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Chapter 1 Test

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Chapter 1


Multiple-Choice Questions

1. To be considered true research, a project must:

a. gather together a body of existing information and communicate it in a clear and concise way.
b. uncover obscure or esoteric information and bring it to the consideration of the broader research
c. gather and interpret information in a systematic fashion so as to increase understanding of some
d. produce definitive conclusions regarding the subject of study.

2. Which of the following examples illustrates research as it is described in your textbook?

a. Sally is writing a paper about the effects of the Harry Potter books on the reading habits of fourth
graders in the United States and United Kingdom. She goes to a research library to find information to
include in her paper.
b. Ian wants to know why the population of songbirds has declined in recent years in the Sutton Wilderness
Area. He carefully collects soil and water samples, systematically surveys the entire area for predators,
and then sits down to make sense of his findings.
c. Leonard is starting a woodworking business and is not sure how to calculate the cost of his labor so he
can be both profitable and fair to the customers. He asks several established business owners how they
calculate labor changes.
d. Bill is doing a report on the sonnets of Shakespeare. He carefully reads a number of sonnets and then
carefully reads scholarly reviews of those same sonnets written by various Shakespeare scholars. He
synthesizes all of this information in his report.

3. Research is considered cyclical because:

a. the researcher articulates the goals of the project and then collects data to solve a particular problem.
b. questions lead to data collection which leads to interpretations and then to new problems.
c. it has a number of steps that should be followed in order.
d. it is based on solving problems and subproblems in a systematic, unbiased way.

4. Cameron is conducting a study that addresses the differences in achievement scores between schools that
use block scheduling and schools that use a traditional scheduling format. He has accessed average
achievement scores for 1200 schools and now is comparing the two groups. In which research step is
Cameron engaged?
a. Recognize and identify a problem
b. Interpret the meaning of the data
c. Analyze the collected data
d. Develop a specific plan to address the problem

5. Which of the following is most likely a statement made by a qualitative researcher?

a. I would like to interview a few of the participants to understand their training.
b. I would like to give participants a test to determine their skill level.
c. I would like to use teacher ratings to see if the program worked.
d. I would like to control which students get the training so we can compare groups of children that did and
did not get training.

6. Which of the following is most likely a statement made by a quantitative researcher?

a. Let’s follow the groups for the course of the project and take notes about their social interactions and
b. Let’s conduct some focus groups with college students about the types of cooperative learning they have
encountered in their schooling.
c. Let’s compare unit test scores of those who were placed in cooperative groups and those who were not.
d. Let’s enroll in a course that uses cooperative groups and observe the nature of the instruction from a
student perspective.

7. The philosophical assumption that objective scientific research can uncover true cause-and-effect
relationships in the world is known as:
a. postpositivism.
b. positivism.
c. experimentation.
d. realism.

8. Qualitative researchers most commonly (but not exclusively) align with which of the following
philosophical approaches to research?
a. positivism
b. postpositivism
c. constructivism
d. pragmatism

9. A specific mechanism or strategy the researcher uses to collect, manipulate, or interpret data is known as a:
a. research tool.
b. research method.
c. statistical test.
d. theory.

10. Research methodology refers to:

a. the general approach the researcher takes to conducting a research project.
b. a specific device the researcher uses to collect data.
c. the specific theoretical basis of the research project.
d. the statistical tests to be employed in a research project.

11. The primary purpose of inferential statistics is to:

a. organize and summarize the data.
b. turn qualitative data into meaningful numbers that can be interpreted.
c. measure social and psychological phenomena in an unbiased way.
d. help the researcher draw conclusions from the data.

12. Kade has spent the past month carefully observing a group of third graders on the playground during recess,
taking note of how the students interact with one another. On the basis of these observations, Kade is
drawing conclusions about the interaction styles of boys and girls. This is an example of:
a. theory building.
b. deductive reasoning.
c. inductive reasoning.
d. the scientific method.

13. Kimberly knows that teenagers often do not make good decisions in areas where they have little knowledge.
She also knows that most teens have little knowledge about human sexuality. Therefore, Kimberly believes
that teens are likely to make poor decisions about sexual activity. This is an example of:
a. inductive reasoning.
b. theory building.
c. problem solving.
d. deductive logic.

14. Having completed a series of studies for her dissertation, Marianela sits down to brainstorm about possible
explanations for her key findings. She can see a variety of ways in which all data work together, and she
prepares to write a final chapter in which she presents those ideas. We would most likely say Marianela is
engaged in the process of:
a. science.
b. theory building.
c. constructivism.
d. deductive reasoning.

15. The primary reason to seek research articles published in academic journals, rather than those posted by the
author on the Internet, is that:
a. they have been carefully selected after an extensive review by experts.
b. they are more likely to follow the scientific method.
c. they tend to focus on the most important topics in the field.
d. they are more objective and show fewer pitfalls in human reasoning.

16. Researchers who ascribe to the belief that there are multiple realities to be discovered are known as:

a. Constructivists.
b. Positivists.
c. Post-Positivists.
d. Pragmatists.

17. A good researcher always begins with a(n):

a. theory.
b. problem or unanswered question.
c. hypothesis.
d. interesting topic.

18. This type of research generally focuses on amounts or quantities, typically in numeric form.

a. Qualitative research
b. Quantitative research
c. Action research
d. Mixed-Methods research

19. A specific mechanism or strategy the researcher uses to collect, manipulate, or interpret data is known as

a. research methodology.
b. research tool.
c. research hypothesis.
d. research resource.
20. Which of the following is true regarding the nature of descriptive and inferential statistics?

a. Descriptive statistics help us to describe the characteristics of data while inferential statistics help us to
make decisions about data.
b. Inferential statistics help us to describe the characteristics of data while descriptive statistics help us to
make decisions about data.
c. Descriptive statistics help us to determine causation from correlation.
d. Inferential statistics help us to describe the shape of a set of data.

Essay Questions

21. Describe an example of the word research being used inappropriately. Be clear about how your example
deviates from the definition of research offered in the chapter.

22. Graduate professors like to insist that the completion of thesis or dissertation research is not merely an
"academic exercise" or final hurdle to obtaining the desired degree. Explain at least one personal benefit
that the individual derives from completing a high- quality thesis or dissertation. Then explain at least one
societal benefit that follows from the individual's completion of a high-quality thesis or dissertation.

23. Do recent technological advances (e.g., the World Wide Web, electronic databases) assure that future
research will be of higher quality, or of greater utility, than past research? Support your answer.

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