Cabuslay vs. People
Cabuslay vs. People
Cabuslay vs. People
TINGA , J : p
Assailed in this petition for review 1 under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Procedure is the Decision 2 dated 25 June 1997 of the Sandiganbayan in Criminal Case No.
19586 nding Jovito Cabuslay, petitioner herein, guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
crime of homicide and sentencing him as follows:
WHEREFORE, accused Celso G. Regencia, Rosello Canoy, Nilo Montebon and
Gerry Cane are ACQUITTED on reasonable doubt. Accused Jovito Cabuslay is
found GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of homicide and is
sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of imprisonment of Ten (10) years and
One (1) Day of prision mayor as minimum, to Fourteen (14) Years, Eight (8)
Months and One (1) Day of Reclusion Temporal , as maximum, with all the
accessory penalties provided for by law, and to indemnify the heirs of Pacquito
Umas-as in the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) for actual
damages and Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) for moral damages, and to pay
the costs.
On arraignment, petitioner and his co-accused all pleaded not guilty. Forthwith, trial
ensued with the prosecution presenting as witnesses Dr. Tammy Uy, Bernabe Puri cacion
Arenga, Leoncio Tagapulot Zaragosa and Generoso Caayao Umas-as.
Police Superintendent Jubail was immediately informed of the incident and on the
basis of Regencia's account, he sent out a "Spot Report" 2 9 to inform Recon 9 and 13. The
report is couched as follows:
The incident found its way to the police blotter of the police station of Kauswagan,
Lanao del Norte. 3 0 It is embodied in a Certification 3 1 signed by Inspector Fulgencio dela
Pena Raguine, Chief of Police, issued at the request of Atty. Arthur Abundiente for trial
purposes and formulated in this wise:
Police Blotter Page Nr. 496-Entry Nr. 9187 & 9188=
050810H Aug 1992 — SPO3 Nestor S Ortiz, Intel NOR this station, left stn with
elements from Lanao del Norte PNPC under INSPECTOR CELSO G REGENCIA
PNP and proceeded to Libertad, Kauswagan, LN to follow-up suspects allegedly
hired for killing Mpl Mayor Myron B. Rico of Kaus, LN.
050835H Aug 1992 — SPO3 Nestor Ortiz PNP returned station informed that
suspects were intercepted at Libertad, Kaus, LN but when confronted by the PNP
team, red and shot INSPECTOR CELSO G REGENCIA PNP using cal. 38 revolber
(sic) (Homemade) hitting on his right thigh prompting SPO3 Cabustay (sic), red
back to the suspect hitting at the chest causing the instantaneous death of the
suspect. One cal. 38 revolber (sic) (Homemade) with 5 live ammos and one empty
shell at the chamber, one rayban (sunglass) and one motorcycle (Honda-Camel
backtype) color red with out plate Nr.
Police Blotter Page Nr. 497- Entry Nr. 9191=
081240H Aug 1992 — Romeo Umas-as, 42 years old . . . .
It is crucial to ask whether the victim Paquito was an unlawful aggressor. We answer
this question in the negative. Aggression to be unlawful, must be actual and imminent,
such that there is a real threat of bodily harm to the person resorting to self-defense or to
others whom that person is seeking to defend. SEACTH
Petitioner asserts that he was the victim's next target, thus the need to shoot the
victim in self-defense. His claim should be disbelieved. As he himself had explicitly
testi ed before respondent court, the hummer jeep was behind him and was parked about
three to four meters from the national highway. 5 2 He also stated that Paquito could not
have seen the hummer jeep because it was obscured by Muslim houses. 5 3 It only follows
that if from Paquito's perspective, he cannot see the hummer jeep which is a fairly large
vehicle, then he could not have seen petitioner as well. If Paquito cannot see petitioner
from where he was positioned, then Paquito could not have possibly aimed to shoot at
petitioner. Petitioner's contention therefore that there was an imminent threat of bodily
harm coming from Paquito upon his person is at best illusory. There was no peril, ergo,
there was no unlawful aggression.
