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GWEC Global Wind Report 2018

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APRIL 2019


Introduction 7
Current and future market drivers 13
Increased focus on value 14
Corporate sourcing driving growth 15
Shifting business models 17
Market Status 2018 22
GWEC’s Task Forces and committees 30
The global offshore wind market – Latin America –
Africa/Middle East – South-East Asia
Markets to watch 38
Asia – Vietnam - Thailand - Philippines - Indonesia 39
Latin America – Argentina, Colombia, Peru 47
Market Outlook 53


Global Wind Energy Text edited by Design

Council Karin Ohlenforst (lead author),
Rue d’Arlon 80 Steve Sawyer, Alastair Dutton,
1040 Brussels, Belgium Ben Backwell, Ramon Fiestas,
T. +32 2 213 18 97 Joyce Lee, Liming Qiao, Feng Zhao, Naveen Balachandran

GWEC upcoming events

April 24 to 25, 2019 April 26, 2019 May 28 to 30, 2019

June 11 to 12, 2019 October 8 to 9, 2019 October 22 to 25, 2019


Word from the Chairman

In 2018, the wind sector once Over the next years, the energy opportunity to drive further
again grew in strength. Wind markets will continue to transition. growth in both mature and
energy is now one of the cheapest They will challenge business developing markets.
forms of electricity in many models and require efficiency in
markets. Installations of wind what we do and new ways of This is the 14th annual report on
capacity overtook new fossil fuel thinking. I am however very the status of the global wind
capacity in many mature and confident that wind energy is well industry by the Global Wind
emerging markets for the first time. positioned for this transition as we Energy Council. It provides a
These are strong fundamentals for continue to prove that we can comprehensive overview of the
a now mainstream energy source. bring the needed cost- global industry at a specific Morten Dyrholm
competitiveness. moment in time; an industry now Chairman Global Wind Energy Council
Yet, developments also showed that present in more than 90 countries,
the wind industry is in transition - for Part of this energy transition is the 30 of which have more than 1,000
the better. More and more
auctioned capacity is coming online,
innovation of new solutions.
Turbines on land and sea reaching
MW installed, and 9 with more than
10,000. The information contained
The energy transition is
and we see more markets turning new heights and range, hybrids in this report, market data, profiles an opportunity to drive
merchant. Corporate sourcing and and co-located projects, new and analysis, have been collected
PPAs have grown in volume during forms of financing and asset primarily through GWEC’s further volume.
2018 and are underlining the ownership, offshore growth and member associations and
appetite of business to invest in wind floating wind – are all signals that companies around the world, as
energy. Governments are reviewing the industry can reinvent itself. well as from governments and
the design of their energy markets Wind energy is truly well independent analysts. We thank all
to focus on how to improve the positioned to be part of – and our contributors and look forward
integration of renewables and to perhaps steer – the energy to continuing our collaboration in
capture the most value. transition. Thus, we do have a great the future.

This is the 14th annual report on the status of the global wind industry by the Global Wind Energy
Council. It provides a comprehensive overview of the global industry at a specific moment in time; an
industry now present in more than 90 countries, 30 of which have more than 1,000 MW installed, and 9
with more than 10,000. The information contained in this report, market data, profiles and analysis,
have been collected primarily through GWEC’s member associations and companies around the
world, as well as from governments and independent analysts. We thank all of our contributors and
look forward to continuing our collaboration in the future.


Being ready for the energy transition

On the one side, the ability to relevant players. Moreover, being All these are both challenges and
locate production in emerging able to offer a full-service solution opportunities at the same time.
markets such as Brazil or India will to such high-tech projects, Companies like Ingeteam can
provide a great advantage for including not only the best leverage a high technological
those interested on taking the lead products and systems, but also the background and experience in
on the opportunities of growing most effective O&M, will make a various sectors and areas, that will
wind energy capacity in those difference in the years to come. be key to facilitate the energy
regions. Chinese exports to the transition. Our commitment is to
USA will continue to be a challenge Digitalization in the wind sector is offer deep knowledge,
in 2019, should the current policy a must. Every player, no matter if specialization and flexibility to
of tariffs on imports set by the USA big or small, is developing their help our clients in the wind energy
continue, making India an even systems to make it possible, sector wherever the opportunity is,
more attractive option. adapting to a fast-changing contributing to the energy
Adolfo Rebollo
CEO Ingeteam scenario in which the only clear transition, gaining momentum
On the other side, the need for thing is that secure connectivity every day.
technological solutions to overcome and big data are key. During the
issues around renewables grid coming years cybersecurity, as an The wind energy industry as a
connectivity and potential essential part of the whole should take pride in the
The energy transition is here to integration issues will continue to be interconnectivity, will be a trending relevant role we have to play in the
stay. It can be noticed in the social a priority during 2019. Available topic, while higher value energy transition. Altogether,
consciousness globally and in the technology is allowing the applications are developed. acting as a team, we will make a
policies most countries are renewables industry to achieve difference, in an optimal,
adopting, when outlining their important milestones as more and The positive outlook for 2019 sustainable way, for the sake of a
energy strategies. larger projects are coming online makes us optimistic. The future of better world today and tomorrow!
every month. Examples of these are renewables in general, and wind
Europe and the USA are still ahead found in various regions, such as energy in particular is very
of the pack when it comes to India, Middle East or Australia, promising. Whereas onshore has
renewables integration into the among others. Having proven been the leader of new wind
electrical system. Regions like technology in wind and solar installations during the past years,
China, APAC and LATAM are energy, experience on hybrid plants and will continue to be, the
closing the gap, creating additional and energy storage, along with growth of offshore will be
opportunities for those companies power grid automation and power unstoppable. Solar PV will
that are flexible and global conversion systems, will be key for continue pushing all of us to be
enough. those interested in becoming more cost effective.


Market transformation points the way

to accelerated growth
In 2018 the wind industry show the same trend – 2019 will continue to rise in all markets
continued to grow steadily, with be remembered as the year where and LCOE continues to fall –
new markets in Latin America, oil company Exxon-Mobil steadily in the case of onshore
Asia and Arica continuing to join contracted wind power for its wind, and dramatically in the
the established giants of China, refineries based on price alone. In case of offshore wind. Driving
the US, Europe, India and Brazil. most areas in the world, we can this trend are bigger turbines
Annual installations were at a now confidently argue that wind and blades and the impact of Ben Backwell
lower level than the record year of beats coal and gas on price, and digitalisation on turbine CEO Global Wind Energy Council
2015, but still higher than the we expect to be able to say the performance, predictive O&M
years previous to 2015. same in those areas where this is and a host of other areas. The
still not the case – South-East Asia major turbine OEMs are now
But the installation figures do not
tell the whole story. Beneath the
surface a profound transformation The Global Wind Energy Council intends to play
is taking place in both markets
and our industry, that will prepare its part and has announced a series of Task forces
the way for new annual installation to help speed up the energy transition and the
records in the early 2020’s and
– potentially – a period of deployment of wind energy in key areas.
accelerated growth throughout the
next decade.
is a notable exception – if wind is unveiling fully modular platforms,
The main driver of this allowed to compete on a level changing completely the
transformation is wind’s playing field with other experience of the customer and
emergence as the clear winner on technologies and is able to access further driving efficiency. The
price against fossil fuels and markets. other side of the equation is that
nuclear. Auctions in markets from globalisation of the wind market,
Brazil to India to Taiwan to What is allowing this progress is intense competition and tight
Germany continue to throw up the wind sector’s continued margins are driving another
ultra-competitive prices, while PPA ability to innovate and drive wave of consolidation in the
markets in other geographies efficiency. Capacity factors supply chain, meaning pain for


many actors but a more efficient grows. And on a customer level,

industry for the future. the movement of large corporates
that aim to contract 100 per cent
Meanwhile, governments are of their power from renewables
increasingly realising the benefits continues and spreads to more
of wind for their power systems markets around the world.
and economies. Ministries and
TSO’s are increasingly These trends will continue to drive
appreciating wind’s strengths of growth in wind’s heartlands and
providing utility-scale power 24 will lead to breakthroughs and the
hours, and in the case of offshore development of sizeable new
wind, something akin to “base markets around the world.
load”. This is something which the
wind industry itself is helping as But there is still much to do. In
its share of generation in the world particular, wind power penetration
increases, and it moves to a more in crucial areas such as South-East
sophisticated, “whole system” Asia and Africa remains virtually
approach in its interaction with insignificant. The wind industry
customers and governments. And has an enormous task ahead in
on a wider level, the renewed these regions to illustrate its
sense of urgency around climate, strengths and the benefits wind
following the publication of the can bring, explain how it interacts
IPCC’s landmark 2019 report, will with other power technologies to
further drive governments to build a future energy system, and
dismantle harmful incumbencies build coalitions among
based on fossil fuels in their businesses, political stake holders
power systems. and the public.

And it’s not just governments. The The Global Wind Energy Council
oil majors are starting to make intends to play its part and has
serious strides into the power announced a series of Task forces
sector in general, and the wind to help speed up the energy
sector in particular, as the transition and the deployment of
imperatives of carbon reduction wind energy in key areas. We are
and demand from their investors confident that with the best efforts
and customers to sensibly of all, we can grasp the great
manage the energy transition opportunity that lies ahead.


There Is No Alternative
Reducing global CO2 emissions is development data and forecasts to Hamburg and the global
one of the great challenges of our support educated decisions. For WindEurope Conference, which
time. In many parts of the world, companies wishing to enter the takes place in parallel, jointly form
however, it appears more than international business or expand the Global Wind Summit, the
uncertain whether the goals of the their range of activities into biggest global gathering of the
Paris Climate Agreement will be additional wind regions, there is no wind industry. Our joint
achieved. But there is no report more comprehensive than commitment provides significant
alternative, and without doubt the this. We, the organisers of impetus to help drive the global
wind industry has a prominent part WindEnergy Hamburg, the world’s energy transition towards
to play in the concert of solution leading expo for onshore and achieving a CO2-free energy
strategies. As a consequence, the offshore wind energy, are proud to supply for the world. Bernd Aufderheide
continued development of wind support GWEC by being the President and CEO
power across the globe is an sponsor of the Global Wind Report Hamburg Messe und Congress

indispensable pillar supporting the and making this fundamental

energy transition. We, WindEnergy analysis available to the industry.
Hamburg and GWEC, are pulling
together in support of the industry This is another step towards
as it moves forward. strengthening our global
partnership over the coming years.
Drawing visitors from more than With more than 1,400 exhibitors
100 countries, the world’s leading from roughly 40 countries,
expo for wind energy has WindEnergy Hamburg is the most
demonstrated that it is indeed THE important platform for the wind
meeting place for experts from the industry as it continues to develop
energy industry. In times such as wind power around the world.
these, with more and more wind Apart from offering numerous
markets showing dynamic growth networking opportunities at the
and even well-established ones international level and presenting
constantly facing new challenges, innovative technology developed
this opportunity to share by the industry, the world’s leading
experiences face to face is expo will again showcase the
extremely valuable. GWEC’s future of wind energy production,
Global Wind Report provides the integration and storage from 22 to
necessary country-by-country 25 September 2020. WindEnergy



