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Chemistry 2018 Past Paper

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First Semester 20t7

Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme
(Special Examination) \
PAPER: Chemistry-I (Physical Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED: 30 miis'.'..
Course Code: CHEM-101 / CHM-If 020/11304 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.
Q1. Each question has FOUR possible answers, encircle the right one: (1xl0=10)

I Isothermal process is one in which

A temperature of system remains constant B no heat enters or leaves the system
C no change in volume takes place D AII

II Bragg's equation can be written as

A nl,=2dSin0 B nd= 2)rSin0
C 21,= ndSinO D 2)rd=nSin0

UI "Gouys Balance" is used to measure

A Magnetic polarization B Magneticsusceptibility
C Dipole moment D Ebullioscopicconstant

ry -----------is/are example/s of colligative property/properties

A Lowering of vapor pressure B Elevation of boiling point
C Depression of freezing point D all

According to Freundlich adsorption isotherm for gas on solid, at very high pressure of gas,
extent of adsorption, x/m, where x is mass of gas adsorbed on mass m of the
A Independent of pressure B Directly related to pressure
C Inversely related to pressure D none

VI Units of surface tension are

A Nm B Nm2
C Nm-2 D Nm-l

VII Solutions with same are called isotonic solution.

A Osmotic pressure B Vapor pressure
C Partial molar volume D none

VIII Critical temperature is the temperature for a gas of which gas can never be
A Below B Above
C Botha&b D none

x Coagulation of a given sol can be brought about by

A electrolyte
Addition of B
C Botha&b D none

x Coordination number of Na*l as well as Cl-l ions in NaCl is

A 6 88
C 4 Dl
Roll No.
First Semester 2018

PAPER: Chemistry-I @hysical Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mIns.'.

Course Code: CHEM-101 / CHM-11020 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Qaestion Sheet only.
Q l. Eaoh qucstion has tbur lrossible answcrs, encircle the right one. ( I x l0:10)
(i) 'lhe scilution is alrval's
(a) I-lornogenous (b) heterogeneous (c) Colloid (d) None of these
(ii) The units ofzero order rate constant are
(a) mnrol-r (b) mol drr-isec'r (c) m2 rnol'2 (d) rnol m-2
(iii) T' values of N4ichaelis-Menterl constant (l(rv) are explessed in
(a) kg mol'r (b) l<g nrol (c) urol dm'r (d) dm-r
(iv) The value ot Cibbs energ)'at constant Presstlrc
(a) Increases lvith tern perature (c) Dccreases with incre-ase in tentperature
(b) Rerr ains constallt (d ) None o l' these
(v) TIre Langr.nuir adsorptiorr isotherrl tbr adsorption ola gas orr solid is7 --1+ trp

It carr be expressed as

0 t'€
(n) i,l = (c)l), =(l + fr) (d,Noneolthese
(vi) Thc FreLrndlich aclsorptiou isotherm (x/m) = kpl/'' in ternr of equation of straight
lirre irr intercept forur can be lvritten as:

(a) log(vnr) : ( llrr) log p - log li (b) log(xirr) : log p + (l/n) log l<.
(b) log(x/m) = lo-t n + (l/k) log P (d) log(x/m) : n log p + (lin) Iog k

(vii) 'l'he SI units ot'pre-exponcntial tirctor A in eqtration k'= Ac fr- fbr 2"'r order
l'eaction al'e

(a) M'rS-r (b) M'S-r (c) MS I (d) None olthese

(viii) Tlre phenonreuon ot'scattering ollight by colloidal particles is called

(a) Conrpton Ef fect (b) Dopplcr Etitot (c) ElectLophoresis eff'ect (d)
Tyndall Etfect

(ix) The r.rnits of rnolal fieezing point constant (kr) are

(a) K kg mol-r (b) l( kg nrol-2 (c) K kg mol (d) K kg'r mol

(x) hc nrovernent ot'colloiclal particles under atr applied electric potential is called

(a) Electrophorcsis (b) E lectro-osnr os is (c) Catapholesis (d) A and C

First Semester 2017 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Examination: 8.S.4 Years Programme : ^ ,, -,
(SpeciatExamination) :..T|tjl)3:;:';:;:;:;:'.':'i'..:
PAPER: Chemistry-I (Physical Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: CHEM-l0l / CHM-17020111304 MAX. MARKS: 50
. Altempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided


Q2. Write the short and concise answer for each question: (2x16=26;
a) Define "Collision number,'

b) What is reheochor?

c) Differentiate between surface tension and viscosity.

d) Dehne " Heat capacity at constant volume".

e) Describe second law of thermodynamics.

0 What is meant by adiabatic process?

g) Give expression of rate constant tt
of l order reaction with units of I tt order rate constant.
h) What are colligative properties?
i) Describe "Tyndal Cone Effect".
j) Differentiate between physical and Chemical adsorption.

Questions with Brief Answers (3X10=30)

Q.3 what is meant by Carnot cycle? Derive expression for efficiency of heat engine.
Q.4 What is osmotic pressure and how it can be determined?

Q.s what is magnetic susceptibility and how it can be determine by Gouys balance?
First Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme

PAPER: Chemistry-I (Physical Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mini.'..

Course Code: CIIEM-101/ CHM-11020 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.
Q1. Each question has fburpossible answers, encircle the right one. (lxl0=10)
(i) The soltrtiorr is alrva1,5
(a) Honrogenous (b) heterogeneous (c) Colloid (d) None ofthese
( ii) The u n its of zero order rate constant are
(a) mnrol-r (b) mol drr-rsec-r (c) m2 mol-r (d) rnol m-2
(iii) The values ol M ichaelis-Menten constant (l(r"r) are explessed in
(a) kg nrol'r (b) l<g nrol (c) mol dnr-i (d) dm-i
( iv) The value of Gibbs energy at constalrt pressure
(a) lncreases with ternperature (c) Decreases witli increase in tetrtperatule
(b) Renrains corlstarlt (d) None of these

(u) Tlrc Langrnuil adsorytion isothcrrn for adsorption ola gas

' orr solicl is0 = l+
It can be expressed iis

(a)/), ([.)/,., ==.q (c)p,=-"L

'"1 t t = trll-?\^
-: ^ 1a1i,.to,leolthese
' '
c\l+e) (l+a)
(v i) Thc FreLrndlich adsorption isothernr (Vm) = l<pr/'' in ternr of equation of straight
line in intercept form can be rvritten as:

(a) log(x/m) : ( Ii rt) log p - l(

Iog (b) loglx/nr) = log P + ( I /n) log k
(b) log(x/m): logn+(lik) logp (d) log(x/nr)=n logp+(lin) logk

(vii) 'f tre Sl units of pre-exponential trctor A in eqtration k

- 71r- ii tbr 2''d order'
reaction are

(a) M rS-r (b) M'S I (c) MS I (d) None of these

(viii) 'l'he phenoutcnon of scatteritrg ol light by colloidal palticles is called

(a) Conrpton Et'iect (b) Doppler Etltct (c) Electrophoresis eft-ect (d)
'fyndall Eftect

(ix) The units of rnolal tieezing point constant (ki) are

(a) K kg mol-l (b) I( kg nrol-2 (c) K kg nrol (d) K kg'r nrol

(x) Thc nrovenrent of colloidal particles under an applied electric potentiaI is called

(a) E lectroplrolesis (b) Electro-osmosis (c) Cataphorcsis (d) A and C

First Semester 2018

PAPER: Chemistry-I (Physical Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: CIIEM-101 / CHM-11020 MAX. MARKS: 50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Shet provided

Q.2 Answers the tbllorving short questions: (2x l0=20)
(a) Deflne the terur colloids.

(b) What is l'r order reaction? Cive r"rnits of l.torder rate constant.
(c) What is refractive index? Has ir any units'?
(d) Give a nratlrerratical relatiou betrveen standard Gibbs energy change and
' eqLrilibriunr constant.
(e) What is adsorption rsothenn ?

( l) Describe ternr osrlotic pfcssut-e.

(g) Write trwo conclitions ol'icleal solution.

(h) What is dift-erence betrveen Cibbs energt and Hellroltz energy?
(i) Cive two applications of adsorption.
() What do you understand by association in solLrtion?

Questious rvitlr brief ausrvers

Q.3 (a) Discuss critical phenorrena in gases. (s)
(b) What is heat capacity? Delive relatiorr between C, and Cu. (s)

Q.4 (a) Derive liinetic equation lbr I't order reaction. (s)
(b) Bne ily describe thc classiilcrtion of colloicls. (5)

Q.5 (a) What is adsolption isotherm? Derive Langmuir adsorption isotherrn- (s)

(b) Derive Clausius-C lapeylon equatiorr to discr.rss the effect of ternperature on vapol

prcss r.r Ie. (5)

Roll No.
First Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme \\
PAPER: Fundementals of Chemistry @asic Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins.'.
Course Code: CHEM-lll MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Poper on this Question Sheet only.

Q. No. I Encircle the most appropriate choice.

i. The contact angle for the rising liquid in a capillary tube is;

(a) 90o
Equal to (b) Less than 90"
(.i ci"ut".than90o (d) Always l20o ,
ii. The wave number of the light emitted by a certain sourse is 2x1Obm the wave length of this
light will be

a- 500nm b-500m c-200nm d-5x107m

iii. The molar volume of COz is maximum at

a-STP b-127"C and latm c-0"C and 2 atm d-273'C and 2atm

iv. Which one of the following elements belongs to d-block?

(a) Sr (b) Ni (c) Al (d) Ga

v. What are the units of rate constant of a second order reaction'

(a) dm mol
6 -2
5 (b) s
(c) drn3 mol S-r (d) mol S-2

vi. Which is more electronegative?

(a) sp (b) sp' (.) Sp3 (d) dSpr

vii. Election donating groups on phenol increases

(a) Acidity (b) Basicity (c) Neutral (d) All

viii) Which one of the followings is strongest acid?

(a) CHTCOOH (b) F-cH2cooH

ix) Wavelength range of visible spectrum is;
(a) 450-700 nm (b) 450 run

(c) 400-750 nm (d) 450 -750 nm

x) Which of the followings is an alpha particle? -800

(a) rHI (b) ,H"o

(c) reo (d) on

First Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Yeans Programme
PAPER: X'undamentals of Chemistry @asic Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins.'.,.
Course Code: CHEM-lll MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Q. No. I Encircle the most appropriate choice'

i. The contact angle for the rising liquid in a capillary tube is;

(a)Equal to 900 (b) Less than-go:

i.ici.ut". than 90o (d) Always 120o^o
length of this
ii. The wave number of the light emitted by a certain sourse is 2x106m the wave
light will be

a- 500nm b-500m c-200nm d-5x107m

iii. The molar volume of COz is maximum at

iv. Which one of the following elements belongs to d-block?

(a) Sr (b) Ni (c) At (d) Ga

v. What are the units of rate constant of a second order reaction'

(a) dm
5 (b) S
(c) dm3 mol S-r (d) mols-2

vi. Which is more electronegative?

(a) Sp (b) Sp2 (") Sp' (rl) dSpl

vii. Election donating groups on phenol increases

(a) Acidity (b) Basicity (c) Neutral (d) All

viii) Which one of the followings is suongest acid?



ix) Wavelength range of visible spectrum is;

(a) 450-700 nm (b) 450 run

(c) 400-750 nm (d) 450 -750 nm

x) Which of the followings is an alpha particle?

(a) rH' (b) ,H"n

(c) reo (d) on

aaa a a a a a a a a a araaaa ara aaaa aa

First Semester 2018 aa

! Ro[ No. ..................... :
ooooa a a a a a a a a aa aa aaaaa aa a'

PAPER: Fundamentals of Chemistry @asic Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: CI[EM-lll MAX MARIG: 50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided


Q. No.2 Give answers to the following short questions. 2xl0 = 20

i. Justify that Rheochor is an additive and Constitutive property?

ii. Explain delocalized bonding in 1, 3- butadiene.

iii. Define and illustrate bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals in Oz*2.
iv. What are Radioisotopes? Give their three applications.
v. Wlry phenol is acidic and alcohol is neutral?
vi. Why Ammonia is more basic than Aniline? Explain briefly.
vii. Justify that the viscosity ofgases increases with increase in temperature but reverse is
true for liquids
vlll. Why the Transition Elements show variable valence?
ix. Explain the structure of berzene on the basis of Hybridization.
x. What is Einstein theory of photoelectric effect?


Q. No. 3 Attempt all the following long questions. 5x6=30

a) Derive expression for radioactive decay rate constant ofa radioactive substance.
b) Explain the structure of,PCLs, NH: , BF: and BeClz on the basis of Hybridization.

c) Write mechanism of reaction of l-Butanoic acid with Propanol, Ammonia, Thionyl

chloride and PCI:.

d) Defrne term hybridization, Explain d2sp3,dsp3,sp2and sp hybridization with at least one


e) Write rules for Nornenclature of Carboxylic Acids. Give example of each rule.

0 Derive the equation for First order reaction in which the initial concentrations is 'a' moles

dm-3.Also calculate half life and unit of first order reaction.

Second Semester - 2018
. RollNo.

