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Standard Request for Proposals




Selection of Consulting Services for: Central Management Consultant


Client: Directorate General of Human Settlements

Country: Indonesia

Project: National Urban Water Supply Project (NUWSP)

Issued on: [April 25, 2019]

Section 7. Terms of Reference
Central Management Consultancy (CMC) Support for the Central Project Management
Unit National Urban Water Supply (NUWS) Project

A. Context and Background

Indonesia’s decentralization of governance in 2001 shifted responsibility of urban water
supply services provision from the Central Government (mainly through Ministry of
Public Works and Housing (MPWH)) to local governments which then delegate it to their
associated public water service providers or PDAMs. However, most of local
governments traditionally lacked capacity and political will to manage water services
delivery, resulting in inadequate infrastructure investments, insufficient human and
institutional capacity building, and overall lackluster services oversight.

MPWH’s BPPSPAM (Agency for the Improvement of the Development of Drinking

Water Supply Systems) has assessed performance of PDAMs that include technical
aspects and financial well-being of about 375 PDAMs across the country. BPPSPAM
evaluation results in 2016 indicated that while there are few PDAMs operating with full
cost recovery principles, most are generally unable to generate sufficient revenue to
finance investments due to their lack of understanding for viable commercial operations of
water services provision, inability to identify sound improvement projects and develop
corresponding project proposals, and general lack of technical know-how.

In response, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) in its current Mid-term Development Plan
(RPJMN, 2015-2019) has specifically set out to meet basic infrastructure challenges
including providing universal access to water and sanitation. To help mobilize funding,
the GoI has launched a series of reforms in water supply services delivery that leverage
available resources from central/local government programs as well as from external
funding agency and private sector participation. These efforts entailed development of
tariff setting guidelines, PDAM debt restructuring, provision of central government loan
guarantees and subsidies on domestic bank loan interests by PDAM borrowing, and
implementation of output-based grants and other special allocation funds for local
governments. The GoI had invested in both infrastructure development as well as
institutional strengthening with emphasis in infrastructure investment. Institutional
strengthening was carried out under various programs but in less structured manner
The GoI is also establishing the National Urban Water Supply (NUWAS) Framework – a
national roadmap that supports water supply infrastructure development in urban areas
and facilitates innovative financing schemes. Through the NUWAS framework, the GoI
envisions a streamlined implementation of various urban water supply programs to expand
access and build the capacity of local governments and their PDAMs to provide
sustainable water supply services.

Building on these initiatives, the GoI is preparing the National Urban Water Supply
Project (NUWSP) with support from The World Bank (the Bank) in 2016 to further
develop and implement the NUWAS Framework. As a project, NUWSP demonstrates a

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Section 7. Terms of Reference

shift in the GoI approach to leverage Bank financing to develop and establish a common
framework for improving access to urban water supply services. A relatively significant
portion of the Bank finance will focus on technical assistance and capacity building to
support the GoI’s infrastructure investments across the urban water supply platform. The
GoI also seeks to use the Bank’s comparative advantage to demonstrate the creation of an
enabling environment for the total infrastructure investment financed from all tiers of
government and other funding sources including public and non-public, domestic sources.

On behalf of the GoI, the existing Housing, Settlement, Water and Sanitation National
Steering Committee (Pokja PPAS), chaired by the Deputy Minister of Regional
Development in the Ministry of Planning/National Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), will
coordinate and consolidate related stakeholders to provide the overall policy guidance
during the preparation and implementation of the NUWSP as the Technical Team.

The Directorate General of Human Settlements (DGHS) of the MPWH is the Executing
Agency for the NUWSP and will be responsible for the procurement and management of
all contracts, financial management, and implementation of environmental and social
safeguards in accordance with the Bank policies and guidelines. A Central Project
Management Unit (CPMU) will be established in the DGHS to manage and coordinate the
input of the Technical Team of POKJA PPAS and Central Project Implementing Unit
(CPIU) will be established in Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA).

B. Summary of Project Description

The primary objective of the NUWSP is to further develop and implement the NUWAS
framework by implementing innovative financing schemes (seed grant, matching grant,
and performance-based grant) in order to accelerate water supply access and strengthen
the operational performance of water service providers in urban areas.

The NUWSP consists of four components as presented in Table 1.

