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VP2-AiO Revision PDF

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1. Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Use the Present Simple
or Present Continuous. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. How heavy is your suitcase? (weigh)
2. I think this is Emily’s MP3 player. (belong)
3. Is David in the football team this year? (play)
4. There are problems with our computer system at the moment. (have)

2. Complete the telephone conversation with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or
the Present Continuous.
Mark: Hi, Louise. 1.……………………… you (remember) when our next maths test is?
Louise: I 2.……………………… (think) it’s on Tuesday. 3.……………………… you (study) for it?
Mark: I 4. ……………………… (try) to – but I 5.……………………… (have) trouble with a few of the problems.
Louise: Maybe I can help.. 6.……………………… you (want) to come over? I 7.……………………… (not do)
anything right now.
Mark: Thanks! That’d be great!


3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1. The bus ……………………… (not come) on time this morning! I ……………………… (read) most of the newspaper
while I ……………………… (wait).
2. John ……………………… (ring) you while you ……………………… (have) a shower.
3. I ……………………… (practise) when one of my guitar strings ……………………… (break).
4. Mary ……………………… (burn) her tongue as she ……………………… (taste) the soup.
5. What ……………………… you and Diane ……………………… (talk) about until so late last night?
I ……………………… (hear) that you were still on the phone when I ……………………… (go) to bed after midnight.

4. Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. I rode my bike to school. On the way, it began to rain. (while)
2. Tracy didn’t join us last night because she had to work late. (was)
3. Steve went running this morning, and he fell. (when)
4. Hugh made the salad at the same time as I cooked the hamburgers. (as)



5. Complete the dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple.
I Joanie: I’m so excited about tonight! I 1.……………………… (not see) U2 in concert before.
……………………… you (ever / be) to see them live?
Greg: Yes. I 3.……………………… (be) to a few of their concerts over the years, but the last time I
……………………… (see) them was in 2006. You’ll really enjoy it tonight! I 5.………………………
(already / hear) great things about this new tour!
II Anna: Excuse me, but I think I 6.……………………… (leave) my mobile phone here a few hours ago.
……………………… anyone ……………………… (bring) it to the desk?
Librarian: No, I’m sorry. The only thing here is someone’s wallet. 8.……………………… you already
……………………… (look) around the area where you were sitting?
Anna: Yes, I 9.……………………… (look), but it 10.……………………… (not be) there. I’m so upset! This is the
second phone I 11.……………………… (lose) this month!

6. Write sentences that logically follow the preceding sentences with the words in brackets.
Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple form of the verbs.
1. Our team is doing very badly this season.
(a single match / so far / we / not win)
2. Why aren’t you coming to the film tonight?
(I / because / it / last week / see)
3. My parents have no idea that I have a girlfriend.
(yet / them / not tell / I)
4. I had a great time last night!
(a long time / for / that much / not dance / I)
5. Jason usually does his homework late at night.
(his work / he / until / 2 am last night / not finish)


7. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple.
1. She ……………………… (not get) a good mark in the test because she ……………………… (not study).
2. After he ……………………… (give) his presentation, he ……………………… (feel) calmer.
He ……………………… (be) very nervous about it beforehand and was glad it was over.
3. We ……………………… (just / come) out of the cinema when it ……………………… (begin) to pour.
We ……………………… (not bring) umbrellas, so we ……………………… (get) soaking wet.
4. I ……………………… (never / saw) a 3-D film before seeing Avatar, and until then, I ………………………
(not realise) what an amazing experience 3-D is.


8. Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Perfect Simple.
Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. He studied for the test. Then he met friends for coffee and dessert. (before)
2. I received a free ticket for the football match. I gave it to Kevin. (after)
3. I finished my homework on Friday, so I didn’t have to do any at the weekend. (already)
4. We put up balloons and other decorations before everyone arrived for the party. (by the time)


9. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Simple,
be going to, or Present Continuous with Future Meaning.
1. ……………………… Mum ……………………… (like) this necklace?
2. Watch out! You ……………………… (spill) the soup.
3. Don’t worry. I ……………………… (not tell) anyone.
4. We ……………………… (send) you the information tomorrow.


10. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Future Perfect Simple
or Future Continuous.
1. Next month, the band is finishing their world tour after two years on the road. (tour)
When they finish their world tour next month, the band .......................................................................... .
2. My dad’s doctor is putting him on a special diet for two weeks. (follow)
For the next two weeks, my dad ............................................................................................................. .
3. Tomorrow, we have rehearsals all day long. (rehearse)
At this time tomorrow, we ....................................................................................................................... .
4. We are going to be late for the lecture. (begin)
By the time we get there, ........................................................................................................................ .

