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Architectural Thesis

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Architectural Thesis
A. Master of Architecture Program

Architectural Design Thesis
Architectural Design Thesis is an independent design research project on a topic
selected and developed by the student. Design Thesis is an opportunity for each student
in the Master of Architecture or Master of Science in Architecture (Architectural Design
Track) to define an individual position with regard to the discipline of architecture.
Normally, Design Thesis occurs during the final two semesters of a student’s
curriculum at UMSoA, and includes Directed Research (ARC
699) and Final Degree Project (ARC 610).

Graduate M.Arch. students are expected to pursue an independent thesis project in
their last semester. In exceptional cases and only with the approval of the Program
Director, student can pursue an alternative track after completing the thesis
preparation course under the direction of selected instructors, including visiting
critics if applicable.

During the Spring semester preceding their final year, the Program Director will ask
students to prepare and submit a well‐defined proposal of their research topic, along
with their current portfolio. Research topics are individual, but may be constrained
within a proposed ‘meta‐theme’, or by selected topics. Students must prepare a concise
300‐word proposal describing a topic and how it will be investigated. The proposal
should introduce the topic and describe its relevance to the field of architecture; it
should identify specific questions that will be addressed; and specify the methodology
to be used, and explain the appropriateness of the methodology.

During the Spring semester preceding the thesis year, students will select a Fall Upper
Level Design Studio that best corresponds with their research topic (to be taken in
parallel with ARC 699 Directed Research).

ARC 699 Directed Research will be conducted during the Fall semester of the thesis year
as independent research with a designated faculty member. The Graduate Director,
with the help of the Coordinator and faculty, will evaluate proposals and interview the
students, and assign students to each thesis faculty member. Students may arrange
additional advisors. In order to enhance continuity for those students doing an
thesis/independent scholarly research project, the same faculty member will be
assigned to the student during both (thesis) semesters.

At the conclusion of their final year, all graduating students will be required to present
their thesis project as a book.

Important ingredients of a good thesis:
 A relevant question
 A discussion of the context/discourse of the question
 Rigorous and well‐targeted research
 Site documentation and analysis
 Demonstration of critical thinking
 Final project that tests the ideas discussed
 Indication of a direction for future development of the question
 Packaging (so that the thesis and its research can be shared)
The final Architectural Design Thesis should be packaged as a book. At a minimum, it
should contain the following:
 Table of Contents
 Abstract Thesis Statement: a concise statement of the topic/subject you
propose to address in your project, describing the theory/concept in terms of
hypothesis and the approach/method to carry out the study/prove the result.
 A narrative that elaborates the thesis statement as an argument based on
relevant evidence
 Methodology: Describe the process of how you have pursued your
design/study, including the critical and theoretical basis of your investigation.
 Precedent Study: a summary of precedents relevant to the subject including
appropriate analysis.
 Findings: design and text that illustrates the conclusion of the study, with a critical
assessment of the result.
 Annotated Bibliography: research sources to be examined to inform the study (The
Chicago Manual of Style format), and a concise explanation of its relevancy to the
Typical Schedule (subject to refinement):
Spring preceding thesis year
 Preparation of 300‐word proposal describing a topic and how it will be
 Assignment of advisors
 Meet with advisor
 Develop plan of study
Fall of thesis year
 Enroll in ARC 699 Directed Research (Pre‐thesis)
 Develop a refined abstract thesis statement
 Develop and present a methodology
 Research and presentation of annotated bibliography
 Research and presentation of precedents
 Develop conceptual outline of design
 Develop a text narrative addressing topic
 Present pre‐thesis book

  University of Miami School of Architecture Graduate Handbook 2017‐2018 15

Spring of thesis year
 Enroll in ARC 610 Final Degree Project (Thesis)
 Develop design/text, draft structure of final deliverable/presentation
 Refine design/text, final formatting
 Present final design
 Present final Architectural Design Thesis book

