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IEEE Std 1268-1997

IEEE Guide for the Safe Installation of

Mobile Substation Equipment

Substations Committee
of the
IEEE Power Engineering Society

Approved 26 June 1997

IEEE Standards Board

Abstract: Information pertaining to the installation of mobile substation equipment up to 230 kV is provided.
Keywords: grounding, installation, lighting, lightning stroke protection, mobile substation equipment,
shielding, step voltage, surge protection, touch voltage, transferred voltage

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2394, USA
Copyright © 1997 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 1997 Printed in the United States of America
ISBN 1-55937-938-3
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(This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1268-1997, IEEE Guide for the Safe Installation of Mobile Substation Equipment.)

Prior to the development of this guide, information regarding safe installation and operation of mobile substations was
not available from a single source. To provide a single source of information for general transport, set-up, installation,
and safe operation of mobile substation equipment, members of Working Group D4 (Substation Safety) unanimously
voted to develop a comprehensive guide. The West Coast Subcommittee volunteered to assist in the development of
the guide. Accordingly, a project authorization was requested and was approved by the IEEE Standards Board in
September 1991.

This guide was developed with the intent to identify specific areas of concern and offer design assistance in those
areas. Recognizing that mobile substations and their installation practices vary widely, the intent of this guide is not to
provide a step-by-step set of instructions for individual units. Instead, an attempt was made by the working group to
provide generic information on topics and items pertaining to safe installation and operation of mobile substation

The members of Working Group D4 who participated in the development of this guide were as follows:

Shashi Patel, Chair

Jerry Murphy, Vice Chair
Randy Reynolds, Secretary

Hanna Abadallah David Lane Garrett Jeff Merryman

Dave Allaway D. A. Gillies Steven D. Middlecamp
Nelson Barbeito Gary Ihle J. L. Mundon
Tom Barnes Richard P. Keil Yitzah Shertok
C. J. Blattner Alan E. Kollar Garry Simms
Steve. D. Brown Donald N. Laird Bob Stewert*
A. C. Cockerham David Mathews T. B. Thompson
Frank A. Denbrock T. S. McLenahan C. F. Todd
Gary Engmann R. J. Wehling

*Chair, West Coast Subcommittee

The following persons were on the balloting committee:

William J. Ackerman Frank Y. Chu Floyd W. Greenway

S. J. Arnot D. Mason Clark Daniel C. Gregory
Anthony C. Baker John R. Clayton John Grzan
Nelson Barbeito Robert Corlew David L. Harris
George J. Bartok Richard Cottrell R. J. Hellweg
Burhan Becer Eugene F. Counsel John E. Holladay
Michael J. Bio William Daily Mike L. Holm
Kenneth L. Black Frank A. Denbrock Kenneth Jackson
Charles Blattner Clifford C. Diemond Zlatko Kapelina
Wayne R. Block W. Bruce Dietzman Richard P. Keil
Steven A. Boggs Terry Doern Alan E. Kollar
Philip C. Bolin Claude Durand Terry L. Krummrey
Steven D. Brown Gary R. Engmann Luther W. Kurtz
James C. Burke James W. Evans Donald N. Laird
John B. Cannon Ron J. Farquharson Lawrence M. Laskowski
Dennis L. Carr Lenard N. Ferguson Alfred A. Leibold
Daniel Charbonnet David Lane Garrett C. T. Lindeberg

H. Peter Lips Kjell Pettersson Robert P. Stewart
Rusko Matulic Walter Prystajecky W. Keith Switzer
John D. McDonald J. F. Quinata Stanley R. Sykes
Thomas S. McLenahan B. Don Russell John T. Tengdin
A. P. Sakis Meliopoulos Jakob Sabath Hemchand Thakar
Abdul M. Mousa Samuel C. Sciacca Charles F. Todd
Philip R. Nannery Frank C. Shainauskas Duane R. Torgerson
R. S. Nowell June Singletary, Jr. Mark Vainberg
Edward V. Olavarria Lee H. Smith L. F. Volf
J. Ted Orrell Robert C. Sodergren Tony Watson
James S. Oswald Bodo Sojka R. Jean Wehling
Shashi G. Patel Robert C. StClair W. M. Werner
Raymond J. Perina Bahman Yamin-Afshar

When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on 26 June 1997, it had the following membership:

Donald C. Loughry, Chair

Richard J. Holleman, Vice Chair
Andrew G. Salem, Secretary

Clyde R. Camp Lowell Johnson Gerald H. Peterson

Stephen L. Diamond Robert Kennelly John W. Pope
Harold E. Epstein E. G. “Al” Kiener Jose R. Ramos
Donald C. Fleckenstein Joseph L. Koepfinger* Ronald H. Reimer
Jay Forster* Stephen R. Lambert Ingo Rüsch
Thomas F. Garrity Lawrence V. McCall John S. Ryan
Donald N. Heirman L. Bruce McClung Chee Kiow Tan
Jim Isaak Marco W. Migliaro Howard L. Wolfman
Ben C. Johnson Louis-François Pau

*Member Emeritus

Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Board liaisons:

Satish K. Aggarwal Alan H. Cookson

Valerie E. Zelenty, IEEE Standards Project Editor

National Electrical Code and NEC are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association.
National Electrical Safety Code and NESC are registered trademarks and service marks of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

1. Overview .............................................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose....................................................................................................................................................... 1

2. References ...........................................................................................................................................................1

3. Definitions...........................................................................................................................................................2

4. Electrical clearances............................................................................................................................................3

4.1 General ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

4.2 Phase-to-ground clearances........................................................................................................................ 3
4.3 Phase-to-phase clearances.......................................................................................................................... 3

5. Grounding ...........................................................................................................................................................3

5.1 General ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

5.2 Safety criteria ............................................................................................................................................. 4
5.3 Items to ground .......................................................................................................................................... 5
5.4 Methods of grounding ................................................................................................................................ 6
5.5 Connection to the existing grid .................................................................................................................. 6

6. Installation procedures ........................................................................................................................................7

6.1 Planning ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

6.2 Surface/site preparation.............................................................................................................................. 7
6.3 Preparing the mobile substation for transport ............................................................................................ 7
6.4 Placing the mobile substation in service .................................................................................................... 8
6.5 Removing the mobile substation from service........................................................................................... 9