Table 1: NUWSP Components

Component 1:
Investment Support for Urban Water Supply Infrastructure Development

Component 2:
Technical Assistance and Capacity Building for Local Governments and PDAMs
Section 7. Terms of Reference


Component 3: Advisory
and Policy Development Support for Central Government

Component 4: Program
Implementation and
Management Support

Targets and Indicators. Upon completion of NUWSP, the project will have added an
additional 1.2 million families or 6 million people with sustainable access to improved
water facilities, whereby at least 20 percent of those families or 240,000 house
connections will be targeting poor communities. Project Development Objective
Indicators include (i) number of people provided with access to improved water sources
through piped house connections, and (ii) number of PDAMs with improved performance
and graduate to the next category.

Institutional Arrangements. The CPMU, established under DGCK, will comprise of

Head and Deputy of CPMU, head of secretariat, head of planning, head of
implementation, head of reporting, assistants and supporting staffs, while CPIU will be
established in MOHA. At the provincial level, Provincial Project Implementation Unit
(PPIUs) will be established in the Balai Prasarana Permukiman Wilayah that will

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Section 7. Terms of Reference

coordinate actively with provincial public works agency, and District Project
Implementation Units (DPIUs) will be established in the respective LG participating in the

The implementation of NUWSP is supported by various consultancy team at various

levels. At central government level, Central Management Consultancy (CMC) and
Advisory Team will assist CPMU and CPIU; two Regional Management and Advisory
Consultants (RMACs) will provide support to PPIU; while Field Assistants, based in the
participating local government, will assist DPIUs provide support to PDAMs that need
assistance. In addition, at central level, the Technical Assistance and Capacity Building
Team (TACT) Consultant will provide support in the development of technical assistance
and capacity building program, with the objective to establish a sustainable capacity
development at the LG and PDAM levels in the framework of NUWAS implementation.
Central Advisory Consultant (CAC) will provide advisory support to CPMU and Pokja
Pembangunan Perumahan Permukiman Air Minum dan Sanitasi (PPAS) Nasional in
developing NUWAS framework.

C. Objectives of the Services

These Terms of Reference (TOR) is for the Central Management Consultant (CMC) that
will provide overall management and implementation support to the CPMU and CPIU.
The anticipated duration for this consultancy support is for 41 months starting in August
2019. Section D further highlights the project scope of services in greater detail.

In executing the services, the CMC will be responsible for arranging and bearing the costs
of all the facilities and services required for the satisfactory performance of the
assignment (office facilities, vehicles, experts, supporting staff, reporting and document
production, etc.). CMC must allocate spaces for CPMU and RMAC I office to ensure
interaction as well as coordination among personils. The Consultant will provide its costs
for workshops as well as travel to local governments/PDAMs and its team mobilization.

D. Scope of the Services

The CMC services will cover all provinces, LGs and PDAMs participating in the
NUWSP, however, the key role of the CMC is to support the CPMU and CPIU in
managing and executing the NUWSP and to assist the POKJA PPAS Nasional in
developing and refining urban water supply services delivery policies and guidelines that
make the NUWAS framework operational. Based in Jakarta, the CMC is basically a
National Management Team for NUWSP management. The teams entail technical experts
and specialists in water supply, finance, institutional development and other as needed for
the NUWSP duration. Section E below indicates the anticipated team composition.
Specific tasks of the CMC are as follows:

Task 1: Facilitate CPMU operations. The effective operation of the CPMU is essential
to the overall effectiveness of NUWSP. As effective communication is an essential key in
overall project management, the CMC will develop communication strategy and support
communication and liaise with project personnel in the provincial and local governments
(including RMACs and Field Assistants). The CMC is responsible for strengthening
Section 7. Terms of Reference

