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American Jurisprudence Proof of Facts 3d Database - Lyme Disease

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The key takeaways are that this article discusses the elements of proving medical malpractice for negligent diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. It includes discussion of discovery, damages, expert testimony and model testimony for a plaintiff and medical expert.

This article discusses medical malpractice for the negligent diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. It provides details on the elements that must be proven, illustrative discovery, damages checklists and examples of expert medical witness testimony.

The elements that must be proven in a medical malpractice case for negligent diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease include proof of having Lyme disease, the standard of care, negligence of the defendant and causation according to the expert testimony.

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108 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 1 (Originally published in 2009)

American Jurisprudence Proof of Facts 3d

Database updated April 2014

Categorical List of Articles

Proof of Negligence in Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease
Monique C.M. Leahy, J.D.[*]
Article Outline
Research References
I Introduction
§ 1 Introduction to Lyme disease; overview of article
§ 2 Lyme disease
§ 3 Prevention
§ 4 Diagnosis and resulting physical manifestations
§ 5 Treatment of Lyme disease; chronic cases
§ 6 Lyme disease and ERISA, Social Security, and insurance benefits
§ 7 Americans with Disabilities Act
§ 8 Insurance contract actions
§ 9 Employer liability: workers' compensation, FELA, other actions
§ 10 Medical glossary
II Negligent Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease
§ 11 Liability, generally
§ 12 Lyme disease liability
III Elements of Proof
§ 13 Proof of Lyme disease; checklist
IV Discovery
§ 14 Discovery, generally
§ 15 Depositions
§ 16 Injunction
V Damages
§ 17 Damages, generally
§ 18 Damages; checklist
VI Expert Medical Proof of Lyme Disease
§ 19 Expert medical witness testimony
§ 20 Illustrative expert medical witness testimony
VII Proof of Negligence in Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease
A Illustrative Facts

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§ 21 Model trial factual situation

B Plaintiff's Testimony [Direct Examination]
§ 22 Initial symptoms of illness
§ 23 Diagnosis of illness and initial treatment
§ 24 Later stage symptoms
§ 25 Treatment of Lyme disease
§ 26 Resulting physical harm
§ 27 Impact on work and life activities
C Testimony of Expert Medical Witness [Direct Examination]
§ 28 Qualification of witness as medical expert
§ 29 Explanation of Lyme disease and its diagnosis and treatment
§ 30 Plaintiff's Lyme disease
§ 31 Standard of care
§ 32 Causation
§ 33 Negligence of defendant
Research References
Topic of Article:
This article presents discussion of medical malpractice for the negligent diagnosis and
treatment of Lyme disease. Also included is discussion of other actions involving Lyme dis-
ease such as ERISA and Social Security benefits actions, actions under the Americans with
Disabilities Act, employer liability for workers' compensation, and other employer actions. A
glossary of medical terms is included. Detailed discussion of medical malpractice for the neg-
ligent diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease including illustrative discovery, a damages
checklist, and expert medical witness testimony is also included. Presented in the Proof sec-
tions are illustrative direct testimony of the plaintiff and a medical expert.
Americans with Disabilities Act, actions under, § 7
Antibiotics, treatment of Lyme disease, § 5
Anticipated future expenses, damages for, § 18
Arising out of and in the course of employment, workers' compensation, § 9
Babesiosis, defined or construed, § 10
Bell's palsy, defined or construed, § 10
Blood-brain barrier, defined or construed, § 10
Borrelia burgdorferi, generally, § 2
Care, expert medical witness testimony regarding standard of, § 31
Causation, expert medical witness testimony, § 32
Cerebrospinal fluid, defined or construed, § 10
Characteristic skin rash, erythema migrans (EM), § 2
Checklists damages, § 18
elements of proof, § 13
Chronic cases, generally introduction, § 5

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Compensatory damages, § 17
Costs and expenses laboratory fees, damages, § 18
litigation fees, damages, § 17
Damages generally, §§17,18
anticipated future expenses, § 18
checklist, § 18
compensatory damages, § 17
costs and expenses, supra
enjoyment of life, past and future impairment of ability of, § 18
exemplary damages, § 17
future earnings, loss of, § 18
general damages, § 17
harm from prolonged inactivity, § 18
hospital expenses, § 18
laboratory fees, § 18
liquidated damages, § 17
litigation fees, § 17
loss of past and future earnings, § 18
malicious conduct or misconduct, §§17,18
medical expenses, § 18
medicines, § 18
mental anguish, § 18
mitigation of damages, § 17
nominal damages, § 17
nursing expenses, § 18
pain and suffering, § 18
past earnings, loss of, § 18
prejudgment interest, §§17,18
prospective damages, § 17
prosthetic devices, § 18
punitive damages, § 17
reckless conduct or misconduct, §§17,18
sexual dysfunction, § 18
sleep loss, § 18
special damages, § 17
Depositions generally, § 15
treating physicians, § 14
Diagnosis and treatment, generally, § 5
Direct examination expert medical witnesses, infra
plaintiff's testimony, infra
Discovery generally, §§14to16
depositions, supra

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injunctions, § 16
Disseminated, defined or construed, § 10
Elements of proof, checklist, § 13
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), benefits under, § 6
Employer liability, § 9
Enjoyment of life, damages for past and future impairment of ability of, § 18
ERISA, benefits under, § 6
Erythema migrans (EM) characteristic skin rash, § 2
defined or construed, § 10
Examination of witnesses. Direct examination, supra
Exemplary damages, § 17
Expenses. Costs and expenses, supra
Expert medical proof of Lyme disease generally, §§19,20
illustrative expert medical witness testimony, § 20
witness testimony, §§19,20
Expert medical witnesses generally, §§19,20
care, standard of, § 31
causation, § 32
direct examination, generally, §§28to33
explanation of Lyme disease and its diagnosis and treatment, § 29
negligence of defendant, generally, § 33
qualification of witness as medical expert, § 28
standard of care, § 31
Experts medical proof. Expert medical proof of Lyme disease, supra
testimony. Expert medical witnesses, supra
Explanation of Lyme disease and its diagnosis and treatment, expert medical witnesses, § 29
Federal Employers Liability Act claims, § 9
Fees or expenses. Costs and expenses, supra
FELA claims, § 9
Future earnings, damages for loss of, § 18
Gall bladder removal, Lyme disease resulting in, § 12
General damages, § 17
Harm from prolonged inactivity, damages for, § 18
Hospital expenses, damages for, § 18
Illustrations expert medical witness testimony, proof of Lyme disease, § 20
negligence in diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, model trial factual situation, § 21
Impact on work and life activities, plaintiff's testimony, § 27
Initial matters diagnosis of illness and initial treatment, plaintiff's testimony, § 23
symptoms of illness, plaintiff's testimony, § 22
Injunctions, § 16

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Insect repellent, prevention of contraction of Lyme disease, § 3

Insurance benefits, § 6
contract actions, § 8
Integrated pest management, prevention of contraction of Lyme disease, § 3
Introduction generally, §§1to10
Americans with Disabilities Act, § 7
chronic cases, § 5
diagnosis and resulting physical manifestations, § 4
employer liability, § 9
ERISA, Lyme disease and, § 6
FELA, § 9
insurance, supra
Lyme disease, generally, § 2
medical glossary, § 10
overview of article, § 1
prevention, § 3
Social Security, Lyme disease and, § 6
treatment of Lyme disease, § 5
workers' compensation, § 9
Introduction, diagnosis and resulting physical manifestations, § 4
Laboratory fees, damages for, § 18
Landscaping, prevention of contraction of Lyme disease, § 3
Later stage symptoms, plaintiff's testimony, § 24
Liability, generally, § 11
Life activities, plaintiff's testimony regarding impact on, § 27
Liquidated damages, § 17
Litigation fees, damages for, § 17
Loss of past and future earnings, damages for, § 18
Lyme borreliosis, defined or construed, § 10
Lyme disease, generally, § 2
Malicious conduct or misconduct, damages for, §§17,18
Medical expenses, damages for, § 18
Medical experts discovery, § 14
testimony. Expert medical witnesses, supra
Medical glossary, § 10
Medical proof. Expert medical proof of Lyme disease, supra
Medical records, discovery, § 14
Medicines, damages for, § 18
Mental anguish, damages for, § 18
Mitigation of damages, § 17
Model trial factual situation, negligence in diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, § 21
Negligence in diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, generally, §§11,12,21to33
Nominal damages, § 17

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Non-physician staff, discovery, § 14

Nurses or nursing damages for nursing expenses, § 18
discovery, nurses, § 14
Oral depositions, generally, § 15
Overview of article, § 1
Pain and suffering, damages for, § 18
Past earnings, damages for loss of, § 18
Pest management, prevention of contraction of Lyme disease through integrated pest manage-
ment, § 3
Physical harm, plaintiff's testimony as to resulting, § 26
Plaintiff's testimony generally, §§22to27
diagnosis of illness and initial treatment, § 23
direct examination, generally, §§22to27
impact on work and life activities, § 27
initial matters, supra
later stage symptoms, § 24
life activities, impact on, § 27
negligence in diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, generally, §§22to27
physical harm, resulting, § 26
resulting physical harm, § 26
treatment of Lyme disease, generally, § 25
work, impact on, § 27
Prejudgment interest, damages for, §§17,18
Preliminary injunctions, § 16
Prevention, § 3
Prospective damages, § 17
Prosthetic devices, damages for, § 18
Punitive damages, § 17
Qualification of witness as medical expert, § 28
Reckless conduct or misconduct, damages for, §§17,18
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, injunctions, § 16
Removal of ticks promptly, prevention of contraction of Lyme disease, § 3
Resulting physical harm, plaintiff's testimony as to, § 26
Sexual dysfunction, damages for, § 18
Skin rash, diagnosis of Lyme disease, § 4
Sleep loss, damages for, § 18
Social Security, benefits under, § 6
Special damages, § 17
Spirochete, defined or construed, § 10
Standard of care, expert medical witnesses, § 31
Symptoms of illness, plaintiff's testimony, § 22
Temporary restraining order, § 16
Testimony. Witnesses, infra

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Treatment and diagnosis, generally, § 5

Vector, defined or construed, § 10
Witnesses direct examination, supra
expert medical witnesses, supra
initial matters, supra
plaintiff's testimony, supra
Workers' compensation, § 9
Work, impact on, § 27
Zoonosis or zoonoses, defined or construed, § 10
I. Introduction
§ 1. Introduction to Lyme disease; overview of article
Lyme disease is said to be the most common tickborne infection in both North America
and Europe. In the United States, Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, which is
transmitted by the bite of the tick species Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus. About
20,000 Americans contract Lyme disease every year.[1]
“Connecticut has long been a battlefield in the debate over the treatment of Lyme disease.
It was in the Connecticut town of Old Lyme that the infection was discovered in 1975. [In
2007], Connecticut led the nation in the rate of Lyme infections: 51 cases per 100,000 people;
other northeastern states also report relatively high rates. In 2006, President Bush was treated
for a rash that may have been caused by Lyme disease.”[2]
Controversy clouds the true incidence of Lyme disease because no test is definitively dia-
gnostic for the disease, and many of its symptoms mimic those of many other diseases includ-
ing chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), multiple sclerosis (MS), and arthritis.[3]
“ Lyme disease is an infection caused by bacteria (germs). The bacteria that cause Lyme
disease are carried by deer ticks and western blacklegged ticks. The disease can be passed to
animals and people through tick bites. These ticks are about the size of a sesame seed …
People who work outside or in wooded areas, such as park rangers and construction workers,
are at most risk of getting Lyme disease. It is most common in rural and suburban areas in the
northeastern and midwestern United States.”[4]
Lyme disease is endemic in several regions of the United States, particularly areas of the
Northeast, upper Midwest, and northern California. It is the most frequently reported vector-
borne disease in the United States. The Ixodes tick vectors have a three-stage life cycle: larva,
nymph, and adult. The risk of human illness is highest during the time of year when the
nymphal stage is seeking a blood meal. The most common clinical manifestation of Lyme dis-
ease is a skin lesion called erythema migrans that results from cutaneous infection with B.
burgdorferi. Adults and children of both sexes may be affected. Patients with Lyme disease
are evaluated and treated by general practitioners, pediatricians, and internists, as well as by
infectious diseases specialists, dermatologists, rheumatologists, neurologists, cardiologists, or-
thopedists, gynecologists and obstetricians, otolaryngologists, and ophthalmologists.[5]

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“[A]nxiety about Lyme disease may be the most potent factor that drives decision making
about [treatment]. There has been considerable publicity about Lyme disease in the lay press
and on the Internet, at times accompanied by near-hysteria about its risks and complications.
This publicity, combined with a high frequency of misdiagnosis of Lyme disease in persons
with chronic symptoms from other causes, has resulted in anxiety about Lyme disease that is
out of proportion to the morbidity associated with it. There is substantial evidence that in the
vast majority of patients with Lyme disease conventional treatment with antimicrobials is very
effective and the long-term outcomes are excellent. Educating patients with tick bites about
the excellent prognosis even if Lyme disease develops may be a better tonic for anxiety than
Some states have enacted legislation concerning Lyme disease. The Lyme Disease Associ-
ation, Inc. lists this legislation.[7]
The focus of this article is proof of medical malpractice in the diagnosis and treatment of
Lyme disease, as proving an improper diagnosis and ineffective treatment by the treating
physician can be difficult during litigation.[8] The article discusses what Lyme disease is, its
diagnosis and resulting manifestations,[9] and treatment, including the controversy regarding
chronic Lyme therapy.[10] Discussion of other actions involving Lyme disease is included.[11
Liability for the negligent diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease is covered,[12] and a
checklist of the elements of proof is provided.[13]
Discovery considerations for litigation involving Lyme disease are discussed and model
discovery is provided.[14]
Damages[15] and expert medical witness testimony[16] are discussed.
Illustrative proof of negligence in the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease is presen-
§ 2. Lyme disease
The Centers for Disease Control states Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia
burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans by the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. Typical
symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema mi-
grans. If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system.[1]
About 15% of those who have a skin lesion develop neurological abnormalities several
months later. These include meningitis, cranial or peripheral neuritis, and migratory musculo-
skeletal pain. A smaller percentage develops myocardial abnormalities. The final phase occurs
months to years after infection, when 50% of patients who displayed the lesion develop inter-
mittent chronic arthritis involving many joints.[2]
B. burgdorferi has been shown to survive for as long as 45 days in stored blood and fresh
frozen plasma and for six days in packed red blood cells. Therefore, the disease may be ac-

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quired through blood transfusion.[3]

Other tick-borne infections associated with Lyme disease are human granulocytic anaplas-
mosis (HGA) and babesiosis. HGA is an acute illness caused by a bacterium called Ana-
plasma phagocytophilum, and the most common symptoms are headache, fever, chills, and
muscle pain. Babesiosis is a parasitic infection that affects the red blood cells and also can
cause viral-like symptoms. Babesiosis usually does not cause significant symptoms in healthy
people. Severe babesiosis may occur in people who are elderly or have compromised immune
symptoms. Treatment for HGA or babesiosis typically includes a short course of antibiotic
§ 3. Prevention
Prevention of the contraction of Lyme disease includes using insect repellent, removing
ticks promptly, landscaping, and integrated pest management. The ticks that transmit Lyme
disease can occasionally transmit other tick-borne diseases as well.[1]
The best currently available method for preventing infection with B. burgdorferi and other
Ixodes species-transmitted pathogens is to avoid exposure to vector ticks. If exposure to I.
scapularis or I. pacificus ticks is unavoidable, measures recommended to reduce the risk of in-
fection include the use of both protective clothing and tick repellents, checking the entire body
for ticks daily, and prompt removal of attached ticks before transmission of these microorgan-
isms can occur.[2]
Some cities and towns have enacted ordinances in an effort to prevent the spread of Lyme
disease. For example, in Singer v. Township of Princeton, 373 N.J. Super. 10, 860 A.2d 475
(App. Div. 2004), township residents brought action challenging constitutionality of township
ordinance prohibiting the purposeful or knowing feeding of wild deer on public and private
lands throughout the township. The appeals court held that the township ordinance prohibiting
the purposeful or knowing feeding of wild deer on public and private lands did not violate
substantive due process, and the ordinance was not overbroad. The ordinance was enacted in
recognition that deer overpopulation was not only threatening the viability of the deer herds
but was also causing ecological and environmental degradation, landscape damage, the spread
of Lyme disease, and an increase in vehicular accidents.
§ 4. Diagnosis and resulting physical manifestations
Lyme disease is diagnosed based on symptoms, physical findings (e.g., rash), and the pos-
sibility of exposure to infected ticks; laboratory testing is helpful in the later stages of the dis-
ease.[1] When the characteristic skin rash is present, Lyme disease is diagnosed clinically
based on visual inspection of the patient by the doctor. For all other manifestations, Lyme dis-
ease is diagnosed based on the patient's history and the doctor's examination of the patient in
conjunction with a positive laboratory test result. The most commonly used laboratory test is a
blood test which determines whether the patient has developed antibodies to the Borrelia bur-
gdorferi bacteria.[2] Lyme disease is diagnosed by the presence of an IgG antibody several
weeks after infection. One diagnostic difficulty is the great variation in clinical expres-
sion—90% of patients who are infected have no symptoms and may have positive Lyme titers

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that are not diagnostic of the disease.[3]

Clinical manifestations most often involve the skin, joints, nervous system, and heart. Ex-
tracutaneous manifestations are less commonly seen than in earlier years. Early cutaneous in-
fection with B. burgdorferi is called erythema migrans, which is the most common clinical
manifestation of Lyme disease. The great majority of people who are infected with Lyme dis-
ease develop a large (three inches or more) circular, red rash surrounding the site where a tick
attached. They may also develop nonspecific symptoms such as muscle and joint aches. Infec-
tion occurs from three to 30 (average 10) days after a tick bite, but most people do not recall
the bite because the ticks are small and the bite usually is not itchy or painful. Less com-
monly, Lyme disease can cause arthritis, facial paralysis and other neurological problems, or
an abnormally slow heart rate. While patients with Lyme disease may have muscle and joint
aches, these symptoms usually accompany objective signs like the rash or arthritis and virtu-
ally never are the only symptoms in persons with Lyme disease who have longer-term com-
Clinical manifestations of Lyme disease have been categorized into three stages, which do
not necessarily occur in sequence nor appear within a uniform period of time. Stage I is char-
acterized by a rash that develops at the site of an infected tick bite, which may appear with or
without a fever. There may also be no symptoms. The characteristic rash appears in a circle
around the site, with a diameter averaging 15 cm. Usually, the outer border is flat and bright
red, but there are variations on the pattern, from concentric circle to a rash with irregular mar-
gins. The rash resolves within a few weeks, even without treatment. Stage II consists of influ-
enza or meningitis-like symptoms, including headache, fever and chills, arthralgias, stiff neck,
malaise, and fatigue. There may be acute cardiac and neurological abnormalities, as well.
Neurological manifestations include difficulty concentrating, earache, bilateral facial palsy,
dizziness, and photophobia, with the headache and stiff neck. Usually, symptoms cluster,
which is a strong indication of Lyme disease. Cardiac involvement is commonly indicated by
lightheadedness, palpitations, chest discomfort, and dyspnea, and appears as a fluctuating atri-
oventricular (AV) block from first to third degree. Stage III, or the late persistent infection
stage, may occur weeks, months, or years after the initial infection, and is manifested by one
or more attacks of monoarthritis or oligoarthritis, which last from several days to several
months. Pain, stiffness, and swelling of the affected joint, usually the knee, are the most fre-
quent complaints, with attacks diminishing in frequency and severity over time. Generalized
pain and morning stiffness are not characteristic of this disease. Chronic neurological symp-
toms are experienced by some patients at stage III, with generalized fatigue, sleep disorder,
widespread musculoskeletal pain, and headache.[5]
Lyme disease must be distinguished from arthritis. To distinguish Lyme disease from arth-
ritis, the diagnostician may look to the manifestations of arthritis, as well as extra-articular
manifestations. Arthritis as part of Lyme disease is usually episodic and oligoarticular, as op-
posed to chronic, or progressive. Reiter's syndrome, or reactive arthritis, causes the same type
of arthritis—oligoarthritis—usually affecting the knee joints. However, there are generally ex-
tra-articular manifestations at the same time, such as conjunctivitis, or axial skeletal involve-
ment, which distinguish it from Lyme disease.[6]

