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Small Scale Scrum

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The document discusses Small Scale Scrum, a framework for teams of 1-3 people. It also provides information about the authors and their research on small teams.

Small Scale Scrum is a framework tailored for teams of 1-3 people that aims to maintain high quality and output with a reduced team size through modified Scrum practices.

The authors Leigh Griffin and Agnieszka Gancarczyk both work for Red Hat. Leigh is an Engineering Manager and Agile Coach, and Agnieszka is an Associate Consultant. They conducted research on small teams for Leigh's PhD and Agnieszka's thesis.



Small Scale Scrum

ABOUT THE AUTHORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



working for Red Hat. This role allows him
realise his passion for Coaching and helping individuals
and teams improve how they work on a day to day basis.
Leigh has a PhD in Group Communication and helped co-
supervise a research dissertation on Small Scale Scrum.



for Red Hat Consulting and
developing software solutions for customers in small 1-3
person Agile teams. She spent a year researching Small
Scale Scrum for her final thesis and has recently graduated
with MSc in Computing (Communications Software). Apart
from software development, her interests lay in project
and people management.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OPENSOURCE.COM


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Introduction 5


Small Scale Agile Manifesto 6

Small Scale Scrum Framework 8
Small Scale Scrum Principles 10
Small Scale Scrum vs. Large Scale Scrum 11
The next steps for Small Scale Scrum 13


Get involved | Additional Resources 14

Write for Us | Keep in Touch 15


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION

Here's how the scrum agile methodology can help teams of three or fewer work more efficiently.

AGILE IS FAST becoming a mainstream way

industries act, behave, and
work as they look to improve efficiency, minimize costs,
All of these formats can follow an Agile way of work.
Scrum’s principles and execution have been applied to
small-scale teams; however, they’re often applied in a way
and empower staff. Most software developers naturally that leads to something slipping. In our experience, that is
think, act, and work this way, and alignment towards quality. We set out to investigate whether we could main-
Agile software methodolo- tain a high-level of quality
gies has gathered pace in and output with a reduced
recent years. team size.
VersionOne’s 2018 State
of Agile report [1] shows that Small Scale Scrum
Scrum and its variants re- The result of our research
main the most popular imple- is Small Scale Scrum, a
mentation of Agile. This is in long-awaited and novel
part due to changes made to concept in Agile “supporting
the Scrum Guide's [2] word- planning, developing, and
ing in recent years that make delivering production-quality
it more amenable to non-soft- software solutions.” Small, in
ware industries. this case, is a maximum of
The guide also changed its three people. According to
stance towards the team size needed to implement Scrum: an extensive survey, this is something the industry, custom-
The previous recommended team size of 7± 2 changed to a ers, and small development teams have been asking for, as
range of 3-9 people. this team size is more realistic for their needs. Organizations
Like in Agile, scale is a hot topic in Scrum, with a battle- that engage in consultancy projects are particularly asking
ground of competing frameworks vying for supremacy. Scal- for ways to run Scrum projects with one or two developers,
ing frameworks have focused on allowing multiple teams to due to the industry-wide acknowledgement of the approach’s
coordinate in a seamless manner and, in essence, promote efficiency. Given that Scrum has amended its guidebook to
Scrum at large scale. However, scaling down (below the rec- include non-software industries, this approach could benefit
ommended minimum team size) is not gaining traction, even many different sectors.
though it is the way many sectors operate. In this guide, we’ll explain Small Scale Scrum—what it is,
For example, paid-for consultancy work typically in- how it works, and how it can help small teams work better. In
volves one or two people working on a short-term project; future articles, we’ll cover the Small Scale Agile Manifesto,
since consultant costs are often charged by the hour or framework, and principles, describe our survey results, and
day, a smaller team provides maximum value for the cus- where to go next.
tomer. Open source contributors very often work alone,
albeit part of a much larger community. And college stu- Links
dents completing final-year projects or research assign- [1]
ments usually work in solo mode, with small teams form- 12th-annual-state-of-agile-report
ing in some cases. [2]


SMALL SCALE AGILE MANIFESTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Small Scale Agile

These six values enhance agile methodologies to help smaller teams work more efficiently.