Good year for wind energy

with 51.3 GW new installations
2018 was a good year for the respectively. The European America, and annual offshore
global wind industry with 51.3 GW onshore market installed 9 GW, a installations reaching 6 GW or
of new wind energy installed, a 32 per cent decrease compared to more in the near future.
slight decrease of 4.0 per cent 2017. Growing developing
compared to 2017, but a strong markets in Africa, the Middle East, Market dynamics continued to
year, nonetheless. Since 2014, Latin America and South-East Asia change in 2018. Many industry
annual installations have topped 50 installed a combined 4.8 GW players revised their business
GW each year, despite ups and during 2018 (nearly 10 per cent of models and strategies by
downs in some markets. all new installations), up from eight acquiring new subsidiaries in
per cent in 2017 when these related fields and/or expanding
markets installed 3.8 GW. services offered. The volume of
corporate sourcing or corporate
GWEC Market  GWEC expects the onshore PPAs has reached 6.4 GW for wind Karin Ohlenforst
market to install upwards of 50 GW energy (BloombergNEF), and new
Intelligence expects new
Director of Market Intelligence
Global Wind Energy Council
per year until 2023. Mature solutions such as hybrids and
installations for onshore markets in Asia, Europe and North co-located projects are under
America will continue with stable development, increasing the focus
and offshore of more volumes. Growth will come from on cost efficiency, ease of
than 55 GW each year developing wind energy markets integration and supply security.
in Africa/ Middle East, Latin GWEC expects both the short-
until 2023. America and South-East Asia. term and long-term growth of wind
energy to be impacted by these
The global offshore market three areas – revised business
Market status and outlook remained stable in 2018 with 4.5 models, corporate sourcing and
The 51.3 GW of new installations GW of new additions, the same new solutions.
brings total cumulative installations market size as in 2017. The total
up to 591 GW. In the onshore cumulative installations has now
market, 46.8 GW was installed, a reached 23 GW, representing four
decrease of 4.3 per cent compared per cent of total cumulative
to 2017. China and USA remained installations. GWEC expects
the largest onshore markets with increasing offshore installations
21.2 GW and 7.6 GW new capacity first in Asia and then in North


Key growth drivers during

the energy transition
1. Business models under revision 2. Corporate sourcing – Strong energy source provides to a system
The landscape of industry players growth driver in 2018 and a market, including the
is changing, not only as According to Bloomberg NEF, 6.4 produced energy output, the ease of
corporates procure wind energy GW of wind capacity was procured integration and matching supply
and become wind asset owners, during 2018 as part of corporate and demand. During 2018, the
but also as increasing sourcing or procurement deals, development of hybrid solutions
opportunities in digitalization commonly referred to as corporate with wind energy continued to offer
bring in new players with new PPAs. The concept is not new, but further opportunities to provide
competencies and solutions. there is a rapid growth in the value, for example, more and
Some traditional players are segment as large corporations in steadier output and/or an improved
revising their business models North America and Northern Europe match with the demand profile of a
expanding their scope and are responsible for the majority of market. Key aspects of hybrid
making investments outside their the 6.4 GW of corporate PPAs. The solutions are cost efficiency,
core businesses. This includes question now is how to take these integration and securing/ timing of
investing in charging stations, learnings and experiences to new supply based on demand profiles.
acquiring a retail distributor or markets, and how to also include New solutions are not only based on
expanding competencies by smaller corporates or entities. technical innovations and
acquiring an energy trading Corporate sourcing has the potential improvements, but also require
company. Other players have to drive further demand, in parallel regulatory adjustments. The
revised their strategy and now with national targets. To enable this development of tools to finance and
focus solely on renewable potential further maturity of structure PPAs is necessary.
solutions. corporate sourcing models and Furthermore, a large enabler is the
support from local regulators and progress of digitalization in
The main driver behind this authorities is required. 2018 has sophisticated management and
development is the search for new proven that demand can be driven optimization of energy markets
or alternative revenue streams by corporate PPAs. increasingly reliant on larger and
while the revenues of core larger shares of variable renewable
businesses stagnate. For the wind 3. New solutions – energy such a wind and solar.
industry, it means intensified Rising focus on value Maturing hybrid concepts can
competition and new opportunities A key aspect of the energy transition unlock further capacity on a global
and, eventually, a more complex is the increased focus on value. This level and provide an opportunity for
industry. assessment focuses on the value an wind energy to prove its value.


Market Drivers

Introduction to 1. Business models under revision

market drivers during energy transition
This chapter discusses the During 2018, Shell finalised the roles, new entrances to the industry, drive further volume. This includes
selected market drivers (1. acquisition of the British retail increased focus on extraction of the offshore wind market, grid and
Business models under revision. distributor First Utility (announced value and many new business infrastructure, integration and
2. Corporate sourcing, and 3. in December 2017). In July 2018, opportunities. distribution, it also includes
New solutions) in more detail. Equinor (former Statoil) announced adjacent areas such as increasing
GWEC Market Intelligence has the acquisition of energy trader Specifically, the combination of electrification and e-mobility.
selected these three drivers Danske Commodities. International falling prices and competitive
based on their global impact on utilities such as Enel have a high pressure results in decreasing Underlying is the fact that wind
the wind energy market, while focus on renewables and business revenues and the need to seek energy is no longer a niche
there are several other global solutions around solutions (Enel growth outside traditional business industry and has developed into a
and especially regional drivers formed EnelX, an entity working on models. To name one example, mainstream energy solution.
and enablers. distributed energy, energy turbine OEMs have experienced GWEC Market Intelligence expects
efficiency, among other topics) pressured profit margins over the the landscape of industry players to
Each driver is explained in more These are just a few examples past years. This and similar change further and eventually
detail and what role the driver among many others of how developments are driving the changing relationships and
has in the global wind energy industry players adapted their disruption of the classical business collaboration models.
market. In addition, GWEC business focus during 2018. models among all players in the
Market Intelligence gives an Capturing new revenue and growth wind industry.
outlook of how each driver might opportunities is a key driver
develop and thus represent a behind the revision of business The knowledge and experience of
growth opportunity for new models. This development can be non-traditional players (e.g. oil
installations in the wind energy directly connected to the dynamics majors) in the wind energy sector
market. of the energy transition with new can unlock potential and therefore

GWEC’s take on business models under revision

Involving all industry stakeholders is one of GWEC’s key goals. GWEC is providing insights and
opportunities through its events, round table discussions, GWEC’s Task forces and committees.

Revised business models with broadened competencies represent an opportunity for the wind industry to
prove its competitiveness and leading role in the energy transition.

Market Drivers

2. Corporate sourcing –
Maturing models and growth driver
Corporate sourcing or corporate PPA for 235 MW in Sweden for as
PPA have continued to grow long as 29 years; the longest
during 2018, the model of duration of a corporate PPA so far.
corporates signing PPAs or
sourcing electricity directly from Going forward, two key areas are Corporate PPAs for wind energy by signing year
the asset owner has matured. required for corporate sourcing MW, onshore and offshore
Several sourcing and PPA models to become an even stronger and
were executed (e.g. multi-buyer more stable growth driver:
PPAs, proxy revenue swap, private
wire PPAs etc.) and corporates, 1) Establishing corporate
asset owners, financiers and sourcing in developing
banks have increased their markets (e.g. regulatory
experience of how to structure changes) 4,179
such deals. Still, the majority of
the corporate sourcing of wind 2) Smaller/ local corporates to 3,150
energy has taken place in North enter corporate sourcing (e.g. 2,726
America and Northern Europe through aggregation of a
with large corporates involved. customer base, an approach
According to BloombergNEF, 60 Vattenfall is working on)
per cent of wind energy
corporate sourcing deals in 2018 The next few years will show if
were signed in North America corporate sourcing can become a
where the largest volumes were growth driver. Otherwise,
sourced by AT&T, Walmart and corporate sourcing will continue
Facebook. to enable volumes but only 2015 2016 2017 2018
contained to certain markets and
Source: BloombergNEF Corporate PPA Database
These are examples of how corporates.
corporate sourcing has become
an alternative driver of volume Assuming a market volume of 50 to 55 GW each year based on order
besides national targets and intake activity, installations levels, corporate PPAs made up 12.5 per
electricity demand. In Sweden, cent of the market volume during 2018 (7.4 per cent during 2017)
Norsk Hydro signed a corporate

Market Drivers

2. Corporate sourcing – towards a growth

driver for developing markets

l Lacking experience and l  nlocking additional volume

capabilities to structure a besides government targets
Corporate corporate PPA with local l Activate further investments in
sourcing in distributor in a developing market grid and infrastructure
developing Lacking experience of investors
l Secure supply and capture
markets and banks to finance corporate cost-savings for own operations
PPAs and evaluate the risk profile in developing markets
in developing markets

Challenges to identify the Opportunity to secure supply and
l l

best-suitable corporate-sourcing capture cost-saving despite

corporates to model and understand the risk smaller size of corporation
enter corporate profile l Scale but replicate corporate
sourcing l Developers with less experience sourcing approaches of larger
to define offerings for small corporations
corporates, e.g. bundling PPAs

Market Drivers

3. New solutions with increased

focus on value as growth
opportunity for wind energy
The wind industry has been able an energy source, understanding
to prove its increasing maturity, the means of integrating an
cost competitiveness and energy source, and
efficiency by relying on one of the understanding the timing of
most important measures in the supply and demand.
energy industry – Levelised Cost
of Electricity (LCOE). Similar to the development of
LCOE, the industry is currently
LCOE is the common measure of seeking the right formula and
defining cost of wind energy and indicator to measure value and to
LCOE - Historic development
other energy sources for several allow comparisons (for example,
years. Industry stakeholders and IEA’s VALCOE). Agreeing to a
politicians are using LCOE to common measure is crucial to 240
assess targets and support levels. create deeper understanding of
220 Onshore
The important role of LCOE will the value provision and to allow
200 Offshore
not change and will continue to unbiased comparisons.
show how wind energy is 180
progressing. LCOE and cost will not lose 160
relevance. The connection of cost 140
With the help of LCOE, wind and value is an essential building
energy has proven to be one of block of the energy transition. Not
the cheapest energy sources. As only does it allow wind energy to
the energy industry is prove its achievements over the 80
transitioning the scope is past decades to become a 60
widening, and wind energy is leading (renewable) energy 40
now also proving to provide source; it also allows the wind 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2018 2018
maximal system value. This energy industry to define 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 2H 1H 1H 2H

increased focus on value includes solutions that capture and

understanding the efficiency of enhance value. Source: BloombergNEF H2 2018 LCOE Update - Wind

Market Drivers

3. New solutions (continued)–

Challenges during energy transition
GWEC Market Intelligence has selected key examples of The development of solutions is a develop projects) in the wind increased value to the energy
how solutions to these three challenges are already being
implemented. On the next slide, a short description of each
vital part of the energy transition industry. A key driver behind this system. In connection with other
of the selected solutions is provided including examples. process. Due to its cost development is the ongoing elements (e.g. falling storage cost)
On the page that follows this, GWEC Market Intelligence competitiveness, ease of digitalization. Technological further opportunities for integrated
lays out specifics of how the selected solutions are provid-
ing answers to each of the challenges. deployment and scalability, wind advancement is increasing the wind solutions will develop over
energy plays a leading role in this annual energy output through the next years.
development. New solutions have better asset management and
the potential to unlock more improved maintenance and Most energy markets and asset
volume or, taking a more radical therefore allows for better risk owners have three key challenges,
perspective, to even revolutionise management. As a result, which could be overcome by new
the way of doing business (e.g. to increased efficiency means solutions.

1. Cost
efficiency 2. Renewable 3. Security/Timing
Finding the cheapest and most integration of supply
efficient solutions. This can mean a Enablers for controlling and Managing the supply based on
low LCOE, this can also mean the dispatching renewable and wind timing of demand and to create
best revenue solution for the asset energy based on energy system solutions to compete against fossils
owner and the offtaker in order conditions such as grid rules. like coal energy.
to generate energy efficiently.

