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Physics Question Bank

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Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept.

Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019


1. Define elasticity and plasticity.
Ans: The property of the body to regain its original shape (or) size after the removal of deforming
force is called elasticity and which do not regain its shape and size is called as plasticity.
2. What are elastic and plastic bodies? Give example.
Ans: Bodies which regain its original shape (or) size after the removal of deforming force are
called elastic bodies. Ex: Quartz.
Materials which do not recover their original state even after the removal of the deforming force
are called as plastic materials. Ex: Mica.
3. Define stress and write its unit. (Nov ‘08)
Ans: The deforming force (or) restoring force per unit area of the body is called the stress.
𝐷𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑐𝑒 (𝐹)
𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 = = F/A S.I unit: N/m2
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝐴)
4. What are the different types of stress?
Ans: It is found that a deforming force may change the length (or) shape (or) volume of the body
Accordingly, there are three types of stress namely
1. Longitudinal or Normal stress
2. Shearing or Tangential stress
3. Volume or Compressive stress
5. What is meant by Longitudinal stress (or) Normal stress?
Ans: When a force is applied normal to the surface of the body, then the stress is called
Longitudinal stress (or) Normal stress.
6. What is meant by Shearing stress (or) Tangential stress?
Ans: When a force is applied tangentially, then the stress is called Shearing stress (or) Tangential
7. What is meant by Volume stress (or) Compressive stress?
Ans: The force which decreases the volume of a body without any change in its geometrical shape
is called Volume stress (or) Compressive stress.
8. Define strain. (Nov ‘09)
Ans: The change in dimension (or) shape of a body due to deforming force is called strain.
𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 =
𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛
9. What are the types of strain?
Ans: According to the changes that take place in length, area and volume there are three types of
strain namely linear strain, shearing strain and volume strain.
10. Define the term linear strain.
Ans: The ratio of change in length of the wire to the original length is known as linear strain.
11. Define Shearing strain.
Ans: It is defined as the angular deformation produced in the body due to the application of external
tangential forces on it.
12. Define elastic limit and plastic limit.
Ans: The maximum stress up to which a body can recover its original shape and size, after
removing the external forces is called as elastic limit. Beyond elastic limit, the elasticity of the
body is completely lost and then the body is said to be in plastic limit.
13. Define Hooke’s law. (May ‘10)
Ans: Within the elastic limit, stress is directly proportional to strain.
Stress  Strain
E = Stress/Strain
where E is Modulus of elasticity.

St.Joseph’s College of Engineering / St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology 1

Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept. Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019

14. Define the term lateral strain.

Ans: The ratio of change in diameter of the wire to the original diameter is known as lateral strain.
15. Mention the three different Moduli of elasticity (Nov ‘11, May ‘17)
Ans: There are three types of moduli of elasticity corresponding to three types of strains.
They are 1. Young’s modulus, corresponding to longitudinal strain.
2. Rigidity modulus or shear modulus, corresponding to shearing strain.
3. Bulk modulus or volume modulus, corresponding to volume strain.
16. Define Young’s modulus of elasticity. (Dec ‘11)
Ans: Within the elastic limit, the ratio of longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain is called the
Young’s modulus of elasticity.
𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐹⁄ 𝐹𝐿
𝑌 = 𝐿𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 = 𝑙⁄ = 𝑁⁄𝑚2
𝐿 𝐴𝑙
17. Define Rigidity modulus. (Dec ‘09)
Ans: Within the elastic limit, the ratio of tangential stress to shearing strain is called Rigidity
𝑇𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐹⁄𝐴 𝑇
η= = = 𝑁 ⁄𝑚 2
𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝜙 𝜙
18. Define Bulk modulus. (Apr ‘07)
Ans: Within the elastic limit, the ratio of the volume stress to the volume strain is called Bulk
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝐹⁄𝐴 𝐹𝑉 𝑃𝑉 𝐹
η= =𝑣 = = 𝑁⁄𝑚2 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑃 =
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 ⁄𝑉 𝐴𝑣 𝑣 𝐴
19. Write the relation between the elastic moduli.
9 1 3
Ans: = +
𝑌 𝐾 η
Where Y is Young’s modulus, η is Rigidity modulus and K is Bulk modulus.
20. Write the relation between Y & K and explain the various terms.
Ans: 𝐾 = Where Y is Young’s modulus, K is Bulk modulus & σ is Poisson’s ratio
21. Write the relation between Y & η and explain the various terms.
Ans:   Where Y is Young’s modulus, η is Rigidity modulus & σ is Poisson’s ratio
21   
22. Define Poisson’s ratio.
Ans: Within the elastic limit, the ratio of lateral strain (β) to the linear strain (α) is called as
Poisson’s ratio.
𝑃𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑛′ 𝑠 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜, 𝜎 = 𝛼
23. Draw the stress-strain curve.

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Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept. Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019

24. What do you infer from stress- strain diagram?

Ans: The behavior of solid elastic materials is obtained by using stress-strain diagram.
25. Define Yield point.
Ans: The point at which the body loses its elasticity due to the application of heavy load is called
yield point.
26. What is meant by Breaking point?
Ans: The point at which applied stress exceeds the tensile strength, which makes the wire to break
down completely is called breaking point.
27. Define Tensile Strength.
Ans: The maximum force at which the cross sectional area of wire is no longer uniform and it
begins to thin down is called as Tensile strength.
28. When a wire is bent back and forth, it becomes hot. Why? (Jan ‘16 & Jan ‘18)
Ans: When the wire is bent back and forth, heat is generated due to the elastic hysteresis and
frictional force. Hence it becomes hot.
29. How will you identify a brittle material from the stress – strain diagram? (Dec ‘16)
Ans: Brittle materials do not have yield point. Therefore ultimate strength and breaking strength
are same. Due to this, the stress-strain diagram for brittle material will be linear.
30. What are the factors affecting elasticity?
Ans: i. Change in temperature ii. Effect of hammering and rolling
iii. Effect of annealing iv. Effect of impurities
v. Effect of stress
31. How does temperature and impurity affects elasticity of the materials? (Dec ‘09)
Ans: Increase in temperature reduces the elastic property. For example, carbon filament is
elastic in nature at room temperature but it is converted into plastic state when it is heated.
Addition of impurities may increases or decreases depend on the type of impurities added.
For example, addition of potassium in gold increases the elasticity and addition of 1 % or more
carbon in iron decreases the elasticity.
32. What are the effects of hammering and annealing on elasticity of a material?
Ans: Effect of hammering breaks the crystals grains into smaller units which increase the elastic
property. Annealing produces larger crystal grains which decrease the elastic property.
33. What is a beam?
Ans: A beam is a rod or bar of uniform cross section whose length is very much greater than its
34. Explain bending moment of a beam.
Ans: The moment of the couple due to the static reactions (restoring couple) which balances the
external couple due to the applied load is called bending moment.
35. Define neutral axis and neutral plane.
Ans: In the middle of the beam, there is a layer which is not elongated or compressed due to
bending of the beam is taken as the reference axis called as neutral axis and the plane is called as
neutral plane.
36. What is a moment of force?
Ans: The moment of a force about a point is defined as the product of the magnitude of the force
and the perpendicular distance from the point to the line of action of force.
37. Define torque.
Ans: Torque is the rotational force and is equal to the moment of couple. Torque is the product
of one of the forces forming couple and the perpendicular distance between the two opposite
38. What is uniform bending of beam?
Ans: If the beam is loaded uniformly on its both ends, bending of the beam forms an arc of a
circle. The elevation is produced in the beam. This type of bending is called uniform bending.

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Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept. Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019

39. What is a cantilever?

Ans: A beam fixed horizontally at one end and loaded at the other end is called a cantilever.
40. What is non-uniform bending?
Ans: A beam is supported at the ends and load is applied at the centre such that bending of beam
is similar to two inverted cantilever.
41. What is the principle of Torsional pendulum?
Ans: When a disc of a Torsional pendulum is rotated in a horizontal plane, the disc executes
simple harmonic oscillation due to the restoring couple produced in the wire is the principle of
torsional pendulum.
42. What are the uses of Torsional pendulum?
Ans: It is used to determine the Rigidity modulus of the wire suspended, Moment of inertia of
the disc and Moment of inertia of an irregular body.
43. What is an I-shaped girder?
Ans: A girder is a metallic beam supported at its two ends by pillars or on opposite walls. It should
be so designed that it should not bend too much or break under its own weight. The cross section
of beam is in the form of letter I.
44. What are the advantages of I shape girders? (Nov ‘11)
Ans: I shape girders have the following advantages
 More stability & More strength
 High durability
 Manufactured by less amount of raw material
45. What are the applications of I-Shaped girders?
(i)They are used in the construction of bridges over the rivers.
(ii) They are very much useful in the production of iron rails which are employed in railway
(iii) They are used as supporting beams for the ceilings in the construction of buildings.
46. A copper wire of 3 m length and 1mm diameter is subjected to a tension of 5 N. Calculate
the elongation produced in the wire if the Young’s modulus of elasticity of copper is
120 GPa.
Ans: Y ; 𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟 2 ;
FL 53 15
l  
AY 120  10  3.14  0.5  10 
9  3 2
l  1.592  10 4 m
47. A wire 3 m long and 6.25 ×10-5 m2 in cross-section is found to stretch 3 × 10-3 m under a
tension of 1.2 × 103 N. What is the Young’s modulus of the material of the wire?
FL 1.2  10 3  3 3600
Ans: Y   5 3
 7
 1.92  1010 Nm-2
Al 6.25  10  3  10 1.875  10
48. Calculate the work done in stretching a wire of length 1 m and diameter 1 mm by 5 cm.
(given Young’s modulus of the material of the wire is 1 × 1011 pascal)
Stress = Young’s modulus × Strain
Work done per unit volume in stretching a wire = ½ × stress × strain
Therefore, work done= ½ × stress × strain × volume of the wire
work done= ½ × Young’s modulus × (strain)2 × volume of the wire (πr2× length)
 5  10  2 
  1  1011   
  3.14  0.5  10 3 
 1  98.125 Joules
2  1 

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Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept. Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019

49. A cantilever of rectangular cross section has a length of 50 cm, breadth 3 cm and thickness
0.6 cm. If a weight of 1 kg is attached at the free end the depression produced is 4.2 cm.
Calculate the young’s modulus of the material of the bar.
4  1  9.8  (50  10 2 ) 3
Ans: Y  4Mgl  2 2 3 2