brella term
that describes and governs several lightweight and fuller
so they need to take mutual responsibility for delivering
work items. In this approach, teamwork plays an import-
ant role, with team members working together as a single
Agile methodologies for handling IT teams and projects. unit to ensure the project’s success from the bottom up.
Scrum, Kanban, Lean Development, Crystal, and Extreme This can be achieved with techniques including support
Programming (XP) are among the most popular and light- for remote team members, fair workload, pair program-
weight Agile approaches. ming, code review, and
While Small Scale Scrum shadowing. Remote team
fits into the Agile Manifesto, members work towards the
six of its additional values, common goal, but are not
described below, should geographically co-located;
complement and enhance fair workload is to ensure
Agile for smaller teams. that the team’s workload is
divided fairly; pair program-
Wide communication ming is focused on writing
over narrow and reviewing source code
communication together in real time; code
Maintaining narrow commu- review, also known as peer
nication with a project’s man- review is focused on view-
ager is essential, but wider communication offers more value. ing and reading source code after or as an interruption of
Wider communication includes all of a team’s stakeholders, implementation; shadowing is an on-the-job learning and
including the product owner, ScrumMaster, and all team it’s commonly used for in-house training.
members. Excellence through application of best principles
in every team-to-team or team-to-customer communication Quality delivery over speed of development
is very important. Therefore, team members are encouraged Rapid development and high-quality delivery are expecta-
to take time to prepare before meetings to best accommo- tions in every customer engagement. While speed of devel-
date changes and ensure productive outcomes. Regularly opment is important, quality delivery has much greater im-
using the team’s preferred communication channels quickly pact on the project’s continuous success. Investing time in
and effectively creates a welcoming environment. quality development and testing by using quality-assurance
techniques, tools, mentoring, and training can help the team
Team feature delivery over individual continuously excel.
An individual team member’s responsibility for delivering Multiple project responsibilities over fixed
single features is considered standard practice in software assignment
projects. Members of small teams, however, are expected Fixed project responsibility where team members typically
to have much broader involvement in the project lifecycle, have one role, with the overall team containing enough


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMALL SCALE AGILE MANIFESTO

skills to be self sufficient for the roles to be filled, is a In such engagements the customer is the only stakeholder
standard practice in Agile, but the real value for small- and their view and voice are followed to the letter. Planting
scale teams comes from members taking additional roles innovation is critical to get the team and customers to think
(within reason). For example, an engineer may become outside the project’s defined requirements so they can en-
the frontend developer, backend developer, quality engi- vision the final solution with the most creative and optimal
neer, or user interface (UI) designer. The idea behind this architectures, requirements, and designs.
approach is to ensure that the small team is as self-suf-
ficient as possible. For small teams to adopt multiple re- Customer growth over customer engagement
sponsibilities, the workload must be fair and the project’s A successful customer engagement is very important to a
processes must be streamlined. This can be achieved by project, but it’s not sufficient for building and maintaining a
continuously reviewing and improving work conditions and strong and successful relationship with the customer. For
simplifying processes to help the team focus on delivery. small teams, it’s important to approach business engage-
Coaching should be offered to give team members guide- ment from the customer’s business-success perspective.
lines to help them improve their skills. Growth or creation of business is the customer’s highest
priority for a software solution, therefore it should be the
Accelerating innovation over marginal team’s highest priority.
request-driven thinking
Request-driven thinking where specific business requests
are followed strictly, is important in enterprise engage- A version of this article was originally published on Medium and is republished
with permission.
ments, but innovation is what customers value the most.


SMALL SCALE SCRUM FRAMEWORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Small Scale Scrum

This agile approach is designed for small teams whose members play multiple roles.