Revision Name

Grammar Review
1. Complete the dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
I Barbara: Is it true that you 1.……………………… (never / meet) Gina’s brother?
Steve: Yes, it is. He 2.……………………… (already / move) to London before Gina and I started dating, and he
……………………… (not be) here to visit since then. But he 4.……………………… (come) next month
for their grandparents’ 50th anniversary party, so I 5.……………………… (meet) him then.
Barbara: Well, I 6.……………………… (know) him for years, and he’s a really nice guy. I 7.………………………
(think) you 8.……………………… (like) him.
Steve: I’m sure I will. And I know how much Gina 9.……………………… (miss) him, so I’m glad he
……………………… (be) here soon.
II Joe: Hey, Mark. You 11.……………………… (look) upset.
Mark: I am. I 12.……………………… (have) a minor car accident a couple of hours ago.
Joe: I’m really sorry to hear that. What 13.……………………… (happen)?
Mark: I 14. ……………………… (drive) on Edgware Road when another car 15. ……………………… (go) through
a red light and hit me! Luckily, there ……………………… (be) a lot of traffic at the time, so neither of
us 17. ……………………… (go) very fast, and nobody was hurt. But it 18. ……………………… (cost) a lot
of money to repair my car.

2. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Make any necessary changes.
Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. David is asleep now. (sleep)
2. Jane is still eating. (not finish breakfast yet)
3. They’ll finish the road repairs on Friday. (by Saturday)
4. I was on the phone to Chris when the postman rang the bell. (talk to Chris)

3. Write sentences that logically follow the preceding sentence. Use the given words
and the correct form of the verbs.
1. Debra doesn’t like horror films, so there’s no point in inviting her to join us.
she / not want / to come / .
2. I’ve been living in London for ten years.
it / hard to believe / I / live / here / for / so long / .
3. I think Michael will be ready to take his driving test at the end of August.
by then / he / take / almost 40 / lessons / .
4. I’m sorry I wasn’t ready on time!
I / promise / it / not happen / again / .
5. I’m worried about Keith.
I / never / see / him / so depressed / .


4. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

For many people, the establishment of a new school wouldn’t be an exciting event. But in Southern Sudan, where civil
war in the 1980s 1.……………………… (cause) the destruction of entire communities and orphaned many children, the
opening of a new school in the summer of 2009 was a major cause for celebration.

The school, in the village of Marial Bai, was made possible by the Valentino Achak Deng Foundation. Deng, who was
born in the village, 2.……………………… (leave) Southern Sudan during the war in the 1980s. After nearly a decade of
living and working in refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia, he 3.……………………… (move) to the United States in
2001. While he 4.……………………… (study) in Atlanta, Georgia, he met Dave Eggers, a best-selling American author.
Soon, the two 5.……………………… (work) together on What is the What, Deng’s autobiography, which was published in
2006. In addition, they created the Valentino Achak Deng Foundation.

For the past few years, Deng 6.……………………… (travel) in order to publicise the foundation’s work. Major newspapers
……………………… (publish) stories about him, and he 8.……………………… (appear) on television and radio
programmes. His devotion to education 9.……………………… (inspire) people everywhere.

Revision Name

1. Complete the sentences by adding a suitable prefix or suffix to the words in brackets.
1. Do you think roller-coasters are ……………………… (thrill)?
2. She’s a ……………………… (person) trainer at a gym.
3. It was very ……………………… (responsible) of you to forget your keys.
4. They didn’t like the decision. They thought it was ……………………… (fair).
5. It took them weeks to reach an ……………………… (agree).
6. That’s ……………………… (relevant). It doesn’t matter.
7. I can’t be there by nine o’clock. It’s ……………………… (possible).
8. Thanks for the information you sent. It was very ……………………… (use).
9. These two T-shirts are very similar. There’s hardly any ……………………… (differ).
10. I don’t think there’s any ……………………… (possible) that he’ll win the election.

2. Choose the correct answer.

1. Last year, I … walk to school every day.
a. was used to b. used to c. got used to
2. He stopped … last month.
a. smoke b. to smoke c. smoking
3. I’m really worried … Beth. She looks upset.
a. for b. of c. about
4. We went walking in the … cold.
a. bitter b. heavy c. thick
5. By the time he was 19 years old, he had … his goal of becoming a professional footballer.
a. beat b. won c. achieved
6. My sister and I have always shared a room, so I … not having my own room.
a. used to b. am getting used c. am used to

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below.
set in • come on • sell out • go on • run after • run off with • look forward to • look up

1. I didn’t expect the lecture to ……………………… for so long.

2. The jewellery shop owner only realised later that someone had ……………………… three diamond rings.
3. We waited too long to buy tickets. Now, the concert is ……………………… .
4. This mystery story is ……………………… 18th-century London.
5. I forgot my wallet when I left the café this morning, but luckily a woman ……………………… me to return it.
6. I am not ……………………… her visit. She’s a demanding guest.
7. When I first started to read in French, I had to ……………………… a lot of words in the dictionary.
8. My favourite programme ……………………… at 7.00 every evening.


4. Complete each sentence with a suitable preposition, and the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs in
brackets. There may be more than one correct answer.
1. She likes ……………………… (teach) pottery classes at the community centre, but she’s not pleased
……………………… the way the new manager is running the place.
2. He’s not interested ……………………… art, so he doesn’t enjoy ……………………… (go) to art museums.
3. She always goes to the pool when she’s worried ……………………… something, because
……………………… (swim) relaxes her.

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