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Dräger RS 232 MEDIBUS

Protocol Definition
Instructions for Use
Revision Level 4.03

For Your Safety and that of Your Patients.................3 Appendix.................................................................. 24

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension – Life-Cycle........... 26
Intended Use............................................................. 4 ASCII HEX Format............................................... 28
MEDIBUS example 1............................................29
MEDIBUS example 2............................................30
MEDIBUS Introduction...............................................5 MEDIBUS example 3............................................30
Initializing Communication...................................... 5 MEDIBUS example 4............................................31
Terminating Communication................................... 5 MEDIBUS example 5............................................32
Time-Out................................................................5 Frequently asked Questions................................. 34
Allowable Characters............................................. 6 Logbook of Changes............................................38
Software Handshaking........................................... 6 Table of used ASCII-Codes..................................39

MEDIBUS Commands................................................7
Structure of Commands......................................... 7
Command Codes...................................................8

MEDIBUS Responses...............................................10
Structure of Responses........................................10
Responding to Control Commands and
unknown Commands............................................11
Responding to corrupt Commands....................... 11
Responding to Data Request Commands............. 11
Current Measured Data and
Alarm Limit Response..................................... 12
Alarm Status Responses................................. 12
Time & Date Update Response....................... 13
Device Setting Responses.............................. 14
Text Message Response................................. 14
Device Identification Response........................15

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension Introduction.............16

Time-Out.............................................................. 16
Allowable Characters for Realtime Transmission...16

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension Commands..............18

Command Codes.................................................18
Request Realtime Configuration Command..... 19
Configure Realtime Transmission Command... 19
Realtime Configuration Changed Command....19

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension Responses.............. 20

Realtime Configuration Response.........................20

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension
Realtime-Data Records............................................ 21
Structure of Realtime-Data Records......................21
Sync Byte....................................................... 21
Sync-Commands............................................ 22

For Your Safety and that of Your

For correct and effective use of the apparatus and to

avoid hazards it is essential to read the following recom-
mendations and to act accordingly1):

Strictly follow the Instructions for Use

Any use of the apparatus requires full understanding and
strict observation of these instructions. The apparatus is
only to be used for purposes specified here.

Liability for proper function or damage

The liability for the proper function of the software
protocol is irrevocably transferred to the owner or oper-
ator if the software protocol is used in a manner not
conforming to its intended use.
Dräger cannot be held responsible for damage caused
by non-compliance with the recommendations given
above. The warranty and liability provisions of the terms
of sale and delivery of Dräger are likewise not modified
by the recommendations given above.
Dräger Medical AG & Co. KGaA

Insofar as reference is made to laws, regulations or standards, these
are based on the legal system of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Intended Use

MEDIBUS is a software protocol intended to be used by

two medical devices for exchanging data and control
functions via their RS 232 interfaces.
Any data transmitted via the MEDIBUS interface are
intended only for information purposes and should not
be used to derive therapeutical decisions.
MEDIBUS consists of two independent software proto-
cols one for the transmission of "slow" and one for the
transmission of "fast" data.
"Slow" data:
Generated or updated in intervals of the magnitude of
seconds. This part is called MEDIBUS.
"Fast" data:
Intended for the transmission of e. g. realtime curves.
This part of MEDIBUS is called the "Realtime-Extension".

This manual contains a general description of the protocol

including formats of commands and responses.
For device dependent descriptions of supported
commands and data sets, port hardware and
configurations for Dräger devices please refer to
MEDIBUS for Dräger Anaesthesia Devices (90 28 257)
MEDIBUS for Dräger Pediatric Devices (90 28 127)
MEDIBUS for Dräger Intensive Care Devices (90 28 329)


The MEDIBUS protocol distinguishes two basic types of

– commands
– responses.
A command is transmitted by one device to request data
from the other device or to control its function.
A response is transmitted by one device upon receipt of
a command from the other device. Responses may
contain embedded commands.

Initializing Communication
(refer to MEDIBUS-life-cyle-diagram)
– To initialize communication or to restart communica-
tion after a time-out, a device must send the "Initialize
Communications Command" ICC. Refer to section
"Control commands" for the format of commands.
– A device considers communication initialized after
having received either a response to a transmitted
ICC or an ICC from the other device. Refer to section
"Responding to commands" for the format of
– Commands embedded in a response to an ICC are

Terminating Communication
– To stop the communication the "STOP" command
has to be sent.
– The command echo has to be checked to make sure
the "Stop Communication" command has been
received correctly. Further commands from the linked
device may be ignored until the communication has
been reinitialized.

– Any pause in the data flow exceeding 3 seconds
leads to a time-out, terminating the communication
link. To resume communication after a time-out, the
device must re-initialize communication by transmitting
an ICC command (cf. section "Initializing communica-
tion"). Whenever a device receives an ICC command,
it must send a response to it (cf. section
– After receiving a command the device has to send a
complete response within 10 seconds.
– If there is no need for sending commands or
responses the "NOP"–command has to be sent in
2-second-intervals to keep the communication alive.


Allowable Characters
– Printable ASCII characters.
– Control characters defined in this Instructions for Use.

Software Handshaking
– Some control characters can be sent at any time to
control the flow of data. They do not require

Suspending data transmission

DC 1
– If a receiving device wants the transmitting device to
suspend transmission, the ASCII "DC1" character 11H
(11H) must be sent.
0 1 Byte
– Upon receipt of this character, the sending device will
suspend any transmission immediately until it receives
the ASCII "DC3" character.

