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Need Of Absorption of Trace Mineral
Trace Minerals trace minerals Sourcing
in the intestine
Micronutrients as trace minerals The requirements for trace
play a vital role in various Trace Minerals are absorbed in minerals are often fulfilled by
metabolic, enzymatic and the intestine in ionic forms. They concentrations present in
biochemical reactions ultimately are usually supplemented in conventional feed ingredients.
leading to better growth rate, egg inorganic salts, which get Soils vary, however, in their
production and feed efficiency. dissociated after entering the content of trace minerals, and
Trace minerals have a very system. The free metal ion first plants vary in their uptake
important role to play in the gets attached to an organic of minerals. Consequently,
mechanism of nutrient circulation molecule or “escort”. Due to feedstuffs grown in certain
in the animal organism. multiple antagonistic reactions of geographic areas may be
Deficiency or imbalance of any of ingredients in the animal marginal or deficient in specific
these vital micronutrients results
digestive system and limited elements. Thus, poultry diets may
in deficiency disease, metabolic
ligand /escort availability require supplementation to
disorders, poor growth rate, low
whatever minerals are able to ensure adequate intake of trace
egg production, low hatchability
find an escort are absorbed and minerals.
and low feed efficiency.
balance is excreted. Minerals come from rocks and
The absorption process of often are thought of as inert,
Role Of mineral is well expressed in inorganic substances. Naturally
Trace Minerals the fig.1 occurring minerals are usually

Trace elements function as part

Fig 1 : Trace Mineral absorption in the gut
of larger organic molecules. Iron
is a part of hemoglobin and
cytochrome, and iodine is a part
of thyroxin. Copper,
manganese, selenium, and zinc
function as essential accessory
factors to enzymes. If any of
these minerals is deficient, the
functional activity of the organic
moiety requiring the presence of
the mineral will be decreased.
The physiological activity and its
deficiency symptoms are
tabulated in Table 1.
Table 1 : Role of Trace Minerals
Trace Minerals Role Of Trace Mineral Deficiency Symptoms

Zinc l Essential component of 200 Enzyme l Result in poor semen quality.

systems. l Retardation in growth, leg
l Major role in Immune system and abnormality with long bones
certain reproductive hormones. becoming shorter, thickened
l Essential for proper sexual maturity and crooked.
and reproductive capacity. l Hatched chicks are weak with
skeletal deformities.
l Delayed feathering.
Manganese l Activator of enzyme system in the l Retarded growth
metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, l Characteristic crippling leg deformity
proteins and nucleic acid. called perosis.
l Plays role in collagen formation, bone l Reduction in eggshell strength.
growth, urea formation, eggshell l Reduction in hatchability.
formation and the function of the
immune system.
l Involved in enzymes related with
oxidative phosphorylation in

Cobalt l Required for Vitamin B12 Synthesis. l Loss of appetite

l Activation of enzymes l High embryo mortality
l Erythropoiesis. l Low hatchability
l Synthesis of pyrimidine.

Copper l It is a necessary component of number l Anaemia, Enlarged heart and fragile

of enzymes which function in increased bones, leg weakness.
structural strength, elasticity of
connective tissues and blood vessels.
l Helps in the maturation of erythrocytes.

Iron l Constituent of haemoglobin and l Depigmentation of feathers

myoglobin for oxygen transport and l Stunted growth
cellular use. l Hypochromic microcytic anaemia
l Component of many enzymes l Heart hypertrophy
containing protein such as cytochrome C,
peroxidase, catalase etc.

Magnesium l Essential constituent of bones l Rapid decrease in egg production,

l Activator of various enzyme systems reduced mobilization of magnesium
those concerned with the transfer of from skeletal systems.
phosphate from ATP to ADP and
metal –enzyme complexes.
Selenium l Functions as Antioxidant. l Stunted growth, poor feather
l Protection of unsaturated tissue lipids development and degeneration of
against peroxidation. pancreas
l Exudative diathesis.

Iodine l It is required for synthesis of thyroid l Increase in the size of thyroid gland
hormone, thyroxin, which regulates the called goitre.
rate of metabolism. l Retention of yolk in the hatched chicks.
l Regulates rate of cellular oxidation. l Lower hatchability
l Regulates neuromuscular functions.

