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The Key of David

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The key takeaways are that the book discusses the vision of being kings and priests who will rule with Jesus Christ on David's throne forever and help bring billions into God's family. It also discusses Satan's wrath against this vision.

The book discusses the vision of certain individuals becoming royal gods who will sit on thrones with Christ and help rule over the Earth and universe forever as kings and priests in God's family.

The key of David vision is that certain individuals will become kings and priests under Christ and share David's throne with Jesus forever. Their rule will extend over the Earth and universe and they will help bring billions into God's family.

It unlocks your

wonderful and

The Key
of david
The Key
of david
God wants to share His rule on David’s throne
with you forever. But that unparalleled reward
will be given only to those who courageously
support His Work today, preparing for the
imminent return of Jesus Christ.

by gerald flurry
This booklet is not to be sold.
It is a free educational service in
the public interest, published by
the Philadelphia Church of God.

© 2002, 2005, 2010 Philadelphia Church of God

All Rights Reserved

Printed in the United States of America

Scriptures in this publication are quoted from the
King James Version, unless otherwise noted.
We named our television program The Key
of David. We did so because this key unlocks
the greatest vision in the Bible. Christ is the
King of kings and Lord of lords. Those kings
and lords (or priests) under Christ will be
the people who embrace the key of David
vision—before Christ’s Second Coming. They
will be given the highest positions that ever
will be offered to any human beings. They
will share David’s throne with Jesus Christ.
Their rule, under the Father, will extend
over the Earth and the universe forever.
Those kings and priests will help the Father
and Son bring billions of people into the
royal Family of God, which will include
most human beings who have ever lived.
Understanding this vision will motivate
you to overcome your trials and tests—and
rejoice as you do so!
Chapter 1
The Key of David Vision................................................... 1

Chapter 2
The Open Door............................................................... 15

Chapter 3
The Key That Identifies the Church............................... 28

Chapter 4
New Revelation About God’s Covenant.......................... 36

Chapter 5
Zadok and the British Throne......................................... 44

Chapter 6
A Stone of Destiny........................................................... 59

Chapter 7
Establishing the Throne.................................................. 74
Chapter 8
Satan’s Great Wrath......................................................... 84

Chapter 9
Let No Man Take Your Crown........................................ 96

Chapter 10
How the Key of David Can Keep Us Positive................ 104

Chapter 11
The Key of the House of David..................................... 114

Chapter 12
“Behold Your God!”....................................................... 127

Chapter 13
Looking to New Jerusalem............................................ 142

Chapter 14
The Father’s Vision....................................................... 148
Chapter 1
The Key of
David Vision
W hen Herbert W. Armstrong was being called into
God’s Work, something really puzzled him. The
church he affiliated himself with had more of God’s
truth than any other, but the work it was doing was insignifi-
cant. He couldn’t understand why God wouldn’t have a more
powerful work!
Mr. Armstrong recognized from Scripture that individ-
uals need to accept correction from God in order to grow. He
believed that the same principle must also apply to a church,
but he never heard of a church publicly admitting error and
making changes. He decided to test this church to see if it was
the same way.
Mr. Armstrong recognized a clear error in this church’s
teaching, even though it was a minor point. He wrote a 16-page
manuscript explaining it and sent it to the church leaders. The
president of the church’s general conference wrote him back—
and admitted Mr. Armstrong was correct! But he also said
they couldn’t correct that publicly because members would be
upset and wouldn’t accept it. So they felt they had to continue
to preach the error.
That was quite an admission from what we recognize now
to be the Sardis era of God’s Church.
That incident really shook Mr. Armstrong’s confidence.
He saw that these church leaders had faith in the people more
than in God!

Mr. Armstrong wondered, If this is not the true Church, then

where is it?
“A little later I tried the second test,” he wrote in his auto-
biography. “After exhaustive study and research, I had found it
proved that the so-called ‘lost 10 tribes’ of Israel had migrated
to Western Europe, the British Isles, and later the United
States—that the British were the descendants of Ephraim,
younger son of Joseph, and the United States modern-day
Manasseh, elder son of Joseph—and that we possessed the
national wealth and resources of the birthright which God had
promised to Abraham through Isaac, Jacob and Joseph.
“This truth was written in a lengthy manuscript of close to
300 typed pages, and mailed to this editor and leader of this
church. I explained that although this new truth seemed to
be proved beyond doubt, yet I was still comparatively new in
Christ and scriptural knowledge, and wished the judgment of
one more mature and experienced in things biblical.
“I think it was some six months before the reply came. It was
written on a train late at night. This church leader stated in his
letter (which I still have) that I was most certainly right—that
this was a wonderful new truth revealed by God, and that God
surely had a special reason for revealing this new truth to me.
However, he stated he did not know what use, if any, he could
make of it at that time, but was sure I would hear more of it later.
“Did this church accept and proclaim this vital new
truth—the key that unlocks the doors to all prophecy? Here
was the key to understanding of one third of the whole Bible.
But this church refused then to accept it or preach it or pub-
lish it though their leader frankly confessed it was truth and
a revelation from God!
“Yet here was the church which appeared to have more
truth, and less error than any other. It did ‘profess’ the com-
mandments of God, and have ‘the testimony of Jesus Christ.’
It did have the true name of the Church Christ built. Its mem-
bers did love what truth they had and sacrificed for it! In spite
of the fact this church did not appear to be dynamically alive
spiritually—in spite of its little or no accomplishment—still
it came closer to the biblical characteristics of Christ’s true
Church than any I knew!
“Truly, this was bewildering!”
The Key of David Vision 3

That 300-page paper was the beginning of what ended up

being The United States and Britain in Prophecy. The leader of
that church, Andrew Dugger, said this about it in a letter he
wrote to Mr. Armstrong on July 28, 1929: “You are surely right,
and while I cannot use it in the paper [the church publication]
at the present, you may be assured that your labor has surely
not been in vain.”
That statement was absolutely true. Mr. Armstrong’s labor
surely was not in vain. Mr. Armstrong did continue to asso-
ciate with that church for a few more years, but he never
became a member.

“ B e Wa t c h f u l”
“And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These
things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the
seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou
livest, and art dead” (Revelation 3:1).
Those are God’s words to the Sardis Church, the church
that received that revelation from God through Mr. Armstrong,
acknowledged it was correct—and then simply walked away
from it. God called it a dead church! What a terrible condem-
nation. It was the attitude of the Sardis leaders that caused the
church to die!
Few crises are greater in magnitude than the death of one
of God’s churches!
“Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain,
that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect
before God. Remember therefore how thou hast received and
heard, and hold fast, and repent. …” (verses 2-3). The Sardis
Church had a good history at one time, but had forgotten it.
Be watchful! God said. I’m going to send you the truth! I will
warn you and give you an opportunity to change! God did that
through Mr. Armstrong, but they didn’t heed. And what does
God say would happen if they failed to “be watchful”?
“If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as
a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon
thee” (verse 3).
Individuals die spiritually. So do churches. But God always
warns us—and Scripture shows that He usually does that

through an apostle or prophet whom He has chosen (Amos

3:7; Luke 11:49; Ephesians 2:20; 3:5; 2 Peter 3:2).
Realize what was going on at this point in the Church’s his-
tory! The Sardis era had died—and yet God sent a man with
special revelation to give the Sardis people an opportunity to
revive—a chance to repent and turn things around! He always
does that when we go off track.
This Sardis leader even admitted that this was truth
“revealed by God,” and “that God surely had a special reason
for revealing this new truth” to Mr. Armstrong.
Sadly, the leader did not accept the correction. We should
all consider the eternal consequences! But God still says there
were a few in that era who made it and are worthy to enter His
Family (Revelation 3:4).
“He that [conquers], the same shall be clothed in white rai-
ment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life,
but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his
angels. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith
unto the churches” (verses 5-6). The implication is that if you
don’t conquer, your name will be blotted out! That is the worst
horror we could hear.
Because the Sardis people rejected new revelation, they
were in danger of having their names blotted out of the book
of life—as if they had never lived!
This is dangerous knowledge!
God was actually giving the Sardis Church an opportu-
nity to receive understanding that lies at the very heart of
the key of David!
The truth in The United States and Britain in Prophecy is at
the core of the key of David vision, which God gave to the
Philadelphians (verse 7). This was the loving God reaching out
to His Family! What that would have done for the people of the
Sardis Church had they accepted it!
God was trying to save the Sardis era! How could a loving
Father not reach out and try to save His Family when He sees
them going astray? Everything is at stake! God doesn’t want to
see any of His beloved children have their names blotted out of
the book of life. They rejected God’s correction—His new rev-
elation—and the era died.
Members of God’s Church can die. It’s all too common! In a
The Key of David Vision 5

sense, God’s faithful people today are sandwiched in between

the Sardis people, who died spiritually, and the lukewarm
Laodiceans, 50 percent of whom will die forever! (see Matthew
25:1-12). It shouldn’t be that way at all. God does everything
He can to prevent that.
When you talk about the key of David, you’re talking about
a rulership opportunity that will never come again to any of
God’s people. God doesn’t make this extraordinary promise to
those in Sardis, or to the Laodiceans. But to the Philadelphians,
who have this key, God says, “Him that [conquers] will I make
a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more
out …” (Revelation 3:12). These blessed individuals will be at
headquarters in Jerusalem throughout eternity!
Can you imagine if the Sardis era had listened to Mr.
Armstrong and turned it around? If it had accepted the key of
David, how dynamically alive it would have become! Instead,
most of the members embraced spiritual leaders who were
dead. With all that power available, they were dead! Many
of their names were blotted out of the book of life. What a
missed opportunity. God delivered the warning to the leaders,
and they ignored it. So they can’t come back and say they
didn’t understand the seriousness of the issue. God holds us
accountable for every word He gives us!
“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These
things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key
of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth,
and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set
before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast
a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied
my name” (verses 7-8). Here is how an end-time Christian lives
or dies. He must embrace the key of David vision or he dies!
This royal key of David vision brings God’s kings and
priests alive! This vision fills us with dynamic spiritual life.
We must labor spiritually through prayer and Bible study to
keep ourselves energized by this vision.
There is no mention of the Sardis members being in
the Jerusalem headquarters ruling with Christ and the
Philadelphians. Why? Because they rejected this vision and
failed to prepare and qualify for the most majestic opportunity
that God ever has offered or ever will offer one of His churches!

What a missed opportunity! What eternal glory they rejected.

Look how this vision brought the Worldwide Church of
God alive under Herbert W. Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong was
on over 400 television stations and had a Plain Truth maga-
zine circulation of over 8 million—greater than Time and
Newsweek combined at the time. Mr. Armstrong was reaching
the largest audience possible.
It was the strongest global message God’s Church has ever
delivered to this world!
What the key of David vision can do for individuals and
organizations is hard to even calculate.
Soon this vision will fill the Earth with unparalleled joy.
Finally the world will be pulsating with excitement as people
understand and live as the Father and Christ have lived for all
Individually, we probably need to re-prove some of the
truth in The United States and Britain in Prophecy today. It is
vital understanding. Are we as certain about that truth as Mr.
Armstrong was when he approached Sardis?
God wanted those in the Sardis Church to live! He wants
all of us to live now and forever! God wants our names written
in the book of eternal life! That’s why we are here! To learn
to live and live, and never stop living! Look how dramatically
alive the Philadelphia era became because one man yielded
himself to God, and God was able to surround him with sup-
porters. God truly gives His people the opportunity to really
live and to have a real impact on this world! How inspiring to
see what God will do if only we’ll yield to Him.
God used Mr. Armstrong to build beautiful buildings—the
crown jewel being God’s house in Pasadena, California. It was
the most beautiful building of its kind on Earth.
The Philadelphia era was throbbing with spiritual life! It all
flowed from the key of David vision.
The Philadelphia Church in the Laodicean era is being
used by God to “raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen”
(Amos 9:11). Why is it called the tabernacle of David? Because
we have the same key of David message that Mr. Armstrong
had. God has even given us a fuller understanding of that
vision than He gave Mr. Armstrong. Only people with that
vision could raise up God’s Work again in this end time and
The Key of David Vision 7

give one final warning to this dying world—and give the

inhabitants of this Earth a message of hope like they have
never received before!
Most people have no hope or an empty hope. But our hope
is based on the almighty power of a loving God. It can never
fail. Only men who don’t have that hope, or have it and then
lose it, can fail.
The only people who understand the key of David vision
today are God’s very elect—the only people who will sit on
David’s headquarters throne in Jerusalem forever. This vision
actually identifies God’s very elect today!
Those who hold this key are qualifying to rule from
God’s headquarters for all eternity. They will go no more out
(Revelation 3:12).
Today, we have built another house for God. It will be the
ultimate message to the Laodiceans and this world in our day.
The Head of this Church, the one who gave the key of David
vision, has a house and lives on the Herbert W. Armstrong
College campus in spirit!
That house illustrates that God is alive on this campus
and in God’s very elect. That house is the greatest sign of hope
on Earth! That hope is embodied in the key of David vision,
which will be the dominant vision emanating from that audi-
torium. Those who understand and proclaim this vision are
the only ones empowered to do God’s worldwide Work!

W h a t I s T h e K e y o f D av id ?
Christ has the key of David—but He wants to give it to us
(Revelation 3:7). If we accept that and step out in faith,
then He opens powerful doors so we can tell the world
about it! (verse 8). The purpose for the open door is so the
Philadelphians can tell the world about the key of David!
It takes Philadelphians in the last two eras to fully explain
that key. The understanding of the key of David always comes
through Philadelphians in this end time.
What is the key of David? It is the royal gospel viewed
through the eyes of the Father, and the Husband, and the
headquarters Bride—the highest level of God’s government
through all eternity.

That’s right—the headquarters Bride. That Bride con-

sists of those who will go no more out from God’s headquar-
ters temple—those who will be ruling with Christ there in
Jerusalem forever (verse 12). That is the highest calling for
a body of God’s people ever! That is the resplendent reward
awaiting those who teach the key of David! They will be sit-
ting on the headquarters throne of David forever! So this is the
gospel viewed through their eyes too.
Those during this Laodicean era who reject the key of David
will not have that reward. Fifty percent of them will repent
and be in God’s Family, but they will not be at headquarters,
because they rejected the key of David, the greatest vision of
the Bible. Revelation 3 makes it clear that anyone who goes into
the Tribulation will not be stationed at God’s headquarters.
The very elect comprehend God’s family government far
better than most of God’s people.
The big question is this: Will you understand and submit to
this government in the age of man’s rule of man and act while
there is time?
Consider this carefully: The royal key of David gospel is
understood now only by the headquarters kings and priests
in embryo! If you fully understand and submit to this teaching
now, you are going to reside in Jerusalem forever.
Only 5 percent of God’s own people in the Laodicean era
have remained faithful to God—and only that 5 percent will
qualify for that level of royalty in this end time. We can’t drift
into such an exalted position. We must work hard and fer-
vently support God’s Work today.
In past ages, God has only prepared a small number of His
people to rule from the Jerusalem headquarters.
It is hard to fathom the level of royalty God’s Philadelphians
truly are. God has given them knowledge He never gave to the
other eras of His Church because He is specifically training
His headquarters personnel who will teach the key of David
vision to the world. That is why God gives us that vision
from the perspective of headquarters in Jerusalem forever!
He is revealing this vision with greater clarity all the time.
Christ personally gives it to the Philadelphia era and to the
Philadelphians in the Laodicean era. But only a small per-
centage of both eras qualify for headquarters rule in Jerusalem.
The Key of David Vision 9

Armed with this key of David knowledge, we will be better

able to support the prophets, apostles and leaders that God
prepared in past ages.
The biblical account of King David’s life unlocks this key of
David message. David was a king who united and ruled over
all of the 12 tribes of Israel. We are going to rule with Christ
on David’s throne and unite the world.
The Gentiles will be grafted in as a part of Israel.
This practical plan of God’s will absolutely bring peace and
joy to this evil and violent world. How wonderful to be able to
help Christ achieve that goal!

D av id ’ s H o n o r
We must develop a deep understanding of this prophetic key
of David. The Laodiceans’ bad example shows that our per-
sonal spiritual lives are in grave danger if we do not develop
that understanding.
When we work hard to grasp this all-encompassing vision,
we learn that we will share in God’s royal glory.
“And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring
forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great,
and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God
shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall
reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom
there shall be no end” (Luke 1:31-33). This prophecy was given
to Mary by the archangel Gabriel. It shows what Jesus Christ
will be doing throughout eternity. But it also gives us some
exciting history.
King David is a great example of the way God works. God
bestowed incredible honor upon King David as well. He gave
David the honor of actually starting Christ’s throne on Earth.
David’s throne is going to directly connect all mankind to
God! That is why it is called David’s throne—not Christ’s
throne, which it is. It is named after an ordinary mortal man.
When we understand the depth and magnitude of these
three verses in Luke, it is truly mind-boggling what God plans
to do with mankind. David’s life is an inspiring example of
what God plans to do with all humanity! David—a man—rep-
resents all people who will have ever lived.

Verse 31 shows that Mary was to give birth to a son who

was to be called Jesus. He was not to be any ordinary son. He
was the Son of the Highest! The only Son who was eternal
before His birth! Verse 32 shows that He was born to be King.
And the throne that He was to ascend was David’s throne.
Verse 33 shows that, once Jesus takes that throne, He will rule
over the house of Israel forever.
How did Christ’s throne begin? It began with one man—
David. And it began in the humblest of ways. David was a
shepherd boy and the youngest son of Jesse. He was the least
likely to assume the throne. Yet God had the Prophet Samuel
anoint him king (1 Samuel 16:1-13). God used this young boy to
start revealing His vision for humankind.
God describes David as “a man after mine own heart, which
shall fulfil all my will” (Acts 13:22). But he was not perfect. For
example, he committed adultery with Bathsheba; she became
pregnant; he arranged the murder of her husband, Uriah, to con-
ceal his own sin. How could God still give him all this honor?
David was an unusually humble individual. He did struggle
with many temptations, but he knew how to repent before God.
When he sinned, he knew that he was sinning against God
(Psalm 51:4). It was God’s law that he transgressed. He also rec-
ognized that he almost lost it all (Psalm 73:2). This is the great
beauty to David’s life and the key to his righteousness: David
mastered repentance. David made some serious mistakes in his
life, but he did not get caught up in foolish human reasoning
to avoid repenting! When God sent a prophet to correct him,
David didn’t argue. He repented! True repentance is the most
noble and royal attitude any human being can learn.
God described David as “a man after mine own heart, which
shall fulfil all my will” (Acts 13:22). David did all of God’s will.
Whatever God asked of him, David did everything possible to do.
Not 80 percent of it, or 90 percent—not even 99 percent of God’s
will. David strived with all his heart to do 100 percent! That
is quite an attitude. He sang for God—he danced for God—he
dressed for God—he served for God. It was all for God!
That beautiful attitude has a lot to do with the key of
David. God calls this glorious, all-encompassing vision “the
key of David” because this is the profound understanding He
wants all of us to have!
The Key of David Vision 11

T h e House of Jacob
That passage in Luke 1:31-33 also shows us the royal gospel
through the eyes of the God Family at the highest level: Christ
is referred to as the Son of the Highest. This is a Father-Son
relationship. Soon, Christ’s very elect will be with Him, sitting
on David’s family throne in Jerusalem forever.
Have you ever wondered why God says that Christ will reign
over the “house of Jacob”—rather than the house of Israel? Jacob
was Israel’s name before he was converted. The main reason
is that we need to realize that when we receive our positions
of authority, we will begin by dealing with unconverted people.
This is the house of Jacob, and we’re going to have to teach them
how to become converted—how to become spiritual Israel! That
is our calling: to help Christ in converting all humanity!
This is why it is so critical God’s people become educated
in how to be teachers today. This world doesn’t know God! All
those people are Jacob, spiritually speaking. They desperately
need to be taught! We are talking about billions of unconverted
people. This is a monumental job. And Christ is asking us to
help Him do it.
How do you teach people to become converted if you are
not converted yourself? How do you teach them to become
spiritual Israel if you are not spiritual Israel?
Jesus Christ died for the world. Soon, all those people
will need education in becoming converted. Can you see why
Christ needs a wife to be His helpmeet?
God did not call you just for your benefit. We are preparing
to share the throne of the King of kings and assist Him in
spreading this truth and converting every person who has ever
lived, if they want to be in God’s Family.
This truth ties in with another key of David prophecy,
given through Jeremiah: “In those days, and at that time, will
I cause the Branch of righteousness [Jesus Christ] to grow up
unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness
in the land” (Jeremiah 33:15). The “land” is referring to the
whole Earth! The Messiah is about to come and sit on David’s
throne and rule the Earth!
Judah and Israel are about to be reunited under that throne
(verse 16). In fact, this world is about to become spiritual

Israel, united by the throne of David. All mankind will be

looking to that one throne, the “key of David” throne. The key of
David unites everyone who has ever lived—if they choose life.
God’s Church today has members in nations all over the
world—because we are going to teach the whole world!
That throne will eventually unite the whole universe!
“Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be
no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to
order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice
from henceforth even for ever” (Isaiah 9:7). This is the key of
David message. What a vision! That prophecy is talking about
Jesus Christ, but again, as Luke 1 brings out, He is the Son of
the Highest. The Father is always at the top.
What a future mankind has because of that throne of

Pr i nces i n All the E a rth

The key of David unlocks the fact that God intends for every
human being to become part of His royal Family. Those called
now who remain truly Philadelphian will have the oppor-
tunity to sit with Christ on His throne—as His Bride in the
future headquarters at Jerusalem. Jesus Christ stated, “To him
that overcometh [conquers] will I grant to sit with me in my
throne, even as I also overcame [conquered], and am set down
with my Father in his throne” (Revelation 3:21). We must con-
quer Satan as Christ did! When we do, we become God’s pre-
cious royalty. This fact should be the inspiration and motiva-
tion behind our spiritual lives.
The key of David vision represents God’s plan for all man-
kind. It is not just for the adults of God’s Church; it is a message
also for the youth. “With gladness and rejoicing shall they be
brought: they shall enter into the king’s palace. Instead of thy
fathers shall be thy children, whom thou mayest make princes
in all the earth. I will make thy name to be remembered in all
generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and
ever” (Psalm 45:15-17). Even though our youth are not yet bap-
tized, God’s Philadelphia ministers must teach them by example
and with words that they are royalty now. Verse 16 shows they
will be taking over royal positions in the Millennium. God’s
The Key of David Vision 13

ministry must begin now to help shape our young people into
princes and princesses—God’s royal youth! We must help our
young people get the key of David vision into their minds.
We must continually remind our young people that they
are God’s princes and princesses of the Earth. But they won’t
remain princes and princesses. They are to become God’s kings
of the universe! The most exalted calling in all eternity!
They must be taught and encouraged to uphold that royal
standard—act like God’s royalty today. That is how they
qualify for those supremely exalted offices.
Mr. Armstrong dedicated many resources to help the young
people of God’s Church. He fully understood that young
people (and adults) must be taught how to be God’s royalty.
One of the ways we instruct our young people about being
royalty is through our summer camp programs. This was a
tradition started by Mr. Armstrong. A session of our summer
camp only lasts three weeks, however. For the rest of the year,
parents and the field ministry must reinforce and teach the
key of David vision to the youth. All of us, working together,
must make the vision real for our precious youth.
How do we all learn to be royalty? “If ye fulfil the royal law
according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as
thyself, ye do well” (James 2:8). We learn to be royalty by ful-
filling the royal law, which is the Ten Commandments. There
should be no doubt in our minds about this fact. Jesus Christ
stated, “[I]f thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments”
(Matthew 19:17). All of our young people should be fully
instructed in keeping the Ten Commandments. Just like adults,
if our youth want to enter into eternal life and become God’s
royalty, they must keep the commandments. The ministry must
set the example, but parents hold the major responsibility for
this teaching. Each one of us needs to diligently study this mes-
sage, many times, if we are to truly comprehend it!
The main lesson we need to get across to our young people
is how to live the rich and abundant life now. Then they can
help teach the whole world. This world is full of glitter and
glamour and sinful “fun.” But it is only “fun” temporarily—
not truly joyous living. When Jesus Christ returns and sets up
the Kingdom of God, abundant living will begin for the whole
world. No human being can truly imagine what life will be like

in the Millennium, unless we let God show us through the key

of David vision. The ministry and adults of God’s Church must
grow in understanding this vision. When we do, then we can
help our young people also grow in that understanding.
All of this paints such a beautiful picture. Jesus Christ
reveals that those who are truly a part of His Church are
already royalty. “And hath made us kings and priests unto God
and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and
ever. Amen” (Revelation 1:6; see also Revelation 5:10). If we as
God’s Philadelphians continue to do our part, spiritually we
are already God’s royalty! By working to deepen our under-
standing of the key of David vision, we are not only preparing
for our own eternal life, we are preparing to bring real spiri-
tual life to our children and to every person on Earth!
The Open Door 15

Chapter 2
The Open Door
M ost of God’s Laodicean churches now say that the
seven Church eras are only history. Smyrna and
Ephesus were 50 miles apart. One is in tribulation
(Revelation 2:10)—one is not. Why, if this is only history? The
Sardis Church is dead (Revelation 3:1). A few miles down the
road is Philadelphia—one of the best churches (Revelation 3:7-
12). It doesn’t make sense if this is only history.
One of the Laodicean groups says “the seven churches
could also represent the progressive state of God’s Church
through the centuries.” “Could.” But they don’t know. They
should know, because Herbert Armstrong taught and proved
this subject forcefully.

Successi v e Chu rch er as

In Mystery of the Ages, Mr. Armstrong wrote, “The book of
Revelation records seven messages to seven churches that
existed in Asia Minor toward the end of the first century a.d.
“These churches—Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira,
Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea—were located along one of
the mail routes of the old Roman Empire.
“Riders would follow the route—carrying messages from
town to town.
“The messages to the seven churches have words of both
encouragement and correction, and they clearly show the dom-
inant characteristics of each of the congregations at that time.
“But these messages were intended for a wider audience
than the Christians in these small towns.

“They are a series of remarkable prophecies, by which the

future of the true Church was foretold in outline form, from
the day it began on Pentecost, a.d. 31, until the Second Coming
of Christ.
“The history of the Church would fall into seven distinct
eras—each with its own strengths and weaknesses and its
own special trials and problems.
“Just as a message could pass along the mail route from
Ephesus to Laodicea, so would the truth of God be passed
from era to era.
“It was like a relay race—in which the baton is passed from
runner to runner, each one doing his part, until the finish line
is reached.
“Some time during the early decades of the second century,
the baton was passed from the Ephesian era to the people that
God had called to the Smyrna era of His Church.”
This progression continued down to the present.

Chu rch Er as Ar e Prophetic

“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him,
to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to
pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his ser-
vant John” (Revelation 1:1). This was revealed to “shew unto
his servants things which must shortly come to pass.” That is
PROPHECY of the future.
Christ says Church eras are to show us the future. It is not
just for history, as the Laodiceans say it “could” mean. Church
eras are to reveal the future to us, from the time of Christ
to His Second Coming. Otherwise, why is this included in the
book of Revelation?
The purpose of this book is to put prophecy into a time
frame. The seven seals unfold from Christ’s first coming to the
Second Coming. We see the seven successive resurrections of
the Holy Roman Empire. Seven different times a political beast
and the great false church emerge to bring savage destruction
on the world. The final beast is forming right now! We can see
that because of the time frame in the book of Revelation.
The history and prophecy of the great false church is
included. Then doesn’t it seem logical that God would also
The Open Door 17

reveal the far more important history and prophecy of His true
Church in this book?
The book of Revelation is prophetic. Church eras are dis-
cussed because they are prophetic. God puts the eras of His
true Church into a time frame too.
We can only understand the book of Daniel, Matthew 24
and many other Bible prophecies because of the time sequence
in the book of Revelation.
The subject of the seven churches would not be in this
book of Revelation if it weren’t prophetic! This is a book of
prophecy! That’s what the 22 chapters are all about.
Revelation is a book of revealing. Those who fail to under-
stand don’t have God revealing truth to them. They are in the
They talk about could be because they lack faith.

P h i l a d e l p h i a n s i n t h e L a o di c e a n E r a
Be prepared for your mind to be stretched and expanded by
this magnificent vision—the key of David! There is no vision
to compare to it!
When Christ introduced the end-time Philadelphia era,
He emphasized this one vision. It was with this subject that
He began His message to the Philadelphians. “And to the
angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith
he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David,
he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no
man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee
an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little
strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my
name” (Revelation 3:7-8).
This is the one vision that identifies God’s end-time
Philadelphia Church. This is critical understanding. Christ
introduces the Philadelphia era by saying He has the key
of David. Then He relates how He opens the door for God’s
Work. Today, Christ opens the door only for the very elect
who have the key of David vision. That clearly implies that
Christ wants the Philadelphians to deliver His key of David
message through the door He opens. So we must know what
that message is!

Why do the Philadelphians understand this vision? Christ

gives three essential points in these two verses. First, there is
the key of David vision; and second, the open door (television
airtime, magazines, books and booklets) through which to
deliver that message. Third, these Philadelphians are given this
understanding because they have not denied God’s “name.”
God praises all the Philadelphians for not denying Christ’s
name. The Greek word for name here is onoma and means a
name, authority or character. The Philadelphia messenger
never denied Christ’s authority, or government! This is a vital
lesson we must learn in this end time. The only way men
can be successful in doing God’s Work is through God’s gov-
ernment. We must realize that the key of David vision and
the knowledge about God’s government are intimately tied
together. The key of David vision is all about God’s family
Those members who do not deny God’s government are
Philadelphians, in both the Philadelphian and Laodicean eras.
The Philadelphians are the only members of God’s Church
who submit to His government, or rule. That is the major char-
acteristic that sets the Philadelphians apart as God’s very elect.
That is why the whole world can see the Philadelphian
work—the open door. The message is sent around the globe.
The open door, or work, is what identifies God’s true
Church to the Earth’s inhabitants!
The Laodicean, or lukewarm, church (Revelation 3:14-20)
has no key of David vision and no open door to the world.
That is because the Laodiceans have rejected God’s rule, or
government, over them.
The Philadelphians kept God’s Word and did not deny
God’s government. God gave them an open door, and they pro-
claimed the key of David vision. That is why they will teach
it to all humanity in the World Tomorrow: because they pre-
pared themselves for that job today.
The Laodiceans did neither of those things. If they don’t
repent soon, they will lose their headquarters crown. God says
He is going to make them see what they did and recognize the
opportunity they squandered (verse 9). They are going to have
to acknowledge that God exalted those who kept His Word
and government to the top echelon of God’s rule in Jerusalem!
The Open Door 19

The key of David vision is the ultimate, all-encompassing

vision of the Bible. That vision is intimately tied to Christ’s
return and His rule over the world and the universe from
David’s throne (Luke 1:30-33; Isaiah 9:6-7).
What could be more profound? What an uplifting, won-
drous vision! Only the Philadelphians of this end time will
share David’s headquarters throne. Philadelphian will be a very
exalted word in the World Tomorrow.
The title of our television program is The Key of David. We
believe that title was inspired by God.
We followed the two-fold formula for loving God: keeping
His Word and obeying His government. God gave us a pow-
erful open door to proclaim the key of David. Then God
prophesied that no man can shut that door. Many men have
tried and failed.
If men attack our message going through that open door,
they are attacking the living God!
“[B]ehold, I have set before thee an open door.” Behold can
read, “Behold! Lo! Lo!”
Christ Himself opened that door to prepare for His
Second Coming, and He wants God’s message strongly empha-
sized! “Behold! Lo! Lo!” The key of David is being trumpeted
to the world.
God decided to intervene dramatically in world affairs
in the last two eras of His Church. He opened a door to send
His key of David message around the globe. Nothing on Earth
compares to this message.
God has not intervened in this world to any serious degree
since the first century, until now.
All these terrifying problems we see in this world are a sign
that Christ is about to return. “Behold! Lo! Lo!” Soon the whole
world will focus on David’s throne forever. The world should
be shouting for joy. Today, however, Satan leads some to try to
shut that door—a direct and dangerous affront to their Creator.
Why does Christ give the Philadelphians only one vision?
Because this key unlocks the whole Bible.
Knowing who Israel is unlocks the one third of the Bible
that is prophecy. But the key of David makes it possible for us
to fully see God’s master plan for the Earth and the universe.
Because of our loyalty and obedience, God is swinging

doors open for this Work! We started in 1989 with $80, and
today we have built a $20 million house for God! A mighty
door simply opened for this Work. Who did that? God did.
And when He throws a door open, He challenges anyone in
this world to shut it!
Only the Philadelphians do God’s Work in the end time.
They are God’s last Church to be loyal before the Great
Tribulation. Christ gives the key of David message to His end-
time Philadelphians because they are ruled by Him. They will
help Christ teach it to all humanity, which will include bil-
lions of people!
The end-time Philadelphians have more truth than any
other Church ever. They are going to work at headquarters in
the World Tomorrow (verse 12). They will be better equipped
to teach God’s complete vision than any other group. They
probably will have more revealed knowledge than all the other
Church eras combined.
All of that knowledge is unlocked by the key of David
vision! The Philadelphians have a deeper understanding of this
vision than members of God’s Church in any other era. When
you find a Philadelphian, you find the key of David vision!
Christ places heavy emphasis on this vision. You and I must
know why. Our eternal lives depend on this understanding!

