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11/27/2019 Page Party System, Plant Communication System, PCS System, Interplant Communication System, Mumbai, India

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Page Party System

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PAGE PARTY SYSTEM is a paging system with talk back facility and is mainly used in industrial plants for the following
communication functions.

 For communication between central control room and eld personnel (control room to eld communication)

 For communication of eld personnel with central control room ( eld to control room communication)

 For communication between di erent eld persons / operators (Field to Field communication)

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The system architecture comprises of FIELD HANDSET STATIONS / talk back stations (installed at various
locations in the plant), PAGING LOUDSPEAKERS (installed at various locations inside the plant) and the
CENTRAL PAGING CONTROLLER. The Field Handset Stations and Field Loudspeakers are: Indoor desk mountable
type (for use in indoor areas), Weatherproof IP66 Type (for use in outdoor safe & non-hazardous areas) and
Explosion Proof - Flameproof type (for use in outdoor hazardous areas). The user can select the suitable model
depending on the plant areas where they are to be deployed. The use of Control Room Master Control Station (MCS)
is purely OPTIONAL. The users can have Page-Party system with or without MCS.

The system provides Multiple PAGE CHANNELS and Multiple PARTY CHANNELS and these channels are used by the
users for two-way communication. The system can provide either Single PAGE CHANNEL or Multiple PAGE CHANNELS
and Multiple PARTY CHANNELS. It can o er up to 8 Nos. of Page Channels (i.e. up to 08 paging groups can be
formed). The Number of PARTY CHANNELS is unlimited & is equal to number of Field Stations deployed in the
system. Due to availability of Multiple Page & Party channels, multiple eld operators can carry their independent &
simultaneous communication.


The Calling individual goes to any of his nearest eld station, lifts the handset o the station, selects the desired page
channel (simply by dialing the access code) and speaks into the handset to broadcast his message. This message
(announcement) gets heard over all the loudspeakers of the selected page channel. On hearing the announcement
over the loudspeakers, the called individual goes to his nearest eld station, lifts the handset and answers the page
call (through an access code) and he immediately gets connected to calling individual on their respective party
channel and they both starts conversing. The page channel sets free. This conversation between the two (on party
channel) is not heard by any other users and nor it is heard over the system loudspeakers. The two individual can talk
to each other as long as they desired. As the Page Channel is free (idle), any other individual in that group can access
it and can get connected to another individual in the above fashion…and so on.

 No requirement of AC mains power supply in the eld

 Control room to eld communication and vice versa

 Field to Field communication

 Instant connectivity between the users within few seconds

 The user can make Individual Group wise announcements or ALL GROUP announcement

 Facility to broadcast siren tone over the page channel, from control desk, during emergency

 The location, quantity and functioning of eld station and eld loudspeakers are independent and are not

 Independent functioning & operation of the page channel and party channels of the system

 Open system to facilitate integration with EPABX system, Fire Alarm system, gas detection system and others

 Modular in architecture, whereby it is easily to build & is quickly expandable

 Host of various useful features for Master Control station if used in the system (Like: Digital Display for
identifying the calling Field station number & name, single touch Direct station select key for
Anyeach eld station,
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Free status LED indication of each Field station, call transfer, call override, Highest paging priority and Emergency
siren broadcast facility etc.)

 Networking of PA systems, in case of multiple such page-party system in the same plant

 State of the art technology

 Software programmable for di erent communication options, features and system access

 Simple and economical eld cabling

 Very Cost e ective design and hardware

 Trouble free & Highly reliable system

 Modular architecture, o ering the exibility to expand and build the system block by block, as and when required

 Reduced and easy maintenance

 High exibility and Easy adaptability

 Minimum downtime, easy system operation and maximum safety

 Easy and Quick to expand

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 Plant Communication System / Public Address System (plant_communication_system.htm)

 Page Party System (page_party_system.htm)

 Public Address- General Alarm System / PA-GA System (public_address_system.htm)

 IP based PA-VA System (ip-based-pava-system.html)

 Integrated PA & Intercom System (integrated_pa_intercom_system.html)

 VOIP Weatherproof Telephone (weatherproof-voip-industrial-telephone.html)

 Heavy Duty VOIP Phone / LAN Phone (heavy-duty-voip-phone-and-lan-phone.html)

 Explosion Proof Telephone (explosion-proof-telephone.html)

 Weatherproof Telephone (weather-proof_telephone.htm)

 Weatherproof Telephone with External Ringer (weatherproof_telephone_with_external_ringer.htm)

 Weatherproof Telephone with External Revolving Lamp (weatherproof-telephone-with-external-revolving-


 Industrial Communication System (industrial-communication-system.html)

 Acoustic Hood (acoustic-hood.html)


O Address:- Gala No.10/11, Ruby Ind.Estate, Chincholi Bunder Rd., Malad (W),Mumbai - 400064. Maharashtra,

Phone No.: 022-28725235 / 40230847

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