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Urban Shadows

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Your arcane network is a collection of powerful and knowledgeable mortals

who trade in arcane items, relics, and ancient tomes. Some of their interests
are legitimate and above board; others are the stuff of backroom deals and
Some mortals think the supernatural world holds answers to mysteries or
smoky rooms. They don’t trust you. You don’t trust them. That’s business.
justice for the oppressed. You know the truth: the arcane is a commodity,
Your arcane network has the following features (choose three): codes & just like everything else. If you know the right people, you can buy anything.
signals, burner phones, online messaging boards, supernatural bodyguards, And if you are the right people…then you might just be the person selling
ritual meetings, secret drops, a monthly marketplace, secluded safehouses, instead of the person buying.
a neutral appraiser, cops on the payroll
Your colleagues include these NPCs (at least): Raven Locke, Everett “One-
Eye” Bunyasarn, Phoenix Pèrez, Diana Stone, The Yoshida Sisters, Count
Scholar Corruption Move
LaMount, Brother Erick, Madam Moorelove, Lady Elaine Malcolm, John When you exploit someone’s ignorance of the arcane for personal gain,
Qureshi, Dr. Zang Yi mark corruption.
»» Whose collection do you covet? Intimacy Move
»» Who keeps things safe for you? When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with
»» Who suspects you’re scamming them? another person, they get a Debt on you...and you have what they desire. Ask
them to name an item they have been seeking; that item has recently turned
When you cash in a Debt with a member of your arcane network to obtain up in your arcane network.
a worthy and useful gift without cost, they must offer you three things. Pick
End Move
the one you want, but the others will never be “free” again.
When you die or retire your character, choose one character to inherit
When you hit the streets to consult your arcane network, you can roll with your collection of tomes and artifacts. They gain the Private Collection
Mind instead of Mortality. Mark Mortality as normal. In addition, add this move so long as they care for and protect these arcane holdings.
option to the 7-9 list:
»» You owe them an object you haven’t yet acquired
When you refuse to honor a Debt to someone to whom you’ve previously
bb Take a Corruption move
sold arcane objects, add this option to the 7-9 list:
bb Take a Corruption move
»» Promise to secure a valuable object for them
bb Take a Corruption move

