Falling Head Permeability
Falling Head Permeability
Falling Head Permeability
In the falling head test a relatively short sample is connected to a standpipe which
provides both the head of water and the means of measuring the quantity of water
flowing through the sample. Several standpipes of different diameters are normally
available from which can be selected the diameter most suitable for the type of
material being tested.
In permeability tests on clays, much higher hydraulic gradients than are normally used
with sands can be applied, and are often necessary to induce any measurable flow.
The cohesion of clays provides resistance to failure by piping at gradients of up to
several hundred, even under quite low confining or surcharge pressures. Dispersive
clays however are very susceptible to erosion at much lower gradient.
The falling head principle can be applied to an undisturbed sample in a sampling tube
and to a sample in an oedometer consolidation cell. The equation used in determines
the permeability of fine grained soils is given in Eqn (1).
aL h
Permeability, k log e 1 ………..Eqn (1)
A(t 2 t1 ) h2
Falling Head Permeability Test 2012
The time difference (t2-t1) can be expressed as the elapsed time, t (minutes). The
heights h1 and h2 and the length, L are expressed in millimetres, and the areas A and a
in square millimetres. Eqn (1) then becomes Eqn (2).
aL h
Permeability, k log e 1 (mm / s) ………..Eqn (2)
Ax60t h2
2.303aL h
Permeability, k log 10 1 (m / s) ………..Eqn (3)
1000 xAx60t h2
L = heights of sample
Cell body, with cutting edge (core cutter), 100 mm diameter and 130 mm long.
1. Assemble apparatus,
1000m w
diameter, a mm2
h1 h2
vi. Repeat the measurements two or three times for each tube, and
average the results.
Falling Head Permeability Test 2012
3. Prepare cell,
4. Prepare sample,
a. Undisturbed sample can be taken by means of core cutter.
b. Make sure that the sample is a tight fit in the body and there are no
cavities around the perimeter through which water could pass,
5. Assemble cell
6. Connect cell
9. Run test
a. Open screw clip at inlet to allow water to flow down through the sample,
and observe the water level in the standpipe,
b. As soon as it reaches the level h1, start the timer clock,
c. Observe and record the time when the level reaches h3, and when it
reaches h2, then stop the clock,
d. Close screw clip at inlet
2.303aL h
Permeability, k log 10 1 (m / s) =
1000 xAx60t h2
Falling Head Permeability Test 2012
2.303𝑎𝐿 ℎ1
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦, 𝑘 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔10 ( ) (𝑚⁄𝑠)
1000𝑥𝐴𝑥60𝑡 ℎ2
Reference point 1
t = 77 seconds
h1 = 900 mm
h2 = 800 mm
= 3.290x10−10 𝑚/𝑠
Reference point 2
t = 79 seconds
h1 = 800 mm
h2 = 700 mm
= 3.636x10−10 m/s
Falling Head Permeability Test 2012
Reference point 3
t = 106 second
h1 = 700 mm
h2 = 600 mm
= 3.128x10−10 m/s
Reference point 4
t = 115 second
h1 = 600 mm
h2 = 500 mm
= 3.410x10−10 m/s
The common problem is related to the degree of saturation achieved within the
soil samples during the test. Air bubbles are usually trapped within the pore space,
and although they tend to disappear slowly by dissolving into the desecrated water,
their presence in the system may alter the measured results. The recorded time also
had an error because of the time must be recorded in seconds. So, we must be more
alert while doing this experiment.
(15 November 2012)
(15 November 2012)
Falling Head Permeability Test 2012