CPMU personnel capabilities with the objective of sustaining CPMU activities beyond the
NUWSP lifetime. Detailed activities include:
a. Provide day-to-day management assistance to CPMU/CPIU counterparts including
drafting various project-related documents, accompanying (and, if necessary,
acting on behalf of) CPMU personnel in meetings, preparing presentation
materials, preparing reports, and organizing workshops and preparing workshop
b. Assist the CPMU with the preparation, implementation, and monitoring and
evaluation of the NUWSP Annual Work Plans (AWPs), budgets and reports;
c. Assist the CPMU in reporting to the POKJA PPAS Nasional and in responding to
its guidance and requests;
d. Assist the CPMU and CPIU to monitor the implementation of project activities in
Components 1 and 2 (by LGs and PDAMs) and in Component 3 (by central
government agencies) including regular and annual reviews of NUWSP budget
e. Assist the CPMU in coordinating and synchronizing the program under the CPMU
on Water Hibah program to ensure streamlining in planning, implementation and
monitoring of the activity, particularly in the LGs/PDAMs participating in
Performance Based Grant (PBG) Program.
f. Ensure that appropriate actions are taken in case of improper procurement,
evidence of corrupt practices or failure to deliver goods or services in contractually
agreed quantities or quality;
g. Assist the CPMU and CPIU to develop and maintain a project website to promote
transparency and disseminate information of project activities. The website should
include executive summary, anticipated project outcomes/outputs, project
organization with roles and responsibilities, project components, project
participants (e.g. LGs, PDAMs) including selection criterias, regularly updated
project activities, and other sector and/or project-related news and events, key
publications, and others;
h. Support the CPMU and CPIU in developing and effectively using a web-based
monitoring system developed under (g) above;
i. Assist the CPMU and CPIU to coordinate and work with PPIUs and DPIUs,
regional and local consultants and LG/PDAM staff to collect and verify project
related information and input into the web-based monitoring system;
j. Assist the CPMU and CPIU to monitor project implementation, with emphasis on
monitoring procurement processes of consultant services, civil works and goods in
accordance with the World Bank guidelines;
k. Develop a NUWS management information system and provide training on its
application to the CPMU and CPIU personnels, LG staff and all relevant NUWS
l. With the CPMU and related CPIU, review the achievement of the LGs in
implementing their local urban water supply reform with PDAMs and in
accordance with key performance indicators (KPIs); and
m. Assist the CPMU in facilitating in the Project’s audit carried out by BPK on
project implementation.

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Section 7. Terms of Reference

Task 2: Support the initial preparation of NUWSP . This activity should commence
within 2 months after the start of NUWSP implementation. The CMC will assist the
CPMU to:
a. Develop technical guidance for environment and social safeguard by involving
related stakeholders.
b. Develop technical guidance for Rencana Aksi Daerah- Air Minum dan Penyehatan
Lingkungan (RAD – AMPL) through synchronizing with RAD – AMPL
PAMSIMAS developed by MOHA.
c. Updating technical guidance for Performance Based Grant by close coordination with
CPMU Water Hibah and related stakeholders.
d. Develop main framework and roadmap of alternative non-public funding mechanism
to fulfill required funding in achieving universal access target of water supply sector;
e. Disseminate information through workshops about the NUWSP to targeted local
governments and PDAMs to gather and seek their interest and commitment to
f. Develop eligibility criteria of potential NUWSP participants (LGs/PDAMs) indicated
in the Readiness Criteria;
g. Identify prospective LGs/PDAMs for NUWSP and verify compliance with the above
mentioned eligibility criteria;
h. Support CPMU through filtering and evaluating proposals submitted by LGs and
PDAMs to participate in the NUWSP; and
i. Support CPMU/CPIU in carrying out verification process and in implementing
monitoring and evaluation process.

Task 3: Support NUWSP implementation. This activity will be carried out during a
whole project period. Detailed activities include:
a. Coordinate with the TA support under the MOHA and assist CPIU in implementing
MOHA’s guidance support to LG/PDAM in accordance with the tasks and functions
of MOHA.
b. Coordinate with TACT in preparing capacity building and technical efforts and help
confirm linkages with the Center of Excellence programs and TA/CB programs from
other donors, business entities, and other institutions;
c. Assist CPMU to develop annual work plans based on beneficiary needs and
anticipated project outcomes;
d. Monitor, evaluate and advise on project implementation and progress in accordance
with established work plan;
e. Prepare progress reports in compliance with DGHS requirements;
f. Coordinate with the RMACs to ensure the NUWSP is advancing per established
project work plan;
g. Support CPMU in opening up opportunities to leverage funding from other sources
including from commercial financing and other business entities;
h. Support CPMU in ensuring that asset transfer mechanism is in place and operational;
i. Support CPMU in ensuring that the NUWSP contributes to the stunting agenda,
linked to the malnutrition due to lack supply of drinking water; and
j. Support CPMU in ensuring that the NUWSP complies with the social and
environmental safeguards requirements
Section 7. Terms of Reference

Task 4: Support NUWSP Communication and Information Dissemination. This

activity will be supporting communication and dissemination of information on NUWSP
related matter to related stakeholders. Detailed activities include:
a. Support the outreach and dissemination of best practices, lessons, and challenges
of NUWSP activities with stakeholders at the national, provincial and local levels.
b. Prepare communication materials detailing the achievements, lessons learned and
NUWSP progress to identified target audience; and
c. Conduct publication and dissemination activities with various methodologies such
as workshops, social media, award competition, website, newsletter etc.

