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Submitted to:

Merceditha Demicillo-Salabsab

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Subject PR1

(Practical Research 1)

Mabuhay National High School

Poblacion, Mabuhay, Zamboanga Sibugay Province


Arellano, Jieselle O.

Biol, Kurt Bryan

Hiva, Joseph

Mahilum, Rhealyn

Quinones, Aprilove
Table Of Contents


Table of Contents............................................................................................................ i

Chapter 1 Introduction

Background of the Study ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Statement of the Problem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Significance of the study ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Scope and Delimitation of the Study ------------------------------------------------------------

Definition of Terms --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Research Literature ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Research Studies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Theoretical Framework -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Conceptual Framewok --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Research Paradigm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Research Hypotheses ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter III Methodology

Research Design -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Research Environment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Population and Sampling Design ----------------------------------------------------------------

Research Instrument -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Data Gathering Procedure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Statistical Treatment -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis, And Interpretation of Data. ....................................

Chapter V

Summary Of Findings. .....................................................................................



REFERENCES .............................................................................................................


Appendix A. ............................................................................................................

Appendix B. .............................................................................................................


Background of the Study

The extreme exposure of the learners in online games becomes horrendous nowadays specially

for the students, because most of the students forget their priorities specially in their school and

houses, they were too much focus on the games they were playing, without noticing or knowing

that they already ruining their selves. According to (Griffith, 2006) the addiction to the rivalry

and excitements of the gamers make them the most common recreational programs for todays

teenagers, so that they'll do anything to reach a higher level of the game, that they completely

separate from their surroundings challenging with the obstacles in reading a higher level in the

game make them anxious. And because of their eagerness and excitement to achieve the highest

level of the game, instead of doing their homeworks or any household chores, they just spent

their time in playing games and as a result of it they'll get a low grades in their classes and be

scolded by their parents.

The researchers conducted this study because as we could observe most of the students from

Grade-7 up to Grade-12 they were too much involve in playing Online games that even during

their classes and vacant time they were still playing, instead of
studying their lessons and having fun with their friends and family. The researchers aim to know

the effects of the Online gaming to their behaviors and their academic performance.

Though some of the players said that there are still good effect and advantages in playing Online

games, some says that through this game, it can enhance their planning and critical thinking

skills and they can escape from their problems and from the reality they haved, and through this

game they can make another character of their self and where they can be more tough and boost

their self-confidence through this game.

But still, there are negative effects in playing Online games specially if they can't control their

self in playing, that may lead to addiction.

This study will help the participants to know the effects of too much playing Online Gaming in

their academic performace and in their behavior so they could minimize or control their self in

playing any online games and they'll be conscious in the said effect and also for them to know

and realize that too much playing of Online games is not worth their time and money.

Statement of the Problem

This study aim to know the effect of Online Gaming to the behavior and academic performance

of the students of Mabuhay National High School Learners and seek to find out the answers to

the following question :

1.) What particular game does the participant usually play?

2.) Why does the participant choose this game?

3.) How often the participant play this game?

4.)Where the participant usaully play this game?

5.) Who influece the participant to play this game?

6.) Does the participant own a gadgets or rent gadgets in playing this game?

Significance of the Study

This study will help the students to know or have an insights on the effect of Online gaming to

the behavior and academic performace of Mabuhay National High School Learners.

School Administrators. This will give them the informations about the effect of Online Games to

their students. The school Administrators could ask the teachers to encourage their students

through school activities or classroom activities so in this way the students will forget about the

games for awhile.

Teachers. This will give them the knowledge to the behaviors and academic performance of their


Online Gamers. For it will give them the information about the negative effect of playing Online

Games, and because of the said effects this will make them conscious and make them realize that

playing Online Games is not worth their time.

Parents. This study will give them enough knowledge and understandings about the effects of

playing Online Games to the behavior and academic performance of their children.

Readers. This will help them to understand that playing Online Games has no good effect for

their behavior and academic performance of a student.

Future researchers. This study will serves as a basis for their future research that will be


Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study aims to know the effects of Online gaming toward their behavior and academic

performance. This study is only limited to the players of the selected students of Mabuhay

National High School Learners.

Definition of terms

ONLINE- connected to a computer or over the Internet.

GAMING- the activity of playing computer games.

LEARNERS- to gain knowledge or skills by studying.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter highlights some related literature and studies that includes relevant to understanding

the different aspect of research, the researcher gain from internet and other electronic sources

which provide relevant facts about the effect of online gaming toward the behavior and academic

performance of a student. This will help in familiarizing informations that are relevant to the

present study.

