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Voice of An Angel

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"Pie Jesu"

Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu,

Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu,
Qui Tollis peccata mundi;
Dona eis requiem,
Dona eis requiem,

Agnus Dei,Agnus Dei

Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei

Quit Tollis peccata mundi;

Dona eis requiem,

Dona eis requiem,

Sempiternam, sempiternam requiem.

Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy,

You who take away the sins of the world;

Grant them peace,
Grant them peace,

Lamb of God, Lamb of God

Lamb of God, Lamb of God

You who take away the sins of the world;

Grant them peace,

Grant them peace,

Peace everlasting, everlasting.

"Panis Angelicus"

Panis angelicus
Fit panis hominum;
Dat panis coelicus
Figuris terminum
O res mirabilis!
Manducat Dominum
Pauper, pauper,
Servus et humilis.
Pauper, pauper,
Servus et humilis.
Heavenly bread
That becomes the bread of all mankind;
Bread from the angelic host
That is the end of all imaginings.
Oh, miraculous thing!
This body of God will nourish
Even the poorest,
The most humble of servants.
Even the poorest,
The most humble of servants.

"In Trutina"

In trutina mentis dubia

Fluctuant contraria
Lascivus amor et pudicitia
Sed eligo quod video
Collum iugo prebeo
Ad iugum tamen suave transeo. I am suspended
between love
and chastity,
but I choose
what is before me
And take upon myself the sweet yoke.

"The Lord's Prayer"

Our father,
Which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom,
And the power
And the glory, forever Amen.


And did those feet in ancient time

Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And Jerusalem builded here
Among those dark Satanic mills?
Bring me my bow of burning gold
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! Oh, clouds unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire.
I will not cease from mental fight.
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land!

"Ave Maria"
Ave Maria, Ave Maria
Ave Maria, Ave Maria
Ave Maria, Ave Maria
Ave Maria, Ave Maria
Ave Maria, Ave Maria
Ave Maria, Ave Maria

"Psalm 23"

The Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I shall want.

Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose
Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my drooping spirit
He guides me along the right path. He is true to his name
If I should walk in the valley of darkness, no evil would I fear.
You are there with your crook and your staff;
with these you give comfort.
You have prepared a banquet for me in the sight of my foes;
My Head you have anointed with oil; my cup is overflowing.
Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life.
In the Lord's own house shall I dwell forever and ever.
In the Lord's own house shall I dwell forever.

"I Vow To Thee, My Country"

I vow to thee, my country, all earthly things above,

Entire and whole and perfect, the service of my love:
the love that asks no questions, the love that stands the test,
That lays upon the altar, the dearest and the best;
the love that never falters, the love that pays the price,
the love that makes undaunted the final sacrifice.


And there's another country, I've heard of long ago

Most dear to them that loves her, most great to them that know;
We may not count her armies, we may not see her King:
Her fortress is a faithful heart, her pride is suffering:
And soul by soul and silently her shining bounds increase,
And her ways are ways of gentleness and all her paths are peace.

"Danny Boy"

O Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling

From glen to glen, and down the mountain side.
The summer's gone and all the roses falling;
It's you, it's you must go and I must hide.

But come ye back when summer's in the meadow,

Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow
I'll be there in sunshine or in shadow;
Oh Danny Boy, oh Danny Boy, I love you so!

But when ye come, and all the flow'rs are dying

If I am dead, as dead I may well be.
Ye'll come and find the place where I am lying.
And kneel and say an Ave there for me.

And I shall hear, though soft you tread above me;

And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be.
For you will bend and tell me that you love:
And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me!

"My Lagan Love"

Where Lagan stream sings lullaby

There blows a lily fair:
The twilight gleam is in her eye,
The night is on her hair.
And, like a love-sick lenanshee,
She hath my heart to thrall:
Nor life I owe, nor liberty,
For love is lord of all
And often when the beetles horn
Hath lulled the eve to sleep,
I steal unto her shieling lorn
And thro' the dooring peep.
There on the cricket's singing stone
She spares the bog wood fire.
And hums in sad sweet undertone
The song of heart's desire.

"Suo-Gan (Welsh Air)"

Huna blentyn, ar fy mynwes,

Clyd a chynmes ydyw hon;
Breichiau mam sy'n dyn amdant,
Cariad mam sy dan fy mron.
Ni chaiff dim amharu'th gynum,
Ni wna undyn a thi gam:
Huna'n dawel, annwyl bientyn,
Huna'n fwyn ar fron dy fam.

Huna'n dawel hana huna

Huna'n fwyn y del ei lun:
Pam yr wyt yn awr yn gwenu.
Gwenu'n dirion yn dy hun
Ai angylion fry sy'n gwenu
Arnat yno'n gwenu'n llon
Titha'u'n gwenu'n ol a huno,
Huno'n dawel ar fy mron.

Paid ag ofni, dim ond deilen

Gura, gura ar y ddor;
Paid ag ofni ton fach unig
Sua, sua ay lan y mor,
Huna blentyn nid oes yma
Ddim I roddi iti fraw;
Ar yr engl gwynion draw. To my lullaby surrender,
Warm and tender is my breast;
Mother's arms with love caressing
Lay their blessing on your rest;
Nothing shall tonight alarm you,
None shall harm you, have no fear;
Lie contented, calmly slumber
On your mother's breast my dear.

Here tonight I tightly hold you

And enfold you while you sleep,
Why, I wonder, are you smiling
Smiling in your slumber deep?
Are the angels on you smiling
And beguiling you with charm,
While you also smile, my blossom,
In my bosom soft and warm?

Have no fear now, leaves are knocking,

Gently knocking at our door;
Have no fear now, waves are beating,
Gently beating on the shore.
Sleep, my darling, none shall harm you
Nor alarm you, never
And beguiling those on high.