PAPER: Chemistry-tr (Inorganic Chemistry) TIMEALLOWEDT 15Mintg.'.
Course Code: CI{EM-103, CIIM-12304 Part- I (CompulsorT) MAX. MARKS: 10

Attemot this Paner on this uestion Sheet onlv.

back after expirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1 Each qr-restion has forrr possiLrle answers. Choose the correct answer and encircle it. 1 x l0 =
i. Which ot tlrc Ibllrrrving theolyrnrodel explain splitting of d-orbital?

a) VBT b) VSEPR c) CFT d) all a, b, c

lt. Aluurinir"rrrr hydrrtlc shows---- structure

a) polyrnelic b) ruonorleric c) dimeric d) none of these

llt. A sorllcc ol gleat.'r'stability, o1'pi-bonds between the smaller atoms could be the better
overlap ol'

a) 4p o|hiriil h1 5p orbital c) 2p orbital ct) 6p orbital

I \/. Arcorrlirrl, L,r\.1 I { )()lJ acitl-Lrase conccpt, base is a

(a) OFI iorr

clonor (b) electron pair donor (c) oxide ion donor (d) all

BF,r is a Lurvis

(a) basc 1b)rrcid (c) salt (d) none ofthese

vi. Which o1'thc follou,ing is a soft acid

(a) Na (b) l( (c) Ni (d) Bi

VII. Wtiiclr oi tlrc lrrll,rrvrrig orbitais olntetal ions have almost same energy and same sirape

a) atonr ic rilb ital b) h)'biid orbital c) a and b d) none ofthese

vllr. Which ot'the ibllowing aniou has higher polarizability

(a) I' (biii (c) BL' (d) I-

ir. \,viriuir Ii iiie i(iii,,'uii,,, is Ir)l Ltscd i'o;^ cletection attcl ttteasurenterrt of ladioactivity'i

(a) e 1,c lo it ,, rt (b) cloucl (-lhanrber (c) bubble Chamber (d) electrometer

x. Whicft ol thc Folllrvilg is the va]e1ce shetl configuratiop of chromium? ^

u) +.rl.'i,i' ar', i; :at
c1 +sr, lo5
cl1 4s2, 3ds
aaaaaa a aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa
Second Semester - 2018 aa a
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proqramme
notlNo...................... :
aaaaa trt r t oo'

PAPER: Chemistry-tr (Inorganic Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints.

Course Code: CIIEM-103, CHM-12304 Part-II MAX. MARKS:50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.2 Attempt alI slrr,rl r;ttc.itirrns (2 x 10=20)

i. \\iirich ol'the lbllo,.r nrrt l)osscss rrrole iouization potential and why?

a) Be b) lt
ii. Or nrolccLrlc is piilr.ruruguetic iu nature. Justify the statement.
iii. tJi-S bonrl is relerlivcly mole stable than Bi-N bond. Give reason on the basis oIHSAB


iv. What is the nrain IiLilirre ol(-FT?.

v. I-low nrelhr'l oran,tu e lrirrrges colol u'hen pH is changed?
vi. Sl<etch lli.: :irrrclrri':r ol'benzoid and quinonoid fomrs of urethyl orange in diff'erent pH

vii. What l'rrc ir''niz,uti,,rt isotrtcrs? (lir'c tr.vo exatuples

viii, .lustif), that cnrissron ol'a o-particles by a radioactive isotope shifts its tw'o positions to the

Ieft in thc pcliodic table.

ix. Why I-)lris rveal<.ur iruicl tltan IlCl in aqeous solution?
x. Why color ol'anhr tlrrrus coppel sulphate is white?

Note: Attcmpt :rll tltrcstiotrs.

Q.3 Courpiiru tiic stLtt. trttcs oi-lbllowirtg oll the basis oIVBT, MOT and CIiT.
, 4- (5$=10)
11':..;i I o)(,]r. ii [Fe(cN)ol

Q.4 a). Ex plai rr \'l irIIi Lrrrr' s scale o I' l:rlectloneagativity. 05

b). Write ir [rriel';rotc un natural radioactivitv 05

e.5 What i: i)ii'gunal lslaiionship? Explain this concept r:i,ith suitable examples. 10
Second Semester - 2018 '. Roll No. ..................
Examination: B.S. 4 Years
PAPER: Biochemistry TIME ALLOWED: 15 Min.'.-
Cource Code: CHEM-121 Part - I (Compulsory) MAILMARKS:I0 '.
Attemot this Paper on this Ouestion Sheet onlv.
Please enclrcle the correct ontion. Each MCO carries I Marlc This Paner will be collected
back after expir of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1. Encircle the correct ltem. (10x1=10)

i. Amino acids give birttr to which of the following family?

a) Fats and oils b) Nucleic acids
c) Proteins d) Carbohydrates

ii. How many amino acids cannot be prepare by human body:

a) 10 b) 18
c)5 d) ls

iii. Which is common test for amino acids?

a) Lucas b) Ninhydrin
c) Iodine + Starch d) Baeyer's

iv. Which carbonhydrate cannot be hydralysed to give simple sugars?

a) Monosaccharides b) Disaccharides
c) Polysaccharides d) Oligosaccharides

v. Which of the following is a hexose?

a) Sucrose b) Fnrctose
c) Mannose d) Maltpse

vi. which is most important source of carbohydrates is human diet?

a) Sucrose b) Cellulose
c) Glycogen d) Starch

vii. Which is not soluble in water?

a) Fructose b) Amylose
c) Suoose d) Glucose

viii. Which factor can denature egg white protein?

a) Temperature Increase b) pH change
c) Oxidizing condition d) Dissolving in water

ix. Which acts as an insulator for animals?

a) Proteins b) Fats
c) Carbohydrates d) Enzymes

x. What is true about solubility of lipids in water?

a) Partially soluble in water b) Soluble in water
c) lnsoluble in water d) None ofabove
o.aoaaaaaaa aaaa aa aaaaaaaaa
Second Semester - 2018 aa
Examinetion: B.S. 4 Years
Ro[No. ..,.................. :
aaa aaaaaaaaaaaa'

PAPER: Biochemistry TIME ALLOIYED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Min.

Course Code: CHEM-121 Part-II MAX.MARKS:50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.2. Give short answers to the following questions. (10x2=20)

i. What is peptide bond? Write down formula of dipeptide?

ii. What is a Zwitter ion? Write down structural formula of a general Zwitter
iii. What are essential and non-essential amino acids?
iv. What is difference between fats and oils?
v. What is difference between a glycosidic linkage and a peptide linkage?
vi. What is meant by rancidity of fats and oils?
vii. What is meant by acidic, basic and neutral amino acids?
viii. Write down structural formula of glycine and alinine?
ix. What is meant by the term reducing and non reducing sugars?
x. Write down classification of proteins.

Q3. Whst are carbohydrates. Write down cLrssification of carbohydrates

by quoting suitable examples end structural formulas? (10)

Q.4. Write down a detailed note on (GLYCOLYSIS,,? (10)

Q.5. Whet are lipids? Discuss their structure and composition.

Whet is their biochemical role in body? (10)
I]NIVERSITY OF THE PUNJABaaaaltaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'a
aa I
a t
Third Semester 2018 a

! no[No...................... i
Examination: B.S.4 Years Prosrammp !..llT.'ll'.'.':'.'i'ii'ii'ii'.'i'j'...

PAPER: Chemistry-I[ (Organic Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: CIrEM-201/CIIM-21304 MAX. MARKS:50
Attempt thls Paper on Sqtarote Answer Sheet provlded
Q2. Give short answers to the following questions.

(a) Differentiate between localized bonding and delocalized bonding. (2)

(b) Why aniline is less basic than cyclohexylamine. (2)

(c) Why rer-carbocation is more stable than sec-carbocation. (2)

(d) How could you differentiate between nonaromatic and antiaromatic compoundsby huckel
rule. (2)

(e) How will you convert CzHsBr into Propane. (2)

(f) Differentaite between terms enatiomers, diastereomers and epitners with examples. (4)
(e) Explain why a chloro group is deactivating but o,p-directing. (2)

0, Explain why esters have low boiting point than that of conesponding carboxylix acid.(2)
(i) Why cis- 1,2-dichloroethene is polar (p= I .0D), while trans- 1,2-dichloroethene is non-

polar(p=1.0D), exptain. Q)

Q3.(a) what are E1 and E2 mechanisms of elimination reaction and also discuss Hoffinann
and Sytzeffrules during elimination reaction with examples. (6)

(b) Cive the principal products of the fotlowing reaction with the mechanism involved in
each case. ( I0)

... ''t-t['-^ ^,, i)B,Ho .

(i0 /c-[-cHr ln,or,r.rron

i) Hg(AcO)2, H2O e
(ir) :Hc-8'-c=cH --------------- > I
ii)NaBHa, NaOH

(c) Design suitable syntheses of the following compounds starting from benzene? (8)

(i) Naphthatene (ii) 1,3,5-tribromobenzene (iii) Phenol (iv) 3-nitrobenzoic acid

(d) Draw all structural (constitutional) isomers of C5Hys whichcontain a C=C double bond

and tabet them with IUPAC systematic names. (6)

Third Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme

PAPER: Chemistry-Ill (Organic Chemistry) TIMEALLOWED:30 mins).

Course Code: CEEM-201/CHM-21304 MAX. MARKS: 10

Attempt this Paper on lhis Question Sheet only.

Ql. Choose a suitable answer.

l. Which of the following group would not have inductive effect (+l).

a. -NOr b. -CHO c. -CMe3 d. F-

2. How many stereo centers are present in a compound shown below?

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) s

3. Which ofthe following compound would give hydrogen bonding?

a. Chlorine gas b. Methane c. Propane d. Propanol

4, Which of the following mixture is known as Jones reagent?

a. CrO: in Pyridine b. CrO3 + H2SO{ in acetone

c. Alkaline Klv{nO4 d. K:CrzO;

5' Appropriate hybridization sclrernes for the c atoms in rnolecular cH3co2H are:

a. spl and spl b. sp2 and sp3 c. spi and sp2 d. sp3 and sp3

6. what is correct order of increasing acid strength of (l)Aceticacid (2) Ethanol (3) phenol

a. 1>2>3 b.2>l>3 c. l>3>2 d.3>l>z

7. How many resonance structrres are possible for anthracene? .

a.2 b.3 c. 4 d.5

8. Grignard reagent reacts readily with solid Carbon dioxide to give:

a. Ketone b. Atcohol c. Carboxylic Acid d. Aldehvde

9. which of the following compound would not give an alkene on dehydrohalogenation.

a. C6H5CH2Br b. CoHsCHzCHuBr c. CH3CHBTCH3 d. C6H5CHBTCH3

10. Which of the following alkyl halides would give SNI most readily.

a. (CH:):CCHzBr b. (Ctl:):CBr c. (CH3)3CCH2CH2Br d. (CH3)2CHCH2Br

F'ourth Semester - 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years programme

!AfE$ Chemistry-fV (General Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints. ...

Course Code: CHEM-203 t CEIuI-22304 psrt - i ( MAX.MARKS: l0
uqstion Sheet onlv.

ack after exoi of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1 i) 2,2-dimethy'lpropanal can unclergo (lxl0=10)

a) Canrrizarro's I{eactior-r
b) Disproportionation reaction
c) Aldol condensation
d) Both (a) and (b)
ii) Which of tlte following can be used to transfer the energy
a) Ligirt
b) Ileat
c) Both a and b
d) None of these
iii) Or der of reactivity of the functional derivatives of carboxylic acids is
a) Acid chlorides > acid anhydride > esters > amides
b) Acid anhvdride > acid chloride > aurides > esrcrs
c) Acid Chloricles > esters > arnides > acid anhydrides
'Esres >
d) amicies > acid chioricies > acici anhycirioes

ir) Kochi Synthesis involves conversion of to

a) Carboxylic acids to anhydrides
b) Carboxylic acicls to alkyl halides
c) Carboxylic acids to Acid arnides
d) Carboxylic acids to esters
r,) I'i-re Space ot'ieutation of elech'ou ts explaitied by _ quantrun uurnber
a) Principal
b) Azirnuthal
c) Magrrctic
d) Spin

vi) Qnantunr Mechanics i-* branclr of scieuce that deals with

a) Motion of nicro-particles
b) Stability of Micro-particles
c) Both a ancl b
d) None of these
vii) Electlode potential depends upon
a) Temperatnle
b) Pressur-e
c) Conccntration
d) r\ll of tllese

viii) The correct increasing Energy order of Electlor.nagnetic radiation is

a) UV>IIt>\/isible>Microwaves
b) Micror.r,aves>tlV>Visible>iR
c) UV>Microwaves>Visible>lR
d) UV>Visible>iR>N{icrorvaves

ix) IR radiations cause

a) Emission
'b) Vibration
c) Excitation
d) Norre of these
x) Which ol the following specics can be satisfactorily cxplained by Botu-'s theor.y
a) I{
b) I-Ie'
c) Li*2
ci) Ail of thcse
aa a a a a a aa a a a aa a aa aaaa aa a aa
Fourth Semester - 201E aa
Examinstion: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme
RolI No. ..................... :
t aa aaa aa aaaaaaaaa'

PAPER: Chemistly-IV (General Chemistry) TIME ALLOWED: 2 Ers. & 45 Mints.

Course Code: CHEM-203 / CHM-22304 Part - II MAX MARKS:50
Attempt this Paper on Separate AnSwer Sheet provided.

Q.2 Short Questions 2x10 = 20

i. Give tlre general mechanism of Acetoacetic ester systhesis.
ii. What are Acidic and Basic buffers?

iii. Ditferentiate between co-precipitation and fractional precipiration

iv. How Principle of UV and IR spectroscopy differs from each other?
v. Discuss the coustruction and rvorking of Calomel Electrode.
vi. Write dowr I{ittort's rule lbr. migration of ious.
vii. Give Postulates of Quanturn Mechanics.
viii. Convert propanoic acid in rnethane.
ix. I [ow tr.,B-Lrnsatulated aldchydes irrc lorrncd by aldol corrclensalion of aldehydes?
x. What is Standard deviation and Relative standald deviation? Which is prefered and why?

