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Business Correspondence

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The key takeaways from the document are the importance of developing business writing skills, the different elements and aims of business letters, and guidelines for making business letters effective.

The document discusses four main styles of formatting a business letter - full block, modified block, semi-block, and simplified letter style. It provides details on the characteristics of each style.

The document lists 21 guidelines for ensuring subject-verb agreement in sentences, such as considering the real subject of sentences beginning with 'there is/are' and collective nouns taking singular or plural verbs depending on if they refer to a single unit or individuals.


LEARNING TARGETS - when the layout, that is, its visual appeal and balance does not follow the
1. Importance of Business Writing Skills standard one.
2. Nature of Business Letters
3. Aims of Business Letters
 Generally speaking, all business letters should be typewritten or encoded
4. Effective Business Letters
because they are easier to read & they give the letter an official and formal
5. Letter Styles
6. Letter-Folding
 However, there are some companies & institutions which prefer handwritten
7. Punctuation Styles
letters specifically application letters because they can reveal an aspect of the
 One of the inevitable tasks that individuals perform is business letter writing
*job – application letter; *inquire – plays a major rule in
 The mechanical arrangement of words on the page: indentation, margins,
inquiry; *not satisfied – complaint; the communication process among
spacing, typeface, headings, page numbering, and division of letter sections
*capital – letter of credit agencies & among individuals within
 It contributes to the readability and general appearance of the letter which
those agencies.
attract the reader to pay attention to it.
 When you have developed the skill in writing, thus making yourself well versed
 It also influences reader’s perception of the message.
with the intricacies of business letter writing, you are unconsciously making a
 However, there are formats which are often used in sales letters for they attract
competitive edge over others, making yourself now an asset as you lead your life
the attention of the prospective customers. These are indented and hanging
to the corporate world.
styles. Because a business letter is an effective way to communicate a
NATURE OF BUSINESS LETTERS message, its format should not be a combination of any of the styles. In other
 A letter is a written message sent to an individual or a group of people words, a letter should be any of the following to allow readers to grasp quickly
 May either be a business letter or a social letter information.
1. Full Block Style
Used to transact official A friendly letter - all parts are left justified
business; hence its intended to convey - most popular and easiest of all the styles (no longer concerned with
tone and style should personal messages to indentions), saves time & effort
be formal and people close to the - this style shows an imbalanced letter; the left side seems so full
businesslike writer while the right part becomes barren
2. Modified Block Style
- the body of the letter is left justified
 All business letters are classified as sales letters because no matter what the
- the date & complimentary close begin near the center going to the
purpose is, you still sell something to the reader.
right margin
 This can be a service or an idea
- gives a balanced look to the letter
 Hence, selling here as implied by the word business does not only involve
3. Semi-block Style
monetary considerations but also other factors such as explanations,
- much like the modified block style except that each paragraph is
friendships, goodwill, apologies, acceptance, refusal,
indented instead of left justified
suggestion, comments, complaint, invitation, proposal and
- most balanced of all styles
4. Simplified Letter Style
 More than these, they serve a part of the company’s permanent records, written
- popularized by the National Office Management Association
documents, and written contracts.
(NOMA) omits the salutation & the complimentary close
EFFECTIVE BUSINESS LETTERS - has a subject line written in capital letters
 A business letter is not effective if it is; - all lines are flushed at the left margin
- impersonal, longwinded & difficult to understand - when there is a listing in the body, this is indented five spaces from
- when the writer utilizes overused, trite phrases & expressions, & an over- the left margin except when the items are numbered or lettered.
formal approach - In the Philippines, this is seldom used, however, its use it
- when one or more of the following elements considered essential for encouraged.
standard business letters are missing (Heading, inside address, salutation, body
(text), complimentary closing & signature)
CHAPTER 4  Redundancy – saying the same thing twice in different words; should also be
LEARNING TARGETS avoided (not only because you have to economize space but because they
Characteristics of a Good Business Letter make your letter long & ambiguous; repetition of words can be a good
1. Clear and Concise technique when you want to achieve emphasis or effective transition