Related Literature

Dockrill (2012) stated that srudents who regularly spend time in playing any online games are

developing their thingking and problem solving skills that can also help them in their

schoolwork. He also stated that when you play online games you are solving puzzle to move to

next level and that involves using some of the general knowledge and skills in math, reading,

science that you've been taught during the day.

Computer games have become one of the most important tools for children, teenagers and even

adults all around the world. Allowing them to the virtual world with unlimited posibilities,

computer games compulsively attract many people. In fact, they've become an integral part of

human society. In other words by providing vurtual fun and entertaining environment

(Demirbeleka & Lema Tamer, 2010), and having characteristics such as being interesting and

exciting computer games stimulate motivation and creat sense of enjoynment of learning. They

not only have become one of the most significant recreations for all age groups, but also they

have potentials to be used for educational purposes as a new strategy (Prensky, 2003; Tuzaun &

et, al., 2009; Crimley & et, al., 2011). Therefore, video games can no longer be seen more

entertainment tools. Today the positive effect of video games are emphasized more than ever. As

game have become a tool to communicate, teach, and influence attitude and behavior, numerous
studies have suggested that they have positive effects on problem solving, achievement as well as

creating interest and commitment in learning which is according to (Tuzaun & et al, 2009; Kim

Park & Back, 2009).

In an experiment by Williams (2006), School performance increased after the participants

dramatically decreased (limited time spent using technology to 30 minutes per day) their usage

of all technology, including video games finally Jaruratanasirikul, et, al., (2009) found out that

the excessive playing of video games (5 hours or more per session) resulted in school grades that

were below a predictor at academic performances. They also suggested that that video games

indirectly lead to decrease performance through promoting violence. Finally, they note that

playing video games took time away from school activities, homework, social, interaction, etc.

Anand (2007) also found out that males were more prone to these results than females, because

males play more video games, the penetration of video games into the united states alone is huge,

with atleast 90% of homes having children that have played (rented or owned) video games.

The challenge domographic seems to be the major group of gamers simply because they have a

lack of parental supervision and they have more vacant schedules, allowing them to play more.

The study and literature concerning the effects of online gamers to the academic performances of

the students are contradictory because some of them suggested that online games may lead to

negative effects or addiction while other said that it gives positive benefits to the relation

between the usage of computer games and academic performance has no definitive answer to the

question of whether computer games distruct academic perdormanc.

Vinluan (2016) stated that computer gaming is one of the fast developing sectors of this

generation of computer technology. Computer games offer their patrons with a new dimension of
virtual entertainment. The youth specially the college students are the usual patrons of computer


Furthermore, many multiplayer games such as Dota or defense of the Ancients and Mobile

legends involves cooperation with other online players in order to win. These games encourage

players to make the most of their individuals skills to contribute to the team.

Online gaming has emerged as a popular and successful source of entertainment and play for

people of all ages, especially for the students. It refers to the games that are played over some

forms of computer network, typically on the internet. These games are played online in which

you can connect with multiple players. It is normally platform independent, relying on the web

browser and appropriate plug-in (Robinson, 2016).

Skoric et, al. (2009) found out that while game addiction leads to negative academic performance

moderate engagement in gaming can lead to improved performance. In academic setting, they

found out that a possitive correlation between game play and english test scores, which suggests

that gaming can actually lead to better test scores.

Studies of abdolkhaleghi et, al. (2006); Ramenzakhani et, al. (2008); Roc and Muijs (2006); and

Russell (2006) also showed that rate of playing computer games has negative correlation with

students achievement, while other research showed that there is no negative relationship between

games and educational attainment.

Shao-I, et. al, (2004) also studied addiction and noted a decreased in school performance

when the students was addicted to gaming. They found that gaming addiction physically impacts

academic achievements because the student is too much involved in the game to do homeworks

or prepare their self in their next lesson.

There are also others that have found decreased of academic performance in relation to

involvement in playing online games. Anderson and Dill (2007) studied online games and

aggression and stated that not only gaming has an impact on performance directly, but it also

triggers on higher level of aggression, which is often linked to problem in school and decreased

academic performance.

Theoritical Framework

This study is anchored on the study of Mejia (2018) effect of mobile games to the behavior and

health of the SHS students, it is about the effect of mobile, you tend to think about the negative

effects first. Like the fact they are causing addiction, in behavior and in their health. We are

surrounded by people that who prefer to spend time alone with their mobile phones instead of

starting conversation with a random stranger or having a quality time to their friends and

families. And Mobile games consume more and more of our time each day. But of it, playing

mobile games have a positive effect to the players of it specially in Mobile Legend players, so

the researchers came up to this study to show that there is also good effects in playing mobile

games (Mobile Legend) to the health and behavior of SHS students.

