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Nirapara OS Completed Form

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This report is based on an Organizational study conducted at “K.K.R group of
companies, (NIRAPARA) Okkal. An organization study involves a comprehensive review
of an organization structure and staffing pattern. The major objectives are to determine the
structure of the management is serving the needs of the organization and if the staffing levels
are appropriate in the organization.
The major objective of Organization study is that operational efficiency and service delivery
can be enhanced through improved staff utilization and exporting relationship. An
organization is a planned co-ordination of a number of people and their activities for the
achievement of some specific goals through division of labor and hierarchy of authority. An
organization study involves the study of the structure and functioning of its departments. In
an organization study each and every department in an organization is observed and
analyzed in detail. An organization study may be conducted on a stand-alone project or may
be incorporated into management audit.
They have hierarchical orders that are engaged in co-operative activities and they all have
identical boundaries. So the study of the people in organization is important for future
managers. The study also gives the management trainee an opportunity to interact with the
people working in the organization and to internalize their good qualities. It is very helpful
to those who are not familiar with the organization.

1.2 Scope of the study

Scope of the study means what all things are covered during the organization study. The
following are the scope of the study:
 To study about the organization structure.
 To conduct a thorough study about the various strengths, weakness, opportunities and
threats of the organization (SWOT Analysis).
 To familiar with the functions of each department, how the managers handle each
issue in the departments.
 To understand about the history, activities, and products of the company.
1.3 Objectives of the study
 To get the awareness about the overall performance of the company.
 To ascertain the organization structure.
 To understand function and working of various departments.
 To know the duties and responsibilities of key personnel.
 To observe the work culture existing in the organization.
 To understand various practices applied in the organization.
 To improve management skill.

1.4 Reasons for selecting the company

KKR group grew into one of the most modern rice processing houses in India with the latest
world-class technology. The Nirapara brand became of the quality brand that is popular
among the customers. They have distributors in other major cities of India and outside India,
like UAE, Muscat, Oman, and Qatar etc. Considering the increasing demand for Nirapara
products, they are planning to appoint of more distributors all over the world. Nirapara is
the only brand in south India that got license to distribute their rice in Australia and America.
Now the group manufactures a wide range of food products like spices, pickles and other
products for world market, so they have infrastructure and departments. KKR mills are the
only rice mill in South India using the Z-sortex machine capable of optical inspection for
quality control. The company takes initiative to many social activities also. They provide a
good working environment to the employees and launching new products frequently. Social
acceptance and brand value of the company attracts me to select the organization. And the
tremendous growth of the company tends me to study about the organization.

1.5 Limitations of the study

 The managers, supervisors, workers etc. were busy at their own work.
 Due to inadequate time it is not possible to analyze all aspects relevant to study.
 Some company documents are confidential in nature. So it was not possible to include
those items


Rice cultivation is considered to have begun simultaneously in many countries over 6500
years ago. Rice cultivation is the principal activity and source of income for millions of
households around the world, and several countries of Asia and Africa are highly dependent
on rice as a source of foreign exchange earnings and government revenue. Rice mill Industry
is flourishing day by day, since rice is an unavoidable commodity for our day today life.
Kerala is a consumer state. We have to depend on other states in order to get paddy.
Food processing is seen as an industry with quick returns, whose gestation period is much
less than that of other industries. This is also the reason why a large number of NRI investors
have shown keen interest in food processing. In the past seven years, since food processing
became the ‘new wave industry’, many foreign giants have decided to enter this segment of
the Indian market. The changing life-style of the people, the increase in urban population,
the rise in the literacy level and the enlarged T. V coverage have triggered greater scope for
the food processing industry. The two characteristics governing consumption of processed
food in the household sector are the change in food habits and standard of living of the
The food processing industry covers the entire range from wheat flour, rice milling, oil
extraction, sugar etc., to the latest of the ‘ready to eat’ kind of tinned and preserved foods.
The products need to be manufactured and marketed appropriately in order to tap the
domestic and export potentials of rice, wheat, cereal products, sugar, preservatives,
confectionery, dairy products, fruits, vegetables; fish products, meat, poultry, ice creams,
tea and coffee .

2.1.1 Problems
The industry has been facing a number of constraints; unreliable database for availability of
raw materials, shortage of raw materials, infrastructural limitations, limited research and
development support, difficulties in technology transfer and absorption, unorganized state
of industry, inadequate incentives, problems relating to quality control, implementation of
the prevention of Food Adulteration Act, high cost of product development and promotion,
taxation policies that continue to treat this

industry as catering to the elite sections and problems relating to packing. The policy
measures, which the government has sought to initiate, are meant to remove those
constraints. The Government of India encourages the food processing industry very well.
2.1.2 Global scenario
Rice is the second largest produced cereal in the world. At the beginning of 1990’s
annual production was around 350 million and by the end of the century it reached 410
million tons. The world’s major producing countries- including the two most popular
nations, china and India – have emphasized the importance of continuing to develop new
rice verities to guarantee Asia’s food security and support the region’s economic
Production is geographically concentrated in western and eastern Asia. Asia is the biggest
rice producer, accounting for 90% of the world’s production and consumption of rice. China
and India, which account for more than one third of global population supply over half of
the world’s rice. Brazil is the most important non-Asian producer, followed by the United
States. Italy ranks first in Europe.
At least 114 countries grow rice and more than 50 countries have an annual production of
1, 00,000 tons or more. Asian farmers produce 90% of the total, with two countries, china
and India. For most rice producing countries where annual production exceeds 1 million
ton, rice is the staple food. In Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand and
Vietnam, rice provides 50-80% of total calories consumed. Notable exceptions are Egypt,
Nigerian and Pakistan, where rice contributes only 5-10% of per capita daily caloric intake.
Today rice is grown and harvested on every continent except Antarctica, where conditions
make its growth impossible. Asian farmers still account for 92% of the world’s total rice
production. More than 550 million tons of rice is produced annually around the world. There
are thousands of strains of rice today, including those grown in the wild and those which are
cultivated as crop.
 Asia is the biggest rice producer, accounting for 90% of the world’s production and
consumption of rice.

 Per capita rice consumption has declined in recent years in many of the wealthier rice-
consuming countries, such as Japan, the Republic of Korea and Thailand, because
rising incomes have enabled people to eat more varied diet.
 Although rice is widely grown and consumed, less than 6% of world population (20-24
million tons) is traded annually.


Table No. 2.1

2.1.3 Indian Scenario

India is one of the world’s largest producers of white rice and brown rice, accounting for
20% of all world rice production. Rice is essential to life in India. It is a part of nearly every
meal, and it is grown on a majority of rural farms. This country has the biggest area under
rice cultivation, as it is one of the principal food crops. Agriculture is the means of livelihood
of about two-thirds of the work force in the country. The demand for rice in India is
projected at 128 million tons for the year 2012 and will require a production level of 3000
kg/hectare. Some facts about rice in Indian scenario are as:

 Agriculture is the main source of income for families in India. Farms cover over the half
of the land and almost three-quarters of that land is used to grow the two major grains:
rice and wheat.
 India’s annual production is around 90-100 million tons.
 In India rice is cultivated in both seasons – Kharif (80-85 %) and Rabi. Only in Southern
India, due to its tropical environment condition, it can be cultivated in Rabi season also.

 West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, Orissa, Assam,
Karnataka and Haryana are the major producing states. More than 50% of total
production comes from the first four states.
 Food Corporation of India purchase around 20-255 of the total rice production in the
country both under levy from the rice mills and directly in the form of paddy from the
farmers at Minimum Support Prices announced by the Govt.
 More than 4000 varieties of rice are grown in India. However, government classifies rice
into two categories: common (length to breadth ratio less than 2.5) and Grade A (length to
breadth ratio more than 2.5).
 India’s basmati rice and non-basmati rice exports are valued at US $800 million per annum
 India is the world’s largest exporter of Basmati rice, selling about 6-7 lakh tons of the
premium rice mostly to Middle East Countries, Europe and the United States every year.

2.1.4 State Scenario

Rice is the staple food of Keralites from time immemorial. It has been an essential
ingredient of a ‘Malayalees’ diet, especially for the old and middle aged generation. Paddy
is the main crop in Kerala. Earlier paddy processing was considered as a house hold business
and paddy processing done by the female members of the family. As time passed, with the
increase in consumption, production and productivity as well as the change of joint-family
system to nuclear family system, rice mills on modern began to flourish. With the
introduction of high-yielding varieties which in turn resulted in massive increase in
productivity led to the emergence of middlemen in paddy trading. Bulk purchases were
made by them on the behalf of the producers and products were flown from production
centers to the trading centers this in turn necessitated the establishment of sophisticated
modern rice mills.

It is estimates that the rice requirement of Kerala is about 7500 tons per day whereas the
production within the state is grossly inadequate to meet the requirement. The productivity
of paddy in the state at the current level is sub optimal, meeting only

15% of the requirement, and the remaining 85% requirement is met from the neighboring
states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.

Modern rice mills are scientifically up-to-date units, with most modern plant and machinery.
Rice produced in a Modern rice mill would be of superior quality and thereby finding greater
customer acceptance. Further, the bye-product of such Mills, Rice bran could find great
demand as raw material among solvent extraction Plants. Paddy cultivation was part of the
proud culture of Kerala state. In Kerala you can see vast green paddy fields. Kuttanad is
called as rice bowl of Kerala because of rice cultivation. Kerala government has
implemented novel schemes under food security programmed for special rice production
areas like Kole, Pokkali, Kuttanad, Onattukara, Purakkad Kari, Kattampalli, Palakkad, etc.
Paddy cultivated in almost all districts.

