103. As part of your duties, you may be asked 104. Rather than sue the company, Miss
to give training seminars in our overseas Gabriel has ______ not to accept the
offices, though that will occur ______. out-of-court settlement.
(A) unlikely (A) choice
(B) infrequently (B) choose
(C) hardly (C) choosing
(D) impractically (D) chosen
105. During the mayor's visit to the complex, 106. The files need to be moved from the
security procedures will be ______ basement, ______ they are currently
enforced without exception. stored, up to the new document archive
(A) strictly on the third floor.
(B) very (A) how
(C) darkly (B) why
(D) easily (C) that
(D) where
107. Employee ______ has been the reason 108. There were several reasons behind the
for several sensational lawsuits targeting decision to lay off people, and _____
the retailer. reason is to cut costs in some way.
(A) overlook (A) common
(B) insult (B) more common
(C) safe (C) commonly
(D) negligence (D) the most common
109. Shortfalls in the budget ______ to 110. The quality of our products is so
exceed two million dollars in the first year consistently high because inferior parts
alone. are never ______ for our premium quality
(A) projected ones.
(B) are projected (A) substitute
(C) have projected (B) substitution
(D) projection (C) substituting
(D) substituted
111. ______ from the templates included in 112. The gains occurred ______ the course
the basic package, custom pages are also of the day, with the largest movement
available at an extra charge. coming after BMJ Corporation
(A) Aside announced their quarterly earnings.
(B) Due (A) without
(C) Come (B) over
(D) Unless (C) despite
(D) for
113. As far as résumés go, his qualifications 114. While the statistics are concrete and
are much better than ______. immutable, ______ them is subject to
(A) her manipulation.
(B) hers (A) interpreted by
(C) herself (B) interpret
(D) she is (C) interprets
(D) interpretation of
115. I can't forecast the future, but, at the 116. Regulators ______ the new measures
______, we do not need to make any to produce results so quickly, though
changes. they were pleased with the news.
(A) time (A) unexpected
(B) currency (B) had not expected
(C) moment (C) would not expect
(D) instance (D) not expect
117. ______ a person presents themselves 118. If you ______ to a credit check, you
at an interview can sometimes be more have certain legal rights which are
important than what they actually say detailed on the following pages.
during the interview. (A) present
(A) Although (B) regret
(B) When (C) aspire
(C) How (D) consent
(D) Which
119. No one admitted it at the time, but we 120. The data conversion process has been
all found Steve's proposals at the slowed by fading ink and ______ writing
conference ______ naive. on the documents.
(A) amuse (A) illegible
(B) amused (B) improbable
(C) amusing (C) illegal
(D) amusingly (D) innocuous
121. Richard Grandee mentioned several 122. If you find any of the required forms
reasons why we should protect ______ missing from your orientation packet,
from competitors' industrial espionage please contact Ms. Cathy ______ in
plans. order to get the paperwork completed as
(A) themselves soon as possible.
(B) himself (A) recently
(C) ourselves (B) frequently
(D) yourself (C) promptly
(D) actually
123. Exposure ______ violent images at a 124. The erroneous specifications ______
young age is one purported cause of through the quality control process were
antisocial behavior among people as serious enough to delay the fourth
they age. quarter shipment.
(A) to (A) discover
(B) with (B) discovered
(C) from (C) discovery
(D) opposite (D) discovering
125. For years, the cooperation between the 126. I was assured that the arrangements
two firms was evident but was recently would be taken care of ______, but
______ through a sponsorship when I arrived, the conference room was
agreement. still in disarray.
(A) formal (A) advance
(B) formality (B) beforehand
(C) formally (C) least
(D) formalized (D) priority
127. Joan Garland announced the ______ 128. ______ just last year, the converted
of the terms by the management of the factory is modern in every way.
workers' demands. (A) Renovation
(A) refuse (B) Renovate
(B) refusing (C) Renovated
(C) refusal (D) Renovating
(D) refuses
129. Our latest product offering allows 130. Unless you buy a ticket with reserved
______ our existing modules into the seating, you had better plan ______ at
newest available framework. least 20 minutes before departure.
(A) that incorporates (A) boarding
(B) incorporation (B) board
(C) incorporating (C) to board
(D) has been incorporated (D) have boarded
Part 6
Questions 131-134 refer to the following message.
Researchers at Chevlin University have announced a __131__ in the field of
a unique fiber composed of carbon nanotubes which is __132__ stronger than steel and
highly conductive.
__133__. According to the press release issued by the head of the research group, Dr.
Salim Mansoor, he __134__ that the fiber was only 4 centimeters in length, so practical
133. (A) The new carbon-made fiber, promising as it seems, is still far from perfect.