It should also be recalled that at the time, Cane was on top of the hummer jeep
manning the machine gun. 5 4 If Regencia had indeed been shot as the defense insists, then
Cane was better situated to defend Regencia. It is implausible how an o cer like him, in
such a strategic position and trained in the operation of the said weapon could have
omitted ring a shot in Regencia's defense. More to the point, it is beyond credulity that
the outbursts of gun re hardly elicited any reaction from the other police o cers who
were only a few meters away from the crime scene and who continued conducting their
search on the bus which was then about to pass the checkpoint. 5 5
Likewise noteworthy is the fact that after the second burst of re on Paquito,
knowing that Paquito was still alive 5 6 and in all probability was still holding a handgun, 5 7
petitioner chose to assist Regencia instead of making sure that Paquito had been
immobilized and disarmed, basic to a policeman's training.
In addition, the claim of the defense that Paquito shot Regencia on his right thigh is
untenable. Petitioner would have the Court believe that Paquito dared challenge ve
policemen, four of them in full battlegear, at a checkpoint and armed with only a handgun.
This is contrary to ordinary human experience, as well as the human instinct which is to flee
for dear life and seek safety. If indeed Paquito was armed and had criminal designs in his
mind, the natural tendency upon seeing a checkpoint ahead would be to abort one's plans
and leave the premises immediately. Petitioner's story not only was contrary to the
ordinary course of nature and the ordinary habits of life, in all appearances it was also
contrived. 5 8 Respondent court was correct in rejecting it.
We also con rm that the medical certi cate presented by Regencia to prove that he
had been shot by the victim has no probative value. The physician who signed the same
was never presented as witness for the defense. We also note that the physician who
signed said medical certi cate, a certain Dr. Demterio U. Opamen, Jr., is different from the
doctor who according to Regencia had treated his wounds. 5 9
It is also worthy of note that the defense never presented in evidence the gun
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Paquito allegedly use to shoot Regencia. The gun was also not clearly identi ed. Unlawful
aggression on the part of the victim must be positively proved and said gun would have
been a vital evidence to establish this requisite.
Petitioner, however, insists that he would have presented the gun had not
respondent court pressured him to rest his case and submit it for decision. Such
contention hardly inspires belief. Records reveal that petitioner never made it known to
respondent court that the defense would be presenting the gun allegedly used by Paquito.
What the defense did manifest was their intention to present one Major Bartolino to testify
that he had received the gun allegedly used by Paquito and that he had brought it to the
NBI on 30 September 1992 for examination. It should be underscored that the defense
was not even sure that there was an NBI report on said examination. The counsel for the
defense manifested before respondent court, as follows:
xxx xxx xxx
I intended, Your Honor, Please, to present two more witnesses, Major Bartolini
who received the gun and he will testify on this particular testimony that he
was the Station Commander of the municipality of Kauswagan, Lanao del
Norte at the time of the incident and then he received this gun from the
team of Capt. Regencia on August 5, 19 (sic) and that he took the gun for
NBI Examination sometime in the month of October, 1992, no, on the 30th
day of September, 1992.
This was covered by police blotter?
Yes, Your Honor.
You don't need the testimony of Bartolini, but do you have the report of the
That is why, Your Honor, because we have not received any communication
from Bartolini . . .
How did you come to know that Bartolini sent this firearm to the NBI for
examination? . . .
Because it is stated in the blotter, Your Honor, . . . dated September 1992 for
NBI examination in Cagayan de Oro City, Entry No. 91000, page 108 . . .
Does it matter — whether you can prove the examination report of the NBI or
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I don't know if there was a report of the NBI examination . . .
Precisely . . ." 6 0
The defense was well aware of the relevance of the NBI report to prove their
allegations that the victim was carrying a gun and used the same on Regencia, especially
since the victim was reported to be negative of nitrates on his hands. No cogent reason
could be thought of for the failure to secure a copy of the report or even know of its
existence. It should be noted that the examination was made as early as September 1992.
A party's failure to produce evidence, which if favorable would naturally have been
produced, is open to the inference that the facts were unfavorable to his case. 6 1 This
Court can only conclude that said gun never existed, and this explains the failure of the
defense to present it before respondent court. Thus, it is immaterial to delve on the issue
raised by the petitioner on the discrepancy of the make of the gun as noted by respondent
court in its Decision.