Market Drivers

3. New solutions (continued)–

Models for wind energy-based solutions
Disclaimer – This selection is not “real life” example and to
exhaustive, there are more underline how solutions are
solutions being developed or developing and will eventually New solutions have the potential to unlock more volume or,
already in existence. Also, the overcome challenges of energy taking a more radical perspective, to even revolutionise the way
selected examples are by no markets and asset owners.
means intended to exclude other of doing business (e.g. to develop projects) in the wind industry.
examples, but solely to provide a

Models for solutions – description and examples

Co-location, Hybrid solution Wind energy plus another energy source and/ or a storage solutions. This can be a fully integrated and
combined project, or separate projects sharing a common grid access
Example: Kennedy Wind Farm, Australia

Complementary solution/ Wind energy projects in different locations or a wind projects and other energy projects in different locations
virtual power plant which are virtually managed as complementary solution
Example: Luneng Haixi Multi-mixed Energy Demonstration Project , China

Financial solution, e.g. Corporate Wind energy project is part of a financial solution which can exclude actual physical delivery of electricity. It
sourcing models, free market covers corporate PPAs and risk management tools like revenue swaps
mechanism/ trading Example: Lal Lal wind farm, Australia

Onsite provision, off grid solutions Wind energy projects plus storage or other energy sources to supply production plan or to be part of a
micro-grid or decentralised energy system
Example: Aguni Wind Farm, Japan

Market Drivers

3. New solutions (continued)–

Benefits of wind energy-based solutions
Models for solutions – description and examples

Models for wind energy- based solutions and Cost-efficiency Renewable integration Security/ Timing of supply
other energy sources and/ or storage solutions
Co-location, Hybrid solution l Lower EPC cost l Improvements of grid l Stable supply guarantee
l Sharing grid access management

Complementary solution/ virtual power plant l Revenue optimization l Virtual integration l Flexible response based
bypassing grid challenges on demand

Financial solution, l Tool to lower risk profile l Incentive to increase share l Not relevant
e.g. Corporate sourcing models, free market of wind due to low cost
mechanism/ trading
Onsite provision, off grid solutions lAlternative to wholesale l Not relevant l Supply steered to meet demand
market prices

Market Drivers

GWEC Market Intelligence initiative

Shifting to value Governmental (New) solutions GWEC To understand more in depth how
The industry is focusing support to energy and their enablers recommendations the (renewable) energy industry is
more and more on the markets Advancing technology is Regulators and shifting to value and how value-
value of the energy In several energy offering new solutions politicians need to focused solutions based on wind
source - generation systems, coal is and business model that integrate new business energy can drive the transition,
profile, alternative perceived as low cost, go beyond wind energy. models like hybrid/ GWEC is conducting a Market
revenue generation efficient and reliable The purpose of co-location or corporate Intelligence study during 2019
models solution. The “true cost” governmental support is sourcing into their based on four elements
of relying on coal are to create an equal playing planning and allocation
often unclear and field and to enable new, mechanism l The shift to value and impact
LCOE remains a key overlocked. sustainable solutions. This along the value chain on
figure to measure governmental support business models
efficiency and maturity Often countries create should not only reside Investments and
immense energy with fossils incentives in more l The “equal playing field” for
dependencies which flexible grid and market wind and other energy sources,
Short position paper could lead to high long systems to focus on value e.g. coal, if looked at the true
how the shift to value term costs Multi-stakeholder study of generated energy cost and support
influences the on insights of current and
stakeholders in the wind future solutions and their l Value-focused solutions for wind
energy value chain, that Position paper on enablers (regulatory, Recommendations by energy and other solutions
is leads to adjustments subsidies received by technological etc.) GWEC for regulatory
of business models coal to create an “equal support schemes
Pro Bono/Support from l GWEC’s perspective on how
playing field” and supporting value-
technical consultancy policies can support value-
learnings from focused solutions focused solutions
support models
(e.g. FIT, auction)

May 2019 June 2019 Q3 2019 Q3 2019


Market Status 2018

Overview Newly added capacity

2018 was a solid year with 51.3 mechanisms for the integration of
GW installed – a decrease of 4.0 renewables and wind energy and
per cent compared to last year, moving away from direct subsidies. 63.8 -4%
and with total installed capacity of The full implementation of the 54.9
2.2 53.5 51.3
591 GW (a growth of nine per cent Renewable Portfolio Standards 4.5 4.5
compared to 2017). New (RPS) with quotas for grid
installations in the onshore wind companies, local utilities, large
market reached 46.8 GW, and the corporates and others is one
global offshore market installed 4.5 element of the market mechanisms
60.4 52.7 49 46.8
GW, bringing the share in the and providing opportunities for
global market to now eight wind energy.
per cent.
The second largest market in
The onshore market 2018 was the US with 7.6 GW of
The Chinese onshore market new onshore installations and 2015 2016 2017 2018
installed 21.2 GW in 2018 and has total onshore installations of 96
been the leading market since GW. Until 2020/ 21, the
2008. China with 206 GW total Production Tax Credit (PTC) will
installations at the end of 2018 is remain the main driver for new New capacity 2018 and share of top five onshore markets
the first market to surpass 200 GW installations. Future demand will Per cent, onshore
of total installed capacity – be linked to RPS and the
reaching its target of 200 GW two increasing competitiveness of 25%
years early (based on the Five- onshore wind energy. New
Year-Plan 2016-2020). As part of business models and new
the ongoing reform of the energy financial models are being
market, the Chinese government developed in the US market and
100% =
announced the introduction of will, most likely, further drive 75%
auctions in 2018. These auctions volume for new installations.
focus on competitive pricing,
technology and low curtailment In addition to China and USA,
risks, while volume is still the top five wind markets in 2018
determined through the central are completed by Germany
planning process. GWEC expects (2.4 GW), India (2.2 GW) and Top 5 (China, USA. Germany, India, Brazil)
further progress on market Brazil (1.9 GW).

Market Status 2018

New capacity 2018 by support mechanism

Per cent, onshore
Overview (continued)
Excluding the two largest markets, for capacity allocation. However,
5% Market-based
China - FIT
China and USA, market-based how governments select the
USA - PTC mechanisms, such as auctions, support and allocation
Other tenders, and Green Certificates, mechanisms for renewables and
were the main drivers behind new wind energy depends on market
34% installations in 2018: For the conditions and the design of the
onshore market, 16 GW of new energy market (e.g. integration,
100% = installations or 35 per cent of new pricing mechanism, etc.).
46.8GW installations originate from market-
based mechanisms. This level can The offshore market – China
be expected in the future, as 15 installed 1.8 GW in 2018, taking
GW of onshore wind capacity was the lead for the first time, followed
auctioned during 2018. The by the United Kingdom (1.3 GW).
45% dramatic decreases of bid levels Globally, the share of offshore
and equipment prices, as seen in installations continues to increase
2016 and 2017, have slowed down and reached eight per cent for
in 2018, and bid levels will new installations and four per cent
Total installations by onshore and offshore continue to stabilise in 2019. of the total installations in 2018.
GW, share of total new installations Continuing efforts to increase
efficiency and lower cost means For more details on the offshore
Onshore that the wind industry will be able market, see the global offshore
Offshore to respond to changing market wind market section.
23 conditions in the future.

With China expecting to

Total 568 592 4% implement auctions during 2019,
the share of installations originating
from market-based mechanisms
will rise after 2020, when the first
New 2018 46.8 51.3 8% auction-based volume will be
installed in China.

4.5 Without doubt, auctions and

tenders are an important element

Market Status 2018

China and USA Changes in new installations 2017 to 2018

GW, onshore and offshore

increased new
installations, Europe 0.3

and India saw



decreases 2.7

The mature and leading markets in

China and North America
continued to grow in 2018. Positive
developments came from Mexico
growing by 500 MW compared to
2017 and reaching 0.9 GW of new
installations. Africa/Middle East
also grew to 0.9 GW with Egypt 53.5
and Kenya as leading markets (380
MW and 310 MW of new
installations respectively). The
decrease in the European onshore
market is attributed to lower
volumes in Germany and the 0.0 51.3
United Kingdom. In India, new
installations slowed compared to
2017 (4 GW in 2017) as execution
challenges need to be solved.

Total 2017 China USA Mexico Africa,ME Europe India Other Offshore 2018

Market Status 2018

New installations onshore New installations offshore

Rest of World 16% Rest of World 9%

Canada 1%
United Kingdom 1% PR China 45% China 40%
Sweden 2%
Mexico 2% Germany 22%
France 3% 46.8GW 4.5GW
Brazil 4%

India 5%

Germany 5% USA 16% United Kingdom 29%

Total installations onshore Total installations offshore

Rest of World 16% Rest of World 18% United Kingdom 34%

Italy 2% PR China 36%

United Kingdom 2%
Canada 2%
Brazil 3%
568GW 23.1GW
France 3%
China 20%
Spain 4%

India 6%

Germany 9% USA 17% Germany 28%

Detailed data sheet available in GWEC’s member only area
For definition of region see Global Wind Report – Methodology and Terminology

Market Status 2018

Historic development of new installations


Offshore +7%

CAGR 54.9 53.5

51.7 2.2 51.3
+22% 4.5
1.5 4.5
39.1 40.6
38.5 0.9
0.6 0.9 36.0

11.5 0.1
8.2 0.1
6.5 7.3 8.1
0.2 0.3 0.1
6.4 7.1 7.9 8.1 11.4 14.6 20.0 26.5 37.9 38.2 39.8 43.9 34.5 50.2 60.4 52.7 49.0 46.8

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Share of offshore ~1% ~3% 5% 8%

Detailed data sheet available in GWEC’s member only area

Market status 2018

Historic development of total installations


Onshore CAGR
Offshore 591
+13% 540 23
CAGR 433
+17% 12
319 8
283 7
CAGR 238 5
198 4
159 3
94 121 2
59 74 1
31 39 48 1
24 -1 -1
-1 -1
0 0

31 39 47 58 73 93 119 157 195 234 278 312 362 421 473 522 568

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Share of offshore ~1% ~2% 3% 4%

Detailed data sheet available in GWEC’s member only area

Market Status 2018

Historic development of total installations

MW, onshore New Total New Total MW, offshore New Total New Total
installations 2017 installations 2017 installations 2018 installations 2018 installations 2017 installations 2017 installations 2018 installations 2018
Total onshore 48,996 521,774 46,820 568,409 Total offshore 4,472 18,658 4,496 23,140
Americas 10,572 123,091 11,940 135,041 Europe 3,196 15,630 2,661 18,278
USA 7,017 89,047 7,588 96,635 United Kingdom 1,715 6,651 1,312 7,963
Canada 341 12,240 566 12,816 Germany 1,253 5,411 969 6,380
Brazil 2,027 12,769 1,939 14,707 Belgium 165 877 309 1,186
Mexico 478 4,006 929 4,935 Denmark 0 1,268 61 1,329
Argentina 24 228 494 722 Netherlands 0 1,118 0 1,118
Chile 269 1,418 204 1,621 Other Europe 63 305 0 302
Other Americas 416 3,383 220 3,605 Asia-Pacific 1,276 2,998 1,835 4,832
Africa, Middle East 632 4,758 962 5,720 China 1,161 2,788 1,800 4,588
Egypt 0 810 380 1,190 South Korea 3 38 35 73
Kenya 0 26 310 336 Other Asia 112 172 0 171
South Africa 618 2,085 0 2,085 Americas 0 30 0 30
Other Africa 14 1,837 272 2,109 USA 0 30 0 30

Asia-Pacific 23,927 231,419 24,902 256,320

China 18,499 185,604 21,200 206,804
India 4,148 32,938 2,191 35,129
Australia 501 4,813 549 5,362
Pakistan 199 789 400 1,189
Japan 170 3,399 262 3,661
South Korea 103 1,102 127 1,229
Vietnam 38 197 32 228
Philippines 0 427 0 427
Thailand 218 648 0 648
Other Asia 51 1,502 141 1,643

Europe 13,865 162,506 9,016 171,328

Germany 5,334 50,779 2,402 53,180
France 1,692 13,757 1,563 15,307
Sweden 197 6,499 717 7,216
United Kingdom 2,641 12,412 589 13,001
Turkey 766 6,872 497 7,370
Other Europe 3,235 72,187 3,248 75,435
Detailed data sheet available in GWEC’s member only area


GWEC’s Task forces and committees

GWEC’s focus during 2019

GWEC has initiated a series of task forces and committees to help accelerate growth in key markets and sectors
- Latin America, South East Asia, Africa and Global Offshore. These groups bring together leading developers,
investors, manufacturers and institutions among GWEC members and other industry stakeholders. Their
purpose is to provide governments with guidance on the best regulatory and technical frameworks for attracting
investment, carry out public awareness campaigns, and hold best practice workshops and other activities to
help different countries and markets to realise the potential of wind energy, and benefit from the social and
economic benefits that the wind industry can bring.



