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Spreadsheets to BS 8110etc The Concrete Centre

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Location Grid line 1 rc 03-Dec-2019 134
RETAINING WALL design to BS 8110:2005 Checked Revision Job No
Originated from 'RCC62.xls' v3.3 © 2006 TCC chg - R68


Passive pressure should
only be considered if it
can be guaranteed that
there will be no future
excavation in front of
the wall.

H= 3250 B= 4000 Tw = 300
Hw = 1500 BI = 1200 Tb = 300
Hp = 300 BN = 0 TN = 0
Hn = 0
fcu = 35 N/mm² gm = 1.5 concrete
fy = 500 N/mm² gm = 1.15 steel
cover to tension steel = 50 mm
Max allowable design surface crack width (W) = 0.3 mm (0.2 or 0.3
mm only)
Concrete density = 24 kN/m³
Design angle of int'l friction of retained mat'l (Ø) = 30 degree
Design cohesion of retained mat'l (C ) = 0 kN/m² (Only granular backfil considered, "C" = zero)
Density of retained mat'l (q ) = 20 kN/m³
Submerged Density of retained mat'l (qs ) = 5.00 kN/m³ [default=2/3*q (only apply when 13.33
Design angle of int'l friction of base mat'l (Øb) = 20 degree ASSUMPTIONS
Design cohesion of base material (Cb ) = 10 kN/m² a) Wall friction is zero
Density of base material (qb ) = 10 kN/m³ b) Minimum active earth pressure = 0.25qH
Allowable gross ground bearing pressure (GBP) = 200 kN/m² c) Granular backfill
d)Does not include check of rotational slide/slope failure
LOADINGS Surcharge load -- live (SQK) = 10 kN/m² e)Does not include effect of seepage of ground
Surcharge load -- dead (SGK) = 10 water beneath the wall.
Line load -- live (LQK) = 10.3 kN/m f)Does not include deflection check of wall due to
Line load -- dead (LGK) = 43 kN/m lateral earth pressures
Distance of line load from wall (X) = 0 mm h) Design not intended for walls over 3.0 m high
i) Does not include check for temp. or shrinkage effects
LATERAL FORCES (unfactored) Ka = 0.33 [ default ka = (1-SIN Ø)/(1+SIN Ø)0.33
Kp = 2.04 [ default kp = (1+SIN Øb)/(1-SIN Ø2.04
Kpc = 2.86 [ default kpc = 2kp0.5 ] = 2.86
Kac = 1.15 [ 2ka0.5 ]

Force Lever arm Moment about TOE gf Fult Mult

(kN) (m) (kNm) (kN) (kNm)
PE = 29.58 LE = 1.194 35.33 1.40 41.42 49.46
PS(GK) = 10.83 LS = 1.63 17.60 1.40 15.17 24.65
PS(QK) = 10.83 LS = 1.63 17.60 1.60 17.33 28.17
PL(GK) = 0.00 LL = 3.25 0.00 1.40 0.00 0.00
PL(QK) = 0.00 LL = 3.25 0.00 1.60 0.00 0.00
PW = 11.25 LW = 0.50 5.63 1.40 15.75 7.88
Total 62.50 76.16 89.67 110.15
PP = -9.49 (LP-HN) = 0.15 -1.38 1.00 -9.49 -1.38
Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110etc The Concrete Centre
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RETAINING WALL design to BS 8110:2005 Checked Revision Job No

Originated from 'RCC62.xls' v3.3 © 2006 TCC chg - R68


OVERTURNING about TOE F.O.S = 1.50

(using overall factor of safety instead of partial safety factor) LOADING OPTION
Overturning Lateral FORCE (kN) Lever arm (m) Moment (kNm) (select critical load combination)
Moments PE = 29.58 LE = 1.08 32.05 EARTH
PS(GK) = 10.83 LS = 1.63 17.60 ✘ PS(GK) Warning:
PS(QK) = 10.83 LS = 1.63 17.60 ✘ PS(QK)
PL(GK) = 0.00 LL = 3.25 0.00 ✘ PL(GK)
PL(QK) = 0.00 LL = 3.25 0.00 ✘ PL(QK)
PW = 11.25 LW = 0.50 5.63 ✘ PW
åP = 62.50
Pp = -9.49 (LP-HN) = 0.15 -1.38
å Mo = 71.50