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§ 5. Treatment of Lyme disease; chronic cases

Most cases of Lyme disease can be treated successfully with a few weeks of antibiotics.[1]
Treatment usually involves 10 to 28 days of oral antibiotics and is highly effective. When
Lyme disease is diagnosed and treated quickly, 95% of people are cured within a few weeks
of treatment.[2]
A single dose of doxycycline may be offered to adult patients (200 mg dose) and to chil-
dren of less than eight years of age (4 mg/kg up to a maximum dose of 200 mg) when all of
the following circumstances exist: (a) the attached tick can be reliably identified as an adult or
nymphal I. scapularis tick that is estimated to have been attached for less than 36 hours on the
basis of the degree of engorgement of the tick with blood or of certainty about the time of ex-
posure to the tick; (b) prophylaxis can be started within 72 hours of the time that the tick was
removed; (c) ecologic information indicates that the local rate of infection of these ticks with
B. burgdorferi is less than 20%; and (d) doxycycline treatment is not contraindicated. Doxy-
cycline is contraindicated in pregnant women and children of less than eight years old. The
time limit of 72 hours is suggested because of the absence of data on the efficacy of chemop-
rophylaxis for tick bites following tick removal after longer time intervals. Infection of less
than 20% of ticks with B. burgdorferi generally occurs in parts of New England, in parts of
the mid-Atlantic States, and in parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin, but not in most other loca-
tions in the United States. Persons who have removed attached ticks from themselves
(including those who have received antibiotic prophylaxis) should be monitored closely for
signs and symptoms of tick-borne diseases for up to 30 days; in particular, they should be
monitored for the development of an expanding skin lesion at the site of the tick bite (eryth-
ema migrans) that may suggest Lyme disease. Persons who develop a skin lesion or viral in-
fection-like illness within one month after removing an attached tick should promptly seek
medical attention to assess the possibility of having acquired a tick-borne infection.[3]
Doxycycline (100 mg twice per day), amoxicillin (500 mg three times per day), or cefur-
oxime axetil (500 mg twice per day) for 14 days (range, 10 to 21 days for doxycycline and 14
to 21 days for amoxicillin or cefuroxime axetil) is recommended for the treatment of adult pa-
tients with early localized or early disseminated Lyme disease associated with erythema mi-
grans, in the absence of specific neurologic manifestations or advanced atrioventricular heart
block. Macrolide antibiotics are not recommended as first-line therapy for early Lyme disease
because those macrolides that have been compared with other antimicrobials in clinical trials
have been found to be less effective. First-generation cephalosporins, such as cephalexin, are
ineffective for treatment of Lyme disease and should not be used.[4]
The use of ceftriaxone (2 g once per day intravenously for 14 days; range, 10 to 28 days)
in early Lyme disease is recommended for adult patients with acute neurologic disease mani-
fested by meningitis or radiculopathy. For children, ceftriaxone (50 to 75 mg/kg per day) in a
single daily intravenous dose (maximum, 2 g) is recommended.[5]
Adult patients with late neurologic disease affecting the central or peripheral nervous sys-
tem should be treated with intravenous ceftriaxone for two to four weeks. Ceftriaxone is also

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recommended for children with late neurologic Lyme disease.[6]

The remaining 5% of Lyme disease patients, those whose symptoms do not resolve after
an initial course of antibiotics, may experience continuing problems and may go on to develop
a type of arthritis affecting the knee or other large joint, and about 10% to 20% will develop
neurological problems or an abnormally slow heart rate. These patients may require up to 28
days of antibiotic therapy. Long-term therapy for so-called chronic Lyme disease can involve
weeks, months, and even years of intravenous antibiotics although there is little evidence this
antibiotic therapy cures or suppresses the infection and may result in overuse of the antibiot-
ic.[7] In 2006, the Infectious Diseases Society of America published treatment guidelines. Ac-
cording to the Washington Post newspaper,[8] “The guidelines use the term ‘post Lyme syn-
drome’ for cases in which the lingering symptoms are severe. However, the guidelines do not
recognize ‘chronic’ Lyme because there is no evidence the disease's bacteria remain alive in
humans after a standard course of antibiotic therapy and because there is no good evidence
that repeated or prolonged courses of antibiotics help patients. Because insurers often won't
pay for treatment outside the guidelines, activist groups are fighting to have the rules
Antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease may result in other litigation, such as products liab-
ility or breach of warranty. For example, in Rite Aid Corp. v. Levy-Gray, 391 Md. 608, 894
A.2d 563, 59 U.C.C. Rep. Serv. 2d 807 (2006), a customer who took doxycycline to treat
Lyme disease brought an action against a pharmacy to recover for negligence, breach of war-
ranty, and products liability on the theory that the patient package insert (PPI) suggested com-
patibility with food or milk and that her ingestion of milk and other dairy products reduced
absorption, thereby proximately causing post-Lyme syndrome. The court held that the phar-
macy's recommendation to take doxycycline with food or milk if stomach upset occurred
could be treated as an express warranty that the doxycycline was compatible with milk con-
sumption, and this affirmation could become part of the basis of the bargain and, thus, be an
express warranty, even if the affirmation was not a negotiated term of the agreement, and the
consumer was unaware of its existence prior to the consummation of the deal. The learned in-
termediary doctrine did not insulate the pharmacy from liability for breach of express war-
ranty in the patient package insert, and the evidence supported the jury verdict on breach of
warranty.[10] A products liability claim may be asserted concerning a Lyme disease vaccine.
In Vesperman v. Wormser, 283 A.D.2d 637, 725 N.Y.S.2d 361 (2d Dep't 2001), a fact issue as
to the adequacy of the warnings provided by the sponsor of an experimental vaccine for Lyme
disease to a physician, who was in charge of the investigational study of the vaccine, and as to
the sponsor's vicarious liability for acts of the physicians and medical school relating to the
study, precluded summary judgment on the study participant's medical malpractice and strict
products liability claims.
§ 6. Lyme disease and ERISA, Social Security, and insurance benefits
Several cases involving benefits for the contraction of Lyme disease have been litigated.
These involve benefits under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), Social
Security, and other benefits including under insurance policies. The following discusses some
of these cases.

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• ERISA[1]
In Lamanna v. Special Agents Mut. Benefits Ass'n, 546 F. Supp. 2d 261 (W.D. Pa. 2008),
a participant, who had been diagnosed by her treating physicians with fibromyalgia, chron-
ic fatigue syndrome, or both sued the plan administrator under the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act (ERISA), challenging termination of long-term disability benefits.
The participant and administrator moved for summary judgment. According to a report to
one of her physicians, Ms. Lamanna was in good health until July or August 1992 when
she began to experience a flu-like illness with aches, pains, fever, sore throat, headaches,
and profound fatigue. After a week or so, all the symptoms disappeared except for signi-
ficant chronic fatigue, muscle achiness, and weakness. Ms. Lamanna consulted a physician
who diagnosed her with hypothyroidism and began treating her with thyroid replacement
therapy. In October 1993, after she collapsed while jogging, she was admitted to a hospital
in Greenwich, Connecticut, for heart palpitations. Doctors there concluded she had been
misdiagnosed and that treatment with thyroid replacement had actually resulted in hyper-
thyroidism. In addition, they discovered that she had a positive test result for Lyme disease
which Ms. Lamanna could have contracted from possible exposure to ticks during
weapons field training required by the FBI. The court held that the termination of the long-
term disability benefits of the ERISA participant was arbitrary and capricious.[2]
Similarly, in Pikulas v. DaimlerChrysler, 397 F. Supp. 2d 883 (E.D. Mich. 2005), a parti-
cipant, who had been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, and Ep-
stein-Barr virus, sued the administrator to recover long-term disability benefits under
ERISA. The court held that the denial of benefits was arbitrary and capricious.[3] Also, in
Dunn v. Standard Ins. Co., 156 F. Supp. 2d 227, 26 Employee Benefits Cas. (BNA) 2593
(D. Conn. 2001), the ERISA plan administrator's denial of long-term disability benefits for
Lyme disease was not arbitrary or capricious when based on objective medical evidence
including the negative results of three laboratory tests for Lyme disease, a general similar-
ity between the plaintiff's symptoms during and after the disqualifying exclusion period,
and its physician's conclusion that an abnormal MRI and brain SPECT (single proton
emission resonance imagery technology) scan results were “nonspecific” for a diagnosis of
Lyme disease.[4]
Genuine issues of material fact existed as to whether an ERISA plan participant's alleged
medical conditions, including Lyme disease, rendered him disabled within the meaning of
the ERISA plan, precluding summary judgment in this action challenging the termination
of long-term disability benefits.[5]
Tort and contract claims for a denial of experimental Lyme disease treatment were pree-
mpted by ERISA as the insurance policies derived from ERISA plans continued to be gov-
erned by ERISA even after conversion upon termination of the employment. However,
ERISA does not preempt an insured's claims against a health insurer arising after termina-
tion of the insured's employment, absent a showing that the insured's individual policy was
converted from a group policy governed by ERISA.[6]
• Social Security
In Foley v. Barnhart, 432 F. Supp. 2d 465 (M.D. Pa. 2005), the claimant appealed a de-
cision of the Commissioner of Social Security Administration (SSA) denying disability
benefits for fibromyalgia and Lyme disease. Remand was appropriate following the dis-
trict court's determination that the administrative law judge (ALJ) did not properly evalu-

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ate the treating physician's opinion in determining that the Social Security disability
claimant was not disabled, inasmuch as the court could not say there was no question as to
whether a different result would have been reached had the ALJ properly analyzed the
Substantial evidence supported an ALJ's determination that the claimant was able to per-
form her job as a cashier as of the date that her insured status expired, and thus was not en-
titled to Social Security Disability Insurance benefits, despite her vestibular disturbance,
dystonia, and Lyme's disease.[8]
• Insurance benefits
Even if a claimant suffered from Lyme disease, the claimant, seeking long-term disability
benefits, failed to establish that she was totally disabled under her disability insurance
policy, which required a showing that the claimant's condition prevented her from per-
forming the material duties of any occupation for which she was qualified, given the
claimant's acknowledgement, on an activities-level questionnaire, that she could perform
household activities consistent with work, including laundry, meal preparation, housekeep-
ing, grocery shopping, driving, and yard care, and could use a computer, and given the
claimant's refusal to undergo a vocational assessment that would have determined the type
of job duties she could or could not perform. The claimant's receipt of disability benefits
from the Social Security Administration (SSA) was not necessarily reliable evidence that
the claimant was “totally disabled” under the terms of her disability insurance policy, par-
ticularly given that the policy and SSA operated under different standards. A reasonable
inference from the Chapter 7 debtor's conduct in indicating, on the disability benefits
claim form, that her symptoms from her purported Lyme disease first appeared on a spe-
cified date and in not revealing that she had been tested for Lyme disease in the previous
year and had first been diagnosed with the disease approximately eight years earlier was
that the debtor believed her symptoms, at the time she completed the form, resulted from a
new infection, rather than a preexisting condition, and therefore the debt to the insurers for
overpayment of disability benefits did not fall within the discharge exception for actual
Under New York law, compliance with the notice of claim provision in an insurance
policy is a condition precedent to an insurer's liability under the policy. An insured's affidavit
on summary judgment stating that she did not timely file a disability claim based on a visual
impairment because her physician initially and mistakenly diagnosed her with Lyme disease
instead of multiple sclerosis did not prove “excusable delay” as the physician told the insured
that the visual impairment rendered her disabled from her job as a radiologist, and an affidavit
contradicted other reasons the insured gave for the delay in her deposition.[10]
§ 7. Americans with Disabilities Act
Lyme disease may result in disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). In
Levine v. Smithtown Cent. School Dist., 565 F. Supp. 2d 407, 236 Ed. Law Rep. 366 (E.D.
N.Y. 2008), to the extent that a probationary school psychologist claimed that her bipolar dis-
order and Lyme disease limited her life activity of working, her inability to work for four, or
even six, months was not substantially limiting, as would support a psychologist's argument
that she was disabled within the meaning of the ADA. The probationary school psychologist's

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impairments, namely bipolar disorder and Lyme disease, did not limit her major life activity
of caring for herself, or any other major life activity, as would support the psychologist's
claim that she was disabled within the meaning of the ADA, and stating that she was “unable
to drive for a time,” without specifying that that period was during the time span when she
was hired and fired by the school district, or what period was meant, was insufficient to sup-
port the probationary school psychologist's claim that her impairments, namely, bipolar dis-
order and Lyme disease, substantially limited her major life activities, as would render her
disabled within the meaning of the ADA. Stating that at some point she had to move in with
her mother so that her mother could care for her, without specifying when and for how long,
was insufficient to support the probationary school psychologist's claim that her impairments
substantially limited her major life activities, as would render her disabled within the meaning
of the ADA.[1]
§ 8. Insurance contract actions
A health insurer did not owe the insureds a duty to perform its contractual obligations with
reasonable care, so as to give rise to an independent tort actionable by the insureds when the
insurer denied coverage for intravenous antibiotic treatment of Lyme disease. The injury to
the insureds because of the alleged improper denial of claims was solely financial, and the in-
sureds essentially sought the benefit of the bargain by compelling the insurer to pay for al-
legedly medically necessary services. The health insurer did not engage in conduct outside the
contract intended to defeat the contract, so as to give rise to tort liability, when it periodically
amended and revised its policy with respect to the treatment of Lyme disease in response to
published, peer-reviewed studies. While the insurer's conduct may have resulted in stricter
standards that made it more difficult for policyholders to establish that intravenous antibiotic
therapy was medically necessary to treat Lyme disease, it was not intended to defeat the con-
§ 9. Employer liability: workers' compensation, FELA, other actions
[Cumulative Supplement]
An employer may be liable for workers' compensation benefits, Federal Employers Liabil-
ity Act claims, and other actions for employees who contract Lyme disease.
Lyme disease may be compensable under state workers' compensation laws when the dis-
ease is contracted “arising out of” and “in the course of” the employment. The “arising out of”
requirement refers to the origin or cause of the disease, and the “in the course of” requirement
refers to the time, place, and circumstances of the casual event, here a tick bite.[1]
In Grano v. Long Island R. Co., 818 F. Supp. 613 (S.D. N.Y. 1993), employees of a rail-
road who contracted Lyme disease while working on signal equipment brought Federal Em-
ployers' Liability Act (FELA) claims. The district court held that the railroad breached its duty
to provide a safe workplace as FELA requires an employer to provide its employees with a
reasonably safe place to work and this includes the duty to maintain and inspect work areas. In
this case, the railroad breached its duty under FELA to provide a safe workplace for its em-
ployees who contracted Lyme disease while working on signal equipment in areas of high

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grass and weeds, as the railroad knew or should have known of a tick infestation in the signal
equipment areas and of the risk of transmission of Lyme disease by deer ticks.[2]
However, a female United States Postal Service employee's alleged harassment by a male
coworker, including an incident in which the coworker “grabbed his crotch” in front of her,
was not so difficult or unpleasant that a reasonable person in her shoes would have felt com-
pelled to resign, as required for her constructive discharge claim, and even if the employee's
working conditions were “extremely embarrassing,” it was the employee's Lyme disease that
caused her to resign.[3]
A genuine issue of material fact existed as to the foreseeability of the employee's alleged
contraction of Lyme disease and as to whether the employer knew, or should have known, that
Lyme disease was a potential hazard which could be contracted by its employees while walk-
ing along railroad tracks, yet failed to exercise reasonable care to inform and protect its em-
ployees, precluding summary judgment on the employee's claim against the employer under
Substantial evidence supported determination of Workers' Compensation Board, that
claimant's motor neuron disease was consequential to his established claim for Lyme disease,
and award of further workers' compensation benefits; although carrier presented opinions of
several neurologists who could not state with certainty that claimant's Lyme disease was cause
of motor neuron disease, claimant presented testimony of his treating physician who stated
that claimant suffered from significant muscle atrophy that rendered him totally disabled,
which he attributed to claimant's Lyme disease, testimony of board-certified neurologist who
opined that claimant's progressive muscle weakness and consequent total disability was caus-
ally related to Lyme disease, and testimony of his treating psychiatrist who indicated that
claimant suffered from Lyme disease, which had prompted autoimmune reaction that pro-
duced symptoms in claimant that resembled amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Bailey v. Ben Cic-
cone, Inc., 104 A.D.3d 1017, 960 N.Y.S.2d 736 (3d Dep't 2013).
[Top of Section]
§ 10. Medical glossary
The following medical terms are commonly used when discussing Lyme disease:[1]
• Babesiosis—A disease caused by protozoa of the genus Babesia characterized by a mal-
aria-like fever, anemia, vomiting, muscle pain, and enlargement of the spleen. Babesiosis,
like Lyme disease, is carried by a tick.
• Bell's palsy—Facial paralysis or weakness with a sudden onset, caused by swelling or in-
flammation of the seventh cranial nerve, which controls the facial muscles. Disseminated
Lyme disease sometimes causes Bell's palsy.[2]

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• Blood-brain barrier—A blockade of cells separating the circulating blood from elements
of the central nervous system (CNS); it acts as a filter, preventing many substances from
entering the central nervous system.
• Cerebrospinal fluid—Clear fluid found around the brain and spinal cord and in the vent-
ricles of the brain.
• Disseminated—Scattered or distributed throughout the body. Lyme disease that has pro-
gressed beyond the stage of localized EM is said to be disseminated.
• Erythema migrans (EM)—A red skin rash that is one of the first signs of Lyme disease in
about 75% of patients.
• Lyme borreliosis—Another name for Lyme disease.
• Spirochete—A spiral-shaped bacterium. The bacteria that cause Lyme disease and syph-
ilis, for example, are spirochetes.
• Vector—An animal carrier that transfers an infectious organism from one host to anoth-
er. The vector that transmits Lyme disease from wildlife to humans is the deer tick or
blacklegged tick.
• Zoonosis (plural, zoonoses)—Any disease of animals that can be transmitted to humans
under natural conditions. Lyme disease and babesiosis are examples of zoonoses.
II. Negligent Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease
§ 11. Liability, generally
Traditional theories of tort negligence law in general[1] and medical malpractice in partic-
ular,[2] may be available for a cause of action for the negligent diagnosis and treatment of
Lyme disease.
The distinction between ordinary negligence and malpractice has been said to turn on
whether the acts or omissions complained of involve a matter of medical science or art requir-
ing special skills not ordinarily possessed by lay persons, or whether the conduct complained
of can instead be assessed on the basis of the common everyday experience of the trier of
facts. When the incompetence alleged is of specialized medical nature, deriving from the
physician-patient relationship, and substantially related to medical diagnosis and treatment,
the action it gives rise to is by definition one for medical malpractice rather than for simple
negligence.[3] In Russo v. Shah, 278 A.D.2d 474, 718 N.Y.S.2d 74 (2d Dep't 2000), the
claims arising from the physician's failure to diagnose Lyme disease sounded in medical mal-
practice, not simple negligence.[4]
All negligence actions require the plaintiff to establish a standard of care, a breach of that
standard, an injury, and a causal relationship between the injury and the breach of that duty.[5
] Also, the burden of proof for a prima facie medical negligence case may be codified by stat-
A prima facie case of medical malpractice generally needs to be proven through expert
medical testimony, as to the applicable standard of care and whether or not the treatment, or
course of treatment, was a deviation from the standard of care, as well as whether or not the
treatment caused plaintiff's injuries.[6]

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§ 12. Lyme disease liability

