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ROZEK, LOGANATHAN - Managing Underground Risks in Singapore Through Geotechnical Interpretative Baseline Reports

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Managing Underground Risks in Singapore Through

Geotechnical Interpretative Baseline Reports

J Rozek1 and L N Loganathan2

ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is three-fold; namely to describe:

Risk exposure in tunnel projects is extremely high due to various factors 1. traditional practice in contracting and risk allocation
such as variability of subsurface conditions, selection of inappropriate practices in tunnelling industry,
design and tunnelling methods, improper risk assessment on adjacent
surface and subsurface structures and utilities, and inadequate 2. currently evolving risk management procedures between
contractual practices. The risks in tunnelling must be borne by the various parties involved in the project, and
contractor, designer and the owner of a tunnelling project. There have
3. lessons learnt from the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System
been a number of improvements in the last ten to 15 years in the manner
in which tunnel projects are developed and implemented in terms of (DTSS) and the Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE) project
their design, construction, financing and operations. One significant advance consultancy work.
improvement has been the manner in which underground conditions and
their risks are being managed. Owners are less willing to transfer the TRADITIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN
full responsibility to the contractor for managing the underground
conditions, although this is a familiar manner in which underground TUNNELLING
major urban projects have been previously contracted and managed. For many years, geotechnical information gathered during the
The owners of tunnel projects in Singapore have advanced the risk preliminary and final design phases of projects was made
management process for their projects through geotechnical available to bidders, but the construction documents typically
interpretative baseline reports (GIBRs), geotechnical data reports
(GDRs) and project specifications (PSs). This paper discusses industry
disclaimed any responsibility for the risk of interpreting the data.
practice and its development as well as the application during the Bidders didn’t have time to undertake further geotechnical site
preparation and use in Singapore on the Deep Tunnel Sewerage System investigation and testing. Bidders, in a competitive market,
(DTSS) and the Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE) project in frequently made optimistic interpretation of data, which resulted
Singapore. The DTSS trunk sewer is 48 km and ranges from 3.3 m to in significant claims when conditions were adversely different to
6 m finished diameter up to 50 m below the ground. The underground the interpretation they made at the time of their bid. Over time,
conditions ranged from Old Alluvium, strengths of about 1 MPa to owners have recognised the need and value in presenting a
competent Bukit Tima granite, with strengths of over 230 MPa. The designer’s interpretation of underground conditions and make it
total route length of the MCE is about 5 km. About 3.6 km will be part of the contract documents.
constructed underground, consisting of dual five-lane carriageways. The
underground construction will be cut and cover, and 2.6 km will be
constructed about 13 m underground, and 1 km of tunnel will range Practice in the United States
from 13 m to 24 m as the tunnel passes under a 420 m wide reach of
Marina Bay, whose crossing will be constructed as a two-phase
Since the early 1970s, there have been several forms of
cofferdam. geotechnical reports that have been incorporated in contract
documents. In 1972 the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit
Authority (WMATA) transit project in Washington recognised
INTRODUCTION the importance of communicating underground conditions
Tunnelling has become a familiar manner of providing to bidders and initiated the ‘geotechnical report’. In 1974,
transportation facilities in today’s urban areas. There have been a the Committee on Tunnelling Technology published Better
number of improvements in the last ten to 15 years in the manner Contracting for Underground Construction, which said:
in which these projects are developed and implemented in Contracting practices in the United States are
terms of their design, construction, financing and operations. inadequate for even past methods and constitute
One significant improvement has been the manner in which a serious barrier to new technology and to the
underground conditions and their risks are being managed. most economical tunnelling.
Underground urban infrastructure projects present many risks, It made some 17 recommendations, including importantly
and they must be allocated to the owner or to the contractor. The disclosing all information; it recommended eliminating
greatest risks are associated with the materials encountered and disclaimers, it recognised differing site conditions and
their behaviour during excavation, and installation of temporary distinguished responsibilities for tunnel ground support.
and permanent support. Extensive and comprehensive soil In 1975, the first geotechnical design summary report (GDSR)
investigation and the proper interpretation and usage of the was utilised, and in 1984, the US National Committee on
results is the most important factor in developing appropriate Tunnelling Technology (USNCTT) published its Geotechnical
construction techniques and minimising risks associated with Site Investigation for Underground Structures, which suggested
deep excavation and tunnelling works and to adjacent structures that more exploration and site investigation would result in lower
and buildings. cost. It provided an outline for interpretive geotechnical reports
and a checklist of items to be addressed.
Further, in the 1980s and 1990s the American Society of Civil
1. Senior Vice President, PB Australia, Level 27, Ernst and Young Engineers (ASCE) and the Underground Technology Research
Centre, 680 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Council (UTRC) encouraged the use of dispute review boards,
Email: escrow bid documents, GDSRs, and differing site condition
2. Principal Tunnel Engineer, PB Australia, Level 27, Ernst and Young clauses in the contract documents, the 1989 UTRC Avoiding and
Centre, 680 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000. Resolving Disputes in Underground Conditions and 1991 update
Email: of the document. In the 1990s, there was the first suggestion to