T h r o n e o f D av id
God’s own Laodicean Church—95 percent of God’s people
today—has lost this vision! Revelation 3:17 characterizes the
Laodiceans as being blind. This means they have rejected Bible
knowledge. A large portion of what they have rejected includes
the knowledge about the key of David. The Laodiceans have
lost God’s greatest vision, if they ever did “get it.” Unless they
quickly regain that vision, they will lose everything—forever.
The Laodiceans today are disgracefully divided. They
don’t want Herbert W. Armstrong’s book The United States
and Britain in Prophecy, which reveals the truth about David’s
throne and is the core teaching within the key of David vision.
(Request a free copy if you do not have one.) That knowledge
could unite them. In 1987, about a year after Mr. Armstrong
died, the Worldwide Church of God (wcg) chopped out 70
The Open Door 21

percent of that book. A year later wcg leaders shelved it com-

pletely while officially saying they were only “reviewing” it.
Neither do they want Mystery of the Ages, which also talks
about the key of David. The real reason is, they don’t want God
to rule them! These books were removed from publication after
Mr. Armstrong’s death by faithless, liberal ministers.
Mr. Armstrong warned the Church against such liberalism
when it had crept into the Church in the 1970s. He wrote,
“Gradually, subtilely, systematically, while I was in other parts
of the world carrying Christ’s gospel message, doctrines were
being watered down, the college was being made secular, God
and Christ were being cast out and a conspiracy was in prog-
ress to get rid of Christ’s chosen apostle, unless he accommo-
dated the conspirators by dying.
“Church teachings were being changed. The most resultful
booklet of all, The United States and British Commonwealth in
Prophecy, was attacked, greatly deleted and later put out of cir-
culation—the same with a number of other basic and impor-
tant booklets written by Christ’s apostle.
“This group of liberals assumed the authority of setting
Church doctrine. The one who primarily wrote the Systematic
Theology Project later wrote, ‘My only goal in coordinating
the project was to bring doctrinal consistency, stability and
unity to the ministry’—that is, unity in watered-down doc-
trines that older loyal ministers did not and never would
accept! That was not unity—it was division!” (Worldwide
News, Feb. 19, 1979). Today, there is only one church that
fully supports the The United States and Britain in Prophecy
as written by Mr. Armstrong: the Philadelphia Church! One
Laodicean Church has its own version, which was not inspired
by God. It falls far short of the revealed version published by
Mr. Armstrong.
A version of The United States and Britain in Prophecy written
in 1945 had no copyright, and was therefore free to reprint. Yet
the Philadelphia Church was the only church that did so. We
also stood alone in our fight for the 1980 edition, which we have
since acquired. God wants this truth revealed, not hidden! Jesus
Christ taught the disciples, “[F]reely ye have received, freely
give” (Matthew 10:8). It was Mr. Armstrong’s sincere desire to
give this book to all who requested it—free of charge.

The Laodicean Church has casually given up the greatest

vision in all the Bible! And look at the confusion in those
churches. They are confused about Herbert Armstrong’s work.
They are confused about God’s government. They are confused
about doctrine. And even though they have a certain amount
of wealth and many ministers, they are accomplishing little.
They do not have God’s blessing. None of this would have hap-
pened to them if they had remained true to the key of David
vision established by God.
Some of them ask, Why can’t we all get together? The only
way that would be possible is if we all united under the key
of David throne. The key of David vision will unite this whole
world! It will unite America and China, Arab and Jew.
It truly angers Satan when we talk about David’s throne. He
knows his reign is about over. He is composed of pure hatred
and has nothing to lose. Thus, he is stirring up all kinds of
hatred in this world—racial and other problems that can only
be solved with the key of David revelation. The tighter we
hold on to that vision, the angrier he gets—but the less he can
harm us.
In terms of historical religious tragedy, the present Church
crisis far outweighs the destruction of Solomon’s temple. It is
the worst crisis in this end time, because so many eternal lives
are at stake!
What a serious lesson for us. All those who wish to be true
Philadelphians must concentrate their prayers, thoughts and
studies toward understanding the key of David vision. You and
I must stretch our minds to grasp this greatest of all visions!
Please try to focus on this vision as never before. God will
deepen our understanding when we faithfully do this.
Nothing will change your life as this vision will!

The Phil adelphian Messenger

Malachi 4:5-6 show that God planned to send a man in the
office of Elijah to this sick world just before Christ’s return.
This Elijah would teach about God’s Family. Matthew 17:10-11
also show that this man would restore all things to the Church.
Herbert Armstrong was that man. The many wonderful
truths that Christ originally gave to the Church had become lost
The Open Door 23

by the dawn of the 20th century. But God used Mr. Armstrong
to restore the truth about government, the Sabbath, the holy
days, the Family of God and much more. Mr. Armstrong faith-
fully taught these precious truths to the Church. Yet after he
died, only a small remnant preserved them—the Philadelphia
Church of God (pcg), in the Laodicean era.
God also used Mr. Armstrong powerfully to preach the
gospel of the Kingdom around the world as a witness. That
incredible task was prophesied in the Olivet prophecy (Matthew
24:14). Revelation 3:8 shows that he had an “open door” to ful-
fill this commission. An open door is always synonymous with
the preaching of a message. Mr. Armstrong was given an open
door to preach this message throughout the world.
Revelation 3:7-8 are part of the message to the Philadelphia
era. Speaking of Himself, Christ states that He is holy and
true. He holds the key of David. Verse 7 shows that the key
of David vision is really Christ’s vision. He is the one who
revealed it to the Philadelphians.
The key of David vision includes the history about Christ’s
physical family—the lineage of David—and the prophecies
concerning His own future rule as King of kings in the world
to come. Included in the key of David vision is the knowledge
of our own mind-expanding future of sharing Christ’s throne.
We must realize that the history and prophecy concerning
David’s throne is the essence of Christ’s gospel message, with
a weighty emphasis on the God Family royalty. The most royal
of all those positions will be given to the firstfruits—those
called and chosen before Christ’s Second Coming.
Verse 8 shows that Christ opened the door for Mr.
Armstrong to reveal and teach the foundation of this incred-
ible knowledge. Mr. Armstrong faithfully walked through the
doors Christ opened. When he did this, the Work always grew.
And Mr. Armstrong always gave God the credit. One of his
most quoted scriptures was, “… Not by might, nor by power,
but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6).

T h e Da i ly S ac r i f i c e
One of the most important questions we must ask in this end
time is, did the Work die with Mr. Armstrong? To answer

that question correctly, we must look at the situation from

God’s perspective. Otherwise, we will fall short every time.
Anciently, God’s Work was directed from the temple in
Jerusalem. The daily sacrifice was offered continually, showing
the close connection between God and His people.
Today, the Church is God’s temple on Earth (Ephesians 2:21).
In this end time, Mr. Armstrong built God’s spiritual house.
He often used a scripture taken from an end-time prophecy to
teach this truth to the Church: “The hands of Zerubbabel have
laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it;
and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto
you” (Zechariah 4:9). Like Zerubbabel of old, Mr. Armstrong
built God’s temple. Even in a physical sense there was a modern
temple built in our day. Mr. Armstrong always referred to the
auditorium on the Pasadena campus of Ambassador College as
God’s house. The work flowed from that physical temple. We
have built a similar auditorium at our headquarters today. God
always has headquarters buildings if there is a thriving work.
The work of the Church represents the “daily sacrifice”
spiritually today (Daniel 12:11). (I explain this truth in detail
in our free booklet Daniel: Unsealed at Last.) In Daniel, the
words “daily sacrifice” can be translated as continual. This
should teach us that the Work does not stop with the death of
a human being. It is God’s Work. God is eternal. Jesus Christ
and God the Father gave Mr. Armstrong authority to do the
continual in this end time.
The ministers who were taught by Mr. Armstrong should
have remembered what God accomplished through that man.
He did the Elijah work in this end time. When he died, the
Elijah work should have continued. But it stopped temporarily.
Those ministers who were to continue Mr. Armstrong’s work
instead did away with all of his major writings.
God raised up the Philadelphia Church to continue the
work established by Mr. Armstrong. No other ex-wcg group
is doing that today, although most of them claim to carry
the mantle of Herbert Armstrong. It doesn’t take a scholar
to figure out who truly is continuing in the traditions of Mr.
Armstrong. All one needs to do is examine the magazines and
other printed materials of the various groups. Only one has
consistently stayed true to what Mr. Armstrong has taught—
The Open Door 25

the Philadelphia Church of God. Only we have the daily, or

continual, spiritual sacrifice.

Conqu er or Be Conqu er ed
“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which
say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make
them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I
have loved thee” (Revelation 3:9). This verse reveals that there
was a “synagogue of Satan” right in God’s Church—a church
within a church. Even while Mr. Armstrong was still there,
Satan conquered a great many members! Satan was right there
even while God’s apostle was on this Earth! He had a syna-
gogue! Those in this synagogue did not keep God’s Word, and
they denied God’s government. Consequently, they lost the
key of David vision and were conquered by the devil. Satan
established a beachhead in the strong Philadelphia era. These
rebels were conquered by the devil, instead of conquering him.
So when Mr. Armstrong died, Satan used his synagogue to
conquer 95 percent of God’s Church (now comprised of sev-
eral different churches). It became the Laodicean era. Unless
those Church members repent before the Tribulation, they
cannot qualify to rule in the Jerusalem headquarters.
Do you see why we must overcome? (The word conquer
as used in the Revised Standard Version is better.) Either we
conquer Satan as Christ did (Matthew 4; Luke 4), or we can’t
qualify to rule at headquarters with Christ.
The Laodiceans will not rule from headquarters because
they are not qualified.
Satan is still alive today. He wants to take over the
Philadelphia Church of God in these latter days. We must do
all we can to make sure that doesn’t happen. God expects us
to conquer the devil as Christ did so we can share David’s
throne! (verse 21).
Satan took the key of David from the Church of God, and
95 percent of the members became Laodicean. The fruits show
who conquered Satan and who didn’t.
We won a bitter six-year court battle with Satan the devil.
We have had to fight and conquer Satan in many battles. With
God’s very elect, that is a way of life.

Satan was cast down around the time Mr. Armstrong died,
perhaps on that very day. He knows that his time is short
(Revelation 12:12). He is on a violent rampage of spiritual and
physical destruction.
We have God’s power to conquer the devil because we cling
to the key of David vision.

The Jerusalem Dig

Isn’t it interesting how this Work is getting so involved
in Jerusalem today? We are digging in the very spot where
David’s throne once sat—and upon which Christ is about to
establish His throne forever! We’re helping to clear away the
rubble for Christ’s throne—the throne we are about to share
with our Husband! God has laid up for us a crown (Revelation
3:11). If we deeply understand the key of David vision, we will
be thrilled by that project in Jerusalem. Behold—LO! LO! There
is something truly special here!
What do our activities in Jerusalem have to do with the
gospel? Everything! Within just a few short years, every city
and country around the world will be focused on Jerusalem!
When they are, we’ll be teaching them about the same thing
we are teaching now: the key of David. God wants the whole
world to understand this vision. The key of David unlocks
everything in the Bible, beginning with the third of the Bible
that is prophecy. If you lose that, you become blind and for-
sake God.
Look through the entire description of the Laodicean era
(verses 14-22), and you see nothing about the key of David—
because the Laodiceans have lost it. That is why they are
lukewarm or worse. Mr. Armstrong undertook projects in
Jerusalem and tried to get God’s people excited about it for
many years. If only they had latched on to that vision!
Satan knows what we’re doing in Jerusalem, and he is
raging like a mad dog in his attempt to stop it. He knows what
it means for us to build a house for God—it is simply another
sign we are in the final phase of this Work. He is deeply dis-
turbed by these developments. All he lives for is to try to
destroy what God is building. The world is quickly moving
into its worst suffering in history (verse 10). But God will pro-
The Open Door 27

tect His very elect. Even now, we see Christ’s hand at work; as
the economy gets worse, we are doing our greatest work.
“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of
my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him
the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which
is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my
God: and I will write upon him my new name” (verse 12). The
human mind cannot grasp this reward without the Spirit of
God. We must pray and ponder to even understand this key of
David vision. We have a crown and will sit in Jerusalem forever.
After the Millennium will come new Jerusalem! Everyone who
still lives will be in the Family of God—and we will proceed out
into the universe! The key of David is about endless rule! That
is majestic leadership we must never lose sight of! What a King!
What a crown! What an opportunity!
Isn’t it logical God would have our work involved in
Jerusalem today? It’s our city forever! We’re going to rule
the world from there—the headquarters of the universe, the
most exciting city in the cosmos—forever!

Chapter 3
The Key That
Identifies the Church
W hen Christ gives the key of David vision to a man,
the people supporting that man must hold on to it.
If that man dies, the vision must be preserved by
those left behind—through another man whom God chooses.
Christ always reveals truth through one man at a time.
Let’s look at a companion verse to Revelation 3:7. “And the
key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he
shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none
shall open” (Isaiah 22:22). In Bible prophecy, a key unlocks
knowledge to human understanding. The key of David vision
involves a message for all mankind. This verse speaks of laying
that key upon the shoulder of one man, but the message wasn’t
meant to be given to only him. It was meant for the whole world.
Thus, a work had to be done in order to deliver the message.
That one man could not do such a monumental job alone.
Herbert Armstrong was Christ’s end-time messenger.
Christ used him to raise up a work to deliver the message. It
was his responsibility to give Christ’s message to the whole
world (Matthew 24:14). And this commission was supported
by those who worked under him.
As we discussed in the last chapter, Jesus Christ opened
the door for Mr. Armstrong to preach His message. Mr.
Armstrong faithfully fulfilled his commission. While he was
alive, those underneath him followed his lead. Mr. Armstrong
died in 1986. Unfortunately, those leaders left behind rejected
the message.
The Key That Identifies the Church 29

We ask, if the messenger dies, should the message be buried

with the messenger? This is the number-one question that
must be answered for God’s people in this end time. Only a
few today understand that the message must be kept alive.
Mr. Armstrong repeated key facts from The United States and
Britain in Prophecy in his most important book, Mystery of the
Ages. So Mystery of the Ages also teaches the key of David vision.
A legal battle took place over this book. The wcg wanted to
use its copyright to suppress and stop the distribution of Mr.
Armstrong’s book. This is something God and Mr. Armstrong
never intended. Mr. Armstrong repeatedly warned the Church
not to allow his message to be stopped or suppressed. Why?
Because it is Christ’s message! Mr. Armstrong fully understood
this fact. The majority of those with him did not.

C h r i s t ’ s Ow n Vi s i o n
Jesus Christ not only owns the message, but He also opens
the door for the preaching of the message. Isaiah 22:22 and
Revelation 3:7 both state clearly that no man can shut the
door! If Christ holds the key and then gives that key to a
human messenger, should we not also keep the key?
Ever since Jesus Christ walked on the Earth as a human,
men have been trying to stop His message. Jesus Christ’s own
life is proof that the message can’t be stopped until God allows
it. Christ faithfully preached His message for 3½ years, and
then God allowed Him to be killed. Scripture is clear on this
fact. “Then cried Jesus in the temple as he taught, saying, Ye
both know me, and ye know whence I am: and I am not come
of myself, but he that sent me is true, whom ye know not. But I
know him: for I am from him, and he hath sent me. Then they
sought to take him: but no man laid hands on him, because his
hour was not yet come” (John 7:28-30). Jesus Christ brought
God the Father’s own message, yet men wanted to stop that
message. They even killed Christ. The message wasn’t stopped,
however. Through the apostles it spread even wider.
Mr. Armstrong was given Christ’s message to deliver. He
fulfilled prophecy as the Philadelphia messenger. He did his
part, and Christ praises him highly for having done so. “I
know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door,

and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast
kept my word, and hast not denied my name” (Revelation 3:8).
Mr. Armstrong did a great work, but he always gave God the
credit for what was accomplished. When Christ opened a door,
Mr. Armstrong walked through it in faith. For about 60 years
he lived that way.
He never claimed perfection in his work; he recognized
his own human shortcomings. He was known for admitting
error when it was proved to him. But one thing was certain:
He always kept the message that was delivered to him. Why?
He knew Christ was behind the message. Christ’s authority
always reigned supreme!

O n e Vi s i o n o f t h e F u t u r e
How many visions of the future are there in the Bible? There
is really only one: the key of David vision. It is holding
true to this vision that makes one a Philadelphian. Can you
imagine how bleak the future would be without this vision?
The key of David vision holds humanity’s only hope.
Only God’s true Church is willing to teach this vision to the
world. Thus, it identifies Christ’s very elect. The Laodiceans
refuse to teach it. It is an embarrassment to them. Yet the
greater evil they commit is that many of them want to sup-
press the knowledge of it! They do not want anyone on Earth to
learn about the key of David. That thinking is out of the devil’s
mind! They are trying to close the door that God has opened.
How does God answer the Laodiceans? “Behold, I will make
them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are
not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship
before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee” (Revelation
3:9). The Laodiceans act like they really have it all together spir-
itually. They “say they are Jews.” This is referring to their spiri-
tual, not their physical, genealogy. The Apostle Paul stated that
“he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of
the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not
of men, but of God” (Romans 2:29). (We will discuss this sub-
ject in detail in this booklet.) Christ says the Laodiceans are
liars. They are lying to themselves and others about their true
spiritual condition. They are very sick spiritually.
The Key That Identifies the Church 31

The Laodicean era followed the Philadelphia era in this end

time (Revelation 3:14-20). The Laodiceans turned away from
God. But there were serious problems in the 1970s, before the
Laodicean era. This was a sign that the Laodicean problem
was extant before Mr. Armstrong died. The synagogue of
Satan was the Laodicean era in embryo!
God inspired the term synagogue of Satan in Revelation
3:9 because they WERE spiritual Jews, but they have been led
astray by Satan. There is still hope for them (verse 19). They
have turned away from the key of David vision. Their only
hope is for God to correct them severely. They will go into the
Great Tribulation unless they repent soon.
The only hope for today’s Laodiceans is to get back to what
Christ revealed to Mr. Armstrong and what He is revealing to
God’s very elect today. The key of David vision includes not only
a message about the future; it is a message that must be believed
now in order for us to take part in that future! The Laodiceans
will have to admit that Mr. Armstrong was Christ’s mes-
senger. And they will have to believe the message the way Mr.
Armstrong did. This is the intended meaning of the expression,
“I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to
know that I have loved thee.” The Laodiceans will have to prove
to God that they believe what He revealed through a man. They
will have to give up their lives for the message Mr. Armstrong
taught and what the Philadelphians are proclaiming today. If
they cannot prove that to God, then there is no future for them.

B l i n d L a o di c e a n s
The key of David vision summarizes the royal gospel. It places
special emphasis on the firstfruits’ government role in God’s
coming Kingdom. Remember, the true gospel of Christ focuses
on the coming Kingdom of God, which involves a king, a
throne, a ruling Family of God, a set of laws, a government to
implement those laws, a territory and a people over which the
royal government will rule.
Satan’s greatest attack against the Laodiceans involved
turning them away from this vision! This began to happen
even while Mr. Armstrong was alive. Satan has now blinded
them to this incredible truth.

Jesus Christ says, “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and

increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest
not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind,
and naked” (Revelation 3:17). Christ labels the Laodiceans as
spiritually destitute—wretched, miserable, poor, blind and
Which group of people is truly connected to Christ? The
group that is connected to Christ’s message.
Several groups today claim to carry the mantle of Herbert W.
Armstrong. But the group that is connected to Mr. Armstrong
must hold great respect for him and what he taught. That must
mean direct quotes and references to the original works by
Mr. Armstrong. We fought a six-year court battle to win Mr.
Armstrong’s writings and we are the only church that pro-
claims and gives these works to the world. The location of Mr.
Armstrong’s mantle should be clear, even to the casual observer.
For their failure, the Laodiceans are promised rebuke
and punishment. “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be
zealous therefore, and repent” (verse 19). The words rebuke
and chasten indicate severe correction and punishment.
The Philadelphians are promised a royal office. “Behold, I
stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and
open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him,
and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit
with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set
down with my Father in his throne” (verses 20-21). This is
referring to our glorious future as kings and priests—as we
share David’s throne with our Husband, Christ. More specifi-
cally, it refers to the Philadelphians who fully support Christ’s
message during the Laodicean era.
Those who remain loyal to Christ and His message during
this Laodicean crisis will share Christ’s throne, which happens
to be the throne of His father David. This is the point where the
key of David vision takes on thrilling reality. Christ warns us in
verse 11 to never let a man deceive us into giving up our crown.
Only the Philadelphia Church of God is knocking on the
Laodicean door for Christ. We are promised a place at Christ’s
headquarters, on David’s throne. “Him that overcometh will I
make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more
out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the
The Key That Identifies the Church 33

name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which

cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon
him my new name” (verse 12). God’s temple is His headquarters.
The Philadelphians are promised pillar status at God’s temple.
This means we will be given significant positions in the coming
Jerusalem and the new Jerusalem at the end of the Millennium.
We shall have the glorious honor of sharing Jesus Christ’s
rule and direction over the entire Earth and, ultimately, the
universe! This verse says that we “shall go no more out.” This
means we will hold our positions at headquarters forever. This
promise is mind-numbing in its scope and magnitude!
The real spiritual tragedy in all of this is that the Laodiceans
could reserve their place on David’s throne, but they fail to do
so. We know that the Laodiceans who repent in the Tribulation
will share Christ’s rule, but they will not have headquar-
ters positions. Through the pcg, Christ is giving them ample
warning. “And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans
write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true wit-
ness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works,
that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or
hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor
hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth” (verses 14-16).
Christ reveals Himself to the Laodiceans as the “faithful
and true witness.” This is Christ’s way of emphasizing their
disloyalty and deceit. They have been unfaithful and untrue!
They have fallen into this sad spiritual condition because they
have lost the key of David vision.
The Laodicean era is the final era of God’s Church. Because
of their sins, God has to spew the Laodiceans out of His
mouth into the Great Tribulation. This is a prophecy that
the majority of God’s own people would go astray in this end
time! But why? How could this happen? They lost the vision
God revealed from the beginning. Revelation 3:20-21 reveal
the vision they have lost.
Remember, these are God’s own people. At one time, Christ
was inside their lives. They have moved the great God outside
their spiritual house. Is there any greater tragedy? Spiritually,
this is the most colossal tragedy of all! This is why God says
the Laodiceans are blind. They are so blind that they don’t see
the ultimate spiritual disaster that has struck their lives.

Spiritual-sounding talk is all meaningless unless we have

this key of David vision inside us. The Laodiceans talk end-
lessly about Christ and love. But their words have no real sub-
stance because they have rejected Christ’s own vision. They have
rejected Christ. They want to tell Him how to lead His Church.
The Laodiceans are talking back to God. “I have loved you,
saith the Lord. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was
not Esau Jacob’s brother? saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob, And
I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for
the dragons of the wilderness” (Malachi 1:2-3). These verses
are just one example from the book of Malachi of how the
Laodiceans talk back to God. Study the entire book. You will
find many more examples of Laodicean disrespect (write for a
free copy of Malachi’s Message to fully understand the book of
Malachi and the Laodicean rebellion).

C h r i s t i n You
Unless Jesus Christ is living in us, our spiritual talk is empty.
Paul taught the Colossians that Christ living in us is one of the
greatest mysteries revealed in the Bible. “To whom God would
make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery
among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory”
(Colossians 1:27). How can we expect to have Christ living in
us if we reject His message? Any talk of love has a hollow ring
unless this great Being is living in us. Christ is the Bible in
print—we must eat and digest the Bible to let Christ live in us.
When Christ is living in us, we are always growing and
changing. Peter expected this of all Christians. “But grow in
grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). Mr. Armstrong taught emphatically that
spiritual growth was one of the signs of the true Church. God’s
Church would be constantly growing in knowledge and grace.
All those who have remained close to what Mr. Armstrong
taught have joined the pcg. We are continuing to change and
must change deeply. New truth is consistently revealed to us.
What does it mean when we say Christ is in us? It should
mean the same thing that Christ meant when speaking of His
Father. “Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the
Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not
The Key That Identifies the Church 35

of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the

works” (John 14:10). Jesus Christ was completely under His
Father’s authority.
When we personally claim that Christ is in us, we are
saying that we have unconditionally surrendered to Jesus
Christ and His government. It means that He rules us totally.
Having Christ rule our lives is the only way we can truly grow
and make the necessary spiritual changes. We must know that
our spiritual growth is not meant just for this time. Our spiri-
tual changes now are leading to the ultimate change—from
that of mortal man to becoming God—a son of God! This will
be a universe-shaking change.

Chapter 4
New Revelation
About God’s
W estminster Abbey in London, England, holds the
bones of the men and women who have ruled from
the British throne. The abbey is a memorial to the
British belief that a good king or queen can only be made
through understanding the history of the throne. History comes
alive when you walk through Westminster. No other nation on
Earth holds such a monument! No other nation has such a pre-
cious view of history.
But today, it is only written in the memorial, not in the
minds of the British people.
The key of David vision teaches us a similar belief. To be a
good king or queen for God, we must understand the history
and prophecy of David’s throne.
The world and many British people wonder why Britain
clings to its throne. The amazing answer to that question can
only be understood by God’s people: Jesus Christ is keeping the
British throne alive.
Many people, including God’s people, wonder why the
Philadelphia Church of God is so successful. Many wonder
how we are operating on a such a royal level. There is only one
reason. As with the throne in Britain, Jesus Christ, the son of
David, is behind the pcg.
New Revelation About God’s Covenant 37

How real is this truth for God’s Philadelphians? Do we see

the royal Christ behind us? This fact should be more real to us
than the royal family of Britain is.
How well do we know the history and prophecy of David’s
throne? We should know the details of this throne intimately.
Why? God’s very elect are destined to share this throne with
Jesus Christ.

S o n o f D av id
Jesus Christ was a physical Jew. More importantly, He was a
spiritual Jew. “And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men
followed him, crying, and saying, Thou son of David, have
mercy on us” (Matthew 9:27). The expression “son of David” is
used 16 times in the gospels. Fifteen of these refer directly to
Jesus Christ. He was of the physical house of David, who was
one of Israel’s most important kings. Christ was a son of David.
The Bible shows that He devoted His ministry to His fellow
Jews. For 31/2 years, He took God’s message to that one family.
Even while He walked the Earth, Jesus Christ’s primary
concern was on the spiritual. His gospel message focused
on the time when David’s spiritual Family would govern the
Earth and the universe. The expression “son of David” con-
tains the most hope-filled vision in all the Bible! Why wasn’t
Christ referred to as the son of Joseph? Because that would
have concealed the truth about God’s plan for man.
Jesus Christ personally taught that the Messiah was to be
called the Son of David. “And Jesus answered and said, while
he taught in the temple, How say the scribes that Christ is the
son of David? For David himself said by the Holy [Spirit], The
Lord said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make
thine enemies thy footstool. David therefore himself calleth
him Lord; and whence is he then his son? And the common
people heard him gladly” (Mark 12:35-37). These verses have
deep meaning. Let’s analyze them carefully.
David said, “The Lord said to my Lord.” Who was David’s
physical Lord? Nobody. What is David talking about then? He
is telling us that the Father was speaking to Christ. The Father
promised Christ that He would sit at His (the Father’s) right
hand, “until I make your enemies your footstool.” Christ will sit

at God’s right hand until Christ becomes King of kings. In

Mark 12, Jesus Christ was speaking of the future time when
He will rule the Earth. In verse 37, He raised the question, how
can the King of kings be David’s son? Part of the answer lies
in David’s physical genealogy. There are some 50 generations
listed in Luke’s gospel demonstrating that Christ emerged
from the physical line of David. But Christ’s question was
focused more on the spiritual. How can the King of kings be
a son of David? To fully understand this question, we must
include Christ’s spiritual genealogy as well.

S o n o f t h e Hi g h e s t
Jesus Christ is a spiritual Jew. He is destined to rule from
David’s throne forever. Let’s look again at the great prophecy
concerning Jesus Christ in Luke 1:31-33.
Those verses describe Jesus Christ’s spiritual genealogy.
The angel Gabriel brought an astonishing message to Mary.
Through the power of God’s Holy Spirit she was to conceive a
son (verse 35). Her son was to be the Son of the Highest—the
King of the universe. Can you imagine how this must have
impacted Mary’s mind? Her son was to be the Son of the one
who is the Highest forever. God the Father will always be in
charge, ruling over the God Family, forever.
The key of David vision has much to say about Jesus
Christ’s relationship with God the Father. Jesus Christ came
to Earth to reveal the Father. “All things are delivered unto me
of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father;
neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to
whomsoever the Son will reveal him” (Matthew 11:27). Do we
know God the Father? It is Jesus Christ’s job to reveal the
Father. He did this when He walked on Earth. He is doing
that same work even now—today. Otherwise it is not God’s
Work! If we don’t have the Father revealed to us, then the
Family portrait is shattered! God the Father is the central
figure in Christ’s message (John 1:18).
Jesus Christ didn’t come to exalt Himself—He came to
reveal the Father. Christ is the Son of the Highest! God the
Father is the living Head of the entire Family. Jesus Christ
came to make this fact known.
New Revelation About God’s Covenant 39

We will never understand the key of David vision if we

don’t understand the role of the Father! God the Father is
the Head of His Family (write for a free copy of my booklet
The God Family Vision). If we become guilty of pushing the
Father out of the Family picture, it shows that we have a
serious government problem. God wants to teach us family
government. One man should always head the physical family.
This is the kind of family government that will be in force for
eternity! God will not use collegial government. He will not
use a republic. He will not use a democracy. He will use family
government. God the Father will rule over His Family forever.
And that Family will rule the universe forever.
The truth that God is a Family is so clear in Scripture.
“Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that
Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened,
And the Holy [Spirit] descended in a bodily shape like a dove
upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou
art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased” (Luke 3:21‑22).
Jesus Christ was God’s beloved Son. God the Father and Jesus
Christ shared a perfect family-type relationship before Christ
became a man. And they shared a perfect father-son relation-
ship when Jesus lived on Earth as a human. Christ always did
those things that pleased the Father (John 8:29). We must get
this point clearly, so we can remain in a close relationship
with God the Father and Jesus Christ. Never forget that within
God’s plan there is a Father, there is a Son and there is Family.
The fact that Christ is a son of David and a Son of the
Highest reaffirms that He is the one who gives us the key of
David vision. The Father gave Him that responsibility. It is a
vision which Christ will give only to spiritual Jews.

K ing of K ings
The prophecy in Luke 1 shows that the Father, the Highest,
plans to give Christ the throne of His father David. This is a
throne on Earth today. Christ is not returning to a non-exis-
tent throne!
But the beauty of the prophecy in Luke 1 does not end with
Christ. We must see that these verses also contain prophecies
about the greatest royal Family in the whole universe.

Our future is tied directly to Jesus Christ and David’s throne.

Revelation 17:13-14 describe Christ as being “Lord of lords, and
King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen,
and faithful.” The familiarity of this scripture could cause us to
overlook its deep, deep meaning. Jesus Christ is going to be the
King of the firstfruits, who will become kings under Him. He
will be Lord of the firstfruit lords. Can we envision Jesus Christ
and the firstfruits ruling on the throne of David?
This prophecy does not apply to just anybody. It is only for
the spiritual Jews who are willing to follow Christ before His
Second Coming.
In the World Tomorrow, the firstfruits will be ruling with
Jesus Christ as kings and lords—ruling both Church and
state. We will rule it all! God the Father plans to bestow upon
us awesome power, because we will have a big job to do. This
is the vision of the Bible.