Task 5: Support for the Mid Term Review (MTR) and Project Completion Report
(PCR). The Consultant will provide support to CPMU/CPIU in the preparation for
Project’s mid-term review report and for project completion report at project completion.
Detailed activities include:
a. Provide input to CPMU/CPIUand facilitate the Bank’s MTR Mission prior and
during Mid Term Review (MTR); and
b. Support CPMU/CPIU in the preparation of GOI’s Project Completion Report

E. Proposed Team Composition and Inputs to be provided by the Consultant

The CMC should establish a team structure at which it contains expertise needed to ensure
prompt delivery of the above scope of services. The CMC team composition is presented
in Table 2 and proposed organization of consultancy services is presented in Figure 1.
Qualification and aligned tasks of key professional staff are presented in Annex 1. A total
of 401 professional staff months should be made available for CMC to support the
CPMU/CPIU during a period of 41 months.
͞͞IŶ Đase, iŶ additioŶ to CMC, the frŵ iŶteŶds to suďŵit the proposal for ŵore thaŶ oŶe
paĐkage, the frŵ shall propose differeŶt keLJ persoŶŶel for eaĐh paĐkage͟.

Please also add reference to key important project documents such as the Loan
Agreement, Project Management Manual, Environmental and Social Management
Framework and other Technical Guideline documents.

Table 2: The CMC Team Composition

Key Professional Positions


CM-1 Team Leader/Senior Managem
CM-2 Senior Water Supply Expert
CM-3 Project Finance Specialist
CM-4 Management Information Syst

CM-5 Social and Environmental Safe

CM-6 Procurement and Implementa

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Section 7. Terms of Reference

CM-7 Water Supply Expert to Support CPMU Wat
Hibah for PBG Implementation
CM-8 Legal Specialist
CM-9 Urban Water Supply Engineer
CM-10 Finance Analyst


CM-11 Bilingual Translator

SUPPORTING STAFF at central office (approximate)

CM-12 Programmer Assistant
CM-13 Office Manager
CM-14 Secretary
CM-15 Office Boy
CM-16 Driver
CM-17 Office Guard

TOTAL of Team Composition

Each team member has specific responsibilities as presented in Annex 1. However, the
majority of activities and outputs will require combined efforts of a number of team
members. The CMC therefore needs to operate as a team with all members providing
appropriate inputs in support of the overall obligations under this assignment.
Consequently, all key CMC team members should have a demonstrated ability to work as
a team including with the others from different backgrounds and disciplines, and with
other Consultant teams hired for other tasks. The Consultant should have well developed
planning and management skills as well as good conflict management and communication

Supporting Staffs. During implementation, anticipated supporting staff (each 41-person

months) are as mentioned in Table 2.

The entire CMC team will be based in Jakarta and is expected to work under close
coordination with CPMU and CPIU. The Consultant should also coordinate with Jakarta-
based Advisory Team (CAC), TACT and Regional Management Consultants (RMACs)
based in Jakarta and Makassar. Team’s travel to some provinces and LGs/PDAMs will be
carried out as needed with consideration on cost effective arrangements (i.e., in
conjunction with some key milestone in the AWP, coordination meetings, events or
workshops/training etc.).

Figure 1: Proposed Organization of Consultancy Services

Section 7. Terms of Reference
Steering Committe

Ministry of MOHA MPWH


Technical Team/Pokja PPAS Nasional

DPP Perpamsi

Central Project Central Project Central Project CPIU s

Management Unit Management Unit (CPMU) Implementing Unit (CPIU) Consultant
(CPMU) Water Hibah

Central Management Central Advisory Consultant (CAC) Technical

Consultant (CMC)
Assistance & Capacity Building Team

Regional Management &

Advisory Consultant
(RMAC) 1 & 2
Provincial Project Field Assistant Supervision
Implementing Unit (PPIU)

Perpamsi District Project
Implementing Unit (PPIU) Coordination

F. Expected Outputs and DeliverablesOutputs

The CMC will be required to deliver the following outputs, but not be limited to: (a)
Annual Work Program (AWP); (b) quarterly and annual progress reports; and (c) other
reports (based on request or as identified during the implementation). All reports must be
published on website at the latest 7 (seven) working days after being approved.