7. Enclosure practices ...........................................................................................................................................10

7.1 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

7.2 Fence safety clearances............................................................................................................................ 10
7.3 Warning signs .......................................................................................................................................... 10
7.4 Fence post installation.............................................................................................................................. 10

8. Protection of transformer ..................................................................................................................................10

8.1 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

8.2 Types of transformer failures ................................................................................................................... 11
8.3 Electrical detection of faults .................................................................................................................... 11
8.4 Mechanical detection of faults ................................................................................................................. 12
8.5 Fault clearing............................................................................................................................................ 13

9. Work practices ..................................................................................................................................................14

10. Lighting.............................................................................................................................................................14

10.1 Area lighting ............................................................................................................................................ 14

10.2 Red external light ..................................................................................................................................... 14
10.3 Amber external light ................................................................................................................................ 14

11. Direct lightning stroke protection .....................................................................................................................14

11.1 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 14

11.2 Existing shielding..................................................................................................................................... 15
11.3 Shielding with portable masts .................................................................................................................. 15
11.4 Use of shield wires ................................................................................................................................... 15

12. Surge protection ................................................................................................................................................15

Annex A (informative) Bibliography ...........................................................................................................................16

Annex B (informative) Summary of relevant parts of the Canadian and U.S. work practice related documents .......17

IEEE Guide for the Safe Installation of
Mobile Substation Equipment

1. Overview

1.1 Scope

This guide contains information on general topics and items pertaining to the installation of mobile substation
equipment. The guide recognizes that mobile substations vary widely regarding the particular devices and equipment
used. It is beyond the scope of this guide to provide a specific step-by-step set of instructions for individual units. This
guide covers installation of mobile substation equipment up to 230 kV.

1.2 Purpose

The purpose of this guide is to establish general transport, set-up, and installation guidelines for the safe use of mobile
substation equipment. This guide has been developed with the intent to identify specific areas of concern and offer
design assistance in those areas.

2. References

This guide shall be used in conjunction with the following standards. When the following standards are superseded by
an approved revision, the revision shall apply.

Accredited Standards Committee C2-1997, National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC®).1

ANSI C37.32-1990 Schedules of Preferred Ratings, Manufacturing Specifications, and Application Guide for High-
Voltage Air Switches, Bus Supports, and Switch Accessories.2

ANSI Z535.2-1991 Environmental and Facility Safety Signs.

1The NESC® is available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331,
ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York,
NY 10036, USA.

Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved 1


Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, 17th Edition (C22.1-1994), Safety Standard for Electrical Installations.3

IEEE Std 80-1986 (Reaff 1991) IEEE Guide for Safety in AC Substation Grounding (ANSI).4

IEEE Std 100-1996 IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms.

IEEE Std 525-1992 IEEE Guide for Design and Installation of Cable Systems in Substations (ANSI).

IEEE Std 998-1996 IEEE Guide for Direct Lightning Stroke Shielding of Substations (ANSI).

IEEE Std 1119-1988 (Reaff 1993) IEEE Guide for Fence Safety Clearances in Electric-Supply Stations (ANSI).5

IEEE Std C37.91-1985 (Reaff 1990) IEEE Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Power Transformers (ANSI).

IEEE Std C62.22-1991 IEEE Guide for the Application of Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for Alternating-Current
Systems (ANSI).

NFPA 70-1996, National Electrical Code® (NEC®).6

3. Definitions

Definitions of terms pertinent to the subject matter are listed here. Definitions as given herein apply specifically to the
application of this guide. For additional definitions, see IEEE Std 100-1996 .

3.1 clearances: The separation between two conductors, between conductors and supports or other objects, or
between conductors and ground.
3.2 electric-supply equipment: Equipment that produces, modifies, regulates, controls, or safeguards a supply of
electric energy.
3.3 electric-supply station: Any building, room, or separate space within which electric-supply equipment is located
and the interior of which is accessible, as a rule, only to properly qualified persons. This includes generating stations
and substations, including their associated generator, storage battery, transformer, and switchgear rooms.
3.4 exposed: Not isolated or guarded.
3.5 ground potential rise (GPR): The maximum electrical potential that a substation grounding grid may attain
relative to a distant grounding point assumed to be at the potential of remote earth.
3.6 live parts: Those parts that are designed to operate at voltage different from that of the earth.
3.7 metal-to-metal touch voltage: The voltage between metallic objects or structures within the substation site that
may be bridged by direct hand-to-hand or hand-to-feet contact.
3.8 mobile substation equipment: Substation equipment mounted and readily movable as a system of transportable

3The Canadian Electrical Code is available from the Canadian Standards Association, 178 Rexdale Boulevard, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada M9W
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-
1331, USA.
IEEE Std 1119-1988 has been withdrawn; however, copies can be obtained from Global Engineering, 15 Inverness Way East, Englewood, CO
80112-5704, USA, tel. (303) 792-2181.
6The NEC® is available from Publications Sales, National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101, Quincy, MA 02269-
9101, USA. It is also available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-
1331, USA.

2 Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved


3.9 step voltage: The difference in surface potential experienced by a person not in contact with any grounded object
and whose feet are spaced 1 m apart.
3.10 touch voltage: The potential difference between the ground potential rise and the surface potential at the point
where a person is standing while at the same time having one hand in contact with a grounded structure.
3.11 transferred voltage: A special case of the touch voltage where a voltage is transferred into or out of the
substation from or to a remote point external to the substation site.

4. Electrical clearances

4.1 General

Guarding and clearances to energized parts should comply with Rule 124 of the National Electrical Safety Code®
(NESC®) (Accredited Standards Committee C2-1997). Clearances to energized parts for safety of personnel should
be as given in Table 124-1 of the NESC unless adequate insulation or suitable barriers are provided. Any ungrounded
part or parts of indeterminate potential should be located a minimum of 102 in (2.6 m) above any permanent
supporting surface for workers in accordance with NESC Rule 124A.3.

4.2 Phase-to-ground clearances

Recommended and minimum clearances of energized parts to grounded parts should be in accordance with “Ground
Clearances” as given in Columns 4 and 5, respectively, of Table 3 of ANSI C37.32-1990 . Alternatively, minimum
clearance to grounded parts should be in accordance with Table 710-33 of the National Electrical Code® (NEC®)
(NFPA 70-1996) for indoor and industrial environments.