Restoring Vertical FORCE (kN) Lever arm (m) Moment (kNm)

Moments Wall = 17.64 1.35 23.81
Base = 16.80 2.00 33.60 Warning:
Nib = 0.00 0.00 0.00
Earth = 102.50 2.75 281.88 ✘ ALLOW BUOYANCY OF BASE
Water = 30.00 2.75 82.50
Surcharge = 50.00 2.75 137.50
Line load = 53.30 1.50 79.95
åV = 270.24 å Mr = 639.24

Factor of Safety, Mr / Mo = 8.94 > 1.50 OK

SLIDING (using overall factor of safety instead of partial safety factor) F.O.S = 1.50

Sum of LATERAL FORCES, P = 62.50 kN

PASSIVE FORCE, Pp x Reduction factor (1) = -9.49 kN Red'n factor for passive force = 1.00
BASE FRICTION ( å V TANØb + 0.75 B Cb ) = -128.36 kN

Factor of Safety, Pr / P = 2.21 > 1.50 OK

GROUND BEARING FAI Taking moments about centre of base (anticlockwise "+") :

Vertical FORCES (kN) Lever arm (m) Moment (kNm) BEARING PRESSURE (KN/m²)
Wall = 21.24 0.65 13.81 0 0 4 4 88 3 2 76 2 0 6 4 0 8
4. 3. 2. 2. 1. 1. 0. 0.
28.80 0.00 0.00 0.000
Base =
Nib = 0.00 2.00 0.00
Earth = 102.50 -0.75 -76.88
Water = 30.00 -0.75 -22.50
Surcharge= 50.00 -0.75 -37.50 50.000
Line load = 53.30 0.50 26.65
åV= 285.84 å Mv = -96.42

Moment due to LATERAL FORCES, Mo = 71.50 kNm


Resultant Moment, M = Mv + Mo = -24.91 kNm

Eccentricity from base centre, M / V = -0.09 m

Therefore, MAXIMUM Gross Bearing Pressure (GRP) = 77 kN/m² < 200 OK
Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110etc The Concrete Centre
Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page

Location Grid line 1 rc 03-Dec-2019 137

RETAINING WALL design to BS 8110:2005 Checked Revision Job No

Originated from 'RCC62.xls' v3.3 © 2006 TCC chg - R68

BASE - unloaded side ( per metre length ) BS8110

gf = 1.45 (default = ult mt / non-factored m1.45 reference
V ult = 97.94 kN
M ult = 48.62 kNm ( '+' TENSION AT BOTTOM FACE)

BOTTOM REINFORCEMENT : Min. As = 390 mm2 Table 3.25

f= 16 mm
centres = 150 mm < 558 OK
Asprov = 1340 mm2 > 390 OK

MOMENT of RESISTANCE : d= 242 mm

z= 223.36 mm
As' = 0 mm2
Mres = 130.17 kNm > 48.62 OK

SHEAR RESISTANCE: 100 As/bd = 0.55%

vc = 0.66 N/mm2 Table 3.8
Vres = 159.32 kN > 97.94 OK

CHECK CRACK WIDTH TO BS8110/BS8007 (:Temperature and shrinkage effects not included)
X= 80.69 mm em = 0.000236 BS8007
Acr = 86.81 mm W= 0.05 mm < 0.30 OK App. B.2

BASE - loaded side ( per metre length )

V ult = 96.20 kN
M ult = 23.89 kNm (TENSION - TOP FACE)

TOP REINFORCEMENT : Min. As = 390 mm2 Table 3.25

f= 16 mm
centres = 150 mm < 558 OK
Asprov = 1340 mm2 > 390 OK


z= 223.36 mm
As' = 0 mm2
Mres = 130.17 kNm > 23.89 OK

SHEAR RESISTANCE: 100 As/bd = 0.55%

vc = 0.66 N/mm2 Table 3.8
Vres = 159.32 kN > 96.20 OK

CHECK CRACK WIDTH to BS8100/ BS8007 (: Temperature and shrinkage effects not included)
X= 80.69 mm em = -0.000167 BS8007
Acr = 86.81 mm W= -0.03 mm < 0.30 OK App. B.2