In Tetreault v. Eslick, 271 Conn. 466, 857 A.2d 888 (2004), a mother brought a medical
malpractice action on behalf of herself and her child against a pediatrician and nurse practi-
tioner, alleging that their failure to diagnose and treat the child's Lyme disease resulted in the
child's subsequent health problems, including the necessity that the child have his gall bladder
removed. The general verdict rule precluded appellate review of the claim of the mother and
child that the trial court improperly allowed the pediatrician to raise the special defense that
another physician's allegedly negligent care and treatment of the child constituted a supersed-
ing cause of any injuries that the child might have suffered as a result of any possible negli-
gence by the pediatrician in failing promptly to diagnose and treat the child's Lyme disease.
The pediatrician's amended answer denied the allegations of the complaint and asserted the
special defense of superseding cause, and, without jury interrogatories, the Connecticut Su-
preme Court was unable to discern whether the mother had failed to prove the allegations in
the complaint, or whether the jury found that the pediatrician had prevailed on her special de-
A child and his parents initiated a medical malpractice action against a pediatric gastroen-
terologist for failure to diagnose the child's medical condition as Lyme's disease. An expert af-
fidavit opining that the pediatric gastroenterologist's failure to include Lyme's disease in the
differential diagnosis, when presented with the child's history and symptoms, was a breach of
the standard of care created a genuine issue of material fact as to whether the gastroenterolo-
gist's failure to diagnose and treat the condition was the proximate cause of the child's injur-
ies, precluding summary judgment for the gastroenterologist. The nonparty doctor's affidavit
failed to carry the burden of proving the nonexistence of a material fact as to the plaintiff's
negligence claim of failure to recognize a skin rash as Lyme disease. Although the nonparty
doctor's affidavit stated that the defendant doctor had no duty to diagnose and treat the skin
rash being treated by other physicians, the plaintiff had alleged in his complaint that when
presented with his history and physical examination, the defendant doctor had a duty to dia-
gnose and treat Lyme disease, of which a skin rash was a mere symptom, and the failure to re-
cognize the symptoms as Lyme disease, not the failure to treat the rash, was the negligence al-
In the unpublished opinion of Ferris v. Riegler, 2007 WL 2482508 (Conn. Super. Ct.
2007), the plaintiff's claims of medical malpractice arose out of an alleged failure to test and
diagnose the plaintiff with Lyme disease during an emergency room visit which resulted in the
plaintiff receiving electroconvulsive therapy treatments (ECT), seizures induced by the ECT,
an alleged delay in receiving proper treatment for Lyme encephalitis, and permanent brain
damage. The court held that having presented no evidence to establish a question of material
fact in regard to both the duty of care and causation the plaintiff's objection to the motions for
summary judgment were overruled and the motions for summary judgment of all of the de-
fendants were granted.[3]
III. Elements of Proof
§ 13. Proof of Lyme disease; checklist

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The following facts and circumstances, among others, provide a checklist as an aid to
counsel to establish a plaintiff's health history, contraction of Lyme disease, and that the
plaintiff suffered injury as a result of the defendant physician's failure to diagnose Lyme dis-
ease, or failure to exercise the standard of care ordinarily practiced by physicians resulting in
the negligent diagnosis and treatment of the plaintiff's Lyme disease.
• Patient's medical history
[] Prior illnesses and injuries
[] Prior hospitalizations
[] Current prescriptions, medications, and other aids
• Patient's Lyme disease
[] Initial symptoms:
[] Red, circular skin rash
[] Influenza or meningitis-like illness
[] Muscle or joint aches and pains
[] Fever and chills
[] Fatigue and malaise
[] Headache
[] Lightheadedness
[] Earache
[] Stiff neck
[] Disturbed sleep
[] Dizziness
[] Later stage symptoms:
[] Neurological symptoms such as difficulty concentrating, facial palsy
[] Heart involvement such as palipitations, chest discomfort
[] Severe and continuing muscle or joint pain

• Doctor's examination and diagnosis

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[] Failure to take or the incomplete taking of the patient's medical history

[] Failure to inquire about symptoms
[] Failure to do visual exam of patient:
[] Failure to view patient's skin for rash or attached tick
[] Failure to examine patient for neurological symptoms including difficulty concen-
trating, earache, bilateral facial palsy, dizziness, stiff neck
[] Failure to examine patient for heart problems including lightheadedness, palpita-
tions, chest discomfort, slow heart rate
[] Failure to examine patient for muscle or joint problems; arthritis-like symptoms,
particularly of knees
[] Failure to inquire about exposure to ticks
[] Failure to order blood or other tests
[] Failure to make differential diagnosis eliminating other causes of the patient's symp-
[] Failure to diagnose Lyme disease based on patient symptoms, examination, and test-
[] Extensive length of time between patient's initial doctor visit and diagnosis of Lyme
[] Unexplained delay in rendering diagnosis

• Treatment
[] Failure to prescribe antibiotic treatment to patient
[] Unexplained delay in providing treatment resulting in increased harm
[] Ineffective or inadequate treatment
[] Failure to change treatment if initial antibiotic ineffective
• Patient's recovery and continuing problems
[] Course and success of recovery or degree of impairment when there is no full recovery
[] Degree of impairment suffered by patient as a result of delay of diagnosis and/or treat-

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[] Degree of impairment suffered by patient as a result of physician's choice of treatment

[] Lost chance for improved recovery or lessened impairment
[] Residual effects such as continuing joint pain, fatigue
[] Prognosis for future health
[] Impact on patient's life including ability to work
• Expert medical opinion
[] Opinion that patient had exhibited symptoms of Lyme disease
[] Opinion as to generally accepted standard of diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease
[] Opinion as to generally accepted treatment of Lyme disease
[] Opinion that defendant failed to adhere to general standards, and, therefore, breached
duty to patient
[] Opinion that defendant's breach caused damages to patient:
[] Increased risk of physical problems and harm to patient
[] Increased severity of side effects of treatment
[] Increased progression of disease as a result of breach
[] Lost chance for improvement of condition, lessening of progression of disease or
improved prognosis as a result of defendant's breach
[] Patient's continuing problems are result of the defendant's negligent diagnosis and

IV. Discovery
§ 14. Discovery, generally
Cases involving medical information require discovery, often detailed and extensive dis-
covery. Specifically, document requests for medical records and other documentary evidence,
depositions of treating physicians, medical experts, and nonphysician staff such as nurses, and
other discovery is needed to prove, or disprove, the claim.
The goal of pretrial discovery in the negligent diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease
cases is to obtain information about the medical condition of the plaintiff before and after the
contraction of the Lyme disease, the physician's diagnosis and treatment, and facts and cir-
cumstances that tend to prove the physician's negligence.[1] Evidence of the impact of the in-
jury on the plaintiff's life activities should also be developed. Discovery will involve inter-

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viewing the client, witnesses, physicians, experts, and others for information about the
plaintiff and the infection injury. It will also involve obtaining documents, photographs, and
other evidence.
There are several discovery methods that should be considered when gathering this in-
formation. Document requests, interrogatories, and depositions will aid counsel when prepar-
ing the case. Counsel should prepare a preliminary list of all documents the opposing party
could have that may contain important information, and send document requests. Counsel
should draft interrogatories and deposition questions to obtain information about the allega-
tions and defenses of the opposing party, particularly any medical expert opinions about the
diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease.[2]
Discovery must be conducted in a timely manner, or further discovery may be denied.
Also, discovery cannot be unduly burdensome.[3] Some discovery is protected as work
Initial discovery and further litigation documents may reveal the need for additional dis-
covery. For example, in an employment action alleging the employer discriminated against the
plaintiff based on her disability resulting from Lyme disease, the plaintiff opposed the defend-
ant's motion for summary judgment and requested a continuance to conduct further discov-
ery.[5] In this motion, the plaintiff argued the evidence established that in October 2002, in
preparation for a prior reduction in force, the defendant ranked plaintiff more favorably than
all but one employee in her group. Just eight months later, in May 2003, after plaintiff's health
severely deteriorated as a result of Lyme disease, the defendant ranked plaintiff fourth out of
six systems engineers in her workgroup. At the same time defendant was conducting this
second forced ranking at the end of May 2003, plaintiff's health had deteriorated to the point
that she was hospitalized on June 1, beginning an extended disability leave. In December
2003, plaintiff returned to work in a wheelchair. According to defendant, while plaintiff was
on disability leave, the company decided to disband the New Business Capture team plaintiff
worked with. As a result, all six systems engineering positions were eliminated. However, de-
fendant transferred all the nondisabled males in plaintiff's group to other positions within the
company, including a nondisabled male that was rated lower in the May forced ranking. All
but one of the men were transferred to positions in the Sprint Group, a customer that plaintiff
had successful prior experience working with while employed at defendant. The only two fe-
males in plaintiff's former NBC Group, plaintiff and Amy Doyle, were terminated. The evid-
ence also established that at the time plaintiff was discharged, defendant had additional open-
ings for systems engineers in the Sprint Group where the nondisabled men from NBC were
transferred. Subsequent to plaintiff's termination, defendant increased headcount in the Sprint
Group by hiring a male systems engineer from outside the company within two weeks of
plaintiff's termination. Therefore, the plaintiff argued, to the extent defendant attempted in its
reply brief to offer some, legitimate nondiscriminatory reason for this blatant disparate treat-
ment, plaintiff's motion for additional discovery under 56(f) must be granted as plaintiff must
be afforded the chance to probe the veracity of defendant's excuse(s) for its failure to transfer
her to the open positions.
§ 15. Depositions

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Oral depositions present a distinct advantage by giving counsel the opportunity to ascer-
tain the nature and extent of the deponent's knowledge and the testimony to be expected at tri-
al. Counsel can then evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the case. In some instances,
counsel may even arrive at additional, alternative, or new theories for developing the allega-
tions or defenses.[1] It has been said by many practitioners that the deposition can make or
break a case.
In cases involving the negligent diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, important in-
formation may be obtained from an oral deposition regarding the physician's standard of care
and breach of the duty to the patient. In Ferris v. Riegler, 2007 WL 2482508 (Conn. Super. Ct.
2007) (not designated for publication), a medical malpractice action in which the plaintiff al-
leged the malpractice arose out of an alleged failure to test and diagnose the plaintiff with
Lyme disease during an emergency room visit, which resulted in the plaintiff receiving elec-
troconvulsive therapy treatments (ECT), seizures induced by the ECT, an alleged delay in re-
ceiving proper treatment for Lyme encephalitis and permanent brain damage, the six defend-
ants moved for summary judgment in this complex action following extensive and problemat-
ic discovery. Summary judgment was granted for the defendants based on, in part, the depos-
ition of the plaintiff's expert. Regarding defendant Nitai Riegler, this defendant moved for
summary judgment on the first count regarding causation claiming because (1) the plaintiff
has no expert testimony on causation his claim must fail and (2) tests for Lyme disease admin-
istered both preceding and subsequent to the emergency room visit produced negative results
and the plaintiff has not proven that he has Lyme disease. Additionally, defendant asserts that
the plaintiff cannot produce expert testimony regarding the standard of care because the
plaintiff's disclosed experts have either been precluded or the expert is not a “similar health
care provider.” The plaintiff countered that there are genuine issues of material fact relating to
the standard of care that must be decided. To support his position, he cited the deposition
testimony of his remaining expert on standard of care, Dr. Mustalish. The court noted that
plaintiff's expert disclosure of Mustalish states “Dr. Mustalish will testify concerning causa-
tion and damages and offer his opinion that the forgoing departures from the standard of care
were the proximate cause of and substantial factors in causing the plaintiff's injuries.”
However, when questioned on causation at his deposition, Mustalish could not say whether
the actions of Riegler and/or Bodden were the cause of the plaintiff's injuries:
“[Y]ou cannot tell us whether if Dr. Riegler had asked for consult or ordered an ad-
ditional test on October 25th, whether that would have made any difference whatso-
ever in the outcome: correct?”
“The standard of practice in my opinion would be to do that. Whether or not it
would make any difference in the outcome depends on the findings of the ID or the
neurology specialist. I would defer to their opinion whether or not it could have made
any difference in this particular case.”
“You cannot provide us based on what you know in your background in public
health and in the clinic or helping to start a clinic on Lyme disease, you cannot tell us
whether if Dr. Riegler or Dr. Bodden had ordered a Lyme titer or ordered a CAT scan

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or ordered a lumbar puncture on October 25 whether that would have made any differ-
ence in the outcome of this case, correct?
“I don't have an opinion on that.”
“Am I correct in my last statement.”
April 19, 2005, deposition of Anthony Mustalish, M.D., pg. 120, lines 3–24.
The court concluded that there is no genuine issue of material fact as to whether Riegler or
Bodden caused the plaintiff's injury because without an expert to testify as to causation, and
absent any evidence that the plaintiff had Lyme disease before, at the time of or around the
time of the emergency room visit, there is no question of fact regarding the failure to test and
diagnose the plaintiff with Lyme disease on his October 25, 1999, visit to the emergency room
at Milford Hospital. Regarding the standard of care, the court noted that plaintiff disclosed
Mustalish as an expert to testify as to standard of care regarding the defendant. However,
plaintiff's expert disclosure of Mustalish states that he is board certified in emergency medi-
cine whereas the defendant is board certified in internal medicine. The plaintiff has provided
no foundation nor has he presented any evidence that would allow Mustalish to testify as an
expert against the defendant on the standard of care for internists, and the plaintiff failed to
provide affidavit deposition testimony or an affidavit by Mustalish of his knowledge of intern-
al medicine. This case highlights the importance of deposition testimony, particularly of ex-
In Zielinski v. Kotsoris, 279 Conn. 312, 901 A.2d 1207 (2006), a patient brought a medic-
al malpractice action against an internist/neurologist, radiologist, radiology professional cor-
poration, and hospital, alleging negligent misdiagnosis of her brain tumor as Lyme disease.
The Connecticut Supreme Court held that assuming the radiology professional corporation
and hospital for which the corporation functionally served as the hospital's radiology depart-
ment could be held vicariously liable for the alleged negligence of a radiologist employed by
the corporation despite medical malpractice claims against the radiologist for misdiagnosis be-
ing time-barred, neither the continuous treatment doctrine nor the continuing course of con-
duct doctrine tolled the statute of limitations for the medical malpractice claims against the
corporation and hospital until another radiologist employed by the corporation diagnosed the
patient's brain tumor. Dr. Kotsoris and Dr. Zimmerman, a radiologist who is a partner in Asso-
ciates, which functionally is the hospital's radiology department, reviewed that MRI. Both
physicians failed to detect the presence of an early brain tumor on that MRI, and Dr. Kotsoris
continued to treat the plaintiff for Lyme disease, notwithstanding the fact that testing for that
illness was negative or inconclusive. The deposition of one of the defendant's experts, Dr.
William D. Harley,[3] reviewed the MRI study and CT and brain scans of the plaintiff. The
following are partial excerpts of that deposition:
Doctor, I'm going to show you what's been marked as Plaintiff's Exhibit 2 for iden-
tification. I'll represent to you that this is a set of MRI films that we just received from

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Stamford Hospital on September 30th. Can you tell us what that is?
I haven't looked at the films, but the cover is a green MRI, dated 12/10/99.
And is that the label that is typically affixed to MRI studies that are taken at Stam-
ford Hospital?
Yes, it is.
Doctor, I'm now going to show you an exhibit that was marked as Harley No. 1 at
your last deposition. Will you take a look at that for a moment, please.
(Witness peruses document)
Is that a report that you generated after reviewing the material identified in
Plaintiff's Exhibit 2 today?
Yes, it is.
And would you read us the results of your review?
“Impression: 2.2-centimeter mass, expanding the fourth ventricle, consistent with
an ependymoma. There is minimal dilatation of the lateral and third ventricles. No
demyelinating plaques are demonstrated.”
And that is your report?
That is the impression from my report.

Doctor, I'm going to turn your attention now to what has been marked as Plaintiff's
Exhibit 1A for identification. That is the report that bears DR. Zimmermann's name,
based on the Brandon Smith Reporting April 1996 study.
Reading that record, can you tell us which doctor referred the patient for this
Dr. Harriet Kotsoris, and attending Dr. Lo. Ordering, Dr. Kotsoris; attending, Dr.

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Would the attending doctor be someone affiliated with the hospital?

In the radiology department?
The Dr. Lo that I know of is an oncologist, but this is—this is not him. I don't know
who this person is.
Is there a referring diagnosis?
Lyme disease.
And Doctor, how would one identify Lyme disease in an MRI of the brain?
I object to the form of the question.
Withdraw that.
Doctor, how would a radiologist identify Lyme disease using an MRI of the brain?
We don't make a diagnosis of Lyme disease. We can see findings occasionally
which are compatible with Lyme disease, but it's not a very specific diagnosis that we
can make, radiographically.
What findings would be made that might correlate with Lyme disease?
What we call small vessel changes in the brain.
Vessel changes in the brain.
And what part of the brain would they appear in?
They are usually in the supratentorial region.
And forgive me, I'm a dumb lawyer, can you use your hand and point to me what
part of the brain that would be in?
It's more towards the top of the head, compared with the posterior fossa. The higher
images on each series. And they are normal.
So you are telling me now that the kind of finding that might suggest Lyme disease
does not appear in this studies of April '96?

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That's correct. Brandon Smith Reporting.
I object to the form.
And you described those as small vessel infarcts?
He said changes.
Changes, yes.
Would that also be described as diffuse white matter, or is that something else?
Do you have a distinction between small vessel changes and diffuse white matter in
your mind?
They are both the same.
They can describe the same thing?
They can.
What else can they describe?
They are very nonspecific, that is why we're not good at making a diagnosis of
Lyme disease by MRI.
The object that you identified for us a little while ago in the fourth ventricle, is that
consistent with the diagnosis of Lyme disease?
If it's a real finding, it is not a finding that I'm aware of in Lyme disease. Brandon
Smith Reporting.
You said “if it's a real finding.” Is there some doubt in your mind that it may be a
real finding or not a real finding?
I object to the form. You can answer.
MRIs suggest there is an object in the fourth ventricle that I would—if I was seeing
this study in retrospect I would recommend a contrast study to confirm if it's real or
not, and to characterize it.

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I can add that if you gave me some time here, you can get what we call flow arti-
facts from the cerebral fluid flow in the fourth ventricle that sometimes can be mis-
In any event, you did see an abnormality in the fourth ventricle in the April 1996
And had you performed the study, you would have sought another study with con-
I didn't say that. I don't know what I would have—I'm looking at this with respect-
ive glasses. I know what I saw in '99. Unfortunately, I cannot look at this with fresh
eyes so I don't know what I would have thought at that time.
Well, then, Doctor, I would like you to assume something for me. I'll ask you a hy-
pothetical question.
Be glad to.
Assuming that you reviewed this study in April of 1996, and assuming that you
saw the object in the fourth ventricle in April 1996 as you did now, would you have
written the report the same way it appears in Exhibit 1A?
Objection to the form. You can answer.
Assuming that I was suspicious of something in the fourth ventricle, I would not
have written the report the same as was written there.
Again, assuming you performed the study in April of 1996, and assuming you saw
the mass in the fourth ventricle—
Well, 1996—
Withdraw that. That wasn't your words. I don't want to put words in your mouth.
I don't like words in my mouth either.
Doctor, assuming that you reviewed the study in April 1996, and that you saw the
object in the fourth ventricle as you described it to us, would you have ordered a fur-
ther study?

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I object to the form. But you can answer.
Assuming that I was suspicious of something in the fourth ventricle, I would have
recommended another study, yes.
Again, assuming that you reviewed this series in April of 1996, and assuming that
you saw the object in the fourth ventricle, would you have written a report that said
“normal study”?
He's already answered that.
No, I would not.
I would like to get that clearly again. He did not answer that question.
It was the first question you asked.
I asked if he would have written a report the same as 1A, so I'll start again.
Doctor, assuming you reviewed the films in April 1996, and assuming that you saw
the object in the fourth ventricle, would you have written a report that said “normal
Objection. You can answer.
Objection. But you can answer.
With those assumptions I would not.
Assuming you reviewed the study in April 1996, and assuming you saw the fourth
ventricle object, what would your study have said?
It's a different question. I'm not trying to avoid the question. Some assumptions
that are difficult for me—there are assumptions that I don't know exactly how I would
answer, but I will do my best. But I just want to indicate that is a difficult question.
And so—I would recommend a contrast. MRI.
Now, Doctor, you are aware of Dr. Kotsoris' specialty?