 1.8  1010 N/m
bd y 3  10  (0.6  10 )  4.2  10 2.7216 X 10 10
50. Uniform rectangular bar 1 m long, 2 cm broad and 0.5 cm thick is supported on its flat
face symmetrically on two knife edges 70 cm apart. If loads of 200 g are hung from the two
ends, find the elevation of the center of the bar. Given Young’s modulus of the material of
the bar is 18 ×1010 Pa.
3Mgal 2 3  200  10 3  9.8  (15  10 2 )  (70  10 2 ) 2 0.43218
Ans: y   2 2 3
 = 4.802 x10-4 m.
2  (2  10 )  (0.5  10 )  (18  10 )
3 10
2bd Y 900
51. A cantilever of steel fixed horizontally is subjected to a load of 225 gm at its free end.
The geometric moment of inertia of the cantilever is 4.5x10-11 m4. If the length of cantilever
and Young’s modulus of steel are 1 m and 200 × 109 Pa respectively. Calculate the depression
at the loaded end.
Mgl 3 225  10 3  9.8  (1) 3 2.205
Ans: y   11
  0.0816 m
3IY 3  (4.5  10 )  (200  10 ) 9
52. What couple must be applied to a 1m long wire with 1mm diameter, in order to twist one
end of it through 90̊, the other end remaining fixed? Given n = 2.8 × 1010 Nm-2.
Ans: The couple required to twist the wire through 90̊
πnr4 πnr4 π
C= ϕ=
2l 2l 2
π2 nr4 π2 × 2.8 × 1010 × (0.5×10−3 )4 0.01725
C = 4l = = 4 ; C = 4.3179 × 10-3 Nm.
53. A Uniform metal disc of diameter 0.1 m and mass 1.2 kg is fixed symmetrically to the lower
end of a torsion wire of length 1m diameter 1.44 mm, the upper end is fixed. The time period
of torsional oscillations is 1.98 s. Calculate the modulus of rigidity of a wire.
𝐼 πnr4
Ans: 𝑡 = 2𝜋 √𝐶 here I = MR2/2, C = 2l
𝑀𝑅 2 𝑙 𝑀𝑅 2 𝑙
𝑡 = 2𝜋 √ 𝜋𝑛𝑟 4 𝑡 2 = 4𝜋 2 ( 𝜋𝑛𝑟 4 )
𝑀𝑅 2 𝑙 4×3.14×1.2 ×(0.05)2 ×1
n = 4𝜋 ( 𝑡 2 𝑟 4 )= ; n = 3.578 × 1010 Nm-2.
(1.98)2 ×(0.72 ×10−3 )4
54. An elastic wire is cut into half its original length. How will it affect the maximum load the
wire can support? (Nov ‘15)
𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
Ans: (i)𝐸 = (𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎) × (𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ)
𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
(ii)𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ = 𝑂𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎
When original length is halved, strain is changed so that the maximum load that the wire can
support will remain the same as elastic modulus is constant.

1. Derive an expression for the elevation at the center of a beam which is loaded at both ends. Describe
an experiment to determine Young’s modulus of a beam by uniform bending. (Dec ‘16, May ‘17)
2. Give the theory of the loaded cantilever. Using the above theory, describe the experimental method
to find the Young’s modulus of the material.
3. Derive an expression for the depression of a cantilever fixed at one end horizontally and loaded at
the free end.

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Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept. Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019

4. Explain stress-strain diagram. Discuss the factors affecting the elasticity of a material.
5. Write an essay about the elastic behavior of materials.
6. What are the different types of elastic moduli? Derive the necessary mathematical relation.
7. Derive an expression for the internal bending moment of a beam in terms of radius of curvature.
(Nov ‘08, Dec ‘16)
8 (i) What is cantilever?
(ii) Derive an expression to find the depression in a cantilever fixed at one end and loaded at the
other end.
(iii) Describe an experimental method used to find the Young’s modulus of a cantilever.
9. (i). What is uniform bending?
(ii) Derive an expression for elevation for a rectangular beam loaded in such a way that the bending
is uniform.
(iii) Describe an experimental method used to find the Young’s modulus of a rectangular bar
loaded in uniform bending.
10. A cantilever of length 50 cm fixed at one end is depressed by 20 mm at the loaded end. Calculate
the depression at a distance of 40 cm from the fixed end. (Nov ‘07)
11. Derive the expression for the couple per unit twist on a thin cylinder and show that a hollow
cylinder is better than the solid cylinder of the same material, same mass and same length for
manufacturing shafts.
12. Derive the expression for the moment of inertia of a disc and rigidity modulus of a cylindrical
wire using torsional pendulum. (Jan ‘18)
13. Derive an expression for the period of oscillation of a torsional pendulum. How can it be used to
determine the torsional rigidity of the wire? (May ‘93, ‘95, Nov’ 95, Dec ‘97)
14. Give the theory of torsional pendulum and describe a method to fine the moment of inertia of an
irregular body. (Dec ‘93, ‘94, ‘97)
15. (i) Derive an expression for depression at the free end of cantilever due to load.
(ii) Give an account of I – shape girders. (Jan ‘14)
16. Derive an expression for the deflection produced at the free end of a rectangular cantilever
subjected to point load at free end. What will be the deflection produced at the free end, with same
load, if the is of circular cross section. (Jan ‘18)


1. What is periodic motion? Give its example.
Ans: Any motion that repeats itself after regular intervals of time is known as periodic motion or
harmonic motion. Ex: The motion of the hands of a clock is periodic.
2. What is oscillatory motion (or) Harmonic motion? Give example.
Ans: If a body moves back and forth repeatedly about its mean position, its motion is said to be
oscillatory (or) vibratory (or) harmonic motion. Ex: The vibrations of the string of a guitar.
3. What is meant by Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)? Give its types and examples.
Ans: A particle is said to execute Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) if its acceleration is directly
proportional to the displacement from the mean position and is always directed towards the mean
position. Ex: Vibrations of a tuning fork.
i) Linear simple harmonic motion: Here the displacement of the particle executing simple
harmonic motion is linear. Ex: i) Motion of simple pendulum, ii) Motion of point mass suspended
with a spring. etc.
ii) Angular simple harmonic motion: Here the displacement of the particle executing simple
harmonic motion is angular. Ex: Oscillations of a compound pendulum, torsional oscillations. etc.

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Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept. Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019

4. What are free, damped and forced oscillations? (Jan ‘18)

Free oscillations
A system (or) body which vibrates freely without any resistance (even air) (or) Frictional force is
called as free vibrations or oscillations.
Damped oscillations
In general, if a body sets into oscillations or vibrations, the amplitude keeps on decreasing due to
air frictional resistance hence after some time the vibrations or oscillations will die. This type of
oscillations is called as damped oscillations. The body vibrates at natural frequency.
Forced oscillations
If a body is continuously accelerated with external periodic force then the body continues to
oscillate under the influence of such external forces. Such oscillations of the body which vibrate
with a frequency other than the natural frequency are called forced oscillations.
5. Distinguish between forced oscillation and resonant oscillations.
Forced oscillations Resonant oscillations
The body vibrates under the influence of external The body vibrates under the influence of external
force which possesses frequency other than force which vibrates at natural frequency.
natural frequency.
The amplitude of the oscillations is moderate. The amplitude of the oscillations is higher than forced
Ex: All stringed musical instruments, vibrating Ex: Pushing a person in a swing, buildings are
tuning fork. wrecked during earthquake.
6. Why army troops not allowed in march in steps while crossing a bridge?
Ans: Army troops are not allowed to march in steps while crossing a bridge because it is quite
likely that the frequency of the footsteps may match with the natural frequency of the bridge, and
due to resonance the bridge may pick up large amplitude and break.
7. What are the types of motion? Give examples.
Ans: Based on the motion of the physical bodies, it can be classified into two types:
i) Linear motion, in which the motion of the body moves linearly with time. Ex: Train moving in
a track, Rocket launching etc.
ii) Rotational or Oscillatory motion, in which the motion of the body repeat itself after regular
interval of time. Ex: i) Bob moving in a pendulum clock ii) Beating of Heart iii) Movement of
earth around the sun etc.
8. Define amplitude and phase.
Ans: Amplitude: The maximum distance covered by the body on either side of its mean position
is called its amplitude.
Phase: It is a physical quantity that expresses the instantaneous position and direction of motion
of an oscillating system.
9. What is meant by critical damped motion? Give examples.
Ans: During oscillatory motion, when the displacement decreases to zero rapidly, then it is called
critical damped motion.
Ex: i) Movement of pointer in voltmeter, ammeter etc. ii) Sensitive galvanometer.
10.What is meant by resonance? Give examples.
Ans: When the driving frequency (ω) coincides with the natural frequency (ω0), resonance occurs.
Ex: i) Collapse of bridges and roads due to earthquake, ii) Shattering of glass due to sound waves.
11. Define plane progressive wave.
Ans: Progressive wave originating from a point source and propagating through an isotropic
medium travel with equal velocity in all directions. At any instant, the wave front will be spherical
in nature. If the sphere of very large radius is considered, the spherical wave will approximate to a
plane surface and the waves are called plane progressive waves.

