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G.R. No.

80447 January 31, 1989 in an Order dated 13 January 1986 as they were filed beyond the time for
pleading and after the Answer were already filed.
BALIWAG TRANSIT, INC., petitioner,
vs. On 5 February 1986 Baliwag filed a Motion to Admit Amended Answer, which
HON. COURT OF APPEALS and SPS. SOTERO CAILIPAN, JR. and was granted by the Trial Court. The Amended Answer incorporated the
ZENAIDA LOPEZ and GEORGE L. CAILIPAN, respondents. affirmative defense in the Motion to Dismiss to the effect that on 16 May
1985, George bad been paid all his claims for damages arising from the
Sta. Maria & Associates for petitioner. incident subject matter of the complaint when he executed the following
"Release of Claims":
Punzalan and Associates Law Office for respondents.
For and in consideration of the payment to me/us of the sum
(P8,020.50), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,
I/we, being of lawful age, do hereby release, acquit and
MELENCIO-HERRERA, J.: forever discharge Fortune Insurance and/or Baliwag transit,
Inc. his/her heirs, executors and assigns, from any and all
On 10 April 1985 a Complaint for damages arising from breach of contract of liability now accrued or hereafter to accrue on account of any
carriage was filed by private respondents, the Spouses Sotero Cailipan, Jr. and all claims or causes of action which I/we now or may
and Zenaida Lopez, and their son George, of legal age, against petitioner here after have for personal injuries, damage to property,
Baliwag Transit (Baliwag, for brevity). The Complaint alleged that George, loss of services, medical expenses, losses or damages of
who was a paying passenger on a Baliwag bus on 17 December 1984, any and every kind or nature whatsoever, now known or
suffered multiple serious physical injuries when he was thrown off said bus what may hereafter develop by me/us sustained or received
driven in a careless and negligent manner by Leonardo Cruz, the authorized on or about 17th day of December, 1984 through Reckless
bus driver, along Barangay Patubig, Marilao, Bulacan. As a result, he was Imprudence Resulting to Physical Injuries, and I/we hereby
confined in the hospital for treatment, incurring medical expenses, which declare that I/we fully understand the terms of this settlement
were borne by his parents, the respondent Spouses, in the sum of about and voluntarily accept said sum for the purpose of making a
P200,000.00 plus other incidental expenses of about P10,000.00. full and final compromise adjustment and settlement of the
injuries and damages, expenses and inconvenience above
On 26 April 1985 an Answer was filed by petitioner alleging that the cause of mentioned. (Rollo, p. 11)
the injuries sustained by George was solely attributable to his own voluntary
act in that, without warning and provocation, he suddenly stood up from his During the preliminary hearing on the aforementioned affirmative defense,
seat and headed for the door of the bus as if in a daze, opened it and jumped Baliwag waived the presentation of testimonial evidence and instead offered
off while said bus was in motion, in spite of the protestations by the driver as its Exhibit "1" the "Release of Claims" signed by George and witnessed by
and without the knowledge of the conductor. his brother Benjamin L. Cailipan, a licensed engineer.

Baliwag then filed a Third-Party Complaint against Fortune Insurance & By way of opposition to petitioner's affirmative defense, respondent Sotero
Surety Company, Inc., on its third-party liability insurance in the amount of Cailipan, Jr. testified that be is the father of George, who at the time of the
P50,000.00. In its Answer, Fortune Insurance claimed limited liability, the incident was a student, living with his parents and totally dependent on them
coverage being subject to a Schedule of Indemnities forming part of the for their support; that the expenses for his hospitalization were shouldered by
insurance policy. his parents; and that they had not signed the "Release of Claims."

On 14 November 1985 and 18 November 1985, respectively, Fortune In an Order dated 29 August 1986, the Regional Trial Court of Bulacan,
Insurance and Baliwag each filed Motions to Dismiss on the ground that Branch 20, dismissed the Complaint and Third-party Complaint, ruling that

George, in consideration of the sum of P8,020.50 had executed a "Release since the contract of carriage is between Baliwag and George L. Cailipan, the
of Claims" dated 16 May 1985. These Motions were denied by the Trial Court latter, who is of legal age, had the exclusive right to execute the Release of
Claims despite the fact that he is still a student and dependent on his parents omission violates the legal right of the former (Lee vs. Romillo, Jr., G.R. No.
for support. Consequently, the execution by George of the Release of Claims 60973, May 28, 1988). In the absence of any contract of carriage between
discharges Baliwag and Fortune Insurance. Baliwag and George's parents, the latter are not real parties-in-interest in an
action for breach of that contract.
Aggrieved, the Spouses appealed to respondent Court of Appeals.
The general rule of the common law is that every action
On 22 October 1987, the Appellate Court rendered a Decision setting aside
2 must be brought in the name of the party whose legal right
the appealed Order and holding that the "Release of Claims" cannot operate has been invaded or infringed. 15 Enc. P1. & Pr. p. 484. "For
as a valid ground for the dismissal of the case because it does not have the the immediate wrong and damage the person injured is the
conformity of all the parties, particularly George's parents, who have a only one who can maintain the action." Id. p. 578. The
substantial interest in the case as they stand to be prejudiced by the person who sustains an injury is the person to bring an
judgment because they spent a sizeable amount for the medical bills of their action for the injury against the wrongdoer." Dicey parties to
son; that the Release of Claims was secured by Fortune Insurance for the Actions, 347. (Cited in Green v. Shoemaker, 73 A 688, 23
consideration of P8,020.50 as the full and final settlement of its liability under L.R.A., N.S. 667).
the insurance policy and not for the purpose of releasing Baliwag from its
liability as a carrier in this suit for breach of contract. The Appellate Court There is no question regarding the genuineness and due execution of the
also ordered the remand of the case to the lower Court for trial on the merits Release of Claims. It is a duly notarized public document. It clearly stipulates
and for George to return the amount of P8,020.50 to Fortune Insurance. that the consideration of P8,020.50 received by George was "to release and
forever discharge Fortune Insurance and/or Baliwag from any and all
Hence, this Petition for Review on certiorari by Baliwag assailing the liabilities now accrued or to accrue on account of any and all claims or
Appellate Court judgment. causes of action ... for personal injuries, damage to property, loss of
services, medical expenses, losses or damages of any and every kind or
nature whatsoever, sustained by him on 17 December 1984 thru Reckless
The issue brought to the fore is the legal effect of the Release of Claims
executed by George during the pendency of this case. Imprudence Resulting to Physical Injuries." Consequently, the ruling of
respondent Appellate Court that the "Release of Claims" was intended only
as the full and final settlement of a third-party liability for bodily injury claim
We hold that since the suit is one for breach of contract of carriage, the and not for the purpose of releasing Baliwag from its liability, if any, in a
Release of Claims executed by him, as the injured party, discharging Fortune breach of a contract of carriage, has to be rejected for being contrary to the
Insurance and Baliwag from any and all liability is valid. He was then of legal very terms thereof. If the terms of a contract are clear and leave no doubt
age, a graduating student of Agricultural Engineering, and had the capacity upon the intention of the contracting parties, the literal meaning of its
to do acts with legal effect (Article 37 in relation to Article 402, Civil Code). stipulations shall control (Article 1370, Civil Code). The phraseology "any and
Thus, he could sue and be sued even without the assistance of his parents. all claims or causes of action" is broad enough to include all damages that
may accrue to the injured party arising from the unfortunate accident.
Significantly, the contract of carriage was actually between George, as the
paying passenger, and Baliwag, as the common carrier. As such carrier, The Release of Claims had the effect of a compromise agreement since it
Baliwag was bound to carry its passengers safely as far as human care and was entered into for the purpose of making a full and final compromise
foresight could provide, and is liable for injuries to them through the adjustment and settlement of the cause of action involved. A compromise is
negligence or wilful acts of its employees (Articles 1755 and 1759, Civil a contract whereby the parties, by making reciprocal concessions, avoid a
Code). Thus, George had the right to be safely brought to his destination and litigation or put an end to one already commenced (Article 2028, Civil Code).
Baliwag had the correlative obligation to do so. Since a contract may be The Release of Claims executed by the injured party himself wrote finish to
violated only by the parties thereto, as against each other, in an action upon this litigation.
that contract, the real parties in interest, either as plaintiff or as defendant,
must be parties to said contract (Marimperio Compania Naviera, S.A. vs.
WHEREFORE, the Decision dated 22 October 1987 of respondent Court of
Court of Appeals, No. L-40234, December 14, 1987, 156 SCRA 368). A real
Appeals is SET ASIDE, the Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Bulacan,
party-in-interest -plaintiff is one who has a legal right while a real party-in-
interest-defendant is one who has a correlative legal obligation whose act or Branch 20, is REINSTATED, and the Complaint and Third-Party Complaint
are hereby ordered DISMISSED. No costs.
SO ORDERED. The group was scheduled to leave on November 2, 1984, at 5:00 o'clock in
the afternoon. However, as several members of the party were late, the bus
did not leave the Tropical Hut at the corner of Ortigas Avenue and EDSA
until 8:00 o'clock in the evening. Petitioner Porfirio Cabil drove the minibus.

The usual route to Caba, La Union was through Carmen, Pangasinan.

G.R. No. 111127 July 26, 1996 However, the bridge at Carmen was under repair, sot hat petitioner Cabil,
who was unfamiliar with the area (it being his first trip to La Union), was
MR. & MRS. ENGRACIO FABRE, JR. and PORFIRIO CABIL, petitioners, forced to take a detour through the town of Baay in Lingayen, Pangasinan. At
vs. 11:30 that night, petitioner Cabil came upon a sharp curve on the highway,
COURT OF APPEALS, THE WORD FOR THE WORLD CHRISTIAN running on a south to east direction, which he described as "siete." The road
FELLOWSHIP, INC., AMYLINE ANTONIO, JOHN RICHARDS, GONZALO was slippery because it was raining, causing the bus, which was running at
GONZALES, VICENTE V. QUE, JR., ICLI CORDOVA, ARLENE GOJOCCO, the speed of 50 kilometers per hour, to skid to the left road shoulder. The bus
ALBERTO ROXAS CORDERO, RICHARD BAUTISTA, JOCELYN GARCIA, hit the left traffic steel brace and sign along the road and rammed the fence
YOLANDA CORDOVA, NOEL ROQUE, EDWARD TAN, ERNESTO of one Jesus Escano, then turned over and landed on its left side, coming to
NARCISO, ENRIQUETA LOCSIN, FRANCIS NORMAN O. LOPES, JULIUS a full stop only after a series of impacts. The bus came to rest off the road. A
CAESAR, GARCIA, ROSARIO MA. V. ORTIZ, MARIETTA C. CLAVO, ELVIE coconut tree which it had hit fell on it and smashed its front portion.
TORRES, MARELLA MIJARES, JOSEFA CABATINGAN, MARA NADOC, Several passengers were injured. Private respondent Amyline Antonio was
DIANE MAYO, TESS PLATA, MAYETTE JOCSON, ARLENE Y. MORTIZ, thrown on the floor of the bus and pinned down by a wooden seat which
LIZA MAYO, CARLOS RANARIO, ROSAMARIA T. RADOC and came down by a wooden seat which came off after being unscrewed. It took
BERNADETTE FERRER, respondents. three persons to safely remove her from this portion. She was in great pain
and could not move.

The driver, petitioner Cabil, claimed he did not see the curve until it was too
MENDOZA, J.:p late. He said he was not familiar with the area and he could not have seen
the curve despite the care he took in driving the bus, because it was dark
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the decision of the Court of Appeals1 in CA-GR No. 28245, dated
and there was no sign on the road. He said that he saw the curve when he
September 30, 1992, which affirmed with modification the decision of the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 58, was already within 15 to 30 meters of it. He allegedly slowed down to 30
ordering petitioners jointly and severally to pay damages to private respondent Amyline Antonio, and its resolution
which denied petitioners' motion for reconsideration for lack of merit.
kilometers per hour, but it was too late.

Petitioners Engracio Fabre, Jr. and his wife were owners of a 1982 model The Lingayen police investigated the incident the next day, November 3,
Mazda minibus. They used the bus principally in connection with a bus 1984. On the basis of their finding they filed a criminal complaint against the
service for school children which they operated in Manila. The couple had a driver, Porfirio Cabil. The case was later filed with the Lingayen Regional
driver, Porfirio J. Cabil, whom they hired in 1981, after trying him out for two Trial Court. Petitioners Fabre paid Jesus Escano P1,500.00 for the damage
weeks, His job was to take school children to and from the St. Scholastica's to the latter's fence. On the basis of Escano's affidavit of desistance the case
College in Malate, Manila. against petitioners Fabre was dismissed.

On November 2, 1984 private respondent Word for the World Christian Amyline Antonio, who was seriously injured, brought this case in the RTC of
Fellowship Inc. (WWCF) arranged with petitioners for the transportation of 33 Makati, Metro Manila. As a result of the accident, she is now suffering from
members of its Young Adults Ministry from Manila to La Union and back in paraplegia and is permanently paralyzed from the waist down. During the
consideration of which private respondent paid petitioners the amount of trial she described the operations she underwent and adduced evidence
P3,000.00. regarding the cost of her treatment and therapy. Immediately after the
accident, she was taken to the Nazareth Hospital in Baay, Lingayen. As this
hospital was not adequately equipped, she was transferred to the Sto. Niño
Hospital, also in the town of Ba-ay, where she was given sedatives. An x-ray ground that they failed to prove their respective claims. The Court of Appeals
was taken and the damage to her spine was determined to be too severe to modified the award of damages as follows:
be treated there. She was therefore brought to Manila, first to the Philippine
General Hospital and later to the Makati Medical Center where she 1) P93,657.11 as actual damages;
underwent an operation to correct the dislocation of her spine.
2) P600,000.00 as compensatory damages;
In its decision dated April 17, 1989, the trial court found that:
3) P50,000.00 as moral damages;
No convincing evidence was shown that the minibus was properly checked
for travel to a long distance trip and that the driver was properly screened
4) P20,000.00 as exemplary damages;
and tested before being admitted for employment. Indeed, all the evidence
presented have shown the negligent act of the defendants which ultimately
resulted to the accident subject of this case. 5) P10,000.00 as attorney's fees; and

Accordingly, it gave judgment for private respondents holding: 6) Costs of suit.

Considering that plaintiffs Word for the World Christian Fellowship, Inc. and The Court of Appeals sustained the trial court's finding that petitioner Cabil
Ms. Amyline Antonio were the only ones who adduced evidence in support of failed to exercise due care and precaution in the operation of his vehicle
their claim for damages, the Court is therefore not in a position to award considering the time and the place of the accident. The Court of Appeals held
damages to the other plaintiffs. that the Fabres were themselves presumptively negligent. Hence, this
petition. Petitioners raise the following issues:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Court hereby renders judgment
against defendants Mr. & Mrs. Engracio Fabre, Jr. and Porfirio Cabil y Jamil I. WHETHER OR NOT PETITIONERS
pursuant to articles 2176 and 2180 of the Civil Code of the Philippines and WERE NEGLIGENT.
said defendants are ordered to pay jointly and severally to the plaintiffs the
1) P93,657.11 as compensatory and actual damages; SUFFERED BY PRIVATE RESPONDENTS.

2) P500,000.00 as the reasonable amount of loss of earning III WHETHER OR NOT DAMAGES CAN BE
capacity of plaintiff Amyline Antonio; AWARDED AND IN THE POSITIVE, UP TO
3) P20,000.00 as moral damages;
Petitioners challenge the propriety of the award of compensatory damages in
the amount of P600,000.00. It is insisted that, on the assumption that
4) P20,000.00 as exemplary damages; and petitioners are liable an award of P600,000.00 is unconscionable and highly
speculative. Amyline Antonio testified that she was a casual employee of a
5) 25% of the recoverable amount as attorney's fees; company called "Suaco," earning P1,650.00 a month, and a dealer of Avon
products, earning an average of P1,000.00 monthly. Petitioners contend that
6) Costs of suit. as casual employees do not have security of tenure, the award of
P600,000.00, considering Amyline Antonio's earnings, is without factual
SO ORDERED. basis as there is no assurance that she would be regularly earning these
The Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the trial court with respect to
Amyline Antonio but dismissed it with respect to the other plaintiffs on the With the exception of the award of damages, the petition is devoid of merit.
First, it is unnecessary for our purpose to determine whether to decide this In the case at bar, the Fabres, in allowing Cabil to drive the bus to La Union,
case on the theory that petitioners are liable for breach of contract of carriage apparently did not consider the fact that Cabil had been driving for school
or culpa contractual or on the theory of quasi delict or culpa aquiliana as both children only, from their homes to the St. Scholastica's College in Metro
the Regional Trial Court and the Court of Appeals held, for although the Manila. They had hired him only after a two-week apprenticeship. They had

relation of passenger and carrier is "contractual both in origin and nature," hired him only after a two-week apprenticeship. They had tested him for
nevertheless "the act that breaks the contract may be also a tort." In either
certain matters, such as whether he could remember the names of the
case, the question is whether the bus driver, petitioner Porfirio Cabil, was children he would be taking to school, which were irrelevant to his
negligent. qualification to drive on a long distance travel, especially considering that the
trip to La Union was his first. The existence of hiring procedures and
The finding that Cabil drove his bus negligently, while his employer, the supervisory policies cannot be casually invoked to overturn the presumption
Fabres, who owned the bus, failed to exercise the diligence of a good father of negligence on the part of an employer. 8

of the family in the selection and supervision of their employee is fully

supported by the evidence on record. These factual findings of the two courts Petitioners argue that they are not liable because (1) an earlier departure
we regard as final and conclusive, supported as they are by the evidence. (made impossible by the congregation's delayed meeting) could have a
Indeed, it was admitted by Cabil that on the night in question, it was raining, averted the mishap and (2) under the contract, the WWCF was directly
and as a consequence, the road was slippery, and it was dark. He averred responsible for the conduct of the trip. Neither of these contentions hold
these facts to justify his failure to see that there lay a sharp curve ahead. water. The hour of departure had not been fixed. Even if it had been, the
However, it is undisputed that Cabil drove his bus at the speed of 50 delay did not bear directly on the cause of the accident. With respect to the
kilometers per hour and only slowed down when he noticed the curve some second contention, it was held in an early case that:
15 to 30 meters ahead. By then it was too late for him to avoid falling off the

road. Given the conditions of the road and considering that the trip was [A] person who hires a public automobile and gives the driver directions as to
Cabil's first one outside of Manila, Cabil should have driven his vehicle at a the place to which he wishes to be conveyed, but exercises no other control
moderate speed. There is testimony that the vehicles passing on that
over the conduct of the driver, is not responsible for acts of negligence of the
portion of the road should only be running 20 kilometers per hour, so that at latter or prevented from recovering for injuries suffered from a collision
50 kilometers per hour, Cabil was running at a very high speed. between the automobile and a train, caused by the negligence or the
automobile driver. 9

Considering the foregoing — the fact that it was raining and the road was
slippery, that it was dark, that he drove his bus at 50 kilometers an hour As already stated, this case actually involves a contract of carriage.
when even on a good day the normal speed was only 20 kilometers an hour, Petitioners, the Fabres, did not have to be engaged in the business of public
and that he was unfamiliar with the terrain, Cabil was grossly negligent and transportation for the provisions of the Civil Code on common carriers to
should be held liable for the injuries suffered by private respondent Amyline apply to them. As this Court has held: 10

Art. 1732. Common carriers are persons, corporations, firms
Pursuant to Arts. 2176 and 2180 of the Civil Code his negligence gave rise to or associations engaged in the business of carrying or
the presumption that his employers, the Fabres, were themselves negligent transporting passengers or goods or both, by land, water, or
in the selection and supervisions of their employee. air for compensation, offering their services to the public.