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And what are you aware of her specialty as?
And did you know her to be a neurologist in 1996?
Yes, I did.
What I really want to know, was your state of knowledge in 1996 that she was a
Yes, it was.
Have you, in the course of your career, reviewed studies of patients referred by Dr.
And had you done that before 1996?
I don't know when she came to Stamford, but to the best of my knowledge, yes.
Now, Doctor, in response to some of my questions earlier, you told me in order to
answer the questions you would have to review the entire series, correct?
That's correct.
And is that generally the standard you apply whenever you review a series of
You have to review the entire series?
Would you consider that the standard of practice in the field of radiology?
I object to the form. You can answer.

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And so if a radiologist is presented with a series of MRI images from a study and
does not read all of the images, they have failed to perform in accordance with the
standard of practice?
Objection to the form. You can answer.
The implications from what you said, I'm not sure I can agree with all of the im-
plications. It's standard practice for a radiologist, to the best of their ability and best of
their knowledge, of the images that were taken, to look at them all. I don't think there
is a radiologist in the country who wouldn't attempt to do that before they generated an
So it's a fairly universal standard?
And that has been the standard for as long as you have been practicing radiology?
Doctor, you told us now that there was nothing in the April 1996 study that sugges-
ted Lyme disease, correct?
In my opinion.
Is there any doubt in your mind?
About my opinion?
Opinions are opinions. My opinion at this time—opinions can change over time.
Again, you are asking a difficult question. In my opinion at this time, and hopefully at
other times, there is no evidence of Lyme disease.
And you had an opportunity to look at these films before we began the deposition
today, correct?
Very briefly.

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Would you like to take some more time to look at them?

Do you think taking more time to look at them would alter your opinion?
Just so I'm clear, assuming a referring neurologist sends a patient for an MRI of the
brain, with a referring diagnosis of suspected Lyme disease or Lyme disease, is there
anything you would look for other than the small vessel—I say infarct, I know you
have you used another word—
Is there anything you would look for other than the small vessel changes that you
Objection to the form.
We read MRIs initially independent of any diagnosis that is offered, and so we
would look at everything.

Doctor, I asked you a question earlier about what you would look for in an MRI of
the brain, given a referring diagnosis that included symptoms of imbalance, vertigo,
dizziness, lethargy. And again, I don't want to put words in your mouth, but you told
me you would look at the entire study independent of the referring diagnosis, and then
you would go back to the referring diagnosis and/or you would consider that and factor
that in, and look for certain things; is that fair?
I object to the form.
It's a fair representation of what I said.
And the things you told me you would look for. I also asked you the same thing
given a referring diagnosis of Lyme disease or suspected Lyme disease; do you recall
that question?
I do.

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And you answered it similarly, and in that instance you told us you might look for
small vessel changes?
I object to the form.
Do you recall that answer, Doctor?
If you are reviewing a CAT scan of the head, and you are given clinical informa-
tion of disequilibrium, what would you look for, Doctor?
I'm going to object. We're dealing with MRIs here. He read an MRI, Dr. Zimmer-
mann read an MRI. MRI is the only thing of significance in this case. And I'm going to
direct you not to answer questions based on CTs.
I'm not asking him about CTs.
You are asking about CTs.
Again, I have to say you're putting me in a spot that I'm not sure is fair. That is
your conscience, but I have to follow the advice of my attorney.
Well, I'm glad we're in court this afternoon, maybe we can clear some of this up,
and we're back here later today.
Before you conclude. I want to be precisely clear that you have asked all questions
of Dr. Harley except for those that I won't allow him to testify about, which include the
January 1996 CAT scan, and any general information about CAT scans. Because if
there is something further that you want to ask this doctor, I would suggest that you do
that now, because those are the only two things at this point in time I have directed him
not to answer. So I don't—if the court rules in your favor. I don't want to be here, and
we are now addressing other issues that could have been raised at this deposition.
Well then, if you would like, Gary, I'll continue.
I mean, all I'm telling you is you don't stop the deposition now because I have dir-
ected him not to answer certain things. You get all that you can get out from him, or
that you would like to get out from him today, and we'll deal with whether he can talk
about the January '96 CAT scan and CAT scans in general. That is all. I'm just putting
that on the record.

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While we're waiting, just put on the record I'm not clear what the approach is going
to be at this point, but I do plan on asking additional questions, and I'm going to re-
serve my right to ask any questions on the CT scan independent of Mr. Corleto.
You mean should the court order that the CT scan is an appropriate subject matter
for additional questions.
That's correct.
In Dun v. Orsher, 165 Misc. 2d 997, 630 N.Y.S.2d 915 (Sup 1995), a medical malpractice
action claiming the doctor failed to timely diagnose and properly treat the plaintiff's Lyme dis-
ease, the defendant moved for an order permitting the nonparty videotaped deposition to be
taken of the treating physician. The court held the plaintiff could not require the defendant to
provide detailed expert information as to the treating physician prior to the pretrial examina-
tion of that physician where the plaintiff declined to authorize an interview of the physician by
defense counsel and, because the defendant could not contact the physician, the defendant did
not know whether the physician would agree to provide expert testimony at his deposition.
§ 16. Injunction
Under certain circumstances, such as an action by a person disabled by advanced Lyme
disease, injunctive relief may be appropriate. For example, in Alexandra LENTINE, Plaintiff,
(D.N.J. 2006), Plaintiff's Motion for Temporary Restraints or A Preliminary Injunction, (No.
06CV02041), the plaintiff, an 18-year-old student enrolled at Sterling High School diagnosed
with advanced Lyme's disease, sought an order requiring the Defendant, Sterling High School
Board of Education (“Defendant” or the “Board”), and its employees, agents and all others
acting in concert with the Board to safeguard Ali's right as a disabled student eligible for pro-
tection under § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C.A. § 794) and permit Ali to
participate in her Senior Class Trip. The plaintiff argued the Board unlawfully discriminated
against her, an otherwise qualified individual with a disability, by refusing to honor the § 504
Accommodation Plan (“504 Plan”) it developed by refusing to allow her to attend her Senior
Class Trip—an extracurricular service provided by a secondary school that receives federal
financial assistance, in violation of § 504; the Board discriminated against Ali solely because
of her disability. The Board asserted that Ali is ineligible for the trip because she is provided
with home instruction as she is not “well enough” to attend school. The plaintiff asked the
court to issue a Temporary Restraining Order or Preliminary Injunction, under New Jersey
Rule 65, to protect the plaintiffs rights, compelling the Board to:
A. Permit Ali's participation on the Senior Class Trip from May 6, 2006, to May 9, 2006;
B. Take whatever action may be necessary for Ali to attend the trip;
C. Cease any and all conduct that is in violation of § 504;
D. Reimburse reasonable attorney's fees and costs of suit; and
E. Take all other appropriate action.
V. Damages

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§ 17. Damages, generally

There are several types of damages—compensatory damages, nominal damages, liquidated
damages, and exemplary and punitive damages—as well as concepts concerning damages
such as general and special damages, prospective damages, and mitigation of damages. Also,
exemplary or punitive damages for malicious or reckless misconduct or gross negligence, pre-
judgment interest, and litigation fees and costs should be considered when requesting dam-
ages.[1] In situations involving the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, proving damages
may be difficult.[2]
Many medical malpractice statutes provide a cap for damages.[3]
§ 18. Damages; checklist
Testimony as to the following elements of damages should be elicited, when applicable,
from the plaintiff and witnesses in an action seeking recovery of damages for the negligent
diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease:
[] Necessary and reasonable medical expenses
[] Actual past expenses for physician, hospital, nursing, laboratory fees; medicines; pros-
thetic devices; and the like
[] Anticipated future expenses[1]
[] Loss of past and future earnings
[] Actual wages lost
[] Loss of existing vocational skill
[] Loss of capacity to earn increased wages
[] Loss of profits or net income by person engaged in business[2]
[] Harm from prolonged inactivity[3]
[] Pain and suffering from physical injuries[4]
[] Pain and suffering reasonably likely to occur in the future[5]
[] Harm from loss of sleep
[] Mental anguish
[] Fright and shock
[] Humiliation and embarrassment
[] Anxiety, depression, and other mental suffering or illness
[] Physical injuries caused by mental anguish[6]
[] Past and future impairment of ability to enjoy life[7]
[] Sexual dysfunction[8]
[] Exemplary or punitive damages for malicious or reckless conduct[9]
[] Prejudgment interest[10]
[] Litigation fees and costs[11]
VI. Expert Medical Proof of Lyme Disease
§ 19. Expert medical witness testimony
Expert witness testimony will be required to prove the negligent diagnosis and treatment
of Lyme disease.[1] The following provides a guide to retaining and using expert medical

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consultants and witnesses:

Selecting the expert:
[] Obtain information about the expert's professional expertise, background, education, and
prior trial witness experience
[] Determine whether the expert is articulate and able to present technical concepts and
language in understandable form
[] Determine whether the expert is “likable” and presents a professional appearance
[] Determine whether the expert has broad knowledge in the expert's field such as experi-
ence diagnosing and treating Lyme disease or tick-borne illnesses
[] Seek the approval of the client
Retain the expert to:
[] Provide assistance in understanding the medical aspects of the claim
[] Help define and formulate the issues
[] Guide the factual investigation
[] Guide discovery planning and review
[] Help prepare exhibits
Discovery considerations:
[] Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26—Disclosure of experts and discovery limitations
[] Federal Rules of Evidence 702, 703 and 705—Expert testimony and opinion
[] Work-product privilege
[] Attorney-client privilege
Using multiple expert witnesses:
[] Advantage: more than one expert may reinforce the case; each testifies on discrete as-
[] Disadvantages: it may lead to the appearance of disjointed, cumulative, or boring case
that may lessen the impact of the experts; this is expensive
Scope of expert's task:
[] Clearly delineate scope in letter agreement or contract
[] Establish objectives
[] Define assistance to counsel
[] Discuss how work is to be monitored, such as weekly or monthly reporting
[] State compensation, hourly rate or flat fee generally, in letter agreement or contract
[] Include provisions regarding rates for consultation, expert witness fee, travel, and ex-
Testifying experts:
[] Obtain curriculum vitae to qualify witness as expert
[] Determine the scope of the expert's testimony

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[] Establish with the expert that the use of obscure medical terminology should be limited
and medical terms should be explained
[] Use expert to explain and make detailed evidence meaningful
[] Make certain that the expert's reasoning appears logical to the trier of fact
[] Understand what is subject to professional dispute and why, such as the continuing use
of antibiotics to treat “chronic” Lyme disease
[] Establish what the expert knows and does not know to prepare for cross-examination
[] Make certain the expert is given all the information available for analysis and to avoid
surprise at trial
A medical witness testifying as an expert must be qualified as an expert to have his or her
opinion admitted into evidence.[2] It is incumbent on the party offering the witness to show
that the witness possesses the necessary learning, knowledge, or practical experience to enable
him or her to give reliable opinion testimony.[3]
An important part of both the plaintiff and defendant's case when litigating an action in-
volving Lyme disease often is the cross-examination of the expert medical witnesses.
“Cross-examination of a medical witness presents a uniquely difficult situation for the advoc-
ate, requiring, in addition to the preparation and forethought demanded by any cross-
examination, some sensitivity to the anticipatable subconscious jury bias.”[4]
“Cross-examination affords the best opportunity for exposing any improper bases used by the
doctor or faulty reasons for his [or her] opinion. It is also an appropriate means to determine
what tacit assumptions the doctor is making, if any.”[5] The reliability of the expert's opinion
may be challenged. In In re Caldwell, 350 B.R. 182 (Bankr. E.D. Pa. 2006), the treating physi-
cian's expert opinion that the claimant, who was seeking long-term disability benefits, had
Lyme disease was not reliable, and thus would not be adopted by the bankruptcy court in de-
termining whether the claimant was totally disabled as defined by the disability policy, given
that one test upon which the physician relied did not follow the recommended testing se-
quence, that other test results were most consistent with false positive tests, and that absence
of IgG bands, coupled with the clinical picture not consistent with acute Lyme disease, made
the physician's methodology unreliable and inconsistent with evidence of chronic Lyme infec-
In a medical malpractice action, the standard of care and the deviation from the standard
of care generally are not established by a reasonable person standard as in other areas of negli-
gence law, but have to be established by expert testimony. In the great majority of malpractice
cases, a plaintiff must establish by expert testimony both the standard of care and the defend-
ant's failure to conform to that standard. Specifically, the plaintiff must establish through ex-
pert testimony the course of action that a reasonably prudent doctor with the defendant's spe-
cialty would have taken under the same or similar circumstances. However, although negli-
gence or want of professional skill ordinarily can be proved only by expert witnesses, there
may be some cases in which expert testimony is not necessary in a medical malpractice action

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if the medical facts and negligence are evident to a lay person.[6] In Bratt ex rel. Bratt v.
Laskas, 845 So. 2d 964 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 4th Dist. 2003), an action alleging medical mal-
practice by a pediatric gastroenterologist in failing to diagnose a child's medical condition as
Lyme disease, a pediatrician could testify regarding the standard of care for the gastroentero-
logist as the expert had extensive training and experience in general pediatric medicine.
§ 20. Illustrative expert medical witness testimony
The following presents illustrative medical expert witness testimony in cases involving
Lyme disease. Counsel is advised to carefully consider the type of extent of the expert witness
testimony needed in counsel's case.[1] For example, the first illustration is the expert report of
a physician, the chief medical officer, representing an insurance company in an action for be-
nefits under a life policy. The litigation of a medical malpractice action may involve the testi-
mony of an insurer's expert medical witness. The second illustration is a motion in limine to
limit evidence as to the standard of care and to exclude the testimony of the plaintiff's experts
in a negligence, breach of warranty, and products liability action for the improper prescription
of a drug for the treatment of the plaintiff's Lyme disease.
The following is the expert report and affidavit of the chief medical officer of the defend-
ant insurance company, submitted in support of defendant's motion for summary judgment, in
an action for breach of the life insurance policy and failure to pay benefits under the policy
after the death of the plaintiff's husband from a heart attack and other ailments including
Lyme disease. The physician was asked to analyze the medical records regarding the de-
cedent's condition, care, and treatment and to provide his interpretation, opinions, and recom-
mendations regarding whether the decedent would have qualified for reinstatement of the
policy of life insurance had an application been submitted after the policy allegedly lapsed.[2]
Area of Expertise: Health Care-Physicians & Health Professionals << Internist
Area of Expertise: Insurance << Underwriter
Case Type: Insurance << Bad Faith & Coverage
Case Type: Insurance << Life
Representing: Defendant
[Witness], MD, of full age, being duly sworn according to law and upon his oath deposes
and says:
1. I am a Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of Defendant, [insurance company], in
the above captioned matter. I submit this affidavit in support of 's motion for summary
2. I have been licensed as a Physician in the State of Michigan since 1980, and am Board
Certified in Internal Medicine by The American Board of Internal Medicine and Insurance
Medicine by the Board of Insurance Medicine. The statements set forth below are based
upon my personal knowledge of Jackson National's underwriting guidelines and proced-
ures, as well as my review of the medical records regarding the condition, diagnostic test-

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ing, care and treatment rendered to [decedent] (the “Decedent”).

3. [Defendant insurance company] employs physicians and other medical professionals in
the normal course of business to assist other departments within the company with issues
that require medical expertise. In particular, we are called upon by the underwriting de-
partment to review and interpret medical records and to respond to questions submitted by
the underwriting department in connection with interpretation of those records. As part of
this process, we are called upon to analyze medical records in connection with the written
underwriting guidelines utilized by [defendant insurance company] to assist the underwrit-
ing department and appropriately apply those underwriting guidelines to the conditions
presented in the medical records. In connection with our review, we also provide recom-
mendations. Those recommendations may include seeking additional medical records; re-
commending that the applicant obtain additional testing; and/or recommending that the ap-
plicant be examined by a physician of our choosing. The recommendations may also in-
clude postponement or denial of an application.
4. It is my understanding that the Decedent's policy of life insurance lapsed as the result of
failure to pay the premium payment due on February 27, 2006. It is my further understand-
ing that an application seeking reinstatement of the policy of life insurance was never sub-
mitted by the Decedent. However, I have been asked to analyze medical records regarding
the Decedent's condition, care, and treatment and to provide my interpretation, opinions
and recommendations regarding whether the Decedent would have qualified for reinstate-
ment of the policy of life insurance had an application been submitted.
5. I have received and reviewed records regarding the Decedent's hospitalization commen-
cing March 12, 2005, and subsequent treatment through his death on July 5, 2006. There
are at least multiple significant findings reported in the records from March, 2005, each of
which would disqualify the Decedent from reinstatement of a policy as a preferred risk in
May, 2006, if he had submitted an application for reinstatement at that time.
6. The consulting report of [cardiologist], MD, a cardiologist, dated March 12, 2005,
HISTORY: I was asked to see this patient by [doctor 1], and I did discuss the case in detail
with him, as well as the emergency room physician The patient is a 39-year old male ad-
mitted to the hospital for chest pain. He has no significant cardiac history other than a par-
oxysmal atrial fibrillation approximately eight years ago but no details were available. On
03/01, he was in Las Vegas and developed a fever for three days, as well as symptoms of
malaise and weakness. He medicated himself with Advil and felt much better on this med-
ication. When he discontinues the Advil the fever would return. He had no rigors, chills,
no dysuria, no cough or shortness of breath or other localizing symptoms. His symptoms
gradually resolved over approximately three days and were replaced with symptoms of fa-
tigue. These symptoms waxed and waned for the next several days. Finally, he began to
develop some positional type soreness in his left chest wall, worse on deep inspiration. He
made an appointment to see Dr. [doctor 1] today, but awoke at 2:30 this morning with
severe left-sided positional chest pain. He felt somewhat breathless but mainly he is un-
able to take a deeper breath. He presented to the emergency room where initial electrocar-
diogram showed ST segment elevations in the lateral limb leads, anteroseptal leads and
some evidence of early repolarization in the anterolateral leads. Initial cardiac enzymes
were normal as were his laboratories, including a metabolic panel and CBC. He is now ad-

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mitted for probable pleural pericarditis.

