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IoT (CS-201A)


Project Report

Smart Home

Course Name – Internet of Things

Course Code – CS201A

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Dakshesh Singla (1910990047) Amit Kumar
Ayush Mittal (1910990049) [Asst. Prof.]
Abhishek Maggo (1910990063)
Raghav Munjal (1910990074)


IoT (CS-201A)

Smart Home

1. Introduction of Project:
Our project consists of two different circuits:
1. Password Based Door Lock System.
2. Fading of LED using LDR .
Password Based Door Lock System is designed using ARDUINO UNO where in once the
correct password is entered, the door is opened and the concerned person is allowed access to
the secured area. Password Based Door Lock System using Arduino UNO is a simple project
where a secure password will act as a door unlocking system. Old fashioned lock systems use
mechanical locking and these can be replaced by new advanced techniques of locking systems.
These methods are a combination of mechanical and electronic devices are based on advance
technology . One of the distinct features of this intelligent lock system is it’s simplicity and high
efficiency. Such an automated lock system consists of electronic control assembly, which
controls the output load through a password. The example of this output load can be a servo

The LDR can be used to control the brightness of an LED, depending on the incident light.The
LED is turned on only when the light intensity is low, with a threshold of 500 for the voltage
divider reading. A high LED brightness is required in low light conditions,so the voltage divider
reading is inversely mapped to the LED brightness,with low readings corresponding to high LED

2. Circuit diagram of the project:

Fig:Password Unlock System Fig: Fading of LED using LDR

IoT (CS-201A)
3. Working of the project
This project represents the idea of smart home of our today’s era. In this project, we have
included the idea of password lock door system and adjustable brightness of led according
to the outside brightness at that moment using LDR sensor.
Firstly, Entering the house at first door step, Door will get opened only on the basis of password
entered by the user at the doorstep. The user will only get allowed to enter the house if the
password he/she entered is correct. Else it will show Invalid key and user will be denied to enter
the house.
Secondly, we assume user got entered the house by entering the correct password and next is the
idea of adjustable brightness with the help of LDR sensor. So in the next room of home, there
will be a LDR sensor placed at the top of the ceiling, which will sense the brightness at that
present moment, and will adjust the brightness of LED to low if outside brightness is high and
vice versa.
In our today’s era this idea has a great place for security purposes and conservation of energy
which is a great topic for us. As password system leads for security purposes and LDR senses for
brightness which comes to save energy in long run.

4. Screenshot of the project

IoT (CS-201A)

5. Software program of the project

#include "thingProperties.h"
int Vdivid = A0; // voltage divider analog pin
int LEDpin = D2; // LED on PWM pin
int thresh = 500; // threshold light intensity
int bright;
void setup()
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LEDpin, OUTPUT); // LED pin as output
initProperties(); // Defined in thingProperties.h
ArduinoCloud.begin(ArduinoIoTPreferredConnection); // Connect to Arduino IoT Cloud

IoT (CS-201A)
void loop()
ldr = analogRead(Vdivid); // voltage divider reading
bright = 0; // set LED brightness to zero
bright = map(ldr, 0, thresh, 255, 0);
analogWrite(LEDpin, bright); // change LED brightness
delay(1000); // delay 1000ms
void onLdrChange()

6. Bill of materials required

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