This study, speculated about the effect of Online gaming on the behavior and academic performance of a


The speculation is backed up by existing theories and studies. One is Griffith (2006) stated that the

addiction to the rivalry and excitements of the gamers make them the most common recreational

programs for todays teenagers, so that they'll do anything to reach a higher level of the game,

that they completely separate from their surroundings challenging with the obstacles in reading a

higher level in the game make them anxious.

Moreover, this study posits about the possible effects of Online Gaming among the students of

Mabuhay National High School.

This study will help the participants to know the effects of too much playing Online Gaming in

their academic performace and in their behavior so they could minimize or control their self in

playing any online games and they'll be conscious in the said effect and also for them to know

and realize that too much playing of Online games is not worth their time and money.
Conceptual Framework

The study focused OF the
effects of Online Gaming to the behavior and academic
of Mabuhay National High School Learners. LEARNERS

The Researchers will use paradigm to show the variables and processes that the researchers

going to use in the study. The paradigm will show the materials that the researchers will going

to use. The output is the effect of Online Gaming to the behavior and academic performance of

the selected students of Mabuhay National High School learners for the descriptive output.
Hypotheses of the study

Research Hypotheses

There is significant relationship between playing Online games to the learners of Mabuhay

National High School according to their behavior and academic performance.

Null Hypotheses

There is no significant relationship between playing Online games to the learners of Mabuhay

National High School according to their behavior and academic performance.


Research Methodology

This chapter provides description of Methodology that are going to use in the study. Specifically,

this chapter will briefly discuss to research design, research environment, sampling materials,

and procedures.

Research Design

The researcher uses descriptive research design because this study involves the factors that may

affect the behavior and academic performance of the students.

And according to Ma. Jessa F. Mejia, descriptive research design is a scientific method which

involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way.
The process of descriptive research went beyond collection and tabulation of data. It involves

the elements and interpretations of the meaning or significance of what was decribed.

Research Environment

. This research study is conducted in Mabuhay National High School.

Since the researchers are students in the said school, wherein they observe the extreme effect

of Online gaming, due to the curiosity, the researchers conduct this study to determine the

effect of Online Gaming among Mabuhay National High School Learners.

Population and Sampling Design

The target participant of this study are thirty (30) and this thirty students will be randomly

selected from Grade-7 up to Grade-12, who are playing Online Games.

The researchers will use purposive sampling in choosing the participants.

According to Pattan (2002) purposive sampling is a technique widely used in qualitative research

for the identification and selection of information uses for the most effective use of individuals

that are specially knowledgeable about or experienced with a phenomena of interest.

Since the study focuses on the effect of Online Gaming among Mabuhay National High School

Learners. Through the use of purposive sampling technique the researcher will carefully

identify and selecting the respondent of the study. Since the study only focus the students who

incline in playing online game.

Research Instrument

In this part, the researchers should explain the methods and details that is used in data data

gathering which is important and needed in order to solve the problems stated in the study.

The researchers will conduct an interview as an instrument to gather data ,the researcher will

ask question that determine the Effect of Online Games to the behavior and academic

performance of the students.

Data Gathering Procedures

Requesting for permission through letter from the advisers and principal of Mabuhay National

High School to inform them about the involvement of their students in the study. After their

approval, the researchers will automatically interview the participants.



This chapter highlights the presentation, interpretation,and analysis of tha data gathered for the

two variables in this study, on what would be the effect of Online gaming among Mabuhay

National High School Learners, school year 2019-2020.

1.) Particular Online Game that the participants usually play.

Online gaming is a type of game that uses internet to connect and play with the players national

and international and there are 19 out of 20 particioants who have the same answer, which is

the Mobile Legend. And these participants are 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19

and 20.

Participant 1:

"For now.. Mobile Legend. "

Participant 3:

"Online games? Ahh.. Mobile Legend. "

Participant 4:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 5:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 6:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 7:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 8:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 9:

"Mobile Legend Bang Bang. "

Participant 10:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 11:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 12:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 13:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 14:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 15:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 16:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 17:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 18:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 19:

"Mobile Legend. "

Participant 20:

"Mobile Legend. "

Secondly, participant 12 stated that he is playing Mobile Legend but he also used to play C. O. C

or Clash Of Clans before.

Participant 12:

"Sauna C. O. C jud ko, karun murag ning laos naman ang C. O. C, naa napud me sa Mobile

Legend karun gadula.. "

Lastly, for the participant 2 who answered differently from the other participants, which is the

League Of Legends.