4.3 Phase-to-phase clearances

Minimum metal-to-metal clearances between all disconnecting switch bus supports and rigid conductors should be in
accordance with Column 3 of Table 3 of ANSI C37.32-1990 . Distances between nonrigid parts should be adjusted to
provide such minimum clearances. Recommended centerline-to-centerline phase spacing for switches are given in
Columns 6, 7, and 8 of that same table. Alternatively, minimum phase-to-phase clearances of live parts should be in
accordance with Table 710-33 of the NEC for indoor and industrial environments.

5. Grounding

5.1 General

Mobile substations or transformer trailers may be installed in many locations. The trailers may be installed on utility
property or non-utility property. On utility property, the mobile substation may be installed inside or outside the
substation fence. The mobile substation located outside the permanent substation fence may be located next to the
substation, a distance away from the substation, on the transmission line right-of-way, or on non-utility property. When
the mobile substation is located outside the substation fence or on non-utility property, special attention should be
given to the touch voltages at the mobile substation fence because it is the most likely point of contact by non-utility

Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved 3


5.2 Safety criteria

The basic shock situations for mobile substations are the same as for permanent substations, as indicated in IEEE Std
80-1986 and as shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1— Basic shock situations

The purpose of the grounding system is to

a) Provide a means to conduct electric current into the earth under normal and fault conditions without
exceeding any operating and equipment limits or adversely affecting continuity of service.
b) Ensure that a person in the vicinity of grounded facilities is not exposed to the danger of critical electrical

Transferred voltage needs to be considered when a mobile substation is located outside a substation and a ground
connection is installed between the mobile substation and the substation ground grid.

The grounding system should limit the touch, step, and metal-to-metal touch voltage levels to acceptable levels for
personnel safety and safe equipment operation. If acceptable shock voltages are not possible or practical, insulating
gloves and/or boots should be worn by personnel working around the mobile substation. Appropriate signs or barriers
should be placed around the mobile substation. For a mobile substation located outside the permanent substation,
however, the touch voltage around the mobile substation fence should still be addressed (see 5.4).

4 Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved


5.3 Items to ground

5.3.1 Fence

The fences may be either connected to the mobile substation grid or isolated. A dangerous voltage may exist if an
isolated conducting (metallic) fence and the trailer can be bridged by a person standing between them. Connecting the
fence and trailer together will lower the voltage between them, even if they may not be touched at the same time. If an
ungrounded conducting temporary fence is installed adjacent to a grounded substation fence, an isolation section may
be necessary to prevent a transfer voltage on the temporary fence.

5.3.2 Gate

A conducting gate should be bonded to a conducting fence. If the gate swings outward, a loop conductor should be
installed to control the touch voltages when opening the gate. If the gate opens inward, no special grounding may be
needed unless the fence is isolated from the mobile substation’s ground grid.

5.3.3 Trailer frame

The trailer frame and/or trailer ground bus should be connected to the grid with a conductor of a size adequate to carry
the available fault current. If the trailer has no ground bus for the equipment connections, all equipment and the trailer
should be connected to the mobile substation ground grid using separate conductors of proper size for each piece of
equipment. Multiple trailers (e.g., a switch and fuse trailer used with a mobile transformer trailer) should be connected
via the grid or a direct cable tie to prevent voltages between them. Caution should be taken while any maintenance is
performed on the trailer (e.g., changing or removing tires and adjusting jacks) while the unit is in service. Movable
(e.g., slide-out switch bases, etc.) or removable conducting parts (e.g., steps, dollies, etc.) should be connected to the
trailer ground bus or the ground grid, or both, to eliminate voltages between them.

5.3.4 Cable shield grounding

Cable shields should be grounded. If the cable shield is to be grounded at both ends, the shield must be sized to conduct
fault current or have a separate parallel conductor to prevent excessive current in the shield. Refer to IEEE Std 525-
1992 for further guidance.

5.3.5 Operator platforms or plates

In the absence of a properly designed ground grid, operator platforms or plates should be installed and connected to the
grid at all switch handles that are accessible from the ground. In the case of a properly designed ground grid, operator
platforms and plates may be installed as a supplement to the ground grid and connected to the grid. If the trailer jacks
are to be adjusted while the mobile substation is in service, a platform or plates connected to the grid should be
installed at the jack handle.

5.3.6 Neutral grounding

Neutral conductors of adequate fault-current capacity should be installed from the mobile transformer to the grid.
Feeder neutrals should be connected to the provided attachment point (neutral bushing) or directly to the grid. If
possible, transmission line shield wires should be connected to the grid. Due to the higher resistance of a separate
mobile grid not connected to the main substation grid, a high percentage of the fault current will flow on the neutral
and transmission line shield wires. In some cases, the current limits of these wires may be exceeded by return currents.
When the mobile substation is located outside the substation fence, the grids should be connected together, if practical,
to lower the ground potential rise. Installation of two or more ground cables is desirable to reduce the inductive
reactance between the two ground mats and to lower the transient overvoltages.

Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved 5


5.3.7 Temporary equipment

Any temporary equipment connected to the trailer or equipment on the trailer should be grounded to the grid or trailer
ground bus.

5.4 Methods of grounding

5.4.1 Mobile substation grounding

A mobile substation installed inside a substation fence should have the trailer or trailers connected to the substation
grid in a minimum of two locations. A mobile substation located outside and away from the substation may require
different considerations. The length of service and the location of the mobile substation are factors in determining
what grounding should be installed and what deviations from standard practices are acceptable. The grid conductor
may be placed on the soil surface and connected to driven ground rods to help lower the touch voltage and hold the
cable in place. A buried conductor and ground rods would result in lower touch voltages during a fault. A counterpoise
or portable ground mat installed on the soil surface may be a solution to the touch voltage hazard when a minimal
grounding system is installed. This mat may be installed over all or part of the mobile substation area. A layer of high-
resistivity material may be installed to help increase the acceptable levels of touch and step voltages. The emergency
installation of a mobile substation may cause the utility to deviate from standard practices on clearances and type of
grid installation. The safe practice of wearing insulating gloves and/or boots should be considered for all personnel
inside the fence of the mobile substation when it is located away from the substation fence.

