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Diablo 4 - The Summoner

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DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class |

DIABLO 4: The Summoner

Intro Page 3
Themes & Keywords Page 5
Skills Page 6
Summons Page 7
Rituals Page 15
Sigils Page 16
Defensive Skills Page 18
Portals Page 19
Ultimate Skills Page 20
Talents Page 21
DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Index

Although close to a ‘pet’ class (Necromancer, Witch Doctor),

the Summoner specializes in zone control, summoning
immobile creatures, monoliths, sigils and portals to do the dirty
work for him. The Summoner moves to an area to completely
dominate it, before quickly moving on to the next one.

He/She may seemingly appear to create things from thin air,

but the Summoner actually uses unseen Nether energies that
bind different dimensions together, to either create portals
between worlds or force extraplanar immobile oddities to
manifest into our plane. This Nether is the Summoner’s
resource, an energy that automatically replenishes and that is
used to fuel all summons and portals.

The Summoner is somehow tied to the Alliance of the Dying

Sun, a mysterious group who has placed portals that lead to
Set Dungeons (Diablo 3). They appear to not wish these
portals to be discovered by individuals outside their order, and
in some cases, have resorted to murder in order to keep them

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Intro


The Summoner offers the option for a more defensive,

stationary tactical approach, useful especially in
chokepoints with many enemies or encounters with elite
foes and bosses, as well as offering great support to close
allies. This kind of gameplay is currently missing from the
Diablo universe as an option.

This does not mean that a Summoner is slow in battle. His

Summons appear and attack instantly, the Recall ability
allows him to transport instantly his stationary arsenal with
him and he has also access to mobility skills like
Transportals. Alternatively, the Summoner can always
forego stationary summons in a battle and let his Portals
do all the work for him.

Alternative names: Warlock, Occultist, Conjuror, Ritualist,

Sigil, Oracle (from Skovos Isles), Nethermancer

Note: Using the male gender for grammatic convenience, but the Summoner
can be both male/female.

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Intro


The Summoner differs from the Necromancer not only mechanically, but thematically as well: the
Summoner can not animate the dead, nor can he revive the fallen or communicate with spirits.
He deals with Darkness, the Occult and Cosmic Rituals, but he does not tamper with the
Life/Death cycle. The Summoner is also different from Demon Hunter and Warlock archetypes,
as he does not directly command demons and imps. The entities and artifacts he summons are
always of a cryptic, unknown nature and no scientific efforts are made to explain or describe
them.The Summoner also does not use ‘Totems’- these are shamanistic in nature and create
images of spirit-speakers, animal soothers and native ancestry- themes covered elsewhere. In
other games, a relative class would be an engineer that uses turrets for defense and zone
control- but Diablo stays away from technology, steampunk or hextech themes.

Let’s consider some keywords:

>The Summoner is about: Portals, cosmic, other worlds, energy, cryptic, incantation,
summoning, extra planars, sigil, ritual, darkness, void, entities, nether, dimensions, worlds, rifts

>He/She is NOT about: Undead, necromancy, spirits, ghosts, blood, bone, underworld, totems,
voodoo, ancestors, spiritworld, shadow, demons, imps, dragons, science, galaxy, space, turrets

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Theme & Keywords


Following the existing skill kit structure, let’s have a look at the Summoner’s skill set.


Basic Skills Basic Skills Minor Destruction Summons

Fury Skills Spirit Skills Major Destruction Rituals

Defensive Skills Defensive Skills Defensive Skills Defensive Skills

Brawling Skills Wrath Skills Conjuration Portals

Weapon Mastery Companion Skills Mastery Sigils


Ultimate Skills Ultimate Skills Ultimate Skills Ultimate Skills

The Summoner’s signature spells are SUMMONs, warped-in constructs or entities

that are immovable and attack enemies within range. RITUALS are utility/synergy
spells and PORTALS help the Summoner in indirect damage-dealing. SIGILS are
immobile areas that buff or debuff. As with the other classes, the Summoner has
specific DEFENSIVE options as well as powerful ULTIMATE SKILLS with very long

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Skills


These stationary objects are the foundation of the Summoner’s


It’s very important to stress that Summons appear and act

instantaneously, at the location targeted (or at the caster’s position)
and that the Summoner can wrap-in a summon while running.
Summons are always stationary, although this does not hinder the
class’s mobility and agility; they also have their individual stats (health
pool, attack/defense values, resistances, etc).

A summon will target automatically an enemy once it enters its area of

effect; otherwise, it will remain idle.

Specific kinds of Summons have their own number of maximum

instances, as explained later. Once that threshold is passed, the oldest
Summon will disappear to be replaced with the most recently cast. For
example, a Summoner can cast up to 5 Nether Monoliths, once the
spell is fully ranked. If there are already 5 Nether Monoliths in the
battlefield and the Summoner warps-in a new one, the Monolith that
was first summoned, will disappear.