LABORATORY: Initial cardiac enzymes normal, electrolytes normal and CBC normal.
EKG showed sinus rhythm at 80 beats/minute with left axis deviation, first degree AV
block, and ST segment elevations of 1.5 to 2 mm in anteroseptal lead V2 but also mild ST
elevations in the lateral limb leads. A follow-up EKG two hours later showed sinus rhythm
at 72 beats/minute, now with more pronounced first degree AV block and more pro-
nounced lateral limb lead ST elevations and persistence of the anteroseptal ST-T abnor-
malities. When compared to an old EKG done on 7/12/98, the first degree AV block is an
old finding, as is the left axis deviation. He did have some T-wave and ST abnormalities in
anteroseptal leads. The lateral ST elevations are fairly new finding but were slightly
present in the past.
IMPRESSION: The patient is hemodynamically stable and normotensive. His cardiovas-
cular examination is essentially unremarkable. He has pleuritic type left sided chest dis-
comfort and has a base line abnormal EKG dating back to 1998. There is some exaggera-
tion of pre-existing abnormalities. He recently presented with what sounds like a viral feb-
rile illness, he had a subsequent viral exanthema and now has developed symptoms of
probable viral pleuritis and possible early pericarditis. Anticoagulants are contraindicated
at the moment. I do not there (sic) is any evidence of any myocardial ischemia but cardiac
enzymes will be followed serially. We will repeat an EKG in the morning He does not
have any neck vein distension, no obvious pulsus paradoxes and I doubt there is any signi-
ficant pericardial effusion. I will review the chest x-ray and an echocardiogram should be
ordered but may not need to be done before his discharge from the hospital. Treatment at
this point includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and I note that Dr. [doctor 1] has
started him on Motrin 600 mg three times a day and will continue this. Further recom-
mendation will depend upon his response to the treatment.
Exhibit A. (Emphasis added).
7. On March 17, 2005, the Decedent was again seen by Dr. [cardiologist] as an outpatient.
His office note of that date states:
HISTORY: [decedent] is a 39 year old gentleman in for office follow-up following a re-
cent hospitalization for chest pain. He is also in to review the results of his out-patient
echocardiogram. He was admitted to [medical center] earlier this month for chest pain.
He underwent an echocardiogram on 3/14/05 in my office which showed mild concentric
left ventricular hypertrophy with an average left ventricular wall thickness of 13 to 14 mm,
normal left ventricular systolic wall motion with an overall normal left ventricular ejection
fraction of 67%. He had mild tricuspid regurgitation. There was no pericardial effusion.
EKG: (no old EKG available for comparison). Sinus bradycardia with first degree AV
block, left axis deviation, non-specific interventricular conduction block and non-specific
lateral T-wave abnormalities.
IMPRESSION: Mr. [decedent] has no signs of pericarditis on exam and his echocardio-
gram shows no pericardial effusion with normal left ventricular function, He does have
mild concentric left ventricular hypertrophy and it is possible this represents an early sign
of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 1 did recommend a follow-up echocardiogram in approx-
imately 1–2 years to rule out any progression in a degree of LVH He has no history of hy-
pertension to date. In addition, he has an abnormal baseline electrocardiogram and should
have a screening nuclear exercise stress test and this will be scheduled for him as well. He

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will decrease his Advil down to 400 mg 2–3 x a day for the next 5 days and then discon-
tinue the medication all together. I will see him following his nuclear stress test.
Exhibit B. (Emphasis added).
8. According to the echocardiogram performed at Dr. [cardiologist]'s request, the De-
cedent had mild concentric left ventricular hypertrophy, with an average of ventricular
wall thickness of 13 to 14 mm. Exhibit C.
9. Attached hereto as Exhibit D are written underwriting guidelines utilized by [defendant
insurance company] in connection with reported diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy
(LVH). Those underwriting standards state:
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)
EKG changes are more sensitive than clinical findings or chest x-ray, but they are much
less sensitive or reliable then echocardiography, which is the non-invasive “gold standard”
for measuring ventricular muscle mass. (MRI is even better, but use may be precluded by
Left ventricular hypertrophy may be due to:
• Congenital heart disease
• Rheumatic heart disease such as aortic valve disease
• Hypertensive heart disease
• Ischemia
• Nutritional disorders
• Endocrine disorders
Definite evidence of right or left ventricular hypertrophy in the electrocardiogram or
(more reliably) at echocardiogram is a serious prognostie sign.
Exhibit D. (Emphasis added).
10. The underwriting standards go on to classify the severity of LVH depending upon the
wall thickness that is measured:
Severity of LVH Wall Thickness (cm)
Mild 1.2–1.3 (cm)
Moderate 1.4–1.5 (cm)
Severe >1.5 (cm)
11. The Decedent's diagnosis of LVH came about as a result of an echocardiogram per-
formed on March 12, 2005, That echocardiogram revealed a wall thickness of 13 – 14 mm
(1.3-14 cm) For underwriting purposes, since a wall thickness of 14 mm was found at least
in some areas, that is the measurement which would be applied Pursuant to the underwrit-
ing guidelines, the Decedent's LVH with a wall thickness of 14 mm would classify his
severity of LVH as moderate.
12. The Ventricular Hypertrophy Life Ratings utilized by [defendant insurance company]
are specific to the type of diagnostic test which reveals the condition. Exhibit E. The De-
cedent's diagnosis of LVH came about as a result of an echocardiogram performed on
March 12, 2005. Thus, The Life Ratings equating with a diagnosis of LVH by echocardio-
gram would apply. These state:
Mild Std/

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13. Pursuant to these ratings, the Decedent's diagnosis of LVH with a wall thickness of 14
mm would result in a rating classification with an additional 50 to 75 debits. This is not a
preferred risk If I had been asked to review these records in connection with an application
for reinstatement of a preferred risk policy, the application of these guidelines and ratings
to the conditions expressed in the Decedent's medical records would have resulted in my
recommendation to decline reinstatement of the policy. This diagnosis alone, without con-
sideration of the decedent's other medical conditions, would compel this recommendation.
14. The next significant finding is from the echocardiogram reported by Dr. [cardiologist],
which revealed interventricular conduction defect. This condition has underwriting signi-
ficance. The underwriting guidelines for ventricular conduction defects set forth the fol-
lowing description (Exhibit F):
Ventricular heart muscle is activated by an electrical stimulus passing through the con-
ducting system. From the AV node, impulses pass though the common bundle of His to a
trifasclcular [sic] system consisting of the right bundle branch and the left bundle branch
which further divides into the anterior superior and posterior inferior branches. If the de-
polarization wave reaches the interventricular septum normally, then the interval between
the beginning of the P-wave and the first deflection in the QRS complex (the P-R Interval)
will be normal However, if there is abnormal conduction through either the right or left
bundle branches, there will be a delay in the depolarization of part of the ventricular
(heart block). The extra time taken for depolarization of the ventricular muscle causes
widening of the QRS complex.
A QRS duration exceeding 0.11 seconds is caused by intraventricular conduction delay
due to a block in either the right or left bundle: a bundle branch block. These blocks cause
characteristic QRS patterns. Similar patterns, but with the QRS complex of 0.08 – 0.11
seconds, are caused by partial blockages. Interruption of the impulse in 1 of the 2 left
bundle branches produces a shift in the electrical axis of the heart.
Intraventricular conduction disturbance (IVCD)
• Intraventricular (or Indeterminate) conduction disturbance
Less frequently, a widened QRS (>0.12 sec) pattern is seen, whose features appear to
mimic that of a right bundle branch block in some leads and left bundle branch block in
others. This pattern may have more serious implications, and has been associated with ear-
diomyopathy, hypertensive and valvuler heart disease.
The most common causes are ischemic heart disease, ardiomyopathy and degeneration of
the conducting system. Congenital abnormalities, trauma, nutritional abnormalities,
rheumatic myocarditis or syphilis may also cause conducting defects It may also be transi-
ent due to medication (digitalis or quinidine) or electrolytic imbalance.
Apparent incomplete right bundle branch block may be due to incorrect lead placement of
a precordial electrode.
Preferred consideration
Individuals with this impairment may represent a significant underwriting challenge. Thor-

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ough assessment is suggested before allowing preferred consideration. Factors to consider:

QRS<0.12 sec
• EKG is otherwise normal
15. The diagnosis by Dr. [cardiologist] is confirmed by the actual echocardiogram tra-
cings, which I have reviewed. Those tracings report the following QRS readings on the
dates indicated.
March 12, 2005 4:49 136 milliseconds (0.136 sec)
March 12, 2005 6:39 134 milliseconds (0,143 sec)
March 15, 2005 8:33 128 milliseconds (0.128 sec)
Exhibit G.
16. These tracings reveal that the Decedent's QRS rate on March 12 and 15, 2005 ex-
ceeded the level of 0.12 seconds (120 milliseconds) set forth in the written guidelines.
17. Had I reviewed the measurements of the Decedent's ventricular conduction defect as
reported March, 2005, in connection with an application for reinstatement in May, 2006, 1
would have recommended denial of the request for reinstatement. The measurements of
ventricular conduction defect, alone, take the applicant out of the category of “preferred
risk” Furthermore, as reported by Dr. [cardiologist], his EKG was not normal. In connec-
tion with a ventricular conduction defect, an abnormal EKG also independently takes the
applicant out of the category of “preferred risk” When considered together, the Decedent's
QRS readings together with an abnormal EKG, even without consideration of the De-
cedent's other medical conditions, compel the undeniable conclusion that the Decedent
would not qualify as a “preferred risk.” if he had requested reinstatement in May 2006.
18. In addition to the foregoing, the discharge summary of Riverview Medical Center in-
cludes, among other diagnosis, acute pericarditis:
1. Acute Pericarditis
2. Chest pain
3. Viral Syndrome
4. Atelectasis secondary to pleuritis
5. Rash secondary to Viral Syndrome
Exhibit H. (Emphasis added).
19. Pericarditis is a disorder caused by inflammation of the pericardium, which is the sac-
like covering around the heart. It is a condition that has significance with regard to under-
20. The underwriting guidelines for pericarditis take into account the length of time since
the diagnosis, and the number of episodes of pericarditis:
Acute viral or ideopathic pericarditis:
History of, complete recovery, no current treatment for pericarditis or evidence of pericar-
dial effusion, no complications:
Single episode: Months since resolution
(3 or less) P
(more than 3) Std
Exhibit 1
Thus, for an episode of pericarditis within three months of the application, further consid-

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eration of the application must be postponed. This will permit time for the condition to re-
solve and for further testing or investigation. If there was only a single episode of peri-
carditis, which episode occurred more than three months prior to the application, and bar-
ing any other medical considerations, the applicant may qualify for a standard policy. A
standard rating is a lower rating classification than someone who is a classified as a pre-
ferred risk. Individuals who qualify with a standard rating will be charged a higher premi-
um than an individual who is classified as a preferred risk. In this context, and pursuant to
the medical records and written underwriting guidelines, the Decedent's diagnosis of peri-
carditis in March, 2005, in and of itself, without consideration of his other medical condi-
tions, would prevent approval of the applicant as a preferred risk, and result in my recom-
mendation to deny the request to reinstate the policy.
21. In addition to the analysis of records from March, 2005, I have also received and re-
viewed records regarding treatment rendered to the Decedent in August and September
2005. In August 2005 the Decedent was diagnosed with a “viral syndrome.” In September
2005, the Decedent developed a generalized rash, chest tightness and shortness of breath.
He presented to the emergency room where his condition was attributable to allergies.
Subsequently, an allergist evaluated the Decedent and his office records referred to a re-
current viral syndrome for two years. Exhibit J.
22. I have also received and reviewed records regarding the Decedent's medical condition,
care, and treatment commencing in June 2006. Those records include records of a hospit-
alization on June 5, 2006, were the Decedent complained of headaches. A CT Scan at that
time was negative. The discharge summary indicates that the Decedent was discharged
with instructions for viral syndrome and headaches Exhibit K.
23. The next day the Decedent was treated by Dr. [doctor 1] who gave an impression of
“viral syndrome with possible meningismus” Exhibit L.
24. The Decedent was examined by a neurologist, Dr. [neurologist], on June 8, 2006, for
the same complaints. Dr. [neurologist] prepared a report of his neurological examination
and provided the following comment:
At this point, Mr. [decedent] is afebrile and his neurological examination is normal. There
is some mild stiffening of his neck but not what one would expect with any form of men-
ingitis It is possible that he had some viral syndrome with meningismus, and even if there
is some meningeal irritation, probably it is mild aseptic meningitis. There are no signs of
encephalitis whatsoever.
I discussed with him and his wife the possibility of doing a spinal tap, but after I explained
to them that I expect not to change the treatment even if we find some signs of aseptic
meningitis, they decided not to go ahead with the spinal tap. I explained to them that he
does not have any signs to suggest any bacterial infection.
We decided to just to keep him well hydrated and have him keep taking Motrin 600 mg
three times a day for the next few days. We will communicate in the (next) few days
again, and depending upon how he does, we will proceed accordingly. If, of course, he
continues experiencing fevers and headache, probably we will proceed with the spinal tap
at that time.
Exhibit M.
25. Dr. [doctor 1] examined and treated the Decedent on June 26, 2006. His notes of that
date state:

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The patient comes into the office for a follow up to his viral syndrome of last month. He is
feeling better every day. His headaches are gone. His fevers are gone. He still, however,
has some discomfort in his chest with a slight cough and he is feeling very fatigued. He
takes a nap for almost one hour every day.
Exhibit N.
26. After performing his examination, Dr. [doctor 1] gave his impression as “resolving vir-
al syndrome with fatigue. No obvious pulmonary problem “Dr. [doctor 1]'s treatment plan
on June 26, 2006, was the patient was advised to continue symptomatic treatment with rest
and he will be rechecked in one month” Id.
27. The Decedent was seen and examined by Dr. [doctor 1] two days later on June 28,
2006. His office note states:
The patient comes into the office after having been seen two days ago. He now feels worse
than he did two days ago. He still has trouble breathing and feels some pressure in his
chest as well. He also feels light-headed and dizzy when he tries to stand. He is also com-
plaining of sore throat that is very severe. It is even hard to swallow his saliva. He has no
fever. He also does not feel well and is fatigued and is not sleeping at night.
Exhibit O.
28. Dr. [doctor 1] performed an examination on June 28, 2006, and gave his Impression
and Plan as:
1. Viral syndrome with superimposed anxiety, possibly hyperventilation causing light
2. Pharyngitis—probably viral, rule out strep.
PLAN: Strep screen was done and was negative ruling out bacterial allergy cause. CBC,
chemistry profile, sed rate and Lyme studies were ordered. (Emphasis added) EKG was
done to rule out pericarditis Chest x-ray will be done to rule out any lung pathology in
view of the shortness of breath. However, the patient was advised that a lot of this might
be anxiety and he felt his symptoms are not made up. He was given Ativan 1 mg at bed-
time for sleep and Ultracet two tablets every four hours as necessary for pain.
29. On June 29, 2006, Dr. [cardiologist] performed an echocardiogram. After reviewing
the study, Dr. [cardiologist] gave his Impression as:
1. Normal four chamber cardiac size and aortic route size;
2. Mild concentric left ventricular hypertrophy with normal left ventricular diastolic
3. Paradoxical septal motion consistent with a bundle branch block;
4. Normal left ventricular systolic wall motion with a normal left ventricular ejection
fraction of 57%;
5. Doplar examination normal;
Comparison is made to the patient's previous echo cardiogram performed on 3/14/05 Since
that time, there has been no significant interval change.
Exhibit P
30. On July 5, 2006, the Decedent was admitted to the hospital. The admission note states:
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: This is a 40 year old gentleman that presented to the

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emergency department after being cardioverted for V-Tach in the field. Patient states over
the past five weeks or so, he has been ill and feeling poorly. Symptoms started as fever
and within a week developed to what appeared to be viral meningitis. He had no lumbar
puncture done at the time. Apparently, he was tested for Lyme disease at that time
which was negative. (Emphasis added) After he recovered from the meningitis. (sic). He
then developed chest pain, heaviness associated with pain radiating down both arms and
shortness of breath saw his doctor at the office, Dr. [doctor 1], did an EKG which appar-
ently did not reveal any significant change from previous EKG. Saw his cardiologist Did
an echocardiogram which was unremarkable and was possibly being worked up for this.
He also had repeat blood work and found out a few days ago that he had Lyme dis-
ease. (Emphasis added) The patient states on the night prior to admission, he was feeling
well. was not actually experiencing any problems with chest pains or shortness of breath
and went to bed without any problems. He woke up this morning with severe, crushing,
substernal chest pain, pain radiating down both arms, shortness of breath, diaphoresis and
could not move, could not even pick up a phone. He called for his wife, who saw how pale
he was and called for the paramedics. When the paramedics evaluated him in the field, he
was in V-tach apparently, was then cardioverted, went into Fib and cardioverted again into
sinus rhythm. By the time the patient presented to the emergency department, he was feel-
ing much better, presently the patient feels well. He said he is asymptomatic and is in si-
nus rhythm. The patient states approximately a year ago he had an episode of viral peri-
carditis after he had a nuclear stress test which was negative. He also has a remote history
of paroxysmal arterial fibrillation about 5 years ago. States he was working outside in
about 100 degree weather and drank some cold liquid and immediately felt his heart pal-
pitating. That is when he was found to be in arterial fibrillation
Exhibit Q
31. The Impression upon admission was:
1. Chest pain with V-tach, possible acute M]
2. Acute Lyme disease (Emphasis added)
3. Probably new onset diabetes mellitus
4. Elevated liver function tests
5. Anemia
32. While at the hospital on July 5, 2006, he was seen by Dr. [cardiologist]. Dr.
[cardiologist] performed an examination and prepared a consulting report. After detailing
his review of symptoms, physical examination, and review of the laboratory data, Dr.
[cardiologist] gives his impression and plan as follows:
IMPRESSION AND PLAN: The patient is hemodynamically stable and normotensive, his
cardiovascular exam is unremarkable. He EKG show sinus rhythm with first degree AV
block which is chronic and left axis deviation with an intraventricular conduction delay.
He has chronic ST evaluation in the anteroseptal leads. When compared to his previous
EKG from 3/13/05, there is no real interval change except for minor widening of the QRX
complex. He has had normal nuclear stress tests about a year ago at a high level of cardiac
stress and I think this episode may represent acute myocarditis. I (do) not think that coron-
ary artery disease is the cause of his tachyarrhythira. Certainly, CAD will need to be ex-

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cluded at some point with cardiac catheterization. But the clinical picture right now is
much more suggestive of either a primary ventricular arrhythmias or possible
ventricular arrhythmia due to an acute mild cardio inflammatory state.
With the recent acute viral illness with meningismus, one has to strongly consider
viral myocarditis as the likely etiology if this is indeed myocarditis at all. Lyme's
carditis is an interesting possibility but this usually presents with conduction system
abnormalities as a predominant feature which is not the case here. (Emphasis added)
There is no evidence of AV block although the patient does have first degree AV block but
this is a chronic and not an acute finding in this case. We have little to hang our hats on in
this case. In a full blown myocarditis there is usually evidence of increased cardiac en-
zyme levels and one would expect abnormalities in global LV function. But his echocardi-
ogram a few days ago continues to show normal LV systolic function and no evidence of a
pericarditis. We will draw a sed rate, repeat an echocardiogram now although one done
last week showed normal LV function.
Presently he has been started on low dose beta blocker therapy and we will continue. If
Lyme disease is indeed a factor, development of AV block needs to be carefully
watched for ultimately daily EKGs. (Emphasis added) He will continue on the heparin
drip for now. Cardiac enzymes and EKGs will be followed. We discussed possible cathet-
erization to evaluate his coronaries but I would like to await results of ID evaluation first
before proceeding with that as I strongly suspect that this is an arrhythmia of ischemic ori-
gin. If all of the above are unrevealing, he will certainly require an electro physiological
study. Further recommendations will depend upon his clinical course. I did discuss all this
with his family at the bedside.
Exhibit R. 33
33. On that same date, July 5, 2006, the Decedent died. The discharge summary dated July
5, 2006, gives the History of Present Illness and Impression as follows:
This is a 40 year old gentleman who was brought to the emergency room by paramedics
after found to be in a V tach in the field. The patient who was revived in the field was seen
by me in intensive care after being admitted. The patient states that for about five weeks or
so prior to admission he has been clinically ill, is feeling poorly He started with fever, sub-
sequently developed meningismal symptoms, and felt possibly to have viral meningitis.
He had a Lyme titer done at this time which was negative After he recovered from
the meningitis, he started developing chest pain, heaviness, pain radiating down both
his arms, and shortness of breath. EKG revealed no significant change from his pre-
vious EKG, went to see his cardiologist who performed an echocardiogram which
was also unremarkable, unchanged from his echocardiogram done about a year earli-
er when he was treated for pericarditis. He had also had a nuclear stress test done
about a year ago when he had pericarditis which was unremarkable. The patient had
repeat lyme titer done which was found to be positive for acute lyme disease which
the patient found out about two days prior to admission was started on oral antibiot-
ics … (Emphasis added)
1. Chest pain associated with ventricular tachycardia;
2. Possibly acute myocardial infarction;

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3. Acute Lyme Disease (Emphasis added);