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Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept. Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019

12. A particle executes a S.H.M of period 10 seconds and amplitude of 1.5 m. Calculate its
maximum acceleration and velocity.
2𝜋 2𝜋 2 𝑋 3.14
Ans: 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑 𝑇 = 𝜔 or 𝜔 = 𝑇 = 10 = 0.628 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠

Now linear velocity 𝜗 = 𝜔√𝑎2 − 𝑦 2 = 0.628 × √1.52 − 02 = 0.942 𝑚/𝑠

Acceleration = 𝜔2 𝑦 = 0.6282 × 1.5 = 0.59 𝑚/𝑠 2
13. A hydrogen atom has a mass of 1.68 × 10-27 kg, when attached to a certain massive molecule
it oscillates as a classical oscillator with a frequency of 1014 cycles per second and with an
amplitude of 10-10 m. Calculate the force acting on the hydrogen atom.
Ans: The angular velocity 𝜔 = 2𝜋𝛾 = 2 × 3.14 × 1014 = 6.28 × 1014 𝑟𝑎𝑑/𝑠
The acceleration of the atom = 𝜔2 𝑦
The force on the hydrogen atom
= 𝑚 × 𝜔2 𝑦 = 1.68 × 10−27 × (2𝜋 × 1014 )2 × 10−10 = 66.3 × 10−9 𝑁𝑒𝑤𝑡𝑜𝑛
14. Calculate the maximum amplitude of velocity, for a particle executing S.H.M of period
10 second and amplitude 5.0 cm.
 2 
Ans: The maximum amplitude of velocity is A  A   
T 
A  0.05   2  3.14   0.0314 m/s
 10 
15. A simple pendulum of one meter length is hang at one end. Considering the oscillations to
be small displacements, find the period of oscillation, if the mass of pendulum is 2 kg.
l 1
Ans: T  2 T  6.28  T  6.28  0.319  2.003s
g ; 9.8
16. What is the principle of laser action?
Ans: Stimulated emission process is a key factor for the laser action. The multiplication of
photons through stimulated emission leads to coherent, powerful, monochromatic, collimated
beam of laser.
17. What is stimulated emission? (Jan ‘13)
Ans: The process of triggering the atoms in excited state to make transitions to ground state by
external source is called stimulated emission.
18. What are the differences between spontaneous emission and stimulated emission?
Spontaneous emission Stimulated emission
Emission of light is caused without any Induced emissions of light caused by incident
external influence. photons.
Emitted photons can be made to travel in particular
Emitted photon travels in random direction.
Emitted photons cannot be controlled. Emitted photons can be controlled.
19. What are the characteristics (properties) of the laser? (Jan ‘12)
Ans: Laser light possesses the following characteristics
(i) Highly coherent. (ii) Highly intense. (iii) Highly directional. (iv) Highly monochromatic
20. Define coherent length and coherent time. How are they related to each other?
Ans: The maximum length up to which the wave trains have correlation with the amplitude and
phase is called coherent length and the time up to which they are correlated is called coherent time.
They are related as, coherent time = Coherent length / velocity of light
21. What is meant by LIDAR?
Ans: Light detection and ranging – Laser beams are used to determine the exact size, form,
distance, velocity and direction of distant objects by receiving the reflected laser beam similar to
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22. What is meant by population inversion? (Jan ’12)

Ans: The number of atoms in the excited state (higher energy level) is more than that of ground
state (lower energy level) is known as population inversion.
23. What is pumping action?
Ans: The process of creating population inversion in the atomic states is known as pumping action.
It is an essential requirement for producing a laser beam.
24. What are the different methods of pumping? (Jan ‘10)
i) Optical pumping. ii) Electron discharge method iii) Inelastic atom-atom collision
iv) Direct conversion v) Chemical process.
25. How is LED different from Semiconductor Laser? (Dec ‘03)
It requires low current density. It requires high current density.
Junction of diode need not be polished. Junctions of the diode should be highly polished.
Minority carrier injection will take place. Stimulated emission will take place.
Power output is low. Power output is high.
Intensity is less. Intensity is very high.
26. Can a two level system be used for the production of laser? Why? (Jan’11)
Ans: No, two level systems cannot be used for the production of laser, because to achieve the
population inversion at least three levels are required.
27. What are the conditions required for laser action?
Ans: Population inversion should be achieved and stimulated emission should be predominant
over spontaneous emission
28. Classify the different types of laser based on active medium.
 Solid state laser – Ruby, Nd –YAG
 Gas laser – CO2 , He –Ne
 Liquid laser – Europium chelate
 Dye laser – Coumarin dye laser
 Semiconductor laser – GaAs
29. What are the differences between homojunction and heterojunction laser? (Jan ‘10)
Homojunction laser Heterojunction laser
Made by single crystalline material. Made by different crystalline materials.
Power output is low. Power output is high.
Pulsed output. Continuous output.
Life time is less. Life time is more.
Threshold current is very large. Threshold current is very low.
The output beam has large divergence, Very narrow beam with high coherence and
coherence and stability are poor. mono chromaticity is achieved.
Ex: GaAs , InP Ex: InAlPS
30. Give the principle of semiconductor laser diode? (May ‘09)
Ans: When the p-n junction diode is forward biased electrons from n region and holes from p
region crosses the junction and recombines with each other. During the recombination process, the
light radiation is released from certain specified diode.
31. What are the applications of semiconductor laser?
 It is mostly used in optical fiber communications.
 It is used to heal the wounds by means of infrared radiation.
 It is used in computer laser printers, writing and reading CD’s.

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32. In InP Laser diode, the wavelength of light emission is 1.55 µm. What is its band gap in eV?
(May ’03)
ℎ𝑐 6.625 × 10−34 × 3 × 108
Ans:𝐸𝑔 = 𝜆 = = 0.8014 𝑒𝑉
1.55 × 10−6
33. Calculate the number of photons from green light of mercury λ = 4961 Å requires doing one
joule of work (May ’03)
ℎ𝑐 6.625 ×10−34 × 3 𝑥 108
Ans:𝐸𝑔 = = = 4.006 × 10−19 𝐽
𝜆 4961 × 10−10
𝑁= = 2.4961 × 1018 / m3
4.006×10−19 𝐽
34. Calculate the relative population of sodium atoms in sodium lamp in the first excited state
and the ground state at a temperature of 250 ˚C. (λ = 590 nm)
Let N2 and N1 be the population of the first excited state and the ground state.
𝑁2 𝑒 −𝐸2 /𝑘𝑇
W. K.T, = = 𝑒 − (𝐸2 − 𝐸1 )/𝑘𝑇 = 𝑒 −ℎ𝛾/𝑘𝑇 = 𝑒 −ℎ𝑐/λ𝑘𝑇
𝑁1 𝑒 −𝐸1 /𝑘𝑇
6.625 ×10−34 ×3×108
𝑁2 −( )
=𝑒 5.9 𝑋10−7 ×1.38×10−23 ×523
= 𝑒 −46.673875 = 5.36776 × 10−21;
= 5.367 × 10−21
35. Calculate how many photons are emitted in each minute in a helium neon laser which emits
light at a wavelength of 6328 Å. The output power of the source 3 mW.
Frequency 𝛾 = 𝜆 = 4.74 × 1014 𝐻𝑧
E = hυ = 3.14 ×10 -19 J
Energy emitted by the laser = 3mW= 3 × 10 -3 × 60 J / minute
3 x 10 −3 × 60
No of photons emitted = 𝑁 = 3.14 ×10 – 19 = 5.732 × 10 17 photons / min
36. Define acceptance angle.
Ans: The maximum angle with which a ray of light can enter through one end of the fiber and still
be totally internally reflected is called acceptance angle of the fiber.
37. Define numerical aperture of a fiber. (June ‘14)
Ans: It is the light gathering efficiency of the fiber. It is a measure of the amount of light rays that
can be accepted by the fiber. It is equal to the sine of acceptance angle.
38. What are the conditions to be satisfied for the total internal reflection?
 Light should travel from denser medium to rarer medium.
 The angle of incidence on core should be greater than the critical angle
39. What are the types of optical fibers based on number of modes?
Ans: Single mode fiber – one mode and Multi-mode fiber – many modes
40. What are the types of fibers based on refractive index profile?
Ans: Step-index fiber & Graded-index fiber
41. Differentiate single mode and multimode fibers.
Single mode fiber Multimode fiber
In single mode fiber only one mode can be Allows large number of modes of light to
propagated. propagate through it.
Smaller core diameter and difference between Core diameter is large, difference between the
refractive index of core and cladding is small. refractive index of core and cladding is also large.
No dispersion of signal. Dispersion of signal takes place.

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42. Differentiate step-index and graded-index fibers.

Step-index fiber Graded-index fiber
Refractive index of the core is uniform throughout Refractive index of the core is made to vary
and undergoes an abrupt change at the cladding gradually such that the maximum refractive
boundary. index is present at the centre of the core.
Attenuation is more for multimode step-index fiber. Attenuation is less.
NA is more for multi-mode step-index fiber. Numerical aperture is less.
43. Define attenuation in an optical fiber and mention its unit.
Ans: Attenuation loss is generally measured in terms of the decibel (dB). It is defined as the ratio
of the optical power output from a fiber to the power input.
𝛼 = −10 log ( 𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡) dB/km.
44. What are the basic attenuation mechanisms? (Jan ‘11)
Ans: i) Absorption loss ii) Scattering loss iii) Radiative loss
45. Define dispersion.
Ans: Dispersion means degradation of the optical signal or signal distortion. In a fiber optic
communication system, the signal is launched in the form of light pulses with a given width,
amplitude and spacing between pulses. During transmission, several effects lead to the spreading
of pulse width. This effect is called dispersion.
46. What is the basic principle in optical fibre communication system?
Ans: The basic principle in optical fibre communication is transmission of information by
propagation of an optical signal through fibers over required distance. It involves deriving optical
signal from electrical signal at transmitter end and conversion of optical signal back to electrical
signal at the receiving end.
47. Mention the advantages of fiber optical communication system over the conventional
systems. (Dec ‘15)
 Light in weight and small in size.
 No possibility of internal noise and cross talk generation.
 No hazards of short circuits as in metal wires.
48. Why optical fibers are called as wave guides?
Ans: A wave guide is a tubular structure through which some sort of energy could be guided in
the form of waves. Since light waves can be guided through a fiber, it is called as wave guide.
49. Mention the applications of optical fibers in the engineering field. (May ’10, Dec’14)
 It can be used for long distance communication in trunk lines.
 It is used in computer networks, especially in LAN.
 It is used as optical sensors.
 It is used in defense services.
 Fibre optic endoscope is used to inspect the big machineries in industries
50. What is the basic principle of fiber optic sensors?
Ans: A fiber sensor consists of a light source. The light source is coupled to an optical fiber.
A light detector receives signal-carrying light beam as it emerges from the fiber. The signal from
detector is processed electrically for getting information.
51. What are the essential components of an optical fiber sensor? (Jan ‘09)
Ans: (i) Source (ii) Wave guide (fiber) (iii) Detector
52. Why is Laser much preferred than LED as an optical source?
Ans: Laser light is much preferred than LED because it is more directional, highly coherent,
faster rise time and narrow spectral width than LED.

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53. How fibers are used as sensors?