YOUR PRIVATE COLLECTION bb Take a Corruption move from another archetype

bb Retire your character. They may return as a Threat
You have a private collection of ancient tomes, books, and arcane objects
that you have acquired over your years of less-than-savory deals. Tell the
MC about your most prized possession and what dirty deeds you did to CORRUPTION MOVES
acquire it. bb Occupational Hazards: Mark corruption to keep your cool with Mind
When you retreat to your private collection to research an occult occur- instead of Spirit when faced with arcane or supernatural threats.
rence, object, or individual, roll with Mind. On a 10+, pick 3. On a 7-9, bb In the Bag: Mark corruption after successfully escaping a situation to
pick 1. reveal that you pilfered an arcane object from the previous scene.
»» You discover a previously unknown weakness or vulnerability bb Don’t Trust Anyone: When someone double-crosses you, mark corrup-
»» You discover a previously unknown resource or ally tion to reveal how you already planned for their sudden but inevitable
»» You don’t attract any supernatural attention to your research betrayal. You immediately gain the upper hand in the situation.
bb Interested Parties: When you are outnumbered, outgunned, or sur-
On a miss, you discover something terrible in your research that spells
doom for you, your friends...or the city itself. prised, mark corruption for a third party interested in your dealings to
interrupt the proceedings. Their intrusion creates an opportunity for you,
a member of mortality
HOLD/GEAR but you might be going from the frying pan into the fire.
Name (pick one)
Adrian, Akra, Angelica, Bakari, Crawford, Dalia, Ellis, Emina, Gabriel, Grace,
LOOK You get this one:
;; Appraisal: When you appraise an arcane object, roll with Mind. On a hit,
Hart, Jackie, Lionel, Kai, Michaella, Nadia, Rasida, Ricardo, Roderick, Thibault, ask the MC questions. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1.
Valerie, Wanda, Wang, Yana
»» What rumors or lies shroud this object’s value?
Look (pick as many as apply) »» What secrets or powers does this object contain?
»» Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing »» Who knows more about this object or its powers?
»» Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern,
White, STATS »» Who would want to possess this object?
On a miss, the object is cursed. The MC will tell you what trouble
»» Corduroys and a Button Up, Expensive Clothing, Hoodie and Slacks, pursues it.
Tweed with Elbow Patches
And choose one more:
Blood Heart Mind Spirit
Demeanor (pick one) bb Cowardly: When you abandon someone to escape a situation, roll
Charming, Cryptic, Shifty, Smug FACTIONS with Mind instead of Blood.
bb Expert Negotiator: When you persuade an NPC by offering an arcane
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these) item they need, treat a 7-9 as a 10+ result. On a miss, your offers are
Blood -2, Heart 1, Mind 2, Spirit 0 accepted as though you rolled a 7-9, but they’ve misled you about their
Mortality Night Power Wild interests in the goods.
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these) bb Arcane Detective: When you interview a knowledgeable NPC while
Mortality 2, Night -1, Power 1, Wild -1 ADVANCES
Advances available at beginning of play: After 5 advances you may select:
pursuing the arcane, roll with Mind. On a hit, they offer you a concrete
lead: an important location, supplier, or tome (your choice). On a 10+,
Intro bb +1 Heart (max +3) bb +1 to any stat (max +3) you already have a connection in your arcane network that allows you to
»» Who are you? bb +1 Spirit (max +3) bb +1 any Faction (max +3) make good on this info. On a 7-9, the path forward is blocked or precar-
»» How long have you been in the city? bb +1 Mind (max +3) bb Erase a scar ious for you at this time. On a miss, they tell you little, but your questions
bb A new Scholar move bb Take Channeling and two spells put them in grave danger.
»» How did you learn about the supernatural?
bb A new Scholar move bb Erase a corruption advance bb Wielding the Arcane: When you unleash by invoking an arcane item or
»» Why is this city worth saving?
bb A move from another Archetype bb Advance 3 basic moves relic, you may choose to treat your roll as a 10+ without rolling. The item
»» What mystery are you currently looking into? is permanently—and obviously—damaged or consumed by this process.
bb A move from another Archetype bb Advance 3 basic moves

bb Add two features to your arcane bb Retire your character to safety
Gear network bb Change to a new Archetype
»» An expensive flat, a midsized car, a smart phone, reading glasses bb Change your Faction
Who owes you?
»» Messenger bag (pick 1):
bb Lucky Bag: When someone searches your bag without your per-
mission, the item they are looking for is not there but instead hidden HARM ARMOR owes me Debt(s) for
with your colleagues in your arcane network. Faint
bb Unassuming Bag: Your bag disguises any signs and signals that an
arcane item may emit. An arcane item placed in the bag is completely Grievous owes me Debt(s) for
bb Arcane Bag: The bag itself has an agenda. When you find yourself Critical

in a desperate situation, reach into your bag for help. The GM will tell When you suffer harm, mark the
you what item you find... same number of boxes as harm owes me Debt(s) for
received. When you heal harm, bb Shattered (-1 Blood)
Debts erase it in the same order. You heal bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
»» You’re someone’s hookup for relics and arcane items. They owe you 2 Debts. about 1 harm/day naturally. You can bb Fractured (-1 Mind)
»» Someone has been tipping you off to your enemy’s tactics. You owe mark a Scar to ignore all harm you bb Broken (-1 Spirit)
them 2 Debts. are about to suffer.
»» You scammed someone out of something rare and priceless they
cannot recover. You owe them 3 Debts.
bb Against the Wall: When you are cornered by your enemies, roll with
Blood. On a hit, trade harm with your enemies as if you were a small
group (3-harm 1-armor) instead of a single person. On a 10+, pick 2. On
a 7-9, pick 1. They took everything from you. Your life. Your love. Your future. They left
you with nothing. But the spirits that grace the other side—the daemons
»» You inflict terrible harm
that tend to the afterlife—they thought you deserved a second chance,
»» You suffer little harm an opportunity to take revenge on the monsters that did this to you. Don’t
»» You create an opportunity squander it.

