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Lab - Encrypting and Decrypting Data Using OpenSSL

Part 1: Encrypting Messages with OpenSSL
Part 2: Decrypting Messages with OpenSSL

Background / Scenario
OpenSSL is an open source project that provides a robust, commercial-grade, and full-featured toolkit for the
Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. It is also a general-purpose
cryptography library. In this lab, you will use OpenSSL to encrypt and decrypt text messages.
Note: While OpenSSL is the de facto cryptography library today, the use presented in this lab is NOT
recommended for robust protection. Below are two security problems with this lab:
1) The method described in this lab uses a weak key derivation function. The ONLY security is
introduced by a very strong password.
2) The method described in this lab does not guarantee the integrity of the text file.
This lab should be used for instructional purposes only. The methods presented here should NOT be used to
secure truly sensitive data.

Required Resources
 CyberOps Workstation Virtual Machine
 Internet access

Part 1: Encrypting Messages with OpenSSL

OpenSSL can be used as a standalone tool for encryption. While many encryption algorithms can be used,
this lab focuses on AES. To use AES to encrypt a text file directly from the command line using OpenSSL,
follow the steps below:

Step 1: Encrypting a Text File

a. Log into CyberOPS Workstation VM.
b. Open a terminal window.
c. Because the text file to be encrypted is in the /home/analyst/ directory, change to that
[analyst@secOps ~]$ cd ./
d. Type the command below to list the contents of the encrypted letter_to_grandma.txt text file on the
[analyst@secOps]$ cat letter_to_grandma.txt
Hi Grandma,
I am writing this letter to thank you for the chocolate chip cookies you sent
me. I got them this morning and I have already eaten half of the box! They
are absolutely delicious!

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Lab – Encrypting and Decrypting Data using OpenSSL

I wish you all the best. Love,

Your cookie-eater grandchild.
e. From the same terminal window, issue the command below to encrypt the text file. The command will use
AES-256 to encrypt the text file and save the encrypted version as message.enc. OpenSSL will ask for a
password and for password confirmation. Provide the password as requested and be sure to remember
the password.
[analyst@secOps]$ openssl aes-256-cbc -in
letter_to_grandma.txt -out message.enc
enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:
Verifying - enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:

Document the password.


f. When the process is finished, use the cat command again to display the contents of the message.enc
[analyst@secOps]$ cat message.enc
Did the contents of the message.enc file display correctly? What does it look like? Explain.
g. To make the file readable, run the OpenSSL command again, but this time add the -a option. The -a
option tells OpenSSL to encode the encrypted message using a different encoding method of Base64
before storing the results in a file.
Note: Base64 is a group of similar binary-to-text encoding schemes used to represent binary data in an
ASCII string format.
[analyst@secOps]$ openssl aes-256-cbc -a -in
letter_to_grandma.txt -out message.enc
enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:
Verifying - enter aes-256-cbc encryption password:
h. Once again, use the cat command to display the contents of the, now re-generated, message.enc file:
Note: The contents of message.enc will vary.
[analyst@secOps]$ cat message.enc

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Lab – Encrypting and Decrypting Data using OpenSSL

Is message.enc displayed correctly now? Explain.

Can you think of a benefit of having message.enc Base64-encoded?

Part 2: Decrypting Messages with OpenSSL

With a similar OpenSSL command, it is possible to decrypt message.enc.
a. Use the command below to decrypt message.enc:
[analyst@secOps]$ openssl aes-256-cbc –a -d -in message.enc
-out decrypted_letter.txt
b. OpenSSL will ask for the password used to encrypt the file. Enter the same password again.
c. When OpenSSL finishes decrypting the message.enc file, it saves the decrypted message in a text file
called decrypted_letter.txt. Use the cat display the contents of decrypted_letter.txt:
[analyst@secOps]$ cat decrypted_letter.txt
Was the letter decrypted correctly?
The command used to decrypt also contains -a option. Can you explain?

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