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Summons

Nether Monolith: The Summoner creates a portal and warps-in a
small monolithic structure. This Nether Monolith will instantly and
automatically acquire the closest enemy target and start continuously
zapping its Nether ray on it.

Once a monolith is put down it cannot be moved, but a new monolith

can be used to replace it. Although the Summoner’s monoliths are
summoned and fixed near the caster, a player can place a monolith
while moving. Monoliths have their own (somewhat limited)
healthpools, are immune to AoEs and DoTs, and must be specifically
attacked to be destroyed. Monoliths are exempt from GCD
Visually the Monolith should be non-organic, cryptic, minimal in nature
and not similar to earthly objects.

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Summons, Monolith

Nether Monolith
As the Nether Monolith ranks up, its damage output increases. Also, for each 3
Ranks, the Summoner can summon one more Monolith at a time (max number
of active monoliths: 5). At its core, the Nether Monolith is a very basic
summon, but there are many talents to allow customization.

Basic Monolith Talents:

Elemental Monolith: Turn Nether damage into Lightning, Fire or Ice.
Monolithic Doom: Monoliths explode for AoE damage when destroyed.

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Summons, Monolith

Nether Monolith
Specialization Monolith Talents (pick only

1. Duolithic/Trilithic Evo: Monoliths can

attack two/three targets simultaneously.

2. Monolithic Fencing: Monoliths will not

target and attack enemies any more, but will
connect with adjacent Monoliths to create
bonds. Enemies passing through this
netherfence, suffer massive damage.

3. Megalithic Evo: Instead of summoning

multiple Monoliths, create only one Megalith
that combines the values of max number of
Monoliths and shoots a wide AoE of Nether.

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Summons, Monolith

Primal Effigy: The Summoner wraps in an effigy, resembling a humanoid form. This unmovable entity emanates
threatening energies, causing nearby enemies to approach and attack it.

The Effigy is a basic option for a solo Summoner to mitigate incoming damage, as it automatically taunts and tanks
enemies. Enemies within the Effigy’s area of effect will ignore other heroes, allies and summons and focus their attacks
on the Effigy.

Visually, it’s a minimal structure, vaguely humanoid and/or bipedal; it must not have a specific look, but be more primal
and generic.

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Summons, Effigy

Primal Effigy

The Effigy has a moderate health pool and does not fight back,
although it unlocks additional capabilities as it ranks up:

-At rank 5, turns into Effigy of Thorns, reflecting 10% of

incoming damage to source.
-At rank 10, turns into Effigy of Souls, collecting souls of
nearby dead to heal 10% per soul.
-At rank 15, turns into Effigy of Vengeance, bursting into an
AoE nether explosion when dying.

Effigy Talents:
Primal Tenacity: Ranks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%
Increased armor/resistances)
Ancient Echoes: Ranks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%
larger area of Taunt effect)

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Summons, Effigy

Cosmic Dactyl: The Summoner creates a portal to summon an
outwordly appendage, a spike that always hits critically its target
within radius. The immobile Dactyl is slow to hit and (unlike
Monolithis) there can be only one active at a time. Mutually exclusive
talents allow for more customization.

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Summons, Dactyl

Cosmic Dactyl

Specialization Dactyl Talents (pick only one):

1. Planar Tentacle: Evolution that sweeps multiple opponents

in an arc, pushing them back.
2. Viral Evolution: Evolution that vomits acidic pools.
3. Carnal Maw: Evolution that lunges out and devours a
small/medium enemy whole.

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Summons, Dactyl

Summons are the basic tools of a Summoner, but Rituals are very important utility skills that offer synergies and further combat

Focus Fire: The Summoner targets a single enemy: all current Summons within range stop attacking their nearest target in favor of this
focused foe. Additionally, all benefitted summons gain a +1% on Attack values for each Rank in this skill.

Nethertap: If the Summoner needs an extra boost, he can sacrifice a small portion of his life to gain surplus Nether. This ratio becomes
better with higher Ranks in this skill.

Recall Summons: Maybe the most important Ritual, Recall allows for mobility and instant transportation of the last summons (higher
ranks allow for more summons to be recalled). With Recall, the Summoner does not have to manually resummon individually
everything in each combat encounter, but can wrap-in his whole army with the push of a button.

