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Lab report no 2

Introduction to measuring instruments

Meter Rule:
A meter rule is a measuring instrument use to measure length of different objects and
is use in places where we don’t need a precise reading of the objects length.

It has a least count of 1mm or 0.1 cm.

Figure 1 meter rule

Measuring tape:
Measuring tape is basically a flexible ruler made of an iron strip plastic or a piece of cloth
and is use to measure distance or long objects. It is also use to measure non uniform objects.

Its least count is 0.1cm or 1mm.

Figure 2 measuring tape

Try square:
A try square is a form of meter rule that has another metal piece set at right angle to the scale.
It is used in places like wood shop to measure woods length as well as to set its corners at
right angle.

Figure 3 try square

Inside caliper:
It is a measuring instrument which is use to measure internal diameter of pipe like objects. It
legs are set in such a way that they spread in outwards direction.

Figure 4 inside calliper

Outside caliper:
This instrument is use to measure an object length and is generally use to measure the
external diameter of an object like a pipe or a spherical object. Unlike inside caliper its legs
bends inwards.

Figure 5 outside calliper

Screw Gauge
It is use to measure extremely small measurements and can read upto 0.001mm

Figure 6 screw gauge

Venrnier caliper:

Vernier calipers are more precise tools capable for measuring external dimensions, internal
dimensions, and depths. Besides the two pairs of measuring jaws and the depth gauge, its
main features also include a main scale and a vernier scale.

Its least count is mostly 0.1mm or 0.01cm.

Figure 7 vernier caliper

Parts of vernier caliper:

Main scale:
Main scale of vernier caliper is a plain scale fully divided in to minor divisions. It is like a
meter rule with a fix jaw connected to it.

Vernier scale:
Vernier scale is a small movable scale running parallel to the main scale of vernier caliper
and is used for measuring a fractional part of one of the divisions of the fixed scale.

Lower jaws:
These jaws are use to hold the object to be measured between them. One of the jaws is fixed
and attached to the main scale of the caliper while the other one is attached to
the vernier scale and is movable.

Upper jaws for inside measurements:

These jaws are use to find internal diameter of a circular object these jaws can be tightened
and loosened and are opened inside the object to measure its internal diameter.

Depth gauge:
Vernier Depth Gauge as the name suggests is used to measure the depth from the surface of
reference of an object. Vernier caliper also has depth bar but this can not be used as the
standard measurement.
To find least count of a vernier caliper:
Least count of vernier caliper can be found by dividing the smallest division of main scale
with no of divisions on vernier scale. For example we have a vernier caliper with smallest
main scale division of 1mm and have 20 vernier scale divisions then by formula

L.C= smallest main scale div/no of div on vernier scale= 1mm/20=0.05mm

So its least count will be 0.05mm

How to precisely take measurements using vernier caliper.

 Place the object between the jaws of vernier caliper of least count 0.05mm.
 Now count the number of divisions between 0 of main scale and the 0 of vernier
scale. The division after 0 of main scale should be counted as one. Note these
divisions, now say we have 0 of V.S between the 43rd and 44th division of main
 Note the division of vernier scale reading which is directly coinciding with a main
scale division.

 Count the vernier scale divisions up to the directly coinciding division. Say we have
05 divisions up to directly coinciding division.
 Now multiply these division with least count of V.C to get a.
 To find the precise measurement add a to the main scale div.
e.g. 43 +(5x0.05)= 43.25mm.

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