13th Australian Tunnelling Conference Melbourne, VIC, 4 - 7 May 2008 1


rename the GDSR to GBR (geotechnical baseline report). The behaviour. The project specification is a tool to set minimum
UTRC published its 1997 follow-on booklet Geotechnical standards for the designers who can provide a safe product to
Baseline Reports for Underground Construction (Yellow Book), the public and the owner of the project. In Singapore,
and recommended that GBRs be made part of the contract temporary works are now subjected to the same rigors of the
documentation. UTRC’s technical committee has issued the permanent works and have requirements for jurisdictional
Geotechnical Baseline Reports for Construction (suggested authorities to approve these designs as well as the owner.
guidelines) in 2007. ASCE (2007) has published guidelines for Risk assessment must also consider major hazard events, in
geotechnical baseline reports for construction. spite of their low probability, which could affect the public, in
addition to the risk to individuals at work. Identifying risks can
Practice in Singapore be communicated to others by preparing and making available
Most of the tunnels in Singapore have been built along heavily the risk register. The risk register is a ‘live’ document that is best
used if continuously reviewed and revised as appropriate and
developed corridor through mixed and highly variable soil
available for scrutiny at any time. Risk registers identify hazards,
conditions. Right from the concept stage, risk associated with
consequent risks, mitigation and contingency measures, proposed
each stage of the project as it affects safety, program, quality and
actions and responsibilities, and provide an auditable trail though
cost were identified and measures are put in place in managing the life of the project to demonstrate compliance.
the project so as to minimise or mitigate risk.
The process of risk assessment and the subsequent preparation
Singapore provides an interesting and important study in the of a risk register are required to identify and clarify ownership of
manner in which they have contracted the sharing of information risks and concisely how risks are to be allocated, controlled,
relative to underground projects. The Public Utility Board’s mitigated and managed. The system used to track risk must
(PUB) Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS) utilised GDRs, enable the management and mitigation of risks through
and the contractor provided geotechnical interpretive reports contingency measures and controls to be monitored through all
included in the contract documents, in 1999 and 2000, and a stages of project.
number of Land Transport Authority (LTA) projects are now
employing GIBRs. The International Tunnelling Insurance Group published A
Code of Practice for Risk Management of Tunnel Works (ITIG,
2006). Similarly, Eskesen et al (2004) has published Guidelines
EVOLVING RISK MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE for tunnelling Risk Management as part of the working group for
The International Tunnelling Association (ITA) has recognised International Tunnelling Association (ITA).
the importance of risk management procedure in tunnelling and
developed guidelines for risk management at various stages of Risk management
the project including early design phase, tendering and contract
Major accident hazards can happen in events that have a low
negotiation phase and construction phase. These guidelines are
probability of occurring. But when they do, they have
based on current international practices including US and
considerable consequences for those affected. The accidents
must be prevented through effective risk management. The
owner, contractor and operators must honour and respect their
Risk assessment own risk analysis, assessment and reports. Singapore’s Ministry
Risk is the potential occurrence of a hazardous event that harms of Manpower (MOM) have said the risk management principle to
the public and the infrastructure. The degree of risk is measured be applied is based on the saying that ‘those who create the risk
by the potential damage to the public with respect to the will be held responsible for reducing it’, following the collapse
occurrence of the hazardous event. Risk exposure in tunnel of the Nicole Highway deep excavation.
projects is extremely high due to various factors: The potential for major accidents, whether due to construction
process or deficiencies in design, must be recognised and
• Unforeseen ground conditions – ground conditions vary expeditiously controlled. It is inappropriate to leave the control
inevitably depends on its deposition parent, history and the of risk wholly to the contractor. In terms of practical risk
stress changes during construction. Geotechnical conditions management, this duty means reducing the risk to a level which
are in general, interpolated or extrapolated in between two is as low as is reasonably practicable. It cannot be determined by
boreholes. Tunnelling methods are chosen based on the the contract value of the project.
assumed ground conditions. When the ground conditions The risk control principle requires that health and safety is
deviate from the assumed conditions, there are possibilities given due prominence. Such decisions should be made using a
of excess ground movements and delay in tunnel excavation structural approach to risk identification, avoidance, elimination,
rates. It is not appropriate to force the contractor to accept mitigation and control. A positive and consistent safety culture is
the entire risk associated with the unforseen ground a must. Adequate staffing, good teamwork and interface,
conditions. The GIBR is a tool to manage the risk between adequate supervision and clear instructions are critical features in
the owner and the contractor effectively. risk management.
• Tunnelling methods – tunnelling methods are chosen by the In terms of practical risk management, the risk should be
contractor based on the geotechnical information provided reduced to a level which is as low as is reasonably practicable. In
with the contract document. Contractors often choose a a design and build contract, it is essential that the owner sets out
method that paves the way to the early completion of the its expectation of risk management by the contractor. However,
project. In this process, contractors can overlook in current practice the risk sharing is carried out effectively by
geotechnical conditions and it may lead to a major risk. The adopting meaningful risk management processes.
geotechnical design reports (GDR) and GIBR provided by The assessment and evaluation of project options must be
the owner outline the risk sharing between the contractor and carried out during project development by the owner (or their
the owner. appointed representative) that takes account of the following:
• Inadequate design – due to the increased competitive nature • the geology,
of the engineering industry, design engineers tender for job
with competitive design fees. This can lead to design practice • tunnelling methodologies,
which minimises the risks of the potential adverse ground • temporary and permanent ground support systems,