Type f Centers As Min. As

mm mm mm2 mm2
TOP (DESIGN) H 16 150 1340 390 OK
BOTTOM (DESIGN) H 16 150 1340 390 OK
TRANSVERSE H 12 200 565 390 OK
Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110etc The Concrete Centre
Client Advisory Group Made by Date Page

Location Grid line 1 rc 03-Dec-2019 138

RETAINING WALL design to BS 8110:2005 Checked Revision Job No

Originated from 'RCC62.xls' v3.3 © 2006 TCC chg - R68


No. Type Dia Length Unit Wt Weight

WALL VERTICAL - External face 7 H 12 3046 0.888 18.93

VERTICAL - Internal face 7 H 20 3110 2.466 53.69
TRANSVERSE (Ext.& Int.) 40 H 12 1000 0.888 35.51

BASE TOP (MAIN) 7 H 16 4128 1.578 45.61

BOTTOM (MAIN) 7 H 16 4128 1.578 45.61
TRANSVERSE ( T & B ) 42 H 12 1000 0.888 37.29
WALL STARTERS (Ext.) 7 H 12 1155 0.888 7.18
WALL STARTERS (Int.) 7 H 20 1475 2.466 25.46

NIB (assume same reinforcement as wall)

INTERNAL FACE (MAIN) 7 H 12 96 0.888 0.60
EXTERNAL FACE (MAIN) 7 H 20 160 2.466 2.76
TRANSVERSE (EXT.+ INT.) 2 H 12 1000 0.888 1.78

SUMMARY Approx total reinforcement per metre length of wall (kg) 274.4

Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110etc

Location Grid line 1 DATA FOR DIAGRAMS I
RETAINING WALL design to BS 8110:2005 sheet 1 of 2 Made by rc Job No R
Originated from 'RCC62.xls' v3.3 © 2006 TCC


IF(ABS(ECCY)>B/1000/2,"BEARING FAIL",IF(ABS(ECCY)>(B/1000)/6,(2*VL)/(3*((B/1000)/2-ABS(ECCY))),(VL/(B/1000)*(1+(6*ABS(ECCY))/(B/1000)))))


1 76.90
0 76.90 3
0.4 76.90 3
0.8 76.90 3
1.2 76.90 3
0 1 2 3 4 5
1.6 76.90 3 0
2 76.90 3

2.4 76.90 3
2.8 76.90 3
3.2 76.90 3
3.6 76.90 3 100
4 76.90 3
4 0.00 0
0 4.00 58.217 0 58.217 0.080 4.657 6.101 0.080 4.657
1 3.92 58.591 BEARING PRESSURE DIAGRAM 1 58.591 0.080 4.687 5.765 0.080 4.687
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6
2 3.84 58.965 4
.1 2 58.965 0.080 4.717 5.425 0.080 4.717
3 3.76 59.338 0.000 3 59.338 0.080 4.747 5.079 0.080 4.747
4 3.68 59.712 10.000 4 59.712 0.080 4.777 4.729 0.080 4.777
5 3.60 60.086 5 60.086 0.080 4.807 4.374 0.080 4.807
6 3.52 60.459 6 60.459 0.080 4.837 4.015 0.080 4.837
7 3.44 60.833 7 60.833 0.080 4.867 3.650 0.080 4.867