Q.3 i-xiensiveQuesrions
a) Derive Schrodinger wave equation in terms of Polar. Coordinates. (5)
b) Brielly describe various types of errors, Give their significance in chemistry. (5)
c) Give and two Nucleophilic Snbstitution reactions of carbonyl compound along
mechanism(s) involved (5)
d) Explain the working and elficiency olFlanrc enrission Spectrophotometry. (5)
e) Oourpalc l|.tnsdeickcr and I(ochi (5)
l) Givc fbirr applications ilijV Spectroscopy. (5)

Fifth Semester - 2018

Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proqramme

PAPER: Physical Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 30 mlns...

Course Code: CIIEM-301 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

1.The integrated rate equation for zero order reaction is,r _ kt.
The half life period of the
reaction is:

A. Independent of initial concentration of reactant

B. Directly proportionar to the initial concentration of reactant
C. Inversely proportionar to the initial concentration of reactant
D. None of these

2. The integrated rate equation for zero order reaction is x /rt

= . The units of rate constant are:

A. S'I
B. MS-r
3. The Arrhenius equation is k : A e-(EalRr) .The slope of a plot of ln k vs. l/T is equal to
A. k.
B. k.
C. Ea.
D. -Ea /R.
4.A mathematical instruction or a mathematical procedure which is carried out on a
function to get another function is called

A. Eigen function
B. Eigen value
C. Laplacian operator
D. Opirator
5' EY = HY is the simplest form of Schrodinger Wave equation, where
E is the enerry and
Y is the wavefunction. In this equation, what does the H represent?

A. de Broglie relation

B. Hamiltonian operator
C. Avogadro's number
D. Planck's constant P.T.O.
6. The energy transition between two rotational levels in rigid rotators can be calculated by
following expression

A. B(J+l)
B. 2B(J+1)
C. 2J+l
D. Non

7. The Schrodinger Wave equation is a differential equation relates the wave function of
electron with its

A. Kinetic Energy
B. Potential energy
C. Vibrational energy
D. Rotational Energy

8. The specific resistance of 0.lN KCI solution was found to 93.6oat room temperature.Its
specific conductance will be

A. 6.4 mhos B. 0'936rnhos C. 9.360 mhos D' 0'l lmhos

9. A quantity of 20000 coloumbs is equal to how many Faradays?

a.3.2x 1023 B. 3.2x1022 c' 3'2x1020 D' 3'2xl0re

l0.what is the relationship of free energy change and e.m.f of cell:

A. AG=nEF B. AG:-nEF C. AG0=nEF D' AG0=nEF

aaa a a aal a aaaaaaaaaata"ta
Fifth Semester - 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme i nottNo......................
t .orolaataaaa aaaaaoooooo'

PAPER: Physical Chemistry TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Code: -301 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separdte Answer Sheet ptovided.

Section 1 (zn lo =2,

(i) What are Eigen function and Eigen values for a particle rnoving in 1- D box?
(ii) Write Schrodinger wave equation in term of polar co-ordinate.
(iii) What is Physical significance of Normalization?
(iv) Justify that energy of particle moving in 3-D box is greater than energy of particle
moving in l:D box.
(v) How do you determine specific conductivity of solution?
(vi) State Kohlrausch law?
(vii) Write Nernst equation for Daniel cell?
(viii) What is physical signiticance of Anhenius factor A?
(ix) Calculale half life of third order reaction?
(x) What is Ostwald dilution law?

Section II :

Q.1 (i) What is equivalent conductance? Derive its units. Discuss the eff'ect of temperature and

concentration on equivalent conductance. 04

(ii) The resistance of a decinormal solution of a salt occupying a volume between the two

platinum electrodes 1.80cm apart and 5-4cm2 in area was found to be 32 ohms. Calculate the

equivalentconductanceofsolution. 03

(iii) Derive a relation for Debye Huckel Theory for weak electrolyte. 0s

Q.2 (a): Systernatically apply Schrodinger wave equation on H-atom and derive Azimuthal
quantum number by considering Ae = Pz 05

(b) : What are rigid rotors. Prove that E.r: BJ (J+l). Also derive zero point energy of Rigid
Rotators (05)
Q.3 Kinetic equation of a certain order reaction is

,"1;1=* (A)

(i) Derive an expression for available concentration of reactant as a function of time and
discuss its time dependence with the help of this expression. Give sketch of the following
curves: 03

. (a) a-x vs t

(b) x vs

(ii) What is the extent of reaction? Under what conditions it will be unity? How can you find
the value ofrate constant graphically using equation A when initial concentration ofreactant
is unknown? Give Units of k in equation A and predict tre order of reaction. 03

(iii) Concentration ofreactant of a reaction following kinetic equation A was determined at

two different times during the progress of reaction. 0.05M and 0.025M reactant was found in
reaction mixture after 5 and 10 minutes of start of reaction. Calculate the value of k in SI
units. 02

(iv) Prove that the half life period of the reaction fbllowing equation A is inclependent

ofinitial concentration ofreactants. Ifthe reaction has a rate constant of 1.00 s'l what is tho

half life of the reaction? 02

Fifth Semester - 2018
Examination: 8.S.4 Years Programme
". \
". ta

PAPER: Inorganic Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 30 minsl'.

Course Code: CHEM-303 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only,

NOTE: No mark on question psper except your roll nurnber, C utting, Ov erw riting, us e

of ink removers and Blanko are nol allowed

Choosc the correct answer

ii) hr the tbln'ration of Kr [re (CN)6]. the h-""bridization involved in

a) Sp' b) d2spr c; drsp2 d) dSp'

ii) The octahedral shape is associated with;

a) PFs b) SIr.r

c) TeF6 d) cil-r
ir,) In octahedral coruplexs the eg orbitals arc called
a) Nonbondoning orbitals b) Bonding orbitals
c) Antibonding orbitals d) Noneof these

iv) Which one of the following does not obey effective aton.ric number rLrle?

a) Co (Co)a b) Ni (co)4

c) [CoF6]-r d) Mn: (CO)ro

v) A conductor has enet'gy bands that are:

a) Completely filled b) completely emptv

c) Partially filled d) none of the above

vi) Ethylenediamine (en) is,

a) Tridentate ligand b) Bidentare ligand

c) Hexadentate ligand d) Quadridentate ligand
vii) Transition metal iu a cornplex act as

a) Neutral atom b) Lewis acid c) Lervis base d) Electron dor.ror

viii) According to CFT, the metal ligand bond is considered ro be;

a) Ionic b) Coordinate c) Covalent d) metallic

x) According to VSEPR theory, the geornetry ol'1.;- is;

a) Trigonal Plana' b) 'fetrahedral c) Pylanridal d) Linear

x) F'or the reaction, tl-re product is 2 Fe (Co)5

nu r ?

a) Fe2 (Co)n b) Fez (CO)q + CO

c) Fez (CO)ro d) Fer (CO)s I 2 CO

a a aa aaaa a a aaaa aaal taoa
Fifth Semester - 2018 aaoa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme .I ,, ,, -,
ls.(llt r\U. ............
too o r oooo ooa o oaaaaa oao aao!

PAPER: Inorganic Chemistry TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: CHEM-303 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided

NOTE:- Attempt all the questions on a separate sheet. No mark on question papcr cxcopt
your l{oll Number. cutting, overwriting or usc of remover is no1 allowerl.



i) What are intdnsic semiconductors? Explain with the help of N(E) Curves

ii) Shou' the hl,bridization oIFe(CO)5 with srrr-rctr.rre.

iii) Calculate the CFSE(Crystal Field Stabilizatiorl Energy) for cach ol'the lbllowing systcn:

b) d4 (high spin ocrahedral) b) ci6(lorv spin octahedral)

iv) Draw the structure of [CoF6]-3 on the basis of MOT.

v) Draw the splitting of d-orbitals in ' complexes accorcling 1o cFT.

vi) Ni(CO)a is diamagnetic and has 'letrahedlal srructure. Explain.
vii) Differentiate between n-type and p-type seruiconductors.
viii) What are Outer orbital complexes? Give oue exaruple?
ix) 02 is paramag.etic while o22- is diamagnetic. Exprai, o, the basis of N4or
x) Give an account of two factors which inflr,rence the magnitr.rde of Au or I 0 Dcl


SUBJE,CTIVE (5x6=30)
i) Draw the slructures of the following nrolecules on the basis of MO'I.;
a) [ColNHi)6]r- b) [CoF6.]3
ii) Discuss the essenrials of Crystal Field Theory (Cf t).
iii) Discuss Metaliic bond on the basis of bancl theory.
ir) l)iscuss the chemistry of Cr(CO) 6.

v) Iixplain the application ol'coordiuation compounds il Analytical chernisrry ancl inchrstr-y.

vi) Predict the shape of the lbllowing rnolecules / ions or-r tire basis of VSEpR prodel.
a) II.'s b) SF-4 c) SnCi2 d) 13 e) CIF:
Fifth Semester - 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme
PAPER: Organic Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 30 minsl'.
Course Code: CHEM-305 MA)L MARKS: 10 "
Anempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Q.No.1 Tick the right optlon. (10)

i). How many sp hybridized atoms are there in CO2?

(a).1 (b).2 (d).0

ii). The basic strength of 2,6,N,N - Tetramethylaniline as compared to anlline is ------ by Sterlc
(a). decreased (b). increased (c). not affected (d). equalized

iii). The conJugate base of which of following acid is more stabilized by the resonance:
(a). 2 - Nitrophenol (b). 2,4 - Dnitrophenot (c). 2,4,6- Trinitrophenot (d). 2,6 - Dinitropehnot

iv). Enol content of acetylacetone is maximum in the presence of:

(a). Water (b). Acetonitrite (c). Acetic acid (d). Hexane

v).An organic compound that possesses acidic hydrogen is:

(a1.2,4 - Pentandione (b).1,3 - Butadiene (c). 2 - Butyne (d). Neopentane

vl). Lithium diisopropylamide is a good?

(a). Very strong nucteophite (b). Base (c). Etectrophite (d). Acid

vii). How many equatorial hydrogen atoms are there ln the chair form of cyclohexane?
(a). Six (b).Three (c).Four (d).Five

vlii). Whlch carboxylic acid possesses chiral carbon centre?

(a). Oxatic acid iUl. Lactic acid (c). Formic acid (d). lrlatonic acid

ix). 4 - lrlethyl - 2 - hexene shows:

(a). Onty geometricat isomerism (b). Onty optical isomers
(c).Both geometricaI and optical isomerisms (d). Onty conformational isomerism

x). Conversion of an optically active compound (either enantiomer) into an equimolar mixture of the
enantiomers is known as:
(a). Asymmetric synthesis (b). Racemization
(c). Resotution of racemic mixture (d). Setective adsorption
aa a
aaa a. a aa a aaa aaa a a aa a a aa

Fifth Semester - 2018

3 Rott No. ..................... :
taaaa aar aat aaaa i

PAPER: Organic Chemistry TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: -305 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.No.2 Answer the following short questions. (2,10=2Ol

a). Why 2,4,6 - Trinitrophenol decomposes NaHCO3 while simple phenol does not?
b). Justify why Tributylamine is a stronger base than Dibutylamine when Chlorobenzene is used as solvent?
c). Give reason for the zero value of dipole moment of Benzene and 0.4D for Toluene.
d). What do you mean by Meso form and Asymmetric carbon atom?
e). Throw light on the stability of the different conformations of cyclohexane.
0. Why mixed aldol condensations of aliphatic aldehydes are not useful?
g). The internal alkene 2 - Butene is more stable than 1 - Butene. JustiiT this slatement
h). Why ethyl bromide undergoes Sx 2 reaction whereas ter - butylbromide through 5111 mechanism.
i). D Glyceraldehyde upon addition of HCN yields a pair of stereoisomers instead of a pure compound. Give
j). What do you mean by Asymmetric Synthesis?