GWEC’s Global Offshore Wind GWEC’s South-East Asia Task GWEC Latin America is made up Sub-Saharan Africa has abundant
Task force accelerates the force, made up of major of major developers, investors and renewable energy resources, and
development of offshore wind developers, investors and manufacturers in the sector to has some of the world’s fastest
technology in non-European manufacturers provides the policy, advance the deployment of wind growing economies. From strong
markets such as Asia and North market and technical information technology in the region. The beginnings in South Africa,
America. Chaired by Alastair needed for the development of future prospects as a region are Ethiopia and Kenya, the industry
Dutton, the task force is made up of new emerging wind markets excellent with Argentina, Brazil, has the opportunity to be a major
leading developers, investors and across the region. South-East Asia Chile and more recently, Colombia player in powering Africa’s growth,
manufacturers in the sector, as well has a vast potential for wind all turning to wind technology. creating new jobs and building a
as technical experts and technology, with encouraging GWEC’s task force provides local supply chain. The Africa Task
inter-governmental organisations markets developing in Taiwan, expert guidance to enable this Force seeks to build regional
Vietnam and the Philippines. advance in the wind industry. cooperation to help African wind
reach its full potential.

For more information about GWEC’s Task forces and Committees please contact Alyssa Pek

GWEC’s Task forces and committees

Offshore Wind Market – Status 2018

2018 was a pivotal year for the
offshore wind industry: Offshore wind has huge potential in many regions,
l  or the first time, China installed
F as the world looks for competitive, zero carbon
and connected more offshore
capacity (1.8 GW) than any other
energy sources that can be deployed at scale and
country. The United Kingdom in relatively fast time frames.
took the second place with 1.3
New offshore installations GW and Germany third place
MW with 0.9 GW.
4,472 4,496 stage will be the development of GWEC Market Intelligence
115 35 l  he second tender for offshore
T on offshore supply chain and expects the global offshore wind
wind in Germany included once projects advancing towards market to continue to grow. Europe
again a project bidding for 0.0 construction and execution will provide stable volume. The
228 EUR/MWh support (repeating timelines. Asian market with China will take a
3,398 1,800
the zero-priced bids of the first leading role, see GWEC Market
361 round in 2017 and meaning that l Development in the Asian Intelligence’s market outlook for
170 1,161 the project will only receive the offshore markets was positive in future installations. (For details, see
wholesale price of electricity 2018 – commitments to invest in Market Outlook).
2,199 380
and no further support/ projects and supply chain have
30 37 1,253 payment). This proves how been made. Keeping the GWEC is focusing a large part of
3 offshore costs have come down. momentum requires its activities in these emerging and
2,288 592
969 It also proves how the government commitment and developing offshore markets by
structuring of very capital- viable levels of support to providing guidance on wind
659 intensive offshore projects (e.g. ensure the growth of the Asian potential and technical
excluding grid connection cost) offshore industry. development and targeted
can advance projects. lobbying activities.
l I ndia, as an example of an
560 849 1,715 1,312 l  ffshore activities in the US
O emerging offshore market, held a
market are increasing. Leasing first Expression of Interest in
2015 2016 2017 2018 tenders have been executed 2018, and the first offshore tender
(Massachusetts) and industry is expected during 2019. Draft
UK Other Europe Other Asia stakeholders have set up offices auction rules were released
Germany China USA (MHI Vestas in Boston). The next during January 2019.

GWEC’s Task forces and committees

Offshore wind going global

The current share of the total onshore wind since 2017 and has financing stream for offshore wind
global offshore installations set an offshore wind target of 5 GW that could play a vital role in
represents four per cent of the total by 2022 and 30 GW by 2030. de-risking projects in developing
591 GW installed. By 2025, the countries and has teamed up with
share is expected to exceed 10 The Japanese government passed a GWEC to help develop the next
per cent and the total installed new Offshore Wind Law, which now group of new offshore markets.
based could reach 100 GW. While gives it a mandate to define a
Europe will continue to add 3-4 number of areas for offshore wind Role of government support
MW per year based on current development, with a view to holding In order for the offshore industry to
targets and planned auctions, Asia some kind of competitive process go global, market conditions need
could add between 5 to 7 GW of for award of 30-year projects by to be in place to support growth.
Executed offshore wind auctions
new installations per year if mid-2020. There is a clear need for Besides administrative processes
governments stay committed and Japan to turn to offshore wind to for permitting and approval, this
investments are executed. meet an expected shortfall in power includes support from
generation, and increasing governments for investments in
Key growing offshore wind markets dependence on fossil fuel imports, projects and supply chain through
in Asia are Taiwan, South Korea but setting an ambitious plan and FIT or auction mechanisms. There
and Japan. In these markets, whether it is able to establish were several examples during
investments in projects and supply appropriate frameworks for planning 2018 of government support. In
chains are progressing, and and licensing will be decisive. Germany, the offshore target is 3,283
projects are maturing. India and most likely to increase to 20 GW
Vietnam are in early stages, but In North America, GWEC Market by 2030; France decided to 3,196
with an offshore wind potential of Intelligence expects about 1 GW execute an offshore auction in 2019
27 GW (Vietnam) and 60 GW towards 2023 to 2025, as activity in having settled a discussion about
(India). Vietnam has already the north-eastern federal states support levels; UK announced in 950
installed 99 MW offshore capacity. remains high (e.g. an offshore June 2018 to launch further
The administrative processes are tender in New York for projects auctions starting from 2019 1,600
1,484 1,490
still time-consuming, but a stable with 200 to 800 MW capacity with onwards with the plan to execute
support system is in place with a a 25-year PPA launched, auctions every second year; after
FIT of 98 USD/ MWh. India’s Massachusetts’s auction for an intense discussion during 2018,
offshore potential is located off the offshore zones executed). Taiwan announced in January 2019 2016 2017 2018
coast of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. to limit the reduction of the FIT-
The government has started to The World Bank Group has system to about six per cent, thus Germany Denmark Netherlands
execute auctions for solar PV and announced that it is creating a enabling projects to move forward. UK Taiwan

Task Forces and Working Groups

Offshore wind technology

continues to advance
With governments and industry Two offshore auctions were
around the world committing to executed in Europe (Germany’s
offshore wind, offshore wind 2nd offshore, average winning bid
technology is advancing to of 46 EUR/MWh and Netherlands’
increase efficiency and lower cost. Borselle V, average winning bid of
During 2018, the trend for larger 55 EUR/MWh) including already
the new technology. Several LOCE
projections see the global and
There are already average LCOE for offshore wind to
further decrease; emerging and
1.3GW of offshore developing offshore markets might
wind auctions planned start at a higher LCOE-level but
utilise experience from more
for 2019. mature markets and the new
technology to lower LCOE.

offshore turbines continued. GE

had already introduced its Haliade
X 12MW offshore turbine in 2017,
expected to be commercially
operational as of 2024/ 25. In 2018
MHI Vestas upgraded its turbine to
10MW to be used for several
projects in Netherlands and United
Kingdom and the Vineyard project
in USA (preferred supplier status).
Goldwind introduced an 8MW
turbine for projects on the south-
east coast of China. Siemens-
Gamesa’s 10MW turbine is
expected to be online by 2022.

GWEC’s Task forces and committees

Growth opportunities for onshore wind in South-East Asia

In South-East Asia (including Aside from these positive corporates, the benefit is to secure energy in South-East Asia, however,
Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, fundamentals for wind energy, their supply at foreseeable costs. GWEC sees potential for corporate
Vietnam Malaysia, Laos, Myanmar many governments are still Benefits for governments and sourcing to become a driver
and other smaller markets) the prioritizing coal to provide the regulators are to advance the wind for future installations in
rising demand for energy is driven largest share in the energy mix of industry in their market, gaining South-East Asia.
by economic growth, growth of these markets (40 per cent of experience and eventually bringing
population and increased energy generation according to down cost. So far, there have been See market profiles in the Markets
urbanization. The fundamentals for IEA WEO). The belief is that coal no corporate PPAs signed with wind to Watch chapter
wind energy are good to play a and other fossils secure supply at
leading part. Governments in low cost. However, it is often the
South-East Asian markets have set design of electricity markets that is New installations in South-East Asia
giving preference to coal, for MW onshore
example, through energy access 3
rules or caps.
GWEC sees potential
for corporate sourcing To have more equal opportunities
for wind energy in South-East Asia,
to become a driver for adjustments to market design and

future installations in investments in infrastructure and 256

grid are required. This includes
South-East Asia. dispatch rules and wholesale market
pricing. Further, it is important for
regulators and state-owned utilities
207 218 107
to gain experience to design offtake
targets for wind energy deployment agreements and integrating wind
(e.g. Vietnam with 800 MW by energy. This also includes also a 0 75
2020, and Philippines with 1.5 GW strong engagement with
49 24 38 32
by 2030). As of December 2018, 1.5 governmental and local stakeholders
GW of onshore wind capacity was to assess the opportunities wind 2015 2016 2017 2018
installed in total: and GWEC Market energy provides for them.
Intelligence expects more than 4 Vietnam Philippines Other SE Asia*
GW new capacity to be installed by Additional opportunities for wind Indonesia Thailand
2023 thus contributing to the growth energy will open up through the rise
of the Asian wind market. of corporate sourcing and PPAs. For * Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia and others