(B) Products made of such a fiber will be coming next year.
(C) The applications of it are fairly clear and obvious.
(D) Several companies have shown great interest in the fiber.
Always quotable, the ill-tempered Buonanno once claimed that the world’s consumers
were “too dumb to be trusted with money.” __137__. Many government officials attempted to
__138__ him for fraud several times in the 70s and 80s, without success.
__139__. Preston Antique Gifts is the __140__ to that age-old problem of what to give the
person who has everything. Our unique antique gifts are sure to please. We feature small
objects, ideal for gift-giving, from ancient Greece, Rome, China, Japan, and
South and Central America indigenous cultures.
139. (A) High tech gifts are always the most desired ones!
(B) What holiday gifts do you want to receive this year?
(C) Make a present of the Past!
(D) Pick out the perfect presents for your kids!
144. (A) The reports can serve as fairly reliable indicators of future performance.
(B) The company’s quarterly reports are no less important than its annual reports.
(C) The calls, commonly available on the Net, provide a summary of the most recent
quarter's financial results.
(D) The calls also offer potential investors a chance to directly talk with the management.
Part 7
Questions 147-148 refer to the following e-mail message.
From: Mabal Vallone
To: Dave Garrison
Subject: Your Voice Mail
Something is up with my cell phone. I can see that you've left me a voice mail, but I
can't seem to access my answering service. Could you respond to this e-mail and let
me know what you were calling about? Or, better yet, you could text me. I can still send
and receive messages. Until I get this answering service thing smoothed out, it's
probably best not to leave any more messages in my voicemail.
It’s great to hear that! I met Mr. Suzuki at the trade show in Seoul.
He was really interested in our products. I remember I showed him
how to use our mouse and joystick in the games, and he loved
them so much!
Terry Kuo Dec 26, 3:12 p.m.
Yes, I talked to him about you. He remembered you and said you
did a fantastic job at the trade fair. I wanna say thanks to you!
Without your help, we won’t get this far! Let’s celebrate and find
somewhere nice to eat when I get back!
Rosanne Dec 26, 3:18 p.m.
149. For what type of business does Rosanne most likely work?
(A) A show business company
(B) A toy company
(C) A catering company
(D) A computer peripheral company
We were unable to process your request for automatic renewal of your driver's license
for one or more of the following reason(s)
● you are 70 years of age or older
● you are deceased
● you have unpaid parking fines on a vehicle registered in your name
In order to have your license renewed, you must appear in person at a Department of
Motor Vehicles office before February 28, 2010.
Also, as a friendly reminder, persons operating a motor vehicle without a valid license
are subject to fines and extensive jail sentences. Have a nice day.
Yours truly,
152. What is the main purpose of the letter?
(A) To threaten legal action
(B) To provide requested information
(C) To remind someone of a court date
(D) To reject an application
—[3]—.Following lunch, all trainees will spend the afternoon in small seminar
groups focused on common lab procedures. The scheduling of these sessions will be
announced during the lunch hour. —[4]—.Once again, we welcome you to the
Rexalon team. We look forward to your becoming a vital member of our staff.
Thomas Lipton
Personnel development manager
Human Resources Department
155. When will Ms. Carson learn about laboratory procedures?
(A) From 9:00 to 10:00
(B) From 10:00 to 11:00
(C) From 11:00 to 12:00
(D) After 12:00
157. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the
following sentence best belong?
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
160. Which of the following was NOT cited as a reason for support of the
(A) JP Mathers is a member of the zoning board.
(B) Approval might improve employment conditions.
(C) Similar projects have been successful in the past.
(D) The government could increase revenue.
Me [15:15:28]
Hello Jackie. This is James. About a year ago, I bought a Pecsflex Home
Gym to rehabilitate my leg following knee surgery. Janice, the clerk in the
store, recommended this unit would meet my need because of its
compactness and durability. However, this product has not been as durable
as she claimed, though It does not occupy much space, indeed.
Me [15:16:44]
Yesterday, while I was using it, I found several pulleys of the unit showed
signs of wear, and one of them even began to crack. Is this normal? If I
continue using this equipment, am I running the risk of getting hurt?
Me [15:17:13]
OK, thanks!
Me: [15:18:38]
Great. Basically, I will be available every morning from Monday to Friday. If
your guy is coming, please give me a ring first.
Dear Sir,
I recently saw your help wanted ad on the Internet. I feel I am a very strong candidate
for the position.
Although I have included my résumé with this letter, I do not feel it tells my complete
story. For example, while it is easy to see that my MBA from Harvard identifies me as a
highly educated marketing specialist, I tend to think that it is my practical experience and
background that make me such a perfect fit for your company.
