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Assignment On Public Health Care

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The Role of Public Health in Health

and Social Care

Table of Contents:
Introduction: .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Roles of various agencies to identify public health and disease:........................................ 4
1.2 Epidemiology through statistical data and infectious and non-infectious diseases:..... 4
1.3 Effectiveness of different approaches and statistics programs and their outcome: ...... 6
2.1 Main priorities & approaches to provision: ................................................................................ 6
2.2 Prevalence of diseases and the service to eradicate these diseases:................................ 7
2.3 Current choices on the basis of future needs and its state: ................................................. 7
3.1 Health and wellbeing individuals in a health or social care settings: ................................. 8
3.2 Strategies and policies and their positive aspects: ................................................................. 8
3.3 Mobility of policies for the well-being of people: ...................................................................... 9
3.4 A special act that encourage people in the implementation of these policies: ................ 9
Conclusion: ............................................................................................................................................. 11
References:.............................................................................................................................................. 12

The study of “The Role of Public Health in Health and Social Care” has different
aspects. To learn this study a learner will learn 3 unit contents which are stated as
understand of different approaches and strategies used to measure, monitor and control
the incidence of disease in communities, be able to investigate the implications of
illness and disease in communities for the provision of health and social care services
and understanding of the factors influencing the health and wellbeing individuals in
health or social care settings.

1.1 Roles of various agencies to identify public health
and disease:
Local various agencies profitable or non-profitable agencies are the various agencies
which are in the corporately responsible holder for seeking the mass welfare of local
people health and nationally or local survey. Such as Department of Health is the
national health care and public health care department run by the government of UK. It
is their prime concern to deal with the public health service and adult care services. All
kind of national health policies that are to be maintained by various health care
communities in the country. This department is run under surveillance of NHS. They
play a vital role to implement all the policies that are taken by DH. They have 10
branches around the country to oversee the DH act in various health care providers.
They ensure the stability and prevent the vulnerability (NHS, 2017).

“WHO” is a specialized organization of the UN. Their main concern is international

public health. They play the most important roles to ensure all nations public health,
eradication of many dangerous diseases. They run their own funding research activities.
They ensure all kind of health policies are maintained by all governments. WHO also
deal with various diseases such as AIDS, malaria, smallpox, swine-flue, polio, and
tuberculosis etc. A healthy diet, birth control, adult health care, pregnancy, food hazard,
clean drinking water, etc.

There are many social health overseers which are non-profitable/ profitable. They
support various public awareness programs, victim support services, clean food
consumptions, and non-political agendas. These type of communities can be national or
international (Nutbeam, 2000).

1.2 Epidemiology through statistical data and

infectious and non-infectious diseases:
Epidemics of many infectious diseases can break out in a mass society. Epidemiology
deals with these type of epidemics prevention, logical information gathering, detection of
the source and creating medicine on victim society (Homer and Hisch, 2006). A

statistical survey was run by NHS in the UK on HIV-AIDS in 2012. A vulnerable situation
was raised in that survey. At the 1st half of the year 2012, there were 98400 AIDS
patients. One-third of these victims were not aware of their condition. On that very
status, it showed a similar number of people died in this year without knowing their
condition. NHS and Department of Health decided to create 3 new agencies to detect,
treat and prevent these deadly consequences. They were homosexuality, drug
abduction and transfusion of blood. They also run several research on antiviral genetic
recombination (NHS, 2017).

Fig: Government statistic of Department of health on AIDS (NHS, 2017).

1.3 Effectiveness of different approaches and
statistics programs and their outcome:
Whenever any organization is running a statistical survey or any kind of different types
of approaches are taken, they must be implemented to eradicate the health care or
physical hazards. Sometimes they are effective and sometimes not. This effectiveness
depends on the political condition of a country or geometrical position. According to
Public Health Care act in 2012 in the UK, NHS played a very fruitful act (NHS, 2017).

NHS holds the screening and detection of HIV virus, it's spread out, control of
prevention of these epidemics. Various screening camps, ideology sharing a center,
preventing this vulnerable condition at pregnancy period, baby health care and safety of
blood transfusion. Drug abduction programs and its HIV-AIDS vulnerability run by
government confidential agencies. NHS supported the government and different NGOs
whose are dealing with AIDS (NHS, 2017). Through various programs, they were able
to spread their logics, policies, and decisions among people. They supported various
local agencies providing data and research assistance. NHS has their website on UK
AIDS prevention policies, and their all future plan and activists are connected with them.
Any person from anywhere can learn its activities and their views, share their opinions
or victims can be treated medically. Through these, they were able to list down around
all of their AIDS victims. At 2013, they made a new policy on HIV prevention (Mojola,

2.1 Main priorities & approaches to provision:

In this section, it is seen that all the decisions stated above and their implementation on
public health care and society care. But the main theme is public health priority
provision. Which means specific health and health priorities that are to be marked in this
section. To mark and enlist all the programs there are some specific priorities in
operation and uses in public care (Hough, 2017). In common case, these priorities are

on common view as a whole society such as normal average health care, drug abuse
and its physical-consequence, pregnancy, baby health care, accident, heart disease,
diabetics, physical inequality, growth problems, autism, sexual health. On the other
hand, government officials or people birthright such as treatment, disease prevention,
palliative care are such priorities that are provisioned earlier (Kroenke and Unutzer,

2.2 Prevalence of diseases and the service to

eradicate these diseases:
Prevalence is that kind of thing that means the widespread of some epidemics.
Prevalence consists of a data that needs to care about and there must be a physical or
practical existence in society. After that, when a service on a disease is to be provided
in various sections of medical treatment provider, or to the mass people then the
prevalence and service must have a relationship (Peters, Dulon, Kleinmüller, Nienhaus,
and, Schablon). At first, there would be an assessment of health, data input, statistical
graph, planning and then when a policy is to be made they should take a view on these
assessments and it's overcome (Horner, Utsi, Coole, and Denton, 2017).