Rice production has experienced continuous decline in area over 2 decades. Rice production
touched it’s of around 14 lakhs tons in the mid-seventies. Even at its peak level internal
production was hardly sufficient to meet 50% of states requirement. Consequent to the
enormous pressure which high value crops like coconut, banana, pineapple and rubber have
exerted area under paddy has declined from its peak coverage of 8.81 lakhs hectares in mid-
seventies to 3.05 lakhs hectares in 2003-2004. In the earlier days rice used to be cultivated
almost in all parts of Kerala in three seasons. They were Mundakan, Viruppu and Puncha.
In the present scenario it is difficult to do rice cultivation in the state due to high labour cost
and shortage of farmers who have interest in cultivation of rice. By adopting good quality
seedlings, adequate use of organic manure, integrated water and pest management Kerala
farmers can increase rice yield and thereby profit from it. Also paddy fields are being
converted into filled up lands.

Rice fields are slowly diminishing from Kerala, creating threat to food security of the State.
For conversion of paddy fields, Kerala government had made law to stop filling the paddy
fields for uses like construction and cultivation of cash crops like Rubber, Coconut tree etc.
There has been an unprecedented hike in the price of rice over Kerala for the last three years.
At present, the paddy milling capacity available

in the State is about 3000-5000 tons per day giving an output of only about 2000 tons of rice
per day, leaving a huge gap which is met by Public Distribution system (PDS) and by import
of paddy/rice from other states. As per figures from Rice Mills Owners Association, there
are about 125 rice mills operating in the state, out of which about 50% are modern
sophisticated units with Whitener and color sortex machinery and others are partially
modernized or upgraded from the traditional rice mills( by incorporating dryer systems).
The remaining units are having capacity to process only about 10 tons of paddies per week.

2.1.5 Trends in paddy cultivation

Rice is the staple food for the people of Kerala, and traditionally, the cultivation of rice
has occupied pride of place in the agrarian economy of the state. The area under paddy
cultivation increased substantially doting the first fifteen years after the state formation –
from 7,60,000 hectares in 1955-56,rice accounted for the highest share of gross cropped
area in Kerala(32 percent of the total). There was however , a steady decline in the area
under rice cultivation from the 1980s onwards- from 8,50,000 hectares in 1980-81 to
5,60,000 hectares in 1990-91, 3,20,000 hectares in 2001-02 and 2,30,000 hectares in 2007-
08. Today rice occupies only the third position among Kerala’s agricultural crops with
respect to area under cultivation, and it is far behind coconut and rubber.

Between 2007-08 and 2009 -10 the area under rice cultivation in Kerala increased by 5000
hectares and the production of rice in the State increased by 69,300 tonnes. The average
productivity of rice cultivation in Kerala rose from 2,218 kg/hectare in 2002-03 to 2,557
kg/hectare in 2009-10. These increases may be termed marginal, but, given the steady
decline in paddy cultivation in Kerala through the 1990s and 2000s, a reversal of that trend,
however small, in itself a remarkable feat.

2.2 Company Profile

Mr. K. K. Karnan started rice manufacturing business in a small way. In the beginning paddy
was boiled in large copper vessel and was dried on mats before removing the husk in milling.
Thus the rice was manufactured in traditional way in small quantities and sold locally. Later
in 1976 a rice mill with a small huller was installed and rice with better quality was
introduced in the market of Kerala, but in small quantities. That was the beginning of Mr.
K. K. Karnan’s entry into the different markets of Kerala.

In 1992 he imported computerized sortex machine and introduce it in the process line. The
sorting process helped in sorting only the quality rice thus removing all black rice. Black
rice is caused by the attack of insects to the paddy. This black rice used to cause stomach
upsets. By using the sortex machine Nirapara is able to give the best rice to customers. This
is how Nirapara silky sortex rice came to the market. Not only good looking rice but also
quality rice with all nutritious factors is given to the customers. Nirapara become a synonym
for quality rice.

In 1993 with the firm intention of modernizing the manufacturing process, a new plant with
par-boiling system was installed. This system helped in retaining all nutritious factors of
rice without losing them during the process. Thus he is able to supply customer’s quality
rice, which had all nutritious factors. The quality conscious people of Kerala encouraged
him by purchasing more and more of Nirapara. He made it his goal that he will give quality
rice to the customer.

Care is taken and many quality control measures are introduced and complied with during
the entire process from sourcing the paddy to reaching the quality rice to the customer.
Nirapara rice and rice products are now available and sold not only in Kerala but also other
states of India and exported to other foreign countries also. Nirapara rice products are
prepared by retaining the nutritious factors of rice in traditional Kerala style of preparation.
Only selected quality sorted rice which is full

of factors that give taste are used in the preparation of these rice products. These rice
products are used in the preparation of different Kerala snacks and dishes.

Mr. K.K.Karnan has his presence in the social, culture and economic fields. Mr.
K.K.Karnan is the award winner of ‘Akshaya Puraskara’ for traditional industry in 2000,
Treasure of all Kerala rice mill owners Association and member of all Rice India Exporters
Association. His wife Mrs.Ammini Karnan is looking after the manufacturing of rice
products and his son Mr.Biju Karnan who joined his father in this field after pursuing MBA
is assisting him.

The factory of KKR Mills is located in Okkal Township, near Kochi. The facility is
equipped with the latest technology in the world for every aspect of paddy-right from
cleaning, drying, and bran removal, polishing, and finally sorting. This infrastructure of
around 25 crore of rupees is one of the largest in India.

KKR mills are the only rice mill in south India to use the Z-Sortex machine capable of
optical inspection for quality control. This machine scans every grain of rice and removes
discolored, broken, and immature rice, ensuring that only rice that meets the specification
calibrated in the computer is selected for packaging. The result is beautiful rice of even size,
color and bran that is a feast for the eyes and a whole some meal. NIRAPARA- the brand
name in which KKR mills market’s rice today the largest selling brand in Kerala and has
become a household name. The KKR mill is now all set to become a name to reckon within
food. KKR mills boasts of a state of the art plant with the highest level of technology in the
world ensuring products that meet the stringent quality and hygienic standards.

The other prestigious divisions of KKR group include Vydyaa Ayurveda and herbals, Bik
Herbals & Extractions, Succor Health Care, Solace Research Pvt. Ltd, Bikaura Power
Solutions Pvt. Ltd, K.K.R Petroleum Products, Five Star Metals Pvt. Ltd, KKB Fencing
Company LLC, Dubai

About the Company

Name and address KKR Group of Companies

Okkal P.O. Kalady,
Ernakulam Dist. Kerala -
Website :
Registered office Okkal
Established 1976
KKR Group of companies KKR Agro Mills Pvt. Ltd
KKR Products & marketing
Pvt. Ltd
Promoters Mr. K.K. Karnan
Mrs. Ammini Karnan
Mr. Biju Karnan

Workforce 1300
Target growth of sales 18%

Table No. 2.2


Chairman : K.K.Karnan
Vice Chairman : Biju Karnan
CEO : Binu Das
Production (Rice) : Varghese P
Production (Food) : Dileep K
Purchase : Manoj P
Finance & costing : Pratheesh
Accounts : Mani C S
HR : Shynjith T Sasi
G M Sales & Marketing : Timsha
R&D : Midhun joy
Export : Nisha Arun
TMM : Suhas Surendranath

2.2.2 Company Objectives

The success of the company depends on the effective and well defined objectives.
Objectives in General
 To simulate consumers to make purchase.
 To introduce new product.
 To encourage existing customers to buy more.
 To be more competitive in the market.
 To create more sales in off-season.
 To promote export business.
 To introduce quality control technique for improving the quality of the product.
 To provide service to society through ‘janaseva’.
 Has set a target of achieving a business turnover of Rs.1, 000 crore in the next five years.

Economic Objectives
 Profit Maximization
 Cost Minimization
 Production of goods
 Creating customers
 Innovations

Social Objectives
 Quality goods and services
 Reasonable price
 Provision of employment
 Utilization of resources properly
 Welfare of employees.

2.2.3 Values of the company

 High quality products
 Customer Orientation.
 Good relation between management, employees and workers

 ISO 22000-2005 certification
 ISO 9001-2000 certification
 HACCP Certification ( Hazard Analysis Critical control Point)

Mission statement
The mission of the company is to deliver high quality food products that set themselves
apart from others in taste and value.

Vision statement
The KKR Group of Companies has a great vision of becoming a leader of fast moving
consumer goods and products. Its vision is to provide total consumer satisfaction through
continuous improvement in production process and services.


NIRAPARA rice is available in a wide range of verities suit various tastes-brown
rice, white rice, round-grained and long grained varieties. Besides theses, there are special
rice varieties for the varied traditional food all over the world. Rice is being the staple food
from breakfast to dinner and dessert. Nirapara’s range in the lives of the people especially
of south India. Nirapara rice is the only rice, which using nutria- select process, which
ensures that only the best quality rice is used. The optimum value of vitamin- B is selected
by the Z-sortex machine and then packed. Sortex machine is with 32 micro cameras for
sensing rice. The characteristic feature of Nirapara rice is its double boiling. All the activities
are controlled by a control panel program logical control system. And in Nirapara brand
there are four kinds of products which are sells mainly. They are; 1) rice products 2) rice
flours 3) spices and 4) pickles

2.3.1 RICE
The rice which has been dried and separated from the husk is subjected to neutral selection
processing and packaging by highly advanced Z3- Sortex units that employs ‘optical
inspection’ to maintain quality control on all its products. The result is that NIRAPARA’S
consumers. The verities of rice’s are follows;

Palakkadan matta - short again (unda) is single boiled round white rice. It is bold and short.
Matta rice has many nutritional benefits over white rice that is perfect for the preparation of
idli, Dosa and is also, used for traditional Kerala food items Puttu, Appam, Idiyappam and
Pathiri etc.


Palakkadan matta- long grain (vadi) is a major ingredient in many south Indian dishes.
Kerala matta rice has very content of nutrients and is very unique in taste and
color. Matta rice has many nutritional benefits over white rice. This rise is so filling and also
less in calories. Red parboiled short grained rice. It takes lesser time to get cooked when
compared among the group and is also rich in fiber and vitamin B content.