2. Correct and Complete Redundant Words Good Equivalents Redundant Words Good Equivalents
3. Courteous, Cheerful, and Considerate absolutely perfect perfect audible to the ear audible
4. Uses concrete words close proximity close dead corpse corpse
5. Has Character each & every each first & foremost first
reason why why take action act
How does an effective business letter differ from a poorly constructed one? Simple.
When the letter gets the desired result or response, then it is effective. This means that  Simple words – preferred rather than complex words; not your aim to impress
it has been fully understood by the reader because it has all the characteristics of a people that you know a lot of learned words; main job is to inform & be
good letter. These characteristics are the following: understood; should be conveyed using simple everyday words or plain English
to let the reader understand it without so much effort.
1. A GOOD BUSINESS LETTER IS CLEAR AND CONCISE Complex Words Simple Words Complex Words Simple Words
 A good letter does not leave any doubt in the mind of the recipient after adequate, sufficient enough additional extra
reading it. conceptualize see initiate start
 To achieve clarity, a letter must be able to convey relevant information purchase buy reciprocate return
by answering what, who, when, where, why and how or any supersede replace variation change
combination of these by using the least number of words.
 Jargons – peculiar to a particular activity or profession should not be used & so
 Conciseness – is the expression of ideas in the fewest possible words
with slang (composed of informal words with arbitrary & extravagantly changed
without sacrificing its meaning
 have clear ideas first written in an outline form so that not any single
important detail will be missed According to our records, Acknowledge receipt of, As a matter of fact,
 ask another one to read your letter to find out its clearness ; “third eye” At your convenience, Deem, For your information, In
 If the reader can hardly comprehend what you have written, then there accordance with, Needless to say, Please be advised, Upon
receipt of, We regret to advise
is something wrong with your letter. Writing is ineffective, thus,
resulting to miscommunication and wasted time and effort. The
 Cliches – not advisable to be used, too, for they show lack of originality &
more technical or complicated our message is, the more that we should
write simply.
 Must be brief in words, sentences & paragraphs, and must be direct to A no-no, Bird’s eye view, Bread and butter, Bring
the point. Avoid using too many adjectives. Proper arrangement of home the bacon, Cost-effective, Great success, Point
in time, State of the art, Tried and tested, Under review
words & correct use of punctuation marks should be observed. Simple
words must be preferred than highfalutin & high sounding words.
 Sentences should be in the range of 12 – 20 words; if you cannot help  Avoid words or phrases that sound so legal & Latinistic
but use more than 20 words, be sure that it reads smoothly by reading
Albeit, aforementioned, aforesaid, as per, duly,
it aloud, you do not stumble on any awkward structures & if you are not hereby, hereof, therewith, thereof,
breathless at the end, then the sentence is all right. therewith, thereon, per, as per,
 Word count is not only the sole measure of a good sentence. Long & pursuant to, re, whereas
wordy sentences must be restructured to make them simple
sentences – less likely to be misinterpreted or misunderstood  However, you must remember that being understood is beyond word choice
 Contains only relevant idea and wastes no words by using trite because you should also consider your writing style which should be easy to
expressions & jargons understand, well-organized, & appropriately divided.
 Unnecessary wordy phrases, which by all means should be avoided:
Wordy Concise Wordy Concise
affix his signature sign feel free to please
 A letter reflects the personality of the sender, extra care must be applied so
at all times always in close proximity to near nothing will be missed & written incorrectly
at this point in time now in the near future soon  All important information should be included & should be written correctly
aware of the fact that know made a decision decided
 Correctness here refers to the choice of stationery, format of the letter, 4. A GOOD BUSINESS LETTER USES CONCRETE WORDS
grammar, punctuation marks, spelling & others  Concrete words – words that create in the mind of the reader a picture of
 Completeness refers to the inclusion of all pertinent data regarding the subject what really they are by the use of specific words
matter - To achieve this characteristic, choose words that show exactly
what you mean
3. A GOOD BUSINESS LETTER IS COURTEOUS, CHEERFUL, AND  Avoid using abstract words which refer to concepts or generalities; instead,
CONSIDERATE focus on words you can see, touch, smell & feel. Be specific with your
 Courtesy – recognizing & having respect for the value & worth of other words.
people by being considerate, friendly, & willing to serve There is an increase in our salary.
- Even if the subject matter is stern & sensitive, always try to be There is a 10% increase in our salary.
pleasant, civil, reasonable, tactful & friendly by showing consideration We received your letter from your Registrar.