GWEC’s Task forces and committees

Auctions and bilateral PPAs drive Latin American onshore markets

The Latin American wind market Mexico had a record year in 2018 Argentina during 2019, creating
The majority of governments has grown over the past ten years, with 929 MW of new installed another local production hub in
accumulating total installations of capacity reaching a total of almost 5 Latin America besides Brazil. The
have implemented and are 25 GW. In the short-term, 3 to 4 GW. The auction in November 2017 government is addressing
implementing auction and tender GW are expected to be installed
each year until 2023. The majority
produced one of the lowest bids for
onshore wind, with 17.8USD/MWh
challenges regarding grid
expansion for further
mechanisms focusing on the of governments have implemented setting a benchmark for the developments (2021 and beyond)
or are implementing auction and industry. Also, bilateral agreements with new rules to be enacted
competitiveness of wind energy. tender mechanisms focusing on with corporations continue to be a during 2019.
the competitiveness of wind strong driver in the market. The
energy compared to other energy outlook for Mexico is, in the short Chile is executing and installing
sources. Brazil and Mexico term, overshadowed by the capacity from the 2016er auction
conducted joint capacity auctions cancellation of the November 2018 and awaits another tech-neutral
for onshore wind and solar. Chile renewable energy auction, as well auction for onshore wind and solar
auctioned GWh based on as by the cancelation of the tenders PV during 2019.
New installations in Latin America estimated demand and Colombia for grid infrastructure. Still, GWEC
MW onshore is using a similar approach. expects Mexico to reach its target During 2018, Colombia prepared
of generating 35 per cent of its for the first renewable auction and
In Brazil, the two auctions executed power through renewables by 2024. results will be announced by June
730 during 2018 (A-4 in April 2018 and 2019. The execution of the auction
3,786 A-6 in September 2018) captured During 2018, Argentina has will prove the government’s
3,297 3,214 220
175 9 204
1 GW for onshore wind in total. executed projects from previous intention to drive renewables and
591 416
714 494
The lowest average winning bid, auctions and has a solid pipeline of onshore wind forward.
269 24 67.6 BRL/MWh for onshore wind, 3,7 GW under construction and
454 478 929 made wind once again the most awarded (this includes Renovar 1, Auction and tenders drive the
competitive technology in Brazilian 1.5, 2 and Mater, plus the majority of installations in the
auctions in 2018. The continuation reapproved Resolution 202 Latin American markets. Bilateral
2,753 2,014 2,027 1,939
of the auction programme in Brazil projects). Round 3 of RenovAr for agreements/private PPAs and
ensures a steady market small scale projects is under way opportunities to commission
development and utilization of the and another auction is expected for capacity before the mandatory
2015 2016 2017 2018 supply chain, and two more 2019. The private PPA market auction-defined deadline are
auctions (A-4 in June 2019 and A-6 (Mater) is also increasing for wind additional drivers for future
Brazil Argentina Other LatAm in September 2019) have already power projects. Both Vestas and installations and supply chain
Mexico Chile been announced. Nordex will open factories in utilization in Latin America.

GWEC’s Task forces and committees

Government commitment crucial for

Africa/ Middle East onshore markets
The onshore markets in Africa and remain committed to their targets The positive short-term outlook for
Middle East are expected to install and follow-up on the execution of the region proves the willingness
1 GW or more each year, adding announced and planned tenders and ability to execute and install.
over 6 GW of new capacity by and procurement programmes. Overcoming challenges (e.g. and
2023. The majority of the volume is Continuous investment in the structuring bankable PPAs) will
expected to be driven by Egypt, general infrastructure, especially impact how targets and ambitions
Kenya, Morocco and South Africa. grid, is required to secure planning will be reached and how
and pipeline execution. international and local players
During 2018, several governments will continue their commitment
in this region re-confirmed their to the region.
renewable and wind-specific Government
targets. Kenya, for example,
announced a target of 100 per cent commitment and
New installations in Africa/Middle East
renewable electricity by 2020, and
market activity in general gained
executing policies MW onshore
momentum. South Africa remain key for 983
recovered from its stand-still and is 962

expected to hold the fifth

growth in the African
wind market.
300 272
procurement round during 2019.
Tunisia successfully executed a 608 14
130- MW tender and this capacity 200
is expected to be installed by 186 380
2021. Kenya’s Lake Turkana project Securing PPAs is not a new
was fully commissioned and challenge in African markets. This 618
reported a 80 per cent capacity challenge is linked to lengthy 414
factor during February 2019. The administrative permitting
regional market leader in 2018 processes, the slow inauguration of
was Egypt, with 380 MW. governmental schemes and 2015 2016 2017 2018
guidelines for the set-up and
To drive further growth in these execution of PPAs and the financial South Africa Egypt
markets, governments need to strength of available offtakers. Kenya Other Africa / ME


Market to watch | Vietnam

Vietnam onshore market

Current and future role rapid urbanisation, a growing 2016), which targets 10.7 per cent
on onshore wind in the population and annual GDP growth of electricity production to be
energy system above 6 per cent since 2010 – are supplied by renewables by 2030. It
GWEC continues to view Vietnam being compounded by Vietnam’s aims to have 800 MW in installed
as a market with huge potential for narrowing access to concessional wind power capacity by 2020; by
both onshore and offshore wind, international development funds, 2030, it targets 6 GW in wind.
due to a confluence of geographic, as it sails comfortably into middle-
economic and political factors. income status. Activity needs to be scaled up in
Endowed with more than 3,000 km order to reach the first milestone of
of coastline, it has promising wind In order to deliver the capacity to 800 MW by 2020. Current onshore
speeds in the favourable southwest sustain Vietnam’s industrial installed capacity is only 228 MW,
and Central Highlands regions. development and escalating power although up to 80 further wind Total and new installations
Recent droughts in the Mekong consumption – energy load has projects are registered with the MW onshore
Ministry of Industry and Trade 228
(MOIT), reflective of the rush to
Activity needs to be scaled up in order to reach the market as developers seek to
benefit from the increased FITs for

first milestone of 800 MW by 2020. projects operational by 2021.

Large-scale offshore projects are
also advancing, although not as 135
quickly – outside of those already
Delta have also raised anxieties grown at an average rate of 10 per in advanced permitting stages,
about hydropower, which cent over the last five years, a pace offshore projects face a narrow
generates more than one-third of forecast to continue through 2020 margin of time to get
Vietnam’s electricity. and slow slightly to eight per cent commissioned ahead of the 2021
to 2030 – renewable energy and deadline. 49
Meanwhile, macroeconomic wind energy are increasingly seen 32
constraints and energy security as a solution. Unlocking potential in
concerns are encouraging officials the wind market
to reconsider the country’s The Vietnamese government has 2018 was marked by positive
reliance on imported coal (coal publicly committed to a diversified indicators for the wind sector in 2015 2016 2017 2018
provides more than one-third of energy mix, outlined in the National Vietnam. The increase of FITs, Total capacity New capacity
power generation). A troika of Power Development Plan VII (PDP7, issued via Decision 39 in
pressures on energy security – released in 2011 and revised in September 2018, applies to wind * Including offshore wind

Market to watch | Vietnam

projects that commence addresses the current l PPA/Financing: De-risking the

operations by November 2021 impediments to the development standardised PPA for wind,
with a lifetime of 20 years. An of the wind sector. There is great particularly vis-à-vis curtailment,
incremental plan is in place to opportunity to bring private-sector termination, state guarantee and
upgrade the transmission grid, and funding, technical expertise and a dispute resolution, is vital. Local
a four-year project between MOIT streamlined supply chain to financing schemes for
and the German government to Vietnam’s shores, but officials must renewables projects are weak,
develop the wind power sector first address the bankability therefore wind IPPs require
concluded in December 2018,
with dividends in capacity-building
and recommendations for existing Permitting is complicated, and a common sticking
legal and regulatory frameworks. point is the standardised wind PPA.
Still, a number of financial,
regulatory and legal barriers are
obstructing investment in wind. obstacles, regulatory opacity and substantial equity investment and
Permitting is complicated, and a pricing issues inhibiting expertise in inflation and
common sticking point is the investment. convertibility risks.
standardised wind PPA, which
must be agreed with Vietnam Current Challenges: l Capacity-building: While
Electricity Corporation (EVN), the l Permitting: The approvals Vietnam presently lacks strong
state-owned company which holds process for utility-scale projects technical expertise in wind, this
a monopoly on transmission and is complex, requiring presents opportunities for job
distribution. These PPAs are engagement with several growth and developing a skilled
generally viewed as non- stakeholders, including MOIT, domestic EPC workforce.
negotiable and falling short of EVN and relevant provincial Sources: GWEC Market Intelligence; World Bank;
international best practices. People’s Committees. IRENA; EVN, press; expert interviews.
Pricing schemes post-2021 are
unclear, though a forthcoming
solar auction scheme could Tipping Point
influence the regulatory A planned pilot auction for the solar power sector could impact
development of wind projects. pricing schemes for wind energy projects. If it drives bids and cost
levels down and is applied to the wind sector, investors may balk at
Amid the convergence of the unappetising prospect of a low-bid auction scheme combined with
Vietnam’s macroeconomic and an unbankable PPA. However, if the MOIT makes the necessary
energy security concerns, it is amendments to the PPA, the impact will be moderated.
critical that the government

Market to watch | Thailand

Thailand onshore market

Current and future role would deplete proven domestic Plan (AEDP), one of five plans
of onshore wind in the reserves of natural gas and oil within comprising the Thailand Integrated
energy system five years. Facing high energy Energy Blueprint.
From its first small-scale pilot dependence ratios and exposure to
programme of 150 KW wind commodity market price volatility, With the formulation of
generation in Phuket Island in the Thailand is turning to alternative and procurement schemes in the near
early 1980s, Thailand has since indigenous energy sources. This future left unclear, many local wind
expanded to more than 648 MW of pivot is hardened by the growing investors are now deploying their
installed capacity, with most growth unpopularity of coal-fired plants, capital to other wind energy
concentrated in the last seven years. with notable public opposition to markets in the region.
The upscaling of the sector followed coal projects in the south.
the economy’s transition from
agriculture-based to primarily Installed capacity for renewables
industrial and commercial. While has doubled in the last decade, Total and new installations
not growing as quickly as its largely driven by hydropower and MW onshore
lower-income neighbours – Vietnam biomass. Thai officials sparked
and Philippines – Thailand’s current wind investment in the region with 648 648
rate of >3 per cent annual GDP the 2007 Adder Programme, a
growth is expected to continue feed-in premium scheme for small
through the medium term. As power producers – the first such
incomes rise alongside quality of scheme in South-East Asia. In 2014,
life for Thais, so does their energy uncertainties around tariffs
consumption – forecast to increase prompted a shift to FITs, and by
by 78 per cent by 2036. 2017, more than 30 wind projects
were registered with the Energy
Energy demand is growing as a Regulatory Commission. 223
207 218
result of expanding urbanisation, a 0
rapidly growing economy, new As of 2018, renewable energy
infrastructure demands like mass supplied 15 per cent of total
rapid transit systems and consumed power in Thailand, but
campaigns for the thriving installed wind capacity is still 0 0

automobile sector to invest in one-fifth of the 3,002 MW targeted 2015 2016 2017 2018
electric vehicles. Meanwhile, by 2036 in the government’s
consumption at the current rate Alternative Energy Development Total capacity New capacity

Market to watch | Thailand

Unlocking potential in the

wind market The long-term prospects are promising in Thailand,
The long-term prospects are
promising in Thailand, which has a which has a technical onshore wind capacity
technical onshore wind capacity of
up to 13 GW, with the highest
of up to 13 GW.
potential in the northeast, western
and southern areas. The
implementation of the AEDP’s leading wind energy market in the Reform Office provincial
capacity targets – a long way from region. To deliver on this, committees is recommended.
the current installations – will require supportive policy and pricing
dedication from government to schemes are needed to facilitate l Investment: Local commercial
sustain a welcoming environment further private investment in wind. banks are acclimating to the
for private-sector power producers. long-tenor financing required for
Current Challenges: wind projects.
Some uncertainties remain for new l Permitting: While the licensing
developers over land use rights: A process is clearly defined, delays l Policy: Interagency coordination
legal dispute over a wind farm’s can be encountered, such as can be a challenge, asthe
land lease in Phetchaburi in early around building construction Thailand Integrated Energy
2017 has been resolved, but certificates. Given the 2017 land Blueprint acts as an industry
serves as a reminder of the lease dispute (left), close steering guide instead of a single
importance of engagement with management of land acquisition national energy plan.
partners and stakeholders, such as permits, understanding of the
local residents and provincial Land Code and engagement with
committees of the Agricultural stakeholders such as local
Sources: GWEC Market Intelligence; World Bank; IRENA;
Land Reform Office. residents and Agricultural Land MOE; EGAT; DEDE; NEPC; press; expert interviews.