SCRUM IS A LEADING candidate for the

of Small Scale Agile for many reasons including its popu-
quired to keep it concise. Sprint Planning is value-based.
At this point, requirements that will be worked on in the
upcoming Sprint should be clear and contain approved ac-
larity, developers’ preference, high success rates for Scrum ceptance criteria. Capacity, typically measured as veloci-
adoption and project deliveries, and strong principles and ty, is not used; instead, the team has to take an educated
values including focus, courage, openness, commitment, guess. Velocity only emerges after three or more Sprints,
and respect. which is usually after the Small Scale Scrum projects are
Small Scale Scrum [1] can be best described as “a peo- finished.
ple-first framework defined by and for small teams (a max- The Three-People Team is comprised of the develop-
imum of three people) and supporting planning, develop- ment team and the project manager (most of the time). The
ing, and delivering production-quality software solutions.” development team is expected to be involved in gathering
The proposed framework centers around the concept of and clarifying business requirements, doing development
team members occupying multiple roles on any project. work, performing quality testing, and releasing software to
Small Scale Scrum is valuable due to its strong support the customer.
for the small, distributed teams found in organizations all The Proof of Concept/Demo is a realization of the small
over the world. Small teams need new ways to meet cus- work completed in the Sprint to showcase progress in devel-
tomers’ continuously growing expectations for rapid de- opment. Any deviations or incomplete work are discussed
livery and high quality, and during the POC/demo.
Small Scale Scrum’s guide- The Sprint Review meet-
lines and principles help ad- ing is organized and run by
dress this challenge. the development team and
The Project Backlog is a project manager (if involved
list of everything known to in the project) and attended
be required in the project. by the customer or custom-
It is created before any de- er team. The Sprint Review
velopment work begins and is time-boxed and contains
is maintained by a devel- demonstrations of Sprint
opment team. The Project work and a short outline of
Backlog contains develop- work completed/not com-
ment tasks and software re- pleted, bugs raised, and
quirements. It replaces the traditional Product and Sprint known and/or descoped issues (if any). Customer feedback
backlogs. is gathered at the end of the demonstration and incorpo-
The Sprint Planning meeting is time-boxed (i.e., set rated into future Sprints. Very little (if any) preparation is
in advance for a specified amount of time) and focused required to keep the meeting short and structured.
on planning work for the upcoming Sprint. The meeting is The Sprint Retrospective meeting is organized and run
run by the development team and advance planning is re- by the development team and project manager (if involved)


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMALL SCALE SCRUM FRAMEWORK

and may be attended by the customer and/or customer pleted work, confirms fixes, and signs off on the release
team. The Sprint Retrospective is time-boxed and requires build.
no advance preparation. Due to the small size of the devel- The Scrum Guide’s [2] recommended time-box guidelines
opment team and the Sprint builds (with a smaller number per ceremony should be considered valid for Small Scale
of features delivered), this meeting is relatively short. The Scrum ceremonies.
Sprint Retrospective takes place after the Sprint Review
and before the next Sprint Planning meeting. Links
The Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, and Sprint Plan- [1]
ning may be combined into a single meeting which we term blob/master/Agnieszka-Gancarczyk-20060828-Final-
the Sprint Termination, lasting approximately 90 minutes. Dissertation.pdf
These meetings are concise, structured (thanks to advance [2]
preparation), and must not include any unnecessary/unrelat-
ed discussions.
The First/Final Release is the project’s end result. A related version of this article was originally published on Medium and is
republished with permission.
The development team runs the tests, verifies the com-


SMALL SCALE SCRUM PRINCIPLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Small Scale Scrum

These four principles address communication, processes, and benefits
of scrum methodologies for smaller workgroups.


preferred approach towards
communication; the processes introduced to ensure the
highest quality of delivery; and the benefits behind imple-
menting Small Scale Scrum for the business.
Small Scale Scrum principles [1] are non-negotiable.