»» You don’t mark corruption
If you advance this move: You trade harm as if you were a medium
group (4-harm 2-armor) instead of a small group. The injustice of your demise has pulled you back to this world, allowing you
bb Dig for Answers: When you hurt someone to get information, roll to seek revenge on those who have done you wrong. List their names and
with Blood. On a hit, their resolve breaks and they must answer your how they wronged you (max 3).
questions truthfully. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1. Each of these people is marked by your caul, the force that has brought you
»» Are you telling the truth about ? back from the lands of the dead. While they live unpunished, you cannot die.
You embody their fate: bloody doom called back to offer judgment for their
»» What do you know about ?
»» Where can I find ?
When you punish one of them absolutely—however you see fit—strike their
»» How can you bring me closer to vengeance? name from the list. Your daemon will tell you if the punishment is fitting; if it is,
»» Mark corruption to ask any questions you want, not restrained to advance. If it isn’t, you owe your daemon a Debt.
this list. When you ask your daemon to add someone who has wronged you to
If you advance this move: On a 12+, ask 3 from the list or any 1 ques- your caul, roll with Spirit. On a hit, your daemon acquiesces to your request.
tion—not restrained to this list—without marking corruption. On a 10+, your daemon reveals how you might attack their vulnerabilities or
weaknesses. On a miss, that person is beyond your reach; take -1 ongoing
bb Haunt the Darkness: When you terrorize someone from the shadows,
against them until you offer them forgiveness for the wrongs they have done
roll with Spirit. On a hit, they are frightened, intimidated, or unnerved. On
to you.
a 10+, pick 2. On a 7-9, pick 1.
When you cross out all the names in your caul, your connection to the land
»» You create an opportunity
of the dead is severed. Your daemon returns to the spirit realm; you are no
»» You inflict harm (ap) longer able to avoid the land of the dead if you are killed. You can lay your
»» You remain in shadows own soul to rest by returning your physical form to its final resting place.

»» You don’t mark corruption
If you advance this move: On a 12+, all four and one for double effect.
You cannot avoid marking corruption for double effect. bb Strike out escape a situation; take Against the Wall
bb Strike out figure someone out; take Dig for Answers

DRAMA MOVES a member of night

bb Strike out mislead, distract, or trick; take Haunt the Darkness
bb Take a corruption move from another playbook
Revenant Corruption Move bb Retire your character; your daemon returns you to the lands of the dead
When you kill someone not marked by your caul, mark corruption.
Intimacy Move
When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with another DEBTS
person, ask them if you should be an agent of justice or vengeance. If they say Who owes you?
justice, ask them how you could relieve the burdens they carry and take +1
ongoing to actions toward that end; if they say vengeance, mark corruption. owes me Debt(s) for
End Move
When you fill up on harm, your body ceases to function, but you do not die.
Anyone who views your corpse with supernatural senses knows that you still
live and how to bring you back, e.g., sprinkling graveyard dirt on your body, owes me Debt(s) for
performing a lost ritual, etc. Your daemon may attempt to enlist someone
else to facilitate your return.
Choose two:
Name (pick one)
Abdul, Adair, Anamarija, Azarel, Bernhard, Daena, Dilla, Enrique, Faleaka, bb Abashed the Devil Stood: when you openly present yourself to the
Farooq, Jeong, Josseline, Kovit, Mwatabu, Natalia, Nikolas, Pablo, Samya, agents of your enemies, roll with Spirit. On a hit, they choose:
Thomas, Walentyna »» They scatter or flee before you
»» They throw down their weapons and surrender
Look (pick as many as apply) »» They attack you, ignoring your allies
»» Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing

On a 10+, take armor+1 against them for the scene. On a miss, they
»» Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern,
reveal that you’ve sprung a trap laid by those who wish to avoid your
»» Bloody Clothing, Fetish Clothing, Goth Clothing, Street Clothing
bb Vigilante: when you go into a battle, roll with Blood. On a 10+, hold 3.
Demeanor (pick one) On a 7-9, hold 2. On a miss, hold 1 and take -1 forward. During the fight,
Blood Heart Mind Spirit
you can spend your hold 1 for 1 to:

Confused, Detached, Forgetful, Volatile
»» Kill, disable, or disarm (your choice) an NPC within reach
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these) »» Redirect an attack within reach to another character within your
Blood 2, Heart 0, Mind -2, Spirit 1 reach, or else to nowhere—into the ground or a wall or the sky
»» Cross the distance to any character outside of your reach before
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these) Mortality Night Power Wild they have time to adjust or react

Mortality -2, Night 1, Power 1, Wild 1 »» Name a character within your reach; while you fight, you intercept
any attack directed at them and they suffer no harm
Intro Advances available at beginning of play: After 5 advances you may select: bb Is That Gasoline I Smell?: When you search a location for the
bb +1 Blood (max +3) bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
»» Who were you before your death? resources or tools needed to destroy it, roll with Blood. On a hit, you
bb +1 Spirit (max +3) bb +1 to any stat (max +3) find whatever you need to bring the place down around you. On a 10+,
»» What do you remember of your old life?
bb +1 Mind (max +3) bb +1 to any Faction (max +3) everything is already arrayed to your liking; all you have to do is light the
»» Who saw you rise from the grave?
bb Gain armor+1 ongoing bb Erase a scar fuse. On a miss, your search leaves you or an ally vulnerable or exposed
»» What symbol of your old life haunts you? bb A new Revenant move bb Erase a scar to your enemies.
»» Who pulls you away from your vengeance? bb A new Revenant move bb Advance 3 basic moves bb You Don’t Scare Me: You have a mortal confidante who believes in your
bb A move from another Archetype bb Advance an underworld move cause. When you go to your mortal confidante for solace, comfort, or
Gear bb A move from another Archetype bb Advance an underworld move protection, roll with Spirit. On a hit, they tend to your wounds and hide
»» A remnant of death (a bullet, small bones, two silver coins, etc.) bb Change your Faction you from your enemies; clear your harm track. On a 10+, they have been
»» A shotgun or magnum revolver (3-harm loud reload) keeping their eyes and ears open for you; they tell you about an opportu-
»» A handful of photographs and mementos from your old life HARM ARMOR nity you can use against your enemies. On a miss, your condition worries
them; they secretly contact someone they think can help you.
Faint bb Merciful: When you inflict harm with any weapon (or your fists), you can
»» Someone mourned your death, truly and deeply. You owe them a Debt. choose to inflict s-harm. Decide at the moment you inflict the harm; you
»» Someone tried to get justice for your murder, but failed to lay your soul need not tell anyone in advance what kind of harm you intend to inflict.