Participant 2:

"League Of Legends. "

2.)Participants stance in choosing this game.

Base from the answers of the participant on why they choose this game,there are 6 participants

that who highly agree on the study of Demirbeleka & Lema Tamer (2010) that it provides virtual

fun and entertaining environment and having characteristics such as being interesting and

exciting computer games stimulate motivation and creat sense of enjoynment.

As we ask the participants on what particular games they were playing, we also ask the

participants to know their reasons on why they choose this game. And there are 6 participants

who have the same answer, with an answer of "it is fun to play" or "makalingaw". And these

participants are 2,3,8,9,16,20.

Participant 2:

"Because it is fun to play... "

Participant 3:

"Kanang.. Makalingaw.. Fun.. "

Participant 8:

"Gi pili ko ni.. Kay para sa akua makahatag ug lingaw.. "

Participant 9:

"Because its fun.. "

Participant 16:

"Well.. Base sa akong ginadula na Mobile Legend.. Mas enjoy siya.. "
Participant 20:

"Yes.. It's really fun to play. "

Secondly, are the participants who choose this game because of their friends who influence

them to play and there are 2 participants who have the same answers, and these participants

are 1 and 10.

Participant 1:

"Now I'm playing Mobile Legend because of my friends who engaged me to play.. "

Participant 10:

"Yung mga classmates ko, yung mga kaibigan ko kasi is naglalaro ng ganitong game.. Which is

the mobile legend.. "

Third, is the participant who answered that when he is playing it removes his problem and

there is only one participant who answered like this, and this participant is the participant

number 2.

Participant 2:

"It removes my problems.. "

Fourth, are the participants who stated that when they are playing it helps them to remove

stress, and there are 3 participants who have the same answers. And these participants are 5,

14, 17.

Participant 5:

"To forget stress.. "

Participant 14:

"It.. Ahmm.. Ano removes.. Ahh stress.. "

Participant 17:

"Kay.. Makawala ug kakapoy.. Ug.. Stress.. "

Fifth, are the participant who answered that they play this game because it is the only game in

their cellphone, and there are 2 participants who have the same answer. And these participants

are 12, and 15.

Participant 12:

"Mao raman gud naay naa sa akong cellphone na madulaan.."

Participant 15:

"Because Mobile Legend is the only game I can play in my cp.. "
Next, is the participant who said that It is better than the computer game, and there is only 1

participant who answered like this. And this participant is the partocipant number 4.

Participant 4:

"Gipili naku ang Mobile Legend kesa sa ubang dula kay pwede ra nimo siya madula sa cellphone

dili na nimo kinahanglan muadto sa computer.. "

And next, the participant who stated that it is nice to play because you can play it with the other

country and this participant is the participant number 6.

Participant 6:

"I choose this game because you can play and connect it with the other country and you can

also play it with the other players.. "

And there are also participants who said that playing this game makes them happy, and there

are 2 participants that have thes same answers. And these participants are 17, and 18.

Participant 17:

"Because.. Ano.. It makes me haopy.. "

Participant 18:

"Because Mobile Legend makes me happy.. "

In addition, there is participant who said that when she is playing she feel like she's the one who

is playing inside the game, and this participant is the participant number 13.

Participant 13:

"I choose this, because I feel like I am the one who is playing and fighting with my opponent.. "

Lastly, the participant who stated that he choose this game because he could learn lot of

techniques in playing, and this participant is the participant number 19.

Participant 19:

"Mobile Legend, kasi ahmm.. Marami kang makukuha na techniques kung paano mag laro.. "

3.) Participants often times in playing the game

We also ask the participant on how often they play this game to know if they still give time to do

important things than playing, and there are 5 participants who have the same answer which is

2 to 3 hours. And these participants are 8,13,14,15, and 19

Participant 8:

"Mag dula ko kay duha padulong sa tulo ka oras.. "

Participant 13:

"2 to 3 hours. "

Participant 14:

"Ahh.. Ahmm.. When I am playing Mobile Legend, I only play 2 to 3 hours.."

Participant 15:

"3 to 2 hours.. "

Participant 19:

"So mga.. Ahmm.. 2 to 3 hours."

Second, there are participants who said that they only play sometimes, and there are 3

participants who have the same amswer. And these participants are 1,9 and 10.

Participant 1:

"Sometimes.. "

Participant 9:

"Sometimes.. "

Participant 10:

"Sometime ra uyy.. "

Third, there are participants who stated that they only play when they have nothing to do, and

there are 3 participants who have the same answers, and these partocipants are 3,9 and 16.