Periodic (quarterly and annual) reports are one of the most essential management tools
available to CPMU and CPIU. The reports must therefore include the works and activities
that have been completed successfully or otherwise, work in progress on key project
activities and milestones, risk management issues including those related to program
sustainability, implementation performance/progress assessment and work plans for
subsequent periods. The submission schedule for these reports is pre-determined and
prompt submission is important to support the project management and monitoring

Annual Work Plan (AWP). CMC will support CPMU to prepare Annual Work Plan
(AWP), which consists of detailed work plan and budget for each activity to be
undertaken within the respective year. CPMU will submit the Annual Work Plan to the
Bank by the end of fiscal year for review.

Technical Guidance. CMC will support CPMU to develop technical guidance

(environment and social safeguard, RAD – AMPL and Performance Based Grant), which
involve Ministry/Institution through study literature, FGD and seminars.

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Section 7. Terms of Reference

List of required reports and schedules. The CMC is required to prepare the following
reports during the project period:
a. Inception Report. A draft Inception Report, to be submitted three months after CMC
mobilization, will contain a detailed work plan. The final Inception Report, a summary
of the findings to date, problems, issues or questions on which the CMC requires
guidance, and recommended action to be taken by the CPMU. The draft Inception
Report will be presented at the Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The Final Inception
Report will incorporate the comments and other inputs from the FGD and shall be
submitted to CPMU within a month after the FGD.
b. Monthly and Quarterly Progress Report. The CMC will submit Monthly and Quarterly
Progress Reports to the CPMU. The reports will cover, at the minimum, progress of
ongoing activities against performance indicators, with emphasis on output indicators
rather than measurements of physical progress and loan disbursement.
c. Monitoring and Evaluation Report. The report will be submitted annualy containing a
minimum of (a) Summary Progress Report (PR) which includes; recommendations for
improvement and/or accelerate project progress and ensure achievement of project
objective; (b) Procurement Plan; and (c) Annual Implementation Plan Activities.
d. Mid Term Review (MTR) Report, Project Completion Report (PCR). The CMC will
support CPMU in the preparation of MTR Report and PCR.
e. Interim Financial Report (IFR).The CMC will support CPMU in the preparation of
IFR Report yearly and quarterly.
f. Final Report. A draft Final Report, summarizing activities of the CMC of written
comments from CPMU, the CMC shall submit 20 copies of Final Report to CPMU. If
no comments are received on the draft report within 20 working days, the CMC shall
assume that the draft report is agreed.

All correspondences will be in Indonesian (and English as necessary). Selected documents

may need to be in English and will be specified as per request.

Terms of Payment. The assignment will be an output based contract, inclusive of all
expenses to be paid as agreed and the detail will be elaborated in further contract

General Conditions
1. CMC will conduct workshops and FGDs comprises of:
 Consultant Kick Off Meeting (75 people x 2 fullday x 2 times in 2019)
 National Coordination Workshop (200 people x 1-2/year x 2 fullboards)
 Finalization of Procurement documents of NUWSP (100 people x 2-3/year x 2
 Focus Group Discussion (30 people x 2-5/year x 2 fullboards)
CMC cover domestic travel for each core team to selected locations (2-8 times/year x
10 people x 5 days, 4 nights)
2. CMC cover for data collection expenses.
3. The office for CMC, RMAC I, and CPMU will be placed in one central office
(maximum 3 km/ten minutes by car (including the traffic time)) from Central Office of
Ministry of Public Works for easier coordination. Cost for office rental will be
Section 7. Terms of Reference

allocated in CMC. The office location must be approved by CPMU NUWSP before
contract signing.

Annex 1: Qualification and Aligned Tasks of Key Professional Staff

A. Team Leader/Senior Management Expert
 Bachelor Degree in civil/environmental engineering and Master Degree in related
 Having minimum 15 years working experience with strong technical and
management roles; having minimum 13 years working experience in project
management on team management or leadership (Team Leader, Coordinator, and
Co-Team Leader). More than 15 years of experience will not be considered to
have additional points in the evaluation;
 Having minimum 13 years working experience in the projects for water supply and
sanitation infrastructures projects, preferably in urban areas. More than 13 years of
experience will not be considered to have additional points in the evaluation;
 Having worked in Indonesia (minimum 5 projects) and additional points for
experience in other Asian countries) on relevant projects proven by working
reference from project owner;
 He/she should be highly computer literate, have worked experience as team
member in multilateral or bilateral donor-funded projects, and have been working
experience in multi-cultural environment; and able to travel to the field as needed;
 He/she shall have good interpersonal communications and management skills; and
must be able to work effectively in both English and Indonesian languages
 He/she shall have competency certificate as water supply/environmental expert as
applicable for foreign expert or SKA Ahli Utama, certified from Lembaga
Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi, LPJK for Indonesian expert or applicable
certification for international expert.