Molybdenum l Constituent of enzyme Xanthine oxidase l Retarded growth.

involved in the metabolism of purines. l Copper Poisoning.
l Synthesis of haemoglobin.
mined in their most stable states. Table 3 : Trace Minerals interactions
Compounds such as Zinc oxide
Trace Mineral Minerals interfering with absorption
and cupric- cuprous oxide, require
more extensive process to remove Zinc Copper, cadmium, calcium and Iron
unwanted compounds or to Manganese Calcium, potassium, Iron, magnesium, phosphorus
concentrate the major elements. and cobalt.
Manganese dioxide (MnO2) to Cobalt Manganese, Zinc, Iron and Iodine
Manganese Oxide (MnO) Copper Zinc, Iron, Molybdenum and sulfur.
implying conversion to different Iron Cadmium, cobalt, manganese, phosphorus and Zinc.
valence state, which allows for Iodine High dietary nitrites,
improved bioavailability, is Selenium Cadmium, Copper, Mercury, lead, Zinc and sulfur
achieved by firing in a furnace
under a reducing atmosphere.
availability. A combination of Trace Mineral
these 2 factors can mean a Interactions during
Trace minerals are available in substantially lower potency of absorption
a variety of forms and periodically trace minerals sources relative to
problems arise due to lack of chemical standard values.
Numerous interactions occur
knowledge of the composition Purity of trace minerals is a between various minerals
and/or stability of salts. Example critical criterion whilst selecting
such as copper and
“state of hydration of a mineral” the salt for a trace mineral.
molybdenum, selenium and
i.e. mineral forms contain Eventually by-products of the
m e r c u r y, c a l c i u m a n d z i n c ,
“bound” water that effectively Chemical Industry, trace mineral
dilutes mineral concentration, like calcium and manganese;
salts do not undergo rigorous
hydrated cupric Sulphate (white excessive concentrations of one
quality testing for purity. The main
crystal) contains about 40% element may result in a
threat to these salts is
copper and common deficiency in the amount available
contamination with heavy metals.
pentahydrate (blue) contains 26% These heavy metals and other to the bird of some other element
copper. Various processing impurities, which may be toxic, (see table 3). Formulators of
conditions used in manufacturing pose a threat to efficient poultry diets should be aware of
will likely reduce the biological production/performances. these possible mineral
interactions and of the potential
effects that the chemical form
Table 2 : Different salts available for minerals
(cation-anion combination) of
Mineral Salt Mineral Salt
mineral sources may have on
Iron Ferrous chloride 4H2O Manganese Manganese carbonate
their utilization by poultry .The
Ferrous Sulphate7 H2O Manganese chloride 2 H2O balance between dietary minerals
Ferric citrate Manganous oxide is referred to bioavailable
Iron carbonate Manganese sulphate 4 H2O concentrations relative to animal
Iron sulphate Iodine Calcium Iodate requirements is an important
Copper Copperous chloride Potassium Iodate factor effecting mineral utilization
Copper oxide Potassium Iodide and thus animal requirements.
Copper sulphate Sodium Iodide
Supplementation of minerals to
Copper sulpahte5 H2O Cobalt Cobalt carbonate
animals above the requirements/
Zinc Zinc carbonate Cobalt chloride 6 H2O
needs is also a common practice
Zinc chloride Cobalt sulphate 7 H2O
as a safety margin to prevent any
Zinc oxide Cobalt oxide
likelihood of deficiencies.
Zinc sulpahte 1 H2O Selenium Sodium selenite
Providing a certain level of safety
Zinc sulphate 7 H2O Selenium phosphate
is a sound practice. What
represents safety? If one mineral weight rapidly whereas Layers manufacturers formulate trace
is supplemented or present in are expected to remain lean to minerals in general and do not
feed ingredients at levels higher produce eggs. consider the different
than the need of animal it may There is no definite ratio requirements of broilers and
negatively affect the availability between different trace mineral layers. Moreover in a study
of other minerals. requirements for these two conducted by Prasad et al