Ans: The fiber optic sensors are used to detect changes in frequency, intensity, temperature,
current, polarization of light waves etc. A fiber optic sensor modulates light passing through it,
when it is exposed to a change in the environment.
54. What are the types of sensors used in the fibre optics?
 Intrinsic sensors – Fibre itself acts as a sensing element.
 Extrinsic sensors – Separate sensing system collects the light from the fibre.
55. A fiber has a diameter of 6 µm and its core refractive index is 1.47 and for cladding it is 1.43.
How many modes can propagate in to the fiber if the wavelength of the laser source is
1.5 µm. (Jan 2010)
Ans: 𝑁𝐴 = √𝑛12 − 𝑛22 = √1.472 − 1.432 = 0.34
𝑁𝐴 2
𝑁𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑝 = 4.9 (𝑑 × )
= 9.06 = 9 modes
56. Calculate the numerical aperture and the acceptance angle of an optical fibre from the
following data. Refractive index of core is 1.55; Refractive index of cladding is 1.5. (Jan ‘05)
(i) 𝑁𝐴 = √𝑛12 − 𝑛22 = √0.1525 = 0.3905
(ii) θ0 = sin-1 (NA) = sin-1 (0.3905) = 220 59’
57. A Step index fibre has a numerical aperture of 0.26, a core refractive index of 1.5 and a core
diameter of 100 µm calculate, a) The refractive index of cladding b) The acceptance angle)
The maximum number of modes with a wavelength of 1 µm that the fibre can carry.
Ans: -
𝑁𝐴 = √𝑛12 − 𝑛22 = 0.26 = √1.52 – n22
Refractive index of cladding, n2 = 1.4772
Acceptance angle, Sin im = NA ; im = sin -1 (NA)
= sin -1 (0.26) =1504’
𝑁𝐴 2
Maximum number of modes, 𝑁 = 4.9 (𝑑 × 𝜆 ) = 3312.4
58. A signal of 100 mW is injected into a fibre and the outgoing signal from the other end is
40 mW. Find the loss in dB. (Jan ‘10)
𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡 40
Ans: Power loss 𝛼 = −10 log ( 𝑃 ) = −10 log (100)
= 3.979 𝑑𝐵
59. Why is intermodal dispersion reduced in graded-index fibers? (Jan ‘16)
Ans: Using graded index fiber so that light rays that allow longer paths also travel at a faster
velocity and there by arrive at the other end of the fiber at nearly the same time as rays that
follow shorter paths.
60. What is an Optical fiber? (May ‘17)
Ans: It is a guiding media which deals with the transmission and reception of light waves. It is
made up of transparent dielectrics. It consists of core, cladding enclosed by strengthening material
named Kevlar and finally protected by polyurethane black jacket.
61. Give some differences between the beam of light from a flash lamp and a laser. (Dec ‘16)
Flash lamp light LASER
Emitted light is not monochromatic Monochromatic light is emitted
Emitted light does not have high degree of coherence Light emitted has high degree of coherence
Light spreads in all directions Light spreads only one direction
Light is less intense and bright Laser light is more intense and bright

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62. A step index optical fiber has a core refractive index of 1.5 and cladding refractive index of
1.48. Calculate the critical angle at the core-cladding interface. (Dec ‘16)
𝑛 1.48
Critical angle θc = sin−1 (𝑛2 ) = sin−1 ( 1.5 )
Critical angle = sin−1 (0.9866) = 80̊ 37’
63. How will you classify optical fibers based on material?
Ans: The optical fiber can be classified as glass and plastic fiber based on the type of material used
for manufacturing. Glass fiber is mostly a combination of silica with mixed metal oxides and plastic
fibers are made with polymers.
Part – B
1. What are damped vibrations? Establish a differential equation of motion for a damped harmonic
oscillator and obtain an expression for displacement. Discuss the conditions for over damped,
critical damped and under damped oscillations.
2. Derive and discuss the theory of forced oscillations. How does sharpness of resonance depend on
3. (i) For atomic transitions, derive Einstein relation and hence deduce the expressions for the ratio
of spontaneous emission rate to the stimulated emission rate. (June ‘12, Dec ‘16)
(ii)What is pumping action? Explain the methods commonly used for pumping action. (Jun‘09)
4. (i)Describe the principle, construction, working and energy level diagram of semiconductor laser.
(ii) What are the advantages of heterojunction laser over homojunction semiconductor laser?
5. Compare a homojuction semiconductor laser with a hetero junction semiconductor laser and detail
their features. (Jan‘18)
6. (i) What are the applications of semiconductor laser?
(ii) Describe the construction and working of a hetero-junction Ga-As laser. (Jan ‘09)
7. (i) Explain the propagation of light through an optical fibre.
(ii) What are numerical aperture and acceptance angle of a fiber?
(iii) Explain two applications of an optical fiber. (Dec ‘15, Jan ‘16, Dec ‘16)
8. Derive an expression for acceptance angle and numerical aperture of an optical fiber. Bring out the
differences between step index and graded index fiber. (Nov‘01, June ‘12, Jan ‘18)
9. Classify the optical fibres on the basis of materials, modes of propagation and refractive index
10. Describe the losses that occur in fibers and give the remedies for it. (June ‘09)
11. (i) What is dispersion in fiber optics? Explain different types of dispersion.
(ii) What are the different types of fibre optic sensors? Explain the working of any one sensor.


Part – A
1. Define heat transfer.
Ans: The amount of heat energy transferred from one end to the other end of a medium.
2. What are the fundamental modes of heat transfer?
Ans: The fundamental modes of heat transfer are conduction, convection and radiation.
3. Define conduction. (Jan ‘18)
Ans: Conduction is the process of transmission of heat from one point to another through substance
without the actual motion of the particles. Conduction always requires some material medium.
The material medium may be solid, liquid and gas.

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4. Define convection. (Jan ‘18)

Ans: Convection is the process of transmission of heat from one point to another through substance
with the actual motion of the particles.
5. Define radiation. (Jan ‘18)
Ans: Radiation is the process of transmission of heat from one point to another point without the
necessity of the intervening medium.
6. What is thermal expansion?
Ans: Thermal expansion is the tendency of matter to change in shape, area and volume with respect
to a change in temperature.
7. What is a thermostat?
Ans: Thermostat is a device used in automatic iron box, refrigerators and geysers etc., which
automatically regulate the temperature by maintaining it over a specific range.
8. Give some examples for good conductors and bad conductors of heat.
Ans: All metals are normally conductors of heat and all non-metallic materials like wood, cork,
asbestos, rubber, glass, clay etc., are bad conductors of heat.
9. What is coefficient of thermal expansion?
Ans: The coefficient of thermal expansion can be defined as the ratio between the changes in
length to the original length per unit rise in temperature.
10. What is isotropic and anisotropic in thermal expansion of solids?
Ans: The materials in which coefficient of thermal expansion are same in all directions are
isotropic materials and those which have different coefficient of thermal expansion in different
directions are anisotropic materials.
11. Define coefficient of linear expansion.
Ans: The coefficient of linear expansion of a solid is the increase in length of unit length of the
solid when its temperature is raised by 1K.
12. What are the factors affecting thermal expansion?
Ans: 1. Bond energy,
2. Melting point,
3. Thermal properties of metal itself.
13. Which one has higher thermal expansion, glasses or crystal? Why?
Ans: The thermal expansion of glasses is higher compared to that of crystals. At the glass transition
temperature, rearrangement of atoms leads to the change in coefficient of thermal expansion and
specific heat capacity which in turn increases the value of thermal expansion.
14. Give two examples and applications of thermal expansion.
Ans: 1. Metal framed windows need rubber spacers, Rubber tires.
2. Metal hot water heating pipes should not be used in long straight lengths.
3. Large structures such as railways and bridges need expansion joints in the structures.
15. What are expansion joints?
Ans: An expansion joint or movement joint is an assembly designed to safely absorb the heat-
induced expansion and contraction of construction materials, to absorb vibration, to hold parts
together, or to allow movement due to ground settlement or earthquakes.
16. Name few expansion joints.
Ans: Some of the expansion joints are control joints, bridge expansion joints, railway expansion
joints and pipe expansion joints.
17. Define the coefficient of thermal conductivity. (Dec ‘16)
Ans: The coefficient of thermal conductivity of a material is defined as the heat conducted per
second normally across unit area of cross section of the material maintained at unit temperature
Q x Unit: W/m/K
A   1   2  t

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18. What is bimetallic strip? (Jan ‘18)

Ans: A strip which is made up of two thin metal strips with different coefficient of thermal
expansion. Used in water heaters. Occurrence in the form of steel and copper, or in some cases
steel and brass.
19. Write some applications of bimetallic strip. (Jan ‘18)
Ans: Some bimetallic applications are as follows:
 Clocks - The most common method is to use a bimetallic construction for the circular rim of the
balance wheel.
 Thermostats - In the regulation of heating and cooling, thermostats that operate over a wide
range of temperatures are used.
 Thermometers - A direct indicating dial thermometer uses a bimetallic strip wrapped into a coil.
 Heat engine - Simple toys have been built which demonstrate how the principle can be used to
drive a heat engine.
20. Define thermal diffusivity.
Ans: It is defined as the ratio of thermal conductivity to the thermal capacity per unit volume of
the material.
21. What is meant by temperature gradient?
Ans: The rate of fall of temperature with respect to the distance is called as temperature gradient.
In general, it is denoted as – dθ/dx. The negative sign indicates the fall of temperature with
increase in distance.
22. What is steady state?
Ans: When a solid bar is heated at one end, each particle absorbs some heat energy, raises its
own temperature and loses a little heat by radiation and transmits the rest to the next. A stage is
reached when each particle has taken its full energy and cannot absorb any more heat is called
steady state.
23. What is thermal resistance?
Ans: The thermal resistance of a body is a measure of its opposition to the flow of heat through
it. i.e., everybody possess some resistive power when it is subjected to heat, this resistive power
is termed as thermal resistance
24. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Forbe’s method?
Advantages: a) It is one of the earliest methods to determine the absolute thermal conductivity
of the material.
b) The method is based on the fundamental relation Q=KA*(dø/dx)*t which defines
Disadvantages: a) It is a tedious method and requires a lot of time for the completion of the
experiment and drawing the three graphs.
b) The specific heat capacity of the material of the rod does not remain constant at different
temperatures as assumed.
c) The distribution of heat is not uniform along the bar in the two experiments. Therefore, this
experiment is not accurate.
25. What is the basic principle behind Forbe’s method to find the thermal conductivity of a
good conductor?
Ans: Amount of heat flowing per second across the cross section at particular point is equal to
heat lost by radiation by the rod beyond the particular point.
26. Give the general principles of thermal insulation.
Ans: a) The thermal resistance of an insulating material is directly proportional to its thickness.
b) The provision of an air gap which is a very important insulating agent is very essential.
c) The thermal resistance of a building depends on its orientation.

