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Grade: 5 Class/Subject: PE Unit: Basketball Lesson Duration: 35 Minutes

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Lesson Title: Ball Handling

Grade: 5
Class/Subject: PE
Unit: Basketball
Lesson Duration: 35 minutes

OUTCOMES FROM 2013 MINISTERIAL ORDER: Cross-curricular Competencies

Outcomes (a to j from M.O.):
(a) know how to learn: to gain knowledge, understanding or skills through experience, study,
and interaction with others
(f) create opportunities through play, imagination, reflection, negotiation, and competition, with
an entrepreneurial spirit


General Learning Outcomes: Activity
Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement
activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an
alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits

Specific Learning Outcomes: Basic Skills – Manipulative

A5-5 select, perform and refine more challenging ways to receive, retain and send an object
with control
A5-6 consistently and confidently perform manipulative skills by using elements of body and
space awareness, effort and relationship

OUTCOMES stated in learner friendly language

Students will:
● perform and refine skills to retain an object with control
● perform manipulative skills through the use of body awareness and effort

Pre-assessment (prior Formative: observation, Summative (if applicable):
knowledge) (if applicable): demonstration, Q&A
How many students have
played organized
basketball or gone to
basketball camps?


Resource #1: Landy, J., Landy, M. J., & Parker Publishing Company. (1993). Ready-to-Use
P.E. Activities for Grades 5-6. West Nyack, N.Y: Parker Pub.


● Basketballs (one per student)


Student Differentiation:
For students looking to
challenge themselves,
advise them to keep their
heads up while performing
the activities.

Introduction (5 min.)

Hook/Attention Grabber: Today we are going to do some ball handling to become more
familiar with the basketball in our hands and to develop better ball control

Transitioning from Hook to Body: Today’s activities require that each student have a
basketball. On my go, please grab a basketball and find an open spot to stand while holding
the basketball.

Body (25 min.)

Learning Activity #1: Ball Slaps

Hold the ball in front of your chest with your elbows slightly bent. Pass the ball back and forth
from hand to hand using a slapping motion.

Learning Activity #2: Fingertip Touches

Hold the ball overhead using only your fingertips. Pass the ball from the fingertips of one hand
to those of the other hand. Slowly move the ball from overhead, to below knees, and back to

Learning Activity #3: Around the World

Pass the ball from hand to hand, circling the ball around your waist.
GAME: Form teams of four or five students, get one ball per team, and get into file formation
along the baseline. Circle the ball around your waist while running the length of the court and
back to give the ball to the next player. Continue until each player has run twice.

Learning Activity #4: Butterflies

Stand with feet wide apart; hold the ball between your legs with one hand in front of your body
and the other behind. Quickly change hands and grasp the ball again before it drops to the
floor. Repeat as many times as you can.

Learning Activity #5: Figure 8’s

Stand with your feet wide apart and crouch slightly as you lean forward. Pass the ball under
and around one leg and then under and around the other leg in a figure-8. Try not to move
your feet as you pass the ball.
GAME: Form teams of four or five students, get one ball per team, and get into file formation
along the sideline. Each student passes the ball between each leg in the figure-8 pattern while
fast walking the width of the court and back. Continue until each player has run twice.

Closure (5 min.)

Feedback From Students on Learning: Q&A – What was the purpose of doing these
activities? What sort of skills did you develop through doing these activities?

Transition To Next Lesson(s): Today we focused on becoming comfortable and familiar with
a basketball in our hands. Next class, we will focus more on dribbling.

Reflections on lesson:
What went well: I clearly explained instructions and expectations beforehand, which most of
the class listened to and followed. I clearly explained each activity/drill and provided a
demonstration, so students knew what was expected of them. I had a couple of relay races
involving the skills we learned to get the students moving and reinforce the skills we worked

What can be improved upon: I need to make sure I am properly scaffolding the lesson;
building small and working up to big. A couple of the drills/activities should have been flipped
to achieve this, and I need to come up with easier motions for the students to start with before
letting them move forward to the next level. I should not be moving onto the next drill until
students are comfortable and ready to do so.

Describe how the students met the lesson objectives: Students performed a number of
activities that forced them to retain control of the basketball. They also completed a number of
activities that addressed manipulative skills, through body awareness and effort, to control the

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