for other people’s feelings We received your letter from Mr. Adarito Corsino, your Registrar.
- In addressing faults or issues concerning the individual, never attack  One way of achieving concreteness – use of highly descriptive &
the individual. Maintain professionalism. Be human & as friendly & dynamic adjectives; should not overuse them.
sincere as possible.  Abstract terms that should be avoided:
 Consider the words & phrases you use in the letter Abstract Words How to make them concrete
activities Familiarization and Recognition Day
 Use polite language
amenities swimming pool
 Avoid words with negative connotations implying annoyance, devices printer
exasperation, denial, ill temper or unhappy or unpleasant situations or factors Factors affecting income
statements which accuse, belittle or unnerve people projects Operation Linis
Words that Deny Words that Convey Negative Associations =
= no, stop, refuse, unfortunately, unable to, cannot, failure, problem, 5. A GOOD BUSINESS LETTER HAS CHARACTER
do not mistake, error, damage, loss, regret, trouble,  Your letter reveals your confidence, sensitivity, language knowledge,
unfair, blame breeding & reasoning, be unique in your writing
 Do not copy from model forms – try to develop your own individuality
 If you cannot avoid using any of these words, be sure to superimpose your  Avoid using overused expressions:
paragraphs with a positive picture by putting the negative ones in the least According to our records Please find enclosed
emphatic positions of the letter (center of the letter, a paragraph, a sentence) Please do not hesitate to At your earliest convenience
while the positive picture in the most emphatic positions (beginning or ending of We acknowledge receipt of Upon receipt of
the letter or paragraph) We regret to advice After careful consideration
Since you cannot offer me a teaching position, I decided to accept a This is to inform you
✘ teaching job at Vargas College. Hence, you can now give the position of
Research Specialist you are offering me to other applicants.
Thank you so much for believing in me that I could be a Research Specialist.
✔ I really appreciate your prompt and generous offer. Unfortunately, I feel that I
am more inclined to teach, hence, I have accepted a teaching position in
another school which, I think, I will truly enjoy.
 Always write in the point of view of the reader. Emphasize the “you” attitude
by considering the things useful or beneficial to the reader.
Always try to include in your letter polite & courteous expressions such as:
A. Please D. Could you please…
B. Thank you E. Kindly
C. Would you mind…
 If the company spells out the words “company” in its name, then the writer
should also spell it out. This is courtesy.
 The lasting effects of all these things are goodwill & friendliness not only
beneficial to you as the writer but also to the company you represent.
CHAPTER 5 3. A plural verb is use with the compound subjects connected by and.
GRAMMAR AGREEMENT However, when the subjects joined by and are closely related in
Learning Targets meaning or refer to the same person, it carries a singular verb.
1. Agreement Between the Subject and the Verb Lerna and Sally have been friends for three years now.
2. Agreement Between Pronouns and their Antecedents The owner and the caretaker of the shop love to travel.
My friend and teacher writes a letter. (Referring to one person only)
 The most important part of a business letter – body; this carries the My bread and butter is writing letters.
message we want to convey to our recipients (it can never be a letter without 4. When compound subjects are joined by or or nor & are
the body) composed of a singular & a plural subject, the verb agrees with the
 be very careful with how we thread our ideas together because the clarity of our subject nearer to it. However, if the compositions are similar in
message depends so much from this; make sure that, among other things, the number, then the verb agrees with this number.
grammar of our letter is correct Either Grace or her friends have brought the letter.
Either her friends or Grace has brought the letter.
1. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SUBJECT AND THE VERB Either her friend or Grace has brought the letter.
 The main rule is to make the verb agree with the subject in person &
number 5. When a compound subject is composed of negative & positive
 When the subject is in first person singular form, the verb is singular. elements, the verb agrees with the positive one.
Exception to this is the pronoun I when used with verbs other than the You, not I, are to be blamed.
Grace not her friends is to be accepted.
verbs be. When it is in first person plural form, the verb is also in plural
form. 6. Nouns plural in form but singular in meaning carry a singular verb.
I need to make my resume now. We are the best employees. Economics is a difficult subject.
I am applying for the job. We try to become the best employees. Measles has been affecting children.
 When the subject is in the second person, regardless of its number, the 7. Subjects indicating quantities, sums, amounts, measurements &
verb is always plural. time used as subjects take singular verbs.
You need to be updated with the latest trends in business writing. Two thousand pesos worth of grocery items has been my prize.
You are one person whom I can trust. Three hours takes me to write a good later.