Aligned Tasks
 Provide day-to-day management and advisory assistance to CPMU;
 Develop three technical guidance by close coordination with related
 Provide technical inputs on project activities related to urban water supply services
improvements including policy reform, NRW management, energy efficiency, and
capacity building efforts;
 Advise on supervision and monitoring implementation of project activities;
 Facilitate and provide input for Bank Supervision Missions, Bank MTR Mission,
and Project Completion Mission;
 Manage finalization of other Reporting Requirements such as Interim Report and
Final Report;
 Manage and coordinate all components within NUWSP based on implementation
plan, annual work plan, and expenditure plan to ensure that all resources and
inputs are appropriately utilized; and
 Prepare briefing notes, as necessary, for the CPMU to inform and facilitate the
decision-making process.
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B. Senior Water Supply Expert

 Bachelor Degree in civil/environmental engineering and Master Degree in
civil/environmental engineering;
 Having minimum 12 years working experience with strong managerial skills
(specialist). More than 12 years of experience will not be considered to have
additional points in the evaluation;
 Having minimum 8 years working experience in the projects for LG/PDAM
institutional development, capacity building program for institution-based
infrastructures projects, and local governments. More than 8 years of experience
will not be considered to have additional points in the evaluation;
 He/she should be highly computer literate, have working experience as team
member in multilateral or bilateral donor-funded projects, and have working
experience in multi-cultural environment; and able to travel to the field as needed;
 He/she shall have good interpersonal communications and teamwork skills, and
must be able to work effectively in both English and Indonesian languages;
 He/she shall have competency certificate as water supply/environmental expert as
applicable for foreign expert or SKA Ahli Utama, certified from Lembaga
Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi, LPJK for Indonesian expert.

Aligned Tasks
 Coordinate day-to-day management and advisory assistance activities with the
 Develop three technical guidance by close coordination with related
 Develop detailed CPMU work plan for NUWSP;
 Assist the CPMU to the develop annual budgeting and programming system
including SLA monitoring and fund disbursement;
 Ensure that DED and other readiness criteria documents of any proposed activity
are technically feasible to be implemented;
 Support to RMACs in providing advice to LGs/PDAMs on quality control project
 Evaluate project performance based on the KPI;
 Lead the development of a Management Information and Reporting System for the
 Prepare and consolidate the Monitoring and Evaluation Report (MER); and
 Update annually the PMM and disseminate the updated PMM to PPIUs/DPIUs.

C. Project Finance Specialist

 Master degree in accounting and financial major;
Section 7. Terms of Reference

 Having minimum 12 years working experience with strong finance/accounting

skills (Specialist). More than 12 years of experience will not be considered to have
additional points in the evaluation;
 Having minimum 8 years of experience in project management with strong focus
on financial management public utility (PDAM), and local government budgeting.
More than 8 years of experience will not be considered to have additional points in
the evaluation;
 Having an extensive knowledge in financial management principles, budgeting
and auditing, and contract management;
 He/she should be highly computer literate, he/she shall have good interpersonal
communications and management skills, teamwork, result-oriented, and able to
travel to the field as needed.
 He/she shall have good interpersonal communications and teamwork skills, and
must be able to work effectively in both English and Indonesian languages;

Aligned Tasks
 Assist CPMU to develop and evaluate annual budgeting and programming system;
 Development of the Reporting System particularly relating to Financial Report;
 Consolidation of financial report from Audit Report;
 Provide input for annual Update of PMM and disseminate the updated PMM to
regional/local consultants and PPIUs/DPIUs;
 Ensure that financial feasibility of any proposed activity to be implemented in
accordance with program criterias;
 Support CPMU in establishing and monitoring baseline survey and verification
 Support CPMU in leveraging investment to achieve the project target;
 Support CPMU in providing advice to LGs/PDAMs on cost-recovery principles of
managing water supply services provision;
 Provide advice to the LGs in financing terms and for preparing activity proposals
including consolidation;
 With the CPMU, ensure that the proposed activity is financially feasible and cost
recoverable; and
 Undertake monitoring towards the payment realization to all NUWS works’
contractors, consultants, and procurement of goods/services.