Due diligence in selection of employees is not satisfied by finding that the The above article makes no distinction between one whose
applicant possessed a professional driver's license. The employer should principal business activity is the carrying of persons or goods
also examine the applicant for his qualifications, experience and record of or both, and one who does such carrying only as an ancillary
service. Due diligence in supervision, on the other hand, requires the
activity (in local idiom, as "a sideline"). Article 1732 also
formulation of rules and regulations for the guidance of employees and carefully avoids making any distinction between a person or
issuance of proper instructions as well as actual implementation and enterprise offering transportation service on a regular or
monitoring of consistent compliance with the rules. 6
scheduled basis and one offering such service on an
occasional, episodic or unscheduled basis. Neither does
Article 1732 distinguish between a carrier offering its damages in cases of quasi delict. On the theory that petitioners are liable for
services to the "general public," i.e., the general community breach of contract of carriage, the award of moral damages is authorized by
or population, and one who offers services or solicits Art. 1764, in relation to Art. 2220, since Cabil's gross negligence amounted
business only from a narrow segment of the general to bad faith. Amyline Antonio's testimony, as well as the testimonies of her

population. We think that Article 1732 deliberately refrained father and copassengers, fully establish the physical suffering and mental
from making such distinctions. anguish she endured as a result of the injuries caused by petitioners'
As common carriers, the Fabres were found to exercise
"extraordinary diligence" for the safe transportation of the The award of exemplary damages and attorney's fees was also properly
passengers to their destination. This duty of care is not made. However, for the same reason that it was error for the appellate court
excused by proof that they exercise the diligence of a good to increase the award of compensatory damages, we hold that it was also
father of the family in the selection and supervision of their error for it to increase the award of moral damages and reduce the award of
employee. As Art. 1759 of the Code provides: attorney's fees, inasmuch as private respondents, in whose favor the awards
were made, have not appealed. 13

Common carriers are liable for the death of or injuries to

passengers through the negligence or willful acts of the As above stated, the decision of the Court of Appeals can be sustained either
former's employees although such employees may have on the theory of quasi delict or on that of breach of contract. The question is
acted beyond the scope of their authority or in violation of whether, as the two courts below held, petitioners, who are the owners and
the orders of the common carriers. driver of the bus, may be made to respond jointly and severally to private
respondent. We hold that they may be. In Dangwa Trans. Co. Inc. v. Court of
This liability of the common carriers does not cease upon Appeals, on facts similar to those in this case, this Court held the bus

proof that they exercised all the diligence of a good father of company and the driver jointly and severally liable for damages for injuries
a family in the selection and supervision of their employees. suffered by a passenger. Again, in Bachelor Express, Inc. v. Court of
Appeals a driver found negligent in failing to stop the bus in order to let off

passengers when a fellow passenger ran amuck, as a result of which the

The same circumstances detailed above, supporting the finding of the trial
passengers jumped out of the speeding bus and suffered injuries, was held
court and of the appellate court that petitioners are liable under Arts. 2176
and 2180 for quasi delict, fully justify findings them guilty of breach of also jointly and severally liable with the bus company to the injured
contract of carriage under Arts. 1733, 1755 and 1759 of the Civil Code.

The same rule of liability was applied in situations where the negligence of
Secondly, we sustain the award of damages in favor of Amyline Antonio.
the driver of the bus on which plaintiff was riding concurred with the
However, we think the Court of Appeals erred in increasing the amount of
negligence of a third party who was the driver of another vehicle, thus
compensatory damages because private respondents did not question this
causing an accident. In Anuran v. Buño, Batangas Laguna Tayabas Bus
award as inadequate. To the contrary, the award of P500,000.00 for

Co. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 7 and Metro Manila Transit Corporation

compensatory damages which the Regional Trial Court made is reasonable
v. Court of Appeals, the bus company, its driver, the operator of the other
considering the contingent nature of her income as a casual employee of a
vehicle and the driver of the vehicle were jointly and severally held liable to
company and as distributor of beauty products and the fact that the
the injured passenger or the latters' heirs. The basis of this allocation of
possibility that she might be able to work again has not been foreclosed. In
liability was explained in Viluan v. Court of Appeals, thus:
fact she testified that one of her previous employers had expressed
willingness to employ her again.
Nor should it make any difference that the liability of
petitioner [bus owner] springs from contract while that of
With respect to the other awards, while the decisions of the trial court and the
respondents [owner and driver of other vehicle] arises
Court of Appeals do not sufficiently indicate the factual and legal basis for
from quasi-delict. As early as 1913, we already ruled
them, we find that they are nevertheless supported by evidence in the
in Gutierrez vs. Gutierrez, 56 Phil. 177, that in case of injury
records of this case. Viewed as an action for quasi delict, this case falls
squarely within the purview of Art. 2219(2) providing for the payment of moral to a passenger due to the negligence of the driver of the bus
on which he was riding and of the driver of another vehicle,
the drivers as well as the owners of the two vehicles are 4) P20,000.00 as exemplary damages;
jointly and severally liable for damages. Some members of
the Court, though, are of the view that under the 5) 25% of the recoverable amount as attorney's fees; and
circumstances they are liable on quasi-delict. 20

6) costs of suit.
It is true that in Philippine Rabbit Bus Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals this

Court exonerated the jeepney driver from liability to the injured passengers SO ORDERED.
and their families while holding the owners of the jeepney jointly and
severally liable, but that is because that case was expressly tried and
decided exclusively on the theory of culpa contractual. As this Court there
G.R. No. 92288 February 9, 1993
The trial court was therefore right in finding that Manalo (the driver) and
spouses Mangune and Carreon (the jeepney owners) were negligent. BRITISH AIRWAYS, INC., petitioner,
However, its ruling that spouses Mangune and Carreon are jointly and vs.
severally liable with Manalo is erroneous. The driver cannot be held jointly THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS, Twelfth Division, and FIRST
and severally liable with carrier in case of breach of the contract of carriage. INTERNATIONAL TRADING AND GENERAL SERVICES, respondents.
The rationale behind this is readily discernible. Firstly, the contract of
carriage is between the carrier is exclusively responsible therefore to the Quasha, Asperilla, Ancheta, Peña & Nolasco for petitioner.
passenger, even if such breach be due to the negligence of his driver (see
Viluan v. The Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. Nos. L-21477-81, April 29, 1966, Monina P. Lee for private respondent.
16 SCRA 742). 22

As in the case of BLTB, private respondents in this case and her coplaintiffs
did not stake out their claim against the carrier and the driver exclusively on NOCON, J.:
one theory, much less on that of breach of contract alone. After all, it was
permitted for them to allege alternative causes of action and join as many
parties as may be liable on such causes of action so long as private
23 This is a petition for review on certiorari to annul and set aside the decision
respondent and her coplaintiffs do not recover twice for the same injury. dated November 15, 1989 of the Court of Appeals affirming the decision of

What is clear from the cases is the intent of the plaintiff there to recover from the trial court in ordering petitioner British Airways, Inc. to pay private

both the carrier and the driver, thus, justifying the holding that the carrier and respondent First International Trading and General Services actual damages,
the driver were jointly and severally liable because their separate and distinct moral damages, corrective or exemplary damages, attorney's fees and the
acts concurred to produce the same injury. costs as well as the Resolution dated February 15, 1990 denying petitioner's

Motion for Reconsideration in the appealed decision.

WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED with
MODIFICATION as to award of damages. Petitioners are ORDERED to PAY It appears on record that on February 15, 1981, private respondent First
jointly and severally the private respondent Amyline Antonio the following International Trading and General Services Co., a duly licensed domestic
amounts: recruitment and placement agency, received a telex message from its
principal ROLACO Engineering and Contracting Services in Jeddah, Saudi
Arabia to recruit Filipino contract workers in behalf of said principal.

1) P93,657.11 as actual damages;

During the early part of March 1981, said principal paid to the Jeddah branch
2) P500,000.00 as the reasonable amount of loss of earning capacity of of petitioner British Airways, Inc. airfare tickets for 93 contract workers with
plaintiff Amyline Antonio; specific instruction to transport said workers to Jeddah on or before March
30, 1981.
3) P20,000.00 as moral damages;
As soon as petitioner received a prepaid ticket advice from its Jeddah branch On August 8, 1981, private respondent received a telex message from its
to transport the 93 workers, private respondent was immediately informed by principal cancelling the hiring of the remaining recruited workers due to the
petitioner that its principal had forwarded 93 prepaid tickets. Thereafter, delay in transporting the workers to Jeddah. 5

private respondent instructed its travel agent, ADB Travel and Tours. Inc., to
book the 93 workers with petitioner but the latter failed to fly said workers, On January 27, 1982, private respondent filed a complaint for damages
thereby compelling private respondent to borrow money in the amount of against petitioner with the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 1 in Civil
P304,416.00 in order to purchase airline tickets from the other airlines as Case No. 82-4653.
evidenced by the cash vouchers (Exhibits "B", "C" and "C-1 to C-7") for the
93 workers it had recruited who must leave immediately since the visas of On the other hand, petitioner, alleged in its Answer with counterclaims that it
said workers are valid only for 45 days and the Bureau of Employment
received a telex message from Jeddah on March 20, 1981 advising that the
Services mandates that contract workers must be sent to the job site within a
principal of private respondent had prepaid the airfares of 100 persons to
period of 30 days.
transport private respondent's contract workers from Manila to Jeddah on or
before March 30, 1981. However, due to the unavailability of space and
Sometime in the first week of June, 1981, private respondent was again limited time, petitioner had to return to its sponsor in Jeddah the prepaid
informed by the petitioner that it had received a prepaid ticket advice from its ticket advice consequently not even one of the alleged 93 contract workers
Jeddah branch for the transportation of 27 contract workers. Immediatety, were booked in any of its flights.
private respondent instructed its travel agent to book the 27 contract workers
with the petitioner but the latter was only able to book and confirm 16 seats
On June 5, 1981, petitioner received another prepaid ticket advice to
on its June 9, 1981 flight. However, on the date of the scheduled flight only 9 transport 16 contract workers of private respondent to Jeddah but the travel
workers were able to board said flight while the remaining 7 workers were agent of the private respondent booked only 10 contract workers for
rebooked to June 30, 1981 which bookings were again cancelled by the
petitioner's June 9, 1981 flight. However, only 9 contract workers boarded
petitioner without any prior notice to either private respondent or the workers.
the scheduled flight with 1 passenger not showing up as evidenced by the
Thereafter, the 7 workers were rebooked to the July 4,1981 flight of petitioner
Philippine Airlines' passenger manifest for Flight BA-020 (Exhibit "7", "7-A",
with 6 more workers booked for said flight. Unfortunately, the confirmed
"7-B" and "7-C").6

bookings of the 13 workers were again cancelled and rebooked to July 7,

Thereafter, private respondent's travel agent booked seats for 5 contract
workers on petitioner's July 4, 1981 flight but said travel agent cancelled the
On July 6, 1981, private respondent paid the travel tax of the said workers as
booking of 2 passengers while the other 3 passengers did not show up on
required by the petitioner but when the receipt of the tax payments was said flight.
submitted, the latter informed private respondent that it can only confirm the
seats of the 12 workers on its July 7, 1981 flight. However, the confirmed
seats of said workers were again cancelled without any prior notice either to Sometime in July 1981, the travel agent of the private respondent booked 7
the private respondent or said workers. The 12 workers were finally able to more contract workers in addition to the previous 5 contract workers who
leave for Jeddah after private respondent had bought tickets from the other were not able to board the July 4, 1981 flight with the petitioner's July 7, 1981
airlines. flight which was accepted by petitioner subject to reconfirmation.

As a result of these incidents, private respondent sent a letter to petitioner However on July 6, 1981, petitioner's computer system broke down which
demanding compensation for the damages it had incurred by the latter's resulted to petitioner's failure to get a reconfirmation from Saudi Arabia
repeated failure to transport its contract workers despite confirmed bookings Airlines causing the automatic cancellation of the bookings of private
and payment of the corresponding travel taxes. respondent's 12 contract workers. In the morning of July 7, 1981, the
computer system of the petitioner was reinstalled and immediately petitioner
tried to reinstate the bookings of the 12 workers with either Gulf Air or Saudi
On July 23, 1981, the counsel of private respondent sent another letter to the
Arabia Airlines but both airlines replied that no seat was available on that
petitioner demanding the latter to pay the amount of P350,000.00
date and had to place the 12 workers on the wait list. Said information was
representing damages and unrealized profit or income which was denied by
duly relayed to the private respondent and the 12 workers before the
the petitioner. scheduled flight.
After due trial on or on August 27, 1985, the trial court rendered its decision, Private respondent had a valid cause of action for damages against
the dispositive portion of which reads as follows: petitioner. A cause of action is an act or omission of one party in violation of
the legal right or rights of the other. Petitioner's repeated failures to transport

WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, this Court private respondent's workers in its flight despite confirmed booking of said
renders judgment: workers clearly constitutes breach of contract and bad faith on its part. In
resolving petitioner's theory that private respondent has no cause of action in
the instant case, the appellate court correctly held that:
1. Ordering the defendant to pay the plaintiff actual damages
in the sum of P308,016.00;
In dealing with the contract of common carriage of
passengers for purpose of accuracy, there are two (2)
2. Ordering defendant to pay moral damages to the plaintiff
aspects of the same, namely: (a) the contract "to carry (at
in the amount of P20,000.00;
some future time)," which contract is consensual and is
necessarily perfected by mere consent (See Article 1356,
3. Ordering the defendant to pay the plaintiff P10,000.00 by Civil Code of the Philippines), and (b) the contract "of
way of corrective or exemplary damages; carriage" or "of common carriage" itself which should be
considered as a real contract for not until the carrier is
4. Ordering the defendant to pay the plaintiff 30% of its total actually used can the carrier be said to have already
claim for and as attorney's fees; and assumed the obligation of a carrier. (Paras, Civil Code
Annotated, Vol. V, p. 429, Eleventh Ed.)
5. To pay the costs. 7

In the instant case, the contract "to carry" is the one involved
On March 13, 1986, petitioner appealed said decision to respondent which is consensual and is perfected by the mere consent of
appellate court after the trial court denied its Motion for Reconsideration on the parties.
February 28, 1986.
There is no dispute as to the appellee's consent to the said
On November 15, 1989, respondent appellate court affirmed the decision of contract "to carry" its contract workers from Manila to
the trial court, the dispositive portion of which reads: Jeddah. The appellant's consent thereto, on the other hand,
was manifested by its acceptance of the PTA or prepaid
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby ticket advice that ROLACO Engineering has prepaid the
AFFIRMED with costs against the appellant. 8 airfares of the appellee's contract workers advising the
appellant that it must transport the contract workers on or
before the end of March, 1981 and the other batch in June,
On December 9, 1989, petitioner filed a Motion for Reconsideration which
was also denied.
Even if a PTA is merely an advice from the sponsors that an
Hence, this petition.
airline is authorized to issue a ticket and thus no ticket was
yet issued, the fact remains that the passage had already
It is the contention of petitioner that private respondent has no cause of been paid for by the principal of the appellee, and the
action against it there being no perfected contract of carriage existing appellant had accepted such payment. The existence of this
between them as no ticket was ever issued to private respondent's contract payment was never objected to nor questioned by the
workers and, therefore, the obligation of the petitioner to transport said appellant in the lower court. Thus, the cause or
contract workers did not arise. Furthermore, private respondent's failure to consideration which is the fare paid for the passengers
attach any ticket in the complaint further proved that it was never a party to exists in this case.
the alleged transaction.