Parenthetically, petitioner stresses that the victim had tested negative for
gunpowder nitrates as the latter had been wearing gloves at the time of the incident. This
claim runs counter to his 6 2 and Regencia's 6 3 testimony that the only things recovered
from Paquito and which were turned over to the Provincial Police Command were the
victim's motorcycle, sunglasses and the alleged gun. The police blotter reporting the
incident con rms their testimonies. Interestingly, said police blotter also makes no
mention that gloves were recovered from the victim. 6 4
Anent the credibility of Zaragoza, the sole prosecution eyewitness on whose
testimony the version of the prosecution is anchored, we nd that petitioner failed to
impeach his credibility. No evidence was shown that Zaragoza was actuated by an
improper motive. As such, there is no cogent reason why the Court should deny Zaragoza's
testimony the full faith and credit it deserves.
On the alleged inconsistencies in Zaragoza's testimony, it is relevant to state that a
witness is not expected to remember an occurrence with perfect recollection of the
minute details. Thus, even the most truthful of witnesses may err and often give confusing
statements. What is important is that Zaragosa unwaveringly, forthrightly and
unequivocally declared that petitioner shot at the victim. Neither did he falter in identifying
the gunman. 6 5
All in all, petitioner has failed to prove unlawful aggression on the part of the victim.
Without this essential element, petitioner cannot successfully invoke self-defense. Even
assuming that he tried to defend a stranger, his defense would not prosper. In defense of a
stranger, unlawful aggression on the part of the victim is also indispensable. In both self-
defense and defense of a stranger, unlawful aggression is a primordial element.
Granting arguendo that there was unlawful aggression, we nd that petitioner's
contention that he employed reasonable means to repel the aggression must fail. It is
settled that reasonable necessity of the means employed does not imply material
commensurability between the means of attack and defense. What the law requires is
rational equivalence. 6 6
Also, the nature and number of wounds suffered by Paquito negate any claim of self-
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defense or defense of a stranger. The Court notes that the victim sustained eight gunshot
wounds which were all fatal as they affected vital organs. 6 7 Petitioner testi ed that he
pulled the trigger of his armalite twice. 6 8 He aimed at "the front of his body, at the chest,
up to the stomach." 6 9 Had petitioner merely defended himself from the victim's unlawful
aggression, one shot to immobilize him would have been enough. There was no reason for
petitioner to shoot him seven more times, even aiming at his vital organs. It bears
repeating that the nature and number of wounds in icted by the accused are constantly
and unremittingly considered as important indicia which disprove a plea for self-defense
or defense of stranger because they demonstrate a determined effort to kill the victim and
not just defend oneself. 7 0 In the instant case, Paquito's wounds serve to tell us that
petitioner was induced by revenge, resentment or other evil motive and that he was set on
killing the victim. AEIHCS
Petitioner's avowal that his rst shot was single but went automatic on the second
shot is likewise unbelievable. 7 1 Petitioner's armalite has a selector that switches it from
single shot to automatic. Since it was petitioner who was in possession of the rearm and
he admitted that he red the shots, we reasonably conclude that it was he who switched
the firearm to automatic firing.
All told, petitioner failed to satisfy the requirements of self-defense and defense of a
stranger to justify the shooting of Paquito.
Next, petitioner contends that the killing of Paquito resulted from the lawful
performance of his duty as police o cer. However, such justifying circumstance may be
invoked only after the defense successfully proves that the accused acted in the
performance of a duty, and the injury or offense committed is the necessary consequence
of the due performance or lawful exercise of such duty. 7 2 These two requisites are
wanting in this case. The victim was not committing any offense at the time. Petitioner has
not su ciently proven that the victim had indeed red at Regencia. Killing the victim under
the circumstances of this case cannot in any wise be considered a valid performance of a
lawful duty by a man who had sworn to maintain peace and order and to protect the lives
of the people. As aptly held in People v. de la Cruz , 7 3 "Performance of duties does not
include murder. . . . Murder is never justified, regardless of the victim."