4. Probable new onset Diabetes Mellitus;
5. Elevated liver function tests;
6. Anemia.
Exhibit S.
34. The discharge summary contained an addendum as follows:
Autopsy was done on the patient and pertinent finding was myocardium was consistent
with viral myocarditis diffusely involving the myocardium. The patient had no evidence of
coronary artery disease.
35. The records reveal that between June 5, 2006, when the Decedent first went to the
emergency room for headaches, and July 5, 2006, when the decedent died, his condition
never resolved. Dr. [cardiologist] could not adequately explain his condition, going so far
as to say in his report “we have little to hang our hats on in this case.”
36. The Decedent was suffering from symptoms which his treating physicians could
not fully explain. Prior to the Decedents admission on July 5, 2006, his treating physi-
cians were recommending additional testing, including CBC, chemistry profile, sed
rate, Lyme studies, chest x-rays, an EKG, and a spinal tap as part of their investigat-
ive efforts. If I had been given these records to review in connection with an applica-
tion for reinstatement, without consideration of the conditions reported in March,
2005, I would have recommended postponement of further consideration of the rein-
statement application until the Decedent's condition fully resolved and could be ex-
plained. As the Decedent's medical condition was not fully explained, postponement
of further consideration until full resolution and receipt of all treatment records were
received is the proper course of action. (Emphasis added)
The following is a motion in limine to limit evidence as to the standard of care and to ex-
clude the testimony of the plaintiff's experts in a negligence, breach of warranty, and products
liability action for the improper prescription of a drug for the treatment of the plaintiff's Lyme
disease resulting in deterioration of the plaintiff's health to the point she was effectively dis-
abled for nine months, the plaintiff's inability to care for her children, the incurring of pain
and suffering, the development of relapsing Lyme disease, and the suffering of economic and
other noneconomic damages.[3]
Motion in Limine to Limit Evidence as to the Standard of Care and to Exclude Testimony
of Plaintiff's Experts
I. Introduction
In this case, Plaintiff [plaintiff wife] claims that her recovery from Lyme's disease was
slowed because Defendant [defendant pharmacy], which filled her prescription, provided her
with improper instructions as to the manner in which she was to take her medication, Doxy-
cycline. Specifically, [defendant pharmacy] provided Plaintiff with written instructions for the
usage of Doxycycline, which in turn were provided to [defendant pharmacy] by [provider of
drug information company]. The written instructions, which were approved by the drug's man-
ufacturer, [drug manufacturer], and the United States Food and Drug Administration, directed

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Plaintiff to “[t]ake [the medication] with food or milk if stomach upset occurs unless your
doctor directs you otherwise.” Plaintiff contends that she took the Doxycycline with milk and
that the milk hindered the absorption of the medicine, hindering her recovery.
Although [defendant pharmacy] filled Plaintiff's prescription in October 2000, it appears,
based on her trial exhibits, that she intends to introduce evidence at trial as to instructions
provided by other pharmacies and internet sites in the time frame after that at issue in this
case. Under the law, however, Plaintiff must show that [defendant pharmacy] was negligent
based on the standard prevailing at the time of [defendant pharmacy]'s alleged negligence.
Plaintiff further attempts to establish [defendant pharmacy]'s negligence based on the testi-
mony of two witnesses, [doctor 2], M.D. and [doctor 3], R.Ph. The testimony of these two
witnesses should be excluded because 1) they are not experts on the subject for which they are
proffered; and 2) their opinions are unsupported by generally accepted scientific or medical
II. Applicable Law and Argument
A. The Court should exclude evidence concerning instructions given by other pharmacies and
other evidence that relates to a time after [defendant pharmacy] filled Plaintiff's prescription.
It is well settled in Maryland that the question of negligence is to be determined based on
the standard of care prevailing at the time of the occurrence and should not be judged in hind-
sight. As the Court of Appeals noted in Baltimore & O.R. Co. v. Plews, 262 Md. 442, 278
A.2d 287 (1971). Of course, the test of foreseeability, or reasonable anticipation as it is some-
times called, must be judged by foresight, not in retrospect. The wrongfullness [sic], vel non,
of a person's conduct must be evaluated in the light of the risks apparent to him at the time,
and not by looking backward ‘with the wisdom born of the event.’ Cardozo, C. J., in Greene
v. Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co., 257 N.Y. 190, 177 N.E. 416 (1931). See also, Martin G. Im-
bach, Inc. v. Tate, 203 Md. 348, 100 A.2d 808 (1953).”
This rule of law applies in cases involving medical negligence, as well. East v. U.S., 745
F. Supp. 1142 (D. Md. 1990) (“a doctor's conduct must be viewed in light of the circum-
stances existing at the time of diagnosis and treatment and not retrospectively”).
In Plaintiffs' Exhibit List there are written instructions for the use of Doxycycline from
other pharmacies, as well as information from various Internet sites. Most of these exhibits,
however, appear to represent the policies of other pharmacies or internet sites as they existed
some time after the time in which [defendant pharmacy] advised Plaintiff that she could take
Doxycycline with milk. See Plaintiffs' Exhibit 3 (copyright 2002), Exhibit 4 (copyright 2003),
Exhibit 5 (copyright 2002), Exhibit 8 (revised 2002), Exhibit 9 (copyright 2001), Exhibit 11
(revised July 31, 2002), Exhibit 13 (October 2001), Exhibit 15 (updated November 2001), Ex-
hibit 18 (copyright 2001), and Exhibit 20 (copyright 2002). Moreover, several additional ex-
hibits of this kind cannot be shown to have definitively existed or been available at the time
[defendant pharmacy] rendered its advice to Plaintiff. These include Plaintiffs' Exhibit 6
(copyright 2000), Exhibit 10 (copyright 2000), Exhibit 16 (copyright 2000), and Exhibit 19
(date unknown). Copies of Plaintiffs' Trial Exhibits 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19,

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and 20 are attached hereto as Exhibit 1 to this Motion.

Plaintiffs are impermissibly attempting to use hindsight to establish that a certain standard
of care existed as of October 2000 based on documents purportedly showing the standard of
care at later dates. The Court of Appeals has considered, and rejected, attempts to use more re-
cent events to establish the standard of care existing at the time of an occurrence. In Rogers v.
Frush, 257 Md. 233, 262 A.2d 549, 40 A.L.R.3d 847 (1970), the Court of Appeals considered
a case in which the defendant asserted contributory negligence based on a minor's failure to
wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle. The Court found that the General Assembly's enact-
ment of a law almost three years later requiring use of helmets “would not be sufficient
grounds for concluding that as of the time of the accident such a standard of conduct” existed.
Thus, under Maryland law, [defendant pharmacy]'s practices must be judged based on the
standard of care existing at the time it filled Plaintiff's prescription. The exhibits discussed
above do nothing to establish the applicable standard of care as of October 2000. Accordingly,
even assuming that these exhibits are otherwise admissible, which they are not, they must be
excluded because they have no relevance and would be unfairly prejudicial to [defendant
pharmacy]'s defense.
B. Plaintiff's experts' testimony should be excluded from the trial of this matter.
In Wood v. Toyota Motor Corp., 134 Md. App. 512, 760 A.2d 315 (2000), the Court of
Special Appeals explained the criteria that must be met in order for an expert to be allowed to
Maryland Rule 5-702 governs expert testimony, and provides such testimony will be ad-
mitted if it will assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence, or determine a fact in issue,
and if, one, the witness is qualified to render the expert opinion by virtue of knowledge, skill,
training or experience or education; and two, that there is a sufficient factual basis to support
the expert factual opinions made by that witness; and three, that the expert testimony is appro-
priate on this subject (emphasis added) (quoting trial judge's ruling favorably).
Moreover, the facts relied on by an expert must be of the type reasonably relied upon by
experts in the same field. Carter v. Shoppers Food Warehouse MD Corp., 126 Md. App. 147,
727 A.2d 958 (1999).
Finally, an expert, in making his [or her] findings, must apply a technique that is based on
reliable scientific method that has gained “general acceptance in the community.” Reed v.
State, 283 Md. 374, 391 A.2d 364, 97 A.L.R.3d 201 (1978). The required proof that a scientif-
ic method is generally accepted goes to the admissibility not the weight of the evidence. Id. at
1. [Doctor 3]'s testimony should be excluded.
a. Dr. [doctor 3] does not have sufficient expertise to be permitted to testify.
Although she is a pharmacist, Dr. [doctor 3] admits that she is not an expert on the ab-
sorption of Doxycycline into the body. Deposition of [doctor 3] (“[doctor 3] Depos-
ition”), attached as Exhibit 2, at 54. She has never been a member of a team studying
Doxycycline and, at her deposition, she could not be sure that she had, prior to this case,
looked at issues related to the absorption of Doxycycline. Id. at 55–56.

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Indeed, in her job as a pharmacist, Dr. [doctor 3] has never prescribed medications, but
only provides what a patient's doctor prescribes. She has only consulted with a doctor on
perhaps one occasion on the treatment of Lyme's Disease, but that case did not involve
Doxycycline. Id. at 41–42. Although she has filled a handful of Doxycycline prescrip-
tions per year, Dr. [doctor 3] has never provided advice to a doctor concerning the use of
milk with Doxycycline. Id. at 43. In fact, Dr. [doctor 3] has never spoken to a patient
about the use of Doxycycline with milk. Id. at 176. Rather, when advising patients at the
University of Maryland where she was employed, Dr. [doctor 3] relied entirely on the
written use instructions provided by the pharmacy. Id.
Although the testimony of a pharmacist can be appropriate in establishing the standard
of care to be used by a pharmacy, it does not follow that every pharmacist is competent
to testify on matters related to the usage of any medication. Indeed, Dr. [doctor 3] is very
much equivalent to the engineer whose testimony was rejected by the court in Woods, a
product liability case involving an allegedly defective seatbelt design. In that case, the
Court of Special Appeals noted that although the plaintiff's expert was an engineer and
had a range of experience with automobile systems, he had never worked on or designed
seatbelts and, thus, was properly excluded as an expert. In this case, although Dr. [doctor
3] filled prescriptions for Doxycycline on a few occasions, she has never studied it or
provided advice concerning it; rather she has always deferred to others on such matters
(i.e., her employer's preprinted instructions). Indeed, as noted above, Dr. [doctor 3] ad-
mits that she is not an expert as to the issues presented in this case. Accordingly, Dr.
[doctor 3] cannot be considered competent to provide expert testimony in this case.
b. There is no generally accepted medical science to support an opinion by Dr. [doctor 3]
that [defendant pharmacy] was negligent.
In her deposition, Dr. [doctor 3] stated that there were several publications or sources
that are considered authoritative by pharmacists in determining the proper manner to ad-
minister medications. Dr. [doctor 3] conceded that none of the sources deemed to be au-
thoritative supported the position that it would be improper to advise a patient to take
milk with Doxycycline in the event of stomach upset. [Doctor 3] Deposition at 94–95,
101–02, 104–06, 132–38. Indeed, several, including the drug manufacturer and the Phys-
icians' Desk Reference, specifically advise that a patient can take milk with Doxycyc-
line. Id. As Dr. [doctor 3] acknowledged, the Food and Drug Administration approve the
drug manufacturer's instructions. Id. at 52. Indeed, the instructions on which Dr. [doctor
3] relied while working at the University of Maryland also state that milk can be taken in
the event of stomach upset. A copy of the University of Maryland instructions is at-
tached as Exhibit 3. Although, Dr. [doctor 3] was aware of a 16 year old study in Ger-
many that found that the absorption of Doxycycline was affected by milk, Dr. [doctor 3]
recognized that the study was not authoritative because it involved only nine people. Id.
at 111–13. Thus, because the generally accepted medical science undisputedly recog-
nizes the appropriateness of taking Doxycycline with milk, Dr. [doctor 3] cannot render
an opinion that would be contrary to it (i.e., that [defendant pharmacy] acted negligently
in providing its advice).
2. Dr. [doctor 2]'s testimony should be excluded.
a. Dr. [doctor 2] does not have sufficient expertise to render an opinion in this case on
the issue of [defendant pharmacy]'s negligence. Dr. [doctor 2] is trained as a pharmacist

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and is currently practicing as a doctor specializing in internal medicine. Dr. [doctor 2]

received a pharmacy degree from the University of Maryland in 1977 and practiced as a
pharmacist until 1980. Deposition of [doctor 2] (“[doctor 2] Deposition”), attached as
Exhibit 4, at 7. Like Dr. [doctor 3], Dr. [doctor 2] readily admits that she is not an expert
on issues related to the absorption of Doxycycline. Id. at 101. Dr. [doctor 2] learned
about Doxycycline while she was in pharmacy school in 1979, but concedes that she
took no courses specifically on Doxycycline and that she has not reviewed any studies or
literature on the effect of milk on the medicine since 1979. Id. at 85–86. Her knowledge
and opinions concerning Doxycycline are based on what she learned in pharmacy school
and the fact that she has heard nothing new regarding the drug since that time. Id. at 87.
Of course, as explained above, the University of Maryland was specifically advising pa-
tients in the year 2000 that they could take milk with Doxycycline. As of the time she
saw Plaintiff, she was not aware of the recommendations made by the Physicians' Desk
Reference on the taking of Doxycycline or the instructions of the drug's manufacturers.
Id. at 29, 34–38. Simply put, Dr. [doctor 2] has knowledge as to the general uses of
Doxycycline, but does not have, as she admits, the expertise to render an opinion on is-
sues related to the absorption of Doxycycline and the reasonableness, or not, of
[defendant pharmacy]'s advice.
b. There is no generally accepted medical science to support an opinion by Dr. [doctor 3]
that [defendant pharmacy] was negligent. Dr. [doctor 2] agrees that the Physicians' Desk
Reference and the manufacturers of Doxycycline state that the drug can be administered
with milk in the event of stomach upset. She also acknowledges that this information
would have to have been reviewed and approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
[doctor 2] Deposition at 24 and 40. The one source that Dr. [doctor 2] uses every time
she prescribes antibiotics is the Sanford Guide, which comes out every year. Id. at 90.
The Sanford Guide, however, is silent on the issue of taking milk with Doxycycline. Id.
at 93. Rather, as explained above, Dr. [doctor 2]'s entire opinion is based on general in-
structions provided to her in 1979 in Pharmacy School at the University of Maryland.
Accordingly, Dr. [doctor 2]'s opinion that [defendant pharmacy] violated the standard of
care in October 2000 is without a generally accepted basis in medical science.
3. [Defendant pharmacy] reserves the right to object to testimony of Plaintiffs' other ex-
Plaintiffs have designated two additional experts to testify at trial, David Levy, M.D., a
urologist, and Robert Medalie, M.D., an internist. By order of the Court, these doctors are
to make themselves available for deposition by the end of March 2003. Once these depos-
itions have been taken and the transcripts received, [defendant pharmacy] will make any
further appropriate motion in limine for the Court's consideration.
III. Conclusion
For all of the reasons discussed above, the Court should exclude all evidence proffered by
Plaintiffs as it relates to a standard of care other than the one existing at the time [defendant
pharmacy] gave advice to Plaintiff in October 2000. Additionally, the Court should exclude
the testimony of Plaintiff's experts, Andrea [doctor 3], R.Ph., and [doctor 2], M.D., because
they do not have sufficient expertise and because their opinions are unsupported by generally
accepted medical science.

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Respectfully submitted.
VII. Proof of Negligence in Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease
A. Illustrative Facts
§ 21. Model trial factual situation
The negligent diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease is litigated most often in medical
malpractice actions. However, Lyme disease products cases, actions on insurance contracts,
employer liability, and actions for disability payments also may be appropriate.[1]
The following illustrative testimony demonstrating the negligent diagnosis and treatment
of Lyme disease in a medical malpractice action is based in part on the facts of Bratt ex rel.
Bratt v. Laskas, 845 So. 2d 964 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 4th Dist. 2003), and Tetreault v. Eslick,
271 Conn. 466, 857 A.2d 888 (2004).
B. Plaintiff's Testimony [Direct Examination]
§ 22. Initial symptoms of illness
Please state your name and address for the record.
[Name], [address].
Are you employed?
Yes. I am a landscaper.
And, as part of your work you are outside a great deal?
Yes. I work in people's yards.
Are some of these yards near wooded areas?
Yes. The homes I work at border a green area that is wooded.
About [date], did you become ill?
Yes. On [date] I stayed home from work because I felt like I had the flu.
What physical symptoms did you experience?
My muscles and joints ached. I had a fever and chills. That is what made me think it was
the flu.

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Did your “flu” resolve itself?

No. And this is what bothered me. I continued to feel fatigued, have headaches, was light-
headed, and sometimes was dizzy.
Did this get better over time?
No, and I got a stiff neck and had trouble sleeping.
Was there any place on your body that showed your illness?
Yes, I got a red, circular skin rash on my arm.
§ 23. Diagnosis of illness and initial treatment
Did you consult a doctor about these symptoms?
Yes. I went to [defendant].
On date did you first see [defendant]?
On [date].
What happened at the doctor's office?
First, the nurse took my temperature and blood pressure, he weighed me, and asked me
questions about my medical history and why I was in the doctor's office that day.
Did [defendant] examine you?
Yes. She examined me in her office.
What did she do during the examination?
She briefly looked at the nurse's notes, asked me what symptoms I was having, and
listened to my heart, checked my ears, and had me cough.
Did she examine look at other parts of your body?
Did she find the red, circular rash?
No. I pointed it out to her.

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What did she say about the rash?
She looked at it and said it was a bit of dermatitis. She said to go to a drug store and get an
antibacterial soap. I was supposed to wash the rash twice a day with that.
Did you do this?
Did it help?
No. Actually it seemed to irritate it some.
When you were at the doctor's office, did she ask about your muscle and joint pain?
Yes, but she said to take Ibuprofen.
Did she ask you about your activities or your work?
Did she ask about your medical history?
Some, but she didn't go over my medical history very much or the form that I had filled
out in the waiting room. She asked if I had any history of skin problems like psoriasis. She
seemed to be in a hurry, like other patients with real problems were waiting.
What else did she ask during the office visit?
She asked if I had any mental problems. This made me feel terrible, like I was faking my
pain or something.
What do you mean?
She wanted to know if I had any history of psychiatric problems, if my marriage was good,
if I had ever had any problems with the law. I took this to mean she thought my illness was all
in my head, that my problems were related to emotional problems.
After seeing the doctor, did you go home and take the Ibuprofen for your pain?
Did this resolve your illness and pain?

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Did you see the Defendant again?
Yes, I went back on [date].
What happened then?
I saw the doctor. She did the same things: listened to my heart, had me cough.
Did she do anything new or different?
Did she order any lab tests?
Oh, yes. She thought maybe my thyroid wasn't working right so I got a blood test for that.
What were the results of that test?
My thyroid was fine.
Did you go back to the doctor another time for a follow-up?
Yes. On [date], I went back.
What did the doctor say then?
She talked to me about the diseases of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. She
prescribed a new drug that was supposed to help with fibromyalgia.
§ 24. Later stage symptoms
Did you illness resolve over time?
No. It kept getting worse.
In what way?
I had difficulty concentrating and felt I was losing my mind. Then, parts of my face
seemed to not work right. I couldn't smile like I used to. Another doctor later told me this was
“facial palsy,” and that really scared me.
Did you have another other symptoms then?