Resuming data transmission

DC 3
– To request the transmitting device to resume data
transmission, the ASCII "DC3" character (13H) must 13H
be sent within 3 seconds.
0 1 Byte
Else communication will be reinizialized with an ICC-

Aborting data transmission

– To request the other device to abort sending a
response or a command, the ASCII "CAN" character
(18H) must be sent.
0 1 Byte
– Upon receipt of this character, any transmission in
progress will be immediately aborted.
Communication may be restarted by repetition of the
last sent command immediately.


Structure of Commands
– A command is a string of ASCII characters
transmitted by one device to request data from the
other device or to control its function.
– A command may be embedded in the response to
another command, but a new command must not
be transmitted until the response to the previous
command has been received.
– If, however, the response to a command has not been
received in full within 10 seconds since the
transmission of the last command byte, the command
may be repeated or a new command may be

Commands have one of the following formats:


0 1 2 4 5 Byte


0 1 2 n+2 n+4 n+5 Byte

ESC ASCII "escape" character (1BH)

Command-Code Single byte code specifying the
ARGUMENT The argument string is of variable
length n, but n must not exceed
251(0FBH) bytes. The string consists
of printable ASCII characters, either
text or ASCII HEX numbers. The
format of the different arguments are
specified in the following sections.
CHECKSUM Least significant 8-bit sum of all
preceding bytes beginning with "ESC"
in ASCII HEX format (see section
"ASCII Hex format").
CR ASCII "carriage return" character
To avoid communication breakdown, commands with
arguments must not be sent to devices with a MEDIBUS-
version less than 3.00.


Command Codes
Control Commands
Control commands are used to initialize, control and stop

Command Code
No Operation (NOP) 30H
Initialize Communication (ICC) 51H
Stop Communication (STOP) 55H

Data Request Commands

Data request commands are used to request data.

Command Code
Request current measured Data (Codepage 1) 24H
Request current low Alarm Limits (Codepage 1) 25H
Request current high Alarm Limits (Codepage 1) 26H
Request current Alarms (Codepage 1) 27H
Request current Date and Time 28H
Request current Device Setting 29H
Request current Text Messages 2AH
Request current measured Data (Codepage 2) 2BH
Request current low Alarm Limits (Codepage 2) 2CH
Request current high Alarm Limits (Codepage 2) 2DH
Request current Alarms (Codepage 2) 2EH
Request Device Identification 52H

Miscellaneous Commands
Command Code
Time changed 49H
Configure Data Response Command 4AH


Time Changed Command

The "Time changed" command is sent if during runtime
the time or date of the device has been changed. The
receiving device can now ask for current date and time.
Because of the "Time changed" command there is no
need for sending periodically the "Request Current Date
and Time" command.

Configure Data Response Command

The "Configure Data Response" command is used to
limit the number of data responded by a data source on a
data request command. On receipt of any of these data
request commands the receiver has to send all actual
valid data. In cases where only a few of the possible data
are used, the requesting device may configure the
responding device to send only these used data by
sending a "Configure Data Response" command.
The codes of useful data are given in the argument as


0 +1 +3 +5 +2n-2 +2n
n <= 125

One byte identifying the data type to configure.
This may be:
24H for current Data, low Alarm Limits and high
Alarm Limits (codepage 1)
27H for current Alarms (codepage 1)
29H for current Device Settings
2AH for current Textmessages
2BH for current Data, low Alarm Limits and high
Alarm Limits (codepage 2)
2EH for current Alarms (codepage 2)

Two byte ASCII HEX data code. See appendices for
code numbers.
The configuration stays valid until receipt of a new
"Configure Data Response" command. After re-initializia-
tion of communication (ICC) and if the "Configure Data
Response" is send without data codes, the configuration
is set to its default state, where internal programmed
configuration is used.
An example is given in Appendix.


Structure of Responses
Upon receipt of a command, a device must respond to it
within 10 seconds. A command may be embedded within
the response. The following format has to be used:
– – –


– – –
0 1 2 n–3 n–1 n Byte

The response is of variable length, but must not exceed

3845 bytes.

SOH ASCII "Start of Header" character

Command ECHO Echo of the command code being
responded to.
RESPONSE Data as requested by the command,
see sections "MEDIBUS Specifica-
CHECKSUM Least significant 8-bit sum of all
preceeding bytes beginning with
"SOH" in ASCII HEX format (see
section "ASCII Hex format").
CR ASCII "carriage return" character


Responding to Control Commands and

unknown Commands
A response to a control command or unknown command
acknowledges receipt of the command, but contains no


0 1 2 4 5 Byte

SOH ASCII "Start of Header" character

Command ECHO Echo of control command being
responded to.
CHECKSUM Least significant 8-bit sum of all
preceeding bytes beginning with
"SOH" in ASCII HEX format (see
section "ASCII Hex format").
CR ASCII "carriage return" character

– Refer to section "Control commands" for currently

defined control commands.

Responding to corrupt Commands

If the received command is corrupt (bad checksum), the
command echo field must consist of an ASCII "NAK"
character (15H) and there must be no response field:


01H 15H 31H 36H 0DH

0 1 2 3 4 5 Byte

Responding to Data Request Commands

Responses to data request commands contain the
current values of a device.
In case a value isn't available at a certain time (for
example caused by temporary measurement problems)
nothing must be sent for this value. Vice versa this
means, that a value is invalid if it is not included in a data
request response.