Quality-first Development  focuses on taking a quality

approach to software development during each Sprint. This
means ensuring that features are delivered according to accep-
tance criteria, the solution is bug-free (or at least free from any
evident bugs), any inconsistencies in the software are removed,
the solution is tested, and any edge-case bugs and omitted fea-
tures are reported, logged, and considered by the customer.
Delivery Ownership  is about the development team tak-
ing initiative in driving software delivery on a Sprint-to-Sprint
basis. Enabling the team to consult the customer directly
positively impacts the team’s overall performance and the
customer’s satisfaction. Elimination of any micromanage-
ment-related barriers is critical to allow the team to take own-
ership in delivering software solutions.
Iterative Sign Off  focuses on reducing technical debt
Value-based Communication  includes inner (within the and identifying gaps in requirements through an iterative
development team) and outer (with the customer) communi- sign-off approach. As the solution evolves and matures,
cation. It is focused on delivering a value. Understanding the business requirements change. With iterative development,
solution, its purpose, and its desired functionality depends functionality delivered within a Sprint should be signed off
upon effective communication. Initiating and maintaining upon the Sprint’s completion. Similarly, requirements for the
communication between parties requires openness and ded- upcoming Sprint should be signed off on before it begins.
ication to look for the best solution to a given functionality
request or fix. It may also lead to further discussions around Links
progress made in software delivered, which can, in turn, [1]
uncover omissions in the requirements. With finite time, the blob/master/Agnieszka-Gancarczyk-20060828-Final-
focus should be put on valuable and urgent communication Dissertation.pdf
as opposed to communication deviating from importance [2]
and usefulness. This aligns with the Eisenhower Matrix [2]
A related version of this article was originally published on Medium and is
of making urgent vs important decisions to help prioritise
republished with permission.
communication flows.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMALL SCALE SCRUM VS. LARGE SCALE SCRUM

Small Scale Scrum vs.

Large Scale Scrum
We surveyed individual members of small and large scrum teams. Here are some key findings.

FOLLOWING the publication of the scrum frame-

work, we wanted to collect feed-
back on how teams in our target demographic (consultants,
open source developers, and students) work and what they
value. With this first opportunity to inspect, adapt, and help
shape the next stage of Small Scale Scrum, we decided to
create a survey to capture some data points and begin to
validate some of our assumptions and hypotheses.
Our reasons for using the survey were multifold, but chief
among them were the global distribution of teams, the small
local data sample available in our office, access to customers,
and the industry’s utilization of surveys (e.g., the Stack Over-
flow Developer Survey 2018,  HackerRank 2018 Developer The scrum’s iterative process was used to facilitate the cre-
Skills Report [1], and GitLab 2018 Global Developer Report [2]). ation of the survey shown to the right.
The survey [3], which we invite you to complete,
consisted of 59 questions and was distributed at a
local college (Waterford Institute of Technology [4])
and to Red Hat’s consultancy and engineering
teams. Our initial data was gathered from the re-
sponses of 54 individuals spread across small and
large scrum teams, who were asked about their ex-
periences with agile within their teams.
Here are the main results and initial findings of
the survey:
• A full 96% of survey participants practice a form
of agile, work in distributed teams, think scrum
principles help them reduce development com-
plexity, and believe agile contributes to the suc-
cess of their projects.
• Only 8% of survey participants belong to small
(one- to three-person) teams, and 10 out of
51 describe their typical project as short-lived
(three months or less).
• The majority of survey participants were soft-
ware engineers, but quality engineers (QE),
project managers (PM), product owners (PO),
and scrum masters were also represented.
• Scrum master, PO, and team member are typical
roles in projects.


SMALL SCALE SCRUM VS. LARGE SCALE SCRUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