You see, as a younger woman, I lived and worked in Taiwan (Kaohsiung) as an
English teacher at a children's English school. This experience, while not pertaining to
anything I would do on my job, has given me an excellent understanding of Taiwan and
the Taiwanese people. In other words, you would not need to fear "culture shock" in hiring
me for the position; I have already lived and worked within the Taiwanese culture.
Further, I also spent several years in Mainland China working as an advisor to the
United Nations Economic Development Council. In this role, I came to understand a great
deal about the expansion of markets in China, one of the areas your ad stressed was an
important requirement.
Finally, my husband is a Taiwanese native and he wishes to relocate back to Taiwan.
Thus, you can be assured that I am interested in this position as a long-term employment
opportunity, not as a temporary position to enhance my international credentials.
I have not included letters of reference, but I could do so at your request. If you wish
to contact me, feel free to do so at any time. I am also fluent in Mandarin, so you need not
fear communication difficulties.
One final note, I will be in Taipei from December 15th through the 27th. If you wish
interview me in person, this would be the ideal opportunity.
Karen Quentin-Chung
168. Which of the following does Ms. Quentin-Chung feel is her greatest
(A) Her degree
(B) Her marketing experience
(C) Her language skills
(D) Her previous time in Kaohsiung
169. Why does the letter mention Mainland China?
(A) She wishes to work there.
(B) She has previous experience there.
(C) Her husband was born there.
(D) She enjoys shopping in the markets there.
Detailed financial discussion: Opening remarks were followed by Mike Haynes detailed
analysis of last quarter's performance. —[2]—. He credited the improvements in margin
to Hanna Macintyre's cost-cutting measures implemented earlier in the year. He
expressed optimism that margins might continue to increase throughout the year. He
speculated that if Vic Nadal could do in personnel what Ms. Macintyre accomplished in
manufacturing, the company could see record earnings per share. —[3]—.
Newbaum Fund: Reba Stanton also reported on the Newbaum Fund. She was pleased to
report that the Fund disbursed over $400,000 in the past quarter to the Gilbert Children's
Cancer Center. She reported that talks regarding sponsorship of the local leukemia
walkathon in April were ongoing.
Closing remarks: —[4]—. The meeting was closed with a renewed plea from the
chairman for ideas regarding morale boosting activities.
175. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the
following sentence best belong?
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]
The local project leader, Anand Dorma, seems capable enough but there seem to be no
end to the delays. At the time of my visit, the hardware had not yet been installed. In fact,
it had not yet even been delivered. Of course, even if it had, it couldn't have been
installed because the wiring was also incomplete. Also, only 13 of the expected 37 (see
table below) employees have been hired and none of them have begun training courses
as of yet. The only thing on schedule was the interior work: the desks, chairs, and other
office furniture looks OK.
A. Ortiz
180. How many more people does the call center have to recruit?
(A) 9
(B) 21
(C) 24
(D) 30
So, do you have a family recipe that you would like to see added to the fine line of
Francine's Pastries? Simply access the corporate web site page at
www.franpast.com/submission to print a recipe submission form.
If you have any questions, you can contact the experimental kitchen department at <
From: Nigel Rickenbach
To: exkitch@franpast.com
Subject: Recipe submission for holiday line
I saw the notice posted in the break room and wanted to ask a couple of questions before I
made my submission. One idea I have is a way to improve a current product of ours. Would
this be the appropriate place to share that idea, or are you looking for entirely new recipes?
Also, a new recipe idea I have requires some specialty ingredients. Would that be
acceptable? I'd like to know before I spend time completing the submission form. You can
reply to my email or call me in the shipping department at ext 785.
181. What is the purpose of the announcement?
(A) To announce a new product
(B) To solicit recipe ideas
(C) To encourage participation in a holiday party
(D) To recruit workers for the experimental kitchen
Administrative Assistant
Head of northeastern district sales for Haptacom requires the services of an experienced
administrative assistant. Two years of experience in a similar position is the minimum
requirement. An educational background in sales, marketing, or administration is a plus.
Applicants who are multilingual (English, Spanish, Japanese) are also preferred. Send a
letter indicating your interest, qualifications and salary requirements, and a résumé to
Northeastern District Sales Hub, Care of Juanita Halperin, Haptacom Telecom Inc., 38
Science Park Plaza, Suite 1717, Toronto, Canada. Electronic responses are discouraged.
October 10
The Sales Office for the Northeastern District
Haptacom Telecom Inc
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am responding to your advertisement for an experienced administrative assistant. I
feel that I am a strong candidate for the position you listed. I have worked as an
administrative assistant in the financial services industry for eighteen months. I have a
Master's degree in sales and marketing. Further, I grew up in France, and I was a Spanish
major in college. After graduating from university, I studied abroad in Japan for two years.