Petitioner's contention is untenable.

The third essential requisite of a contract is an object certain. Petitioner also contends that the appellate court erred in awarding actual
In this contract "to carry", such an object is the transport of damages in the amount of P308,016.00 to private respondent since all
the passengers from the place of departure to the place of expenses had already been subsequently reimbursed by the latter's
destination as stated in the telex. principal.

Accordingly, there could be no more pretensions as to the In awarding actual damages to private respondent, the appellate court held
existence of an oral contract of carriage imposing reciprocal that the amount of P308,016.00 representing actual damages refers to
obligations on both parties. private respondent's second cause of action involving the expenses incurred
by the latter which were not reimbursed by ROLACO Engineering. However,
In the case of appellee, it has fully complied with the in the Complaint filed by private respondent, it was alleged that private

obligation, namely, the payment of the fare and its respondent suffered actual damages in the amount of P308,016.00
willingness for its contract workers to leave for their place of representing the money it borrowed from friends and financiers which is
destination. P304,416.00 for the 93 airline tickets and P3,600.00 for the travel tax of the
12 workers. It is clear therefore that the actual damages private respondent
seeks to recover are the airline tickets and travel taxes it spent for its workers
On the other hand, the facts clearly show that appellant was
which were already reimbursed by its principal and not for any other
remiss in its obligation to transport the contract workers on
expenses it had incurred in the process of recruiting said contract workers.
their flight despite confirmation and bookings made by
Inasmuch as all expenses including the processing fees incurred by private
appellee's travelling agent.
respondent had already been paid for by the latter's principal on a staggered
basis as admitted in open court by its managing director, Mrs. Bienvenida
xxx xxx xxx Brusellas. We do not find anymore justification in the appellate court's

decision in granting actual damages to private respondent.

Besides, appellant knew very well that time was of the
essence as the prepaid ticket advice had specified the Thus, while it may be true that private respondent was compelled to borrow
period of compliance therewith, and with emphasis that it money for the airfare tickets of its contract workers when petitioner failed to
could only be used if the passengers fly on BA. Under the transport said workers, the reimbursements made by its principal to private
circumstances, the appellant should have refused respondent failed to support the latter's claim that it suffered actual damages
acceptance of the PTA from appellee's principal or to at least as a result of petitioner's failure to transport said workers. It is undisputed
inform appellee that it could not accommodate the contract that private respondent had consistently admitted that its principal had
workers. reimbursed all its expenses.

xxx xxx xxx Article 2199 of the Civil Code provides that:

While there is no dispute that ROLACO Engineering Except as provided by law or by stipulations, one is entitled
advanced the payment for the airfares of the appellee's to an adequate compensation only for such pecuniary loss
contract workers who were recruited for ROLACO suffered by him as he has duly proved. Such compensation
Engineering and the said contract workers were the intended is referred to as actual or compensatory damages.
passengers in the aircraft of the appellant, the said contract
"to carry" also involved the appellee for as recruiter he had
to see to it that the contract workers should be transported to Furthermore, actual or compensatory damages cannot be presumed, but
must be duly proved, and proved with reasonable degree of certainty. A court
ROLACO Engineering in Jeddah thru the appellant's
cannot rely on speculation, conjecture or guesswork as to the fact and
transportation. For that matter, the involvement of the
amount of damages, but must depend upon competent proof that they have
appellee in the said contract "to carry" was well
suffered and on evidence of the actual amount thereof. 13
demonstrated when
the appellant upon receiving the PTA immediately advised
the appellee thereof. 10
However, private respondent is entitled to an award of moral and exemplary G.R. No. L-18965 October 30, 1964
damages for the injury suffered as a result of petitioner's failure to transport
the former's workers because of the latter's patent bad faith in the COMPAÑIA MARITIMA, petitioner,
performance of its obligation. As correctly pointed out by the appellate court: vs.
As evidence had proved, there was complete failure on the
part of the appellant to transport the 93 contract workers of Rafael Dinglasan for petitioner.
the appellee on or before March 30, 1981 despite receipt of Ozaeta Gibbs & Ozaeta for respondent.
the payment for their airfares, and acceptance of the same
by the appellant, with specific instructions from the BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.:
appellee's principal to transport the contract workers on or
before March 30, 1981. No previous notice was ever
registered by the appellant that it could not comply with the Sometime in October, 1952, Macleod and Company of the Philippines
same. And then followed the detestable act of appellant in contracted by telephone the services of the Compañia Maritima, a shipping
unilaterally cancelling, booking and rebooking unreasonably corporation, for the shipment of 2,645 bales of hemp from the former's Sasa
the flight of appellee's contract workers in June to July, 1981 private pier at Davao City to Manila and for their subsequent transhipment to
without prior notice. And all of these actuations of the Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. on board the S.S. Steel Navigator. This oral
appellant indeed constitute malice and evident bad faith contract was later on confirmed by a formal and written booking issued by
which had caused damage and besmirched the reputation Macleod's branch office in Sasa and handcarried to Compañia Maritima's
and business image of the appellee. 14 branch office in Davao in compliance with which the latter sent to Macleod's
private wharf LCT Nos. 1023 and 1025 on which the loading of the hemp was
completed on October 29, 1952. These two lighters were manned each by a
As to the alleged damages suffered by the petitioner as stated in its
patron and an assistant patron. The patrons of both barges issued the
counterclaims, the record shows that no claim for said damages was ever
corresponding carrier's receipts and that issued by the patron of Barge No.
made by the petitioner immediately after their alleged occurrence therefore 1025 reads in part:
said counterclaims were mere afterthoughts when private respondent filed
the present case.
Received in behalf of S.S. Bowline Knot in good order and condition
WHEREFORE, the assailed decision is hereby AFFIRMED with the for transhipment at Manila onto S.S. Steel Navigator.
MODIFICATION that the award of actual damages be deleted from said
Thereafter, the two loaded barges left Macleod's wharf and proceeded to and
moored at the government's marginal wharf in the same place to await the
arrival of the S.S. Bowline Knot belonging to Compañia Maritima on which
the hemp was to be loaded. During the night of October 29, 1952, or at the
early hours of October 30, LCT No. 1025 sank, resulting in the damage or
loss of 1,162 bales of hemp loaded therein. On October 30, 1952, Macleod
promptly notified the carrier's main office in Manila and its branch in Davao
advising it of its liability. The damaged hemp was brought to Odell Plantation
in Madaum, Davao, for cleaning, washing, reconditioning, and redrying.
During the period from November 1-15, 1952, the carrier's trucks and lighters
hauled from Odell to Macleod at Sasa a total of 2,197.75 piculs of the
reconditioned hemp out of the original cargo of 1,162 bales weighing 2,324
piculs which had a total value of 116,835.00. After reclassification, the value
of the reconditioned hemp was reduced to P84,887.28, or a loss in value of
P31,947.72. Adding to this last amount the sum of P8,863.30 representing with due authority to undertake the transportation and to sign the documents
Macleod's expenses in checking, grading, rebating, and other fees for that may be necessary therefor so much so that the patron of LCT No. 1025
washing, cleaning and redrying in the amount of P19.610.00, the total loss signed the receipt covering the cargo of hemp loaded therein as follows: .
adds up to P60,421.02.
Received in behalf of S.S. Bowline Knot in good order and condition
All abaca shipments of Macleod, including the 1,162 bales loaded on the from MACLEOD AND COMPANY OF PHILIPPINES, Sasa Davao,
carrier's LCT No. 1025, were insured with the Insurance Company of North for transhipment at Manila onto S.S. Steel Navigator.
America against all losses and damages. In due time, Macleod filed a claim
for the loss it suffered as above stated with said insurance company, and FINAL DESTINATION: Boston.
after the same had been processed, the sum of P64,018.55 was paid, which
was noted down in a document which aside from being a receipt of the
The fact that the carrier sent its lighters free of charge to take the hemp from
amount paid, was a subrogation agreement between Macleod and the
Macleod's wharf at Sasa preparatory to its loading onto the ship Bowline
insurance company wherein the former assigned to the latter its rights over Knot does not in any way impair the contract of carriage already entered into
the insured and damaged cargo. Having failed to recover from the carrier the between the carrier and the shipper, for that preparatory step is but part and
sum of P60,421.02, which is the only amount supported by receipts, the
parcel of said contract of carriage. The lighters were merely employed as the
insurance company instituted the present action on October 28, 1953. After
first step of the voyage, but once that step was taken and the hemp delivered
trial, the court a quo rendered judgment ordering the carrier to pay the
to the carrier's employees, the rights and obligations of the parties attached
insurance company the sum of P60,421.02, with legal interest thereon from
thereby subjecting them to the principles and usages of the maritime law. In
the date of the filing of the complaint until fully paid, and the costs. This other words, here we have a complete contract of carriage the
judgment was affirmed by the Court of Appeals on December 14, 1960. consummation of which has already begun: the shipper delivering the cargo
Hence, this petition for review.
to the carrier, and the latter taking possession thereof by placing it on a
lighter manned by its authorized employees, under which Macleod became
The issues posed before us are: (1) Was there a contract of carriage entitled to the privilege secured to him by law for its safe transportation and
between the carrier and the shipper even if the loss occurred when the hemp delivery, and the carrier to the full payment of its freight upon completion of
was loaded on a barge owned by the carrier which was loaded free of charge the voyage.
and was not actually loaded on the S.S. Bowline Knot which would carry the
hemp to Manila and no bill of lading was issued therefore?; (2) Was the
The receipt of goods by the carrier has been said to lie at the
damage caused to the cargo or the sinking of the barge where it was loaded
foundation of the contract to carry and deliver, and if actually no
due to a fortuitous event, storm or natural disaster that would exempt the goods are received there can be no such contract. The liability and
carrier from liability?; (3) Can respondent insurance company sue the carrier responsibility of the carrier under a contract for the carriage of goods
under its insurance contract as assignee of Macleod in spite of the fact that commence on their actual delivery to, or receipt by, the carrier or an
the liability of the carrier as insurer is not recognized in this jurisdiction?; (4) authorized agent. ... and delivery to a lighter in charge of a vessel for
Has the Court of Appeals erred in regarding Exhibit NNN-1 as an implied
shipment on the vessel, where it is the custom to deliver in that way,
admission by the carrier of the correctness and sufficiency of the shipper's
is a good delivery and binds the vessel receiving the freight, the
statement of accounts contrary to the burden of proof rule?; and (5) Can the liability commencing at the time of delivery to the lighter. ... and,
insurance company maintain this suit without proof of its personality to do similarly, where there is a contract to carry goods from one port to
so? another, and they cannot be loaded directly on the vessel and
lighters are sent by the vessel to bring the goods to it, the lighters are
1. This issue should be answered in the affirmative. As found by the Court of for the time its substitutes, so that the bill of landing is applicable to
Appeals, Macleod and Company contracted by telephone the services of the goods as soon as they are placed on the lighters. (80 C.J.S., p.
petitioner to ship the hemp in question from the former's private pier at Sasa, 901, emphasis supplied)
Davao City, to Manila, to be subsequently transhipped to Boston,
Massachusetts, U.S.A., which oral contract was later confirmed by a formal
... The test as to whether the relation of shipper and carrier had been
and written booking issued by the shipper's branch office, Davao City, in
established is, Had the control and possession of the cotton been
virtue of which the carrier sent two of its lighters to undertake the service. It
completely surrendered by the shipper to the railroad company?
also appears that the patrons of said lighters were employees of the carrier
Whenever the control and possession of goods passes to the carrier 2. Petitioner disclaims responsibility for the damage of the cargo in question
and nothing remains to be done by the shipper, then it can be said shielding itself behind the claim of force majeure or storm which occurred on
with certainty that the relation of shipper and carrier has been the night of October 29, 1952. But the evidence fails to bear this out.
established. Railroad Co. v. Murphy, 60 Ark. 333, 30 S.W. 419, 46 A.
St. Rep. 202; Pine Bluff & Arkansas River Ry. v. MaKenzie, 74 Ark. Rather, it shows that the mishap that caused the damage or loss was due,
100, 86 S.W. 834; Matthews & Hood v. St. L., I.M. & S.R. Co., 123 not to force majeure, but to lack of adequate precautions or measures taken
Ark. 365, 185 S.W. 461, L.R.A. 1916E, 1194. (W.F. Bogart & Co., et by the carrier to prevent the loss as may be inferred from the following
al. v. Wade, et al., 200 S.W. 148). findings of the Court of Appeals:

The claim that there can be no contract of affreightment because the hemp Aside from the fact that, as admitted by appellant's own witness, the
was not actually loaded on the ship that was to take it from Davao City to ill-fated barge had cracks on its bottom (pp. 18-19, t.s.n., Sept. 13,
Manila is of no moment, for, as already stated, the delivery of the hemp to 1959) which admitted sea water in the same manner as rain entered
the carrier's lighter is in line with the contract. In fact, the receipt signed by "thru tank man-holes", according to the patron of LCT No. 1023 (exh.
the patron of the lighter that carried the hemp stated that he was receiving JJJ-4) — conclusively showing that the barge was not seaworthy —
the cargo "in behalf of S.S. Bowline Knot in good order and condition." On it should be noted that on the night of the nautical accident there was
the other hand, the authorities are to the effect that a bill of lading is not no storm, flood, or other natural disaster or calamity. Certainly, winds
indispensable for the creation of a contract of carriage. of 11 miles per hour, although stronger than the average 4.6 miles
per hour then prevailing in Davao on October 29, 1952 (exh. 5),
Bill of lading not indispensable to contract of carriage. — As to the cannot be classified as storm. For according to Beaufort's wind
issuance of a bill of lading, although article 350 of the Code of scale, a storm has wind velocities of from 64 to 75 miles per hour;
Commerce provides that "the shipper as well as the carrier of and by Philippine Weather Bureau standards winds should have a
merchandise or goods may mutua-lly demand that a bill of lading is velocity of from 55 to 74 miles per hour in order to be classified as
not indispensable. As regards the form of the contract of carriage it storm (Northern Assurance Co., Ltd. vs. Visayan Stevedore
can be said that provided that there is a meeting of the minds and Transportation Co., CA-G.R. No. 23167-R, March 12, 1959).
from such meeting arise rights and obligations, there should be no
limitations as to form." The bill of lading is not essential to the The Court of Appeals further added: "the report of R. J. del Pan & Co., Inc.,
contract, although it may become obligatory by reason of the marine surveyors, attributes the sinking of LCT No. 1025 to the 'non-water-
regulations of railroad companies, or as a condition imposed in the tight conditions of various buoyancy compartments' (exh. JJJ); and this
contract by the agreement of the parties themselves. The bill of report finds confirmation on the above-mentioned admission of two witnesses
lading is juridically a documentary proof of the stipulations and for appellant concerning the cracks of the lighter's bottom and the entrance
conditions agreed upon by both parties. (Del Viso, pp. 314-315; of the rain water 'thru manholes'." We are not prepared to dispute this finding
Robles vs. Santos, 44 O.G. 2268). In other words, the Code does not of the Court of Appeals.
demand, as necessary requisite in the contract of transportation, the
delivery of the bill of lading to the shipper, but gives right to both the
3. There can also be no doubt that the insurance company can recover from
carrier and the shipper to mutually demand of each other the delivery the carrier as assignee of the owner of the cargo for the insurance amount it
of said bill. (Sp. Sup. Ct. Decision, May 6, 1895). (Martin, Philippine paid to the latter under the insurance contract. And this is so because since
Commercial Laws, Vol. II, Revised Edition, pp. 12-13)
the cargo that was damaged was insured with respondent company and the
latter paid the amount represented by the loss, it is but fair that it be given the
The liability of the carrier as common carrier begins with the actual right to recover from the party responsible for the loss. The instant case,
delivery of the goods for transportation, and not merely with the therefore, is not one between the insured and the insurer, but one between
formal execution of a receipt or bill of lading; the issuance of a bill of the shipper and the carrier, because the insurance company merely stepped
lading is not necessary to complete delivery and acceptance. Even into the shoes of the shipper. And since the shipper has a direct cause of
where it is provided by statute that liability commences with the action against the carrier on account of the damage of the cargo, no valid
issuance of the bill of lading, actual delivery and acceptance are reason is seen why such action cannot be asserted or availed of by the
sufficient to bind the carrier. (13 C.J.S., p. 288) insurance company as a subrogee of the shipper. Nor can the carrier set up
as a defense any defect in the insurance policy not only because it is not a
privy to it but also because it cannot avoid its liability to the shipper under the fortuitous event. Hence, under the carrier's theory, the correctness of the
contract of carriage which binds it to pay any loss that may be caused to the account representing the loss was not so material as would necessitate the
cargo involved therein. Thus, we find fitting the following comments of the presentation of the books in question. At any rate, even if the books of
Court of Appeals: accounts were not produced, the correctness of the accounts cannot now be
disputed for the same is supported by the original documents on which the
It was not imperative and necessary for the trial court to pass upon entries in said books were based which were presented by the shipper as
the question of whether or not the disputed abaca cargo was part of its evidence. And according to the Court of Appeals, these documents
covered by Marine Open Cargo Policy No. MK-134 isued by alone sufficiently establish the award of P60,412.02 made in favor of
appellee. Appellant was neither a party nor privy to this insurance respondent.
contract, and therefore cannot avail itself of any defect in the policy
which may constitute a valid reason for appellee, as the insurer, to 5. Finally, with regard to the question concerning the personality of the
reject the claim of Macleod, as the insured. Anyway, whatever defect insurance company to maintain this action, we find the same of no
the policy contained, if any, is deemed to have been waived by the importance, for the attorney himself of the carrier admitted in open court that
subsequent payment of Macleod's claim by appellee. Besides, it is a foreign corporation doing business in the Philippines with a personality
appellant is herein sued in its capacity as a common carrier, and to file the present action.
appellee is suing as the assignee of the shipper pursuant to exhibit
MM. Since, as above demonstrated, appellant is liable to Macleod WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is affirmed, with costs against
and Company of the Philippines for the los or damage to the 1,162 petitioner.
bales of hemp after these were received in good order and condition
by the patron of appellant's LCT No. 1025, it necessarily follows that
appellant is likewise liable to appellee who, as assignee of Macleod,
merely stepped into the shoes of and substi-tuted the latter in
demanding from appellant the payment for the loss and damage

4. It should be recalled in connection with this issue that during the trial of
this case the carrier asked the lower court to order the production of the
books of accounts of the Odell Plantation containing the charges it made for
the loss of the damaged hemp for verification of its accountants, but later it
desisted therefrom on the claim that it finds their production no longer
necessary. This desistance notwithstanding, the shipper however pre-sented
other documents to prove the damage it suffered in connection with the
cargo and on the strength thereof the court a quo ordered the carrier to pay
the sum of P60,421.02. And after the Court of Appeals affirmed this award
upon the theory that the desistance of the carrier from producing the books of
accounts of Odell Plantation implies an admission of the correctness of the
statements of accounts contained therein, petitioner now contends that the
Court of Appeals erred in basing the affirmance of the award on such
erroneous interpretation.

