Lab 2 Analog Encoder PWM R9
Lab 2 Analog Encoder PWM R9
Lab 2 Analog Encoder PWM R9
Control the brightness of a LED using pulse width modulation (PWM) based on the
position of the potentiometer.
Background Information:
Arduino’s onboard analog to digital converter (ADC) converts an analog signal to a digital
value. The following equation relates the input voltage to the converted digital value:
Question: If the value of the ADC on A0 of the Arduino is 512, what is the input voltage on A0?
If the microcontroller does not have Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) then it can only output a
binary high or low voltage (5v or 0). Pulse width modulation (PWM) is used to create an average
voltage by varying the duty cycle, or the amount of time the signal is on/off. A 100% duty cycle
corresponds to fully powering the LED with 5v and a 0% duty cycle means the LED will receive 0v.
A 50% duty cycle means on average the voltage seen by the LED is 2.5v. The value assigned to
the PWM block can be from 0 to 255: 100% duty cycle corresponding to 255 and 0% duty cycle
corresponding to 0.
Simulink Model
Build and run the following Simulink diagram with the following settings:
(Note: The “POT in” and “PWM out” blocks both use the ‘Scope’ block found under ‘Sinks’)
Configuration Parameters: The “Fixed-step size” should be .03. (the fastest
recommended size for external mode)
Analog Input: Set the Pin number to 0 (Pin 13 for MinSegMega) and the sampling time
to -1. When the sample time is -1 the block will inherit the sample time used in the
simulation settings.(in this case .03)
PWM: Set the Pin to 13 (the onboard LED).
Gain: Set the gain to the correct value to so the analog input’s full range will utilize the
full PWM output
Hint: what is the maximum digital value for the PWM block and the
maximum value for the ADC?
Data Type Conversion: Go to Simulink-> Signal Attributes. Double click this block and set
output data type to double. This is done so that floating point math is performed to
avoid truncation and division errors associated with fixed point numbers.
Question: What is the correct value for the gain such that the full range of the potentiometer
will utilize the full range of the PWM?
Checkpoint 1:
Observe the scopes while changing the position of the potentiometer wiper. Click the ‘Autoscale’
button to see the full range of the graphs. At what potentiometer wiper position is the LED
brightest? At what position of the potentiometer wiper is the LED completely dim?
Part 2: Reading Encoders
For Part 2, an encoder will be used to determine the position of the output motor shaft.
The brightness of the LED will be controlled based on the position.
Background Information:
An encoder is a device that can be used to determine position. Most encoders use
optical sensors to output a pulse train which can be decoded to determine position and
direction. In this lab, the NXT’s internal encoder will be used to track angular position.
The NXT encoder has a raw resolution of 12 counts. The figure on the left below show
the actual encoder wheel in the NXT motor. It has 12 holes. The optical sensor will
output a high or low (1 or 0) depending on the position of this encoder. Each revolution
will produce 12 pulses.
If the output motor shaft moves 1 revolution the encoder wheel turns 15 revolutions –
this means for one revolution of the motor output shaft there will be 15*12 = 180
pulses from the encoder.
The encoder device provides two channels A & B. These channels are the encoder
pulses with one channel shifted by 90 degrees. By monitoring these two channels both
the position and direction of the motor shaft can be determined. If quadrature
decoding is used the resolution can be increased by 4 times.
The Encoder block included with this lab performs quadrature decoding so the total
resolution is:
= =
Simulink Model
It is easiest to start with a Simulink model that is set up for hardware implementation. The Demo files
for your hardware should be used for this purpose. You can always run the demo file if you think you
might have a hardware problem.
Install RASPlib, right click on the Rensselaer Arduino Support Package to open the library, under demos
open MinSegShield M1V4 (or MinSegMega depending on your hardware), save it to another location
under a useful name.
Delete everything in this diagram except the blocks you want to use. (these blocks have different names
depending on your hardware system).
Question: What value does the gain need to be so that 1 revolution of the encoder will obtain
the maximum value of the PWM? What happens if the motor is turned more than 720? What
happens when the encoder position is negative?
Checkpoint 2:
Run the simulation and observe the scope and the LED when you rotate the encoder’s wheel
clockwise and counter-clockwise.
Verify that one revolution of the output motor shaft results in a position of 720. You can also
add a ‘Sinks -> Display’ block to see exact values.