 When the subject is in the third person singular form, the verb is 8. Sentences beginning with the number take singular verbs while
singular. When it is in the plural form, the verb is also plural. sentences beginning with a number take plural verbs.
J Sephel needs to apply for the job. The number of applicants in our firm grows every year.
J Sephel and D Jeryl are interested to join the company. A number of applicants in our firm are now waiting for their call.

 other rules to be followed to make the verb agree with the subject 9. A collective noun used as a subject & is taken as a unit takes a
especially when the subject is not easily identified & recognized: singular verb. If it refers to the components separately, then it is
1. The verb agrees with the main subject & not with the prepositional plural.
The committee approves the proposal.
phrase or the object of the of phrase that follows it.
The committee suggest different revisions to the proposal.
The reports of the office seem to be The delay of the release of the paper
baseless and unreliable. and the purchase of the car is caused 10. Pronouns or adjectives such as each, every, everything, no one,
by time. nobody, anything, everybody & many a regardless of how they are
The order of the three ladies has A large quantity of furniture and used the sentence carry singular verbs.
not yet mailed. decorations has been lost. Each sends a letter of application.
Each applicant sends a letter.
2. The verb agrees with the subject regardless of intervening words
such as along with, together with, including, with, in coordination 11. Several, many & few are considered plural; hence, they carry plural
with, & others. verbs.
The manager together with this two secretaries joins the activity. Several applicants have shown interest for the position.
The letter including the package and the payment was given to me. Many prospects wait for the result.
12. In a relative clause, the verb agrees with the pronoun serving as its To dream is to live life fully.
subject. Jogging has never been my passion.
Mrs. Egipto is one of our customers who have been very loyal to us.
I am one of those individuals who believe that guts is necessary when 2. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PRONOUN AND ITS ANTECEDENT
applying. 1. The antecedent of each, everyone, nobody, not one, everybody, anyone, &
13. Fractions & percentages carry singular verbs. However, when an many a is singular.
Each submitted his letter.
object of the phrase follows them, the verbs agree with the objects
Everybody looks at her own watch.
of the phrases & not with the fractions or percentages.
Three-fourths is enough for the business to prosper. 2. If the collective noun used refers to one unit, a singular pronoun is used. If
Two-thirds of the applicants are deserving of their positions. it refers to the members taken individually, a plural pronoun is used.
One-half of our profit is given to Bantay Bata. The committee has expressed its view on the impeachment case.
The committee have disagreed among themselves.
14. Sentences beginning with there is or there are follow the inverted
order; hence, to make sure of the correct verb to be used, the real 3. The pronoun must be plural if the antecedents connected by and refer to
subject should be considered. two different persons or things. However, if the antecedents refer to only
There are twenty applicants to this position. one entity or unit, a singular pronoun is used.
There is a good investment to this project. My secretary and my clerk have been given their bonuses.
The chair and the table in the office are in their right places.
15. Adjectives used as subjects are regarded as plural.
My secretary and clerk has been given her bonus.
The poor are always with God.
The sorrowful are blessed. 4. When each, every or no precedes singular antecedents, the pronoun is
16. A clause used as subject needs a singular verb. always singular.
Every applicant and aspirant is to be screened on his or her own merits.
Who you are does not matter to me.
Every chair and member has his or her own report.
What the old lady does not know does not do her any harm.
17. Mass nouns referring to things that cannot be counted are singular 5. The pronoun for antecedents connected by or or nor is always singular.
unless they are preceded with a lot of, pieces of, kinds of, a Either the secretary or the treasurer can report to her office.
Neither the applicant nor the visitor has entered his name on the logbook.
collection of, & others.
The chalk is lost. 6. When the antecedents are composed of one singular & one plural, the
The pieces of chalk are nowhere to be found. plural words should come last so that a plural pronoun can be used.
18. Title of books, movies, short stories, poems & others used as The chair and his members should hand in their reports now.
Neither the VPAA nor the deans want to give up their positions.
singular subjects are always singular.
Invictus is my favorite poem. 7. The pronoun agrees with the real antecedent & not with the intervening
The Killers is one of my favorite classics. phrases attached to it.
19. None, all & no take either a plural verb or a singular verb The manager accompanied by all the subordinates affixed his signature to the
depending upon the noun that follows it. It takes a singular verb if
Our company as well as other companies has decided to implement its new
the noun that follows it is a non-count noun or singular noun; plural regulation the soonest possible time.
verb if the noun that follows it is plural.
None of the applicants are here. 8. Relative pronouns agree in number with its real antecedent. In sentences
None of the sequestered money was used properly. having one of those…, the subject of the relative pronoun is the object of
20. Majority is singular if it used alone in the sentence. But if it is
One of the applicants who have submitted their letters is a friend of mine.
followed by an of phrase, it may either take a singular or plural verb Dr. Cumagun is one of the deans who are considered motherly.
depending upon the number of the object of the phrase.
The majority wins.
Majority of the winners are traditional politicians.
21. Verbals such as gerunds & infinitives used as singular subjects
take singular verbs.

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