T h ron e T h at U n i t e s
In the near future, at Christ’s return, a momentous occasion
will occur. “And I will cause the captivity of Judah and the
captivity of Israel to return, and will build them, as at the first”
(Jeremiah 33:7). Before God can build, He must destroy. That
is what modern business people would call creative destruc-
tion. After punishing Israel in the Tribulation, God plans to
reunite all of Israel into one powerful nation. The physical
nations of Israel are extremely divided today. In fact, most
nations of Israel have lost their identity.
Anciently, at the death of Saul, the nation fell into civil war.
The nation of Israel was seriously divided. David was crowned
king in Hebron and ruled Judah from there for seven years. He
was finally able to unite the nation, and he moved the capital
to Jerusalem. He ruled from Jerusalem for 33 years, making
his total reign 40 years.
When His Kingdom is set up, Christ will reunite the nations
of Israel first. “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I
will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the
house of Israel and to the house of Judah. In those days, and at
that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness [Jesus Christ]
to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judgment and righ-
New Revelation About God’s Covenant 41

teousness in the land” (verses 14-15). God will use Christ, sit-
ting on the throne of David, to shower blessing after blessing
upon Israel. Remember that this is God the Father speaking.
He is the “I” of verse 15. He is establishing a family throne.
“In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell
safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The
Lord our righteousness” (verse 16). When Christ returns, He
will go to work immediately. Judah will be saved. Jerusalem, the
capital of ancient Israel and a biblical symbol of all Israel today,
will dwell safely. Can we see the wonderful parallels here?
David, a Jewish king, used his throne to unite all of Israel.
Jesus Christ, the spiritual Jew, will take David’s throne and
unite the whole world!
Christ will accomplish this unity by grafting all of the
Gentile nations into Israel. This is spoken about in principle
by Paul in the book of Romans. “And if some of the branches
be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted
in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fat-
ness of the olive tree” (Romans 11:17). Paul applied this scrip-
ture to the Church—the spiritual nation of Israel (1 Peter 2:9).
Christ’s Church is not just for natural-born Israelites, it is for
all people whom God calls—no matter what nationality or
race. All members of God’s Church are citizens of spiritual
Israel. What is happening in the Church today is a type of
what will happen globally in the World Tomorrow.
From David’s throne, Jesus Christ will start uniting the
whole world beginning with the nations of Israel. God focuses
on Christ being a son of David because of this truth. Jesus
Christ, while sitting on the throne of David, will make all men
spiritual Jews. To be in God’s Family all men must become
spiritual Jews—a spiritually Jewish Family. This is the kind of
unity only God can give—the unity God and the Word have
had for all eternity! What a mind-opening time that will be
for mankind. This glorious unity will then expand into the
Gentile nations and, later, into the limitless universe. Can we
see the incredible future just ahead of us?
Some will be repulsed to think that God expects them to
become Jews. But all men will be taught to look beyond this
carnal life. Christ will ensure that the focus is not on the flesh
but on the spirit. And at that time, no one will be able to lie

about being a spiritual Jew. Both David and Christ were phys-
ical Jews. And both were spiritual Jews while in the flesh. We
must learn to emulate their spiritual example.
Paul even taught this truth to the Philippians. He wrote,
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus”
(Philippians 2:5). What unites spiritual Israel today? It is the
mind of Christ. That exciting truth will be taught to the entire
world from David’s throne! Understanding the key of David
vision is the only way to achieve unity.
Christ’s mind will be extended to the whole world after His
return. That is how the world will be united. All people who
turn to God will become spiritual Jews. What fantastic unity!
The prophecies concerning David’s throne hold many won-
derful promises for our nations of Israel and this world.

R e v e a l e d —Tw o C o v e n a n t s !
How well do we understand the covenants made concerning
David’s throne? “For thus says the Lord, David shall never
lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel: and the
Levitical priests shall never lack a man in my presence to offer
burnt offerings, to burn cereal offerings and to make sacri-
fices for ever” (Jeremiah 33:17-18, Revised Standard Version).
These two verses reveal that God made two distinct covenants
concerning David’s throne. Verse 17 discusses the covenant
concerning David’s descendants on his throne. God promised
that David’s throne would be in existence perpetually. This
represents a phenomenal covenant from God. Someone would
always be sitting on David’s throne. His throne exists even
today, in London (more on this later).
Notice carefully. The Levitical or ministerial covenant
is made with a man. God promised that there would always
be one leading minister proclaiming His message about the
eternal throne of David!
Just as there is one man at a time sitting on David’s throne,
there is one minister at a time whom God covenants with to
teach about that throne. Of course, that minister urgently
needs the help of God’s ministers and God’s people. The mes-
sage cannot be delivered by one man alone. Nevertheless, the
covenant here is made specifically with one man alone.
New Revelation About God’s Covenant 43

C e r t a i n a s D a y a n d Ni g h t
A covenant is an official agreement between two parties. When
God makes a covenant with man, no man can change or stop
what God plans to do. “And the word of the Lord came unto
Jeremiah, saying, Thus saith the Lord; If ye can break my cov-
enant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there
should not be day and night in their season; Then may also my
covenant be broken with David my servant, that he should not
have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the
priests, my ministers” (verses 19-21). God tells us that we can
rely on His covenants about David’s throne and a minister
who will always be there to proclaim the message about that
throne. They are as certain as day and night. No one but God
could change the day from being day or the night from being
night. The same applies to God’s covenants concerning David’s
throne and God’s leading minister.
It is vital that God’s physical leader remains focused on this
vision, since it was to be preserved until Christ’s return. But
look at what the Laodicean ministers have done to it. Some
have removed it altogether. Most have de-emphasized the key of
David vision. One Laodicean Church has written its own unin-
spired version of The United States and Britain in Prophecy. It has
nowhere near the power of Mr. Armstrong’s version, which was
inspired by God. Mr. Armstrong alone was the end-time Elijah
to restore all things (Matthew 17:10-11). He alone was the end-
time Zerubbabel with Christ’s authority (Zechariah 4:9-10).
All of the Laodicean churches are in disarray. They are all
suffering from disunity. Satan has dealt them a blow that will
be fatal unless they repent. Some are saying that Jesus Christ is
working through all of the wcg offshoot groups. But in this end
time, we have seen that there is only one leading minister in
each of the last two Church eras with whom God has made this
covenant. There is one covenant—there is only one man in the
Laodicean era who has kept that perpetual covenant.
God made two covenants. The second one ensured that His
message concerning the throne of David was taught. This means
there was always a minister to teach the key of David vision!

Chapter 5
Zadok and the
British Throne
E ach time a monarch is crowned in England, “Zadok the
Priest,” a coronation anthem by George Frideric Handel,
is sung. Why would this song be included?
Queen Elizabeth ii was crowned Queen of the British
Commonwealth on June 2, 1953. Leading up to the corona-
tion, one of Britain’s leading historians at the time, Lawrence
Tanner, released a series of articles condensed from his book
The History of the Coronation, which explained what the cor-
onation is, how it developed through hundreds of years, and
how it would be done for Queen Elizabeth in 1953. In this
chapter I will relate excerpts from Mr. Tanner’s material as it
appeared in the Elyria, Ohio, Chronicle-Telegram.
Notice this statement from the May 21, 1953, installment:
“The communion service after the opening ‘recognition’ cer-
emony changes the atmosphere of the coronation to one of
devotion and deep religious significance. It is from this point
that the sovereign, having dedicated herself to the service of
her peoples, is solemnly consecrated, like a bishop, for her
task. … Meanwhile the choir sings, as they have sung at this
point in the ceremony since the earliest known English corona-
tion service, the anthem ‘Zadok the Priest.’” A song about Zadok
the priest has been sung every time a king or queen has been
crowned since “the earliest known English coronation service.”
Why a song about Zadok? If we study into the Bible history
of this priest, we will find more proof of where David’s throne
Zadok and the British Throne 45

is today. How many people who attended the queen’s corona-

tion understood why a song was sung about Zadok the priest?
Probably very few. Yet the meaning behind this song involves
far more than the royalty in Britain.
The story about Zadok and his sons is very inspiring, espe-
cially for God’s very elect. Let’s look into this amazing story.

Z a d o k ’ s S u pp o r t f o r D av id
Because of his rebellion against God, Saul lost the throne of
Israel to David, who began his reign at Hebron. He reigned
from 1051 to 1011 b.c. Many men came to assist David when he
took control from Saul. Zadok the priest was among these cou-
rageous men (1 Chronicles 12:26-28).
When David’s son Absalom tried to overthrow his father
(2 Samuel 15:13-16), Zadok and his family remained firm in
their support for David. Even toward the end of David’s life,
when many of his closest companions left to support another
rebellious son, Adonijah (1 Kings 1:5-6), Zadok remained
faithful (verse 8). David was getting old and many were
beginning to doubt his leadership abilities. But not Zadok!
Throughout David’s life, Zadok remained loyal because he
knew God was behind David! He had the faith to recognize
who God was using.

Zadok Anoints Solomon K ing

The Prophet Nathan was the one who warned David of
Adonijah’s revolt. “And they told the king, saying, Behold
Nathan the prophet. And when he was come in before the
king, he bowed himself before the king with his face to the
ground. And Nathan said, My lord, O king, hast thou said,
Adonijah shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne?
For he is gone down this day, and hath slain oxen and fat
cattle and sheep in abundance, and hath called all the king’s
sons, and the captains of the host, and Abiathar the priest;
and, behold, they eat and drink before him, and say, God
save king Adonijah. But me, even me thy servant, and Zadok
the priest, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and thy servant
Solomon, hath he not called” (1 Kings 1:23-26). Notice here

that it is Nathan the prophet who informs David of Adonijah’s

self-proclamation as king. Nathan also shows David who has
remained loyal to him. Zadok the priest is at the top of the list.
Because of his unyielding loyalty, David bestowed upon
Zadok great honor. “And king David said, Call me Zadok
the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of
Jehoiada. And they came before the king. The king also said
unto them, Take with you the servants of your lord, and cause
Solomon my son to ride upon mine own mule, and bring him
down to Gihon: And let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet
anoint him there king over Israel: and blow ye with the trumpet,
and say, God save king Solomon. Then ye shall come up after
him, that he may come and sit upon my throne; for he shall
be king in my stead: and I have appointed him to be ruler
over Israel and over Judah. And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada
answered the king, and said, Amen: the Lord God of my lord
the king say so too. As the Lord hath been with my lord the
king, even so be he with Solomon, and make his throne greater
than the throne of my lord king David” (verses 32-37). Here
David instructed Nathan the prophet to make Solomon king.
David gave the honor of anointing Solomon to Zadok.
“So Zadok the priest, and Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah
the son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites, and the Pelethites,
went down, and caused Solomon to ride upon king David’s
mule, and brought him to Gihon. And Zadok the priest took
an horn of oil out of the tabernacle, and anointed Solomon.
And they blew the trumpet; and all the people said, God save
king Solomon” (verses 38-39). Notice that Zadok personally
anointed Solomon. This was truly a great honor. Solomon
was made king and all the people cheered, “God save king

B r i t i s h R o y a l T r a di t i o n s
Let’s now look at how similar this ancient tradition is to
British custom. Here is Mr. Tanner’s description of Elizabeth’s
coronation in 1953: “At 7:33 a.m. in Westminster Abbey, where
for 900 years British sovereigns have been crowned, the arch-
bishop of Canterbury gently lowered the jeweled crown of St.
Edward to her dark hair.
Zadok and the British Throne 47

“Then with a great roar, the peers and peeresses and heads
of state in the abbey cried: ‘God save the queen.’
“The guns of Hyde Park, Windsor Castle and the Tower of
London boomed 41 times. As the sound echoed throughout
London and was relayed around the world by radio, in Britain,
the nations of the Commonwealth and the colonies, the same
shout went up among many of her 600 million subjects: ‘God
save the queen.’
“It was more than a prayer for the 27-year-old queen. It
held the hope of austerity-ridden Britons that this—as under
former reigning queens—would be an era of greatness, happi-
ness and prosperity.
“There to see his mother crowned was 4-year-old Prince
Charles. He was clad in a white satin party suit.
“At the other end of the span of empire was 78-year-old
Winston Churchill, most illustrious of the mighty assemblage
of statesmen, peers, soldiers and foreign guests. …
“From the vast multitude of more than 2 million crushed
into London’s center echoed the shout: ‘God save the queen.’
“Thus was perpetuated in the person of this girl of 27 a
monarchy reaching back through the centuries to foundations
begun shortly after the Roman legions left this island. …
“To others it was a deeply moving religious moment, a
queen anointed in holy oil and thereby sanctified in the eyes of
God” (June 2, 1953).
Is it just coincidence that the coronation of Israel’s kings so
closely parallels that of the kings and queens of Britain?
Here is what was printed on May 19 of the coronation year:
“The actual place of coronation has a history of 900 years
behind it, but the ceremonies and rites wherewith our sover-
eigns are consecrated have a history which is older still.”
The British people recognize that their coronation tradi-
tions go back centuries. But what they don’t realize is that
their traditions actually go back much further than when the
Roman legions left the island. They go back all the way to
King David!
Over the centuries, there have been many attempts to
remove the religious aspects surrounding the British corona-
tion ceremonies. But the religious significance of the corona-
tion has been preserved. Mr. Tanner continued, “It can at least

be said that the service which will be used at the coronation of

Queen Elizabeth ii descends directly from the service used by
Archbishop Dunstan at the coronation of King Edgar at Bath
in 973. …
“The coronation of 1821 was held in the full time of the
Romantic Movement, and George iv, with his extravagant
ideas, succeeded in turning it into a magnificent pageant
almost completely devoid of religious significance. …
“So little was the religious side of the coronation appre-
ciated at this time that in 1838 the Times, in discussing the
forthcoming coronation of Queen Victoria, announced that
‘the anointing is a part of the ceremony more recommended
by antiquity than delicacy, and will probably be omitted alto-
gether.’ But better counsels prevailed.”
At Solomon’s coronation all the people cheered, “God save
King Solomon!” When Elizabeth ii was crowned queen all the
people cheered, “God save the queen!” King Solomon was
anointed with oil, in a religious ceremony, setting him apart in
the eyes of God. So was Queen Elizabeth.
Today, the throne in England is very unstable. Is it because
the British have forgotten God? Some in Britain might know
that the royal family’s ancestry can be traced all the way back
to King David. But it is not intellectually fashionable to pro-
claim that today.

G o d S av e t h e Q u e e n
The solutions to Britain’s problems can be found within the
knowledge of the true ancestry of the British throne. God
established David’s throne. The rich traditions surrounding
the coronation point to a significance greater than most people
realize today.
Mr. Tanner continued, “Furthermore the crowning was
made the final and principle act of investiture, and it was
immediately followed by a striking innovation when the Bible
was solemnly presented to the sovereign as ‘the most valuable
thing that this world affords’” (May 18, 1953). The Bible does
contain much hidden treasure. It reveals the truth about the
British throne and the solutions to Britain’s problems. Within
the pages of the Bible lies the hope for Britain.
Zadok and the British Throne 49

Let’s now look at a few highlights from the coronation

ceremony. “The Bible, paten and chalice, and the regalia are
placed on the high altar. … The queen, with her crimson robe
and her cap of state removed, takes her seat in King Edward’s
chair, wherein she is anointed …. The Lord Great Chamberlain
presents the spurs and the queen is girt with the sword. … The
queen seated in King Edward’s chair is crowned with Saint
Edward’s crown by the archbishop of Canterbury. The Bible is
presented to the queen. … The homage ended, the drums beat
and the trumpets sound and all the people shout, crying out:
‘God save Queen Elizabeth! Long live Queen Elizabeth! May
the queen live forever!’” (June 2, 1953).
Queen Elizabeth’s coronation was filled with deep reli-
gious significance. It certainly was meant to give great honor
to God. Most of that honor of God is lost in Britain today.
Elizabeth marked her 40th anniversary as queen on June 2,
1993. Here is how she celebrated: “Queen Elizabeth ii planned
a day at the races today with her husband and mother, but
otherwise shied away from celebrating a milestone—her 40th
year on the throne. The 67-year-old monarch, Prince Philip
and the Queen Mother all were expected to attend the Derby
horse race as they almost always do. In 1992 the queen picked
the winner—one of few highs in a year of unprecedented royal
scandal and public criticism” (Associated Press, June 2, 1993).
Couldn’t there have been a better way for the queen to cele-
brate her 40th anniversary on the throne? It would have been
the perfect day to give great honor to God. Why has there been
so much scandal within the royal family? Could it be that the
royal family has become more excited about a horse race than
the throne of David—the very throne on which Jesus Christ
will soon sit?
We need to recognize that much of the tradition sur-
rounding the British throne comes directly from the book of
1 Kings. The book of 1 Kings is one of the books known as
the former prophets—which means these books contain
prophecy for today and have great meaning for us. Our job as
Philadelphians is to teach the British and ultimately the whole
world about the significance of David’s throne. Let’s now move
back to the history of 1 Kings.

Solomon R eigns
The people of Israel made a very great noise when Solomon
was crowned king. The outburst of cheering was so great that
Adonijah and his rebellious company heard and felt the clamor.
“And all the people came up after him, and the people piped
with pipes, and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth rent
with the sound of them. And Adonijah and all the guests that
were with him heard it as they had made an end of eating. And
when Joab heard the sound of the trumpet, he said, Wherefore
is this noise of the city being in an uproar?” (1 Kings 1:40-41).
Abiathar’s son, Jonathan, brought the news that David had
appointed Solomon king. “And while he yet spake, behold,
Jonathan the son of Abiathar the priest came: and Adonijah
said unto him, Come in; for thou art a valiant man, and
bringest good tidings. And Jonathan answered and said to
Adonijah, Verily our lord king David hath made Solomon
king. And the king hath sent with him Zadok the priest, and
Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, and the
Cherethites, and the Pelethites, and they have caused him to
ride upon the king’s mule: And Zadok the priest and Nathan
the prophet have anointed him king in Gihon: and they are
come up from thence rejoicing, so that the city rang again.
This is the noise that ye have heard. And also Solomon sitteth
on the throne of the kingdom” (verses 42-46). Of course
Abiathar and Joab would have rather heard different news.
King David was too ill to attend Solomon’s coronation. David’s
loyal servants excitedly returned to tell him that Solomon was
king. “And moreover the king’s servants came to bless our lord
king David, saying, God make the name of Solomon better
than thy name, and make his throne greater than thy throne.
And the king bowed himself upon the bed. And also thus said
the king, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, which hath given
one to sit on my throne this day, mine eyes even seeing it”
(verses 47-48). The news was very exciting to David because
God allowed him to see his successor to the throne.
Things with Adonijah were not so exciting. Adonijah’s feast
of rebellion soon changed from one of joy to one of fear. “And
all the guests that were with Adonijah were afraid, and rose up,
and went every man his way” (verse 49). The loyalty of Joab
Zadok and the British Throne 51

and Abiathar to Adonijah was short-lived. Isn’t that the way it is

with disloyal people? Hearing Jonathan’s report, they fled their
rebellious coronation feast. Adonijah was left to himself.
In a desperate attempt to save his own life, Adonijah rushed
to the temple. “And Adonijah feared because of Solomon, and
arose, and went, and caught hold on the horns of the altar.
And it was told Solomon, saying, Behold, Adonijah feareth
king Solomon: for, lo, he hath caught hold on the horns of
the altar, saying, Let king Solomon swear unto me to day that
he will not slay his servant with the sword” (verses 50-51).
Proclaiming himself king was an arrogant thing for Adonijah
to do. All of his arrogance was now gone. Adonijah knew he
was facing execution for his revolt. He sought mercy from his
younger brother Solomon.
What was Solomon’s reply to his brother’s plea? “And
Solomon said, If he will shew himself a worthy man, there shall
not an hair of him fall to the earth: but if wickedness shall be
found in him, he shall die” (verse 52). Solomon did not execute
Adonijah at this time. He sent him to his house (verse 53).

Zadok Made Chief Priest

David had great hope for his son Solomon. Nearing death, he
gave excellent advice to his son about ruling Israel. “Now the
days of David drew nigh that he should die; and he charged
Solomon his son, saying, I go the way of all the earth: be thou
strong therefore, and shew thyself a man; And keep the charge
of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes,
and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimo-
nies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest
prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou tur-
nest thyself: That the Lord may continue his word which he
spake concerning me, saying, If thy children take heed to their
way, to walk before me in truth with all their heart and with
all their soul, there shall not fail thee (said he) a man on the
throne of Israel” (1 Kings 2:1-4).
David showed Solomon that the key to his success as king
would be how well he kept the law of God, which included the
Ten Commandments, the statutes and the judgments. David
desperately wanted a son who would truly obey God.

After David’s death, Solomon began to deal with the rebels.

He had Adonijah executed because he clung to his belief that
he deserved the throne (verses 15, 19-25).
Solomon did show mercy toward Abiathar. “And unto Abiathar
the priest said the king, Get thee to Anathoth, unto thine own
fields; for thou art worthy of death: but I will not at this time put
thee to death, because thou barest the ark of the Lord God before
David my father, and because thou hast been afflicted in all
wherein my father was afflicted. So Solomon thrust out Abiathar
from being priest unto the Lord; that he might fulfil the word of
the Lord, which he spake concerning the house of Eli in Shiloh”
(verses 26-27). Solomon showed him mercy because he had suf-
fered many afflictions with David over the years. However, his
disloyalty still deserved punishment. Solomon removed Abiathar
from his office as high priest. This brought shame upon Abiathar
and his family. Solomon also had Joab executed according to the
last words of David (verses 5-6, 34).
What happened to Zadok? Again, the outcome for Zadok
and the rest of the men loyal to David was far different.
“And the king put Benaiah the son of Jehoiada in his room
over the host: and Zadok the priest did the king put in the
room of Abiathar” (verse 35). Zadok was put in Abiathar’s
place as chief priest. What a fantastic reward for loyalty! What
a fantastic honor!
Zadok’s undying loyalty is still being praised today. Look at
the words of the song “Zadok the Priest,” sung at British cor-
onations. The words are adapted from 1 Kings 1:38-40: Zadok
the priest and Nathan the prophet anointed Solomon king. And all
the people rejoiced and said: God save the king! Long live the king!
May the king live forever. Amen, alleluia, amen.
This song was composed in 1727. Of course, the history
goes back to about 1000 b.c. Just the fact that this song about
Zadok the priest is sung at a British coronation strongly
indicates that the throne in England originated with David
and Solomon.
Britain’s enemies throughout the ages would have exposed
it if these scriptures had been used fraudulently.
This song should also teach us a vital lesson about loyalty
to God, His government and His leadership. God uses Zadok
and his sons as a symbol for all Philadelphians today. Our
Zadok and the British Throne 53

coronation as kings in the future will be far more glorious

than even Solomon’s. We may even hear the song “Zadok the
Priest”! We need to ask ourselves, are we intensely loyal to
God, His government and His leadership?

Zadok in prophecy
The book of Ezekiel was written for this end time. It carries
important messages, primarily for God’s people today.
Did you know that the book of Ezekiel contains prophecies
about the sons of Zadok?
Ezekiel 40 describes the future temple to be built in
Jerusalem after Christ’s return. (Request a free copy of Ezekiel:
The End-Time Prophet.) The sons of Zadok are assigned special
rooms in that temple. “And the chamber whose prospect is
toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of
the altar: these are the sons of Zadok among the sons of Levi,
which come near to the Lord to minister unto him” (Ezekiel
40:46). Notice that the sons of Zadok have a special distinction
among the other Levites. They are privileged to inhabit the
chamber that faces the north.
Remember, God’s throne is in the northern heavens. These
priests are uniquely special to God. They are the keepers of
the charge of the altar, which means they are in charge of the
ministry—a very exalted position. They are able to come near
to Jesus Christ’s throne. This is a similar description of the
reward promised the Philadelphians in Revelation 3:12 and 21.
Those of us who remain loyal to the end will be pillars in
the temple and share Jesus Christ’s throne on the Earth. Ezekiel
43:19 shows that the Levites of the seed of Zadok will be in charge
of the ordinances at that future temple. There is great heritage in
Zadok. Since we know those in God’s Church will be priests in
the resurrection (Revelation 5:10), isn’t it important that we fully
understand what it means to be of the seed of Zadok?

S t r a n g e r s i n t h e S a n c t ua ry
Ezekiel 44 contains a description of the future temple’s sanc-
tuary. Verses 1-4 describe the sacredness of this holy place. No
human being will be allowed to enter into it.

This chapter also describes the state of God’s sanctuary

today. We know that the word sanctuary in prophecy refers to
God’s end-time Church. There are terribly tragic events hap-
pening within God’s sanctuary today.
“And the Lord said unto me, Son of man, mark well, and
behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears all that I say
unto thee concerning all the ordinances of the house of the
Lord, and all the laws thereof; and mark well the entering in of
the house, with every going forth of the sanctuary. And thou
shalt say to the rebellious, even to the house of Israel, Thus
saith the Lord God; O ye house of Israel, let it suffice you of all
your abominations, In that ye have brought into my sanctuary
strangers, uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh,
to be in my sanctuary, to pollute it, even my house, when ye
offer my bread, the fat and the blood, and they have broken my
covenant because of all your abominations” (verses 5-7).
Ezekiel was told to “mark well” what was happening in the
sanctuary. God told Ezekiel He was very upset with what was
happening there. God expected Ezekiel to deliver a message to
the rebellious, referring to God’s ministry today. Remember, it
was the priests who were in charge of the sanctuary.
These end-time, rebellious priests have allowed “strangers,
uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh,” to enter
God’s sanctuary. This means that God’s Church has become
polluted in this end time. This also means that there was a
time when it was not polluted. Has this happened in God’s
Church today? Absolutely! Who has done this? These verses
can only refer to the Laodicean ministry!
By letting strangers into the sanctuary, this rebellious
house of Israel has also broken God’s covenant. The verses here
are similar to Malachi 2.
God continues His indictment of these priests. “And ye have
not kept the charge of mine holy things: but ye have set keepers
of my charge in my sanctuary for yourselves. Thus saith the
Lord God; No stranger, uncircumcised in heart, nor uncircum-
cised in flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, of any stranger
that is among the children of Israel” (verses 8-9). These priests
are disloyal to God. They have not “kept the charge” of God’s
holy things. What priests are doing this today? In Revelation
3:10, Christ says the Philadelphians have kept God’s Word.
Zadok and the British Throne 55

Why were strangers let into the sanctuary? Why was God’s
covenant broken? “And the Levites that are gone away far from
me, when Israel went astray, which went astray away from me
after their idols; they shall even bear their iniquity. Yet they shall
be ministers in my sanctuary, having charge at the gates of the
house, and ministering to the house: they shall slay the burnt
offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they shall stand
before them to minister unto them. Because they ministered
unto them before their idols, and caused the house of Israel to
fall into iniquity; therefore have I lifted up mine hand against
them, saith the Lord God, and they shall bear their iniquity”
(Ezekiel 44:10-12). The Levites, or priests, went far from God.
In this end time, which ministers have gone far away from
God? The Laodicean ministers. God showed Ezekiel that the
Levites caused the people to “fall into iniquity.” This means
there was a time when these ministers were leading the people
into righteousness. Laodicean ministers are leading God’s
people into iniquity. God has strong words against those end-
time Laodicean ministers. They will pay the penalty for what
they are doing.

Sons of Zadok
Amid that terrible falling away, a little group remains loyal.
God commends these individuals because—even as everyone
else turns away—they don’t look to human beings or follow
the multitude.
Notice the title God gives them: “But the priests the Levites,
the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of my sanctuary when
the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall come
near to me to minister unto me, and they shall stand before
me to offer unto me the fat and the blood, saith the Lord
God” (Ezekiel 44:15). God showed Ezekiel that when the
other Levites went astray, only the sons of Zadok remained
loyal. Only the family of Zadok remained loyal through all
of David’s rule! David experienced several trying rebellions.
Zadok and his sons remained completely true to David’s throne.
In this end time, as the Levites went astray, only the sons
of Zadok remained faithful to God. Can we begin to see the
importance of this knowledge?

The book of Revelation shows that only the true

Philadelphians remain loyal to God all the way to Christ’s
return. Only the Philadelphians can be the sons of Zadok
today. We have kept God’s Word. The pcg continues to teach
about the U.S. and Britain in prophecy and David’s throne.
Here is what the present leader of the wcg wrote in a per-
sonal correspondence letter dated August 10, 1992, concerning
the knowledge of Israel in end-time prophecy: “From a plan
of salvation view: In light of the New Testament, and the
centrality of Christ in God’s plan of salvation (as mentioned
above) much of the relevance of our teaching on us&bip [The
United States and Britain in Prophecy] is reduced to—so what!”
In light of Luke 1:32-33, isn’t this an incredibly dangerous
statement to make? Jesus Christ is going to be given David’s
throne. And He will rule over Israel forever! If we don’t
teach the knowledge about the United States and Britain in
prophecy, we may as well throw away one third of the Bible!
Only the pcg teaches that God’s government is from the
top down. God’s government could never be democratic! Even
though some Laodicean churches teach about the United
States and Britain in prophecy, what good is that knowledge
without the knowledge of the government that will rule
from that throne? In reality, only we are remaining loyal to
David’s throne. This makes us the sons of Zadok in spirit. We
are fighting the same battle Zadok fought!
It is a great honor to be referred to as a son of Zadok. This
is God’s evaluation, not any man’s. It does not matter what
any Laodicean leader states about us. God is the judge of His
people; judgment is on us today. God wants to know who is
a son of Zadok. The sons of Zadok have a vital role to play in
the future. God must measure and prepare us for that job now.
Our supreme test is to “keep” all that God revealed through
Mr. Armstrong and remain loyal to the leadership God is using
today. If we are true sons of Zadok, then we will remain loyal
to God’s truth. We will know which men are being led by God.
Zadok was with David from the beginning. He knew David
intimately. He was there when David sinned with Bathsheba.
He saw Absalom’s revolt. He saw Adonijah’s revolt. Zadok
could have said he had had enough of David. But he remained
loyal. Zadok stood by David because he knew David sat on
Zadok and the British Throne 57

God’s throne. Zadok never betrayed God’s throne! We should

be able to see clearly why the British royalty would give honor
to such unusual loyalty.
We have also witnessed much in these end times. We saw
Mr. Armstrong and the wcg go through many trials. We must
examine ourselves. Do we have the intense loyalty that Zadok
did? We must remain loyal to that truth and God’s govern-
ment. God loves Zadok for that loyalty—so much, in fact, that
He labels the faithful 5 percent in the last hour as “sons of
Zadok”! That is the title of God’s highest nobility in the
last era of God’s Church!
Sons of Zadok is just another way of saying the
Philadelphians today. Like Zadok, these individuals stay with
the key of David. They hold on to the understanding about
David’s throne. They remain excited about the idea of ruling
with Christ in Jerusalem forever! They love that vision and
won’t let anyone take it from them! Even when 95 percent of
God’s own people turn away, they remain loyal.
Those faithful sons of Zadok are going to rule from the
highest mountain forever if they stay true to the key of David.
“They shall enter into my sanctuary, and they shall come
near to my table, to minister unto me, and they shall keep my
charge” (verse 16). These sons of Zadok will be headquarters
personnel forever, being near to God, ministering to Him!
How could we possibly get wrapped up in material things in
this dying world—or be ambitious for ourselves—if we keep this
glorious vision in mind?
Look again at Ezekiel 40:46. This “altar” is referring to the
ministry in the World Tomorrow—the sons of Levi, or ministers,
who will not be sitting on David’s headquarters throne. God’s
faithful elect today will be given charge over those ministers.
We will come near to God, receive our instructions directly from
Him, and carry those instructions out—directing operations
from headquarters throughout the universe and for eternity!
Notice this command: “And thou shalt give to the priests
the Levites that be of the seed of Zadok, which approach unto
me, to minister unto me, saith the Lord God, a young bullock
for a sin offering” (Ezekiel 43:19). In other words, God is
instructing people to give His precious sons of Zadok anything
they need to get their work done!

God shares His throne so its occupants can serve Him

and serve mankind. The sons of Zadok understand that truth:
Above all, we are here to serve. That is actually what makes
us priests. That title is meaningless if we don’t understand that.
A Stone of Destiny 59

Chapter 6
A Stone of Destiny
I nside Westminster Abbey in London, England, sits the old
coronation chair on which the kings of Ireland, Scotland and
England have been crowned. Until 1999 there was a stone
under that chair. It was moved to Scotland, but will again be
placed under the chair when a new king or queen is crowned.
This stone, rich in history, will prove to be an integral part of
the future solution to this world’s cataclysmic problems!
Herbert Armstrong wrote about this stone in The United
States and Britain in Prophecy: “[I]n 569 b.c. (date of Jeremiah’s
transplanting), an elderly, white-haired patriarch, sometimes
referred to as a ‘saint,’ came to Ireland. With him was the
princess daughter of an eastern king and a companion called
‘Simon Brach,’ spelled in different histories as Breck, Berech,
Brach or Berach. The princess had a Hebrew name Tephi—a
pet name—her full name being Tea-Tephi. …
“This royal party included the son of the king of Ireland
who had been in Jerusalem at the time of the siege. There
he had become acquainted with Tea-Tephi. He married her
shortly after 585—when the city fell. Their young son, now
about 12 years of age, accompanied them to Ireland. Besides
the royal family, Jeremiah brought with them some remark-
able things, including a harp, an ark, and a wonderful stone
called ‘lia-fail,’ or ‘stone of destiny.’ A peculiar coincidence (?)
is that Hebrew reads from right to left, while English reads
from left to right. Read this name either way—and it still is
“Another strange coincidence—or is it just coinci-
dence?—is that many kings in the history of Ireland,

Scotland and England have been coronated sitting over this

stone—including the present queen. The stone rests today
in Westminster Abbey in London, and the coronation chair
is built over and around it. A sign beside it labels it ‘Jacob’s
pillar-stone’ (Genesis 28:18).”
Since the time that was written, English officials have
removed the stone underneath the old coronation chair, giving
it to Scotland. Why? Because England has degenerated in its
faith. The once-great British Empire has lost the knowledge
of its identity as Ephraim, one of the most important tribes of
Why is this stone called the “stone of destiny”? No other
nation in history has had a coronation stone like England. No
other nation on Earth can claim such a breathtaking, rich his-
tory for its throne.
When Christ returns to Earth to assume the throne of
David, He will take over a live, existing throne (Luke 1:32).
The very throne Christ will take over includes Jacob’s pillar
stone. What a “stone of destiny”!