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Rituals


Paladins have their Auras,

Necromancers have Curses and
Monks have Mantras. Similarly,
Summoners can summon massive
Sigils that can either disrupt
enemies with debuffs or assist allies
with buffs. Sigils are large,
stationary areas, clearly visible on
any floor that immediately affect
individuals stepping on their
boundaries. Their magics are
powerful but they are stationary and
use medium cooldowns. Only one
Sigil can be active at any given
time. Costs, cooldowns, durations
and areas of effect can be altered
through the use of dedicated Sigil

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Sigils


Blood Pact: As long as the Summoner, Allies and their Summons are on the Sigil, they gain a 5%
lifesteal buff. This effect scales with higher ranks of the Sigil. At Rank 5, the Sigil additionally
bestows a +5% Life Regen buff. At Rank 15, the Sigil additionally grants a +10% on HP pools.

Psychopomp: As long as the Summoner, Allies and their Summons are on the Sigil, they gain a
+10% bonus on their resource regeneration. This effect scales with higher ranks of the Sigil. At
Rank 5, the Sigil additionally bestows a +5% Life Regen buff. At Rank 15, the Sigil additionally
grants a +10% on Cooldown Reduction.

Anathema: As long as the Summoner’s enemies are on the Sigil, they suffer a -10% penalty on
movement rate. This effect scales with higher ranks of the Sigil. At Rank 5, the Sigil additionally
enforces a -20% on enemy Attack values. At Rank 15, the Sigil additionally enforces a -20% on
enemy Armor values.

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Sigils


The Summoner is a spell caster and prefers to stay away from combat, letting
his summons and portals damage enemies and his Effigy to tank damage. He
has, however, some defensive tricks for damage prevention and mobility.

Portal Armor: The Summoner creates

a reactionary field around him that generates mini
two-way portals when a missile approaches.
This causes incoming missiles to be
redirected back to their sources.

Ion Stones: The Summoner brings forth magical stones that rotate around his
head, granting improved resistances. The orbiting Ion Stones move with the
Summoner and improve their stats at higher ranks.

Teleportals: The Summoner enters a temporary portal and appears from a

secondary, exit portal further ahead. This behaves like a blink/teleport spell for
mobility. At higher ranks, the distance travelled is longer and at max rank, the
two portals have a delayed shutdown timer, allowing allies to use them.

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Skills, Defensive

PORTALS: When it comes to Portals, Summoners have very devious and creative ways of
utilizing these gateways to their advantage.

Nether Portal: The Summoner brings forth a one-way portal, connecting the area in front of him
to a Netherstorm. The caster must remain stationary while channeling the portal. This is an
indirectly offensive spell that gives the summoner the option to damage enemies without use of
Summons. At Rank 15, the spell does not require channeling and the portal will remain active if
the caster moves.

Vortex Trap: An entrance portal whirlwind appears on the floor, sucking monsters in. An exit portal
appears at the ‘ceiling’, dropping sucked mobs on the ground who are damaged and stunned. At
Rank 15, the two portals align and create an eternal looping duoportal that keeps mobs trapped.

Disorientation Field: A portal wall appears which is a two-way portal: mobs entering from left to
right, come out moving right to left.
DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Skills, Portal

These are the Summoner’s most impressive skills, requiring large amounts of
Nether to fuel and a lot of time to cooldown. All of them are locked and available
only at higher character levels.

Elder Empowerment: The Summoner concentrates and channels his

Empowerment, massively buffing all summons for as long as he remains
immobile and channeling. While this buff is active, all summons hits are critical.

Hell Rift- Summons a huge circular portal to Hell, flat on the floor, effectively
turning the ground into scalding lava for massive damage.

Plithic Pyramid- Summons an occult onyx pyramid

that disintegrates everything in its radius before
disappearing. This acts similarly to a Conduit
Pylon, zapping multiple opponents for massive

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Skills, Ultimate

TALENTS: Talents are a great way to offer another layer of
customization. Apart from skill-specific talents already mentioned, generic
talents could include:

Passive Caster Talents:

Natural Nethermancer: Ranks 1, 2, 3. Increase Nether passive
regeneration by 5%, 10%, 15%
Numeric Nethermancer: Ranks 1, 2, 3. For each active Summon, gain an
extra Nether passive regeneration of 1%, 2%, 3%.
Entropic Nethertap: Ranks 1, 2, 3. Nethertap generates 10%, 15%, 20%
more Nether.
Fearless Architect: Standing still near a Summon for three seconds,
increases damage input by 1% for each second, up to 10%.

Sigil Talents:
Enhance Effectiveness: Ranks 1, 2, 3 (5%, 10%, 15% stronger effects)
Enhance Radius: Ranks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% larger
Enhance Duration: Ranks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% longer
Reduce Cost: Ranks, 1, 2, 3 (10%, 15%, 15% cheaper)

DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Talents

This is a fan-made suggestion for a new Diablo 4 class, submitted by a community member, not an actual developer. Random Google
images used for demonstration. Copyrights for images belong to their respective owners. This presentation is not approved by Blizzard
DIABLO 4: The Summoner Class | Disclaimer Entertainment or affiliates.

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