NIRAPARA’S signature jaya rice is the traditional, staple diet of Kerala. This rice is an
ingenious variety of rice grown primarily in the Palakkad region of Kerala. With its unique
flavor, color, size and crispness make it an ideal companion for all traditional Kerala
dishes. Nirapara jaya rice is processed in the state of –the-art Z-Sortex processors with
utmost care given to hygiene and quality, makes it the most widely recognized rice and is
exported from Kerala across the globe. Each grain is defined in shape, size and is parboiled
to retain its rich nutritional value.


Nirapara single boiled rice is specially formulated broken rice with high nutritional value
and easy digesting in nature. It is preferred by recuperating patients due to the high
standards of quality and ease of digestion with a low fat and carbohydrate content. Nirapara
single boiled rice is known for its high energy content and chewy texture. The porridge
made from broken rice is a trusted source of nutrients for small kids and recuperating
adults. In the Ayurveda treatment, some treatments are mandated to be paired with a clean
diet of broken rice for the patients.

Nirapara ponni rice is amongst the most favored ponni rice brand across south India. Ponni
rice is the staple rice variety of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh and it is a very
high yielding healthy rice variant which is generally designed for optimized cultivation.
Ponni rice is used in Kerala too. Nirapara ponni rice is a pre-boiled version of the famed
ponni; the name derived from the word denoting gold in Tamil and is almost as, famous
as matta in Kerala. It is a medium grain rice variety which is soft and expands lengthwise
when cooked.

Surekha rice has many nutritional benefits over the white rice. Since this rice is
comparatively thin and long to white rice, it takes less time to cook.

Jeerakasala rice, also known as wayanadan kaima, is popular traditional small aromatic
rice. Calicut biryanis are usually made with this special rice.

Par boiled/ double boiled round rice which is shorter in size and white in color. Red
parboiled long grained rice; the most popular and preferred rice in Kerala and is the tastiest
among the group.


Nirapara’s wide array of traditional Kerala rice products stay true to Kerala’s unique flavor
while proving to be nothing short of a delectable feast for your taste buds. With supreme
taste and a richness that melts in your mouth. Nirapara’s scrumptious rice products have
been making daily breakfast a lingering experiences both, in taste and togetherness for
families all over Kerala. They are;

Puncha puttupodi is the special type of puttupodi. Its preparation involves an intricate
process, where the rice is milled by retaining the bran surrounding the grain which is
highly nutritious and rich in fiber content.

Vattayappam, the steam rice cake, is a typical Kerala Christine cuisine. It is one of the
most common sweet in central Travancore households and an unavoidable ingredient
of all festival. It is a healthy evening snack best served with a cup of tea or coffee.

Pathiri is a traditional dish which is exclusive to the palette of the Kerala cuisine. It is thin
rice pancake made of fine ground rice. Pathiri or pathil is a tasty breakfast or dinner dish,
which tastes good with especially non-vegetarian accompaniments. It is a staple diet of the
Muslim community, primarily in north Malabar. Pathiri has already made its mark across
Kerala due its extreme light texture and melting softness. Nirapara pathiri powder is ground
to perfection, making it the perfect ingredient for mouthwatering pathiris.

Wheat based traditional foods are popular in Kerala. Chemba puttupodi is made by using
different variety of rice in balanced combination. It is the balanced combination of rice
power and wheat.

Idli is the most famous south Indian breakfast dish in any south Indian cuisine. Nirapara idli
podi is the soft idli batter which is your ideal companion in making soft, tasty idlis.
Dosa is undoubtedly the king of south Indian breakfast cuisine, which is a traditional
pancake made of rice batter, has made its mark on the taste buds across the globe. Nirapara
Dosa powder is a preferred Dosa batter for restraints and homes to its fine nature and perfect
ratio of rice to lentils. The rice as well as lentils is first processed in latest technology
machines to achieve the famed Nirapara quality, without losing its nutritional value. Then
the ingredients are processed in ideal ratio and controlled conditions, giving Nirapara Dosa
powder its unique taste and quality.

From Kerala in south India comes Nirapara uppuma rava, a coarse version of wheat flour.
It is used to make the dish.


With Nirapara easy palappam podi enjoy the melting softness of the appetizing Kerala
breakfast without losing the traditional taste and texture. “The perfect way to make the
perfect traditional breakfast, with an instant mix”.


Nirapara brings you a quick and staple healthy breakfast with the goodness of corn. Corn
puttu is also a tasty appetizer. Indulge yourself in delightful and healthy way to start your


Corn idiyappam is oil free and steam cooked food item. Since the dish belongs to cuisine
which is oil free, it makes a healthy breakfast with Nirapara corn idiyappam podi.

Avalose podi or avilose podi is a podi is a rice powder dish that can be used to prepare
avilose unda (a sweet dish). Avalose unda is used in Kerala as a snack.
Healthy, nutritious and yummy rice idiyappam, the authentic cuisine of Kerala made in an
instant with Nirapara instant idiyappam.


Broken rice or rice bit is the imperfect shape of rice kernel that broke to less than three-
fourth of the whole rice kernel. Make yummy delicacies using the finest quality Nirapara
broken rice.


Aval uppma is one easy and healthy breakfast recipe. Many people like the recipe’s
simplicity and amazing flavors too, inspires of its simplicity. A lot of people love all the
dishes that are made with Aval/ poha/ flattened rice, mainly because of its simplicity. Even
a soaked sweet version of Aval with jiggery can be eaten as snack in the evenings.

The most favored variety of rice used for payasam/ kheer, due to the taste, aroma and quality,
payasam rice is distinct from other varieties of rice due to its distinctive reddish tint,
signature rawness and unmatched non-sticky nature dish.


Wheat and wheat based products have been popular with Kerala’s as well as other rice
consuming population since time immemorial. To cater to these popular demands, Nirapara
has been bringing to the market a wide range of wheat based products.


Wheat based traditional foods are also popular in Kerala. Chakki fresh chappathi Atta is
ground wheat without any additions or substations, and thus is in more natural form.
Nirapara also has wheat flour which is used to make softs chappathi’s a popular Indian


Wheat based traditional foods are also popular in Kerala. Wheat puttu is a tasty and healthy
snack. People usually make this puttu for die evening. Nirapara’s
wheat puttu gives you different delicious experiences which even the traditional puttu in
Kerala cannot give.

Rava or sooji as it is called is a purified variety of wheat middling’s is used primarily for
preparing uppma, pancakes, baby cereals, rava Dosa and sweet dishes like kesari/ ksheera,
Nirapara rava/ sooji is also famous across India for the preparation of halva.


Nirapara broken wheat is made from high quality durum wheat that is rich in proteins and
mush more nutrient than any other major food grain including maize and rice. Nirapara
broken wheat is the preferred ingredient for uppma and other

traditional south Indian breakfast dishes made from wheat. There is certain biryani verities
also prepared from Nirapara broken wheat.

The pickle is a side dish without which an Indian meal is incomplete. Prepared in a
traditional manner using a variety of vegetables, masalas and oil to maintain international
standard in quality, taste and nutritional value, Nirapara employees the latest technological
advances in producing its line of mouthwatering pickles, which are prepared using assorted
ingredients of the highest quality, under the watchful eyes of some Kerala’s well renowned
culinary experts.


Nirapara tender-mango pickle is a delicacy risqué to Kerala. This amazing pickle is true to
its name and is made from tender, young, unripe mango. Like most pickles, tender- mango
pickles are prepared using traditional spices and edible oil unlike most other pickles, it is
aged ideally in the traditional pickle urns for at least a week. Nirapara tender- mango pickles
ensure that the tender mangoes remain unwrinkled and soaked thoroughly in the spice and
salt mixture that is used to preserve it.
Cut-mango pickle gets its name from the way mango pieces are sliced into big cubes to be
pickled. They are commonly served at hotels and at home are an accompaniment with rice
meals. Nirapara cut-mango pickle uses the best quality mangoes and pure edible oil in
preparing this product.


Simple and tasteful recipe that is extremely popular in south India. Malayalees favorite
comfort food when served with kanji.


Nirapara hot-lime pickle or also just known as lime pickle is among the most commonly
consumed pickles in India. The hot and tangy flavor makes it a very common dish enjoyed
by all. Though lime pickles are relatively easy to prepare, they are lot edible for at least a
few weeks. Only over time, the thick skin of the lime softens and the flavors are fully
absorbed. Nirapara brings to your table carefully prepared and aged hot- lime pickle,
perfected to add an extra zing to any home cooked meal.

Gooseberry or commonly also known as Amla is consumed raw and also as pickles. It is
rich in nutrient and they are widely used in Ayurveda medicines and treatments Nirapara
prepares its gooseberry pickle from dehydrated and sliced gooseberries and the mix of
traditional spices. The final products is ready to eat normally after letting the pickle rest for
about two days to bring out the aroma.


Simple and tasteful recipe that is extremely popular in south India. Malayalees favorite
comfort food when served with kanji.

Garlic pickle, a mélange of flavors marinated with garlic combined with spices, to make a
rich, complex, bold spicy pickle.
Nirapara ginger pickle is another south Indian pickles be a lot spicier than the north Indian
varieties of pickles. It is prepared using peeled and shredded or crushed ginger soaked in
tamarind pulp and a whole lot of traditional spices are added to it.

“A unique flavorful and aromatic pickle”. We can make fish pickle by using sardine, butter
fish, seer fish, prophet etc. we include a non-veg item daily in our menu.

True to its fishing roots and its coastal tradition of pickling seafood, Nirapara prawn pickle
delivers the goodness of Kerala spices prepared with fresh prawns are de-shelled and
deveined which are cooked in a rich mix of Indian spices and allowed to cool and soak for
a few days before it is bottled for consumption. Nirapara prawn pickle is offers ready to eat
pickle packed with the best fresh prawns and spices. It is normally consumed as an
accomplishment with rice based meals or any Indian bread.