Q.No.3 Briefly answer the following questions. (30)

a). Arrange the foltowing compounds according to the increasing order of acidity. Provide suitbabte reasoning for
your arrangement, (2x5=10)

oo oo

H )v o

NOz r,AAoe,
(i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv) (v)

b). i). Label the following structure as R or S. (5)

or"\ CHsCHzCHz
t c- coon C-C=CH c- cooH \.-.r,"r.,,
cl '"'f or* "'
""'/ ,a""/
H F H CzHs

What is chiral carbon? Certain compounds that do not have Chirat carbon show opticat activity. Give three
examptes of different ctasses of compounds with reasons. (5)

c). Describe the mechanism and two synthetic application of the fottowings: (5,5)
(i). Stobbe's condensation. (ii). Reformatsky reaction.
Fifth Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme \
PAPER: Analytical Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 30 minsl'.
Course Code: CHEM-307 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.
Q1 MCQS (1x10=10)
(i) Both hydrogen and deuterium lamp produce outputs in the range
(a) 160-800 nm (b)10-700 nm
(c) 200-400 nm (d) 400-750 nm
(ii) Comparison of standard deviations is done by
(a) F-Test (b) T-Test (c) Dixon,s e_test d) None
(iii) Real limitations to Beer's law are due to
(a) High concentration of solute (b) polychromatic radiation
(c) Stray radiation (d) Dissociation of solute
(iv) What is the maximum value of absorbance?
(a)2 (b) 1 (c) 100 (d) 10
(v) The stationary phase in reverse phase chromatography is
(a) ion exchange resin polar
(b) (c) nonpotar (d)Ail a,b,c
(vi) which of the following is continuum source for UV molecular absorption?
(a) Globar (b) Deuterium lamp
(c) Nernst glower (d) Tungsten filament
(vii) 10 ppm is equat to
(a) 100 ms/lit (b) 10 mg/mL
(c) 10 mg/lit (d) 100 mg/kg
(viii) According to Beer's law absorbance does not depend upon
(a) Solution concentration.(b) Extinction coefflcient of the sample.
(c) Colour of the solution. (d) ail
(ix) The maximum Rf value for any substance in paper chromatography is
(a) (b) 10 0 (c) 0.90 (d) 100
(x) Which statement is wrong about TLC
(a) Stationary phase is'silica
(b) Polar compounds will spend more time in the moving phase
(c) Non polar compound will move faster
(d) Polar compound will appear lower in plate
Fifth Semester 2018

PAPER: Analytical Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: CHEM-307 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Section I
Q.2- Attempt all Short questions (2x10=20)
i What are the advantages of double beam spectrophotometer over single
beam spectrophotometer?
ii. What is the diference between normal phase and reverse phase
iii. Calculate the amount of NaCl dissolved per 100 cm3 needed to prepare 1000
ppm solution of Nat rons.
iv. What are the advantages and disadvantages of TLC?
v. What is the difference between one tailed and two tailed significance test?
vi Give some characteristics of adsorbents in column chromatography.
vil. What do you know about charge transfer absorption in UVA/isible
viii. what is the difference between filter and monochromator as wavelength
ix. What is the difference between absolute error and relative standard
x. How does the percentage transmittance of a solution vary with
(a) increasing concentration (b) increasing path length
Section ll
Attempt all questions
4.3 (a) Discuss the methods for the detection of colorless spots in paper
chromatography. (5)
(b) Discuss the factors affecting solute separation in column chromatography.
a.a (a) Explain instrumental deviations from Beer's law. (5)
(b) How do Electromagnetic radiations interact with matter? (5)
Q.5 (a) How can you compare two means using student T-test? (5)
(b) Explain the fpllowing units of concentration i.e. molarity and ppm and their
inter conversion with the help of examples. (5)
Fifth Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme

PAPERT Applied Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 30 minsl..

Course Code: CHEM-309 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Quesfion Shea only.
Q.r Encircle the most suitable answer from the given options. 10

i) Use of sodium hexametaphosphate to avoid boiler scaling can be classified as

a) Mechanicaltreatment
. b) Intemal Treatment
c) Extemal Treatment
d) None of these

iD The basic rarv material used in cement manufacturing are

a) Lime stone
b) Shale
c) Gypsum
d) All of these
iiD Soda Lime process is used to prepare
a) Caustic Soda
b) SodaAsh
c) Hydrochloric Aoid
d) Baking Soda
ir) Laser Diflraction analysis is used to measure the

a) Particle Size
b) Quantity of material
c) Quality of material
d) None ofthese
v) During evaporation, heating is done at reduced pressure, this is important
a) To evaPorate water at a high rate
b) To avoid thermal degradation of substance
c) To minimize the consumption of steam
d) None of these
vi) In Modified Lime Soda process which chemical is used
a) Barium hydroxide
b) Calcium hydroxide
c) Zinchydroxide
d) Magnesium hYdroxide
vii) In manufacturing of sodium hydroxide hydrogen gas liberates at
a) Anode
b) Cathode
c) Both anode and cathode
d) None of these
viii) The optimum conditions for the conversion ofsoz to sol in contact process axe
a) V2O5, latm,650oC
b) VzOs, latm,450oC
c) VzOs, 2atm, 500oC
d) V2O5,5atm,450oC

ix) During setting of cement, Hydration and hydrolysis occurs in which order?
a) Hydration followed by hydrolysis
b) Hydrolysis followed by hydration
c) Hydration and hydrolysis occur simultaneously
d) Can'tjudge

x) Cation exchange resins replaces with metal ions in water

a) Sodium metal
b) Sodium ions
c) HydroxYl ions
d) Hydrogen ions
Fifth Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme

PAPER: Applied Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Attempl this Paper on Sepsrate Answet Sheet provided


Q.2 Short Questions 2xl0 =20

i. Why MULTIPLE EFF'ECT EVAPORATORS are superior then single effect?
tl. How AMMONIA is recovered in Solvay process?
lu. How BOILER SCALES are formed?
iv. Differentiate bet*een REGULAR PORTLAND and WHITE PORTLAND cements.
Differentiate betrveen OSMOSIS and REVERSE OSMOSIS?
vi. Discuss the principle and applications of EVAPORATIOIN in industry?

uii. Differentiate betw.een SCREENING and SIZE REDUCTION.

vii[. Discuss COIIVECTION as a mode of heat transfer.

ir. Differentiate between CARBONATE and NON-CARBONATE hardness.


a; Extensive Questions 30

a) Discuss the manufacturing of HYDROCHLORIC ACID. Give flow sheet. (5)

b) How NaOH is prepared by ELECTROLYTIC PROCESS? Give flow sheet. (5)

c) Discuss the role of ION EXCHANGE PROCESS in water softening. (5)

d) Discuss the importance of DISTILLATION as a unit operation in industry. (5)

e) Differentiate bet$'een WET and DRY process of cement manufacturing' (s)

f) Discuss the role of REVERSE OSMOSIS in water fteatment. (s)

Fifth Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme

PAPER: Bio Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins)..

Course Code: CHEM-3l1 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.
(1) Encircle the most suitable answer from the given options. 10

1.. Water rnolecules in ice form an opeu lattice which is:

(A) Rhombic
(B) Monoctinic
(C) Flexaggnal
(D) Cubic

2. Which enzynre is reqr-rired for the synthesis of Glutamrne :

(A) Glutamase
(B) Virus
(C) Arnylase
(D) C lutamine synthetase

3. Micelles are water by:

(A) tlydLoplrobic interaction
(B) Hydrogen bonding
(C) Vander waal forces
( D) Charge-charge interaction

4. Xanthine on oxidation lorms :

(A) Saccharic acid

(B) Lactic acid
(C) Acetic acid
(D) Uric acid

5. Adenine and Cuanine are the examples of:

(A) Purine
(B) Pyramidine
(C) Protein
(D) Peptide

6. pKa value of Ulacil rauges frorr :

(A) 7.0 to 8.0

(B) 9.0 to 10.0
(C) I I.0 to 12.0
(D) 12.0 to 14.0

7. mRNA is largely found in:

(A) Mitochondria
(B) Lysosomes
(C) Nucleus
(D) Ribosomes

8. In cyclization of Clucose, bridging occurs between carbon:

(A) r-4
(B) 2-3
(c) 3-s
(D) l-6

9. In ATP, the adenine rnoiety is linked by a glycosidic bond to

(A) Galactose
(B) Ral'fi nose
(C) Arabinose
(D) Ribose

10. Which of thc following belongs to Algal polysaccharide:

(A) Heprin
(B) Agar
(C) Chondroitin sulphate
aaa aaaaaaaaataaaaa aa a a a aa

Fifth Semester 2018
Examination: B.S.4 Years Prosramme :-tt"t""tt"t""tttttt'
RoIl No'

PAPER: Bio Chemistry TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: CHEM-3ll MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.


Q.2 Short Questions 2xl0 = 20

. Attempt all questions. Each carries 2 marks:

I. Define cell fractionation.
2. Differentiate between endocytosis and phagocy.tosis.
3. Interpret the working of COz buffering systern in blood.
4' why biopolymers a'e not readily degraded to their components in the aqueous
environment of the living cell .
5. Explain the term invert sugar.
6. Justify the statement that fructose is a reducing sugar.
7. How denaturation of DNA occurs..
8. Give functions of smooth Endoplasmic reticulum.
9. Differentiate between proteoglycans and Glycoproteins.
I 0. Discr-rss briefly about different types of RNA.

Q.3 Attempt all Questions, Each carries 5 Marks: 5x6= 30

1. Describe the sensory properties ofmonosaccharides.
2. Provide sufficient evide'ces to consider Grucose as a cyclic compound.
3. Write structure and functions of DNA_
4. Derive Henderso,-Hasserbarch equation and give its significance.
5. Explain in detail the structure of plasticls.
6. Explain in detail the cell wall composition.
Fifth Semester 2018

PAPER: Bio Chemistry TIME ALLOWED:30 mrns....

Course Code: CHEM-3l1 MAX. MARKS: l0
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.
(1) Encircle the most suitable answer from the given options' 10

l-. Water tnolecules in ice fornr an open lattice which is :

(A) Rhombic
(B) Monoctinic
(C) Hexagonal
(D) Cubic

2. Which enzynre is required for the synthesis of Glutamine :

(A) Clutamase
(B) Virus
(C) Amylase
(D) Glutamine synthetase

Micelles are water by :

(A) HydLophobic interaction

(B) Hydrogen bonding
(C) Vander waal fbrces
(D) Charge-charge interaction

4. Xanthine on oxidation forms :

(A) Saccharic acid

(B) Lactic acid
(C) Acetic acid
(D) Uric acid

5. Adenine and Cuanine ate the examples of:

(A) Purine
(B) Pyrarnidine
(C) Plotein
(D) Peptide

6. pKa value of Uracil ranges frorn
(A) 7.0 to 8.0
(B) 9.0 to 10.0
(C) I 1.0 to 12.0
(D) 12.0 to 14.0

7. mRNA is largely found in:

(A) M itochondria
(B) Lysosomes
(C) Nucleus
(D) Ribosornes

8. In cyclization of Clucose, bridging occurs between carbon:

(A) r-4
(B) 2-3
(c) 3-s
(D) l-6

9. In ATP, the adenine moiety is Iinked by a glycosidic bond to

(A) Galactose
(B) Raffinose
(C) Arabinose
(D) Ribose

10. Which of the following belongs to Algal polysaccharide I

(A) Heprin
(B) Agar
(C) Chondroitin sulphate
Fifth Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme

PAPER: Bio Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: CHEM-3ll MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Poper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.


Q.2 Short Questions 2xl0 = 20

. Attempt all questions. Each carries 2 marks:

l. Define cell fractionation.

2. Differer-rtiate between endocytosis and phagocytosis.
3. Interpret the working of COz buffering system in blood.
4. Why biopolymers are not readily degraded to their components in the
environment of the living cell .
5. Explain the tern"r invert sugar.
6. Justify the statement that fructose is a reducing sugar.
7. How denaturation of DNA occurs..
8. Cive functions of smooth Endoplasmic reticulum.
9. Differentiate between proteoglycans and Glycoproteins.
10. Discuss briefly aboui different types of RNA.

Q.3 Attempt all Questions. Each carries 5 Marks: 5x6= 30

.1 Describe the sensory properties of monosaccharides.
2. Provide sufflcient evidences to consider Glucose as a cyclic compound.
3. Write structure and tunctions of DNA.
4. Derive He,de.son-Hasserbarch equation and give its significance.
5. Explain in detail the str.uctul.e of plasticls.
6. Explain in detail tl-re cell wall composition.
Sixth Semester - 2018 '. Roll No. ..................
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme
PAPER: physicat Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints.
Course Code: CHEM-313 Part-I (Compulsory) MAX MARKS: 10 ".-
Attemnt this Paner on this
Please encircle the correct option. Each MCO carries 1 Mark This Paper will be coUected
back after exDirr of time limit mentioned above.

Q. I Select correct choice from given four options. ( I ,10=10)

ii) The positil'e value of Gibbs energy c,f a process indicates that the process is

(a) Endothermic

(b) Exothennic

(c) Non Spontaneous

1d) Spontaneous

(ii) According to equation ]n k = lnk.'- l.Ol8Z nZ uf , rate of the rcaction

CH \COOCTH , + OH- L+ products

(a) Lrcreases with increase in ionic strengtlr

(b) Decreases with increase in ionic strength

(c) Remains constant

(d) None of these

(iii) Pre-exponenlial factor in Arrhenir"rs equation is the valuc of rate constant at

ta) Absolnte temperature

(b) Zero temperature

(c) lnfi nite temperature

(d) None of these

(rv) The SI unirs of Gibbs energy of a process are

(a) Kmol-r (b) Jmol'rK' (c) m2 mol'2 (d) Jmol-l

(u) The marhematical relatio:r ber."vee, Gibbs energl,ancr Equiribrium conslant is

(a) AG:i{ l'lnK (b, AG= -RTtnt( (c) AG=RtnK (d) AG= IInK

(vi) which oIthe following conditio,s is necessary for a reaction to be spontaneous?

(a) ASsur> 0 (b) ASsys> 0 (c) ASsur +ASsys > 0 (d) ASsur+ASsys < 0

( vii) Free energy change for a sponlaneous process generaliy is

(a) zero (b) +r'e (c) -ve (d) nraxrmulrr

(viii) The mathemarical formulation of Sterling's approximation is

(a) i-nxl = xlnx-x (b) x= xlnx (c) lnxl:lnx2 (d) None ofthese

(ix) 1'he uuits of rate constant for zero order reaction are

(a) MSec-r (b) K kg mol'2 (c) K kg mol (d) nrold ,', Se"-,

(x) The Eyring equation is based on

(a) Collision theory (b) Arrhenius Theory

(c) Transition State Thcory (d) Langmuir thcory

Sixth Semester - 2018 aaa aa a aaa a aa a aaa a a a a a a a a aa
Rotl No. ..................,.. :
ro roo oo oo oo oaa aaa aaa aa ao

PAPER: Inorganic Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints.