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27. What are thermal insulating materials?

Ans: The materials which are used to insulate the building thermally are known as thermal
insulating materials.
28. What is the purpose of thermal insulation?
Ans: The main aim of thermal insulation is to minimize the transfer of heat energy between outer
and inner surface of the building.
29. What are the advantages of thermal insulation?
Ans: 1.Comfort: Due to thermal insulation, the room remains cool in summer and warm in winter
than outside. Hence the room is comfort both in summer and winter.
2. Fuel saving: Due to thermal insulation, the transfer of heat from inside to outside of the
room is reduced. This result in less quantity of fuel required to maintain the desired
temperature in the room.
3. Condensation: the provision of thermal insulating materials inside a room prevents
condensation (deposition of moisture) on interior walls and ceilings.
4. Water system: the use of thermal insulating materials presents the freezing of water taps
in extreme winter and heat loss in case of hot water system.
30. Mention four factors to be considered for providing good thermal effect in buildings.
Ans: To maintain comfortable conditions in a building the following factors are necessary.
(i) Thermal insulation (ii) Thermal comfort (iii) Thermal regulation (iv) Thermal resistivity
31. Mention the properties of thermal insulating materials. (May 2003)
Ans: The thermal insulation materials used in building should have the following properties:
1. They should have a low thermal conductivity.
2. They should be poor absorbers of moisture.
3. They should have adequate fire resistance.
4. They should have good stability against environmental influences.
5. They should have high volumetric specific heat.
6. They should be available at lower cost.
32. Explain why the specimen used to determine thermal conductivity of a bad conductor should
have a larger area and smaller thickness.
Ans: For a bad conductor with a small thickness and large area of cross section, the amount of
heat conducted will be increased.
33. What are the characteristics of good and bad conductors?
Good conductors Bad conductors
They have high electrical and thermal They have low electrical and thermal
conductivity. conductivity.
They can be easily heated or cooled. They cannot be easily heated or cooled.
Ex: Metals like iron, copper. Glass, wood.
34. How are heat conduction and electrical conduction analogous to each other? (Dec ‘08)
Heat conduction Electrical conduction
Heat is conducted from a point of higher Electricity is conducted from a point at higher
temperature to a point of lower temperature. potential to a point at lower potential.
In metals, heat conduction is mainly due to free In metals, electrical conduction is due to free
electrons. charge carriers namely electrons.
The ability to conduct heat is measured by The ability to conduct electricity is measured by
thermal conductivity. electrical conductivity.
35. When ice forms in a lake, where will it start? In which direction will it grow and why?
Ans: When the temperature of cold air above the lake water is below 0 °C, ice is formed on the
lake. It will start from the upper surface of the lake; it will grow from top surface to bottom surface
of lake. Ice floats on water since it is less dense than liquid water.

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36. What is the basic principle behind Lee’s disc method in determining thermal conductivity
of bad conductor?
Ans: The given bad conductor is taken in the form of disc and is placed in between the Lee’s disc
and steam chamber. The steam is passed through bad conductor. Heat conducted through the bad
conductor per second is calculated. Amount of heat lost per second by the disc is also calculated.
At steady state,
Heat conducted through the bad conductor per second = Amount of heat lost per sec by the disc.
From this, thermal conductivity of the bad conductor is calculated.
37. How much heat will be conducted through a slab of area 90×10-4 m2 and thickness
1.2 × 10-3m in one sec? When it’s opposite faces are maintained at temperature difference
of 20 K. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of that material is 0.04 Wm-1 K-1.
KA1   2   t
Ans: Amount of heat conducted Q 
0.04  90  10 4  20  1
 = 6 Joules
1.2  10 3
38. A rod 0.25 m long and 0.892 x 10-4 m2 area of cross section is heated at one end through
393 K while the other end is kept at 323 K. The quantity of heat which will flow in 15 mins
along the rod is 8.811 × 103 joules. Calculate thermal conductivity of the rod.
Ans: K
A1   2   t
8.811  10 3  0.25
K = 391.97 W/m/K
0.892  10 4  70  900
39. A 20 cm length iron rod is heated at one end to 100 ˚C, while the other end is kept at a
temperature of 30 ˚C. The area of cross section of the iron rod is 0.685 cm2. Assume that the
iron rod is thermally insulated. Calculate the amount of heat conducted through the rod in
10 minutes along the way. Given the thermal conductivity of the iron K = 62 Wm-1K-1.
KA1   2   t 62  0.685  10 4  373  303  600
Ans: Q  = 891.87 J
x 0.2
The iron rod conducts 891.87 J of energy in 10 minutes.
40. What is a heat exchanger?
Ans: A heat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat between a solid object and a fluid, or
between two or more fluids
41. Write some uses of heat exchangers.
Ans: They are used in reducing space heating, refrigeration, air conditioning, power
stations, chemical plants, petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, natural-gas processing
and sewage treatment.
42. Mention the methods to determine thermal conductivity of good and bad conductors.
Ans: Searle’s method – for good conductors like metallic rod
Forbe’s method – for determining the absolute conductivity of metals
Lee’s disc method – for poor conductors
Radial flow method – for bad conductors.
43. If a fridge is left open in a closed room, will the room become cooler?
Ans: If a fridge is left open in a closed room, the chillness coming out from the front door of the
fridge is cancelled by the heated air coming out from behind the fridge. In addition to this effect,
in any electrical appliances, a small amount of electricity is wasted as heat energy .Thus heat will
raise the temperature of the room.
44. Define coefficient of performance.
Ans: Coefficient of performance is the ratio of the heat extracted and the work done.

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45. Why do glass tumblers break when filled with hot water?
Ans: Glass is a bad conductor of heat. The inner layer of glass gets heated immediately as it comes
in contact with the hot water. But the outer layer remains at a lower temperature; as a result, the
inner surface tends to expand more than the outer layer and leads to cracking.
46. Define solar power.
Ans: Solar power is the process of converting (or) utilizing the abundantly available solar energy
either directly as heat (or) indirectly by converting it into electrical power using photo-voltaic
47. Mention few applications of solar power.
Ans: Solar power can be used to generate electricity to homes, business and industrial structures.
Solar power can also be used to fuel a number of other electronic devices, including water heaters,
furnaces, ovens, watches and phone chargers.
48. How the solar energy is beneficial than the other types of energy?
Ans: Solar power is virtually inexhaustible. The use of solar power generates no greenhouse gas
emissions, air or water pollution and it doesn't require the use of non-renewable natural resources.
49. Name the types of solar power.
Ans: (i) Active solar power (ii) Passive solar power
50. Define refrigerator
Ans: It is a machine which consists of a thermally insulated compartment and a heat pump that
transfers the heat from the inside of the fridge to its external environment so that the inside of the
fridge is cooled to a temperature below the ambient temperature of the room.
51. Define oven.
Ans: It is a thermally insulated chamber used for heating, baking or drying of a substance and
most commonly used for cooking. Kilns and furnaces are special purpose ovens used in pottery
and metal working respectively.

1. Explain the working of heat exchangers. (Jan ‘18)
2. a) Define refrigerator b) Describe the principle and working of a refrigerator.
3. Explain the different modes of heat transfer in detail.
4. a) Define coefficient of thermal conductivity.
b) Describe with necessary theory the Forbe’s method of determining the thermal conductivity of
a rod of uniform cross – section. (Apr’ 97, ’98, Dec ‘97,’99)
5. Explain the concept of thermal effects in buildings.
6. Describe with relevant theory, the method of determining the coefficient of thermal conductivity
of a bad conductor by Lee’s disc method. (Jan’ 18, ‘14, Dec ‘15)
7. A solid of square of side 50 cm and thickness 10 cm is in contact with steam at 100 oC on one side.
A block of ice at 0 ˚C rests on the other side of the solid. 5 kg of ice is melted in 1 hour. Calculate
the thermal conductivity of the solid.
8. By means of an electric heater of 12 kW, the temperature in a room with 6 m2 windows is to be
maintained so that the inner surface of the glass is 10 ˚C above the outer surface. Ignoring the heat
losses through the walls of the room and assuming that the heat is lost through the window glass
of thickness 6 mm what is the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the glass?
9. A composite metal bar of uniform cross section is made up of 0.25 m of metal A and 0.1 m of metal
B and each being in perfect thermal contact with the adjoining part. There is no heat loss at these
sides. The thermal conductivities of metals A and B are 920 and 140 S.I. units respectively.
The end A is maintained at 100 °C and the end B is maintained at 24 °C. Calculate the temperature
at A – B junction.
10.Deduce the mathematical expression for thermal conduction in a compound medium.

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11.A wall consists of layer of wood and a layer of cork insulation of same thickness. The temperature
inside is 20 ˚C and the temperature outside is 0 ˚C. Calculate the temperature at the interface
between wood and cork, if the cork is inside and the wood is outside also find the temperature at
the interface if the wood is inside and the cork is outside. (Thermal conductivity of wood and cork
are 0.13 W/m/K and 0.046 W/m/K respectively).
12. a) Describe the principle, construction and working of solar water heater.
b) Mention its merits and demerits.
13. Derive the equation for one dimensional flow of heat and solve it under steady state condition.
(Nov ‘01, Dec’ 97, ‘98)


Part – A
1. Write any two drawbacks of classical theory.
Ans: i. It fails to explain the micro concepts like stability of atoms, photoelectric effect, Compton
effect and black body radiation.
ii. According to classical theory the hydrogen spectrum which is assumed to be continuous,
is found as discrete experimentally.
2. What is meant by a perfect black body?
Ans: A perfect black body absorbs and reemits radiations of all possible wavelengths in the
electromagnetic spectrum.
3. What is meant by energy spectrum of a black body?
Ans: The distribution of energy over various wavelengths at various temperatures is known as
energy spectrum of a black body.
4. State Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Ans: It states that the radiant energy (E) of the body is directly proportional to the fourth power
of the temperature (T) of the body.
E α T4 ; E = σ T4 where σ is Stefan’s constant.
5. State Planck’s hypothesis.
Ans: (i) The electrons in the black body are assumed as simple harmonic oscillators.
(ii) The oscillators will not emit energy continuously
(iii) They emit radiation in terms of quanta of magnitude ‘hυ’, discretely. E = nhυ,
where n=1, 2, 3...
6. What is meant by Photon? Give any two properties.
Ans:i. Photons are discrete energy values in the form of small quantas of definite frequency (or)
ii. They do not have any charge and they will not ionize gases.
iii. The energy and momentum of the photon is given by E = hν and p = mc.
7. State Planck’s law of radiation.
Ans: The energy density of radiation in an enclosure at temperature T in the wavelength range λ
8hc 1
and λ+dλ is E  5   hc 
  
e  kT   1
8. Define Wien’s displacement law. Give its limitation. (Jan ‘18)
Ans: It states that the product of the wavelength (λm) of maximum energy emitted and the absolute
temperature (T) is a constant.
λmT = constant
Limitation: It is only valid at low temperature and not valid at high temperature.

