GDN 197
GDN 197
GDN 197
Prepared by
use in the oil and gas industry under Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. These are the
property of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas and should not be reproduced or copied
Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the
data contained in these documents OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or
These documents are intended to supplement rather than replace the prevailing
statutory requirements.
Oil industry in India is more than 100 years old handling variety of hydrocarbon
material, natural gas, crude oil and petroleum products. With the technological advances
and need for transportation of bulk energy carrier and natural gas. Over the years a
variety of practices have been in vogue because of collaboration/association with
different foreign companies and governments..
With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas in 1986 constituted a
Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) staffed from within
the industry in formulating and implementing a series of self regulatory measures aimed
at removing obsolescence, standardising and upgrading the existing standards to ensure
safer pollution free operations.
Due to accelerated and enhanced operational activities of petroleum sector ,the
several development projects have comes into existence from time to time and
Environmental Impact Assessment is a well accepted activity . However industry has
realised that EIA has critical issues which still need to be addressed minutely e.g.
locations near coastal area ,offshore and high sea location etc including gearing of
project personnel for EIA. With this view point , Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD),
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas has taken up formulation of Guidelines for
Environmental Impact Assessment.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) refers to the assessment of
environmental impacts likely to arise from a major action i.e. legislation, a policy, a plan,
a programme or a project, significantly affecting the environment. It usually addresses
rational management and impact assessment of desired environmental components of
proposed development / project.
This document was prepared based on the accumulated knowledge and experience
of industry members and the various national and international codes and practices. It is
expected that these guidelines on environmental audit would be beneficial to user
This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements based on the new
experiences and better understanding.
Suggestions from industry members may be addressed to:
Member Coordinator
Committee on Formulation of Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment
Oil Industry Safety Directorate
Kailash, 2nd Floor
26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg
New Delhi – 110 001
01. Introduction 1
02. Scope 1
03. Definitions 1
8 References 8
Studies conducted to document and Drilling sites including cluster drilling site,
monitor the environmental data of a Workover sites, Drill ship, jack up rig.
particular location before starting any 5.0 PREPARATION OF EIA
proposed development activity. The
data generated by these studies are Depending upon the time available, there
considered as baseline data for the can be two stages of EIA preparation viz.,
proposed development project. rapid EIA and Comprehensive EIA.
2. The information should cover a ii) Solid – Nature and quantity of solid
distance as per requirements of production, method of treatment and its
MOEF. disposal.
The ambient air quality within 10 km radius around the proposed site should have to be
monitored with respect to the following parameters. The monitoring should be carried
out at minimum five (5) locations and throughout the season (for three months), at least
twice a week frequency at 24 hourly basis.
Wind speed
Wind Direction
Ambient Temperature
Cloud Cover (based on visual observations)
Mixing Height
Relative humidity
The information on water quality in the study area should have to be collected by taking
samples from various surface water sources and at different locations for ground water.
At least a total of 10 locations should be selected and minimum three samples at each
location should be collected. The samples should be analysed with respect to all
parameter mentioned in IS 10500 – 1991 (Drinking Water Parameters).
The information on traffic volume on major roads/highways within the study area should
be collected. The information must pertain to number of vehicles/hour for various
categories of vehicles (e.g. light, medium and heavy) and should be continuously
recorded for 24 hours. The total volume for 24 hours for all identified categories of
vehicles should be reported.
The data on noise levels should be collected at minimum six locations. At each location,
the noise levels should be continuously monitored and the hourly equivalent noise levels
should be furnished. The information then should be used for computing day, night noise
- identify the land use/land cover pattern within the study area
- analyse the soil quality with respect to relevant parameters of interest.
The information on land use/land cover pattern around the proposed site within the study
area (10 km radius) should be collected using the Satelite imageries by Remote Sensing
Technique. The information so collected should be utilised for preparing Land Use/Land
Cover maps on the scale 1:50000 covering the following features:
- Forests
- Other forms of greenery
- Water bodies
- Built up land
- Waste land
- Crop land
- Wet land
The soil quality should be analysed with respect to the parameters given below. The
samples should be collected at minimum number of six locations and at least three
samples should be taken from each location. The selection of locations should be carried
out with a view to bring out various salient aspects of the land environment surrounding
the proposed site.
Type of soil, Texture, % sand, % silt, % clay, % Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) and
Specific Gravity, Bulk Density, Porosity/void ratio, Oil and grease, HC, Ca Mg. K, PH,
Chlorides, Sulphates, Carbon, Fe, Cu SN Mn, B. NaCl, Na z-CO3.
The information on Flora/Fauna within the study area should be collected based on the
secondary information (published data / literature) coupled with limited field surveys.
The information should broadly pertains to the following:
The information within the study area should be collected with respect to demographic
characteristics, health status, basic amenities like drinking water resources and water
supply, medical facilities, education, sanitation, recreation and other facilities. All the
sensitive locations falling within 10 km radius of the project site should be identified and
listed out. Information should also have to be collected on all major industrial and
commercial activities, monuments of cultural and historical importance, places of scenic
beauty within the study area.
The above data should be collected based on the secondary information (Census
Data/Published data/Literature) coupled with field surveys/visits.
Annexure - II
Initial Dilution
Farfield Dilution
Concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen. Suspended Solids, and pH in Receiving
Sediment Oxygen Demand
Sediment Oxygen Demand Following Sediment Resuspension
Concentrations of toxic substances in receiving Environment
Light Transmittance
Aesthetic Considerations (colour, Odour, slicks, etc)
Presence of Sensitive Habitats (e.g. Coral Reefs, Sea-grass Beds, Kelp Forest)
Presence of Habitats Critical for Threatened or endangered Species
Potential for impacts to Sensitive and Critical Habitats
Potential for impacts to Threatened or Endangered Species
Noise level
Meteorological Data
Ambient Air Quality Data