There is reason to believe that the act of petitioner in waiving its right to have
the books of accounts of Odell Plantation presented in court is tantamount to
an admission that the statements contained therein are correct and their
verification not necessary because its main defense here, as well as below,
was that it is not liable for the loss because there was no contract of carriage
between it and the shipper and the loss caused, if any, was due to a
The LRTA and Roman presented their evidence while Prudent and Escartin,
instead of presenting evidence, filed a demurrer contending that Navidad had
failed to prove that Escartin was negligent in his assigned task. On 11 August
1998, the trial court rendered its decision; it adjudged:
G.R. No. 145804 February 6, 2003
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the plaintiffs and
LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT AUTHORITY & RODOLFO ROMAN, petitioners, against the defendants Prudent Security and Junelito Escartin ordering the
vs. latter to pay jointly and severally the plaintiffs the following:
SECURITY AGENCY, respondents. "a) 1) Actual damages of P44,830.00;

DECISION 2) Compensatory damages of P443,520.00;

VITUG, J.: 3) Indemnity for the death of Nicanor Navidad in the sum of
The case before the Court is an appeal from the decision and resolution of
the Court of Appeals, promulgated on 27 April 2000 and 10 October 2000, "b) Moral damages of P50,000.00;
respectively, in CA-G.R. CV No. 60720, entitled "Marjorie Navidad and Heirs
of the Late Nicanor Navidad vs. Rodolfo Roman, et. al.," which has modified "c) Attorney’s fees of P20,000;
the decision of 11 August 1998 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 266,
Pasig City, exonerating Prudent Security Agency (Prudent) from liability and
"d) Costs of suit.
finding Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA) and Rodolfo Roman liable for
damages on account of the death of Nicanor Navidad.
"The complaint against defendants LRTA and Rodolfo Roman are dismissed
for lack of merit.
On 14 October 1993, about half an hour past seven o’clock in the evening,
Nicanor Navidad, then drunk, entered the EDSA LRT station after purchasing
a "token" (representing payment of the fare). While Navidad was standing on "The compulsory counterclaim of LRTA and Roman are likewise dismissed." 1

the platform near the LRT tracks, Junelito Escartin, the security guard
assigned to the area approached Navidad. A misunderstanding or an Prudent appealed to the Court of Appeals. On 27 August 2000, the appellate
altercation between the two apparently ensued that led to a fist fight. No court promulgated its now assailed decision exonerating Prudent from any
evidence, however, was adduced to indicate how the fight started or who, liability for the death of Nicanor Navidad and, instead, holding the LRTA and
between the two, delivered the first blow or how Navidad later fell on the LRT Roman jointly and severally liable thusly:
tracks. At the exact moment that Navidad fell, an LRT train, operated by
petitioner Rodolfo Roman, was coming in. Navidad was struck by the moving "WHEREFORE, the assailed judgment is hereby MODIFIED, by exonerating
train, and he was killed instantaneously. the appellants from any liability for the death of Nicanor Navidad, Jr. Instead,
appellees Rodolfo Roman and the Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA) are
On 08 December 1994, the widow of Nicanor, herein respondent Marjorie held liable for his death and are hereby directed to pay jointly and severally
Navidad, along with her children, filed a complaint for damages against to the plaintiffs-appellees, the following amounts:
Junelito Escartin, Rodolfo Roman, the LRTA, the Metro Transit Organization,
Inc. (Metro Transit), and Prudent for the death of her husband. LRTA and a) P44,830.00 as actual damages;
Roman filed a counterclaim against Navidad and a cross-claim against
Escartin and Prudent. Prudent, in its answer, denied liability and averred that b) P50,000.00 as nominal damages;
it had exercised due diligence in the selection and supervision of its security
c) P50,000.00 as moral damages;
d) P50,000.00 as indemnity for the death of the deceased; assault upon Navidad, which caused the latter to fall on the tracks, was an
and act of a stranger that could not have been foreseen or prevented. The LRTA
would add that the appellate court’s conclusion on the existence of an
e) P20,000.00 as and for attorney’s fees." 2 employer-employee relationship between Roman and LRTA lacked basis
because Roman himself had testified being an employee of Metro Transit
and not of the LRTA.
The appellate court ratiocinated that while the deceased might not have then
as yet boarded the train, a contract of carriage theretofore had already
existed when the victim entered the place where passengers were supposed Respondents, supporting the decision of the appellate court, contended that
to be after paying the fare and getting the corresponding token therefor. In a contract of carriage was deemed created from the moment Navidad paid
exempting Prudent from liability, the court stressed that there was nothing to the fare at the LRT station and entered the premises of the latter, entitling
link the security agency to the death of Navidad. It said that Navidad failed to Navidad to all the rights and protection under a contractual relation, and that
show that Escartin inflicted fist blows upon the victim and the evidence the appellate court had correctly held LRTA and Roman liable for the death
merely established the fact of death of Navidad by reason of his having been of Navidad in failing to exercise extraordinary diligence imposed upon a
hit by the train owned and managed by the LRTA and operated at the time by common carrier.
Roman. The appellate court faulted petitioners for their failure to present
expert evidence to establish the fact that the application of emergency Law and jurisprudence dictate that a common carrier, both from the nature of
brakes could not have stopped the train. its business and for reasons of public policy, is burdened with the duty of
exercising utmost diligence in ensuring the safety of passengers. The Civil

The appellate court denied petitioners’ motion for reconsideration in its Code, governing the liability of a common carrier for death of or injury to its
resolution of 10 October 2000. passengers, provides:

In their present recourse, petitioners recite alleged errors on the part of the "Article 1755. A common carrier is bound to carry the passengers safely as
appellate court; viz: far as human care and foresight can provide, using the utmost diligence of
very cautious persons, with a due regard for all the circumstances.
"Article 1756. In case of death of or injuries to passengers, common carriers
are presumed to have been at fault or to have acted negligently, unless they
DISREGARDING THE FINDINGS OF FACTS BY THE TRIAL COURT prove that they observed extraordinary diligence as prescribed in articles
1733 and 1755."
"Article 1759. Common carriers are liable for the death of or injuries to
passengers through the negligence or willful acts of the former’s employees,
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN FINDING although such employees may have acted beyond the scope of their
THAT PETITIONERS ARE LIABLE FOR THE DEATH OF NICANOR authority or in violation of the orders of the common carriers.
"This liability of the common carriers does not cease upon proof that they
"III. exercised all the diligence of a good father of a family in the selection and
supervision of their employees."
"Article 1763. A common carrier is responsible for injuries suffered by a
passenger on account of the willful acts or negligence of other passengers or
Petitioners would contend that the appellate court ignored the evidence and of strangers, if the common carrier’s employees through the exercise of the
the factual findings of the trial court by holding them liable on the basis of a diligence of a good father of a family could have prevented or stopped the act
sweeping conclusion that the presumption of negligence on the part of a or omission."
common carrier was not overcome. Petitioners would insist that Escartin’s
The law requires common carriers to carry passengers safely using the breach of contract would have itself constituted the source of a quasi-
utmost diligence of very cautious persons with due regard for all delictual liability had no contract existed between the parties, the contract
circumstances. Such duty of a common carrier to provide safety to its
can be said to have been breached by tort, thereby allowing the rules on tort
passengers so obligates it not only during the course of the trip but for so to apply.

long as the passengers are within its premises and where they ought to be in
pursuance to the contract of carriage. The statutory provisions render a
Regrettably for LRT, as well as perhaps the surviving spouse and heirs of the
common carrier liable for death of or injury to passengers (a) through the late Nicanor Navidad, this Court is concluded by the factual finding of the
negligence or wilful acts of its employees or b) on account of wilful acts or Court of Appeals that "there is nothing to link (Prudent) to the death of
negligence of other passengers or of strangers if the common carrier’s Nicanor (Navidad), for the reason that the negligence of its employee,
employees through the exercise of due diligence could have prevented or Escartin, has not been duly proven x x x." This finding of the appellate court
stopped the act or omission. In case of such death or injury, a carrier is
is not without substantial justification in our own review of the records of the
presumed to have been at fault or been negligent, and by simple proof of
injury, the passenger is relieved of the duty to still establish the fault or
negligence of the carrier or of its employees and the burden shifts upon the There being, similarly, no showing that petitioner Rodolfo Roman himself is
carrier to prove that the injury is due to an unforeseen event or to force guilty of any culpable act or omission, he must also be absolved from liability.
majeure. In the absence of satisfactory explanation by the carrier on how the
Needless to say, the contractual tie between the LRT and Navidad is not
accident occurred, which petitioners, according to the appellate court, have
itself a juridical relation between the latter and Roman; thus, Roman can be
failed to show, the presumption would be that it has been at fault, an 10
made liable only for his own fault or negligence.
exception from the general rule that negligence must be proved. 11

The award of nominal damages in addition to actual damages is untenable.

The foundation of LRTA’s liability is the contract of carriage and its obligation
Nominal damages are adjudicated in order that a right of the plaintiff, which
to indemnify the victim arises from the breach of that contract by reason of its
has been violated or invaded by the defendant, may be vindicated or
failure to exercise the high diligence required of the common carrier. In the
recognized, and not for the purpose of indemnifying the plaintiff for any loss
discharge of its commitment to ensure the safety of passengers, a carrier
suffered by him. It is an established rule that nominal damages cannot co-

may choose to hire its own employees or avail itself of the services of an exist with compensatory damages. 19

outsider or an independent firm to undertake the task. In either case, the

common carrier is not relieved of its responsibilities under the contract of
carriage. WHEREFORE, the assailed decision of the appellate court is AFFIRMED
with MODIFICATION but only in that (a) the award of nominal damages is
DELETED and (b) petitioner Rodolfo Roman is absolved from liability. No
Should Prudent be made likewise liable? If at all, that liability could only be costs.
for tort under the provisions of Article 2176 and related provisions, in

conjunction with Article 2180, of the Civil Code. The premise, however, for

the employer’s liability is negligence or fault on the part of the employee. SO ORDERED.
Once such fault is established, the employer can then be made liable on the
basis of the presumption juris tantum that the employer failed to exercise Davide, Jr., C.J., (Chairman), Ynares-Santiago, Carpio and Azcuna, JJ.,
diligentissimi patris families in the selection and supervision of its employees. concur.
The liability is primary and can only be negated by showing due diligence in
the selection and supervision of the employee, a factual matter that has not
been shown. Absent such a showing, one might ask further, how then must
the liability of the common carrier, on the one hand, and an independent
contractor, on the other hand, be described? It would be solidary. A
contractual obligation can be breached by tort and when the same act or
omission causes the injury, one resulting in culpa contractual and the other in
culpa aquiliana, Article 2194 of the Civil Code can well apply. In fine, a
14 15

liability for tort may arise even under a contract, where tort is that which
breaches the contract. Stated differently, when an act which constitutes a
G.R. No. L-47822 December 22, 1988 In his Answer, private respondent denied that he was a common carrier and
argued that he could not be held responsible for the value of the lost goods,
PEDRO DE GUZMAN, petitioner, such loss having been due to force majeure.
COURT OF APPEALS and ERNESTO CENDANA, respondents. On 10 December 1975, the trial court rendered a Decision finding private

respondent to be a common carrier and holding him liable for the value of the
Vicente D. Millora for petitioner. undelivered goods (P 22,150.00) as well as for P 4,000.00 as damages and
P 2,000.00 as attorney's fees.
Jacinto Callanta for private respondent.
On appeal before the Court of Appeals, respondent urged that the trial court
had erred in considering him a common carrier; in finding that he had
habitually offered trucking services to the public; in not exempting him from
liability on the ground of force majeure; and in ordering him to pay damages
FELICIANO, J.: and attorney's fees.
Respondent Ernesto Cendana, a junk dealer, was engaged in buying up used bottles and scrap metal in Pangasinan.
Upon gathering sufficient quantities of such scrap material, respondent would bring such material to Manila for resale. The Court of Appeals reversed the judgment of the trial court and held that
He utilized two (2) six-wheeler trucks which he owned for hauling the material to Manila. On the return trip to
Pangasinan, respondent would load his vehicles with cargo which various merchants wanted delivered to differing
respondent had been engaged in transporting return loads of freight "as a
establishments in Pangasinan. For that service, respondent charged freight rates which were commonly lower than casual
regular commercial rates.
occupation — a sideline to his scrap iron business" and not as a common
carrier. Petitioner came to this Court by way of a Petition for Review
Sometime in November 1970, petitioner Pedro de Guzman a merchant and assigning as errors the following conclusions of the Court of Appeals:
authorized dealer of General Milk Company (Philippines), Inc. in Urdaneta,
Pangasinan, contracted with respondent for the hauling of 750 cartons of
1. that private respondent was not a common carrier;
Liberty filled milk from a warehouse of General Milk in Makati, Rizal, to
petitioner's establishment in Urdaneta on or before 4 December 1970.
Accordingly, on 1 December 1970, respondent loaded in Makati the 2. that the hijacking of respondent's truck was force majeure;
merchandise on to his trucks: 150 cartons were loaded on a truck driven by and
respondent himself, while 600 cartons were placed on board the other truck
which was driven by Manuel Estrada, respondent's driver and employee. 3. that respondent was not liable for the value of the
undelivered cargo. (Rollo, p. 111)
Only 150 boxes of Liberty filled milk were delivered to petitioner. The other
600 boxes never reached petitioner, since the truck which carried these We consider first the issue of whether or not private respondent Ernesto
boxes was hijacked somewhere along the MacArthur Highway in Paniqui, Cendana may, under the facts earlier set forth, be properly characterized as
Tarlac, by armed men who took with them the truck, its driver, his helper and a common carrier.
the cargo.
The Civil Code defines "common carriers" in the following terms:
On 6 January 1971, petitioner commenced action against private respondent
in the Court of First Instance of Pangasinan, demanding payment of P Article 1732. Common carriers are persons, corporations,
22,150.00, the claimed value of the lost merchandise, plus damages and firms or associations engaged in the business of carrying or
attorney's fees. Petitioner argued that private respondent, being a common transporting passengers or goods or both, by land, water, or
carrier, and having failed to exercise the extraordinary diligence required of air for compensation, offering their services to the public.
him by the law, should be held liable for the value of the undelivered goods.
The above article makes no distinction between one
whose principal business activity is the carrying of persons or goods or both,
and one who does such carrying only as an ancillary activity (in local Idiom
as "a sideline"). Article 1732 also carefully avoids making any distinction requisite for the incurring of liability under the Civil Code provisions governing
between a person or enterprise offering transportation service on a regular or common carriers. That liability arises the moment a person or firm acts as a
scheduled basis and one offering such service on an occasional, episodic or common carrier, without regard to whether or not such carrier has also
unscheduled basis. Neither does Article 1732 distinguish between a carrier complied with the requirements of the applicable regulatory statute and
offering its services to the "general public," i.e., the general community or implementing regulations and has been granted a certificate of public
population, and one who offers services or solicits business only from a convenience or other franchise. To exempt private respondent from the
narrow segment of the general population. We think that Article 1733 liabilities of a common carrier because he has not secured the necessary
deliberaom making such distinctions. certificate of public convenience, would be offensive to sound public policy;
that would be to reward private respondent precisely for failing to comply with
So understood, the concept of "common carrier" under Article 1732 may be applicable statutory requirements. The business of a common carrier
seen to coincide neatly with the notion of "public service," under the Public impinges directly and intimately upon the safety and well being and property
Service Act (Commonwealth Act No. 1416, as amended) which at least of those members of the general community who happen to deal with such
partially supplements the law on common carriers set forth in the Civil Code. carrier. The law imposes duties and liabilities upon common carriers for the
Under Section 13, paragraph (b) of the Public Service Act, "public service" safety and protection of those who utilize their services and the law cannot
includes: allow a common carrier to render such duties and liabilities merely facultative
by simply failing to obtain the necessary permits and authorizations.
... every person that now or hereafter may own, operate,
manage, or control in the Philippines, for hire or We turn then to the liability of private respondent as a common carrier.
compensation, with general or limited clientele, whether
permanent, occasional or accidental, and done for general Common carriers, "by the nature of their business and for reasons of public
business purposes, any common carrier, railroad, street policy" are held to a very high degree of care and diligence ("extraordinary

railway, traction railway, subway motor vehicle, either for diligence") in the carriage of goods as well as of passengers. The specific
freight or passenger, or both, with or without fixed route and import of extraordinary diligence in the care of goods transported by a
whatever may be its classification, freight or carrier service common carrier is, according to Article 1733, "further expressed in Articles
of any class, express service, steamboat, or steamship line, 1734,1735 and 1745, numbers 5, 6 and 7" of the Civil Code.
pontines, ferries and water craft, engaged in the
transportation of passengers or freight or both, shipyard, Article 1734 establishes the general rule that common carriers are
marine repair shop, wharf or dock, ice plant, responsible for the loss, destruction or deterioration of the goods which they
ice-refrigeration plant, canal, irrigation system, gas, electric carry, "unless the same is due to any of the following causes only:
light, heat and power, water supply and power petroleum,
sewerage system, wire or wireless communications systems,
(1) Flood, storm, earthquake, lightning or
wire or wireless broadcasting stations and other similar
other natural disaster or calamity;
public services. ... (Emphasis supplied)
(2) Act of the public enemy in war, whether
international or civil;
It appears to the Court that private respondent is properly characterized as a (3) Act or omission of the shipper or owner
common carrier even though he merely "back-hauled" goods for other of the goods;
merchants from Manila to Pangasinan, although such back-hauling was done (4) The character-of the goods or defects in
on a periodic or occasional rather than regular or scheduled manner, and the packing or-in the containers; and
even though private respondent's principal occupation was not the carriage (5) Order or act of competent public
of goods for others. There is no dispute that private respondent charged his authority.
customers a fee for hauling their goods; that fee frequently fell below
commercial freight rates is not relevant here.
It is important to point out that the above list of causes of loss, destruction or
deterioration which exempt the common carrier for responsibility therefor, is a
The Court of Appeals referred to the fact that private respondent held no closed list. Causes falling outside the foregoing list, even if they appear to
certificate of public convenience, and concluded he was not a common
carrier. This is palpable error. A certificate of public convenience is not a
constitute a species of force majeure fall within the scope of Article 1735, (5) that the common carrier shall not be
which provides as follows: responsible for the acts or omissions of his
or its employees;
In all cases other than those mentioned in numbers 1, 2, 3, 4
and 5 of the preceding article, if the goods are lost, (6) that the common carrier's liability for acts
destroyed or deteriorated, common carriers are presumed to committed by thieves, or of robbers who
have been at fault or to have acted negligently, unless they donot act with grave or irresistible threat,
prove that they observed extraordinary diligence as required violence or force, is dispensed with or
in Article 1733. (Emphasis supplied) diminished; and