Pickle or chutney lay on the table during meals increases hunger as well as the food’s taste.
There are numerous types of pickles which are made in different ways. You can make a
mixed pickle comprising cauliflowers, carrots, peas, beans, turnip etc. and have it with your


 We are one of the few to manufacture a bitter gourd pickle in the Kerala. This is an
authentic homemade pickle made with the goodness of bitter gourd that can add a pinch
of bitterness to your main course.


Kadumanga pickle is every keralites favorite kadumanga is also very popular during lent,
since christens abstain from non-veg dishes and pickles are in high demand.
Vedukapuli pickle one traditional Kerala style pickle made from vadukapuli (wild lemon) a
sweet and tart pickle usually served for traditional feast in Kerala.

Shathavari is one among the herbal plant that must be in your garden. They can be eaten as
raw salad, boiled or steamed; stir-fried and can be stored long pickle form. Authentic spicy
pickle made from shathavari (asparagus) with aromatic spices.


Authentic spicy pickle made from nutmeg with aromatic spices. Non-native may not have
heard of nutmeg fruit, much less of nutmeg pickles. The spices are available aplenty, Kerala
in south India.

This is one of the sought after pickle from Nirapara. The traditional Syrian Christian variety
favorite made from beef/ stew meet with aromatic spices.


Simple and tasteful recipe that is extremely popular in south India. Malayalees one favorite
comfort food when served with kanji.

Simple and tasteful recipe that is extremely popular in south India. Malayalees favorite
comfort food when served with kanji.

Authentic home style pickle made from clam with aromatic spices. Enjoy special quality of
rusted pickle clam that goes well with most rice dishes.


An authentic home style pickle made from mussels with aromatic spices. Mussels’ pickle is
the best tasty pickle from Nirapara which is among famous Kerala pickles which will
stimulate your buds.

Simple and tasteful recipe that is extremely popular in south India. Malayalees favorite
comfort food when served with kanji.

2.3.5 SPICES
To health discerning housewives world over prepare service that are tasty and nutritious
while in essence remaining truly “keraleyan” KKR food products in 2002, launched the
pioneering Nirapara curry masala brand. In order to ensure cent percent purity, Nirapara
curry masala unit is the only food processing unit in Indian where in the products are
subjected to a four stage process of steam sterilization to render them completely germ free.


“Sit back and savior the taste of homemade iyengar sambar”. All with Nirapara food
signature recipe, made the authentic Hindu Brahmins way. Garnish it with finally chopped
coriander leaves and enjoy it with rice, Dosa or idli.


Travancore sambar curry is the vegetarian curry dish served along with rice. It is a traditional
Kerala recipe. The Travancore sambar with idlis or dosas makes a good combination for a

quick breakfast.


Varuthara is mutton masala that is roasted one. The precise proportional blend oil cumin,
garam masala, chili powder, onions, peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, coriander green, oil,
turmeric, clove, water, salt, mutton, ginger & garlic paste and tomatoes to make your cooked
mutton taste like never before.
Chili powder is the dried pulverized shoot of one or more varieties of chili. It’s used as spice
to add pungency flavor to various dishes. Chili powder blenders are popular in many types
of cuisine.

Chicken curry is a common delicacy in south-Asia and in the Caribbean, where it is usually
referred to as curry chicken. A typical south- Asian curry consist of chicken stewed in an
onion and tomato based souse, flavored with ginger, garlic, chilies and variety spices
which includes turmeric, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, cardamom and so on. Outside
south-Asia, chicken curry is often made with a pre made spice mixture known as curry

Meat masala is spices mix used in Kerala cuisine. It is typically used to marinate various
types of meat which can either be rubbed on to pieces of meat as a dry powder mix or
combined with oil to make a paste that easily cotes the meat.

A perfect blend for an aromatic spicy mouthwatering mutton dish will make a perfect

companion to different dishes like chapatti, biryani or even rice.

The blend use of pure spices in accurate measurements that it brings out the best in one
your favorite fish and make it ready to eat in no time


Nirapara fish fry masala the freshly ground special masala which gives the authentic taste
to fish fry, make enough as it is sure to disappear.


Vegetable masala is a mixture of vegetable like potatoes, carrots, peas and beans cooked
with onions and tomatoes adding spices like garam masala powder ginger & garlic powder.

Its blend of whole spices lightly roasted and powdered. It’s used specially for biryanis.
The masala powder adds not only a flavor but also a faint aroma that is required in a perfect


The routes of this recipe are the Portuguese and are widely prepared among the Syrian
Christians in Kerala, India. Basically you cut the beef into small cubes and fry it in the
spicy, ingredients.


Chili chicken is the main accompaniment of Chinese dishes like paratta, chappathi etc…


Chicken fried with pepper and other spices gives a peppery flavor and good taste to the
dish. It’s very spicy and served with chappathy and other kinds of bread.


A luscious and irritable prone biryani with long grain rice cooked with succulent prone
pieces, chopped onions, tomatoes, chili, ginger, julienne and a medley of our prone biryani


Nirapara brings you a wide verity of tasty traditional Kerala recopies to your kitchen. They


Palada kheer mix which is made into palada kheer mix which is traditional delicacy of
Kerala. The preparation of which is laborious, time consuming and requires professional
skill. Enjoy the tongue tickling traditional delegacy of Kerala in a few minutes.

Chakku kappi is the herbal medicinal decoction using pungent spices like dry ginger pepper
com cumin and an aromatic herb like tulasi/holy basil with a touch of jaggery and flavored
by coffee or tea.


When your taste buds looks for the much needed punch this flavorful coarsely powder
condiment/ chamthi podi comes to the rescue to finish your meal. Yet other treasure
hostilities bring and savor till they get back home and have fresh home cooked meal. The
tangy and spicy special spice mixture is adding an enhanced flavor to south-Indian dishes
such as idli and Dosa. It can be mixed with ghee, cooking oil, and served alongside south-
Indian dishes such as idli, Dosa, chapatti and rice.


When your taste buds looks for the much needed punch this flavorful coarsely powder
condiment/ chamthi podi comes to the rescue to finish your meal. Yet other treasure
hostilities bring and savor till they get back home and have fresh home cooked meal. The
tangy and spicy special spice mixture is adding an enhanced flavor to south-Indian dishes
such as idli and Dosa. It can be mixed with ghee, cooking oil, and served alongside south-
Indian dishes such as idli, Dosa, chapatti and rice.


When your taste buds looks for the much needed punch this flavorful coarsely powder
condiment/ chamthi podi comes to the rescue to finish your meal. Yet other treasure
hostilities bring and savor till they get back home and have fresh home cooked meal. The
tangy and spicy special spice mixture is adding an enhanced flavor to south-Indian dishes
such as idli and Dosa. It can be mixed with ghee, cooking oil, and served alongside south-
Indian dishes such as idli, Dosa, chapatti and rice.
3.1 Organization structure


Vice Chairman


Purchase Production GM HRD Manager Personnel

Manager Manager Marketing & Manager
Purchase Receptionist
Assistants Area Sales
Store Keeper Instructor
Sales Helpers

Finance Accounts R&D Quality Export

Manager Manager Manager Controller Manger

Cashier A M Rice Micro Supporting Export

Biologist Staffs Assistants

Cost A M Flour
Accountant Chemist

A.M Food

Drivers Helper

Chart No.3.1 Structure of Organization

Communication is an essential part for the success of any organization. There is a very
informal and direct communication in this company. It creates a positive feeling in the mind
of the employees. Communication among the workers is done with the help of circulars,
memos etc.

General Manager and other managerial personnel have authority in the concern. They can
take decisions in consultation with their subordinates. But they cannot take decisions,
which involve a financial commitment of higher amount with the consent of the chairman
or vice chairman.

Everyone in the organization has his own personality. The duties and responsibilities are
given to each of the employees upon his appoint. Managers head the departments. They
are responsible for the working of their respective departments. They report to the general

Department details
A department is a distinct section of the business establishment concerned with a
particular group of business activities. Department comprises a framework for an
organization and enable it to expand indefinitely. Departmentation aims at
 Specialization of activities for efficient performance.
 Simplifying task of management within a workable span.
 Maintaining co-ordination and control of the various activities.
4.1 Purchase Department

4.1.1 Structure of Purchase Department

Purchase Manager

Purchase Executives Store Keeper

Helpers Helpers

Chart No.4.1 Structure of Purchase Department

This department plays a very important role in the organization because purchasing has its
effect on every vital factor concerning the manufacturing, quality, cost, efficiency and
prompt delivery of goods to the customers. Its function is to procure materials ,supplies,
services, machine and tools at the most favorable terms consistent with consistent with
manufacturing the desired standard quality. The purchase system is centralized in Nirapara.
Centralized purchase department means that all the purchase functions are routed through
one department. This means all purchases should be made by the purchase department to
avoid duplication, overlapping and non-uniform procurements.
Purchasing will be;
Seasonal purchase – It includes the purchase of paddy, chilly, turmeric etc. Purchasing will
be mainly from open markets, supplyco, and also through agents. Paddy is mainly purchased
from Palakkad, Alappuzha, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka etc.
Daily purchase – It includes machine parts, office materials and other materials for the day
to day needs.
The purchase department in KKR Mills is mainly divided into 5 sections. Each section has
a purchase manager. The sections are:

 Purchase for raw material of spices and flour.

 Purchase of paddy
 Purchase of machine and other mechanical equipment’s.
 Purchase of packing material

4.1.2 Objectives of Purchase Department

o To make continuous availability of materials so that there may be uninterrupted flow of

materials for production.
o To make purchase competitively and wisely at the most economical prices.
o To make purchases in reasonable quantities to keep investment in materials at minimum.
o To develop good supplier relationship this will ensure the best terms of supply of
o To serve as an information center on the materials knowledge relating to prices, sources
of supply, specification, mode of delivery etc.