5.4.2 Mobile substation fence grounding

The fence around the mobile substation is the most likely point of contact by non-utility personnel. The fence is often
constructed to a lower standard than a permanent fence because it is a temporary installation. For conducting (metallic)
fences, a buried perimeter conductor outside the fence should be installed and each fence post should be connected to
this conductor to lower the touch voltage. A layer of rock or other high-resistivity material may be installed inside the
fence, 1 m outside the fence, or both. A rock layer will increase the contact resistance of a person’s foot and will lower
the body current. The fence fabric and barbed wire may be connected to the grid according to the normal practice of
the utility. A jumper should be installed across the gate opening to provide continuity of the perimeter conductor. A
conducting gate should be bonded to conducting gate posts. When the mobile substation is located outside the
substation and a common side is shared with the utility or a customer, isolation sections or insulated fencing may be
necessary to prevent a dangerous transferred voltage from being conducted on the adjacent fence.

5.5 Connection to the existing grid

Above-grade connections may be installed between the existing substation grid and the mobile grid. When this method
is used, the following should be considered:

a) Tripping hazard
b) Exposure to high current during fault conditions
c) Exposure to cable movements under electromechanical forces during fault conditions

An above-grade connection is accessible not only to utility personnel but also to non-utility personnel and animals. A
fence or other barriers can avoid this accessibility.

A below-grade connection eliminates the above-grade hazards, but involves additional time and cost to install. If the
connection is from utility property to non-utility property, a removal cost of the connecting conductor may be incurred
when the mobile substation is removed from service.

6 Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved


6. Installation procedures

6.1 Planning

Successful utilization of a mobile substation is dependent on detailed planning of the installation. Mobile substation
sites throughout the system should be selected prior to emergency situations to allow proper installation in a timely

A site within an existing substation should be selected based on a review of the existing substation drawings and a field
inspection of the location. Sites outside an existing substation should be selected to keep the need for grading to a
minimum. The proximity to required facilities such as transmission and distribution lines and an adequate space to
satisfy physical size, electrical clearances, and access requirements need to be considered.

The proposed route to be traveled should be reviewed to ensure that all physical clearance requirements and weight
restrictions including any specific local codes are satisfied. The need for any special insurance or permits should be
determined and they should be obtained from the appropriate departments or agencies.

6.2 Surface/site preparation

6.2.1 Existing substation sites

The site selected should allow connection to the various power and control systems in a safe and efficient manner.
Working clearances should be maintained for the mobile substation and existing substation equipment. Additional
support material should be installed (matting, cribbing, etc.) as necessary in poor soil conditions resulting from
seasonal variations (rainy season, spring thaw conditions). Review substation drawings for routing/location of
temporary equipment (e.g., control cables, power cables, barrier materials, etc.).

6.2.2 New temporary locations

The site should be graded for the proper drainage and equipment installation. Installation of the ground grid should be
based on the design requirements. Proper fencing should be installed to secure the site.

6.2.3 All locations

Obtain operational clearance as required, and install any temporary structures required for primary or secondary
connections. Install any temporary bus and temporary high-voltage jumper connections as required for the mobile

6.3 Preparing the mobile substation for transport

The mobile substation should be prepared for transportation to the site in accordance with system standards and
manufacturer’s instructions. This includes the transformer, switches, breakers, control/relay systems, and all

6.3.1 General inspection

The following items should be included in a general inspection of the mobile substation prior to transportation:

a) Check the oil level in all tanks, compartments, and bushings.

b) For units with a nitrogen blanket, verify that the gas supply is adequate and that the cylinder is in the transport

Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved 7


c) Verify that arresters are secured in the transport position.

d) Check high-voltage power fuses, if equipped.
e) Close the bottom valves of the cooling system to decrease the possibility of oil leaks during transit.
f) Inspect high- and low-side disconnect switches and verify that blades are clamped in the closed position.
g) Verify that a set of instruction manuals and control drawings are with the unit.
h) Lock and secure all cabinet doors for transit.
i) Verify that all shipping braces, rock guards, and protective covers are secured for transit.
j) Verify that bushing shorting jumpers are in place.

6.4 Placing the mobile substation in service

6.4.1 Locating the mobile substation

Locate the mobile substation so the route of the temporary high-voltage primary and secondary conductors will not
interfere with maintenance of existing substation equipment. Verify that there is adequate electrical clearance to
adjacent structures, equipment, and fence.

6.4.2 Leveling the mobile substation

When leveling the mobile substation

a) Block and level all mobile substation trailers.

b) Support the weight of the mobile substation on temporary cribbing.
c) Remove the weight of the trailers from the tires.
d) Allow no more than 5 ° deviation from level in any direction (side to side, front to rear).

6.4.3 Grounding the mobile substation

Connect the mobile substation to the ground grid utilizing the recommendations in Clause 5. Avoid routing of
temporary ground risers in vehicle traffic areas. Verify continuity of the mobile substation’s ground bus and
connections to equipment.

Connect the neutral bushing(s) of the transformer to system neutral with an appropriately rated conductor.

6.4.4 Inspection of equipment after transport

Check equipment (transformer, bushings, arresters, breaker, insulators, switches, relays, etc.) for damage and oil leaks
after transport. Check the following for proper levels and functions:

a) Oil levels in transformer tank, compartments, and bushings

b) Transformer tank pressure
c) Pressure relief device

6.4.5 Testing

The following tests are recommended prior to energization:

a) Transformer
1) Transformer turns ratio
2) Insulation and dielectric tests
b) Circuit-interrupting devices
1) Hi-pot the vacuum bottles
2) Insulation and dielectric tests
3) Check pressure on gas interrupting devices

8 Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved


c) Current transformer
1) Transformer turns ratio
2) Insulation tests

6.4.6 Equipment set-up

Install the mobile substation in accordance with the manufacturer and system standards. All connections including
power cable, control and data acquisition, station service, neutral, and grounding should be verified prior to
energization. Lightning protection systems should be installed, and all connections to the arresters and the ground grid
should be verified.

Power cables should be properly supported to relieve strain on terminations. Power, control, and communication
cables should be grounded in accordance with the established standards of the utility company.

