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Final Binder - Graded Proposals PDF

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Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words in
an appropriate style.

2 You work for an international company. The manager of your department would like to
improve the ways in which the department trains new staff. Write a report for your manager in
which you comment on the strengths and weaknesses of the current training programme and
suggest how it could be improved.

Write your report.

3 An electronics magazine has asked for reviews of apps that readers have used. Write a
review for the magazine in which you briefly describe the functions of an app you use,
commenting on its strengths and weaknesses.

Write your review.

4 You are the student representative of your international college in London. You would like
to invite a group of students from your country to visit the college, and decide to write a
proposal to the college principal. In your proposal you should suggest how long the students'
visit should last and briefly describe what activities should be included . You should also
explain the potential benefits of the visit to the college and its students.

Write your proposal.

Marks and results

Sample B (Test 5, Question 4 - Proposal)

The aim of this proposal is to suggest some ways of raising up the students visits so as to make
profit from it in the future.
Two weeks visit

Many international colleges around the world organise visits, in which all nationaties can be
participating. It would be interesting to send an invitation to some students from my born country,
Spain. Although these kind of events are expensive, our college could afford it if t he visit lastes about
two weeks, not more.

A wide range of activities could be hold, such as baseball match, an intensive course with our teachers
or a London tour. which foreing people usually love.
Not only would the students learnt the language. but also could the college offer them a hole year
pack, in which they will flnd all kind of activities to meet new people. Moreover. the new students will
know more about the country culture.
Regarding the current students, they could take part in all the activities that the news ones will do.
So it will be several positive points.
I t hink that if the college takes into consideration t hese suggestions, a marked improvent will be in the
public image of it.

Scales Mark Commentary

Content 5 All content is relevant to the cask and the content elements (length
of visit, description of activities and explanation of potential
benefits) are developed appropriately so the target reader is full y

Communicative Achievement 2 Suitable proposal format is used ro communicate straightforward

and some complex ideas to the target reader. Register and tone are
consistent and appropriate.

Organisation 3 The response is well organised and coherent, making good use of
headings. A variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns
connect the text generally very well.

Language 2 There is a range of vocabulary including attempts, sometimes

successful, to use less common lexis ('raising up the visits', 'make
profit from it', 'a marked improvement .. . in the public image .. .').
There is a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms
used with a good degree of control and errors do not impede



Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words in
an appropriate style.

2 You have been studying at your international college for a year. The Principal of the college
has asked you to write a report about the study resources offered to students, suggesting
ways in which these resources could be improved for next year.
Write your report.

3 You have recently been on an activity holiday and decide to write a review of the holiday for a
travel magazine. In your review, describe the particular activity holiday, and evaluate to what
extent it met your expectations and whether you would encourage other people to try this
kind of holiday.

Write your review.

4 The company you work for is considering the idea of a flexible working day, where staff are
able to vary their starting and finishing time. The manager of your department has asked
you to write a proposal explaining why introducing a flexible working day would benefit both
the company and its employees. You should also suggest how a flexible working day could
operate in your own department.

Write your proposal.

Marks and results

Sample C ( Test 6, Question 2 - Report)

Report on college study resources

The aim of this report is to evaluate a range of study resources available for students majoring in
'English and Marketing' programme and recommend possible improvements.

En0lish Course
In terms of language lea rning, I highly appreciate t he set of text books that the students were
provided with due to a wide var iety of discussion topics as well as high-quality supplementary
materials for self-study such as interactive CD-roms and extensive word lists. All this has proved to
be vital resources for the ones who strive to acquire an excellent command of the English language.

Marketin0 Course
As far as the subjects in the marketing fleld are concerned, I suppose the selected study materials
are a bit too theoretical. Although the students stand at a chance to master Business English fully
during their extensive reading, the materials miss out on more practical issues, for instance, lacking in
such as valuable resource as case-studies. As a result, the students had a relatively limited number of
opportunities to see how the suggested marketing solutions could be implemented into practice.

Given the advanced software solutions, I would suggest introducing more computer-based self-study
materials with more control on the tutor's part if possible both in language lear ning and marketing
courses. To improve t he latter, I would strongly recommend providing students with more sample
cases, which will be ent irely beneficial for developing their project work.

Scales Mark Commentary

Content 5 The writer develops both content areas describing what study
resources are offered to students and suggesting improvements for
next year. All the content is relevant and the target reader is fully

Communicative Achievement 4 The conventions of report writing are used flexibly to describe the
current situation in some detail and make credible suggestions. The
register is consistenrly appropriate and a positive, constructive tone
is created which holds the reader's attention while communicating
complex ideas.

Organisation 4 The text is a well-organised , coherent whole with effective use of

headed sections. A variety of cohesive devices and organisational
patterns is used to good effect.

Language 4 The writer includes a range o f topic-specific vocabulary ('vital

resources', 'strive to acquire', 'chance to master', 'extensive reading',
'relatively limited number of opportunities', 'could be implemented'),
which is generally used effectively and precisely. There is a range of
complex grammatical forms used with control and where there are
errors, some are slips. None of them impedes communication.


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