Applying the above-quoted Articles 1734 and 1735, we note firstly that the (7) that the common carrier shall not
specific cause alleged in the instant case — the hijacking of the carrier's responsible for the loss, destruction or
truck — does not fall within any of the five (5) categories of exempting deterioration of goods on account of the
causes listed in Article 1734. It would follow, therefore, that the hijacking of defective condition of the car vehicle, ship,
the carrier's vehicle must be dealt with under the provisions of Article 1735, airplane or other equipment used in the
in other words, that the private respondent as common carrier is presumed to contract of carriage. (Emphasis supplied)
have been at fault or to have acted negligently. This presumption, however,
may be overthrown by proof of extraordinary diligence on the part of private Under Article 1745 (6) above, a common carrier is held responsible — and
respondent. will not be allowed to divest or to diminish such responsibility — even for acts
of strangers like thieves or robbers, except where such thieves or robbers in
Petitioner insists that private respondent had not observed extraordinary fact acted "with grave or irresistible threat, violence or force." We believe and
diligence in the care of petitioner's goods. Petitioner argues that in the so hold that the limits of the duty of extraordinary diligence in the vigilance
circumstances of this case, private respondent should have hired a security over the goods carried are reached where the goods are lost as a result of a
guard presumably to ride with the truck carrying the 600 cartons of Liberty robbery which is attended by "grave or irresistible threat, violence or force."
filled milk. We do not believe, however, that in the instant case, the standard
of extraordinary diligence required private respondent to retain a security In the instant case, armed men held up the second truck owned by private
guard to ride with the truck and to engage brigands in a firelight at the risk of respondent which carried petitioner's cargo. The record shows that an
his own life and the lives of the driver and his helper. information for robbery in band was filed in the Court of First Instance of
Tarlac, Branch 2, in Criminal Case No. 198 entitled "People of the Philippines
The precise issue that we address here relates to the specific requirements v. Felipe Boncorno, Napoleon Presno, Armando Mesina, Oscar Oria and one
of the duty of extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the goods carried John Doe." There, the accused were charged with willfully and unlawfully
in the specific context of hijacking or armed robbery. taking and carrying away with them the second truck, driven by Manuel
Estrada and loaded with the 600 cartons of Liberty filled milk destined for
As noted earlier, the duty of extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over delivery at petitioner's store in Urdaneta, Pangasinan. The decision of the
goods is, under Article 1733, given additional specification not only by trial court shows that the accused acted with grave, if not irresistible, threat,
Articles 1734 and 1735 but also by Article 1745, numbers 4, 5 and 6, Article violence or force. Three (3) of the five (5) hold-uppers were armed with

1745 provides in relevant part: firearms. The robbers not only took away the truck and its cargo but also
kidnapped the driver and his helper, detaining them for several days and
Any of the following or similar stipulations shall be later releasing them in another province (in Zambales). The hijacked truck
considered unreasonable, unjust and contrary to public was subsequently found by the police in Quezon City. The Court of First
Instance convicted all the accused of robbery, though not of robbery in
band. 4

xxx xxx xxx

In these circumstances, we hold that the occurrence of the loss must
reasonably be regarded as quite beyond the control of the common carrier
and properly regarded as a fortuitous event. It is necessary to recall that G.R. No. 125948 December 29, 1998
even common carriers are not made absolute insurers against all risks of
travel and of transport of goods, and are not held liable for acts or events FIRST PHILIPPINE INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION, petitioner,
which cannot be foreseen or are inevitable, provided that they shall have vs.
complied with the rigorous standard of extraordinary diligence. COURT OF APPEALS, HONORABLE PATERNO V. TAC-AN, BATANGAS
CITY and ADORACION C. ARELLANO, in her official capacity as City
We, therefore, agree with the result reached by the Court of Appeals that Treasurer of Batangas, respondents.
private respondent Cendana is not liable for the value of the undelivered
merchandise which was lost because of an event entirely beyond private
respondent's control.
ACCORDINGLY, the Petition for Review on certiorari is hereby DENIED and
the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated 3 August 1977 is AFFIRMED. No This petition for review on certiorari assails the Decision of the Court of
pronouncement as to costs.
Appeals dated November 29, 1995, in CA-G.R. SP No. 36801, affirming the
decision of the Regional Trial Court of Batangas City, Branch 84, in Civil
SO ORDERED. Case No. 4293, which dismissed petitioners' complaint for a business tax
refund imposed by the City of Batangas.

Petitioner is a grantee of a pipeline concession under Republic Act No. 387,

as amended, to contract, install and operate oil pipelines. The original
pipeline concession was granted in 1967 and renewed by the Energy

Regulatory Board in 1992. 2

Sometime in January 1995, petitioner applied for a mayor's permit with the
Office of the Mayor of Batangas City. However, before the mayor's permit
could be issued, the respondent City Treasurer required petitioner to pay a
local tax based on its gross receipts for the fiscal year 1993 pursuant to the
Local Government Code . The respondent City Treasurer assessed a

business tax on the petitioner amounting to P956,076.04 payable in four

installments based on the gross receipts for products pumped at GPS-1 for
the fiscal year 1993 which amounted to P181,681,151.00. In order not to
hamper its operations, petitioner paid the tax under protest in the amount of
P239,019.01 for the first quarter of 1993.

On January 20, 1994, petitioner filed a letter-protest addressed to the

respondent City Treasurer, the pertinent portion of which reads:

Please note that our Company (FPIC) is a pipeline operator

with a government concession granted under the Petroleum
Act. It is engaged in the business of transporting petroleum
products from the Batangas refineries, via pipeline, to Sucat
and JTF Pandacan Terminals. As such, our Company is
exempt from paying tax on gross receipts under Section 133
of the Local Government Code of 1991 . . . .
Moreover, Transportation contractors are not included in the trains, ships and the like. Respondents further posit that the term "common
enumeration of contractors under Section 131, Paragraph carrier" under the said code pertains to the mode or manner by which a
(h) of the Local Government Code. Therefore, the authority product is delivered to its destination.

to impose tax "on contractors and other independent

contractors" under Section 143, Paragraph (e) of the Local On October 3, 1994, the trial court rendered a decision dismissing the
Government Code does not include the power to levy on complaint, ruling in this wise:
transportation contractors.
. . . Plaintiff is either a contractor or other independent
The imposition and assessment cannot be categorized as a contractor.
mere fee authorized under Section 147 of the Local
Government Code. The said section limits the imposition of
. . . the exemption to tax claimed by the plaintiff has become
fees and charges on business to such amounts as may be
unclear. It is a rule that tax exemptions are to be strictly
commensurate to the cost of regulation, inspection, and construed against the taxpayer, taxes being the lifeblood of
licensing. Hence, assuming arguendo that FPIC is liable for the government. Exemption may therefore be granted only
the license fee, the imposition thereof based on gross
by clear and unequivocal provisions of law.
receipts is violative of the aforecited provision. The amount
of P956,076.04 (P239,019.01 per quarter) is not
commensurate to the cost of regulation, inspection and Plaintiff claims that it is a grantee of a pipeline concession
licensing. The fee is already a revenue raising measure, and under Republic Act 387. (Exhibit A) whose concession was
not a mere regulatory imposition. 4 lately renewed by the Energy Regulatory Board (Exhibit B).
Yet neither said law nor the deed of concession grant any
tax exemption upon the plaintiff.
On March 8, 1994, the respondent City Treasurer denied the protest
contending that petitioner cannot be considered engaged in transportation
business, thus it cannot claim exemption under Section 133 (j) of the Local Even the Local Government Code imposes a tax on
Government Code. 5 franchise holders under Sec. 137 of the Local Tax Code.
Such being the situation obtained in this case (exemption
being unclear and equivocal) resort to distinctions or other
On June 15, 1994, petitioner filed with the Regional Trial Court of Batangas
considerations may be of help:
City a complaint for tax refund with prayer for writ of preliminary injunction

against respondents City of Batangas and Adoracion Arellano in her capacity

as City Treasurer. In its complaint, petitioner alleged, inter alia, that: (1) the 1. That the exemption
imposition and collection of the business tax on its gross receipts violates granted under Sec. 133 (j)
Section 133 of the Local Government Code; (2) the authority of cities to encompasses only common
impose and collect a tax on the gross receipts of "contractors and carriers so as not to
independent contractors" under Sec. 141 (e) and 151 does not include the overburden the riding public
authority to collect such taxes on transportation contractors for, as defined or commuters with
under Sec. 131 (h), the term "contractors" excludes transportation taxes. Plaintiff is not a
contractors; and, (3) the City Treasurer illegally and erroneously imposed common carrier, but a
and collected the said tax, thus meriting the immediate refund of the tax special carrier extending its
paid.7 services and facilities to a
single specific or "special
customer" under a "special
Traversing the complaint, the respondents argued that petitioner cannot be
exempt from taxes under Section 133 (j) of the Local Government Code as
said exemption applies only to "transportation contractors and persons
engaged in the transportation by hire and common carriers by air, land and 2. The Local Tax Code of
water." Respondents assert that pipelines are not included in the term 1992 was basically enacted
"common carrier" which refers solely to ordinary carriers such as trucks, to give more and effective
local autonomy to local The test for determining whether a party is a common carrier of goods is:
governments than the
previous enactments, to 1. He must be engaged in
make them economically the business of carrying
and financially viable to goods for others as a public
serve the people and employment, and must hold
discharge their functions himself out as ready to
with a concomitant engage in the transportation
obligation to accept certain of goods for person
devolution of powers, . . . generally as a business and
So, consistent with this not as a casual occupation;
policy even franchise
grantees are taxed (Sec.
2. He must undertake to
137) and contractors are carry goods of the kind to
also taxed under Sec. 143 which his business is
(e) and 151 of the Code. 9

Petitioner assailed the aforesaid decision before this Court via a petition for
3. He must undertake to
review. On February 27, 1995, we referred the case to the respondent Court carry by the method by
of Appeals for consideration and adjudication. On November 29, 1995, the
which his business is
respondent court rendered a decision affirming the trial court's dismissal of
conducted and over his
petitioner's complaint. Petitioner's motion for reconsideration was denied on
established roads; and
July 18, 1996. 12

4. The transportation must

Hence, this petition. At first, the petition was denied due course in a
be for hire.15

Resolution dated November 11, 1996. Petitioner moved for a


reconsideration which was granted by this Court in a Resolution of January


22, 1997. Thus, the petition was reinstated. Based on the above definitions and requirements, there is no doubt that
petitioner is a common carrier. It is engaged in the business of transporting
or carrying goods, i.e. petroleum products, for hire as a public employment. It
Petitioner claims that the respondent Court of Appeals erred in holding that
undertakes to carry for all persons indifferently, that is, to all persons who
(1) the petitioner is not a common carrier or a transportation contractor, and
choose to employ its services, and transports the goods by land and for
(2) the exemption sought for by petitioner is not clear under the law.
compensation. The fact that petitioner has a limited clientele does not
exclude it from the definition of a common carrier. In De Guzman vs. Court of
There is merit in the petition. Appeals we ruled that:

A "common carrier" may be defined, broadly, as one who holds himself out to The above article (Art. 1732, Civil Code)
the public as engaged in the business of transporting persons or property makes no distinction between one whose
from place to place, for compensation, offering his services to the public principal business activity is the carrying of
generally. persons or goods or both, and one who
does such carrying only as an ancillary
Art. 1732 of the Civil Code defines a "common carrier" as "any person, activity (in local idiom, as a "sideline").
corporation, firm or association engaged in the business of carrying or Article 1732 . . . avoids making any
transporting passengers or goods or both, by land, water, or air, for distinction between a person or enterprise
compensation, offering their services to the public." offering transportation service on
a regular or scheduled basis and one
offering such service on an occasional, both, shipyard, marine
episodic or unscheduled basis. Neither does repair shop, wharf or dock,
Article 1732 distinguish between a carrier ice plant, ice-refrigeration
offering its services to the "general plant, canal, irrigation
public," i.e., the general community or system gas, electric light
population, and one who offers services or heat and power, water
solicits business only from a narrow supply andpower
segment of the general population. We think petroleum, sewerage
that Article 1877 deliberately refrained from system, wire or wireless
making such distinctions. communications systems,
wire or wireless
So understood, the concept of "common broadcasting stations and
carrier" under Article 1732 may be seen to other similar public services.
coincide neatly with the notion of "public (Emphasis Supplied)
service," under the Public Service Act
(Commonwealth Act No. 1416, as amended) Also, respondent's argument that the term "common carrier" as used in
which at least partially supplements the law Section 133 (j) of the Local Government Code refers only to common carriers
on common carriers set forth in the Civil transporting goods and passengers through moving vehicles or vessels
Code. Under Section 13, paragraph (b) of either by land, sea or water, is erroneous.
the Public Service Act, "public service"
includes: As correctly pointed out by petitioner, the definition of "common carriers" in
the Civil Code makes no distinction as to the means of transporting, as long
every person that now or as it is by land, water or air. It does not provide that the transportation of the
hereafter may own, operate. passengers or goods should be by motor vehicle. In fact, in the United
manage, or control in the States, oil pipe line operators are considered common carriers. 17

Philippines, for hire or

compensation, with general Under the Petroleum Act of the Philippines (Republic Act 387), petitioner is
or limited clientele, whether considered a "common carrier." Thus, Article 86 thereof provides that:
permanent, occasional or
accidental, and done for Art. 86. Pipe line concessionaire as common
general business purposes,
carrier. — A pipe line shall have the
any common carrier,
preferential right to utilize installations for the
railroad, street railway,
transportation of petroleum owned by him,
traction railway, subway
but is obligated to utilize the remaining
motor vehicle, either for transportation capacity pro rata for the
freight or passenger, or transportation of such other petroleum as
both, with or without fixed
may be offered by others for transport, and
route and whatever may be
to charge without discrimination such rates
its classification, freight or
as may have been approved by the
carrier service of any class,
Secretary of Agriculture and Natural
express service, steamboat, Resources.
or steamship line, pontines,
ferries and water
craft, engaged in the Republic Act 387 also regards petroleum operation as a public utility.
transportation Pertinent portion of Article 7 thereof provides:
of passengers or freight or
that everything relating to the exploration for or freight by
and exploitation of petroleum . . . and hire and
everything relating to the manufacture, common
refining, storage, or transportation by special carriers by
methods of petroleum, is hereby declared to air, land or
be a public utility. (Emphasis Supplied) water,
except as
The Bureau of Internal Revenue likewise considers the petitioner a "common provided in
carrier." In BIR Ruling No. 069-83, it declared: this Code.

