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Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy Dovepress

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Open Access Full Text Article REVIEW

Teneligliptin in management of type 2

diabetes mellitus

This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:

Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy
16 August 2016
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Surendra Kumar Sharma 1 Abstract: Teneligliptin is a recently developed oral dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor indicated
A Panneerselvam 2 for the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in adults along with diet and exercise.
KP Singh 3 Teneligliptin has been recently available in Japan (Teneria®), Argentina (Teneglucon®), and India
Girish Parmar 4 (Tenepure; Teneza) at relatively affordable price. This is a positive step toward the management
of T2DM in developing countries, where the cost of medicine is out-of-pocket expenditure and
Pradeep Gadge 5
is a limiting factor for health care. This review evaluates the efficacy and safety of teneligliptin
Onkar C Swami 6
in the management of T2DM. Teneligliptin has been systematically evaluated in T2DM as mono-
Diabetes, Thyroid and Endocrine therapy with diet and exercise and in combination with metformin, glimepiride, pioglitazone, and
Centre, Galaxy Speciality Centre,
Jaipur, 2Aruna Diabetes Centre, insulin in short-term (12 weeks) and long-term (52 weeks) studies. These studies have reported
Chennai, 3Fortis Hospital, Sector a reduction in HbA1c of 0.8%–0.9% within 12 weeks of therapy. Two 52-week studies reported
62, Phase VIII, Mohali, 4Kokilaben
sustained improvement in glycemic control with teneligliptin. Teneligliptin has been found to
Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Andheri
(W), Mumbai, 5Dr Gadge’s Diabetes be well tolerated, and the safety profile is similar to other dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors.
Care Centre, Mumbai, 6Unichem Hypoglycemia and constipation are the main adverse events. Teneligliptin can be administered
Laboratories Ltd, Jogeshwari (W),
Mumbai, India safely to patients with mild, moderate, or severe renal impairment or end-stage renal disease
without dose adjustment. Similarly, it can be used in patients with mild-to-moderate hepatic
impairment. Teneligliptin is effective and well tolerated and may have an important role in the
management of T2DM.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitor, newer DPP-4 inhibitor, teneli-
gliptin, India

Diabetes is a common noncommunicable disease and has reached to epidemic stage
in many countries. Globally, 415 million people are living with diabetes and it is a
leading cause of death. This number is expected to rise to 642 million by 2040. A mor-
tality burden of 5 million was noted with diabetes. The People’s Republic of China,
India, the US, and the Russian Federation reported highest deaths due to diabetes.1
Diabetes affects many organs, and complications due to high blood glucose are an
important cause of disability, reduced quality of life, and premature death.1 In 2015,
globally, ~5 million people aged between 20 years and 79 years died due to diabetes;
this accounts for one death every 6 seconds.1
Correspondence: Onkar C Swami
Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires lifelong medical care and attention for
Unichem Laboratories Ltd, Unichem multiple risk reduction and treatment approach beyond glycemic control.2 Treatment
Bhavan, Prabhat Estate, SV Road,
Jogeshwari (W), Mumbai 400102, India
objective must be the prevention of short-term and long-term complications associated
Email with diabetes.3 Additionally, patient education and support are important aspects.3 This