Participant 3:

"Kanang.. Wala ra koy himuon sa balay.. Ana.. "

Participant 9:

"During my vacant time ra.. "

Participant 16:

"I usually play.. Kanang vacant time only.. "

Third, are for the participants who said that they only play 3 to 4 hour, and there are 4

participants who have same answers. And these participants are 6,7,12,and 20.

Particioant 6:

"So mga..3 hours to 4 hours lang.. "

Participant 7:

"Bali.. 3 to 4 hours.. "

Participant 12:

"Ahmm.. Hmm.. Mga 3 to 4 hours.. "

Participant 20:

" sometimes.. Mga 3 to 4 hours pero usahay malimtan na ang oras.. "

Next, are the participants who stated that they were only playing when they feel boring and

there are 2 participants who have the same answers. And these participants are 1 and 11.

Participant 1:

"When I am boring.. "

Participant 11:

"When I am boring.. "

In addition, there are also participants who said that they only play 5 hours and sometimes

when they forgot the time they play above 5 hours, and there 2 participants who have the same

answer and these participants are 17 and 18.

Participant 17:

"5 hours.. Usahay malimtan mulapas ug 5 hours.. "

Participant 18:
"5 hours above jud..

Lastly, for the participant who said that he is always playng online games, and this participant is

the participant numbet 5.

Participant 5:

"Always.. "

4.) Participants particular place in playing games

We also ask the participants on where they usually play this game to know if they are playing in

the right place and there are 17 participants who have the same answers. And these

participants are 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,15,16,17,18,19 and 20.

Participant 1:

"Sometimes.. House.."

Participant 3:

"In the.. Bahay ko lang.. "

Participant 4:
"Usually sa balay.. "

Participant 5:

"Sa bahay.. "

Participant 6:

"Sa balay.. "

Participant 7:

"In the house.. "

Participant 8:

"Sa kuan.. Sa house.. "

Participant 9:

"Sa among balay.. "

Participant 10:

"In our place.. Sa among balay.. "

Participant 11:

"At home.. "

Participant 12:
"In my house.. "

Participant 15:

"in my house.. "

Participant 16:

"Sa balay.. "

Participant 17:

"In my house.."

Participant 18:

"In my house.. "

Participant 19:

"Usahay sa balay.. "

Participant 20

"In my room.. So balay namo.. "

Second, there are participants who answer that they were playing in School but they also

answered that they also play in their houses, and there are 4 participants who have the same

answer. And these participants are 4,6,13, and 20.

Participant 4:

"Ug.. Kung naay klase sa skwelahan.. "

Participant 6:

"Sometimes sa skwelahan.. "

Participant 13:

"At school.. "

Participant 20:

"Sometimes at the school.. But not all the time.. "

Next, are for the participants who stated that they play in any places or anywhere, and there are

3 participants who have the same answer and these participants are 3,6 and 18.

Participant 3:

"In any other places.. "

Participant 6:

"Sa kung asa ko ganahan mu dula.. "

Participant 18:

"In any other places.. "

In addition, there is also participant who answered that he is playing in a computer shop, and

this participant is participant number 2.

Participant 2:

"In every computer shop.. "

In addition, there is also participant who answer that he is playing inside a C. R to avoid the

household chores, and even here in school he play inside the C. R to escape with his classes and

so no one will disturb him when he is playing and he make this as his alibi just to play games.

And this participant is the participant number 14.

Participant 14:

"In a C. R because every time my mom calls me to do household chores I always say that I'm in

the C. R though I am really playing inside.. And even sa school same din.. Arun likay sa klase.. "

5.) People who influenced the participants in playing online games

This time we ask the participants on who influence them to play this game and there are 13

participants who have the same answers, which is they were influence by their friends and

these participants are 2,4,6,7,8,9,12,14,15,17,18,and 20.

Participant 2:

"My.. Friends.. "

Participant 4:

"My Friends.. "

Participant 6:

"Friends din.. "

Participant 7:

"Friends.. "

Participant 8:

"Ahh.. Naka impluwensya.. Mga barkada jud.. "

Participant 9:

"Akuang mga dabarkads.. "

Participant 12:
"Friends.. "

Participant 14:

"My Friends.. "

Participant 15:

"My Friends.. "

Participant 17:

"My Friends.. "

Participant 18:

"My Friends.. "

Participant 20:

"My Friends.. "

Second, are the participants who said that they were influence by their classmates, and there

are 5 participants who have the same answers. And these participants are 1,10,13,16 and 19.