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9. Define Rayleigh – Jeans law.

Ans: It states that the energy is directly proportional to the absolute temperature and is inversely
proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength.
Eλ α T / λ4
10. Arrive at Wien’s displacement law from Planck’s law.
8hc 1
Ans: E  5   hc  ;
  
e  kT   1
 hc   hc 
   
 kT   kT 
e 1  e
E   hc 
 
e 5  kT 

11. Arrive Rayleigh Jeans law from Planck’s law.

8hc 1
Ans: E  5   hc 
  
 kT 
e 1
 hc 
 
; E  8 kT
 kT  hc
e 1
kT 4
12. Define Compton Effect, Compton wavelength and Compton shift. (May ‘17)
Ans: When a photon of energy hν collides with a scattering element, the scattered beam has two
components, one of the same wavelength as that of the incident radiation and the other has higher
wavelength compared to incident wavelength. This phenomenon is called Compton effect and the
change in wavelength is called Compton shift. The quantity which depends on rest mass of
m0 c
scattering particle is known as Compton wavelength.
13. What are matter waves?
Ans: The waves associated with the matter particles (electrons, photons) are known as matter
14. State de – Broglie’s hypothesis and how he justified.
Ans: i. Our universe is fully composed of light and matter.
ii. Nature loves symmetry. If radiation like light can act as wave and particle, then material
particles should also act like particle and a wave.
iii. Every moving particle is associated with a wave.
15. Explain the variations of Compton shift with respect to the scattering angle.
Ans: The Compton shift in wavelength increases with the increase in scattering angle as shown
below. We know that Compton shift,
d 
1  cos  
m0 c
Case i) when θ = 0, dλ = 0
Case ii) when θ = 45 o, dλ = 0.0071 Å
Case iii)when θ = 90 o,dλ = 0.02424 Å
Case iv) when θ = 180 o, dλ = 0.0472 Å
16. State the properties of matter waves.
Ans: i. Lighter the particle, greater is the wavelength associated with it.
ii. Smaller the velocity of the particle, greater is wavelength associated with it.
iii. These waves are not electromagnetic waves,
iv. The velocity of de-Broglie wave is equal to the velocity of the material particle.

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17. Write an expression for the wavelength of matter waves. (or) What is de-Broglie’s wave
equation? What are the other forms of de-Broglie wavelength?
h h
 
mv p
Where h – Planck’s constant, m – mass of the particle, v – velocity of the particle, p – Momentum
of the particle.
 De-Broglie wavelength in terms of energy =  
 De-Broglie wavelength in terms of voltage =  
 De-Broglie wavelength in terms of temperature =  
3mK BT
18. What do you understand by the term wave function?
Ans: Wave function ψ is a variable quantity that is associated with a moving particle at any
position (x, y, z) and at any time‘t’. It relates the probability of finding the particle at that point
and at that time.
19. What is the physical significance of a wave function?
1. The probability of finding a particle in space at any given instant of time is characterized by
a function ψ (x, y, z) called wave function.
2. It relates particle and wave statistically.
3. It is a complex quantity and it does not have any meaning.
20. Write any two applications of Schroedinger’s wave equation.
1. It is used to find the electrons in the metal.
2. It is used to find the energy levels of an electron in an infinite deep potential well.
21. Write down the one dimensional Schroedinger’s time independent equation and write the
same for a free particle.
𝑑2 𝜓 2𝑚
Ans: 𝑑𝑥 2 + ħ2 [𝐸 − 𝑉]𝜓 = 0
For a free particle, V = 0.
𝑑2 𝜓 2𝑚𝐸
So, 𝑑𝑥 2 + ħ2 𝜓 = 0.
22. Define Eigen value and Eigen function.
Ans: Eigen value is defined as energy of the particle and is denoted by the letter (En). Eigen
function is defined as the wave function of the particle and is denoted by the letter (ψn)
𝑛2 ℎ2 2 𝑛𝜋𝑥
𝐸𝑛 = 2
; 𝜓𝑛 = √ sin
8𝑚𝑎 𝑎 𝑎
23. Define normalization process.
Ans: The probability of finding a particle inside any potential well is known as normalization
process in quantum theory.
24. What are the merits of quantum theory?
Ans: i. Specific heat of solids at low temperature can be explained.
ii. Theory of atomic structure and spectrum of hydrogen can be explained.
iii. Photoelectric effect, Compton Effect and black body radiation can be explained by this

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25. What is an electron microscope?

Ans: It is a microscope in which the object is illuminated by highly accelerated fast-moving
electron beam. It possesses very high magnification of 1000 X and a very high resolving power
of 10 Ǻ.
26. What is the basic principle of electron microscope?
Ans: The given object is illuminated by highly accelerated fast-moving electrons. The focusing
of the beam is done by magnetic fields (magnetic lenses). The shorter wavelength of electron
permits the detailed examination of tiny objects due to reduction of diffraction effects.
27. Name few types of electron microscope.
Ans: 1.Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
2. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
3. Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM)
28. What is G.P. Thomson experiment?
Ans: G.P.Thomson made investigations with high speed electrons, accelerated by a potential
difference ranging from 10,000 to 50,000 V and studied the electron diffraction effects. Thomson
found the diffraction patterns exactly analogous to X-ray diffraction patterns. Thus he proved the
material particle possess wave nature.
29. Define resolving power of a microscope.
Ans: It is the ability of an optical instrument to form a distinct and separable image of the two
point objects which are close to each other.
30. Define Depth of focus of a microscope.
Ans: It is defined as the ability of the objective of microscope to produce a sharp focused image
when the surface of the object is not truly plane.
31. Find the energy of an electron moving in one dimension in an infinitely high potential box
of width 0.1 nm. (Given h = 6.625×10-34 J-s, m0 = 9.1×10-31 Kg)
𝑛2 ℎ 2 12 ×(6.625x 10−34 ) 4.38 ×10−67
Ans: 𝐸𝑛 = = = = 6.022 × 10−18 𝐽
8𝑚𝑎2 8×9.1×10−31 ×(0.1×10−9 )2 7.28 ×10−50
32. Calculate the no. of photons emitted by a 100 Watt sodium vapor lamp. Given λ = 5893Å.
hc 6.625  10 34  3  108 1.988  10 25
Ans: E   = 3.3726 × 10-19 J
 5893  10 10
5893  10 10

N = Power / Energy  = 2.965 × 10 20 per second
3.3726  10 19
33. Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated to a potential of 2 kV.
h 6.625  1034 6.625  1034
Ans:    = 0.2742 Å
2meV 2  9.11 1031  1.6  1019  2  103 2.414  10
34. X-rays of wavelength 0.124 Å are scattered by a carbon block. Find the wavelength of
scattered beam for a scattering angle of 180 o.
Ans: '   
1  cos  
m0 c
6.625  10 34 6.625  10 34
'  0.124  10 10   1  cos 180   0.124  
10 10
  (2)
9.11  10 31  3  108 2.733  10 22
' = (0.124 × 10−10 ) + 4.848 × 10−12 = 0.1725 Å
35. In a Compton scattering experiment, the incident photons have a wavelength of 3× 10 -10 m.
Calculate the wavelength of scattered photons if they are viewed at an angle of 600 to the
direction of incidence. (c = 3×108 ms-1) (Apr ‘03)
Ans: '   
1  cos  
m0 c

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6.625  10 34 6.625  10 34 1

'  3  10 10   1  cos 60   3 10 
 ( )
9.11  10 31  3  108 2.733  10 22 2
=(3 × 10−10 ) + 1.212 × 10−12 = 3.0121 Å
36. What is meant by degenerate state and non-degenerate state? (Jan ‘11)
Degenerate State:- For various combinations of quantum number if we get the same Eigen value
but different Eigen functions, then it is called degenerate state.
Non-degenerate State: - For particular combinations of quantum number if we get the one Eigen
value and corresponding Eigen function, then it is called non-degenerate state.
37. For a free particle moving within a one dimensional potential box, the ground state energy
cannot be Zero, why? (Jan 2018)
Ans: For a free particle moving within a one dimensional potential box, when n = 0, the energy
(E) and wave function (ψ) are zero which means the particle is not present within the box.
Therefore the state with n = 0 is not allowed.
38. Matter wave is not encountered with bodies which we come across in our day-to-day life.
Ans: The de-Broglie wavelength associated with larger objects is far too small because of larger
value of mass (m). Hence only for particles of atomic size, wave behavior is observed.
39. What will be the minimum energy of an electron in one dimensional box of width 10 Å?
Ans: (Dec ‘15)
2 2 2
𝐸 n = n h /8mL
12 x (6.625x10−34)2 4.38×10−67
E1 = 8 x 9.11 x 10−31 x (10 x10−10 )2 = 7.288×10−48
E1 = 6.022 x 10 Joules or 0.3756 eV
40. Peak emission of radiation from sun is at a wavelength of 500 nm. Estimate the temperature
of sun (Wien’s displacement constant = 2.898 × 10-3 mK) (Dec 2015)
Ans: λm×T= Wien’s constant.
𝑤𝑖𝑒𝑛′ 𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 2.898 x 10−3
T= = ; T = 5796 K.
𝜆𝑚 500×10−9
41. Why should the wave function of particle be normalized? (Jan ‘16)
Ans: Normalizing the wave function means to find the exact form of ψ which ensures the
probability of finding the particle in space is equal to 1.
42. The room temperature (27 oC) thermal neutrons are used in the neutron diffraction
experiments. Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength associated with these neutrons. The rest
mass of the neutron, mn is 1.6748 × 10-27 kg, KB = 1.38 × 10-23 JK-1. (Jan ‘16)
h 6.625  10
Ans:   ; 
3mK BT 3x1.6748 x 10 -27 x 1.38  10 23  300
4.5608 ×10−24
de – Broglie wavelength = 1.4526 Å.
43. An electron is confined to a one-dimensional box. How does the energy level spacing changes
when the box is made longer?
𝑛2 ℎ 2
Ans: 𝐸𝑛 = 8𝑚𝐿2
Energy decreases with increase in length.
44. Describe tunneling effect.
Ans: In Quantum mechanics a particle having lesser energy (E) then the barrier potential (V) can
easily cross the potential barrier having a finite width ‘L’ even without climbing over the barrier
by tunneling through the barrier. This process is called tunneling.