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will improve patient outcomes.2 A multidisciplinary approach barrier for health care. In this scenario, availability of economi-
is required for the management of diabetes.2,3 cal DPP-4 inhibitors such as teneligliptin is a ­positive step.
Considering the huge epidemic of type 2 diabetes mel-
litus (T2DM), newer therapies that improve efficacy, toler- Management of T2DM
ability, and long-term compliance and prevent complications T2DM is a chronic progressive disease and involves mul-
­associated with T2DM are always required and preferred.4 tiple systems. Diet, exercise, education, pharmacotherapy,
Recently, a new and relatively economic dipeptidyl peptidase and blood glucose monitoring are important pillars for the
4 (DPP‑4) inhibitor, teneligliptin, has been made available management of T2DM.9 Published evidence suggests that
in some countries such as Japan (Teneria®), Argentina even 1% reduction in HbA1c reported significant reduction
(Teneglucon®), and India (Tenepure; Teneza).5–7 This review in the risk of long-term complications associated with T2DM
highlights the place of therapy of teneligliptin in the manage- (Figure 1).10
ment of T2DM. Various patient and disease factors affect HbA1c tar-
gets. Therefore, individualized glycemic goals are always
The economic costs of T2DM preferred, and tailor-made antidiabetic therapy is recom-
There is a substantial economic impact of diabetes on indi- mended in routine clinical practice.9,11 Factors determining
viduals, society, health care system, employer, and even the individual glycemic goal are presented in Table 1.9,11 There are
country in terms of loss of productivity.8 Reported evidence various approaches for initiation and titration of antidiabetic
suggests that there is a strong and direct economic impact therapy. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) position
of T2DM on the lives of people in lower income settings.8 statement of Standards of Medical Care in ­Diabetes – 2016
In developing countries, where health care expenditure is has recommended evidence-based antidiabetic therapy
many times out-of-pocket, an economic impact of T2DM (Table 2).12
is huge and may affect the long-term outcome of T2DM.8 Table 1 Factors determining individual glycemic goal
There is wide variation in the indirect and direct costs
Glycemic goal
incurred for diabetes in a studied year. In Mexico, direct 1. AACE: HbA1c ≤6.5%
cost including out-of-pocket expenditures was $242, while 2. ADA: HbA1c <7%
it was reported as $11,917 in the US.8 Similarly, indirect Factors determining HbA1c goal
1. Age of the patient
cost ranged from $45 in Pakistan to $16,914 in the Baha-
2. Hypoglycemia risk
mas.8 It was also reported that in low- and middle-income 3. Associated comorbidities
countries, out-of-pocket expenditure on health care cost has 4. Duration of disease
a significant burden.8 5. Life expectancy
Note: Data from previous studies.9,11
This highlights that there should be affordable medical Abbreviations: AACE, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists; ADA,
treatment available to all. The cost of medicine should not be a American Diabetes Association.

–43% –37% –19% –16% –14% –12%

% reduction in risk of complications

Heart failure
Cataract extraction

Lower extremity disease
amputation or fatal
peripheral vascular
Figure 1 Reduction in risk of long-term complications associated with 1% reduction in HbA1c.
Note: Data from a previous study.10

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Table 2 ADA recommendations of antihyperglycemic therapy in T2DM

Life style modification: healthy diet, weight control, increased physical activity, diabetes education
Monotherapy Metformin
If HbA1c target is not achieved after ~3 months of monotherapy, proceed to two-drug combinations as follows:
Dual therapya Metformin + SU Metformin + TZD Metformin + DPP-4i Metformin + Metformin + Metformin + basal
SGLT2-i GLP-1RA insulin
If HbA1c target is not achieved after ~3 months of dual therapy, proceed to three-drug combinations as follows:
Triple therapy Metformin + SU + Metformin + TZD Metformin + DPP-4i Metformin + Metformin + Metformin +
TZD or DPP4-i or + SU or DPP4-i or + SU or TZD or SGLT2-i + SU or GLP-1RA + SU basal insulin +
SGLT2-i or GLP- SGLT2-i or GLP- SGLT2-i or basal TZD or DPP-4 i or TZD or basal TZD or DPP4-i
1RA or basal insulin 1RA or basal insulin insulin or basal insulin insulin or SGLT2-i or
If HbA1c target is not achieved after ~3 months of triple therapy, and patient 1) on oral combination, move to injectables 2) on GLP-1RA, add
basal insulin, or 3) on optimally titrated basal insulin, add GLP-1RA or mealtime insulin. In refractory patients, consider adding TZD or SGLT2-i
Combination Metformin + basal insulin + mealtime insulin or GLP-1 RA
injectable therapyb
Notes: aConsider starting at this stage when HbA1c is ≥9%. bConsider starting at this stage when blood glucose is ≥300–350 mg/dL and/or HbA1c is ≥10%–12%, especially
if symptomatic or catabolic features are present, in which case insulin + mealtime is the preferred initial regimen. Basal insulin: NPH, glargine, detemir, degludec. Data from
a previous study.12
Abbreviations: ADA, American Diabetes Association; DPP-4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4; DPP-4-i, DPP-4 inhibitor; GLP-1-RA, GLP-1 receptor agonist; SU, sulfonylurea;
SGLT2-i, sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; TZD, thiazolidinedione.