You can see my enclosed résumé for details.
I am on contract with my present employer through the end of this month and I will not
be renewing that contract. I would be, therefore, available to begin as early as the first of
next month.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
Lily Matsuzaka
Hi Lily,
Thank you for your interest in joining the Haptacom Telecom team. We wanted to
let you know that although your resume and cover letter were very competitive, our
hiring team reviewed your application and did not select it for further
consideration. However, we will keep your resume on record and get in touch with
you once you are able to meet all of the job requirements. We hope we will have
the chance to consider you for a similar role in the near future.
Henry Lee
Questions 191-195 refer to the following news story, e-mail, and notice.
e-NOVA Computers Unveils Cheap-u-ter
Reggie Nedfrom, the lead designer for e-NOVA Computers, once again promises to
revolutionize the computer industry with his newest offering the Cheap-u-ter Laptop. The
concept behind the Cheap-u-ter is simple; produce and sell the least expensive, fully
functional computer possible. The production of prototypes has already become a reality.
But will they sell?
We were sent a prototype of the Cheap-u-ter here at the offices of Computer Day Magazine
and were invited to put the machine through its paces. Here are our early impressions.
The unit is very light. It seems that the shell is made mostly of lightweight plastic. Also,
because the unit is powered by a solid-state flash drive, there is no heavy hard disk to weigh
the unit down.
The LCD screen is small and of poor quality compared with other low-end monitors.
However, it is useable and functionality is the point with the Cheap-u-ter.
All in all, the unit does deliver on its promise: it's cheap at only $99.99. The question
remains, "Is it too cheap?"
-- Computer Day editorial staff
From: Reggie Nedfrom
To: <editor@computerdaymag.com>
Subject: Unfair commentary
Of course, you are entitled to your opinion, but your criticism of the Cheap-u-ter is ridiculous.
You disparage it for not being something it is NOT INTENDED TO BE. The unit is designed
for use in the developing world, not for use by spoiled Americans.
As for your complaints about not being able to achieve a wireless connection, it is not likely a
problem with the unit. It's more likely an issue with your network. I assume you use a
broadband 802.11g intranet. However, the Cheap-u-ter will only connect to an 802.11b, the
standard in Africa and South America. Why don't you think before you write?
Finally, as to your comment about the unit being TOO cheap, ask some poor school child
living in a third world slum if it's too cheap. I'm trying to bring technology to the world while
you have nothing but smug criticism.
We received Mr. Nedfrom’s letter right after we published a story in our magazine under the
headline “e-NOVA Computers Unveils Cheap-u-ter.” After checking what Mr. Nedfrom said
with our computer technology editor, Phil Kurz, in Brazil, we find that we owe Mr. Nedfrom an
apology. Reporter Edward Wang, who joined our news team two months ago and wrote this
article that inflamed Mr. Nedfrom, said he was sorry for the mistakes he made, though he did
everything he could to get the story right. Computer Day Editorial Staff rang Mr. Nedfrom to
express our apology, and Mr. Nedfrom gladly accepted it. He gave us more details about his
Cheap-u-ter on the line, and agreed that all the detailed, correct information of Cheap-u-ter
can be published in our next issue.
Your termination request is being processed. If you wish to cancel your termination and
continue as a Big Sky customer, please contact us at 555-5545, ext 919.
Fran Jilberg
Big Sky Cable
Mr. Farnsworth,
This is just a reminder that we will be out to connect your Far Horizon's cable service on the
morning of April 1st. According to our work order, you have asked to have the following
services installed.
1. Basic cable service (76 channels)
2. Premium Service (BHO & Fuzzy Wuzzy Kids)
3. 1 GB broadband
You also requested help in hooking up our service to your newly purchased High Definition
television. Unfortunately, we are not yet HD compliant. Our HD service will begin later this
year. We will provide installation service beginning in late September.
Thanks for the reminder, but I am afraid I have to put it off a bit. My landlord
asked me to vacate the house by the end of March for some unknown
reasons. Anyway, once everything is settled, I will let you know when and
where to have the cable and broadband services installed for me.
Robert Farnsworth
200. Why can Mr. Farnsworth not have the cable service installed on April 1st?
(A) Because Mr. Farnsworth will be on vacation then.
(B) Because Mr. Farnsworth has cancelled the contract with Far
(C) Because Mr. Farnsworth will not live in that place any longer.
(D) Because Mr. Farnsworth’s landlord asked him not to do that.
Stop! This is the end of the test. If you finish before time is called, you may
go back to Parts 5, 6, and 7 and chec