6.4.7 Pre-energization check items

a) Cooling system: fan and pump operation (proper rotation) and valve position
b) Transformer tap position
c) Transformer primary protective device
d) Coordination of relays/trip circuit checks
e) Battery and charging systems
f) System phasing
g) Mobile substation grounding, including fence
h) Electrical clearances
i) Barriers and warning signs
j) Electrical operation of protective devices
k) Operation and alignment of disconnect switches
l) Connections to local remote terminal unit (RTU)

6.4.8 Energizing the mobile substation

Energizing and loading of the mobile substation should be conducted in accordance with established system
operational practices. Periodic recording of load and oil and winding temperatures is recommended.

6.5 Removing the mobile substation from service

De-energizing the mobile substation should be performed in accordance with established system operational practices
and manufacturer’s instructions. An oil sample for a dissolved gas-in-oil test should be obtained.

The mobile substation cooling system should remain in operation until top oil temperature has dropped to an
acceptable level.

6.5.1 Preparing the mobile substation for transport to storage

The mobile substation should be prepared for transportation to storage in accordance with 6.3.

6.5.2 Preparing the mobile substation for storage

The mobile substation should be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. This should include
checking the power for battery and cabinet heaters, the battery charger float voltage, and the grounding. General
inspection and testing are recommended to allow for any needed repairs prior to next deployment.

Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved 9


7. Enclosure practices

7.1 General

Section 110 of the NESC requires all electric supply stations to include fences, screens, partitions, or walls to form an
enclosure to minimize the possibility of entrance of unauthorized persons or interference by them with equipment
inside. Rule 014 of the NESC also permits waiver of rules for emergency or temporary installations under certain
conditions. It is the responsibility of the designer to determine if the installation qualifies for such a waiver. In general,
such noncompliance should be avoided to the extent possible, and any condition that might endanger persons or
property should be corrected as soon as practical.

7.2 Fence safety clearances

Refer to IEEE Std 1119-1988 for guidance on locating fence with respect to live parts. In accordance with this guide,
exposed live parts should be located outside the safety clearance zone.

7.3 Warning signs

Appropriate signs should be displayed. Consideration may be given to locating signs on all sides of the mobile
substation enclosure. Refer to ANSI Z535.2-1991 for further guidance in designing and locating the signs.

7.4 Fence post installation

The following types of installations may be considered:

a) Direct embedded.
b) Swamp anchors.
c) Power installed foundations.
d) Concrete pier with a depth of 42 in (1.1 m) and a diameter of 9 in (230 mm). The depth may depend on local
soil conditions. The post should be fully embedded.
e) Compacted stone pier with a depth of 42 in (1.1 m) and a diameter of 12 in (305 mm). The depth may depend
on local soil conditions. The post should be fully embedded.

8. Protection of transformer

8.1 General

The transformer should be protected for the following reasons:

a) To separate the faulted unit from the system so that the system can continue to function
b) To limit damage to the faulted unit
c) To minimize the possibility of a fire
d) To minimize hazards to personnel

Faults internal to the transformer quite often involve a low magnitude of fault current relative to the available fault
current at the terminals. For such conditions to be detected, a protection scheme with high sensitivity and high speed,
as found in a transformer differential scheme or sudden pressure relay scheme, may be required.

10 Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved


Choice of interrupting device should be made considering the required interrupting capability, cost, weight, size, and
isolating switch requirement. Fuses have the advantage of low cost, weight, and size; and incorporate a visual open
break. They do not protect well against some types of faults. Also, fuses may not be used to energize or de-energize the
transformer and therefore may require a separate device for this purpose. Circuit breakers or other types of interrupting
devices, such as vacuum switches or circuit switchers, cost more than fuses and usually weigh more and are larger.
However, they permit more sensitive relay protection and can be used to energize or de-energize the transformer. For
detailed information on transformer protection, refer to IEEE Std C37.91-1985 .

8.2 Types of transformer failures

When considering transformer protection, the ability of the scheme to detect and clear the types of failures listed below
should be considered.

a) Winding failures
b) Tap changer failures
c) Bushing failures
d) Terminal board failures
e) Core failures
f) Miscellaneous failures

8.3 Electrical detection of faults

8.3.1 Fuse protection

Fuses have the merits of being economical and requiring little maintenance. No dc battery supply or current
transformers are needed. Fuses can reliably protect some power transformers against primary and secondary external
faults. They will provide limited protection for internal faults. Generally, more sensitive means for protection from
internal faults are provided for transformers of 10 MVA and higher. Fuses have been used at higher transformer ratings
depending on the available fuse ampere ratings and the ability to coordinate with upstream protection devices. It
should be recognized that the operation of one fuse on a three-phase system will not necessarily de-energize the fault.
If the fault is not de-energized, the resulting single-phase service may be detrimental to the connected polyphase and
single-phase motors and other loads. If required, special protection should be added for single-phasing conditions.

The selection of the fuse and proper ampere rating should be based on the following factors:

a) Fuse fault-interrupting capability and available system fault current

b) Maximum anticipated peak load current, daily peak loads, emergency peak loads, maximum permissible
transformer load current, and the applicable transformer through-fault current protection curve
c) Hot-load pickup (inrush current upon instantaneous reclosing of source-side circuit breaker) and cold-load
pickup (inrush current and undiversified load current after an extended outage)
d) Available primary system fault current and transformer impedance
e) Coordination with source-side protection equipment
f) Coordination with low-side protection equipment
g) Maximum allowable fault time on the low-side bus conductors
h) Transformer connections and grounding impedance as they affect the primary current for various types of
secondary faults
i) Maximum degree of sensitivity for detection of high-impedance faults
j) Transformer magnetizing inrush

Ampere rating selection is facilitated by data published by fuse manufacturers. Such data includes time-current
characteristic curves, ambient temperature and preloading adjustment curves, plus daily and emergency peak-loading

Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved 11


Mobile and portable transformers are frequently designed and constructed with a higher-than-standard winding
temperature rise to reduce their size and weight. Therefore, they have reduced overload capability. This should also be
considered when selecting the fuse rating.

8.3.2 Differential protection

Current differential relaying is the most commonly used type of protection for transformers of approximately 10 MVA
(self-cooled rating) and above. The term differential relaying refers to a current transformer connection scheme in
which the net operating current to the relay is the difference between input and output currents to the zone of

The following three general classes of relays are typically used with this current differential scheme:

a) Time overcurrent relay, which may include an instantaneous trip unit having a high-current setting;
b) Percentage differential relay, with restraint actuated by the input and output currents;
c) Percentage differential relay, with restraint actuated by one or more harmonics in addition to the restraint
actuated by the input and output currents. Most modern transformer differential relays are this type.