Role of DPP-4 inhibitors in the

management of T2DM S2 extensive S2 S1 S1′ S2′
The first DPP-4 inhibitor, sitagliptin, was approved in 2006
DPP-4 enzyme
for the treatment of T2DM concurrently with lifestyle
changes.13 As mentioned in Table 2, DPP-4 inhibitors are Figure 2 DPP-4 enzyme-binding sites.
Note: Data from a previous study.16
recommended as monotherapy or in double and triple drug
combination with other oral glucose-lowering agents such as off-target inhibition of selective DPP-4 enzymes.14 However,
metformin, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones, or even with these toxicities are not clinically significant.
insulin.12 As a class, DPP-4 inhibitors are considered as a
cornerstone in the management of T2DM due to their efficacy, Are all DPP-4 inhibitors same?
favorable tolerability profile such as low risk of hypoglycemia As mentioned earlier, all DPP-4 inhibitors have the same
and weight gain, and compliance due to once-a-day dosage.14 mechanism of action and safety profile, but there are some
Currently, eight DPP-4 inhibitors, namely, alogliptin, ana- important differences not only in the pharmacokinetic and
gliptin, gemigliptin, linagliptin, saxagliptin, sitagliptin, teneli- pharmacodynamic properties but also in the potency of
gliptin, and vildagliptin, are available for the management of DPP-4 enzyme inhibition.14
T2DM.15 All these DPP-4 inhibitors have a similar mechanism Comparative studies have determined binding modes of
of action and safety profile. In spite of their similar mechanism DPP-4 inhibitors with the active site of DPP-4 enzyme.16,17
of action, DPP-4 inhibitors differ in some important pharma- DPP-4 enzyme has five binding sites (subsites), namely, S1,
cokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters, which may have S2, S1′, S2′, and S2 extensive (Figure 2).16,17 An interaction
clinical significance in real-life scenario (Table 3).14 of DPP-4 inhibitors with S1 and S2 is considered to be the
Adverse events like immune dysfunction, impaired fundamental interaction that is required for DPP-4 inhibition.16
healing and skin reactions are reported and may be due to Additional interaction with S1′, S2′, and S2 extensive site may
further increase the DPP-4 inhibition.16 DPP-4 inhibitors are
classified according to their interactions with a DPP-4 enzyme
Table 3 Important differences among eight DPP-4 inhibitors
(Table 4).16 Classification of DPP-4 inhibitors is based on their
Pharmacokinetic Oral bioavailability, elimination half-life, binding to
differences plasma proteins, metabolic pathways, formation of
selectivity for enzyme and are Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3.16
active metabolite(s), main excretion routes, and Class 1 inhibitors (eg, vildagliptin and saxagliptin) bind with
potential drug–drug interactions S1 and S2 and are considered as fundamental/basic inhibi-
Pharmacodynamic Potency, target selectivity, dosage adjustment for
tors.16 Class 2 inhibitors (alogliptin and linagliptin) bind with
differences renal and liver insufficiency
additional sites of S1′ and S2′ and may produce more DPP-4
Note: Data from a previous study.14
Abbreviation: DPP-4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4. inhibition than Class 1.16 Class 3 inhibitors (sitagliptin and

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Table 4 Summary of the interactions of various DPP-4 inhibitors with DPP-4 enzyme
Class DPP-4 Binding at Interaction with DPP-4 at various sites Details
inhibitors DPP-4
1 Vildagliptin S1 and S2 Class 1 inhibitors • Most fundamental level of interaction
vildagliptin, saxagliptin
and saxagliptin subsites • Cyanopyrrolidine moieties bind with S1
• Hydroxy adamantly group binds with S2
• Saxagliptin has fivefold higher activity than
S2 extensive S2 S1 S1′ S2′ vildagliptin

DPP-4 Enzyme

2 Alogliptin and S1, S2, S1′, Class 2 inhibitors • Additional binding to S1′ and S2′
linagliptin and S2′ alogliptin, linagliptin • Alogliptin binds to S1, S2, and S1′
subsites • Linagliptin binds to S1, S2, S1′, and S2′
• Linagliptin had eightfold higher activity than
S2 extensive S2 S1 S1′ S2′ alogliptin

DPP-4 Enzyme

3 Sitagliptin and S1, S2, Class 3 inhibitors • Binds S1, S2, and S2 extensive
teneligliptin and S2 sitagliptin, teneligliptin • Teneligliptin has fivefold higher activity than
extensive sitagliptin, because of:
subsites • Teneligliptin has favorable (J-shaped)
S2 extensive S2 S1 S1′ S2′ structure leading to small loss of energy
during binding with DPP-4
DPP-4 Enzyme
• Teneligliptin forms hydrogen bond with
• Teneligliptin has more extensive binding at
“S2 extensive” site than sitagliptin
Note: Data from a previous study.16
Abbreviation: DPP-4, dipeptidyl peptidase 4.