8 3.36 61.207 40.000 8 61.207 0.080 4.897 3.281 0.080 4.897

9 3.28 61.581 50.000 9 61.581 0.080 4.926 2.907 0.080 4.926
10 3.20 61.954 60.000
10 61.954 0.080 4.956 2.528 0.080 4.956
11 3.12 62.328 11 62.328 0.080 4.986 2.144 0.080 4.986
12 3.04 62.702 12 62.702 0.080 5.016 1.756 0.080 5.016
13 2.96 63.075 80.000 13 63.075 0.080 5.046 1.362 0.080 5.046
14 2.88 63.449 90.000 14 63.449 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
15 2.80 63.823 M 15 63.823 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
16 2.72 64.197 76.90 16 64.197 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
17 2.64 64.570 BP 0 76.903 17 64.570 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
18 2.56 64.944 BPE 1.2 76.903 18 64.944 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
19 2.48 65.318 BPI 1.5 76.903 19 65.318 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
20 2.40 65.691 BPZ 4 76.903 20 65.691 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
21 2.32 66.065 21 66.065 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
22 2.24 66.439 22 66.439 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
23 2.16 66.813 23 66.813 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
24 2.08 67.186 24 67.186 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
25 2.00 67.560 25 67.560 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
26 1.92 67.934 26 67.934 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
27 1.84 68.307 27 68.307 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
28 1.76 68.681 28 68.681 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
29 1.68 69.055 29 69.055 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
30 1.60 69.429 30 69.429 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
31 1.52 69.802 31 69.802 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
32 1.44 70.176 32 70.176 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
33 1.36 70.550 33 70.550 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
34 1.28 70.923 34 70.923 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
35 1.20 71.297 35 71.297 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
36 1.12 71.671 36 71.671 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
37 1.04 72.045 37 72.045 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
38 0.96 72.418 38 72.418 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
39 0.88 72.792 39 72.792 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
40 0.80 73.166 40 73.166 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
41 0.72 73.539 41 73.539 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
42 0.64 73.913 42 73.913 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
43 0.56 74.287 43 74.287 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
44 0.48 74.661 44 74.661 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
45 0.40 75.034 45 75.034 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
46 0.32 75.408 46 75.408 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
47 0.24 75.782 47 75.782 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
48 0.16 76.155 48 76.155 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
49 0.08 76.529 49 76.529 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
50 0.00 76.9029 50 76.903 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
67.924 53.116 67.924

Page 5

Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110etc

Location Grid line 1 DATA FOR DIAGRAMS II
RETAINING WALL design to BS 8110:2005 sheet 1 of 2 Made by rc Job No R
Originated from 'RCC62.xls' v3.3 © 2006 TCC

YY= 2.95 MTE= 24.98

MTLG= 0.00
MTLQ= 0.00
MTSG= 14.504
MTSQ= 14.50
MTW= 2.88

UTM= 82.52
0 0.00 0 0.00
1 0.06 0.0255 0.06 MOMENT DIAGRAM
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 0.12 0.1021 0.12
3 0.18 0.2297 0.18
4 0.24 0.4084 0.24 24
5 0.30 0.6382 0.30
6 0.35 0.919 0.35 47
7 0.41 1.2508 0.41
8 0.47 1.6337 0.47 0.

9 0.53 2.0677 0.53 94

10 0.59 2.5527 0.59
11 0.65 3.0888 0.65 18

12 0.71 3.6759 0.71

13 0.77 4.3141 0.77 1.

14 0.83 5.0033 0.83

15 0.89 5.7436 0.89
16 0.94 6.535 0.94 89
17 1.00 7.3774 1.00
18 1.06 8.2708 1.06 12
19 1.12 9.2153 1.12
20 1.18 10.211 1.18 2.

21 1.24 11.258 1.24 60

22 1.30 12.355 1.30
23 1.36 13.504 1.36 83
2. ULT. MT (KNM)
24 1.42 14.704 1.42
25 1.48 15.955 1.48
26 1.53 17.381 1.53
27 1.59 18.976 1.59
28 1.65 20.659 1.65
29 1.71 22.429 1.71
30 1.77 24.29 1.77
31 1.83 26.232 1.83
32 1.89 28.255 1.89
33 1.95 30.365 1.95
34 2.01 32.563 2.01
35 2.07 34.853 2.07
36 2.12 37.238 2.12
37 2.18 39.722 2.18
38 2.24 42.308 2.24
39 2.30 44.999 2.30
40 2.36 47.8 2.36
41 2.42 50.712 2.42
42 2.48 53.74 2.48
43 2.54 56.887 2.54
44 2.60 60.156 2.60
45 2.66 63.55 2.66
46 2.71 67.073 2.71
47 2.77 70.729 2.77
48 2.83 74.52 2.83
49 2.89 78.451 2.89
50 2.95 82.523 2.95

0 0

1200 300 4000

1200 3250 3500

1500 3250
1500 300
4000 300 2500
WALL (mm)

4000 0 2000
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 500

0 0 0




BASE ( mm) Page 6

500 Diagrams



3250 4000
BASE ( mm)

Page 7

ade by rc Job No R68

Date 3-Dec-19


0.08 4.657
0.08 4.687
0.08 4.717
0.08 4.747
0.08 4.777
0.08 4.807
0.08 4.837
0.08 4.867
0.08 4.897
0.08 4.926
0.08 4.956
0.08 4.986
0.08 5.016
0.08 5.046
0.08 5.076
0.08 5.106
0.08 5.136
0.08 5.166
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000