. . . since [petitioner] is a pipeline The deliberations conducted in the House of Representatives on the Local
concessionaire that is engaged only in Government Code of 1991 are illuminating:
transporting petroleum products, it is
considered a common carrier under MR. AQUINO (A). Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Republic Act No. 387 . . . . Such being the
case, it is not subject to withholding tax Mr. Speaker, we would like to proceed to
prescribed by Revenue Regulations No. 13- page 95, line
78, as amended.
1. It states: "SEC. 121 [now Sec. 131].
From the foregoing disquisition, there is no doubt that petitioner is a Common Limitations on the Taxing Powers
"common carrier" and, therefore, exempt from the business tax as provided of Local Government Units." . . .
for in Section 133 (j), of the Local Government Code, to wit:
MR. AQUINO (A.). Thank you Mr. Speaker.
Sec. 133. Common Limitations on the
Taxing Powers of Local Government Units.
Still on page 95, subparagraph 5, on taxes
— Unless otherwise provided herein, the
on the business of transportation. This
exercise of the taxing powers of provinces,
appears to be one of those being deemed to
cities, municipalities, and barangays shall be exempted from the taxing powers of the
not extend to the levy of the following:
local government units. May we know the
reason why the transportation business is
xxx xxx xxx being excluded from the taxing powers of
the local government units?
(j) Taxes on
the gross MR. JAVIER (E.). Mr. Speaker, there is an
receipts of exception contained in Section 121 (now
transportati Sec. 131), line 16, paragraph 5. It states that
on local government units may not impose
contractors taxes on the business of transportation,
and except as otherwise provided in this code.
engaged in
Now, Mr. Speaker, if the Gentleman would
care to go to page 98 of Book II, one can
transportati see there that provinces have the power to
on of impose a tax on business enjoying a
franchise at the rate of not more than one-
half of 1 percent of the gross annual G.R. No. 157917 August 29, 2012
receipts. So, transportation contractors who
are enjoying a franchise would be subject to SPOUSES TEODORO and NANETTE PERENA, Petitioners,

tax by the province. That is the exception, vs.

RAILWAYS, and the COURT OF APPEALS Respondents.
What we want to guard against here, Mr.
Speaker, is the imposition of taxes by local DECISION
government units on the carrier business.
Local government units may impose taxes BERSAMIN, J.:
on top of what is already being imposed by
the National Internal Revenue Code which is
the so-called "common carriers tax." We do The operator of a. school bus service is a common carrier in the eyes of the
not want a duplication of this tax, so we just law. He is bound to observe extraordinary diligence in the conduct of his
provided for an exception under Section 125 business. He is presumed to be negligent when death occurs to a passenger.
[now Sec. 137] that a province may impose His liability may include indemnity for loss of earning capacity even if the
this tax at a specific rate. deceased passenger may only be an unemployed high school student at the
time of the accident.
MR. AQUINO (A.). Thank you for that
clarification, Mr. Speaker. . . .
18 The Case

It is clear that the legislative intent in excluding from the taxing power of the By petition for review on certiorari, Spouses Teodoro and Nanette Perefia
local government unit the imposition of business tax against common carriers (Perefias) appeal the adverse decision promulgated on November 13, 2002,
is to prevent a duplication of the so-called "common carrier's tax." by which the Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed with modification the decision
rendered on December 3, 1999 by the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch
260, in Parañaque City that had decreed them jointly and severally liable with
Petitioner is already paying three (3%) percent common carrier's tax on its
Philippine National Railways (PNR), their co-defendant, to Spouses Nicolas
gross sales/earnings under the National Internal Revenue Code. To tax 19
and Teresita Zarate (Zarates) for the death of their 15-year old son, Aaron
petitioner again on its gross receipts in its transportation of petroleum John L. Zarate (Aaron), then a high school student of Don Bosco Technical
business would defeat the purpose of the Local Government Code.
Institute (Don Bosco).

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The decision of the

respondent Court of Appeals dated November 29, 1995 in CA-G.R. SP No.
36801 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE.
The Pereñas were engaged in the business of transporting students from
their respective residences in Parañaque City to Don Bosco in Pasong
Tamo, Makati City, and back. In their business, the Pereñas used a KIA
Ceres Van (van) with Plate No. PYA 896, which had the capacity to transport
14 students at a time, two of whom would be seated in the front beside the
driver, and the others in the rear, with six students on either side. They
employed Clemente Alfaro (Alfaro) as driver of the van.

In June 1996, the Zarates contracted the Pereñas to transport Aaron to and
from Don Bosco. On August 22, 1996, as on previous school days, the van
picked Aaron up around 6:00 a.m. from the Zarates’ residence. Aaron took
his place on the left side of the van near the rear door. The van, with its air-
conditioning unit turned on and the stereo playing loudly, ultimately carried all
the 14 student riders on their way to Don Bosco. Considering that the (3) During the effectivity of the contract of carriage and in the
students were due at Don Bosco by 7:15 a.m., and that they were already implementation thereof, Aaron, the minor son of spouses Zarate died
running late because of the heavy vehicular traffic on the South in connection with a vehicular/train collision which occurred while
Superhighway, Alfaro took the van to an alternate route at about 6:45 a.m. by Aaron was riding the contracted carrier Kia Ceres van of spouses
traversing the narrow path underneath the Magallanes Interchange that was Pereña, then driven and operated by the latter's
then commonly used by Makati-bound vehicles as a short cut into Makati. At employee/authorized driver Clemente Alfaro, which van collided with
the time, the narrow path was marked by piles of construction materials and the train of PNR, at around 6:45 A.M. of August 22, 1996, within the
parked passenger jeepneys, and the railroad crossing in the narrow path had vicinity of the Magallanes Interchange in Makati City, Metro Manila,
no railroad warning signs, or watchmen, or other responsible persons Philippines;
manning the crossing. In fact, the bamboo barandilla was up, leaving the
railroad crossing open to traversing motorists. (4) At the time of the vehicular/train collision, the subject site of the
vehicular/train collision was a railroad crossing used by motorists for
At about the time the van was to traverse the railroad crossing, PNR crossing the railroad tracks;
Commuter No. 302 (train), operated by Jhonny Alano (Alano), was in the
vicinity of the Magallanes Interchange travelling northbound. As the train (5) During the said time of the vehicular/train collision, there were no
neared the railroad crossing, Alfaro drove the van eastward across the appropriate and safety warning signs and railings at the site
railroad tracks, closely tailing a large passenger bus. His view of the commonly used for railroad crossing;
oncoming train was blocked because he overtook the passenger bus on its
left side. The train blew its horn to warn motorists of its approach. When the
train was about 50 meters away from the passenger bus and the van, Alano (6) At the material time, countless number of Makati bound public
applied the ordinary brakes of the train. He applied the emergency brakes utility and private vehicles used on a daily basis the site of the
only when he saw that a collision was imminent. The passenger bus collision as an alternative route and short-cut to Makati;
successfully crossed the railroad tracks, but the van driven by Alfaro did not.
The train hit the rear end of the van, and the impact threw nine of the 12 (7) The train driver or operator left the scene of the incident on
students in the rear, including Aaron, out of the van. Aaron landed in the path board the commuter train involved without waiting for the police
of the train, which dragged his body and severed his head, instantaneously investigator;
killing him. Alano fled the scene on board the train, and did not wait for the
police investigator to arrive. (8) The site commonly used for railroad crossing by motorists was
not in fact intended by the railroad operator for railroad crossing at
Devastated by the early and unexpected death of Aaron, the Zarates the time of the vehicular collision;
commenced this action for damages against Alfaro, the Pereñas, PNR and
Alano. The Pereñas and PNR filed their respective answers, with cross- (9) PNR received the demand letter of the spouses Zarate;
claims against each other, but Alfaro could not be served with summons.
(10) PNR refused to acknowledge any liability for the
At the pre-trial, the parties stipulated on the facts and issues, viz: vehicular/train collision;

(11) The eventual closure of the railroad crossing alleged by PNR
was an internal arrangement between the former and its project
(1) That spouses Zarate were the legitimate parents of Aaron John contractor; and
L. Zarate;
(12) The site of the vehicular/train collision was within the vicinity or
(2) Spouses Zarate engaged the services of spouses Pereña for the less than 100 meters from the Magallanes station of PNR.
adequate and safe transportation carriage of the former spouses' son
from their residence in Parañaque to his school at the Don Bosco B. ISSUES
Technical Institute in Makati City;
(1) Whether or not defendant-driver of the van is, in the performance (11) Whether or not defendant PNR is liable to defendants spouses
of his functions, liable for negligence constituting the proximate for actual, moral and exemplary damages and attorney's fees. 2

cause of the vehicular collision, which resulted in the death of plaintiff

spouses' son; The Zarates’ claim against the Pereñas was upon breach of the contract of
carriage for the safe transport of Aaron; but that against PNR was based on
(2) Whether or not the defendant spouses Pereña being the quasi-delict under Article 2176, Civil Code.
employer of defendant Alfaro are liable for any negligence which
may be attributed to defendant Alfaro; In their defense, the Pereñas adduced evidence to show that they had
exercised the diligence of a good father of the family in the selection and
(3) Whether or not defendant Philippine National Railways being the supervision of Alfaro, by making sure that Alfaro had been issued a driver’s
operator of the railroad system is liable for negligence in failing to license and had not been involved in any vehicular accident prior to the
provide adequate safety warning signs and railings in the area collision; that their own son had taken the van daily; and that Teodoro
commonly used by motorists for railroad crossings, constituting the Pereña had sometimes accompanied Alfaro in the van’s trips transporting the
proximate cause of the vehicular collision which resulted in the death students to school.
of the plaintiff spouses' son;
For its part, PNR tended to show that the proximate cause of the collision
(4) Whether or not defendant spouses Pereña are liable for breach of had been the reckless crossing of the van whose driver had not first stopped,
the contract of carriage with plaintiff-spouses in failing to provide looked and listened; and that the narrow path traversed by the van had not
adequate and safe transportation for the latter's son; been intended to be a railroad crossing for motorists.

(5) Whether or not defendants spouses are liable for actual, moral Ruling of the RTC
damages, exemplary damages, and attorney's fees;
On December 3, 1999, the RTC rendered its decision, disposing:

(6) Whether or not defendants spouses Teodorico and Nanette

Pereña observed the diligence of employers and school bus WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered in favor
operators; of the plaintiff and against the defendants ordering them to jointly and
severally pay the plaintiffs as follows:
(7) Whether or not defendant-spouses are civilly liable for the
accidental death of Aaron John Zarate; (1) (for) the death of Aaron- Php50,000.00;

(8) Whether or not defendant PNR was grossly negligent in operating (2) Actual damages in the amount of Php100,000.00;
the commuter train involved in the accident, in allowing or tolerating
the motoring public to cross, and its failure to install safety devices or
(3) For the loss of earning capacity- Php2,109,071.00;
equipment at the site of the accident for the protection of the public;
(4) Moral damages in the amount of Php4,000,000.00;
(9) Whether or not defendant PNR should be made to reimburse
defendant spouses for any and whatever amount the latter may be
held answerable or which they may be ordered to pay in favor of (5) Exemplary damages in the amount of Php1,000,000.00;
plaintiffs by reason of the action;
(6) Attorney’s fees in the amount of Php200,000.00; and
(10) Whether or not defendant PNR should pay plaintiffs directly and
fully on the amounts claimed by the latter in their Complaint by (7) Cost of suit.
reason of its gross negligence;
On June 29, 2000, the RTC denied the Pereñas’ motion for WHEREFORE, premises considered, the assailed Decision of the Regional
reconsideration, reiterating that the cooperative gross negligence of the
Trial Court, Branch 260 of Parañaque City is AFFIRMED with the
Pereñas and PNR had caused the collision that led to the death of Aaron; modification that the award of Actual Damages is reduced to ₱ 59,502.76;
and that the damages awarded to the Zarates were not excessive, but based Moral Damages is reduced to ₱ 2,500,000.00; and the award for Attorney’s
on the established circumstances. Fees is Deleted.

The CA’s Ruling SO ORDERED.

Both the Pereñas and PNR appealed (C.A.-G.R. CV No. 68916). The CA upheld the award for the loss of Aaron’s earning capacity, taking
cognizance of the ruling in Cariaga v. Laguna Tayabas Bus Company and
PNR assigned the following errors, to wit: 5 Manila Railroad Company, wherein the Court gave the heirs of Cariaga a

sum representing the loss of the deceased’s earning capacity despite

The Court a quo erred in: Cariaga being only a medical student at the time of the fatal incident.
Applying the formula adopted in the American Expectancy Table of
1. In finding the defendant-appellant Philippine National Railways
jointly and severally liable together with defendant-appellants
spouses Teodorico and Nanette Pereña and defendant-appellant 2/3 x (80 - age at the time of death) = life expectancy
Clemente Alfaro to pay plaintiffs-appellees for the death of Aaron
Zarate and damages. the CA determined the life expectancy of Aaron to be 39.3 years upon
reckoning his life expectancy from age of 21 (the age when he would have
graduated from college and started working for his own livelihood) instead of
2. In giving full faith and merit to the oral testimonies of plaintiffs-
appellees witnesses despite overwhelming documentary evidence 15 years (his age when he died). Considering that the nature of his work and
on record, supporting the case of defendants-appellants Philippine his salary at the time of Aaron’s death were unknown, it used the prevailing
minimum wage of ₱ 280.00/day to compute Aaron’s gross annual salary to
National Railways.
be ₱ 110,716.65, inclusive of the thirteenth month pay. Multiplying this
annual salary by Aaron’s life expectancy of 39.3 years, his gross income
The Pereñas ascribed the following errors to the RTC, namely: would aggregate to ₱ 4,351,164.30, from which his estimated expenses in
the sum of ₱ 2,189,664.30 was deducted to finally arrive at P 2,161,500.00
The trial court erred in finding defendants-appellants jointly and severally as net income. Due to Aaron’s computed net income turning out to be higher
liable for actual, moral and exemplary damages and attorney’s fees with the than the amount claimed by the Zarates, only ₱ 2,109,071.00, the amount
other defendants. expressly prayed for by them, was granted.

The trial court erred in dismissing the cross-claim of the appellants Pereñas On April 4, 2003, the CA denied the Pereñas’ motion for reconsideration. 8

against the Philippine National Railways and in not holding the latter and its
train driver primarily responsible for the incident. Issues

The trial court erred in awarding excessive damages and attorney’s fees. In this appeal, the Pereñas list the following as the errors committed by the
CA, to wit:
The trial court erred in awarding damages in the form of deceased’s loss of
earning capacity in the absence of sufficient basis for such an award. I. The lower court erred when it upheld the trial court’s decision holding the
petitioners jointly and severally liable to pay damages with Philippine
On November 13, 2002, the CA promulgated its decision, affirming the National Railways and dismissing their cross-claim against the latter.
findings of the RTC, but limited the moral damages to ₱ 2,500,000.00; and
deleted the attorney’s fees because the RTC did not state the factual and II. The lower court erred in affirming the trial court’s decision awarding
legal bases, to wit:6
damages for loss of earning capacity of a minor who was only a high school
student at the time of his death in the absence of sufficient basis for such an A carrier is a person or corporation who undertakes to transport or convey
award. goods or persons from one place to another, gratuitously or for hire. The
carrier is classified either as a private/special carrier or as a common/public
III. The lower court erred in not reducing further the amount of damages carrier. A private carrier is one who, without making the activity a vocation,

awarded, assuming petitioners are liable at all. or without holding himself or itself out to the public as ready to act for all who
may desire his or its services, undertakes, by special agreement in a
particular instance only, to transport goods or persons from one place to
another either gratuitously or for hire. The provisions on ordinary contracts of

the Civil Code govern the contract of private carriage.The diligence required
The petition has no merit. of a private carrier is only ordinary, that is, the diligence of a good father of
the family. In contrast, a common carrier is a person, corporation, firm or
1. association engaged in the business of carrying or transporting passengers
Were the Pereñas and PNR jointly or goods or both, by land, water, or air, for compensation, offering such
and severally liable for damages? services to the public. Contracts of common carriage are governed by the

provisions on common carriers of the Civil Code, the Public Service Act, and 13

The Zarates brought this action for recovery of damages against both the other special laws relating to transportation. A common carrier is required to
Pereñas and the PNR, basing their claim against the Pereñas on breach of observe extraordinary diligence, and is presumed to be at fault or to have
contract of carriage and against the PNR on quasi-delict. acted negligently in case of the loss of the effects of passengers, or the
death or injuries to passengers. 14

The RTC found the Pereñas and the PNR negligent. The CA affirmed the
findings. In relation to common carriers, the Court defined public use in the following
terms in United States v. Tan Piaco, viz: 15

We concur with the CA.