teneligliptin) bind additional site of S2 extensive and produce Table 5 Approval status of teneligliptin
more extensive DPP-4 inhibition.16 Teneligliptin, a Class 3 Phase of development Indication Country
inhibitor, reported fivefold higher activity than sitagliptin.16 Marketed T2DM Japan
Marketed T2DM Argentina
Marketed T2DM India
Teneligliptin Note: Teneligliptin is marketed in Japan,5 Argentina,6 and India.7
Teneligliptin is a novel oral DPP-4 inhibitor developed by Abbreviation: T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Co. and approved in Japan in
September 2012 for the management of T2DM.5 Currently, within 2 hours and maintained >60% at 24 hours. Compared
teneligliptin is marketed in Japan (Teneria), Argentina (Tene- to placebo, active plasma GLP-1 concentration was higher
glucon), and India (Tenepure; Teneza) (Table 5).5–7 Presently, throughout the day and even at 24 hours after administration of
teneligliptin is registered in South Korea and is in the prereg- teneligliptin 20 mg. Metabolism of teneligliptin was majorly
istration phase in Indonesia. Additionally, teneligliptin is in mediated through CYP3A4, a cytochrome P450 isozyme,
phase II clinical trials in Europe, and phase I clinical trials in and flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMO1 and FMO3).5
the US.18 Teneligliptin, which is classified as peptidomimetic, A weak inhibitory activity of teneligliptin on CYP2D6,
has a unique structure having five consecutive rings.16 Due CYP3A4, and FMO was noted, while there was no inhibi-
to this unique structure, teneligliptin acts on S2 extensive tory activity on CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2B6, CYP2C8,
subsite of DPP-4; this interaction enhances its potency and CYP2C8/9, CYP2C19, and CYP2E1. There was no induction
selectivity.5 of expression of CYP1A2 or CYP3A4.5
Reported evidence suggests that teneligliptin is metabo-
Pharmacokinetics of teneligliptin lized and eliminated via both renal and hepatic routes.
Reported evidence suggests that with teneligliptin 20 mg Approximately 34% of teneligliptin is excreted unchanged
therapy, Tmax was 1 hour and t1/2 was 18.9 hours. Maximum via the renal route, while 66% is metabolized and eliminated
(89.7%) inhibition in plasma DPP-4 activity was noted via the hepatic and renal routes.5

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Teneligliptin in renal impairment with ESRD, teneligliptin significantly improved glycemic