4.1.3 Functions of Purchase Department

 What to purchase?
 When to purchase?
 Where to purchase?
 How much to purchase?

 At what price to purchase? Procedures

 Receiving the purchase requisitions

 Exploring the sources of supply and choosing the supplier
 Preparation and execution of purchase order
 Receiving and inspecting material
 Checking and passing of bills for payment
1. Purchase requisition for intending materials
The purchase officer does not initiate any action for the purchase of materials on his own
accord. With the help of the purchase requisition, the purchase officer comes to know the type
of materials needed in the organization. The purchase requisition form used as a formal
request to the purchasing department to purchase materials. This form is prepared by the
storekeeper for regular items. The requisition is approved by an executive, such as the plant
superintendent or work manager. The form is generally prepared in triplicate. The original
copy is sent to the purchase department, the duplicate is kept by the storekeeper or the
department which initiates the requisition and the triplicate is sent to the authorizing

2. Exploring the sources of supply and choosing the supplier

A source of supply of materials must be selected after the receipt of the purchase requisition.
The purchase department usually maintains a list of supplier’s name and details for every
group of materials. Quotations may be invited from these suppliers by issuing tender to them.
The factors such as manufacturing capacity, reliability, financial conditions of the supplier,
terms of payment, terms of delivery, price quoted etc. should be considered while selecting
the supplier.

3. Purchasing Order

After choosing the supplier, the purchase department prepares a purchase order for the supply
of stores. The order is the written authorization to the supplier to supply the particular material
or materials. If five copies are prepared, the possible use may be as follows:

 The original copy is sent to the supplier

 One copy is sent to the receiving department
 One copy is sent to the accounting department
 One copy is retained by the purchase department for future references

4. Receiving and Inspecting materials

In large concerns, a separate Receipt and Inspections department independent of stocking
locations should be setup to receive and inspect materials. But in small concerns, the work
of receiving goods may be entrusted to the store keeper. On completion of inspection, the
goods receiving clerk should enter details of materials received in store or good received
Note. Five copies of the note should be prepared. One copy will be kept by the Receiving
Department and four copies along with the materials will be sent to the store keeper. He will
again check the quantities of materials and compare it with quantity given on the note.

5. Checking and passing of Bill for payment

When the invoices were received from the supplier, it is sent to the stores accounting section
to check both the authenticity as well as arithmetic accuracy. The quantity and price
mentioned in the invoice are checked with reference to stores receives note and purchase
order respectively.

Internal checks as regards purchase

KKR Mills adopt certain internal checks regarding purchase. They are:

 Checks whether purchase requisition showing correct quantity, quality, and time by
which the good are required.
 Accept best suitable tenders.
 Stores department should prepare “goods received note “
 Invoice clerk check the details of invoice
 Examine the debit notes and see that they are properly entered in purchase return book.

Internal checks as regards Stores

 Stores should located at convenient place

 On receipts of goods, they should be properly recorded by the stores keeper on “Good
Received Note “.
 Each item in the store should bear a reference number
 The system of Bin card is used to show the receipt, issues and balances of the stores.
 Stores accounting should be assigned to a separate document.

4.1.4 Responsibilities of purchase manager

 Check whether there is continuous availability of material.

 Provide better control on purchasing process
 Check purchase requisition or indenting of materials
 Checking and passing of bills of payment.
 Receiving and inspecting materials
 Select suitable based on terms and conditions
 Placing order for the supply of stores.

4.1.5 Responsibilities of store keeper

All manufacturing concerns appoint a person known as the store keeper. Chief store
superintendent is given the charge of the stores department and is also responsible for stores

 Receiving the stores correctly.

 Entering all receipts regularly in the Bin Cards.
 Keeping every item of stores in its allotted bin.
 Ensuring that materials are issued only to those who present a duly signed Requisition
 Ensuring that the stocks do not exceed the maximum level nor go below the minimum
level at any time..
 Carrying out a regular review of the item of stores in hand for locating slow-moving and
non-moving items so that steps may be taken for their disposal before they became

4.2 Production Department

4.2.1 Structure of Production Department (Rice)




Paddy inspector Packing/Dispatch

Chart No.4.2.1 Structure of Production Department (Rice

4.2.2 Structure of Production Department (Food Products)

Production in Charge

Plant Manager (Pickle) Plant manager (flour) Plant Manager

(Curry Powder)

Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor

Workers Workers Workers

Chart No.4.2.2 Structure of Production Department (Food Products)

Production department is deals with the process of producing Product. It means converting
input into output. Materials are a very important factor of the production process. It includes
physical commodities used to manufacture the final end product. Production is
manufacturing. Manufacturing was referring to the process of producing tangible goods
whereas production includes creation of both tangible as well as intangible service.

The company operates their production in three places.

 2 rice mills and 1 flour mill is located is situated in Okkal.

 1 rice mill, curry powder and pickle division was in the Chelamattom plant
 1 rice mill is located in kanjoor.

4.2.3 Functions of Production department.

 Control the production process.
 Evaluate and approve manufacturing equipment process, testing and test equipment.
 Assure that purchased materials confirms to the requirement of purchase orders and
 Perform inspection and tests at selected points in the production process.
 Control the handling, preservation and packing of material and equipment from receipt
through the shipment of the final product.
 Assure the flow of production is continuous and produce quality goods.

4.2.4 Responsibilities of key professionals

1. Production Manager
o Plan production of products as per the target allotted for the month.
o Check and verify the process sheet
- Parboiling and drying process sheet
- Milling process sheet
- Sortex section process sheet
- Packing register
- Mechanical maintenance register
- Electrical maintenance register
- Goods received register
- Final product stock register
o Inform the manager regarding the stock of by- product and other item.
o Ensure good control over the labours.
o Prepare weekly wage list and ensure disbursement of weekly wage by the cashier.
o Prepare a monthly salary statement and handover to the account department.
o Maintain the attendance register for production staff.
o Ensure leave sanction of all employees and one copy of leave application is forwarded to
HR department.
o Ensure that the pollution control norms are properly informed.
o Ensure timely water disposal from the mill.
o Conduct monthly meeting.

2. Paddy Inspector

o Inspect paddy when load arrives.

o Keep the godown and surrounding area clean and tidy.
o Collect excess husk in gunny bags and store properly in the available allotted space near
the drier of sale.
o Supervise loading and unloading of paddy.
o Timely loading of paddy into cutting task.

3. Mechanic head
o Ensure maintenance of all mechanical equipment.
o Maintain a register of schedule of maintenance.
o Maintain a register of repairs.
o Maintain all spares in a locker or spares room.

4. Milling Supervisor

o Supervise the milling operator’s duties.

o Ensure that all out sourced items are received at the respective godown.
o Ensure that all out sourced items are checked, packed and stocked correctly.
o Oversees duties of packing and dispatch supervisors.
5. Electrician

o Ensure that the electrical equipment is in working order at all times.

o Maintain a list of all electrical equipment in the mill including the transformer and
o Check oil level of transform and ensure timely maintenance.
o Maintain register of repairs carried out for all equipment separately.

6. Dispatch Supervisor

o Check the quality of rice before packing.

o Exercise control over the packing section.
o Maintain the stock position register.
o Ensure sufficient stocks of bags, tags and twine.
o Ensure proper stacking of packed products.
o Maintain good return register.
o Supervise the loading.

7. Parboiling Operator

o Ensure proper pre-cleaning of paddy and check working of all machines.

o Ensure that the greasing and oiling of pre-cleaner and drier machines and properly
exercised out in time.
o Check all parameters of soaking, boiling and drying.
o Check the moisture of paddy after drying.
o Ensure batch wise storage of paddy in bins.
o Maintain the process sheet and enter the details.

o Operate raw-cleaning, parboiling and drying section.

8. Milling Operator

o Check the type of paddy.

o Check the chaff valuable from the outlet and record weights.
o Record the productive hours.
o Check the coarse impurities.

9. Sortex Operator

o Check the type of rice and variety.

o Check the moisture level of rice.
o Record the intake bin numbers for KKR mills.
o Inform the production manager if the weight of black rice is above the laid down
permissible limits.
o Record the final storage bin numbers.
o Ensure cleaning and maintenance of conveyors and timely greasing and oiling.

4.2.5 Production Process

The manufacture of rice from paddy is done in three stages that is the parboiling, drying and
milling. From the paddy godown the paddy is transferred to raw paddy bin and the paddy
was separated as long and short grain. It was pre-cleaned using MTRA machine and
destonner where the impurities and immature paddy were removed.

The cleaned paddy is taken to the paddy storage tanks through an elevator, where it is
soaked in water to remove the immature paddy completely. The rice will be soaked for 6
hours. The soaked paddy is then taken to the parboiling tanks through a metal chute. The
paddy is boiled to the required level in the parboiling tank using the steam produced by the
boiler machine.


For drying the paddy will be shifted to the drying machine using a conveyor system. A
thermic fluid is used to pass hot air through the paddy. The water content in the hot air will
be removed using a heat exchanger machine. To keep the moisture level of paddy within
the limits the temperature should be maintained.

In the milling section, the dry paddy is taken to the precleaner where it is cleaned once again.
Using a huller machine, the husk will be removed first. The husk will be collected and used
as fuel for the different machines. Then it goes to a paddy separator which will separate the
unshelled paddy and the rice. The unshelled paddy will go back to the huller machine. The
rice will then go through the thickness grade which separates paddy which have 3mm
thickness and which won’t have. Because it is the standard thickness for the rice, which is
manufactured from the rice.

The rice will be polished by passing through 3 machines. After the polishing the bran of the
rice will be completely removed. The bran will be collected and used to make other by
products. After polishing, the rice will go the destonner machine and vibrator machine,
where the impurities and broken rice are completely removed.