Current Measured Data and Alarm Limit Response

This response must be sent in reply to the "Request current measured Data
(codepage 1)" command (24H), "Request current low Alarm Limits (code-
page 1)" command (25H), "Request current high Alarm Limits (codepage 1)"
command (26H), "Request current measured Data (codepage 2)" command
(2BH), "Request current low Alarm Limits (codepage 2)" command (2CH) or
"Request current high Alarm Limits (codepage 2)" command (2DH). It
contains the current values of all measured parameters or alarm limits avai-
lable on the responding device. The response field has the following format:


1 1 2 2 n n

0 2 6 8 12 n–6 n–4 n Byte

DATA CODE Two byte ASCII HEX number identifying the parameter or
alarm limit.
DATA Four byte ASCII field containing the current value of the
parameter or alarm limit.
See appendix for data formats. Surplus character positions
and leading zeros must be replaced by an ASCII "Space"

Alarm Status Response

This response must be sent in reply to the "Request current Alarms (code-
page 1)" command (27H) or "Request current Alarms (codepage 2)"
command (2EH). It contains the alarm priority, alarm code, and alarm
message for all currently active alarms on the responding device.
The response field has the following format:


1 1 1 2 2 2 n n n

0 1 3 15 16 18 30 n-15 n-14 n-12 n

ALARM Priority One byte field specifying the alarm priority (number in the
range of 1 to 31), 31 being the highest priority. The
priority is encoded by adding 30H. The priorities,
therefore, lie in the range from ASCII "1" (31H) to ASCII
character "O" (4FH).
Alarm priorities see Appendix.
ALARM CODE Two byte ASCII HEX number identifying the alarm.
ALARM PHRASE Twelve byte ASCII character string describing the alarm.


Time & Date Update Response

This response is sent in reply to the "Request Current
Date & Time" command (28H). It contains the current
date and time from the responding device. The response
field has the following format:


0 +8 +17

TIME: Eight byte field containing ASCII numeric cha-

racters representing the current time in hours
(HH), minutes (MM), and seconds (SS).
Leading zeroes shall not be suppressed.*
DATE: Nine byte field containing ASCII alpha-numeric
characters representing the current day (DD),
month (MMM), and year (YY). The first three
letters for each month are sent in ASCII.
Leading zeroes shall not be suppressed.*

The month representing letters (MMM) has to be sent in
German language.

German month representation in time & Date update

In a Time & Date update response the current month is
represented by three ASCII letters.
These letters are:

January JAN
February FEB
March MAR
April APR
June JUN
July JUL
August AUG
September SEP
October OKT
November NOV
December DEZ

* The PM 8040 substitudes leading zeros in the hours, day and year
field with ASCII spaces (20H), e.g. ' 8:06:05 4-MAR 2'.


Device Setting Responses

This response must be sent in reply to the "Request
Current Device Settings" command (29H). It contains the
current values of all device settings applicable with the
responding device.
The response field has the following format:


CODE 1 1 CODE 2 2 CODE n n

0 2 7 9 14 n–7 n–5 n Byte


CODE identifying the parameter.
SETTING Five byte ASCII field containing the
current value of the specified para-
meter. Refer to appendix for the
specific formats of the parameters.
Surplus character positions and leading
zeros must be filled up with ASCII
"SPACE" (20H).

Text Message Response

This response must be sent in reply to the "Request Text
Messages" command (2AH). It contains all the text
messages the requested device currently holds for user
information, along with the text code, text length and an
end-of-text marker.
The response field has the following format:
1 1 1 2 2 2 n n n
0 2 3 i–1 i i+2 i+3 j–1 j p p+2 p+3 q–1 q
TEXT CODE Two byte ASCII HEX number identi-
fying the text messages.
LENGTH One byte field specifying the text
length, a number in the range from 1 to
32. A text must not be longer than 32
characters. The length is encoded to
ASCII format by adding 30H to the
decimal length value. Thus, the text
length ranges from ASCII "1" (31H) to
ASCII "P" (50H).
TEXT ASCII character string. Refer to
appendix for text messages.
ETX End-of-text marker (ASCII-Code 03H).
The length of the response field is limited to 3840 bytes.
Due to different lengths of text messages, the maximum
number of text messages in a response field depends on
the length of the individual text messages.

Device Identification Response

This response must be sent in reply to the "Request
Device Identification" command (52H). It contains the
identification number, name and release number of the
responding device and the MEDIBUS release number.

The response field has the following format:


NNNN 'Device Name' DD.DD:MM.MM

0 4 n+6 n+17 Byte

0 < n ≤ 32

ID NUMBER Four byte field containing the ASCII

device identification number NNNN.
NAME ASCII character string delimited by
apostrophes (ASCII Code 27H). There-
fore, the device name itself must not
contain apostrophes. The length of the
device name may range from 1 to 32
REVISION: Eleven byte field containing ASCII
characters representing the
device revision level (DD.DD) and the
MEDIBUS revision level (MM.MM).

All identification numbers will be defined by

Dräger, Lübeck.

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension

The Realtime-Extension of MEDIBUS is designed to run

independently and without any interference with the slow
MEDIBUS concurrently on the same port.
Since realtime data are usually created and transmitted at
fixed time intervals, it may happen that slow and fast
records are mixed. This means that transmission of a
slow command or response may be interrupted by a
record of fast data at any time.

Realtime bytes (Sync-Byte, Sync-commands, Realtime
values) do not affect the 3 sec time-out described in the
"Time-out" chapter of the "slow" MEDIBUS-Protocol.

Allowable Characters for Realtime

Slow communication uses ASCII codes up to 7FH,
meaning the most significant bit (bit 7) is always 0.
Realtime ("fast") data is distinguished from slow data in
that the most significant bit (realtime data flag) is set.
All received data < 80H must be ignored within Realtime-
There are four types of data-bytes which can be
distinguished unequivocal:

Command Response Bytes

Slow communication's Control-Commands and the
responses they require are transmitted in the following

Data-Bit 0 to 6
Realtime Data Flag not set

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension

Sync Byte
A Sync Byte is always the first byte in a realtime-data-
record (see page 21).
A Sync Byte is transmitted in the following format:
sync byte

Bit 0 to 3 of Sync Byte

Sync Byte Code
Sync Byte Flag set
Realtime Data Flag set

Sync-Command Bytes
Sync-Commands are used for information which have to
be transmitted without delay (see section Sync-
The form of a sync-command-byte and its argument is as
sync-command byte

Bit 0 to 3 of Sync Byte

Sync Byte Code
Sync Byte Flag set
Realtime Data Flag set

A realtime value is transmitted at a resolution of 12 bits.
For transmission the value is diveded into two data bytes:
1. byte 2. byte

Bit 6 to 11 of Realtime Value

Sync Byte Flag not set
Realtime Data Flag set
Bit 0 to 5 of Realtime Value
Sync Byte Flag not set
Realtime Data Flag set

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension

In addition to the afore matined commands of MEDIBUS

(see page 8) the Realtime-Extension uses the following
additional commands.