2.3 Current choices on the basis of future needs and

its state:
Whenever a health policy is made, it is made with a view to its future outcome, and
individual’s common life factors and their health effects on these things. For a new
generation or current situation tobacco, mills factories smoke they are very much
harmful to health. They effect very much on public health, a baby born, birth giving
ability. So, no provisions or laws were taken on this manner (Rothery, Claxton, Palmer,
Epstein, Tarricone, and Sculpher, 2017). Therefore, government associates are
concerned about this emission of carbon gas. These types of issues such as regularity
in body movement, diet control or any other long term situations are taken under control
(Skochelak and Stack, 2017).

3.1 Health and wellbeing individuals in a health or

social care settings:
When any kind of health care treatment or its implementation is arranged, it is made
with a view to help the victim or to ensure public life. An individual will be able to enjoy
all kinds of health benefits. All kind of health care and service provider must ensure
individualistic logics (Glasby, 2017). These types of organizations provide mass people
with health and well-being information to the people of whole society. Regular physical
activity, diet sense, body structural knowledge is included in this segment. Home-based
exercise programs, birth control, disposing of rubbish, promotion of hygienic life all this
awareness are created by these organizations, which are governments’ initiatives
authorized (Stickley, Parr, Atkinson, Daykin, Clift, Nora, Hacking, Camic, Joss, White,
and Hogan, 2017).

3.2 Strategies and policies and their positive aspects:

Public health care strategies are made for the welfare of a society. When a system is
taken under a prosperous or successful strategy or policy then, it affects all the
organizations, NHS or any social care outcomes, people life span, lifestyle, teenage or
youth development of the community. Whole public health and its benefits lie under a
proper strategic review. When any kind of strategy is made on a disease, there must be
some major priorities (WHO, 2017).

This priorities can be the number of previously affected people, its widespread nature or
severity, the treatment condition of this disease, planning for individual, planning for
mass people, sustainability, future characteristic, consequences, socio-economic
effects, analyzing its provisions, creating a concrete law to be maintained but can be
changed on the basis of its nature. These types of strategies must be integrated into
society’s different sections. Joint work can be a very effective to these situations.
People must be comfortable to join up in these types of wellbeing prospects (Sujan,
Habli, Kelly, Gühnemann, Pozzi, and Johnson, 2017).

3.3 Mobility of policies for the well-being of people:

According to his health condition, he will be able to enjoy all types of treatment. The
government must have effective decisions or policies for individuals of the society. If any
kind of policy is not maintained for the individual, then a new particular policy must be
taken and affordable conditions should be applied. For mass people, new changes can
be performed on any kind of policy. In this case, people must be aware of all kind of
changes. They have to be positive for themselves (Gallo-Silver, Bimbi, and Rembis,

Leading a healthy and hygienic life, being physically active, quitting something those
are bad for health or for others, preventing environmental pollution, being updated with
a physical condition, being connected with health care provider. On the other hand, the
government must ensure economic solvency, control the epidemic of diseases, ensure
baby birth, prevent pollution, strict laws must be implemented. Availability of health care
treatment, equality in treatment to all people, extra concentration to the treatment
deprived individual (Jenkins, 2017).

3.4 A special act that encourage people in the

implementation of these policies:
National Center for Smoking Cessation Training, (NCSCT) performed a smoking
cessation program under NHS (NHS, 2017). This program was held in London city on a
cessation basis concept. A brief session was discussed on the bad aspects of smoking.
At that time, cigarette smokers and none -smokers were met at a counseling. Their
behavior, group therapy, therapies, self-awareness increase were implemented
(Houngbo, Coleman, Zweekhorst, Buning, Medenou, and Bunders, 2017). The mass
media campaign was held at different places. After that, the organization decided to
take some initiatives. They offer a free kit to quit smoke. They were advised, helped to

achieve a better inhale system, nicotine replacement therapy. All these arrangements
were performed through mass productions. NHS used their personal website to spread
their concept. They also used Google app and it was free for everyone (Ernstzen, Louw,
and Hillier, 2017). They also created online gaming contest and TV, radio Ads to go to
people. Communicating agencies played a very important role in spreading this
message to people. All participations were warmly welcome to encourage people that
implementation can be done what is planned (Fredriksson and Tritter, 2017).

When any kind of health care treatment or its implementation is arranged, it is made
with a view to help the victim or to ensure public life. An individual will be able to enjoy
all kinds of health benefits. According to his health condition, he will be able to enjoy all
types of treatment. The government must have effective decisions or policies for
individuals of the society. If any kind of policy is not maintained for the individual, then a
new particular policy must be taken and affordable conditions should be applied. For
mass people, new changes can be performed on any kind of policy.

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