573800 -54.8 566.97
OFFSHORE BOREHOLE NO W7 NZ46NE 6 445663 566593 -42.74 679.7
BOREHOLE NO W15 NZ47NE 1 448093 576216 -53.1 451.23
WESTOE SHAFT D.C NZ36NE 4 437212 566836 34.41 334.65
WESTON SJ71SE BJ 377610 313613 120.3 736.54
WESTON C 1 SJ94SW 14 393610 343490 209.4 861.36

WESTON C 2 SJ94SW 15 393160 343195 201.63 207.56
WESTON C 3 SJ94SW 16 393825 344720 201.93 490.96
WESTOWN BH. 3 NS83SW 144 282605 633930 * *
WHEATGRASS, UPTON SK75NW 13 473660 355427 35.8 630.3
WHELDRAKE 1 SE64NE 4 467660 446082 15.94 *
WHINNEY HILL PIT NY01NW 282 300729 515649 * *
WHISBY 3 SK86NE 39 488439 369444 16.9 *
WHITBURN NO.1 (D.C) NZ46SW 5 440756 563678 91.04 520.37
WHITE LEE COLLIERY BIRSTAL SE22NW 489 421993 425167 129.54 259.99
WHITE LODGE SK47NW 147 442100 376700 67.13 228.7
WHITEGATE WREXHAM A5/1 SJ34NW 3 334530 349850 * 941.53
WHITEHALL 1/59 NS51SE 99 256727 611718 257.1 516
WHITEHILL IND. ESTATE, BH.2 DALKEITH NT36NE 324 335059 666748 1.05 *
WHITEHILL IND. ESTATE, BH.3 DALKEITH NT36NE 325 335070 666764 1.05 *
WHITEMOOR SE63NE 15 466732 435835 7.14 1112.77
WHITEMOOR 1 SE63NE 20 466469 435830 7.93 949.24
WHITTINGTON HEATH SK10NW 3 414780 308000 * 1249.68
WHITWELL COLLIERY SK57NW 11 453760 379100 85.34 286.11
WHITWELL ON THE HILL 1 SE76NW 8 472769 465742 70.4 *
WHITWELL WOOD SK57NW 7 452426 378162 110.3 299.32
WIGMAN HALL SE64NE 6 465021 445946 11.55 1136.7
WIGSLEY EAST SK87SE 32 486626 370392 8.96 1081.2
WILLIAM PIT AT STANDISH SD50NE 29 356510 407720 * 740.66
WILLIAMTHORPE COLL. SK46NW 442700 366600 137.16 510.12
WILSON WOOD COAL PIT SD67SE 368194 472080 * *
WINDING SHAFT, HYDE LANE COLLIERY SJ99NW 19 394291 395161 97.54 255.73
WINDYGATES 1 NO30SE 195 335101 700337 61.11 1305
WINDYGATES 1 DIVERSION NO30SE 195 335101 700337 61.11 1180
WINGATE GRANGE LADY PIT NZ33NE 15 439694 537214 * 264.26
WINNING PIT SD67SE 369022 471816 * *
WINSCALES NO. 1 NY02NW 244 302760 526630 * 225.85
WINSCALES NO. 2 NY02NW 14 302263 527723 * 245.67
WINSON HILL SK76NW 43 471548 368826 58.35 832.06
WINWICK SJ59SE 50 359061 392324 13.3 1186.82
WISTOW COMMON SURFACE BH SE53SE 14 457419 433936 7.18 515.11
WITHYCOMBE FARM SP44SW 9 443190 240170 144.02 1065
WIVERTON HALL FARM SK73NW 89 470620 337028 32.8 634.73
WOMBWELL MAIN COLL. No.1 SHAFT SE30SE 7 438317 402958 68.58 531.27
WOMERSLEY SE51NW 7 454395 419730 7.38 746.46
WOOD CLOSE SK69NE 62 465590 395830 22.54 1127
WOOD PIT 4 SHAFT SJ59NE 24 357149 396683 48.53 449.4
WOODBOROUGH SK64NW 9 462150 348080 60.29 803
WOODEN BECK SK79SW 21 474480 391355 39.96 1218

WOODHORN 2 NZ28NE 7 428920 588400 28.35 270.58
WOODHORN DRAINAGE 2 NZ28NE 106 429990 587250 13.66 313.94
WOODHOUSE SE56SE 10 458308 463229 20.41 1138.78
WOODHOUSELEES NY37SE 1 339119 574951 54.8 1045
WOODLAND COLLIERY 29 NZ02NE 5 406430 527010 * *
WOODLAND FARM SK73SE 61 476875 332226 56.66 709.21
WOODLANDS SJ48NE 24 345390 388162 10.85 505.05
WOODSIDE BH SE50SW 45 450584 403621 93.18 775.64
WOODSIDE BH.2 NS32NE 13 237378 628282 47.3 310
WOODSIDE FARM SJ68NE 390 367516 389866 23.33 1768.99
WOOLDEN MOSS SJ69NE 352 369985 395356 26.49 1601
WREXHAM & ACTON COLL 1 SJ35SW 11 332860 352210 89.92 320.93
WRITHLINGTON LOWER COLLIERY ST75NW 7 370520 155320 69.9 449.1
WYBURN HOUSE SK54NW 24 450801 349921 134.77 268.99
WYNDHAM PIT NY01NW 281 301367 515490 * *
WYNNSTAY 2 SJ24SE 2 329420 343331 123.73 379.17
WYNNSTAY LODGE BH SK63SW 20 464630 332203 88.7 533.25
WYSALL 1A SK62NW 2 460240 327600 90.22 *
YATE NO. 1 ST68SE 11 369750 182530 * *
YEW TREE SO77SW 24 371710 271920 * 183.41
YEW TREE FARM SJ36NE 53 336760 368160 9.33 1075.03
YORKSHIRE MAIN COLL. # # 454481 399187 40.92 833.03


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