Command Codes

Command Code
Request Realtime Configuration 53H
Configure Realtime Transmission 54H
Realtime Configuration changed 56H

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension

Request Realtime Configuration Command

This command is sent in order to request the supported
realtime data of the other device.

Configure Realtime Transmission Command

Ahead of this command the "Request Realtime
Configuration" Command must be sent to request the
supported realtime data.

The "Configure Realtime-Transmission" Command is

sent to request realtime-data in the order and interval as
given in the command's argument. The argument has the
following format:


0 +2 +4 +4*N–4 +4*N–2 +4*N


DATA CODE: Two Byte ASCII HEX number specifying

the requested realtime-data (refer to
Appendix 1 for data-codes ).
MULTIPLIER: Two Byte ASCII HEX number defining
the multiples of the sample interval of the
respective parameter as reported within
the response of the "Request Realtime-
Configuration"-command before. (A
value of 1 causes the device to send
each sampled data. If the value is set to
2, every second sample is transmitted,
and so on.)
Up to 12 realtime-data may be configured by MEDIBUS.
But due to technical restrictions some devices allow less
realtime-data to be configured.

Realtime Configuration Changed Command

This command is sent, if during runtime the configuration
has been changed. E.g., the selection of an anaesthesia
gas has been changed. The receiving device can now
request the current realtime configuration.

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension

Realtime Configuration Response

This response is sent on reply to the receipt of a Request
Realtime-Configuration Command.
The response contains the codes of realtime data, that
can be sent by the requested device, the related sample
interval, minimal and maximal values:


0 +2 +10 +15 +20 +23 +23*n

DATA CODE: Two Byte ASCII HEX number which

uniquely identifies the realtime data (see
Appendix 1 for data codes).
INTERVAL: 8 Byte ASCII value specifying the sample
interval of the realtime data in µs.
MIN: 5 Byte ASCII minimal decimal value of the
realtime data.
MIN must be transmitted as a binary 0.
Thus all binary data are signless (000hex =
0dec to FFFhex = 4095dec).
MAX: 5 Byte ASCII maximal decimal value of the
realtime data.
MAXBIN: 3 Byte ASCII HEX representation of the
binary value which is equal to the maximal
realtime data given in MAX.

In MIN and MAX the first character may be a minus.
MIN and MAX may contain a decimal point at any
position except at the first or last character position.
Leading zeros must be replaced by spaces.

Due to the definitions above the receiver can calculate

the value v(xbin) of a received binary realtime data xbin by
the following equation:

v(xbin) = MIN + xbin * (MAX – MIN)/MAXBIN

If the data source has an internal binary representation of

the realtime data where the binary value xMIN of MIN is
not 0 then it can calculate the binary value to transmit xbin
from any internal value xinternal as follows:

xbin = xinternal – xMIN

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension
Realtime-Data Records

Structure of Realtime-Data Records

A realtime data record has the following format:

Sync 1st Sync-Comm. 1st Sync-Comm. 1st value 2nd value nth Value
Byte Code Argum. ... Code Argum. lower higher lower higher lower higher
1 1 n n Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits Bits

One Sync byte is transmitted first followed by 0 up to 16

Sync-Commands and up to 12 realtime data.

Sync Byte
The sync byte status bits, if set, hold the following

Bit no. Message

0 Value of 1st Realtime Curve is following
1 Value of 2nd Realtime Curve is following
2 Value of 3rd Realtime Curve is following
3 Value of 4th Realtime Curve is following

A status bit of the Sync Byte is set for each following

realtime value. The bit-positions are related to the
datastream-number in the same order as specified within
the "Configure Realtime-Tranmission" command by the
data-requesting device before. A missing value is
replaced by the value of the next curve. In this case the
total number of transmitted data bytes is reduced by 2 or
multiple of 2, respectively.

Example (binary):
11010101 10110000 10100011 10001011 10111100
Sync Byte value of 1st curve value of 3rd curve
2nd value

If more than 4 realtime data have been configured

concurrently, their appearance is indicated using the
Sync-Commands "Transmitted Datastreams". These
commands are transmitted once each time the order or
number of the transmitted datastreams 5 to 12 changes
(e.g. if a data is newly available or missing).
The Sync Byte is sent only heading a data record, never

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension
Realtime-Data Records

Sync-Commands are used for information which have to
be sent very fast (e.g. enable/disable datastreams) or
which belong to the realtime data directly following the
A Sync-Command is not responded to!
Sync-Commands are embedded within a realtime-data
record (see chapter 5). Up to 16 Sync-Commands may
optionally follow the Sync Byte.

A Sync-Command consists of two Sync-Command-

Sync Byte 1. byte 2. byte . . . . further Sync-Commands
1101XXXX 1100CCCC 1100AAAA
Sync-Command Argument
see page 21 Sync Byte Code
Sync Byte Flag set
Realtime Data Flag set
Sync-Command Code
Sync Byte Code
Sync Byte Flag set
Realtime Data Flag set

The first Sync-Command byte contains the Sync

Command Code in bits 0 to 3. The second byte holds
the argument in bits 0 to 3 also.

MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension
Realtime-Data Records

The following Sync-Commands are defined currently:

Command Code Argument Meaning

1100 0000 11000000 End of Sync-Command Sequence
1100 0001 1100 xxxx Datastream enable/disable (data 1-4) (*)
1100 0010 1100 xxxx Datastream enable/disable (data 5-8) (*)
1100 0011 1100 xxxx Datastream enable/disable (data 9-12) (*)
1100 0100 1100 xxxx Transmitted Datastreams (data 5-8) (*) (**)
1100 0101 1100 xxxx Transmitted Datastreams (data 9-12) (*) (**)
1100 0110 1100 xxxx Synchronisation Commands:
0000 – Start of Ventilator Inspiratory Cycle
0001 – Start of Ventilator Expiratory Cycle
1100 1111 11000000 Corrupt Data-Record received

The bits 0 to 3 within the argument are related to the datastreams in the
same order as the Sync-Byte's status-bits to the datastream 1 to 4 (see
5.1). A set bit (1) enables, a resetted bit (0) disables the attached

"Transmitted Datastreams" commands must be sent only if the order of
transmitted datastreams has changed. The datastreams will be sent in a
fixed order, until a new "Transmitted Datastream" command announces
a new order.

Framing of sync-command sequences:

Sync-Commands are always headed by a Sync Byte as
described in section 5.1.
Within a data record the end of a sequence of Sync-
Commands is indicated by the first Data-Value Byte.
If the Sync-Commands are transmitted without any
realtime-data, the Sync Byte (see 5.1) must be set to
1101 0000 (no data) and the last Sync-Command Byte
must be followed by the Sync-Command "End of Sync-
Command Sequence" (11000000 11000000).



Communications Start-up
After starting the device it must send an ICC-command.
This command may be repeated each 3 seconds if no
character was received or each 10 seconds if characters
have been received but no complete response within this
On receipt of an ICC-response a "Request Device-Identi-
fication"-command may be sent if required.
After having received and processed a correct Device-
Identification the device is now in an active protocol
state. It is ready to answer Data Request Commands or
to send any command on its own.

Communications Time-Out
If no character is received within 3 seconds the commu-
nication is assumed to be broken. In case of a 3 seconds
time-out, communication must be re-initialized by sending
an ICC-command.
If communication is in an idle state (no command or
response pending) the NOP-command may be sent by
any device every 2 seconds to keep communication alive
and to avoid a 3 seconds time-out.

Terminating Communication
To terminate communication regular the STOP-command
must be sent. After receipt of the STOP-response the
device may completely stop the communication.
The STOP-command must be sent to avoid an error-state
and error-communication on the linked device.


Start of Device


3 or 10 sec Timeout
or Checksum-Error

ICC-Command received
waiting for ICC- send ICC-
Response Response

ICC-Response received

send Request-
10 sec Timeout
or Checksum-Error
Command received
waiting for send
Device-ID- Command-
Response Response

correct Device-ID
3 sec Timeout

Protocol active

User wants to 3 sec Timeout

stop the Device

send STOP- Stop Communication Communication

Command Command received Error

waiting for
STOP-Response received Reset

Stop of Device


MEDIBUS Realtime-Extension
– Life-Cycle

Communications Start-Up Re-configuration by sender:

For the general startup sequence please refer to If the realtime-data source changes its realtime
MEDIBUS-life Cycle. configuration (e.g. due to a change of resolution of any
The first step is to request for the supported realtime- trace) it has to stop all transmissions of realtime-data to
data using the "Request Realtime-Data Configuration" avoid misinterpretations of data by the receiving device.
As a second step the source has to send the "Realtime
Data-transmission must be configured by the "Configure Configuration changed" command. Afterwards the
Realtime-Transmission" Command, with the argument receiving device may repeat the realtime-data
describing the requested realtime data.
configuration sequence with a "Request Realtime-Data
All or single realtime-datastreams can be enabled using Configuration" command.
the "Enable/Disable Datastream" Commands, depending
on how many different realtime data have been
configured and which shall be enabled.
The enable/disable state of the datastreams can be
changed by sending a new "Enable/Disable Datastream"
Command with new arguments.

After receipt of an "Enable/Disable Datastream"

Command the device starts transmission of the defined
realtime data at the defined rate. Transmission is
continued until receipt of new "Enable/Disable
Datastream" Command or a "Configure Realtime-
Transmission" Command.
Since there is no feedback about the correct receipt of a
Sync-Command it is recommended to repeat a
"Datastream enable/disable"-Sync-Command in an
interval of some seconds. This will avoid mis-
interpretation of datastreams for a long time if a previous
Sync-Command has got lost or been changed during
Transmission is performed in the format described above.

Re-configuration of data-transmission
Re-configuration by receiver:
After realtime-data transmission has been configured and
enabled once, using the "Configure Realtime-
Transmission" command a new configuration may be
sent at any time. The realtime data source will change the
configuration after receipt of the configuration command.
To keep the moment of change under control the realtime
data receiver is recommended to disable all or only the
changed datastreams by using the "Enable/Disable
Datastream" commands before sending the new
configuration and to enable the datastreams after receipt
of the response to its configuration command.


MEDIBUS active
(ICC and Device-ID

start Realtime-MEDIBUS

send Request-Realtime-
Configuration Command

any Command received

waiting for Request-Real-
send Command-


send Configure-Real-

any Command received

waiting for Configure-
Realtime-Transmission send Command-
Response Response

Transmission Response

enable Datastreams

User wishes other, but already

configured Realtime-Data

any Command received

waiting for Realtime send Command-
Data Response
User wishes other not
configured Realtime-Data

Realtime Data Record Command received

send Realtime-
disable Datastreams process Realtime Data Configuration-changed
Command Response

disable Datastreams



Alarm codes, data codes and checksums are transmitted
in ASCII HEX format.

