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Islamiat Nts Past Papers

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Islamiat nts past papers

1. Haq Mahar in Islam is fixed only 400 misqal.

2. Who delivered the speech in the court of king of Abyssinia? Hazart Jafar Bin Abi
3. How many years after birth of holy Prophet (SAW) Bibi Aamina R.A died? Six
4. Hajr-e-Aswad means? Black stone.
5. Obey Allah and obey the prophet (SAW). It is a Quran verse.
6. The Tasbeeh of subhan Rabi-al-Azeem is recited in? Rakuh.
7. Who was the first caliph of Islamic state? Hazart Abu Bakar.
8. The longest surah of holy Quran is? Surah Al Baqra.
9. On which place, first wahi was descended? Cave Hira.
10.In which surrah bismillah has occurred twice? Surrah Namal.
11.The first surah of the holy Quran is? Surah Al-Fatiha.
12.The first man to embrace Islam is? Hazart Abu Bakar.
13.The first revealed surrah was? Surrah Al-Alaq.
14.The first child to embrace Islam was? Hazart Ali.
15.The first woman to become a Muslim was? Hazart Khadija/
16.The first Mosque of Islam is? Masjid-e-Quba.
17.The first battle for which a trench was dug is the? Khandaq.
18.The firs martyr women in Islam was? Hazart Summayah.
19.The first Mosque demolished by the Muslims was? Masjid-e-Zarar.
20.The firs writer of wahi in queraish is? Hazart Zaid bin Thabit.
21.The first written constitution is? Meesaq-e-Madina.
22.The first man on earth is? Hazart Adam.
23.The first battle with the mushrikeen was? Badr in second A.H.
24.The first revealed word was? Iqra.
25.The first poet of Islam is? Hazart Hissan bin sabit.
26.The first Islamic month is? Muharam.
27.Which surah starts without Bismillah? Al-tooba.
28.Who collected Quran verses in one place? Hazart Usman.
29.Hazart Muhammad (SAW) was born about three thousand years after? Hazart
30.Who suggested name Ahmed” for the holy Prophet (SAW)? Hazart Aamina.
31.When Hazart Umar embraced Islam? 616 A.D.
32.Prophet Muhammad (SAW) belongs to Hashmi family.
33.To which prophet the Zabur was revealed by Allah? Prophet Dawood A.S.
34.To which prophet the Injeel was revealed? Prophet Essa A.S.
35.Which country is known as the land of prophets? Palestine.
36.What is tahleel? Recitation of first Kalima.
37.What is Istalam? Kissing Hijra Aswad.
38.Jihad becomes mandatory in 2nd Hijra.
39.Which companion of prophet (SAW) was awarded with the title of “the lion of
Allah” Hazart Ali.
40.Khateeb-ul-Ambia was title of? Hazart Shoaib A.S.
41.9the Zil-Hajj is also called? Yaum-e-Arafat.
42.How many surah of holy Quran: 114.
43.The Nisab of Zakat in gold is? 71/2 tolas.
44.Namaz-e-khasoof is offered at the time of? Lunar eclipse.
45.Namaz-e-kasoof is offered at the time of? Solar eclipse.
46.Cave hira is in the al-Noor Mountain.
47.Makkah was conquered in? 8 A.H.
48.Gathering on Arafat during hajj is made on? 9th hajj.
49.What was the total number of idols which were fixed in the Kaaba? 360.
50.What was the name of foster sister of holy prophet (SAW)? Hazart shima.
51.Namaz-e-Istisqa is prayer for? Rain.
52.Name wife of holy prophet (SAW) who was daughter of umer farooq R.S.?
Hazart Hausa.
53.What was the relation of prophet Ismail and Ishaq A.S? Brother.
54.Al Hudabiyah treaty scribe by? Hazart Ali.
55.Ghaseel Malaika is the title of ? Hazart Hanzala.
56.The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mention in Quran? 4 times.
57.The heads of Zakat are? 8.
58.Eid prayer is? Wajib.
59.The effective Zakat system can ensure the elimination of? Poverty.
60.Masjid-e-Qibalatin is situated in? Madina.
61.Amen-ul-umat is the title of Hazart abu-ubaida bin Al jaraah.
62.River Nile was declared as sayed-ul-Anhar by? Hazart Umar.
63.Umm-ul-maskeen was the title given to one of the wives of the prophet (SAW)
Hazart Zainab.
64.Which of the following is included amongst the Ushera-e-mubhashera? Hazart
Saad ibn-e-abi-waqas.
65.Who was the first writer of “wahi” Queraish? Hazart Zaid bin sabit.
66.Give the name who compiled first work of Hadith sahifa-e-sadiqa? Hazart Abu
67.Which surah contains the orders about wuzu, ghusal and taymmum? AL-
68.Which famous Ghazwah is mentioned in surah al-imran? Uhd.
69.In surah khaf which animal is mentioned along with the ashaab-e-kahf? Dog.
70.In the beginning prophet Muhammad saw worked as a shepherded for? Banu
71.Prophet Muhammad saw had 3 sons and 4 daughters.
72.In the sacrilegious wars when Prophet Muhammad saw was 20 years of age.
Queraish and their allies were lead by harb bin umayah.
73.What companion of prophet saw was awarded with the title of “the sword of
Allah”? Khalid bin waleed.
74.What was the relation of Hazart Hamza R.A to holy prophet saw? Uncle.
75.Law of inheritance was revealed in 3rd Hijra.
76.During which Ghazwah the command of tayamum was revealed? Trench.
77.Kalma-e-Tayyab necessary to recite for being a Muslim.
78.The concept of right behavior came under the umbrella of ethics.
79.Total takbeers in Namaz-e-janaza. 4.
80.About whom the Quran verse say but verily over you are protectors kind and
honorable, writing down? Angles.
81.Ravi is the Narrater of Hadith.
82.There are six books of Hadith in sha satta.
83.Hadaya book is a book is of Fiqa of Hanafi.
84.Mawatta book is written by Imam Malik.
85.There are eight chapters in Tami book.
86.Madina is called city of Home of Hadith.
87.Four farz in wuzoo.
88.Abbasia over threw. Umayyad caliphate.
89.Holy book of Jews isToarh.
90.Kaleemullah is the title of Moosa.
91.According to holy Quran shirk is an unpardonable sin.
92.What is meant by Miqat Point where ahram must be put on by pilgrims?
93.What is meant by Barzakh? Period b/w death and Day of Judgment.

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