Page 8

ade by rc Job No R68

Date 3-Dec-19

Page 9
Project Spreadsheets to BS 8110etc
RETAINING WALL design to BS 8110:2005 Made by rc Job No R68
Originated from 'RCC62.xls' v3.3 © 2006 TCC Date 3-Dec-19

MR= 15.06 MIN SPACING= 364 ASreq = 932.14 fs = 148.35Asprov%= 0.8727
As/bd= 0.009 MSBB= 558 ASBBreq 0.01 fs = 0.0025Asprov%= 0.5539
X= 95.47 MSBT= 558 ASBTreq 246.03 fs = 61.184Asprov%= 0.5539
Ic= 948749705
STS= 0.0007 Charles:
ST1= 0.0010 Charles: The last cell reference in the formaula
ST2= 0.0003455 Minor point - the formula should be DESIGN!G74 not DESIGN!
label given for the cell G740. Since cell G740 is blank the
Acr= 86.046864
should be AsBT/bd not calculation currently always results in a
W= 0.12
AsBB/bd. value of 0.01 rather than the correct
em= 0.0006 figure.

MR= 15.06 MR= 15.06

AsBB/bd= 0.0055 AsBB/bd= 0.0055 Charles:
X= 80.69 X= 80.69 The comparison in these three cells highlighted
Ic= 700256021 Ic= 700256021 in orange should be W>0.1 not W>1. Since the
maximum value of W is 0.3 the current
STS= 0.0006 STS= 0.0003
comparison results in the wrong formula being
ST1= 0.0008 ST1= 0.0004 used in many cases resulting in a crack width
ST2= 0.0005561 ST2= 0.0005561 estimate that is lower than it should be.
Acr= 86.810337 Acr= 86.810337
W= 0.05 W= -0.0325
em= 0.0002 em= -0.0002

Page 10

All advice or information from the British Cement Association and/or The Concrete Centre is
intended for those who will evaluate the significance and limitations of its contents and take
responsibility for its use and application. No liability (including that for negligence) for any
loss resulting from such advice or information is accepted by the BCA, TCC or their
subcontractors, suppliers or advisors. Users should note that all TCC software and
publications are subject to revision from time to time and should therefore ensure that they
are in possession of the latest version.

This spreadsheet should be used in compliance with the accompanying publication 'User
Guide RC Spreadsheets: v3' available from The Concrete Bookshop,, Tel +44 (0)700 4 607777 or +44 (0)1276 607140

Status of spreadsh This spreadsheet is shareware. It may be distributed freely, but may not be used
Public release version for commercial purposes until the user has registered with the TCC via
The Concrete Bookshop.
Revision history RCC62 Retaining Wall.xls

Date Version Action

Cohesion reduction factor for sliding (to BS8002: clause
8-Oct-07 RCC62 v3.3
3.2.6) added at STABILITY!F40.
Improvement to base moment calculation method. Rankine
22-Apr-07 RCC62 v3.2
warning added for small heels.
v3 release. Page nos, User Guide and registration details
28-Jun-06 RCC62 v3.1
### RCC62 v3.0 Updated to 2005 versions of BS8110 & BS8666
Names of sides of base on DESIGN sheet changed from
21-Oct-04RCC62 v2.3
"outside" and " inside" to "unloaded" and "loaded".
### RCC62 v2.2 Correction when distance X to line load ≤ 0.
22-Jan-03 RCC62 v2.1 DETR logo replaced by DTI.
11-Oct-02RCC62 v2.0 Version 2 enhancements
### RCC62 v1.4 Data! Main graphic changed to jpeg
16-Jun-01 RCC62 v1.3 Crack width calculation to outer base amended
Buoyance option + notes added. Passive pressure reduction
15-Apr-01 RCC62 v1.2
factor rectified
Crack width w for top of inner base amended. Notes re crack
24-Mar-00RCC62 v1.1
widths and cracking added in DATA!
First public release.
6-Aug-99 RCC62 v1.0
Includes b version comments

Page 11

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s contents and take
negligence) for any
BCA, TCC or their
TCC software and
re ensure that they

g publication 'User
crete Bookshop,

but may not be used

with the TCC via

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