D. Management Information System (MIS) Specialist

 A Bachelor Degree in information technology and computer science;
 Having minimum 12 years working experience with strong technical skills
(Specialist) on Management Information System. More than 12 years of
experience will not be considered to have additional points in the evaluation.
 Having minimum five (5) years working experience in developing management
information system (MIS) for urban water supply, or other relevant projects
 Having minimum five (5) years working experience in the website design,
programming, publishing and database management for any development projects,

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Section 7. Terms of Reference

website operation and maintenance, and website security and fire-wall. More than
5 years of experience will not be considered to have additional points in the
 Having strong web programming skills which may include JavaScript, JQuery,
HTML, CSS, cross-browser compatibility, Web User Interface Design (UI),
Security Principles, Web Services, Multimedia Content Development, API's,
dream weaver, SQL, My SQL, Joomla, CMS, PHP, and other similar programs
 Having knowledge of search engine analytics to maximize traffic, and familiar
with publishing and design software will be an advantage.
 He/she shall have good interpersonal communications and teamwork skill.
 He/she shall have good interpersonal communications and teamwork skills, and
must be able to work effectively in both English and Indonesian languages;
 He/she shall have competency certificate applicable as informatics expert for
foreign expert or SKA Ahli Madya, certified from Ikatan Nasional Konsultan
Indonesia, Inkindo for Indonesian expert.

Aligned Tasks
 With supervision by the Deputy Team Leader, develop the Management
Information and Reporting System for the CPMU;
 Ensure timely schedule and update database of monthly Progress Reports to
 Develop MIS for Reporting System;
 Develop and maintain of MIS and website of the CPMU integrated with the
reporting systems;
 Develop the project website and help populate in coordination with the
Communications Specialist;
 Provide input to CPMU to develop MIS to use in annual budgeting and
programming system including for fund disbursement; and
 Ensure that MIS system can support proper budgeting for activities to be

E. Social and Environmental Safeguard Specialist

 Bachelor degree in civil/environmental engineering, and preferably Master
Degree, in Environmental Engineering or Civil Engineering
 Having minimum 12 years working experience with strong technical skills
(Specialist). More than 12 years of experience will not be considered to have
additional points in the evaluation
 Having minimum ten (10) years working experience in social and environmental
assessments. More than 10 years of experience will not be considered to have
additional points in the evaluation.
 Having knowledge in AMDAL/UKL/UPL guidelines/standards and relevant
environmental safeguards, preferably is proven by AMDAL certificate for
Indonesian expert or applicable environmental safeguards certificate for foreign
Section 7. Terms of Reference

 He/she shall have good interpersonal communications, computer literate,

teamwork abilities, and must be able to have an extensive field trip to the region;
 He/she shall have good interpersonal communications and teamwork skills, and
must be able to work effectively in both English and Indonesian languages;
 He/she shall have competency certificate as water supply/environmental expert as
applicable for foreign expert or SKA Ahli Madya, certified from Lembaga
Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi, LPJK for Indonesian expert.

Aligned Tasks
 Develop environment and social safeguard technical guidance by close
coordination with related Ministries/Institutions.
 Assist CPMU in the identification of social and environmental compliance
 Provide technical inputs in the preparation of reports related to social and
environmental requirements;
 Provide advisory to RMACs in AMDAL/UKL/UPL guidelines/standards and
relevant environmental safeguards;

F. Procurement and Implementation Report Specialist

 Bachelor Degree in civil/environmental/mechanical engineering.
 Having minimum 15 years of experience in oversight and supervision project with
strong focus on implementation construction water supply system or PDAM. More
than 15 years of experience will not be considered to have additional points in the
 Having an extensive knowledge in public procurement and selection of
contractors, quality assurance and technical oversight of the implementation from
tender to handover, having extensive knowledge in Perpres 16/2018 or applicable
regulation (proven by procurement certificate LKPP) and its implementation as
well as familiar with procurement from mulitilateral and bilateral donor funded
 He/she should be highly computer literate, he/she shall have good interpersonal
communications and management skills, teamwork, result-oriented, and able to
travel to the field as needed;

Aligned Tasks
 Monitoring the procurement process;
 Provides advisory to guarantee the procurement and the process will be undertaken
based on procedure, qualified and on schedule;
 Provide guidance and advice to RMACs in procurement process;
 Provide support to CPMU in the submission of documents for obtaining NOL
from World Bank;
 Consolidation of Progress Report on Procurement from Project Supervision.