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45. What is the principle of Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)?

Ans: When a conducting tip is brought very near to the surface to be examined, a bias (voltage
difference) applied between the two can allow electrons to tunnel through the vacuum between
46. Mention the advantages of Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM).
 It is capable of capturing more informations than the other electron microscopes.
 As STMs are versatile, they can be used in ultra-high vacuum, air, water and other liquids and
 They can operate in temperatures as low as 0K up to a few hundred degree Celsius.
47. Write the disadvantages of Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM).
 STMs can be difficult to use effectively. There is a very specific technique that requires a lot
of skill and precision.
 STMs require very stable and clean surfaces, excellent vibration control and sharp tips.
 STMs use highly specialized equipment that is fragile and expensive.
48. What are the applications of Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)?
 STM’s are used in biological field to examine images of DNA.
 Used to study surface structure / morphology.
 It is used to study collective electronic and magnetic behaviors.
 Used in surface chemistry.
 Used in molecular image and bonding.

1. Using Quantum theory, derive an expression for the average energy emitted by the black body and
arrive at Planck’s radiation law. (Jan ‘16, Dec ‘16)
2. With the concepts of quantum theory of black body radiation derive an expression for energy
distribution and use it to prove Wien’s displacement law and Rayleigh Jeans law. (Jan ‘10)
3. Define Compton Effect and explain its significance? Derive an expression for the change in
wavelength due to Compton scattering by incident light with matter. (Dec‘15, Jan ‘18)
4.Write down the equation for Compton shift and discuss it for various angles of scattering with an
experimental evidence to prove it. (Jan ‘09, ‘10)
5. What are the drawbacks of classical free electron theory? Derive time independent Schrödinger
wave equation and hence deduce time dependent Schrödinger wave equation. Give the physical
significance of wave function (Jan ‘10, Jan ‘18)
6. Derive time independent Schrödinger equation for one dimensional case. Also prove that for a
particle enclosed in a one dimensional box. (May ‘10)
7. With quantum concepts, explain the energy level of an electron enclosed in an infinite deep one
dimensional potential box.
8. Using Schroedinger’s time independent wave equation normalize the wave functions of electron
trapped in a one dimensional potential well. (Jan ‘04, ‘09, 16, Dec ‘16)
9. Explain G. P. Thomson experiment to prove the wave nature of an electron. (May ‘17)
10. What is the momentum and de-Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated through a potential
difference of 56 V? (Dec ‘15)
11. The wavelength of the scattered X-ray photons are determined to be 1 Å by the detector at an
angle θ in a Compton experiment. If the wavelength of the scattered photons are found to be
1.018 Å by rotating the detector increasingly through 60̊ further, then calculate the angles of the
scattered X-ray photons. (Dec ‘15)

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12. What is the principle of electron microscopy? Draw the construction of an electron microscope
and explain its working. Compare it with optical microscope. (May ‘17)
13. (i) An X-ray photon of wavelength 0.010 nm is scattered through 110̊ by an electron. What is the
kinetic energy of the recoiling electron? (Dec ‘16)
(ii) Find the de Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated through a potential difference of 80 kV.
Find the wavelength of a X-ray photon that possess an energy same as that of the electron.
14. Explain the principle and working of scanning tunneling electron microscope and list out its
limitations. (Jan ‘11)


1. What is a space lattice?
Ans: Space lattice is an infinite arrangement of points in three dimensional spaces in which every
point has an identical surrounding.
2. Name seven crystal systems.
Ans: (i) Cubic (ii)Tetragonal (iii) Orthorhombic (iv) Monoclinic (v) Triclinic (vi) Rhombohedral
(vii) Hexagonal
3. Give the number of atoms in an unit cell of SC, BCC, FCC & HCP.
Type of Structures Number of atoms in unit cell
Simple Cubic 1
Body Centered Cubic 2
Face Centered Cubic 4
Hexagonal Close Packed 6
4. Define coordination number.
Ans: Coordination number is the number of nearest neighboring atoms which surrounding a
particular atom in the crystal.
5. What is the coordination number in SC, BCC, FCC & HCP?
Type of Structures Coordination Number
Simple Cubic 6
Body Centered Cubic 8
Face Centered Cubic 12
Hexagonal Close Packed 12
6. Define atomic radius.
Ans: Half of the distance between any two nearest neighboring atoms in a crystal is known as
atomic radius. It is denoted by ‘r’ and is usually expressed in terms of the cube edge ‘a’.
7. Obtain the formula for atomic radius ‘r’ in terms of lattice constant ‘a’ for simple cubic
Ans: In the simple cubic structure: 2r = a; r = a/2
8. Deduce an expression for atomic radius in terms of lattice constant for BCC structure.
Ans: For BCC structure:
r+2r+r = a√3 ; 4r = a√3 ; r = (a√3)/4
9. Deduce an expression for atomic radius in terms of lattice constant for FCC structure.
Ans: For FCC structure:
r+2r+r = a√2 ; 4r = a√2 ; r = (a√2)/4 = a/(2√2)

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10. Differentiate Primitive and Non – Primitive cell with example.

Primitive cell Non- Primitive cell
Primitive cell consists of only one lattice Non- Primitive cell consists of more than
point per unit cell. one lattice point per unit cell
Ex. Simple Cubic Ex. BCC, FCC
11. Define atomic packing factor or atomic packing fraction. Mention its unit. (Dec 2016)
Ans: Atomic packing factor or packing fraction is the ratio of the volume of atoms in an unit cell
to the total volume of the unit cell. There is no unit for it since it is a ratio. i.e., PF = v / V
12. Calculate the packing factor in SC, BCC and FCC structure.
Ans: Packing factor (P.F) = Volume occupied by the atoms in an unit cell/ volume of an unit
4 4
n  r 3 1  r 3
3 3 
PF = For SC, r = a/2; a = 2r P.F =  =52% (since n = 1)
a 3
2r 3

2  r 3
3 3
For BCC: r = a√3/4; a = 4r/√3 P.F = 3
 = 68% (since n=2)
 4r  8
 
 3
4  r 3
3 2
For FCC: r = a√2/4; a = 4r/√2; P.F = 3
 = 74% (since n=4)
 4r  6
 
 2
13. Write the c/a ratio and packing factor of HCP.
c 8
  1.633 ;
a 3

Packing factor = = 74 %
3 2
14. What are Miller indices?
Ans: Miller indices are the three smallest possible integers which have the same ratio as the
reciprocals of the intercepts of the plane concerned along the three axes.
15. Define unit cell. (May ‘17)
Ans: A unit cell is the smallest geometric figure which gives a complete crystal structure by
translational repetition in 3- D space.
16. What are Bravais lattices?
Ans: According to Bravais, there are 14 possible types of space lattices out of seven crystal
systems. These 14 space lattices are called Bravais lattices.
17. Write the expression for inter-planar spacing for a cubic system in terms of lattice
constant and Miller indices.
Ans: Inter planar spacing d  . a = lattice constant, h k l = Miller indices.
h 2  k 2  l 2 
18. What are the lattice parameters of a unit cell?
Ans: The characteristic intercepts on the axes a, b & c and interfacial angles α, β and γ are the
lattice parameters of a unit cell.

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Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept. Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019

19. Distinguish between crystalline and non-crystalline material.

Crystalline material Non-crystalline material
Regular and periodic arrangement of atoms in Irregular and non-periodic arrangement
3-D Space. of atoms.
They are direction dependent so called They are direction independent so called
anisotropic. isotropic.
They are most stable. They are less stable.
Example: Cu, Ag, Ge, Si. Example: Plastic, glass, rubber
20. An unit cell has the dimensions a = b = c = 4.74 Å and  =  =  = 600. What is its crystal
structure? (Jan’12)
Ans: Rhombohedral (or) trigonal structure as a = b = c and  =  =   90 .

21. What is the relation between lattice constant ‘a’ and density ‘ρ’ of the crystal?

Ans: a   nM  3
 N 
 
n -no.of atoms per unit cell: M- atomic weight: N -Avagadro’s number
22. What is a basis or motif?
Ans: It is an unit assembly of atoms or molecules which are identified with respect to the position
of lattice points, identical in composition, arrangement and orientation.
23. Define interatomic distance and inter-planar distance.
Inter atomic distance: The distance between the centres of any two nearest neighboring atoms.
Inter planar distance: The perpendicular distance between any two consecutive parallel planes.
24. What is meant by loosely packed and closely packed crystal structures? Give an example
for each.
Ans: A loosely packed crystal structure has low packing factor that is, in which more vacant sites
are available. Eg: Polonium
Closely packed structure has the highest packing factor of 0.74. Here the atoms are closely
packed leaving a small space as vacant site in the crystal. Eg: Copper – FCC, Zinc – HCP
25. What is diamond structure?
Ans: Diamond structure is a combination of two interpenetrating FCC sub lattices along the body
diagonal at a distance of ¼th of cube edge. Eg: Germanium, Silicon.
26. What is graphite structure?
Ans: In this graphite structure, carbon atoms are arranged in a regular hexagon flat parallel layers
such that each atom is linked by the neighbouring atoms. However there is no strong bonding
between different layers which are therefore easily separable from each other.
27. Which structure has least co-ordination number and maximum bravais lattice?
Ans: Least co-ordination number – Diamond Maximum Bravais lattice – Orthorhombic
28. Name the crystal structure of the following :
Gold - FCC
Calcite - Rhombohedral
Sulphur - Orthorhombic
Zinc - HCP
29. Mention the various crystal growing techniques.
Ans: (i) Melt growth (ii) Low temperature solution growth
(iii) High temperature solution growth (Flux growth) (iv) Epitaxial growth.
30. What is a melt growth?
Ans: Melt growth is a process of crystallization by fusion and resolidification of the starting

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Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept. Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019