Course Code: CHT'.M-315 Part - II MAX. MARKS:50
Attempt this Paper on Seprrate Answer Sheet provided.

Shod Quesiigi:r
1. why hybrid orbital exhibit better overlap than simple
atomic orbitals?
2. Differentiate inner arrd outer transition elements.
3. What is Jahn Teller distortion theorem?
4. Differentiate between polarizing power and polarizability?
c. vvnat rs Fal1an t,le?
6. What are post transition elements? Give examples
7. Calculate Z"nfor 4s electrons in Cobalt (Z=21).
8 What are lrydrate isomers? Give examples.
9. Can lanlhanurn ion exist in + 4 exi6"11on state? lf yes then how,
if no then why?
10. What is 4c-3e bono,? Give example

Q.3. What is isomeiism? Discuss its different types exhibited by

Q.4. What is lanthanicte contraction? Discuss the phenomenon in detail along 10
with its
conseq uences ?
Q.5. What are main postulates of VSEpR theory? Discuss shapes of ABa, AB3E,
AB2E2 molecules on the basis of it. l0
Sixth Semester - 2018 Roll No. ..................
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme "
PAPER: Inorganic Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints.
Course Code: CIfEM-315 Part - I (Co MA)L MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paoer on this Ouestion Sheet onlv.

I!g+g+!e!rc!qthe correct ootion. Each MCO carries I Mark This Paper wiII be collected
back after expin of time limit mentioned above.

Q.1 Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer and encircle

it. (1 x 10=10)

1. The formula of bauxite rs

a) Al2O3 2SiOz2HtO b)At2o3. 2H2o c) NagAlFo

d) both a and b

2 which of the follow ng rs the stable valence shell configuration of chromium?

a; 4s2, 3da b;4s2, 3d3 c1 4s1, 3ds d14s2, 3d5

3 Which of the following ligands are neutral

a)CO b) No c) H2O d) all of these

4. The structure of [CuiH2O)a]2. rs

(a) Square planar (b) Tetrahedral (c) Distorted rectangle (d) octahedral
5 pFI of 1N HCi is

a) 1 b) zero c)0.1 d) none of the above

6. Which of the following series contains only paramagnetic metal ions?

a) La3*, ce3*, Sm3' b) sm3*, Ho3*, Lu3*

c) Ce3., Er-r:" YLr:r' d)La3*, Gd3t, Eu3*

7 . The %oage of U235 in naturally occurring uranium is,

a. 0 50% b. a71%
c. 2.O% d 5.Oo/o

8. Which of the followrng rs not a representative element

a) Fe b)K c) Ba d)N
I What type of hybrid orbrtats are used by chlorine in CI02-

a) dsp3 b) c) sp2 d) d2sp3

10. According to VSEPR theory, the shape of SO: molecule is

a)Pyramidal b) Tetrahedral c) plane triangular d) Square planar

aa a a a
aa a aaaao aaaaaaa
Sixth Semester - 2018 aa
Examination: 8.S.4 Years Programme :. -. :o
Roll,, -,
No. .....................
ta ooo o aa a ooaoaooooottao I oo

PAPER: Organic Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints.

Course Code: CIfEM-317 Part - II MAX. MARKS: 50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Q.No.2. Give the short answers olthe follou,inS questiolls (4 x 5 = 20)

l. What is Beers-Lambert law?
IL What is the elfect of ring size on IR absorpLions in oyclic ketortesi'
III. Dcscribe Clenrnrcnseu reduction with exarnple trnd mechauisrn'/
IV. Desclibe epoxidation of alkenes with exaruple and rnechanism?
V. Describe two lactors aflecting the stabitity of free radicals?

Q.No. 3. Describe two clifferent methods for the lbllowing conversions with mechanisnr?
(i) Alkene to Cls-diol (ii) Acid cl.rloride to aldehyde (5+5=10)

Q. No. 4. Write a ttote on the followings lvith exarnple.

a)- Inl'rarecl Spectrophotonretet' (hlstrunlentatiotl) (s)

b)- I{ypochromic eff-ect and Flyperchromic Eifect (s)

Q. No. 5. Write a note on the followings?

a)- Applications of UViVis. Sirectroscopy?
b)- Applications of free radical leactions?
..Roll No.
Sixth Semester - 2018

PAPER: Organic Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints.
Course Code: CHEM-317 Part - I (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: 10

Attemot this Paper on this

Please encircle the correct ontion. Each MCO carries 1 Mark This Paper will be collected
back after exnirv of time limit mentioned above.

Q.NO. l. Tick the most suitable option. (10)

I. Whioh of the follow,ings is weakest peraoici?

a)Pelbenzoic acid b) m-Chloroperbenzoic acid

c) Peracetic acid d) Trifl uoroperacetic acid
Il. Oppenauer oxidation would convert primary alcohol to?

a) Atdehyde b) t(etone
c) Ctrrboxylic acid d) Alkene
II I. Lindlar's catalyst woulcl converted alkyne to?

a) 7.ians-alkene b) C'ls-alkene
c) Alkane d) Cycloalkane
IV Clenrmensen reduction rvould convelt an aldehycle to?

a) Alcohol b) Alkane
c) Acid d) Amide
Whicir of the followir.rgs would be used arornatization o1'cyclic con-rpounds'?

a) Benzoquinone b) DDQ
c) Chloranil d) All of a,b,c
VI. 1-Propene on reaction with borane (BH3) ancl AcOH would produce?

a) n-Propane b) I -Propanol
c) 2-Propanol d) None oIa,b,c
VII. IR spectrur.n showing intense peak at 1720 crr-r indicate the firnctionai gloup'?

a) Auricle b) EsteL
c) Cyanide d) Ketone
Vlll. Higirest eucrgy excitatron of elecrrons in UV/Vis. Spectroscopy' are rel'erred to?

a) Sigma to sigma srar b) Pi to pi star-

c) n to si.gma stat' cl) n to pi star
IX Soln-N4uller leaction rvould convert an amide to?
a) Carboxylic acid h) lisrcr
c) Aldehyde d) Ketone
X. Which of the followings is used as radical initiator in free radical reactions?
a) 13enzoy.l peroxide b) Azo,bis-isoburyronitrile (AIBN)
c) N-bromosuccinamide (NBS) d) Allof a and b
aa aaaaaa aa aaaaaaaaa a a a a aa
Sixth Semester - 2018 aa

aaaaaaa aaaaaaaa aaai

PAPER: Analytical Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 2IIrs. & 45 Mints.

Course Code: CIfEM-319 Part - II MAX MARKS:50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Section I
Q.2- Attempt all Short questions
How do DoPPler Efltct and pressure broadening aflect the transitions in
(ii) wlrat are the characteristics arrd advantages of rveak base anion resins'/
(iv) Describe tlre term pelcent extraction and separation factor in solvent extraction'
(vi) Describe the role of rrrasking ancl oxidation state in increasing the selectivity of
nrctal extractions iu solvent extraction.
(viii) What do you knou,about chernical irrterferences in atonric spectroscopY?
(ix) Write dorvn the principle of solid phase extraction
(x) Describe Irebtrtization in flame emission spectroscopy'
Scction ll
Atternpt all qtrestions (3 x l0 = 30)
Q.3 (a) Explain the constrttction ancl working ol
graphite fttrnace (5)

(tr) Discrrss dif ferent components of flow inje ction analysis' (5)

Q.4 (a) Discuss the factors affecting ion exchange separations' (5)

(b) Give an account of capillary zone e lectrophores is' (5)

weak acid cation exchange resin' (5)
Q.5 (a) Discuss strong acid cation exchange resins and
(b) What is basis of flanre emission spectroscopy? Explain variotts events taking place
drrring this process
Sixth Semester - 2018 RollNo.

PAPER: Analytical Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints.
Course Code: CHEM-319 Part - I (Compulso
Attemot this Paper on this


(i)- Which type of liquid-liquid extraction is efficient?

a) Multistage cottnter current b) Muitistage cross current

c) Multistage co current d) Single stage

(ii) A typical weak acid resin has a lirnited capacity belorv pl-l

a) t0 b)8 c)6 d) 12

(iii) Which is the correct order of events in FES?

a) desolvation ->y6psurization, --atomization, ---;excitation
(b) vapourization, --' desolvation -)atolllizali6p, ---+excitatiotr
(d) None

(iv) Which statement is rvrong about size exclLrsion ch rorrratogra ph1"?

(a)l-arger molccules elLrte first (b) lt is a<lsorption clrromatography
in organic solvent
(c)Callecl gel filtration irl aqr'rcoLrs s)'sterr (ct) Called gel pernreation

(v)- What is the pressr'rre of gases in hollow cathode larnp?

a) 40 to 50 ttrr b) 20 io 30 torr c) I to 5 torr d) 50 to 55 torr

(vi)- Flarne photometry cannot be used for

a) Ca (b)Na c) Ctt (d) I-i

in ion exclrange
(vii) which of the following ions possesses the highest exchange capacity
(a) I (b) cr (c) F (d) B.
is called
(viii) Combined action of two complexing reagents in solvent extraction
(a) tlatch extractiorl (b) Contintrotrs extractiorr

(c)CountercUrrent extraction (d)Synergic extraction

(ix) The direction of electroosrnotic flow in capillaly electrophoresis can be reversed
the addit ion o1'

(a) Sulfonic acid (b)Carboxylic acid (c)Phenol (d) Alkyl ammoniunr salt

(x-) Which zone of tlanre is used tbr flame photometry?

(a)preheating zone (b) interconal zone

(c) primary reaction zone (d)secondarY reaction zone

....a aaaaaa aaaaaaa rtaaaaraa
Sixth Semester - 2018 aa

Itr ooRouNo......................
rr ro aaaaaaaa aaa aa
aa aa'

PAPER: Applieil Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints.

Course Code: CHEM-321 Part - II MAX. MARKS: 50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

Slrort Qucstion.s lr10 = 20

What is FUSED SILICA glass? Wher.e is it used?
Difl'elentiate betu,een SOAP & DETERGENI-
Describe tlre srlr-rclurc ol ANIONIC sln.fhctanrs.
What ale heterogeneous CATALYSTS?

Desclibe any two S[JLI.ONA'IING agents.

Dlari'the florvsheet diarJl.arr Ibr nranufactr-rring olACETIC ACID.
\\'hal is r\N\EALINC in slass inclustr-y?

Write down inrportarll constituents lor OPI'ICAL Ct-ASS.

What is CUMENE process?
Ilrrl isl uscs o{' PI-lENOL,.

Q.3 lirtensivc Questions 6x5=30

a) [ low C}LYCERIN is recoverecl in soap industr.y?
b) Enlist ra'"v uraterials and thcir role in glass industry.
c) I'lorv Nl-l-ltAl'ION olllllNZENE is carriecl our in inch.rstry?
d) Uorv STYRENII is manr-rfactured in industry?
e) Discr-rss t)re principle ol RIIGENERATIVE FLIRNACII used 1br Llauulhcturing of glass.
t) Elrlain industlial applilations of I-IYDRATION in chernical industry,
Sixth Semester - 20lg
'.Roll No.
Examination: B.S. 4 years proeramme

PAPER: Apptied Chemistry

-part-r(com TIMEALLOWED: 15Minrs.
@@E!4-3a MAX. MARKS: t0

Elcilcle tire ntosr sLrilable ansrler.

Ir.ont the gtven options.
In high Silica glass. percenriige
of Silica is
a) 96
b) 9()
o) 95
d) 92
ii) \\'hich ol rhe lollowirrr c:
a) catro,ic surfacta,t-s be used as thbric sofienet's?
b) Anionic sur.lhctants
c) Arnphoter.ic s t-u.factarlts
cl) Non-iorric s ur.[acLauts

iii) Cullet is
a) Crrrshed gl:rss
h) Cr-Lrsired ce r.anr ic
c) Sand pa rticies
d) Norc of thc zLbcve
iu) Giass is
a) Undercooled liquid
bJ A L,nion ol'rr.rrrvi,rlatile
irrurgarrrc oricies
c) .Atuorlrhous solid
d) Ali above
r,) An rnder.,of pr.ogr.essire grolrtir
ola country is trtilization ol.
b) Il:SOo
c) I-lcl
tl) Or-ganic solverr ts

Vi) '- catl lvorl< itl hard u'ate.

a) l larcl soaps
b) Solt soaps
c) Detet.eelrls
d) a&c
vii) soaps rnacle uilh caustic potash are
a) Hard soaps
b) Sofr soaps
c) Both oltlrese
cl) Nonc ol'the:e

viiil Clycerin is producecl pr.oduction ot

a) Soaps
l:) I)erer.gc n s r

c) Borh of thcse
rl) None o l' heset

ix) Srfctl,qlarss- can be

e) Physically ternpered
f) Ctremically tempered
g) Both of above
lt I Notre ol above

x) Clhiolination ol unsatLrratecl hydrocarbons catr be controllecl

e) I'-r'ee rarircal procedut e
f) Strbstitution procedure
g) ,.\ dC ition r:roceCur.e
lr 1 .ioiric pr-oc eilure
a rr a a a a a a a a a a aa aaa a a a a a aa
Sixth Semester - 2018 aa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme ! nolt No. ..................... :
'ror oorro a aa aa aaaaa aaa aaao

PAPER: Bio Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints.