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Yes. My heart seemed to race every once in a while and my chest hurt. Also, my muscle
and joint pain continued and was really bad. I had to stay home from work a lot because I had
trouble walking. Sometimes, I couldn't get out of bed.
Did you go back to see the Defendant?
Yes. I felt sheepish about going again since I wasn't bleeding and didn't have a high tem-
perature. It seems like if you don't have something obvious like this, the doctors really don't
want to see you.
What did the doctor do this time?
She ordered another blood test and some x-rays.
And what did the blood test show?
It was positive for Lyme disease.
§ 25. Treatment of Lyme disease
When you tested positive for Lyme disease, did the Defendant prescribe any medication?
Yes, I was put on cephalexin.
Did this resolve your problems?
No. Another doctor told me cephalexin is ineffective for the treatment of Lyme disease
and should not be used.
What did you do then?
I phoned the doctor and she then put me on doxycycline (100 mg twice per day).
Did this help?
Some. Because I had Lyme disease at that point for so long, I learned later I should have
been put on intravenous ceftriaxone for 2 to 4 weeks.
§ 26. Resulting physical harm
What happened next?
On [date], I had significant pain, went to the emergency room, and the next day had my

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gallbladder removed.
And this was associated with your Lyme disease?
Do you still feel the effects of the Lyme disease today?
Yes. I have joint pain all the time. Sometimes, I have cognitive problems—my short-term
memory is really bad. Also, I have heart palpitations and am worried I am going to have a
heart attack one day.
§ 27. Impact on work and life activities
Has this impacted your work?
I have real trouble working. I can't stand for long, bending can be a problem, my hands
hurt. I've missed a lot of work.
Can you still do the things you enjoyed before you contracted Lyme disease?
No. Sometimes I have trouble caring for my kids—it is hard to do the buttons on their
clothes, I am tired and can't fix them food, the laundry isn't getting done. I can't do my hob-
bies. I am fatigued all the time.
C. Testimony of Expert Medical Witness [Direct Examination]
§ 28. Qualification of witness as medical expert
[After introduction and identification of witness]
Would you state your occupation, please?
I am a medical doctor, board-certified in infectious diseases in the state where [plaintiff]
resides and was treated.
Are you a member of any associations or work with any entities?
I am a member of the American Infectious Disease Association and an adjunct professor at
[University Medical School].
Thank you. Have you published in your field?
Yes. I have several scholarly publications and two medical school texts on infectious dis-

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Are any of these publications on Lyme disease?

Yes. I have a specialty in Lyme disease. I write on it regularly and have consulted on
many patient cases.
§ 29. Explanation of Lyme disease and its diagnosis and treatment
Can you please tell us what Lyme disease is?
Lyme disease is caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to hu-
mans by the bite of infected blacklegged ticks. Infection of less than 20% of ticks with B. bur-
gdorferi generally occurs in parts of New England, in parts of the mid-Atlantic States, and in
parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin, but not in most other locations in the United States. Per-
sons who have removed attached ticks from themselves (including those who have received
antibiotic prophylaxis) should be monitored closely for signs and symptoms of tickborne dis-
eases for up to 30 days; in particular, they should be monitored for the development of an ex-
panding skin lesion at the site of the tick bite (erythema migrans) that may suggest Lyme dis-
ease. Persons who develop a skin lesion or viral infection-like illness within one month after
removing an attached tick should promptly seek medical attention to assess the possibility of
having acquired a tick-borne infection.
What symptoms does a person have if they are infected by a tick bite?
Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called
erythema migrans. If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous
system. Lyme disease can cause arthritis, facial paralysis and other neurological problems or
an abnormally slow heart rate.
There is a skin rash that can be seen?
Yes, erythema migrans, which is the most common clinical manifestation of Lyme disease
. The great majority of people who are infected with Lyme disease develop a large (three
inches or more) circular, red rash surrounding the site where a tick attached. About 15% of
those who have a skin lesion develop neurological abnormalities several months later. These
include meningitis, cranial or peripheral neuritis, and migratory musculoskeletal pain. A smal-
ler percentage develop myocardial abnormalities. The final phase occurs months to years after
infection, when 50% of patients who displayed the lesion develop intermittent chronic arthritis
involving many joints.
When does the infection occur?
Infection occurs from three to 30 days, on average 10 days, after a tick bite, but most
people do not recall the bite because the ticks are small and the bite usually is not itchy or

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How is Lyme disease diagnosed?
Generally, Lyme disease is diagnosed based on patient symptoms, the physical finding of
a rash, a blood laboratory test, and the possibility of exposure to infected ticks. Lyme disease
is diagnosed based on the patient's history and the doctor's examination of the patient in con-
junction with a positive laboratory test result. The most commonly used laboratory test is a
blood test which determines whether the patient has developed antibodies to the Borrelia bur-
gdorferi bacteria, the presence of an IgG antibody several weeks after infection. One diagnost-
ic difficulty is the great variation in clinical expression—90% of patients who are infected
have no symptoms but have positive Lyme titers.
What are the stages of Lyme disease?
Clinical manifestations of Lyme disease have been categorized into three stages, which do
not necessarily occur in sequence nor appear within a uniform period of time. Stage I is char-
acterized by a rash that develops at the site of an infected tick bite, which may appear with or
without a fever. There may also be no symptoms. The characteristic rash appears in a circle
around the site, with a diameter averaging 15 cm. Usually, the outer border is flat and bright
red, but there are variations on the pattern, from concentric circle to a rash with irregular mar-
gins. The rash resolves within a few weeks, even without treatment. Stage II consists of influ-
enza or meningitis-like symptoms, including headache, fever and chills, arthralgias, stiff neck,
malaise and fatigue. There may be acute cardiac and neurological abnormalities, as well.
Neurological manifestations include difficulty concentrating, earache, bilateral facial palsy,
dizziness, and photophobia, with the headache and stiff neck. Usually, symptoms cluster,
which is a strong indication of Lyme disease. Cardiac involvement is commonly indicated by
lightheadedness, palpitations, chest discomfort and dyspnea, and appears as a fluctuating atri-
oventricular (AV) block from first to third degree. Stage III, or the late persistent infection
stage, may occur weeks, months, or years after the initial infection, and is manifested by one
or more attacks of monoarthritis or oligoarthritis, which last from several days to several
months. Pain, stiffness, and swelling of the affected joint, usually the knee, are the most fre-
quent complaints, with attacks diminishing in frequency and severity over time. Generalized
pain and morning stiffness are not characteristic of this disease. Chronic neurological symp-
toms are experienced by some patients at stage III, with generalized fatigue, sleep disorder,
widespread musculoskeletal pain, and headache.
What is the suggested treatment for Lyme disease?
Treatment usually involves 10 to 28 days of oral antibiotics and is highly effective. When
Lyme disease is diagnosed and treated quickly, 95% of people are cured within a few weeks
of treatment. Specifically, a single dose of doxycycline may be offered to adult patients (200
mg dose) and to children of less than eight years of age (4 mg/kg up to a maximum dose of
200 mg) when all of the following circumstances exist: (a) the attached tick can be reliably
identified as an adult or nymphal I. scapularis tick that is estimated to have been attached for
less than 36 hours on the basis of the degree of engorgement of the tick with blood or of cer-

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tainty about the time of exposure to the tick; (b) prophylaxis can be started within 72 hours of
the time that the tick was removed; (c) ecologic information indicates that the local rate of in-
fection of these ticks with B. burgdorferi is less than 20%; and (d) doxycycline treatment is
not contraindicated. Doxycycline is contraindicated in pregnant women and children of less
than eight years old. The time limit of 72 hours is suggested because of the absence of data on
the efficacy of chemoprophylaxis for tick bites following tick removal after longer time inter-
vals. Doxycycline (100 mg twice per day), amoxicillin (500 mg three times per day), or cefur-
oxime axetil (500 mg twice per day) for 14 days (range, 10–21 days for doxycycline and
14–21 days for amoxicillin or cefuroxime axetil) is recommended for the treatment of adult
patients with early localized or early disseminated Lyme disease associated with erythema mi-
grans, in the absence of specific neurologic manifestations or advanced atrioventricular heart
block. The use of ceftriaxone (2 g once per day intravenously for 14 days; range, 10–28 days)
in early Lyme disease is recommended for adult patients with acute neurologic disease mani-
fested by meningitis or radiculopathy. For children, ceftriaxone (50–75 mg/kg per day) in a
single daily intravenous dose (maximum, 2 g) is recommended.
Are some antibiotics not recommended?
Macrolide antibiotics are not recommended as first-line therapy for early Lyme disease,
because those macrolides that have been compared with other antimicrobials in clinical trials
have been found to be less effective. First-generation cephalosporins, such as cephalexin, are
ineffective for treatment of Lyme disease and should not be used.
Is there a different course of treatment for late stage, or Stage III, Lyme disease?
Adult patients with late neurologic disease affecting the central or peripheral nervous sys-
tem should be treated with intravenous ceftriaxone for two to four weeks. Ceftriaxone is also
recommended for children with late neurologic Lyme disease. These patients may require up
to 28 days of antibiotic therapy. Long-term therapy for so-called chronic Lyme disease can in-
volve weeks, months, and even years of intravenous antibiotics although there is little evid-
ence this antibiotic therapy cures or suppresses the infection and may result in overuse of the
Is there some controversy regarding antibiotic treatment of Lyme disease?
Yes. In 2006, the Infectious Diseases Society of America published treatment guidelines.
The guidelines, however, do not recognize “chronic” Lyme because there is no evidence the
disease's bacteria remain alive in humans after a standard course of antibiotic therapy and be-
cause there is no good evidence that repeated or prolonged courses of antibiotics help patients.
Because insurers often won't pay for treatment outside the guidelines, activist groups are
fighting to have the rules changed.
§ 30. Plaintiff's Lyme disease

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Did you have an opportunity to review the medical records of [plaintiff] concerning her
course of care with [defendant]?
Do you have an opinion as to whether [plaintiff] exhibited the symptoms of Lyme disease?
Yes. [Plaintiff] definitely exhibited the symptoms of Lyme disease, the red, circular rash
and all of her nonspecific symptoms such as muscle and joint pain, fatigue, etc.
§ 31. Standard of care
Can you tell us, what is the generally accepted standard of examination and diagnosis for a
patient with symptoms similar to [plaintiff]?
The Infectious Diseases Society of America has published treatment guidelines, and the
Centers for Disease Control also provide information on Lyme disease useful to practitioners.
What, if anything, should [defendant] have done to stay within the accepted standard of
medical care?
[Defendant] should have followed the guidelines in conducting the examination and dia-
gnosis of [plaintiff] in order to determine whether the [plaintiff]'s symptoms were indicative
of Lyme disease.
What else, if anything, should [defendant] have done, in order to comply with a general
standard of medical care?
If [defendant] had a question about the diagnosis of [plaintiff's] illness, she should have
ordered a blood test immediately, and possibly consulted medical information on infectious
diseases. In addition, follow-up should have been scheduled to determine if plaintiff was mak-
ing progress toward recovery.
Do you have an opinion about whether or not [defendant] met the standard in this state
with regard to examining and diagnosing [plaintiff]?
In my opinion, [defendant] did not follow the recommended guidelines for the physical ex-
amination of [plaintiff] and did not properly and timely diagnose [plaintiff]'s Illness as Lyme
disease. [Defendant] failed to recognize obvious symptoms of Lyme disease, the circular skin
rash, and failed to conduct a blood test which would have been more conclusive for
[defendant] in making a diagnosis. Therefore, [defendant] failed to adhere to the acceptable
standard of medical care in examining and diagnosing a patient who presents with [plaintiff]'s
clinical symptoms.

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Do you have an opinion about whether or not [defendant] met the standard in this state
with regard to the treatment provided to [plaintiff] once the diagnosis of Lyme disease was fi-
nally made?
Yes. My opinion is that [defendant] initially failed to properly treat [plaintiff] with an anti-
biotic, [defendant] next failed to provide the proper antibiotic, and [defendant] failed to timely
provide the proper treatment which would have prevented the serious progression of the dis-
ease and [plaintiff]'s current disabilities.
§ 32. Causation
What, in your opinion, is [plaintiff]'s prognosis currently?
Without examining [plaintiff], and just from looking at the medical records, I can say that
her prognosis is poor.
Why is the prognosis poor?
She will have continuing problems including fatigue, muscle and joint pain, and possible
heart involvement and cognitive difficulties. This will impact her work and life activities. Her
most recent physical examination shows marked disability, with [plaintiff] unable to walk un-
If [defendant] had followed the guidelines, or otherwise had complied with the generally
accepted standard of medical care in the state in diagnosing and treating [plaintiff], would
there have, in your opinion, been a difference in the current prognosis?
Yes, absolutely. With early diagnosis and treatment most patient's recover completely or
well, showing no or little symptoms in the future. There would have been a significant differ-
ence. Because [plaintiff]'s diagnosis and treatment were not in compliance with the guidelines
and were untimely, [plaintiff] will have significant disabling problems in the future.
§ 33. Negligence of defendant
Was, in your opinion, [defendant] negligent in her diagnosis and treatment of [plaintiff]?
Yes. The initial diagnosis was incorrect. [Defendant] incorrectly diagnosed and treated
[plaintiff] for the flu and dermatitis. The next diagnosis of thyroid problems was incorrect.
Also, the diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia for [plaintiff] was incorrect. The correct
diagnosis for [plaintiff] is Lyme disease and this diagnosis and its treatment were the cause of
[plaintiff]'s continuing problems.
West's Key Number Digest

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108 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 1 (Originally published in 2009)

West's Key Number Digest, Evidence 470, 471(1), 471(2), 471(3), 472(1), 472(2), 472(4)
, 472(11), 474(1), 474(3), 474(6), 477(1), 477(2), 477(3), 481(1), 481(2), 501(1), 501(2),
501(5), 501(9), 501(10), 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 512, 528(.5), 528(1), 528(2), 531, 532
West's Key Number Digest, Health, 600, 637, 669
Westlaw Databases
Attorneys Medical Atlas (AMA-ATLAS)
Diseasedex (DISDEX)
Health Care Industry Library Multibase (HEALTH-WNPRO)
Health Trial Motions (HTH-MOTIONS)
Health Trial Pleadings (HTH-PLEADINGS)
Kelley's Textbook of Internal Medicine, 4th Edition (LWW-INTMED)
Attorneys Medical Advisor (MEDADV)
Attorneys Medical Deskbook 3d (MEDDESK)
Medical Malpractice Trial Filings (MEDMAL-FILING)
Medical-Legal Information Multibase (MLI-TP)
Medical Malpractice Specialist (MM-SPECIALIST)
Stedman's Medical Dictionary (STEDMANS)

A.L.R. Library
A.L.R. Index, Insects
A.L.R. Index, Lyme Disease
A.L.R. Index, Malpractice
West's A.L.R. Digest, Health 637, 669
Compensability Under Occupational Disease Statutes of Emotional Distress or Like Injury
Suffered by Claimant As Result of Nonsudden Stimuli, 113 A.L.R.5th 115
Right to Workers' Compensation for Emotional Distress or Like Injury Suffered by
Claimant as Result of Nonsudden Stimuli—Compensability Under Particular Circumstances,
108 A.L.R.5th 1
Construction of incontestable clause applicable to disability insurance, 67 A.L.R.5th 513

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Workers' compensation: Lyme disease, 22 A.L.R.5th 246

What constitutes mental illness or disorder, insanity, or the like, within provision limiting
or excluding coverage under health or disability policy, 19 A.L.R.5th 533
Excessiveness or adequacy of damages awarded for injuries to back, neck, or spine, 15
A.L.R.4th 294
Pain as "disability" entitling insured to disability benefits under sec. 103 of the Social Se-
curity Act (42 USC sec. 423), 23 A.L.R.3d 1034
What Constitutes Substantial Limitation on Major Life Activity of Thinking, and Whether
Thinking Qualifies as Such, for Purposes of Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C.A. §§
12101 to 12213, 2006 A.L.R. Fed. 2d 4
Judicial Review of Denial of Disability Benefits Under Employee Benefit Plan Governed
by Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 29 U.S.C.A. §
1132(a)(1)(B)—Fiduciary Conflict of Interest—Post-Firestone Cases, 18 A.L.R. Fed. 2d 607
What Constitutes Substantial Limitation on Major Life Activity of Sleeping for Purposes
of Americans With Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C.A. secs. 12101 to 12213), 12 A.L.R. Fed. 2d
Judicial Review of Denial of Disability Benefits Under Employee Benefit Plan Governed
by Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 29 U.S.C.A. §
1132(a)(1)(B)—Selection and Scope of Particular Standards of Review—Post-Firestone
Cases, 12 A.L.R. Fed. 2d 1
Construction and Application of Association Section of Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990, sec. 102(b)(4), 42 U.S.C.A. sec. 12112(b)(4), 7 A.L.R. Fed. 2d 447
What Physical Injuries or Impairments Constitute Substantial Limitation on Major Life
Activity of Walking for Purposes of Americans With Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C.A. secs 12101
to 12213), 4 A.L.R. Fed. 2d 569
What Constitutes Substantial Limitation on Major Life Activity of Performing Manual
Tasks for Purposes of Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C.A. secs. 12101 to 12213),
200 A.L.R. Fed. 55
What General or Systemic Diseases or Conditions Constitute Substantial Limitation on
Major Life Activity of Walking for Purposes of Americans With Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C.A.
secs. 12101 to 12213), 199 A.L.R. Fed. 481
What Constitutes Substantial Limitation on Major Life Activity of Caring for Oneself for
Purposes of Americans With Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C.A. secs. 12101 to 12213), 192 A.L.R.
Fed. 483
Establishing Employer's Discriminatory Motive in Action to Recover for Employer's Re-

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taliation for Employee's Exercise of Rights Under Family and Medical Leave Act, in Viola-
tion of § 105(a) of Act (29 U.S.C.A. § 2615(a)), 190 A.L.R. Fed. 491
What Constitutes "Constructive Discharge" Under Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 (42 U.S.C.A. § 12101), 182 A.L.R. Fed. 609
Award of Damages Under Family and Medical Leave Act (29 U.S.C.A. §§ 2601 et seq),
176 A.L.R. Fed. 591
Employees' Entitlement to Reinstatement Under s104(a), (b) of Family and Medical Leave
Act (29 U.S.C.A. § 2614(a), (b)), 175 A.L.R. Fed. 1
What Constitutes "Serious Health Condition" Under § 101(11) or § 102(a)(1)(D) of Fam-
ily and Medical Leave Act (29 U.S.C.A. § 2611(11), 29 U.S.C.A. § 2612(a)(1)(D)), 169
A.L.R. Fed. 369
Effect of Administrative Law Judge's Failure to Explain Rejection of Probative Evidence
in Social Security Disability Case, 167 A.L.R. Fed. 65
Sufficiency of Evidence When Evaluating Mental Impairment in Social Security Disability
Case Under 20 C.F.R. § 404.1520a, 166 A.L.R. Fed. 361
Standard and Sufficiency of Evidence When Evaluating Severity of Claimant's Pain in So-
cial Security Disability Case Under § 3(a)(1) of Social Security Disability Benefits Reform
Act of 1984, 42 U.S.C.A. § 423(d)(5)(A), 165 A.L.R. Fed. 203
Construction and application of § 102(d) of Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C.A.
§ 12112(d)) pertaining to medical examinations and inquiries, 159 A.L.R. Fed. 89
Sufficiency and weight of retrospective diagnosis in social security disability case, 158
A.L.R. Fed. 299
Order, based on new evidence provision of 42 USCA sec. 405(g), that additional evidence
be taken in administrative proceeding to establish eligibility for benefits under Social Security
Act, 152 A.L.R. Fed. 123
Determination and Application of Correct Legal Standard in Weighing Medical Opinion of
Treating Source in Social Security Disability Cases, 149 A.L.R. Fed. 1
When is Individual Regarded as Having, or Perceived to Have, Impairment Within Mean-
ing of Americans With Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C.A. sec. 12102(2)(C)), 148 A.L.R. Fed. 305
Who is "Qualified Individual" Under Americans With Disabilities Act Provisions Defin-
ing, and Extending Protection Against Employment Discrimination to Qualified Individual
with Disability (42 USCA secs. 12111(8), 12112(a)), 146 A.L.R. Fed. 1
What constitutes substantial limitation on major life activity of working for purposes of
Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C.A. secs. 12101-12213), 141 A.L.R. Fed. 603

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Social Security disability determinations: what is "severe" impairment under 20 CFR secs.
404.1520-404.1521, 80 A.L.R. Fed. 564

Legal Encyclopedias
Am. Jur. 2d, Americans with Disabilities Act §§ 7, 10
Am. Jur. 2d, Insurance § 1463
Am. Jur. 2d, Job Discrimination §§ 2293, 2294
Am. Jur. 2d, Pensions § 315
Am. Jur. 2d, Physicians, Surgeons, and Other Healers §§ 188, 189
Am. Jur. 2d, Social Security and Medicare §§ 2019, 2026
Am. Jur. 2d, Workers Compensation §§ 305 to 317