categories. If we assume the observed that certain mineral

supplements available in the
Different class of example of Iron and Copper, it is
Indian market do not conform to
poultry require found that requirement of iron in
quality standards. Many
different levels of layers is high than that of broilers,
manufacturers, in an attempt to
Trace Minerals whereas requirement of copper is
bring the cost lower, use cheaper
just opposite, i.e requirement of
and locally available ingredients;
copper is low in layers as
Broilers and Layers are the two hence the supplies show enough
compared to broilers.
distinct categories in poultry. The of compositional variability. Lall
requirement of micronutrients The above considerations are of
and Prasad analyzed samples of
differs according to their activities. significance whilst formulating
mineral mixtures marketed by 10
Broilers are expected to grow fast Trace Mineral formulations. In the
different firms and found that
in a very short duration, whereas Indian scenario it is observed that,
none of them matched the BIS
layers are slow growing birds with the trace minerals do not get due specifications. All the samples
a productive lifespan of 72 weeks. respect whilst formulating the were either deficient or in excess
Broilers are expected to put on feed. Many of the trace mineral for one or more essential trace
Table 4 : Requirements of
Trace Minerals for Broilers The Need for
Minerals NRC 1994 Leeson Std. Techna France Organic Trace
All values are in mg/Kg of feed Minerals
Iron (mg) 80.0 80.0 28.8
Modern high producing poultry
Iodine (mg) 0.35 0.4 2.7
has evolved a lot. Modern poultry
Copper (mg) 8.0 10.0 22.5
is akin to a sophisticated
Manganese (mg) 60.0 70.0 81.0
machine, capable of high
Zinc (mg) 40.0 80.0 81.0
performance. These extremely
Selenium (mg) 0.15 0.3 0.4
efficient performances require a

Table 5:Recommended Trace Mineral

requirements by different Breeders for broilers
Avian Cobb 100 Ross Hybro Hubbard Average
All values are in mg/Kg of feed
Iron (mg) 30.0 80.0 80.0 60.0 50 60.0
Iodine (mg) 0.75 2.0 - 1.2 1.0 1.24
Copper (mg) 3.0 15.0 8.0 14.0 10.0 10.0
Manganese (mg) 100.0 100.0 100.0 120.0 60.0 96.0
Zinc (mg) 80.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 70.0 78.0
Selenium (mg) 0.3 0.225 0.15 0.25 0.2 0.225
Table 6 : Requirements of close examination of the
Trace Minerals for Layers nutritional profile of diets. Of
particular interest is the enhanced
Minerals NRC 1994 Leeson Std. Techna France need of minerals in high
All values are in mg/Kg of feed producing animals.
Iron (mg) 60.0 80.0 48.3
Inorganic sources of trace
Iodine (mg) 0.35 0.4 0.8
minerals are efficiently absorbed
Copper (mg) 4.0 8.0 5.0 and utilized up to a point. Beyond
Manganese (mg) 30.0 70.0 65.0 a certain level inorganic
Zinc (mg) 35.0 60.0 55.0 supplementation of trace minerals
Selenium (mg) 0.10 0.3 0.25 does not evoke a positive
response and may infact hamper
Table 7: Recommended Trace Mineral performance. Hence beyond a
requirements by different Breeders for Layers certain level of supplementation,
organic forms of the essential
Minerals Babcock Bovans Hyline Average trace minerals should be
incorporated in a ration in order
All values are in mg/Kg of feed
to maximize animal performance.
Iron (mg) 20.0 35.0 50.0 35.0
Iodine (mg) 0.3 1.0 0.5 0.60 A study in India conducted by
Copper (mg) 5.0 10.0 8.0 7.66 Ganpule and Koshy, 2002
Manganese (mg) 35.0 70.0 65.0 56.66 illustrates the beneficial effect of