A M i r acl e Ston e
Remember the remarkable origins of this stone. It is described
in Genesis 28:10-22. There is something special here that com-
mentaries go a little berserk trying to explain. But let’s just
accept what the Bible says!
Jacob, tired after a long journey, stopped for the night. “And
he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night,
because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that
place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place
to sleep” (Genesis 28:11). Notice that it says he took of the
stones—plural—and put them—plural—for his pillows, prob-
ably covered with his coat or some animal hide.
“And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the
Lord is in this place; and I knew it not” (verse 16). What made
Jacob think that?
“And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place!
this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate
of heaven” (verse 17). These are profound words! Jacob was
commenting about something that had happened. He realized
A Stone of Destiny 61

God was there, and there was a gate into heaven the way he
viewed that.
“And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the
stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar,
and poured oil upon the top of it” (verse 18). Notice—now
those “stones” from verse 11 are a single “stone.”
These stones became a stone! There is no other way that
you can read the Hebrew. You have to believe that no small
part of what he was so excited about was this miracle! His
statement “How dreadful is this place” is a poor translation.
Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon defines the word dreadful
as “to fear; to reverence as one’s parents; to tremble for joy;
stupendous; admirable; wonderful.” Jacob was filled with
wonder and joy at what had happened! He realized that God
had performed a tremendous miracle! These stones had liter-
ally become a stone: Jacob’s pillar stone.
Thus begins the history of England’s “stone of destiny”!
What had been a pillow, Jacob turned into a “pillar.” The
word for pillar, matstsebah in the Hebrew, means a memorial
stone. What did God want us to remember about that stone?
What is it a memorial of? This was an event where God was
very personally involved, performing miracles! Jacob knew it
was something to really get excited about!
If you want to have a gate right into heaven—or if you want
to have contact with this God of miracles and of great power—
here is how to do it.
Why are people so intent on not believing this? Why is it so
hard for scholars to understand this? It really shows how strong
Satan’s power is, that he could obscure such a wonderful miracle.
Verse 19 shows that Jacob changed the name of that place
to Bethel, which means house of God. This stone was called
the house of God, and that place where the stone was located
was also called the house of God. God actually dwelled there,
in that house!
This stone, which you can visit to this day, had great sym-
bolism. God called that place His house because He was right
there with that stone and performed a miracle to make it from
stones into stone.
We know that this stone is the one that Jesus Christ is
going to sit on, even out into eternity and to rule the universe.

And it’s not an exaggeration to say that that stone is going to

be God’s house right on out into eternity, if you understand it
Jacob continued, vowing, “If God will be with me, and will
keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat,
and raiment to put on, So that I come again to my father’s
house in peace; then shall the Lord be my God: And this
stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God’s house: and
of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto
thee” (verses 20-22).
He is talking about how God will protect us. This is really
about how a nation can either survive or not survive, or how
an individual can survive or not survive. That is how impor-
tant this is! If you understand it, you can see that it is a great
promise—and also a very great warning!
The whole world is going to have to come to understand
what this stone is all about! It really does have to do with sur-
viving as a nation or as a Church or as an individual. That
stone ought to give you a special relationship with God. It
isn’t today in Israel like it should, but it certainly should and
it could.
Why did Jacob do this? Because there was no temple or
even a moveable tabernacle in his day. Yet, he was given an
incredible vision of the future about the place in which he
slept. Jacob realized that God was going to have a house built
to conduct His Work from that place—so he called the stone
God’s house. The stone on which he slept was going to have
great significance throughout Israel’s history. This is why it is
so appropriate to call Jacob’s pillar stone a “stone of destiny.”
During Jacob’s lifetime, the stone was used to show where
God was operating from. Is it possible that England could have
possessed that same stone? The English people used to recog-
nize that the stone under the old coronation chair was Jacob’s
pillar stone written about in the book of Genesis. The history
of that stone goes all the way back to the beginning of Israel’s
history as a nation!
This knowledge has become embarrassing to the British
because of their degenerating faith. Even prior to giving the
stone to Scotland, they had removed the sign identifying it
as “Jacob’s pillar stone.” Removing a sign does not change
A Stone of Destiny 63

history! God has made Himself so well-known throughout

Israel’s history that they are without excuse!
There were 12 tribes in the nation of Israel. Mr. Armstrong
taught us from Scripture that Ephraim (one of Joseph’s sons)
was prophesied to be one of the main tribes. With his brother
Manasseh, Ephraim was also to carry the name Israel (Genesis
48:16). Jacob, their grandfather, had his name changed to
Israel when he became converted. And today, we see a stone
that could identify where Israel is, if only the people would
prove it from the Scriptures.

Jacob ’ s Na m e Ch a nge d to Isr a e l

“And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall
not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and
he called his name Israel. And God said unto him, I am God
Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of
nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins;
And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, to thee I will
give it, and to thy seed after thee will I give the land. And God
went up from him in the place where he talked with him. And
Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he talked with him,
even a pillar of stone: and he poured a drink offering thereon,
and he poured oil thereon. And Jacob called the name of the
place where God spake with him, Bethel [which means house
of God]” (Genesis 35:10-15). This verse is a prophecy for the
end time. Along with other scriptures it shows what Jacob’s
nations would be like in our time. It reveals essential history
about the birthright nations of Israel, which were to become “a
[great] nation,” meaning the United States, and a “company of
nations,” meaning Britain, and its Commonwealth.
What did Jacob do when God revealed this knowledge to
him? He set up a pillar of stone and poured wine and oil on
it. Jacob’s pillar stone was directly associated with these
two great end-time nations! This verse also shows a sacred
promise from God to Jacob that his family would include two
great nations in the end time. This promise is made in the
context of a stone. Or you could say in the context of God’s
house (Genesis 28:18, 22). But there is also an implied promise
from God that at the end time, if you were to look closely into

one of these two great nations, you would find a stone associ-
ated with this prophecy!

J a c o b ’ s N a m e Pa s s e d t o J o s e p h ’ s S o n s
“And it came to pass after these things, that one told Joseph,
Behold, thy father is sick: and he took with him his two sons,
Manasseh and Ephraim. And one told Jacob, and said, Behold,
thy son Joseph cometh unto thee: and Israel strengthened
himself, and sat upon the bed. And Jacob said unto Joseph,
God Almighty appeared unto me at Luz in the land of Canaan,
and blessed me, And said unto me, Behold, I will make thee
fruitful, and multiply thee, and I will make of thee a multi-
tude of people …” (Genesis 48:1-4). Mr. Armstrong proved in
The United States and Britain in Prophecy that Ephraim is Great
Britain and Manasseh is the United States. He also showed
that these verses applied to the end time.
“The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads;
and let my name [Israel] be named on them [Ephraim and
Manasseh], and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac;
and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth”
(verse 16). Jacob was not only blessing Joseph’s two sons; he
was also teaching a history lesson—a lesson we need to be
reminded of. He was cementing in the boys’ minds the impor-
tance of the pillar stone by reminding them of the “Angel” that
helped him. He was also showing the boys the significance of
their roots. Their heritage came from Abraham and Isaac.
Can you hear the detractors of that day criticizing Jacob?
They very well could have said Jacob was worshiping Abraham
and Isaac! But Jacob wasn’t. He was carrying on a name and
a tradition, giving them God’s words that had come through
Abraham and Isaac. Jacob’s prophecies for Ephraim and
Manasseh were to reach through the centuries to our time
This stone is a witness of God’s promises made to Abraham,
Isaac and to Jacob, whose name God changed to Israel. Jesus
Christ will soon return to this Earth and sit over that stone as
King of kings and Lord of lords!
What a stone of destiny! Do you really comprehend what
this stone means?
A Stone of Destiny 65

Tw o S o n s R e c e i v e E n d -Tim e B l e s s i n g s
“And when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand upon
the head of Ephraim, it displeased him: and he held up his
father’s hand, to remove it from Ephraim’s head unto Manasseh’s
head. And Joseph said unto his father, Not so, my father: for
this is the firstborn; put thy right hand upon his head. And
his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it: he
also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly
his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall
become a multitude of nations” (Genesis 48:17-19).
This remarkable event foretold the history of England and
the United States. God revealed to Jacob what would happen
to his two grandsons during our time now! Collectively, they
were to grow into a multitude of people on Earth. Ephraim,
the younger son, was to be a “multitude of nations.” No
other nation could fulfill this prophecy but Britain, with its
Commonwealth. Ephraim’s older brother, Manasseh, was to
become one great nation in the end time. Only the United
States could fulfill this prophecy. The offspring of these two
young boys were to assume great wealth and power. Who could
deny that this refers to the United States and Great Britain?
What mind-staggering truth!

S c e p t e r Wa s t o B e J u d a h ’ s
“And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves
together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the
last days” (Genesis 49:1). God had not revealed knowledge
about Joseph’s future generations only—He also revealed what
would happen to all of his sons “in the last days.” Before his
death, Jacob called together all of his sons to reveal to them this
important part of world history, spoken in advance. Jacob told
his sons what would happen to their descendants in our time.
“The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver
from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall
the gathering of the people be” (verse 10). This verse states
that the scepter shall not depart from Judah. What does that
mean? It means that Christ, salvation and a royal lineage were
to come through Judah. It is a continuation and further clari-

fication of the seed promise made to Abraham (Genesis 28:14).

It is a specific statement from God that Jacob’s “stone of des-
tiny” was directly tied to Christ, salvation and a kingly line
that would remain upon a throne until Christ assumed it! The
stone is a symbol of this great promise from God. The phys-
ical blessings of greatness and wealth were to be bestowed on
Joseph’s sons—but the throne belonged to Judah, and salva-
tion for all mankind would come through Judah. That throne
was never to cease. Only the British peoples can claim this
truth! Not only are the British people descendants of Ephraim,
the royal line goes all the way back to King David and, ulti-
mately, Judah!
“Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we wor-
ship: for salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22). Jesus Christ was
pretty blunt with the Samaritan woman. He told her that she
did not know how to worship God. He told her directly that
if she continued to worship in her way, she could not obtain
salvation. He told her salvation was of the Jews, which would
have been salt in the wound for any Samaritan.
Jesus Christ was not ashamed to say that Jews had a very
important role in God’s plan. Of course, He was referring
to converted people who would follow Him! Mr. Armstrong
told the religious leaders of our day the same things. And he
offended some. But that did not make him wrong.
Was Christ wrong? He was killed for preaching the message
God the Father sent! Like Christ, Mr. Armstrong was required
to preach a difficult message. The pcg has been called upon
to preach a difficult message because we follow Christ. Mr.
Armstrong was not ashamed to teach that some physical things,
like a stone and a throne, have everything to do with salvation.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the
power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the
Jew first, and also to the Greek” (Romans 1:16). Paul was not
ashamed of the truth of God. He knew that everyone on Earth
would be invited to salvation. We know historically that it was
offered to the Jews first. Many of the original Christians were
Jews who believed the gospel of Christ and were baptized.
As we have said, all truly converted Christians become Jews
spiritually! If you are converted, then as far as God is con-
cerned, you are a Jew! If you are in God’s Church, you are a Jew!
A Stone of Destiny 67

Even our young people are Jews inwardly because God’s Spirit
is working with them. God says that a true Jew is one inwardly.
“[S]alvation is of the Jews.” Circumcision is of the heart. And if
you want to face the truth, Jews are sitting on the throne in
England. Physical Jews have always sat on that throne for a very
symbolic reason. If we are going to have a future position of rul-
ership with Christ, then we must become spiritual Jews!
“Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles
in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which
is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands”
(Ephesians 2:11). All of us must face the fact that prior to
our conversion, we were spiritual Gentiles. We were outside
of God’s promises. But now, as Paul stated, “ye are no more
strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints,
and of the household of God” (verse 19). Because of Christ, we
now have a future. And if Britain and the world understood
the symbolism behind the British throne, they would know
they have a great future as well!

A Co ronat ion Pi l l a r S ton e

“Then they brought out the king’s son, and put upon him the
crown, and gave him the testimony, and made him king. And
Jehoiada and his sons anointed him, and said, God save the
king. Now when Athaliah heard the noise of the people run-
ning and praising the king, she came to the people into the
house of the Lord: And she looked, and, behold, the king
stood at his pillar …. Then Athaliah rent her clothes, and said,
Treason, Treason” (2 Chronicles 23:11-13). Here is additional
startling history of Jacob’s pillar stone. Don’t you think it is
interesting that God records the coronation of a king showing
that it happened next to a pillar stone?
How many pillars do you think would be used in a coro-
nation ceremony? Are there 5, 10, 50, 100? There is only one—
Jacob’s pillar stone! After the king was crowned, the people
said, “God save the king”! That sounds very English! Or should
we say Jewish? It is a very biblical statement! Remember, this
famous statement is made in the presence of the pillar stone.
This is the story of Joash’s coronation. At that time there was
a great civil war in Israel. Athaliah was an evil queen who had

usurped her authority by slaying all the princes. She ruled from
843 to 837 b.c. But Joash was hidden from her. These verses
describe Joash’s coronation in a religious service by a pillar, of
all things. The people had had enough of this evil queen and
were becoming more religious. They were weary of the horrible
times. They realized they had to get back to their roots—back
to the religion and promises associated with Jacob’s pillar stone.
If they did this, they knew God would back the nation.
There is a great lesson here for us today. We need to be
sure we know where God’s house, or God’s pillar, is. If you
are standing in God’s house, or with God’s pillar, and you get
things right with God, then you will be standing on a rock.
It will not matter how many evil kings or queens there are—
the Rock will be with you. That is the ultimate symbol of
the pillar—Jesus Christ, behind the Church collectively and
behind you individually! You must locate God’s house! Jacob’s
pillar stone shows that God’s house can be a 2-foot piece of
rock. It can be an executive condominium, like where our orig-
inal headquarters was located. God can make it so! Then He
backs it up, if we trust Him. We need to learn to trust God
whether He gives us a rock or a condo! If God is there, and we
show Him we trust Him, then we really have the Rock with us!
The stone represents God’s house, or God’s Church, and
salvation for the entire world. Eventually the whole world will
learn about this pillar stone and live by the covenant of God!

J o s h u a’ s S t o n e o f W i t n e s s
“And all the men of Shechem gathered together, and all the
house of Millo, and went, and made Abimelech king, by the plain
of the pillar that was in Shechem” (Judges 9:6). Here is another
interesting part of the history of Jacob’s pillar stone. In the time
of the judges, a king of Israel was being crowned by the “plain
of the pillar.” This phrase is better translated “by the oak of the
pillar.” Is this “oak of the pillar” related to Jacob’s pillar?
“And Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God,
and took a great stone, and set it up there under an oak, that
was by the sanctuary of the Lord. And Joshua said unto all the
people, Behold, this stone shall be a witness unto us; for it hath
heard all the words of the Lord which he spake unto us: it shall
A Stone of Destiny 69

be therefore a witness unto you, lest ye deny your God” (Joshua

24:26-27). These verses show that Joshua was pronouncing an
important covenant in the same location as that spoken about
in Judges 9:6. Which stone is Joshua talking about? It is the
stone described in Genesis 28:18—Jacob’s pillar stone (the King
James center reference makes the same connection). To which
oak do these verses refer? The oak from Judges 9:6.
It is exciting to track the history of this stone. But what
Joshua spoke here is far more important for all of God’s people
today. The stone was to be a witness to all of Israel. Why?
Because it heard “all the words of the Lord.” The stone doesn’t
actually hear, but it does represent God’s house, which has
recorded much of that history. What Joshua was really saying
was that the stone and what it represented, and “all the words
of the Lord,” would be a witness against Israel!
It all started with Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel
at his conversion. So this stone had to be taken into Egypt and
through the wilderness until Joshua’s death. But that is not all.
Joshua 24:27 states: “it shall be therefore a witness unto you.”
The word “shall” includes the future as well as the past. It con-
tinues to be a witness to the people of Israel until their birth
into God’s Family.
Let’s not forget that Joshua is a part of the former prophets.
That means it is prophecy for today and tomorrow.
Some religious critics scoff at this history and prophecy.
But that only condemns their lack of faith—they don’t believe
their own Bibles!
So we can see that Israel—especially the British people—
have had a powerful witness against them by having the
throne of David, with the stone of destiny.
God holds them accountable for that exceptional witness.
The Eternal holds His lukewarm Church today far more
accountable for rejecting that precious truth!
Here is a quote from Dr. Herman L. Hoeh in the Good News
magazine: “[The stone] is steel gray in color, mixed with red
veins, 22 inches long, 13 inches broad and 11 inches deep. …
“Many years later Jacob again speaks of this stone as a
“Notice Genesis 49:1. Jacob called his sons together and
told them what would befall them in our day, ‘in the last days.’

In verse 24, when speaking of Joseph’s descendants he inter-

jects by saying that from the tribe of Joseph—not Judah—will
be found ‘the shepherd, the stone of Israel.’
“This same rock—the coronation stone—accompanied the
Israelites during their 40 years wandering in the wilderness.
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:4 that just as the Israelites had
manna as a type of Christ, so they had, as a type of Christ, a rock
which gave them water and which followed or went with them
in their wanderings! Christ provides spiritual waters—the Holy
Spirit, and Jacob’s shepherd stone, a type of the divine Shepherd,
miraculously provided material water in the wilderness.
“During those 40 years the stone accompanied Israel. That
is undoubtedly why the two iron rings fastened to either end
are so worn.”
When you view the whole story, you can see why Satan
wants to destroy this important knowledge. Satan wants
God’s Church to get away from The United States and Britain
in Prophecy—from all this “Jewish stuff”—so he can move the
Laodicean Church into paganism. To lose this knowledge is to
lose the “scepter promise.”
“Salvation is of the Jews.” The stone is about salvation.
These truths are not that difficult to prove. It takes faith to
trust God; to look into the Bible and believe what it says. It
takes faith to stake our lives on this knowledge!

G r e a t S y mb o l o f T h i s S t o n e T o d a y
“This image’s head was of fine gold, his breast and his arms
of silver, his belly and his thighs of brass, His legs of iron,
his feet part of iron and part of clay. Thou sawest till that a
stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon
his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold,
broken to pieces together, and became like the chaff of the
summer threshingfloors; and the wind carried them away,
that no place was found for them: and the stone that smote the
image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth”
(Daniel 2:32-35). Jacob’s stone pictures Jesus Christ and God’s
Kingdom. When Christ returns, He is going to destroy all the
rebellious nations on Earth. They will become as chaff and
A Stone of Destiny 71

will be blown away with the wind. The stone of His Kingdom
will fill the whole Earth. This is the stone backing and sup-
porting the Church today! There is great power behind God’s
true Church because we have remained true to the Stone, or
Jesus Christ. All we have to do is believe God!
“And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven
set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the
kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in
pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for
ever. Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of
the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the
iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God
hath made known to the king what shall come to pass here-
after: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof
sure” (verses 44-45). This is the ultimate fulfillment of this
“stone of destiny.” These are promises on which we can stake
our lives! Christ says to the Church, “the dream is certain,
and the interpretation thereof sure.”
Today, Britain, the United States and all of biblical Israel
need the strong government of Jesus Christ. Our govern-
ments are wickedly corrupt.
“For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon
one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the
graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will remove
the iniquity of that land in one day” (Zechariah 3:9). Christ is
going to remove the iniquities of Israel. “In that day, saith the
Lord of hosts, shall ye call every man his neighbour under the
vine and under the fig tree” (verse 10). This Stone (Christ) will
finally bring peace and prosperity to all nations—far beyond
human comprehension today.

Spi r i t u a l M e a n i n g B e h i n d S t o n e
“Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that
by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified,
whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man
stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set
at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the
corner” (Acts 4:10-11). The scripture cited is Psalm 118:22.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the ultimate meaning of Jacob’s

pillar stone. Christ is our Rock. He is soon to reappear to take

over the reigns of world government.
“Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I
lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that
believeth on him shall not be confounded” (1 Peter 2:6). The
greatest gift God has given the Church is Jesus Christ. He
is the chief Cornerstone. If we follow Him, we cannot be
confounded. We do not have to fear deception or the world,
because of His great power.
Do we believe this with all of our being? We have a great
Stone in which to put our faith and trust! As God’s people, we
operate from a position of strength! The Philadelphia Church
has this Stone as our support and our Head.
“Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and
doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his
house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods
came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell
not: for it was founded upon a rock” (Matthew 7:24-25). This
is the stone, or rock, to which we should anchor everything
in our lives. If we build our lives on this rock we will never
be confounded. These verses are a promise from the Rock, or
God’s house. Do we have the faith to believe Jesus Christ? We
have heard great words from Herbert Armstrong and we are
staying true to them. Why has the Philadelphia Church of
God grown stronger? Because we are founded upon the Rock!
Ephesians 2:20-21 show that the true Church is founded upon
the Stone—Jesus Christ.
“And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and
doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which
built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and
the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that
house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it” (Matthew 7:26-
27). Whether it is an individual, a nation or a church, unless it
is founded upon Jesus Christ, it is going to fall. The Laodicean
Church will fall greatly because it has rejected the sayings, or
knowledge, of Jesus Christ.
The Laodicean churches no longer represent the stone,
God’s house or the Work. Read Matthew 21:42. Jesus Christ
said we should hold Him and His Work as a marvelous thing
before our eyes. Is the work Jesus Christ is doing through
A Stone of Destiny 73

Jacob’s stone, David’s throne and Mr. Armstrong marvelous in

our sight? It should and must be if we are going to make it into
the Kingdom of God. Christ’s Work is not a marvelous thing
to the Laodicean Church, or it would not have rejected such
precious knowledge.
“Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I lay in Zion
for a foundation, a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone,
a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste”
(Isaiah 28:16). God has given us vital knowledge. We hold fast
to the knowledge of Jacob’s pillar stone because it represents
the work of Jesus Christ throughout thousands of years. Those
who believe the Bible history of Britain’s “stone of destiny” act
from faith, not from fear. God says we have a tried stone—
a sure foundation. Everything works out right for those who
have the faith of Christ. We know who we are, where we
are going, and the glorious outcome of end-time events—all
because of Jacob’s pillar stone. Britain’s stone truly is a “stone
of destiny.”

Chapter 7
Establishing the
R emember Jeremiah’s prophecy: “For thus saith the Lord;
David shall never [lack] a man to sit upon the throne
of the house of Israel” (Jeremiah 33:17). That is a promise
from God! That throne is on Earth today, and it’s going to con-
tinue forever!
Verse 18 shows that there will always be a man proclaiming
the truth about that throne. That two-fold covenant is all part
of the key of David, and it is absolutely binding (verses 19-22).
Now, that covenant is interesting to consider in light of a
prophecy in Hosea 3:4: “For the children of Israel shall abide
many days without a king, and without a prince, and without
a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and
without teraphim.”
This is describing a very tragic period—the Great
Tribulation—almost upon us. It is a prophecy about Ephraim,
Manasseh and Judah, when they no longer have a king or even
a prince. Jeremiah wrote that David’s throne would never lack
a man sitting on it—yet here it says that for a time, Israel will
have no king or prince. How can you reconcile this apparent
contradiction? We must remember that the very elect of spiri-
tual Israel is being protected by God at this time.
Consider this as well: The word image in Hosea 3:4 refers
to Jacob’s pillar stone—the stone Jacob called “God’s house”
that stayed with Israel for generations, and that to this day
resides in Great Britain. God revealed to Hosea that in this
end time, Ephraim is going to lose that stone.
Establishing the Throne 75

Where do you suppose that stone will be? I believe that

question becomes more interesting over time.

B r i ta i n to Lose t h e Pi l l a r S to n e
Anciently, when Judah went into captivity, it didn’t have a
king, a royal family, God’s religion or the pillar stone. What
happened to the stone? Mr. Armstrong taught us the history.
The stone was passed to Jeremiah. He took this stone and the
king’s daughter to Ireland. (The United States and Britain in
Prophecy explains this history.) Do you think this may be pro-
phetic? Will the stone be passed on again?
We have already explained how England has given the
stone to Scotland on the condition it be returned for the next
coronation. But this prophecy indicates that England will
eventually lose total control of the stone.
Look closely at verse 5. “Afterward shall the children of
Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their
king; and shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter
days.” After the children of Israel lose their king, royal family,
religion and stone, they will seek God and King David. This
verse is a continuation of the thought in verse 4, which ends
with a colon. It is a prophecy for the latter days.
We know England is going to lose its king and queen. The
royal family will be killed or taken into captivity. What will
happen to that stone in the Tribulation?
What if God worked out a way for the very elect to obtain
possession of that stone just prior to the return of Jesus Christ?
This is what He did in Jeremiah’s time. God never let the stone
fall into the hands of the Gentiles in the time of Jeremiah.
We don’t really know the immediate future of that stone
and throne. But for over 25 centuries, the kings of Israel,
Ireland, Scotland and England have been crowned on that
stone. And yet nearly all of the people in Britain and the
United States don’t know this precious history!
Hosea’s prophecy continues with this inspiring picture:
“Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the
Lord their God, and David their king; and shall fear the Lord
and his goodness in the latter days” (verse 5). Imagine the peo-
ples of Israel going into captivity and finally coming to their

senses. When that happens, and they emerge from slavery,

David will be right there facing them—resurrected as a fiery
God being! At last, the peoples of Israel will believe God. They
will believe and understand the key of David! They will realize
that David, who was just a human being, has been exalted into
God’s Family. And they will recognize that they too have an
avenue into the Family. They’ll see their incredible potential!
Now, let’s answer the deep and electrifying mystery pre-
sented by Hosea’s prophecy! I believe it is explained by a pas-
sage in Isaiah 16—one that has become clearer to me in light
of the projects we have been undertaking in Jerusalem.

Hidi n g G o d ’ s O u t c a s t s
In the Soncino translation, Isaiah 16:1 reads, “Send you the
lambs for the ruler of the land, from the crags that are toward
the wilderness unto the mount of the daughter of Zion.”
“Lamb” in the King James Version is better translated
lambs. It is a collective noun. Crags is translated from the
Hebrew Sela, meaning rocky fortress. The equivalent word in
the Greek is Petra.
Someone here is sending special tribute to the ruler. In
other words, there is a group of people who are respectful to
the government. And they are located in Sela, this rocky place
that is toward the wilderness—unto the mount of the daughter
of Zion. So the daughter of Zion is there—which is God’s very
elect! This is a picture of God’s own Church in a rocky fortress,
giving a gift and respect to the government of the land.
“Like fluttering birds, like scattered nestlings, so are the
daughters of Moab at the fords of the Arnon” (verse 2, rsv).
Look at the context and you can see that this chapter’s events
take place during the Tribulation. So the whole region, and
the world, is seized with turmoil—and it is affecting Moab,
which is modern-day Jordan. “[F]ords of the Arnon” means
that the Jordanian people are trying to get out of there, and
they are crossing a boundary at the shallow part of a river.
The Soncino commentary says, “The inhabitants of the pro-
vincial towns uprooted from their homes and in search of
a resting place.” That is Tribulation-associated imagery. The
king of the south has already been conquered by the king of
Establishing the Throne 77

the north (explained in our booklet The King of the South, free
upon request).
There will be violent turmoil in the Middle East. Some of
it will spill over into Jordan. The Earth’s inhabitants will be
experiencing World War iii!
Will the preliminary turmoil open a way for our escape to
a place of protection?
“Give counsel, grant justice; make your shade like night at
the height of noon; hide the outcasts, betray not the fugitive”
(verse 3, rsv). Here God is telling Moab to take care of some
people who have been cast out. The Hebrew word translated
“outcasts,” nadach, means to thrust forth, expel or drive away.
How could Moab protect these people in a way that would
make it somewhat like night, even when it was high noon? It
seems that hiding them in caves would do so.
God is showing these people that they have in their midst a
very special group. Don’t betray these people! He says. I want you
to hide them! Though we can’t be sure, this certainly looks like
the place where God’s very elect will be during the Tribulation.
“Let mine outcasts dwell with thee, Moab; be thou a covert
to them from the face of the spoiler: for the extortioner is at
an end, the spoiler ceaseth, the oppressors are consumed out
of the land” (verse 4). The context shows why most trans-
lations read “my outcasts.” God calls them my people who
have been cast out— my Church. And He tells Moab to hide
them while some others—extortioners and oppressors—are
receiving some hard correction from God. God appears to be
correcting the people of Moab, probably to make them recep-
tive to God’s people.
Revelation 12:14 shows that God’s people will be protected
from “the face of the serpent.” Here in Isaiah 16:4, God uses
the Moabites to protect His very elect from “the face of the
spoiler.” It is the same being and the same place of safety in
both scriptures! Satan is fanatically trying to get at us! We will
need protection. He is after us—he always has been and always
will be until God puts him away. He will come after us head-
on in order to destroy us. We must respond by using God’s
power to conquer him!
Now look at verse 5—where God has revealed some new
truth to me.

T h e T h ro n e S h a l l Be E s ta bl i s h e d
“And in mercy shall the throne be established: and he shall
sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and
seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness” (Isaiah 16:5).
Here you have the same tabernacle of David you see in
Amos 9:11. The Anchor Bible says these two verses are talking
about the same “tent,” or “booth,” of David. The tabernacle here
means a hut, or temporary dwelling. The Hebrew-Greek Key
Study Bible says “the most common use of the term had to do
with the yearly booth made in conjunction with the Feast of
Tabernacles.” Amos 9:11 shows that this temporary dwelling has
fallen, and Christ has to raise it back up through the very elect.
So there will be a tabernacle over there in the Middle East,
in the midst of a lot of trouble. It is there for an important
reason. In this context, it is clearly where God is. If it’s the very
elect tabernacle, God is right there leading His people. You can
see that by the way God is talking to Moab here—and I have
a strong feeling that the people of Moab are going to obey!
They’ll recognize that God is in charge here. But still, it is a
temporary dwelling. The Kingdom of God has not arrived yet.
Now—look again at Isaiah 16:5. There is an added expres-
sion you don’t find in Amos 9:11: “the throne.” This says that
the throne will be established in addition to the tabernacle.
What throne is this talking about? David’s throne! The same
throne that Jeremiah 33:17 says will always be occupied!
This is the only throne on Earth that will last forever! “The
throne,” indeed!
That throne of David is in Britain today. For millennia, the
kings and queens who have been crowned on that throne have
done so over Jacob’s pillar stone, also called “the stone of destiny.”
How could that throne be established in the context of
Isaiah 16? Only the stone of destiny could firmly establish
the throne of David!
Is Isaiah 16 telling us that God will somehow give us that
stone when God’s people go to the place of safety? After all,
we are going to be sharing that throne with Christ in a matter
of just a few years!
The stone of destiny is really the symbol of David’s
throne—not the chair that sits in Westminster Abbey. That
Establishing the Throne 79

chair was constructed by men rather recently—but the stone

has been around for millennia! It goes all the way back to Jacob!
It was at one time called God’s house—where God dwelled!
Where will that stone be during the Tribulation? Again,
Ephraim is going to lose it, according to Hosea 3:4. Where will
that rock be? Will God give it to the Gentiles? I don’t believe
for a minute that He would. He didn’t give it to the Gentiles
when Judah was taken captive. Jeremiah was in a prison in
Jerusalem—and yet somehow he ended up with the stone, and
he eventually took it with him to Ireland!
Wouldn’t God want us to save that marvelous stone of des-
tiny, or to gain possession of it? I can’t see this verse as any-
thing but a strong statement about where that rock will be.
God says the throne will be established—and it’s in
the context of a tabernacle, or temporary dwelling. The word
“established” comes from the Hebrew word kuwn, which is
used 25 times in Scripture to refer to the establishment of a
dynasty. In this passage, it must be talking about the Davidic
dynasty! God said there would never lack a man to sit on
that throne—and here He says the throne will be established
in a temporary, Tribulation setting, with God’s loyal people
dwelling in a rocky fortress!
We must have faith to believe what the Bible says! This is
an exciting prophecy!
Right now, the pieces seem to be falling into place for us to
assist in uncovering the very place where David’s throne was,
and where Christ will sit on His throne. Do you suppose God
might also get us involved with that stone? Does it seem illogical
that God would use His people, who have the key of David and
are about to sit on the throne of David, to get that stone, which
is a symbol of that throne and of Christ? Certainly not to me.