"Public use" is the same as "use by the public". The essential feature of the
To start with, the Pereñas’ defense was that they exercised the diligence of a public use is not confined to privileged individuals, but is open to the
good father of the family in the selection and supervision of Alfaro, the van indefinite public. It is this indefinite or unrestricted quality that gives it its
driver, by seeing to it that Alfaro had a driver’s license and that he had not public character. In determining whether a use is public, we must look not
been involved in any vehicular accident prior to the fatal collision with the only to the character of the business to be done, but also to the proposed
train; that they even had their own son travel to and from school on a daily mode of doing it. If the use is merely optional with the owners, or the public
basis; and that Teodoro Pereña himself sometimes accompanied Alfaro in benefit is merely incidental, it is not a public use, authorizing the exercise of
transporting the passengers to and from school. The RTC gave scant the jurisdiction of the public utility commission. There must be, in general, a
consideration to such defense by regarding such defense as inappropriate in right which the law compels the owner to give to the general public. It is not
an action for breach of contract of carriage. enough that the general prosperity of the public is promoted. Public use is
not synonymous with public interest. The true criterion by which to judge the
character of the use is whether the public may enjoy it by right or only by
We find no adequate cause to differ from the conclusions of the lower courts
that the Pereñas operated as a common carrier; and that their standard of
care was extraordinary diligence, not the ordinary diligence of a good father
of a family. In De Guzman v. Court of Appeals, the Court noted that Article 1732 of the

Civil Code avoided any distinction between a person or an enterprise offering

transportation on a regular or an isolated basis; and has not distinguished a
Although in this jurisdiction the operator of a school bus service has been
carrier offering his services to the general public, that is, the general
usually regarded as a private carrier, primarily because he only caters to
community or population, from one offering his services only to a narrow
some specific or privileged individuals, and his operation is neither open to
segment of the general population.
the indefinite public nor for public use, the exact nature of the operation of a
school bus service has not been finally settled. This is the occasion to lay the
matter to rest. Nonetheless, the concept of a common carrier embodied in Article 1732 of
the Civil Code coincides neatly with the notion of public service under the
Public Service Act, which supplements the law on common carriers found in The common carrier’s standard of care and vigilance as to the safety of the
the Civil Code. Public service, according to Section 13, paragraph (b) of the passengers is defined by law. Given the nature of the business and for
Public Service Act, includes: reasons of public policy, the common carrier is bound "to observe
extraordinary diligence in the vigilance over the goods and for the safety of
x x x every person that now or hereafter may own, operate, manage, or the passengers transported by them, according to all the circumstances of
control in the Philippines, for hire or compensation, with general or limited each case." Article 1755 of the Civil Code specifies that the common carrier

clientèle, whether permanent or occasional, and done for the general should "carry the passengers safely as far as human care and foresight can
business purposes, any common carrier, railroad, street railway, traction provide, using the utmost diligence of very cautious persons, with a due
railway, subway motor vehicle, either for freight or passenger, or both, with or regard for all the circumstances." To successfully fend off liability in an action
without fixed route and whatever may be its classification, freight or carrier upon the death or injury to a passenger, the common carrier must prove his
service of any class, express service, steamboat, or steamship line, pontines, or its observance of that extraordinary diligence; otherwise, the legal
ferries and water craft, engaged in the transportation of passengers or freight presumption that he or it was at fault or acted negligently would stand. No

or both, shipyard, marine repair shop, ice-refrigeration plant, canal, irrigation device, whether by stipulation, posting of notices, statements on tickets, or
system, gas, electric light, heat and power, water supply and power otherwise, may dispense with or lessen the responsibility of the common
petroleum, sewerage system, wire or wireless communications systems, wire carrier as defined under Article 1755 of the Civil Code. 24

or wireless broadcasting stations and other similar public services. x x x.17

And, secondly, the Pereñas have not presented any compelling defense or
Given the breadth of the aforequoted characterization of a common carrier, reason by which the Court might now reverse the CA’s findings on their
the Court has considered as common carriers pipeline operators, custom
18 liability. On the contrary, an examination of the records shows that the
brokers and warehousemen, and barge operators even if they had limited
19 20 evidence fully supported the findings of the CA.
As earlier stated, the Pereñas, acting as a common carrier, were already
As all the foregoing indicate, the true test for a common carrier is not the presumed to be negligent at the time of the accident because death had
quantity or extent of the business actually transacted, or the number and occurred to their passenger. The presumption of negligence, being a

character of the conveyances used in the activity, but whether the presumption of law, laid the burden of evidence on their shoulders to
undertaking is a part of the activity engaged in by the carrier that he has held establish that they had not been negligent. It was the law no less that

out to the general public as his business or occupation. If the undertaking is a required them to prove their observance of extraordinary diligence in seeing
single transaction, not a part of the general business or occupation engaged to the safe and secure carriage of the passengers to their destination. Until
in, as advertised and held out to the general public, the individual or the they did so in a credible manner, they stood to be held legally responsible for
entity rendering such service is a private, not a common, carrier. The the death of Aaron and thus to be held liable for all the natural consequences
question must be determined by the character of the business actually of such death.
carried on by the carrier, not by any secret intention or mental reservation it
may entertain or assert when charged with the duties and obligations that the There is no question that the Pereñas did not overturn the presumption of
law imposes. 21
their negligence by credible evidence. Their defense of having observed the
diligence of a good father of a family in the selection and supervision of their
Applying these considerations to the case before us, there is no question that driver was not legally sufficient. According to Article 1759 of the Civil Code,
the Pereñas as the operators of a school bus service were: (a) engaged in their liability as a common carrier did not cease upon proof that they
transporting passengers generally as a business, not just as a casual exercised all the diligence of a good father of a family in the selection and
occupation; (b) undertaking to carry passengers over established roads by supervision of their employee. This was the reason why the RTC treated this
the method by which the business was conducted; and (c) transporting defense of the Pereñas as inappropriate in this action for breach of contract
students for a fee. Despite catering to a limited clientèle, the Pereñas of carriage.
operated as a common carrier because they held themselves out as a ready
transportation indiscriminately to the students of a particular school living The Pereñas were liable for the death of Aaron despite the fact that their
within or near where they operated the service and for a fee. driver might have acted beyond the scope of his authority or even in violation
of the orders of the common carrier. In this connection, the records showed

their driver’s actual negligence. There was a showing, to begin with, that their
driver traversed the railroad tracks at a point at which the PNR did not permit The question as to what would constitute the conduct of a prudent man in a
motorists going into the Makati area to cross the railroad tracks. Although given situation must of course be always determined in the light of human
that point had been used by motorists as a shortcut into the Makati area, that experience and in view of the facts involved in the particular case. Abstract
fact alone did not excuse their driver into taking that route. On the other speculation cannot here be of much value but this much can be profitably
hand, with his familiarity with that shortcut, their driver was fully aware of the said: Reasonable men govern their conduct by the circumstances which are
risks to his passengers but he still disregarded the risks. Compounding his before them or known to them. They are not, and are not supposed to be,
lack of care was that loud music was playing inside the air-conditioned van at omniscient of the future. Hence they can be expected to take care only when
the time of the accident. The loudness most probably reduced his ability to there is something before them to suggest or warn of danger. Could a
hear the warning horns of the oncoming train to allow him to correctly prudent man, in the case under consideration, foresee harm as a result of the
appreciate the lurking dangers on the railroad tracks. Also, he sought to course actually pursued? If so, it was the duty of the actor to take
overtake a passenger bus on the left side as both vehicles traversed the precautions to guard against that harm. Reasonable foresight of harm,
railroad tracks. In so doing, he lost his view of the train that was then coming followed by the ignoring of the suggestion born of this prevision, is always
from the opposite side of the passenger bus, leading him to miscalculate his necessary before negligence can be held to exist. Stated in these terms, the
chances of beating the bus in their race, and of getting clear of the train. As a proper criterion for determining the existence of negligence in a given case is
result, the bus avoided a collision with the train but the van got slammed at this: Conduct is said to be negligent when a prudent man in the position of
its rear, causing the fatality. Lastly, he did not slow down or go to a full stop the tortfeasor would have foreseen that an effect harmful to another was
before traversing the railroad tracks despite knowing that his slackening of sufficiently probable to warrant his foregoing the conduct or guarding against
speed and going to a full stop were in observance of the right of way at its consequences. (Emphasis supplied)
railroad tracks as defined by the traffic laws and regulations. He thereby

violated a specific traffic regulation on right of way, by virtue of which he was Pursuant to the Picart v. Smith test of negligence, the Pereñas’ driver was
immediately presumed to be negligent. 29
entirely negligent when he traversed the railroad tracks at a point not allowed
for a motorist’s crossing despite being fully aware of the grave harm to be
The omissions of care on the part of the van driver constituted thereby caused to his passengers; and when he disregarded the foresight of
negligence, which, according to Layugan v. Intermediate Appellate Court, is
30 31
harm to his passengers by overtaking the bus on the left side as to leave
"the omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided by those himself blind to the approach of the oncoming train that he knew was on the
considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs, would opposite side of the bus.
do, or the doing of something which a prudent and reasonable man would
not do, or as Judge Cooley defines it, ‘(t)he failure to observe for the
Unrelenting, the Pereñas cite Phil. National Railways v. Intermediate
protection of the interests of another person, that degree of care, precaution, Appellate Court, where the Court held the PNR solely liable for the damages

and vigilance which the circumstances justly demand, whereby such other caused to a passenger bus and its passengers when its train hit the rear end
person suffers injury.’"
of the bus that was then traversing the railroad crossing. But the
circumstances of that case and this one share no similarities. In Philippine
The test by which to determine the existence of negligence in a particular National Railways v. Intermediate Appellate Court, no evidence of
case has been aptly stated in the leading case of Picart v. Smith, thuswise:
contributory negligence was adduced against the owner of the bus. Instead,
it was the owner of the bus who proved the exercise of extraordinary
The test by which to determine the existence of negligence in a particular diligence by preponderant evidence. Also, the records are replete with the
case may be stated as follows: Did the defendant in doing the alleged showing of negligence on the part of both the Pereñas and the PNR. Another
negligent act use that reasonable care and caution which an ordinarily distinction is that the passenger bus in Philippine National Railways v.
prudent person would have used in the same situation? If not, then he is Intermediate Appellate Court was traversing the dedicated railroad crossing
guilty of negligence. The law here in effect adopts the standard supposed to when it was hit by the train, but the Pereñas’ school van traversed the
be supplied by the imaginary conduct of the discreet paterfamilias of the railroad tracks at a point not intended for that purpose.
Roman law. The existence of negligence in a given case is not determined
by reference to the personal judgment of the actor in the situation before him. At any rate, the lower courts correctly held both the Pereñas and the PNR
The law considers what would be reckless, blameworthy, or negligent in the "jointly and severally" liable for damages arising from the death of Aaron.
man of ordinary intelligence and prudence and determines liability by that. They had been impleaded in the same complaint as defendants against
whom the Zarates had the right to relief, whether jointly, severally, or in the
alternative, in respect to or arising out of the accident, and questions of fact We reject the Pereñas’ submission.
and of law were common as to the Zarates. Although the basis of the right to

relief of the Zarates (i.e., breach of contract of carriage) against the Pereñas First of all, a careful perusal of the Teehankee, Jr. case shows that the
was distinct from the basis of the Zarates’ right to relief against the PNR (i.e., situation there of Jussi Leino was not akin to that of Aaron here. The CA and
quasi-delict under Article 2176, Civil Code), they nonetheless could be held the RTC were not speculating that Aaron would be some highly-paid
jointly and severally liable by virtue of their respective negligence combining professional, like a pilot (or, for that matter, an engineer, a physician, or a
to cause the death of Aaron. As to the PNR, the RTC rightly found the PNR lawyer). Instead, the computation of Aaron’s earning capacity was premised
also guilty of negligence despite the school van of the Pereñas traversing the on him being a lowly minimum wage earner despite his being then enrolled at
railroad tracks at a point not dedicated by the PNR as a railroad crossing for a prestigious high school like Don Bosco in Makati, a fact that would have
pedestrians and motorists, because the PNR did not ensure the safety of likely ensured his success in his later years in life and at work.
others through the placing of crossbars, signal lights, warning signs, and
other permanent safety barriers to prevent vehicles or pedestrians from
And, secondly, the fact that Aaron was then without a history of earnings
crossing there. The RTC observed that the fact that a crossing guard had
should not be taken against his parents and in favor of the defendants whose
been assigned to man that point from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. was a good indicium negligence not only cost Aaron his life and his right to work and earn money,
that the PNR was aware of the risks to others as well as the need to control but also deprived his parents of their right to his presence and his services as
the vehicular and other traffic there. Verily, the Pereñas and the PNR were
well. Our law itself states that the loss of the earning capacity of the
joint tortfeasors.
deceased shall be the liability of the guilty party in favor of the heirs of the
deceased, and shall in every case be assessed and awarded by the court
2. "unless the deceased on account of permanent physical disability not caused
Was the indemnity for loss of by the defendant, had no earning capacity at the time of his
Aaron’s earning capacity proper? death." Accordingly, we emphatically hold in favor of the indemnification for

Aaron’s loss of earning capacity despite him having been unemployed,

The RTC awarded indemnity for loss of Aaron’s earning capacity. Although because compensation of this nature is awarded not for loss of time or
agreeing with the RTC on the liability, the CA modified the amount. Both earnings but for loss of the deceased’s power or ability to earn money. 39

lower courts took into consideration that Aaron, while only a high school
student, had been enrolled in one of the reputable schools in the Philippines This favorable treatment of the Zarates’ claim is not unprecedented. In
and that he had been a normal and able-bodied child prior to his death. The Cariaga v. Laguna Tayabas Bus Company and Manila Railroad
basis for the computation of Aaron’s earning capacity was not what he would Company, fourth-year medical student Edgardo Carriaga’s earning capacity,

have become or what he would have wanted to be if not for his untimely although he survived the accident but his injuries rendered him permanently
death, but the minimum wage in effect at the time of his death. Moreover, the incapacitated, was computed to be that of the physician that he dreamed to
RTC’s computation of Aaron’s life expectancy rate was not reckoned from his become. The Court considered his scholastic record sufficient to justify the
age of 15 years at the time of his death, but on 21 years, his age when he assumption that he could have finished the medical course and would have
would have graduated from college. passed the medical board examinations in due time, and that he could have
possibly earned a modest income as a medical practitioner. Also, in People
We find the considerations taken into account by the lower courts to be v. Sanchez, the Court opined that murder and rape victim Eileen Sarmienta

reasonable and fully warranted. and murder victim Allan Gomez could have easily landed good-paying jobs
had they graduated in due time, and that their jobs would probably pay them
Yet, the Pereñas submit that the indemnity for loss of earning capacity was high monthly salaries from ₱ 10,000.00 to ₱ 15,000.00 upon their graduation.
speculative and unfounded. They cited People v. Teehankee, Jr., where the
1âw phi1
37 Their earning capacities were computed at rates higher than the minimum
Court deleted the indemnity for victim Jussi Leino’s loss of earning capacity wage at the time of their deaths due to their being already senior agriculture
as a pilot for being speculative due to his having graduated from high school students of the University of the Philippines in Los Baños, the country’s
at the International School in Manila only two years before the shooting, and leading educational institution in agriculture.
was at the time of the shooting only enrolled in the first semester at the
Manila Aero Club to pursue his ambition to become a professional pilot. That 3.
meant, according to the Court, that he was for all intents and purposes only a Were the amounts of damages excessive?
high school graduate.
The Pereñas plead for the reduction of the moral and exemplary damages G.R. No. 101503 September 15, 1993
awarded to the Zarates in the respective amounts of ₱ 2,500,000.00 and ₱
1,000,000.00 on the ground that such amounts were excessive. PLANTERS PRODUCTS, INC., petitioner,
The moral damages of ₱ 2,500,000.00 were really just and reasonable under
the established circumstances of this case because they were intended by Gonzales, Sinense, Jimenez & Associates for petitioner.
the law to assuage the Zarates’ deep mental anguish over their son’s
unexpected and violent death, and their moral shock over the senseless Siguion Reyna, Montecillo & Ongsiako Law Office for private respondents.
accident. That amount would not be too much, considering that it would help
the Zarates obtain the means, diversions or amusements that would alleviate
their suffering for the loss of their child. At any rate, reducing the amount as
excessive might prove to be an injustice, given the passage of a long time
from when their mental anguish was inflicted on them on August 22, 1996.

Does a charter-party between a shipowner and a charterer transform a

Anent the ₱ 1,000,000.00 allowed as exemplary damages, we should not
common carrier into a private one as to negate the civil law presumption of
reduce the amount if only to render effective the desired example for the
negligence in case of loss or damage to its cargo?
public good. As a common carrier, the Pereñas needed to be vigorously
reminded to observe their duty to exercise extraordinary diligence to prevent
a similarly senseless accident from happening again. Only by an award of Planters Products, Inc. (PPI), purchased from Mitsubishi International
exemplary damages in that amount would suffice to instill in them and others Corporation (MITSUBISHI) of New York, U.S.A., 9,329.7069 metric tons
similarly situated like them the ever-present need for greater and constant (M/T) of Urea 46% fertilizer which the latter shipped in bulk on 16 June 1974
vigilance in the conduct of a business imbued with public interest. aboard the cargo vessel M/V "Sun Plum" owned by private respondent
Kyosei Kisen Kabushiki Kaisha (KKKK) from Kenai, Alaska, U.S.A., to Poro
Point, San Fernando, La Union, Philippines, as evidenced by Bill of Lading
WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition for review on certiorari; AFFIRM the
No. KP-1 signed by the master of the vessel and issued on the date of
decision promulgated on November 13, 2002; and ORDER the petitioners to
pay the costs of suit.

On 17 May 1974, or prior to its voyage, a time charter-party on the vessel

M/V "Sun Plum" pursuant to the Uniform General Charter was entered into

between Mitsubishi as shipper/charterer and KKKK as shipowner, in Tokyo,

Japan. Riders to the aforesaid charter-party starting from par. 16 to 40 were

attached to the pre-printed agreement. Addenda Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the

charter-party were also subsequently entered into on the 18th, 20th, 21st and
27th of May 1974, respectively.