2 Melbourne, VIC, 4 - 7 May 2008 13th Australian Tunnelling Conference


• ground movements and impact on adjacent properties, The particular conditions of contract recognised unforeseen
ground conditions (UGC) and made allowances for additional cost
• environmental considerations, and and time. However, the contractor was required to demonstrate the
• appropriate contracting methods. actual conditions encountered were ‘unforeseeable’.
The construction risk must be assessed and reviewed at each The range of bid prices received as well as the content of the
stage of the project and updated during the development of the PGIR demonstrated that many of the bidders put significant
project. effort into the development of the PGIR for their bid, and this
resulted in more competitive prices.
The geotechnical baseline is set for a given project based on an
aggregation of geotechnical data. Where the baseline is set
determines the respective levels of risk allocated to the owner Advances in Singapore practice
and contractor. During the preparation of the GIBR, meetings The collapse of the Nicole Highway in April 2004 has resulted in
must be conducted with the owner to discuss the baseline much greater concerns and requirements in the design and
principles and the owner must be advised of the consequences of construction of temporary works in Singapore. In recent years,
an adverse presentation of the anticipated surface conditions and the LTA of Singapore has utilised GIBRs, with an owner-
need for staying within a reasonable limit. provided geotechnical baseline utilised in the contracting process
The interpretations and baseline statements contained in the of major infrastructures projects. On the soon to be bid Marina
GIBR should reflect the risk allocation attitude and preferences Coastal Expressway, GIBRs will be utilised in all six major
of the owner. The rationale and potential consequences of design-build civil structure contracts, to provide geotechnical
establishing conservative baseline should be clearly explained. information, design parameters and other information on the
The geotechnical baseline report should be the soul existing underground conditions.
geotechnical interpretive document upon which the contractor
can rely. The GIBR should be limited to interpretive discussions MARINA COASTAL EXPRESSWAY PROJECT
and baseline statements, and should make reference to
information contained in the GDR, drawings or specifications. The entire alignment will be constructed in reclaimed land
constructed between 1975 and 1984, underlain by thick lenses of
marine clay or the Kalang Formation, up to 30 m thick. This will
Geotechnical data report make the construction of the Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE)
A GDR presents all factual data that has been collected. It one of the largest tunnels ever constructed in some of the most
provides the results of field and laboratory tests, and becomes difficult ground. Singapore’s LTA will go out for tender in
part of the contract document. GDRs were utilised in Singapore December 2007, for six design-construct civil contracts to
in the delivery of 48 km of large diameter tunnel as part of the perform the excavation, provide the temporary earth retaining
DTSS. The 48 km of tunnelling was broken into six contracts system (TERS) and construct the structural concrete tunnel
based on the size of the finished diameter (3.3 m to 6 m) of boxes.
tunnel, the function of the system, and the ground through which Extensive site investigation, in situ and laboratory testing have
the TBM excavate (Rozek, 2002). The ground varied and the been performed, including over 160 boreholes. One important