W h o W i l l Si t o n t h e T h r o n e ?
Who will sit on that throne at the time described in Isaiah 16?
I don’t know—but I do know that someone will be on it, and it
will be established—and it appears to be there in the Middle
East during a terrible time on Earth.
At the time of Jeremiah, he had with him a queen from
the royal family to sit on that throne. Maybe there will be

a member of the royal family with us in the place of safety.

However, considering Isaiah 16:5 says he will be “seeking
judgment, and hasting righteousness,” that doesn’t seem likely.
There is much here we don’t know, but the context seems
to imply that the “he” who “shall sit upon” that throne is a
man from this Church.
As I point out in Who Is “That Prophet”?, Micah 2:13 refers
to the office Christ has given me as that of “their king.” That
couldn’t be referring to Christ, because the same verse sepa-
rately mentions “the Lord.” The word king in that verse means
the leader, or one in charge—but the word king is appropriate.
In Micah 4:8-9, God asks the Laodiceans, “[I]s there no
king in thee?” They don’t have a king. (You can also read about
these verses in our free booklet Micah—God’s People Rise Up
as His Enemy.)
These scriptures are talking about a man who leads a
breakaway from a rebellious church! It’s end-time prophecy in
your Bible!
It shouldn’t be too upsetting to think of God calling a
man in the Church a “king.” After the 3½-year period of the
Tribulation, every converted member in God’s Church will be
a king and a priest forever!
Among the jewels of the British Crown used at the corona-
tion ceremony, there is a scepter. Genesis 49 (a prophecy for
our day, as it shows in verse 1) says that the scepter will not
depart from Judah, and that there will always be a lawgiver,
who also descends from Judah (verse 10). God’s law is cer-
tainly not emanating from the throne of David today.
It did, however, come from Herbert W. Arm­strong during his
more than 50 years in the ministry. And since Mr. Armstrong
died in 1986, God has given me the respon­si­bility of continuing
in that same law He estab­lished through Mr. Armstrong.
Some of you might remem­b er how surprised Mr. Arm­
strong was to find that the ances­try on one side of his family
could be traced back to King David. I too was shocked to dis-
cover this fact concern­ing my own lineage, also on one side
of my family. Is there a reason why Mr. Armstrong and I both
can follow our roots back to David’s kingly line—to the tribe
of Judah? Does it have anything to do with this “law­g iver”
coming from Judah’s feet—or Judah’s descen­d ants—in the
Establishing the Throne 81

last days, “until Shiloh [Jesus Christ] come”?

Mr. Armstrong had to establish God’s law and govern­ment.
He was the Elijah who restored all things just before Christ’s
return. I have continued the same law and govern­ment that he
taught. No other church can truthfully make that claim!
We must believe God’s Word. I don’t know exactly what
God is going to do—but I know He made a promise to David
that there would never lack a man to sit on that throne.
Could that man be inside the Church of God, helping us to get
ready to sit on that throne as kings and priests?
The word throne does not always refer to a literal throne,
but the context here sounds very literal to me. It specifically
says, “he shall sit upon it.” Someone will be sitting on some-
thing real. Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon says of the word
sit, “specially, to sit is used of judges, where they sit to give
judgment, kings sitting on their thrones.”
In that place, there will be the tabernacle—and the throne.
There is only one throne on Earth that has such meaning for
God and His people. Christ discussed it specifically with the
Philadelphia and Laodicean eras in Revelation 3. This is all
about the key of David, including the throne of David.
“And in mercy shall the throne be established.” What mercy
God will shower upon this evil world. Yes, people will suffer.
But so soon, they will receive abundant mercy from that throne,
and that stone, which is a symbol of Christ Himself. Truth and
justice will come from that throne in Jerusalem forever.
Why would God be revealing such details now? We must
be getting awfully close to the fulfillment of these prophecies!
Remember Ezekiel’s prophecy about three overturns of the
throne of David, which Mr. Armstrong discussed at length in
The United States and Britain in Prophecy: “And thou, profane
wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall
have an end, Thus saith the Lord God; Remove the diadem,
and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him
that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, over-
turn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose
right it is; and I will give it him” (Ezekiel 21:25-27).
God used a prophet to make the first overturn of the
throne—and the stone—from Jerusalem to Egypt, then Spain,
then to Ireland. An old, grey-haired prophet named Jeremiah

traveled to Ireland with a beautiful young queen who sat on

David’s throne. So that first overturn of those three was per-
formed by God’s people. Might God’s people again gain pos-
session of that throne—and stone?
Ezekiel shows that, after the overturns, when Christ
returns, God will give that throne to Christ, whose right it is!
The projects that God is getting us involved in today make
it obvious that we are getting very close to that coronation!

J e r e mi a h ’ s C o mmi s s i o n
Let’s look more closely at how what we studied in Isaiah ties
in with Jeremiah.
Notice Jeremiah’s commission. God ordained him from the
womb “a prophet unto the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). The only
others specifically mentioned as being called from the womb
were John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. This commission was
incredibly important to God! “See, I have this day set thee
over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to
pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to
plant” (verse 10). Jeremiah did warn the people of Judah, and
negotiated with Nebuchadnezzar on their behalf. But his com-
mission was to get that throne, and stone, and a ruler to sit on
it—and take them to another land!
Jeremiah had to build and plant—but he also had to root
out, pull down, destroy and throw down. We don’t know what
all he had to do to procure the stone, the harp, the queen and
so on. But this verse is quite emphatic, indicating he had to do
some work to get them!
God may also require some hard work from us if we are to
complete the commission that Jeremiah started.
What is interesting, in view of Isaiah 16:5, is how this pas-
sage in Jeremiah chapter 1 goes directly from Jeremiah’s key
of David commission to this Work right now! It flows from
Jeremiah’s commission right into ours. Jeremiah 1:11-14 imme-
diately discuss the “rod of an almond tree,” which is a proph-
esied vigilant watchman, and a “seething pot,” which is the
rise of the European beast power (this prophecy is thoroughly
explained in Jeremiah and the Greatest Vision in the Bible). It is
prophesying of a time when Britain loses the stone.
Establishing the Throne 83

Is this an indirect way of God saying that the first and last
overturns are transported by God’s own leaders? It won’t be
long until we know for sure.
God said that in this end time, there would be a watchman
and a warning. Just as Mr. Armstrong warned the Sardis
people, the nations of Israel and the world, today God has a
vigilant watchman posted to see what is going on and explain
what it all means.
God gave Jeremiah a commission about the throne of
David—and then God immediately began discussing our
work in this end time. Maybe we get the honor of that last
turn. No more turns—until the one comes whose right it is
to sit on that throne! The people who will share that throne
with Him at Jerusalem could play a key role in obtaining it and
then presenting it to our Husband!

Chapter 8
Satan’s Great Wrath
“A nd Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather your-
selves together, that I may tell you that which shall
befall you in the last days” (Genesis 49:1). Jacob’s fan-
tastic prophecy revealed knowledge about his son’s tribes, which
have become nations in this end time. It is truly stirring once
we let this fact firmly take hold in our minds. Here in Genesis,
the first book of the Bible, we have a prophecy about what would
befall the nations of Israel in this end time!
All 12 tribes, or nations, are named. But who and where are
these modern nations today? We are living in “the last days”
and must know who these nations are, or we will be blind to
God’s end-time prophecies!
The last book of the Bible, Revelation, is also full of proph-
ecies about Israel. So we have prophecies about Israel from
the beginning to the end. The key of David vision has been
spoken about for thousands of years. And we will be speaking
about it forever.
Let’s look at the specific prophecies about Judah. “Judah,
thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall
be in the neck of thine enemies; thy father’s children shall
bow down before thee. Judah is a lion’s whelp: from the prey,
my son, thou art gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a
lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?” (verses 8‑9).
These two verses give us great insight into the people of Judah,
or the Jews in the Middle East. In verse 9, God uses the phases
of a lion’s life to describe these people. God talks about a
whelp, or cub, then a lion which would be best understood as
a violent young lion, and then an old lion.
Satan’s Great Wrath 85

Historically, and even in our time, the Jewish people have

exhibited many lion-like qualities. God warns at the end
of verse 9 that all should be careful not to rouse the lion of
Judah. In other words, leave him alone if he is at rest, or you
will rouse his wrath.
Verse 8 states that Judah’s brethren would praise him. We
know that this verse is primarily talking about the scepter
promise (which we will explain later in this chapter). But it is
also referring to the many benefits that Judah’s war-like quali-
ties brought to the nation. It is a prophecy that Judah would
have its hands on the necks of its enemies. Historically, Judah
has had a rousing, war-like quality that gave security to the
nation. From Numbers 2:3 we learn that while in the wilder-
ness, Judah was assigned to take the lead in all marches. This
was an impressive position of honor. Judah received the first
lot in the Promised Land. Caleb, a great-grandson of Judah
and one of the original 12 spies, had skill and mighty strength
as a warrior (Joshua 14:11). And of course, the greatest Jewish
warrior of all time was King David. There is no doubt he
fought like a lion.
In our recent past, when the Jews had more faith, they were
a terror in the Middle East. Now they have lost their faith.
They are certainly weaker as a nation. Unfortunately, today’s
Middle East peace process will lead to the tiny nation of
Israel’s undoing (write for a free copy of Jerusalem in Prophecy
to know why).
There are many spiritual lessons we can learn from some
of the physical characteristics God created in the Jews. For
example, we should be lion-like when it comes to preserving
the truth. Studying the Jews’ lion-like qualities also helps us to
better see the qualities of the real Lion of Judah—Jesus Christ.
True spiritual Jews exhibit the Lion’s qualities.
God does use physical people to teach us lessons. And we
must be humble enough to learn these lessons. It should make
no difference through whom we learn these lessons. Of course,
we must put our emphasis on the spiritual, not the physical.
But God wants to use the Jewish people for a high purpose.
Paul shows us God’s goal. “For Christ is the end of the law
for righteousness to every one that believeth” (Romans 10:4).
Our goal is to become like Jesus Christ—the spiritual Jew.

This specifically applies to God’s true Church today. But it will

apply to all peoples after Jesus Christ’s return.

Ob e y i n g Fa mi l y G o v e r n m e n t
“The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from
between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the
gathering of the people be” (Genesis 49:10). Remember that
this verse is prophecy for the end time. We must see the plan
of God being worked out now. The word scepter is referring to
David’s throne and Jesus Christ’s rule in the World Tomorrow.
In addition to the scepter, there is a lawgiver who is a descen-
dant of Judah (this too is explained in Who Is “That Prophet”?).
All of this leads us to Shiloh, or the Messiah.
Notice that there is coming a great gathering of all people
to Shiloh. All people will gather to the scepter of Judah, or the
rule of Jesus Christ. The Hebrew word translated gathering is
yiqqahah and means obedience, submission. What a wonderful
picture! Why are we submitting to and obeying the govern-
ment of God now? So we can be there when Christ gathers all
people unto Himself! This gathering is pictured by the Feast
of Tabernacles. All people will be gathered to the scepter of
Judah and to Christ the Lawgiver.
Matthew 17:10-11 state that an Elijah would come and
restore all things. Mr. Armstrong fulfilled this role. But he
restored all things only to the Church. Compared to the
number of people in this world, very few listened to Mr.
Jesus Christ will return soon and restore all things to the
world. Christ’s return is described as the time of the “restitu-
tion of all things” (Acts 3:20-21). Jesus Christ is coming back
to restore the government of God over the whole Earth—the
same government that Lucifer established on Earth and then
rebelled against. In the near future, all the world will learn
to submit to Christ as He sits on David’s throne. This will
require humility, obedience and submission on everyone’s
part. The change in this world will be wonderful and truly
So why did an Elijah come and restore God’s government to
the Church? Jesus Christ wants His government here when He
Satan’s Great Wrath 87

returns, so we can help Him implement His law. Only spiritual

Jews will have this opportunity to rule with Christ.

J e s u s L o o k e d Lik e G o d
In the June 1956 Plain Truth, in the article “Was Jesus a Jew?”,
Herman Hoeh wrote, “Jesus possessed characteristics both
of Mary’s ancestry and the characteristics of the Father in
heaven. Jesus looked like other Jews, yet He had the express
facial resemblance of the Father Almighty—‘Who hath seen
me,’ said Jesus, ‘hath seen the Father’ ( John 14:9).” This
impressive statement applies both physically and spiritually.
Jesus Christ not only had Mary’s physical characteristics, He
also looked like His Father—God the Father. Joseph was not
Christ’s father. Mary’s pregnancy was from God (Luke 1:35).
“The Jews, then, more than any other race, must resemble
the dominant personality of the heavenly Father. God is
Supreme Ruler. Judah prevailed above his brethren, and the
Prince, or Chief Ruler, was prophesied to come through him.
Judah must have had special physical qualities for rulership. …
“The most important truth about this whole question, how-
ever, is not the flesh. ‘The flesh profiteth nothing’ (John 6:63).
What is important is what we do with our lives. Through
the sacrifice of Christ we can all—no matter of what race—
become begotten members of the Family, or Kingdom, of
God—the new man, as Paul expressed it—where there is no
division …” (ibid.).
Jesus Christ is predominantly concerned with the creation
and development of spiritual Jews, not physical Jews. He wants
to focus our attention on the spiritual Jew who will bring us
into the Kingdom, or Family, of God. God’s Family will be a
Family of spiritual Jews.

W h y A n t i - S e mi t i s m
Why is there so much hatred for the Jews in this world?
Dr. Hoeh stated in that same article, “In the case of Jesus,
the Logos was transformed into a physical sperm from the
Father in heaven and was united with the ovum in the womb
of the Jewess Mary. Therefore Jesus partook of the human

[characteristics] of the tribe of Judah—Jewish flesh and

blood.” In unparalleled humility, the Logos was willing to give
up His glory and be transformed into a human sperm cell—
the tiniest of cells—and impregnate a Jewish woman. Jesus
Christ grew up as a Jewish lad. God directly involved the Jews
in His plan. From these facts we must assume that God the
Father and Jesus Christ have a close connection to the Jewish
race—but only to further their spiritual plan.
So why is there so much hatred of the Jews? Look at the
Middle East today. The Jews of the tiny nation of Israel are
despised by their neighbors. Many Arabs want to see the
Jewish nation destroyed. In our time the Jews have been hated
in Russia. There is still anti-Semitism in the United States
and other countries. And can we forget what Hitler and his
Nazi scourge did to the Jews? Where is all of this hate coming
from? A thinking person has to wonder! We know the Jews,
like all humans, have helped to create some of their own prob-
lems. But we must see that there is something deeper behind
Satan the devil understands the plan of God. He has a great
hatred for God. Because of the plan of God, the word Jew can
really stir up Satan’s wrath. The Jews are a type of what all
men are to become spiritually. It is God’s association with the
Jews that has turned Satan even more violently against them!
Hatred for the Jews has been inspired by Satan. He knows that
he was never offered what has been offered to mankind. He
wants nothing more than to destroy the plan of God.
Satan can stir up vicious hatred. He loves to use out-of-con-
trol emotions. A religion taken to the extreme—such as rad-
ical Islam—gives him a great field to work in. Nazi Germany
exhibited fanatical hatred for the Jews. The Nazis also used
emotion to stir up a repugnant hatred. The coming beast
power will exhibit the same hatred for the Jews as well.
Most people who hate the Jews don’t even know why they
do. Can we see Satan behind such lies and hatred?
Even more chilling is this fact: As much as Satan hates
physical Jews, we must never forget that Satan’s hatred runs
much deeper for spiritual Jews. Realize that Satan is going to
go after spiritual Jews most of all!
Satan’s Great Wrath 89

Spi r i t u a l J e w s
Read these important words again: “And to the angel of the
church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is
holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that
openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man
openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee
an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little
strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my
name [government]. Behold, I will make them of the syna-
gogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do
lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before
thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee” (Revelation 3:7-
9). Notice: Spiritual Jews are mentioned in the same context
as the key of David vision. It is their understanding of this
vision that makes them spiritual Jews! It is what separates the
Philadelphians from the Laodiceans, a group which sprang
from the “synagogue of Satan.”
Verses 7 and 8 show that the Philadelphia era was truly a
jewel in God’s sight. It was given the key of David—the single
greatest prophecy and vision in the Bible. Mr. Armstrong and
true Philadelphians have always treasured this key. God pro-
vided Philadelphia an open door that no man could shut. And
though small by this world’s standards, the Church kept God’s
Word and government.
In verse 9, we see that while Philadelphia was doing its
great work, the synagogue of Satan was growing within its
ranks. God has revealed that this synagogue of Satan was
the Laodicean era in embryo. What is truly amazing about
this new revelation is that God did not give it to us until the
Laodicean era was already born. There is an important reason
why. This astounding revelation is vital for God’s true Church
today, in the Laodicean era.

S y nag o gu e of S ata n
God gave a harsh name to the Laodicean fetus, calling it the
synagogue of Satan. This means that some within God’s own
Church were falling prey to Satan, getting into worship of
the devil even while Mr. Armstrong was alive! In verse 9 God

also calls them liars. How did they lie? They were acting like
Jews but were not true spiritual Jews at all.
Only the pcg understands Revelation 3:9 today—which
means that most of God’s own people don’t deeply under-
stand God or the devil!
Only those saints who have the key of David vision truly
understand God and the devil!
The Laodicean era is identified as being blind. The over-
whelmingly dominant trait of God’s people today is blindness!
This knowledge leads us to one of the most important ques-
tions of our time: Who are the true spiritual Jews? There are
members of God’s Church who say they are Jews, but whom
God calls liars. And there is a group of God’s people who are
true spiritual Jews—they don’t lie! We must know the dif-
ference. This knowledge also reveals Satan the devil. A full
understanding of the key of David vision must include knowl-
edge of Satan the devil and his attack on God’s Church in this
end time!
To the Philadelphians, God promises that all those people
pretending to be Jews will He make “to come and worship
before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee” (verse 9).
Christ uses the expression “I will make” twice in reference to
the synagogue of Satan. God will force the lying Jews, today’s
Laodiceans, to admit that Mr. Armstrong was right. He will
make them admit that the Philadelphia Church was right. He
will force them to know He loved Mr. Armstrong and the pcg.
Do we doubt God will do this? Christ says, “I will make ….”
This is a very personal statement. If they refuse to admit Mr.
Armstrong was right—if they refuse to admit the pcg is right
and that God loved Mr. Armstrong and loves us, then there will
not be any Family of God for them. How will God force them
to do this? Through the terrors of the Tribulation. It would be
far better for them to repent and admit this today, which is why
warning the Laodiceans is a large part of our work.
In these verses, Christ shows clearly that the true spiritual
Jews are deeply loved by God. Why? Because they are loyal to
His key of David vision. They keep God’s Word, which includes
the astonishing knowledge about David’s throne. They main-
tain God’s government and walk through God’s open door.
How do we determine who are the spiritual Jews? By seeing
Satan’s Great Wrath 91

who holds fast to the key of David. That vision not only gives us
incredible understanding, it identifies true spiritual Jews.
The Laodiceans don’t understand God’s love. They have
fallen prey to Satan’s deceit. True spiritual Jews know the
meaning behind the key of David and cannot be deceived.
Now look at what the Laodiceans are about to face—the
Tribulation and the potential loss of eternal life.

S ata n i n a R age
We have already shown you how deeply Satan hates the phys-
ical Jews. The Holocaust of World War ii is a testament to that
fact. But Satan hates the spiritual Jews most of all.
“Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them.
Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the
devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because
he knoweth that he hath but a short time” (Revelation 12:12).
Christ warns us that Satan is full of great wrath. He has been
cast back and confined to Earth. Upon whom did he first
unleash his wrath? “And when the dragon saw that he was
cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman [God’s Church]
which brought forth the man child” (verse 13). Satan has gone
after God’s Church—the true spiritual Jews!
Never forget that Satan’s primary goal is to destroy God’s
Work and Church. Within four years of Mr. Armstrong’s
death, the Church suffered a serious split! This came as a dev-
astating shock to many of God’s people. The destruction of
the Worldwide Church of God has continued steadily since
January of 1990. Today it is only a shadow of its former glory.
Satan has also stirred up much trouble for the nations of
Israel. Just look at the British royal family. It has the royal
Jewish heritage of King David himself. But today the mon-
archy has been so battered, bruised and beaten, it will never
recover the dignity it once had. The walls of the palace have
been riddled with scandal. Who has been the driving force
behind the defamation of the royal family? Satan the devil. He
desires to bring as much indignity to that throne as he can. Do
we realize that the British royalty could stop all of the gross
degeneration and its painful consequences? All they would
have to do is be guided by God’s spiritual Jews.

If you look closely at the royal thrones in Thailand and

Jordan, you see a very different picture. These two royal
families are revered by most of their subjects, not ridiculed.
These two families even had a close relationship with Herbert
Armstrong through the Ambassador International Cultural
Foundation. They respected and listened to Mr. Armstrong.
God blesses those who honor His people (Genesis 12:3).
Why is the British throne declining in popularity while
these other two are quite stable at this time? The throne
in England never developed a close association with Mr.
Armstrong. He did meet Prince Charles (and, also, Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher, when she was in power). Yet there
was never a special project with God’s end-time apostle, as
there was in Jordan and Thailand. Could that be part of the
reason why that throne is not blessed today? Would it have
been a little too embarrassing for the British royalty to join
league with a religious old man? And yet there were two other
Gentile families who loved him and respected him. They real-
ized how special he was and wanted to work with him. Britain
all but shut the door on God’s Work. How typical of Israel to
reject God’s prophets and apostles.

Wa r A g a i n s t t h e J e w s
Satan hates the British throne. Remember, we must factor in
the knowledge about Satan and his wrath if we are truly going
to understand the key of David vision and the serious truth
involving spiritual Jews. Only true spiritual Jews will be pro-
tected from the Tribulation to come upon the whole world.
This is a promise from God.
When Satan realizes that he can no longer get to us as
we flee, he will direct all of his violent efforts against the
Laodiceans—even as they are beginning to repent because of
the Tribulation. “And the dragon was wroth with the woman,
and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which
keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of
Jesus Christ” (Revelation 12:17). Satan’s anger is directed most
at God’s Church. He detests our fantastic potential. In the
Tribulation, the Laodiceans will recognize how wrong they
were. Half of them will repent and return to God. They will
Satan’s Great Wrath 93

return to the understanding they had rejected. They will reject

Satan’s deceit. Because of their repentance, they will feel the
full force of Satan’s wrath. At that time, he will have gained
full control of all the negative and destructive forces on this
planet. All Laodiceans who repent and obey God during the
Tribulation will be marked for destruction. That is why it is so
important to repent and obey God now.
Why does God offer His faithful spiritual Jews protection
from what is coming? “Because thou hast kept the word of my
patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation,
which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell
upon the earth” (Revelation 3:10). The answer is simple. God
always protects those who keep His Word. The Philadelphians
are held in high esteem by God for doing so. They are people
God wants to protect.

The name Philadelphian is synonymous with spiritual Jew.
Our name, Philadelphia Church of God, did not come to us
by coincidence. God gave it to us because we value His revela-
tion. The Philadelphians have the key of David. They are not
embarrassed by it or ashamed of it. They proclaim it to the
world. They do not look to men—they look to the God who
possesses the key of David vision (verse 7).
True spiritual Jews understand the vital importance of
God’s revelation. “What advantage then hath the Jew? or what
profit is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly,
because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.
For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make
the faith of God without effect?” (Romans 3:1-3). One of the
greatest gifts committed to the physical Jews has been the
preservation of the Old Testament Scriptures. In addition, God
committed to the Jews the preservation of the sacred calendar,
the knowledge of the Sabbath covenant and holy days, and the
knowledge of tithing. These reflect the “oracles of God,” which
could be translated divine utterances. Many faithful physical
Jews kept these on the letter-of-the-law level—a physical level.
God always intended that the oracles entrusted to the Jews
be understood by the Church. “This is he, that was in the

church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him

in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively
oracles to give unto us” (Acts 7:38).
God does not reveal new revelation about the oracles to
physical Jews, but to His spiritual Jews—the Philadelphians
We know that God revealed His key of David vision to the
spiritual Jews. The oracles of God are included in the context
of that vision. What God revealed to Herbert Armstrong, He
has given to His spiritual Jews to preserve. God has “com-
mitted” to the pcg what He gave Mr. Armstrong. This verse
applies to us today in that way. (Edmond, the city where the
pcg is headquartered, means “preserver of wealth.”)
This is why we fought a battle in court for Herbert W.
Armstrong’s books and booklets. We really had no choice.
This literature was given to the Philadelphians, whether we
are in the Philadelphian or the Laodicean era. So where you
find all of God’s truth that was revealed to Herbert Armstrong,
you will find the spiritual Jews!
We continue the Elijah work. God’s Church cannot die
(Matthew 16:18). Each one of us has the responsibility to know
where that Church is.

Fa i t h o f G o d
As Paul states in Romans 3:3, we must understand what
God has revealed and then use the faith of God to preserve
that truth. Think about this. What is the faith of God? It is
believing what God says. What brought people into God’s
Church under Mr. Armstrong? The faith of God. We believed
Mr. Armstrong taught what God revealed. What gave us the
courage to move to the pcg? The faith of God. What keeps us
in God’s Church? The faith of God.
We must use that same faith to preserve—never to reject
or diminish—God’s oracles. We can be in God’s true Church
physically and still not be a spiritual part of Christ’s Body. God
lives in His oracles. Luke (who wrote Acts) referred to God’s
oracles as the lively oracles.
We fought in court for God’s truth—in faith. We cannot
preserve the key of David vision without faith!
Satan’s Great Wrath 95

That is what Romans 3:3 explains. Through faith the spir-

itual Jews knew precisely why they were in a court battle,
fighting for God’s truth. The Laodiceans did not fight for God’s
truth because Christ’s faith is not in them! That is why He is
on the outside knocking on their door (Revelation 3:20).
Preserving God’s oracles requires great spiritual depth. It
requires a spiritual Jew. Only the spiritual Jews have the faith
of God.
God’s primary focus is always spiritual. The physical Jews
fulfilled a critical role for God in preserving the oracles. But
the role God has given spiritual Jews is far greater. All of God’s
people who remain close to the divine utterances cannot be
hurt by Satan the devil. Spiritual Jews have their heart, or
their inner man, circumcised (Romans 2:29). They have been
deeply converted to value what God values. They seek God’s
praise, not the praise of men. They can detect Satan’s deceit
and reject it. They are inspired by the key of David vision.

Chapter 9
Let No Man Take
Your Crown
W hen Herbert W. Armstrong was alive, it was his tra-
dition to host dinners in his home for the senior
class at Ambassador College. By the late 1960s, the
Work had grown so large that it had become more difficult to
get to know Mr. Armstrong. The senior dinner was considered
a big night at Ambassador College. On the night of my senior
dinner, my wife was able to sit next to Mr. Armstrong.
Mr. Armstrong oversaw the preparation for the occasion,
magnificent beyond description. The place settings used for
this dinner were the Russian czar’s gold flatware and china.
Seeing the grandeur of the occasion, one student remarked,
“This dinner is fit for a king.” Mr. Armstrong answered, “You
are a king.” As I remember, Mr. Armstrong’s comment ended
the conversation. Yet, his comment should have begun an
inspiring conversation!
I imagine Mr. Armstrong was the only one at the table that
night who deeply understood that statement.

H as M ade Us K ings
We have been showing you that Herbert Armstrong was used
by God to deliver the key of David message in this end time.
He understood the vision. But God has added new revela-
tion about the key of David vision since his death. Do we fully
understand what the key of David vision means for us?
Let No Man Take Your Crown 97

Those of us in God’s Church are already kings in embryo!

“And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the
first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the
earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins
in his own blood, And hath made us kings and priests unto
God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever
and ever. Amen” (Revelation 1:5-6). Jesus Christ, who is the
faithful witness—He cannot lie—states that we have been
made kings. Notice this is written in the past tense. As long
as we remain faithful, we are kings. And there is even more.
Verse 6 states emphatically that we are also priests. This
means, in the future, we will be over Church and state. We
will be a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:5).
Are you preparing to share David’s throne? How real is this
vision to you? Understanding this vision is what salvation is
all about.
Many have trouble believing the full extent of this vision. But
realize: The key of David is the only true vision of the future!
How often do our conversations focus on subjects like, “You
are a king”? If you think about it, the key of David vision was
more real than even the food we ate at Mr. Armstrong’s dinner!
Satan hates God. He proved that by trying to kick God off
His throne (Isaiah 14:14). His punishment is to be the black-
ness of darkness forever (Revelation 20:10). Satan hates the
message of the key of David vision because he knows that he
has no part in God’s plan. So he wants to destroy that plan and
prevent us from taking our place as royal sons.
Satan tried to destroy Jesus Christ before He could deliver
the good news about this glorious plan. Even when Christ was
a baby, Satan inspired Herod to kill all of the baby boys 2 years
old and younger (Matthew 2:16-20). Christ’s stepfather, Joseph,
was warned of this in a dream and fled with Mary and the boy
into Egypt. Satan tried to destroy Christ spiritually through
temptation (Matthew 4:1-11). Jesus Christ preached the gospel
for 31/2 years before being crucified for delivering this message.
Yet Jesus Christ successfully destroyed Satan’s works. “… For
this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might
destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). We must overcome
Satan as Christ overcame him. We do this by supporting the
messenger and the message—by doing God’s Work.

Satan holds great hatred for the people who do God’s Work
today. He hated Mr. Armstrong and worked constantly to stop
him. We receive letters that show Satan hates us. The key of
David vision contains a message that is so beautiful that only a
very sick mind would hate the message. Satan is full of wrath
against God’s people who hold true to the vision.

A n Eter nal Crow n

Attaining the eternal glory encapsulated in the key of David
vision is no easy task. We will have to endure a lot of suffering
in this life to enter into that awesome future (Acts 14:22). Jesus
Christ told the Smyrna era, “Fear none of those things which
thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into
prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten
days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown
of life” (Revelation 2:10). God’s people in this era suffered tre-
mendously. They were severely persecuted for holding true to
the message entrusted to them. Yet, Christ promised them a
crown of life for enduring what they suffered. God’s kings are
going to have crowns!
Notice what Christ tells His Philadelphians: “Behold, I
come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man
take thy crown” (Revelation 3:11). Christ tells us we already
have a crown. In other words, we are already kings. But we
must remain faithful. Jesus Christ warns us that a man could
take our crown.
Mr. Armstrong not only believed these scriptures, he lived
them! He had the seniors of Ambassador College over to his
home, in the most royal setting possible, to drive home the
lesson that they were royalty. He created a very special occa-
sion as a spiritual teaching tool. God’s Philadelphians must
seize every occasion possible to embed this vision into their
minds. Teaching the key of David vision was Mr. Armstrong’s
life. It must become ours as well.
When we have this vision etched into our minds, then we
will recognize the opportunities to teach it to others. After
Jesus Christ returns and puts the vision into effect, we don’t
want to look back and wonder what could have been. We must
actively teach this vision. Now is the greatest moment in the
Let No Man Take Your Crown 99

history of the Church. We have more truth than any Church era
has ever had, and Christ is about to return!

Wom a n Clot h e d W i t h t h e Su n
God’s Church is about to step into one of the most exalted
offices for all eternity. “And there appeared a great wonder in
heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under
her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars” (Revelation
12:1). Mr. Armstrong taught us for years that the woman in
these verses represents God’s true Church. Satan’s great false
church is represented by the whore in Revelation 17. The woman
in Revelation 12 is clothed in a way no man could clothe her.
She is dressed in apparel bright as the sun. Her clothing is a
sign of righteousness. She is dressed the exact opposite of the
fallen woman in Revelation 17, who is clothed in “scarlet” (verse
4). This earthly color represents sin (Isaiah 1:18).
The Church has the moon under her feet. This vision
shows this woman has rule and authority. She holds a royal
position. She is crowned with 12 stars, which represent the 12
tribes of Israel. This vision holds the key to understanding Israel’s
past and the Church’s future. The depth of meaning in this verse
is incredible!
Who is to rule the tribes of Israel in the future? Jeremiah tells
us clearly. “For it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord
of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will
burst thy bonds, and strangers shall no more serve themselves
of him: But they shall serve the Lord their God, and David their
king, whom I will raise up unto them” (Jeremiah 30:8-9). David has
already been appointed to rule over the 12 tribes of Israel—for-
ever! Can we see the breathtaking glory that is coming?
There is more. Who will sit on David’s throne? Jesus Christ,
the King of kings. Jesus Christ will rule over David, Israel and
all Gentile nations. Who will share in this rule? The firstfruits.
For a millennium, Jesus Christ and His royal Family will work
to graft all of the Gentile nations into the family of Israel.
What inspiring, royal offices the firstfruits will have. God’s
firstfruits will be the only group with the Bride of Christ title
(Revelation 19:7). Christ and His Bride will bring multiple bil-
lions of children into the Family. David’s life and reward are a

symbol of how men have the opportunity to become a part of

the Father’s royal family Kingdom.
The key of David emphasizes how majestic and royal the
firstfruit positions will be. It focuses on how royal the gospel is.
Remember, the Kingdom of God is the Family of God.
In God’s Kingdom there will not be any spiritual Gentiles—
no rebellious children. All will become converted spiritual
Jews. Can we see the end result of the key of David vision?
All willing human beings will be converted into the spiritual
nation of Israel. God the Father and Christ will be joyously
ruling over them for all eternity. The creative work that will be
accomplished will be mind-staggering!