This format uses two bytes to represent a one-byte

hexadecimal value in ASCII characters. The HEX
numbers A – F are represented in upper case letters
Leading zeroes are not suppressed.


Decimal => Binary => HEX(H) => ASCII HEX

58 => 0011 1010 => 3AH => ASCII "3" (33H) ASCII "A" (41H)
0 1 2 Byte


MEDIBUS example 1

PC RS 232 C Dräger Device

Dräger Device issues the ICC command:


1BH 51H 36H 43H 0DH

PC responds:

01H 51H 35H 32H 0DH

PC issues the device ID command:

ESC Request Device CHECKSUM CR

1BH 52H 36H 44H 0DH

Dräger Device responds:

SOH Command ID Number Device Name Device MEDIBUS CHECKSUM CR
Echo Revision Revision
01H 52H 8888 'Draeger Device ' 03.00 03.00 38H 43H 0DH

Dräger Device issues the device ID command:

ESC Request Device CHECKSUM CR

1BH 52H 36H 44H 0DH

PC responds either with a complete Device Identification:

Echo Revision Revision
01H 52H 0161 'My PC' 01.00 : 03.00 46H 43H 0DH

or with an empty Device Identification:

01H 52H 35H 33H 0DH

During a period of idleness: Dräger Device issues NOP

commands every 2 seconds.

1BH 30H 34H 36H 0DH


MEDIBUS example 2
Data update command and response

To request data from a device, the following command is


1BH 24H 33H 46H 0DH

0 1 2 4 5 Byte

If the receiving device has no data available, the

response will be:


01H 24H 32H 35H 0DH

0 1 2 4 5 Byte

If the receiving device has »O2 SAT 98 %« and »OXI

PULSE 70/min« to send, the response will be:
SOH Echo Data Code O2 SAT ASCII Data 98 % Data Code PULSE ASCII Data 70 Checksum CR
- - 'E' 'B' '' '9' '8' '' 'E' '1' '' '7' '0' '' '7' 'A' -

01H 24H 45H 42H 20H 39H 38H 20H 45H 31H 20H 37H 30H 20H 37H 41H 0DH
0 1 2 4 8 10 14 16 17

MEDIBUS example 3
Configure Data response command
If the receiving device of example 2 is only interested in
O2Sat, it has to send the configure Data Response
ESC Command Code Datatype Data Code CHECKSUM CR
'E' 'B' '1' '0'
1BH 4AH 24H 45H 42H 31H 30H 0DH

The Dräger Device responds:


01H 4AH 34H 42H 0DH

After sending again the request current data command


1BH 24H 33H 46H 0DH

0 1 2 4 5 Byte

The receiving device sends

SOH Echo Data Code O2 SAT ASCII Data 98 % Checksum CR
- - 'E' 'B' '' '9' '8' '' '7' -'A'

01H 24H 45H 42H 20H 39H 38H 20H 0DH

0 1 2 4


MEDIBUS example 4
Request current date and time.
After Start-up a PC requests current date and time from
Dräger Device:

ESC Request current CHECKSUM CR

Date and Time
1BH 28H 34H 33H 0D

The Dräger Device responds as follows:

SOH Echo Time Date Checksum CR

- - '1' '1' ':' '1' '1' ':' '1' '9' '1' '1' '–' 'N' '0' 'V' '–' '9' '3' 'E' '6'
01H 28H 31H 31H 3AH 31H 31H 3AH 31H 39H 31H 31H 2DH 4EH 4FH 56H 2DH 39H 33H 45H 36H 0DH

After a while the user changes the time and date setting
on the Dräger Device, which therefore sends the "Time
changed" command:

ESC Time changed CHECKSUM CR

1BH 49H 36H 34H 0DH

The PC echos


01H 49H 34H 41H 0DH

After reception of the "Time changed" command the PC

is informed about a new time and date setting and may
now, before, while or after transmitting the command-
echo send again the "Request current date and time"
command to get the new setting.


MEDIBUS example 5
After general start-up procedure a PC requests a Dräger
Device for its Realtime Configuration:

ESC Request Realtime CHECKSUM CR

1BH 53H 36H 45H 0D

The Dräger Device offers Airway Pressure (Code 00H) in

a range of –10 to 100 mbar, where 100 mbar is
represented as 370hex = 880dec. And CO2 (Code 06H)
in a range of –20 to 100 mmHg and 100 mmHg
represented as 460hex = 1120dec. Both values will be
transmitted at a minimal interval of 16 ms.

SOH Echo

01H 53H

Code Interval Minimal Value Maximal Value MaxBin

'0' '0' ' ' ' ' ' ' '1' '6' '0' '0' '0' '–' ' ' ' ' '1' '0' ' ' ' ' '1' '0' '0' '3' '7' '0'
30H 30H 20H 20H 20H 31H 36H 30H 30H 30H 2DH 20H 20H 31H 30H 20H 20H 31H 30H 30H 33H 37H 30H

Code Interval Minimal Value Maximal Value MaxBin

'0' '6' ' ' ' ' ' ' '1' '6' '0' '0' '0' '–' ' ' ' ' '2' '0' ' ' ' ' '1' '0' '0' '4' '6' '0'
30H 36H 20H 20H 20H 31H 36H 30H 30H 30H 2DH 20H 20H 32H 30H 20H 20H 31H 30H 30H 34H 36H 30H

Checksum CR
'3' 'B'
33H 45H 0DH

PC now requests each second sample of Airway

Pressure and each third sample of CO2, respectively:

ESC Configure Realtime Code Multipl Code Multipl Checksum CR

Command Code '0' '0' '0' '2' '0' '6' '0' '3' 'F' 'A'
1BH 54H 30H 30H 30H 32H 30H 36H 30H 33H 46H 41H 0DH

Dräger Device sends a command acception response

without transmitting any realtime data yet:

SOH Echo Checksum CR

01H 54H 35H 35H 0DH


PC enables both realtime traces:

Sync Byte Sync Command End of Sync

enable Traces 1 + 2 Command Sequence

Dräger Device starts periodical transmission of Realtime Data:

time t = 0: One realtime value for each trace is sent:

Sync Byte Realtime Value Realtime Value

Airway Pressure CO2
D3H 91H 81H 8DH 83H

Sync Byte =
D3H = 1101 0011bin indicates realtime values 0 and 1
are following because bits 0 (LSB) and 1 are set.
Airway Pressure =
91H 81H = 1001 0001bin 1000 0001bin
=> Regarding the format of Realtime-Value-Bytes
(see page 17)
the twelve bit realtime value is 0000 0101 0001bin =
=> the according Airway Pressure value v(xbin) in mbar
is (regard page 20):
v(xbin) = –10 mbar + 81 * (100 mbar – (–10 mbar)) /
880 = 0.125 mbar
CO2 =
8DH 83H = 1000 1101bin 1000 0011bin
=> twelve bit binary value 0000 1100 1101bin = 205dec
=> CO2 value v(xbin) in mmHg:
v(xbin) = –20 mmHg + 205 * (100 mmHg –
(–20 mmHg))/1120 = 1.96 mmHg

time t = 0 + 1 * 16 ms: No Realtime values are sent.

time t = 0 + 2 * 16 ms: Only a value for Airway Pressure is sent:

Sync Byte Realtime Value

Airway Pressure
D1H 94H 81H

Sync Byte D1H = 1101 0001bin has only bit 0 set,

indicating only the first configured trace Airway
Pressure is following the Sync Byte.
The second trace CO2 is missing.


time t = 0 + 3 * 16 ms: Only a value for CO2 is sent:

Sync Byte Realtime Value

D2H 8EH 83H

Sync Byte D2H = 1101 0010 bin has only bit 1 set,
indicating only the second configured trace CO2
is following the Sync Byte. The first trace Airway
Pressure is missing.

At each start of ventilator inspiratory cycle Dräger Device may inform PC

about that event so PC may synchronize its Airway Pressure displaying. In
this case Dräger Device will send the "Start of ventilator inspiratory cycle"
Sync-Command with the respective realtime value for Airway Pressure:

Sync Byte Start of Realtime Value Realtime Value

Insp. Cycle Airway Pressure CO2
D3H C6H C0H 90H 81H 8AH 83H

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are frequently asked questions showing some typical
problems which occur when, for instance, a PC is being programmed to
communicate with a Dräger medical device. The respective answers should
help the understanding of and provide advice for the programming process.
Note: Within the MEDIBUS protocol definition Dräger medical devices
may show varying behavior. For this reason, the following
general answers may not apply in each and every case for each
and every device.

Do all Dräger medical devices send the ICC command on their own?
Yes. As long as an ICC response and an ICC command are not
received, Dräger medical devices send the ICC command
approx. every 3 seconds.

Does my PC have to send an ICC command itself, or will it suffice to

respond to an ICC command sent by a Dräger medical device?
Responding to the ICC command sent by the Dräger medical
device will suffice.

Does my PC have to respond to the ICC command from the Dräger medical device?
Yes. Every command must be responded to.


What kind of identification should my PC send?

For most Dräger medical devices, it is enough to send an empty
response. Some devices (e.g. Cicero B and Evita 4) do,
however, expect a complete response with specific content. For
this reason, it is recommended that a complete response
containing the following information is sent:
ID Number: 0161
Name of Device: any
Device Version: any
MEDIBUS Version: the version number for the MEDIBUS
protocol definition according to which the
PC program was developed
Compare with MEDIBUS Example 1 in this protocol definition.

Does my PC also have to send a device identification request?

Only if your PC program requires this information, otherwise: No

Why isn’t the data configuration command processed; in other words: Why
does my PC still receive all data when subsequent data request commands
are given?
The data configuration command is often sent too early. All
Dräger medical devices send a device identification request after
the ICC sequence. Your PC needs to respond to this request
first (see above) and then allow the Dräger medical device
approx. 200ms to process this response. Only after this will the
Dräger medical device be ready to process the data
configuration command. All previous data configuration
commands shall be ignored by the Dräger medical device.

My PC sets up the connection to the Dräger medical device and

communicates for some time with it. Why does the Dräger medical device
send another ICC command after some time?
In many cases, the command sent by the Dräger medical device
is answered either incorrectly or not at all.
A command incorrectly responded to will lead to the command
being repeated in a short span of time. A command that is not
responded to will be repeated after approx. 10 seconds. After a
maximum of 3 repetitions, the Dräger medical device assumes
that the connection is faulty and tries to re-establish
communication using an ICC command.
Thus, if communication only stands for a few seconds, then your
PC is probably sending an incorrect response (e.g. a response
with an incorrect format or check sum).
If communication is stable for approx. 30 to 40 seconds before
the Dräger medical device sends another ICC command, then
your PC probably isn’t responding to the command from the
Dräger medical device at all. (Embedded commands often go
unnoticed. In many cases, for example, the device identification
request from the Dräger medical device is embedded in the ICC


Will my PC also be asked for data?

If your PC sends a device identification response with the
information given above, then: No.

Which commands shall be sent to my PC from the Dräger medical device?