Zinc (mg) 35.0 70.0 65.0 56.66 Organic Trace minerals and the
inability of inorganic extra
Selenium (mg) 0.3 0.25 0.15 0.23
supplementation to achieve the
same results.(Table 8)
Table 8: Effect of Independent Providing supplemental trace
supplementation of Micro Nutrients mineral sources that are readily
on Broiler breeder Performance bioavailable to the animal will,
(47-67 Weeks of age) further, allow for a lower inclusion
Parameters Control with Control + Control + 20% rate in the diet and thus minimize
inorganic Organic extra mineral losses in animal excreta.
Trace Trace inorganic Use of organic trace minerals has
minerals minerals* Trace Minerals
been limited because of their high
Depletion % 6.66 c
2.22 a
4.44 b
cost relative to inorganic sources.
Hen Housed Total Eggs 78.07 81.3 77.3 However in the future, if
Hen Housed H.E 76.61 79.63 75.86 regulations are placed on the
H.E. A grade % 73.53 74.42 72.33 amount of certain trace minerals
H.E. B grade % 18.34 a
17.32 a
19.67 b that can appear in animal excreta,
H.E C grade % 6.26 6.21 6.12 organic trace minerals may
Broken Eggs % 1.63 1.91 1.74 become more widely used.

Hen Day Prod% 57.82bc 58.86ab 56.71bc There are many chemical and
% Hatch Salable chicks 81.69 82.27 81.41 structural differences between
Fertility % 88.59 89 88.49 various types of organic trace
% Embryonic Mortality 4.95 4.99 5.12 minerals used in livestock diets.
% Cull Chicks 1.63 1.62 1.72 Bioavailability differences also
exist between trace mineral
Chicks per Breeder 62.58 65.51 61.75
sources. Complexed trace
* Availa Z/M - Zinpro,USA.
minerals have increased It is important to note that the soluble metal salt with a
bioavailability when compared to metal is still complexed to polysaccharide solution. The
inorganic trace minerals. individual amino acids, but that polysaccharide matrix envelops
Complexed trace minerals have the amino acids are not specified. the trace mineral and may provide
been shown to exhibit superior Individual amino acids will have some physical protection from gut
metabolic activity and to enhance the ability to donate electrons degradation.
animal performance. from both the nitrogen and Metal organic acid salts are
Presently there are five oxygen atoms. By utilizing only highly soluble forms of organic
categories of organic trace individual amino acids, the total acids. They dissolve and rapidly
minerals as defined by the molecular weight of the complex dissociate in the digestive tract of
Association of American Feed is kept low. the animal and offer no
Control Officials. By definition, metal chelates improvement over inorganic
1. Metal (Specific Amino Acid) are the same as proteinates sources.
Complex except that there is a maximum
2. Metal Amino Acid Complex. molecular weight that is given to
3. Metal Amino Acid Chelate chelates. The maximum
4. Metal Proteinate molecular weight of a chelate is
800 daltons. By definition, the Trace minerals play a vital role
5. Metal Polysaccharide
metal to amino acid ration is 1: 1 in poultry nutrition. The
6. Metal Organic Acid (Proposed)
up to 1: 3 thus accounting for the requirements of different classes
The most noted and researched
increased molecular weight of of poultry, selection of the salt, and
category of these is the metal
chelates compared to complexes. the quality of the trace mineral
(specific amino acid) complexes.
Increasing ligand size decreases used are areas that warrant
This is a very consistent and
bond strength and may reduce attention. Further, the bio-
defined molecule with a specific
absorption. availability of inorganic minerals
chemical structure. Examples of
to the bird is limited due to
this type of organic trace mineral Metal proteinates are less
natural factors; hence the role of
would be zinc methionine, consistent by definition and vary
organic trace minerals to improve
manganese methionine, copper in production and research
mineral availability in high
lysine and iron methionine. These results. The first step in the
producing poultry may be
products are very well defined, manufacturing process is an
specific in nature and consistent incomplete digestion of a protein
in production, batch after batch. source. This incomplete digestion
Metal amino acid complexes process yields varying lengths of
are very similar to the metal peptide chains that are then References:

(specific amino acid) complexes. exposed to either a single metal 1. Ganpule S.P. and K.C. Koshy(2002),Trial
Research paper, Godrej Agrovet Ltd, Bangalore
The only difference between these or several metal atoms at once. 2. Lall and Prasad; (Under Publication)
3. Prasad T, A. Chhabra and S. Parnerkar ; Satish
two categories is that the amino Metal polysaccharides are the Chander Memorial Lecture, Mineral
Supplements in India: certain constraints and
acid is not specified in this group. products resulting from mixing a recent findings,PP191-195

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