Gr e at R e d D r ag on
But the near future is fraught with grave spiritual danger. “And
she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to
be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven;
and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten
horns, and seven crowns upon his heads” (Revelation 12:2-3).
Satan hates God’s Church. He desires to do us great harm. In
symbol, John shows that Satan has seven heads, 10 horns and
seven crowns. Satan holds authority over the nations today—
deceiving the whole world (verse 9). He rules over men, but
only as God allows.
In these scriptures, God’s Church is placed in direct con-
flict with Satan’s church. They are the worst of enemies. God’s
people have suffered more persecution from the devil than any-
body in all of man’s history. And it will be that way until the
seventh head of the so-called Holy Roman Empire is destroyed
(write for our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire).
But we have nothing to fear if we use God’s limitless power.
Luke reveals this fact in his record of Christ’s temptation.
“And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed
unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee,
and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to
whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me,
all shall be thine” (Luke 4:5-7). He offered all of the nations of
this world to Christ. Christ rejected his offer. But Christ never
Let No Man Take Your Crown 101

denied that these nations were Satan’s to give.

Revelation 12:3 reveals that Satan has ruled over every res-
urrection of the Holy Roman Empire. The final resurrection is
now almost fully formed.
If Christ is King of kings, then Satan is king of beasts.
Revelation 13 shows that man’s rule over other men is like the
brute beasts running wild and dangerous. Satan is the inspira-
tion behind man’s wicked rule.
The Roman Empire has won its fame by maiming and slaugh-
tering—in the name of God! Who has inspired the violence?
Satan has been attempting to accomplish his purpose of
destroying God’s plan through that system. The soon-coming
final resurrection will cause more destruction than any that
came before—more than all of them combined! In spite of all
the destruction, men still act like that system is a gift from
God! Mankind has learned far too little from history, and look
at the cost of that ignorance!
Jesus Christ is about to return and destroy the Holy Roman
Empire forever. As Daniel prophesied, “And in the days of
these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which
shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left
to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all
these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever” (Daniel 2:44). All
of Satan’s present plans will fail miserably in the end.
We must make sure we are not one of Satan’s casualties.
“And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and
did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the
woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her
child as soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man
child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her
child was caught up unto God, and to his throne” (Revelation
12:4-5). We must never underestimate Satan’s hatred for God’s
Church. He rabidly hates each member! He hated Christ. He
wanted desperately to destroy Him. Should Christ’s Church
expect anything less?
Each faithful member of God’s Church is a terrible threat to
Satan the devil! We are about to take his crown and rule with
Christ from David’s throne. Satan knows his days are num-
bered (verse 12). He will soon lose his rule and authority. Our
coming rule is more certain and more real than Satan’s is today.

Right now, Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians

4:4). But soon, under the guidance and instruction of the
Family of God, everyone will worship God. “But they shall
sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none
shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts
hath spoken it. For all people will walk every one in the name
of his god, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God
for ever and ever” (Micah 4:4-5). When Christ returns and we
are installed into office, peace will burst into full bloom over
the entire Earth. Satan-inspired violence will end. The mass of
humanity will no longer be deceived. All will be able to come
to a true understanding of God and His family plan for man—
most of them through a resurrection from the dead!

Pl ace of Sa f et y
We must know our enemy, Satan the devil. His attacks on the
Philadelphia Church will continue as we fulfill our commis-
sion. His negative pressure will become much more intense.
“And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth,
he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.
And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that
she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is
nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face
of the serpent” (Revelation 12:13-14). Satan has only one great
goal—to destroy the Church of God. He is a master strategist.
Even during a period of relative calm, we must never forget
that Satan is hard at work.
His attacks on the Church will eventually become so
intense that the Church will have to be taken to a place of
safety. God’s people will be “cast out” of their own nations
(Isaiah 16:1-5). When we see that God’s very elect are “cast
out,” it should be obvious that there will be a perfect storm
of persecution leading up to this event!
Revelation 12:14 is referring to the same woman as verse 1—
the one with a crown of 12 stars. What gives her the ability to
withstand Satan the devil? She sees the crown of 12 stars. She
sees the throne of David ruling over the tribes of Israel. Her
mind is focused on the key of David vision. She is so inspired
by the magnitude of the vision, nothing can dissuade her.
Let No Man Take Your Crown 103

Our individual lives must be totally wrapped up in this

vision, or there will be no place of safety for us.

Wa r A g a i n s t t h e S a i n t s
God’s Church is in a war with Satan. What is the fighting all
about? The battle is over ruling the Earth.
In the near future, Satan will be forced to face the fact that
his life is a miserable failure. The war is real to Satan. It should
be real to us. If we have the key of David vision firmly planted
in our minds, we will understand the titanic battle raging
against the Church.
Today our war with Satan is mostly spiritual. However, it is
about to become physical. Satan is going to bring an army of this
world against us (Revelation 12:15). In Bible symbolism, a flood
usually represents an army. This army will undoubtedly come
from the European political combine now coming to power.
This power is discussed in Revelation 13: “And I stood
upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the
sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns
ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy”
(Revelation 13:1). This political power is the seat of Satan’s
kingdom and church.
Notice, this power is comprised of 10 crowns. God’s
Church is the greatest threat to this political power, because
we are going to take those crowns away.
Satan and his human associates will use all violence to
keep their crowns. Revelation 12:16 shows that Satan’s final
move to destroy the Philadelphia Church of God will come to
nothing. His final attack will fail. The earth will open up and
swallow that army. This will anger Satan so much that he will
turn all of his wrath against the Laodiceans. A great slaughter
of God’s people will occur for the last time.
How important is the key of David vision to you?
Remember, it is the only true vision of the future. God has called
each one of us to prepare to rule with Jesus Christ. We are
destined to share Christ’s own throne—that of His father
David. We are kings. With this vision firmly planted in our
minds we will be able to overcome Satan and take our place in
the Family of God.

Chapter 10
How the Key of
David Can Keep
Us Positive
H ere is probably the best single verse in the Bible to
explain the key of David vision: “Of the increase of his
government and peace there shall be no end, upon the
throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to estab-
lish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for
ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this” (Isaiah 9:7).
What a vision! God is going to bring peace to the cosmos
forever—and He is going to administer that peace from the
throne of David.
Notice: The government, administered from that throne, is
what brings the peace. There will never be peace on Earth, or
anywhere else, unless it is administered from David’s throne.
This scripture shows that there will be no end to this glorious
rule. No end of time—no end of space. Clearly, the throne of David
represents extraordinary loyalty. You can see why, if we are to
share that throne, God must try and test us so severely today.
One definition Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon gives of
one of the Hebrew words for increase (which shares the same
root as the one in Isaiah 9:7) is “progeny; increase of a family.”
Does this mean that the Family of God will keep growing for-
ever? It very well could! (Request our Prophesy Again booklet
for a full explanation.)
How the Key of David Can Keep Us Positive 105

The key of David is a marvelous key. David’s life unlocks

something grand and wonderful! If we understand his life, it
unlocks an unparalleled vision! David was a king ruling over
Jerusalem and over all Israel. This vision is about God’s people
today becoming kings, also ruling at Jerusalem and over all
Israel—which will include all the Gentiles in the future. The
whole world will be ruled from Jerusalem. We will be gov-
erning from that throne and will help extend peace that goes
on and on, with no end! That is something to spend a lot of
time thinking about.
Of course, David’s throne is really God’s throne. And just
as David used it to unite Israel, we will use that throne—
under Christ and under God the Father—to unite this world
in peace. That is quite a spectacular feat, considering how
disunited, hateful and violent the world is today. That fact
should inspire us forever.
God’s people today must always remember that they are
kings and priests in embryo, and must conduct themselves
accordingly. This isn’t just what we shall become: God calls us
kings and priests today! (e.g. Revelation 1:6; 5:10).
This is a vision, right out of the mind of the great God, that
demands everything we have and more simply to grasp it!

Fa n t a s t i c T r a i n i n g f o r I s a i a h 9 :7
Today, God, through His very elect Church, is raising the
ruins of a work that was destroyed. He calls that work “the
tabernacle of David.”
“In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is
fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up
his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old: That they
may possess the remnant of Edom …” (Amos 9:11-12). “In that
day” is our time now; “the days of old” is the time of Herbert
W. Armstrong. The “remnant of Edom” means everything Mr.
Armstrong left behind that was dismantled by Edom, or the
Edomite Laodiceans (this terminology is explained in our
Obadiah booklet).
Now God tells His very elect today, I will use you to raise
those ruins right back up.
That is an enormous job, lifting and raising up such a work

as God did through Mr. Armstrong. And though we will

never match the size of that Work, nevertheless God com-
mands that we work toward that end. We are great weight-
lifters—raising up these ruins as in the days of old. We must
be excited and stirred if we are to succeed in such a monu-
mental calling.
Building God’s house today could be the concluding
chapter of raising those ruins. That magnificent building may
go a long way toward blotting out what happened in Pasadena,
the greatest tragedy of this age.
Wouldn’t you say that raising the ruins of the tabernacle of
David is fantastic training for fulfilling the job described
in Isaiah 9:7? We must see the connection between the tem-
porary tabernacle of David and the throne of David graphi-
cally explained in Isaiah 9:7. Jesus Christ is going to rule from
David’s throne. There is going to be an endless building pro-
gram throughout the universe for all eternity—administered
from that throne!
As we “raise the ruins” of the tabernacle of David today,
we are being prepared to rule on David’s throne as the Bride of
Christ. Satan has wrecked the Earth, the universe and God’s
Church today. As we raise up the ruins in God’s Church now,
we are qualifying to raise up the ruins on this Earth and
in the universe. Christ is getting His wife ready to rule on
David’s throne forever and ever. We are going to make this
Earth and the universe look like the Garden of Eden.
The Philadelphia Church of God has already started on that
endless building program today. The tabernacle of David is the
key of David vision that propels God’s very elect—getting them
ready to rule in the Jerusalem headquarters forever. This is the
hope of all hopes—endless joy throughout the universe.
Our lives will be in ruins if we lose that vision!

T o H e l p U s — C h r i s t P e r s o n a l ly App e a r s !
Look at the sobering truth that precedes the “raising the
ruins” prophecy. The last part of Amos 8:14 says, “even they
shall fall, and never rise up again.”
So when this tabernacle of David falls, it is the most dreadful
catastrophe in this end time and one of the greatest ever.
How the Key of David Can Keep Us Positive 107

Many thousands of God’s saints are going to die forever!

The most powerful Work of God ever, in terms of numbers,
has collapsed. God’s greatest Work has fallen from the highest
mountain ever and been dashed, shattered on the rocks below.
Never before has there ever been such a catastrophic fall.
Fifty percent of God’s people are going to fall, never to
rise again. Their names will be blotted out of God’s book of
life. Surely this is one of the strongest warnings in the Bible.
Amos’s prophecy about the Laodicean failure continues: “I
saw the Lord standing [by] the altar: and he said, Smite the
lintel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in
the head, all of them; and I will slay the last of them with the
sword: he that fleeth of them shall not flee away, and he that
escapeth of them shall not be delivered” (Amos 9:1).
What a remarkable picture: Here is the Eternal standing by
the altar—not just any altar. The Anchor Bible explains, “God’s
presence in the sanctuary, where normally the priest would be
standing or officiating, would indicate that something out of
the ordinary, something ominous, was about to happen.”
That extraordinary, ominous thing did happen! As I
wrote in my booklets The Lion Has Roared and Habakkuk, in
order to deliver His very elect in our court battle against the
Laodiceans over Mr. Armstrong’s writings, Jesus Christ per-
sonally appeared! Even worldly commentaries studying these
verses recognize that they describe God personally doing
something very dramatic for His people!
This is one of the rarest miracles in all the Bible. It is
some of the most dramatic revelation God has given this
Church. As we raise the ruins of the tabernacle of David, we
should never forget it or take it lightly! Read, or re-read, those
booklets to renew your appreciation for it.
Christ knows He has given us a mountain-size responsi-
bility. He is the Head of this Church. So it shouldn’t surprise
us that, as these scriptures reveal, He had to come person-
ally—in spirit of course—to intervene on our behalf. Christ’s
personal involvement in this Church is what makes us dif-
ferent from every other church and religion there is. Here is
why this Church experiences such miracles!
When that tabernacle—a temporary dwelling—becomes
permanent at Christ’s imminent return, it will never fall again!

A n o t h e r P e r s o n a l App e a r a n c e
Remember Habakkuk 3:1-3. There the prophet asked God to
“revive thy work in the midst of the years,” and then “God came
from Teman, and the Holy One from mount Paran.” As the
Habakkuk booklet says, this is not talking about the time in the
future, when Christ will return from Mount Paran—which is
probably within the area where the biblically prophesied place of
safety will be—with 10,000 saints (Deuteronomy 33:2). Here He
came in the middle of the crisis years, without the 10,000 saints.
Why was Christ in Mount Paran during the Church’s
present crisis? We can’t be certain about the details, but He
was probably there to look after the area where He plans to pro-
tect His people in the future. It appears He personally took care
of that! So there must have been a serious crisis, and a sit-
uation with no margin for error. (Shortly after the September
11 terrorist attack in the U.S., terrorists tried to bomb Petra,
Jordan. However, the attack failed. Christ’s appearance could
have been related to such an event.)
This is as dramatic as anything in the Bible! Here is scrip-
tural evidence of two appearances Christ makes on Earth: one
that had to do with saving the Work of God; the other that
involved the place of safety.
There was an all-out attack on the Philadelphia Church of
God by Satan the devil. He was trying to destroy God’s Work
through a six-year court battle. He also apparently tried to
destroy the area or get control of the country where the place
of safety will be.
In both battles, Christ personally came to this Earth and
stopped Satan! That may give us a good idea of how much
more dangerous Satan and the demons are after they have
been cast down and confined to this Earth. They are all full
of wrath and know that their time is short! (Revelation 12:12).
Our war against Satan is vividly real. Those saints who
fail to understand that are going to be conquered.
As Satan intensifies his warfare, God empowers His Church
accordingly. Expect God to provide more and more miracles
for His very elect in this end time.
Do you believe the Scriptures? Do we realize how active
God is in His Church today? This is reality! This is the real
How the Key of David Can Keep Us Positive 109

world of the Philadelphia Church of God. Christ, our Head, is

deeply concerned about His Church!
After all, His remnant Church is made up of the 5 percent
of His people who—even as the tabernacle of David was being
reduced to ruins—did not deny Him (Revelation 3:8).
And think about this: If Christ is that involved with His
people as a collective body, how active do you think He is in
your personal life? How concerned is He about helping you
through trials, for example?
Jesus Christ knows exactly what is going on with His
people. We should be sobered, and honored, and overjoyed
about that truth. We are never alone. Do you really see the
fathomless love God has for you?
How powerfully and completely our Husband provides for
and protects His wife!
Habakkuk 3:4 says, “And his brightness was as the light;
he had horns coming out of his hand: and there was the
hiding of his power.” Many times God hides His power, and we
don’t see it.
But here is the reality. God says that when He opens a door
for His people, no man can shut it (Revelation 3:8). That is
a challenge God hurls out to anyone who would defy Him.
I am opening this door—and you just try to shut it! If the
Church’s enemies understood what they were up against, they
would be scared to death!
Nobody can ever stop you from obeying God! They can
even kill you—but you can die obeying God.
How mighty is God. If we have that power living in us, how
can we not raise up the ruins? We must succeed!

God Ch allenged Ba ruch

One biblical example shows how easy it is for us to lose sight
of this reality.
Baruch was Jeremiah’s scribe. He took the words from
Jeremiah’s mouth and wrote them down. Those words became
the book of Jeremiah.
“The word that Jeremiah the prophet spake unto Baruch
the son of Neriah, when he had written these words in a book
at the mouth of Jeremiah, in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the

son of Josiah king of Judah, saying, Thus saith the Lord, the
God of Israel, unto thee, O Baruch” (Jeremiah 45:1-2). This
is a message directly from Christ. Jeremiah delivered it to
Baruch—a “Thus saith the Lord.” Jesus Christ is the Head of
His Church. He directly leads it. The Philadelphians under-
stand that. The Laodiceans do not. When Christ sees one
of His workers who was hired to do the Work get into a bad
attitude, that is serious. Christ often deals directly with the
Somehow, Baruch was doing far-reaching damage to
God’s Work. This scribe was actually writing the Bible—not
an insignificant responsibility! Perhaps he was neglecting
his writing that was to become canonized. That would have
caused acute problems for Jeremiah.
“Thou didst say, Woe is me now! for the Lord hath added
grief to my sorrow; I fainted in my sighing, and I find no rest”
(verse 3).
Baruch was enduring a serious trial—and God held him
accountable for how he handled it. Here God parroted Baruch’s
words right back to him. God was thoroughly aware of every-
thing that was happening in Baruch’s life.
In verse 4, God brought Baruch right back to the purpose of
his calling. He reminded him of the commission He had given
to Jeremiah (recorded back in Jeremiah 1:10), which Baruch
should have been supporting! “Thus shalt thou say unto him,
The Lord saith thus; Behold, that which I have built will I
break down, and that which I have planted I will pluck up,
even this whole land.”
The King James Version says “I will pluck up”—but the
original Hebrew is written in the present tense. God was
saying, I am plucking it up! I’m in the process of plucking up
the throne of David right now! This was electrifying prophecy
being fulfilled right before Baruch’s eyes—and he should have
been passionately supporting God’s man! But instead, Baruch
was wrapped up in himself!
Perhaps he got off track because Jeremiah was in jail so
much. Clearly, to some degree, he had drifted from his calling
and was out doing his own thing. God challenged him, “And
seekest thou great things for thyself? seek them not: for, behold, I
will bring evil upon all flesh, saith the Lord: but thy life will I
How the Key of David Can Keep Us Positive 111

give unto thee for a prey [or prize of war] in all places whither
thou goest” (verse 5).
Nebuchadnezzar was about to conquer Judah. Baruch was
about to enter into the holocaust of 585 b.c.—and yet he had
become ambitious for himself somehow. Whatever he did, God
was very upset.
How would you like to have God deliver a message to you
personally through His prophet? And on top of that, God had
it recorded in His Word to remain as a lesson for all time.
The correction God gave to Baruch is primarily for us
today. God didn’t “bring evil upon all flesh” at that time—
but He is about to do so today!
The good news is, Baruch turned it around. He did end up
accompanying Jeremiah to Ireland. He made it to a place of
God makes the same promise to us that He made to
Baruch: I will give you your life as a prize in this war—even as
everyone else loses theirs. We must remember that we are in a
war with Satan in his worst wrath. God gives strong emphasis
to that unparalleled war (Revelation 12:9-12). And considering
the horrors ahead, the place of safety is a wonderful phys-
ical prize. That is a promise from God—so He has to look
after that place of safety, wherever it is, to ensure He can fulfill
that promise. God will never break a promise.
Baruch thought his trial was too much to bear—
but God loved him, and saved him through correction.
If we trust God, He will get us through every trial we
Like Baruch, we are all prone to allow our thinking to get
off at times. But look at the big picture: Evil is about to come
upon all flesh. Almost all humanity is about to be destroyed!
How important is your life? How important, really, are the
things you are concerned about? This is no time to have some
great ambition for yourself.
Baruch had to get his mind off himself. Sometimes we must
do the same. It saved Baruch—and it will save us: sometimes
physically, sometimes spiritually.
Always remember: God gives us trials not to destroy us, but
to save us!

T h e K e y of Dav id Pe r specti v e on Ba d N e ws
The world today is saturated with depressing problems, heavy
with hopelessness. But even as the nations approach a nuclear
Armageddon, God’s people must keep their spiritual balance
and remain filled with hope. We must be positive people.
Look at how Christ teaches us this invaluable lesson using
the key of David. This is a perspective that our ministers and
all of us need to remember as we do God’s Work.
In Revelation 3, beginning in verse 7, when Christ speaks
of the key of David, He is so inspiring and positive. Even when
He gives bad news, He puts it in a positive context.
“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which
say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie”—that is very bad
news, but notice—“behold, I will make them to come and wor-
ship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee” (verse
9). Half of the Laodiceans are going to make it into the Family
of God! That is wonderful news that we must keep in mind.
You find more bad news in verse 10, about the Great
Tribulation. But again, Christ supplies the positive perspective
on it: “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also
will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come
upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”
God’s faithful Philadelphians will not have to experience that
trial. Again, God promises us a place of safety. That too is
good news.
“Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast,
that no man take thy crown” (verse 11). This verse is directed
to all of God’s people. Sadly, only 5 percent of them will hang
on to their headquarters crown!
If you have that crown, you had better hang on to it! You
are going to be in Jerusalem forever! (verse 12). Don’t let anyone
take that away from you! God wanted every last member of His
Church to hold their crown! But so many have lost it, and so
many others have let someone take a big slice of that reward.
Those who hold that crown will be stationed right at head-
quarters in the new Jerusalem, with God’s very name written
upon them. What wonderful news. Even the bad news needs
to be viewed from the inspiring perspective that the key of
David vision provides.
How the Key of David Can Keep Us Positive 113

There is a lot of darkness in this world. But don’t look at

these as days of darkness—recognize them as the days when
the darkness is about to end. Mankind has suffered horren-
dously for 6,000 years! God the Father and Jesus Christ and
the great host of angels have all been waiting and waiting for
this day—and now it is almost here!

Chapter 11
The Key of the
House of David
H erbert W. Armstrong made some fascinating comments
about a prophecy in Zechariah. Those comments help
us to understand more deeply what the key of the house
of David is.
“The Lord also shall save the tents of Judah first [in the
latter days—now just ahead of us], that the glory of the house
of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem do not
magnify themselves against Judah. In that day [now soon to
come] … he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as
David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel
[messenger] of the Lord before them. … And I will pour upon
the house of David … the spirit of grace …” (Zechariah 12:7-10).
Here is what Mr. Armstrong wrote about those verses:
“Plainly the apostle (one sent forth—or messenger of God)
God would use in these perilous last days would be of the
house of David. The house of David is NOT one of the tribes—but
those individuals descended from David.
“I have mentioned that some years ago I was contacted by
a foundation, formed for the purpose of maintaining the gene-
alogy of a certain family. My great-grandfather Armstrong,
who had a biblical name, father of my grandfather Nathan
Armstrong, had married into this family. So the founda-
tion has my genealogy back to the kings of France, and King
Edward i of England. The genealogy of the royal family of
Britain carries every generation back to King David of ancient
Israel. Therefore God has preserved my ancestry every gener-
ation from David, and I am of THE HOUSE OF DAVID!
The Key of the House of David 115

“Plainly, in these tumultuous last days, God would raise up

one who would know he is of the house of David, as Christ’s
chosen apostle and messenger to the kings of the Earth, to
carry the true message of Christ’s gospel, which was suppressed
from the world from midcentury 1 to the middle of the 20th
century” (Good News, May 1980; emphasis mine throughout).
I had a similar experience to what Mr. Armstrong had in
tracing my genealogy back to King David. My aunt gave me what
she and others had done to compile our family genealogy. It cost
me $50 just to copy the typed material. There was one signifi-
cant difference between my genealogy and Mr. Armstrong’s. My
genealogy was traced back to the royal family of Ireland. The
genealogy of the royal family of Ireland is one single dynasty,
which also carries “every generation back to King David.”
So I can say what Mr. Armstrong said, “Therefore God has
preserved my ancestry every generation from David, and I am
of the house of David!”
All of God’s new revelation for His end-time Church has
come through Mr. Armstrong and me. God’s Work has been
done through supporters of that revelation.
Here is another statement Mr. Armstrong made, this one in
his book The United States and Britain in Prophecy: “Of course
it is well understood that the scepter went to Judah and was
handed down through the Jews. King David was of the tribe of
Judah. All succeeding kings of David’s dynasty were of the house
of David, tribe of Judah. Jesus Christ was born of the house of
David and the tribe of Judah.”
Christ was also a descendant of David, or of the house of
David. So we can see a lot of emphasis placed on the house of
David in these verses.
At an archaeological dig in Jerusalem, Herbert W. Armstrong
College students have helped to uncover David’s palace. We are
clearing debris away from that site. We believe that Christ will
rule from the very spot where David did anciently. We are get-
ting ready for the imminent return of Christ!
That is the majestic conclusion of the succession of kings
that was prophesied to sit on David’s throne!
The palace adds a most royal dimension to the house of
David. David’s palace was where the throne was located when
David ruled. So David’s palace is a powerful symbol of David’s

house, with the emphasis on the dynasty of kings from David to

the Second Coming of Christ!
Jesus Christ will share that headquarters throne with the
very elect—spiritual Jews (Revelation 3:9, 21). We are getting
ready to rule on that throne at our Jerusalem headquarters
with Christ and God the Father forever!
We can clearly see that the highest royalty in God’s
Kingdom revolves around the throne of David.

T h e K e y t o t h e H o u s e o f D av id
There are only two places in the Bible where the key of David
is mentioned: Revelation 3:7 and Isaiah 22:22. However, in
Isaiah 22:22 it is called the key to the house of David.
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will call my
servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah” (Isaiah 22:20). Two names
are mentioned here. Eliakim is doing God’s Work in this
prophecy. He is the son of Hilkiah.
The timeline is “in that day,” which always refers to this end
time. So we are spiritually blind if we don’t understand these
“And I will clothe him with thy robe, and strengthen him
with thy girdle, and I will commit thy government into his
hand: and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
and to the house of Judah” (verse 21). The government of God
was passed from Mr. Armstrong, a type of Hilkiah (a Jew), to
my office, typed by Eliakim (a Jew).
“And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his
shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall
shut, and none shall open” (verse 22). There is an open door
mentioned with the key of David. That means there is always
a powerful work associated with that key.
There are three personalities mentioned in these verses:
Hilkiah, Eliakim and the person from whom the robe, girdle
and government were taken. His Bible name is Shebna
(verse 15). They all appear “in that day”—or the end time.
Christ told the Jews that He personally sent prophets to
them. But the Jews often persecuted them and made His mes-
sengers flee. Many of them were even killed.
So no matter what people think, God does send personali-
The Key of the House of David 117

ties through whom He does His Work. We can’t understand

these prophecies unless we know who these men are. Today
they are types of those historical figures.
These three personalities are thoroughly discussed in my
free booklet Who Is “That Prophet”?
Eliakim today is “a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and
to the house of Judah.” Eliakim could only be a spiritual father
today. So these verses are primarily speaking to us spiritually.
These “inhabitants of Jerusalem” are members of God’s
Eliakim is also the father of “the house of Judah”—not the
inhabitants of Judah. That means Eliakim is the father of a
work in Judah. And it all revolves around the scepter promises.

T h e l aw g i v e r
Look again at the prophecy in Genesis 49:10. It reads, “The
sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from
between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the
gathering of the people be.” From verse 1 of Genesis 49, we
can understand that this entire passage is for the “last days”—
the time we are living in now. So, in the last days, God said
there would be a scepter, or a ruler on David’s throne, at the
same time there is a lawgiver.
Concerning the scepter promise, we have always believed it
refers to a kingly line that would rule from the time of David
right up to the Second Coming of the Messiah. The scepter
also refers to the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Verse 10 refers to a lawgiver from between Judah’s feet. The
Companion Bible says this lawgiver comes “from between his
feet,” which means he is to come from Judah’s descendants.
There is to be a scepter and a lawgiver in the “last days.” The
lawgiver is a Jew who is here when Christ returns.
This is the same twofold covenant referred to in Jeremiah
33:17-18: “For thus saith the Lord; David shall never want [or
lack] a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel [the
scepter promise]; Neither shall the priests the Levites want a
man [the lawgiver] before me to offer burnt offerings, and to
kindle meat offerings, and to do sacrifice continually [a type
of spiritual sacrifices].”

The coronation chair of the kingly line of the tribe of

Judah continues to this day in Westminster Abbey in London.
God said in Genesis 49:10 that a lawgiver would parallel that
scepter promise, which continues until Christ returns.
Traditionally, we have believed this lawgiver to be Christ.
In principle, that is true. Christ always gives the law. He is the
source. But notice, the scripture says this lawgiver would not
depart from Judah’s feet “until Shiloh [Christ] come; and unto
him shall the gathering of the people be.” Would it make sense to
read that Jesus would not depart from Judah’s feet until Jesus come?
Shiloh refers to Christ, so this “lawgiver” must refer to
another individual. God has always worked through one man
at a time. Again, Jeremiah 33:18 says that God would choose
one man to fulfill this commission. Since this prophecy about
the lawgiver was not revealed to me until after Mr. Armstrong
died, it specifically refers to my office today.
Mr. Armstrong had to establish God’s law and government.
He was the Elijah who restored all things just before Christ’s
return (Matthew 17:10-11). I have continued the same law and
government that he taught. No other church can truthfully
make that claim!
Mr. Armstrong and I each have been used to fill the role of
lawgiver to God’s Church and the world. So today, where is the
human lawgiver descended from David and the tribe of Judah?
Who administers the same law that Christ will teach when He
returns to sit on that throne of David? Those are questions you
must be able to answer!
This man will be teaching about the scepter—the kingly
line, or David’s throne, and the promise of salvation through
Jesus Christ. It is the same throne that is about to be taken
over by Jesus Christ forever (Luke 1:30-33).
In these last days, the kingly line, David’s throne, is not
governed by God’s law. But the Church is ruled by Christ, that
great Lawgiver—the King of kings who shall rule on David’s
throne forever.

T h e S c e p t e r P r o mi s e s
Here is what Mr. Armstrong wrote in The United States and
Britain in Prophecy: “Now we come to a most vital distinction,
The Key of the House of David 119

and a bit of Bible truth known to but a very few. Very few,
indeed, have ever noticed that the promises to Abraham were
twofold. But the Bible itself makes sharp distinction between
these two phases of the promises.
“The spiritual promises—the promises of the ‘one seed,’
Christ, and of salvation through Him—the Bible calls the
scepter. But the material and national promises relating to
many nations, national wealth, prosperity and power, and pos-
session of the Holy Land, the Bible calls the birthright.
“Let us understand the meaning of the terms:
“‘Birthright: native right or privilege’—Standard Dictionary;
‘any right acquired by birth’—Webster’s. A birthright is some-
thing which is one’s right, by birth. It has nothing to do with
grace, which is unmerited pardon and a free gift which is not
one’s right. It has to do with race, not grace. Birthright posses-
sions are customarily passed down from father to eldest son.
“‘Scepter: kingly office; royal power; badge of command or
sovereignty’—Standard Dictionary. The promised kingly line
culminates in Christ, and involves grace to all.
“We have seen how both sets of promises, right of birth and
gift of grace, were unconditionally made by God to Abraham.
Both the birthright and the scepter were repromised by the
Eternal to Isaac and to Jacob. But the fact that should open
your eyes, as a joyous truth newly discovered, is that from
that point these two sets of promises became separated! The
scepter promises of the kingly line culminating in Christ, and
of grace through Him, were handed on to Judah, son of Jacob
and father of all Jews. But the astonishing truth is that the
birthright promises were never given to the Jews!
“Let that be repeated! Realize this! The birthright promises
were never given to the Jews!
“Turn to these passages—read them in your own Bible!
“‘The sceptre shall not depart from Judah …’ (Genesis 49:10).
“‘[B]ut the birthright was Joseph’s’ (1 Chronicles 5:2).
“Of course it is well understood that the scepter went to
Judah and was handed down through the Jews. King David
was of the tribe of Judah. All succeeding kings of David’s
dynasty were of the house of David, tribe of Judah. Jesus
Christ was born of the house of David and the tribe of

The Jews received the scepter promise. What an honor!