31. Draw the following planes in a cubic structure (001), (100), (110), (111).
(001) (100) (110) (111)

32. What is the basic principle of Czochralski method of growing crystal?

Ans: The Czochralski method is a crystal pulling technique from the melt and it is based on a
liquid - solid phase transition driven by a seed crystal in contact with the melt.
33. What are the advantages of Czochralski method?
Ans: i. Growth of large oriented single crystals ii. Convenient chemical composition
iii. Control of atmosphere
34. What are the limitations of Czochralski method?
Ans: i. High vapour pressure materials.
ii. Liquid phase encapsulation.
iii. Possible contamination of the melt by the crucible.
iv. No reproductivity of the crystal shape.
35. What is the basic principle of Bridgman technique?
Ans: A common technique of growing single crystal involves selective cooling from the molten
materials, so that the solidification occurs along the crystal direction. In this technique, the melt
in a sealed crucible is progressively frozen from one end.
36. What are the advantages of Bridgman technique?
Ans: i. Simple technique.
ii. Control over vapor pressure.
iii. Containers can be evacuated and sealed.
iv. Control of shape and size of the grown crystals.
v. Stabilization of thermal gradients.
37. What are the limitations of Bridgman technique?
Ans: i. Confinement of crystals.
ii. Crystal perfection is not better than that of the seed.
iii. No visibility.
38. What is the basic principle of slow evaporation method?
Ans: In this method, the saturated solution is kept at a particular temperature and provision is
made for evaporation.
39. What are the advantages of slow evaporation method?
Ans: i. This is simple and convenient method of growing single crystals of large size.
ii. Growth of strain and dislocation free crystals.
iii. Permits the growth of prismatic crystals by varying the growth conditions.
iv. Only method which can be used for substances that undergo decomposition before
40. What are the disadvantages of slow evaporation method?
Ans:i. The growth substance should not react with the solvent.
ii. This method is applicable only for the substances that are fairly soluble in a solvent.
iii. A variable rate of evaporation may affect the quality of the crystal.
41. What is Epitaxial growth?
Ans: The process of growing an oriented single crystal layer on a substrate wafer is called
epitaxial growth.

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Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept. Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019

42. What is the application of epitaxial growth?

Ans: This method is mainly used in the manufacture of LED’s and detectors.
43. What are the different types of epitaxial growth?
Ans: i. Vapour Phase Epitaxy (VPE) ii. Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE)
iii. Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
44. The lattice constant of a cubic crystal is 2.5 Å. Find the lattice spacing for (3 1 0) and
(2 1 3) planes in the lattice. (June ‘14)
Ans: d = a/√ (h +k +l )
2 2 2

d1 = 2.5×10-10/√ (32+12), d1 = 2.5×10-10/√ (10); d1 = 0.79×10-10 m;

d2 = 2.5×10-10/√ (22+12+32), d2 = 2.5×10-10/√ (14); d2 = 0.668×10-10 m
45. Calculate the atomic radius of iron which has BCC structure given that the density of iron
7.86 gm/cm3 and atomic weight is 55.85.
1 1
 nM 3  2 X 55.85 3
Ans: a    a 
 N  6.023 X 10 X 7860 

a = 2.869 X 10-10 m
Atomic radius r = a√3/4 = 1.242 Å
46. A crystal plane cuts at 3a, 4b, 2c distances along the crystallographic axes. Find the Miller
indices of the plane. (June ‘14)
Ans: Co-efficient of intercepts = 3:4:2
Reciprocal of intercepts = 1/3:1/4:1/2 & LCM = 12
1 1 1
Multiplying by LCM with the reciprocals we get 12 X 3 : 12 X 4: 12 X 2
We have (4 3 6) as Miller indices.
47. Draw the Bravais lattices belonging to the orthorhombic crystal system. (Jan ‘16)
Ans:In orthorhombic a ≠ b ≠ c and α = β = γ = 90̊

48. How carbon atoms are arranged in diamond and graphite structures? (Dec ‘15)
Ans: The diamond structure is a FCC structure with basis of 2 carbon atoms one located at
(0, 0, 0) and other at (a/4, a/4, a/4) associated with each lattice point.
In the graphite structure, carbon atoms are arranged in regular hexagons in flat parallel layers
such that each atom is linked by the three neighbouring atoms.
49. Calculate the volume of a FCC unit cell in terms of the atomic radius r. (Jan ‘16)
Ans: In FCC a = 4r/√2
Volume = a3 = (4r/√2)3 = (16r3/√2).
50. Metallic iron changes from BCC to FCC at 910 ˚C and corresponding atomic radii vary
from 1.258 Å to 1.292 Å. Calculate the percentage volume change during this structural
change. (Jan ‘16)
Ans: Percentage of change of volume =
𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 .𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑚 𝑜𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝐵𝐶𝐶−𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑚 𝑜𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝐶𝐶
× 100
𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑚 𝑜𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑝𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝐵𝐶𝐶
Volume of one atom occupied in BCC = volume of BCC unit cell / no. of atoms
(4𝑟⁄ )3
= 2√3 = 96√3(1.258 × 10-10)3 = 12.26 × 10-30 m3
Volume of one atom occupied in FCC = vol. of FCC unit cell / no. of atoms

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Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept. Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019

(4𝑟⁄ )3
= 2√2 = 64√2(1.292 x 10-10)3
= 12.20 × 10-30 m3
Percentage of change of Volume = (12.26 – 12.20) × 100 / 12.26 = 0.5 %
51. An element has FCC structure with atomic radius 0.144 nm. Find its lattice constant.
Ans: In FCC lattice constant a =4r/√2
a = 4×0.144×10-9/1.414 = 0.576×10-9/1.414
a = 0.4073×10-9m (or) 4.073 Å
52. Lattice constant of a BCC crystal is 0.36 nm. Find its atomic radius.
Ans: In BCC atomic radius r = a√3 / 4 = 0.36 x 10-9×1.732 / 4
= 0.62352 ×10-9/4
= 1.558 × 10-10 m.
53. For a cubic system sketch the planes with miller indices (110), (101), (011). (Jan ’18)

54. Determine the lattice constant for FCC lead crystal of radius 1.746 Å.
Ans: a = 4r/√2
a = 4×1.746 ×10-10/1.414 = 6.984 ×10-10/1.414; a = 4.939 × 10-10 m. (Or) a = 4.939 Å
55. Defects in crystals are not always harmful. Justify.
Ans: Doping in pure semiconductor increases there electrical conductivity and given boundaries
increase the mechanical strength of the material. Hence, the crystals are not always harmful.
56. What are point defects or zero dimensional defects?
Ans: The defects which take place due to imperfect packing of atoms during crystallization are
known as point defects.
57. What is line defects or a one dimensional defect?
Ans: the defects which take place due to dislocation or distortion of atoms along a line in some
direction is called line defect.
58. What is edge dislocation?
Ans: It is a region of lattice disturbance extending along an edge inside a crystal due to insertion
of an extra plane of atoms.
59. What is screw dislocation?
Ans: Screw dislocation results from a displacement of the atoms in one part of a crystal relative
to the rest of crystal forming a spiral ramp around the dislocation line,
60. What is meant by stacking fault?
Ans: The stacking faults are planar surface imperfection and, are caused by faults in the stacking
sequence of atomic planes in crystals of FCC and HCP materials.
61. Define Burger vector.
Ans: The vector which indicates the direction and magnitude of the shift of the lattice on the slip
plane is called Burger vector.
62. What are Frenkel and Schottky Imperfections? (Jan ’09, ’10, ’11)
Ans: Frankel defect is an ionic crystal imperfection that occurs when an ion moves into an
interstitial site, thereby creating two defects simultaneously i.e., one vacancy and the other
A pair of an ion vacancies in an ionic crystal is termed as Schottky defect.

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Code & Subject: PH8151 &Engg. Physics Dept. Name: PHYSICS Academic Year: 2018-2019

1. What are the lattice parameters of an unit cell? Define the terms atomic radius and packing factor.
Calculate all the above for SC, BCC and FCC structures. (June ‘16)
2. What is a packing factor? Prove that the packing factor of HCP is 0.74. (Jan ‘09)
(i) Describe the arrangement of atoms in a hexagonal closed packed (HCP) structure.
(ii) Determine the c/a ratio and packing factor for an ideal HCP structure. (Dec’15/Jan ‘16)
3. What is packing factor? Obtain packing factors for SC, BCC and FCC structures. (Jan ‘18)
(a) What are Miller Indices? Explain how they are determined with any two planes in SC structure.
Give their significance. (Jan ‘09, May ‘17)
(b) The lattice constant for an unit cell of aluminum is 4.049Å. Calculate the spacing of (220)
(i). Sketch two successive (110) plane.
(ii). Show that for a cubic lattice, the distance between two successive planes (h k l) is given by
d= a/√ (h2+k2+l2). (Jan ‘13, Dec ‘15 & ‘16)
Show that in a simple cubic lattice the separation between the successive lattice planes (100),(110)
and (111) are in the ratio of 1:0.71:0.58.
(a) Describe the structure of Diamond and graphite (June ‘09, Dec ‘16, May ‘17)
(b) Copper has FCC structure and its atomic radius is 1.273 Å. Find (i) lattice parameter (ii) Density
of copper. Atomic weight of copper = 63.5, Avogadro’s number = 6.023 x1023/k mol.
4. Describe Bravais lattices of the seven crystal systems with neat diagrams.
5. (a)Explain the various types of crystal systems with a neat sketch and example.
(b) (i) Zinc has HCP structure. The height of the unit cell is 0.494 nm. The nearest neighbouring
distance is 0.27 nm. The atomic weight of Zinc is 65.37 g. Calculate the volume of the unit cell
and density of Zinc.
(ii) Calculate the number of atoms per square meter on the planes (100), (110) and (111) for a
simple cubic lattice built of spherical atom of radius R.
6. Explain any two crystal growing techniques.
7. Describe Bridgman method of growing crystal. Mention the merits and demerits. (Dec ‘15)
8. Describe the solution growth of a crystal and list out its advantages and disadvantages.
Solution growth – Slow evaporation method.
9. Explain the vapour growth technique of growing crystals.
10. Explain the Czochralski method of growing crystals. Mention the merits and demerits.
11. Discuss in detail a suitable method to grow single crystal of semiconducting materials.(Dec ‘15)
12. Write a note on point imperfections in crystals. Discuss in detail a suitable method to grow single
crystal of semiconducting materials. (Jan 2018)
13. Describe any one method of growing single crystal from melt along with the advantages and
limitations of the method. (Dec ‘16)
14. Calculate the interplanar spacing for (110) and (111) planes in a simple cubic lattice whose lattice
constant is 0.424 nm. Also sketch these planes. (Dec ‘16)

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