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Section 7. Terms of Reference

G. Water Supply Expert to Support CPMU Water Hibah Program for PBG
 Bachelor degree in civil/environmental engineering;
 Having minimum 12 years working experience with strong technical skills
(specialist). More than 12 years of experience will not be considered to have
additional points in the evaluation;
 Having minimum 10 years working experience in water and sanitation projects.
More than 10 years of experience will not be considered to have additional points
in the evaluation;
 He/she shall have good interpersonal communications, computer literates,
teamwork abilities, and must be able to have an extensive field-trip to the region;
 He/she shall have competency certificate as water supply/environmental expert as
applicable for foreign expert or SKA Ahli Madya, certified from Lembaga
Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi, LPJK for Indonesian expert.

Aligned Tasks
 Support CPMU to develop and finalize the guidelines of PBG Program
 Assist Team Leader in the implementation of PBG Program under the CPMU on
Water Hibah Program;
 Provide technical inputs in the preparation and implementation of PBG Program.

H. Legal Specialist
 A Bachelor Degree in law major;
 Having minimum 15 years working experience with strong legal and/or
institutional skills (Specialist). More than 15 years of experience will not be
considered to have additional points in the evaluation;
 Having minimum seven (7) years working experience in law, legal, and regulatory
aspects in urban water supply (particularly for local government), or other relevant
projects. More than 7 years of experience will not be considered to have additional
points in the evaluation;
 He/she shall have good interpersonal communications and teamwork skill.

Aligned Tasks
 With supervision by the Team Leader, assess regulations and regulatory issues of
the LG and recommend regulatory and institutional improvements;
 Develop framework for the institutional arrangement among related national
stakeholders in urban water supply sector.
 Develop the regulatory framework for NUWAS implementation.
 Develop framework for the relationship between LG (as the owner) and PDAM (as
the operator of water supply system);
 Monitor and evaluate the implementation of Performance Agreement between LG
and PDAM.
Section 7. Terms of Reference

I. Urban Water Supply Engineer

 Bachelor degree in civil/environmental engineering.
 Having minimum 7 years working experience with strong managerial skills
(specialist). More than 7 years of experience will not be considered to have
additional points in the evaluation.
 Having minimum 2 years working experience in the projects for LG/PDAM
institutional development, capacity building program for institution-based
infrastructures projects, and local governments. More than 2 years of experience
will not be considered to have additional points in the evaluation.
 He/she should be highly computer literate, have working experience as team
member in multilateral or bilateral donor-funded projects, and have working
experience in multi-cultural environment.
 He/she shall have good interpersonal communications and teamwork skills, and
must be able to work effectively in both English and Indonesian languages.
 He/she shall have competency certificate as water supply/environmental expert as
applicable for foreign expert or SKA Ahli Madya, certified from Lembaga
Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi, LPJK for Indonesian expert.

Aligned Tasks
 Support Water Supply Specialist in implementing his/her tasks.

J. Finance Analyst
 Bachelor Degree in accounting and financial major;
 Having minimum 10 years working experience with strong finance/accounting
skills (Specialist). More than 10 years of experience will not be considered to have
additional points in the evaluation.
 Having minimum 5 years of experience in project management with strong focus
on financial management public utility (PDAM), local government budgeting.
More than 5 years of experience will not be considered to have additional points in
the evaluation;
 Having an extensive knowledge in financial management principles, budgeting
and auditing, and contract management;
 He/she should be highly computer literate, he/she shall have good interpersonal
communications and management skills, teamwork, result-oriented, and able to
travel to the field as needed.

Aligned Tasks
 Support Finance Specialist in implementing his/her tasks.
K. Bilingual Translator
 Bachelor Degree in any relevant major
 He/she must have at least 6,5 IELTS, by certified institution
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Section 7. Terms of Reference

 He/she must have a good writing and speaking skills (both at least 6,5).
 He/she must be familiar in writing scientific english reports proven by minimum
writing score for IELTS is 6.5;
 He/she must have experience as a translator for Ministries or Institution or Water
Supply minimum for 3 events or projects proven by recommendation from
event/project owner.
 He/she should be highly computer literate, he/she shall have good interpersonal
communications and management skills, teamwork, result-oriented, and able to
travel to the field as needed.

Aligned Tasks
 Assist CPMU in translating and producing relevant reports and events.
 Assist the team in communicating with local government/PDAMs and other
related stakeholders.

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