Could any race be honored more? We must tell the Jews what
it should mean to them. It’s one thing to know about the
scepter promises. It’s quite another to have them handed down
through your race!
We must make these promises real and practical to our-
selves and to the Jews.
God commissioned the end-time Eliakim to be “a father … to
the house of Judah.” God wants us to emphasize the scepter
promise that comes through the Jews. The kingly line of Jews
leads us to the return of the Messiah. And not only that, the
rule from David’s throne continues forever! (Isaiah 9:7).
The Jewish nation, America and Britain need to hear that
most inspiring and precious message now so they can remember
it when they are experiencing the holocaust of all holocausts!
Think about all those kings from the house of David who
sat on David’s throne. They will continue doing so until Christ
returns, which is extremely imminent. The Father, Christ and
His angelic helpers are surely already well into planning and
organizing for the Second Coming!
Why do I say that? Already Christ has used His Church
to help uncover David’s palace, which is a symbol of all those
kings that are to sit on that throne. We are helping to clear
away the debris from where David’s throne sat in the past; that
throne will surely be sitting on the same spot when Christ
returns! We are helping to get that area ready for Christ’s
imminent return! All those kings who sat on David’s throne
lead us to that awe-inspiring point. It’s all about the Second
Coming and Christ giving grace to all mankind who has ever
lived—with the assistance of His Bride!
That is what our archaeological dig is all about.
This is a key part of why Eliakim is the father of Judah. The
Eliakim work plays the crucial role for God today.

Be hol d You r G o d!
We are going to say to the cities of Judah, “Behold your God!”
(Isaiah 40:9). The archaeology project will lead to the delivering
of that message. And because the Jewish nation will not heed
the warning, it is going to experience the Tribulation holocaust.
The Key of the House of David 121

Hopefully, many Jews will still repent.

Now the Jews must hear about these scepter promises.
Salvation for the whole world is on the immediate horizon.
We must put more and more emphasis on the scepter prom-
ises. The kingly line has continued for about 3,000 years to its
grand smashing climax—the Second Coming of Christ!
The Messiah is about to return with His reward for His
loyal saints (verse 10). That illustrious, mind-stirring moment
is almost here—at last!
Let’s read Isaiah 22:22 again: “And the key of the house of
David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none
shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.” God gives
the key of the house of David to Eliakim. That would seem to
strongly indicate that he is of the house of David, or in the lin-
eage of King David.
That gives us a constant reminder of the kingly line that
sits on David’s throne from the time of David until Christ
returns. Then the world will be filled with spiritual blessings!
That is why God gives an open door to this Work. We have
a universe-shaking message to deliver to all mankind!
There is also a reason why God’s saints today are kings and
priests in embryo (Revelation 1:6). We are getting ready to
help Christ rule this world and the universe!
We are the Bride of Jesus Christ. God’s primary interest is in
spiritual Jews (Revelation 3:9)—not physical Jews! Only about
5 percent of Christ’s Church today—the spiritual Jews—will
rule in the Jerusalem headquarters forever. The stakes are lofty.
God wants us to think mainly about spiritual Jews (com-
prised of all races) who will help Christ teach grace from
headquarters—who will share His Jerusalem headquarters
throne forever.
God has given me a commission and supporters to do a
work in Judah. Our archaeological dig is a constant reminder
that God is finally about to sit on David’s throne!
We are to “say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!”

T h e k e y o f t h e h o u s e o f d av id
I went to Ambassador College in 1967. That was the year the
Six Day War broke out in Israel, in which God intervened

miraculously to help Israel win. In that war, Israel gained con-

trol of the whole of Jerusalem.
The very next year, the Israelis began what they called
the “Big Dig”—a massive archaeological excavation on
the southern part of the Temple Mount. The year after
that, Herbert W. Armstrong formed a partnership with Dr.
Benjamin Mazar and Hebrew University in order to assist
with that dig. Within two years, Ambassador College had 78
students over there helping, and Dr. Mazar was asking Mr.
Armstrong to triple that number.
In the October 1971 issue of Tomorrow’s World magazine,
an article about developments on the dig said this: “[I]n 1967,
after the unification of Jerusalem, the archaeological institu-
tions of Israel began considering the feasibility of a full-scale
excavation of the entire Southern Wall area. With encourage-
ment by the mayor of Jerusalem and the Israel Exploration
Society, the present ‘Big Dig’ was launched in 1968, headed by
Prof. Binyamin Mazar. …
“In the first winter recess, Ambassador College entered into
the project jointly with Hebrew University and the Department
of Antiquities. Beginning December of 1968, Ambassador
began providing financial assistance to put the project on a
full-time continuous basis, and in 1969 began to provide sum-
mertime student manpower. Work has continued unbroken
since that time.”
At the time of that dig, there was a young girl there with
her grandfather, and she was getting very well acquainted and
deeply impressed with Mr. Armstrong and the Ambassador
College students. She grew up to be an archaeologist herself.
Now she directs what we believe to be the most important
archaeological dig in the world!
Benjamin Mazar’s granddaughter, Eilat Mazar, has since
told me that her grandfather was very concerned at the
beginning about whether or not it was a good idea to get
so deeply involved with a Christian organization from the
United States. But of course, he soon became very happy that
he did.
This 1971 Tomorrow’s World described what Ambassador
College discovered in the first three years of its partner-
ship with Benjamin Mazar. We have been helping with Eilat
The Key of the House of David 123

Mazar’s dig for two years. So this article gives an interesting

basis of comparison.
In the year before the Ambassadors got there, that dig iden-
tified a large Ommiad (Arab) palace. The next year, with the
Ambassadors’ help, they uncovered the foundations of a stair-
case from King Herod’s time that led to the Temple Mount, and
they found rock tombs. During the third year of this partner-
ship, they found another Ommiad structure and “an impres-
sive Herodian staircase that once led up to the well-known
‘Hulda Double Gates.’”
In less time, Eilat Mazar has found the walls of David’s
palace. That is an amazing discovery, especially considering
there are many scholars who say that David and Solomon
were unimportant tribal chieftains. One of these walls is 15
feet thick and 100 feet long! Along with several other artifacts,
some of which are biblically relevant, we have also discovered
Nehemiah’s wall. The Philadelphia Church of God has a spe-
cial connection to Nehemiah. We have a booklet showing how
the events of Nehemiah’s time apply prophetically to our time
today (request a free copy of Ezra and Nehemiah—Building
God’s Temple).
Look at the difference in interest between what they found
during Mr. Armstrong’s day and what we are finding today!
God has truly blessed our efforts in a special way. There is an
important prophetic reason for that, as we will see.
Under Mr. Armstrong, there was a lot of excitement in
God’s Church about the archaeological dig in Jerusalem. But
when he died in 1986, that excitement fizzled. The Laodiceans
showed they had no interest in the dig, or even in Jerusalem.
Dr. Benjamin Mazar died in 1995. What would have hap-
pened to that great project if his granddaughter hadn’t decided
to continue it?
Actually, it goes deeper than that. Dr. Eilat Mazar is being
used in an amazing way to uncover the palace of David and
the wall of Nehemiah—but it is really God resurrecting this
project and raising up the ruins. And today, God’s faithful
remnant Church is reviving the excitement and the under-
standing God has given us about that dig.
Do you know why we are involved in that project? What is
it about? Is God really behind it?

A n Omi n o u s Si g n
In that same Tomorrow’s World issue, Ernest Martin wrote
an article called “Jerusalem Through the Ages.” The subhead
read, “Ever since David made it his capital some 3,000 years
ago, Jerusalem has been a ‘cup of trembling’ and a ‘burden-
some stone’ to all nations.” He briefly discussed the city before
the time of King David, and then showed how David con-
quered it. “Once David had secured this fortress, he adopted it
as his capital city, naming it the City of David. Because of the
site’s majestic appearance and its towering eminence, he also
called it Zion (a city resembling the impenetrable fortress of
God in the heavens). The ark of God was then transported to
this elevated citadel.”
Now notice this inspiring conclusion to Dr. Martin’s article:
“In Zechariah 14, there is a prophecy telling us that ‘living
waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the
former sea [the Dead Sea], and half of them toward the hinder
sea [the Mediterranean Sea]: in summer and in winter it shall
be’ (verse 8). These streams will appear once this major top-
ographical change takes place in the area of Jerusalem. The
Mount of Olives, just to the east of Jerusalem, will be split
into two separate mountains and a valley will be formed
between them (verse 4). Then, apparently at the same time, a
further topographical change takes place. ‘All the land [near
Jerusalem] shall be turned as a plain [leveled out] from Geba
[5 miles north of Jerusalem] to Rimmon south of Jerusalem
[about 30 miles south]: and it [Jerusalem itself] shall be lifted
up [a large mountain will rise on the site of Jerusalem], and
[Jerusalem shall be] inhabited in her [usual] place’ (verse 10).
“Jerusalem will become a new ‘Mount Zion’ around which
the redeemed tribes of Israel will gather (Jeremiah 31:6-9). On
this mount will be built a new city. Streams will issue from a
new temple which will be there (Joel 3:18). The Prophet Ezekiel
further tells us that the eastern stream coming from this newly
elevated Jerusalem will flow into the Dead Sea, making it a
fresh sea with an abundance of fish (Ezekiel 47). This is the new
Jerusalem of the future—the coming joy of the whole world.
“And though Jerusalem has suffered terribly from human
rampages over the centuries, a glorious Jerusalem is soon to
The Key of the House of David 125

emerge which will make all other cities of the world insignifi-
cant by comparison. God will demonstrate how He can take
the ‘worst’ in man’s opinion and make it into the ‘best.’ This
is what He will do to His Jerusalem—the Mount Zion of the
future! God speed that day.”
What inspiring words! Ernest Martin was honored to be
deeply involved with that dig—in fact, he directly assisted Dr.
Herman Hoeh on the project. Yet, he left God’s Church before
Mr. Armstrong even died. Then, just a few years ago, he died
on January 16—the same day Herbert Armstrong died in 1986.
Is that an ominous sign? Was his death a sign of what hap-
pens eternally to saints who reject the instructions of God’s
end-time apostle?
Mr. Armstrong was given the key of David! We are honored
to have been given the key of the house of David and more.
We need to realize that this work in Jerusalem is tied directly
to our salvation and our reward in the Kingdom of God. We
can’t think of it as being merely interesting or fun. Our being
involved in what God is doing there has a lot to do with our

The Vessels
What is that key going to unlock? It will unlock a great deal
more than just the palace walls, which have already been
uncovered. When God gives a rare, royal key, you know it’s
going to unlock a lot!
“And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father’s
house, the offspring and the issue, all vessels of small quan-
tity, from the vessels of cups, even to all the vessels of flagons”
(Isaiah 22:24). Do you suppose we might find some amazing
things over there? This palace is physical. The vessels in the
temple are physical and spiritual. We’ve already gotten the spiri-
tual vessels. Are we going to find some physical vessels as well?

T h r e e Sp e c i f i c C o mmi s s i o n s
When God says in Isaiah 22:22 that He will lay this key on a
man’s shoulder, that is a symbol of this message being a burden.
Several scriptures show why this message may be somewhat

of a burden. Proclaiming this message won’t be all smooth

sailing. This world doesn’t want to listen to God.
“O [you] that bringest good tidings [to Zion], get thee up
into the high mountain; O [you] that bringest good tidings
[to Jerusalem], lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not
afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!” (Isaiah
40:9, see the King James Version margin reference). That one
scripture mentions three different jobs God has for us in this
end time. First, we have a message for Zion, or God’s sinning
Laodicean Church. So the time frame is after the Laodicean
rebellion. Then we have a message for “Jerusalem,” which is a
type of all the nations of Israel, especially America, Britain and
Judah. Finally, we need to go directly to the “cities of Judah,”
or the Jewish state in the Middle East called Israel. Judah must
be warned in a special way—and notice the positive approach
God tells us to take: “Behold your God! Good tidings for
Jerusalem and the world! Your God is about to return!”
Why are those three commissions all linked in that verse?
I believe there may be a special reason for that.
We have been working diligently to fulfill those first two
commissions for several years. God may mention them in this
context because they are now winding down.
Now, consider how those first two commissions might lead
directly into our fulfilling the third.
“Behold Your God!” 127

Chapter 12
“Behold Your God!”
G od’s people today must consider the implications of a
end-time prophecy delivered by the Prophet Amos.
“And the high places of Isaac shall be desolate, and
the sanctuaries of Israel shall be laid waste; and I will rise
against the house of Jeroboam with the sword” (Amos 7:9).
As our booklet on Amos explains, “high places of Isaac” is a
coded expression referring to the Laodiceans—a religion that
started with God’s great power and then turned away from
God (request a free copy of The Lion Has Roared). The reli-
gious places of Isaac are going to be desolate. They need to be
warned about that. Of course, that won’t be a popular message.
In fact, Amos shows that it will lead to a direct confrontation
with the Laodiceans.
“Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent to Jeroboam king
of Israel, saying, Amos hath conspired against thee in the
midst of the house of Israel: the land is not able to bear all
his words” (verse 10). This verse prophesies of a major gov-
ernmental attack against God’s very elect in the end time. The
“priest of Bethel”—or God’s own house—is sending this mes-
sage to the king of the land: Amos has become a traitor! Our
Amos booklet explains how this describes a direct confronta-
tion between the Laodicean and Philadelphia churches.
There is a reason Amos uses the name Jeroboam for
the leader in this scenario. Anciently, this message went to
Jeroboam ii, about 35 years before Israel fell. He was the last
leader the prophets appeared to directly. But this also points
back to the Jeroboam who assumed rulership over the 10

tribes of Israel when they broke away from Judah. From that
point forward, Israel never again had a righteous king! Judah
did and was able to last longer. But Jeroboam changed Israel’s
day of worship away from the Sabbath, and he moved the dates
on which Israel kept the festivals, among other anti-God acts.
This indicates the kind of leader the United States will have
when God’s people flee to a place of safety! Though he may
appear religious, that individual is going to come in the evil,
anti-God spirit of Jeroboam! We must face this—we shouldn’t
be surprised when it happens.
The fact that the land can’t bear all our words must mean
the problems are so serious that people can’t ignore what we
are saying! But if the people cannot bear the message, what are
they going to do to the messenger?
Prophecy shows that they’re going to cast out God’s people
(Isaiah 16). “Also Amaziah said unto Amos, O thou seer, go,
flee thee away into the land of Judah, and there eat bread, and
prophesy there: But prophesy not again any more at Bethel: for
it is the king’s chapel, and it is the king’s court” (Amos 7:12-
13). For some reason, they want to exile us to the land of Judah,
today called Israel. This may be how God’s people will begin
their journey to the place of safety.
It appears God puts that thought into the minds of the per-
secutors. It is also quite possible that they know we have an
important work in Judah. How would they know about that?
Could it be because of some impressive archaeological find?
Is it because of the key of the house of David, and what we’re
doing over there even now, and what that will lead us into?
Perhaps that is why they will say, Look, you’re over in Judah—
get out of this country and go over there and prophesy!
Will those events flow directly into Isaiah 40:9?
Perhaps, after being booted out for prophesying to the
Laodiceans and Israel—the first two of those commissions—
we will be sent to Judah on our way to the place of safety. God
may say to us, You’ve been kicked out of that country—now I
want you to go to this country and lift up your voice—in person—
and tell the Jews, “Behold your God! He is coming to sit on David’s
throne—right where David sat on it!” Or maybe we will just
conclude our message before the Tribulation then. Regardless,
there is an interesting connection to Judah.
“Behold Your God!” 129

B e n o t a f r a id
There in Isaiah 40:9, God tells us, “[L]ift up thy voice with
strength; lift it up, be not afraid”! Don’t be afraid! Don’t be timid!
Use the Spirit of God, and tell them the Messiah is about to arrive!
We must have strong courage to lift up our voice and not
be afraid!
Will you be afraid? Will I be afraid? Will we be Laodicean—
or will we be Philadelphian? These are important questions.
If we’re not Philadelphian now, how will we be then? If we’re
acting carnally now, how are we going to be spiritual then, and
not be afraid? The only way to fulfill that job is with the power
of God! We need to be growing in that power today!
Though authorities disagree on exactly how Amos died,
several sources say it was some kind of martyrdom. One says
Uzziah killed him by hitting his forehead with a glowing iron.
Another says Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, fatally struck him
in the head. Whatever happened, it gives you an idea of just
how fierce the opposition to God’s message can get. It will take
a pretty tough Christian to be able to endure.
Could God rely on any of the Laodiceans to deliver His
message? They can’t do it—they’re too weak! What about us?
Can you see why this might be a burden on Eliakim’s
shoulder? We all need each other’s prayers.
But this is not a negative message—it’s a message of good
tidings! We can’t be timid about it. We’re telling the Jews and
everyone else that the Messiah is about to arrive!

Mighty Captivity
Notice something else that God connects to the key of the house
of David in the context of Isaiah 22: “Thus saith the Lord God of
hosts, Go, get thee unto this treasurer, even unto Shebna, which
is over the house, and say, What hast thou here? and whom hast
thou here, that thou hast hewed thee out a sepulcher here, as
he that heweth him out a sepulcher on high, and that graveth
a habitation for himself in a rock? Behold, the Lord will carry
thee away with a mighty captivity, and will surely cover thee”
(verses 15-17). This talks about a modern type of Shebna being
a part of a mighty captivity—a captivity that will befall Judah

(the Jewish nation), Ephraim (Britain) and Manasseh (America)

simultaneously (e.g. Hosea 5:5). “He will surely violently turn
and toss thee like a ball into a large country: there shalt thou
die, and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of thy
lord’s house. And I will drive thee from thy station, and from
thy state shall he pull thee down” (Isaiah 22:18-19).
It is right after this that Isaiah speaks about Eliakim, the son
of Hilkiah (verse 20), being given the key of the house of David
(verse 22). Lange’s Commentary says, “On the day when Shebna
must quit his post, Eliakim the son of Hilkiah will occupy
his place. … He was in all probability of the priestly race.
For Hilkiah, as his father was called, was a common name of
priests.” We are looking at that spiritually, but it is all connected.
There is a captivity associated with the key of the house of
David. This talks about Shebna having his authority stripped
from him and given to Eliakim, and Shebna being carried away
in a mighty captivity. This is a serious warning—to all of us.
Jerusalem is about to be trodden underfoot by the Gentiles
into the muck and mire in the worst captivity ever known to
man! (Luke 21:24; Revelation 11:2). That is a chilling prophecy
about Jerusalem—and it applies to all Israel! The stormy,
outer edges of the “times of the Gentiles” Christ spoke about
are already here!

T h e M e ssage of t h e K e y
Lange’s continues on the subject of the key, “[T]he key opens
the entrance to the house, to the apartments and to all that is
in them. He, therefore, who alone has this key, has alone also
the highest power [or authority]. The expression reminds us
… of Isaiah 9:[6] (‘on his shoulder’ is a symbolical representa-
tion of the office as a burden to be carried) ….”
This key is a burden on this man’s shoulder. It is specifically
talking about the message of the key of the house of David!
Can you imagine, as we deliver the message of Isaiah 40,
how much we might be talking about this archaeological dig?
What a message we could deliver to Judah if we built it around
the excavation in Jerusalem! We could talk about David’s
throne and how and why it left the city. When Jeremiah
emerged from the dungeon, he had to take that throne to
“Behold Your God!” 131

another country because Judah was going into a mighty cap-

tivity and the temple was going to be utterly destroyed!
We could tell them about David’s throne and that his-
tory, and about The United States and Britain in Prophecy. We
could explain why we are so excited about a dig in Jerusalem:
because it connects to the coming of the Messiah! We could
also show what is prophesied to happen before He gets here.
There is a powerful warning about a mighty captivity! And it’s
all connected to that dig.
There is quite a message in what Dr. Mazar has uncovered
and what it means for Judah. There is such a story—such a
history and such a prophecy—revolving around that dig! It’s
surely one of the most incisive, piercing messages they could
possibly hear. True, the message is for all Israel, but the Jews
who are right there can understand some of it far better than
the nations of Britain and America can.
After quoting several biblical passages, Mr. Armstrong
drew these conclusions in The United States and Britain in
Prophecy: “1) The king of Babylon slew all the sons of Zedekiah
who were heirs to the throne of David.  
“2) He also slew all the nobles of Judah so as to leave no
possible heirs for that throne.  
“3) Finally, after putting out Zedekiah’s eyes, the king who
sat on David’s throne was himself taken to Babylon where he
died in prison.  
“4) Thus, as it appears, and as the whole world has believed,
the throne of David ceased, with no possible heirs, or sons,
to keep the dynasty alive. Certain it is that from that day on,
the throne never again has existed in Judah, in Jerusalem, or
among the Jews!”
But did that throne just cease? To the world, it looked like
that was the end. But that would have broken God’s promise
to David! So what happened to that throne? Well, it’s still in
Israel—not the Israel of the Middle East, but the Israel of the
Bible. And even though Nebuchadnezzar and Satan did every-
thing they could to destroy any heir to that throne, Jeremiah
was able to take a daughter of Zedekiah with him to sit on it.
All of this is clearly explained in The United States and
Britain in Prophecy (request your free copy). It is prophesied
in your Bible!

The Jews need to know about that history! They need to

know why we are helping to dig and to clear all the rubble away.
They’re going to suffer the mightiest captivity ever inflicted
upon mankind! How can you even endure such a brutal and
horrifying captivity unless you KNOW that the Messiah is
about to come? This message may agitate them today—but the
time will come when it will give them hope! They need hope
and inspiration, and so do America and Britain.

Roya l Se a l s of J e r e mi a h ’ s Accuse r s Fou n d

The two largest finds in the dig were David’s palace and
Nehemiah’s wall. But the two smallest finds contain the
strongest warning.
During the last days of the kingdom of Judah, the Prophet
Jeremiah warned the residents of Jerusalem of their impending
captivity at the hands of the Babylonian army. But, instead of
heeding that warning message, the princes of King Zedekiah’s
administration attacked the messenger and plunged him into
the depths of a miry dungeon (Jeremiah 38:1-6).
One of Jeremiah’s accusers, Gedaliah the son of Pashur, had
his name stamped on a small clay seal that was recently dis-
covered about 600 feet south of the Temple Mount. Dr. Mazar
found the bulla in early 2008, in mint condition, while wet-
sifting debris excavated under a tower at the north end of the
City of David—the original site of ancient Jerusalem.
In 2005, Dr. Mazar had found another seal bearing the name
Jehucal the son of Shelemiah on it—mentioned twice in the
book of Jeremiah. The Jehucal bulla was found on the platform
above the Stepped Stone Structure, where Dr. Mazar has uncov-
ered a small section of what used to be King David’s palace.
Both princes, the Bible relates, unsuccessfully petitioned
for Jeremiah’s execution and were responsible for his impris-
onment on two separate occasions.
Incredibly, the Prophet Jeremiah managed to survive the
destruction and captivity.
Mazar’s two clay seals managed to survive as well—buried
under 2,600 years’ worth of debris. “It’s not often,” Dr. Mazar
said, “that such discoveries happen in which real figures of
the past shake off the dust of history and so vividly revive the
“Behold Your God!” 133

stories of the Bible.”

We need to be reminded of what Jeremiah’s commission
was: “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over
the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy,
and to throw down, to build, and to plant” (Jeremiah 1:10).
This verse reveals Jeremiah’s commission and the main subject
of this whole book.
Jeremiah not only had a commission. He understood the
greatest vision in the Bible: the key of David.
Here is an excerpt from The United States and Britain in
Prophecy: “Notice, Jeremiah was set over nations—more than
one kingdom. He was a Jewish lad, living in Judah. He was set
a prophet over Judah—but not Judah alone. Over nations—
over kingdoms! He was set over these kingdoms to do two
things: first to ‘pluck up,’ or ‘root out,’ to ‘pull down,’ or to
‘overthrow,’ and second, to build and to plant. …
“It is well known that Jeremiah was used in warning Judah
of the impending captivity, and the ‘pulling down’ or ‘over-
throwing’ of the throne of David in the kingdom of Judah. …
“But note it! See it in your own Bible! Jeremiah was divinely
commissioned to pull down and to overthrow that very throne
of David in Judah—but notice the second half of the commis-
sion. To build and to plant! To build and to plant what?
“Why, naturally, that which he was used in ‘rooting out’ of
Judah—the throne of David which God swore He would pre-
serve forever! Jeremiah was set over not just the one nation,
Judah—but over nations. Over the kingdoms—the kingdom
of Israel as well as Judah!
“He was used in ‘rooting out’ that throne from Judah. Then
what was Jeremiah commissioned to do in Israel? Notice the
second half of his strange and little-understood commission—
to build and to plant!”
He built and planted the throne in Ireland. Later it was
moved to Scotland and England.
The Jews and all of us need to know what happened to
Jeremiah in the process of rooting out the throne of Judah.
For years he was warning Judah as the Jews violently perse-
cuted him. This was part of the rooting out process!
Just finding the two small clay seals reminds us of how
Jeremiah had to suffer in rooting out David’s throne from

the rebellious Jews and fulfilling the commission that God

gave him.
Jeremiah also prophesied that David’s throne would return
to Judah when the Messiah comes. And here is the terrifying
part. What the Jews suffered under Babylon was only a type of
their suffering and captivity just before the throne is returned
to Jerusalem at the Messiah’s coming. The Jews will experi-
ence the worst suffering ever on this Earth!
Anciently, Jeremiah had a strong warning for Judah.
“Then Shephatiah the son of Mattan, and Gedaliah the son of
Pashur, and Jucal the son of Shelemiah, and Pashur the son
of Malchiah, heard the words that Jeremiah had spoken unto
all the people …” (Jeremiah 38:1). Here are the two princes
whose names were on the royal seals: Gedaliah, the son of
Pashur, and Jucal (or Jehucal), the son of Shelemiah. Both of
them hated Jeremiah’s message.
“Therefore the princes said unto the king, We beseech thee,
let this man be put to death: for thus he weakeneth the hands
of the men of war that remain in this city, and the hands of all
the people, in speaking such words unto them: for this man
seeketh not the welfare of this people, but the hurt” (verse 4).
Again, both these princes tried to have Jeremiah put to death!
It is phenomenal that we found the clay seals of these two
princes. What a hideous warning it is for the Jews today!
God’s end-time prophecies warn the Jews of a much
greater catastrophe than Nebuchadnezzar inflicted on them.
This modern Babylon is going to create the holocaust of all
Jeremiah was put in prison and was about to die of hunger
(verses 6-9). There was no more bread left in Jerusalem. That
is only a type of the famine that is about to strike in three
nations of Israel: Manasseh, Ephraim and Judah.

O u r R e l a t i o n s h ip W i t h t h e J e w s
The Jerusalem dig was an open door for Mr. Armstrong. God
also used the dig itself to open many more doors in Israel. Mr.
Armstrong had a number of close contacts among the Jews
that all came about as a result of his involvement with that
archaeological project.
“Behold Your God!” 135

In November 1968, Mr. Armstrong visited Jerusalem to

decide whether to enter a joint participation on Dr. Mazar’s
archaeological dig. He said he wasn’t sure whether to do it at
first. I’m sure he thought, Well, let’s see. I’m to get this message
out to the world. Does God really want me involved in Jerusalem
in an archaeological dig? I can understand why he didn’t make
an immediate decision.
He came back a few weeks later, however, and decided to
proceed. This time he met with the Israeli president, along
with those involved in the dig. “It was a memorable—perhaps
an historic—meeting with President Zalman Shazar and our
Israeli friends at the preceding visit,” Mr. Armstrong wrote.
“On that date we formally entered into the joint participation
with Hebrew University and the Israel Archaeological Society.
Some little time after that we entered into participation in
the iccy (International Cultural Center for Youth), founded
by Eleanor Roosevelt and Minister of Tourism Moshe Kol.
We have continued both participations. Beginning with the
summer of 1969, we sent students every year during summer
vacation to work on the dig—some years up to 100 students”
(Good News, February 1979).
Having hundreds of students on that dig over the years
was impressive. But where are they today? Did they learn what
they were supposed to learn from that dig? What good did it
do them? Not very much, if you look at the whole picture.
Mr. Armstrong’s contacts in Israel began to flourish. The
mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kollek, visited Ambassador College
in Pasadena and was very impressed—then he wanted to
show Mr. Armstrong his own efforts to beautify Jerusalem.
Mr. Armstrong had receptions and dinners held in his honor.
He even funded the construction of a children’s playground
at Liberty Bell Park in Jerusalem. It was meant to promote
friendly relations between Arab and Jewish children. In some
ways, that was a minor project—but Mr. Armstrong really did
know the way to peace. Here he showed that in a practical way
by reconciling Arab and Jewish children. Also in Jerusalem,
there is a courtyard measuring about 75 by 100 feet that was
named the Herbert W. Armstrong Square.
Mr. Armstrong also wrote, “Sunday, 7:30 p.m., the mayor of
Jerusalem, Teddy Kollek, hosted a special dinner in my honor

at Mishlenot Shaananim. Many of Israel’s most prominent

people were present.
“Monday, a luncheon in my honor at Beit Mayersdorf in the
Mount Scopus campus of the Hebrew University, hosted by
Professor Mazar and Dr. Aviram and the deputy prime min-
ister of Israel, Yigael Yadin. This luncheon also was attended
by many of Israel’s most prominent people.
“Tuesday was a very busy day. There were several meetings
at the Knesset, with Prime Minister Menachem Begin, Foreign
Minister Moshe Dayan, Shimon Peres, who was prime min-
ister two different times, chairman of Israel’s leading Labor
Party, and the speaker of the Knesset Itzhak Shamir. Then a
visit at the president’s residence, with the president of Israel,
Itzhak Navon.
“All in top offices in Israel were enthusiastic about starting
another decade of mutual cooperation and friendship” (ibid.).
Those Israeli leaders wanted that friendship to continue
perpetually! But the Laodiceans let that relationship die. In
fact, they killed it.
How do you suppose Mr. Armstrong became such close
friends with all those prominent people?
Notice this end-time prophecy in Hosea 11:12: “Ephraim com-
passeth me about with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit:
but Judah yet ruleth with God, and is faithful with the saints.”
Was Mr. Armstrong’s relationship with the Jews prophe-
sied? You try to develop friendships like that in 10 years. See
what you can do in reaching that level with a government in
this world. God says here in this prophecy that the people
of God would find favor from the Jews. That is the primary
reason those contacts developed so quickly and deeply.
Look at what is happening even with God’s Church today
in Israel. We too are finding incredible favor over there. Was
that prophesied as well?
God is so deeply involved in these events! After all, the
Messiah is about to sit in Jerusalem and rule from David’s throne!

T h e Pa l a c e “ E s t a b l i s h e d F o r e v e r ” ?
Mr. Armstrong believed that Christ’s throne will sit on the
same spot where David’s throne sat anciently. If you were to go
“Behold Your God!” 137

to Jerusalem and look for where David’s throne was located,

how could you find that if you couldn’t find David’s palace?
Another scripture seems to indicate that not only will
David’s throne last forever, but also the palace—though not in
its original form. This is speculation, but it is based on a pas-
sage that seems to be more than just speculation. These verses
made me think again about the fact that so much of David’s
palace has been preserved, only to be uncovered in our day—
as if it was just waiting for us to find it!
In 2 Samuel 7, God gives the Prophet Nathan a message to
deliver to King David. It draws specific attention to the palace
of David. In verse 11, for example, God promises David that
“he will make thee an house.”
Verse 12 reads, “And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou
shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee,
which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish
his kingdom.” That is talking about Solomon. “He shall build
an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his
kingdom for ever” (verse 13). There God refers to a “house for
my name,” which is talking about the temple. The house of
God is the temple of God, which Solomon built.
God continued, saying to David, “And thine house and thy
kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne
shall be established for ever” (verse 16). This is a promise that
there’s going to be a throne established forever, and that there
will be a kingdom throughout the ages and eternity to sit on
that throne. The throne is referring to the royal office, and the
kingdom is referring to the royal family sitting on the throne
of David.
But notice! This verse also says that David’s house, or his
palace, would be established forever. The word house is the
same as in Isaiah 22:22. Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon calls
it “a royal house, a palace” or “the house of God.” The house
of God is the temple. But this is spoken to David, and it says
not only “your kingdom,” and “your throne,” but also “your
house.” It’s not God’s house, but David’s.
David certainly seemed to understand that God was
talking, at least in part, about a physical house. “[W]hat is
my house, that thou hast brought me hitherto?” he asked.
“[T]hou hast spoken also of thy servant’s house for a great while

to come” (2 Samuel 7:18-19). David was amazed at how much

emphasis God put on a palace for David.
Read how David continued talking to God about this in
verses 25 through 29: “And now, O Lord God, the word that
thou hast spoken concerning thy servant, and concerning his
house, establish it for ever, and do as thou hast said. … [L]et
the house of thy servant David be established before thee. For
thou, O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, hast revealed to thy ser-
vant, saying, I will build thee an house …. [T]hou hast promised
this goodness unto thy servant: Therefore now let it please
thee to bless the house of thy servant, that it may continue for
ever before thee: for thou, O Lord God, hast spoken it: and
with thy blessing let the house of thy servant be blessed for ever.”
We know that David’s throne is going to remain forever,
not only from this scripture, but also based on Isaiah 9:7 and
Luke 1:30-33. Perhaps the palace will last forever as well. Why
else would God say David’s palace will be there forever? It cer-
tainly looks like that is what this is saying—though again, I
would still consider this speculation. But this scripture is dif-
ficult to explain any other way.
That palace didn’t remain whole, but somehow it was pre-
served, just waiting for us to dig it up. I’m absolutely certain that
God had a hand in preserving that palace, particularly in light
of Isaiah’s prophecy that He would give the key of that palace (a
symbol of the house of David) to Eliakim in this end time!
Again: We can’t find where the throne was if we can’t find
the palace! You must have the palace in order to locate the
throne room where Christ is going to establish His throne
when He returns. Christ had to preserve that. He could easily
also preserve a palace for David throughout eternity.
I believe this is a very interesting scripture. Will David’s
palace always exist, as well as David’s throne? I’m not sure, but
I think it could fit within the temple in the Millennium—per-
haps in the center of it, or on the top of it. I don’t know how you
can read these scriptures any other way. Of course, there would
be changes; it would be a different kind of palace when the new
Jerusalem gets here, but there could still be a palace of David.
When God is ruling this Earth, there will be many people
who were human like David that will be there as eternal sons
of God. They will be ruling from David’s throne with Christ.
“Behold Your God!” 139

That should not seem peculiar. After all, men and women were
created to enter God’s Family and rule with Him forever!
Perhaps these new God beings will dwell in David’s palace
“And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring
forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great,
and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God
shall give unto him the throne of his father David” (Luke 1:31-
32). David bridges the gap between God and man. Again, we
must not forget, this is not really the throne of David—it’s the
throne of God! But God wants to bring men into His Family,
and make us royalty of the highest level.
This is all tied to the Jerusalem dig. Mr. Armstrong pre-
pared for it in a spectacular way. Those who followed him
showed nothing but contempt for the work he did there, and
look where they are spiritually today. Consider the vision
behind that project, and you can understand why God would
say that they are unfit to be His royalty!
That project is about Jesus Christ returning to sit on
David’s throne! God has given us the key of the house of
David! We are preparing Jerusalem for its King!—even in a
physical way. Mr. Armstrong was given the key of David, and
God has even expanded our understanding about that since
Mr. Armstrong died. Now He has also given us the key of
the house of David! We are getting so close to the end of this
age of man, to the point where we are clearing off the very
spot where Christ is going to put His throne! That’s what this
project is about. It’s about Christ ruling the Earth for a thou-
sand years—and then ruling the universe for eternity under
God the Father!