strengths ranged from about 1 MPa in the Old Alluvium in the element of the project is the geotechnical interpretive baseline
east, to over 230 MPa in the interior in the Bukit Tima granite. report (GIBR). The report is an evaluation and interpretation of
Risk management was an important aspect of the contracting the geological conditions along the MCE, and represents the
as all six design-build contracts were out for tender available knowledge of the geotechnical, geological and
simultaneously, because of the ambitious program. As part of the hydrogeological conditions.
risk management, the government undertook an extensive site This GIBR will be utilised throughout the project in managing
investigation program, as well as laboratory testing. An risks, including the influence of the notional temporary earth
important identification of the material properties, the high retaining system, the tendering process and during execution of
abrasive qualities of the Old Alluvium, was made in the GDRs. the work and administration of contracts.
Bidders for any of the six DTSS design-build contracts were
required to interpret the factual information provided, and Geotechnical interpretative baseline report
provide a PGIR (preliminary geotechnical interpretive report) as (GIBR)
part of their bid. A comprehensive tender evaluation was made of
the bids submitted. The evaluation was based on best value. The In the very recent past, Singapore is utilising a GIBR in its road
PIGR was important in the tender evaluation to determine how and rail projects, including the 3.6 km cut and cover ten lane
expressway for the 5 km Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE),
well the bidders understood the ground conditions in the
which is being tendered under six major civil structural
corridor, as well as what equipment the contractor selected and
design-build contracts. This GIBR presents an evaluation and
his means and methods, which he was required to provide with
interpretation of the geological conditions along the proposed
his bid. The tunnel-boring machines (TBMs) were one of the MCE. From 2005 to 2007, the LTA conducted site investigations
most important considerations as there would be up to eight and laboratory testing along various preliminary alignments for
TBMs operating simultaneously on the project, as well as the the project. The MCE project will be one of the world’s largest
length of the runs, up to 12.6 km and the required advance rates, tunnels (ten lanes) in some of the most challenging ground
which represented substantial risks to timely completions. The conditions, as its entire length will be constructed in reclaimed
PGIR was a key document in assessing whether actual land, some 13 m thick, over some 30 to 40 m under consolidated
encountered ground conditions differed from those anticipated marine clay. The project is further complicated by the presence
by the successful contractor (Marshal et al, 2007). of a number of existing structures that require consideration in
The successful contractors were also required to perform the geotechnical design, including old sea walls, and a ‘detached
additional site investigation and provide a final geotechnical mole’, a form of sea wall comprised of stones of 1 to 2 m in
interpretive report, which also proved valuable as the contractors diameter, placed some 60 m wide.
were better able to manage the excavation with the benefit of the A GIBR was prepared for each of the six contracts, and is
additional information, analysis and interpretation. The developed to present the knowledge of the geotechnical,
contractor was allocated all the risks within his control. geological and hydrogeological conditions of that specific