Participant 1:

"My schoolmates and classmate.. "

Participant 10:

"My classmates.. "

Participant 13:

"My classmates.. "

Participant 16:

"Sa akuang classmate.. "

Participant 19:

"Ang naka influence jud nako kay akong classmate.. "

Third, for the participants who stated that they were influence by their Brother, and there are 3

participants who have the same answer. And these participants are 1,3 and 6.

Participant 1:

"Also my Brother.. "

Participant 3:

"Akong kuya.. "

Participant 6:

"Sa akong igsuon.. "

Next, there are also participants who said that they were influence by their cousins, and there

are 2 participants who have the same answer. And these participants are 5 and 12.

Participant 5:

"My cousins.. "

Participant 12:

"Also my cousin..
In addition, there is a participant who said that he wasn't influence by anyone, he his self

wanted to play and experience this and that is why he play this game, and this participant is

participant number 11.

Participant 11:

"No one.. Me myself only who want to play this game.. "

Lastly, for the participant who stated that he was also influence by the vlogs that he watch and

because of that he tried to play Mobile Legend, and this participant is the participant number


Participant 20:

"Sometimes sa mga Vlogs na malantaw nako na ga dula ug Mobole Legend.. "


In this part, we ask the participant if they own a gadget or just rent gadgets in playing these

games. And there are 13 out of 20 participants who have the same answer which is they own a

gadgets in playing, and these participamts are 1,4,5,6,8,10,11,12,14,15,17,18 and 20.

Participant 1:

"Ahmm.. I own a gadget.. "

Participant 4:

"Naa koy akuang gadget.. "

Participant 5:

"I have my own gadget.. "

Participant 6:

"..naa koy gadget.. "

Participant 8:

"Naa koy kaugalingon na gadget.. "

Participant 10:

"I own a gadget in playing.. "

Participant 11:
"I have my own.. "

Participant 12:

"I own a gadget.. "

Participant 14:

"Yes.. I own a gadget.. Just like the other teenagers.. "

Participant 15:

"I have my own gadget.. "

Participant 17:

"I have my own.. "

Participant 18:

"Yes.. I have my own gadget.. "

Participant 20:

"I have my own.. "

Next, are the participants who said that they only borrowed their classmate's phone because

they dont have an android phone to play with, and there are only 4 participant that have a

similar answer. And these participants are 9,13,16 and 19.

Participant 9:

"No.. Sa akong classmates ra ko ga hulam.. "

Participant 13:

"Ga hulam ra ko sa akong classmates.. "

Participant 16:

"No.. Manghulam ra pud ko sa akong mga classmates.. "

Participant 19

"Wala na.. Sa karon nanghulam na lang ko sa akong classmates.. "

In addition, there are also participants that only rent gadgets in playing, and there are 2

participants who have the same answer and these participants are 2 and 7.

Participant 2:

"I only rent gadget in a computer shop.. "

Participant 7:

"Rent lang.. "

And lastly, for the participant who said that he only borrow his mom's phone because he lost his

own gadget. And this participant is the participant number 3.

Participant 3:

"Gagamit na lng ko sa cellphone sa akong mama.. "


This chapter presents the findings of the study about online gaming here in Mabuhay National

High School, conclusions and recommendations that the researchers had formulated related to

the findings on the two variables.

Summary of Findings:

The followings are the summary of findings arranged in this section to the order of presentation

of research problems.

1.) What particular game does the participant usually play?

Online gaming is a type of game that uses internet and play with the players national and

international. And most of them answered Mobile Legend.

Secondly there are participant who said that he is playing Mobile Legend but he also used to

play C. O. C or Clash Of Clans.

And last for the participant who answered differently from the other participants, which is the

League Of Legend.
2.) Why does the participant choose this game?

As we ask the participant on what particular game they we're playing, we also ask the

participant to know their reasons on why they choose this game and there are participants who

answered that they choose this game because it is fun to play or "makalingaw".

Second, are the participants who choose this game because of their friends who influence them

to play.

Third, the participant who answered that when he is playing it helps to remove his problem.

And there are also participant who stated that when they are playing it helps them to removes


And next, some participants also answered that they play this game because it is the only game

in their cellphone.

And there are also participant who said that it is better than any computer game.

Next, for the participant who stated that it is nice because you can play it with the other


And there are another participants that this game could make them happy.

In addition, there is a participant who stated that she likes to play this game because she she

felt like she's the one who is fighting with her opponents.

And lastly, the participant who said that he likes to play this game because he could learn lots

off techniques in playing.

3.) How often the participant play this game?

We also ask the participant on how often they play this game to know if they still give time to do

important things than playing, and there are participants who answered that they only play 2 to

3 hours.

Second, there are also participants who said that they only play sometimes.

