PE1-2016 Main Article 101316106
PE1-2016 Main Article 101316106
PE1-2016 Main Article 101316106
Title Reservoir Modeling and Simulation of the Devonian Gas Shale of Eastern
Kentucky for Enhanced Gas Recovery and CO2 Storage
DOI SPE-126620-MS
Author(s) Karine Chrystel Schepers (Advanced Resources International) | Brandon C.
Nuttall | Anne Yvonne Oudinot (Advanced Resources
International) | Reinaldo Jose Gonzalez (Advanced Resources International)
Main 1. Hamilton-Smith, T., 1993, Gas exploration in the
Reference Devonian shales of Kentucky: Kentucky Geological
Reviewed Survey, ser. 11, Bulletin 4, 31 p.
2. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2000, Annual
energy outlook 2001 with projections to 2020: U.S.
Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration
DOE/EIA-0383(2001), 262 p., [visited 11-
3. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2002, State Energy
Profiles, Kentucky: U.S.
Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration,
[visited 4-Mar-2004].
4. Roen, J. B. and Walker, B. J.; “The Atlas of Major Appalachian
Gas Plays”, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy,
Morgantown Energy Technology Center, Cooperative
Agreement DE-FC21-91-MC28176.
5. Schwerer, F. C., and Pavone, A. M.; “Effect of Pressure-
Dependent Permeability on Well-Test Analyses and Long-
Term Production of Methane From Coal Seams”, paper
SPE/DOE/GRI 12857 presented at Unconventional Gas
Recovery Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA, May 13-15, 1984.
6. Sawyer, W. K., Paul, G. W., and Schraufnagel, R. A.;
“Development and Application of a 3D Coalbed Simulator,”
CIM/SPE 90-119, presented at the 1990 CIM/SPE
International Technical Conference, Calgary, June 10-13,
7. Paul, G. W., Sawyer, W. K., and Dean, R. H., “Validation 3D
Coalbed Simulators”, SPE 20733, presented at SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX,
September 23-26, 1990.
8. Nuttall, B.C., Drahovzal, J.A., Eble, C.F., and Bustin, R.M.,
2006, Analysis of the Devonian Black Shale in Kentucky for
Potential Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Enhanced
Natural Gas Production, Final Report: Kentucky Geological
Survey, web page, url
PE1-2016 MAIN ARTICLE 101316106,
accessed 1-Oct-2006.
• Reservoir heterogenety dan driving mechanism berasal dari gas shale
• Ingin meningkatkan produksi Field menggunakan injeksi CO2.
• Ingin menggunakan metode Huff-and-puff.
Assumptions and Limitations
• Permeabilitas rata-rata 2x10-2 mD
• Porositas rata-rata 15%
• Delapan sumur mencakup sekitar 5.300 hektar shale produktif
• Sebanyak 300ton injeksi CO2 telah disuntikan
Practical Applications
• Reservoir dibagi menjadi Upper Ohio dan Lower Huron.
• Untuk menangkap heterogenitas geologi, tingkat produksi gas untuk sumur-
sumur ini digunakan sebagai penghubung untuk mengkarakterisasi
permeabilitas fraktur menggunakan metode geostatistik.
• Skenario injeksi CO2 menggunakan metode huff-and-puff untuk mengevaluasi
potensi pemulihan gas dan kapasitas CO2.
• Upaya history matching menghasilkan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang
heterogenitas reservoir dan driving mechanism di Devon-gas shale. Nilai
permeabilitas rata-rata 2,10-2 mD untuk Huron Bawah dan porositas rata-rata 1,5%
ditemukan melalui optimisasi dan sesuai dengan nilai turunan inti.
• Injeksi CO2 kontinu secara penuh pada lapangan tampaknya berpotensi berhasil,
memungkinkan injeksi 300 ton selama satu setengah bulan dan menunjukkan
keuntungan yang signifikan dalam pemulihan. Selain itu, tergantung pada ketebalan
yang dipertimbangkan biasanya setengah dari total volume yang disuntikkan.