Course Code: CIfiM'323 Part - II MAX MARKS:50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer'Sheet provided.


Q.2 Short Questions 2xl0 =20

i. Define PHOSPHOLIPIDS. Give their General Structure.
ii. Write two roles of PROS'|AGLANDINS.
iii. Explain RANCIDIFICATION with an example.
Differentiate between COENZYME and PROSTHETIC GROUP.
vi. What are ISOENZYMES? Give Example.
vii. What are AROMATIC Amino Acids? Give example.
vlll. Why Amino Acids are Optically Active?
ix. What do you mean by a PEPTIDE LINKAGE?
x. What is the main source and form of energy?

Q.3 ExtensiveQuestions 6x5=30

a) Write a note on LECI'I'HINS and CEPHALINS'
b) What is the Biological importance of lipids?
c) What do you mean by TIIERMOGENIC EFFECT of food?
PROT'EIN in detail.

e) Explain different FACTORS effecting ENZYME ACTIVITY.

t) Explain the Structure and Function of HEMOGLOBIN.
Sixth Semester - 2018 '. Roll No. ..................

PAPER: Bio Chemistry TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints.
Code: CIIEM-323 Part-I (Compulsory) MAX' MARKS: 10 ".
_ # "'
Attemot this Paner on this


.1 Encircle the most suitable answer from the given options. l0

i) Which one of the foilowing is an Unsaturated Fatty Acid

a) Stearic acid
b) Lignoceric acid
c) Oleic acid
d) None of these

iD NAD are present in liver cell

a) 40%
b) 60%
c) 80%
d) 88%
iii) Which one of the following is a Plant Sterol?
a) Lanosterol
b) Egnosterol
c) Desmosterol
d) None ol these

iv) Iinzyne without its Non-Protein part is known as

a) Holoenzynte
b) Prosthetic grouP
c) ApoenzYme
d) Coenzyme
v) LECITHINS are also known as
a) PhosphatidYlinositol
b) Phosphatidylcholine
c) PhosPhatidYlethanolamine
d) None of these

vi) Proteins contain

a) OnlY L- cr - amino acids
b) Only D-amino acids
c) DL-Amino acids
d) Both (a) and (b)
vii) The Opticaily inactive Amino Acid is
a) Glycine
b) Serine
c) Valine
d) Threonine
viii) Which one of the following is an Essential Fatty Acid?
a) Linolcic ac id
b) Linolenic acid
c) Arachidonic acid
d) All of these
ix) Which one of the following is a Plant Protein?
a) Glutelin
b) Protamines
c) Sclaro
d) Prolamine

x) Protein present in milk is

a) Sericin
b) Oryzenin
c) Glutalin
d) Casein
aa aa a aaaaa a aaa a aaoaaaa a aaa

Seventh Semester 2018 aa

Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proeramme !ororoorror

RoIINo. ..................... :

PAPER: Environmental Chemistry TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.

Course Code: CIIEM-401 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided


2x10 = 20
Q.2 Short Qucstions
i. What do you nean by the term Coagulation?

ii. What is the Iratr.rral source of CH+?

iii. Wliat is the significanoe o1 COD value?
iv. Explain physical and chemical effects of aerosols'
v. Describe some adverse effects of fertilizers in water ways'

vi. Bliefly descr:ibe Creen Cllemistl'y.

vii. Discttss Ozone cycle in stratosphere.

viii. Discuss any RADON as lndoor pollutant'

ix. What do yotl l11ean by tenn bio-arnplification?

x. I{ow Acid Raiu afl'ects the agr'icultr'rral land?

Q.3 ExtensiveQuesiions
a) Give the Potential Impact of Global warming on the Environtnent?

b) How Lead and Mercury contribute water pollution?

c) How Oxygen CiLculates in the Environment?
d) What is Pl.rotochernical Smog? How it is formed? Give its detrimental effects

e) what are Pesticides? Givc theil classification and harmful effects.

0 How concept of green chemistry helps to protect our environment?
Seventh Semester 2018

PAPER: Environmental Chemistry TIME ALLOWED:30 mins'.-
Course Code: CIIEM-401 MAX. MARKS: 10
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only,

Q.1 Encircle the most suitable answer from the given options.
i) Oil spillage is tire canse of
a) Air Pollution
b) Soil Pollution
c) Water Pollution
d) None of these
ii) The n.rajor ingredient of the LONDON smog was
a) SOz
b) No,
c) o:
d) All of these
iii ) Which method is used to remove permanent hardness of r.vater?
a) Aeration
b) Chlonnation
c) Ion Exchange method
d.; Coaguiation

iv) The tempelature in the TROPOSHERE with altitude

a) Deceases
b) Increases
c) Increases and then decrease
d) Decreases and Lhen increase
v) As suggested by EPA, permissible value of BOD in wastc\vater is
a) Upto 80ppm
b) Upto ioOppm
c) Upto l50ppm
d) Upto lS0pprn
vi) Detelgents contain
a) Sr-rrfactanl
b) Additive
c) Builder
d) All of these P.T.O.
.vii) Temporary acid rain due to the release of by volcanic eruption.
a) HzSOa
b) HCI
c) HNOr
d) HzCOr

viii) The most effective greenhouse gas in ou( atmosphere is

a) Carbon dioxide
b) Methane
c) Ct-Cs
d) Nitrotrs oxide

ix) Pesticides have been used to eradicate following diseases except

a) Malaria
b) Tuberculosis
c) Sleeping Sickness
d) Yellow Fever'

x) Which of the following cannot be classified under heavy metals?

a) Magnesium
b) Cobalt
c) CoppeL
d) lead
aa a aa aaaa aaoaaaa a aaaaataa.
Seventh Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years
r:-= Prosramme i nou No. ..................... :
la a l aaaaaaaalooo oaooooooao

PAPER: Physical Chemistry (Sp. Theory-I) TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: CEHM-403 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheetprovided

Q.2 Attempt all questions: (2x10=20)

a) What is meant by enzyme inhibition?

b) What do you mean by critical micelle concentration (CMC).
c) What is emulsification? Explain.
d) Write two points of difference between colloid and sols.
e) Name different types of sols.
0 Defi ne electropersis with examples.
c) Define autocatalysis.
h) Differentiate between gels and emulsions.
i) What do you mean by colloidal dispersion?
i) What is the effect of surface area on adsorption?
Q. 3 (a) Explainlangmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism to study inorganic reactions. (6)
(b) Discuss heterogeneous kinetics ofsingle system reactions. (4)

Q. 4 (a) How the particle size of sols is determined? Explain. (5)

(b) What are Adsorption Isothe#? Explain. (5)
Q. 5 (a) Discuss peroperties of suspensions in detail. (6)
(b) Explain Michaelis menion mechanism for enzyme catalysis. (4)
TINIYERSITY OF TIIE PTINJAB .,.. Roll No. ..................
Seventh Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme \
PAPER: Physical Chemistry (Sp. Theory-I) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins.".
Course Code: CEHM-403 MA)L MARKS: 10

Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Q.1, Select the correct answer from the given options. (fxl0-10)
i. The lyophillic sols are
(a) reversible in nature (b) irrcversible in nature
(c) sometimes reversible sometimes nonreversible (d) none of the above

ii. The dispersal ofa precipitated material into colloidal solution by the action ofan
electrolyte in solution
(a) coagulation (b) dialysis
(c) peptization (d) ultra-filtration
iii. The precipitating effect ofan ion on dispersed phase increase with the valence of
the precipitating ions. This rule in known as

(a) Flocculation value rule (b) Hardy-Schulze rule

(c) Brownian rule (d) gold number rule
iv. Fog is an example of colloidal system of
(a) liquid dispersed in a liquid (b) solid dispersed in a solid
(c) gas dispersed in a liquid (d) liquid dispersed in a gas
v. Which of the following does not show Tyndall effect?
(a) colloidal solution (b) isotonic solution
(c) both ofthese (d) none ofthese
vi. Physical adsorption occurs rapidly at temperature
(a) low (b) hieh
(c) absolute zero (d) none ofthese
vii. Multi-molecular layers are formed in
(a) adsorption (b) physical adsorption
(c) chemisorption (d) reversible adsorption
viii. l'r'ctnrdiclt istttltcrms is not applicable at
(rr) lriglr prcssure (b) low pressure

(c) 273 K (d) room temperature

tx. l{eat of adsorption is defined as the energy liberated when ofa gas is

adsorbed on the solid surface.

(a) I molecule (b) I gram

(c) I gm mole (d) I kg

In chromatographic analysis, the principle used is

(a) absorption (b) adsorption

(c) distributittn (d) evapolation

a aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aa aaaaaaaa
Seventh Semester 2018 aa
Examination: B.S. 4 Yesrs Programme !taaaaRottNo......................
aaa aaaoaa olot
aa loaooi

PAPER: Physical Chemistry (Sp. Theory-Il) TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: CEHM-404 MAX. MARKS: 50

Atlempt this Paper on SE arate Answer Sheetprovided,

Subiective Part

Q.2 Answer the following short questions: (2 x r0)

a) What is meiurt by association in solution?

b) Write two conditions of ideal solution.
.c) What is molecular spectrum?
d) Define Fermi Resonance.
e) What is meant by photochemical reaction?

0 Describe Quantum Yield.

c) Describe Grotthuss-Draper Law.

h) Define the term Stark effect.

q) What is meantby LASERS?

i) Explain the term "rigid linear molecule".


Explain the following terms with suitable example/s (s+s)

Seventh Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proeramme

PAPER: Physical Chemistry (Sp. Theory-Il) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins."..

Course Code: CEHM-404 MA)L MARKS: l0

Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Obiective Part

Q No. 1. Attempt all multiple choice questions 1x10=10

'I. Sugar dissolves in water duo to formation of

a) Covalentbond b) ionic bond c) Co-ordinate bond d) Hydrogen bond

II. The energy ofphoton is equal

(a) E=hv (b) E=hc/I (c) E=hx

III. IR is example of which type of spectroscopy

(a) NMR (b)Rotational c) Electronic

IV. Which of the following molecule is microwave active?

a) HCI (b) CHr (c) Oz

a) Shifted to lower wave numbers and remains sharp

b) Stays at the same wave nrunbers and broadens
Shiftrd to lower wavenumbers and broadens
d) Shifted to higher wavenumbers and broadens

VIII. A molecule can be excited to only the next higher rotational level by

a) Absorption ofenergy b) Release ofenergy c) The eiectric current

Seventh Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Proeramme
PAPER: Inorganic Chemistry (Sp. Theory-t) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins.'.
Course Code: CIIEM-406 MAX. MARKS: 10

Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Objcctive (1 xl0=10)
Note: Cutting, overwriting, use of pencil, ink removers and Blanko are not allowed.

Q. 1. Select the suitable option. (10)

i. Which is a bent molecule

(a) HzO (b) COz (c) CSz (d) Cl:
ii. Which of the following Halogens is a solid at room temperature?
(a) Fz (b) Cl, (c) Br2 (d) Iz
iii. Which is a bidentate ligand
(a) Chloro (b) Aqua (c) Oxime (d) Arnrnine
iv. Aluminiurn oxide is
(a)"Acidic (b) Basic (c) Amphoteric (d) none of these.
Nickel in steel is determined by
(a) Ammonia (b) Dimethyl glyoxime (c) Cupferron (d) Nessler's reagent.
vl. Which has da - pzr bond
(a) (CHr)rPO (b) PCls (c) (CH:):NO (d) SFa

vii. The mode of hybridization of "P" atom in H:PO.a is

(a) sp (b) sp' (c) sp3 (d) dsp2

v1ll. Which theory fails to show unpaired electrons in the Oz
(a) Valance Bond theory @) Molecular Orbital 'Iheory (c) Crystal Field Theory (d) None of these
lx. Diborane cannot be methylated beyond__.._
(a) (CH:)rBzHz (b) (CI]:)IB:H: (c) (CH:)zBzH+ (d) (CFL)BzHs

x, An Advantage of organic r€agent in inorganic analysis is

(a) Volatility (b) Presence of lmpurity (c) High molecular weight (d) None of these
aaaaaoa aaaaa aaaa aaaaaaaaao

Seventh Semester 2018 : :

Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme i *:T.rlg..;:.j:.j:.j:;:.j:.j.. j
PAPER: Inorganic Chemistry (Sp. Theory-I) TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Coune Code: CIIEM-406 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided

Q. 2. Answer following short questions. (2 x l0:20)

t. What are Chelates?
ii. Mention four points of similarity between VBT and MOT?
ii!. What is 's - inert pair effect'?
iv. Cive two uses of 8-Hydroxyqu inoline in.inorganic analysis.
What is 3c - 2e (three center t
vi. wo electron) bond? Give one example.
vii. Why does Fluorine show peculiar behavior in group VIIA?
viii. Explain why PFs exist but NFs does not exist?
ix. Write two advantages and two drawbacks of VSPER theory?
x. Name factors that can al ltct sensitivity, selectivity, and specificity of an organic reagent?

Q. 3. Answer following questions. (3 x 10 :30)

i. Explain use of "d" orbital in bonding by non-metals with some examples. (10)
ii. W'rite a note or1 the LIDTA titrations. ( l0)
iii. How correlation diagram approach is applied for ttiatomic molecule to deternrine the shape
of the molecules? (10)
Seventh Semester 2018 aa
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme 3
t t;RouNo......................
a;. . . . . . . . . . . . oaooo..r

PAPER: Inorganic Chemistry (Sp. Theory-Il) TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: CHEM-407 MA)t MARKS: 50
Attempt this Paper on SE arate Answer Sheet provided

Short Questions

Q. 2 Write down short answers for the following questions: (2 x 10=20)

(i) How the radioactivity can be measured by Geiger Muller Counter?