Before loading the fertilizer aboard the vessel, four (4) of her holds were all

presumably inspected by the charterer's representative and found fit to take

a load of urea in bulk pursuant to par. 16 of the charter-party which reads:

16. . . . At loading port, notice of readiness to be

accomplished by certificate from National Cargo Bureau
inspector or substitute appointed by charterers for his
account certifying the vessel's readiness to receive cargo
spaces. The vessel's hold to be properly swept, cleaned and Consequently, PPI sent a claim letter dated 18 December 1974 to Soriamont
dried at the vessel's expense and the vessel to be presented Steamship Agencies (SSA), the resident agent of the carrier, KKKK, for
clean for use in bulk to the satisfaction of the inspector P245,969.31 representing the cost of the alleged shortage in the goods
before daytime commences. (emphasis supplied) shipped and the diminution in value of that portion said to have been
contaminated with dirt.13

After the Urea fertilizer was loaded in bulk by stevedores hired by and under
the supervision of the shipper, the steel hatches were closed with heavy iron Respondent SSA explained that they were not able to respond to the
lids, covered with three (3) layers of tarpaulin, then tied with steel bonds. The consignee's claim for payment because, according to them, what they
hatches remained closed and tightly sealed throughout the entire voyage. 5
received was just a request for shortlanded certificate and not a formal claim,
and that this "request" was denied by them because they "had nothing to do
Upon arrival of the vessel at her port of call on 3 July 1974, the steel pontoon with the discharge of the shipment." Hence, on 18 July 1975, PPI filed an

hatches were opened with the use of the vessel's boom. Petitioner unloaded action for damages with the Court of First Instance of Manila. The defendant
the cargo from the holds into its steelbodied dump trucks which were parked carrier argued that the strict public policy governing common carriers does
alongside the berth, using metal scoops attached to the ship, pursuant to the not apply to them because they have become private carriers by reason of
terms and conditions of the charter-partly (which provided for an F.I.O.S. the provisions of the charter-party. The court a quo however sustained the
clause). The hatches remained open throughout the duration of the
6 claim of the plaintiff against the defendant carrier for the value of the goods
discharge. 7 lost or damaged when it ruled thus: 15

Each time a dump truck was filled up, its load of Urea was covered with . . . Prescinding from the provision of the law that a common
tarpaulin before it was transported to the consignee's warehouse located carrier is presumed negligent in case of loss or damage of
some fifty (50) meters from the wharf. Midway to the warehouse, the trucks the goods it contracts to transport, all that a shipper has to
were made to pass through a weighing scale where they were individually do in a suit to recover for loss or damage is to show receipt
weighed for the purpose of ascertaining the net weight of the cargo. The port by the carrier of the goods and to delivery by it of less than
area was windy, certain portions of the route to the warehouse were sandy what it received. After that, the burden of proving that the
and the weather was variable, raining occasionally while the discharge was loss or damage was due to any of the causes which exempt
in progress. The petitioner's warehouse was made of corrugated galvanized
8 him from liability is shipted to the carrier, common or private
iron (GI) sheets, with an opening at the front where the dump trucks entered he may be. Even if the provisions of the charter-party
and unloaded the fertilizer on the warehouse floor. Tarpaulins and GI sheets aforequoted are deemed valid, and the defendants
were placed in-between and alongside the trucks to contain spillages of the considered private carriers, it was still incumbent upon them
9 to prove that the shortage or contamination sustained by the
cargo is attributable to the fault or negligence on the part of
the shipper or consignee in the loading, stowing, trimming
It took eleven (11) days for PPI to unload the cargo, from 5 July to 18 July
and discharge of the cargo. This they failed to do. By this
1974 (except July 12th, 14th and 18th). A private marine and cargo surveyor,

omission, coupled with their failure to destroy the

Cargo Superintendents Company Inc. (CSCI), was hired by PPI to determine
the "outturn" of the cargo shipped, by taking draft readings of the vessel prior presumption of negligence against them, the defendants are
to and after discharge. The survey report submitted by CSCI to the
liable (emphasis supplied).
consignee (PPI) dated 19 July 1974 revealed a shortage in the cargo of
106.726 M/T and that a portion of the Urea fertilizer approximating 18 M/T On appeal, respondent Court of Appeals reversed the lower court and
was contaminated with dirt. The same results were contained in a Certificate absolved the carrier from liability for the value of the cargo that was lost or
of Shortage/Damaged Cargo dated 18 July 1974 prepared by PPI which damaged. Relying on the 1968 case of Home Insurance Co. v. American

showed that the cargo delivered was indeed short of 94.839 M/T and about Steamship Agencies, Inc., the appellate court ruled that the cargo vessel

23 M/T were rendered unfit for commerce, having been polluted with sand, M/V "Sun Plum" owned by private respondent KKKK was a private carrier
rust and and not a common carrier by reason of the time charterer-party. Accordingly,
12 the Civil Code provisions on common carriers which set forth a presumption
of negligence do not find application in the case at bar. Thus —
. . . In the absence of such presumption, it was incumbent A "charter-party" is defined as a contract by which an entire ship, or some
upon the plaintiff-appellee to adduce sufficient evidence to principal part thereof, is let by the owner to another person for a specified
prove the negligence of the defendant carrier as alleged in time or use; a contract of affreightment by which the owner of a ship or

its complaint. It is an old and well settled rule that if the other vessel lets the whole or a part of her to a merchant or other person for
plaintiff, upon whom rests the burden of proving his cause of the conveyance of goods, on a particular voyage, in consideration of the
action, fails to show in a satisfactory manner the facts upon payment of freight; Charter parties are of two types: (a) contract of

which he bases his claim, the defendant is under no affreightment which involves the use of shipping space on vessels leased by
obligation to prove his exception or defense the owner in part or as a whole, to carry goods for others; and, (b) charter by
(Moran, Commentaries on the Rules of Court, Volume 6, p. demise or bareboat charter, by the terms of which the whole vessel is let to
2, citing Belen v. Belen, 13 Phil. 202). the charterer with a transfer to him of its entire command and possession
and consequent control over its navigation, including the master and the
But, the record shows that the plaintiff-appellee dismally crew, who are his servants. Contract of affreightment may either be time
failed to prove the basis of its cause of action, i.e. the charter, wherein the vessel is leased to the charterer for a fixed period of
alleged negligence of defendant carrier. It appears that the time, or voyage charter, wherein the ship is leased for a single voyage. In22

plaintiff was under the impression that it did not have to both cases, the charter-party provides for the hire of vessel only, either for a
establish defendant's negligence. Be that as it may, contrary determinate period of time or for a single or consecutive voyage, the
to the trial court's finding, the record of the instant case shipowner to supply the ship's stores, pay for the wages of the master and
discloses ample evidence showing that defendant carrier the crew, and defray the expenses for the maintenance of the ship.
was not negligent in performing its obligation . .
. (emphasis supplied).
Upon the other hand, the term "common or public carrier" is defined in Art.
1732 of the Civil Code. The definition extends to carriers either by land, air

Petitioner PPI appeals to us by way of a petition for review assailing the or water which hold themselves out as ready to engage in carrying goods or
decision of the Court of Appeals. Petitioner theorizes that the Home transporting passengers or both for compensation as a public employment
Insurance case has no bearing on the present controversy because the issue and not as a casual occupation. The distinction between a "common or
raised therein is the validity of a stipulation in the charter-party delimiting the public carrier" and a "private or special carrier" lies in the character of the
liability of the shipowner for loss or damage to goods cause by want of due business, such that if the undertaking is a single transaction, not a part of the
deligence on its part or that of its manager to make the vessel seaworthy in general business or occupation, although involving the carriage of goods for
all respects, and not whether the presumption of negligence provided under a fee, the person or corporation offering such service is a private carrier. 24

the Civil Code applies only to common carriers and not to private
carriers. Petitioner further argues that since the possession and control of
Article 1733 of the New Civil Code mandates that common carriers, by
the vessel remain with the shipowner, absent any stipulation to the contrary, reason of the nature of their business, should observe extraordinary diligence
such shipowner should made liable for the negligence of the captain and in the vigilance over the goods they carry. In the case of private carriers,

crew. In fine, PPI faults the appellate court in not applying the presumption of however, the exercise of ordinary diligence in the carriage of goods will
negligence against respondent carrier, and instead shifting the onus suffice. Moreover, in the case of loss, destruction or deterioration of the
probandi on the shipper to show want of due deligence on the part of the goods, common carriers are presumed to have been at fault or to have acted
carrier, when he was not even at hand to witness what transpired during the negligently, and the burden of proving otherwise rests on them. On the

entire voyage. contrary, no such presumption applies to private carriers, for whosoever
alleges damage to or deterioration of the goods carried has the onus of
As earlier stated, the primordial issue here is whether a common carrier proving that the cause was the negligence of the carrier.
becomes a private carrier by reason of a charter-party; in the negative,
whether the shipowner in the instant case was able to prove that he had It is not disputed that respondent carrier, in the ordinary course of business,
exercised that degree of diligence required of him under the law. operates as a common carrier, transporting goods indiscriminately for all
persons. When petitioner chartered the vessel M/V "Sun Plum", the ship
It is said that etymology is the basis of reliable judicial decisions in captain, its officers and compliment were under the employ of the shipowner
commercial cases. This being so, we find it fitting to first define important and therefore continued to be under its direct supervision and control. Hardly
terms which are relevant to our discussion. then can we charge the charterer, a stranger to the crew and to the ship, with
the duty of caring for his cargo when the charterer did not have any control of In an action for recovery of damages against a common carrier on the goods
the means in doing so. This is evident in the present case considering that shipped, the shipper or consignee should first prove the fact of shipment and
the steering of the ship, the manning of the decks, the determination of the its consequent loss or damage while the same was in the possession, actual
course of the voyage and other technical incidents of maritime navigation or constructive, of the carrier. Thereafter, the burden of proof shifts to
were all consigned to the officers and crew who were screened, chosen and respondent to prove that he has exercised extraordinary diligence required
hired by the shipowner. 27
by law or that the loss, damage or deterioration of the cargo was due to
fortuitous event, or some other circumstances inconsistent with its liability. 31

It is therefore imperative that a public carrier shall remain as such,

notwithstanding the charter of the whole or portion of a vessel by one or To our mind, respondent carrier has sufficiently overcome, by clear and
more persons, provided the charter is limited to the ship only, as in the case convincing proof, the prima faciepresumption of negligence.
of a time-charter or voyage-charter. It is only when the charter includes both
the vessel and its crew, as in a bareboat or demise that a common carrier The master of the carrying vessel, Captain Lee Tae Bo, in his deposition
becomes private, at least insofar as the particular voyage covering the taken on 19 April 1977 before the Philippine Consul and Legal Attache in the
charter-party is concerned. Indubitably, a shipowner in a time or voyage Philippine Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, testified that before the fertilizer was
charter retains possession and control of the ship, although her holds may, loaded, the four (4) hatches of the vessel were cleaned, dried and fumigated.
for the moment, be the property of the charterer. 28
After completing the loading of the cargo in bulk in the ship's holds, the steel
pontoon hatches were closed and sealed with iron lids, then covered with
Respondent carrier's heavy reliance on the case of Home Insurance three (3) layers of serviceable tarpaulins which were tied with steel bonds.
Co. v. American Steamship Agencies, supra, is misplaced for the reason that The hatches remained close and tightly sealed while the ship was in transit
the meat of the controversy therein was the validity of a stipulation in the as the weight of the steel covers made it impossible for a person to open
charter-party exempting the shipowners from liability for loss due to the without the use of the ship's boom. 32

negligence of its agent, and not the effects of a special charter on common
carriers. At any rate, the rule in the United States that a ship chartered by a It was also shown during the trial that the hull of the vessel was in good
single shipper to carry special cargo is not a common carrier, does not find
condition, foreclosing the possibility of spillage of the cargo into the sea or
application in our jurisdiction, for we have observed that the growing concern seepage of water inside the hull of the vessel. When M/V "Sun Plum"

for safety in the transportation of passengers and /or carriage of goods by docked at its berthing place, representatives of the consignee boarded, and
sea requires a more exacting interpretation of admiralty laws, more in the presence of a representative of the shipowner, the foreman, the
particularly, the rules governing common carriers. stevedores, and a cargo surveyor representing CSCI, opened the hatches
and inspected the condition of the hull of the vessel. The stevedores
We quote with approval the observations of Raoul Colinvaux, the learned unloaded the cargo under the watchful eyes of the shipmates who were
barrister-at-law —
overseeing the whole operation on rotation basis. 34

As a matter of principle, it is difficult to find a valid distinction Verily, the presumption of negligence on the part of the respondent carrier
between cases in which a ship is used to convey the goods has been efficaciously overcome by the showing of extraordinary zeal and
of one and of several persons. Where the ship herself is let assiduity exercised by the carrier in the care of the cargo. This was
to a charterer, so that he takes over the charge and control confirmed by respondent appellate court thus —
of her, the case is different; the shipowner is not then a
carrier. But where her services only are let, the same . . . Be that as it may, contrary to the trial court's finding, the
grounds for imposing a strict responsibility exist, whether he record of the instant case discloses ample evidence showing
is employed by one or many. The master and the crew are in that defendant carrier was not negligent in performing its
each case his servants, the freighter in each case is usually obligations. Particularly, the following testimonies of plaintiff-
without any representative on board the ship; the same appellee's own witnesses clearly show absence of
opportunities for fraud or collusion occur; and the same negligence by the defendant carrier; that the hull of the
difficulty in discovering the truth as to what has taken place vessel at the time of the discharge of the cargo was sealed
arises . . . and nobody could open the same except in the presence of
the owner of the cargo and the representatives of the vessel in bulk with the use of a clamped shell, losses due to spillage during such
(TSN, 20 July 1977, p. 14); that the cover of the hatches was operation amounting to one percent (1%) against the bill of lading is deemed
made of steel and it was overlaid with tarpaulins, three "normal" or "tolerable." The primary cause of these spillages is the clamped
layers of tarpaulins and therefore their contents were shell which does not seal very tightly. Also, the wind tends to blow away
protected from the weather (TSN, 5 April 1978, p. 24); and, some of the materials during the unloading process.
that to open these hatches, the seals would have to be
broken, all the seals were found to be intact (TSN, 20 July The dissipation of quantities of fertilizer, or its daterioration in value, is
1977, pp. 15-16) (emphasis supplied). caused either by an extremely high temperature in its place of storage, or
when it comes in contact with water. When Urea is drenched in water, either
The period during which private respondent was to observe the degree of fresh or saline, some of its particles dissolve. But the salvaged portion which
diligence required of it as a public carrier began from the time the cargo was is in liquid form still remains potent and usable although no longer saleable in
unconditionally placed in its charge after the vessel's holds were duly its original market value.
inspected and passed scrutiny by the shipper, up to and until the vessel
reached its destination and its hull was reexamined by the consignee, but The probability of the cargo being damaged or getting mixed or contaminated
prior to unloading. This is clear from the limitation clause agreed upon by the with foreign particles was made greater by the fact that the fertilizer was
parties in the Addendum to the standard "GENCON" time charter-party which transported in "bulk," thereby exposing it to the inimical effects of the
provided for an F.I.O.S., meaning, that the loading, stowing, trimming and elements and the grimy condition of the various pieces of equipment used in
discharge of the cargo was to be done by the charterer, free from all risk and transporting and hauling it.
expense to the carrier. Moreover, a shipowner is liable for damage to the

cargo resulting from improper stowage only when the stowing is done by The evidence of respondent carrier also showed that it was highly
stevedores employed by him, and therefore under his control and
improbable for sea water to seep into the vessel's holds during the voyage
supervision, not when the same is done by the consignee or stevedores
since the hull of the vessel was in good condition and her hatches were
under the employ of the latter. 36
tightly closed and firmly sealed, making the M/V "Sun Plum" in all respects
seaworthy to carry the cargo she was chartered for. If there was loss or
Article 1734 of the New Civil Code provides that common carriers are not contamination of the cargo, it was more likely to have occurred while the
responsible for the loss, destruction or deterioration of the goods if caused by same was being transported from the ship to the dump trucks and finally to
the charterer of the goods or defects in the packaging or in the containers. the consignee's warehouse. This may be gleaned from the testimony of the
The Code of Commerce also provides that all losses and deterioration which marine and cargo surveyor of CSCI who supervised the unloading. He
the goods may suffer during the transportation by reason of fortuitous explained that the 18 M/T of alleged "bar order cargo" as contained in their
event, force majeure, or the inherent defect of the goods, shall be for the report to PPI was just an approximation or estimate made by them after the
account and risk of the shipper, and that proof of these accidents is fertilizer was discharged from the vessel and segregated from the rest of the
incumbent upon the carrier. The carrier, nonetheless, shall be liable for the
loss and damage resulting from the preceding causes if it is proved, as
against him, that they arose through his negligence or by reason of his
The Court notes that it was in the month of July when the vessel arrived port
having failed to take the precautions which usage has established among and unloaded her cargo. It rained from time to time at the harbor area while
careful persons. 38
the cargo was being discharged according to the supply officer of PPI, who
also testified that it was windy at the waterfront and along the shoreline
Respondent carrier presented a witness who testified on the characteristics where the dump trucks passed enroute to the consignee's warehouse.
of the fertilizer shipped and the expected risks of bulk shipping. Mr.
Estanislao Chupungco, a chemical engineer working with Atlas Fertilizer, Indeed, we agree with respondent carrier that bulk shipment of highly soluble
described Urea as a chemical compound consisting mostly of ammonia and goods like fertilizer carries with it the risk of loss or damage. More so, with a
carbon monoxide compounds which are used as fertilizer. Urea also contains
variable weather condition prevalent during its unloading, as was the case at
46% nitrogen and is highly soluble in water. However, during storage,
bar. This is a risk the shipper or the owner of the goods has to face. Clearly,
nitrogen and ammonia do not normally evaporate even on a long voyage,
respondent carrier has sufficiently proved the inherent character of the goods
provided that the temperature inside the hull does not exceed eighty (80)
which makes it highly vulnerable to deterioration; as well as the inadequacy
degrees centigrade. Mr. Chupungco further added that in unloading fertilizer
of its packaging which further contributed to the loss. On the other hand, no
proof was adduced by the petitioner showing that the carrier was remise in
the exercise of due diligence in order to minimize the loss or damage to the
goods it carried.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. The assailed decision of the

Court of Appeals, which reversed the trial court, is AFFIRMED.
Consequently, Civil Case No. 98623 of the then Court of the First Instance,
now Regional Trial Court, of Manila should be, as it is hereby DISMISSED.

Costs against petitioner.


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