  University of Miami School of Architecture Graduate Handbook 2017‐2018 16

B. Master of Science in Architecture
Thesis and Thesis Alternatives
Master of Science in Architecture students must have an advisor or an advisory
committee to guide his or her program of study, offer advice in meeting degree
requirements, and aid in progress and accomplishments. It is the student’s
responsibility to select the advisor or advisory committee prior to completing 15
graduate credit hours and prior to enrolling in ARC 610 Directed Research. You should
expect to have several conversations/meetings with your thesis advisor to focus your
proposed work in advance of the beginning of Semester II.
Students in Architectural Design track must select a single advisor. The advisor must
be a full‐time member of the School of Architecture faculty (regular, educator or
lecturer) unless approved otherwise by the Graduate Architecture Program Director.
Students in the Architectural Studies track must select a three‐member advisory
committee. The advisory committee chair must be a full‐time member of the School of
Architecture faculty (regular, educator or lecturer) unless approved otherwise by the
Graduate Architecture Program Director. In addition to the chair, students in the
Architectural Studies track must select two additional faculty readers (a maximum of
one may be from outside the School of Architecture.
Plan of study
All Master of Science in Architecture students must submit a Plan of Study prior to
completing 15 graduate credit hours and prior to completing any Research and Thesis
or Project and Report hours. The Plan of Study must meet the requirements of a
student’s particular concentration and the minimum requirements for the Master of
Science in Architecture degree. The Plan of Study must be signed by all members of
the student’s advisory committee, and the Director of the Master of Science in
Architecture Program. A written abstract must be approved by the thesis advisor (and
readers, where appropriate), signing a copy of the abstract, before the semester begins.
M.Sc.Arch Architectural Design Track:
Students in the Architectural Design Track follow thesis procedures for Master of
Architecture students, with the following difference:
 All students are required to take ARC 629 Proseminar in the Fall semester
(Semester I). Before the end of Proseminar, students must:
o Prepare a 300‐word proposal describing a topic and how it will be
o Select a thesis advisor
o Meet with advisor
o Develop plan of study
 ARC 699 Directed Research, and all related tasks, are done in Spring semester
(Semester II)

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 ARC 610 Final Degree Project, and all related tasks, are done in Summer or Fall
(Semester III)
M.Sc. Arch Architectural Studies Track
Students in the M.Sc.Arch Architectural Studies Track have the following options,
depending on the specific area of research concentration and the requirements of their
advisor or the advisory committee:
 Option 1. Coursework with Project and Report (non‐thesis option)
 Option 2. Research and Thesis (thesis option)
Option 1: Coursework with Project and Report (non‐thesis option)
Project and Report students will work under the guidance of a project advisor who,
along with an advisory committee, will approve the Plan of Study, help guide the
project development, and review the final work. The final examination and/or defense
will be based on coursework and/or project work as determined by the examining
committee. Students following this option may count up to 6 credit hours for the
Project and Report, towards the 36 (min.) credit hours required for the degree. Two
options are available:
Practicum: Non‐thesis students may participate in a practicum studio and
produce research on a specific topic of interest in collaboration with the office
in which they are working as part of the practicum. The research work should
result in a design application with significant impact on the built environment
that can be documented and applied to other projects. Students participating
in the practicum option will deliver a Project Report following a format set by
the advisor.
Case Study: Non‐thesis students may alternatively develop a Case Study. A case
study will be an in‐depth investigation of a single study topic identified within
the area of interest defined by the student. It may be based on a single building
or component of a built environment or community and may include
experiments, project(s) or analysis of archival information. The structure of the
Case Study will include a literature case study, and the definition of at least three
relevant questions about the topic area. Students will write a paper describing
and detailing a case study that explores the questions previously identified.
Option 2: Research and Thesis (thesis option)
Research and Thesis students will work under the guidance of a research advisory
committee, with a designated advisory committee chair, who will supervise the
research, approve the Plan of Study, and form the thesis review committee. The final
evaluation will be comprised of a public defense of the thesis work and the final thesis
document. Students following this option are required to take ARC 629 Pro‐seminar:
Research in Design, ARC 699 Directed Research, and ARC 610 Master Thesis.
Submission of the thesis documentation electronically to the Graduate School,

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according the University’s ETD (Electronic Theses and Disertations) format, is
required for completion of the degree.
Thesis students are required to engage in research work that demonstrates their
preparation to contribute to the body of knowledge within their chosen disciplines and
to the resolution of complex questions regarding the built environment. The thesis
should provide the opportunity for maturation of the student’s knowledge and
abilities, demonstrating their academic accomplishment and professional potential.
The student’s thesis work must be documented in a manner acceptable to the student’s
advisory committee and in accordance with the requirements of the Graduate School.

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