Halabi et al studied the pharmacokinetics of a single oral control and was well tolerated. Teneligliptin appeared to
dose of teneligliptin 20 mg, in subjects with renal impair- be more potent than voglibose or vildagliptin based on its
ment and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Subjects partici- glucose-lowering effects.20
pating in this study were allocated to six groups based on The efficacy and safety of linagliptin and teneligliptin
their renal function. Out of these six groups, four groups on glycemic control in T2DM with chronic kidney disease
comprised subjects having mild, moderate, and severe renal (CKD) were assessed in a pilot study through continuous
impairment and ESRD, respectively, while two groups glucose monitoring. This was a randomized crossover
were having healthy subjects with a normal renal func- study including 13 patients with T2DM with CKD hav-
tion. Eight subjects were included in each group to have at ing HbA1c <9% and estimated glomerular filtration rate
least six evaluable subjects in each group at the end. This <60 mL/min/1.73 m2. There were two groups receiving either
study revealed that teneligliptin 20 mg single oral dose teneligliptin or linagliptin for 6 days from hospital day 5
had no effect on maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) in and followed by crossover to linagliptin or teneligliptin on
patients with mild, moderate, and severe renal impairment. hospital day 11 for the next 6 days. The primary outcome of
There was an increase in AUC0–∞ in subjects with renal changes in the mean amplitude of glucose excursions was
impairment across the group compared to healthy subjects; similar in both the groups. Equivalent effects on 24-hour
mean sensor glucose levels and area under the curve for sen-
however, this was unrelated to the degree of renal impair-
sor glucose levels were noted for both the groups. A similar
ment. Teneligliptin was well tolerated by subjects with renal
incidence of hypoglycemia was noted. The study concluded
impairment or ESRD. Dialysis was not expected to affect
that in patients with T2DM with CKD, teneligliptin and
the efficacy or safety of teneligliptin. This study concluded
linagliptin have comparable effects on blood glucose and a
that dose adjustment may not be needed when teneligliptin
similar safety profile.21
is administered to subjects with mild, moderate, or severe
renal impairment or ESRD.19
The efficacy and safety of teneligliptin in diabetic ESRD
Teneligliptin in the management of
patients undergoing hemodialysis were studied through T2DM: an evolving landscape
a bicenter, prospective, nonrandomized study. A total of Effects of teneligliptin on 24-hour blood
45 patients were enrolled in this study, which included 16 glucose control
patients enrolled in the teneligliptin group (7 therapy-naïve A 4-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
and 9 switched from other medications) and 29 in the control parallel-group study was conducted to analyze the pharma-
group. Fourteen patients in the teneligliptin group (7 each cokinetic and pharmacodynamic characteristics, effects on
as therapy-naïve and switched from other medications) and blood glucose control over 24 hours, and safety of once-daily
29 in the control group completed 28-week study period. At teneligliptin in patients with T2DM inadequately controlled
4 weeks, 36.7 mg/dL reduction in blood glucose was noted with diet and exercise. A total of 99 subjects, which included
in the teneligliptin group (P<0.05). More prominent reduc- 32, 34, and 33 subjects in a placebo, teneligliptin 10 mg
tion of 3.1% in glycated albumin was noted in the teneli- group, and teneligliptin 20 mg group, respectively, were ran-
gliptin group than the control group (P<0.05). Similarly, domized and analyzed. Plasma concentration of teneligliptin
more reduction in HbA1c (difference −0.57%; P=0.057) was maintained for 24 hours; similarly >50% inhibition of
was noted in the teneligliptin group compared to the control DPP-4 was noted at 24 hours of administration. Compared
group. Reduction in these variables was also noted in patients to the placebo group, significantly lower 2-hour postprandial
who were switched to teneligliptin from voglibose 0.2 mg glucose (2-hour PPG), 24-hour mean glucose, and fasting
three times in a day (tid) or vildagliptin 50 mg once per plasma glucose (FPG) were noted in teneligliptin 10/20 mg
day (qd). Interestingly, this study reported that ­teneligliptin treated groups. Teneligliptin 10 mg reported more reduc-
20 mg daily was more potent than voglibose 0.2 mg tid or tion in 2-hour PPG after each meal compared to placebo.
­vildagliptin 50 mg qd. However, a small ­number of patients Compared to placebo, a mean difference of −50.7 mg/dL,
were switched to teneligliptin from voglibose or vildagliptin, −34.8 mg/dL, and −37.5 mg/dL was noted (P<0.001 for all)
and no statistical analysis was performed. Teneligliptin was in 2-hour PPG after breakfast, lunch, and dinner, respectively,
well tolerated without any episodes of hypoglycemia during in teneligliptin 10 mg group. Similarly, mean difference in