"A Lullaby"
I'll set you a swing in a purple bell
of the Lady finger,
Where brown bees linger
And loiter long
I'll set you a swing in a fairy dell,
To the silv'ry ring
of a fairy song.

I'll put you afloat in a boat of pearl

On a moonlit sea,
Where your path shall be
Of silver and blue
To fairyland children, sweet girl,
To its rod-strewn strand bathed in glist'ning dew
Bathed in glist'ning dew.
I'll make you a nest, a soft, warm nest,
In my heart's core,
Alanniv ashore
When day is gone,
Where costly curled on mother's breast
My Share o' the world
You'll rest till dawn

"Amazing Grace"

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound

That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now I'm found,
Was blind but now I see.

T'was grace that taught my heart to fear

And grace my fear relieved
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares

We have already come
T'was grace that brought us safe thus far
And grace will lead us home.

When we've been there ten thousand years

Bright shining as the sun;
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we first begun.

"Y Gylfinir - Allegretto"

Dy alwd glywir hanner dydd

Fel Ffliwt hyfydais uwch y rhos
Fel chwiban bugail a fo gudd
Dy alwad glywir hanner nos;
Nes clywir, pan ddwys a dy swn
Cyfarth dy anweledig gwn.

Dy braidd yw'r moel gymylau maith,

A'th barod gwyn yw'r pedwar gwynt
Gorlann'th ddiadelloedd llaith
I'w gwasgar eilwaith ar eu hynt
Yn yrr ddiorffwys, laes ddifref
Hyd lynfnion hafodlasau'r nef. Your call is heard at high noon-day,
A wistful flute across the mere;
As herdsman's whistle far away
Your call is heard at midnight clear
then hear we, as you swell your keen,
Baring afar, your hounds unseen.

Your flocks the massive clouds of grey,

And all four winds you eager hounds
Awhile do pen them ere they stray,
And scatter once more out of hounds,
A mute and restless drove on high
Amid the shielings of the sky

"Tylluanod - Andante"

Pan fyddair'r nos yn alau,

A llwch y ffordd yn wyn,
A'r bont yn wag sy'n croesi'r dwr
Difwstwr ym Mhen LlynO'er
Y tylluanod yn eu tro
Glywid o lwyncoed Cwm y Glo

Pan siglai'r hwyaid gwyltion

Wrth angor dan y lloer
A Llyn y Ffridd ar Ffridd y Llyn
Trostynt yn chwipio'n oer,
Lleisio'n ddidostur wnaent I ru
Y gwynt o Goed y Mynydd Du

Pan lithrai gloyw ddwr Glaslyn

I'r gwyll, fel cledd I'r wain,
Pan gochai pell ffenestri'r plas
Rhwng briglas lwyn'r brain
Pan gaeai syrthni safnau'r cwn
Nosai Ynys for yn eu swn

A phan dywlla'r cread

Wedi'I wallgofddydd maith
A dyfod gosteg diystwr
Pob gweithiwr a phob gwaith
Ni bydd eu Lladin ar fy llw
Na llon na lleddf "Tw-whit, Tw-hw" When night was lit by moon-glow
And dusty roads lay white
The empty bridge bestrode the stream
water's gleam so bright
The owls were heard eachone in turn
From Cwm y Glo across the burn.

When wild ducks swayed at anchor

Beneath the moonbeams bold,
When moaning wind it's woe did sing,
Whipping the wavelets cold,
Pitiless was their hooting then
From Myndd Du across the glen.

When gleaming Glaslyn glided

Through dusk, like sword to sheath,
When distant mansions' windows glowed
Through shadowed woodland's wreath,
When sullen silence stunned the hounds
Ynys for's night fell to their sounds.

And When the worlds shall darken

Ended their frantic day.
And when the stealthy stillness minds
All mankind's work and play
Still shall their Latin sound 'tis true.
Nor glad nor sad, "Tu whit, tu whoo"

"Mae Hiraeth Yn Y Mor - Moderato"

Mae hiraeth yn y mor a'r mynydd maith

Mae hiraeth mewn distawrwydd ac mewn can
Mewn murmur dyfroedd ar dragwydd daith
Yn oriau'r machlud ac yn fflamau'r tan
Ond mwynaf yn y gwynt y dwed ei gwyn
A thristaf yn yr hesg y cwyna'r gwynt
Gan ddeffro adlais adlais yn y brwyn,
Ac yn y galon, atgof atgof gynt

Fel pan wrandawer yn y cyfddydd hir

Ar gan y ceiliog yn y glwyd gerlaw:
Yn deffro caniad ar ol caniad clir
O'r gerddi agos, nes o'r llechwedd draw
Y cwyd un olaf ei leferydd ef
A mwynder trist y pelter yn ei lef.
There's longing in the sea and mountains grey
There's longing too in silence and in song
In murm'ring waters on their endless way,
At sunset hours and firelight's flames among
But fondes in the wind it mkes it moan
And saddest in the sedge the wind replies
Awaking echo's with it's tone
And mem'ry mem'ry in the hearts deep sighs
As when one hearkens to the chanticleer

At hand with eager song at break of day

Evoking answer upon answer clear
From nearby gardens, till from away
A last lone songster lifts his voice on high.
With distance's sad longing in its cry.

"When At Night I Go To Sleep"

When at night I go to sleep,

Fourteen angels watch do keep.
Two my head are guarding:
Two my feet are guiding:
Two are on my right hand;
Two are on my left hand;
Two who warmly cover;
Two who o'er me hover;
Two to whom 'tis given
To guide my steps to Heaven.

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