Growth of the renewable energy

sector may not be swift enough to Tipping Point
relieve Thailand of its reliance on The National Energy Policy Council approved revisions to Thailand’s
natural gas, but as officials continue Power Development Plan (2018-2037) on 24 January 2019. Capacity
to refine the energy system – targets were revised upward for non-hydro renewables to 18 per cent
undertaking smart grid studies, by 2037, with natural gas comprising 53 per cent and coal 12 per cent.
targeted investment incentives and While the revised version increases the share of natural gas in the
competitive bidding PPA schemes energy mix, it also invites greater gradual private participation in the
in the renewable sector – Thailand energy industry.
has the potential to emerge as a

Market to watch | Philippines

Philippines onshore market

Current and future role increase energy security and
of onshore wind in the reduce dependence on imported
energy system coal and other fossil fuels. With
Fuelled by high GDP growth excellent wind conditions on the
(averaging 6.6 per cent over the last northern and central Luzon and
six years) and a transition to a Palawan islands and total potential
services-based economy, the wind capacity of more than 76 GW
Philippines is turning a critical eye across the archipelago, the
to its long-term energy security. Its potential is enormous for
more than 7,000 islands are investments in wind. But positive
vulnerable to severe tropical signals and stronger policy-
weather and connection challenges; steering is needed to activate the
and additionally, the archipelago’s wind sector. Total and new installations
MW onshore

The 2.35 GW target by 2030 is remarkably 427 427 427

low compared to the country’s 76 GW

potential wind capacity.

216 211
location means it may not be able to The Renewable Energy Act in 2008
rely on interconnections with the and its blueprint, the National
planned ASEAN Power Grid. On the Renewable Energy Plan (NREP) in
supply side, nearly half of 2011, set the goal of tripling
Philippines’ energy supply comes renewable energy capacity from
from imported fossil fuels, leaving it its 2010 level to 15,304 MW by
exposed to price fluctuations. 2030, of which 2,345 MW is
0 0 0
allocated for wind. While the 2.35
These realities are pushing officials GW target by 2030 is remarkably 2015 2016 2017 2018
towards alternative and indigenous low compared to the country’s 76
energy sources, in order to GW potential wind capacity, Total capacity New capacity

Market to watch | Philippines

officials have expressed off-grid supply – and a proposed renewable energy projects are
commitment to attaining wind grid Green Energy Option for end-users still perceived to be high-risk.
parity by 2025, and for the to purchase renewable energy in an
Philippines to become the top open-access market. l Tax incentives: Proposal HB 4774
wind energy producer in South- (2017) amends the zero-rated
East Asia over the next decade. The government has formally VAT status of renewable energy
committed to a technology-neutral sales to VAT-exempt, which might
Following the issuance of FITs for approach and fair playing field in its raise production costs if passed
wind in 2012, enthusiastic energy system. However, it needs to – a space to watch.
developers piled in and the initial reconsider the available incentives
200 MW allocation was to renewable energy investors, and l Policy: Institutional capacity is a
oversubscribed within three years. possibly resync targets with its challenge, with the DOE’s
Installed wind capacity swelled enormous endowment of potential Renewable Energy Management
from 33 MW in 2012 to 426.9 MW, wind capacity. Bureau considered overstretched.
as of June 2018 – a stand-out figure As public sentiment can
in the region. Yet, with more than 50 Current Challenges: significantly impact official policy
wind projects currently registered l Permitting: While efforts have positions, partnership dynamics
with the Department of Energy been made to streamline are important.
(DOE), installations have lagged regulatory procedures for
behind official targets due to a energy projects, bottlenecks and l Infrastructure: Grid instability is
challenging pro-coal policy red tape in the approvals process a medium-term risk – the surge
environment. remain an issue. in volume and variability of
renewables is showing signs of
Unlocking potential in l Investment: Foreign ownership impacting grid operations in
the wind market of renewable energy projects is northern Luzon. The government
While the coal train pushes on in the currently limited to 40 per cent. is assessing its smart grid and
Philippines (coal generation is set to Domestic commercial banks are storage policies.
increase five-fold by 2030), so does open to lending, although loan Sources: GWEC Market Intelligence; World Bank;
forecast energy demand. A strong terms tend to be conservative as IRENA; DOE, USAID; press; expert interviews.
framework to develop wind energy
is needed to upscale the
deployment of wind projects. Tipping Point:
Promising initiatives include the The DOE is currently undertaking a review of the NREP parameters
formulation of the formulation of an and targets, and is expected to shortly release a revised version, with
RPS scheme – while rather low, these a potential greater allocation for wind. Legislative elections in May
mandate a minimum percentage of 2019 may also impact the political commitment to renewable energy.
renewable generation in on-grid and

Market to watch | Indonesia

Indonesia onshore market

Current and future role domestic natural gas and oil
of onshore wind in the reserves has declined in recent
energy system years, it has been replaced by
Indonesia is the largest energy increased oil imports. Total and new capacity
consumer among ASEAN nations, MW onshore
comprising 38 per cent of the But with concerns rising among
region’s total energy use. Rapid Indonesia’s 264 million residents 75 75
urbanisation, steady economic over air quality and the adverse
growth and an expanding fleet of environmental impacts of fossil
automobiles and motorcycles on fuels production, Indonesia has
its road are driving energy joined its neighbours in committing
demand, which surged by 65 per to a clean energy shift.

Potential onshore wind capacity across Indonesia’s

more than 17,500 islands is 9.29 GW.

cent from 2000 to 2014. Demand MEMR issued tariff guidelines for
for electricity is set to triple over renewable energy in 2017, a year in 0 0 0 0 0 0
the next decade, as the country’s which it signed 70 PPAs with
population grows and its mining renewable energy (wind, biomass, 2015 2016 2017 2018
and manufacturing industries biogas, solar) generators. Wind and
Total capacity New capacity
march on. other renewable energy projects
are seen as particularly important in
To a large extent, this demand will filling-in the existing electrification
be met by Indonesia’s own gaps in remote/rural areas and Next tipping point or main event to influence the
reserves – coal supplies nearly small islands. In July 2018, President onshore wind market
one-third of the country’s energy, Joko Widodo inaugurated the
with enough proven domestic country’s first wind power project in General election scheduled for April 2019 to revisit Indonesia’s
reserves to last another seven South Sulawesi, the 75-MW Sidrap energy priorities (e.g. drive electrification through the support
decades at current consumption Wind Farm, with a second farm of onshore wind)
levels. While exploitation of nearing completion in Jeneponto.

Market to watch |Indonesia

The Ministry of Energy and project financing and government development roadmap is littered capped at 85 per cent of the
Mineral Resources (MEMR) has commitments. The latest with potential stranded assets. regional production cost, if it is
targeted 23 per cent of primary electricity plan (RUPTL 2018- higher than the national cost. If
supply to be generated by 2027) released by Indonesia’s Wind is an increasingly cost- the regional cost is lower, tariffs
renewables by 2025, and 31 per sole offtaker, Perusahaan Listrik effective energy option, are negotiated directly with PLN.
cent by 2050. Of the 45 GW Negara (PLN) – an SOE which particularly for a country facing
targeted for renewable energy controls system transmission, rapidly growing power demand l Policy: Electricity prices are
capacity by 2025, it is aiming for distribution and more than and distribution challenges. subsidised and some of the
1.8 GW of installed wind capacity. two-thirds of power generation Despite declining technology costs highest in the region. Pricing
and an attractive value proposition reform has stalled in the pre-
for wind energy, bureaucratic election period, but may be
Wind is an increasingly cost-effective challenges and uncertainties
around regulation and pricing have
revisited after the general
election in April 2019.
energy option, particularly for a country hindered investor interest. Officials
need to send stronger market
facing rapidly growing power demand and signals of a commitment to a more
distribution challenges. diversified, transparent and flexible
energy system.

Current Challenges:
l Permitting: A regulation in 2016
Potential onshore wind capacity assets in the country – in March sought to reduce the licensing
across Indonesia’s more than 2018 doubles down on a coal- requirements from 52 licenses in
17,500 islands is 9.29 GW, dependent energy system and 923 days to 22 licenses in 256
according to the MEMR, with the adopts a more conservative days. While online systems have
most promising resources on approach to adoption of reduced processing times, the
Java-Bali, Sulawesi and Nusa renewables. permitting process can be
Tenggara. Given the lengthy.
concentration of residents and Unlocking potential in the
energy demand on Java, most wind market l  ocal content: IPPs must meet
development in the next few years Indonesia’s subsidised electricity local content requirements – the
will be in this region. and reliance on its coal wealth form country’s first utility-scale wind
a crutch which will not last – PLN is farm, in Sidrap, used 40% local
But statements by MEMR officials already overleveraged, and while it materials.
in late 2018 revised its 23 per has advised that no new coal plants
cent TPES renewables target by will be developed beyond those l Investment: There is no set FIT Sources: GWEC Market Intelligence; World Bank;
2025 downward, amid a stalling of already in planning, its for wind power – prices are IRENA; MEMR; PLN; press; expert interviews.

Market to watch | Argentina

Argentina onshore market

Potential for steady growth but increase of smaller plants run on
grid issues must be resolved imported diesel – threatening Total and new installations
Argentina has some of the best wind Argentina’s security of supply and MW onshore
resources in the world, with high, damaging its economic prospects.
steady wind speeds in Buenos Aires
Province and Patagonia in the south While Argentina tried to kick start
and in the central and north-western its wind sector through the
provinces of the country. Combined GENREN programme initiated in
with its low costs of land acquisition 2010, economic instability and
and the current administration’s inadequate regulatory frameworks
commitment to liberalising the made most projects awarded
energy market, Argentina is well unviable and wind project
positioned to become a sizeable development lay dormant for 279
wind market with enormous, as-yet another decade. Since President 204
untapped potential. Mauricio Macri swept into office in
2015, he has slashed energy
Just in time – the country of 44.3 subsidies and introduced a battery
9 24
million residents is on track to see of legislation and market initiatives
electricity demand rise by 26% designed to boost private
from 2015 to 2025. Chronic participation in renewables. 2015 2016* 2017 2018
blackouts (due to a grid that Total capacity New capacity
operates at near-capacity and Law 27.191 in 2015 declared
expensive wholesale power prices renewable energy a national * Re-adjustment of capacity

have encouraged Argentina’s pivot interest, mandating that 8% of total

to a diversified energy mix. The electricity consumption would be Tipping point
country holds abundant gas generated from renewable energy General elections in October 2019 will likely see President Mauricio Macri defend
reserves, and is primarily by 2018, and 20% by 2025. That his position against a “moderate” candidate from the opposition Peronist party.
dependant on natural gas and year, the government formulated a However there is a chance that the former President Cristina Fernández de
hydropower, which comprise World Bank-backed renewable Kirchner will still be the opposition candidate. The election will largely be decided
around one-half and one-third of energy fund (FODER) and fiscal on economic issues, and a worsening of the already volatile macroeconomic
installed capacity, respectively. But incentives to attract foreign capital. situation could further harm President Macri’s chances. On the other hand, wind
its fossil fuel-fed thermal power power is increasingly seen as a bright spot in Argentina’s economic panorama, and
plants are nearing obsolescence, The first round of Argentina’s enjoys strong cross-party support.
and there has been a sharp renewable energy tender

