Music of The Romantic Period
Music of The Romantic Period
Music of The Romantic Period
1. Nicolo Paganini
o He was born on October 27, 1782 in Genoa, Italy in a family of six children.
o His musical skills started with playing the mandolin at the age of five, and eventually
transferred his training to the violin at the age of seven with different violin professors
in Italy.
o His violin teachers could not keep up with the progress of his violin skills that he kept on
transferring from one violin teacher to another. This led him to adopt all is teachers’
influences in playing the violin.
o Paganini became the most famous violin virtuoso in the world. However, together with
his fame came rumors about his amazing violin skills that was said to be a gift from the
devil and that he sold his soul in exchange for those skills. He was also rumoured to
have a problem with women and gambling.
o His compositions inspired a lot of other composers such as Franz Liszt, Frederic Chopin,
and Robert Schumann.
o Some works of Paganini are—(a) “La Campanella), (b) 24 Caprices for Solo Violin, Op.
1, (c) Concerto no. 1 in Eb, Op. 6, (d) 15 Quartets for Guitar Strings Trio, and (e) The
Carnival of Venice.
Piano music of the Romantic Period was filled with innovations; and most of the compositions
require a high level of virtuosity.
1. Frederic Chopin
o He was known as the “Poet of the Piano” and he was born on March 1, 1810 in
Zealowa, Poland.
o He began to play piano at age 4; and he composed polonaise at the age of 7.
o He studied piano at a prestige school and most of his music was influenced by folk
o He wrote almost exclusively for piano. In 1831, Chopin arrived in Paris and met other
legendary composers such as Franz Liszt, Felix Mendelssohn, and Robert Schumann.
o During his time in Paris he met and married the famous French writer George Sand
which later became a source of inspiration as well as a maternal figure in Chopin’s life.
o In the later part of Chopin’s life, his health began to decline and he was diagnosed
with pulmonary tuberculosis.
o Chopin died on October 17, 1849 in Paris. His music is recognized worldwide for its
beauty and his works on the piano are mainstays in the piano repertoire.
o Some of his music is characterized by its beautiful tone, rhythmic flexibility, grace, and
elegance; and some of his compositions like mazurkas and polonaise express his love
for Poland.
2. Franz Liszt
o The best word that describes the works of Franz Liszt is “virtuosity”.
o He was known as the virtuoso pianist, a composer and the busiest musician during the
Romantic Era.
o He played and studied in Vienna and Paris while performing in concerts in the rest of
o Liszt was born in the village of Doborjan, Hungary.
o He displayed remarkable talent at a young age and easily understood sight reading.
o His father was his first teacher at the age of six. A turning point came when he is in his
early twenties, he heard about the virtuoso violinist Niccolo Paganini perform so he
decided to dedicate himself in becoming a virtuoso pianist.
o He was known for his symphonic poems where he translated great literary works into
musical compositions. He also made piano transcriptions of operas and famous
o Many of his piano compositions are technically challenging pieces.
o He was also known with his generosity in sharing time and money to the orphans,
victim of disasters, and the many students he taught for free.
3. Robert Schumann
o One of the famous Romantic composers that beautifully combined music and words
is Robert Schumann. He was a composer and music critic.
o Robert Alexander Schumann was born in 1810 in Zwickau. His father wanted him to
study law so in 1821, Schumann went to Leipzig to study law. However, he spent most
of his time with musical and literary circles through the effort of Friedrich Wieck who
took some time to teach Schumann how to play the piano.
o He eventually convinced his family that he should put aside law in favour of a
performing career.
o In 1830, Schumann went to live with Wieck in Lipzig. He soon developed a problem
with his hands, effectively ending his dreams as a pianist.
o It was in 1834 when Schumann founded the music journal, “Jornal Neue Zeitschrift fur
Musik,” wherein he edited and wrote music criticism for his publication.
o In his journal, Schumann often wrote under two pseudonyms—Eusebius (his sensitive,
lyrical side) and Florestan (his fiery, stormy side).