Third, the participant who stated that that they only play when they have nothing to do.

Next for the participant who said that they only play 3 to 4 hours, and they were only playing

when they feel boring.

In addition, there are also participants who said that they only play 5 hours and sometimes

when they forgot the time they play more than 5 hours and lastly for the participant who said

that he is always playing.

4.) Where the participant usually play this game?

We also ask the participant on where they usually play this game to know if they are playing in

the right place and some of them said that they only play in their houses.
Second, there are participant who answered that they are also playing in school and sometimes

they also play in any other places or anywhere.

In addition, thre is also participant who answered that heis playing in a c.r as his alibi to avoid

the household chores and same thing here in school to avoid his classes.

5.) Who influence the participant to play this game?

This time we ask the participant on who influence them to play this game and there are

participant who said that they were influence by their friends and even their classmates.

Second, there are also participants who said that they were influence by their brother and


In addition, there is also a participant who stated that the wasn't influence by anyone, he his

self wanted to play and experience this game.

And lastly for the participant who said that he was influenced by the blogs he watch and

because of that he tried to play Mobile Legend.

6.) Does the participant own a gadgets or just rent gadgets on playing this game?
In this part, we ask the the participant if they own a gadgets or they just rent gadgets in playing

these games, and most of the participant have their own gadgets in playing.

But there are also participants who said that they only borrow their classmate's phone because

they don't have an android phone to play with.

And there also participants who said that they just rent gadgets in every computer shop.

Lastly, for the participant who stated that he only borrow his mom's phone because he lost his

own gadget.


The following conclusion were written by the thesis writers based on the findings on

participants answers about online gaming here in Mabuhay National High School.
The study showed that online gaming has a great impact on the study here in Mabuhay National

High School. Student should be aware of the possible effect of too much playing of online

games specially in their behavior and health.

As to teachers and parents, they must pay attention to their students or children who keeps on

playing online games, they should take action to help minimize their self in playing too much of

online games. Students should understand more enough that over consumption of gadgets

won't guarantee them to have a good health.

Like what they said, "Learning's starts at Home",we're the parents are responsible on how they

will discipline and teach their children about how online gaming affect their behavior and



The following recommendations were advanced by the thesis writers relative to the result of

this study:
1.) The students should be aware on what are possible effect of online gaming in their behavior

and health and they should control or minimize their selves in playing online games, instead

they should communicate with their friends and family to developed their relationship with

each other.

2.) Since most of the participants are male and they are more frequently engaged in playing

online games the school administrators and teachers might consider to promote physical health,

spormanship, camaraderie and pro-social skills to the students instead of getting engaged with

online games.

3.) Further, parents, teachers association might consider being functional in all their

responsibilities. For example, the teacher might consider to notify the parents about the

academic performance and social behavior of the students inside the school facilities. This

association can strengthen the home and school partnership to supervise the students


Other researchers should conduct related studies in other environments with the use of

drawing out other conclusions and insights of the possible effect of online gaming in every



Institution : Mabuhay National High School

Location : Poblacion, Mabuhay, Zamboanga Sibugay

Title of the study : Online Gaming Among Mabuhay National High School Learners

Author's/Proponents : Jieselle Arellano

Kurt Bryan Biol

Joseph Hiva

Rhealyn Mahilum

Aprilove Quinones

Finding Source : Personal

Date Started : June 2019

Date Completed : October 2019

Research Objectives :

The study assesed the Pnline Gaming Among Mabuhay National High School Learners During

the School Year 2019-2020

Specific Objectives :

Specifically, this study the following questions, after the data had been collected, analyzed and


1. What particular game does the participant usually play?

2. Why does the participant choose this game?

3. How often the participant play this game?

4. Where the participant usually play this game?

5. Who influence the participant to play this game?

6. Does the participant own a gadget or rent gadget in playing this game?

Methodology :

The researchers used qualitative research with the field of interview questions as an instrument

in order to gather necessary data in Online Gaming Among Mabuhay National High School

Learners. And we randomly select twenty (20) participants from grade-7 up to grade-12 with

the help of purposive sampling.

Major Findings :

The following are the summary of findings arranged in this selection to the order or

presentation of research problems.

1.) What particular game does the participant usually play?

Online gaming is a type of game that uses internet and play with the players national and

international. And most of them answered Mobile Legend.

Secondly there are participant who said that he is playing Mobile Legend but he also used to

play C. O. C or Clash Of Clans.

And last for the participant who answered differently from the other participants, which is the

League Of Legend.

2.) Why does the participant choose this game?