The specialty of the NIRAPARA rice brand is, it is silky sortex rice. So to achieve this, the
rice will be passing through the polishing machine silky and the sortex machine. The silky
machine removes the oil content of the rice where the sortex machine is used to sort the rice
from the black rice. The sortex machine is a hi-tech machine has the capacity to sort 3 and
half tons of rice in an hour which will remove the black rice completely. The final product
will be superior in quality and it will dispatch after the packing.
4.3 Marketing Department
Today’s successful companies share along focus and hearty commitment to marketing.
Modern marketing seeks to attract new customers by promoting superior value and to keep
current customers by delivering satisfaction. Marketing combines many achieves such as
Marketing research, product, department, distribution, pricing, advertisement. Personal
selling, market strategy and other designed to sense, serve and satisfy consumer’s needs
while meeting the organization goals. The marketing concept proposes that in order to
satisfy its organizational objectives, an organization should anticipate the needs and wants
of consumers and satisfy these more effectively than competitors.

The KKR Group of companies markets a number of diversified products in the competitive
market. Marketing department works as a separate department with in the business
enterprise and deals with all the sales and market related activities.

The word marketing is a common word in every day’s life. It has a major role in a
manufacturing organization. Marketing is the distinguishing unique function of the
business. The main objectives of marketing goods and services are to satisfy the customers.
This department is considered as the assets of the company. Marketing managers are often
responsible for influencing the level, timing and composition of customers demand in a
manner that will achieve the company objectives.

Marketing Zones
South zone Central zone North zone
Idukki Ernakulam Kannur
Kottayam Alappuzha Palakkad
Trivandrum Thrissur
Pathanamthitta Kasargod
Kollam Calicut
Table No. 4.3.1








Chart No.4.3 Structure of Marketing Department

 Local area sales
 Rural marketing
 Interstate (Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Goa, Pune) marketing
 Exports (UK, Europe, USA & all the Middle east countries)

4.3.3 Responsibilities of key personnel

Marketing Manager

 Researching and reporting on external opportunities

 Managing marketing agencies
 Managing budget
 Brand development
 Making customer oriented decisions.

Area sales manager

 Give order & instructions to sales executives

 Conduct market analysis
 Give promotion technique including Advertisement, Direct selling, public relations.
 Solve complaints of customer by introducing quality products
 Prepare details of shops and quantity of sales
 Check whether there is any pending in product supply.
Sales Executives
 Collect orders from different shops
 Fix the driver’s route for sale
 Identify complaints of consumers
 Give information about consumers
 Inform about market which has more sale
Market Research Analyst

 To study customers buying behavior

 To study about marketing competition
 Preparation of reports and presentations
 Conducting advertising and promotional campaigns

4.3.4 Distributors

The KKR Group of companies has a large of distributors in Kerala, major cities in India
and abroad, U.A.E, Muscat, Bahrain, Oman, Canada, Qatar, Australia, etc. The company
selects the distributors in those places where Keralites are located. Considering the
increasing demand they have plants to increase the number of distributors. The
communication between the general manager, area sales manager, sales representatives and
distributors is through telephones and internet.

Distribution channels

The varied products are supplied to all the retail outlets all over Kerala. Direct marketing
system is followed to move the products from the manufacturer to retailer and then to
customer. The company is also having a small outlet for the sales of the products.

The main dealers include the supermarkets, wholesale institutional buyers, grocery shops,
etc... The length of the channel is one level channel which contains some selling
intermediaries as retailers. This is used by manufactures for marketing fashion merchandise.

Reasons for selecting direct selling

 Shortest and time saving method

 Saving of middle men profit
 Personal touch with customers
 Direct touch with markets
4.3.5 Advertising

Advertising is the process through which the consumers are getting information about the
product. It increases the sales and helps in creating a brand name and consumer loyalty. The
advertisement efforts can be channelized as follows:

 Wall paintings
 Boarding and boards
 TV\Radio\Newspaper
 Side panels on KSRTC Buses
The TV commercial was the main factor for the wide acceptance of the brand.

4.3.6 Pricing

The pricing depends upon many factors such as :

o Competitors price
o Cost of production
o Buying pattern of the consumers
o Distribution channel

Now the price of Nirapara ranges from 40-50 Rs/kg and available in 2-50 kg quantities.
Some products of the company get a high profit while others get a less amount of profit
4.4 Human Resource Department
4.4.1 Structure of HR Department






Chart No. 4.4 Structure of HR Department

This department involves specialized knowledge and approaches that allow more
emphasis on human resources and its proper selection, training and development. Personnel
management is the management of people employed. It is concerned with human resource
management in the organization. The main function of this department is to make optimum
utilization of human resources and also to provide proper satisfaction to employees.
The development of the organization can be achieved through the development of the
people of the organization. So we can say that workers are the backbones of the
organization. The impressive level of productivity is a hallmark of KKR Group of
companies and today the company have highly committed and disciplined workforce which
leads a high degree of productivity with impressive levels of quality. The company gives
importance for employee welfare and individual development of them. The organization
promotes the concept of participative management, especially in quality circle, employ
suggestion schemes etc.

4.4.2 Functions of Human Resource Department

The major activities of human resource manager include performance appraisal,
employee welfare. One of peculiarity of Nirapara group is the legal issues are also carried
out by human resource manager.

o Recruitment and selection of staffs

o Estimating manpower needs
o Training and development
o Promotion and transfer
o Remuneration fixing
o Performance appraisal
o Financial and non-financial incentives
o Employing most suitable persons
o Maximum utilization of manpower.
o Ensuring job satisfaction

o Keep pace with the development. Management workers relationship

The management having a view that the success of the company depends very much on the
healthy relationship between the management and staff, the secret of the success is depends
upon that. The management of KKR Group of companies has a good relationship with the
workers so there is no trade union in the company. Recruitment and selection

The company’s recruitment services include both internal and external sources. It does not
allow outside agencies to do the recruitment for the company. The personal department
prepares a list and let the MD approve it. The application is received from various candidates
with reference to the advertisement in newspaper is thoroughly examined and qualified
applicants are selected for the interview. Recruitment is mainly done through advertisement
in the newspapers, reference from employees and also from consultancies. Thus a short list
of applicants is made, and the company calls for a general interview. And the candidates
advanced have to face another interview also. After the appointments are done the HR
Manager gives a general introduction about the company. During the probation period the
performance of the candidates is assessed. If the performance is satisfactory he/she will
appointed as the permanent employee. Loading and unloading employees are mainly hired
from Orissa and Bihar through registered labor agents. and development

The department head identifies the employees who need training and sends a list to the
HRD manager. The personal prepares training calendars and identification forms are
circulated to different departments. Feedback forms are given to the trainee to gauge the
effect of training programs. Retraining is given to the employees whose feedback is not up
to the mark. On -the- job training is commonly practiced in the company. The HRD
department is responsible for:

 Raising monthly in-house training schedule.

 Propose external training
 Submitting of document with reference to PF, ESI, and Local government authorities
 Enforcing discipline Performance appraisal

People differ in their abilities and aptitudes. There is always some difference between
the quality and quantity of the same work on the same job being done by two different
people. Performance appraisals of employees are necessary to
understand each employee’s abilities, competencies and relative merit and worth for the
organization. Performance appraisal rates the employee in terms of their performance. The
most common performance appraisal method is rating method. Appraisal report is
forwarded to the HR manager by each department head. The employees are given salary
increment on the basis of their performance. Employee category

o Permanent employees
o Probationary
o Temporary employees
o Trainees
o Apprentices Bonus

KKR group provide bonus to its employees to motivate them. The profit of the concern
was increasing every year due to the devoted hard work of employees. Attendance system

Biometric attendance machine for office staffs and normal attendance register for workers.


o Casual leave
o Earned leave

Permanent employees get 15 days casual in a year and trainee get 12 days casual leave.
According to the industrial law every employees has an earned leave of one for 20 days
work. i.e.; 12 days in a year.

Office time
KKR group adopt facility for the entry and exit of the employees. The 24 hours working
factory provides shift facility to the workers.
Time of working in : 9.00 am to 5.00 pm

: 5.00 pm to 1.00 am

: 1.00 am to 9.00 am

A committee consist of seven members, representing every department evaluate the safety
measures for the welfare of the workers. They discuss the matter once in a month and take
necessary steps for the maintenance and implementation of safety measures. Allowances and Benefits

All the workers have paid salary and fringe benefits which includes gratuity, bonus,
housing allowances, subsidized food and canteen facility. Non-financial incentives like
free uniforms, etc. are provided to the workers.

For promotion, length of service or experience with not be taken into consideration, it
follows a performance based promotion system. Grievance Handling

A grievance in any dissatisfaction exposed or not whether valid or not arising out of
everything connected with the company, which an employee thinks, believes or even feel to
be unfair in the company, which an employee thinks, believes or even feel to be unfair in
the company. If workers have any problem they can immediately report to the supervisor.
If supervisor can’t solve this level they can directly report to manager or in the organization
there in a grievance handling. Welfare
Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees
and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and
motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The
welfare measures may not be in monetary terms only but in any kind of form.

An employee welfare activity in the KKR Group of companies includes:

 Accident insurance
 Lodging facility
 Transportation facility
 Canteen
 Dispensary
 Welfare funds

Internal checks as regards wage

Personnel Department is responsible for wage payment. Salary of the office staff consist
of basic pay and HRA. For marketing staff, a certain percentage of the sales turnover is
given as commission. The workers are paid according to scale. It consists of basic pay, fixed
DA and variable DA. They also provide provident fund, contribution towards pension.
Company follows some internal checks related to wages. They are:

 Maintenance of wage records

Wage records includes Attendance record (time recording clock, use of tokens,
attendance card), piece work records, over time records, pass-out records.

 Preparation of wage sheet

The procedure of preparing the wage sheet should be clearly established to minimize the
chances of irregularities in wage payment.

 Wages-salary Administration

Salary of the office staff consists of basic pay and HRA. Salary increment is made on
performance basis. For marketing staff, a certain percentage of the sale turnover is given
as commission.