There is, for every device, a table of “Transmitted Commands”
in the instructions for use "MEDIBUS for Dräger Anesthesia
Devices", "MEDIBUS for Dräger Pediatric Devices" and
"MEDIBUS for Dräger Intensive Care Devices".
Note: A flexible PC program design that allows every command
received from the Dräger medical device to be responded to at
any given time has often proven very valuable. In such cases, it
should make no difference whether or not the command is
known and, as expected, comes at a specific time, or if the
command comes at an unexpected time or is even completely
Communicating with the Dräger medical device should pose no
problem if every command is responded to with at least an empty
response (for exceptions see “device identification response”).
Commands which are not responded to, however, always lead to
an interruption in communication.

When does my PC has to send or respond to an NOP command?

An NOP command should be sent when other commands (e.g.
data request commands) should not be sent to the other device
for more than 2 seconds, when communication should continue
to stand and, for this reason, an exceeding of the 3-second time-
out has to be prevented.
The Dräger medical device shall send an NOP command if it has
received neither command nor response from the PC for approx.
2 seconds, and if it itself did not send a previous command and
is, therefore, not waiting for a response. Thus, it will suffice if the
PC sends an NOP response to the Dräger medical device within
approx. 1 second. It is, however, better and provides better
protection against communication errors caused by exceeding
time-outs if the PC sends an NOP command itself in such cases.

How often can my PC send a command?

As soon as the response to the preceding command has been
received, the next command can be sent.
If the PC sends a command before the Dräger medical device
could respond in full to the preceding command, the Dräger
medical device shall ignore the previous command and begin
processing and responding to the new command.

How long does it take the response to come from the Dräger medical
This depends on the Dräger medical device, the command, the
length of the response and the Baud rate. For this reason, this
question cannot be answered completely. Usually, far less than
500ms pass between the completed reception of a command
and the transfer of the first character of the response.


What happens after a 3-second time-out?

If the Dräger medical device detects a 3-second time-out (no
signal from the PC for 3 seconds or more), communication shall
be re-initialized. Insofar as the Dräger medical device has a
corresponding possibility, a communication error will be optically
and acoustically displayed until the re-initialization has been
successfully completed.

What happens after a 10-second time-out?

When a 10-second time-out occurs (no complete response to a
command takes place within 10 seconds), the last command
sent by the Dräger medical device shall be repeated; up to three
times. After that, communication is re-initialized and the
communication error, as was the case for the 3-second time-out,

Does my PC have to monitor 3-second and 10-second time-outs? Or what

happens if these time-outs cannot be monitored or cannot be monitored
accurately by my PC?
The 3-second time-out allows the PC to detect whether or not
communication with the Dräger medical device stands or has
been interrupted. Communication can be re-initialized with an
ICC command if there was an interruption and the user would
see the communication error displayed.
The 10-second time-out allows the PC to monitor whether or not
the last command sent to the Dräger medical device was
completely and correctly received. In the case of an error, the
last command can be repeated or a new command can be sent.
If the PC does not have these kinds of requirements, the time-
outs on the PC either do not need to be monitored or only
monitored less strictly. (Dräger medical devices always monitor
these time-outs.)

Is all information and are all configurations sent to the Dräger medical
device before the re-initialization lost during a communication re-initialization
(ICC), e.g. after a 3-second or a 10-second time-out, and does everything
have to be re-sent for this reason?
Yes. All information in the Dräger medical device sent previously
will be deleted with every communication (re-)initialization.

Where can commands be embedded in responses?

Commands can be embedded in responses at any position.

Where can real-time data records be embedded in responses and

Real-time data records can be embedded in responses and
commands at any position.


Will the ESC for commands / the SOH for responses be calculated into
the check sum?
Yes. See the MEDIBUS examples in this instruction for use.

What influence does a command which is embedded in a response have

on the check sum calculation?
None. Check sums from commands and responses are always
calculated separately. Thus, a command embedded in a
response does not influence the check sum of the response or
vice versa.

Do real-time data records embedded in commands or responses influence

the check sum?
Not at all. Real-time data records are ignored by the check sum

What does the Stop command do?

Sending a Stop command to the Dräger medical device prevents
the Dräger medical device from constantly displaying
communication errors after the communication has been ended.

Logbook of Changes

Version Changes backward

2.00 First released verision –––
3.00 Protocol extended by yes
– "Device Settings"
– "Text Messages"
– Realtime transmission
4.00 Protocol extended by second codepage for yes
current measured Data, Alarm Limits and Alarms
4.01 New chapter yes
"Frequently Asked Questions".
No changes of protocol
4.02 Correction of chapter no
"Time & Date Update Response"
4.03 New Realtime Sync-Command "Start of yes
Ventilator Expiratory Cycle"


Table of used ASCII-Codes

Code Explanation Hexadecimal code

SOH Start of Header 01H

Start of Respondings

ETX End of Text 03H

CR Carriage Return, 0DH

End of Commands or Respondings

DC1 Device Control 1 11H

Transmitting Device suspends
Transmission immediately

DC3 Device Control 3 13H

Transmitting Device resume Transmission

NAK Negative Acknowledge 15H

Character for corrupt Commands

CAN Any Transmission in Progress will be 18H

immediately abborted.

ESC Escape 1BH

Start of Commands

Space Blank Key 20H

Surplus Character Positions (Data and
Settings) must be filled up with this
Character to fill up leading Zeroes.

20H – 7FH Range used for the "slow" MEDIBUS-


80H – FFH Range used for the MEDIBUS Realtime-


Dräger Medical AG & Co. KGaA
H Moislinger Allee 53 – 55
D-23542 Lübeck
T (4 51) 8 82 - 0
X 26 80 70
FAX (4 51) 8 82-20 80

90 28 258 - GA 6494.380 en
 Dräger Medical AG & Co. KGaA
7th edition - September 2003
Subject to alteration

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