to rest. They owe you a Debt. Critical
»» Someone has already come to rely on you and your powers. Ask them
what unique need you fill. They owe you two Debts.
When you suffer harm, mark the
same number of boxes as harm SCARS A daemon guided you back from the land of the dead and walks with you
»» Your daemon carried you back from the land of the dead. You owe it received. When you heal harm, bb Shattered (-1 Blood) now among the living. The two of you are inseparable, and you are con-
two Debts. erase it in the same order. You heal bb Disfigured (-1 Heart) stantly aware of its presence. Choose one from each list:
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can bb Fractured (-1 Mind) They are: a dog, a snake, an owl, a vulture, a bat, a crow, a wolf, a cat, a
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you bb Broken (-1 Spirit)
raven, a rat
are about to suffer. They have: a spectral voice, a dark voice, a patient voice, a maternal voice, a
demanding voice
When your daemon stands with you in battle, take armor+1. Your daemon
will only follow you in the pursuit of your caul or to fulfill a Debt.
You lead a religious or spiritual community that meets regularly to profess
their faith. The community is (choose 1): an informal and unbounded group,
a long-standing religious institution, a spontaneous gathering of a traditional
One day you spoke…and your faith spoke through you. You never asked
faith, a new age business, a school or university prayer group, an activist
to be touched by the holy, to be called to offer guidance and solace to the
secular organization
chosen, but you took the reins when the time came for you to lead your
You meet at (choose 1): a church basement, a rec center, a member’s home, flock. Can you live up to their expectations?
a local diner, an underground hideaway, anywhere you can find space
Your rituals and traditions are: esoteric and confusing, traditional and expected,
spontaneous and energetic, solemn and restrained, genuine and improvised
Hallowed Corruption Move
Your flock is connected to you through a psychic link that offers you unpar- When you violate the tenets of your faith (or through inaction allow them to
alleled access: you can let it out to try to listen in on specific members’ be violated), mark corruption.
thoughts; cash in Debts as if a member of your flock was right in front of Intimacy Move
you; call your flock to action at a distance; or even mark corruption to When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with another
take on the physical appearance of a member of your flock for a scene. person, you choose whether or not their intimacy move triggers. If it doesn’t,
At the start of each session, take one Debt against your flock as a whole, tell them what mark or aspect of your faith keeps you distant from them.
provided you were available to perform your religious duties; you can cash End Move
the Debt in with any member of your flock, even other PCs. When you die, you perform a powerful miracle of your faith. The innocent
By default, your flock consists of about fifteen seriously committed fol- may rise, the wicked may fall, so on and so forth. You cannot prevent your
lowers with a few resources (cash, connections, weapons, etc.) and a deep own death.
belief in your particular faith (1-harm group medium scattered devout
0-armor). Then, choose 2: CORRUPTION
bb Your flock embodies the fury and righteousness of their faith. +1 harm. bb Take a corruption advance for your flock
bb Your flock enjoys a modicum of faith-based direct protection against the bb Take a corruption advance for your flock
world. +1 armor. bb Take a corruption advance for your flock
bb Your flock has an explicit hierarchy or organization that serves your bb Take a corruption advance from another Archetype
needs. Change +scattered to +organized. bb Change playbooks to any Mortality playbook; your flock is now a Threat.
bb Your flock has important connections throughout the city, even within
supernatural communities. Take +1 ongoing to hit the streets with
Power, provided you use the flock’s network and contacts. CORRUPTION MOVES
bb Your flock relies on you to perform important religious rituals more bb Rites and Rituals: Your flock, gathered and united, forms a powerful spir-
often than normal. Take an additional Debt at the start of each session, itual tool or weapon, a sanctum (Urban Shadows, page 128) that allows
provided you performed those rituals. you to perform magical rituals and create powerfully blessed objects.
When the GM tells you what you need to complete the ritual, you may