• Skenario Huff-and-Puff tampaknya tidak menjadi pilihan yang baik untuk reservoir ini,
tidak menghasilkan pemulihan gas yang baik karena CO2 yang diproduksi dengan
sangat cepat selama periode puff. Bahkan mencoba periode perendaman yang lebih
lama tampaknya tidak akan meningkatkan pemulihan.
Recommendations and Extensions
Simulasi ini efisien meskipun kompleksitas masalah aliran flow kurang diperjelas, namun
beberapa data dapat diambil dengan baik sehingga dapat ditemukan kesimpulan secara
actual. Walaupun percobaan metode ini diterapkan secara langsung pada sumur sehingga
dapat diketahui langsung perbedaannya dengan simulasi.
PE1-2016 MAIN ARTICLE 101316106
• Most of the natural gas reserves of Kentucky are contained in fractured reservoirs
in the Devonian shales
• Shale Gas Resources
• Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration
• Fractured Devonian Shale Reservoirs
Recommendations and Extensions
The discussion about this article is still limited to geological and geophysical methods.
PE1-2016 MAIN ARTICLE 101316106
• Laboratory measurements have shown that the permeability of coal samples
varies significantly for ranges of pressure encountered during the testing of
coalbed methane wells.
Assumptions and Limitations
• The base case corresponding to a constant (pressure-independent)
Practical Applications
• Numerical
• Two-phase coalbed methane simulator
A numerical simulator for two-phase flow of methane and water through a coal
seam with time-dependent desorption was used to study the effects of pressure-
dependent permeabilities. It was found that apparent permeabilities deduced from
conventional analyses of Single-phase, constant-rate or constant-pressure production or
injection tests were signifi-cantly different from the value of the absolute permeability at
initial coal seam conditions. The magnitude of the difference between the apparent.
Recommendations and Extensions
Use 2 different methods so don't focus on one calculation.
PE1-2016 MAIN ARTICLE 101316106
• Coalbed methane reservoirs is a more complex.
• Data intensive process for conventional gas reservoirs.
Assumptions and Limitations
• Fully3-D data
• Multiple well model
• Based on the non-equilibrium
• Pseudo steady-state formulation discussed by King
Practical Applications
• Theory of flowing through coalbeds.
• Model development
• History matching
The effects of both internal stress-induced and matrix shrinkage permeability
changes on gas production were simulated.
• The two no-flow barriers were not present and the layers were allowed to
communicate with vertical permeabilities.
• The sandstone layer was also removed, leaving two coal layers in
Assumptions and Limitations
• ICF used COMETPC 3-0, a three-dimensional (3D), two-phase, single or dual
porosity simulator for modeling gas and water production from coal seams,
devonian shales, and conventional reservoirs.
Practical Applications
• The matrix equations are solved in 3D by a combined direct (04) - slice SOR method
Simulators developed by ICF Resources Inc. and ARCO Oil and Gas Company were
compared for three related coal seam gas problems. Results from the two models were
in close agreement. The problems and associated results presented here can serve as
benchmarks for verification of other coalbed simulators
Recommendations and Extensions
• Occurring organic matter (kerogen) is a microporous material that possesses a
very high surface area and hence sorption capacity for gas. The question is: can
Devonian gas shales adsorb sufficient amounts of CO2, that they might be
significant targets for CO2 sequestration
Assumptions and Limitations
• As key wells and available samples are identified, wells in deep (at least 1,000
feet) and thick (at least 50 feet) areas will be included. Two Illinois Basin wells
have also been sampled. Battelle has contributed drill cuttings through the
Devonian shale from their deep AEP CO2.
Practical Applications
• Lab test
Twenty-six samples have been collected from seven wells, including three cuttings
samples and 10 sidewall cores from the Columbia Natural Resources No. 24752 Elkhorn
Coal Corporation well in Knott County. In addition to the sidewall cores, electron capture
spectroscopy and lithodensity logs has been acquired for the well. Data for completed
Recommendations and Extensions