Market to watch | Argentina

programme, RenovAr, took place However the major challenge now the FODER scheme and accords auctions, a growing corporate PPA
in 2016, with 708 MW in wind for continued growth of the wind with the World Bank which provides and strong public support indicate
capacity contracted out of a total sector once the current pipeline operators with a put-option. great promise. Looking ahead,
1,109 MW. The wind allocation was has been built is the lack of large regulated market tenders
oversubscribed nearly six-fold, available grid connection However, continued macro- with grid are needed to allow
prompting the government to hold capacity. Government plans to economic volatility continues to continued Argentina’s wind energy
RenovAr 1.5 later that year, with carry out large scale tenders for make for a difficult investment market and meet its renewables
wind prevailing to contract 765 new grid through a private-public climate, with the bulk of financing target of 20% by 2025.
MW of the 1.3 GW awarded. participation (PPP) model have so for wind projects coming from
far failed to take place, and the balance sheet, export credit Current challenges:
Following RenovAr 2.0 in 2017 for government is now studying the agencies or multilaterals, rather l Investment: Project financing
1.8 GW of capacity, Argentina had possibility of carrying out further than international project finance. continues to a challenge due to
awarded 3,738 MW of capacity tenders which will allow Argentina’s risk profile. Offtaker
to 63 wind power projects, generators to propose and carry Market administrator and clearing risk with CAMMESA, continues
concentrated in southern out grid extensions as part of house CAMMESA, is overleveraged to be a worry, despite the
Buenos Aires Province their bids. and enmeshed in a complex of different guarantee schemes.
Region, Puerto Madryn legacy cross-subsidy arrangement
and Santa Cruz/Chubut. Meanwhile, the government is with the state, with provincial l Infrastructure: Grid transmission
carrying out the RenovAr MiniRen governments, distributors, and and distribution constraints are
Part of this capacity has 3.0, which foresees projects of less generators including large debts slowing down the deployment of
come from contracts than 10MW in size which will owed to it and by it. CAMMESA’s wind energy projects, and
signed in Argentina’s connect to local distribution short term lack of solvency has government has taken too long to
promising corporate PPA networks. The government recently reportedly led to the FODER carry out tenders for expansions
market known as MATER, as extended its application period for guarantee scheme being used for
large power users seek to avoid MiniRen to May 2019. payments for the first time. l Policy: As each province has its
market risk and achieve lower own Provincial Electricity
wholesale price by meeting their Unlocking potential in Adding to uncertainty around the Regulator (ENRESP) and one or
mandated renewable power the wind market investment climate are the more primary distribution entity,
obligations directly from wind Argentina’s government has thus upcoming elections in October 2019 local stakeholder management is
power and other renewable made huge positive strides, with a (see below), which could put further key. The future of the RenovAr
energy producers. As of late well-designed regulatory pressure on key macroeconomic programme will depend on the
2018, some 827MW of wind framework creating transparency indicators such as the Peso/USD incumbent/incoming
generation capacity had been and open competition, PPA’s exchange rate and inflation. administration’s support
contracted through MATER, so denominated in USD to reduce following general elections in
large scale corporates such as current risk, and multiple Still, for the mid-term, a strong October 2019.
Aluar, Fravega, Toyota and other guarantees to mitigate the risk of framework of ambitious national Sources: GWEC Market Intelligence; World Bank;
companies. payment delay or default through targets, technology-specific IRENA; ME&M; CAMMESA; press; expert interviews.

Market to watch | Columbia

Columbia onshore market

Current and future role of wind: procurement schemes to lock in an Despite the postponement of the
Colombia has 16.8 GW of installed energy matrix that includes wind. first renewable auction,
capacity, of which two-thirds is development activity remains high.
supplied by hydropower, 28 per An encouraging tone was set by 1.7 GW of wind and solar projects
cent by thermal power and 6 per the first dedicated auction for have connection agreements with
cent from other renewable sources, long-term PPAs awarded to wind, the National Mining and Energy
as of 2017. While the country has solar and biomass projects, Planning Unit (UPME), which has
potential wind capacity of 18 GW, launched in mid-2018. However, approved a further 55 wind
its reliance on its abundant hydro the tender was postponed to projects for more than 7.5 GW
resources has limited the incentives January 2019, and then voided, through 2027. This is in line with
for investment in wind energy. with Ministry of Mines and Energy the UPME’s goal to increase the
(MME) officials citing antitrust share of renewable energy to 10
Its sole operational wind project is concerns and the 22 pre-qualified per cent of installed capacity by
a 19.5 MW farm in La Guajira, a bidders’ failure to meet 2028. What is missing is the
desert province in the country’s competition criteria. After the execution of the first renewable
northern tip which is home to disappointing initial effort, the auction to sign PPAs.
Total and new installations
strong, constant winds and the auction is scheduled to be
MW onshore
majority of potential wind capacity. replayed in Q2 2019, still offering Unlocking potential in the market
But while geography provides 1.2 GW in renewable energy While auctions to date have
Colombia with favourable wind under 12-year PPAs. wedged the door open for wind
conditions, it also threatens its energy, a plan for technology-
energy system: The intensifying The Reliability Charge auction specific and long-term
impacts of El Niño and attendant scheme, introduced in 2006 and procurement is needed to capture
challenges of droughts, landslides open to all energy sources, is the country’s wind potential.
and flooding destabilise security of designed to ensure a sufficient Although the initial renewable
No large-scale installations
supply and trigger electricity energy supply during droughts. In energy auction was voided, it
pricing spikes. March 2019, this auction added demonstrated the appetite of
wind and solar energy to the foreign investors and large
With demand for electricity among reliability matrix for the first time. generators to commit to wind
Colombia’s 49 million residents set Combined, wind and solar won 35 energy in Colombia.
to surge 52 per cent from 2016 to per cent, or 1,398 MW, of capacity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2030, according to the National – this includes 1,160 MW capacity When President Iván Duque
2015 2016 2017 2018
Mining and Energy Planning Unit across 20-year PPAs awarded to entered office in 2018, he set the
(UPME), officials have initiated six wind projects in La Guajira. ambition to install 1.5 GW of wind Total capacity New capacity

Market to watch | Columbia

and solar capacity by the end of l  ermitting: Construction

his term in 2022. In order to reach requires sensitive engagement
this goal, it will be crucial to with local communities, of which
establish a comprehensive and some are in former conflict
consistent auction process with a zones unaccustomed to state
reliable timeline. presence. In 2016, the wind farm
in La Guajira temporarily
To build on the promising pipeline suspended operations over a
of bids and planned projects, land rights clash with
energy authorities need to open indigenous groups.
up more renewable energy
participation in both auction l I nfrastructure: Investments in
schemes – this will create the transmission structure will
momentum for the sector to take be vital to connect wind farms in
off at competitive prices and in the north to the National
compliance with the Interconnected System (SIN). A
competitiveness index. A more USD 174 million transmission
coherent national clean energy line in La Guajira has been
policy and procurement scheme contracted and is scheduled for
will allow Colombia to capitalise completion in 2022.
on the interest from the private
sector, and enable its energy l Policy: Colombia lacks a ratified
system to become more resilient. and unified framework of
renewable targets, leaving
Current challenges: foreign investors uncertain of
l Investment: PPAs are in long-term planning.
Colombian pesos, requiring
understanding of volatility risks.

Tipping point
Results from the Reliability Charge auction were announced in March
2019, allocating 1,398 MW of capacity to wind and solar energy
projects via auction for the first time. The first large-scale renewable
energy auction scheme, excluding hydropower, will run in Q2 2019,
possibly June 2019.

Market to watch | Peru

Peru onshore market

Current and future role generation, and place Peru’s 32.2
on onshore wind in the million residents at risk of flooding Total and new installations
energy system and droughts. MW onshore
Peru has a substantial endowment
of wind, particularly along its This hastens the need for a 375
northern coastline in Piura, Ancash diversified energy matrix.
and Cajamarca, around the MINEM’s National Energy Plan
Andean Mountains, as well as in (2014-2025) targets 60 per cent of
Ica, south of the capital Lima. Yet power generation to be sourced
with a technically feasible capacity from renewable energy by 2025;
of 20.5 GW, according to the however, only five per cent is 243 243

Ministry of Energy and Mines allocated for non-hydro resources.

(MINEM), less than two per cent of The 5-per cent benchmark
the country’s wind resources has reiterates a previous target set in
been exploited to date. 2008, and is regrettably low 132
considering Peru’s vast,
undeployed wind energy potential. 95

Less than two per cent By mid-2018, wind and solar

projects generated four per cent of
of the country’s wind the country’s electricity, of which
0 0
resources has been three per cent came from wind.
2015 2016 2017 2018
exploited to date. Renewable Energy Resource-
specific auctions (RERs refer to Total capacity New capacity
wind, solar, biomass, geothermal,
Electricity demand on Peru’s grid, tidal and small <20 MW hydro)
Sources: Expert interviews, press releases, WorldBank
the National Electric have been the primary vehicle for
Interconnected System (SEIN), is project concessions. The scheme
projected to rise at an average rate was introduced in 2008 by a law Tipping point
of 6.4% each year from 2019 to mandating that auctions for As wind power is defined as having zero firm capacity in Peru’s grid, PPAs cannot
2024. Meanwhile, the adverse 20-year PPAs to supply on-grid be signed directly with grid-connected power consumers. A revision which
warming effects of El Niño threaten renewable energy be held every recognises wind as having firm capacity has not been approved by MINEM yet,
the reliability of hydropower, which two years, resulting in the country’s but could open up utility-scale wind projects to corporate PPAs.
accounts for more than half of first renewable auction in 2009.

Market to watch | Peru

Following three more RER auctions gas, subsidised by the renewable energy with long-
in 2011, 2013 and 2016, the government, retains the lowest term, mandated targets. As a
government commissioned a total tariffs), it is expected to play a result, the auction scheme has
of 71 clean energy projects and larger role in diversifying the been run according to a flexible
1.34 GW of total renewable energy mix. timeline and shorter-term
capacity. forecasts; officials cite the
Off-grid generation is on the country’s oversupply of
Contracts picked up in the last horizon, due to the demands for generation as the reason for the
auction in 2016 saw a dramatic cheap power from Peru’s mining postponement of the fifth RER
pricing adjustment for wind and industrial operations. Officials auction. Graft in the public sector
projects down to USD 38/MWh, are also aiming to boost wind is also an issue, with corruption
among the lowest subsidy-free scandals tainting a number of
tariffs on the continent at the time. former heads of state and senior
GWEC officials.
Unlocking potential in expects further
the wind market l Infrastructure: Transmission
That most RER investment has procurement rounds. capacity needs to be built in
gone into onshore wind and small order to deploy wind and
hydro projects is a promising sign renewable energy in certain
of foreign investors’ readiness to deployment in the south, where areas, such as in the Andes
back wind energy in Peru. A many mining companies are regions.
planned fifth auction for 2017 was concentrated, in support of the
postponed to the end of 2018, but rural electrification programme.
never materialised, with MINEM But meaningful plans need to be
officials citing the slow realisation laid now to capture this potential,
of auctioned projects. Oversupply and build the capacity needed to
of generation and reserve margins meet Peru’s future energy
that exceed the country’s present demands.
energy needs have also prevented
projects from moving ahead. Current challenges:
l Investment: PPAs are in USD, but
Going forward, GWEC expects the 20-year lifetime of the
further procurement rounds. But agreements makes foreign
Peru’s oversupply is due to taper exchange risk a factor.
off by 2021 – and as wind
becomes increasingly cost- l Policy: Peru has not published a
competitive for consumers (natural national framework or plan for