T h e t h r o n e i n t h e mi l l e n n i u m
Here is a picture of how the Messiah will use the throne of
David in the Millennium: “Behold, the days come, saith the
Lord, that I will perform that good thing which I have prom-
ised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. In
those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righ-
teousness to grow up unto David; and he shall execute judg-
ment and righteousness in the land” (Jeremiah 33:14-15). All

of Israel will unite around that throne. Everyone will become a

part of spiritual Israel.
The archaeological excavation of King David’s palace
is actually the beginning of this prophecy! We are pre-
paring—even in a specific, physical way—for the imminent
return of Jesus Christ. Christ is going to sit on that throne,
which will undoubtedly be right where it sat when David ruled
on it, and that area needs to be cleaned up. God is helping us
grasp and prepare for that future by involving us in a physical
project anticipating Christ’s return.
Jerusalem above is the mother of us all (Galatians 4:26).
So we are concerned about physical digs that have such pro-
found spiritual meaning. God the Father and His Son have a
vested interest in that place—after all, the greatest event ever
to occur in the universe is about to happen in Jerusalem! The
Son of God is coming. Then, a little over a millennium later, the
next greatest event ever to occur in the universe will happen in
Jerusalem! The Father is coming. World headquarters is going
to be in Jerusalem shortly—and then, when God the Father
comes to Earth, universe headquarters! It’s all about Jerusalem!
“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of
my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon
him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God,
which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven
from my God: and I will write upon him my new name”
(Revelation 3:12). Look at what we are a part of! Jerusalem is
truly special to the people of God! We are going to be there
with Jesus Christ, and then with God the Father, forever!
Can you see why God will have no Laodicean as a part of
this? God is going to put us in headquarters forever because
we have remained loyal to David’s throne—and because we’ve
been given so much that we can teach!
How much do we thank God for this wonderful future?
Do you understand what is happening? God is already get-
ting us focused on Jerusalem. It’s not about Jerusalem today.
In fact, it’s not even about Jerusalem during the Millennium.
The ultimate goal is new Jerusalem when God the Father
comes down and all converted people enter into the Family
of God and begin to rule the entire universe. That is what
the Jerusalem dig is ultimately about!
“Behold Your God!” 141

The Jerusalem dig is only a tiny beginning. It introduces us to

what is about to explode on the world scene!
This world is about to become a God-ruled utopia. All of
the dreadful evils of this world are about to disappear forever.
God’s majestic glory is about to fill this Earth!
The building program for the entire universe is about to
begin in Jerusalem!
What a wondrous dimension to this prophecy God has
added through this archaeological dig. We are so close to the
end! The key to David’s palace is an inspiring conclusion. God
is making it vivid and tangible. The whole world can see it!
We’re getting ready for the spectacular return of Jesus Christ,
and we have students digging with their hands in the dirt to
prepare for Christ’s throne. He is about to come back, and we
are on schedule.
That is a real message! This is the conclusion to all that
we’re doing on this Earth today. What an honor God has given
us to be a part of this inspiring, wondrous Work!

Chapter 13
Looking to New
T he most pressing question facing planet Earth today is
human survival. Weather conditions, from floods to
droughts, are damaging food production. Supplies are
low. Natural disasters are taking their toll on lives and proper-
ties, and economies are overtaxed with the cleanup. Hatreds
among peoples are reaching fever pitch, resulting in terrorism
and other threats. With weapons of mass destruction, mankind
has developed the technology to destroy all human life. It is not
a question of if man will use these weapons—but when. Bible
prophecy shows that the period known as the Great Tribulation
is almost upon us—the most devastating time of all human his-
tory (Matthew 24:21). Nuclear World War iii is imminent. The
near future will be a time of immeasurable human suffering.
Yet, God promises His people a place of physical refuge.
When the Tribulation begins, God’s faithful Church
will be taken to a place of safety somewhere on Earth
(Revelation 12:14).

Si n n e r s i n Z i o n
But most of God’s people will not escape what is coming. “The
sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness hath surprised the hypo-
crites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who
among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?” (Isaiah 33:14).
In prophecy, Zion means the New Testament Church. Today
Looking to New Jerusalem 143

there are sinners in Zion whom God calls hypocrites. A hypo-

crite is someone who pretends to be something he is not. This
verse can refer only to the Laodiceans today. They scoff at our
message now, but soon they will be extremely “afraid.”
The Laodiceans will have to “dwell with the devouring fire,”
or nuclear bombs. Nuclear fire will wake them up to their
tragic spiritual condition. What an incredible price they will
have to pay to get back in step with God! When the doors
of the Tribulation close in around them, they will suddenly
realize how wrong they have been. The Laodiceans have
deceived themselves about their lying, but deep down they
still know they are liars! So God must punish them. That is
their only hope to be in God’s righteous Family.
Isaiah clearly shows who will escape the coming nuclear
nightmare. “He that walketh righteously, and speaketh
uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that sha-
keth his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears
from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil”
(verse 15). Those members of God’s Church who live righ-
teously now will escape. As discussed in Revelation 3:10, these
people are living true to God’s Word. They have remained
faithful to what they were taught concerning the key of David

K i n g i n Hi s B e a u t y
Details of this promise are given in Isaiah. “He shall dwell
on high: his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks:
bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure. Thine eyes
shall see the king in his beauty: they shall behold the land that
is very far off” (Isaiah 33:16-17). Munitions of rocks is better
translated strongholds of Sela, referring to the famous city of
Petra. This rock fortress has been used over past centuries as
a well-defended stronghold. It is the perfect place for God to
protect His people from nuclear fallout and other dangers of
nuclear war. Still, we don’t know for certain where that place
of safety will be.
Notice that God also promises His obedient people food
and water. God’s Philadelphians will not suffer hunger and

Verse 17 shows that the protected people will also see the
“king,” Christ, “in his beauty.” And they will be able to see
into “the land that is very far off.” From their mountain strong-
hold they will be able to see into the holy land—into Judah. At
Christ’s return, they will witness Him taking over the throne
of David in Jerusalem. This will be a truly beautiful sight.
Many Laodiceans exhibit a casual attitude about the
coming Tribulation. Some have even stated that they can
handle it when it comes. How unwise! God is giving His
people a choice. No one has to go into the Tribulation. Even
though 50 percent of the Laodiceans will repent in the
Tribulation, they will have to die physically. Of course, the far
worse tragedy is that 50 percent will perish spiritually.
Look at what the Laodiceans will miss. All of us would
agree that losing eternal life is the single greatest loss for any
human being. But even the physical loss of those who repent
is tremendous. They will suffer in the Tribulation as no people
ever have. They will also lose their reward of being a pillar in
God’s headquarters temple forever!

M e di t a t e T e r r o r
It does not have to be that way. God pleads with His Church
through Isaiah, “Thine heart shall meditate terror” (Isaiah 33:18).
God says to meditate on the terror to come. We must face it.
Today the cities of the United States and Britain are plagued
with appalling evils. Because of youth gangs, drug pushers and
terrorist acts, many of our cities are war zones. World troubles
are also mounting. Armed conflicts are taking place in many
parts of this world, such as the Balkans, Africa, Central Asia
and the Middle East. Innocent lives are being wiped out by
the multiple thousands. And this is all just the beginning of
Verse 19 reveals that the greatest armed terror to strike the
world is now building in Europe. This fierce power will be led
by a thoroughly revitalized Germany. The U.S., Britain and the
Jews of the Middle East—modern-day Israel—will suffer at its
hands, except for the faithful few whom God will protect.
It is not difficult to understand why the Father wants to
protect righteous Zion from destruction. These people have
Looking to New Jerusalem 145

a universe-shaking vision of God’s Family growing into eter-

nity. They recognize the Father as the Head of His Family.
They believe and obey their Father. Those who truly believe
the key of David vision know there is an awe-inspiring Father
building a family.

N ew Jerusalem
The patriarch Abraham saw this same vision clearly. “By faith
Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he
should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went
out, not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in
the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tab-
ernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same
promise: For he looked for a city which hath foundations,
whose builder and maker is God” (Hebrews 11:8-10).
Think about the spiritual depth of this man! He looked
forward to the city built by God the Father. He was able to
look past all of God’s abundant physical promises and focus
on the fantastic spiritual promises of new Jerusalem. Abraham
was motivated by the vision of God’s Family being complete.
Abraham lived for the time when God’s government and
throne would spread throughout the universe. What a
breathtaking vision! What glory!
The next several verses in Isaiah 33 are proof that the righ-
teous in Zion, like Abraham, are able to see all the way to new
Jerusalem. “Look upon Zion, the city of our solemnities: thine
eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habitation, a tabernacle that
shall not be taken down; not one of the stakes thereof shall
ever be removed, neither shall any of the cords thereof be
broken. But there the glorious Lord will be unto us a place of
broad rivers and streams; wherein shall go no galley with oars,
neither shall gallant ship pass thereby” (verses 20-21). The
wonderful beauty of new Jerusalem is described here. At that
time, Jerusalem will be a quiet habitation. Some may think
this refers to the Jerusalem of the Millennium, but notice,
Jerusalem is described as “a tabernacle that shall not be taken
down.” The Jerusalem of the Millennium will be taken down in
the final fire after Christ delivers the Kingdom of God to the
Father (1 Corinthians 15:24; 2 Peter 3:10-13; Revelation 20:14-

15). The Jerusalem described here is a tabernacle that shall not

be taken down. This can only be referring to new Jerusalem.
God the Father will inhabit new Jerusalem. It will last forever.
Referring to this “tabernacle,” Isaiah 33:20 says “not one of
the stakes thereof shall ever be removed.” The word for stake
here is the same word for nail in Isaiah 22. Gesenius’ Lexicon
defines it: “A nail or pin is used metaphorically of a Prince,
from whom the care of the whole state hangs. … The same
person is called a corner stone, on whom the state is builded.”
Understand the depth here! The people of Zion in the place
of safety not only see the land that is very far off—they not
only see the King in His beauty—they see the time when not
one nail will be removed from the tabernacle! What an extraor-
dinary vision! Not one of the leaders in God’s Family will ever
be removed. A companion verse is found in Revelation 3:12:
“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of
my God, and he shall go no more out ….” God’s family govern-
ment will be permanently established. It is important that we
not only see the nail in God’s holy place today, but that we see
the nail in the land very far off as well. When we expand our
minds in this manner, we finally begin to see God the Father’s
vision for His Family.

A Fa mi l y T h r o n e
The key of David vision has royal family written all over
it. When we fully understand this, the vision begins to explode
with excitement. David’s throne is discussed in the context of
a Father and a Son. Jesus Christ is described as the “Son of the
Highest,” or the Father. David’s throne is a family throne.
God’s plan for restoring His government on Earth began with
Jesus Christ. It started out in the smallest of ways. But Isaiah
9:7 shows that the increase of God’s government and peace will
never end. God’s government will be forever expanding.
The key of David vision is about family. It shows that
both physical family and God Family are vital. Our physical
marriages and families must be strong. Human families are
God-plane relationships. Our physical families are a type of
the God Family. The Church is going to marry Jesus Christ
(Revelation 19:7), typed by physical marriage. The God Family
Looking to New Jerusalem 147

will never end. This understanding requires that we live

according to this vision now!

I S ta n d at t h e D o o r
How well do we grasp this vision? Do not take this question
casually. What we are teaching in this message is the only
reality. It is not easy to grasp the full magnitude of what God
is offering to all mankind. It takes great effort on our part to
understand what God has revealed.
Remember, most of God’s people in this end time just do
not get it! Jesus Christ is using the Philadelphians to knock on
the Laodiceans’ door (Revelation 3:20). What is the knock all
about? What message are the Laodiceans failing to hear?
Revelation 3:21 is the answer. “To him that overcometh will I
grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and
am set down with my Father in his throne.” They fail to hear that
Christ now shares the Father’s throne. Two personages share the
same throne. Soon Christ will be given David’s throne. His Bride
will share that throne with Him. Christ and His Bride will work
to make all humanity obedient and loyal to that throne. When
that is completed, the Father and Son will rule from that throne
for eternity! What an awesome project God has started! We will
be able to share the family throne with the first Family of the
universe! We are in the process of preparing for that job now. Do
we understand what God is offering us?
During the Millennium, we will assist Christ in bringing
the rest of humanity into submission to the throne of David.
At the second resurrection, all who qualify will become spirit
beings. For all eternity we will share David’s throne, which
had its origins in the evil age of man. This will be a reminder
that we once were lowly men. We will be able to appreciate
deeply what God and Christ have planned for us. We will have
intense joy because of our godly, royal responsibility.
Can we see where the key of David vision is leading us?
Living in new Jerusalem will be the best of times forever. God
the Father will come to Earth and enjoy the rich fruits of His
Family. And that is just the beginning!

Chapter 14
The Father’s Vision
G od the Father’s plans for His Family reach into eter-
nity. God has revealed His plans to His Church. The
unveiling of His plan officially began with the birth
of Jesus Christ, and it will eventually involve all humans who
submit to Almighty God.
“Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed
upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore
the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not” (1 John
3:1). Though we are still in the flesh, God calls us sons. We are
sons of the Father. Think deeply about this for a moment. If we
are sons of the Father, then that makes us family. This spiritual
fact is more real than our own physical families. This is truly
Even the Apostle John was awestruck by this incredible
revelation. “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth
not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he
shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he
is” (verse 2). It is very difficult for any human being to grasp
what God the Father is offering to humanity. We are destined
to be spirit beings, just like the Father. God the Father will
always be the Head of the Family. But just as physical children
share the characteristics and nature of their parents, we will
share God the Father’s divine nature and spirit form.
How well do we grasp this extraordinary future? The
Father desires to deepen our vision and understanding of His
The Father’s Vision 149

family government. This will only happen when we have a

childlike attitude toward Him.
“And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth him-
self, even as he is pure” (verse 3). This verse has great depth.
We will not be motivated to change our evil human nature
to God’s nature without this hope. We will not be able to
face and conquer our God-given tests! John is telling us that
if we have this hope in us, we will change. And there can be
no change if this hope is absent. Getting the key of David
vision deeply into our minds is the great source of hope for
us. The key of David vision is filled with hope. All too often,
people bog down in their trials. When we have the hope of the
key of David vision in us, no trial can stop us. The main job of
the Philadelphia ministry is to fill the lives of God’s people
with hope! The key of David vision is that hope.

C h r i s t—T h e E v e r l a s t i n g Fa t h e r
Let me repeat two of the most incredible verses in the Bible:
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the
government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall
be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The ever-
lasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his gov-
ernment and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of
David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it
with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this” (Isaiah 9:6-
7). This states that the growth of God’s government will be
without end. In other words, the throne of David will expand
God the Father, rich in mercy, planned to give Jesus Christ
as a Savior to a failed humanity. This shows the depth of the
Father’s love for man (John 3:16). When Jesus Christ walked
the Earth, He was God’s only begotten Son. He was the only
Son who could make it possible for the Father to have many
more sons. These verses in Isaiah show that God has placed His
government upon Christ’s shoulder. The primary spiritual issue
for all humanity is God’s government—God’s family govern-
ment. God gave the world His Son. That means family. With His
Son He established His government. It is the same government

that rules God’s true Church today. That same government will
rule the Earth and then eventually the universe. When we talk
about the true gospel, we are talking about God’s royal Family
which administers God’s government forever.
Jesus Christ has many names: “Wonderful, Counsellor,
The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
One of His names is the everlasting Father. Jesus Christ is a
type of God the Father.
Paul states this about Christ in Colossians. “And he is
before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the
head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the first-
born from the dead; that in all things he might have the pre-
eminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should all ful-
ness dwell” (Colossians 1:17‑19). Creating for God the Father,
Jesus Christ was the beginning of all life. He is the Head of
the Church. He is the firstborn from the dead. His position in
God’s plan is much like the Father’s. But we must never forget
that He is the Son, not the Father.
At the time of the new Jerusalem, the whole God Family
will be ruling from the throne of David. There will be one
throne for the entire Family. Think about how much history
and prophecy is carried in the name throne of David. This
incredible knowledge reveals how God and Christ create their
royal Family. It all began with one begotten Son—Jesus Christ.
All humanity would have lived in vain if Christ had failed.
As humans change into spirit, we will never forget how God
worked out His plan of salvation. We will always remember
that God was able to change sinful flesh into immortal God.
We must develop real faith to finish this process God has
begun in us. We are going to need real faith in the key of
David vision to make it through the tough times just ahead,
the time of Satan’s greatest wrath.
This vision has helped many of God’s leaders through the
difficult trials of their calling. Let’s look again at the example
of Abraham.

Fa i t h o f Ab r a h a m
Abraham is known as the father of the faithful (Romans 4:16;
Galatians 3:7). He had real faith in a real vision. Exercising
The Father’s Vision 151

faith in God’s promises, Abraham obeyed God, left the home

of his father and inhabited tents in a strange country. Why
was Abraham able to do this? As we wrote in the last chapter,
he clearly saw the key of David vision all the way into new
Jerusalem. Paul states that he looked for a city which has foun-
dations (Hebrews 11:8-10). The Williams translation says “sure
You should meditate the rest of your life on that statement!
The quality of our faith must have “sure foundations.” Our
faith must be so strong, so real, that it is established on the
“sure foundations” of new Jerusalem!
We can build our faith to have that astonishing reach! We
must pray fervently and meditate seriously on that expression
to comprehend its depth. It is a mind-dazzling faith with sure
foundations. This is the foundation of the key of David vision.
Understand the time element. This is speaking of the time
when God the Father brings new Jerusalem to the Earth. God
will have made the foundations of this city sure. Can you
imagine—project Earth completed! God will have recreated
Himself into multiple billions of Family members. It will be a
majestic and royal Family. This vision carries within it the only
goal for every human life, if we are to live beyond this world.
Why is this mind-stretching family goal so important? It
is the only vision that gives deep meaning to God’s plan. He
even gave us physical marriage and physical family, types of
our marriage to Christ and the God Family, to give this vision
deeper meaning. God the Father’s vision of the future is a
family vision. God paid a great price to give us this vision of
the future. He allowed His Son to be crucified so all humans
could be a part of the future spiritual Family.

Ab r a h a m —T y p e o f t h e Fa t h e r
Why was Abraham so willing to sacrifice his son Isaac?
Because he understood the key of David vision. “And it came
to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and
said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am. And
he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou
lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him
there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I

will tell thee of. And Abraham rose up early in the morning,
and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him,
and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering,
and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told
him” (Genesis 22:1-3). God’s requirement for Abraham to sac-
rifice Isaac was the supreme test. It was even harder than
sacrificing his own life! Think about the love he had for this
special son, promised by God, for whom he waited 25 years!
There had to be intense emotions and strenuous mental bat-
tles. In this test, Abraham became a type of God the Father
giving up His only Son.
This was Abraham’s greatest test! Think about sacrificing one
of your children. Imagine the agony. Abraham fully planned to
sacrifice Isaac. “And they came to the place which God had
told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the
wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the
altar upon the wood. And Abraham stretched forth his hand,
and took the knife to slay his son. And the angel of the Lord
called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham:
and he said, Here am I. And he said, Lay not thine hand upon
the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know
that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son,
thine only son from me” (verses 9-12).
How could Abraham sacrifice his son? He knew that giving
up Isaac was so little compared to the Father’s plan to sac-
rifice Christ! Remember, when God sent His Son to Earth,
there was the chance that Christ could have failed. If Christ
would have sinned, the plan for man would have also failed.
If Christ had failed, God the Father would have been alone for
the rest of eternity!
Can we see how profound Abraham’s obedience test was?
His willingness to sacrifice Isaac is one big reason why he
will have one of the top positions in the Kingdom of God for-
ever. Abraham held God the Father’s perspective. He saw the
Father’s love and Christ’s love, and he wanted to be just like
the Father. That is why Abraham became the father of the
physical nation of Israel. That is also why he became the father
of the faithful—spiritual Israel. He had the Father’s perspec-
tive—the Father’s view—the whole God Family picture. We
must also learn to see the key of David vision as Abraham did.
The Father’s Vision 153

We must strive to develop the same royal faith that Abraham

had. It is possible for us to do so.

Na me—N ew Jerusalem
Jesus Christ’s message to His Church right now is that He is
coming quickly and is carrying a reward for all those who
have remained faithful. “… I will write upon him the name of
my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new
Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God:
and I will write upon him my new name” (Revelation 3:12).
Christ is writing the name of new Jerusalem in the minds of
all Philadelphians today. That is an incredibly far-reaching
At the beginning of the Millennium, we will still be looking
forward to new Jerusalem. We must get the new Jerusalem
perspective now so we can be ready to teach it in the World
Tomorrow. We must have the complete God Family picture in
our minds—now!
What really separates the Philadelphians and Laodiceans
today? It is this vision of the completion of God’s Family. The
faithful Philadelphians hear what the Spirit is saying to them
(verse 22). They grasp the vision about the royal Family of
God. Because of this fact, God adorns them with the name
of new Jerusalem. That is because today they envision this
majestic, eternal city! It is a part of their daily thinking.
However, the Laodiceans are blind to this incredible God
Family vision.
David ruled from Jerusalem. Christ will rule from there
in the World Tomorrow. The Father will rule from new
Philadelphians see as Abraham did. They hold fast to the
Family vision. In that sense, they also share the Father’s per-
spective—seeing all the way to new Jerusalem. It is an incred-
ible, incredible vision. They can see all the way to the time
when the Father is here on Earth and His entire Spirit-born
Family is working with Him. God’s family plan will not be com-
plete until the Father is on the Earth. And this entire vision is
explained by the key of David. None of us can get this vision
into our head without a lot of spiritual digging.

A Better R esur r ection

What does it mean to have the name new Jerusalem written
upon our foreheads? It must mean that we will be right there
in new Jerusalem with God the Father! What a mind-stirring,
magnificent future.
Christ saw all the way to new Jerusalem and beyond. He
was able to endure all that He suffered to open the way for us
to make it there. Paul wrote in Hebrews, “Looking unto Jesus
the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was
set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and
is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews
12:2). Abraham, like Christ, saw far into the future and was
willing to do whatever it took to make it there. Grasping this
vision now unites us with Christ and Abraham and all faithful
people who have come before us. It is this key of David vision
that motivates God’s people to always move forward.
Study Hebrews 11, known as the faith chapter. Paul shows
us here that some of God’s people were tested to the point of
death. But the threat of death didn’t stop them, because they
also had this vision. Before Christ returns, some of us may
also have to give up our physical lives. This shows the impor-
tance of the key of David vision. There is a direct connection
between how well we endure trials and the depth of our under-
standing of this vision. This is what Hebrews 11 is all about.
How do we make our place secure in the new Jerusalem? It
is by grasping this vision now. In Revelation 3:12 Christ prom-
ises that we will “go no more out.” This represents a fantastic
blessing and opportunity. All Philadelphians are promised a
secure headquarters position that cannot be taken away from
us. But is this position for the Millennium only? No. When
Christ says we will “go no more out,” this is within the context
of new Jerusalem! We are destined to work at headquarters
with Christ during the Millennium and with Christ and God
the Father in new Jerusalem. Astounding revelation!
No city even remotely compares to the grandeur of new
This magnificent city will be over 1,300 miles in width,
length and height (Revelation 21—a furlong is one ninth of a
mile). If placed in the U.S., that city would extend from the
The Father’s Vision 155

East Coast to the center of the country! It would cover

nearly half of America! And imagine the height. Planes only
fly about 5 or 6 miles high. Just the foundation of new
Jerusalem could be that high!
Does it seem unreal? Remember, this will be headquarters of
the universe! And to Abraham, this city had “sure foundations.”
How does your faith compare with Abraham’s? Or Christ’s?
The only way we will grasp this vision is through the use of
God’s Holy Spirit. After the letter to each era, Christ says, “let
him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” (Revelation
2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22). He makes this statement over and
over for good reason. Most of God’s people don’t hear what the
Spirit says. Are we listening to what the Spirit says today? How
could we possibly get this vision without God’s Spirit?
To allow ourselves to become carnal and reject this vision
is such a shameful sin. To fail to grasp the key of David vision
in all of its significance and beauty is truly a tragedy.

T h e Ph i l a de l ph i a n Wor k
Can we begin to see the importance of the work of the
Philadelphia Church of God? Someone must deliver a strong
message to the Laodiceans about what they are throwing
away. They are giving up their royal positions in the Family
of God! Look at how Christ feels about what they are doing.
“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore,
and repent” (Revelation 3:19). Jesus Christ says the Laodiceans
need rebuking and chastening. Christ always rebukes in love.
But if there is no response to the rebuke, He must resort to dif-
ficult chastening.
The Philadelphia Church is often criticized for promoting
an “attack gospel.” In truth, Jesus Christ is using us to knock
on the Laodiceans’ doors. He is working through us to help
them see God’s family government vision. They all have lost
the key of David vision.
Who does the rebuking? God doesn’t personally do it. It
has to be done by His spiritual Jews who remain Philadelphian
to the end.
God is using the Philadelphians to “rebuke” the
Laodiceans. If they don’t heed the message, God will “chasten”

them in the Great Tribulation. This is all done in the context

of God’s love (verse 19). We do not attack others, but we do
attack sin in the context of God’s love!
All of the Laodicean groups fail to see their wretched spiri-
tual condition. Christ is on the outside of their churches. He
is knocking to get in. He is not inside their churches directing
them and guiding them as they suppose and teach.

Chr ist in Us
Revelation 3:20 shows that Christ must not only be in our
Church, He must live in all of us individually as well. The
Laodiceans don’t have the key of David vision within their
churches, and their individual members don’t grasp this
vision. The vision is not in them. It must be in us. It must
motivate our every act. If we see what Christ and God the
Father see, then Christ and God the Father are in us. The
Laodiceans do not see as Christ sees. All of them have rejected
the government of God. How can they ever help establish the
throne of David if they reject its government now?
The Laodiceans have allowed themselves to become
trapped in an attitude of spiritual arrogance. In this wretched
spiritual condition, they have rejected revelation. “At that
time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord
of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from
the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes”
(Matthew 11:25). Jesus Christ revealed marvelous truths about
the key of David vision through Mr. Armstrong. And Christ is
adding new revelation through the Philadelphia Church. God
has always revealed truth to people who are babes in attitude.
Whether we live or die spiritually revolves around God’s
revelation. God’s truth is revealed. If we are stubborn, self-
willed or rebellious, God will cut us off from His revelation.
We will never understand the meaning behind David’s throne
unless we are in a humble, childlike frame of mind.
We must believe that there would be abundant and spec-
tacular revelation in the time just before Christ returns!
Thayer’s Lexicon defines the word revealed in Matthew 11:25
as “God revealing to men things unknown. To uncover … what
has been veiled or covered up. Disclose what before was
The Father’s Vision 157

unknown. Of Christ teaching men.” The key of David vision

represents some of the most incredible revelation from the
mind of God! Yet to whom is God giving that revelation? To
babes. When will men learn this vital lesson? We must be
childlike to have God speak to us through new revelation
(Matthew 18:1‑3). When we remain childlike, Christ will con-
tinue to reveal to us. When we become stubborn, self-willed or
rebellious spiritually, the revelation stops.
Never, never, never will we be able to understand the deep
vision of David’s throne unless we are childlike in attitude!
Remember, the key of David vision is the Father’s vision. As
God’s begotten sons, let’s do all we can to grasp this royal
vision of splendor. When we do, we will ensure our place in
new Jerusalem and will be a part of God’s completed Family.

Bor n Aga i n
I watched the birth of my two children. It was an emotionally
overwhelming experience! I also watched the last six hours
of the labor and agony of my daughter giving birth to my first
When her baby was born, she was very tired and drained
from the labor. Then they showed her the baby. The glow on
her face lit up the whole room! “Oh, I have a baby boy!” she
joyfully exclaimed. Her pain and agony quickly faded when
she saw her beautiful son—made in the likeness of God.
Imagine how the faces of the Father and Christ will glow
when we are born into God’s Family! Our faces will also glow.
There is a giant lesson in the physical birth. We experience
trials and tests—or labor pains—as God prepares us to be born
into His Family. We struggle and shed tears as a mother does to
give birth—especially with the firstborn child. The firstfruits
have a harder struggle to be born than the other children. But
we are also given a much greater reward! So it’s worth it. We
must keep our minds on what it means to be truly born again.
Suddenly, we will become vibrant spirit beings whose faces will
shine like the sun in its full strength! All we need to do is envi-
sion our birth to know the struggle is worthwhile.
When you see a child born, you can better understand what
it means to be born again. You finally see the head crowning,

and then suddenly there is a child before you. It’s a living,

breathing human being. That’s about the way it will happen
spiritually! It’s going to be a magnificent event!
Our spiritual Father is going to shed some tears when He
sees our birth—just as my son-in-law did when his son was
born. Life is so precious if we view it in the context of the God
Family. These babies are precious beyond words to describe.
Words are inadequate to explain our incredible human poten-
tial. That is why the mainstream conception of born again is
so diabolical. It hides from most people the truly awesome
meaning of being born again.

T h e Roya l G ospe l
David was a king who sat on a throne. The key of David vision
is the gospel put into a royal Family-of-God framework. The
very elect, men and women like David, become royal God—as
God is God! It is God’s ultimate, most majestic creation.
There is the supreme, royal Father, who is the Head of the
royal Family. Then there is the royal Son of the Highest—
the Father’s beloved Son. He is Christ, the royal Husband of
the royal Bride—the firstfruits. They are not only kings and
priests, but kings and priests who are God!
This royal government shall sit on a royal throne and
administer God’s royal law. Billions of royal children shall
be brought into God’s royal Family.
This is royalty unknown to the mind of man apart from
God. These kings and priests are called today to have the
most exalted crowns in God’s Family.
Not even the angels were ever offered these positions of
royalty. It will be the supreme royalty of the universe forever!
God creates sovereign gods out of clay!
Even today, I can address God’s very elect as “Your Royal
Majesties, Sons of God,” because they are God in embryo.
Let’s seize this most godly, royal moment!
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Philadelphia Church of God, P.O. Box 375, Narellan
N.S.W. 2567, Australia

New Zealand: Philadelphia Church of God, P.O. Box

6088, Glenview, Hamilton 3246

Philippines: Philadelphia Church of God, P.O. Box 52143,

Angeles City Post Office, 2009 Pampanga

Latin America: Philadelphia Church of God, Attn: Spanish

Department, P.O. Box 3700, Edmond, OK 73083 United

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