TENETS OF YOUR FAITH ignore one of the requirements if you convince a member of your flock to
give life or limb to the ceremony or mark corruption yourself.
Your followers are committed far more to the faith you wield than to you
bb Augury: Your flock, gathered and united, gives you insight into the ley
personally, at least at first. Choose 2 tenets of your faith that they observe
lines and power centers of the city; when you pray with them, you may
nearly without fail as devout members of your traditions:
investigate a place of power at any distance, provided you are willing
bb Life is precious and unique; kill none of god’s children. to make an appropriate sacrifice to your faith or mark corruption.
bb True faith is spoken freely; deny not the faith nor the flock. bb Infallible: Your flock no longer questions your instructions or advice, fol-
bb God is god above all; give no fealty except to god.
bb The weak demand protection; deny not a righteous request.
lowing your will as best they can without violating the tenets of your faith.
When you call your flock to action, persuade one of its members, or a member of power
bb Lies blemish the righteous; bear not false witness.
mislead, distract, or trick them, treat a 7-9 as a 10+ result. Mark corrup-
tion to extend this effect to requests that violate the tenets of your faith.
Violating any tenet of your faith in the presence of your flock—or if they find bb Apocalypto: Your flock is truly prepared for days of trial and tribulation:
out later that you violated one of the tenets—immediately gives them a Debt add +1 size, +1 armor, +1 harm, and +fanatical. At the end of a session,
over you. Any member of the flock can cash in the Debt with you, even if mark corruption if you did not lead your flock in punishing unbelievers or
they weren’t the one who witnessed or discovered the violation. heretics during the session.
Name (pick one)
Aaron, Amandeep, Catherine, Charity, Cornelius, Dael, Elijah, Epidiah,
LOOK You get these two moves:
;; Shepherd: When you call your flock to action in keeping with your
Gabriel, Hadar, Ismail, Jade, Johnny, Kiri, Monica, Naalnish, Reta, Sarah, faith, roll + Spirit. On a 10+, all three. On a 7-9, choose 1:
Shafiq, Tobias
»» They all honor your request for action
Look (pick as many as apply) »» They don’t ask any difficult questions
»» Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing »» They don’t demand a Debt from you
»» Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern,
White, STATS On a miss, a portion of your flock is seized by the faith and moves to
address the problem in ways you did not foresee.
»» Colorful Clothing, Ecclesiastical Clothing, Formal Clothing, Simple Clothing ;; Sanctified: When you bestow the blessings of your faith on another,
roll with Spirit. On a hit, your faith envelops them: heal them (2-harm),
Demeanor (pick one) Blood Heart Mind Spirit bestow protection (+1 armor), or anoint an item they carry (+blessed),
your choice. On a 10+, also choose 1 from below. On a 7-9, choose 2.
Arrogant, Casual, Clerical, Profane
»» You mark corruption
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these) »» You suffer 1-harm (ap)
Blood 0, Heart 1, Mind -2, Spirit 2 »» They are marked by your faith

Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these) Mortality Night Power Wild On a miss, your faith reveals something terrible about the intended
target of your gifts. You must take all three to complete the blessing.
Mortality 1, Night 0, Power 2, Wild -2
»» Who are you?
Advances available at beginning of play:
bb +1 Blood (max +3)
After 5 advances you may select:
bb +1 to any stat (max +3)
Who owes you?
bb +1 Heart (max +3) bb +1 to any Faction (max +3)
»» How long have you been in the city?
bb +1 Spirit (max +3) bb Erase a scar
»» When did your faith first choose you? owes me Debt(s) for
bb Add a feature to your flock bb Erase a corruption advance
»» What hypocrisy do you hide from your flock? bb Add a feature to your flock bb Change to a new Archetype
»» What religious mystery are you pursuing in the city? bb A move from another Archetype bb Retire your character to safety
bb A move from another Archetype bb Advance 3 basic moves owes me Debt(s) for
Gear bb Erase a corruption advance bb Advance 3 basic moves
A spartan apartment or communal living space, a prominent symbol of your bb Change your Faction bb Take channeling and three Spells
religious faith: a holy relic, religious tool, or arcane artifact