4.4.3 Responsibilities and Authorities

 Human resource recruitment, training, planning and coordination.
 Maintaining personnel records pertaining to all grades in respect of factory.
 Monitoring compliance of safety by personnel.
 Payroll management

4.4.4 Administration Section

An organization unit that performs management activities benefitting the entire
organization includes top management personnel and organization. This section is headed
by Administrative manager. He is otherwise called Office Manager or personnel manager. Duties of Administrative Manager

An administrative manager oversee the administrative operations of a business or

organization. An administrative manager may supervise administrative personnel within
an office, such as receptionists, filing clerks, secretaries, or executive assistants. He or she
may also be the sole person that provides administrative support to a particular division,
department, or business or organization as a whole.
In addition to performing general administrative tasks such as filing, data entry,
correspondence, scheduling appointments and meetings, and fielding queries, an
administrative manager is typically responsible for implementing and managing a business
or organization’s administrative systems. This type of management may include such
responsibilities as procuring and managing the budget for office supplies, implementing the
business or organization’s filing and documentation retrieval systems, overseeing the
operation of office equipment such as photocopiers, printers, and fax machines, and
managing the calendar and schedule of one or more executives.
Because administration is integral to the operation of all businesses and organizations, an
administrative manager position can be found in virtually any industry. Although experience
within a similar industry is generally preferred by businesses or organizations seeking
administrative managers, the utmost importance is typically placed on previous experience
in administration. For example, if two individuals apply for an administrative manager
position with a paper supply company, preference will typically be given to the candidate
with a solid track record of administrative experience, versus the candidate with a
background in the paper supply industry who may have fewer administrative skills.
As a business or organization grows, so too does its need for administrative support and
management. Whereas the title of “secretary” was once used as an umbrella term to describe
most administrative positions, growing businesses and organizations today often require a
series of administrative personnel to accommodate the responsibilities integral to office
administration. Regardless of whether an administrative manager supervises other personnel
within an office, he or she may still be considered the first point-of-contact for general office
queries within a business or organization. If an administrative manager is employed in an
office that does not have a human resources department, he or she may also be responsible
for new employee orientation, including the management of contracts, payroll documents,
and briefing new employees on the operations of the business or organization.
In short, Administrative Manager focuses into the following areas:
Ensuring punctuality and discipline amongst the office staff.
To look after all matters of the company related with the government departments.
To deal with all correspondence and settlement of company with all government
departments. Preparation of all relevant return and notification as per schedule.
To make visit to all government departments as and when detailed by the management
and to render feedback on various visits or settlements.
To give timely advise and guidelines to other staff regarding departmental settlement of
the company.

In K.K.R AGRO Mills, the main responsibility of the administrative

manager is to ensure punctual and discipline among the office staff. It is the duty of the
administrative manager to give timely advice and guidelines to the staff regarding
departmental settlement of the company.











Chart No.4.5 Structure of Finance Department

Finance is a life blood of a business. The operations of the business cannot be carried on
without adequate financial resources. So it is essential for a firm to ensure the availability
of funds when it is required. Finance is concerned with acquisition and utilization of capital
in meeting the financial needs and the overall objective of a business enterprise.
Management of finance broadly concerned with acquisition and use funds by business firms.
Financial management is the job financial department. Nirapara’s financial department is
headed by general manager. Financial analysis is helpful in assessing the financial position
and profitability of a concern. This is done through comparison by ratios for the same
concern over a period of year or for one concern against other department of a same concern.

4.5.2 Objectives of financial department

 The operational efficiency of the concern as a whole and of its various parts of
 The financial stability of a business concern.
 The present & future earning capacity or profitability of a concern.
 The short term and long term solvency of the benefits of the debentures holder and trade
 Long term liquidity of its funds.
4.5.3 Significance of business finance:

 Purchase of fixed asset such as land, building, plant, machinery etc.

 Purchase of intangible assets such as goodwill, patent, copy writes etc.
 Meeting the cost of current such as sundry debtors, bills receivable, inventory etc.
 Meeting the cost of promotion.
 Cost of establishing the business.
 Cost of finance such as brokerage underwriting commission etc.
 Expansion, growth and modernization of business.

4.5.4 Functions of financial department

By producing an accurate portrayal of the potential of the profit and cost of each title, the
finance department aids all departments in making the best financial decisions. The
department is charged with the following task;

 Accurately projecting the company’s financial performance

 Forecasting, budgeting and strategic planning
 Controlling cost through internal auditing
 Developing business plans and models for the growth of the company

The finance manager, who is the head of the department, provides various financial
information for taking decisions. All other employees concerned are responsible to him. He
is entrusted with the duty to the insurance and other funds generating formalities. Working
capital management is another main function of the department.

The main functions of finance the department are;

• Obtaining finance

•Financial accounting

• Internal audit
• Cash management
• Taxation
• Management of accounting and control
• Payment collection of all departments
• Preparation of financial report
• Expense analysis
• Determining the source of funds
• Funds management
• Effective use of resources
• Controlling of resources
• Banking relationship
• Evaluation of group finance

4.5.5 Responsibilities of key personnel

Responsibility of finance manager

 Cash arrangement in a schedule wise.

 Maintain credit for distributors.
 Immediate draft and cheque are provided as per the requirements.
 Day to day company expense is maintained.
 Yearly return, sales return, auditing.
 ISO auditing will be made in every six months.

Responsibilities of cost accountant

 Ascertain the cost per unit of different product manufactured by a business


 Provide a correct analysis of cost both by process or operations and by

different elements of cost.

 Ascertain the profitability of each product and advice the management

regarding how profit can be maximized.

4.5.6. Accounts section

The staff and officers working in various accounting section of the division shall carry out
their work efficiently and effectively as per the guidelines. There should be close
coordination and exchange of information between the accounting sections of the division
to ensure uniformity in the accounting transaction, also the head of the various accounting
section will maintain close coordination with other department.
Accounts department deals with analyzing recording and summarizing the
business transactions, which are in financial character and are expressed in terms of money.
The companies’ act 1956 lay down certain principles regarding the accounting of the
company. Every company of India has to keep an accounts department to maintain the
correct and adequate accounts of the company. Accounts department usually is a part of
financial operators of the company. The following are the advantages of accounting;

 Helps in ascertaining financial position of the business.

 Systematic recording to data is possible.
 Possible quantitative information.
 Act as an information system.
 Beneficial to different interested users of accounting information Duties
 To handle the income and expenditure of the entire organization. And
overlooking the final accounts.
 Responsibility for maintenance of all vouchers, unit wise to send cheques on
daily base to bank. Another prominent staff is Cost accountant. He plays a vital
role in this department.
 To calculate the expenditure incurred by sales representatives and to identify
thrust areas, if any.
 To check cash credit bills of the day corresponding to cash receipts of each party.
For all partial payments of cash credit bills, debit note to be prepared.
 To Proper budgeting for all activities of the organization.
 Preparation of balance sheet of all units’ monthly and comparative study of
accounts and to assist in the finalization of accounts. Responsibilities of Key personnel

Responsible for data entries of all units.
Responsible for maintenance of all vouchers, unit wise to send cheques on daily base
to bank.

Responsibilities of cost accountant

 Ascertain the cost per unit of different product manufactured by a business concern.

 Provide a correct analysis of cost both by process or operations and by different elements
of cost.

 Ascertain the profitability of each product and advice the management regarding how
profit can be maximized.

 Help in preparation of budget and implementation of budgetary control.

 Advice management on future expansion of policies and proposed capital project.

 Guide management in the formulation and implementation of incentives, bonus plan based
on productivity and cost savings.

 Organize the internal audit system to ensure effective working of different department.

 Organize the cost reduction program with the help of different department managers.

 Supply useful data to management for taking various financial decisions.

 Helps in supervising; the working of punching card accounting or data processing through

 Exercise effective control of stock of materials, work-in-progress, consumable stores and

finished goods in order to maximize the capital locked up in these

Responsibilities of cashier

o Receipt and payment of cash.

o As soon as cash received it should be entered in a rough cash book or
o The receipt numbers should be recorded for the respective entries made
o All receipt of cash and or cheque should be banked daily.
o Bank reconciliation statement should be prepared periodically by the
cashier to reconcile bank and cash balance.
o All mail remittance should be opened by the cashier.
o Proper voucher should be insisted for all petty cash expenses.

Responsibilities of accounts manager

 Calculation of monthly salary of office staff. Until otherwise notified all employees
shall be paid on last working day of month.
 Calculation of wages of factory employees. The wages slip and computer print of
wages must be collected back from the concerned supervisors with workers
individual signature.
 Submission of cheques received from parties to bank.
 Accounting of dishonored cheques.
 Preparation of slips for all bank transactions.

 Preparation of bank reconciliation.

 Trial balance tally is to be ascertained and when call for.
 Inform the management all due payment in advance and ensure payment of creditors
on due date as per the instruction before issuance of cheques of any nature, the
accounted should ensure that the efficient fund balance is available. No cheques is to
be issued without having sufficient fund.
 Finalization of accounts
 Miscellaneous accounts are to be adjusted.
 Nullification of all balances
 Submission of returns- ensure that monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual returns
are submit on due date.
 Besides duties he/ she is to assist administration in correspondence and other works
related to sales tax, service tax, P.F, E.S.I, IT, labor welfare fund and industries
departments in consultation and approval of manager administration.
 Responsible for maintenance or registers, ledgers, computer printouts and all files.


4.6.1 Structure of R&D department




Chart No.4.6 Structure of R&D Department

In KKR group of company’s research is mainly conducted in the field of production. This
department consists of lab assistant, chemist and microbiologist it leads with development
of a new product and quality inspection etc. the R@D department of KKR group is situated
at Chelamattom unit.