the study period. The study concluded that in diabetic patients reduction of 2-hour PPG after breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2016:9 submit your manuscript |
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was −38.1 mg/dL (P<0.001), −28.6 mg/dL (P<0.01), and P<0.001). Greater increases in β-cell function (HOMA-β;
−36.1 mg/dL (P<0.001), respectively, with teneligliptin P=0.0008) and improvement in insulin resistance (HOMA-
20 mg compared to placebo. Postprandial plasma active IR; P=0.1754) were noted in teneligliptin plus metformin
glucagon-like peptide-1 concentrations were also increased group than placebo plus metformin group. A similar inci-
with teneligliptin 10/20 mg compared to placebo. A similar dence of AE was noted in both the groups. Thus, the addi-
incidence of adverse events (AEs) was noted in all groups tion of teneligliptin to metformin treatment was effective
with no incidence of serious AE including hypoglycemia.22 in controlling blood glucose and well tolerated in patients
with T2DM.24
Role of teneligliptin in patients with
T2DM inadequately controlled with diet Teneligliptin added to glimepiride in
and exercise patients with T2DM
A multicentric, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-
Kadowaki et al evaluated the efficacy, safety, and dose–
group, Phase III, randomized control trial was conducted to
response relationship of teneligliptin in Japanese patients
evaluate the efficacy and safety of teneligliptin in combina-
with T2DM and inadequately controlled with diet and exer-
tion with glimepiride. A total of 194 Japanese patients with
cise through a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
T2DM receiving stable glimepiride (1–4 mg/d) monotherapy
parallel-group study for 12 weeks. A total of 324 Japanese
for ≥8 weeks and reporting inadequate glycemic control
T2DM patients with age 20–75 years, HbA1c 6.8%–9.8%,
(HbA1c 7.3%–10.3%) were randomized to receive teneli-
and not taking any oral antihyperglycemic agent for ≥8 weeks
gliptin 20 mg or placebo once daily in addition to stable
were randomized to receive teneligliptin 10 mg (n=84), 20 mg
glimepiride therapy for 12 weeks. After 12 weeks of the
(n=79), 40 mg (n=81), and placebo (n=80) once daily for
randomized period, all patients followed an open-label period
12 weeks. Significantly greater reductions in HbA1c and
of 40 weeks. During open-label period, all patients received
FPG were reported in all teneligliptin groups compared to
teneligliptin and glimepiride therapy (teneligliptin to teneli-
placebo group. AEs were similar in all groups. There was
gliptin and placebo to teneligliptin). At the end of 12 weeks,
no significant difference in the incidence of hypoglycemia
teneligliptin group reported 0.7% mean reduction in HbA1c
among the four groups.23 Thus, in patients with T2DM inad-
and difference between placebo group was 1% (P<0.001).
equately controlled with diet and exercise, treatment with
Similarly, mean reduction in FPG and PPG was 17.4 mg/dL
teneligliptin reported a significant and clinically important
and 43.1 mg/dL, respectively, in the teneligliptin group. The
reduction in glycemic parameters.
mean difference of FPG and PPG between teneligliptin and
placebo groups was 27.1 mg/dL (P<0.001) and 49.1 mg/dL
Addition of teneligliptin in patients with (P<0.001), respectively, at the end of 12 weeks. The reduc-
T2DM not controlled with metformin tion in HbA1c was maintained for 52 weeks, and HbA1c
therapy was significantly lower at 52 weeks compared to baseline in
Efficacy and safety of the addition of teneligliptin in both the groups (P<0.001 both groups). The mean reduction
inadequately controlled T2DM patients with metformin in HbA1c at 52 weeks was 0.6% and 0.9% in “teneligliptin
monotherapy were evaluated in a randomized, double-blind, to teneligliptin” group and “placebo to teneligliptin” group,
placebo-controlled, parallel-group, Phase III study. A total of respectively. Significant improvement in proinsulin/insulin
204 patients with T2DM with inadequate glycemic control ratio, HOMA-β, and postprandial glucagon was also noted
(HbA1c 7.0%–10.0%) and receiving stable-dose metformin in the teneligliptin group compared with the placebo group.
monotherapy (≥1,000 mg/d) for at least 8 weeks received The incidence of AEs/adverse drug reactions (ADRs) includ-
teneligliptin 20 mg once daily or a placebo once daily for ing hypoglycemia with teneligliptin was similar to placebo
16 weeks. All patients received background therapy of met- during the randomized period. Two patients (2.1%; 0.091
formin. At the end of 16 weeks, the difference in HbA1c events/patient-years) in the teneligliptin group and three
and FPG levels between teneligliptin and placebo groups patients (3.1%; 0.226 events/patient-years) in the placebo
was −0.78% and −22.42 mg/dL, respectively. Significantly group reported hypoglycemic symptoms. A similar trend
higher percentage of patients achieved ADA goal (HbA1c of AEs/ADRs was noted in the open-label period. Only
<7%) in teneligliptin plus metformin group than placebo 0.5–0.7 kg increase in body weight was noted over the
plus metformin group (64.71% vs 13.24%, respectively; 52-week period. In patients with inadequate ­glycemic control

