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Teodosio - Adelfa Properties Vs CA

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G.R. No. 111238 January 25, 1995
Private respondents and their brothers Jose and Dominador were the registered CO-
OWNERS of a parcel of land in Las Pinas, covered by a TCT No. 309773
Jose and Dominador sold their share (eastern portion of the land) to Adelfa Properties Inc.
(Adelfa for brevity). Thereafter, Adelfa expressed interest in buying the western portion of
the property from private respondents herein. Accordingly, an “Exclusive Option to
Purchase” was executed between Adelfa and private respondents and an option money of
50,000 was given to the latter.
Before Adelfa could make payments, it received summons as a case was filed (RTC
Makati) against Jose and Dominador and Adelfa, because of a complaint in a civil case by
the nephews and nieces of private respondents herein. As a consequence, Adelfa, through
a letter, informed the private respondents that it would hold payment of the full purchase
price and suggested that they settle the case with their said nephews and nieces. Salud did
not heed the suggestion; respondents informed Atty. Bernardo that they are canceling the
transaction. Atty. Bernardo made offers but they were all rejected.
Atty. Bernardo wrote private respondents informing them that in view of the dismissal of
the case, Adelfa is willing to pay the purchase price, and requested that the corresponding
deed of Absolute Sale be executed. This was ignored by private respondents.
Private respondents sent a letter to Adelfa enclosing therein a check representing the refund
of half the option money paid under the exclusive option to purchase, and requested Adelfa
to return the owner’s duplicate copy of Salud. Adelfa failed to surrender the certificate of
title, hence the private respondents filed a civil case before the RTC Pasay, for annulment
of contract with damages. The trial court directed the cancellation of the exclusive option
to purchase.
Whether or not the "Exclusive Option to Purchase" executed between petitioner Adelfa
Properties, Inc. and private respondents Rosario Jimenez-Castañeda and Salud Jimenez is
an option contract.
The option contract between the parties is a contract to sell and not a contract of sale. The
distinction between the two is important for in contract of sale, the title passes to the vendee
upon the delivery of the thing sold; whereas in a contract to sell, by agreement the
ownership is reserved in the vendor and is not to pass until the full payment of the price.
Two features which convince that parties never intended to transfer ownership except upon
full payment of purchase price: (1) the exclusive option to purchase does not mention that
Adelfa is obliged to return possession or ownership of property as consequence of non-
payment; and (2) no delivery, actual or constructive, was made to them; option to purchase
was not included in a public instrument which would have effect of delivery. Neither did
Adelfa take actual, physical possession of the property at any given time. With this regard,
there was an implied agreement that ownership shall not pass to the purchaser until he had
fully paid the price. Also, the alleged option money was actually earnest money since the
amount was not distinct from the cause or consideration for the sale of the property, but
was itself a part thereof.

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