Current transformer connections and ratios must be such that the net current in the relay operating coil for any type or
location of external fault is effectively zero, unless relay current matching taps are available. Most modern relays have
current matching taps.

8.3.3 Overcurrent relay protection

A fault external to a transformer can result in damage to the transformer. If the fault is not cleared promptly, the
resulting overload on the transformer can cause severe overheating and failure. Overcurrent relays (or fuses, see 8.3.1)
may be used to clear the transformer from the faulted bus or line before the transformer is damaged. On some small
transformers, overcurrent relays may also protect in the case of internal transformer faults, and on larger transformers,
overcurrent relays may be used to provide a backup for differential or sudden pressure relays.

8.4 Mechanical detection of faults

8.4.1 Sudden gas-pressure relay

The sudden gas-pressure relay is applicable to all gas-cushioned oil-immersed transformers and is mounted in the area
of the gas space. It consists of a pressure-actuated switch, housed in a hermetically sealed case and isolated from the
transformer gas space except for a pressure-equalizing orifice.

The relay operates on the difference between the pressure in the gas space of the transformer and the pressure inside
the relay. An equalizing orifice tends to equalize these two pressures for slow changes in pressure due to loading and
ambient temperature change. However, a more rapid rise in pressure in the gas space of the transformer due to a fault
results in operation of the relay. High-energy arcs produce a large quantity of gas, which operates the relay in a short
time. The operating time is longer for low-energy arcs.

8.4.2 Sudden oil-pressure relay

The sudden oil-pressure relay is applicable to all oil-immersed transformers and is mounted on the transformer tank
wall below the minimum liquid level. Should an internal fault develop, the rapid rise in oil pressure or pressure pulse
is transmitted by the transformer oil and operates a relay. In the event of small rises in oil pressure (e.g., due to changes
in loading or ambient temperature), the increased pressure is also transmitted by the transformer oil. However, the
pressure is relieved by equalizer holes, and the relay and the switch do not operate. Relay sensitivity and response to
a fault are independent of transformer-operating pressure.

12 Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved


8.5 Fault clearing

A faulted transformer must be separated from its power source by fault clearing devices such as circuit breakers,
remote tripping of circuit breakers via transfer trip, fault-initiating switches, circuit switchers, vacuum switches, or
fuses. In addition to separating the transformer from its power source, consideration should be given to tripping oil
pumps and fans to reduce their possible adverse effects in sustaining or spreading an oil fire.

Determination of the type of fault-clearing devices to be used should involve considerations such as

a) Installation and maintenance cost

b) Fault clearing time relative to fire hazard and repair or replacement costs of the transformer
c) System stability and reliability
d) System operating limitations
e) Device interrupting capability

8.5.1 Circuit breakers

Circuit breakers directly actuated by a protective relay system are usually provided where it is desirable to isolate a
faulted transformer with minimum effect on other segments of the power system. They offer the fastest fault-clearing
time and highest interrupting capability.

8.5.2 Remote tripping of circuit breakers

In some situations it may be difficult to justify the cost of local circuit breakers. Tripping of remote source circuit
breakers by use of local relays and communication channels, or by use of fault-initiating switches (high-speed ground
switches) are alternatives. When remote tripping is used, a power-operated disconnecting switch is usually connected
on the source side of the transformer to isolate the transformer from the system. The switch is arranged to open
automatically and cancels the remote transfer trip signal, or isolates the ground switch from the system. In both cases,
this permits the remote breakers to reclose.

8.5.3 Fault-initiating switch

Remote tripping of circuit breakers can be accomplished by operating a high-speed ground switch. This applies a solid
phase-to-ground fault on the source line so that remote line relays will detect it and trip the remote circuit breakers. A
disadvantage of this scheme is the additional time required for the ground switch to close and the remote relays to
detect the fault. Also, the ground switch phase and faulted phase(s) on the transformer may be different, thus imposing
a multiphase fault on the system. Other disadvantages include the disturbance caused by placing a bolted fault on the
system and an outage to other customers connected to the source line(s).

8.5.4 Circuit switcher

A circuit switcher is a mechanical switching device with a limited fault-interrupting rating. Internal faults or secondary
faults limited by transformer impedance, where the magnitude of current is below the interrupting rating of the circuit
switcher, can be cleared. It should be possible to coordinate remote line relays to avoid remote tripping for the lower
magnitude faults. High-magnitude source-side faults on the transformer exceeding the interrupting rating of the circuit
switcher must be detected by remote line relays and cleared by the remote breakers before the circuit switcher opens.
The circuit switcher may be blocked from tripping using an instantaneous overcurrent relay, or it may be allowed to
attempt interruption depending on user preference.

8.5.5 Vacuum switches

Many of the above comments made for circuit switchers are also applicable to vacuum switches.

Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved 13


9. Work practices

Although none of the references listed in Clause 2., HOSH [B1],7 or OSHA [B2] have specific sections that cover
work practices for electrical equipment such as mobile substations, the appropriate sections should be followed to
ensure safe work practices. Furthermore, these only apply to Canada and the U.S., and therefore it is recommended
that users of this guide outside these countries should attempt to locate equivalent documents in their countries. If no
such documents exist, it is recommended that the listed documents be considered.

10. Lighting

10.1 Area lighting

General illumination for security of the mobile substation area can often be part of the initial substation design process.
When allowing space for the mobile substation within the yard fenced area, consideration should be given to lighting
fixture locations and aiming of floodlight-type fixtures to accommodate the mobile substation when needed.

If it is necessary to locate the mobile substation outside the station fence, then it may be practical to install temporary
lighting fixtures. The permanent station fence posts, especially the corner posts, may provide a place for locating
temporary lighting masts by attaching to these fence posts with U-bolts or other suitable hardware.

In addition to fixed lighting units (either permanent or temporary), there exists a wide variety of portable lights. These
portable units can be as small as hand-held extension type lights or considerably larger devices on tripods. When
determining the size and quantity of receptacles to be provided with the mobile substation, consideration should be
given to the particular type of plug-in lighting units used by substation repair crews.

10.2 Red external light

Two red lights should be mounted on the mobile substation trailer. Lights should be clearly visible in the front, sides,
and rear to indicate that the mobile substation is energized.