Treatises and Practice Aids

Russ, Freeman and McQuade, Attorneys Medical Advisor §§ 22:92 to 22:102, 54:18
Couch on Insurance 3d § 147:35

Trial Strategy
Proof of Social Security Disability Claim, 69 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 1
Proof of Paralysis, 67 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 1
Proof of Failed Back Syndrome, 59 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 203
Proof of Negligence in Blood Transfusions, 55 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 89
Proof of Negligence in Diagnosis and Treatment of Arthritis, 54 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts
3d 1
Damages for Loss of Enjoyment of Life, 49 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 339
Employer's Defense Under Americans With Disabilities Act, 42 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts
3d 1
Proof of "Disability" Under the Americans With Disabilities Act, 33 Am. Jur. Proof of
Facts 3d 1
Emotional Distress Caused by Fear of Future Disease, 24 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 273

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Disability Discrimination Under the Americans With Disabilities Act, 20 Am. Jur. Proof
of Facts 3d 361
Wife's Damages for Loss of Consortium, 10 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 97
Thresholds of Pain, 8 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 91
ERISA—Arbitrary Denial of Benefits Under Disability Income Plan, 2 Am. Jur. Proof of
Facts 3d 273
Traumatic Cause or Aggravation of Condition Affecting Mobility of Joints, 30 Am. Jur.
Proof of Facts 2d 511
"Total Disability" of Insured Attorney, 26 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 2d 421
Pain and Suffering, 23 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 2d 1
Unemployability of Insured Under Disability Policy, 18 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 2d 407
Personal Injury Litigation Guide, 87 Am. Jur. Trials 275
Obtaining Workers' Compensation for Back Injuries, 79 Am. Jur. Trials 231
Pharmacist Malpractice: Trial and Litigation Strategy, 78 Am. Jur. Trials 407
Defending the Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Claim, 61 Am. Jur. Trials 95
The Daubert Challenge to the Admissibility of Scientific Evidence, 60 Am. Jur. Trials 1
Litigating the No-Fault Serious-Injury Threshold, 59 Am. Jur. Trials 347
Toxic Experts, 52 Am. Jur. Trials 473
Defense of Claim Brought Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, 49 Am. Jur. Trials
Social Security Hearings and Appeals in Disability Cases, 24 Am. Jur. Trials 699
Basis of Medical Testimony, 6 Am. Jur. Trials 109
Presenting Plaintiff's Medical Proof—Common Injuries and Conditions, 6 Am. Jur. Trials
Showing Pain and Suffering, 5 Am. Jur. Trials 921

Am. Jur. Legal Forms 2d §§ 202:151 to 202:161.1
Am. Jur. Pleading and Practice Forms, Physicians, Surgeons, and Other Healers § 127

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Goldscheider, Eckstrom's Licensing in Foreign and Domestic Operations: The Forms and
Substance of Licensing § 16:44
Nichols Cyc. Legal Fms § 193:87

Law Reviews and Other Periodicals

Finch, Law and the Problem of Pain, 74 U. Cin. L. Rev. 285 (2005)
Kodsi, Confronting Experts Whose Opinions Are Neither Supported nor Directly Contra-
dicted by Scientific Literature, 80-JUN Fla. B.J. 80 (2006)
Luyster, Frye and Daubert Challenges: Unreliable Options vs. Unreliable Science, 26 No.
2 Trial Advoc. Q. 29 (2007)
Meng, Note, Jeanes Hospital v. Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board (Hass): Defining
the Procedure to Add an Additional Injury to a Notice of Compensation Payable, 15 Widener
L.J. 547 (2006)
Spiva, Proving Invisible Injury: Unseen, But Not Unreal, 41-JUN Trial 18 (2005)
Springer-Sullivan, The Resurrection of "Female Hysteria" in Present-Day ERISA Disabil-
ity Law, 20 Berkeley J. Gender L. & Just. 67 (2005)
The Chronic Pain Client—Proving Damages, Winter 2005 ATLA-CLE 183

[FN*] Monique C.M. Leahy is the principal of Wordsworth Publishing providing law
book authoring and research services to law and business publishers. She is an attorney
licensed in Washington, Missouri, and Kansas emphasizing Internet, computer,
medico-legal, personal injury, workers' compensation, business, and municipal law in
her published works. Ms. Leahy is a former Director of the Reston Association, a “new
town” planned community and one of the largest homes associations in the U.S. with
60,000 members, a former city council member, planning commissioner, and Board of
Zoning Appeals member in Leawood, Kansas, and currently is on appointed land use
committees in Reston and Fairfax County, Virginia. In her former law practice, she
emphasized litigation and telecommunications law.

Section 1 Footnotes:
[FN2] The Washington Post, “Getting Serious on Lyme: Area Health Officials Battle
Disease's Surge,” Tuesday June 17, 2008, Health page F7. For organizations providing
information and support to persons affected by Lyme disease, see the Centers for Dis-
ease Control, the Infectious Diseases Society

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of America, the nonprofit Lyme Disease Association, Inc., and the Lyme Disease Foundation ht-
tp://, among others.
[FN3] Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 2d Ed., Lyme Disease. See § 4 regarding the
diagnosis of Lyme disease. See also Proof of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromy-
algia, 99 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 1; Workers' Compensation: Compensability of
Multiple Sclerosis, 36 Am. Jur. Trials 573; and Proof of Negligence in Diagnosis and
Treatment of Arthritis, 54 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 1.
[FN4] American Family Physician, 7/15/05 AFAMPHYS 309 2005 WLNR 12847338.
[FN6] Shapiro, Doxycycline for Tick Bites—Not for Everyone, New England Journal
of Medicine, 7/12/01 New Eng. J. Med. 133. See §§ 4, 5 discussing the diagnosis and
treatment of Lyme disease.
[FN8] See §§ 19 to 33 presenting proof of Lyme disease.
[FN9] § 4.
[FN10] § 5.
[FN11] See §§ 6 to 9.
[FN12] §§ 11, 12.
[FN13] § 13.
[FN14] §§ 14 to 16.
[FN15] §§ 17, 18.
[FN16] §§ 19, 20.
[FN17] §§ 21 to 33.
Section 2 Footnotes:
[FN2] Attorneys Medical Advisor § 54:18.
[FN3] Attorneys Medical Advisor § 54:18.
[FN4] See § 5 discussing treatment.

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Section 3 Footnotes:
Section 4 Footnotes:
[FN3] Attorneys Medical Advisor § 54:18.
[FN5] Proof of Negligence in Diagnosis and Treatment of Arthritis, 54 Am. Jur. Proof
of Facts 3d 1.
[FN6] Proof of Negligence in Diagnosis and Treatment of Arthritis, 54 Am. Jur. Proof
of Facts 3d 1.
Section 5 Footnotes:
[FN2] See below in this section discussing chronic cases.
[FN8] The Washington Post, “Getting Serious on Lyme: Area Health Officials Battle
Disease's Surge,” Tuesday June 17, 2008, Health page F1.
[FN9] The Washington Post, “Getting Serious on Lyme: Area Health Officials Battle
Disease's Surge,” Tuesday June 17, 2008, Health page F7.
[FN10] Rite Aid Corp. v. Levy-Gray, 391 Md. 608, 894 A.2d 563, 59 U.C.C. Rep.
Serv. 2d 807 (2006).
Section 6 Footnotes:
[FN1] See Judicial Review of Denial of Disability Benefits Under Employee Benefit

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Plan Governed by Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 29 U.S.C.A. §

1132(a)(1)(B)—Fiduciary Conflict of Interest—Post-Firestone Cases, 18 A.L.R. Fed.
2d 607; Judicial Review of Denial of Disability Benefits Under Employee Benefit Plan
Governed by Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), 29 U.S.C.A. §
1132(a)(1)(B)—Selection and Scope of Particular Standards of Re-
view—Post-Firestone Cases, 12 A.L.R. Fed. 2d 1; ERISA—Arbitrary Denial of Bene-
fits Under Disability Income Plan, 2 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 273.
[FN2] Lamanna v. Special Agents Mut. Benefits Ass'n, 546 F. Supp. 2d 261 (W.D. Pa.
[FN3] Pikulas v. DaimlerChrysler, 397 F. Supp. 2d 883 (E.D. Mich. 2005).
[FN4] Dunn v. Standard Ins. Co., 156 F. Supp. 2d 227, 26 Employee Benefits Cas.
(BNA) 2593 (D. Conn. 2001).
[FN5] Ingram v. Martin Marietta Long Term Disability Income Plan for Salaried Em-
ployees of Transferred GE Operations, 244 F.3d 1109, 25 Employee Benefits Cas.
(BNA) 2477 (9th Cir. 2001).
[FN6] Logan v. Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield, 275 A.D.2d 187, 714 N.Y.S.2d
119 (2d Dep't 2000).
[FN7] Foley v. Barnhart, 432 F. Supp. 2d 465 (M.D. Pa. 2005).
[FN8] Liebhart v. Commissioner of Social Sec., 174 Fed. Appx. 302, 2006 FED App.
0213N (6th Cir. 2006) (not selected for publication in the Federal Reporter).
[FN9] In re Caldwell, 350 B.R. 182 (Bankr. E.D. Pa. 2006).
[FN10] Steinberg v. Paul Revere Life Ins. Co., 73 F. Supp. 2d 358 (S.D. N.Y. 1999),
judgment summarily aff'd, 210 F.3d 355 (2d Cir. 2000).
Section 7 Footnotes:
[FN1] Levine v. Smithtown Cent. School Dist., 565 F. Supp. 2d 407, 236 Ed. Law
Rep. 366 (E.D. N.Y. 2008).
Section 8 Footnotes:
[FN1] Logan v. Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield, 275 A.D.2d 187, 714 N.Y.S.2d
119 (2d Dep't 2000).
Section 9 Footnotes:
[FN1] See Workers' compensation: Lyme disease, 22 A.L.R.5th 246; Kashino v. Caro-
lina Veterinary Specialists Medical Services, 186 N.C. App. 418, 650 S.E.2d 839
(2007) (the evidence supported finding that workers' compensation claimant failed to
establish a causal connection between her employment and her Lyme disease; internist

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108 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 1 (Originally published in 2009)

specializing in infectious diseases testified that there was no way of knowing whether
claimant contracted Lyme disease due to her job or due to the exposure of daily living,
and the ticks removed from claimant's person after she worked for employer were nev-
er tested to see if they carried Lyme disease); Koester v. State Ins. Fund, 124 Idaho
205, 858 P.2d 744, 22 A.L.R.5th 824 (1993) (a home care provider failed to prove that
bite which allegedly caused Lyme disease occurred “in the course of employment” as
needed to recover workers' compensation benefits, even though provider discovered
bite while on the job, where provider never found tick, there was no evidence of ticks
or lice in client's home, and in light of evidence that provider's husband was a logger
who worked in woods and came home each night, had outside pets in her home, and
provider did not actually feel bite initiate).
[FN2] Grano v. Long Island R. Co., 818 F. Supp. 613 (S.D. N.Y. 1993).
[FN3] Kibbe v. Potter, 196 F. Supp. 2d 48 (D. Mass. 2002).
[FN4] Swartout v. Consolidated Rail Corp., 294 A.D.2d 785, 742 N.Y.S.2d 721 (3d
Dep't 2002).
Section 10 Footnotes:
[FN1] See Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, 2d Ed., Lyme Disease.
[FN2] See Proof of Paralysis, 67 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 1.
Section 11 Footnotes:
[FN1] See Am. Jur. 2d, Negligence §§ 1 to 1374.
[FN2] See Am. Jur. 2d, Hospitals and Asylums §§ 25 to 50; Am. Jur. 2d, Physicians,
Surgeons, and Other Healers §§ 286 to 352.
[FN3] Russo v. Shah, 278 A.D.2d 474, 718 N.Y.S.2d 74 (2d Dep't 2000).
[FN4] Russo v. Shah, 278 A.D.2d 474, 718 N.Y.S.2d 74 (2d Dep't 2000).
[FN5] See generally Am. Jur. 2d, Negligence §§ 1 to 1374; Am. Jur. 2d, Imputed Neg-
ligence and Vicarious Liability §§ 1096 to 1102.
[FN6] See §§ 19, 20, discussing medical expert witnesses.
Section 12 Footnotes:
[FN1] Tetreault v. Eslick, 271 Conn. 466, 857 A.2d 888 (2004).
[FN2] Bratt ex rel. Bratt v. Laskas, 845 So. 2d 964 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 4th Dist. 2003).
[FN3] Ferris v. Riegler, 2007 WL 2482508 (Conn. Super. Ct. 2007) (not designated for

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108 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 1 (Originally published in 2009)

Section 14 Footnotes:
[FN1] See § 13 providing a proof checklist.
[FN2] See § 15 discussing depositions, and see § 19 regarding expert opinion evid-
ence. See generally Discovery and Evaluation of Medical Records, 78 Am. Jur. Trials
559; Discovery—Written Interrogatories, 4 Am. Jur. Trials 1.
[FN3] See generally Am. Jur. 2d, Depositions and Discovery § 8.
[FN4] See Proof of Basis for, and Grounds for Lifting, Work Product Protection
Against Discovery, 39 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 1.
MENT GROUP INC., Defendant., 2006 WL 742250 (S.D. Ohio 2006), (Plaintiff's
Memorandum in Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment and Rule
56(f) Motion for A Continuance to Conduct Additional Discovery Oral Argument Re-
quested, (Case No. 1:04CV852)).
Section 15 Footnotes:
[FN1] See generally Discovery—Oral Depositions, 4 Am. Jur. Trials 119; Am. Jur. 2d,
Depositions §§ 79 to 115.
[FN2] See § 19 regarding expert witness testimony.
[FN3] Shelly ZIELINSKI and Brian Zielinski, Plaintiffs, v. Harriet KOTSORIS, M.D.,
Kristan D. Zimmermann, M.D. Stamford Radiological Associates, P.C., and Stamford
Hospital, Defendants., 2004 WL 5570135 (Conn. Super. Ct. 2004), The Deposition of
Dr. William D. Harley, (No. CV 01-0185802-S).
Section 17 Footnotes:
[FN1] See generally Am. Jur. 2d, Damages §§ 1 to 833. See § 18 providing a checklist
of specific damages.
[FN2] See The Chronic Pain Client—Proving Damages, Winter 2005 ATLA-CLE 183;
Damages for Loss of Enjoyment of Life, 49 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 339; Wife's
Damages for Loss of Consortium, 10 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 97; Pain and Suffer-
ing, 23 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 2d 1; Showing Pain and Suffering, 5 Am. Jur. Trials
921; Excessiveness or adequacy of damages awarded for injuries to back, neck, or
spine, 15 A.L.R.4th 294.
[FN3] See generally, Am. Jur. 2d, Damages §§ 1 to 833.
Section 18 Footnotes:
[FN1] Necessity and sufficiency, in personal injury or death action, of evidence as to
reasonableness of amount charged or paid for accrued medical, nursing, or hospital ex-

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penses, 12 A.L.R.3d 1347; Requisite proof to permit recovery for future medical ex-
penses as item of damages in personal injury action, 69 A.L.R.2d 1261.
[FN2] Profits of business as factor in determining loss of earnings or earning capacity
in action for personal injury or death, 45 A.L.R.3d 345; Cost of hiring substitute or as-
sistant during incapacity of injured party as item of damages in action for personal in-
jury, 37 A.L.R.2d 364; Sufficiency of evidence, in personal injury action, to prove
impairment of earning capacity and to warrant instructions to jury thereon, 18
A.L.R.3d 88; Cost of hiring substitute or assistant during incapacity of injured party as
item of damages in action for personal injury, 37 A.L.R.2d 364; Proof of Lost Earning
Capacity, 29 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 259.
[FN3] Complications Due to Immobilization, 39 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 2d 545.
[FN4] Per diem or similar mathematical basis for fixing damages for pain and suffer-
ing, 3 A.L.R.4th 940; Admissibility, in civil case, of expert evidence as to existence or
nonexistence, or severity, of pain, 11 A.L.R.3d 1249; Pain and Suffering, 23 Am. Jur.
Proof of Facts 2d 1; Showing Pain and Suffering, 5 Am. Jur. Trials 921.
[FN5] Sufficiency of evidence, in personal injury action, to prove future pain and suf-
fering and to warrant instructions to jury thereon, 18 A.L.R.3d 10; Per diem or similar
mathematical basis for fixing damages for pain and suffering, 3 A.L.R.4th 940.
[FN6] Future disease or condition, or anxiety relating thereto, as element of recovery,
50 A.L.R.4th 13; Am. Jur. 2d, Fright, Shock, and Mental Disturbance §§ 1 to 48.
[FN7] Damages for Loss of Enjoyment of Life, 49 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 339;
Loss of enjoyment of life as a distinct element or factor in awarding damages for bod-
ily injury, 34 A.L.R.4th 293.
[FN8] Excessiveness or adequacy of damages awarded for injuries to, or conditions in-
duced in, sexual organs and processes, 13 A.L.R.4th 183.
[FN9] Am. Jur. 2d Damages §§ 556, 646.
[FN10] Am. Jur. 2d, Damages § 687.
[FN11] Am. Jur. 2d, Damages §§ 430 to 441.
Section 19 Footnotes:
[FN1] See Basis of Medical Testimony, 6 Am. Jur. Trials 109; Presenting Plaintiff's
Medical Proof—Common Injuries and Conditions, 6 Am. Jur. Trials 1.
[FN2] See Am. Jur. 2d, Expert and Opinion Evidence §§ 40 to 51; Admissibility of
opinion evidence as to cause of death, disease, or injury, 66 A.L.R.2d 1082; Qualifica-
tion of Medical Expert Witness, 33 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 2d 179.

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[FN3] See Qualification of Medical Expert Witness, 33 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 2d 179
[FN4] Collateral Cross Examination of Medical Witness, 6 Am. Jur. Trials 423.
[FN5] Basis of Medical Testimony, 6 Am. Jur. Trials 109.
[FN6] See generally Am. Jur. 2d, Physicians, Surgeons, and Other Healers § 321.
Section 20 Footnotes:
[FN1] See § 19 discussing the need for medical expert witness testimony.
[FN2] Boylan v. Jackson National Life Insurance Company, Inc., 2008 WL 4103625
(D.N.J. 2008) (Affidavit of Clifford S. Hale, Md., defendant's expert).
[FN3] Ellen R. LEVY GRAY, et ux., Plaintiffs, v. RITE AID CORPORATION, De-
fendants., 2003 WL 25768972 (Md. Cir. Ct. 2003), Motion in Limine to Limit Evid-
ence as to the Standard of Care and to Exclude Testimony of Plaintiff's Experts, (No.
03-C-01-011591); Rite Aid Corp. v. Levy-Gray, 391 Md. 608, 894 A.2d 563, 59
U.C.C. Rep. Serv. 2d 807 (2006) (the customer, who took doxycycline to treat her
Lyme disease, brought an action against a pharmacy to recover for negligence and
breach of warranty on the theory that the patient package insert (PPI) suggested com-
patibility with food or milk and that her ingestion of milk and other dairy products re-
duced absorption, thereby proximately causing post-Lyme syndrome; the court held
the pharmacy' recommendation to take doxycycline with food or milk if stomach upset
occurred could be treated as an express warranty that the doxycycline was compatible
with milk consumption and that this affirmation could become part of the basis of the
bargain and thus, be an express warranty, even if the affirmation was not a negotiated
term of the agreement and the consumer was unaware of its existence prior to the con-
summation of the deal; the learned intermediary doctrine did not insulate the pharmacy
from liability for breach of express warranty in the patient package insert; and the
evidence supported the jury verdict on breach of warranty).
Section 21 Footnotes:
[FN1] See §§ 6 to 9.
Westlaw. © 2014 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works.
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