2019 TO 2023

Market Outlook 2019 to 2023

Global wind energy market New installations outlook

GW onshore

to grow on average by 2.7 CAGR


per cent each year 65.4

61.4 58.7
The market outlook for the global opportunities rather than 4.9
wind industry is positive. Over the government support. However, 9.9
next five years, GWEC Market several markets like USA, Mexico, 51.3 8.3
Intelligence expects that over 300 Brazil and others already get 4.5
GW of new capacity will be added. considerable volumes through
That is more than 55 GW of new these drivers.
installations each year until 2023.
The investment climate for wind
energy and renewable energy has
Supportive policies are stayed positive during 2018, and
despite, certain outlooks on the
key to enabling faster global economy, the activity level in
the wind market will remain high.
market growth.
Many markets are reassessing 46.8 57.6 60.6 49.2 52.3 47.2
their energy demand and their
Near-term, governmental support market design. Wind energy as a 2018 2019e 2020e 2021e 2022e 2023e
(auction/ tender programmes and flexible and easily-scalable
Offshore Onshore
renewable targets) are still a main capacity will be part of the
driver for installations. The solutions for the reassessment.
opportunities for wind energy to The pressure decreasing prices GWEC’s Market Outlook represents the industry perspective for the expected
operate on a commercial basis are pushed the wind energy industry installations of new capacity for the next five years. The outlook is based on input
increasing though as wind is proving over the past years to accelerate from regional wind associations, governmental targets, available project
its cost-competitiveness and bilateral technical developments and information and input from industry experts and GWEC members.
agreements (e.g., in the form of efficiency improvements. For the
corporate PPAs) will grow. near-term, the price pressure will
not be as severe, but will continue An update will be released during Q3 2019.
It is difficult to predict the to exist as a key element to mature Detailed data sheet available in GWEC’s member only area
installations driven by commercial the wind industry.

Market Outlook 2019 to 2023

Developing markets and offshore to take larger share in global market

Offshore wind Pacific Installations as of 2021/22 will be
The offshore market will become a Australia and New Zealand linked to the newly introduced
truly global market over the next challenge wind energy to drive auctions. Currently, it is expected that
five years. Capacity will grow, down cost and, at the same time, to the market will remain at the level of
especially in Asia. The first large- provide opportunities for new and 20 GW new installations per year.
scale offshore installations advanced business models like
installations are expected in North hybrid and co-located models. New installations outlook by region
America towards 2022 or 2023. MW and per cent, onshore and offshore
Currently, eight per cent of the new Europe
installations are offshore, by 2023, As a mature market, the European 51,316 65,400 66,792 61,390 65,126 58,737
this share is expected to increase onshore market is expected to
to 22 per cent by 2023. remain stable as governments 7%
execute their auctions and tenders.
9% 2% 10% 1% 3% 14% 15%
7% 5% 17%
Africa/ Middle East For 2019, installations increase as 6% 3% 2%
Steady volume is expected from auctioned volume in Spain will be 6% 3% 5% 2%
1% 10% 10%
Africa/Middle East based on the installed and a large project pipeline 2% 2% 14% 6%
expectation that African in Sweden will be executed. 16% 16%
19% 2% 2% 8% 2%
governments stay true to their
ambitions for wind and renewable Americas 22% 11% 10% 11%
energy – and project execution In Latin America, governments’ 18%
progresses. For South Africa, the commitment to large-scale auction 20%
23% 19% 18%
largest market in Africa so far, the is driving the volume. Maintaining 19%
next auction/ procurement round the commitment is crucial for
is expected in H1 2019 and will positive development in Latin
re-install confidence in the market. America. For the next two years,
the PTC will drive the US market,
Asia excl. China good economics and state-level 41% 31% 30% 34% 32% 36%
India will drive the volume of new RPS will ensure future market
installations with the execution of activity.
the scheduled auctions. In South- 2018 2019e 2020e 2021e 2022e 2023e
East Asia, unless governments stop China
prioritizing coal, wind energy will Installations for the next two years are Offshore Pacific Latin America Europe
remain at a moderate level – linked to the already existing pipeline Africa/ ME North America Asia ex China China
despite better economics. of approved projects by the NEA. Detailed data sheet available in GWEC’s member only area

Market Outlook 2019 to 2023

Regional onshore wind and offshore wind outlook

New installations


15.8 4.0
14.8 2.0 1.9
11.9 12.7
10.2 12.5 12.5
9.6 9.0 10.5 1.4
3.8 8.3 1.3 1.0
1.8 3.1 3.7 1.0 1.4
12.5 0.7 1.0
8.2 0.8
6.5 6.5 6.5 1.0
0.7 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.4

2018 2019e 2020e 2021e 2022e 2023e 2018 2019e 2020e 2021e 2022e 2023e 2018 2019e 2020e 2021e 2022e 2023e
LatAm N America Europe Other Africa, MENA S Africa

28.3 30.4 3.0 Offshore 10.1
27.5 2.9 26.7
24.9 2.5 3.1 GW 8.3 9.9
1.5 8.2 3.2
2.2 5.1 5.2 6.5 2.5
6.6 4.8
5.3 4.3
4.5 4.9
21.2 20.0 20.0 21.0 21.0 21.0 2.3
1.8 3.1
4.3 5.6 4.5
3.3 1.8 3.0

2018 2019e 2020e 2021e 2022e 2023e 2018 2019e 2020e 2021e 2022e 2023e
Other Asia-Pacific India China Asia offshore N. American offshore European offshore

Detailed data sheet available in GWEC’s member only area



Global Wind Report - Methodology and Terminology

Data definitions and Sources Definition of regions Terminology Acronyms
adjustments GWEC collects installation GWEC has adjusted their GWEC uses terminology to CAGR Compound Annual
GWEC reports installed and data from regional or country definition of regions for the the best knowledge. With the Growth Rate
fully commissioned capacity wind associations, 2018 Global Wind Report, wind industry transitioning FIT Feed-in-Tariff
additions and total alternatively from industry specifically Latin America and certain terminology is not yet FY Financial Year
installations. experts. Europe. fixed or can have several GC Green Certificate
connotations. GWEC is GW Giga Watt
New installations are gross Historic installation data has l  atin America: South,
L continuously adapting and LCOE Levelized Cost
figures not deducting been adjusted based on the Central America and adjusting to these of Electricity
decommissioned capacity. input GWEC received. The Mexico developments. MW Mega Watt
2018 Global Wind Report OEM Original Equipment
Total installations are net shows the accurate current l  urope: Geographic Europe
E Manufacturer
figures, adjusted for and historic data. including Norway, Russia, PPA Power Purchase
decommissioned capacity. Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine Agreement
PTC Production Tax Credit
RPS Renewable Portfolio

Image usage
Cover Vestas Wind Systems A/S 22 Noupoort Wind Farm 48 Parque eólico Bons Ventos
3 West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency 30 Arkins 50 Enel SpA
3 Enercon GmbH 34 Wonderful Engineering 52 Engie Group
3 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 38 West Bengal Renewable Energy Development Agency 53 Global Wind Day Photo Competition
8 Jose Vega Lozano 42 Global Wind Day Photo Competition 58 Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy S.A
10 Enercon GmbH 44 Vestas Wind Systems A/S
13 Vestas Wind Systems A/S 46 Global Wind Day Photo Competition


About GWEC GWEC Market Intelligence Areas

Market Intelligence
GWEC Market provides a series of
insights and data-based analysis on the Market Insights
Policy and Regulations Asset Owners
development of the wind industry. This Market statistics,
Country profiles, policy Database of asset owners
includes a market outlook, country profiles market outlook,
updates, offshore updates in key markets
and policy updates, deep-dives on the auction/tender updates
offshore market among other insights.

GWEC Market Intelligence derives it

insights from its own comprehensive
databases, local knowledge and leading
industry experts. Technology/ Supply Chain Energy Transition O&M
Wind turbine data, technology Shift to value-focused, new ISP - OEM - Self Perform
The intelligence team in GWEC consists of trends, component assessment wind-based solutions database for key markets
three strong experts with long-standing
industry experience.

GWEC Market Intelligence collaborates

with its regional and country member
wind association as well as with its
corporate members.

Karin Ohlenforst –
GWEC Market Intelligence created
Director of Market Intelligence
a Member only area to provide more
Joyce Lee – Policy and Operations Director
in-depth market intelligence to
Feng Zhao – Director of Strategy
GWEC’s members and their
How to access GWEC
Market Intelligence Click here to get your login
l Corporate GWEC-Members

l Wind energy associations

l Non-GWEC Members

Contact Feng Zhao


Reports Frequency
Wind Energy Stats/ Market Data
Wind stats 2018 (and historic) Annual
Global Wind Report Annual
Wind Energy Statistics (Jobs, wind energy generated, number of turbines) Annual

Country Profiles/Policy Updates

Country profiles onshore, Country profiles offshore Quarterly / Ad-hoc
Ad-hoc policy updates Ad-hoc

Market Outlook
GWEC Market Outlook for the next five years Semi-Annual

Supply Side Data

Supply data by OEMs, by market , by technology, by turbine size Annual

Auction / Tenders
Auction trends and learnings Annual/Quarterly
Auction results database Annual/Quarterly
TF - Offshore Wind Market
Global offshore report Annual /Quarterly
Market Entry Opportunity Annual /Quarterly
Global offshore project pipeline Annual /Quarterly
Components Assessment
Gearbox (2019), followed by other components in 2020 Special report
Wind Asset Owners/ Operators
Ranking of wind asset owners and operators globvally, in key markets Annual
ISP - OEM - Self-Perform database Annual

Energy transition, Digitialzation, Hybrids

Position Papers/studies - Value shift, Corporate PPAs, Special report
Government support to wind and other (“true cost of coal”) Special report
New Solutions, GWEC policy recommendations Special report


Gender diversity drives innovation, society and promote best practices and the promotion of sustainable
opens new pathways for within the wind industry, the Global development. We affirm that our
technology deployment, brings Wind Energy Council (GWEC) is efforts are in alignment with UN
valuable perspectives to social and teaming up with the Global Sustainable Development Goal 5
economic development and Women’s Network for the Energy (achieve gender equality and
provides a richer pool of talent for Transition (GWNET) to launch the empower all women and girls) and
key and emerging industries. In Women in Wind Global Leadership Goal 7 (ensure access to
the landscape of global issues Program. The programme, running affordable, reliable, sustainable
requiring strong stewardship and a from May 2019 to January 2020, is and modern energy for all).
skilled workforce, few areas are as designed to accelerate the careers
critical as the transition to a of women in the wind industry, Follow our journey and
sustainable energy system. support their pathway to apply for participation at
leadership positions and foster a
Yet, the renewable energy sector global network of mentorship,
continues to be dominated by knowledge-sharing and
men: Women make up less than empowerment.
GLOBAL of the renewables
workforce, and 75 per cent of them GLOBAL
In launching this programme,
Jointly organised by: perceive
COUNCIL gender-related barriers ENERGY
GWEC and GWNET call on other To become a Leading or
in the sector. COUNCIL
stakeholders in the renewables Supporting Partner, please
industry to recognise the contact Deny Tenenblat at
In order
WIND to advance the role of GLOBAL
importance of equal participation
COUNCILas agents of change in WIND
in the fight against climate change
Wind Wind

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T. +32 2T.213
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