(ii) Define electromotive force. How electrode potential is measured?
(iii) Give examples of molten salt system that can be used at room temperature.
(iv)What are the precautionary measures to use Liq. SOz as solvent?
(v) Describe the role of metal oxides as high temperature super conductors.
(vi)Give the classification of solvents on the basis of polarity.
(vii) Discuss the chemistry of complex formation reactions occurring in liq. BrF3
(viii) What are the limitations of using water as solvent?
(ix)What is relationship between decay constant and half life of radioactive compound?
(x) What is the role of artifrcral transmutation reactions in daily life?

Lonq Questions

Q. 3 Answer the following: (6x 5=30)

(i) How reaction occurring in molten salts can be monitored?

(ii) Discuss the chemistry of acid base and complex formation reactions occurring in liq. NHa.
(iii)What are projectile accelerators? Give examples.
(iv)What is group displacement law?
(v) What are the hazardous effects of volatile oxides on environment?
Seventh Semester 20lE

PAPER: Inorganic Chemistry (Sp. Theory-If) TIME ALLOWED:

Course Code: CI[EM-407 MA)L MARKS: 10

Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Q. 1 Tick the correct answer (1 x 10)

(i) Purification of an impLrre copper is made b1,' electrolyic cell, in which impure copper is anode ald
pure copper is cathode and eleotrolfe is
(a) ti:SO+ (b) CUSOq
(c) ZrlSOa (d)
(ii) Passage of electric current through the metals is due to
(a) Oxidation reaction (b)
Reduction reaction
(c) Electrolysis (d)
Free movement of electrons
(iii)Using graphite electrode the electrolysis of aqueous solution of NaCl produces at anode
(a) l-12 gas (b) Cl2 gas
(c) NaOIJ (d) Na metal
(iv)Whichisotopeis prodrrced by an (n, 1) reaction from 230Th?
23tTh 23iPa
b; d)
(v) An amido ligand is:
(a) [NH:J- (c)[N[]]'?-
(b) NHl (d) N'
(vi)Liquid ) lIi undergoes sell ionization to give a liqLrid tirat contaiu-s:
' (a) (c) I{+
(b) [HFz]- (d) F-

(vii) BF3 reacts in liquid IIF to give:

(a) IIBFr (c) [H2F]*
1b) [BFul. (d) ErF:1-
(viii) Which statement about the critical point of H2O and supercritical HzO is true?
(e) Supercritical HzO behaves liJ<e a non-polar solvent
(f) Supercritical HzO behavcs as a polar solvent
(g) At its critical point, the density of water is 1.0 g cm-3
(h) Supercritical H2O is a good solvent lor inorganic salts

(ix) ln BlFj, wlriclr reac(ion does ar,r/ occu r'l

(a) BrFr - CsF --Cs* + [BrFol-
(b) tlrF: AsFs ---+ [BrF2]* r- [AsFo]
(c) BrF: + BrF:
- [BrF2]" + [BrFa]
(cl) BrF3 r- AuF3 '., [AuF2]* + [tsrF]al-
(x) Species in an alkali metal-Al2Cl6 molten salt includc:
(a) [AlCl,r]= and [Al2cl?f
(b) tAlcl{l and AlCl:
(c) AlClr and [AIClr]+
(d) [AlCl4]- and [Alcl2]*
aaaa a aa a aaaa aaaaaaaa a a a a aa
Seventh Semester 2018 aa
3 RotlNo...................... :
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme oatoooeaaaaa
aa a aaaaaaaaaa'

PAPER: Oryrnic Chemistry (Sp. Theory-t) TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: CIIEM-409 MAX. MARKS:50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided

Q. NO. 2. Give the short ansrycr of the follorving questions. [4x5=20]
I. How can you explain the fact that an increase in tenrperature will favor elimination more
than thc substltution?
II. Describe the stereochemical evidences for Sx1 reaction.
III. why elirnination of HBr from 2-bromobutaue gives 2-butene as major product?

IV. Describe the kinetic evidences of ElcB reaction. Give one example?
V. Holv can you explain that the polarity of solvent affects the rate of S51l reaction?
Q. NO.3.

l' How the deuteriurn isotope effects can be used for determiuation of reaction
mec)ranism? [5]
[. what are pyrolytic elinination reactions? Give two examples with mechanism.
III' Expiain with the sr'ritable example that arornatic position can participate
B as
group in aliphatic nucleophilic substitution reactions.
NO.4 f5]

complete the l'ollowing reactions and draw

the mechanis,rs for all steps involved.
In case if there is possibility of more than
one product, indicate which product is major?

n-Clsl{j7lJr + (CH3)3COK (cr{3)3co}r [3 x s :15]

I) )


u) )-,- + NaOI-I

+ 31l Conditions


11l Conclitions
Seventh Semester 2018

PAPER: Organic Chemistry (Sp. Theory-t) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins)'..
Course Code: CIIEM-409 MAX. MARKS: 10 ".
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only,
Attcmpt question I on this question paper.

Q. NO. l: ltrncircle the most suitable option. [10]

1. Among the following which is the best leaving gloup?

a) Fluoride ion

b) Chloride ion

c) Bromide ion
' d) Iodide ion

2. In which solvent rate of Syl reaction rvill be highest?

a) Water

b) Benzene

c) Hexane

d) foluene

J. Sx I t'crrution is a
a) Zero order'feaction

b) First order leactiou

c) Second order react io n

d) Third order reaction

4. Which of the foilowing alkyl haiide is most reactive in Sx2 reactions?
a) Methyl chloride

b) n-Butyl chloride

c) Isobutylchloride

d) n- hexyl chloride

5. Which of the following reaction takes place with inversion of configuration?

a) F.l reaction

b) E2 reaction
c) Spl reaction
d) Sri2 reaction
6. Neighbouring group mechanism operates with

a) Retention ofconfiguration at chiral carbon

b) Inversion ofconfiguration at chiral carbou

c) Racemization at chiral catbon

d) Walden inversion at chilal carbon

7. Consider the following two anions. Which of the following statement is TRUE for them?

a) I is more basic and more nuclcophilic than IL

b) I is iess basic and less nLrcleophilic than I
c) I is rnorc basic but less nucleophilic than II.
d) I is less.basic mote nucleophilic than II.
8. Which of the following alcohol would undergo dehydration the fastest?
a) 2-Phenyl-2-butanol
b) Ethanol
c) 2-Butanol
d) I -Butanol
9. How nany alkenes are formed by li2 elimination of HCI liorn 2-chloro-2,3-dimethylhexane
using a strong base such as sodium methoxide?

10. Aryl halides and Vinylic halides
a) Do not undergo SN1 reactions but undergo SN2 reactions
b) Do not r.rndergo Sy2 reactions but undergo S511 reactions

c) Do not undergo neither SN1 nor Sx2 reactions

d) Undergo both SNl and Sp2 l'eactions
arta a a a a a a aa a t oaaaa t a a a a a aa

Seventh Semester 2018 rra

RouNo...................... :
aa a a aa a a a a a a aaaal

PAPER: Organic Chemistry (Sp. Theory-Il) TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: CHEM-410 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided

Note: All Questions are comPulsorY

Question No. 2. Provide short answers for the following questions? (5 x 4 = 20)
I) What is Favorskii reanangement? Describe with mechanism and example?
II) Differentiate between aromatic and anti-aromatic compounds with example?
IID Explain tl-re orientation of ortho/para and meta groups in E'. aromatic substitutions?
IV) Give two evidences of benzyne mechanism?
v) Provide structures of Piperidine, Pyrirnidine, Indole and imidazole?

Question No. 3. Write a brief note on the followings?


D Paul-Knorr synthesis of pYrrole

ID Electrophilic and Nucleophilic substitutions of Furan
ru) Friedel-Crafts acylation of bromobenzene and nitrobenzene

Question No. 4. Answer the followings rvith necessary details?

r) Preparation of halo benzenes from aniline with mechanism and examples?
ID Spectroscopic evidence of aromatic sulfonation reaction?
IID How would you prepare the followings from cyclopentanone?

o o
l1 I
\2 \, \,
i ii
Seventh Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme

PAPER: Organic Chemistry

(Sp. Theory-I[) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins)'. \
Code: CHEM-410 MA)L MARKS: 10

Attempt lhis Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Note: All Questions are compulsory

Question No. 1. Select the most appropriate option in the given MCes
I) Which aromatic compound will be least reactive for electrophilic aromatic substitutions?
a) Benzene
b) Chlorobenzene
c) Nitrobenzene
d) Phenol

ll) Which aromatic compound will be least reactive for nucleophilic aromatic substitutions?
a) Benzene
b) Phenol
' d) Nitrobenzene

rrr) Which rearrangement is used to prepare amines from carboxylic acids?

a) Curtiusrearrangement
b) Bechmannrearrangement
c) Favorsl<ii rearrangement
d) Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement
tv) Which rearangement converts ketones to esters?
a) Curtius rearrangement
b) Bechmann rearrangement
c) Favorskii rearrangement
d) Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement
v) 4-Hydroxybenzaldehyde on reaction with Brz rvould yield?
a) 2,6-D ibromo-4-hydloxybenzaldehyde
b) 3 -Bromo-4-hydroxyben zaldehy de
c) 2,3-Dibromo-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde
d) None ofthe above

VD Cyclohexanone on reaction with NHzOH followed by acid treatment would yield?
a) Cyclopentane carboxylic acid
b) Cyclohexylamine
c) Lactone
d) Lactam

VID Addition of a nucleophile (|IHz) to pyridine ring would yield?

a) 2-Aminopyridine
b) 3-Aminopyridine
c) 4-Aminopyridine
d) None of the above

VIII) Which of the followings is most reactive as diene for Diels-Alder reaction?
a) Benzene
b) Thiophene
c) Furan
d) Pyrrole

IX) 1,4-Dicarbonyl compounds on reaction with ammonia would yield?

a) Pyridine
b) Pyrole
c) Thiophene
d) Furan

x) Reaction of furan with DMF and POCII would yield?

a) 2-Chloro furan
b) 3-Chloro furan
c) Furan-2-carboxaldehyde
d) Furan-3-carboxaldehyde
Seventh Semester 2018
Examinatisu! B. S. 4 Years Pro gramme i .t:T JJ..';:'i:'i;'i:'.':'.'::'. .:

PAPER: Analytical Chemistry (Sp. Theory-I) TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: CHEMAI? MA)L MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheel provided

Attempt all these short questions. (2{'10)

Q 2.

1. What is a thermocouPle?
2. Give two differences between DSC and DTA'

3. Explain electrode Potential.

4. What is composition of glass membrane in glass electrode?
5. Giie three types of open tubular column in G.C'
6. Differentiate between GSC and GLC.
7. What is Eddy Diffusion?
8. Give Van Deemter equation.
9. Give adsorbents used in HPLC columns.
10. What is pre- column in Chromatography?

Long Questions
Q 3. Give instrumentation and principle of DTA.

Q 4. Give construction and working of any one reference electrode'

multicolumn systems in G.C? (10)

Q 5.What is meant by
RolI No.
Seventh Semester 2018

PAPER: Analfiical Chemistry (Sp. Theory-t) TIIIE ALLOWED:30 minsl'.

Course Code: CIIEM-412 MAX. MARI(S: 10

Attempt this Paper on this Queslion Sheet only.


1. curie point the temperature at which a ferromagnetic materiar becomes

a. Diamagnetic b. Paramagnetic c. Non- magnetic
2. The units of CP specific heat capacity are
a. J-1 K-l mol-1 b. J K-1 mol-1 c. JK mol-1
3. ln DTA the change in temperature is equal to
a. Tr-Tsb. Ts-Tr c. Ts-Tt
4. TGA measures
a, Pressure change b. Mass change c. Volume change
5. Which detector in GC is called universal detector
a. FID b. Thermal Conductivity Detector c. TED
6. What is diameter of packed coiumn in G.C
a. 3m b. 2-9 mm c.5m
7. Flame Photometric Detector is used for determination of
a. Nitrogen compoundsc. Sulfur and phosphorus compounds
b. Halogen compounds
8. Reversed phase HpLC is used to separate
a. lonic compounds c. Organic compounds
b. Co- ordination compounds
9. The solvents used in HpLC must be pure and
a, lmmiscible b. Degassed c. Dense
10. Which stationary phases are more stable in
a. lnert c. Chemically bonded
b. Chemicaily non- bonded
aaaaaaaa aaaaaa

PAPER: Analytical Chemistry (Sp. Theory-ID TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: CHEM-413 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheetprovided'


Section I

Q.2- Attempt all Short questions (2x10=20)

(iWrite down the selection rule ior infrared absorption'

(ii)-. Distinguish between internal conversion and fluorescence

(iii) -. Define overtones and combination bands'

(iv)- What are radiationless deactivation processes ?

(v)- What are the advantages and disadvantages of photodiode detector?

(vi) Describe the basic principle of ICP-AES.


Raman sPectroscoPV?

(viii) What is the role of beam splitter in FT-lR?

(ix) What is resonance fluorescence? Give an example'

(x) What are the advantages of grating over prism?