HARM ARMOR owes me Debt(s) for

»» You destroyed or banished something (or someone) important at the Faint

request of another character. They owe you a Debt.
»» Someone comes to you often to confess their sins and seek forgiveness.
Tell them what solace you offer, and ask them if they are comforted by
your offering. If they find your efforts sufficient, they owe you a Debt; if
you come up short, you owe them a Debt.
»» Someone is intimately engaged with a member of your flock, but you doubt
When you suffer harm, mark the
same number of boxes as harm SCARS
received. When you heal harm, bb Shattered (-1 Blood)
they have your follower’s best interests at heart. They owe you a Debt.
erase it in the same order. You heal bb Disfigured (-1 Heart)
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can bb Fractured (-1 Mind)
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you bb Broken (-1 Spirit)
are about to suffer.
You are the inanimate made living, a monster with the visage of a mortal.
Pick one material for your component parts:
bb The bones and flesh of the dead
Someone made you to serve a purpose, to fill a need. But you’ve cast off the
bb A block of stone, hewn to form
chains of your creator and set out on your own, your inhuman form masked
bb Blessed soil, sand, or clay to the mortals that walk these city streets. You seek to understand their
bb An empty shell, found and filled humble lives, their fragile hearts, their callous truths. Will you find a place
Once per session, you can heal up to 2-harm by consuming a copious among them?
quantity of the materials of which you are made. Anyone who witnesses the
consumption sees your true form. DRAMA MOVES
Vessel Redemption Move
INSTINCTS When you resist serving your instincts to attend to your mortal relationships
or responsibilities, mark redemption.
Your creator built you to fulfill a particular function, although you’ve proved
to be more adaptable than expected. To help you better serve your purpose, Intimacy Move
your creator imbued you with a number of powerful instincts. Choose four: When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with
another person, ask them an invasive question about being human. If they
bb To serve the powerful
answer the question honestly, mark redemption. If they deflect the inquiry
bb To protect the valuable or offer falsehoods, they must give you a Debt.
bb To hunt the disloyal End Move
bb To pleasure the worthy When you die, change playbooks, or retire your character, you leave some-
bb To entertain the masses thing of your old body behind, containing a remnant of your instincts, as a
bb To break the defiant permanent mark on the city. Tell the MC which instinct became most cen-
tral to your identity; the city will take that instinct into itself. Add the follow-
bb To labor in silence
ing option to let it out for all PCs:
Resisting an opportunity to fulfill your instinct counts as keeping your cool. If »» Call upon the city to obey its instinct.
a redemption advance allows you to rewrite an instinct, cross it out and write
a new instinct of your own choosing. The old one no longer bothers you. REDEMPTION MOVES
REDEMPTION bb Among the Sheep: When you try to disappear in a crowd, roll with
Blood. On a 10+, you vanish into the crowd without a trace; take +1
You don’t have a corruption track. Instead, you have the opportunity for ongoing if you make use of your concealment. On a 7-9, you are silent
redemption. Each time your redemption track fills, mark a redemption and invisible, but your deception is fragile and incomplete. On a miss,
advance. When your redemption track fills and you have no more redemp- you’re clearly the wolf. Even the crowd knows it.
tion advances to mark, retire your character to safety or change to a Mortality bb Like Them: When you try to figure out a member of Mortality, roll with
Archetype. If a move asks you to mark corruption, mark 1-harm (ap) instead. Spirit instead of Mind.
bb Rewrite an instinct bb Absolution: When you convince someone to be honest with you
bb Rewrite an instinct about their problems, roll with Spirit. On a hit, you may take one Debt
bb Rewrite an instinct they owe (related to the problem) as your own if you promise to see it
through. On a 10+, mark redemption when you honor the Debt. On a
bb Take a redemption move
miss, their problems confuse and perplex you; you owe them a Debt for
bb Take a redemption move trying to get mixed up in their business.
bb Take a redemption move bb Heartfelt: Replace your existing intimacy move with the following:
When you share a moment of intimacy—physical or emotional—with
another person, share one of your human experiences as you under- a member of wild
stand it. If they reciprocate, mark redemption. If they refuse, they must
give you a Debt.
Name (pick one)
Adrijan, Aisha, Azra, Caieta, Dakota, Emilia, Faddei, Fatma, Laila, Leland,
LOOK You get this one:
;; Only Flesh: when you come directly at a target, without concern for
Katashi, Min-Ho, Nayavu, Palmer, Quanah, Rafi, Soledad, Tabor, Viktor, Zain your own well being, you get 1-armor. If you’re doing so in the service of
one of your instincts, you get 2-armor. If you’re wearing armor, use that
Look (pick as many as apply) instead.
»» Ambiguous, Female, Male, Transgressing
And choose two more:
»» Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern,
»» Bohemian Clothing, Professional Clothing, Rough Clothing, Work Clothing
STATS bb Colossus: When you let it out, add this option to the list:
»» Ignore all harm suffered the next time you suffer harm
bb Erase the Shem: When you suffer enough harm to kill you, you can
Demeanor (pick one) choose to shut down for the remainder of the scene instead of marking
Distant, Gentle, Jealous, Lurking Blood Heart Mind Spirit the harm. In this state, you suffer no additional harm, nor can anyone
detect that you are still alive. You perceive everything that takes place
Starting Character Stats (Add 1 to one of these) FACTIONS around your body, and you can reawaken at will. If someone dismem-
bers you or attempts to destroy your body, your flesh will knit itself
Blood 1, Heart -2, Mind 0, Spirit 2
back together upon revival, even if it has to travel great distances to be
Starting Factions (Add 1 to one of these)
Mortality Night Power Wild bb Machinist: When you commune with a machine, roll with Spirit. On a
Mortality -2, Night 0, Power 1, Wild 2
10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1.
Advances available at beginning of play: After 5 advances you may select:
»» What secrets are hidden here, friend?
»» Who made you this way, sister?
»» Who are you?
»» How long have you walked the Earth?
bb +1 Blood (max +3) »» +1 to any stat (max +3) »» What purpose do you serve, brother?
bb +1 Spirit (max +3)
»» Who or what is your creator? »» +1 to any stat (max +3) »» How could I get you to , comrade?
bb +1 Mind (max +3)
»» Why have you chosen to forsake your bondage? »» +1 any Faction (max +3) On a miss, the machine betrays you to your enemies, in whatever way
bb A new Vessel move
»» What keeps you here in the city? »» +1 any Faction (max +3) it can.
bb A new Vessel move
»» Erase a scar bb Tear It Down: When you smash through the scenery to get at some-
Gear bb A new Vessel move