The future scope of the company is that they are intended to making new nutritious food
for children and old age people and also special healthy food product for youth. The
company has lined up plans to sell gingerly oil, ready-to-eat products, food processed in
honey in the current year. Their motive is sale of these products in and out of India hence
they are prepared to export these items in all countries. There are also plans to introduce
Ayurvedic cosmetics and health-related products in the market. And they plan to introduce
‘Ghee’ product in to market.
The KKR group is all set to enter the food processing industry on large scale bringing in
the world latest technology and machines. In every new are of achieving attention to
purring and hygiene that meets the highest world requirements is the focus of the group.
And they also introduced mobile apps for better access.

The KKR group is looking at venture in food processing and presenting with a large scale
investment on a food technology park. The group has plans to manufacture an
international product range like past presents source squashes, fruits based foods, pickles,
juices, coconut based food etc.
Today Nirapara group has entered the Middle East markets and Far East America and
Europe. The day is not for because the KKR group makes food in the international
markets and with the presence and commitment of the group it needs that will be true
before long.
The main competitions of KKR groups are:

 Eastern
 Periyar
 Double horse
 Kitchen treasures
 Pavizham
 Gayathri (only in rice)
 Marias
 Saras
 Melam
 Taste buds (in foreign market)
 Priyam masala
 Brahmins
 Ann’s curry powder
 Achi masala (outside Kerala)
 Sakthi masala (outside Kerala)

4.7 Quality control Department

4.7.1 Structure of Quality Control department



Chart No 4.7 Structure of Quality Control Department

Improve quality is one of the important way to maintain a competitive position on today’s
markets. When quality is emphasized and subsequently improved, waste is decreased and
operation cost is reduced. By maintaining quality the customer acceptance of the brand can
be increased.

K.K.R Mills is the only rice mill in south India to use the z-sortex machine capable of optical
inspection for quality control. This machine scans every gain of rice and removes
discolored, broken and immature rice, ensuring that only that meets that specification
calibrated in the computer is selected for packaging.

The pickle division of K.K.R Group is using sensitive metal detectors before the sealing is
done. This also ensures the quality of products. Quality control is very important for the
products which are exporting.

The KKR Group of company is aware of their commitment to the society. A healthy
environment is essential for substantial development. The company’s procedures are eco-
friendly. The quality section is headed by a quality controller. He has assistant to assist him
in quality checking.

Quality objectives
 To driven the customer by continuous improvement in quality products.
 Encouraging innovation of production and technology updating.
 KKR group gives training and empowerment to the work force at large.
 Compliance with documented quality system.
 To keep an eye on every time to improve the quality of the products.

4.7.2 Quality certification

 ISO 22000-2005 Certification

 ISO 9001-2000 Certification
 HACCP Certification ( Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point)


ISO 22000-2005 specifies requirements for a food safety management system where an
organization in the food chain needs to demonstrate is ability to control food safety hazards
in order to ensure that food is safe at the time of human is applicable to all
organizations, regardless of size, which are involved in any aspect of the food chain and
want to implement systems that consistently provide safe products. The means of meeting
any requirements of ISO 22000-2005 can be accomplished through the use of internal/
external resources.

Quality management system

Quality sells, sustains and quality assurance is what customer look forward from their supply
globally. KKR group is one of the companies, which recognized this business technique at
the early. Products facilities and service utilizing the expertise of independent assess of
worldwide repute. According KKR group has ISO 9001-2000 quality management system.

Hazards Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a process control system designed
to identify and prevent microbial and other hazards in food production. It includes designed
to prevent problems they occurred and to correct deviation as soon as they are detected.
Such preventive control system with documentation and verification are widely recognized
by scientific authorities and international organizations at the most effective approach
available for producing safe food. HACCP involves a system approach to identification of
hazard, assessment of chances of occurrence of hazards during each phase, raw material
procurement, manufacturing, and distribution, usage of food products and in defining the
measures for hazard control.

4.7.3 Responsibilities of Quality control

 ISO Coordinator
 Assurance of quality
 Preparation and presentation of reports
 Supervision of HACCP activities

4.8 Export Department

4.8.1 Structure of Export Department


Chart No.4.8 Structure of Export Department

KKR Group is mainly involves in the manufacture of quality Rice and Rice products, spices,
spices product, etc. The products are sold under the brand name “Nirapara”. The capacity
of the plants of the KKR Group is 225 million tons.

Nirapara products are exported to UAE, Muscat, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, France, Australia,
Singapore etc. and 20 % of the turnover is exported to foreign countries. The company gives
the export authority to only to Authorized dealers. There are also local merchant exporters
in different countries like Malaysia, South Africa, etc... The local merchant exporter takes
the good according to their requirement only.

For exporting the order is given by the authorized dealer. The exporter gives H-form (Halal
Form) as the proof of export. This order is refrained on the basis of container and inform to
the dealer. If the dealer is satisfied with the conditions, then gives the conformed purchase
order. Shipment takes place within 10 days. C&F (clearing and

forwarding) agents help for shipment. And the shipment is received in any of the following

 Bill collection method

 Advanced payment
 Cash against payment.
The most common type of payment is bill collection method. Government gives some
incentives to export company because they are bringing income from abroad to our country.
The export company should submit returns to Government (APEDA – Agriculture
Processed Food Exporters Development Authority). For exporting spices, the export
company should submit returns to spices board.

4.8.2 Responsibilities of key personnel

a) Export manager

 Building up the brand in overseas market.

 Maintaining the containers as per the requirement.
 Boosting export sales and meeting the target.
 Co-ordination with overseas buyers, government officers like DGFT (Director General
of Foreign trade) spices board, ECGC (export Credit Guarantee Corporation), Customers
and central excise Authority, APEDA etc.
 Giving production schedule
 Maintaining quality parameters.
 Containers stuffing responsibilities
 Confirmation of export bill realization in the ban.

b) Export Assistant

There are 2 export assistants. The duty of export assistant is to assist the export manager in
all export activities.

4.9 Vehicles Department

Vehicle department deals with the transportation of raw material from various places to
factory go down and finished goods from factory to various markets. There are 140 vehicles
in the company.

4.9.1 Structure of Vehicles Department

Vehicles Manager

Drivers Workers (workshop)


Chart No 4.9 Structure of Vehicles Department

4.9.2 Functions

 Maintain all vehicles in the company

 Inform the purchase department about the required vehicle part etc.
 Manage the schedule of delivering products
 Maintenance and repairing of vehicles
 Manage the accounts of this department


SWOT Analysis is a comparison of strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. The

central purpose is to identify the strategies that will create a firm specific business model
that will best align fit or match company’s resources and capabilities to the demands of the
environment in which it operates. Once we became aware of the threats and opportunities
in the external environment and the strength and weakness in the internal environment of
the organization a comprehensive analysis of these elements assist organization in
relationship to its environment. This comprehensive analysis is known as SWOT analysis.
5.1 Strengths

 Brand name and Quality of the company.

 A young and dynamic team of professionally qualified personnel at all levels of
 ISO certified company.
 Wide network exclusive agencies
 Retail network all over Kerala
 Modern manufacturing facilities
 Good government support
 Product diversity
 Efficient management and man power

5.2 Weakness
 High cost of production
 Scarcity of raw material
 Accumulation of dealership in some areas
 High competition
 Less market share (43.5%)
 Raw materials are imported from the states like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and
Karnataka etc... So transportation cost is very high
 Absence of long term policy for the sale
 Non utilization of full capacity
5.3 Opportunities
The following are the different opportunities of the company:

 FMCG’S are gaining demand in the markets.

 Expansion of production capacity
 Improvement in market penetration
 Good scope for new products
 The variety of products like supplements for maintaining health
 Can improve promotional efforts through Audio-visual media.
 Scope of expanding its export operations.

5.4 Threats
 Tough competition in the market
 Scarcity of raw materials
 Extinction of paddy cultivation in Kerala
 Extended network of multinational companies with improved technology and attractive
 Changing policies of government like the introduction of GST etc... effects the market

6.1 Findings and suggestions

6.1.1 Findings

 The company’s goodwill is high among the customers.

 The company is maintaining consistency in quality.
 The company owns stores for selling their products.
 There is very good industrial relationship in the organization with no trade unions
functioning in the organization.
 Efficiency of inventory management is satisfactory and goes on better position.
 They have online facilities for marketing and we can purchase NIRAPARA products
through online.
 Advertisement through television is the most effective tool of promotion.
 There is no shortage of Nirapara product.
 Dedicated employees are seen in all departments.
 The company provides welfare programs to the employees.
 There is no trade union in the company.

6.1.2 Suggestions
 Implement full automation system in the organization
 Engage in own agriculture in paddy cultivation in order to tackle the shortages of paddy.
 The company can try to increase promotional schemes like scratch and win coupons or
free extra gifts or extra quantity. This will helpful in improving the sales.
 Provide more concentration for good market share.
 Conduct a wide and careful survey in order to realize the customer satisfaction.

6.2 Conclusion
The intention behind doing this product was to get better idea about the organization, its
different departments, responsibilities of key personnel and its competitive performance
with respect to specific operational parameters

K.K.R MILLS is a leading manufacturer for the quality assured branded rice “NIRAPARA”
marketed in Kerala state and abroad. This company is at it’s strive towards excellence. It
has happened due to the combined efforts of its management and the dedicated work force.
The activities of the plant office and all other departments are functioning at the impressive
standards for achieving the organizational objectives. The commitment and efficiency of the
employee helped K.K.R MILLS in capturing highly competitive market.

Increasing the frequency of advertisement on mass media will improve the product
awareness among the public. Strict quality control with the help of modern equipment’s will
enable the company to enter the international market. Sales turnover can be enhanced with
the help of providing more commission to retailers and damage allowances, credit facility
etc. to distributors. The main positive aspect of the Company is that it could maintain a
better relationship between the management and employees. The company does not have
any trade union for the employees and hence no labour problems. Hence we can conclude
that the K.K.R MILLS will be able to reach greater heights.

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