A nal word on the civil liability. An appeal in a criminal proceeding throws the whole
case open for review and it becomes the duty of the Court to correct any error in the
appealed judgment, whether it is made the subject of an assignment of error or not.
Therefore, we delete the award of P50,000.00 as actual damages. To seek recovery of
actual damages, it is necessary to prove the actual amount of loss with reasonable degree
of certainty premised upon competent proof and on the best evidence obtainable. Since
the prosecution did not present receipts to prove the actual losses suffered, such actual
damages cannot be awarded. 7 4
On the other hand, consistent with prevailing jurisprudence, we award P50,000.00 by
way of indemnity ex delicto to the heirs of Paquito. When death occurs as a result of a
crime, the heirs of the deceased are entitled to such amount as indemnity for death
without need of any evidence or proof of damages. 7 5
We also a rm the award of moral damages in view of the nding that Generoso
Umas-as lost consciousness and suffered anguish and sorrow because of the incident.
WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision dated 25 June 1997 of the Sandiganbayan in
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Criminal Case No. 19586 nding petitioner GUILTY of homicide is partially AFFIRMED with
the following MODIFICATIONS: (a) the award of Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) as
actual damages is deleted; and (b) petitioner is ordered to pay fty thousand pesos
(P50,000.00) as indemnity ex delicto. No costs.
Puno, Austria-Martinez, Callejo, Sr. and Chico-Nazario, JJ., concur.
1. Rollo, pp. 4-21; Dated 9 July 1997.
2. Rollo, pp. 22-36; Penned by Associate Justice Leonardo I. Cruz with the concurrence of
Associate Justices Cipriano A. del Rosario and Sabino R. de Leon, Jr.
3. Rollo p. 35.
4. Rollo, pp. 22, 211.
5. Rollo, pp. 22, 211; Sandiganbayan Records, p. 1.
6. TSN, 26 October 1994, pp. 8-9, 10-12; See also Exhibit G.
7. TSN, 26 October 1994, p. 27.
8. TSN, 26 October 1994, p. 23.
46. Mejorada v. Sandiganbayan, Nos. L-51065-72, 30 June 1987, 151 SCRA 399, 408;
Consing v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 78272, 29 August 1989, 177 SCRA 14, 21-22.
47. People v. Cawaling, 355 Phil. 1, 37 (1998); People v. Tan, 373 Phil. 990, 1009 (1999);
People v. Aglipa, 391 Phil. 879, 888 (2000); Salcedo v. People, G.R. No. 137143, 8
December 2000, 347 SCRA 499, 507; People v. Asuela, 426 Phil. 428, 443-444 (2002);
People v. Magnabe, Jr., 435 Phil. 374, 390 (2002).
48. People v. Belbes, 389 Phil. 500, 507 (2000).
49. People v. Diego, 424 Phil. 743, 751. (2002).
50. KAPUNAN, R. AND FAYLONA, D. CRIMINAL LAW (1993 ed.) 58; People v. Cawaling,
supra note 47 at 36.
51. People v. Sabdani, 389 Phil. 840, 847 (2000); People v. Janairo, 370 Phil. 59, 32 (1999).
52. TSN, 19 April 1995, pp. 7-8.
53. Id. at 16.
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54. Id. at 7.
55. Id. at 15.
56. Id. at 14-15.
57. TSN, 18 April 1995, pp. 13, 32.
61. People v. Salangga, G.R. No. 100910, 25 July 1994, 234 SCRA 407, 421-422.
62. TSN, 18 April 1995, p. 33.
72. Section 5, Article 11, Revised Penal Code; People v. Belbes, 389 Phil. 500, 508-509
(2000); People v. Cawaling, supra note 47 at 37-38.
73. G.R. Nos. 101000-01, 18 October 1993, 227 SCRA 278, 284.
74. People v. Pansensoy, 437 Phil. 499, 522-523 (2002); People v. Cawaling, supra note 47
at 43.
75. People v. Calabroso, 394 Phil. 658, 676 (2000); People v. Pansensoy, 437 Phil. 499, 522
(2002) citing People v. Adoc, 330 SCRA 626 (2000) and People v. Solis, 291 SCRA 529
(1998); see also supra note at 49, p. 273.