10.3 Amber external light

A blinking amber light should be mounted in a readily visible location on the mobile substation and connected such
that it will be energized by an alarm relay that is activated by any and all alarm conditions.

11. Direct lightning stroke protection

11.1 General

The risk of direct lightning strokes to mobile substations is less than for permanent substations for the following

a) Mobile substations are usually installed for relatively short periods of time. The time of exposure, therefore,
is low compared to permanent substations, and this leads to a lower probability that a direct stroke will occur.

The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex A.

14 Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved


b) The area occupied by the installation is small compared to large switchyards or long transmission lines. For
a given ground flash density, therefore, the probability of a stroke to the area will usually be quite low.
c) Mobile substations of necessity are low in profile since they must comply with maximum height restrictions
for highway travel. As a result, they are less susceptible to attracting direct strokes and may be partially
shielded by adjacent structures or transmission lines.

Nevertheless, for installations in areas of high keraunic activity, installations of long duration, or for installations on
flat, open areas it is prudent to provide direct stroke shielding for the installation. Refer to IEEE Std 998-1996 for

11.2 Existing shielding

Before installing special shielding, the engineer should check the proposed site for existing shielding. If existing
substation structures, overhead shield wires, or phase conductors provide adequate shielding for the mobile substation,
no further shielding may be necessary.

11.3 Shielding with portable masts

In some cases it may be possible to fit a lightweight electrical-grade aluminum mast to brackets attached midway on
the side of the mobile trailer. The mast can be removed for travel. When in place, the mast must be connected to the
ground grid with a direct, low-impedance conductor.

In situations where a taller mast is required, a wooden or tubular metal structure can be set in the ground next to the
mobile substation. A conductor extending 305 mm (12 in) above the pole can be used as the air terminal. In the case
of a wooden pole, this conductor should run down the pole to connect to the ground grid.

11.4 Use of shield wires

A shield wire will provide a greater area of protection than a mast. A temporary shield wire can be strung between
existing station structures, if available, or between two guyed poles if no existing structure is available. A single shield
wire positioned at a suitable height will usually provide full shielding of the mobile substation.

12. Surge protection

The shielding from direct strokes discussed above does not, of course, provide any protection from surges coming in
on the line conductors or from nearby direct strokes. The mobile transformer should be fitted with surge arresters
located near its terminals to provide this protection. The arresters must be connected with a low-impedance conductor
to the protected equipment and to the ground grid.

Low weight and the ability to be installed quickly are critical factors in mobile substation design. Selecting arresters
with polymer housing can reduce arrester weight by about 70%. Mobile transformers often provide multiple voltage
taps. Because of their wide protective margins, it is sometimes possible to select a metal-oxide arrester that will cover
more than one voltage level. This arrangement speeds installation since arrester shunts do not have to be reconnected.
It also reduces weight and height. See IEEE Std C62.22-1991 for guidance in the application of metal-oxide surge

Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved 15


Annex A Bibliography


[B1] Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health, 4th ed., Canadian Government Publication, Minister of Supply
and Services, 1989.

[B2] Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Regulations and Procedures, Volume I—General Industry
Safety Standards, 1910 and General Construction Standard, 1926.

16 Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved


Annex B Summary of relevant parts of the Canadian and U.S. work practice related



B.1 Relevant codes and practices

B.1.1 Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health (HOSH)—Canada [B1]

This document addresses the minimum working conditions that are required for employees in their workplace,
including electrical safety.

B.1.2 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Regulations and Procedures—U.S. [B2]

This document contains two Subparts (R and S) in Volume I of the General Industry Standards and Interpretations of
OSHA’s Regulations and Procedures that are applicable to electrical work.

Subpart R covers special industries and is applicable to the operation and maintenance of electric power generation,
control, and transformation, along with distribution and transmission lines and electrical equipment, and includes
electrical utilities.

Subpart S addresses electrical safety requirements for the practical safeguarding of employees in their workplace.
However, this subpart is not applicable to indoor or outdoor installations under the exclusive control of electrical
utilities for the purpose of communications or metering, or the generation, control, transformation, transmission, and
distribution of electrical energy, but because its purpose is the practical safeguarding of personnel from hazards arising
from the use of electricity, parts of it have been included as reference material.

Appendix A, associated with the above two subparts of this document, contains two flow charts that are useful in
helping the user decide which subpart of this document governs the electrical work being undertaken. Table 1,
included in Appendix A, identifies the relevant sections of Subpart R that are in compliance with the requirements of
Subpart S, and which other sections in Subpart R still apply regardless of compliance with Subpart S.

B.1.3 National Electric Code (NEC)—U.S

Although this document is purely advisory in nature and does not apply to electrical utilities, it has been included as a
reference because its purpose is the practical safeguarding of persons and property from hazards arising from the use
of electricity.

B.1.4 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC)—U.S

This standard covers the work practices that are necessary for the safeguarding of employees and the public from
possible hazards arising from electrical lines and equipment.

B.1.5 Canadian Electrical Code, Part I (CEC)—Canada

Although this document does not apply to electrical utilities, it has been included as a reference because it contains
practical information covering electrical work and electrical equipment.

Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved 17


B.2 Specific work practices applicable to mobile substations

B.2.1 General requirements

The following reference materials cover the general or basic work practice requirements for portable or mobile

a) Subsection 1910.308 (a), General Requirements—OSHA (Subpart S)

b) Rule 014, Temporary Installations—NESC

B.2.2 Grounding

The following reference materials cover the work practice requirements for grounding of portable or mobile

a) Subsection 1910.308 (a) (3), Special Systems—OSHA (Subpart S)

b) Subsection 1910.304 (f) (1), Grounding—OSHA (Subpart S)
c) Section 250-154, Grounding—NEC
d) Rules 10-408 and 10-514, Portable Equipment Bonding and Grounding—CEC

B.2.3 Portable cables

The following reference materials cover the work practice requirements for portable cables associated with portable or
mobile equipment:

a) Subsection 1910.305 (h), Portable Cables—OSHA (Subpart S)

b) Sections 400-30 to 36, Portable Cables—NEC
c) Section 710-45, Power Cables—NEC
d) Rules 4-038 and 4-040, Portable Power Cables—CEC

B.2.4 Enclosures

The following reference materials cover the work practice requirements for permanent and temporary enclosures
associated with portable or mobile equipment:

a) Section 3.7, Temporary Fences—HOSH

b) Section 710-43, Enclosures—NEC

B.3 General work practices that may be applicable to mobile substations

The following reference materials provide work practice requirements for any electrical work, on or near exposed
energized parts or lines, that may be applicable to mobile substations (depending on circumstances).

