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Guidance Program

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May Enrolment to make entry easier G7, transferees and Guidance counselors, Enrolment
Orientation returning students teachers & staff becomes smooth
and in- order
By the end of June I To help students G7, transferees and a. Orientation Guidance Counselors, Fully informed and
adjust and be returning students program Registrar well- adjusted
PERSONAL – SOCIAL familiarized with their b. electronic students
Development new environment. presentation of all
Information & offices and personnel
Orientation c. presentation of
faculty members
Year Round PS:C1.2- Learn about the Awareness of All grade level Discussion of Guidance Counselors, Awareness of rules
relationship between student’s conduct student’s handbook SSG, Prefect of and proper
rules, laws, safety and inside the school Time Management Discipline conduct observed.
the protection of rights premises and rules Stress Management
on the individual and regulations of
June-August PS:A1.1- Develop Individual a. To update students All grade level a. Students fill-up Updated and
positive attitudes Inventory record/ profile. their personal reliable student’s
toward self as a unique to gather information information form. profile/record
and worthy individual. of each student to
help them understand Guidance Counselors
themselves better
b. to be able to get to All grade level b. psychosocial Self-awareness and
know students better assessment know their selves
and be able to assess better.
them properly.
Daily PS:A1.5- Identify and Counseling and a. to provide students a. guidance Guidance counselors, Properly monitored
express feelings Follow-up the assistance they awareness campaign, class advisers, all students
need I their issue call slips and students. Self-directed
emotional, referrals to class individual
psychological, advisers
PS:C1.11- Learn coping spiritual aspects and b. individual or group
skills for managing life academics related All students counseling to walk-in
events problem or referred
student/client Well-informed
PS:A1.10- Identify b. to help students b. symposium on self- SSG, Esp. Department, individuals as to
personal strengths build self- confidence awareness and anti- Counselors their rights and
and be aware of their bullying right response to
rights as a person to bullying.
avoid bullying
c. home visitation- Guidance Counselors Properly monitored
Year Round this service is and advisers scholars/students
conducted to specific
scholars/ students to
background check
and coordinate with
parents regarding
their sons/daughters’
performance as
referred by the

Year Round a. to enable students Students and school a. referrals to medical a. Guidance Office a. Morally and
PS: C1.7- Apply effective Counseling: and school personnel personnel authorities; chaplains, and counselors; spiritually
problem-solving and to help themselves pastors or ministers Chaplains and nearby equipped
decision-making skills to (face, not fight) of churches to which Pastors; Church individuals
make safe and healthy and Moral difficulties a student belong may Offices
choices. Enhancement encountered and to be scheduled for
maintain and counseling services
safeguard sound and spiritual
mind, body and spirit. directions
MARCH b. to Graduating students b. annual recollection b. EsP Dept., spiritual b. Morally and
develop/enhance leaders spiritually prepared
spiritual aspects of graduating
students students
April to May CAREER DEVELOPMENT a. to screen and to a. interview and a. Proper
C:A2.2- Apply job prepare incoming G11 screening of placement based
readiness skills to seek and G12 students for freshmen and on their ability and
Placement and
employment their chosen course transferees interest
opportunities Career Service Guidance Counselor,
b. to assist and Graduating Students b. Job Clinic Seminar English teachers, b. confident
February to March C:A2.6- Learn how to provide graduating Program Contents: Registrar graduates and
write a resume students the PESO Updates better chance to
necessary information Interview techniques, land a job
about job writing an application
opportunities and letter, proper dress
applying a job code.

Year Round Information a. to make available students a. provide reading Guidance Counselor Proper
Service to students certain materials, dissemination of
kinds of information reproduction of opportunities and
not ordinarily memos, flyers, and improved self-
provided through updated bulletin of awareness and
instructional program information adjustments
Year Round or as Testing Service a. to provide Regular students a. personality test Guidance Counselor Improved self-
requested measurement of the and ability test awareness
student’s general
mental ability,
aptitude, interests,
personality patterns
based on standard
Libona national High School believes that a developmental Guidance Program is essential and an integral part of the over-all education process.

We believe that as a learner-centered public institution, the Guidance Office will continuously improve its guidance program to better serve its stakeholder.

Libona national High School Guidance Office shall develop and deliver a Guidance Program that is cultured-based, gender-sensitive, equitable, safe, and a
motivating environment to enable the students to realize their full potential.

Together with the teachers and staff, parents and the community- we will ensure that the students, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, and status in society,
will acquire the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitude needed to become lifelong learners, responsible citizens and members of society that can contribute
productively in building a nation..

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