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Cold War Chapter-1 MCQ

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What were the two superpowers during the Cold c) Czechoslovakia

War Era? d) Italy
a) The Soviet Union and the United States 11 .What launch started the space race between the
b) The Soviet Union and Germany U.S. and the Soviet Union?
c) Great Britain and France a) Sputnik I
d) The United States and Great Britain b) Vostok
2.What kind of war is described by the following c) Apollo II
sentence? This type of war involves military threats, d) Telstar
arms buildups, and other techniques short of all-out 12.What is the ability to wipe nations off the planet
war by the superpowers. with nuclear weapons?
a) Korean War a) nuclear annihilation
b) Cold War b) nuclear proliferation
c) Hot War c) deterrent defense
d) Vietnam War d) overkill
3.Of the following countries, which one was NOT a 13.Mao Zedong formed The People’s Republic of
permanent member of the United Nations Security China. Of the following, what action did he NOT
Council? take?
a) Israel a) He launched an economic program called
b) Great Britain the Great Leap Forward.
c) the United States b) He attacked the Soviet Union.
d) France c) He ordered Chinese troops to fight in the
4.What was the main goal of the Truman Doctrine? Korean War.
a) to limit the buildup of nuclear weapons d) He ordered troops to fire on students in
b) to stop the spread of communism Tiananmen Square
c) to send financial aid to Europe 14.Who wanted to use atomic bombs to end the
d) to expand trade with Europe Korean War?
5.Where was the city of Berlin? a) President Dwight D. Eisenhower
a) a neutral zone b) President Harry S Truman
b) a neutral zone c) General Douglas MacArthur
c) East Germany d) General George Marshall
d) West Germany 15.What was the outcome of the Korean War?
6.Which of the following alliances was formed to a) atomic destruction of Chinese bases
block communism in Europe? b) victory for North Korea
a) SEATO c) victory for the United States
b) the Warsaw Pact d) deadlock, or draw
c) NATO 16.Who controlled North Vietnam after the Geneva
d) CENTO Accords?
7.Which of the following organizations is a trade a) Mao Zedong
organization? b) Deng Xiaopng
a) NATO c) Chiang Kai-shek
b) CENTO d) Ho Chi Minh
c) EEC 17.What happened in Vietnam after the U.S.
d) SEATO withdrew troops?
8.What was the goal of the European Economic a) Vietnam was returned to French control.
Community (EEC)? b) Vietnam was taken over by democratic
a) raise tariffs on goods traded within the EEC South Vietnam
b) promote trade with the United States c) Vietnam stayed divided at the 17th parallel.
c) limit trade with France d) Vietnam was reunited by Communist North
d) raise tariffs on goods traded within the EEC Vietnam.
9.What was the term “iron curtain” used to divide 18.Approximately how many miles away were
or separate? Soviet missiles from the coast of Florida during the
a) North and South Korea Cuban Missile Crisis?
b) East and West Sikkim a) 200
c) East and West Europe b) 300
d) North and South Korea c) 100
10.All of the following satellite nations protested d) 400
Communist rule in the 1950s and 1960s EXCEPT 19.What policy was used to resolve the Cuban
one. Which one? Missile Crisis?
a) Hungary a) The U.S. surrendered
b) Poland Poland b) The U.S. ignored the situation
c) The U.S. began a blockade
d) The U.S. sent troops into Cuba
20.Who was and remains leader of Cuba?
a) Nikita Khrushchev
b) Fidel Castro
c) Richard M. Nixon
d) John F. Kennedy

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