Section ll

Attempt all questions

spectroscopy' (5)
used in UV/Visible
Q.3(a)-Discuss the two types of gratings being

(b)-Discuss different vibrational modes in infrared spectroscopy (5)

a.(4)-(a) Discuss Laser sources ln Raman spectroscopy
(b). Discuss the sampling techniques in FT-lR spectroscopy' (5)

(b)- Write down the applications of atomic fluorescence spectroscopy' (5)
Seventh Semester 2018

PAPER: Analytical Chemistty (Sp. Theory-Il) TIMEALLOWED:30 minsl.
Course Code: CHEM-413 MA)L MARKS: 10

Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.


(i)- whlch of the following expression is wrong about absorbance

(a) A=los(1/T) (b)A=-logr (c) A=2.000 -log%r (d)100-log%r

(ii)- How many Raman active vibrations CO2 possesses?

(a) 01 (b) 02 (c) 03 (d)N o ne

(iii)- Which of the folloviring component of ICP is used to introduce Solid samples
a) Nebulizer b) Cuvette having glass windows c) Probe d) Lase r ablation system

(iv)- Which material is suitable for cuvette in UV spectroscopy

(a) Glass (b) Plastic (c)Qua rtz (d) All a,b,c

(v)- Which of the following processes is not radiationless deactivation?

(a) lntersystem crossing (b) lnternal conversion

(c) vibrational relaxation (d) Phosphorescence

(vi)- The tin:e requireri {br fluolescence to take place is

(a) 10'e to l0-7 s (b) l0-4 to 10 s (c 10-12 s or less (d) none

(vii) What type of information is obtained from lR

(a) Molecular mass (b) Conjugation (c) Functional group (d) All

(viii)- Which type of degrees of freedom are equal for linear and non linear molecules

(a) Vibrational (b)Translational (c) rotational (d) None

(ix)- The pJrge gas being used in ICP-AES is

(a)Rrgon (b) Oxygen (c) CO2 (d)Hz

(x)- . Globar is made up of

(a) SiC (b) sioT lc\ Zro (d)rho


PAPER: Applied Chemistry (Sp. Theory-t) TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: CIfiM-415 MAX. MARKS: 50

Attempt this Poper on Separote Answer Sheet provided.

Short Questions

Q. 1 Briefly answer following question? lO x 2 = 20

1. What are products ol refining'1

2. What are raw materials for normal superphosphate fertilizers?
3. Name few natural organic fertilizers.
4. What is soda pulping?
5. What is beating process of paper production?
6. Write down the action oF calcium cyanide as fertilizer.
7. Name four processes in chemical treatment of petroleurl prqducts.
B. What is reformi ng?
9. Describe catalytic cracking.
10, Give examples of phosphate fertilizers?

Subiective Part

10 x lJ = 30

Q2. (a) Briefiy explain fractional distillation of petroleum. 5

(b) What is catalytic reforming and why it is used. 5
Q3. (al Describe wet process in paper manufacturing. 5
(bl Discuss the environmental aspccts of'paper industry. 5
Q4 (a) Dcscribe urrnufactLrling of arnmonia by l-laber's process. 5

tb) What are triple superphosphatcs, write down their important proporties. 5
Seventh Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme

PAPER: Applied Chemistry (Sp. Theory-I) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins.'.,.

Course Code: CHEM-415 MAX. MARKS: 10

Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only'

7. 'lhe excess ofnitrogen fertilizers leads to
(a) Growth problems (b) Dehydration problems

tc) Pest problems (d) None ofthcse

Z. Which of the f<rllowing fertilizer is injected in top soil?

ia) Urca (h) Amtnonia

(cl Calcium cyanide tdl 'Iriple phosphate

3. Superphosphate is manufactured by reacting phosphate rock with

ta) Hydrochloric aciti (b) Irormic acid

(cl Acetic acid td) SulPhuric acid

4. Iissential mineral for plants other than ammonia is

(") Phosphorus (b) Sodium

(cl Potassium (d) Lithium

5. Kraft process of pulp tnanufacturing is also known as

tal Sulphonation process ib) Sulphanration process

(c) Sulfate process (d) Sulfite process

6. Origin of petroleum is due to underground hydrolysis of metal carbidt.'s is known as

(a) Biogenic theory (b) Abiogenic theory

(c) Carbide theory (dl Both b and c

7, Which process converts n-parzrffins to i-paraffins?

(al Allrylation (h) Polymcrizatipn

tcl Acylation (d) Isomerization

B. Which of the following has the lowest viscosity ol'all at given temperature?
ta) Naphtha (b) l)iesel

(cl Kerosene (dl Lingine Oil

9, Which is the most undesirable product in kerosene?

ta) i-paraffin.s tbl \aPhthenes
(cl n-paraffins tdl Aromatics

10. Amn-ronia fcrtilizer.s are usually madel hy two col11lloncnts, th(ly are

[o) Ammonia and hyclrogen (b) Alnmonia and nitric acid

aaoaaa aa aa a a aaaaaa
Seventh Semester 2018: - .. -. :
r*"-in"uoo, n.s. a y"-"i, pioera-n," i..1:T.I]:'.';:'i:'.':'i:'.':'i:'j'..:
PAPER: Applied Chemistry (Sp. Theory-ID TIME ALLOWED:2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: CHEM-416 MAX. MARKS: 50

Altempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheetprovided


Q No. 2:- Give short answers to the follorving questions:- (2 xIO = 20 marks)


(b) What are ACID AZO DYES?
(d) What is the effect of different IMPURITIIIS on STEEL'?
(e) Give different uses of 'I'HIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY.
(0 Draw the structure of ALIZARIN?
(g) How can the percentage of impurities in STEEL be determined?
(h) How is FLAME SPECTROMETRY used to determine TEL in GASOLINE?
(i) What is meant by PASSIVITY of IRON?

Q No. 3:- (a) What are the different applications of AAS? (4)
(b) Write a note on hollow cathode lamp. (6)

Q No. 4:- (a) Explain the DUPLEX process for the manufacture of STEEL? (s)
(b) How is CHROME PLATING carried out? (s)

Q No. 5:- (a) Give the different applications of TLC? (4)

(b) Differentiate between DISCRETE and CONTINUOUS ANALYSERS? (6)
Seventh Semester 2018 ". \ '..
Examination: B.S.4 Years Prosramme -ta
PAPER: Applied Chemistry (Sp. Theory-Il) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins).. \
Course Code: CHEM-416 MA)L MARKS: 10 '.
Attempt this Paper on lhis Question Sheet only.

1. Which of the following has no CHROMOPHORE and is usually COLOURLESS?
, (a) Hydrobenzene (b) Turkey red
(c) Mauve (d) Magenta

2. SILICA as an impurity of ORES should not exceed iu flux:-

(a) 1-2% (b) 2-3% (o) 3-4% (d) 4-s%

3. Which of the following is also known as "FOOL'S GOLD"?

(a) Magnetite (b) Red Hematite (c) Pyrite (d) Limonite

4. The average composition of CAST IRON has the following percentage of IRON:-
(a) 85-87 (b) 87-89 (c) el-e3
(d) e3-e5

5. GALVANISED IRON is protected by a layer of

(a) Cr (b) 7n (c) Sn (d) Pb

6. Iron is mostly obtained froru the ORE

(a) Fe2o3 (b) 2Fe2o3 (c) Fe3Qa (d) FeSz

7. Steel is anALLOY of IRON. It has a composition of Fe with

(a) Ni and Cr (b) Cu and Cr (c) Cu and Ni (d) None

8. The temperature at the zone of absorption in oC is:-

(a) 800 -- 1000 (b) 300 - 700 (c) 800 - 900 (d) 1000 - 1300

9. ACID DYES usually contain SALTS of SODIUM

(a) sulphonic acid (b) phenolic compound (c) amino compounds (d) both a & b

10. POLYMER RESIN prod,uced by coating of glass beads for separation of CAI'ION in HPLC is:-
(a) Melamine resin (b) Acetal Resin (c) Zipax resin (d) Polyurethane resin
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Seventh Semester - 2018 aa
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PAPER: Bio Chemistry (Sp. Theory-I) TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Course Code: CI{EM-418 MA)L MARKS: 50
Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided.

[Subjective Type]

Q.2 Short Questions 2X10=20

i. Differentiate between hormones and pheromones?

ii. What ls the Neu ro-transmitter?
iii. Give any two important roles that prostaglandins play?
iv. Name the steps involve in biosynthesis of fatty acids?
v. Defineoxidativephosphorylation?
vi. Differentiate between glycogenesis and gluco neoge nesis ?
ui!. Name the syndrome assocrated with HMP shunt?
viii. What are the functions of parathyroid gland?
ix. Define the tissue slice technique?
x. Differentiate between aerobic glycolysis and anaerobic glycolysis?

Q.3 Extensive Questions (30)

1. (a) Describe oxidative phosphorylation in details. 6

(b) Give biological function of pituitary 4

2. (a) Draw and explain the Citric Acid Cycle. 7

(b) Define and explain the term hormone? 3

3. (a) Elaborate the p-oxidation of fatty acid synthesis. 7

(b) Discuss the Lipolysis in few lines? 3

Seventh Semester - 2018

PAPER: Bio Chemistry (Sp. Theory-t) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins)'.
Course Code: CHEM-418 MAX. MARKS: 10 "..
Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only.

Q.1 MultiPle Choice Question '

i. Pyruvate Kinase deficiency leads to

failure cardiac failure d) Hemolytic Anemia
a) Cirrhosis b) Renal c)

ii. The optimum PH of salivary o-amylase is"'

a) s.6 b) 6.7 c) 8'o d) 9.6
pyruvate is'
iii. The energy expenditure for formation of glucose from
a) 2 ATP b) 4 ATP c) 6ATP d) 12 ATP

What is the normal level of Ketone bodies in blood?

a) 5-7me/dl b) 7-9mg/dl c) less than 2mgldl d) e-11mg/dl

p-oxidation of fatty Acids occurs in the following Tissues' Except'

a) Brain b) Liver c) KidneY d) Hea rt

Epinephrlne inhibits one of the following'

d) Gluconeogenesis
a) Glycogenolysis b) Glycogenesis c) Lipo tys is

v ii. The Enzymes of tlMP shunt are located'

a) Cytosol b) Liver c) Both a and b dl none

VIII. Bile Acid SYnthesis requires.

ASH All of the above
a) Vitamin C b) Co c) NADPH + H- d)

Secretion of Androgen are Stimulated by'

a) CRF b) FSH LH

The metal present in the composition of insulin

a) Na b) Ni c) Zn d) none
aa a a
aaa a aa a a a aaaa aaa aa a a aa
Seventh Semester 2018 aa

Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme ! RouNo..............,.......

oaaaaooooet a a a aa aooott ooo'

PAPER: Bio Chemistry (Sp. Theory-Il) TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins.
Counse Code: CIfiM-419 MA)L MARKS: 50

Attempt this Paper on Separote Answer Sheet provided

Q-2. Questions with short answers: (10x2)

1. Deliic Central, Peripheral and whole blood'l

2. Write down abnonnal composition of Urine?

3. Deline Complement system and inflamr.natory process?

4" Name Fal soluble Vitamins?

5. \\/hat are Ad.juvant?

6. V/rite the rcquirements of Viramin D, E and C'?

7. What clo you understand by Electrofocussing?

8. Any lour applications of HPLC?

9. Write down Deficiency symptoms of Vitamin K?

i0. Brielly write Ciaseous transport?

Q-3. Questions with Brief answers? (10x3)

l Writc a detailed note on FILISA?

2. Iiorl' the ct:lmple urent Systent i,vorks in an irr-uttttne systerl?

3. Write down the occurrence, chemistry and deficienc-y symptoms of Vitamin E'?
Seventh Semester 2018
Examination: B.S. 4 Years Prosramme

PAPER: Bio Chemistry (Sp. Theory-Il) TIME ALLOWED: 30 mini.'.

Course Code: CIIEM-419 MAX. MARKS: 10

Attempt this Paper on lhis Question Sheet only.

Q-1. Multiple Choice euestions: (1x10)
l. Vitamin D can also be called:

a. ascorbic acid b. Calcil'erol c. Phytonienadione d. Absisic acid

) Antibodies are defense substances producetl by the --_:__ __-_-___cells

a. I- Lynrphocytes b. Monocy.tes c. B-cells d. Leukocvtes

ln s.hich of these compartm€nts is Na+ concentration the !ore..est:

a. lrrtcrstitial [rluid b. Irlasma c. lrrtrace]lular iluid it. lyrnph

4' which lluid compartment contains about 670/o (by volume)
of art body water?
a. Intracellular fluid b. Plasma c. Lymph d. F,.vtrace lh-rlar fluitl
5. Light and heavy chains in antibodies are joincd by:
a. Covalent bond b. Hydrogen bond c. Di-sulphide bond .J. Ionic boncl
6. Eest Sources of Vitamin C are:

Oranges b. Chili peppers c. Strawberries d. Pineapple

7. Deficiency of Vitamin B Complex causes:

a. Derrnatitis b. Pellagla c. Rickets d. Scurr'.i

o. Dcficiencv of Vitamin K can cause the risli. of:

\iight blindness b. Beri Beri c. Color blindness d. uncontrolled bleeding

9. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is best used to studyl

a. Small Internal cell structnre b. Surface Morphology

c. Clrystallinity d. All of the above

10, The Eluent strength is a measure of:

a. Solvent adsorption energ5 b. Solvent absorption energy

c. Solvent dillusivirv ci. Solvent nixing inder

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