13th Australian Tunnelling Conference Melbourne, VIC, 4 - 7 May 2008 3


segment of the MCE. The GIBR includes statements with respect All bidders are required to submit their own geotechnical
to subsurface and site conditions that are expected during the interpretation and submit their own GIBR at the time of tender
performance of the works. It includes discussion of geologic and submission. The tenderers are instructed to highlight any
man-made features of engineering and construction significance significant geotechnical interpretation of the ground conditions
along the alignment. The subsurface and site conditions to be that they consider differ from or are not included in this GIBR.
encountered during the performance of the works are derived The successful bidder’s soil profile is to be agreed with the
from geotechnical information and data gathered from site owner and the LTA prior to the award of this contract.
investigations. The GIBR will be made part of the contract document and will
To manage risks, the GIBR presents the minimum requirement be legally binding upon both the LTA and the successful
of geotechnical design parameters for temporary works design. contractors. In the event of apparent conflicts, discrepancies, or
The GIBR preparation was directly influenced by the notional inconsistencies with any other geotechnical data made available
to the contractor, the GIBR takes precedence in reconciliation of
temporary earth retaining systems (TERS) developed as part of
the conflict.
the design and reflected in the drawings and particular
specification in the tender documents. The contractor was
advised not rely upon the GIBR in isolation for the planning or CONCLUSIONS
performance of any aspects of his work, without limitation as to Tunnel constructions are inevitably associated with risks,
the means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of especially due to the variability of the ground conditions.
construction and safety precautions to be employed by the Providing a baseline for geotechnical design and the
contractor. The bidders were instructed to undertake their own performance to accommodate the ground variability associated
independent review of the entire set of contract documents to with risk sharing is an appropriate mechanism between the
arrive at decisions concerning the planning of the works and the owner and the contractor. The role of GIBRs is important in
means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of allocating risk associated with subsurface conditions. Where the
construction to be used. The tender documents require that the baseline is set determines risk allocation and has a great
final design process must incorporate additional exploration and influence in risk acceptance, bid price and quality of change
geotechnical evaluation as required by the contractor to further orders and the final cost of the project. Owners must participate
delineate subsurface conditions for preparation of his final in setting up the baseline and should have the clear
design. understanding of the risk level associated with the level at which
the baseline is set. Owners and the engineers who prepare
While the descriptions of the subsurface conditions provided baselines must set realistic baselines. To effectively identify and
in the GIBR were based on substantial investigations and allocate risks, the baseline reports must be prepared by capable
analyses, bidders were instructed that they should not be and experienced geotechnical engineers with geotechnical
interpreted as a guarantee or warranty that the conditions design knowledge and appropriate experience in geotechnical
encountered during construction will be exactly as described, as constructions.
no amount of investigation or analysis can precisely predict the
characteristics, quality or quantity of anticipated subsurface and REFERENCES
site conditions and/or the behaviour of such conditions during
construction. Such behaviour will vary and will also significantly ASCE, 2007. Geotechnical Baseline Reports for Construction, Suggested
Guidelines (ed: R Essex) (American Society of Civil Engineers).
depend upon and be influenced by the construction means and
ITIG, 2006. A Code of Practice for Risk Management of Tunnel Works
methods selected and used by the contractor.
(The International Tunnelling Insurance Group).
The main objectives of the MCE GIBR was to share available Eskesen et al, 2004. Guidelines for Tunnelling Risk Management,
information with the tenderers, reduce uncertainty in the bidding Working Group No 2 (International Tunnelling Association).
process, establish a baseline with the successful tenderer prior to Marshal et al, 2007. Lessons Learned on Singapore’s DTSS, Tunnels and
award of this contract and enable contract risk allocation and Tunnelling International, October.
administration of contractual disputes (if any) to be more Rozek, J, 2002. Singapore’s deep tunnel sewerage system: risk
equitable. management from concept design to construction, PB Network).

4 Melbourne, VIC, 4 - 7 May 2008 13th Australian Tunnelling Conference

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