As we ask the participant on what particular game they we're playing, we also ask the

participant to know their reasons on why they choose this game and there are participants who

answered that they choose this game because it is fun to play or "makalingaw".

Second, are the participants who choose this game because of their friends who influence them

to play.

Third, the participant who answered that when he is playing it helps to remove his problem.

And there are also participant who stated that when they are playing it helps them to removes


And next, some participants also answered that they play this game because it is the only game

in their cellphone.

And there are also participant who said that it is better than any computer game.

Next, for the participant who stated that it is nice because you can play it with the other


And there are another participants that this game could make them happy.
In addition, there is a participant who stated that she likes to play this game because she she

felt like she's the one who is fighting with her opponents.

And lastly, the participant who said that he likes to play this game because he could learn lots

off techniques in playing.

3.) How often the participant play this game?

We also ask the participant on how often they play this game to know if they still give time to do

important things than playing, and there are participants who answered that they only play 2 to

3 hours.

Second, there are also participants who said that they only play sometimes.

Third, the participant who stated that that they only play when they have nothing to do.

Next for the participant who said that they only play 3 to 4 hours, and they were only playing

when they feel boring.

In addition, there are also participants who said that they only play 5 hours and sometimes

when they forgot the time they play more than 5 hours and lastly for the participant who said

that he is always playing.

4.) Where the participant usually play this game?

We also ask the participant on where they usually play this game to know if they are playing in

the right place and some of them said that they only play in their houses.
Second, there are participant who answered that they are also playing in school and sometimes

they also play in any other places or anywhere.

In addition, thre is also participant who answered that heis playing in a c.r as his alibi to avoid

the household chores and same thing here in school to avoid his classes.

5.) Who influence the participant to play this game?

This time we ask the participant on who influence them to play this game and there are

participant who said that they were influence by their friends and even their classmates.

Second, there are also participants who said that they were influence by their brother and


In addition, there is also a participant who stated that the wasn't influence by anyone, he his

self wanted to play and experience this game.

And lastly for the participant who said that he was influenced by the blogs he watch and

because of that he tried to play Mobile Legend.

6.) Does the participant own a gadgets or just rent gadgets on playing this game?

In this part, we ask the the participant if they own a gadgets or they just rent gadgets in playing

these games, and most of the participant have their own gadgets in playing.

But there are also participants who said that they only borrow their classmate's phone because

they don't have an android phone to play with.

And there also participants who said that they just rent gadgets in every computer shop.

Lastly, for the participant who stated that he only borrow his mom's phone because he lost his

own gadget.



Our Dear

Mama Ma. Teresa, Papa Jerry and siblings; Jerry Jr., Eugene Paul

Mama Shiella, Papa JunJun and siblings ;

Mama Mary Jane, papa Jessie and siblings; Jessie Jr., Ryan James, Jelaynca

Mama Roseminda and Papa Alex

Mama Jacquiline, Papa Juan and siblings; Jeannette Mae and Jazmine Kate

And to Our

Classmates, Friends, and other members of our family

Appendix A
Republic of the Philippines
Poblacion, Mabuhay, Zamboanga Sibugay Province
The School Principal
Mabuhay National High School
Poblacion, Mabuhay, Zamboanga Sibugay
The undersigned is presently pursuing the studies at above institution and will conduct a
research study this 1st semester of school year 2019-2020, about the study of "Online Gaming
among Mabuhay National High School Learners" as part of the requirements in Practical
Research 1 subject.
As the intention stated above, requesting for permission to interview our co-students who are
highly classified as a participants from the selected students of Mabuhay National High School
Learners in order to gather data needed for the study.
Your continue support in this research study in this institution shall go along way in iproving the
quality of education in this part of the country and most specially in this district and division.
More power and God bless.
Sincerely yours,

Recommending Approval by:

Practical Research 1 Teacher
Approved By:
School Principal

Appendix B

Mejia (2018) Effect of Mobile Games to the behavior and health of SHS student


Dockrill (2012) Students who play Online Games actually get better academic results


Shao-I, et. al, (2004) Video game addiction and teenagers in taiwan,et,al.

+2004+about+online+gaming&hl=en&as_sdt. =0&as_vis=I&oi=scholart

Anderson and Dill (2007) Video games and Aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behavior in the

laboratory and in life.


Vinluan (2016) Math Teachers' perspectives on using educational computer games in math



Sckoric et, al Online Gaming addiction classification prediction and associated risk factor

Anand (2007) Electronic Game Play and School Performance of Adolescents in Southern



Abdolkaleghi et, al. (2006) Children and Video Games Addiction Engagement and Scholastic



Internet Sources:


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