B.3.1 Basic requirements

The following reference materials cover the basic work practice requirements for installation, operation, and
maintenance work, on or near exposed energized parts or lines:

a) Subsection 1910.269 (c), Job Briefing—OSHA (Subpart R)

b) Subsection 1910.303 (h), General Requirements—OSHA (Subpart S)
c) Section 1910.332, Training—OSHA (Subpart S)
d) Section 1910.333, Selection and Use of Work Practices—OSHA (Subpart S)
e) Section 8.3, Safety Standards—HOSH

18 Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved


f) Sections 8.4 through 8.8, Safety Procedures—HOSH

g) Section 8.9, Coordination of Work—HOSH
h) Rule 410, General Requirements—NESC
i) Rule 420 (A, B, C, L & N), General Safety Rules—NESC
j) Rules 440 and 441 (A & B), Additional Rules for Supply Employees—NESC
k) Rules 230 through 235, Clearances—NESC

B.3.2 Lines and equipment

The following reference materials provide more specific work practice requirements for installation, operation, and
maintenance work, on or near exposed energized parts or lines:

a) Subsection 1910.269 (l), Exposed Energized Parts—OSHA (Subpart R)

b) Subsection 1910.269 (q), Overhead Lines—OSHA (Subpart R)
c) Subsections 1910.269 (w) (1, 2, 4 & 7), Special Conditions—OSHA (Subpart R)
d) Subsection 1910.269 (m), De-Energizing for Protection—OSHA (Subpart R)
e) Subsection 1910.269 (u), Substation—OSHA (Subpart R)
f) Subsection 1910.308 (a), Special Systems—OSHA (Subpart S)
g) Sections 8.10 and 8.11, Poles and Elevated Structures—HOSH
h) Sections 8.12 through 8.18, Isolation of Electrical Equipment—HOSH
i) Section 8.23, Switches and Control Devices—HOSH
j) Rule 174, Disconnection of Fuses—NESC
k) Rules 190 through 193, Surge Arresters—NESC
l) Rule 422 (A, B & C), Overhead Line Operating Procedures—NESC
m) Rule 121 (B & C), Equipment Inspections—NESC
n) Rules 380 and 383 through 385, Equipment Installation—NESC
o) Section 450-26, Indoor Oil Insulated Transformer Installation—NEC
p) Section 450-27, Outdoor Oil Insulated Transformer Installation—NEC
q) Rules 2-300, 2-308, 2-314, and 2-322, Maintenance and Operation—CEC

B.3.3 Tools, equipment, and services

The following reference materials cover the tools, equipment, and services required to ensure the safety of a worker
undertaking any electrical work:

a) Subsection 1910.269 (b), Medical Services and First Aid—OSHA (Subpart R)

b) Subsection 1910.269 (g), Personal Protection Equipment—OSHA (Subpart R)
c) Subsection 1910.269 (h), Ladders, Platforms, etc.—OSHA (Subpart R)
d) Subsection 1910.269 (i), Hand and Portable Power Tools—OSHA (Subpart R)
e) Subsection 1910.269 (j), Live Line Tools—OSHA (Subpart R)
f) Subsection 1910.269 (p), Mechanical Equipment—OSHA (Subpart R)
g) Sections 12.1 through 12.3, Safety Material, Equipment, Devices, and Clothing—HOSH
h) Sections 12.4 and 12.5, Protective Headgear and Footwear—HOSH
i) Rule 126, Equipment for Work on Energized Equipment—NESC

B.3.4 Grounding

The following reference materials cover the work practice requirements for grounding during any electrical work:

a) Subsection 1910.269 (n), Grounding—OSHA (Subpart R)

b) Sections 8.19 through 8.22, Safety Grounding—HOSH
c) Rules 92 (B, D & E) and 93 through 97, Grounding—NESC
d) Rule 123, Protective Grounding—NESC
e) Rules 36-300, 36-302, 36-304, 36-306, and 36-310, Grounding—CEC

Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved 19

IEEE Std 1268-1997

B.3.5 Protective arrangements

The following reference materials cover the work practice requirements for protection of the worker, or a member of
the public, during any electrical work from accidental injury:

a) Subsection 1910.303 (h), Basic Protection Requirements—OSHA (Subpart S)

b) Section 1910.335, Safeguards for Personnel Protection —OSHA (Subpart S)
c) Rules 110 (A, C & D) and 111 (A & B), Protective Arrangements—NESC
d) Rule 124, Guarding Live Parts (and Clearances)—NESC
e) Rule 125, Working Space About Electrical Equipment—NESC
f) Rule 411, Protective Methods and Devices—NESC
g) Section 110-31, Enclosures of Electrical Installations—NEC
h) Section 110-32, Work Space about Electrical Equipment—NEC
i) Section 110-34, Work Space—NEC
j) Rules 2-200 and 2-202, Protection of Persons and Property—CEC
k) Rule 26-006, Fences for High Voltage Installations—CEC
l) Rules 26-302, 26-304, 26-308, 26-312, 26-316, and 26-318, Fences—CEC

B.3.6 Cables, flexible cords, and conductors

The following reference materials cover the work practices associated with the use of cables, flexible cords, and
conductors required during any electrical work:

a) Subsection 1910.303 (h), Flexible Cords and Cables—OSHA

b) Rules 160 through 164, Conductor—NESC
c) Rules 370 through 374, Supply Cable Termination—NESC
d) Section 310-5, Minimum Size of Conductor—NEC
e) Section 310-15, Ampacity—NEC

B.3.7 Illumination and emergency systems

The following reference materials cover the illumination and emergency systems required to ensure the safety of any
worker undertaking any electrical work:

a) Subsection 1910.303 (h), Basic Lighting Requirements—OSHA (Subpart S)

b) Subsection 1910.308 (b), Emergency Lighting Systems—OSHA (Subpart S)
c) Section 6.6, Emergency Lighting Systems—HOSH
d) Section 6.7, Level of Lighting—HOSH

20 Copyright  1997 IEEE All Rights Reserved

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