256 submit your manuscript | Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2016:9
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with glimepiride monotherapy, an addition of ­teneligliptin Continuous glucose monitoring was done successively for
improved glycemic control, which was sustained for 7 days. For the first 3 days (days 1–3), patients received
52 weeks. Teneligliptin therapy was well tolerated.25 insulin with or without other antidiabetic drugs, and for the
next 4 days (days 4–7), teneligliptin 20 mg once daily was
Teneligliptin added to pioglitazone in added to existing therapy. Insulin dose was kept constant
patients with T2DM throughout the study period. Significant improvement in
Kadowaki et al evaluated the efficacy and safety of teneli- various glycemic parameters, such as 24-hour mean glucose
gliptin added to pioglitazone in patients with T2DM. Two levels, a proportion of time in normoglycemia, mean ampli-
hundred and four patients with T2DM receiving pioglitazone tude of glycemic excursions, and total area under the curve
(15 mg/d or 30 mg/d) monotherapy for at least 12 weeks and within 2 hours after each meal, was noted with the addition
reporting inadequate glycemic control (HbA1c 6.8%–10.3%) of teneligliptin. No significant increase in the proportion
were randomized to receive teneligliptin 20 mg or a placebo of time in hypoglycemia and high-sensitivity C-reactive
through a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo- protein levels was noted with the addition of teneligliptin.
controlled, parallel-group, Phase III clinical trial. All patients This study concluded that in patients with T2DM receiving
were continued on a stable dose of pioglitazone in addition insulin therapy, with or without other antidiabetic agents, the
to teneligliptin or a placebo. After 12 weeks of the double- addition of teneligliptin reported significant improvement in
blind period, all patients continued a 40-week open-label diurnal glycemic control and significant reductions in glucose
period during which they received teneligliptin 20 mg or fluctuations in 24-hour periods without increasing the risk
40 mg. At 12 weeks, teneligliptin reported a significant of hypoglycemia.27
reduction in HbA1c of 0.9% compared to placebo of 0.2%
(P<0.001). The trend of reduction in HbA1c continued fur- Tolerability of teneligliptin
ther for 52 weeks. Patients who were receiving teneligliptin As mentioned earlier, teneligliptin was well tolerated in
during a double-blind period and who further continued on various clinical trials.22–27 Data from 1,183 patients reported
teneligliptin (T/T) during an open-label period reported a that 118 (10%) patients experienced AEs, and the most
reduction in HbA1c of 0.9% at 52 weeks. Patients who were common AEs were hypoglycemia (3%) and constipation
receiving placebo during a double-blind period and who (0.9%). Hypoglycemia can occur when other antidiabetic
further continued on teneligliptin (P/T) during an open-label drugs are coadministered.5 Intestinal obstruction may occur
period reported reduction in HbA1c of 0.7% at 52 weeks. with teneligliptin and must be administered cautiously in
Teneligliptin reported more reduction in FPG compared to patients with a history of intestinal obstruction or surgery.5
placebo (P<0.001) at 12 weeks, and this trend continued for This may be because of reduced gastrointestinal motility
52 weeks. Slightly higher incidences of AE/ADRs were noted due to enhanced activity of incretins. Cases of intestinal
in teneligliptin group compared to placebo group at week 12. obstruction were also reported with sitagliptin, vildagliptin,
Gastrointestinal disorders and skin disorders were commonly exenatide, and liraglutide.28
reported AEs. Two patients (1.9%) reported hypoglycemia; QT/QTc evaluation was studied for teneligliptin, this
however, all episodes of hypoglycemia were mild in severity. may be as a part of regular drug development program.5,29,30
Incidences of peripheral edema were low in both the groups, Reported evidence suggests that no QT prolongations were
and a slight increase in body weight was noted in both the noted with teneligliptin 40 mg daily dose. Nevertheless,
groups. Thus, improvement in glycemic control was noted mild and transient QTc prolongation can be seen at a supra-
with addition of teneligliptin in patients with T2DM with clinical dose of 160 mg/day given for a prolonged period.5,28
inadequate glycemic control with pioglitazone.26 Therefore, caution is exercised if the drug needs to be used
for a longer period of time in patients who are prone or have
Teneligliptin added to insulin therapy in comorbid arrhythmia/ischemic heart disease and along with
patients with T2DM medications known for QT prolongation.5,31
Efficacy of teneligliptin on glucose fluctuations in patients Cardioprotective effects of teneligliptin were studied in
with T2DM was analyzed in a prospective, nonblinded, pilot a small group (n=29) of patients with T2DM with a high
study involving 26 patients. These patients were treated with risk of chronic heart failure. Treatment with teneligliptin for
diet and insulin therapy with or without other antidiabetic 3 months reported improvements in left ventricular systolic
drugs for steady glycemic control in hospitalized setting. and diastolic function, endothelial function, and an increase

Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2016:9 submit your manuscript |
Sharma et al Dovepress

in circulating adiponectin levels.32 This evidence supports i­nteraction and elimination by renal and hepatic route are
cardioprotective effects of teneligliptin. some of the important clinically significant properties of
Summary and expert opinion Teneligliptin was systematically studied in various patient
Globally, prevalence of diabetes has reached an alarming profiles of T2DM as monotherapy and in combination with
stage with 415 million patients.1 This has a huge burden on metformin, glimepiride, pioglitazone, and insulin.22–27 These
public health system, and prompt intervention is required studies included short-term studies for 12 weeks and long-
to reduce various short-term and long-term complications term studies up to 52 weeks. These studies have reported a
associated with diabetes. In this situation, the addition of significant and clinically meaningful reduction of blood glu-
newer and effective medicines is always welcomed. cose with a reduction of HbA1c of 0.8%–0.9% in 12 weeks,
Teneligliptin is a novel DPP-4 inhibitor developed in which was maintained up to 52 weeks of teneligliptin therapy
Japan and recently available in some countries and pres- (Table 6). The landscape of these studies has also pointed out
ently under development in many countries.5–7,18 Teneli- that teneligliptin can be safely used as monotherapy and a
gliptin has a unique structure and binds to S1, S2, and S2 part of dual therapy.22–27
extensive subsite of DPP-4 enzyme leading to enhanced Additionally, there are some signals of possible pleio-
potency and ­selectivity.16,17 Once-a-day administration with tropic benefits of teneligliptin in terms of improvement in
maximum inhibition of DPP-4 enzyme within 2 hours and vascular endothelial function, body weight, and lipid levels.33
>50% ­inhibition has been noted at 24 hours; no drug–drug However, this needs to be confirmed in a well-designed

Table 6 Summary of some important teneligliptin studies

Study Treatment arm Design and duration (weeks) Sample Mean change in HbA1c (%)
Patients with T2DM inadequately controlled with diet and exercise
Kadowaki Teneligliptin 10 mg OD DB, PL-controlled, MC, PG, RCT, 12 weeks 324 Teneligliptin 10 mg: −0.8%*
and Teneligliptin 20 mg OD Teneligliptin 20 mg: −0.8%*
Kondo23 Teneligliptin 40 mg OD Teneligliptin 40 mg: −0.9%*
Placebo OD Placebo: 0.1%

Patients with T2DM inadequately controlled with metformin

Kim Metformina + teneligliptin DB, PL-controlled, MC, PG, Phase III, RCT, 204 Metformin + teneligliptin 20 mg: −0.87%**
et al24
20 mg 16 weeks
Metformina + placebo Metformin + placebo: −0.06%

Patients with T2DM inadequately controlled with glimepiride

Kadowaki Glimepirideb + DB, PL-controlled, MC, PG, Phase III, RCT, 194 At 12 weeks:
and teneligliptin 20 mg 12 weeks, followed by 40 weeks open-label Glimepiride + teneligliptin 20 mg: −0.7%
Kondo25 extension: Glimepiride + placebo: 0.3%
Glimepirideb + placebo Glimepiride + teneligliptin → glimepiride + At 52 weeks:
teneligliptin 20 mgd (T/T) Glimepiride + teneligliptin 20 mg (T/T):
Glimepiride + placebo → glimepiride + −0.6%***
teneligliptin 20 mgd (P/T) Glimepiride + teneligliptin 20 mg (P/T):

Patients with T2DM inadequately controlled with pioglitazone

Kadowaki Pioglitazonec + DB, PL-controlled, MC, PG, Phase III, RCT, 204 At 12 weeks:
and teneligliptin 20 mg 12 weeks, followed by 40 weeks open-label Pioglitazone + teneligliptin 20 mg: −0.9%*
Kondo26 extension: Pioglitazone + placebo: −0.2%
Pioglitazonec + placebo Pioglitazone + teneligliptin → pioglitazone + At 52 weeks:
teneligliptin 20 mgd (T/T) Pioglitazone + teneligliptin 20 mg (T/T):
Pioglitazone + placebo → pioglitazone + −0.9%***
teneligliptin 20 mgd (P/T) Pioglitazone + teneligliptin 20 mg (P/T): −0.7%***
Notes: aMetformin dosage: ≥1,000 mg/d. bGlimepiride dosage: 1–4 mg/d. cPioglitazone dosage: 15 mg/d or 30 mg/d. dUptitrated to 40 mg if required. T/T, patients who were
receiving teneligliptin during a double-blind period and who further continued on teneligliptin during an open-label period; P/T, patients who were receiving placebo during a
double-blind period and who further continued on teneligliptin during an open-label period. *P<0.001 versus placebo; **P<0.0001 versus baseline; ***P<0.001 versus baseline.
Data from previous studies.23–26
Abbreviations: AC, active controlled; DB, double blind; DD, double dummy; MC, multicentric; NB, nonblind; OD, once daily; PG, parallel group; PL, placebo; RCT,
randomized controlled trial; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus.

258 submit your manuscript | Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 2016:9
Dovepress Teneligliptin in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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