A small apartment in the slums, a crappy car or bike, a dumb phone bb A move from another Archetype
»» Erase a scar thing you want, roll with Blood. On a 10+, you smash or move through
»» A token of your bondage bb A move from another Archetype »» Join or lead a sphere of materia obstacles and get what you want. On a 7-9, you smash or move the
bb Change your Faction »» Advance 3 basic moves scenery and get what you want, but you are disoriented in follow-up
»» A keepsake from your creator
actions, leave something behind, or take something with you (your
»» A clumsy, but effective weapon (3-harm hand/close)
HARM ARMOR choice). On a miss, you crash through to your goal, but you’re disori-
ented and off-balance; you suffer 1-harm (ap) and you’re vulnerable to
Debts Faint reprisals and attacks.
»» Someone convinced you to come to the city to help them with an bb Tireless: When you fight against a gang, you count as a gang of equiv-
ongoing problem. They owe you 2 Debts. Grievous
alent size. Calculate armor and harm as normal, but ignore any size
»» You injured someone in the process of fulfilling an instinct. Tell them difference between you and the gang you’re fighting.
what instinct you were serving. You owe them 2 Debts. bb Hideous Visage: When you persuade an NPC by revealing your inhu-
»» Someone has a tie to your creator (or their lineage) and possesses
knowledge about your origin they have refused to share. They owe you
When you suffer harm, mark the
SCARS man face and threatening their interests, roll with Spirit instead of Heart.

same number of boxes as harm
a Debt. received. When you heal harm, bb Shattered (-1 Blood)
erase it in the same order. You heal bb Disfigured (-1 Heart) Who owes you?
about 1 harm/day naturally. You can bb Fractured (-1 Mind)
mark a Scar to ignore all harm you bb Broken (-1 Spirit) owes me Debt(s) for
are about to suffer.

owes me Debt(s) for

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