• N early half of survey respondents work on, or are as- • T he majority of teams don’t have or use a  Definition of
signed to, more than one project at the same time. Ready [8] to ensure that user stories are actionable, test-
• Almost half of projects are customer/value-generating vs. able, and clear.
improvement/not directly value-generating or unclassified. • Unit, integration, functional, automated, performance/load,
• Almost half of survey participants said that their work is and acceptance tests are commonly used.
clarified sometimes or most of the time and estimated be- • Overall collaboration between team members is consid-
fore development with extensions available sometimes or ered high, and team members use various communica-
most of the time. They said asking for clarification of work tion channels.
items is the team’s responsibility. • The majority of survey participants spend more than four
• Almost half of survey respondents said they write tests for hours weekly in meetings, including face-to-face meetings,
their code, and they adhere to best coding practices, docu- web conferences, and email communication.
ment their code, and get their code reviewed before merging. • The majority of customers are considered large, and half of
• Almost all survey participants introduce bugs to the code- them understand and follow scrum principles.
base, which are prioritized by them, the team, PM, PO, • Customers respect “no deadlines” most of the time and
team lead, or the scrum master. sometimes help create user stories and participate in
• Participants ask for help and mentoring when a task sprint planning, sprint review and demonstration, sprint
is complex. They also take on additional roles on their retrospective, and backlog review and refinement.
projects when needed, including business analyst, PM, • Only 27% of survey participants know their customers
QE, and architect, and they sometimes find changing have a high level of satisfaction with the adoption of agile,
roles difficult. while the majority (58%) don’t know this information at all.
• When changing roles on a daily basis, individuals feel they These survey results will inform the next stage of our da-
lose one to two hours on average, but they still complete ta-gathering exercise. We will apply Small Scale Scrum to
their work on time most of the time. real-world projects, and the guidance obtained from the sur-
• Most survey participants use scrum (65%), followed by vey will help us gather key data points as we move toward
hybrid (18%) and Kanban (12%). This is consistent with version 2.0 of Small Scale Scrum. If you want to help, take
results of VersionOne’s State of Agile Report [5]. our  survey [3]. If you have a project to which you’d like to
• The daily standup, sprint, sprint planning and estimating, apply Small Scale Scrum, please get in touch.
backlog grooming, and sprint retrospective are among the
top scrum ceremonies and principles followed, and team Links
members do preparation work before meetings. [1]
• The majority of sprints (62%) are three weeks long, [2]
followed by two-week sprints (26%), one-week sprints [3]
(6%), and four-week sprints (4%). Two percent of par- MEiEzS68OOIsjLtwZJto_XT7A3b9aB0RhasnE_dEw/
ticipants are not using sprints due to strict release and viewform?c=0&w=1
update timings, with all activities organized and planned [4]
around those dates. [5]
• Teams use  planning poker [6] to estimate (storypoint) user 12th-annual-state-of-agile-report
stories. User stories contain acceptance criteria. [6]
• Teams create and use a Definition of Done [7] mainly in re- [7]
spect to features and determining completion of user stories. [8]


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THE NEXT STEPS FOR SMALL SCALE SCRUM

The next steps for

Small Scale Scrum
We plan to test the Small Scale Scrum framework in real-world projects involving small teams.

SCRUM IS BUILT on the three pillars of In-

spection, Adaptation, and
Transparency. Our empirical research is really the starting
ect after four years in a degree program, are almost exclusively
completed by a single person. In projects of this nature, there
is an emphasis on the project plan and structure and maximiz-
point in bringing Scrum, one of the most popular Agile imple- ing the outputs that a single person can achieve.
mentations, to smaller teams. As presented in the diagram We plan to metricize and publish the results of these projects
below, we are now taking time to inspect this framework and and hold several retrospectives with the teams involved. We
principles by testing them in real-world projects. are particularly interested in metrics centered around quality,
We plan to implement Small Scale Scrum in several upcom- with a particular emphasis on quality in a software engineering
ing projects. Our test candidates are customers with real proj- context and management, both project management through
ects where teams of one to three people will undertake short- the lifecycle with a customer and management of the day-to-
lived projects (ranging from a few weeks to three months) with day team activities and the delivery, release, handover, and
an emphasis on quality and outputs. Individual projects, such sign-off process. Ultimately, we will retrospectively analyze the
as final-year projects (over 24 weeks) that are a capstone proj- overall framework and principles and see if the Manifesto we
envisioned holds up to the reality of exe-
cuting a project with small numbers. From
this data, we will produce the second ver-
sion of Small Scale Scrum and begin a cy-
clic pattern of inspecting the model in new
projects and adapting it again.
We want to do all of this transparent-
ly. This series of articles is one window
into the data, the insights, the experienc-
es, and the reality of running Scrum for
small teams whose everyday challenges
include context switching, communica-
tion, and the need for a quality delivery.
A follow-up series of articles is planned
to examine the outputs and help develop
the second edition of Small Scale Scrum
entirely in the community.
We also plan to attend conferences
and share our knowledge with the Agile
community. We are advising colleges
and sharing our structure and approach
to managing and executing final-year
projects. All our outputs will be freely
available in the open source way.
Given the changes to recommended
team sizes in the Scrum Guide, our long-
term goal and vision is to have the Scrum
Guide reflect that teams of one or more
people occupying one or more roles within
a project are capable of following Scrum.


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